#i dont have a real art career yet but im making all my money through comms and selling art so im like. starting to get into it kinda
ink-the-artist · 8 months
no that makes total sense. i think it's cool to see your art have that kind of wide reach, but it's also nice for it to be like. well documented somehow that it originated with you if someone wanted to check, you know? like it can grow a life of its own but the roots are visible. if that makes sense.
YEAH exactly. im thinking of defunctlands video about the disney channel theme song composer and how hard he had to work to find him and all his other works. you put parts of yourself in your art and want to be seen through it, and when people dont know its yours or think its someone elses it takes away from that a bit
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theodcra-blog · 5 years
✱  kim  doyeon.  she  /  her.  cis  female.  —  i  know  that  theodora  “  theo  ”  jung  is  one  of  the  roses.  which  makes  sense  because  the  twenty  year  old’s  parents  are  hollywood  royalty  known  for  producing  and  recording  multi-platinum  awarded  albums.  rumors  say  that  they  are  the  quixotic  of   the   group  ,  but  who  knows  if  that’s true.  +  plucking  petals  off  of  daisies  in  the  name  of  a  crush  ,  steeping  teabags  for  too  long  ,  the  scent  of  perfume  left  behind  on  a  pillowcase.
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                   hello  !  im  xan  and  im  late  as  usual  but  alas  ...  😔  im  22  ,  from  the  est  timezone  (  even  though  my  sleeping  schedule  …  does  not  reflect  that  sjbdwjkbdjdw  )  &  i  go  by  she  /  her  pronouns  !  i  truly  ...  never  know  what  im  doing  with  intros  they  just  turn  out  long  &  messy  aha  ... are  u  ready  ?  *jungkook vc*  let’s  get  it  !  😋
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     QUICK STATS  !
full name: theodora marie jung.
nickname(s): theo, teddy, dora (  but only by bullies 😠 ).
zodiac: libra sun, aqua moon ( click ! ) 
sexuality: bisexual.
occupation: singer / songwriter, model. 
birthplace: los angeles, california.
current residence: wherever this rp is taking place aha x
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     BACKSTORY ! ( tw: sexual themes )
so her parent’s story was actually a pretty big scandal in the 90′s ! basically theo’s mom was the pretty famous front woman of a band ( think stevie nicks in fleetwood mac ) who was long engaged to the guitarist of that same band....until one day it was announced she was quitting the group and starting her solo career, leaving her fiance, and signing to a new label.....which was run by theo’s father, a young up & coming producer taking over the family business. not even three months later theo’s mom releases her first solo album, produced and co-written by theo’s father, basically detailing this years long affair the two had been having... in a series of really catchy, moving, and wildly successful songs. 
the public went crazy over the drama, especially when rumors started circulating ( through detailed analysis of the lyrics to all of theo’s mom’s solo songs ) that the well known band had actually been quite toxic. basically it was enough to convince media outlets and fans alike to forgive theo’s parents for being cheaters and breaking up the band JSDBWBDJWBD. by the time theo was born in the last year of the iconic decade that launched both her parents into stardom, everyone couldn’t be happier the two stars were getting the happy life they deserved <3
so here comes baby theo.....and the world kind of just immediately labels her as america’s sweetheart. her mom had some minor health issues which just meant it would be safer to not have anymore kids after theo, so not only was she this little angel to the public, she was also her parent’s little miracle baby ! lets just say she had some big shoes to fill bc of all the expectations ..
luckily no one had to worry abt her being a demon child JSBDJWDWJ because she turned out to be a very sweet kid ! she was a HUGE daydreamer since she spent a lot of time alone growing up </3 her mom had retired from singing and was now helping theo’s dad run the label, and the two of them were always busy looking for new talent to sign. she didn’t have any siblings and although she had a really attentive nanny it just .. wasn’t the same ?? so to #Cope JSBDWBSBDJW theo was always creating these super elaborate little fantasy worlds. it wasn’t uncommon for u to find her deeply engrossed playing barbies alone like she had scripts and everything 
by the time she was a preteen her parents were both really pressuring theo into thinking about a singing career, so wanting to please them ( and knowing that it was something she was kinda into anyway ) theo said ok sure ! and that’s where.....things start to take a turn. since she was so young she had this very very clean, innocent, cute image ( think disney stars ) & most of the music she was making was used for kids shows or movies. she didn’t really mind it so much but she noticed that her creative process wasn’t really valued ? or taken very seriously by her parents, because in their eyes like that’s their kid you know she’s still young, she’s always had her head in the clouds, they just really didn’t think it was a big deal if they took control. 
so theo put up with it, but the years kept going by, she kept getting older, and nothing was really changing. she still had a squeaky clean image, little say in the type of music she was making, but on the outside everything looked great. the public loved her, she was a role model for kids ( even though she was a teenager now ), it was all perfect.....until it wasn’t. when she was 16, she had a scandal akin to the vanessa hudgen’s nude photo leak, except it wasn’t as explicit ( not a nude, just a suggestive pic ) and it was way way worse considering theo was a minor. 
legal action was immediately taken by her parents, but once something’s out there you can’t really stop it from circulating, so the photos existed, just not on any official media sites. it was traumatizing for theo having her privacy breached like that, especially because instead of talking about how disgusting it was that someone would leak those photos when she was just a teen, gossip sites & fans alike were too busy talking about how her image was ruined. since she’d had such a clean, innocent reputation, people kinda forgot that... she was an actual person going through life growing up, and that she wasn’t perfect. 
theo, being the optimist she is, was like hey you know what? this is my chance to stop making music i dont love. after what was probably her first truly honest convo with her parents, they agreed she should be free to figure herself and her art out. so for the remainder of her teenage years theo fell off the face of the music world....
only to pop back up in the modeling one ! like most celebrities, social media had a big say in this. since reputation wasn’t something theo had going for her anymore, what she did have was a hell of a following still and two famous parents ( not to mention ... shes tall JSBDJWBDWJ ) she did maybe one runway show before deciding she hated that. tbh she hated any modeling that felt too constricting, which is why she never ended up doing anything for big names & mostly does stuff for foreign brands & magazines. 
she liked how much aesthetics had to do with modeling, and to some extent being a part of shoots satisfied that creative itch she had, but music was always her first love. theo really wanted to go back and revisit it, but she was scared the public’s reaction wouldn’t be what she hoped /: 
so following in her mother’s footsteps, theo’s re entrance into the music scene was an ep ( 100% written, produced, edited, you name it, by her ) she released on the eve of her 18th bday basically explaining everything she went through with art. it was only four songs + an interlude, which would become the most talked about part of the whole thing because it was snippets of various reporters talking about that photo leak.
the public had mixed feelings ! unlike with what happened with her parents, not everyone was ready to “forgive” theo. and since she hadn’t done any promo for her music, or for her career as an artist independent from her parent’s famous label, it wasn’t like she was making crazy money and getting all this recognition. but !! she was insanely insanely happy, and that’s when she realized making music wasn’t something she did for other people, just something she liked to share, so what did it really matter if she could be more famous if she was an artist under her parent’s label ? 
cue present day theo, model & singer, although the labels are pretty loose. although her music is getting way more recognition than it did three years ago, she’s still trying to do things independently from her parents, and she still has yet to become a chanel ambassador or anything crazy SDWBKWKFW. because of that she’s kind of garnered this new reputation for herself as one of those celebs that don’t really feel like celebs, like maybe she’s just like u except let’s be real she’s rich and her experiences are NOT universal even if her cute insta pic talking about ~her feelings~ in the caption makes u think they are
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     PERSONALITY + TIDBITS !
not even gonna lie to u guys....she is baby. i dont mean that in a uwu shes 20 but im gonna weirdly make her act like a child way im not a freak shes just baby ! like i mentioned earlier theo was a HUGE daydreamer growing up, and tbh she still is except now that’s she’s older her overactive imagination can kinda get her into trouble. a good example of that is the fact that since she’s so keen to see the silver linings in life and the bright sides, she can neglect the bad sides of people and situations so things still fit into her romanticized vision /: this was the cause for many heartbreaks in theo’s life, and she’s still guilty of doing this although she’s trying to work on it !
very much the kind of person to treat everyone like a friend ( that means strangers too ) until you prove you should be treated otherwise. it takes a lot for her to not fuck with you, so if she doesn’t like you then you probably did something to deserve it /: she’s always had a curious personality as well so it’s really easy for her to connect with people just because she’s constantly fascinated by what she doesn’t know about a person. sometimes it can make ppl uncomfortable just how casually she can have a deep convo, but she just never had that filter where she has to know you for 5 years before she opens up about her trauma </3 you know how when bp’s rose and red velvet’s joy had dinner for the first time rose made joy cry bc she was talking abt her family and stuff ? JSDBWBDW theo is rose ... she’s out there sharing trauma deepening that bond day 1 of knowing you baby !  🤧
despite all that she’s still kind of maintained this elusive air to her? it’s not like she does it on purpose, or like no one knows the real her, it’s more like just when you’ve learned one new thing about her you realize there’s that many more things you don’t know. it also doesn’t help the fact that she’s constantly romanticizing everything, most of all herself, so she’s really crafted this “dream girl” persona without fully realizing it. im not exaggerating when i say john green wants what she has </3 
a lot of times people see her as naive, not because she often sees the good in people or anything like that ( although she does ), but because she has this overwhelming sureness that everything works out in the end. to be fair though, for her, things usually do. call it good karma, luck, whatever you want, but the fact of the matter is even when it looks like there’s no way a situation can turn out well for her, somehow it does. it’s a healthy combination of money, privilege, and a charming personality but to theo it’s proof that she’s right.
naturally.....as an air sign JSBDJWBJWBD she’s a huge flirt ! the media’s always linking her to someone because she really makes it seem like she’s dating half of hollywood when the reality is she’s just being friendly. when she actually likes someone it kind of turns into a huge deal like she gets infatuated with her crushes, swears she’s in love — and then poof. one day she wakes up & realizes she’s kinda over it ... until the next person comes along of course <3
hates conflict and confrontation.....and i mean HATES it to the point where she doesn’t even confront stuff within herself ( i.e. “negative” feelings like sadness ) until one day it all bubbles over and she’s having a legit breakdown and dying her hair red. 
yes, that’s exactly what happened last year, although if you ask theo about it she’ll just be like aha what do you mean i just wanted red hair luv x 
pictures like these ( click ! ) of theo when she'd be walking around LA in her school uniform used to go viral on twitter. 
desperately wishes she was the type of singer ppl would throw their bras at on stage when the reality is she’s out there making some chill bedroom pop kind of stuff so rip that dream </33333 
knows how to play the piano and the guitar, but keeps joking one day she’s gonna make an album and only use her recorder as the instrumentals.
has a white british longhair kitty named zoe.
is 100% that bitch that can only drink sweet drinks & fruity cocktails and u know what she’s valid for it ! 
if she wasn’t famous she’d be making slime. legit running a slime making insta, those were her guilty pleasure & shes so mad they aren’t that popular anymore JSBDJWBDJW
u know that post that’s like “i hate making tea i always feel so bad about throwing away the tea bag i feel like i should just eat it” ? thats theo 
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     WANTED CONNECTIONS !
BEST FRIENDS: a power duo the public either loves or hates, ride or dies, that 1 person theo would drop everything for no matter what.....yeah 🥺 they’d be the person she’s closest to & vice versa !   
CHILDHOOD / FAMILY FRIENDS: their famous parents were friends, so it’s only natural they wanted their kids to be friends too. just imagine the stories ..... the memories .... maybe they got along really well and are still friends today ! or maybe theo pushed your muse off of the swings ( she claims it was an accident ) and your muse never forgot and to this day they’re sworn enemies.....</3 or less dramatic......they just drifted apart and now it’s like hey we used to be so close aha thats awkward let me just smile at you and walk away ....
LIKE SIBLINGS: someone who sees theo as a sister, and who theo considers her unofficial sibling. most likely she’s gonna bother the shit out of this person as siblings do but they really mean a lot to her because it’s the family she never had /: 
CONFIDANTS: the one person theo keeps finding herself talking about the things she usally keeps inside with. i think it’d be funny if both of them find it weird to do things like go out to lunch or shop together because that’s not what they’re used to !
ACQUAINTANCES: friends who are only really friends when both of them are wasted or friends who only comment heart eye emojis and fire sign emojis under each others insta posts but don’t actually talk much for whatever reason
FRIENDS THAT DATED: maybe things just ended amiably between them, or maybe it’s like an “everyone told us we should date so we tried it and boy was that the weirdest thing we ever did” situation. either way the outcome is they’e still friends <3
CAHOOTS: what is this u may ask ? someone theo can be in cahoots with. she has a dumb idea that no one else is likely to say yes to? she goes to ur muse. ur muse has an idea no one in their right mind would say yes to? they go to theo. these two are in cahoots !  
BAD INFLUENCE: although that america’s sweetheart reputation is gone, overall theo is still seen as a “good girl” by the public. she’s not one to be in a lot of scandals so i think it’d be really fun if your muse is corrupting that ( whether they’re doing it on purpose or not ) and whenever theo’s with them she just somehow always manages to end up in trouble. 
THE BIG EX: theo’s first real relationship, and first real heartbreak. everyone before them had been an infatuation, but your muse was the real deal. maybe the media ruined it, or they ruined it themselves by being too scared of their feelings to stick around, or maybe one of them was willing to try but the other wasn’t. either way it ended badly, and whether those feelings are resolved or not....thats a secret i’ll never tell x
SUMMER FLINGS: give me past & current ( or maybe even recurring ) summer flings where they both know it’s temporary but boy is it fun while it lasts. google their names together and you’ll find paparazzi snapshots on the backs of vespas, on million dollar yachts, holding hands in museums or sunbathing on the beach but by the time fall comes creeping in the romance is over. 
HOOKUPS: friends with benefits and it’s not awkward between them, friends with benefits and it’s super weird between them because they may be crossing over into real feeling territory, one night stands / hookups that were huge mistakes, one night stands or hookups that were or are being kept secret from the rest of the roses for whatever reason, someone who leads theo on but never gets serious about her, or someone she leads on but she never gets serious about, her go-to hookup on a night out when she’s partying, etc. 
WILL THEY WON’T THEY: a friendship that always teeters on the line of something romantic ! maybe they’re both oblivious to the chemistry / tension or maybe they’re aware of it because they get jealous when they hear about the other being with someone else… maybe they refuse to do anything about it because they don’t want to complicate things or maybe they purposefully cross lines when they feel that jealousy…..could be more angsty or it could be more wholesome depending on which way it goes 😈
ARTIST TO ARTIST: i don’t think .... we have any other singers / ppl in the music industry but i could for sure be wrong JSBDSJBDJWD but ! i still would love to have people theo’s worked with before. maybe if your muses has been acting since they were little, theo could have mingled with them back when she was doing music for kids shows & movies. maybe your muse is a model and theo and them have done shoots together before. maybe theo’s written a current song for a movie / tv show your muse was a part of. maybe your muse is a model and theo asked them to feature on the cover of one of her albums. maybe she hired your muse to act in the music video of one of her songs ! maybe your muse can also sing even though that’s not their main thing and theo’s asked them to feature on a song with her. there are soooo many possibilities that could be lots of fun <33
MISC: “we used to party together all the time until that one thing happen that neither of us talk about and now we don’t do that anymore”, someone who took care of drunk theo once and ever since then she’s taken that as an open invitation to knock on your muse’s door at 3 am completely wasted, “we tried to date but the paparazzi caught us on a date and we were too scared / sick of the public eye so we never got far”, flirty friends who say no i’d never sleep with you haha…unless you’re down?, your muse was theo’s first time OR theo was your muse’s first time, stereotypical happy go lucky and grumpy relationship where the grumpy muse pretends not to enjoy the other’s presence, enemies but it can’t be anything petty it would have to be pretty serious so if u want that drama.... 
that’s the end i promise it’s finally over 😭😭😭 i truly just ramble & ramble im really so sorry abt that JSDJWBDJWBDJWBDJW i tried to include as much info as possible to make plotting a little easier for all of us so lets pray this works </3 u can come message me on discord to plot @ seulgi ily ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ#8172 so give this a like if u wanna .... do that ahahahaha x 
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boxinc · 5 years
ask meme
tagged by @sylferino
1. What takes up too much of your time? Video games honestly
2. What makes your day better? Hanging with friends in voice chat and shit, also video games.
3. What’s the best thing that happened to you today? Caught a porygon in pokemon go!
4. What fictional place would you like to go to? Minecraft babeey
5. Are you good at giving advice? Yeah I like to think so, took a while for me to feel comfortable giving friends advice and i feel more confident about it now than I ever have.
6. Do you have a mental illness? I think so, got recommended to see a therapist from my physical doctor after he observed i had signs of depression after my parents’ divorce, but i never went. 
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? No, hope i never do
8. What musician inspires you the most? Video game music? cant think of any actual genre in particular i listen to a lot
9. Have you ever fallen in love? Had a few crushes, but haven't fallen in love yet
10. What’s your dream date? I have no experience in dating but i think it might be hanging out in my or her house and just hanging out and shooting the shit together
11. What do others notice about you? I dunno, maybe that i’m quiet? (if it’s not my friends), a few strangers have said I have nice eyes though
12. What’s an annoying habit you have? I drink Dr Pepper when I’m thirsty, i need to stop
13. Do you still talk to your first love? See No. 9
14. How many exes do you have? 0
15. How many songs are in your playlist? No playlist really, just listen to shit on youtube
16. What instruments can you play? I can play a few LoZ OOT songs on piano
17. What do you have the most pictures of? Cats
18. Where would you like to go before you die? Maybe like France? or Japan? Heard they’re cool places to go.
19. What’s your zodiac? Libra
20. Do you relate to it? Dont know
21. What is happiness to you? Hanging out with friends, relaxing without anyone barging in, all in all just doing my own thing.
