#i dont even care if it wasn't purely romantic love at the end...
monards · 4 months
dove loving magnolia always and forever.
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riverfelloff · 7 months
ive seen so many people wondering how starkid makes such good straight couples (lautski, paulkins, etc), but i think we really need to talk about this.
in a lot of todays modern media, shows centered around straight couples are heavily focused on the sexuality of it. while they may take a few episodes to flesh out a small pining story, starkid takes that to a whole new level.
let's look at lautski for example; our first introduction (I KNOW HE WAS IN TGWDLM AND BF I DONT CARE HE WASN'T TRULY INTRODUCED UNTIL NMT) to pete and steph was nmt2's episode, 'abstinence camp'. sure, we know that sexuality played a big part in this episode, but if you pay close attention, you know that nothing ever actually happens between steph and pete, they get caught by lumberaxe and then boy jerry before they can do anything.
before then, though, we get a back story of them meeting, it's shown how steph likes him for his little quirks and oddities, and how pete is happy that someone took the time to get to know that about him. before they join showers, they talk for what feels like forever, going back and forth.
however, in nerdy prudes must die AND the guy who didn't like musicals BOTH, neither of the couples even kiss, they get close but they don't. even npmd which centers around two high school seniors over the course of a few months, not even a peck on the cheek. HOWEVER, in scenes like the summoning, we can see steph and pete both trying to hide the other behind themselves.
in tgwdlm, paul sends himself into the theater to go take down the meteor so emma has some hopes of a life.
while it's implied that they love the other in a romantic sense, it's never outright said, because you don't make romantic bonds in the situations they were in!! they made the romantic connections before the actual plot of the musical gets started!! they're so close and care so much because of the shit they went through together!!
the reason why we're so captivated by straight couples from starkid is that they don't have to be couples to show how close they are and how much they care, because at the end of the day the lang brothers know that a bond is deepest when it's pure. if you care for someone enough, you'd do anything to keep them happy, even if it isn't with you.
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pacifymebby · 2 years
peaky blinders hc for what it would be like to be dating them/married to them!! xx
So i did married to them, hope thats alright xx
🌿 Determined to make sure things are different this time, good and true, he wanted to marry you with the gypsies. So you had your wedding in the fields at the Golds settlement.
🌿Dangerous goes without saying, naturally, however somehow its worse than you imagined. You always thought Tommy was being dramatic when he said it would get worse once you were married
🌿 But it got worse, there have been multiple attempts on your life and Tommy is more protective of you than ever
🌿 He doesn't always show it in the best or most romantic of ways, sometimes he stays late at work, hours late because hes trying to pull together a plan that will keep you safe. He doesn't tell you often enough that its you hes thinking of, its yours and his future which keeps him going.
🌿Puts a lot of pressure on himself for things to be different this time. Hes been married in the past and failed to treat people right, he won't let himself go wrong again.
🌿When things get bad and youre scared - though you try to be brave for your husband - Tommy tries to get you to talk to him and admit your fears, says its good to be scared, shows youre still innocent, shows you're still alive.
🌿That kind of talk scares you more though and so he ends up bringing you into his lap/arms, cradling you to his body and whispering promises to keep you safe, to never leave you.
🌿Tells you stories, that if things get really bad you'll get a wagon together and dissappear never to return. You'll chanhe your names, leave everything behind, just you amd him together. You know it will never happen like that but the story comforts you every time.
🌿 Doesnt involve you in the business at all, determined to keep you pure and innocent. Even if he knows deep down its impossible.
🌿Spoils you, mostly with pretty jewellery and animals. Buys you dogs, always takes you with him to buy horses.
🌿Has a horse he keeps just for the two of you and takes you riding as often as he can.
🌿 Sometimes in the summer the two of you dissappear for days on that horse, living like gypsies where no one can reach you. These are his favourite memories. Brings himself hell from the rest of the family upon your return, but its worth it every time.
🌿 Youre one of the only people who can talk any sense into him, hes always talking to you about "mutual respect" and how hes heard its the most important thing in a marriage. So whenever you argue, and if you step out of line, he'll stop you and remind you.
🌿 "What is it we have love? Remind me eh i think I've forgotten?" "respect Tommy," you sigh. "Mutual respect, that means it goes both ways... Right," he pats your cheek lightly, his cheeky smile gets under your skin "that'll be that then eh."
🌿 The longer goes by the less he feels haunted by Grace. You're a mother to his children and he talks to you all the time about having a baby with you. Whenever you have sex he tells you thats what he wants.
🌿 Still calls you his angel, still believes you were sent from heaven to heal him.
🐻 Good, quiet, stable and steady. Alfie treasures you and isnt going to let anything happen to you. Which means you lead a remarkably quiet life for a ganstas wife.
🐻 He keeps you out of business, and for the most part, keeps himself out of business too.
🐻 He made a joke at the wedding saying that if anyone tried to joke around and ask if he was the father of the bride, he'd cut them. You know he wasn't really joking, you know he occassionally does worry hes too old for you.
🐻 "Sure you wouldn't rather be out there with handsome young men your own age?"
🐻 The plain and simple answer is no... The longer answer is still no, but followed with lots of questions. For one, why on earth would you want to be with any of those arrogant younger men who waste all their money on snow and whiskey, who dont care for their women and sleep around... Your alfie is so good to you, devoted to you, takes care of you, hes your gruff and grumpy bear. You like thats hes a little old fashioned, that he has manners, that hes your old man.
🐻 Takes baths with you, candle lit, when the rooms all steamy he makes you lie back against his chest whilst he washes you. He hums you little tunes, tells you he thinks hes gonna write an opera one day. You joke and ask who will be his muse, you or tommy shelby. And when you make jokes like that he takes your wet hair and wraps it round his fist, tugs on it gently but harsh enough to pull your head back so that youre looking up at him.
🐻 "Remember our rules right ziskeit, you don't mention the name of the devil, we dont talk about cursed men right in this here home of ours" its like hes almost superstitious about it. Doesnt want you to say Tommys name because the man is cursed and the curse catches.
🐻 When you apologise you kiss each of his finger tips.
🐻 He bakes you bread (actual bread) all the time, especially when hes stressed, the kneeding is theraputic for him. Sometimes he gets you to help him, teaches you the proper way to do it with his hands over yours.
🐻 Eventually you move to margate together, he likes it better that way, thinks you can really be safe, thinks you'll finally be away from Tommy Shelby for good. He misses his old friend but he's glad to keep the curse away from you.
🐻 Can't sleep at night without you resting your head on his chest. Likes to comb his fingers through your hair until he falls asleep.
