#how to avoid getting taken advantage of etc
ink-the-artist · 8 months
no that makes total sense. i think it's cool to see your art have that kind of wide reach, but it's also nice for it to be like. well documented somehow that it originated with you if someone wanted to check, you know? like it can grow a life of its own but the roots are visible. if that makes sense.
YEAH exactly. im thinking of defunctlands video about the disney channel theme song composer and how hard he had to work to find him and all his other works. you put parts of yourself in your art and want to be seen through it, and when people dont know its yours or think its someone elses it takes away from that a bit
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storiesfromafan · 1 year
Confessions of the Heart
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A/N: it's taken me a few days, but here is part 2 to Antisocial Bookworm. I am so grateful for all the note's it and my other Mattheo story has gotten =^^= I hope this is on the level of the 1st part haha.
I will also be fixing up this story and my other one, once I can get to my boyfriends laptop.
Mattheo x Fem!Reader
Summary: set after the Slytherin party. Mattheo finally confesses to you how he feels..
Confessions of the Heart
Time could be a funny thing, or it could be cruel. In the passing weeks since the Slytherin house party it was unkind to Mattheo. Those fleeting moments with you gave him a taste of something that he was now craving. He wanted more time with you, more moments that would suffice the part of him that craved your look, your presence. In the time since the party he hadn't gotten a chance to be close to you. Sure there had been classes and meal times, but never as close as he'd like.
Lounging by a tree in the courtyard, with a book in hand, Mattheo had taken some time in the afternoon for himself. He quite liked being on his own for a while. It gave him time to sort through his thoughts, or pass the time with a book. Books; a new habit he had taken too after the Slytherin party. Books reminded him of you. And he wanted to feel closer to you. So here he was, in a place you would frequent with a book. Part of him hoping, no wanting, you to cross paths. 
You on the other hand had taken to doing your best to be invisible after the party. Though for the first week to two weeks that had been hard to do. The suck and blow game, and your kiss, with Mattheo was all the students were gossiping about. And with one piece of gossip, there were rumours that followed. Some were mild, while others were wild and greatly untrue. But it didn't take long for the rumours to be all gone, no doubt from Pansy and Mattheo.
If Pansy had heard anyone gossiping about you, she would shoot them down with her sharp words and fierce gaze. Maybe even bringing to light some rumors of the offenders own. Mattheo, as you knew, had gone up to anyone that spoke ill of you. He would have been calm and advised them to forget the rumors, but if they protested or he found out they had not stopped, he would end it with his fists. Which led to more detentions, as well as bruises and cuts to his face and knuckles. Including the prominent cut across the bridge of his nose he was currently sporting. But he would gladly wear any bruises and cuts, like badges, if it was to defend your honour.
You had obviously been avoiding Pansy, Mattheo and those from the party. Only dealing with them if necessary. In the classes you had with Pansy, the girl had taken to sitting with you if possible. And chatting to you about the class work, her friends, gossip, etc. You were polite and let her do as she wished. You didn't mind her company. And she had taken the time to seek you out and include you. Maybe Pansy was growing on you. Mattheo was an entirely other thing. Yes there were classes you shared with the curly brunet, but you kept to one side of the room, and he the other. There were times your gazes would meet, and hold for a few moments, before you'd look away. He had been nice to you, but did that mean he wanted to be friends? Surely it was a mistake, you told yourself.
Like you would have any afternoon, you were headed to the courtyard with a good book. But upon walking out of the castle doors, behind some other students, you spotted a familiar figure in your spot. Taking advantage that Mattheo hadn't seen you, you retreated back into the castle. What was he doing in your spot? Surprisingly alone, and with a book in hand? Has the world gone mad? With your favourite spot being commandeered, you headed for the library. Sure there were students coming and going there, but it was a cosy place to read. After all, the place was full of books.