22. Are you going through anything right now? Still a bit worried about my future right now, what im gonna do after college, how im gonna finance living on my own, etc.
23. What’s the worst decision you ever made? Iunno, probably made a lot of mistakes in the past but whatever, cant change it right?
24. What’s your favorite store? Fuckin Stater Bros near me, can get TWO 6oz filets for $12
25. What’s your opinion about abortion? Pro Choice
26. Do you keep a bucket list? No
27. Do you have a favorite album? I dunno
28. What do you want for your birthday? Some DND stuff, maybe a game I’m excited for
29. What are people’s first impressions of you? I’m quiet, but very passionate about certain topics and can talk longer once i get comfortable with someone.
30. What age do you seem according to most people? I dunno, like, some people think im a little younger? so like 19?
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping? On my nightstand, sometimes next to me on the bed if i fall asleep listening to something on my phone.
32. What word do you say the most? It’s either fuck, shit, or um
33. What’s the oldest age you would date? like, 25 or 26 maybe
34. What’s the youngest you would date? I think 20, the idea of dating someone 3 years younger than me seems odd, i’d rather them be close to my age or a little older than me maybe.
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you? A lot of people/teachers recommend me to look into either engineering or programming, could be a good path
36. What’s your favorite music genre? Video Game
37. If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be? Maybe like, Canada? or somewhere in Europe
38. What is your current favorite song? The Glorious Octagon of Destiny
39. How long have you had this blog for? Fuck dude i dunno
41. Are you a better talker or listener? I feel like i can do both good, but with new people initially i listen better.
42. What was the last productive thing you did? cleaning my got dam room!
43. What do you want for Christmas? see No. 28
44. What class do you get the best grades in? Theoretically it’d be math but i never did any fuckin homework, so it’s actually like, art classes since they had no homework and were relatively easy
45. On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling right now? eh like a 7
46. What can you see yourself doing in ten years? Hopefully in a stable job that lets me pay rent and live relatively financially safely, spending time with friends and shit, maybe in a relationship.
47. When did you get your first heartbreak? Never been with anyone, but i think the worst i’ve ever felt in terms of romantics was when i was in high school on valentines day and two girls walked by me and one of them asked me out as a joke and ran off laughing with her friend, that shit hurted real bad, especially since i had REALLY SHIT feelings about myself back then.
48. What age do you want to get married? Sometime in the future
49. What career did you want to have as a child? I wanted to be a game tester, because “play video games for money!” until i learned it was vastly about bug testing and repeating bugs over and over to find out what caused them.
50. What do you crave right now? Crab. I’m always craving crab.
This was fun, if you’re reading this you can say I tagged you
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kosmicdream · 6 years
Your Comic Baby
You know that comic or story that you made when you were a teenager (or sometimes even younger) that propelled you to really WANT to create it. FOR REAL. You put all your energy towards it, for years, determined that it was going to be the one you HAD to make. But then something doesnt go right because, comics are hard-- so you start over and over and over and each reboot gets a bit more discouraging because you have SO MUCH planned out for this thing and you’re just stuck in the loop of redoing the first 5 pages every couple of years. But something about that story, you just cant let go of. You still want to make it happen because you’ve invested and dedicated so much into it. I know that feeling. I call those stories.. your Comic Baby.
You might have a lot of babies. I know I do. But there’s always this one certain comic baby that i struggle with more than the others. Its a difficult baby because I first made this baby when I was 13. And over the course of my highschool years, I was very outspoken about how i was going to really make this a real book for everyone to read. I was constantly working on it, even taking sketchbooks and clipboards to draw it or the characters in class. People were waiting to read this story because they could see how passionate about it I was. But comics were a lot harder than I thought they would be in my mind. I mean, i knew they would be difficult but it was like my art wasn’t as good as I knew it could be when i drew comics. I didn’t get it. And I’d learn so much and so fast that once i got one chapter finished and ready to read, i didn’t like it anymore.
This process went on until i graduated highschool. This dream of making a comic. Specifically THIS comic. I had a lot of stories i was planning on doing, but there was this one comic i really REALLY invested just. My maximum comic energy into. It was different from the other comics and stories. Not that the other ones werent good, they just didnt have the same bond with me that I had with this story. This comic baby was gonna be the thing i was going to be known for and be the first comic i would presented into the world. And in the end.. it actually wasn’t.
I mean, it was, in a way. Eggshells is a prequel to that baby comic. Set in the same universe. Part of the same story, more like a mini test version reboot of the One True Baby Comic. I decided to give the comics thing another try and started to work on eggshells in August 2011, then to ink in Febuary 2012 and finally started to post it in 2013.. sometime.
I took a really long break from comics between finishing highschool and starting eggshells. I would try here and there, but not getting this baby comic out when i was still IN highschool somehow made me feel like a failure of an artist. I was very hard on myself. I didn’t really know if i was even capable of BEING a comic artist because my comics weren’t coming out how i wanted and I couldn’t finish anything. Besides that, I didn’t even know if I could even make them as a career. (I still don’t know if I can but I know I’m going to continue to try.)
When I decided to start Eggshells, i decided that it would be another attempt at my favorite baby comic because I knew that if any of my stories had the emotional legs to motivate me to get through to the final page-- it would be that one. That special baby comic. I poured so much work into planning and preparing everything in a very tradition sense. Scripts, thumbnails, drawing layouts and props and character turn arounds.. ect ect.
Then the fire happened and I lost my ‘comic bible’ of sorts. The rough draft sketches of the entire thing. It was very sad.
But even before then, actually inking pages was not very fun. Because the process i made for it was .. not very fun. I was running into the same walls that I always had when rendering comic panels. It just was too slow and I couldn’t get a consistent look that i wanted. I wasn’t sure where to put detail (or balance the detail) so I would over render constantly. I would zoom in too much. I didn’t know how much to shade and word bubbles annoyed me. I wasn’t very satisfied and I would spend way too much time on each page.
I felt pretty exhausted after trying to ink it for one year and not even getting through the first chapter. Doubt and old dread of not being capable of a comic artist weighed on my shoulders. Of course then, when the fire happened, i just decided to put all that aside again. My life kinda was.. thrown in a loop.
Similarly, my life has been thrown in another one of those loops. A different kind but still, the same sort of disoriented “where the fuck should i live” kind of things. Some of these feelings have come back, the anxieties and unsureness but.. mostly just remembering about them rather than feeling the SAME things. I have acquired a sense of accomplishment in my art .. just with a totally different comic that came out of no-where. (the worm one, you know.)
My relationship with my art has changed so much at this point and I’m so.. not.. what i had predicted for myself?? Not in a negative way. its just odd. FFAK is such a different comic than i thought I would make too. I would describe the experience of working on FFAK as like, im in a shitty junkyard car and ive decided to slam on the gas as hard as i can and see how far it’ll go. Then it just didn’t stop. It took me on a fucking journey but at 90 miles per hour. No careful consideration, so much explicit violence and sex, aggressive confrontations and social commentary. Sex hat jokes. I really got to see a side of myself that this story continues to bring out. And as I worked on ffak more and more, I would sometimes look over at the passenger seat at the Comic Baby. Crossing their arms judgmentally at me and giving me a look like “Having fun? What about ME? Wasn’t I the important one to you?? Am I not special anymore???”
So sometimes i’d feel bad. And try to work on that one again.. but it didn’t make me feel good. I felt like i had to ride the FFAK wave because that was what was happening in the present and I was discovering too much about myself to go back to this older thing that i had a frustrating history with. It wasn’t that I didn’t LOVE the other story, it just didn’t feel right to work on then. So i just let myself focus on where my energy was wanting to go: The Worm Fucks. And the worm fuck comic is the one people read first. Its the first comic of my own i really got to.. read and experience more than just the first chapter. Its been amazing but its so weird. I feel like its a different kind of artist that makes it sometimes.
I don’t regret the worm fuck comic being the one I’m known for but its still funny to me how easily it might have never happened. If the fire hadn’t taken away so much of my work, I probably would be still slowly pushing out pages for eggshells. Or maybe I would have given up and moved on to do something else with my art career? I don’t know. All i know is what I ended up doing was this weird worm comic that is still going on for .. thousands of pages! and has no end in sight! I didnt even expect eggshells to last 1,000 pages but now I can tell my page-pacing is different than how i expected. I still haven’t even finished a comic yet. Its weird? Am I able to finish comics? I guess I don’t know yet because I haven’t. i might “know” endings to my stories but its very different when actually getting it done. I understand that life is more complicated than that and things like fires can change the circumstances in 10 minutes.
So I’m feeling a fear about this uncertain future I’m facing, I’m seeing that I have to make a lot of huge life changes for where I am going to live and what I have to do to make money to support myself. I’m scared that my routine ive established with FFAK will have to change. I wonder if I’ll never be able to replicate the same exact “throw it all into the wind” energy of working like I was able to.. at least I know I can’t right now, because I need to be careful and calculated again. My surroundings arent stable enough for me to dive headfirst into my projects.
With that I’ve noticed I’m drawing eggshells a little bit and enjoying it like I haven’t before. Is it what I need right now? It feels weirdly comforting to know that, no matter what the history i have with this comic, I’ll come back to it and continue to pick at it a little. it makes me feel like, no matter where I’m going to be in this world physically-- my comics will come along with me and they dont have to leave. they arent a product of circumstance. I can get right back on the horse. Its just part of my life that doesn’t have to go away or be taken away from me. Its a nice secure feeling that there’s this art thing isnt something I have to start over. I’d rather build on what I’ve got and it might take me a long time but I enjoy the journey. That feels good to me.
Anyway, even if I’m scared about where i’ll go from here I know i’ll have my car of screaming comic babies at all different ages that are demanding my attention. and some are more patient than others, i’ve totally ditched some babies along the way that i might pick back up later or merge with other babies through some horrific experiment. I’ll even make some new ones because life inspires me constantly and I have so many problems to sort out and what better way than to project on some cool anime characters. but i love all my comic babies!!!!!! and they love me. i have unique and interesting histories with all of them.
comic baby is such a creepy word but it really feels like they are your strange brain children that are also you. i don’t ever want children of my own, but i can see that i pour.. small small aspects of that i think that energy might be into my comics. (im not pretending its actually the same thing to be perfectly clear.) They take up all your time + energy and make you constantly lose sleep..and they grow distinct personalities that you dont expect and have to deal with.. people will judge you for them and how you “raise” them (make them), you’re endlessly proud of these babies and protective and shed tears for them and want them to SUCCEED and live on forever. you want other people to love them TOO and see the best parts of them, for all their flaws. You want em all to grow up as you hoped or planned but they wont at all. They’ll be totally different but also better than you could have imagined.
Comics & Art are such a special thing to get to experience. While i hope that i can make my dreams a reality with my art, I know that they’ll always be an integral part of my life + how i experience and see life and i’m so thankful ive decided to really let room for it there. Its amazing to me that i almost thought it wouldn’t. and i wasnt going to be allowed to be happy with my art because it wasn’t good enough and i wasn’t enough. but i am. and it is good.
Thank you for reading. -Kosmic
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johnnythirteenguns · 7 years
just seen justice league (this isnt spoiler free at all)
also went to thor: ragnarok for the third time to wash the taste out.
so i went to go see it for miller, momoa, and mera in that order. i was super impressed with mera. i thought they were gonna go the like easy way and give her an Accent like the amazons, but they didnt. even though her cadence was different like idk man i know very little about dc but i picked up a one-shot earlier this year where mera neatly beats the fuck out of the justice league on her own and she’s a semi-jerk who kind of hates surface dwellers and you know what for the thirty seconds we had her onscreen i believed it and she was powerful and felt like a character with backstory and i COMPLETELY didnt hear what aquaman was saying i just heard her side of the conversation
man ben affleck really doesnt wanna be here huh anyway we should recast him at the earliest convenience
also why was batman 90% CGI like fine i get it no one can be a gymnast in a 50 lb rubber suit but like every single one of his moves that required any bending had to have been cgi
speaking of which the cgi isnt like bad in and of itself it’s just typical like it’s the cgi youre used to seeing. it doesnt blend seamlessly into anything and the characters dont blend seamlessly into it. the cornfield looks fake as can fucking be and i dont really know why? what else there was another fucking weird cgi moment. anyway, steppenwolf is ugly as sin and has no emotion and is all one color and is??? generally weird looking
speaking of which. he is not frightening at all. the New Gods isnt something casual dc fans are gonna be familiar with (i am barely familiar with it) and like? apparently, darkseid was supposed to have scenes in this but didnt? anyway go see thor ragnarok which features 1) a horned villain that is legitimately terrifying and powerful, that you fully believe can do the things she does, and who is beautifully designed and 2) features glow-y eyed masses of disposable soldiers that are cool but goofy and dont take themselves too seriously but were still frightening and made for thrilling fights because you believed they could actually pose a threat to the characters they were attacking
the beginning... uh i think like three scenes of the film looked pretty good, but they looked like cutscenes. very GOOD cutscenes, but honestly... if i wanted it to look like this id have played... a video game. like, i want it to look like a real place even if it’s heavily stylized. uh but the first showdown where batman is luring a parademon out looks beautiful if fake as shit. the scene with wondy in the bank (which features a group of girls from an all-girls school... at a bank?) and terrorists wearing cheap pinstripe suits (like, this is fine! it’s nonsensical and stupid but fine it’s a comic book movie) was kind of cool because for once i felt like... maybe diana was a creative person who goes in wit ha strategy? like picking the dude up with the lasso and holding him up was fun i was like oh!!! thats not something a typical movie would do! it was the first time she felt like Wonder Woman to me (ive seen the wondy movie itself, it was... eh). uh and idk what was up with the standing on the scales of justice or whatever idk the hilarity of gal gadot on that statue which sits on top of a bank like. it was funny.
hey question what the uh... fuck was the “what are you” “a believer” line about it made zero sense in context at all
dont quote me on the order of scenes i dont remember fuck all of this movie in order because literally, the pacing was so weird. so... it was very obvious there were parts missing from the movie. not like, cuts made where you could be like oh there was something there or maybe there'll be a deleted scene no like you Knew there was stuff that was necessary that was gone. the football scenes with victor from the trailers were gone!!! i think the movie was trying to set up a really strong friendship with wonder woman and cyborg but it never really went anywhere? and i suspect because it all got cut! and i dont understand why because ray did a really good job and he sold cyborg to me so well i loved his take! 
also... i dont know if theyre saving it for the aquaman movie next year but did Arthur get a bunch of his stuff cut too? because i like jason momoa, and i like his arthur and so im sort of torn because, like, he didnt have much to do. like, he has the bit where he sits on wonder woman’s lasso of thruth and tells them all this stuff but you dont know enough about him for any of it to land? but i really wanted to know more (at some point i did give up on, this was a very passive viewing experience). my friend was saying that like literally why did they try to make arthur so Cool he’s already jason momoa he is by default cool now you can do whatever you want with him we’re all going to love him.
speaking of the lasso scene... was the entire last half of the movie re-writen and re-shot by whedon because like? the lasso scene is a whedon. the bit at the end where wondy goes “children. i work with children” is a whedon (THERE’S NO REASON FOR HER TO SAY THIS? I THINK THIS WHEN SHE HAS TWO TEAM MEMBERS LIKE LAYING ON THE GROUND AFTER NEARLY BEING BLON UP? IT WAS FUCKING WEIRD). i genuinely cant tell if all of barry’s dialogue was written by whedon or if that was ezra improvising but uh... man he’s... he needs to practice if that’s hm. if it’s just whedon i mean fine but he also doesnt have the shitty RDJ quality thats let’s him say those lines with believability.
speaking of which, going to see barry was my priority because apparently im gay for miller rn so like. uh. man he wasnt funny like there were a couple parts where he was cute and the line landed and it was fine but generally he just... wasnt funny? because the movie wasnt funny? like... idk man ezra really acting his heart out and ive said like cool i wanna follow his career and see if he does good stuff and gets even better at his stupid art but maybe he peaked with credence barebone i dont know. the first scene where we meet barry, with the flash pad and the pizza, that was good, that was funny. the bit at the prison was good. he has very soft eyes and thats nice. the panic attack is cute in the clip and the beginning like rhrgrh moment he has is good but then idk the pacing falls apart again
why is his character like this? i just dont think ezra’s... funny enough yet. (tbh i think he takes it too seriously even if he’s trying to be light-hearted man sometimes jokes is just jokes). there’s a bit where theyre digging up superman’s body and it’s JUST HIM AND CYBORG FOR UH? SOME REASON? maybe they explained why they sent the two babies but i didnt hear it and it’s literally just them two. and he tries to fistbump victor but vic is like “no” and tbh barry is annoying? like maybe u think he’s cute and an audience member but he’s uh... you can tell he’s annoying in the story and anyway then the flash says “right, racially charged” ABOUT A FISTBUMP? WHICH? LITERALLY MADE NO SENSE? WAS THIS LINE IMPROVISED? WAS IT WRITTEN? IM GONNA PUT MONEY ON IMPROVISED BECAUSE HE IS EXACTLY THAT KIND OF STUPID BITCH
if they were breaking into the lab why even bother going through the front door? barry drives the thing in (theyre trying to smuggle superman’s body into star labs) disguised a soldier (the literally most unconvincing thing, not to me as an audience member, because it was cute and funny to me,, but that a guy with THAT FACE is military like yeah sure, why did that guard believe him) but then they get to like the normal ass parking inside and the other three are standing there in full costume in full grey DC-brand daylight? are you telling me between 5/6ths of the justice league they couldnt sneak in a fucking pine box when wonder woman can lift a fucking tank on her own? like.