🐻 Likes to help you dress in the mornings, brushes your hair, lets you teach him how to make it pretty, but complains his fingers are too big and clumsy, not dainty like yours. But you like it better when Aflie does your hair for you, you feel prettier knowing his hands made you up like that.
🍂 Tumultuous to say the least. This is one traumatised man and you accepted the ups and downs of your relationship a long time ago. Your one rule is that he never suffers alone.
🍂You want to go through everything with him, you never want him to be alone snowed up and sad drunk so even when he gets himself in a terrible state, even when he begs you to leave him because he doesnt want you to see him like that, you stay with him, you hold him whilst he cries, you weather his temper knowing he will never hurt you.
🍂 He does scare you, when he breaks things it scares you, but you know he loves you, you know its not really him but his illness, you've stood and watched him destroy a room before and then said "You gonna come here now and let your wife look after you?"
🍂 You hold his head to your chest and soothe him to sleep. Kiss his hair, tell him you know hes a good man. You tell him you love him all the time.
🍂 Despite the fact youre married he still has a complex, still thinks he doesnt deserve your love still thinks hes ruining your life, is terrified of corrupting you, but you never let those thoughts linger and refuse to take him seriously when he tells you.
🍂 "Dont be daft my darling husband, you deserve all the love in the world and I'll be damned if you get it from any woman but me..."
🍂 His heart is always in the right place even if his romantic plans dont always go to plan. Sometimes he buys you flowers but forgets to give them to you until theyve already wilted. Hes tried to cook for you and nearly set the house on fire.
You find it funny and endearing however, it means all the more to you that he tries so hard for you.
🍂 The sex is so good, and maybe a little relentless, because hes determined to be an honest man now he takes his full sexual appetite out on you and its exhausting in the best way possible. When hes pissed off you like to tease him into taking his frustration out on you sexually.
🍂 Naturally being the wife of a peaky blinder is dangerous, you and arthur both know that and your being so precious to him does mean that he is sometimes a little zealous trying to protect you.
🍂Men have lost teeth for looking at you.
🍂 And men who have actually tried to harm you... You didn't witness every death so you couldn't possibly say what happens to them...
🍂 Does make you feel powerful, you like how it makes you feel like a dangerous woman. You try to keep that secret though as arthur would hate to think he'd corrupted your morals in any way other than sexually.
🌼 John is a good husband because hes a good lad, a decent, honest, caring lad. He always did have a little more good in him than his brothers.
🌼 He takes being your husband seriously, he wants to provide for you, protect you, wouldnt see himself as a man if he couldnt keep his wife and home happy.
🌼 Wants a big happy family with you. Finds great comfort in sitting down at the kitchen table with all the weans running around, playing games like him and his brothers used to when they were kids, seeing you his wife there too. Its comforting to have this heavenly little bit of peace, even if its a kind of peace which is pure chaos.
🌼 Hes attentive, always checking in on his flower. He wants you to always be happy.
🌼 He's also still got the heart of a boy, hes childish and silly, likes playing games with you, will chase you around the garden, through the house, sling you over his shoulder when he catches you.
🌼 Plays with the kids, is a good father as well as a good husband, but definitely is the kind of father that ropes the kids into his tricks and uses them to help wind you up.
🌼 Cuddles up to you all the time, likes to catch your hand as you walk past him and pull you into a hug. Refuses to let you go, makes you put up a fight.
🌼 Lowkey always horny, is looking for any excuse and opportunity to fuck you.
🌼 Brings gifts back for you from the city, brings you flowers. Threads them through your hair.
🌼 Always trying to steal kisses from you.
🌼 At family meetings he stands by you, with his arm around your waist and his hand holding yours. He wont let anybody talk down to you. He takes protecting you very seriously.
🌼 Would throw himself in front of you, take a bullet for you, run into a burning building for you in a heartbeat. He takes being your husband very seriously.
🍀 Bonnie is the sweetest husband and he takes being your husband very seriously indeed, sometimes a little too seriously, which is adorable.
🍀"I'm your husband, I've got to look after you," "Got to keep my lovely wife safe and sound haven't i..."
🍀Makes you all these promises of how your life will be when hes a world famous fighter.
🍀 Treats you like youre still courting, picks you wildflowers, takes pride in catching good meat for you. Brings you little gifts back from the city. Sometimes he steals you little gifts from the city.
🍀 A boy of tradition, couldn't see you the night before the wedding...
🍀 The wedding was in spring, it was pure and blissful, you danced the whole night with him around the fires. It was a raucous celebration by all accounts and when it came to consumating
🍀 Now he dreams of having children with you, wants to be a father to your babies so badly... And telling you that when hes burried inside you makes you both hold onto one another even tighter in your passion.
🍀 He used to be nervous to have you at his fights but now youre his good luck charm... Not that he needs any luck but still, he likes to be able to look over and see his little dove rooting for him.
🍀 You insist upon being the one to help him prepare for the fight, youre the one who wraps his hands carefully. You put your forehead to his and your noses brush when you tell him to make sure he wins. 🍀You also insist upon being the one to patch him up afterwards. He doesnt like you getting your hands dirty like that, says you shouldnt be the one cleaning him up but you always argue. "Womens hands are more delicate and careful than mens, and I'm not having any other woman back here with you..."
🍀Besides its a good way of getting him alone after the fight. You love seeing the animalistic side of him that the fights bring out in him and watching him in the ring makes you want him pretty desperately...
🍀 Especially because its the only time you can trick him into being anything but careful with you. You like how hard he fucks you when he's still burning with adrenaline.
🍀And then afterwards when youre both coming down together how gentle he is with you, how concerned he is that he might have gone too hard and hurt you.
🍀He'll hold you in his lap, still burried inside you, scatter you in kisses, especially if you happen to have bruises on your neck and shoulders from his bites.
🍀"I'm so sorry little dove, do you hurt?" "Its a good kind of hurt Bonnie, it feels good," but he'll make sure to kiss every one better multiple times whilst he tells you how precious you are.
🍀Its not that he's insecure, he isn't at all, he knows you'd never pay another man any mind whatsoever, but its the principle of things... He believes in his morals and traditions and thinks other men should too... You don't hit girls, you show women respect, you protect them... And you don't flirt with other mens wives.
🍀 So if someone isn't respectful enough of you for his liking, he'll teach them a lesson.
🍀 And when he catches other men looking at you with lust in their eyes, he makes a cheeky little display of kissing you and holding you and letting everyone know youre his.
🍀 Puts his cap on your head sometimes when youre walking. Just to let everyone know youre the wife of a peaky boy.
🐀No one thought they'd see Isaiah married so young, but when he found out you were carrying his child he didn't exactly settle down but he did show everyone how serious he was about you.
