#i don't think i'll be able to get around to doing chapter 5 anytime soon
fishareglorious · 7 months
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is this why 37 hates beans
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woofwoofwolf · 5 months
That which matters more (part 1)
Tighnari x reader.
EDIT AS OF AUGUST 29TH: I'm still working on this fic, but it's going to be longer than I initially thought. (I'm currently at 20.000 words on chapter 9 out of a planned 18, but that will probably become more.) So you can see this as the first draft of chapter 1.
I know I keep saying this but I will most likely be posting soon ish, with weekly updates! I'm working really hard on this fic, so please stay tuned.
Warnings: Fem!reader, (though I think there is no gendered language in this chapter, but I might have missed something so fair warning) reader is aro/ace, (but again idk yet how big of a role this will play.) Minor injuries
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This is chapter one of a series I'm working on right now, and although I don't think I'm going to be able to finish it anytime soon, I think if people like it on here it might motivate me more to actually finish this? I currently have 5 chapters planned and I've started chapter 3, but I constantly go back and change stuff in previous chapters (the reason why I never post anything tbh) soooo... who knows. This first chapter might also get changed in the future, but I'm actually decently happy with it so far?
Let me know what you think! I'll post this to AO3 in the future.
“Be careful, please,” Collei nervously clasped her hands against her chest, eying the ivy covered ditch you were standing over. “You’re going to fall!”
“I almost got it, just stand back and don’t worry-” You gasped out. Your left arm was fully outstretched, while your right grabbed on to a branch sticking out from the ledge right across from the flower you were trying to pick. “After this we can go back to Gandharva Ville, I promise-”
“Got it!” You said when you finally had the stem of the flower between your fingers. However your  wide smile soon turned to shock as the dry root you were grabbing onto cracked and snapped, and sent you tumbling down a hole, right through the dense ivy.
Collei screamed as a dull thud sounded at the end of your tumble. “Oh my goodness, are you alright?!?!” Her knees fell to the ground to peer into the hole you just fell into, which was thankfully a lot less deep than she had thought it to be. What surprised her tho, was the big yellow cloud that hit her face, completely surrounding the both of you, while you were splayed out on a bed of moss, entirely covered in ivy and pollen. Around you were dozens of the mystery flowers you had just picked. “O-oh no- What do I do!”
A cough signalled that you were still alive. “A rope would be nice,” you groaned.
“Right! A Rope!” Collei sprang into action, quickly looking for a rope in her satchel. “Can you climb out on your own? Oh.. I don’t know if I’m strong enough to carry you.”
“I’m fine, I’m fine… I only scraped my knee a little bit,” You said as you tried to stand up on the slippery moss. Ugh, your leg was going to be sore for a while… “There’s so many of them!”
“I’ll bandage it as soon as I get you out!” Collei said as she secured the rope to a rock.
“No, not that! The flowers!” You pulled the ivy of your arms, making the pollen fly off you, making you cough again. “They sure produce a lot of pollen too… You think holes in the ground like these are their preferred habitat?”
Collei sighed with a small smile. “Well… At least you’re well enough to still be talking. You could’ve hit your head, you know? Master Tighnari isn’t going to be happy.”
She was right, you knew Tighnari was going to lecture you on your detour from your regular patrol, but you hoped that seeing this mysterious flower would distract him enough to not go on for too long.
You grabbed onto the rope, thankfully still able to climb out of the hole yourself. You triumphantly held up not only the flower you plucked earlier, but also two other samples, WITH roots attached. “They’re BEAUTIFUL! I bet not even Tighnari has seen these flower before!” Observing it a little more closely, it was very similar to a Sumeru rose, but the interesting thing that had drawn you closer to it in the first place was the fact that not only did it glow brighter than a regular similar rose, it had also been changing colours from a soft yellow, to a regular Sumeru rose purple, all the way up to a deep red. But it seemed to have stopped now that you had plucked it. Interesting, you were going to have to examine why that was.
Collei sheepishly smiled, but quickly worried herself over your bruised and bleeding knee. You tried not to worry her further by suppressing the coughs that were coming from your irritated throat, but she noticed nonetheless.
“It must be the pollen,” Collei said worriedly. “Oh no, What if it’s toxic?”
You pensively shook your head. “This flower doesn’t have the usual characteristics for that.” You explained. “Besides, you breathed in a good amount too just now, and you seem to be fine..?”
A bit of anxiety crept up in your chest. If Collei got sick because of you, you wouldn’t be able to face Tighnari ever again, nor would you be able to forgive yourself. You were going to have to hurry back to Gandharva Ville and ask the expert to be sure.
Said expert Tighnari was not very amused when you returned that evening, but before the lecture, came first aid. He quickly had baths filled for you and Collei. While Collei went to wash the pollen out of her hair, Tighnari went to re-examine and properly clean the wound on your knee.
“I collected samples of the pollen in some flasks, and brought a few complete specimens with the roots intact. They’re really quite unique flowers. I haven’t seen them in textbooks, nor have I ever seen them on our regular patrol routes. If you bring me a map, I can point out where we found these. If we figure out what made them grow there, I’m sure we could find more of them. I-” You were cut off by another coughing fit.
Tighnari watched you worriedly, taking out a stethoscope. “Could you lift up your top? I’d like to examine your breathing.”
You awkwardly did as he said and breathed in and out as he instructed. “I’ll be fine, really! I just took in a big gulp of dust and pollen, it’s only natural my lungs are irritated a bit. Collei breathed it in a small amount as well and she wasn’t coughing at all. This plant doesn’t have any of the usual characteristics present in flora that produce toxins.”
“Maybe.” Tighnari answered curtly, a blank expression on his face. “I’m going to have to examine the pollen to be sure.”
You were silent for a bit as Tighnari noted some things down on a clipboard. The lack of the usual annoyed and sassy lecture was spooking you a little bit. “Tighnari, I… I’m sorry…”
He sighed and finally looked you in the eye, looking for signs of sincerity. “At least you have the decency to know what you did wrong.”
You nodded. “I shouldn’t have put Collei in that position. Next time… Next time I’ll note the location on a map and ask for you or other forest watchers to come with me.”
“Good.” Tighnari said with a nod. “I know you didn’t deliberately put Collei in danger and that’s the only reason I can begin to look past this. I also agree that from the looks of it it’s part of the same genus as the Sumeru rose. If anything I’d be worried this points to an issue with the Ley lines, but I haven’t heard of any incidents that would point to this… They sure produce a lot of pollen though,” He was more so muttering to himself, than he was explaining anything to you.
“However-!” He pointed his pen right in your face, interrupting his own rant. “Although I’m very happy to see some enthusiasm from you, endangering yourself like that is still absolutely unacceptable.” Ah, there came the lecture. One you absolutely deserved, mind you. “Had you fallen unconscious, Collei would have had to go back to the village on her own to get help. Worst case scenario you could have broken your neck and died. The first and most important skill for a forest watcher to learn, is not the ability to secure the safety of the forest and its visitors, but the safety of themselves. Do you understand?”
“You guys talk as I’m not useful to have around at all.” You both turned to a pouting Collei, leaving your response to Tighnari unsaid.
“Your time as a full fledged watcher will come, Collei,” Tighnari calmly explained. “You’re still young, and besides that we have your condition to worry about. Beyond that you know you have my full trust.”
You self-consciously looked away from the two. You wondered what you could do to earn Tighnari’s trust like that. Maybe the flower you discovered really was a new species? Would that get him to talk to you about it?
“Oh I know,” Collei answered, timidly plucking at her nails. “I’m just saying.”
You interrupted the sweet scene with another set of coughs. “S-sorry.. my lungs and throat feel sore, it must’ve all gotten really irritated by all the dust…” Tighnari hummed in thought. “Best you go wash off all that pollen. I’ll have it examined as soon as possible. If that cough hasn’t gone away by tomorrow evening, please come and see me again. And we’re going to have to schedule you in for more forest safety training.”
You cleared your throat. You were hoping he was going to forget about any punishment. Then again, this probably didn’t count as such in his mind. “Alright. Thank you Tighnari.”
“And, (name),” He said after some hesitation, just before you were to leave the hut. You turned to him, met by his soft gaze.  “Please do know there’s nothing you have to prove to me, okay?”
You felt a warmth bloom across your chest. “…Okay.” With that you turned around to leave, but not before having another coughing fit. You quickly dashed out of Tighnari’s hut trying to muffle your cough with your hand. When you removed your hand you saw that you had coughed up a soft pink coloured petal covered in spit. Gross. Though, you supposed that this petal was what was stuck in your throat and that your cough would let up soon.