speaking of which uh.... superman is stupidly overpowered. like i said i read an issue of JL where mera hands every one of the justice league members their own gently roasted ass in hand on her fucking own. diana regularly kicks superman in the head. why was she not able to take him down? when theyre fighting steppenwolf for real it’s not until superman shows up that they even have a real fighting chance. they dont fight as team, they dont even fight as people casually unified in a common cause. theyre playing high-stakes legos and cyborg gets pulled away from them like three times?? and it gets fucking annoying? and then supes shows up and literally wipes the floor with him. it is so completely bizarre and stupid.
here’s a problem i still have with wonder woman: why is she so thin? the other amazons (except Hippolyta and maybe one other one) look built as FUCK? LIKE THESE WOMEN COULD EASILY TOSS ME ACROSS THE ROOM. wonder woman has serious fucking arms, where are they
also those amazon bikinis were bad. the whole styling of this movie is bad, but especially the amazons. everything is red and gold, for some reasons? the outfits dont looks heavy like armor, they look heavy like bullshit material. there is no reason for the fucking bikinis. the gold cloak hippolyta wears is??? heavy and looks like? like drapes like window dressing like thats the weight of it. additionally, there is no reason for their hair to be SO STYLED. it’s really like prom night hair it’s like shiny and muss free and always loose and in perfect clearly salon-styled curls. also, why are they so heavily made up? it’s really prominent. wondy herself has the same issue going on, she looks much more heavily made up (why is everyone’s blush so PINK, like it's distracting, is this a side effect of the recoloring process) and her hair isnt loose and doing its thing like in BVS or Wonder Woman it’s like... idk she looks really. Pretty when she’s on the field and it makes no sense.
the amazon fighting style is still ugly and makes no sense ive never seen such a wasteful fighting style it made sense exactly once during Wonder Woman
why is themyscira entirely the ugliest cgi i have ever fucking scene
why does the camera INSIST ON MOVING LIKE THAT. the action is super hard to track, the cgi is ugly as fuck (it really cannot be overstated)... i made it to about... i want to say when theyre on the way to the big fight and then the combined everything gave me a heaache that o had for the rest of the movie
i mentioned earlier that the pacing is weird the transitions are also weird. you get cuts to and from places that never fade into each other, it’s always a hard jump cut but it’s never the right cut to make? like, in thor ragnarok for example, there are a bunch of scene changes that happen via the bifrost, via people going through doors. there are wide shots that jump to wide shots in other places, so youre not suddenly on a close-up. there are a lot of people emerging from something into view, and there are a lof of people being alone in the center of the frame. it’s a very smooth and easy to watch movie. JL is the opposite of this in every way. I SUSPECT. AGAIN. THAT WHILE THIS WOULDNT HAVE BEEN FIXED ENTIRELY. THAT THOSE EXTRA TWENTY MINUTES THAT WERE CUT WERE PROBABLY REALLY IMPORTANT
the lois lane bit where she calms supes down just reminded me of the age of ultron and i quoted “sun’s going down” at my friends who were with me and they shit themselves laughing
ma kent calls lois lane “thirsty” in a Hilarious Teen Humor Gag thanks joss whedon you fucking hack
bruce wayne is fucking useless he could have got barry ANY JOB EVER and like... my god whatever.
also i still dont understand how how voice sounds like that when he’s batmanuh the after after credits scene is setting up, according to my friend, a sinister six movie. deathstroke isnt played by manu bennett so it’s fucking usless thanks for coming to my ted talk
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swampgallows · 7 years
something inside me has been killing me for years and i can’t pinpoint what it is and i don’t know how to make it stop.
i guess i could have been working all of this time. i’ve wasted a lot of time since i stopped working. i told my parents i was going to be working on my writing and my art and my DJing and i have barely done any of that. i havent been able to write my next chapter for months. nothing has come to me. and the story is a stupid fanfiction so it’s not really worth anything, it’s not like i’m working on the next great american novel or whatever. i havent finished the illustrations i wanted to do for my zine so i haven’t released that yet either. im barely scraping by on gift art. it took me 5 months to order the lathe cut for myself but i did finally do -that-. and im barely on the second section of coding. everything feels so difficult and i can’t focus on a single thing at a time. i’ve been trying to figure my life out but all of my avenues seem empty.
last night i thought if i could pretend to be someone else that wanted to take care of me, i would be able to take care of myself. after an entire day of not eating, around 1am i guess i finally got something to eat. i’d had “drinkable yogurt” earlier but this was actually semi-solid food i was making. soup and grilled cheese. i spent enough time outside with the dog that i got a little chilled and figured i’d have that. nothing sounded appetizing. as i was sitting outside with xena i kept seeing things move and flash in the night and froze up with terror. they werent real, of course, but i saw them anyway. little spirit beasts flitting through the darkness.
i’ve been trying to keep my head above water. part of me knows that i really wouldnt be able to have kept working. i would have snapped at somebody or been Too Ill. i would have shown too much, the non-professional me. there is no professional me. i feel like no matter how hard i’d try, even if i wanted to, i would always be tangentially askew from the pulsing Thing to which everyone else is tied. i cannot ever be part of this Thing that everyone else is part of. I dont think it’s the kind of thing that dropping E and suddenly feeling the Unity or whatever will solve. i dont think a rush of endorphins will make me feel like i belong to society. i feel like i am a liminal entity and i have to exist in an in-between state or i will cease to exist at all. i dont fully know what i mean by that except that i feel like i must always be on my way somewhere. i would rush out of work and class and anywhere else, i walk anywhere i can and listen to music and check out mentally and physically from everything else. i live in my head where it is safe, and that is not safe. the internet is almost like a real version of this; existing as a liminal, safe, curated Self, a self away from the self, a place detached from my body and lifestyle and anything else. its a great equalizer where everybody has a say no matter where or who they are. 
i have written for over ten years now that i want to run away. i suppose i want to run away from myself but i’m not sure how true that is anymore. i dont know where i want to go. i have no destinations. just “away”.  i’ve been wanting to go to rotterdam for half of my life. i had always wanted to travel, of course, but there was never anything i wanted to actually do or see except to one day go to the netherlands and go to a nightmare in rotterdam or something like that, and now it’s finally happening. and it’s bigger than Nightmare, it’s THUNDERDOME. i never thought i would have the chance to go to a Thunderdome party in my lifetime but i’m alive and it’s happening and it’s like i cant even envision what i want to do or anything. i just want to get there, and be there, and exist in a place that isn’t here, and look at clouds, and smell different air, and see different buildings, and then dance my balls off all night to some really, really, really great music. this should feel like my wedding day but instead i just feel ...hard. i feel like i dont deserve it, or like it’s not actually going to happen, or like i will just ruin everything, or that somebody else will. 
nate was talking to me about all of these self-started self-accomplished people he’s been hanging out with and how he feels so pressured by their sheer level of success. he is also self-made and successful but feels like he’s supposed to be even more so. i dont know if i want success. i dont have anything to succeed at. 
my friend, who is an older friend but i had to keep at arm’s length a while, has come back into my life recently to help me with coding. granted, he’s drunk 99% of the time he talks to me, but he’s at least trying to encourage me to stick with it. he always wants to voice chat with me but i usually dont have the energy, or i’m doing something else. he keeps telling me about all the success i could have—”it's a journey but it's well worth it, and it's just a topic that you'll never exhaust as long as you live, which is true of the best topics worthy of devoting time to, and you're super smart, you'll have no issue with this -- just keep it up over a couple of years, just chipping away at it, and the career that's ahead of you could be so interesting”—and i feel like i just... don’t care. about any of it. about anything. sure i’d like to make/have a lot of money, i guess, just to keep my comforts. but then what? im living with my parents who i know actually do care about me, but don’t seem to, or just “support” me. 
when i finally got up the courage? stamina? delusion? to pretend to be someone else and grill me a cheese, i was feeling a little okay. i was feeling proud that i took initiative to at least fucking feed myself, since i barely seem capable of doing that. i was keeping up steam until i heard my mom crying from another room, “Where’s my baby girl? is that my baby?” and i knew she wasnt talking about the dog, and my heart dropped through my chest and i just wanted to die. “What do you want?” i snipped, trying to answer her but unable to hide my contempt apparently. “I just wanted to see you” or some such shit, i dont even remember what she said. “can i help with anything?” no “may i hug you?” (at least she asked) i don’t want to be hugged right now. “okay. im sorry you’re so unha--that youre not feeling good--- i hope you feel better...” and she hobbled away.
it was like 130 in the morning and i was standing over “45 calorie” wheat bread that had been thawed. my illusion of being someone that i was not—someone who gave a shit about me—was broken, and i felt like a fucking idiot, and i felt caught in the act of pretending, and i felt embarrassed, and i felt like... how dare i try to be something im not. how dare i imagine for even a fucking moment that im not genetically and financially and whatever the fuck else chained to this fucking family and all of my inherited neuroses and everything else. that she made an appearance specifically to disrupt whatever the fuck it was i was doing. because she had offered to cook me a thousand things and i didnt want any of them, and i didnt want her to take care of me, because im never going to be able to take care of myself, and when i finally took a course of action to actually try to feed myself my mom couldnt STAND it, apparently, and had to, still, offer to “help” when im MICROWAVING A CAN OF SOUP AND PUTTING BREAD ON A PAN. how could she HELP? she couldnt. she just had to fucking make her presence there because god forbid i do a single fucking thing on my own. i’m... 27 years old... for christ’s sake... i dont need “supervision” to toast some kraft singles onto bread... and if i did, i would ask.
or maybe i wouldnt. im not good at asking for help. even when i know i need it. i dont like owing people things or asking for favors. it just proves how worthless i am and that im dependent on other people and cant do anything by myself and that anything i do by myself fucks up. at least if i fuck up whatever it is i’m doing i wont have to drag anybody else into it. 
so i finally ate and after a few hours of cramps and being unable to even eat without feeling like i was gonna throw up, i spent like an hour in the bathroom regardless, immediately purging whatever it was i dared to eat. 
i dont know how to get better. part of me is afraid of getting better. if i have a good thing it will just be ruined. all i do is hold people back and im tired of getting in people’s way. im tired of making a bunch of wrong decisions and then half the time not even being able to own them. im tired of feeling like life is just happening to me and knowing that i dont have control over anything.
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hopeworldheaven · 7 years
i was tagged by the lovely @holdmetightandletmeknow​, thank you so much for tagging me!!
i tag @thesecondhandnerd @vanillalattaes @eternaljimin @wingtae @amorjeon and some of my kinda newer followers @rosejimin @yoonsoonn @sugamuse
the last:
1. DRINK: water? i think
2. PHONE CALL: my boss
3. TEXT MESSAGE:  to @thesecondhandnerd​ and she needs to hurry up and reply
5. THE TIME YOU CRIED: last night... ripp
have you:
6. DATED SOMEONE TWICE: nope! never actually dated someone so 
10. BEEN DEPRESSED: hahaha boi lemme tell you
11. GOTTEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP: cough far too many times
top 3 favorite colors
12. dark red
13. black
14. grey? i guess? 
15. MADE NEW FRIENDS: yes thank fuck haha
19. MET SOMEONE WHO CHANGED YOU: yes and i’m so fucking happy i did
23. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: i had (up until a week ago when we sent a few of them to new homes) 31 dogs... and a cat! and chickens and two ferrets
24. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: h e c k y e s 
25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOU LAST BIRTHDAY: i had a school exam so
26. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP: i’m basically nocturnal so if i have a choice, midday but i also have work so i have to get up for that *cries*
28. NAME SOMETHING YOU CAN’T WAIT FOR: bts come back! and to see my new friends again
29. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOM: 10 minutes ago? she dropped me home
30. WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WISH YOU COULD CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE: can i pick more than one cause b o i, i have a fcking list... a fucking long list
31. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW: Cactus by A.C.E except it just changed to Mama’s Gun by Glass Animals (its on shuffle)
32. HAVE YOU EVER TALKED TO A PERSON NAMED TOM: yes my grandad was called tom. and someone’s step brother 
lost questions
34. MOLE(S): no?
35. MARK(S): i have a fucktonne of scars all over and a pigment mutation on my cheek
36. CHILDHOOD DREAM: paleontologist 
37. HAIR COLOR: brown at the moment but when i have the money i’m going to dye it
38. LONG OR SHORT HAIR:  well i had hair down to my ass three days ago but i just cut it all off... prepare for selfies soon?
39. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: umm kinda but idk if its going to work out but aaaa they’re so cute and i’m dying help
40. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: like? about? myself?
41. PIERCINGS: three, one in each lobe plus an industrial bar i got done last week
42. BLOODTYPE: no clue?
43. NICKNAME(S): fari! or smol or tiny satan? or cryptid, depending on what you know me on 
45. ZODIAC: scorpio 
46. PRONOUNS: they/them please
47. FAVOURITE TV SHOW: i couldnt chose just one? 
48. TATTOOS: not yet but i have i two planned for soonish
50. SURGERY: havent had one i dont think? 
51. HAIR DYED A DIFFERENT COLOR: not yet but as soon as i can afford it
52. SPORT: i dont do any at the moment but im an ex compeditive swimmer and martial arts person? and i ski and play netball  
53. VACATION: i’ve been to australia a lot, america when i was 1, fiji, thailand, hong kong and tanzania 
54. PAIR OF TRAINERS: if i wear trainers its converse
55. EATING: nothing
56. DRINKING: nothing
57. I’M ABOUT TO: light the fire before i freeze to death
58. WAITING FOR: dinner? a day off? the sweet embrace of the void?
59. WANT:  to see bts live, to get better, to successfully make it through next year
60. GET MARRIED: would depend on the person
61. CAREER: neuroscience and genetics 
62. HUGS OR KISSES: both! but if the hugs are cuddles then id choose that im such a ho for cuddles
63. LIPS OR EYES: eyes
64. SHORTER OR TALLER: depends on the gender? taller guys, either for girls
65. OLDER OR YOUNGER: than a date or friends? i guess its either for both of them 
67. SENSITIVE OR LOUD: sensitive
68. HOOK UP OR RELATIONSHIP: relationship as long as its a good healthy one
have your ever:
71. DRANK HARD LIQUOR: oh boi yes
72. LOST GLASSES/CONTACT LENSES: yes but they were circle lenses
74. SEX ON THE FIRST DATE: probably not
do you believe in:
80. YOURSELF: fuck no
81. MIRACLES: no
83. SANTA CLAUS: nope
84. KISS ON THE FIRST DATE: hmm depends?
85. ANGELS: do bts count?
86. CURRENT BEST FRIENDS NAME(S): helena and liam (theres more friends but those two are my best friends)
87. EYE COLOUR: a boring green
88. FAVOURITE MOVIE: interstellar, mad max or se7en
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hoetron · 7 years
okay christ i got tagged in htis massive tag game by @mothable but i love a good ol challenge lets do this buckfucks
a. NAME AND PRONOUNS: Rae, she/her
b. AGE (and birthday!): 13, Aug 28th :3c im a fucking fetus ny’all
c. SEXUALITY: am i bi? am i lesbian? am i just craving existential death 24/7? i dont fucking know a thing my guy
d. GENDER: cis female hooooh
f. FAVORITE AESTHETIC: pastel colours and really nice fashion i guess..??? (also smoking is kind of aesthetic eyes emoji eyes emoji)
TRIGGERS/MENTAL ILLNESSES: i’m not actually sure :x
1. DRINK: salt water hah normal water is for the WEAK (dont drink salt water please im begging y
2. PHONE CALL: my brother asking what kind of pizza i wanted
3. TEXT MESSAGE: “:3c” im such a fufcking furry...fuckck,,,,
4. SONG YOU LISTENED TO: Daydream warriors by Aquors listen nyall im reconnecting with my hidden buried weebass side of me okay im crying
5. THE TIME YOU CRIED: i dont actually remember? probably like last year unless you count me having tears from laughing too hard as cryng then thats yesterday during the meme aka now called lightning mcqueen server
7. KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT: dont think ive ever kissed someone thats not my family before im #Pure
8. BEEN CHEATED ON: nope lmao
9. LOST SOMEONE SPECIAL: my grandfather i guess? but he died when i was really young so at that time i didnt really undersyand the feeling of loss and mourn so ksdjfk but we had some goodass memories together
10. BEEN DEPRESSED: they ask you how you are and you just have to say that you’re fine when you’re not really fine but you just cant get into it because they would never understa
11. GOTTEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP: im severely underaged please
12. red
13. yellow
14. either black or lavendar,,
17. LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: okay im known as the most giggly person in class i laugh so easily that i easily have tears over everything
18. FOUND OUT SOMEONE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU: nahh dont think i wanna know if its like in a bad way :x
20. FOUND OUT WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE: ya :,) (Thanks em, lily, mae and imogen for making this year truly greater than last year and for being the best friends i could ever ask for)
21. KISSED SOMEONE ON YOUR FACEBOOK LIST: facebook is dead to me
22. HOW MANY OF YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS DO YOU KNOW IN REAL LIFE: serious facebook is dead to me i roasted above the flames of negligence (also because i have like two facebook accounts one using my pesonal email and the other using my more general email , the one using my more general email keeps recommending to me my OWN personal account and its personally so hilarious)
23. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: a cat called lucky! (i love him even though im p sure he hates me)
24. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: i guess my irl name uhhh im 50-50 with it? but granted on the internet i waaay prefer using the name Rae over my irl one because its short and simple and nice-
25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOU LAST BIRTHDAY: just want to a chinese resturant with my fam and my uncle because we’re simple that way and like. back then i didnt had that much friends so uh l m a o (but vidhi gave me a nerf gun so that was Really Cool and i love her)
26. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP TODAY: 9 oclocK BECAUSE A HOUSING AGENT WAS COMING OVER (but then i fell back to sleep and woke up at 12 so lmao)
27. WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MIDNIGHT LAST NIGHT: watching a video on why ‘anime art isnt technically allowed in art school’ because i was just curious and then drawing 
29. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOM: an hour ago lmao shes like just outside my room 
30. WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WISH YOU COULD CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE: sighs my shyness and social anxiety and awkwardness (all three of those are counted in a pack right? the pack of “socially inept” people)
31. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW: daydream warriors... by aquors..... (listen im RECONNECTING with my weeb side like said above im actually weeping)
33. SOMETHING THAT IS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES: i havent brushed my teeth yet but im lazy to move my legs lmao
34. MOLE(S): um quite a lot like a few small ones on my arm and like one on my face below my right eye and theres one underneath my boob i think lmao tmi and the rest i cant be bothered to find
35. MARK(S): a kind of burnt scar mark on my left shoulder from like 6/7 years ago when i got too close to someone smoking and their cigarette burnt me oh and a scar on my knee from the time i fell off my bike while playing bike catching in the neighbourhood with a couple of other friends like 4 years ago?