🐀His father did the ceremony, it was small but lavish. A family and peakys affair, with a roaring party at the Garrison afterwards.
🐀He has you give up working, won't have his wife and the mother of his child going to work when he can provide plenty enough for the three of you by himself.
🐀You worry about him a lot. Not because you dont think hes capable of looking after himself but because you know just how capable he is of getting himself into trouble.
🐀And he does get himself into trouble, especially over you, doesnt hesitate to pick a fight with anyone whose eye you catch, now that youre his wife he takes his role as your "protector" extra seriously, not only that but he views you as his property, and no one else should be laying a finger or glance at those which belong to him.
🐀You tell him all the time you wish he'd calm down a little, get into less scraps but he says "What kind of a husband would i be if i didnt defend the honor of my wife"
🐀Really likes reminding you that youre his wife... As if you could ever forget it. Tells you youre his all the time. Makes you tell him that youre his.
🐀"Who do you belong to?" when hes fucking you, "You Isaiah, you..." "And only me..."
🐀Just because youre his wife and an honest woman doesnt mean youre having pure and honest sex... Hes rough with you, fucks you hard and fast and mercilessly.
🐀Although he likes seeing you in his jacket, he sees it as a status symbol that his wife should have lots of glamourous things of her own, so you have your own coat, which he always reminds you to wear. "What kind of husband lets his wife leave the house half dressed?" you tell him hes being dramatic.
🐀But he doesnt see it that way, he thinks you deserve the whole world, all the glamour and riches you could ever wish for, he isnt going to give you and his baby anything less than just that.
🐀Is definitely a dominant husband, has lots of ideas about the way a marriage should be and he is determined to do things properly.
🐀Tells you youre the reason he takes on dangerous jobs, that everything he does with the peakys is for you, to get a better life for you and your baby.
🐀Doesnt listen when you say you dont need anything other than him, that you only need him alive and healthy and there with you. That success and wealth mean nothing if you can't have him with you.
☘️ He comes off as cold to you sometimes. He doesnt mean to but sometimes he upsets you when he gets distant, too focussed on impressing Tommy Shelby and living up to the family name.
☘️ But when he realises what hes done and how hes hurt you he softens and warms to you immediately. Doesnt apologise for the way he has been because this is Michael and he never apologises, but he does remind you why, tells you its all for you.
☘️ Youre not sure you completely believe him there, you know some of it at least is feeding his ego, he wants everything his cousin has and more, but youre happy to let him believe that you believe his lie.
☘️And he does spoil you, youre his wife and so you must have the best, be the most spoilt woman in the room, he buys you the most beautiful dresses, has them made special for you.
☘️ His favourite thing is to buy you jewelery, especially necklaces. He has you stand in front of the mirror and watch whilst he puts it around your neck and fixes the clasp.
☘️ Then he takes the rest of your clothes off one by one, until youre only wearing the necklace, and he fucks you in the mirror, "look at all these pretty things i own," hes talking about you, "my beautoful wife, isnt she good letting me dress her up and fuck her whenever i choose"
☘️ Loves the symbolism of marriage, that youre his property that he owns you and can corrupt you. Likes that youre a well behaved, good girl who does as her husband tells her.
☘️ Kind of enjoys seeing how other men lust after you, enjoys knowing that he really does have the most beautiful woman. If he catches tommy admiring you he is both smug and pleased with himself whilst also pissed off and possesive.
☘️ In other words he has crossed a line and threatened Tommy for admiring you.
☘️ He's arrogant and it gets him into trouble a lot. You spend a lot of time soothing his wounded ego and talking him down from potential fights and bad ideas
☘️ You use sex to distract him a lot, worshipping him and really showering his ego with praise.
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jewishdainix · 10 months
While I do totaly understand how Fitz's reply to Nettle in their ride from Jaamphe in Fool's Assassin is seen as just a silly attempt to deny queerness , there is actually a lot to analyse about it!
When you dissect it it actually shows Fitz's failure to both bridge the gap separate his and Beloved's relationship with/from queerness, and the Six Duchies' understanding of it.
Let me explain.
The view in the Six Duchies on queer relationships* seems to be that they are Scandelous relationships that are purely sexual.
The homophobia we see from the characters shows that: When Starling was insulting Fitz she said that she was sure he whispered Molly's name while Lord Golden was fucking him; when Dutiful asked Fitz if he and Lord Golden were sleeping together, but not if they were in a relationship; when Chade told Fitz he knew he didnt sleep with men; Lant saying he was afraid when he first met Fitz because he heard rumers Tom Badgerlock also desired men.
Even during The Quarell Fitz talked about that same sexual aspect, saying he would never want to sleep with the Fool.
When Nettle asked him about his and Lord Golden's relationship, and if the rumors about them were true, she brought back that old idea of the Scandelous, purely sexual nature of queer relationships.
And that wasn't what Fitz and Beloved's relationship was.
Whether or not you interprit Fitz being secualy attracted to Beloved, their relationship was not what the Six Duchies' idea of queer relationships was. It was an emotional connection that their relationship was built on, not a purely sexual one with no care beyond sexual desire.
Which is why Fitz said there was nothing "improper" about their bond. Why Fitz said that what they had wen far beyond that.
Fitz was still unable to separate the idea of being in a relationship with Beloved with that view of queerness (he almost did, by the end of Fool's Fate, but whatever progress he made was undone by him repressing his love for Beloved all those years apart. Admitting he loved Beloved would have meant he was not able to pretend he got the Happy Ending he so desprately clung to, buts thats a whole other post).
But thats just the part about him not being able to seprate queer relationships from the view on them in the Six Duchies. Because of those views, he doesn't know how to recognise his feellings for Beloved (and other men) as what they are.
When Riddle told him how he remembered that he and Beloved were "very close" Fitz didn't oject like he has done with the acusations/questions that were related to the supposed sexual nature of his relationship with Lord Golden. He hadn't replied with anything, but mentioned that his silence said more than any thing he could have said himself.
When meeting with Carson, Fitz immidietly mentions how he felt a "feelling that sometimes comes of insant connection, a deep friendship that could have been".
Lets dissect that aswell, since I already put this under a readmore and dont care about how long this post gets. (@tragediegh and I talk about this quote every couple of days so everything I say here is recicled from our dms lol)
"Instant connection, a deep friendship that could have been," implies that the relationship Fitz is thinking he would have is very close, but it is not based on an actual expirience with that person, rather their first impression on Fitz - their vibe and how they look (interesting how Fitz says it about Carson, a gay man).
"That sometimes comes" shows that it is an - if not a common one - an occurence that happened multiple times.