Time had passed and dinner in the Great Hall was getting closer. Most students had packed up and left the library. The only few remaining were the serious studiers, and yourself. Marking the page of your book you thought it best to start getting ready for dinner. With your bag packed you left your little corner in the library and walked into a large foyer that had a beautiful mermaid fountain, which most students conjugated around at various times of the day. Upon passing the fountain you were greeted by Pansy and another Slytherin girl you hadn't really talked to. Pansy parted with her friend before focusing on you.
"Y/N/N! Feels like I haven't seen you all day" she said smiling fondly at you.
You gave her a small smile. "You saw me this morning in Potion's class".
You both fell into step with each other, heading for your common room. Pansy talked mostly during your walk, you gave some input at times. It felt more comfortable when you talked to the dark haired female at your side. You didn't feel as uncomfortable, or unsure with every interaction you both have.
"So I am going into Hogsmeade on Saturday to do a bit of supply shopping. Do you want to join me?" Pansy asked, smiling at you, hopeful you'd say yes.
You were unsure if it was wise. But you wouldn't mind a trip to Hogsmeade, you yourself were in need of a few things. Like a new book or two. "Sure Pansy, I wouldn't mind going to Hogsmeade with you".
Pansy had been surprised you had willingly agreed to join her, but nonetheless excited. Upon reaching your destination, you both agreed on the finer details for Saturday's trip into Hogsmeade before parting ways. You went to your dorm, dropping your bag by your bed before falling backwards onto the soft mattress with a deep sigh. Usually, at a time like this, you would have either school work or books on your mind. But of course you had one particular Slytherin male on your mind.
At the same time as you, Mattheo had made it back to his own dorm. Sitting at his desk he lightly tossed the book he had been reading on the surface before him. He had spent his afternoon in the courtyard with the hope of crossing paths with you, but it never happened. He felt deflated, for he had gotten his hopes up. Maybe you weren't interested in him like he was you. But if you weren't, why would he find you looking at him across a room?
Pulling at the curls upon his head, Mattheo let out a frustrated groan. Any other girl would have been putty in his hands by now. But you weren't like the other girls. And he liked that. Yet part of him wishes it wasn't this hard. He wished you had shown up today in the courtyard, taking a spot under the same tree as him, preferably close to him. At first there would have been silence, but eventually he would have started a conversation with you. The topic might have been the current book you would have been reading. From there the conversation would have, hopefully, flowed nicely. And before heading back into the castle he would have worked up the courage to ask you to The Three Broomsticks on Saturday, not a date but hopefully something like one.
Saturday came around in no time. That morning you had gotten up and got ready for the day. Your roommates were also going to Hogsmeade, so the room was buzzing with plans. Dressing in jeans, a light turtleneck jumper and ankle boots, with your hair put up in a messy bun and bangs brushed down. One of your roommates commented on your outfit, suggesting some lip gloss. She received a slap to her arm from another girl in the room, which confused you. But part of you thought it might have been a comment on your kiss with Mattheo. The girls in your room at first after the party, had given you looks while whispering. But it stopped soon after, making you think Pansy had gotten to them. Since then they have been nice.
Heading to the Great Hall for breakfast, you walked alone enjoying the peace. Everyone from your year that you passed were discussing Hogsmeade and their plans. Upon reaching the Great Hall, Pansy was talking with Draco and Blaise by the giant doors. Seeing you, she called you over to the three. Reluctantly you walked over to them.
"Morning Y/N/N!" Pansy greeted me with a bright smile.
"Morning" you replied to her and the boys with her.
"Y/L/N" Draco nodded his head to you. "We'll talk to you later Pansy". With that Draco and Blaise took their leave, and headed to the Slytherin table.
Pansy invited you to join her and a few of her friends for breakfast, which you decided to accept. Usually at breakfast you'd sit alone and read, be it school work or one of your books. Pansy and her friends talked every moment you all sat at the Slytherin table. Just down from them sat Draco and Blaise, Mattheo nowhere in sight.