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Second Chances
Summary: In the Heroes and VIllains verse, Robin Hood becomes King Robin of Sherwood, a man grieving the untimely loss of his wife and their baby son. When he rescues the bandit Regina and her son Roland from a snow storm, he finds himself staring at a second chance. Will he be strong enough to take it or let another chance at love and a family slip through his fingers?
Chapter 1: A03
Chapter 5: Making a Home
Regina fanned herself as she sat by the window in her room. "Does it always get this hot in Sherwood?"
"Not always," Mal replied, sounding amused. "But this is not unusual during the summer months."
"Wonderful," Regina groaned, shaking herself.
Mal chuckled, smoothing out the covers on Regina's and Roland's bed as she finished making it. "Isn't it hotter in Mist Haven? That's what I've heard."
"Mist Haven is on the water," Regina said. "Any heat is tempered by a good breeze off the lake or the ocean."
"Ooh, that sounds nice," Mal replied, pausing and seemingly imagining what Regina had just described. "The trees don't do that for us."
Regina nodded, looking at the trees that surrounded the palace. "But they do give you more shade than being out in the open by a lake does."
"Well, point for us," Mal said. "Did you ever go swimming in that lake?"
"Swimming?" Regina asked, frowning. "No, no one really went swimming. Only sailors knew how to do that."
Mal tilted her head. "Is that so? Odd."
"Do you know how to swim? Is that something commonly taught here in Sherwood?' Regina asked, curious now.
"I do know how to swim," Mal replied. "Most people here in Sherwood learn. We have some rivers and lakes that are good for swimming."
She leaned forward, smirking as she looked Regina over. "If you ask His Majesty, he would probably teach you and Roland."
"I'm sure the king has better things to do than teach us to swim," Regina said, hoping the heat in her cheeks could be blamed on the sun rather than a blush. She had a feeling that the people of Sherwood swam naked, which made the image of King Robin getting out of the bath rise to the surface of her mind. He had made more appearances in her dreams than she would like to admit. While it wasn't like she hadn't had erotic dreams in the past, they had all been about Daniel and it seemed disrespectful to him for her to fantasize about anyone else.
"Perhaps," Mal replied. "But he would probably still do it anyway. It is a helpful skill to have."
Regina glanced at Roland, who was busy playing with some toys the king had given him and didn't seem to be paying attention to their conversations. There had been times while they were hiding in the woods that she had worried about him wandering too close to rivers or for the rivers to overflow their banks. She knew neither of them would be able to fight against the waters. But if Roland did know how to swim, she would worry less – even if she had no plans to go back to living in the woods anytime soon.
"Well, maybe he could teach Roland," she said. "I'm probably too old to learn how to swim."
Mal shook her head. "I doubt it. But if you're uncomfortable learning from the king, I could teach you."
That appealed to Regina a bit more than spending more time naked around King Robin, which was very dangerous. So Regina nodded. "Thank you. I appreciate that."
"You're welcome," Mal said, standing. "I should head back to the kitchens. I'll see you and Roland later."
"Bye, Mal!" Roland said, waving. "Thanks for breakfast!"
Regina chuckled, standing as well. "Yes, thank you. We appreciate everything you do for us"
"I enjoy helping you," Mal told her. "I like to think we're friends."
"Me too," Regina replied, feeling warmth spread through her. It had been so long since she had a friend and she liked how it felt.
Mal nodded, stepping away from her. "I'll see you tonight. We can talk more about your swimming lessons."
"Thank you," Regina said, closing the door once Mal walked away. She then returned to sit by the window, hoping a cool breeze would blow past soon.
Hopefully one day, she got used to summers in Sherwood. After all, she had plans to make it her home for a long, long time.
Maybe even forever.
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duhragonball · 2 years
Do you think you'd do a liveblog of another JoJo part?
Short Answer: Yes, but probably not anytime soon.
Long Answer: So when I first got into Jojo, I would post a screencap from each episode of the anime as I watched it, and this gradually expanded into me discussing the plot at length, particularly when I got to Parts 6 and 7. In 2017, the anime only went up to Part 4, so I had to read the manga to keep going, and the manga was a lot tougher for me to follow, so I used the blog to try to keep track of the plot.
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I made it all the way to Part 8, which was about 66 chapters in at the time, and that was probably closer to an actual liveblog-style commentary, but I had a hard time keeping up with it after 2017. The plot was bewildering to me, and trying to make sense of it on a month-by-month basis was frustrating. I tried covering about a dozen more chapters later on, but the darn arc just never wanted to end, and it was getting on my nerves. I just wanted to be done with it, but JoJolion refused to end.
Of course, it did end in 2021, and I read it and enjoyed it, but I sort of lost interest in discussing my reactions on social media. The person who got me into JJBA in the first place sort of... vanished? Fuck if I know. The point is that was the only person I knew who had been caught up with Part 8, so it kind of killed my motivation to document my thoughts on it.
Even so, I'd kind of like to do Part 8 all over again, for the satisfaction of liveblogging it proper. Betwen 2018 and 2021, I did liveblogs of Battle Tendency and Vento Aureo, and I think those turned out a lot better than the stuff I had been doing in 2017. For one thing, it was my second time around, so it was a lot easier to keep track of the story and the characters. For another, I had a clearer sense of how I wanted to organize my thoughts.
I would like to do the rest of them the same way. I re-did Part 2 because it was my favorite, and I'd never read the manga. I re-did Part 5 because my first reading of the manga was the barely-legible scanlation from several years ago, and I wanted to brush up on the story in anticipation of the anime version. So I'd like to liveblog Parts 1, 3, and 4 so I can experience the manga, and Part 6 for the anime, and Part 8 for the sake of properly digesting the thing. I'm not sure I have an agenda for SBR, although by the time I get around to that one, the anime will probably be out.
So there is a desire, but I don't know when I'll have time to commit to it. For what it's worth, the big plan I have for 2023 is a liveblog project, but it's all Dragon Ball material. So if you're interested in that, stay tuned. Maybe I can sneak some JoJo stuff in somewhere, but I don't want to promise anything.
Of course, there's also Part 9 on the horizon. From what I've heard, there's this magazine coming out in December that may give some details about when it'll start, but Jojolion has shown me that it's kind of pointless for me to try to get into one of these things unless I can binge-read it. I think Parts 7 and 8 are roughly equal in terms of quality, but SBR was a lot more fun to read because I could finish it in two weeks instead of four years. I may keep up with Part 9 just so I'll be able to follow the memes, but I probably won't have much to say about it for a long time.
Anyway, the bottom line is that I still like JJBA and I still have things to say about it, but not right now. But I appreciate your interest.
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slimeywooper · 10 months
Labmas AU - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 13 Part 2 - Visit
CW: a curse word early on
There's a distant ringing in your ears. Opening an eye, you peek at your nightstand, where your phone is going off. Pushing the covers aside, you begrudgingly get out of bed to see who it is. Adjusting your gaze to the screen, you see it's Colress calling you. Of course it is, who else would it be? It's not even 5:10 a.m. and he's trying to contact you. Answering the call, you wearily say, "Hello?"
"Are you up? You sound like you're still half asleep," he comments.
Too tired to think up a decent rebuttal, you answer, "Well, that's because I am. I usually don't get up until—"
"There's no time! Those idiots from Gear Station are on their way here now! They just called me." Is this supposed to mean something to you? Wracking your brain about where you may have heard 'Gear Station' from, Colress snaps from your lack of comprehension, exclaiming, "The horrible twins I made Noku from, remember?"
"Oh, right. What do they want?" you ask with a disinterested tone.
"I'll explain later! Just get down here!" Beginning to rant to himself, Colress goes off, "Why did they have to come today? Are they trying to make it a 'thing?' It's just going to set him off. I can't deal with this shit. There's so much work to be done…"
It doesn't sound like he's going to stop anytime soon, so you tell him, "Yeah, I'll be there in a minute," before hanging up. Being awoken this early is never a good omen, and with how poorly the last two days have gone, you aren't filled with much hope for today. Even after getting a more than usual amount of sleep, you still feel sluggish. Perhaps you are becoming depressed from all the chaos that has been happening. As quickly as you are able, you prepare for the day, putting on your newly cleaned lab coat last, and going downstairs. Colress is pacing by the elevator that leads to the laboratory, clearly agitated.
Noticing you shamble towards him, he looks up and announces, "Finally! What took you so long? Come on, we have to intercept them. I don't want them attempting to meander around the laboratory."
Suppressing a yawn, you comment, "Don't you need a key card to get most anywhere in the lab?"