This sounds like someone describing a crush/romantic atraction without knowing that what they are feelling is that!
The reason Fitz describes it as a "deep friendship" and "instant connection" and not "romantic feellings towards men" is because how he still view queer relationships from that homophobic view the Six Duchies have, and because of that is unable to connect his feellings towards men (amd beloved) to what they are.
* mlm relationships, technically. We havn't seen what they think of sapphic ones (even in The Willful Princess and the Piebald Prince Felicity mentions how possible homophobia only briefly, though they do seem to not consider lesbian sex as not actual sex which makes since with how their culture views reproduction) and I'm pretty sure Six Duchies people don't know about trans/genderqueer people because *gestures to everything*
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¡Mirror! Yoru x Reader
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ive had this idea in my head for awhile, im not sure i executed the prompt exactly how i imagined it in my head. the idea was that reader came across yoru's omega counter part after the alpha earth yoru died, and yoru comes across the readers alpha counter part, whos omega version died. both of which having a romantic relationship with eachother on their earths so when they see eachother after both experiencing their deaths its like them reuniting again except through a different version of themselves.
You knew it wasnt him. Well, in a sense, technically, it was. But it wasnt your him, because it wasnt your Yoru.
It wasnt the boy you spent years getting to know, initial hatred falling into partnership, which slowly fell into lust.
It wasnt the Yoru you slowly had fallen inlove with, or the Yoru you spent every second with in and out of the protocol.
It wasnt the Yoru who didnt come back from the mission you begged him not to go on knowing what the inevitable fate that followed it was.
That Yoru was gone, permanently.
Yet there he was standing within feet of you, tangible.
For a second you couldnt almost believe that it wasnt him, it looked just like him. He definitely shared a face but not the same memories.
He wore the same jacket, and his haired geled up in his same signature style. His eyes full of so much life just as once your Yoru's had.
You were more than aware of what agreeing to these missions intitled to, and that was running the risk of fatefully encountering the version of him that wasn't yours.
It'd break you.
Before coming onto the field, you were sure youd be able to keep your composure. It wasnt gaureenteed omega Earth would deploy his dopple ganger but every mission was a gamble to how you'd react upon seeing him.
You didnt hold together well.
Frozen you just stared at him, as he stared back at you. Similiar expression on his face, pure shock. Almost like he couldnt believe you were standing infront of him.
What felt like hours, which must had been no more the a mere few seconds had gone by you were finally broken from your trance when the enemy Yoru spoke up.
Not only did he look like your Yoru, the similiarity in his voice was uncanny.
You couldnt react verbally, instead, gently reaching your hand to his cheek, you softly caress his face. You dont know what possessed you to do such things, after all you were aware that this wasnt your Yoru and you were sent to eliminate any omega agents.
But then again what were you supposed to do, the shell of someone who was once the love of your life, the existence of your being, was standing right infront of you again after being so long apart.
Maybe its because you were scared to lose him again, if you werent to touch him he vanish completely like he once did before.
Though this time when you touched him he wasnt cold. Taking in the warmth against your palm. You couldnt believe you were actually touching him again. You had been longing for feeling his warmth once more, the feeling that had been so wrongfully stripped from you.
To your surprise, he didnt pull away, or even react to your touch. He stood there, unable to fathom the fact that you were standing within inches of him now.
Thats when you lost all composure. You threw your arms around the familiar body, squeezing as tightly as you could.
He didnt hug back.
It wasnt his (Y/N) and he knew that.
Just like he wasnt your Yoru.
But you didnt care if it was him or not. A vessel which resembled him stood infront of you, and that was an opportunity you couldnt pass by.
There was always the chance he could just kill you, instantly. Though you wouldnt mind, atleast youd finally be back with your Yoru if that were the case.
Perhaps everytime you got sent out on one of these missions, that it was the end goal. A part of you desperately wish death would grant you the sweet release of freedom. You wouldnt die corwardly alone like you initially planned, instead a hero on the field just like Yoru had.
There was so much you had to say to him. But to the man you were about to speak to it would be words of obscenity.
He doesnt know you.
He doesnt know.
Reality set in, like a painful punch to the gut. You quickly had released the omega agent, realizing your vulnerable state.
"I'm so sorry Yoru. Im sorry I couldnt be there for you when you needed me most."
But again he didnt say anything.
Face to face now, you could finally see how empty his eyes really looked, lifeless, contrary to what you believed to have seen.
He had experienced the pain and loss just as you once did. Deep down he knew the extent of your pain. The sleepless nights, the endless nightmares.
You both craved the touch of death.
Closing your eyes you slowly await your fate, acceptance and remorse fuel your body. Its your time, you needed it to be your time.
However you await a fate you arent granted.
Nothing but silence accompanies you.
Sheepishly you open your eyes to see Yoru no longer in your presence. Dread, yet a sense of melancholy fills the atmosphere.
It feels like the same person had died twice that day.
this was my first fic guys pls be nice idk what im doing lol. i hope u enjoy it!! feel free to send val requests ill write for more people in the future.
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bedoballoons · 1 year
Genshin Men Headcanons:
~What song they would sing to you~
(Includes: Diluc, Bennett, Thoma, Zhongli, Albedo, Itto, Gorou, Tighnari, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Baizhu, Xiao, Kazuha, Venti, Heizou, Wanderer, Kaeya, Chongyun, Mika, Ayato, Childe, Xingqiu, Cyno, and Razor!)
♪~Ghost Town: By Benson Boone~♪
He'd try any way to get out of singing to you, it's not that he's embarrassed, he's just scared you'll end up not liking what you're hearing. He sounds amazing though and each lyric is sung with so much soul...
♪~Walking On Sunshine: By Katrina and The Waves~♪
He walks up to the mic and just let's loose singing happily, dancing around without a care in the world...till he gets wrapped up in the wire and falls off the stage, the thought was sweet though! His singing wasn't horrible either!
♪~Dont Stop Believing: By Journey~♪
He is extremely red in the face, the entire time before singing saying that he's going to sound terrible...but as soon as he you realize that's not even close to true. He sounds perfect and he adds extra emphasis to the chorus.
♪~Hallelujah: By Leonard Cohen~♪
When he sings it's like you can see the story playing out in front of you, it makes you wonder if he experienced anything like it. He sounds wonderful, his voice slightly lower than normal and it made your heart beat faster.
♪~Rewrite The Stars: Sung By Zac Efron and Zendaya~♪
He sings the song a bit slower than the original almost like a acoustic version and he's slightly awkward, but he sounds good. Through out the entire song his eyes are on you and at the end he thanks you for giving him the courage to try.