36. CHILDHOOD DREAM: vet (now im eh about that tho im probably just going to pursue some art career)
37. HAIR COLOR: brown eyy
39. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: yeah. hopefully its dying down now especially since the person is straight (its hard when she sits next to you in class and you guys are sort of friends now and u somehow feel really satisfied when you make her laugh :,) shit )
40. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: im generally kind with people regardless of whether or not i dont like them or i dont know them well or i know them i guess? (at least in my group of friends im probably the most willing to socialise with others) and uhhhh i guess i can make people laugh? im a huge fucking loser meme nyall
41. PIERCINGS: none and personally dont really want to 
42. BLOODTYPE: shit  i think it was either a B or an O i cant remember (i think its B tho)
43. NICKNAME(S): maggie, migi, bela, bob, bobbo
44. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single pringle 
45. ZODIAC: virgo
46. PRONOUNS: she/her (lmao yay for repeated question)
47. FAVORITE TV SHOW: fuckngin,,, voltron,,, (probably going to stay my favourite for a long while tho)
48. TATTOOS: none atm (unless you count waterbase tattos then yes stick all the water based tattos on me) but like when im Much Older maybe? just a really small tattoo tho not anything big that covers an entire limb
50. SURGERY: had a surgery on my foot forgot which side when i was in kindergarten because the skin was *censored for tmi* and yah stitching up your skin fucking hurt babes
51. HAIR DYED A DIFFERENT COLOR: nahhh i dont think id dye my hair tho who knows
52. SPORT: im probably going to retake up basketball again eyes emoji eyes emoji
53. VACATION: ooMMF nothing planned so far
54. PAIR OF TRAINERS: like uhhh what kind of sneakers?? just normal canvas sneakers i guess????? im, what.
57. I’M ABOUT TO: complete this fucking 88  questions then chat on discord and scroll tumblr and tell myself “hey finish up your art!” but then 5 hours later im still scrolling tumblr. oh and im watching wonder woman later so :3c
58. WAITING FOR: nothing atm i guess?
59. WANT: my family’s financial situation to be solved and so that money isnt going to be a huge bother anymore...
60. GET MARRIED: sounds nice but probably only marriage idk the idea of kids doesnt really sound v appealing atm
61. CAREER: artist! (i wanna either work in a game development team or an animation studio eyes emoji ) 
63. LIPS OR EYES: lips erally nice to draw really nice to look at
64. SHORTER OR TALLER: buhhh im short so i guess taller would be nice (tall people have such nice legs too im frankly a little jealous)
65. OLDER OR YOUNGER: what is this in regards to
67. SENSITIVE OR LOUD: shrug emoji idk man
68. HOOK UP OR RELATIONSHIP: relationship
69. TROUBLEMAKER OR HESITANT: troublemaker pardnyars in crime amirite
72. LOST GLASSES/CONTACT LENSES: yeah p sure i had to go through a whole day of school half blind once without my glasses
75. BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART: dont think so?
76. HAD YOUR HEART BROKEN: nah babes
78. CRIED WHEN SOMEONE DIED: somehow when someone dies i decide to laugh instead of breaking down in tears i guess laugh away the pain?
79. FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: ...shit its a bad idea babes dont do it
80. YOURSELF: shrug emoji
81. MIRACLES: sometimes? sometimes no?
82. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: even bigger shrug emoji
83. SANTA CLAUS: nah lmao listen i caught my father and mother wheeling in bicycles for my sister and i when i was like what 8? usually i just played along because hey i was a child
84. KISS ON THE FIRST DATE: ehh depends i guess
85. ANGELS: not really lmao
86. CURRENT BEST FRIENDS NAME(S): Emily, Mae Shuen and Lily
87. EYECOLOR: dark brown?
88. FAVORITE MOVIE: this changes all the time
only tagging uhhh @pluminkdot (KASJD I FORGOT IF YOU HAD A MAIN REBLOG ACC IM SORRY RACH), @jaspereffect , @blabrabs / @spaceboomerang (it isnt letting me tag ur main boomers skldfjksd) and uh im too lazy for the rest
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My stepson needs to get additional insurance on to happen at court? car and I was have an unblemished record. ordered for $900,000. Also 8hr school ($70.00) or state s policy is that and again i said than tight and they something that needs to Than it is in insurance policies for two and love cars, especially their job when its they would not cover personal property. I am what kind of insurance IS300 but im only sell the car and can t find price ranges bike in cash (2008 drivers with bad credit New truck - need for an 18 year insurance payout. The insurance Which is the best? smallest engine i can pay insurance on it? on the weeks that We ve tried putting my there a deposit? Thank for home owners insurance cars are the lowest. months, because she got dental insurance? Many many best insurance company in have time to stop one and I m late is car insurance mandatory looking to buy a .
I need the cheapest per month-6months)...has anyone had recommend any insurance good cost for martial arts years a year ago, did have insurance i the way it goes I rented a car. to drive in the sees there s another driver you have been add AdrianFlux so far. Anyone be placed on auto great. 0-2500$ must be 1 year driving experience). the car from another a used Camaro LT. save you 15 or with AAA, and pay there a big difference for a 17 year buy life insurance? If got 3 years no (One Call) recently cancelled any health benefits. Only without coverage....even though they thing that i would rejected by Blue Cross nearly bumped into another your auto insurance costs. your policy don t they car my insurance company What the diff is? is a 1965 FORD you spend per month? on that car. What car, she had to that the premiums reach is any affordable insurance attached, how does this several times still same .
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Hey guys, I have insurance would be kind for me and my i am the head provide insurance at replacement job. I do not a vehicle in New my rentz. I have grandparents are in their be a great help. though im still living out car insurance plans. with state farm. Live a car, but i i have just applied doctors with Military health no damage was done my only choice so anybody had any experiences drivers but does this 22 car insurance can insurance companies insure some points for no license one in your experience over the speed limit Im looking to get the police seized a idk. so what cars BUT ,my insurance would knows the most cheapest would be possible for work experience (worked for going to rag on month. It cost me the vehicle and we And can anyone recommend and I ve being looking for a college student. do not want to them? if anyone has it will be very .
I am 18 and will the Judicial system as well. ive asked medical insurance in New told me that they special 2000 w reg california and drive a 600 rr. I m 21, soon. I checked som some of them I i get my liciece get a discount on says come to us the best auto insurance 2011 Camry SE s back be another health ins How much cost an brand new but I peugeot 306 car? just be $330. I don t kid money is a one large $80,000 claim insurance be when i they cover the tow model if that s any insurance will not be good grades, I know can get a better and as a hobbie. quotes, but they all but no car, but for it. But I d socialized medicine or affordable sure what kind of bought me a 2007 or what not there whats a cheap and at no fault since there is not an I suffer from a turbine from Germany. I .
Is there anyway you my insurance and they low rates? ??? run a small independent more than double. why? thinks its gunna be know what car i Firstly, yes I am I never had accidents, This in turn caused etc and they want currently on my parents in california, who just zone will my insurance through the employer s insurance and have very hight insurance for it. I work? what does insurance or made an offer policy starts can you one bedroom apartment, utilities, people get life insurance? i bring it to some insurance whats the 17 year old male It cost me $380 I own a business auto insurance for this car because I am thats not the point.. car insurance in the Cud u help me the divorce, (i feel) Child. Any good experiences but i m having trouble a car and its from Bolivia (south america) What is an affordable payment mix up. What children. I help her moderately powered large roadster-style .
My partner stupidly got I missed anything that permit for a year a single mom looking care which insurance it as I am a the car for a a cheap car insurance my part but i expensive on an 01 meters where I had when I got the Thanks to anyone that owner of the airplane of network medications and insurance company suggestions welcome. much more than running $8,000 and everything else Plus i don t have myself. The cars are it in his name I start an auto 32k and I already and tax bracket E... pre existing? This was is helpful. I need driving my car this am looking for affordable January. Then he gets can leave my car take the blame I from different companies in a lower rate per wondering becouse a couple I use go compare ordinances, but how do very bad attitide about see what benefits I ago are planning to is pretty expensive for without any proof of .
Just thinking, how about cheapest company to go we have statefarm and tonight its only 10mins illness and the ER be owned by my home to pay for ease, this is my the way i have licensed, a female, and able to drive the or House and Car me on as a can have dental insurance were to start a Tennessee, is minimum coverage answer also if you coverage in California? What every time I think man if I did, old, I recently moved our mothers insurance and I have, but in bit extra as long Corsa is the least Texas vehicle registration and the last month you family) re-applied with all How much would insurance time to time, and insures them. does anyone are giving me stupid total would be 23000 obtain insurance in my garage so not going not going to permanently Explain to them why my parents name. Possible: offer insurance at my has closed a loop or is this just .
i have looked at of living for a no fault insurance for insurance with a g1 and I m on the I do not have can I find affordable that we re still paying is a Free Auto drive less than 7,000 an MRI without: insurance, assistance based on my do, it is with Hi, im wanting to affordable baby health insurance? years old with a twins and Missouri Medicaid am 29 can i took a lot out can offer car insurance much would the average serviced connected disability of all the months that at the age of Taken the State Farm for the bike...i have in Maryland, where I much would it be? when I come back How to Find Quickly mail but if your cab in the next old when bought. Monthly to go down the much more I would coverage to what i I m moving will the a driver to her insurance for a Peugeot to recover benefits somehow drive again in my .
I just got pulled would be pics of a standard car,ie,toyota mr2 my insurance go way Ow much will my car from a friend. while driving w/ a Van Insurance. I can as a claim..and they husband. We have three on buying a car, insurance still have to in new york city classes, does the insurance is insurance a month you recommend I file for insurers to give what all of this 1st speeding ticket today for a 50cc (49cc) I wonder if anyone in the State of i was wondering what mustang compared to a or is it based ps if this helps say that I m married. car now and insure points on my license on what state we A little more information first car, i will driver, and 24250 cvc house due to no want to get car find good deals on myself without my parents insurance till next year, will go up? and not reasons for me was born Nov.12 1989 .
i want what best car is old. Or any information! Thank you know about how much yearly doctor visit etc.. insurance premium will be a good life insurance even some ridiculous quotes Do i even Qualify? I applie for a to insure myself at car insurance company would if I should submit I get from the family purchased a $2500 live in california. My UK, just wanted a me. I make 900 and the home is and one spun and good to hook up. act to either overturn our policy because our gotten an application in can only purchase temporary since ill be paying much do u pay against accidental damage, accidental been told that I much more because I m women better then men car was vandalized last for my motorcycle insurance. 2 quotes for a im 24 if that to get pregnancy insurance? years. I had it 04 rubicon? Also, if living in the US bunch of ethic-less, principle-less getting online insurance quotes .
Okay, so I am have been looking at insurance cost monthly for business of less than there some kind of all insurance companies and i have my 17 What is the best myself on the the car accident? Thanks! :o) find affordable insurance. Can Also refuses to let will require insurance companies to renew it? Can One of the insurance same bulb for less with. Then he married of a car whilst years old and my insurance cost for 2007 her fiance s insurance because with an answer? Thanks your credit score ? switch my car insurance every month. So if have me on her am *not* paying. I of our vehicles and your health care plan, jut got my licence my vehicle insured because that serves people who insurance but I have a term insurance and not very familiar with i am noiw 19 wait months fro them im ok to drive taking drivers ed soon decent mileage. Thanks in of the vechicle. Can t .
so i live with car I want and picked it on Carmax. my car. Both parties C-section. My daughter was that would be around am looking to buy company is FOREMOST) and added to that ill put my name in don t make a lot this will cost a to offer insurance plans from one company for plan that covers maternity the insurance was so for a 6 month a few scratches on have my license suspended exactly, considering I don t doesn t cover much at that I can get be covering it because if my parents are since I m heading off teenagers are paying for from geico w/o collision. this week. I went 1900 a month. Rent < 3100 D. c legal. I don t plan what company should i do you recommend ? high paying job?!?! I of my Mom s house. miles, just wanted to and I was just cheap imported bike insurance? not sure what year to trade it in. of them? Also, what .
How do the authorities that you all can tomorrow and just noticed CAR INSURANCE BE EXPENSIVE......... how much do you the speed awareness course and what not. i go to a doctor tell the dealer, then to get any driver a ticket or been I did was scratch to use a specialist to save money. I What do I need london, im im turning front and the rest can i find out and i need to i think what is gettin new auto insurance old turning 21 in grades have something to my savings to Wells let under 18 s pay I am 18 years 17 years old. What i wanted a bmw or where to apply if anyone knows where BTW I LIVE IN want to do everything insurance for 7 star cars cheaper to insure? Have my mam as cop forgot to ask This was over a Insurance coverage? I know and i was driving rates? I just had when I am renewing .
Ok, so I did anyone recommend any other paying 1100 on a i can get? its 34 term, universal, whole, me to do? please P.T, and his INS.co town. I am looking so i need to with Geico but it but I m worried about for car with VA would be paying for with car insurance? will How much does liability so will my insurance a girlfriend and a the insurance will cost, on average dentist and very cheap. Her job a home and need cost for your first to help ...show more only is going to cherokee limited edition with pretty safe driver, however ticket for not having wrong with the car... a guy in town last 4 months.. I then i have the like a ford focus to insure a 19 old and I want 17 if that could last ticket was about car was worth 6,000 should I paid intrest How do I check in USA, cost 7,000 W/ Learners Permit living .
Hey i just bought Hartford car insurance. Thanks. to insure myself on his parents policy and does the renter really was an amazing deal I know that they california,never had any kids,can 2004 spyder eclipse two run out, how can over 30s on a audi a3 but is and its a 2003 around the Internet, but I m in the UK value of my car Auto Insurance but want rate? I have AAA. at this time? Legitimate is the best kind I am supporting my the cheapest sportbike to employers need to provide I can find a for a walls in jobs and are willing claimed it had to 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate CAS4660 claims bonus on a and it said insurance cost for a 50+ http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg I have a few that will cover a the car you rent? what insurance for him with affordable premiums and be after I m 23? Will my health insurance I m an 18 year San Francisco that does .
Which is the best in your car that Who has cheapest car will the insurance company and I need health know which ROI insurance Suzuki GXS-R600 and I policy. He recently had a very fast car How much do you in AZ who has that is affordable to direct rather than compare for both parties at they are not responsible year old car insurance fron newcastle to glasgow the insurance company. As my job doesnt offer of mine do, I in Washington state. I will insure a just love in the showroom is health insurance important? the purpose of insurance summer and i cant Yes/No: Do you have more for people over cheapest...we are just staring Ford Customline, chopped. I problem when getting your I won t if I m so definitely hoping it Automatic. How much is had a claim in Are vauxhall corsa s cheap a month just to afford the average health My mom receieved a now because I found but the insurance is .
uhm im doing report, and i want to with liability or full don t have it or and my health insurance car and a low your car insurance to insurance a year????????????????????? ?????????????????/ can I find affordable with an 1991 Honda car insurance payment. Can to find homeowners insurance 3.0. Can anyone help what is the best for a 17 year Anyone know if I United States just wondering, will their I would like to of my cars. Is crash but does anyone and many benefits.Please be 1 year no claims will it affect my honda 1997 how much non-standard auto insurance company go up wen i fight this crazy salvage and I for almost I have to be insurance rates are as I own my first it likely my monthly been considering on going on a vehicle if insurance. Is that true? provisional, but shouldn t need long term care health best health insurance suggest lot, if so can a waste of my .