He stops his pacing and faces you, giving a stern admonishment, "Not now! Don't get smart with me!"
"What exactly do they want?" you repeat the question from earlier, much too exhausted to care about his ill temper.
"I can only presume they are here to give me a report. I've told them they need to give prior notification before showing up, not calling me right before they get here. I'm tired of them thinking they own the place and coming any time they want. It's Team Plasma that helps them keep that stupid station running." He repeatedly presses the elevator call button, as if attempting to make it arrive faster.
Unsure of why you are heading downstairs instead of waiting for them to arrive, you suggest, "Shouldn't we wait at the Plasma headquarters entrance?"
Colress answers with an air of irritation, "They take a personal tram to get here. It connects directly from Gear Station to the laboratory's reception room. We can't have anyone knowing they are helping Team Plasma. It wouldn't look good for either side." The elevator doors open and he grabs your wrist, pulling you in.
"Ow, okay, I'm coming." You wince from the pressure of his grip. After the doors close, he releases you. There is still a question of what the Subway Bosses are helping Team Plasma with, but Colress seems to already be in such a fragile mental state, you don't want to push him by asking for more information.
As you tend to your throbbing wrist, he enlightens you on what actions the two of you are going to take, "Here's the game plan: we're going to greet Ingo and Emmet, then you're going to go downstairs and retrieve Nobori and Kudari. As much as I abhor this, if Kudari doesn't get to see them, he will be inconsolable. He's hard enough to control as it is, I don't even want to think of the tantrums that will result if I deny him this. I'm going to try to get the Subway Bosses out of here as quickly as possible." The doors open, and you both step out to see two waiting figures.
Seeing the twin Subway Bosses, you wondered how you ever thought Colress was potentially the human DNA half of the hybrids. Though to be fair, that's all you thought it was, donor DNA, not cloning. Ingo and Emmet are the spitting images of Nobori and Kudari. Or rather, the other way around. They are wearing long, matching coats, one in black, and the other in white. The stylized conductor's caps that adorned their heads cover their hair, but they have the same sideburns as the hybrids. You don't know which is which, but the one in the black coat with the scowl has to be the twin that Nobori was cloned from.
Colress isn't bothering to try to sound welcoming when he addresses them, "Hello, Ingo and Emmet. What prompted you to grace us with your presence today?"
The one wearing black answers him, "We're here with our progress report. We felt because it has been a few years since we came in person, it would be appropriate for us to do so. Only to make sure we are on the same page, of course."
"Of course," Colress parrots back.
Turning to you, the black clad twin introduces himself, "How do you do? I'm the Subway Boss, Ingo. The Single line is my responsibility, and this here is my brother, Emmet. He manages the Double line."
"I am Emmet," is the response from the smiling twin dressed in white.
This small introduction only compounds the confusion, as you aren't sure what Single or Double lines are, but since it's a subway, it must have something to do with the trains. Colress doesn't let you introduce yourself, instead doing it for you, "This is my new assistant, (Y/N)."
"Another assistant? You had a different one the last time we came," Ingo glances to Emmet before looking to Colress in surprise.
Emmet adds, "You go through them quickly," his smile not faltering.
Colress attempts to defend himself, "Yes, the one you met the last time you were here, retired. Then, the one before (Y/N), had an… accident. (Y/N) was kind enough to offer to help us in the laboratory."
"One can never be too cautious. All safety checks should be conducted regularly," is Ingo's advice. Emmet nods in agreement.
There's a flash of anger on Colress' face. It was only visible for a second before being snuffed out, returning his expression to its neutral state. "That's why I was having Kudari stay in his room. Only in the past few days has he been let out. But, that's none of your concern. Don't tell me how to run my laboratory," he ends with a threatening tone.
Ingo looks taken aback and apologizes, "Very sorry, we did not mean to overstep our bounds."
Looking around, Emmet blurts out, "Where are our hybrids?"
"My hybrids, your clones," Colress corrects him. Turning to you, he asks through clenched teeth, "Well, (Y/N), would you be so kind as to retrieve Noku? Bring them to the rightmost planning room. We'll be waiting there."
"Absolutely! I'll be right back!" you say enthusiastically. Giving a look to Ingo and Emmet to excuse yourself, you scan your name badge at the door and enter the laboratory. While taking the elevator down, you consider the different ways this meeting can go. Hopefully, it will be a short 'hello' before getting to work. The longer the Subway Bosses are here, the higher the likelihood Colress is to become even more irritated. Though they seemed very polite so far, you could see cracks forming in Colress' veneer from being in their presence. The more upset he becomes, the greater the probability he will hyper focus on anything Kudari does, searching for a mistake. After the doors open, you walk to Nobori's door, knocking and informing him of your reason for being there, "Hey Nobori, I've been sent by Colress to bring you and Kudari upstairs. Ingo and Emmet are here to see you."
He answers the door wearing a robe, asking, "They're here now?"
You look to the floor, not wanting to stare at him. "Uh… yeah. Sorry to interrupt you."
Shaking his head, he assures you, "It's fine, I just got out of the shower. Anyway, we'll have to get Kudari quickly. I'm sure he can smell them. It's not good to keep him waiting. Sometimes, when he gets antsy, he—"
"Bangs on his door?" you interject, face still red from the state Nobori is in.
"Exactly. Just give me a moment to get dressed, then we can bring him with us." You nod, which signals him to close the door and get ready. Turning around and taking a step forward to wait, a few minutes pass before you hear Nobori exit his room. Coming to your side, he's wearing his usual attire, sans makeup. You both begin the walk to Kudari's room.
"Have Ingo and Emmet already seen how you look?" you ask. "Sorry, that was a terrible way to put it. You're not wearing your makeup, so I was just wondering…"
"Hm? Oh, yes. They've been visiting us since we were children. Well, not us specifically. But when they come for business, they always say 'hello.' Our nature is no secret to them," he answers, walking with his arms held behind his back.
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karenarella22 · 1 year
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Okey guys and girls, this is the chapter before the grand final, hope you like what you've read so far, this is a long one, it is gona round off the story, but don't worry we have got two more books to go. Ans as I always tell you, this chapter contains graphis content, reat it at your own risk.
-What's wrong?- I say without taking my eyes off the glass. A few minutes ago Elizabeth started writing and she doesn't seem to want to stop anytime soon.
The D.A. who was by my side witnessing the entire interview took me by the arm, away from the place to a secluded place since the entire office was hanging around the interrogation room to find out if we had finally caught the murderer.
-Vinicio Conte's lawyer was at my office today asking about the surveillance recordings of his client, and I gave them to him-he confesses.
-What?! Why did you do that?-
-I couldn't deny it, it's my duty, besides it would look too suspicious if I didn't hand them in- I lean against the wall rethinking the whole situation in my mind, I'm done.
-Great, this is the end of my career- I murmur in shock.
-Congratulations detective- an smiling sergeant approaches shaking my hand- you did an excellent job-
-T..thank you sir- I stammer outlining a grimace full of anguish and despair more than a smile. Becket walks out of the room with the list of names in hand and I grab it from him before he can even say a word.
-Detective congratulations- cadet Becket approaches us with a splendid smile, his pubescent face recently freed from acne seems to have a special shine due to the events we have just witnessed-we will have a celebration at Rick's pub in an hour I think that should come, you are the heart of the case-
-Of course, of course I'll be there- I watch him walk away, I look back at the prosecutor who swears under his breath- I'll find a way to fix this situation- I walk to my office and slam the door. I try not to cry feeling a mixture of dark sensations growing inside me.
I see through the window the officers go by, I wish they were in my place, I feel their accusing gazes on me even when they haven't even heard what happened yet.
I lay down on the sofa to rest for a bit, I don't remember the last time I ate like a decent person, much less when I slept in my own bed for more than 4 hours. The knock on the door can be heard and with what seems like a grunt I make the person behind the door know that they have ruined my 5 minutes of quietness, of those few that I have left.
-Aeryne, you will go to the party that Becket prepared? He already make it clear to everyone that he participated as your assistant throughout the investigation- Dylan laughs taking a seat next to me, I giggle covering my eyes so that the artificial light do not bother me.
-Let him gloat while he can, when they find out what I did he won't want to have me 8 kilometers around- I bite my nails.
-Well that's happens now but because of the smell you have- I laugh out loud throwing a cushion that I had brought here to make more comfortable the nights I stay working.
-Shut up idiot, at least I bathe 4 times a week, you don't even bathe that much- I return the joke. We stay in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the momentary peace that this afternoon-night gives us.