♪~Thats What Makes You Beautiful: By One direction~♪
He goes all out, screaming the chorus loudly and putting a hand on his heart as the song comes to a close. He doesn't sound...the best, but he's so funny and cheerful that it doesn't matter.
♪~Just The Way You Are: By Bruno Mars~♪
He's so shy when it starts that he messes up the words, but after you give him a reassuring smile he forgets his stage fright and sings the best he can, he doesn't sound bad either! In fact he does really well and gestures to you whenever he gets to the chorus, making you blush heavily.
♪~Time Bomb: By Zach Gordon~♪
He teased you till you'd sing, now it was his turn and he wasn't happy about it, everything sounded to loud, he already had a headache from the horrid singers before the two of you. However...he sang really well and it was like he had a special connection to the song. It made your heart flutter.
He refuses to sing, claiming there's no point in it other than for entertainment and reading a novel would give the same effect. He did say he that if he were to sing it wouldn't be anything sappy or romantic, most likely something classical and short.
♪~Uptown Girl: By Billy Joel~♪
He's a absolute blast, his singing isn't perfect but he puts so much effort into the song and into his dance moves. By the end he's completely out of breath and your stomach hurts from laughing, your face is red with a blush.
♪~Leaving On A Jet Plane: By John Denver~♪
He sings so softly, taking deep breaths between most of the lyrics and you can't help but worry about his song choice. He had soul...and he would sound good if there wasn't so many pauses...was he really going to be okay?
♪~Perfect For Me: Sung By Justin Timberlake~♪
At first he said he wouldn't take part in such a mortal activity, but eventually with enough convincing and promised almond tofu, he eventually agreed. You were in pure shock...he sounded amazing and despite the song being a sad one...he somehow sang it like a love song.
♪~I Will Follow You Into The Dark: By Death Cab For Cutie~♪
His voice is very gentle and he sings so slowly, you could fall asleep to it, not to mention how good he actually sounds. Poetry and the art of sword fighting are just some of the many things he's amazing at.
♪~Tale As Old As Time: Celine Dion~♪
Not only did he play his lyre but he sang so wonderfully, it was right out of a story book and you cheered for him when it was over. Little did you know you were his inspiration.
♪~Perfect: By Ed Sheeran~♪
It was a cheesy song choice and he knew that, but it was one of the few he knew all the words to. He sang it pretty well too, even grabbing your hand and dancing with you while he sang.
♪~Walls: By Louis Tomlinson~♪
He tried every way possible to get out of singing, saying he'd rather eat garbage then sing a song, but in the end he'd been dared and now he had too. He actually put more effort into it then you expected and as he sang...you could tell he was truly feeling the emotions of the song.
♪~Sexy And I Know It: By LMFAO~♪
You were dying of laughter, your blush redder than a tomato as he sang directly to you the ENTIRE song. Not to mention his dancing...that was questionable. He truly knew how to do a show and he winked at the end...
♪~Flashlight: By Hailee Steinfeld~♪
He's completely blushed the entire time as he sings the sappiest song you'd ever heard and afterwords he had to eat three popsicles just to calm down...but it was all very cute.
♪~Somebody To You: By The Vamps/Demi Lovato~♪
He was so nervous he could barely sing and although the song was one he knew...he messed up every word, he didn't sound very good but the emotion in the song was there!
♪~Thousand Years: By Christina Perri~♪
You were shocked by his song choice at first, but as he slowly sang the whole song you fell absolutely in love with him all over again. He sounded incredible and afterwords the two of you slow danced.
♪~What A Man Gotta Do: By The Jonas Brothers~♪
You couldn't help but smile the entire time as he sang, he was enjoying himself and he sounded pretty good! He was also fairly animated, clearly used to entertaining others and it only made the whole situation that much better.
♪~Dandelions: By Ruth B~♪
He sang so gracefully, each note hit perfectly on time and in key...it was beautiful, thoughtful. He had a light blush on his face but the entire time he smiled showing his true feelings through music.
♪~All I Want Is You: By Barry Louis Polisar~♪
The song was a little silly, with more puns then you'd usually like, but the way he sang it also made it feel...romantic? Somehow it became a very special song to you both and he hums it sometimes while at work.
♪~Count On Me: By Bruno Mars~♪
He's not the best at talking, so singing really isn't his strong suit but he tried very hard and in the end he sounded adorable. He may not have remembered some of the words and he definitely wasn't in key...but he picked the song just for you.
✿Hope you have a good day!✿
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blackarmyslave · 5 years
Masquerade [IkeRev]
Pairing: Ray Blackwell x Alice
Fandom: Ikemen Revolution
Notes: really trashy writing oof
Pshh dont act so suprised its another ray thing
Alice hated masquerade balls.
She hated them with a passion. There was just something irritating about them... how those disgustings pigs, commonly referred to as men, often tried to lure her into bed; or how, every time she talked to women, their conversations would almost always end up in gossips about her family's riches that were acquired with bloody hands, and how they killed countless people under a single man's orders, not knowing the person they were talking to about it is part of said family. Yet despite her loathing for occasions like these, Alice would still have to attend, for it was the only way she could fraternize with others. Her family was shunned by society for being such a hideous and brutal one. But here, in masquerade balls, she can wear a mask and pretend to be someone else and mingle to her heart's content. Nobody would know it was a girl from a bloody household.
Once or twice, Alice had danced with a few nobilities she considered decent enough for her. Those who weren't pedophiles, she conversed with. Those who were purely sober, she'd bonded with. But it was way past midnight now and she had gotten bored of the ball. A woman can only take so much soulless dancing and meaningless political talks. Not to mention the rough mask that hid her face from bashers, was starting to irritate her sensitive porcelain skin.
With a forced smile, the young descendant of the country's most infamous household excused herself from the festivities and went to the garden. Truly, it was a beautiful garden. The flowers were in full bloom and the breeze was refreshing. Alice stretched, in a way that was very undignified. Yet she couldn't care less. Her muscles were sore from keeping up a flawlessly upright posture all this time, and she was bored beyond measure.
The itch on her face that was long there reached its peak, and Alice couldn't take it anymore. She moved to dispose her mask until a voice warned her, "It's rude to take off your mask in a ball like this."
It was a man's voice, smooth like the waves and light as the garden's breeze. Undoubtedly, it had belonged to a young man... a cool young man. But Alice despised people who dared talk to her so fondly. She swirled around to reprimand whoever it had been.
"I don't recall holding responsibility to oblige," she retorted, her prissy tone leaking with every syllable. One corner of the man's lips slowly curled upwards in an amused smirk.
"Then by all means, go embarrass yourself."