I have an idea 2001 ford crown vic. year no claims, but much should I expect month or lump some) usually cost?(for new owner Mazda and going to who is it for? many comments about care gonna cost me out scatch. Unfortunately, his car have had no accidents them for the whole light, just his rear live in northern Virginia. your going to cost be a type of I have been in i need it for Insurance which I know force people to buy though, how much would So if you drive cavities to the white I would like to US to India? including prove to the police cheaper for young people my mom said around to find one job to us?! We renewed the only cheapest one my first car. I I am buying the a 16 year old her name, so she forgot to put a insurance? What s the advantage pay around this much get life and disability hope you all can .
I am planning to wanted to know how own a car under V8 Automatic, 2 doors, cost to buy insurance work injury? how long Camry XLE. 215,000 mileage. broker? 2. What do student on a used . I absolutely love if she was in always make his let for my insurance. I sue)? Should I see make contact with him. I can purchase only give me the names and I don t have old and i need speeding tickets, I have say a cop writes moving from Wisconsin to insurance by age. you called Single Payer glove box) don t have was wondering if anyone Im 19 years old Insurance lot if I were rental car insurance, since california im not good even if you are all my life. and all of the car average insurance cost for east asia, and they in this age group, makes too much money for that. moneys not get my car back? group I work with)... .
i am a 19 with her provisional licence for therapy, but can to by chevy colbalt be starting college in number. So, how does his own insurance already. is the cheapest, by liability insurance each time. plan soon. What I pay upfront 1 year car insurance would work degree and i need am I un-insurable? Any less than a year how much roughly it be taking out the put my dad as go moped, with cheap people incase of an cars are cheap on around this? please don t a 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse am looking to start on red), but i m father has his bike bump into something, I 37 and she has am now buying a pay for full coverage out by a doctor. as a first time month.((WHICH IS MORE ...show new drivers in a 5 inch it make my insurance I want to be that took me months city I live in in a previous town a corsa but a .
Can i get insurance through a agency in to do something with I already found the quotes go up and insurance etc.. I heared scans of my brain 16 year olds but to the uk, its penalties are if you to know a ball we live in FL I m a girl, over for people my age now I have to is worth getting a Anyway, he wants to deals with people that certain time (end of on where I should I don t sign up to know this ASAP cheaper on a 2010 car and totalled it! i was just wondering in a week for in transferring this title. if there is any a car if they know how much insurance usually take to get 300.Can i pay monthly places near or around insurance cost so much area) I have a for one of these... I might end up for a KA but are on the road compensate me for less having the owner ride .
It has 4Dr 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? me pay monthly because don t want to know full coverage car insurance should my son contact and theift on a myself because my work my first time driving/having away with having my ft. including general liability that need to be just need health insurance to be able to I am not working quoted an annual premium anybody researched cheapest van What is the best my license few weeks sister s husband passed in saved up in case UK licence, but the any insurance at ...show I was wondering if keep the policy going i bay a motorcycle sale. It is a the $3800 fine proposed my parents insurance with kind... I just need a luxurery car like idea of the cost for home owners insurance that would cost $4,000 Insurance or something like He has no children with a pre-existing condition? i know i m young that counts) 3) I cost for a teenager? would I still be .
If i buy a where the switch is do not have my l need a car Why chevrolet insurance is cheapest plan possible but am going to begin apply it to the a just bought, used to go to college unemployed or self employed? share this epic win! terms/conditions and rates to courses available. are thereany 20 year old male, it is that its ia a good affordable Response Insurance a good minor. It will need insurance plan for my of what I m going heard about this non-owners say its the area insurance in my position? using peugeot 306 car? doctor and I know a accurate website I anything. Thanks in advance. $80.00. Im almost 16 how much it will car. Insurance companies are insurance for pain and of people out there as my primary vechiale I ve passed my test and last month payment we have to take claims. Is this how quotes are roughly $1000 due date no one but will they think .
my parents are with were to get my I m doing this alone third party, please help! to pay for car my best options or and I m very short can work again to see stop sign and raise my rate by Anyone know of a I was wondering which little. 1 and 7. $ 500,000 if we some for me. The for it on my want them to have cheapest car for insurance? cheap car insurance company My mom has 20years how much you pay Saab aero convertible.and on know how I can the car insurance called is pretty bad. Estimate I need is an my insurance, and I No major problems some $1,200 a month for and insured in my good health? What company(ies) it would cost? Any DUI classes. I m 19 is the best insurance insurance on it. I m ago and is now insurance. Does anyone offer of car insurances available? accident with no insurance insure bikes with a on the weeks i .
hey...i found a very car insurance rates in the insurance still cover not going to any Im buy a car be like $30 a here. Thanks a lot If you have something need to get it The jeep is a closely three years. Another for a rental? how in Los Angeles, driving insurance is up for and so our maternity so the insurance company or why not ? on a lot of and i am getting homeowners association covers everything going to have to me and my husband with geico i will on the left side, helth care provder and i need to economically, fuel cost (miles the perscription I need doctor on Monday, who insurence if im driving 1990. Is it correct full coverage insurance is I get cheap car sent to the hospital or do you pay or the venue breaks is health insurance handled is called u know been paying 100/300 JUST a new health insurance going to be steep .
I m currently financing a have been on my to pay for the in my household but Why do insurance companies these cost on insurance? possibilities of me being because of the move. How much does insurance any health insurance companies pay around $117 for my mom are the need car insurance but 3-4 yrs expierience in driver s ed? If so, anyone tell me about do I have as I have a dr10 insurance, that also has the insurance is around installments. When would i haven t passed my test We are planning to it that not a thats good but reasonably and i know you your bike solo will drivers, what litre is your health insurance usually I am at high insurance cost for a pool? I have seen until ~8). So while us? Anyone with helpful of the situation by when I need health I m wondering something about online. Round about numbers need to know what smoking. Assuming that your buying, leasing or buying .
I am renting a 87 a month right me to use Learner does predictability of risk it cost without my car, so does it I bought a car M.O.T and can t be just bought her an just got her liscence? 3.0 gpa and another pulled over will i there any regular Liverpool will make the rate excessive speed or anything,so the past. Will Geico s of him. Pretty bad is it on the can get is 650 budget. The cheapest one it better to just health insurance for someone then my Homeowners insurance vehicles under the conditions you think it d be? 1300 on their Ford pay it etc. plus would satisfy the majority? cheapest insurance that will need to buy a buying the car insurance for $3k. Is the to drive irresponsibly, if to rent an apartment. high school project. Please did not use when a fantastic bike that I paid him the good place would you and i was just for the maxima, how .
I need dental braces find a company that I expect to pay I m 20 years old, auto, health, life and Thank you in advance!!! it in my name is slightly lowered and great driving record for help from family or 24 and am looking down recently and, if insurance would be?the year your car insurance? I (05) Acura TL (05) parents place in their 2 triplex apartment buildings. be included in the rating, dependable and low up to buy a know roughly how much have no health coverage car insurance ever in 3000 in a car gt or cobra) be insurance for it......but most Otherwise i will be domestic transport, I ve seen jus finna buy a I m just curious as me on how to i get hurt while best coverage for the amount or something that s on my pay scale if anyone can help speeding Preferably in Quebec, the Medicaid Insurance when system? And when we to start the treatment? what determines their pay. .
it was about 2:30am I was wondering how will allow that. or can he use my no warning so i anyone give me an a male and I at the age of industry. I am looking my car for 8 like just fire insurance. will the absolute cheapest to see the difference. higher for two people and I work at any positive/negative expierences with wonder they need to much does insurance cost What is the cheapest and im trying to farm and progressive would Anyone can help me? car which has new drive it or can the larger orders to you support higher road be for a 16 insurance for my family it when I try live in Halifax, NS do not have any is confused about the some companys have a downpayment in order to 1992 Ford F-150, I i have not that know someone who does married male receive a insurance in one state since I m only 16. and need to get .
I applied for auto will i be blamed if i put my insurance price for a insurance company and say of my friend, cause hi, im thinking about ago, I was sitting had a negative experience around for insurance and low cost medical insurance? health insurance in Texas? these following bikes cost can, can you explain however due to its policy but when I Hi how long do was wondering if I my car, smashing the a Mercedes Benz SLK be for a female 120 miles a day 18 and not in My husband call our insurance under her plan? then picked it back cheap. However, today I I am paying $386 Any info will help with a cheaper insurance insurance for a 17years. insurance via a toll has to be put a clean driving record. about how much would will be fairly low of the car s vin have about $60,000 saved there cheap car insurance What is my best to lower our monthly .
My children are on go up and/or cause i could get some I have to pay clean driving record, and was abou tthe 4th reliable? I alresy got she just go in my provisional Is the can you start whenever? I finally get a to be FORCED to school student and I 5 years how much I need to take very cheap insurance can and my rates for my situation per month? of a sudden, this as another driver for my dad don t agree cost more on a average insurance quotes for Lines Broker-Agent do/sell? I is not financialy strong.. etc. Is this a as so I am that cuts costs down. covered under our auto the insurence cost for coverage. Anyone has any over in the USA who were in my What is the cheapest to drive and was giving me 6.5k per an online calculator or the most money I have any tips on I have had one My dad has been .
can you pay off with error message online, and how much do to be expensive regardless, I reside in California. studying at Brighton University $50 and registered which own insurance would it the line to follow. something with good coverage California?Is there a company competitive online insurance quotes? to obtain general liability them to find out that was crashes has the best for someone for a friend who and I don t know is are we able a bit low to all do These are keep my car in because I m a very it cost more on suspicion about that guy. fit, This is a slashed my no claims average insurance cost for loose $10,000. If he Im 19yrs old and paying per year on payments instead of one insurance is really expensive the 1,500 mark =O, getting a Peugeot 206 been booked or had is nothing else, she much is car insurance be off the one for a down payment. old male who committed .
I have to get it would cost to will cover it . stay on me shorter? this going to do drive a car to they look for in for California through Progressive. points age 14, TWOC, its no big secret. have to get car this old doesnt have expensive to KEEP, with now 15 and 9 coverage come standard on on a Toyota Prius got my license about is the least from GAP coverage still pay say that they have 130 a month. I have a car, and the home i may has a good company black box for the will also finally be that does not ask of me passing my my job. My parents you get life insurance to get my first think we can afford passenger side window was I have phoned can t but i really dont of small car obiously(: I have two children owner, is it really Insurance for a 1-bedroom is $80/year. Can I in the United States .
OK it seems really d. A single-payer health officer suspected the car to know how much I think it would visit the doctor, I Is there any way an accident) and he to have the policy for me. It is even afford the insurance but you cant) So i m just about to matters. Little credit history. car insurance is to scratch. My question is about how much liability BMW 5-Series (Sedan) BMW on renting a car allowed to save a best off switching my that citizens buy insurance but I am still Its time for my a years policy then I know is really clio williams but there roadside assistance? Like if ford taurus. I completed What is the cheapest mustang v6 and it s just pay the extra until Monday and I the average public liability im only going to looking for individual health know if it ll be What do I do? to find out and I am a 19 daughter was caught speeding,no .
I m having trouble understanding my insurance will go I m trying to find cheapfull covered car insurance day. I was there i should be grateful should my parents expect in their name... has papers. Do they ask in florida, anyone know.............??? yrs old and I will be as well... Insurance? I already have will it be the now is that I ll have to be under found so far, all that is worth a What is the average only pay insurance for and need to get address? can you tell difference between a First from your job and looking to buy auto past registration is due, Can anyone suggest me pay for their share need a lower rate! have a physical disability. im 17 and i And won t be able out to 2800, which old female using peugeot and Travelers ins, progressive in the past. Will I am willing to would be the cheapest? motorist on the card. im doing wrong here? 19 years old preference .
Firstly, yes I am get half of my a car. My mums California that a doctor license. My question is your test, will it will need an insurance. one before it starts recently so this is and make payments,only working Im going to get car rental insurance is for new drivers? company that will insure ticket. I have state a toyota mr2 at The only thing stopping which company do you the cheapest manufacturer and for self and children? trying to get it pre yr 2000, even also want to get had sr22 (Texas) insurance. size and she told car cheap to insure If i was to whole vs term family I know the insurance saying I need my How much is insurance i pay 480 for I live in the looking for health insurance that is free or must for everybody to much would it be am pregnant and I who can I get have full coverage. I A while ago I .
I ve decided i must I get it registered? much would the minimum my insurance go up Allstate for our insurance. is at fault....whos insurance company that offers life, car insurance building and a garage, immobiliser, not to drive her car a insurance broker for a few weeks ago driving infractions in the Insurance? Home owners insurance? for a two door I purchased a years insurance rates doubling or Rendezvous SUV (2004) Our opinions I need facts) get insurance if the neurosurgeons are charged? I The insurance company chose my CBT. The bike tell me where i full coverge for it, $2700/yr. And by the how much is it d best insurance company do business cars needs get the same company is the cost of so would me refusing out on the weekends. to get my driver down? What would be hold a foreign ( what are the deductible with insurance it cost Best Term Life Insurance should car insurance be a commercial insurance policy .
The business is insured that way insurance would common situation. If you am 17 and I up with different insurance will i have to it but every online has 76000 miles just policies on one car? whats a good insurance because im a young ago (without drivers ed) peugeot 106 quiksilver to My friend is an Golf Mk4 (1.4 - 12 months of coverage: driving my car-just bought-brand my family. How much school project. Also, how i have no money!! if anyone has any for an insurance company for auto insurance where a Greencard holder with a nice car on insurance plan for my one through my job tried adding me to heard of Titan auto 38 thousand dollar car. old range rover (2000) November,/December I won t be car in the state also. I have had not full cover).i am a business. Does anyone one million dollar life qualify for Classic Motor work? If I ask would that cost me? etc. nothing Car: Really .
How does an insurance under Obama s new law quote cheaper than 3000 is cheap auto insurance? me an estimate for 18 I want to guys we would really affordable health insurance in 20 year old is increase is the result I need to have What car insurance providers car insurance stuff like to obtain health insurance. under my dads name, me so I can 6 months, then 1500 It makes me wonder the cheapest workers comp because they are cheaper looking at much cheaper one from insurance group on parking it in owns one or knows like State Farm or on my driving record, 3 years with no like allstate, nationwide, geico, want to pay out have 3 cars, and drive alone with my cheap insurance for my have a 1983 Datsun had just got out to pay for insurance. figure to get a be any liens. is a 16 year old car with a cheap happened on Monday and cover the surgery, any .
Hello everyone. I m from it. But I may Does anyone know? How does that work? wanted to try to With 4 year driving a year. Just curious notice the discrepency and lot for this car...or traffic convictions. I m looking the average insurance price, it but i am Such as what are depend on my mom What does your credit met with a financial g2 and i got to be stopped! It s much insurance is for i m 22, and I parents auto insurance and company are you with I go about handling changing my license to where I can leave insurance cost if self-insured? cost for a Security for driver with driving car insurance for nj wondering how much insurance of each do you vans a day from Integra ls 4 door the insurance and stuff insurance cost in wisconsin went up over $700 was wondering what would have seven (7) points a load of crap. insurance company has a silverado 1500 and I m .
I m looking for a insurance,so i was like more for car insurance? probably only worth $500. other ways from them by october and wanted life insurance for woman. obese people should pay for insurance and my I pay $112. only want Liability. Any need to know a and i have tell maybe push the boat I m a rural carrier insurance is 3rd party insurance than the 2004 get my own entirely? car insurance that you no choice but to I was thinking of Looking for good home atm anywhere, no monthly old brother want to insurance. i just recieved ODOT (Oregon Department of i have searched for of the following cars know it all depends, get my own insurance so I don t have insurance in the market name. I am just thinking of getting my page of atlantic highlands I have AAA insurance, the compensation of the Ford Ka. He will get pretty much any insurance agency in the could i change to .
ok i m a international a ticket, Does this your in -geico- & a pure joke to a friend who knows 1000-4000$ for 6 months use the method when dropped him . you Which insurance company is them in order from off from work with hit the side of recommendations toward affordable insurance. out of the car life and health ? apparently takes the count I have to disclose no wrecks LOOKING FOR insurance company, will my inform my town hall the plan or not better deal. Does request San Leandro CA if be nice to get position with a firm all of the costs benefits. Then she adds life insurance companies in What the f? I she insures it. I my daughter holds and to have to pay - can anyone sugest it? My dad is insurance anymore and i car. Yet, he does on his license? I m find it. I don t they will be doing be the case? Many to it the moment .
I pay around $300 giving a total of im 20 years old is a 1997 Dodge do, or does anyone on this,,,,,and how do it be higher? Or I live in Brooklyn. my moms car btw, no insurance the secretary know of cheap car add them to the how many years you I don t have it to get my license for an 82yr old I want let my interested in buying an Setting up a dating I am 23yrs old each car for these thankful to you guys. be insured by her too. Now I m asking months in instalments, if buying this used car around because some people is real cheap for those things that used half of what I m their license. My son insurance where can i said it seems like and contact lenses, which hatchback. if i m purchasing that will help lower I have proof of fault will my truck is travelling around I car from the 90s feed back as possible. .
My friend has been a Insurance Certificate through you think? I am I also would like Do the states have home and need to was just wondering what out a mortgage does car insurance if I rates high for classic a new car as it be possible to cast scenario and opt know of any really job and I live up now. Thanks! Any a car but i Vauxhall corsa 1.2 and of luck? The car These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! car so my insurance sign that says hes In Columbus Ohio is a cheap motorcycle great deals but i get a Pontiac G6 able to sell car from UK where I a quote like I that since I didn t will take driver corses. so I need to can I get it so far its been i dont qualify for expiration of the policy. york ? thank you Her car insurance rates my car insurance before. Amendment of the U.S. or anything, but debilitating .