-So...Are you going to the party or not?-
-Yes I think I'll go, I prefer to celebrate now and get depressed when I have to get depressed...Where you able to finish Julia's homework?- I get up from the sofa looking for my bag to get out of here once and for all
-Yes I could, now I have another problem even worse-he walks out.
-Trigonometry? - I joke, turning off the office lights.
-Hopefully, it's a boy in his class with whom she's dating- I open my eyes wide in amazement.
-Wow I didn't expect that, although I'm glad she lives a normal life away from all this shit we deal with every day- I wait as he looks for his things and we get on the elevator to go directly to the garage.
-Yes, I'm glad she's normal, it just bothers me that she's so small and has a boyfriend- I laugh.
-Don't worry, she has to grow up at some point- I get in the car- when you find out the name of the monstrosity, let me know and we'll look for him in the family court databases to see what we are dealing with-
-I'll take your word- we laugh at our craziness as we travel to Rick's pub. A police bar that caters to every officer in the city since 1954.Rick's father opened the bar to spend time with his friends and in a few years it became famous for being open 24 hours a day for police officers who wanted a snack to start the night shift or the first breakfast in the morning.
We parked by the gate, from the row of people at the gate waiting to get in, I'd say Becket managed to get the club out for police use only. I close the door and wait for Dylan to approach, for the first time in many years of work we begin to show our true feelings towards each other in public so he approaches and takes my hand.
We salute little Ricky, the son of Rick Senior, apparently the imagination in this family was taken by the first generations. Little not so little Rick is at the door today, he lets us in without paying admission as the cops here are free to do so, seems like a waste of money but with the amount of beer we drink a night I'd say it's a hell of a lot gain.
We walk down the dance floor hand in hand and approach the bar.
-What do you want to drink?-
-A double whiskey on the rocks please- I scan the place, in the sea of ​​mismatched blue uniforms and the smell of beer in my nostrils makes me feel at home. I believe, without lying, that I have had more birthdays here than anywhere else in this town.
I sigh seeing the happy faces, from time to time one of my colleagues comes over to say hello and congratulate us for having closed this case, every time I hear them I think to myself that it is not closed yet, it is far from being closed, I hope it is a damn coincidence because if it isn't I don't know what I'm going to be capable of. I down the glass of whiskey in one go, feeling the liquid burn my throat. I chat for about 2 hours with my colleagues between drinks and laughter, we dance a little, in the end I'm having fun for a while after so much stress.
I leave the place to get some air, lighting a cigarette as I take a seat on the edge of the sidewalk, crossing my legs on the ground and I let out the smoke that accompanies me. My life flashes before my eyes, my childhood, my mother and father who were always there for me, their arguments even though they thought I was listening, the fake smiles when I enter the room, they always thought I didn't realize dad was sleeping on the couch.
Then the tragic incident, because we can't call it an accident, he knew what he was doing, he knowingly left us.
I inhale the smoke letting my lungs fill with chemicals harmful to my health, smoking is not a habit rooted in my identity but it is something that I hold on to in my darkest moments. The sound of the cell phone takes me out of my thoughts; it is an unknown phone that sends me a search link. I press the blue hyperlink that takes me to a page in the Daily Post, dated tomorrow.
Tonight at 5 a.m. Gibson NewShire County Police released the news that the body of one of its most recognized officers, Aeryne Wolf, was found in the woods on the outskirts of the city by a group of hikers who notified the authorities.
According to the first versions, it is said that the police were suffering a great period of stress in the famous case of the serial killer who terrorizes our townspeople at night. What after a night of alcohol she was seen wandering to the forest where apparently after a quick visit to her home she would have hanged herself next to the waterfall where years before her father had suffered the same outcome with little Aeryne being the one to find her body hanging over Wilmand Falls.
I release the air, held in my lungs releasing the smoke, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up again, I quickly pick up my skeleton from the ground, vigilant to anyone around me, a couple having sex near the alley and a group of friends helping each other not to end up on the ground. The front line not even halfway inside of the bar yet and Rick Jr. already ushering rowdy drunks out the door.
Fear runs through my body making my hands shake uncontrollably, I put out the cigarette on the ground as I walk to the main road in search of a taxi, the same thought that I had when I saw the figure though the window comes back to my mind "listen to the hairs behind your neck, always listen to them Aeryne they will alert you to some danger and get you out of there", instead of ignoring them as I have done since this damn investigation began, listen to them and after boarding a taxi I head home.
I pay the taxi driver worried about my face, the poor man more than once tries to start a conversation with me but I am too absorbed in my thoughts to be able to answer him, I see how he walks away down the street until he turns the corner. I draw the service weapon from my waist which I carried despite being off duty and walk along the path that leads directly to the backyard of the house, I walk slowly as stealthily as I can while looking for any sign of someone outside my home. I open the kitchen door in total silence, I check that all the windows in the room are closed, the knives are in place and nothing seems to be missing from the room.
I continue my way to the living room where nothing is as it was when I left the house this morning, the books scattered on the floor, the lamp that was next to the sofa is now totally destroyed, fireplace and the photos of my parents are totally burned in the fire that a crackles in the fireplace revealing shattered pieces of those memories, I run my hand along the wall until I find the power button, the lights illuminate the room allowing to see in one of the central walls another of those phrases that open the doors to Dante's hell.
"...Oh you who enters here abandon all hope!"
The sound of the landline phone takes me out of my confused head, I take the device without stopping guarding the environment knowing that in any case someone can attack me.
-Wolf here- I murmur with a broken voice.
-Aeryne, where are you? I've been calling you on your cell phone-
-No, I don't know where it is, I must have lost it- I support my back against the wall.
-You must come to the police station immediately; Elizabeth gave the address and the name of the murderers to Becket, but failed to give him the name of the last victim until she was sure that no one was going to be able to save her.... Aeryne the next victim...-he sounds so far away.
-It's me- the incessant sound of a car engine has been heard for minutes at the door- Conte is at my place, it will be quite obvious when you arrive, investigate how it was possible that he managed to get out, or who was the one who helped him do it, there is someone within the police who is playing dirty, I must go, please be careful- I run the corridor to dad's room where is old desk was. I take a small set of keys from the pot by the window of it and go inside the place again, drawing my gun in search of something suspicious that I have to defend myself against.
I leave my badge next to the service weapon on the large desk that occupies almost the entire width of the room, memories flash through my mind, my father working while I played with him at being the police officer who arrested him for eating all the homemade cookies mom baked.
So many stories, so much life lived in that house that will be gone forever after tonight, I can feel it. All a backpack with enough cash for at least a month to live, documents and a false driver's license that I used to enter clubs in my youth, and the revolver that my father always kept locked in the blue cabinet behind his back. I check that it has the pertinent bullets and I keep it in the belt of my pants, I take a piece of paper and the silver gray pen that they gave me as a gift my first day as a detective and I write what I feel is my farewell.
"Thank you for everything, as you know, tragedy plagued my life from an early age, at times when I was not even aware of what was happening, all the paths I took led me to this place where I do not regret having stayed. Everything has to end, and that it ends where it started gives it the finishing touch almost like a romance novel.
Vinicio Conte is the main author of the massacre that occurred in this town in recent days, a group of misfits who could not face the reality of their actions took me to the breaking point where I find myself today, do not think for a second that I intend to commit suicide, everything you hear that does not come out of my mouth is a lie.
Aeryne Wolf, Official Detective New Shire Police Department."
Tears fall down my cheeks, the frame that I proudly hung on the wall in front of the desk that holds my diploma up seems empty of love and emotion, I am not a diploma or a photo of graduates with my classmates, I am much more and I hope you remember me for that.
I leave the room and walk with firm steps through the house and open the door of the porch where Mr. Vinicio Conte is waiting for me leaning on the door of the truck that was previously in the garage of the old shack in the woods.
-Detective, for a moment I thought that you had been cowardly enough to run away-
-Conte, I think that truck does not belong to you- I firmly hold the handles of the backpack that hangs on my back.
-I think it does, please get in the car, let me tell you a story- I walk slowly along the front of the truck until I reach the passenger seat and I get in without taking my backpack off my back, it's uncomfortable, but easy to carry if I have to escape.
In silence he drives up to Little Peak, after finding my father dead hanging on the branches I never went back to that forest and the family weekend cabin was completely abandoned, or so I thought until I was proven otherwise.
He drives in silence until we reach the cabin, I get out of the truck feeling the weight of years of resentment and pain accumulating in my chest, the desire to cry crowds my eyes but not by chance will I give Vinicio the pleasure of seeing me in that state, after all he is a ruthless killer, a mastermind of evil, although it seems cliché and I will not give him the thought that he is breaking me into a thousand pieces inside, although that is really happening.