Mattheo had slept in, waking to find his room empty. Upon seeing the time he got up quickly and rushed to get ready, he didn't want to miss breakfast. Once dressed he grabbed his jacket and headed for The Great Hall. Just about every female student he passed gave him the goo-goo eyes and flirty smile. No doubt half, or all, had been hoping he'd ask them to Hogsmeade. If he had to ask any girl in the school, there was only one choice. You; his antisocial bookworm.
Reaching the Great Hall, Mattheo smiled seeing there was still a decent amount of time to have breakfast. With a spring in his step, the thought of what he would eat this morning running through his mind, he failed to notice you sitting with Pansy and her friends. He took a seat next to Draco, clapping the blonde on the back. Blaise poured Mattheo some juice, while he started to put food on the plate before him.
“Cutting it close” commented Draco stirring his tea.
“Yeah, tell me about it” Mattheo said with a sigh. “Thought I’d have been woken up”.
Blaise smirked. “You looked very comfy, with a silly grin on your face. Wonder what you had been dreaming about”.
Mattheo choked on the juice he had just sipped, then coughed. “Bullshit”.
Draco laughed. “He’s telling the truth. So who were you dreaming about, huh? Maybe the recluse, antisocial bookworm”. Draco looked down the table from where they sat, gesturing to the person he had just mentioned.
Mattheo’s gaze followed where Draco’s was, and there you sat. So close, but still to far away. He watched how Pansy and her friends were talking, all the while you looked bored, probably wishing you had a book right then. A small, goofy smile formed on his lips, that didn’t go unnoticed by Draco and Blaise. The pair had been watching their friend closely since you were mentioned. They weren’t stupid. They could see a change in Mattheo since the party. And they figured the time on his own was an attempt to get close to you. Though he never got a chance alone with you.
Feeling like you were being watched you looked around, only to find those familiar deep brown eyes on you. When Mattheo finally made it to the table escaped you, and you had been somewhat aware of your surroundings. A small smile formed on his lips as you stared at him, knowing he had your attention. When had the dynamic shift between you? You had always been solitary, choosing to be separate from everyone else. Books replacing friendships & love interests, for it was easier than reality. But here you were, sitting with Pansy and her friends, have the attention of the Slytherin heart throb. The world must have fallen off its axes, & gone crazy.
"Ready to go?" Pansy's sudden question ripping your focus from Mattheo.
Looking at the girl next to you, you blinked a few times processing what was going on. "Ah…yeah" you said breathlessly. 
Pansy and you got up from your seats, Pansy saying a farewell to her friends, before the both of you headed back to your dorms to get your coats for the walk to Hogsmeade. All the whole time you moved from your seat till you left the Great Hall, you could feel his eyes on you.
Mattheo was cursing Pansy for taking you away from him. That eye connection was the most interaction with you he'd had in a day. He wanted it to last forever, or till he could get to you and talk to you. But it was lost now. And so he took to sulking.
"Cheer up" Draco said, clapping Mattheo on the back. "You'll have another chance at talking with Y/L/N. Her and Pansy will be in Hogsmeade. I've already invited Pansy to The Three Broomsticks, so she'll be with her".
Hearing those words cheered Mattheo up. He'd have another chance, and get to have a butterbeer with you. Not to mention the walk back to Hogwarts. Getting up with Draco and Blaise, all three boys put on their coats and decided to start making their way to Hogsmeade.
The walk to Hogsmeade with Pansy had been pleasant. Of course the dark haired girl had talked for most of the walk, but you learnt more about Pansy and who she is as a person. And you even engaged more in conversation with her, which surprised Pansy but also made her happy. The first place you were dragged was a small clothing store. Pansy was looking for new gloves and socks. After that you were dragged to a store to get some potion supplies, which suited you well as you needed a few items yourself. Pansy had made some jokes from different items, which you found entertaining and laughed at. The banter between you two was flowing nicely, not forced.