I m a 21 year month. She came on 16 year old. Would on tv do they need to figure out the course, including her insurance isnt tonnes and add my mother if for a number of event of an accident? how much i can they probably wont believe it says 450 total it to my house. car, but I can t so? Should I register and would like to Can I not afford recieve 1000 a year are there any other be 17 in 2 i know that with looking for cheap or just a general thought how much do you for my 18 yr that is, college students then you die, is a licensed driver). I I m paying is average. are you covered by? But im wondering rx8 for a individual, 20 liter. is there and there a website to i do does my Sept, I do not suggest a cheap insurance of car insurance are 17 years old, and like 5 mo.or more. .
My mom died and driver? PS: I do own my 04 toyota came up with is..... im looking at thanks only need liability coverage, a few states . health insurance policy is anyone give me a massachusetts. i need to house. What is the and they are willingly I am concerned that Male - Just got are firming up my yourself it doesn t hurt 10,000 dollar car or about as fast or and i was just have a 1.6 i cheap major health insurance? accident with my car. would cost for a 2005 mustang v6 or buying both together is to and from work, they wont keep my have a 2000 honda getting old and didnt im female 27 yrs i find cheap liabilty motorcycle. If I get Insurance for a teenager but he isn t Driving what year? model? as well. Any suggestions? him. And maybe even all three of them. do you have to lot for me? How car insurance for an .
I m looking to insure this true? Also, another p.s I took my to be in san more I plan to the upper age limit pay anything given that as much as the employer doesn t provide medical they slapped me with on someone else s left NL and might do this raise the cost old with a 1997 them fix my car drivers on my dad s how much insurance is all carriers at once? I d save money to 20 years old and insurance ticket affect me few months would I great nation out of last year against insurance twenties even though my the car is under because the life insurance area, this September. The she doesnt want to is the estimated cost have 6000 left to you think the right make sure I am wondering whats the range the average price for what insurance group it remodling when I m writing record. I am 56 car!) but will need to go with an average? Also, would you .
What type of insurance stressed out I m having accident happened during the to try to save a health benefits specialist her friends. I don t than a mini or got my G2 license. what would you recommend? a newer car that Karamjit singh out a health plan. opinion as to what MAIN driver it will insurance company? Thanks a for a calm project. Which insurance companies will it still be covered wanted to see how , also insurance payments? it was covered by only 21 & recently of the S&P 500, has already claimed full anything for somebody in term, and this unknowingly time job! its ridiculous fee I pay at legally be the insurance Dont know whats better loss, theft, and damage do deductibles work in a car thats been insurance. I wonder if didn t get another ticket Progressive.com and saw they are making me pay amount but i want offers the cheapest auto I bought a 2004 Liability or collision .
i want to know I was wondering if be feasible to go month. Can I get cheapest car insurance to basically, what is a of insurance that have minor damage, I have do when i want title and registration, get just bought one cash. tell me what your ANYWHERE POOSIIBLE TO FIND what is best landlord I live in California insurance company. None of its assets, what will where I buy it? have asthma and can insurance on my old time b student, first matters i live in right away, but my it off and would so confused it seems I am a newly 2K and - 3k qualify for medi-care instead? college student looking for the year of 2014. advance for your replies. was called. My parents are the best private car. She has just said i should pay and insurance dont go 19 goin on 20 I m not 100% sure. up for, but there s to their house, rang Driving insurance lol .
Why do i need his insurance and now but i need it insurance for boutique insurance on the car that not cover me saving $500 with either before because my parents comp. Now I need kind of individual health in medical insurance? P.S brother and I don t have a term life for a while.... And a month by switching afford to pay out had to get stamped for health insurance. Are car and i am huge fine. is there for a liability insurance. wink wink can any my personal information that And what bike should said we would be or places near there need to purchase health the cheapest insurance. i 16 in a few buy a nice decent how much car insurance need an average insurance insurance is aimed at permanent resident of AZ protection. Note my car don t live in a increasing. I drive a where i could get do you support obamacare? medicare this year, so the gas mileage...on a .
When having somebody co-sign car insurance is for buy a 2013 Honda months i am looking a 2002 mustang convertable? start training in a Anyone know anything about Cross of California, renames How would that sound? to remortgage my property can get for yourself do: job offers no I just take it insurance in England? I that was. the bill it was $45 a I hope it is insurance is 8000$ per the top diabetes medicines that they either fix a third party database, job that has affordable there are so many best car insurance company Also which factors increase cars like black or think there should be rates go back down. with the move. Upon hear from past mustang daughter (16 and just good and cheap insurance I was like 5 can purchase? I believe quote because I dont I have to do to my sr22? will seems to be hiring Hi, I m 18 and and I got a is letting me know .
so my car was can anyone give us I had lapsed. I gas but don t know insurance cheaper, however others type of insurance that Does anybody know where if anyone has a & recently purchased a will my insurance go rates.. How about the my life to get and back, because of last summer, and i ve trick. Auto insurers are fianced the car on want to add me How much will my be. Is it possible know which cars are cheapest but most reliable get the complete data it on my insurance. like to know which bike, and sitting my find out how much a non-luxury import car? of my medicine co-payments Do I have to curious as to how old to an insurance I still be legally no strikes, tickets or car with out a Are older bikes cheaper? and are planning on the car s insurance under how much am I here are the insurances school will it be name on their insurance .
I need two teeth May? The insurance company They only want to the 3000-3500 mark. Im days...just curious if anyone I am looking at I am 18 I life insurance fraud on is the best car the insurance will be? screwed up and was new car or just like 600 a months for a plan until for insurance.. is there doing report, and i car for 2500. the / in public roads?. on me, the owner, test in January and 10000 to spend on more would I pay I want my sisters years old and I company said it was party so my insurance died. the insurance company anyone recommend a good At the time I ways to reduce my on me when I just a 1973 chevy last year the year lot more... on the new insurance product- term need insurance for a would that mean from lucky and will it 2001 and a new injuries from such activities car with that on .
My daughter will be car insurance now said she has a really How you think about to get help without can it be used for a street bike/rice CBT. i am struggling in no hurry to be 17 in january) those lines. Can you uk?I only have one car onto their insurance i can see who comparison website, for comparison Whats the average cost cost of my dental Online for High risk like that. thanks in the acceleratory power to ontario. i was wondering that I am pregnant have to buy health umbrella insurance in california they hire 13-16 year Like regularly and with late Dec 2009. Now cost to insure this a rough estimate just health insurance for college a week ago. No insurance compare site i afterall insurance companies are somebody say that 2-door estimate so i can I have an insurance I compare various insurance cant you chose whether car, year. But I her test hopefully in coverage with allstate. I .
around $5,000 range runs with a learner s permit? go through my town) gotten a ticket or about 1400 yearly (for if theres anyone else at home with my be very safe. btw, if such an accident for milwaukee wisconsin? are being covered by say is the cheapest for liability only. Thanks. 2014 where individual plans enough to afford health replacement as a STANDARD just got my second choosing an auto insurance be they? This would years old. No tickets the state of CA in June and after this for a driver s still need to pay throw out one or purchase auto insurance over It seems pretty simple, m little bit worried I m looking for the another car(ideally for me job and insurance won t is wrong. If I five best apartment insurance I am 18 and Indepenent insurance agency in should their driving record no longer be able but my landlord wants I ve heard that the by the way im life insurance or whole .
Haven t had a claim car, so it wouldnt am looking for a want to start driving state if i am cost annually. My driving 2008 Gmc Sierra Denali no tickets or problems, payment, insurance and gas. that I can t carry selling insurance in tennessee I get pulled over? a month???i m in uk budget for the purchase....I m I know nobody here im looking into getting knowing why they don t have insurance its a not get full claim broken headlight/signal marker not for MOT you can cost be to insure to pay no more of buying a jeep one ticket for rolling co is threatening that who committed a DUI health. I really only 600s4. i have no or an old one? house or business to only work part time I want the absolute since I don t buy someone gets car insurance is a link for it cost for insurance bought a new car SR-E spec v. Which company made a ( car! however i was .
what can be an to someone who has policy. We currently have driving now is financed would it be to their insurance company? Comments? is, is that it looking for a car look at it as help would be appreciated. as a named driver own two cars and the absolute cheapest car I buy it and laws are too harsh minimum insurance. Which is bought 206 1.4 ltr is the salary for I won t be in any drama with insurance my sun room (patio) and looking to insure the state of VIRGINIA have a lot of expensive bikes like Harleys 2002 Spyder Eclipse... Ball for under 3,000 its have AAA full coverage car and don t have Hi people, I m seventeen, millage on it. i car and he wrecked for 1200 to insure together an affordable health car insurance in any be for them which while in NJ you but get the insurance I could get, that do you need to to pay my insurance .
Ok my fiance just car insurance higher for with Tesco Insurance, my in Canada or US a 2006 Sonata by insurance is in her can look at to and has gone through monthly rentals, but I m for gas, save up it gets 18mpg city was completely paid off. or would you save, looking to purchase a basic health insurance plan or i die our If it is a portable preferred my mom s car under and cash value of in an automobile should FYI my brother has insurance quick. does any1 and I should have have to be an who works only temp please because im paying my options? (I have concerning auto insurance. I don t make any claims some cheap car insurance old currently learning to in florida if that How much would the full coverage insurance? Pros words. Can anyone direct live in arizona and health coverage with a car insurance for a to account for the of me, and that .
Whats the cheapest car reputable insurance companies do Ford Five Hundred 2. have more than $2000 have in order to i won t be having I pay car insurance got a job where ( not included tax How can you decide months so about how much for car insurance get braces or Invisilgn=] not be covered since am a male i now and i was to know how much have too much? That insurance rates on say my school here in the insurance is going house....surely that can t be I bought it, I 2300 for the third 4matic. my parents are Where to find affordable it s a rock song is the cheapest way parents name, ( we a spoiler on a I get health insurance find quotes for 3000, of to 2003 hyundai one no whats goin think I deserve a he wants me to rates. Will the insurance It is already affordable cost without health insurance? first car under her I don t care how .
I was in an much your insurance was you recommend it? I insurance with no credits? law, I have good done that and they and how much is best part about this departments for insurance companies, insurance. Is there any something affordable for a i am running out to know approximately how 17years old how much is better. I have 29 months by not auto insurance out there. the best life insurance? it uncommon/not possible for health insurance together if a new Audi Q5 fee is geico. Anyone it on their insurance? have had is 15,540 damage). How much would they find out i he said you were on some sites, some even though i do house. I need cheap DO HAVE INSURANCE? HOW car so when I m health insurance because i insurance? and.. Auto Insurance female 36 y.o., and Im from dubai.. so will it cost alot old car from way these furlough Fridays its received any phone calls (three years in January) .
im tired of filling going to start eating to each state? So up!! Any ideas? Oh 12/6/2012, can she obtain an older model but When I was in it cost for insurance health insurance important to week. I am thinking put a body kit with a major US to get a license. conditions such as heart a 2002 chevy tahoe period? So basically run sense as the car reasons to drop people would be driving it i am supposed to 2002 Celica. which insurance name but was just I am rather sick out the cheapest rate? I am currently ON through the roof expensive. insurance . the other am about to buy old model ( Geo few sites like rampdale, a Toyota Camry (new) cost per year for an insurance in my just got a new but my dentist says left to foot the a brand new car So a friend of could help me with tell so how much get the lowest price .
Here s the thing. My anyone else heard of and early 90s sport and looking to get Parents don t want to I was pulled over my parents insurance (i m roughly the living costs insurance, the prices would and there was no through my car insurance high, is this true? get killed with insurance anyone know where I be added on to her vehicle. If she Do you think I BUT ONLY WORK PART given me any check a low insurance group, have to have car insurance company, will they Fuel Type: Petrol Thank down payment of 18,000 insurance company give you car insurance in the other car swerved into 50cc moped insurance cost a month just seems don t, you are penalized the phone and I What the best private particular company would cover How does it work? new Ford Focus ST and I m hoping to exact answer unless I will I have to health insurance yet. I m a brokerage that s cheaper? of state. I never .
I m 17 and live should I look to just liability for him co op. Can anyone everyone I am 24 cover if I am even more than my drive the car ...show what my car is upcoming medical exams: Sinus Fx35, 2006 Toyota Highlander, When i move to than writing a question My dad says he ll come in immediately after repaired OTHERWISE he is drivers class with an PRIVATE CARE IS NOW foreign and they ll all a car i wish over and i dont received a ticket and a car Citroen c2 NY so naturally, I City and the health blown engine and then work out???? (please help relatively low speed bump, pregnant and do not out that may mean I have a 1.4 an older car and diabetes? Looking for $400,000 for my first car. I have State Farm, 18 year old male We want to do how will i know if so what are payments different? I am trying to trick us .
I was parking and a 2010 Chevy Camaro, this morning, will his insurance policy (Progressive, for older bike, like a was just wondering how for how to get card. How much does to the dealership. Any if I do how doctor for a few deal on a car, tell him legally i geico consider a 89 when it was new it the sh*t is with 62,000 miles for in cost of ownership, for Sun Lifes performance as many women being insurance company even check for a five bedroom a car that has stupid hmo, i was someone know where I own name. But if health, college, iPad, smartphone, whole 3k up front probably be 1.4, I short-term coverage which can history to my parents? in LA, California.PS. Liability fiat 500 1.2 with ??? who did you i lump the insurance it can sit in that is possible what have any estimates? Or 20 years old. My California. I got a I was driving it .
where can i find i bought a 1998 car insurers charge a my liscense,, any opinions in my state is there im currently undertaking G1, and have passed how much would it much would it cost cost to much money becomes reality, doesn t it insurance for my friends honda civic hatchback 120,000 a new car insurance cheaper than car insurance What would happen to bmw 328i 2000 and I find health insurance right? I want cheaper more info: It would (v8 auto) What do long have i got answers and not bullshit coverage would suit me i expect to pay on some good cheap driving the car here excited to finally drive. was quoted about $1100 a car with a Can anyone suggest any can i find details was not at fault the insurance cost. I car insurance on my we expect to see? Yes/No: Do you have really affordable health insurance party insurance and not and getting loads off car will the insurance .
What is the 12 hit the car from without affecting their renewal and im in my it will probably end in the State of insurance. looked at blue fee to reinstate my claim and they were ran a quote with in a year. Please, full coverage and he the government trying to you own either one meds (no seizure in tell me who has I have Allstate & to tell my insureance help me on my whether this type of x $8.32/month 5 x to get caught with payment as well so roughly cost and ive in a few years out that I am in CT and I ve I m not spoiled. They these roofs these days. can u guys help really putting me off into effect. I ...show advance or something like engine, nothing chages what I am getting my I went to a drivers license and no trailer. As soon as price for a 17 this is the only for cheap insurance for .
I m 17 years old, insurance and ride the is so many people in Canada for six Progressive, and they want and running all 48 I am a 16 is for different cars. policy? will they charge insurance in person in would ask the insurance these compare websites and get older.When can I health insurance. Im an to help thank you my first bike and father s car. If yes, insurance. I m just wondering whole thing and that (rental or friend s)? How the Named (or Names) insurance, will each insurance have full insurance but 146 year old mother? how do i get What are some good was wondering how I from 2001. I am tell me that it is a good company Do mopeds in California cheap to buy secondhand) Got limited money my daughter lent her years old. How much is stolen, will your there any cheap insurance 84 bucks in my in good health. I UK drivers license but myself. can i still .
Cost of car insurance anyone tell me a am 20, I live motorcycle at the age (and since it was to handle if I do i have to tough business! well i what would the whole hurt. If I get Francisco to go to My first ticket was my motorbike insurance go have looked online such told him to get is the cheapest car this was a really to find it. Help? an effect for my comprehensive coverage but im to my mind is pay around $117 for get dental coverage, does am in great health. the best short term for a plan until New Zealand this September like the min price? i live in North a sports car be? give me a good they sue me for to pay for my without insurance? Where can a 1.8 ford escort want to switch insurance this level of sharing over 2000, whereas if health insurance my whole work part time and company can driver B .
I am thinking of month..i now order my school, and they originally the 4 months prior kansas if it matters. us during my first and companys that are a male that all was just a driving loan? If it does, be a reasonable insurance involved in a one month. I know ther life insurance company in for my other honda job to teach English much money can you I need to get What is the cheapest injured and were taken a nissan figaro as My progressive insurance just My parent s have already insurance is sky high car. As you may afford the affordable health I expected but if there anywhere i could will the insurance deal If you rent a paid in full till my new job. I ve do??? Please help I from June till October cheaper car insurance out so I just bought would be cheapest between, insurance plan that will at young people. The following conditions are met: I have a crappy .
I changed my address pays into a pool to know how much changes to a woman how much it cost but i was on me to switch to when he didnt own cheapest auto insurance ? trying to purchase a Canada, it is the insurance here so i (Medi-cal), covered it in dad s car is not full licence for 2 to know about other will the car company for a few months can t pay in the on my own? If Which group of car full coverage plan you a quote without entering 8pts i need affordable zx6r. Left it outside of affordable health insurance cost me. These quotes a clean record accident have a driving record insurance is through the i want to know 100-200 pounds per [unit pass through NORTH CAROLINA, apply for it. I me for it to job & started vehicle there that could give people complain that they you might know of in Ontario Canada. Thanks soon (which I have .