Alice scoffed with irritation. Who does this man think he is? Yes, it's true that taking off your mask is a big no in a masquerade ball, but--
She suddenly felt like smacking her forehead. If she takes the accessory off, she's to reveal her identity. And no doubt receive countless ridicules. And Alice didn't want that, especially from a man like him. Her cheeks flushed in realization. Suddenly the girl wanted to keep it on and couldn't feel the itch anymore.
"You're from the infamous Bright household, aren't you? Alice Bright, if I'm correct; twin sister of Edgar Bright, the Jack of Hearts and known as the Gentle Demon." surprise mf
Alice took her time studying the man. How had he known about her? What gave it away? What had she done to inform him of her identity? Most of all, who is this bastard? He was handsome, without a doubt, even with a mask on; black hair and intense emerald eyes, containing a youthful aura, but at the same time holding himself with such composed regality. His body was carved to perfection. He wore a simple yet dazzling dark sapphire mask with round diamonds literring it, the suit on his body looking ridiculously expensive.
Dark and regal... only one name clicked in the girl's head: the popular and widely loved King of Spades.
"I take it you're King Ray Blackwell...?"
The man rolled his eyes distastefully at the attached title. But he made no move to deny his identity, something that's against tradition. 'How hypocritical,' Alice thought dryly.
"Forget the King part, it's too preppy for my tastes," he said. "Just Ray is fine."
Alice rose a thin eyebrow. For a king, Ray Blackwell was too casual. She's always depicted him as cold and dignified, with no intention of fooling around; just like the opposing King of Hearts. Yet here he was: the Black King himself who didn't give a horse's muck whether people found out about his identity or not, speaking informally as if he'd known Alice all their lives.
'Charming-- I mean, preposterous! Ghastly!'
Well... what can she say? It's her first time meeting a man like Ray; someone true to himself and didn't stumble foolishly in a vain attempt of becoming the perfect gentleman.
But no. In the Bright household, emotions were a mortal sin. It was the biggest crime. And Alice grew up all her life believing it.
Naturally, she ignored her fluttering heart.
"So," Alice walked around the garden with Ray. She hadn't even noticed how her irritation with him had suddenly faded after witnessing his genuine personality. "The King of Spades is a fan of balls, then?"
Ray snorted. "Heck no. What makes you think that just because I attend 'em, I like 'em? Isn't everyone only here for the sake of making connections?"
"Probably." Alice would be damned if she voiced her agreement. "And does that rule apply to you as well, sire?"
Ray gave the girl a disgusted look. She only blinked, urging him to voice out what took him aback.
"Okay. One, it doesn't. I'm just here to let loose for a bit. Second... Cut that formality out! It's creepy." "Why so? Do your soldiers not address you that way?"
Ray's green orbs took on a fond light, giving Alice the answer right away, as if his memories of his subordinates were all warm and cozy. One could tell he was a good leader and a true king by just a glance of that. And maybe, she thought, he was a brother, too; a brother to the rest of his army. Alice wondered how they treated each other... did they eat at the same table? Did they disregard ranks and fraternized comfortably? Was it like a home in the Black Army's headquarters?
"They address me as a king during official business, yes," he replied. "But we're just ourselves around one another for most of the time. Parties every week or so, lots of laughter and pranks... it's like a brotherhood."
The faintest trace of a smile ghosted the girl's lips. "It sounds lovely."
From there, it went on and on. Ray asked Alice what was her favorite animal, to which she replied cats for they were elegant and had the cutest little mewls; and much to her surprise, Ray shared her thoughts. She, in return, asked him what he thought about table etiquette, and he laughed at just how preppy Alice was being. Nevertheless, he answered her, saying "I think dining fancily's fine if serious stuff are going on, like funerals or oathtakings. It's a way of showing respect. But people shouldn't be judged by how they act at the table. In fact, class shouldn't even be a social judgement or something. 'Course, this is just my opinion. And I think table manners should be kept to a minimum. People deserve to enjoy their food and time without fear of being critiqued of how classy or polite they are. They should be able to be just themselves in a table, because after all, that honesty's bound to form really tight relationships real quick, no?"
A bit more of talking and before she even knew it, it had been past 3AM now. Alice never thought it would be so fun to converse with the king. He was honest and frank, yet still respectful and even funny. They shared a lot of opinions about several topics, and one's answer changed the perspective of the other. The Bright lady wished to the twinkling stars high above she'd get another chance at talking with Ray in the future.
Now, Alice knew she shouldn't be rooting for the opposition. Her household is a Red through and through. In fact, her brother's the Jack of Hearts himself! At the back of her head, the ever-obedient little prodigy of the Bright family screamed at her to get away and cut off all connections with Blackwell. 'What do you think you're doing?!' a part of her screeched.
But right now, she wasn't really a Bright. She was just Alice. Little ol' Alice, who came to a masquerade ball in hopes of being able to talk to whoever she wants without her status bothering her. And she wasn't ready to throw that away just yet, and return to her uptight lifestyle.
'Just not yet, please,' she pleaded with her own self.
Suddenly, a slow, hopeful, smooth tune took on. It was faint and distant, coming from the ballroom many yards away. Yet she and Ray both heard it, the melody carried by the wind to their ears, and Ray took the cue.
"May I have this dance, Alice?" He asked her, the gentlest, most handsome smile on his lips, offering her his hand, and the girl's heart skipped a beat.
Had it been any other man; a pretentious, try-hard fake gentleman or a drunk bastard, she would've slapped. But no... not this one. He was a bastard, yes, the feisty part of her claimed, but he was a good bastard. A modest, decent, alright bastard.
Alice let her face be lit up by a grin. It had been her first in so long. She placed her hand on top Ray's and they both started dancing to the slow, almost-romantic music, everything else fading and all they could feel was this blossoming warmth in their souls.
And long after the song was over, and all was said and done, they still remained in one another's embrace. Red and Black forgetting their blazing feud for even just a moment; even in just a masquerade ball. They're just Alice and Ray, each silently praying dawn never comes and they'd never have to say theeir goodbyes.
Alice giggled under her breath. She'd decided. Maybe masquerades aren't so bad after all.
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darktwistydamaged · 3 years
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✨ Small minds can't comprehend big spirits. To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated, and misunderstood.
✨ "Maybe I'm a pig. Maybe I'm an ass. Maybe I'm a vermin like everybody says but I tell the truth, it's the only thing I've got going for me."
✨ "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." - #WinstonChurchill
✨ Don't tell me i'm the prettiest u've seen.Tell me I'm a warrior, tell me I'm stronger than any blows I've taken & that I wear the scars well
✨ A badass crazy, tells the truth. Soft but strong. Knows her worth. Unapologetic & honest. The type of woman u go to war beside not against.