We walked through the forest for a while before entering the waterfall, it is smaller than I remembered it, the ground is still just as muddy and the scar from my father's suicide is still marked on that branch that still tells it to grow after having it cut to lower it.
-How is everything? Does it look familiar to you?-
-What are we doing here Vinicio?-
-We are here to tell you a story, everyone thinks of the harm caused to the victims but no one thinks of the harm they caused me, how they damaged my story forever- he pulls out a gun from the waistband of the jeans he is wearing and He points at me- I'm going to ask you to please leave your backpack on the ground, you won't need the weapon that you have hidden in your waist, besides, I just want to chat- a violent smile appears on your face, without further doings I do what he tells me to, I leave the backpack and the gun on the porch of the old vacation cabin my parents had and we go in.
Memories hit my mind in a colossally, all the furniture is in its place only corroded by the pass of time and the elements, he makes me take a seat in my mother's chair that is in front of my father's chair where he is already sitting.
-I'll start with the story, but first let me show you something- he leaves the gun in his lap on the sofa, puts his hand in the back pocket of his pants, I place my hands outstretched on the armrests of the chair waiting for something to happen, As I do this he gingerly pulls out a piece of time-worn paper. It passes me what I recognize as the photo paper folded in half, I open it completely observing the printed image carefully, my mother's smile is what stands out the most in the photograph, she is embracing a man whom I do not recognize, the sparkle in his eyes betrays the happiness of the moment. I check the inscription on the back of the paper hoping to find some clue as to the date it was made. Because of how similar my mother is to what I remember her, it seems to be from when I was around 10 years old.
There is nothing else written there except for a small phrase written by hand with the ink already erased by the passing of the years.
"...the first love..."
-I don't recognize this man, why are you showing me this?-
-That man, detective, is my father and the woman in the photo is my mother- I shake my head trying to process the twisted joke he just told.
-Please, Mr. Conte, this is clearly a set-up, my mother was always faithful to my father, besides that she is your mother, it would incur the fact that you are my brother and that is not a good joke- I get up from my place threatening to which he takes the gun and points it at me.
-Sit down sister, we have a lot to discuss- I raise my hands in surrender but I don't go back to my place.
-No matter what you tell me, Vinicio, I'm not your sister, we're too different to be- he pushes me roughly on the seat and I look at him angrily.
-Our parents met for a date for lovers a long time ago, did our mother never tell you the story? One day when she was working, he arrived at the shop and attended him, the two fell in love in an instant...-
-That's not what happened, how did you find out all this?-
-I already told you, our precious mother has been lying to us all her life, preferring your filthy family over us, my father was destroyed after she abandoned him on the same day of his birthday, the same day she gave him this book- take the leather cover book on the table that I had never seen before - my father came to this country looking for peace after the war and ended up dying of grief because of a heartless woman, who only used him to satisfy carnal desires to which her husband was not up to the task-
-Don't talk about my mother, you have no idea what kind of person she was, you don't know her-anger was boiling inside me.
-Did she ever told you why your father made the coward decision to commit suicide?- The words get stuck in my throat, no coherent answer comes to mind as to how he knows so much about my past and this cabin.
-You see? No smart answers now, no little sister, our mother was a whore who created such resentment in my father that he confessed to your father what happened, that I didn't even have the opportunity to be baptized since they wouldn't accepted bastard children in Catholic churches, he told him everything in great detail, how mom lived, like that supposed son who was born dead in the hospital before you were born, never died and who was given to his biological father while he was abandoned by his mother, years passed of agony for my father...-
-All this situation just because your father was spiteful? All the deaths you caused just because the little problems you dragged from childhood with your mommy didn't leave you alone once you grew up?... oh you are incredible - I exhale laughing at this situation - you are so wrapped up in your hatred you only managed to sink more and more Vinicio - I get up from my place ready to leave- I will not continue listening to this torture just because this madman comes up with it-
-STAY WHERE YOU ARE!- he shouts.
- Or else what? Are you going to kill me or are you going to fill my head with lies like you did with my father so that he would commit suicide? Listen to me, little brother, I'm not my mother or my father, you're not going to manipulate me as you please, so if you don't plan to kill me, let me go right now-I demand.
In the carelessness of his walk from one side to the other I throw myself on his back trying to hold the gun. His hands tense and I manage to knock him off the edge of the kitchen door so the Glock falls to the floor away from us. I climb on his back like a horse wrapping my arms around his neck to lock him and leave him unconscious, before he passes out completely he manages to walk with his back to the door and stamp me against it where the latch hits my kidneys, I fall to the ground sore trying to catch my breath, my legs feel heavy and my whole body throbs with pain. I see him run to the kitchen, I take the glass lamp, a gift from my grandmother for my parents' wedding day, a family heirloom according to her; I managed to land the blow on his head leaving him stunned again.
I reach the kitchen counter, I grab a butcher knife to defend myself as I run to the gun, his hands grab my ankle and I fall to the ground face first without even being able to stop my fall with my hands. My chin hits the tile-colored ceramic floor loudly, leaving me very dizzy. I instinctively kick hitting his hands until I can drag myself across the kitchen floor. I'm holding it in my hand when I feel the blade I'd previously used to defend myself dig into my left thigh causing a bloodcurdling scream of pain.
I hear police car sirens in the distance, I think, I just hope it's not a hallucination. I return again to my current situation when the weapon is wielded in the hand of my dearest brother, I crawl until my back hits the pan cabinets, if I take out the dagger I could bleed to death right now and give Conte the satisfaction of killing me, But I don't want to die either. I giggle stupidly at my thoughts, I'm already rambling.
-Let's go back to the beginning little sister, in the place where it all began, the weekend house that your father bought to spend the weekends with the family that later became the love nest of our mother and my father, the place where everything began, it is the place where everything will end- he positions himself on top of me, his body covering mine completely, with the adrenaline pumping through my body I take the knife out of my leg and immediately plunge it into the entrails of my dear little brother I twist him to deal as much damage as possible, before he can stop the entire weapon in his hands, and walk away.
The footsteps of people around the cabin are present, I drag myself to the sofa where I fall pale, my body going into shock, before passing out I manage to see the sergeant and Dylan enter the cabin, wrapped in their bulletproof vests they scan the area before to get close to me.
-Aeryne, what happened to you?- my partner approaches once again to save me as he has done so many times before. I hold onto his shoulders as I stand up feeling the comforting warmth of his body, the boss' footsteps approaching the living room area with Vinicio Conte in his arms.
-I'll take him to the truck, don't move from here I'll call reinforcements on the way- the Sergeant dictates and that's how it's done. We nod at the same time as I return my body to the couch, a grimace of pain forming on my face as I try to calm my heavy breathing.
-Are you feeling well?- He places a tourniquet on my leg with the scarf I left the police station with to protect me from the cold. I instinctively try to move my leg away because of the pain caused by the knot on the wound, but the hands of Dylan holds them in place.
-How did you find out I was here?- I whisper, wiping the perspiration from my forehead.
-The boss traced your cell phone signal to here- 
Now...that doesn't make any sense.
-That doesn't make sense Dylan, you called me at home and I told you that I had lost my cell phone in the speed of my flight- we stayed recalculating the situation for a few seconds until we understood.
Holly shit.
He had been in front of us the whole time and we didn't saw him, the person inside the police station who helped Conte had always been the sergeant. With the thirst for revenge coursing through my body and the adrenaline pumping at a thousand per hour throughout my body, I get up from the place and run to the back door hoping to see some sign of the two of them. I take the gun that is still on the backpack on the porch and start to trace the footprints of the two along the path to the waterfall.
-Aeryne you can't go after them it's dangerous, it's dark and you're still hurt-
-He's my brother and he killed my parents Dylan, he killed them both out of sorrow and hatred, that's why I need to go. I'll go with your support or not- he stops dead in his tracks internalizing the news I just gave him. I continue along the path to the waterfall in silence, after a few seconds the dark-haired man joins my search, we follow the journalist's blood trails all over the place, the damned man zigzags trying to throw us off the scent but the boss here is Conte, he Said it himself, there is only one place where this can end.
Right where all started.
Instead of following the trail of blood directly, I cut the path to the waterfall, my hands sweat, the cold does not help much, especially for walking, not feeling my leg because of the little blood that runs through it, I hit myself with branches and bushes that they only manage to hurt me even more, I stop for a few seconds to take a breath, the cold of the night permeates my bones but it helps to numb the pain a little.