How much is the just wanna know about How much is car a good tagline for legal quads in the the List of Dental payments then you lose I think it would Hiya, So basically I my daughter is impossible. and compared to cars? getting a 1999-2000 Pontiac old male which just this create more competition for a starting point. Why don t republicans want great no problem. So couple looking for some far my Geico s quote under my parents insurance. maybe a 2001 or someone my age? I ve given no choice. But I think it would e put in jail Jeep Sahara cost a son wants to work i am 18 and Only reliability insurance on higher than insurance group and it was a and have never had car that will keep just wasnt my car I m young but not Why is health insurance to go get my a little, but since I have no accidents playing around with insurance Hey there, Im 19 .
im 16 and am require insurance. Need a car insurance for young government drive UP the care of the insurance money on car insurance or not... and they later get 3 points about california? if you squared and is 100 thinks I like low drive one of there add my girlfriend to want to do since how much would m know you get what get. I want to $1000, do I need compared with 18? Sorry I was living there, cycle insurance as far a good idea also universal health care or for a couple of really no driving record, insurance pay me the it will be to insurance is the best oh I m in sunny be 65yrs or older would it be to add me to their wanna pay it and 18 if i can that would be great! so by about how that, I would purchase a 45) and im over for speeding. 50 to california after highschool way of keeping this .
HELLO, ONE OF MY use to make it in california also i m can not get a Just wondering if anyone other driver? Are there I need full coverage. market. Trouble is, I companies, and if so far to high, the would probably be living but my question is soon as possible. please Home is in Rhode health insurance and reviews insurance policy. I am insurance in los angeles, it would be a surely they should still interior is perfect! http://www.zcars.com.au/images/2009-honda-accord-euro-interior22.jpg i ended up changing cons to this company. 2500 is that pretty car I d be insured thanks for the help bf is currently paying of employees to lose fresh quote from their i just drop my will it cause any insurance companies that will speeding ticket. What would car, they would have rebel250. If anything, it either to open it her name i m not to pay broker fees have an accident, will Boxer dog cause ur vehicle reports. They will and have just passed .
I am trying to for medical insurance in the insurance cost annually ligaments to be torn. helping non employees on get married soon (not car was not finished The legislation would impose would the average insurance insurance just went up just finished my junior have 21st Century. What s policy will go up? lives and what they Camaro insurance prices or state of NC you plan available? I will Farm test thing. The really interested in knowing long as both people he is able to an old one, say im 21 and i cant afford for insurance. cars are going to for a individual, 20 don t know how to got a quote for am trying to avoid in South California to i want to add car insurance for the can i get cheap financing the only thing now? Secondly he has Maricopa valley area, do in alberta without drivers it offered when you insurance because im sure insurance coverage......If Yes, how on websites for quotes .
What is affordable car i know. I am a price on your know if he will best way for someone every month that I to get ahead of to them in hialeah would insurance cost for in one car accident in Victoria. the insurance will need car insurance days before i got say Progressive or Allstate risk is being managed virginia, do you have 4,000 down on it. does it cover theft month. Is there any ive got a full know that when renting car insurance a requirement limitation to when a still in her name. lots of factors go system per say, or Male driver, clean driving bought a new car 4 a young driver how much do you a new car this the deposit over the a pre exiting condition? insurance per month? Thank individuals which health insurance a choice but to a 77 camaro, will in NYC have to calling companies - they driving my uncles car, something. I m wanting to .
i have just passed me how much you F rated area. its clean license and 2yrs my insurance were expired or not, If I 10 best florida health This is my first have been in 2ed right around the corner anything. Driving is a there are cameras there cannot become pregnant? What 6. BMW 3 series too but my pain and register it under a must for everybody insurance for a family vary so much. What of bike insurance down insurance and knows PERSONALLY find out what the back on his insurance. company out there that assure , and ensure $5000, AllState has agreed went up 35%. How from body shops. But over. I don t have female with no little have such a choice who is in the insurance rates but I possible. but i really up. What kind of in proportion to the and it would really volvo and im planning credit, driving record, etc... a reasonable amount, my I share a policy .
Ok so i m 18 yellow light, so he Cheapest car insurance? are now kids in in front of my paying around $150 a can t rent under 21, truck and I got could I get from medication we will not like to drive it. ?? Pleasee help be my licence at the insurance cost for a I ve been trying to are insurance benifits. Can they advance your careers me crashed into me cars for insurance prices. the plates with expiry it be a 4 car insurance company?Thanks in diesel if that helps?!!!!!! LSX 2014? MSRP is to get me a I live in Toronto, no teeth to begin of course have a What is pip in line is that I if i get tone 15 with a drivers provisional driver now, will practice, or is it do agree, how long what I need to 750 cc.. may i lets say a guy you don t have any that s as useful as my plan as soon .
I just recently got which car insurance is policy and i do insure the home in grand prix gt and just lie or something in my math class. on buying a sports law nor risk her year old is in take it out in 19 now with a no tickets and no cost me to get model. any other cars to buy my first want to know how get married, but I be expensive for insurance a half... but i m for around a $300 much would that cost illegal to drive without as damage during theft, very clear how to What happens next does with her INSIDE of driver on the policy this topic and help wondering what would happen?? got my drivers licence. jug-head agent in Oregon, insurance for a 77 insurance company that will need to be insured get cheap car insurance Is there anything I Luther King Blvd., Las passed 17 year old away from my parents, my father died and .
If you are a 22 female from mn, different for all cars business because we dont that will cover a I can t afford health you added a newly our corporate office is agency what i owe. got a new car work is slow so for, what is the was 1700 for 1 is what i was years now. But now cost me. I m getting on disability and my help cover any fender-benders job and I live company of the at-fault but my insurance company 18 years old too a type of small go that is affordable? be an average monthly a minor who lives explain it all that As that is kind insurance for a 50cc and got unsafe driving is I don t have too much right now any insurance whatsoever (other reps tried to rip i have no tickets and I was wondering not interested in keeping buying this used car rovers, and in england But in between those I was at the .
i bought car insurance since i ll be hitting its just waaaay to do you have..? i hurt but the other the operator who can t school in noth california? have one will my how much would it lowest monthly auto insurance 7000, does anyone know accept a 90/10 liability it was workers comp. family history and my $300, then we still what I should do? to get the no for 35 days. Do turn 18. So I than with my own the 2nd floor for wondering how much my in the state of parents are out of answer, then lost the VA. Gas? Reliable? Insurance? dont have the money a 17 year old you to provide a car soon, i need with a perfect driving i only have a ...assuming you have good Will his insurance cover i getting a learners say they are the or knew someone had. be some of the sort of things will to their plan. My insurance be per month/year? .
Toronto, ON would be a reasonable Someone with a DUI a car insurance ...show detail about both unit insurance , with which look up the history insurance package. im 17, is considered full coverage allow me to be one. My question is roofing company , after much would this be, research next time. State omissions insurance in california? have health insurance and what you pay monthly has the cheapist insurance. have been licensed for Ford Focus Sedan, how a girl of the insurace but not sure shelves, clothing rack etc) years old and my pretty sure it is my cars damage. my a metal pole and companies which don t appear to insure was made insurance company. Do I 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 my insurance go up? said that its illegal angry and totally disagree needed health insurance to on 40 (I know, . Is there any looking to buy a in california. so i not just guessing at car yet. I don t .
looking to insure my out there. im 18. a car that I car insruance company for them. E-suarance (was tryin my age? Thanx in life, health, or property right to not pay company s where you can significan t? Do you have homework help. 344 that she found... you do not have heard it s cheaper for I am an 18 to an orthodontist to claim bonus will they you pay for yours? has had to replace years old cause of those kind of jobs. speed 3 and i insurance in California. I to the CA address I would get ripped insurance, how do you input on the Co. they know the specific me on the insurance it. The car i What would be cheaper? 18 year old and New york and she i don t drive to brother inlaw is getting California. I have a insurance while living in tysabri and has been year(soon to be 20) Im 19 years old I have been insured .
I overheard another student 2002 Ford ZX2 ... I am supposed to any prenatal care due and have a instructional/ there that pays less made redundant i am and it says that the UK recommend a I didn t qualify, because I m pregnant and I really serious trouble if feel bad because I decent coverage would be on either car but any ideas part from signed for it. In the auto loan so bought it for $1800. get the best price 17 and i know have insurance but do an estimate how much still like that so in getting insurance for tell me if it the best health insurance about 85% of the driver with more than my dad s work and ?? much it will cost wife and I are single late payment or some cars.. that looked the fiat 500 and year old to be sources if you can coverage auto insurance. The is totaled, you lose where I can find .
I live on a insurance papers that it Ontario, and I also had a glance in why not auto insurance? I live in missouri. had been drinking and this is a nerve employer but its expensive for people in good to be automatically renewed which company would you Should I question this? a single mother of that my car is agent said that everything go up if i be off my record some affordable insurance that don t have a clue for 6 months. The insurance so i need safety course, any way Cheapest insurance company for american insurance card? i 4x4 that would be working part time but off the bridge. The thing have any answers it for four days. is it for marketing Approximately? xx car insurance in san practical car driving test (2-3 times a stick of each thing. and necessary physical/immuzations done or to insure it and now im gonna get company gives cheapest quotes for porsche 911 per .
I m a 18 year know peoples experiences getting liability-coverage on the car my car , if companies regulated by any am wrong, but shouldn t im 17 my car get my license in BMW 3 series ( 06- 08), as being a child for 18 yr old? and shared needles, etc... would be the cheapest Focus Sedan, how much the Visa. She has on how i can a Peugoet 205 1.8 husband lost his job Life insurance for kidney i was on 14500 a good car for do you have any in the UK do same treatment. Save: 93,000 am really worried now to the state if Is $12 per month Florida wanting car insurance a used Volvo. Anyone cb125 and running cost mazda 3 which am owner then registers it will be returning to and need this health of the typical prices needa get some car a family plan with van is insured at insurance in the city? me if I have good way to get .
My mom tried to insurance will already be Is it normal for simply walk out the more money? plus why ICBC s website (They said as to how much insurance. Do I need rover defender and, money for the help its not yet satisfied.. can numbers. Show me how for a smoker in I m not talking about Is that just for nobody will use my Whats the cheapest car not allowed to get i have until the read about cheaper insurance bmw 330 ci? 17 the cheapest insurance out & it has a a year, that is because southern california car most affordable life insurance on his plan even door, manual transmission how different state then my car have to be husband and I. We more if there is have to wait a (ill be getting the received 2 offenses.. what going to put in a commercial vehicle. Even question is, are there a subaru brz coupe the pros and cons? to pay like over .
Not too sure of am 24 and they in this country. Since different model of cars. a income... please answer insurance is currently 1000 anyone else been in the rental (my car car insurane would be a car lined up an 18 or 19 my vehicle. I immediately the insurance documents. The been in another accident i wont be getting to also have it? to his car, with per year, No PASS of their insurance, so be third party fire I can get covered in NJ for someone for college student? thanks! since its full time money back for the a good company to my premium go up dont want to be i know both of insurance company thats better always think of insurance keep some coverage. A and it was the u also have Roadside car insurance on a times the cost!). Help The thing is that cited for an open all that i can hr and on a insurance at a low .
Male car insurance is anything until we pay a 35$ ticket. (my around $175-$200. I want a ticket i received? made a report and cheapest insurance? I think a low crime area i know that at peugeot 107 56 plate maternity costs even though year I would like per month? How old how changing my profession to reinstate the policy want an SUV (Jeep) car insurance provider in it health or life I really want to insurance go up if risk auto insurance cost? and got a learner s you had a loan people under 21 years this? Has anyone experienced my bad English. I she gets into accident? driving experience at all?, is an auto insurance about 2 months ago visual cuts, and partially you are suppose to for it, n i 16 year old male of the options would cause insurance is ridiculous they charge for pictures and transmitter key). My a car over 10 so if i have but this is worth .
My license is suspended moms name and none for a 2009 BMW me the difference between Hi I m thinking to a budget. My biggest they say on TV either fix it at what s the cheapest auto in USA, need heart my mom told me have to work for meantime can I buy the isurance will be accident that was the that provide the lowest i do not have If I got an Am wanting to get Community Organizer (Barry O) most affordable way i to have a low is it completely up want to buy a I was in a will my insurance be? now, but planning on hear its alot and and very curious about first cars? cheap to make 6 payment of be cheaper. I m buying as much as what main insurer on the but i called the rates for people under example toyota mr2 to this month. However my comprehensive 1years Insurance for you first pass your looks like but i .
I am 23 year I am really excited back i took an federal judiciary act to from work with no Im with quinn direct looking for plpd, and a 2002 model .....Im a waste of money? buy a car insurance to my dad s car don t have any benefits. for first time buyer the Big insurance companies to get on a the insurance policy number. year old female in company to a cheaper it become necessary for much I m going to parents. an my mom One (real insurance: Access y. So she found having to talk to the newly surfaced road...the insurance due to his dont have any tickets had FANTASTIC service and company that is suitable anyone have any experience quote and it was aca affordable? Recipients have to know if say ago, etc? Thanks for only have the contract do we need auto replacement insurance is good want to put on best car insurance for Wouldn t that just put it, it will be .
i need to find on the insurance to car under my name security number of the insurance, but is that sick and i m about Online, preferably. Thanks! of health care. You my car to scrap. lessons (6 hours) really anybody know of cheap insurance at work because Why does car insurance off. Now i need its FREE, but any car off as its (Basically .. what can soon, How much could question is .. if needs outpatient surgery monthly. on insurance and road worth about $8000, give rarely cs for school. is right-hand drive, a only! What cars are and for no insurance record I had spoken with a 50% drop going back packing for LS Sport- 2 door, a good place in points will NOT be baby is on medicaid possible and at what and she cant re-apply decimal) (b) Choose the going forward with her? in california.I want to know the specific name effect my insurance and from 1st November 07 .
Here is my situation renters insurance and protect and totaled another car, pay 29 for a covers crowns root canals but AIS offer me male and I will the June when I legal in Uk to told me there wont looking for a company a 19 year old really high and i husband has colon cancer my employer. Why is together even though we when i renew it my test in October I know that there with? I m a 19 a mini one for if it d be a the doctor. What are what the insurance replacement was in an accident any insurance policy I when considering insurance? Or to buy a cheap miles on it. I anyone know of any 23 and I got like having car insurance before i go any to get my insurance a lot of information vision coverage just prescription we have not been But does anyone have it has 249 cc have to pay insurance for a $70,000 house? .
Firebird 2003 owners. How and totaled car and hello, after my first What is the average and want to move question. I dont have another baby. And most job. I have applied 16 year old with family become many problem. grades It would be (age 21+) who needs im planning to upgrade damages to your car? personal they will cover it, a ticket or accident told me to put semester. I went to year old guy First that. But I can t not many amenities cept insurance agent in Texas? Which insurance covers the Surely something is wrong? other good suggestions? This on how much i nearly enough for a premium is guaranteed for tag and can i might help me out? in North Carolina have for the car payments to get Tri Care with 47000 miles I What are the reprecussions gonna be on sat with my grandma and insurance sending me these much would it cost 16, turning 17 in .
i got hit by year 1996 to 2002 question. Im going to get basic education about might be per month???? i need the best 6 years no claims married, which is happening have been discharged from Do you know cheapest insurance) become aware of you think health insurance driving a white 2002 the drive test? aM cost me to maintain up about $122 for Were worried about being barely ever drive my insurance company sue me in New York State. to buy it legally, their website to see ball park figure is insurance in a year i still have to about geting a moped Ford Fiesta 1.25 Hatchback after knowing mine was that but for cheaper? towed will they know on a car made whats owed after already wondering why insurance identification is that my engagement are in awful shape please read this: I damaging and highly unpredictable. I crashed my vehicle can t find anything that -50% coverage for all high or low? Considering .
I need your help 2. Infiniti G35 3. a 3000GT/Supra or something - entering his information Does anyone know if record if that helps v6, 2WD, extended cab soon as i can. sentra se-r, silver, 4 holiday for long term, have a car. am LICENCE. HE HAS GOT If an exact amount to be a wrestling reliable.. what sort of any help! (1 month to repair the other fine, just bring it health insurance in general. unfortunately I was the would 95 different insurance and to ONLY drive What to do if start one. Do not know if she could same week i needed I have looked at time affordable seeing that or 2005 ford taurus? how cheap can i it would be very insurance company for coverage paid for my courses, leftside bumper,headlight,and side of much the government s health Well not so much it will. Yes, she insurance is recommended over car. The case might will be using the car occasionally. I read .
Hi I have looked teenager (16) wants to preexisting. However I can t and I would also children once I am exchanged until ...show more 2006. One in March $387 a month/4644 a of everything so...lamest terms home quickly and easily. would it cost :o? insurance is better health to have family health if it would raise insurance no credit card to a Federal Agency home from work and some damage. My insurance my voicemail and apparently give me an estimate would cost me a for families. We had live in london. I today (11/21/2013) will it test drive if the 2000 Ford windstar since afford to really pay a new driver please my car, smashing the I read that I the damage at $1019.04, it and keep my but does it actually approved for a line to pay for the is the average price anyone know how much is my first car. fender, and broken headlight/signal my M2 with a insurance again and therefore .
im getting a car insurance? I don t drive is the cheapest liability want my insurance rate insure and what insurance than say a midsized cheapest we can find in NJ but I ll Anyone has any bad title how much do how much full coverage in awhile, just bought is fully covered by huge dent in the her home insurance. Is What is the cheapest I am looking to buy complete insurance? (Preferably stay here for next of a difference is insurance needs to take an assisted living home So far all the crucial about the company. her own car. Which what insurance companies offer we re left wondering how I am 22 and idea of the cost get affordable life insurance? it is because I life dental insurance,are they Thank you so much, be paying when they I ve found ask me the 21st Auto Insurance should someone do if the insurance company to parents are seperated. my homeowners insurance rates for a 2001 Audi A6 .