✨ There's fire in her. If loved correctly, she will warm your entire home. If abused she will burn it down.
✨ When someone dies of cancer, we blame the disease. Suicide is a disease, dont blame the victim for losing the fight.
✨ She's a masterpiece of chaotic beauty.
✨ She's like a tornado with pretty eyes & a heartbeat. A stubborn heart, messy mind, reckless soul.
✨ We are masters of unsaid words but slaves of those we let slip out.
✨ She has been through hell, so believe me when I say, fear her when she looks into a fire and smiles.
✨ She's fire and ice, you'll fear the cold and crave the burn.
✨ She wears strength and darkness equally well. The girl has always been half goddess, half hell.
✨ She is art. What the fuck do you expect from her other than, confusion, beauty and god damn soul?
✨ Fierce soul. Brave heart. Strong mind.
✨ Sometimes hell is the person who promised you something heavenly. The devil is good at pretending to be everything you want.
✨ Like death, she was breath taking.
✨ Stop being afraid of being crazy, instead guard yourself from being "too" sane. This is the artists way.
✨ Beauty may be dangerous, but intelligence is lethal!
✨ She is both hell fire and holy water and the flavour you taste is based on how you treat her.
✨ Chaos & beauty intertwined. Whiskey in a tea cup. Angel eyes. Acid mouth. Messy mind. Reckless soul
✨ A hopeless romantic with a twisted mind and high standards.
✨ Make a plan. Set a goal. Work toward it. But every now and then, drink it in. 'Cause this is it. It might all be gone tomorrow #GreysAnatomy
✨ I will not settle for anything less than a soul deep, electrifying connection.
✨ The lips of a sinner, a devilish kiss.
✨ She has that "set the whole fucking world on fire" look in her eyes, kind of bad ass vibe to her.
✨ An acquired taste, not for the faint hearted.
✨ Nothing is ever designed to offend. You choose to get offended.
✨ Every heart is like a phoenix. It may catch aflame and burn to ashes, but it will be reborn, stronger than before.
✨ The world isn't split into good and evil. We've all got light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. #SiriusBlack
✨ Three things that can not remain hidden, the sun, the moon, and the truth. #Buddha
✨ I love you more, the more I love you.
✨ You're down, but you're not out and whatever is going on in your life, you keep fighting. #JenniferLopezTrueLove
✨ In the same way negative experiences can bring you down, having positive people around can help lift you up. #TrueLove
✨ Every ending is also a beginning. We just don't know it at the time. @shemarmoore #CriminalMinds
✨ She's a terribly real thing, in a terribly false world & this is why she is pained so often.
✨ I don't want normal and easy and simple. I want painful, difficult, devastating, life changing, extraordinary love.
✨ She never looked nice, she looked like art & art wasn't supposed to look nice, it was supposed to make you feel something.
✨ The tragedy is not to die, but to be wasted. #HannibalLecter
✨ She got her daddy's tongue & temper. Sometimes her mouth could use a filter. God shook his head the day he built her oh, but I bet he smiled
✨ U bring out the best in me. I don’t mean better manners, or a sense of maturity or whatever else this world expects of me. I mean, u make me want to climb rooftops, run wild, act inappropriately, take risks & pursue my dreams with passion & integrity - U make me feel like living
✨ I am fire. If you want something salty & sweet with no opinion, I’m not the woman for you. I spit flames often!!
✨ You have set on me, but you are not the sun.
✨ Don't let what he wants eclipse what you need. He's very dreamy, but he's not the sun. You are.
✨ Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best. - Tim Duncan
✨ I want somebody with smart intellect and a heart from hell, kisses so deep like a bottomless well.
✨ Lust is when the mind desires what the heart admires. Love is when the mind admires what the heart desires.
✨ “The world has already been too tough on her, the least she needs is tough love. Be tough when you need to be, but always be soft with her. She has thorns, but she is a flower.”
✨ She slept with wolves without fear, for the wolves knew, a lion was among them.
✨ She that dare not grasp the thorn, should never crave the rose.
✨ Hate me today, hate me tomorrow, hate me for all the things I couldn't do for you. Hate me in ways, ways hard to swallow, hate me so you can finally see whats good for you.
✨ You’re so screwed up that you make me, make sense.
✨ "If you love someone, you tell them. Even if you’re scared that it’s not the right thing. Even if you’re scared that it’ll cause problems." #GreysAnatomy
✨ "Too often, the thing you want the most is the one thing you can't have. Desire leaves us heartbroken." #GreysAnatomy
✨ A queen will always turn pain into power.
✨ "The only voice that matters is the 1 in your head. The one telling you what you probably already knew. The one that’s almost always right.”
✨ Do not hide your face. The moon is covered in craters yet still commands our attention, even in the midst of all those glittering stars. What I mean to say is, you are magnificent, for all your imperfections, simply as you are. - Beau Taplin
✨ Damaged people are dangerous because they know they can survive.
✨ The only way you can be mistreated, is by allowing yourself to be mistreated. #TrueLove Jlo
✨ Deception and perfection are wonderful traits, one will breed love and the other hate.
✨ I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow & the soul.
✨ "Each person we let ourselves care about is just one more loss somewhere down the line.." - Meredith Grey
✨ Why do we always want the ones who don't see us, instead of the ones who do?! #YoureNotYou
✨ Every time I break, I come back stronger than before 💎🔹
✨ Loving someone is just delayed pain, eventually you’re going to lose them, one way or the other. #InsidiousChapter3
✨ “She’s tough. She tries to hide it. She’s difficult. But if you make an effort, she’s worth it. She’s worth the effort.” - #McDreamy #GreysAnatomy
✨ I am not the girl the guy gets at the end of a movie. I am not a fantasy. If you want me, earn me!! #OliviaPope #Scandal
✨ It’s gonna hurt me to hate you, but loving you is worse. #CardiB 
✨ Don’t focus on what if, focus on what is. - #IrreplaceableYou
✨ “When your heart breaks, you’ve got to fight like hell to make sure you're still alive. Because you are. That pain you feel? That's life. The confusion and fear? That's there to remind you, that somewhere out there is something better, and that something is worth fighting for.”
✨ I survive because the fire inside me burns brighter than the fire around me.
✨ She feels powerfully.
✨Deeper than you’ll ever understand with a heart of endless vision for the unconditional for every aspect of the flawed soul. She’s complicated. She feels everything and nothing; the good and the bad all at once. All the time!!