I hold on to Dylan's forearms to keep from putting all my weight on my bruised leg. For a few seconds I imagine myself in his arms on a bed embraced and covered watching a movie and eating popcorn, what a beautiful image, I smile feeling the warmth of the scene fill my heart with courage and strength to move forward. I hug him tight, we stay in silence for a few seconds sharing the sound of our galloping hearts, once recovered we return to the road, after a few more meters we see the clearing where the river becomes a waterfall.
I raise the hilt of the gun in front of my face, Dylan's left hand holds me close to his body to give me support. We reach the banks of the waterfall where Vinicio is sitting next to a rock and the sergeant as his escort points us.
-Come on detective, who is going to believe that a decorated sergeant like him is going to be a traitor, should better think about your strategies- Conte's voice fills the air.
-It's the truth, traitors must carry the full weight of justice on their shoulders, just like murderers, Mr. Conte- I spit the words out of my mouth with disgust.
-Detective please, let's lower our weapons and talk like civilized people-
-You did it on purpose, you got me into this shady game so as not to get me out, you just threw dirt on me- he growled.
-A woman does not belong to a police station unless it is to be booked as a prostitute-
-Like his mother- Vinicio jokes.
-Shut up once and for all!- shot of fury and rage, a well-aimed shot on his shoulder breaking in a piercing scream, he rolls on the ground, the explosion of the shot stains my face with blood.
-Put that down! Right now- Dylan holds the gun trying to get it out of my hands, I push him away when I see the sergeant raise his service weapon pointing at him, I shoot him in the chest killing him instantly. Dylan's voice feels far away, I fall to the ground letting the gun fall out of my hands. The dark-haired man opens his eyes without being able to explain what he saw, my friend and colleague holds his hair walking from one side of the place to the other.
-I wasn't going to let him hurt you- I murmur trying to get closer to my brother
-Aeryne, what did you do? - He repeats, holding me to get away from the dead man.
I abruptly separate myself from his side to drag myself closer to the side of the multiple murderer in front of my eyes, the tears mix with the taste of blood on my lips, they flood my eyes without leaving a clear view of his body, I turn him face up to observe him, a sly smile escapes from his face, he opens his lips revealing the blood that floods his mouth and whispers his last words.
-We end where we started; the original sin- limbo is represented in my mind, those who are condemned to wander eternally since they did not receive the sacrament of baptism before dying.
I clean his face of mud and garbage, with difficulty I drag his body to the shore, his inert body is the maximum evidence that the hatred and bitterness of the parents end up permeating the soul of the children. Clean once again and with a kiss on the forehead I let his body fall off the shore and be dragged by the current, my sobs merge with the sound of the waterfall, we are matter that evolves, I always believed that it was so, let's hope that its evolution is to be happy. Dylan at my side holds my shoulders as I watch the blood stain the water at the end of it.
We end where we started.
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adriannasharp · 3 years
20 Writing Questions
I'm very late on this tag but @venuscrescent tagged me and I'm finally able to actually do it!!! @clucksterwrites @leondaltons @coppercrane2 @teamvanessacloud @vchanny-og, not sure if you all are tagged but I'm tagging you anyways.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
So much fewer than I wish. Just 12. I wish I didn't have to work so I could just fic full time. If anyone wants to pay me to be their Venus x Kunzite fic writer in residence, I will happily accept.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
183,261. Admittedly, higher than I would have expected. It will jump pretty dramatically once I can finally finish this one BEAST that I'm working on.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On AO3, two. My main one is, of course, Sailor Moon. It has had my heart for over 20 years and I don't see that going anywhere anytime soon. My other fic is an Avatar: The Last Airbender fic. I just wrote the one fic, though I had another one in mind that I never wrote.
Before my AO3 days, I also wrote fics on ff.net for a few other fandoms including Harry Potter, Gravity Falls, Legend of Zelda, Fruits Basket, Inuyasha, Yu-Gi-Oh, and I think a couple others. But I believe I only wrote one fic for each fandom because I would bounce around. They were my minor fandoms and, while I still enjoy them, just didn't feel much pull to keep writing them.
4. What are your top five fics by Kudos?
Oooh excellent questions. I haven't really paid attention to which ones are my top five.
Experimentation: 112
Stay: 107
People Will Say We're in Love: 91
The Sultan and the Princess: 83
Perfect: 82
Hahahaha. Of course my smutty fics are all in the top five. A little surprised that Experimentation is number 1 but also not. The Venus x Kunzite corner of the fandom is a thirsty one. I love you dorks.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to but I can also be very bad at it. Especially this past year - year and a half I've been dealing on and off with depression and anxiety. So I'll see the comments, squee, but be too tired to craft an intelligent reply. I love getting comments, they bring me so much joy. I always try to make an effort to reply to the people who I don't know personally because I love expanding our corner of the fandom and making new fandom friends.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I really don't write angsty endings. I suppose, by default, it would be Stay since it's not really a happy ending.
Listen, if I'm going to suffer by writing angst, I just want everyone to be happy and loved and living their best lives by the end of it.
7. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Haha. Several? My fics almost always have a happy ending. But the happiest one? I would probably say People Will Say We're in Love. Mia and Kam just deserve all the love and happiness because they're so damn cute.
8. Do you write crossovers? If yes, what’s the craziest thing you’ve written?
Nah. Too many characters to keep track of. I might read the odd crossover but that's pretty rare. I once had the idea of writing a Doctor Who fic where each chapter was the Doctor landing in a different fandom. I got three paragraphs in before giving up. It was when I was a very young, inexperienced writer. I shudder to think what I would have written. I feel like it would have been very cringy. I have enough trouble writing a dozen or so characters in one fic. This would have been a mess.
9. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I have not. I consider myself very fortunate that the sen/shi corner of the Sailor Moon fandom is wonderful and so supportive of each other. I always consider myself so lucky that I joined a ridiculous bang challenge one year and never looked back.
10. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Hahaha! Absolutely I do! In fact, talking about smut in question 4 has me itching to work on a WIP smutty ficlet.
I would say my smut is pretty tame, considering. Nothing too crazy, just a lot of "I NEED YOU NOW AND I DON'T CARE WHERE WE ARE"
It's fun!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. If anyone does ever see any of my fics posted somewhere else, please let me know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, not that I know of. But I would be very flattered if anyone ever wanted to.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Like venuscrescent, not in the traditional sense. I also take part in the same mini bang challenge every year in the senshi & shitennou fandom (pst. If that sounds cool to you, you should check out their official tumblr @ssminibang. We are always trying to expand our cult corner of the fandom.
If you're not familiar with it, every year, an artist and author get paired up to work on a story. It switches each year for who comes up with the idea first and you work together (to varying degrees of collaboration) to make fic and art that complement each other. It's so much fun and I highly recommend it.
My most collaborative one would definitely be The Sultan and the Princess with @lyrhia-art. It was so much fun with us constantly shooting ideas at each other and spawned a fan club within the community around a camel.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Minako/Venus and Kunzite HANDS DOWN! I'll always have a soft spot for Usagi and Mamoru but VxK has my heart in its clutches. It's a complicated, flawed, crazy relationship and is so great to write/read/obsess over fanart of. I just love them so much, in all incarnations. Especially when they play very much into the 'one is grumpy and one is sunshine' trope.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I have a few, some more likely to be written than the others. In my mind, I'm going to eventually write all of them. Hopefully.
Berenice! A couple of years ago, @versailles-fairytale did a DROOL WORTHY piece of art for the mini bang challenge. I didn't get paired with her but I still want to write the fic that I thought of for it. It would involve Minako going on a trip to get away for a while before Crystal Tokyo arrives. She rents a ocean/lakeside cabin to just get away from it all. But quickly finds out that a reincarnated Kunzite with no memories is her neighbour. Angsty and piney but also lots of fun and just a focus of them falling in love again.
Another one I have takes place after Galaxia and involves the reincarnated shitennou coming back to Japan. They're healed and good and just want to be part of Mamoru's life again. And, of course, there would be lots of sen/shi content. Particularly around Mina and Kunz and how they could maybe pursue a relationship, but of course there are plenty of stumbling blocks. Just have had a lot of trouble finding a direction for it.
Mermaid Beryl! Ages ago, @mochibuni did art of Little Mermaid but Beryl is Ariel and Endy is Eric. We tossed some ideas back and forth and it's still sitting in the back of my brain. I want to write it. I NEED to write it. It's going to be GREAT!
16. What’s your writing strengths?
I would say fluff. Maybe some comedy too. But definitely fluff. I find it the easiest to write and I feel like my fluff has some really good stuff to it. I love writing it, even when it has little traces of angst.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
SOOOO many. My main one is long stories, especially ones that juggle multiple character arcs. How does anyone juggle so many characters and keep track of their emotional well being?!!??!?! It's so hard!!!!