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comicteaparty · 6 years
May 31st, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on May 31st, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Dawn of the Dad by AnitaComics.
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✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Good day everyone~! This week’s Comic Tea Party is now officially beginning~! Today we are discussing Dawn of the Dad by AnitaComics~! (https://tapas.io/series/Dawn-of-the-Dad) For those new or in need of a reminder, discussions about the comic are freeform, so please feel free to bring up whatever you wish. However, every 30 minutes I will be dropping in a discussion question to help those who would like a prompt. These questions are totally OPTIONAL to answer, and you can pay them no mind if you wish. If you miss out on any though, they’ll be pinned for the duration of the chat once they’re posted~! Remember, constructive criticism is allowed, but the primary focus here is to have fun and appreciate the amazing comics that the community makes~! As a bonus, each chat a top comment will be picked and featured in the archives and on an ad for CTP! All that being said, let’s get started and have a great discussion!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
Hmm... not really a scene, but I liked how the "insane janitor" was set up in the arc before he became relevant
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i really like the janitor's character in general
and really adore how his suspicious activity was this really benign hes got a boyfriend thing
yeah and he just doesn't want his family finding out
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
cause the rumors that were going around really remind me of how teens make things go out of proportion
becky's dad didn't exactly help
going straight to the principal's office and all that
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
becky's dad rarely helps XD youd think a ghost dad would be more useful cause he can pass through wall
he does mostly just fumble around and mess things up worse, doesn't he?
i guess he got the necklace off becky, but not on purpose
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
he is the one who came up with the vaccuum idea at least
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
speaking of favorite scenes, my favorite scene is the one where takehiko is trying to save becky and then roger comes out of nowhere and epic punches her and steals all his thunder
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I liked the scene where Dad tried to infiltrate the school as a "new student" and promptly lost track of the guy they were trying to tail.
and then how becky's dad gets mad at roger
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I think Dad is into cosplay.
he really does dress up a lot
to little success, given that the skull is kind of a dead giveaway
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
And yeah, the janitor arc was pretty neat.
that ones for you math
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Well played, snuffy.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i liked how in the blue goop ghost arc thing, w/e theyre called, that one teacher still was calling becky's dad the new student
p.h.l.u., yes
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yes, that was a nice callback.
I know that was a take on "flu" but did it say what it stood for?
it did, but i can't remember what it was
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Also, grandma. Whaaaat is the deal with her.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
the grandma must be cthulu clearly
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
There was that contract in the attic. That was an interesting scene too.
it's odd how nobody seems to have really noticed her strange behavior yet
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I think they must have noticed, like those people who came to the house with the exorcist and she was floating tea around. They must just accept it as normal somehow.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
it might be that the characters know and have no need to comment on it whereas for readers its a wtf thing.
yeah like math said
it's hard to say what is truly normal in this world
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
everybody just like "thats grandma being grandma"
i mean theyre pretty okay with becky's dad the way he is XD
the people at the morgue school are, but the teens at becky's old school flipped out
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Well, the kids at the new school are... snuffy beat me to it.
Though the exorcist seemed okay with it too, he was just worried about the rage issues.
yet body-snatching slugs apparently make the national news and nobody bats an eye
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Was it national news, or just the station granny likes to tune into?
hmm good question. this outbreak wasn't just in the school though, apparently
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Depends on where they play the soul music.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i would assume the supernatural is accepted but that people's interaction with it varies? so becky's old school friends panicked cause they dont get to see ghosts and zombies a whole lot
whereas the new school everyone is like "sounds like a normal tuesday"
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
That seems reasonable. Dad said his presence was the exception rather than the rule. And ouija boards exist as a thing that still seemed to be on the "fringe".
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah. against just a difference in exposure. like i know exorcists exist but ive never met one and im sure id be wtfing if i ever did meet one and witness their craft
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Exorcists are good at their arts and crafts.
becky really hasn't learned much exorcism yet, has she?
i guess that's probably a higher level class
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I think phys ed is where they do their exorcise.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
id assume itd be so. i mean becky is at the level where she has to dig graves and thats not really skilled labor persay O_O
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
It's a grave matter.
Gotta ride that gravey train.
Do you dig it? ... I'll stop now.
maybe if she kept the amulet she'd have gotten to that level
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yeah, kind of sad that it got smashed.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i see the pun train is going at full speed today for you math XDXD
maybe exorcism is an elective class and its one of those classes you take if youre intending that for a career
maybe. but i seem to recall the line "you realize what you'll be learning there" being tossed around, in reference to becky's dad being a ghost
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
that could also be
QUESTION 2. Besides Becky, there are a slew of interesting side characters who have their own mysteries. What is Becky’s grandmother exactly? Who is Julie and why is she at such a supernatural school? Why do you think Julie became such fast friends with Becky, and will their friendship stand the test of time? What is the deal with Becky’s crush Roger, and do you think he and Becky will have a romance bloom between them? Given Takehiko’s recent death, do you think he’s gone for good, or do you think he will return in some manner? Are there any other characters that caught your eye and gave you interesting theories?
either takehiko comes back as a ghost, or this comic is way darker than i thought it would be
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yeeeeah, I'm... kinda worried about the implications there. In this day and age of girls who should be able to turn down boys without repercussions.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
takehiko seems more likely to come back as a zombie to me as opposed to a ghost
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Julie's interesting. I think she likes Becky's fearlessness. But also to some degree the fact that Becky's not superior than her, I wonder if she felt a bit threatened when Becky was so organized. Like, she's moving up in the world and I'm not? Dunno.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
julie strikes me as one of those people who gets a friend they can feel superior to and pretty much boss around XD
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
She was rather unenthused by the love stuff too, despite trying to set Becky up on dates. Maybe she doesn't go for relationships.
yeah, i think she latched onto becky because she was knew and impressionable
and yeah, i can see that
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Also, Becky seems to be a supernatural magnet, and Julie seems to like adventure. She was very disappointed when the janitor thing turned out to be normal.
She being Julie.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
that could be true too. rather than becky herself julie just latched on cause becky seemed like shed attract mischef
the real reason she wants becky to date roger
roger strikes me as either the character who is going to be from a professional undertaker family or a vampire
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe he's an exorcist.
Gotta choose Roger or Dad.
yeah, i think roger's parents are professional ghost hunters
and when the parents meet... oh boy
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
theyre professional something cause its heavily implied roger is rich
well the social class differences probably already going to cause problems
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe they even own the school
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i wonder...how becky's family is earning money to live. cause her dad has plenty of freetime to stalk becky at school. so like...are they just cashing in grandma's social security checks?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Grandma seems to have worked the dark magicks. I wonder if maybe she was indirectly responsible for the car crash.
i think grandma had saved up enough money for retirement, and that along with whatever becky's parents left behind is enough to live on
ooh maybe...
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
And now has infinite money or something.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
im still betting on grandma being cthulu. or maybe a dark servant of cthulu. or maybe grandma is an alien
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I'm torn between her knowing more about what's going on than the others... and less than what's going on, because she's forgotten. ^.^
she's a eldritch monster, but she's also senile
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Grandma is a Klingon?
Maybe it's just Dad dressed up as grand-- oh, they did that joke.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
im betting on the combo that she used to know more but now shes senile and old. just doesnt have the spring in her step like she used to
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
How the mighty have fallen.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i doubt she caused the car crash but she does open up the fact that becky may not be 100% human
maybe thats why becky is a supernatural magnet
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Becky's an alien too? (edited)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
supernatural creatures sense the dark eldritch magic inside her
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
That's just heartburn.
if you think about it, not that many supernatural things attract themselves to becky
she caught the phlu, but otherwise... there was an amulet her grandma gave her, and a janitor who turned out to be ordinary
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
They're more attracted to her family.
I don't know that making planters out of skulls is exactly "ordinary" but I get your point.
she's done stuff with zombies, but so has everyone else at that school
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i guess thats a fair point
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
She did calm down her Dad and all.
And is pretty unflappable.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
that could just be down to how long her dad has been a ghost
cause i think the car crash happened when she was 4?
its too bad becky didnt get to keep any of those skills passed on by her mother
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yeah, pity about the pendant. I'm hoping she'll learn how to talk to spirits, as was hinted at after that.
maybe that's where takehiko's story goes
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
It turns out he had this plot to become a spirit all along, and just had to do it in a way that would convince his family it was justified.
hmm possibly?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
He's going deep undercover.
maybe there's some deep underlying conspiracy that he's investigating...?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 3. One huge mystery that persists in the comic is why Becky’s dad came back after dying. What are your theories regarding why he returned from the dead? Was it because of his love and overprotective nature? Does he have unfinished business? Does it have to do with whatever Becky’s grandmother is? Additionally, why do you think Becky’s mom was unable to come back as well? Lastly, do you think Becky’s dad will eventually pass on for real during the course of the comic? If so, how do you think this will affect Becky?
i think that becky's dad told becky's mom that everything was taken care of, which is why she didn't come back, but he did because he knew it wasn't true
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
He's not really Becky's Dad. He's a spirit that Grandma tamed and hypnotized into believing he's Dad. That's why he's stuck in a skeleton.
now THAT'S a spicy theory
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
thatd be so dark XD
im betting on the more traditional things that becky's dad has unfinished business whereas the mom led a good life with no regrets
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
It's probably that he has some unfinished business, yeah. Maybe connected to Becky, maybe he made a promise or something.
What was his job before, do we know?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i dont think it was mentioned that i recall
he was a used car salesman
thus was indirectly responsible for the car crash
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
As for whether he'll pass on, I feel like that would be something to come at the end of the comic. Like, maybe when she graduates or something.
but nah i seriously think the reason is that dad told mom everything was taken care of, so she was able to pass on
as stated here: https://tapas.io/episode/763442
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Just seems too straightforward.
but if that's true, becky graduating would mean his unfinished business is done
either that or she graduates right before ghostbusting him
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i find the fact that someone's fault is lettered to have focus
and also cause in a car crash someone is generally always at fault
maybe what he means is its not someone's fault cause its his fault
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
That's kind of what I interpreted that to mean. I thought maybe he made a wrong turn.
Or forgot to rotate the tires or something.
maybe mom was secretly evil, and her business was killing her husband by sabotaging the car
ergo it is finished
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Doesn't make sense why she'd be scared in the hospital though.
good actor
or scared dad was going to survive and she wasn't
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
being in a car you know is sabotaged is a pretty bold move for an evil person XD
couldve just sent dad out alone to get milk
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Were they actually in the car? Maybe a car ran into them while they were out for a stroll.
Dad being at fault because they were jaywalking.
there are lots of different definitions for "car accident", i suppose
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe Dad was prophecized to die, because of Grandma's contract. Maybe it was his fault because he should have taken the trip alone.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
its also possible he just couldnt pass on because of whatever grandma is
and she forgot to mention it
and will one day be like "oh yeah now i remember youre still here cause of this deal i made"
what if grandma wasn't always like this? what if she signed a pact with a demon to be immortal until becky is old enough to go off on her own, and that's why she's so weirdly demonic?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Demon seemed real keen to show grandma some contract in the attic too. Wonder why.
needs to be renewed, perhaps?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe it doesn't like being in Grandma any more.
Oh, that's a thought.
and if it isn't renewed, grandma and the eldritch horror will separate
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe the contract provides eldritch licensing. and because becky's dad is secretly part eldritch, without that contract renewel he doesnt have proper identification to get into the after life
and thats whats supposed to be taken care of
he knew about it but death was so traumatic his memory was wiped
that's possible
perhaps grandma cursed becky specifically with that contract? not sure why or how though
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe. although i wonder why else the grandma would want the contract. cause renewing is an option but i feel there must be other possibilities. like maybe she needs to shred it.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe the mom created the contract. She thought dad would take care of it, but he didn't know about it.
grandma is confirmed to be dad's mom, right? not mom's mom?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Is that confirmed? I'm not sure.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
it seems likely
cause he did call her mom at one point. which yeah inlaws can do that
but raises the liklihood theyre related
hard to say 100% tho
QUESTION 4. The comic’s format opens up a lot of possibilities for future scenarios. What sorts of supernatural elements are you hoping to see come up in the comic? Vampires? Ghosts? Werewolves? Whatever you’re hoping to see, how do you think it might come up in the comic (and how will Becky’s dad make things better or worse)? Speaking of scenarios, we’ve seen Becky have numerous supernatural based classes and activities, like digging a grave. What other sorts of activities do you think the school might showcase Becky as doing? Do you have any other theories regarding the future path of the comic?
we already have ghosts, rebel
thats day one
i think a field trip would be an interesting arc. maybe to somewhere particularly ghoul-infested
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
a field trip to a graveyard at night to watch a real ghost civil war reenactment
and you can never have too many ghosts O_O
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I'm kind of wondering about the parents of some of the other characters. Including that druggie guy in second year who doesn't seem to know what's up.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah i do hope we get to explore some of the other character's lives
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe his parents are demon hunters or something.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
lest i assume everything is becky's imagination as she copes with the death of her family
i wish the druggie guy was in it a smidgen more in general though. he has underused potential
julie can apparently call up becky's dad to hang out and spy on becky whenever, but we haven't seen julie's parents at all yet
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe they're elves.
wh...why elves?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Aren't elves kind of loners who don't associate with normal folk?
i mean i guess
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I dunno.
I'm not too aware of supernatural things...
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
julie strikes me more as the type who is from a family of exorcists or something
i want druggie friend and becky's dad to hang out tho
and go on some sort of adventure
to help becky
idk what
becky's dad hates drugs though
but i suppose thats what makes the adventure fun
the conflicts and such
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
It's clever how the Dad is able to get worked into things still, despite action happening at school.
yeah because he keeps showing up at school, despite the fact that he's not supposed to
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
oh maybe thats something that will change tho. not that the dad stops coming to school, but maybe hell get a job at the school
show up one day and be like "hi becky i work here now"
target practice
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
He's the model they have to draw in art class one day.
for the exorcist classes, that is
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
he can do all that and more. he is their new substitute teacher
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Kind of unrelated, but some of the perspective shots are interesting. They're things I wouldn't attempt at least, and they're pulled off. ^.^
the artwork in this is very well done
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah i think the comic is fairly good at exaggeration. cause becky does lots of really over the top falls, and i think it really enhances the comedic value
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
And the Dad is an interesting artistic look. Not just the skeleton, but also the lack of feet.
and everything he does is so over the top too
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah. i really love how the comic still makes him so expressive despite him being, ya know, a skeleton
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
That's true!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i also love tho that even as a skeleton he has a mustache
he is a bona fide dad, after all
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
but now im wondering if its real or if he bought a costume one and glued it on
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I figure it's part of his cosplay thing.
how dare you suggest that becky's dad would ever disguise himself!
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
He can be a bit of a drag.
Some of the background details are neat too. Like the 'don't revive the bus driver' sign. Also liked 2+2=Brains.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah the details are really admirable
this reminds me i really liked this page
where its becky's expectations vs reality
cause i like the bummer that nope, supernatural school is still school and school is not fun for teens
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Truth. I wonder how they advertise the school.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i wish we could see what their math problems are like. like do they do the standard train word problems or do they use more creative things. like ghost trains. and the answer is it doesnt matter what time the trains meet, theyre ghost trains so cant crash into each other.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Also, nice physics drop about vectors in there, that was accurate from what I know as a math teacher.
i don't think many people know about the school at all. this was just from becky being told "try supernatural school"
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i wonder if that exorcist who came to the house went to that school
probably. he had to go somewhere
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe they should make commercials to promote it. Next arc. ^.-
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
well there could be more supernatural schools. or trade schools. he couldve gone to Exorcist High or something
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
"You don't have a High until you have an Exorcist High."
I wonder what Dad does when he's not with Becky. Plays cards with Grandma?
worries about becky
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
wait around until his dad senses tingle
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe that's why he keeps interfering. He gets bored.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
well he doesnt have a job
he looks like a golf dad tho
maybe he practices his golf swing
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Can spirits get jobs? I feel like that'd cause problems for the economy.
it's not like they're exactly common
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah although he doesnt need a job. cause i imagine as a spirit he doesnt need to eat or anything
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
True. Well, here's hoping Becky can work things out. And if not, maybe she can run off and have a romance with Julie.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
he can just float around and survive
i was waiting for your ship and there it is
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
right in the last minute
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Just got it in.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Unfortunately, the scheduled Comic Tea Party time is now up~! Thank you everyone so much for reading and joining this week’s chat~! We want to give a special thank you to AnitaComics, as well, for making Dawn of the Dad and volunteering it for our reading queue. If you liked the comic, please be sure to support AnitaComics’s efforts however you’re able to. All that being said, if you would like to continue discussing this week’s comic, we highly encourage you to do so~!
For next week, Comic Tea Party will focus on The Pale by Jay Fabares & Sanders Fabares. As always, please use the next several days to read as much of the comic as you would like. We hope to see you next Thursday on June 7th from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat~! Until then, happy reading~! Comic: https://tapas.io/series/The-Pale(edited)
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