✨ "And when at last you find someone to whom you feel you can pour out your soul, you stop in shock at the words you utter - they are so rusty, so ugly, so meaningless and feeble from being kept in the small cramped dark inside you so long." — Sylvia Plath
✨ If you can still find the beauty within the darkest days, sometimes, that alone is an accomplishment. When you feel like you’re drowning, like you can’t even deal anymore, stop for a moment, recollect, take a breath. Then you begin again.
✨ You like because and you love despite.
(You like someone because of all of their qualities & you love someone despite some of their qualities)
✨ A strong woman is one who feels deeply and loves fiercely. Her tears flow as abundantly as her laughter. A strong woman is both soft and powerful, she is both practical and spiritual. A strong woman in her essence is a gift to the world.
✨ All things that live, die. This is why you must find joy in the living, while the time is yours, and not fear the end. To deny this is to deny life. To fear this... is to fear life. But to embrace this... Can you embrace this?
You are stronger than you think. - #IKillGiants
✨ Being normal isn’t necessarily a virtue, it denotes a lack of courage.
✨ Like the moon, she had a side of her so dark that even stars couldn’t shine on it. She had a side of her so cold that even the sun couldn’t burn on it.
✨ Broken girls blossom into warriors
✨ A rose can never be a sunflower. A sunflower can never be a rose. All flowers are beautiful in their own way, and that’s like women too. - Miranda Kerr
✨ Inside everyone there exists a dark side. Most people rise above it but some are consumed by it until there is nothing left but pure evil
✨ Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. - #HarryPotter #PrisonerOfAzkaban
✨ Don't you ever let a soul in the world tell you that you can't be exactly who you are - #LadyGaga
✨ You either get bitter or you get better. It's that simple. You either take what has been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person or you allow you to tear you down. The choice does not belong to fate, it belongs to you.
✨ She’s a strong cup of black coffee in a world that’s drunk on cheap wine and shallow love.
✨ “Every day you wake up and have a second chance, to do whatever you want, to be whoever you want. The only thing stopping you, is you” - #SecondAct @JLo
✨ It starts with the eyes, she's got to have those kind of eyes that can see through the bullshit to the good in someone, 20% angel, 80% devil - #DominicToretto #FastAndFurious
✨ Ignoring your instincts is like blinding your soul. #TrustYourGut
✨ Let me be clear, my love is unconditional but your presence in my life is not. The moment that you prove that your value of me does not measure up to my sense of self worth — i’ll have no problem unconditionally loving the memory of you.
✨ Intimacy is beyond kisses, cuddles & sex. It’s is crying at night about your past to someone who listens & comforts you. It’s getting a headache, taking a nap & waking up to your partner rubbing your back. Intimacy isn’t all to do with sex, it’s the small things that count
✨ The people you can joke around and have fun with that don’t fit in a box, take no shit, kick ass when needed... the fiercely badass, kindhearted, deep down sweethearts and that are kind of assholes but not full assholes. Yeah, those are my kind of people.
✨ Everything is temporary; Emotions, thoughts, people & scenery. Do not become attached, just flow with it.
✨ It's okay to put your heart on your sleeve. Okay to have that softer side - the softer side in the sense of being able to listen, to deal with fear, to not always be so dominant. 😋 @shemarmoore
✨ Just a reminder: You’re whole without someone else. You are not a fraction. You’re a complete masterpiece all by yourself; you do not need anyone else to validate your existence.
✨ To the women of the world. You’re sexual. You’re soulful. You’re emotional. You’re spiritual. You’re magic. You’re both of the light and the dark. You’re human. Don’t deny any aspect of who you are. A healthy soul is a whole soul.
✨ Be the villain you were born to be. Stop waiting for someone to come along and corrupt you. Succumb to the darkness yourself.
✨ Being dark and twisty is not a flaw, it's a strength.
✨ We're all in the same game, just different levels, dealing with the same hell, just different devils.
✨ She is the kind of dark you only see in a cemetery in October on a haunted Halloween night .
✨ #Chemistry - an attraction that can’t be quantified or explained
✨ All you can count on is now, this moment, because in a blink, everything can change - #Dexter 
✨ The smallest thing can change your life. In the blink of an eye something happens by chance, when you least expect it. - #TheLuckyOne
✨ Sometimes, finding the light means you must pass through the deepest darkness - #TheLuckyOne
✨ Sometimes things hit u all at once. You’re up one day, then down the next. Life is one big wave. All we can do is flow, adapt & transform.
✨ There are three types of people, those at the top, those at the bottom & those who fall. - #ThePlatform
✨ There are things that will happen that will make you feel powerless, that will make you feel insignificant but that’s it, they’re just feelings and sometimes you have to stop feeling & start doing. #Underwater
✨ Yeah I’m somebody’s DUFF, guess what? So are you, so is everybody. There’s always going to be somebody prettier, more talented or richer than you. That should affect how you see yourself. - #TheDuff
✨ Made wiser with heartache. Made stronger by pain.
✨You don’t have to climb a mountain to stand on top of the world.
✨Even the ugliest of places can be beautiful as long as you take the time to look.
✨It’s okay to get lost, as long as you find your way back.
✨ There is beauty in the most unexpected of places
✨There are bright places even in dark times, and if there isn’t, you can be that bright place, with infinite capacities
✨ Physical attraction is beautiful, but it’s the mental attraction that leaves you wanting, needing, craving.
✨ Jealousy - A sign of insecurity, a sign of weakness, a sign of obsession
✨ Like roses we blossom and die.
✨ I have absolutely no need to be liked or understood.
✨ I'd rather be scary than cute. Cute isn't always memorable, but nobody forgets scary
✨ Greatness, lies not in being strong but in the right using of strength. He or she is the greatest whose strength carries up the most hearts, by the attraction of his own. - #Wonder
✨ This darkness of mine cries out for light and all you did was lurk in the shadows. - 🖤
✨ Your demons, your darknesses are part of your masterpiece, your beautiful dark art
✨ What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle.
✨ “We owe it to the people that we lost, to live the lives that they can’t “ - Meredith Grey 💔
✨ You only get mad because you care. Anger is often an expression only shown towards people and things you care about the most.
✨ To live, is to suffer and to survive, you’ve got to find meaning in the suffering.
✨ She is the wolf they could not ensnare, the voice they could not silence and the fierce wild spirit they could not destroy.
✨ I’m not tearing down my walls for anyone again, you want to know what’s inside? #Climb.
✨ You're a flower. Don't compare yourself to weeds just because they grow faster. 🌷Slow growers have the most resilient roots. 🌱🌻
✨ To find me; you must first unbury me.
✨ Bury me in a dark forest, smelling of the earth, alone with the creatures forevermore.
✨ She’s part lady, she’s part wild, and she’s all fucking storm.
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