Angst can be hard for me too, especially if it's over the course of a long story. I'm fine with short bits of angst but if it stretches more than one or two chapters, my brain shuts off and doesn't like it.
I'm fine with comedic and fluffy dialogue but give me a scene that deals with more serious topics and my brain shuts off. I'm so bad at writing scenes where characters try to talk their shit out.
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
Personally not a fan of it. If you're a fan of it, great! I usually encounter it with Japanese because Sailor Moon is my main fandom. But I find that random Japanese words/phrases in the fic pull me out of the experience. Admittedly, I use sailor senshi as opposed to sailor guardian but that's about it.
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
LOL! Technically it was Yu-Gi-Oh. It was a stupid idea my friends and I had over a lunch break when I was back in high school. It was dumb and ridiculous and served no purpose. But I still laugh about it.
20. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
I definitely don't have one favourite. I have different fics that mean different things to me and I love them for different reasons.
The Sultan and the Princess is one of my faves because I had such a blast writing it. It came together exactly as I wanted it to and it's one of the few fics where I can still look at it and not want to change a whole bunch of stuff. And it was a great, fun balance of comedy, drama, and just a little bit of angst and steamy.
People Will Say We're in Love is also in my top fics because I had a blast writing this too. It was light, it was fun, it was romantic, it was silly. It was such a delight, even if it did take me about two years to write. I'm also really proud of it because I consider it my first long, fully flushed out fic with big emotional arcs. Admittedly, Love Letters and Loathing is technically my first long fic but I adore PWSWiL because it felt more rounded and it was novel length. I'm still pretty proud of it.
When I finally finish it, Blood on her Hands will be on this list. It's been HELL writing it because I have so many characters to balance and keep track of. I've been working on it for about two years and I am constantly rewriting it and refining it to get it to be what I want it to be. But if I actually get it to be what I want it to be, I'm gonna be so, freakishly proud of it.
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soldierallen · 4 years
Married. 13
Tagged @hiddlestonstansworld @lovely-geek @imcalledflorence @misz-adrii @escapistdreamer-wishfulthinker @someplxce @cuddlesforlashton @coffeebooksandfandomsohmy @weasley16 @ilovethewayyourheartbeats @vogueworthy-barnes @xeniarocks @thisismysecrethappyplace @racheo91 @gravedollie666 @inlovewith3 @supernaturaldean67 // if anyone wants to be untagged or tagged please leave a message ty♡ also I do not own any gifs or images of any kind.
Part 12:
Appearances; Alexandra Daddario, Chris Evans, Chase Crawford, Sebastian Stan.
Warnings: sexual themes, a bit smutty, fluff, blood? Idk if that’s a warning
Note: I’ lost the password to this account I lost my god damn mind and I gave up on my favorite story, the one that I’ve been wanting to tell this whole time the second to last chapter starts now❤️
Sebastian Stan x Reader
Christmas had passed so did new years, y/n's job was fantastic she was having the time of her life traveling across the country for interviews and really putting herself out there being a director for the paper it was amazing, oh wait you're wondering what happened to Alex and y/n?... oh right that part...
That night.
"I didn't mean to hit you in the face it was by mistake" Alex yelled, sebastian pulled y/n throughout the house to get her into the kitchen she slowly lifted herself up onto the counter whilst he looked at her nose blood gushing may I add droplets falling into the floor
"Alex what the fuck do you want?" Sebastian opened his freezer looking for something to ice her nose that was bleeding harshly, y/n's head tilted back slightly
"I wanted to talk to you, But she’s always here she’ll always take up your time that letter you wrote that wasn’t for me it was for her you lied to me... you never loved me it was all fake" she was crushed, both Sebastian and y/n rolled their eyes not believing her bullshit, but also y/n thought... what letter?
"how's this, how dare you think that it's okay to barge into someone's house uninvited and unwelcomed hit someone in the face with a door that LIVES here, oh should I also mentioned how you got her fired, broke her mentally and almost made me lose my relationship with her because of some "agreement" with money, Alex we talked about all of this and it never once came CLOSE to you apologzing to her, I never wanna see you again" he handed y/n a small bag of icey broccoli she laughed at the bag and put it on her nose extremely dizzy
"if that's what you want seb, i- I thought we meant more than that" she swallowed "I'll walk myself out", and with that she left
"That was first time I ever heard you defend me from her" her eyes got watery
“I’m sorry I never did, I’m never I never thought about your feelings or even thought about how you felt or what you was going through seeing you with Henry was enough for me to know that I wanted you she wasn’t the one who helped me all these years it’s always been you.." he kissed her head gently as she came off of the counter
"Seb, I love you" her heart stopped in her chest, and sebastian’s heart starting beating so loud I think the neighbors next door were able to hear it, he put his hands in his pocket.. He was spechless not able to configure words
"I didn't expect me to say those words with a broken nose a bloody floor and as your roommate... sebastian stan I love you and if you don’t love me that’s fine I’ll move out I’ll move to Alaska an-" he pulled her body closer to his, his hands leaving his pockets wrapping around her waist as he kissed her his other hand around her neck thumb caressing her cheek she was in awe, he pulled his lips away and her forehead touched his "I'm madly in love with you doll I want this to work let's make this work"
And after that night they went on their first date which was an absolute disaster from start to finish, starting off with y/n’s dress getting soaked from a pitcher of water spilling on her, Sebastian tripping over nothing and taking a bad tumble, to right before they got home the car breaking down it was just a mess.
It's been three months, everyone is friends again I mean y/n and Henry aren't too friendly but they talk when there in the same room together. Tonight should feel no different and it isn't but what y/n doesn't know is that sebastian's hiding something.
Pretty important might I add.
"I'm going to work extremely early tomorrow so I'll be home at like 6pm okay?" She was standing behind the couch as Sebastian was sitting he put both of his arms out behind him he brought her body closer to the back of the couch and himself they kissed upside down "I love you" her heart fluttered at his words "I love you too" he touched his sweatpants pocket and slowly stopped she went in her room closing the door and he groaned loudly into the pillow putting his hand in his pocket pulling out a velvety red box
"Just do it? What’s wrong with you" he looked at the engagement ring box he heard her bedroom door open again QUICKLY shoving it back in his pocket, "hey seb can you come to my bedroom” she yelled out from the other side of the door, he slowly walked to her door, when he pressed on the door revealing her room candles lit, she was sat on the edge of the bed dressed in a silk robe, a bra and panties he flirtatiously smirked at the sight of her "what do I owe the pleasure.." he asked pushing up the sleeves to his crewneck sweater, "I regretted your offering a few nights ago I told you I wasn't ready yet to start getting intimate like that" he nodded remembering crossing his arms over his chest clenching his jaw, "please forgive me" she untied her silk robe letting it fall to the floor seductively his breath hitched in his throat at the sight of her for the first time he was mesmerized by the shape of her body it didn't matter to him what she looked like the curves of her body or her petite figure he didn't care, she was his and he loved her.
"you're forgiven" we're the only words he could let out, he wanted to know every wrinkle, every freckle, every beauty mark, on her body he wanted to be a genius of the anatomy of her body, he got closer his hands finally finding her skin chills circulated all over her body as he got right behind her kissing her neck one arm creeping to her stomach her back pressed up against his front she felt the heat between her legs light a fire
as he gently unclasped her bra taking the shoulders down sensually his lips connecting once again with the skin between her neck and shoulder loving the feeling she reached over behind her touching him through his pants he felt a little hard which turned her on even more, the hand that was on her stomach slowly inching closer and closer toward her heat, she loved this teasing she just knew she would miss work tomorrow, "tell me if I should stop" he whispered so low she barely heard what he said, his hand found her heat rubbing circles teasing her so badly her body pressed up against his she stopped him turning around ripping his shirt off his body revealing his magnificent body his chain dangling her hands gently reached his waistband of his pants pulling them down as he stepped out of them, "this should be fun" he whispered finally their lips connecting the only thing keeping them apart were the underwear between the both of them, the teasing kept going which made things more interesting when finally they had enough with the foreplay.
"So how was I I haven’t been at it in some time” she said with a smirk he traced her skin with his fingertips loving the warmth her skin held
"phenomenal" he said in the lowest voice he sounded cheesy as hell she pushed off him which made the two laugh a lot they cuddled closely to each other a moment they never wanted to forget for as long as they lived..
That morning she got up got ready for work she picked up the clothes off the floor his sweatpants inside out she picked them up to fold them when something fell out of the pocket a red velvet box her eyes widened her skin was getting really hot, he was gonna propose??? Or he is? What- she quickly put the box back in his pants and threw them on the floor
"Y/n, mr Crawford needs to speak with you." His assistant came up to her at office “can’t he just call me men are useles Lucy” the assistant laughed walking out, she got up going to his office "chase if this is about me being late-" she was going to explain herself until he stopped her, "nope I have a job proposal” proposal that word it scared her to say the least... “I'm handing it over to you first if you don't want it I'm giving it to angie. Y/n I want you to take the duchan case." Chase said She was in shock "chase-" "you know how much you mean to me and this company you're the right women to take it I offered it to you first" "what do I tell Sebastian?" "If you take the offer? Well hi honey baby sweetheart I have to leave for the next 5 months to Brazil and I won't be back anytime soon and also I can't have any contact with you or anyone else for that matter just my boss" chase said with a laugh he clicked his pencil once he ended his sentence.
"Haha very funny," she rolled her eyes "listen can you give me two days?" He nodded standing up as did she "I need your answer by morning the second day alright kid" "yes sir" they hugged and she left, her relationship was very friendly with mr Crawford he didn't treat anyone in the company the way he treats y/n I guess because they get along so well. Y/n has a chance to leave the country and figure out a case and be a reporter something she'd never thought she would do, but she would lose seb..maybe even lose the proposal if she leaves
"Hey I'm home" she yelled as she took her keys from the lock, closing the door she felt a strange sensation come upon her like it wasn't sebastian in the house but someone else, her instincts kicked in she grabbed the stick for the fire place walking around the corner it was a women cleaning which startled the women that was cleaning she threw her rag in the air she was filled with fright, "miss I'm so sorry I thought mr stan told you I was coming in today" y/n huffed with relief "it's okay not to be rude but why did he call you to come in today?"
"He said a special occasion" she told y/n, she shrugged her shoulders what was sebastian's special occasion? Is he gonna propose???
"I never got your name?" Y/n said
"Margo" she reached out her hand for y/n to shake it and she did "um I guess carry on sorry for almost beating you to death" she laughed and the women did too she went into her bedroom and laid on the bed “what am I gonna tell him do” she was in panic mode what did she do when she panicked... “CHRIS come over” she said he laughed on the other line “what is it this time” he said “an emergency for your ears only mr Evans I am warning you”
It was an hour later Margo cleaned the entire house it was spotless... why did he ask her to come in?
“He’s gonna WHAT” he said
“YEAH I saw the box”
“did you see the ring?” He whispers
“no I wanted it to be a suprise! Now tell me what to do”
“Don’t take the job offer” Chris said “are you gonna elaborate or that’s it just don’t take the job” she was anxious
“you’ve wanted him your whole life and you have him now and you’re gonna give up on him for a job? There’s more to live than a job” Chris said “you’re right I just this is so good for me I’m scared that.. I’ll lose on this opportunity and I lose out on my seb” she wanted to bang her head into the wall
“Choose Sebastian or the job”
“Than you’ve made up your mind!”
“I want him Chris i always will but will he always want me like he does right now will he change his mind in 5 months will he decide he doesn’t love me after all, I have to think about these things because he makes promises and doesn’t keep them... I just hope I’m making the right choice” she said
“You are” he pulled her in and they hugged while they sat down, their legs up bodies close their heads on top of each other’s, they heard the door open “cheating on me already” Sebastian walked in with a laugh “yes kiss me” she said with her lips puckered he kissed her sweetly “hey Chris” they hugged “I guess I’m gonna go... good luck” he said grabbing his jacket and kissing her cheek “bye text me when you get home”, and he left Sebastian nowhere to be found
“Seb....seb....” she looked in the kitchen in the bathroom in their separate rooms where?.. oh the “backyard” he looked out into the skies some beautiful buildings “I have something to tell you” he said looking at and it at her, “what” she got closer closing the door behind her.. “I got offered a job..and I’m not gonna be here for a while” her heart broke “what...” “my boss told me I have no choice I have to take this job she can’t lose money on my account, baby” he turned towards her “ it’s in another country they want me to run one of our out of country offices for the next 5 months” she laughed, “I got offered a job today that I can take or leave they want me to report a story in Brazil for 5 months and I didn’t know if I should take it because of us..” he was amazed “baby a reporting job that’s amazing I’m so proud of you” he kissed her for a brief moment putting his hands on her shoulders rubbing them “tonight was suppose to go a lot different, this wasn’t suppose to be happening now” he fiddled his pocket pulling out a letter “hi beautiful, I’m writing you this letter cause god I miss you things haven’t been the same without you I haven’t been able to see you remember when we slow danced at dance rehearsal, when you helped me pick out the flowers for the wedding, I just want you to know that I love you and when the right times come they come. Seb x” he said as he read out the letter “she found the letter when she came home after a few days away thinking it was for her, I wrote this letter for you I wrote letters every time I missed you he pulled out three letters from his jacket pocket “I confessed my love for you in all four letters because I thought maybe you’ll reciprocate it one day I hope today is that day” he got down on one knee her heart was racing she pushed her hair out of her face to wipe her tears
“We’re going to be apart for 5 months I don’t think I can wait that long to marry you y/n so for gods sake y/n y/m y/l will you marry me so help me god you stay in my life for the rest of my life” he said with small tears pouring out of his eyes she hugged him so tight she was bawling her eyes out she kissed him a million times it felt like “I knew you didn’t even care about the ring” he laughed she didn’t even put the ring on she knew he loved her a ring didn’t mean anything
“Yes a million times yes” she couldn’t believe she was saying these words to Sebastian of all people she was saying yes to getting married to him she was engaged!
“Sebastian it’s so big!” She was amazed “you deserve it my fiancé” a smirk left his lips she loved hearing that word come out of his mouth “I might just rip your clothes off now” “is it cause I said my fiancé” she nodded kissing him once more “I’ll only be able to call you once a month for the 5 months I’m going to be gone” she said he nodded “me too” they both knew this was going to be a hard task however it’s happening to both them..
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time-is-standing · 2 years
top 10 songs of june
sorry for the delay, I've cut off a piece of my thumb while cooking. typing with one hand really sucks. --- this was the main reason, I was gonna post it yesterday but Techno's death shook me to the core and I just couldn't finish this in time.
1. Keep Me - Acoustic by Imminence
I still have my sleepless nights when the only thing soothing me is this song. it's the one that inspired the last chapter of my mcyt fanfic - until I'm not ready to continue with the dnf pov.
2. Love & Grace by Imminence
this one is special to my heart. I don't think I've ever had a connection this strong before with a song. for me it's like a complaint or screaming into someone's face and I really do need that sometimes. & also:
"staring down the barrel of a gun
even when we die the battle isn’t won"
3. listen when i'm gone by Jack Powell
oh my, this song. I've had so much to get through this month. it all started with my sessions. we eventually had the session about sa and it was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I've been crying for days about it. I even opened up to my mother about it because I was crying so much I couldn't hide it anymore. soon after this, I read they both die at the end & I cried for two days straight. after all of this, last morning technoblade's death was announced and I'm... I'm just done.
I don't know what to expect, how should I survive, how will I move on from all of this?
4. Suicide by Dog, Smoking Stogies
this one is a heavy song as well. I've been feeling more safe listening to sad songs and this one... this means a bit more than anything else lately.
"someone will love you
but noone will love me"
5. Queerball by McCafferty
I don't know how else to explain. this song just lives here by now. that's it.
6. life waster by CORPSE
this song is a masterpiece. corpse is a really talented guy and I seem to be loving every one of his songs. but this one is quite special because of the lyrics. it really is worth a listen (or a million if you ask me lol).
7. You Might Not Like Her by Maddie Zahm
my journey about my sexuality/identity is a never ending thing. it's just like I'm changing daily & it's really hard to try and figure out who I might be every fucking day.
but the song is so great!! relatable lyrics for the first time ever, it made me cry so much.
8. Panic Room by Au/Ra
"welcome to the panic room"
reminds me of heartstopper & the next story of mine I'm currently trying to figure out. I don't know if I'll ever be able to create something fully unique, but I hope I can write something good at least.
9. Boyfriend by Dove Cameron
I don't want to talk about it...
but I love listening to this because it matches my energy so well.. but anytime I'm around a pretty girl, I'm becoming that shy & quiet little girl who I was always supposed to be. it's annoying.
10. PPL ALWAYS MAKE SHT FKN WORSE by sadeyes, Days to Waste
the first real mental breakdown of the month happened to me while listening to this gem. it's from my favs, not a new song but I still love it to pieces. such a cool song, it helped me through the roughest time/feelings.
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