You briefly stopped for something to eat before continuing on shopping. You even got to pop into the small bookshop owned by a lovely lady named Doris. She was a sweet lady, who got muggle books in and would give you first pick. There was a good selection of stock that came in, but you decided to buy Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, and Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. You were feeling the need for something different, something with sadness, passion and romance. Though the two books were different, both would please your needs. Once finished their Pansy suggested having a butterbeer, and you agreed.
Reaching The Three Broomsticks you both entered with a smile, removing your coats Pansy headed in further before you. Then you heard Pansy’s name being called by a familiar voice. Walking to Pansy’s side you were greeted with the sight of Draco and Blaise. You felt a sigh of relief leave your lips that it was just the two Slytherin’s. But a small part felt disappointed not seeing the deep brown eyes of Mattheo. It was best he wasn't there. He was probably on a date with some girl, more fitted to be his main girl then you.
Both you and Pansy took a seat at the table that was closest to the fireplace. Pansy filled both boys in on your day. And in turn they had spoken a bit about their own. Your focus went from those at the table with you to the other students in the establishment. It was a buzz with chatter and laughter. There were a few couples that were quite cosy together, and one couple that looked to be on a first date. The group at the back were laughing and cheering over something you couldn't hear, but it was infectious nonetheless. Emerging from the group was a mop of brunet curls before seeing a warm smile on his face as he dusted off his sleeves. Another male clapped him on the back.
Mattheo had been pulled in by a group of students, a heated discussion on the current Quidditch season so far this year. He had tried to get away from there for the last ten minutes, and finally making his break, upon looking up he was greeted by the sight of you sitting at the table he’d left Draco and Blaise at. Oh how you looked cute right now. Pulling himself together, Mattheo headed over to the bar and ordered three butterbeers before heading to his friends with the drinks in hand.
"About time you got back" commented Draco as Mattheo put the butterbeers on the table, and slid one to Pansy, who thanked him.
"Yeah, once they get started it's hard to escape" retorted Mattheo, sliding over a butterbeer while looking you in the eyes.
"Thank you" you said softly, taking the offered drink, to which Mattheo gave you a wink.
Oh how that wink affected you. Your heart fluttered and your stomach turned. You had seen him wink before; to friends or other girls. But to be on the receiving end of it, it was going to do you in. Then those dark thoughts crossed your mind, telling you that you weren't worthy of him. That he deserves someone better, a female lead that was beautiful and smart. Looking at the butterbeer in your hands, you only half listened to the conversation going on at the table. Focusing more on your negative thoughts.
Mattheo couldn't help but look at you, watch you after giving you the butterbeer. He was sitting across from you, you were finally close to him again. He wondered what was going on in your mind. What were you thinking about, maybe him. He hoped it was him. A small silly smile formed on his lips at the thought of you thinking of him. Slowly you looked up, both your gazes meeting. He'd almost forgotten how clear your Y/E/C eyes were, all the while you could drown in his deep brown eyes. This could be like a moment from your books. The way he looked at you, paired with the cosy atmosphere of The Three Broomsticks. How you both didn't notice anyone else around you when you looked at each other. Something flashed in his eyes, you noticed. But you were unsure what it was. Mattheo on the other hand; the longer he stared into your eyes the more he knew that his crush was growing. He knew he liked you, and had to tell you in hopes you feel the same.
“Have you had a good trip to Hogsmeade?” Mattheo asked, finally saying something to you.
You nodded your head, “yes I have...Pansy and I went shopping”.
He smiled a lopsided grin. “That’s good. Did you buy anything?”
Again you nodded. “Yes I got some ingredients for potions, very boring. And a few books” you replied with a smile, thinking of your new friends that lay in a bag by your feet.
“Oh? What books?” Mattheo asked, genuinely interested, which surprised you.
With a small look of shock on your face, you brought the bag up and took out the books. “I got Wuthering Heights, and Jane Eyre. Both Muggle books, but I find them fascinating...”
Mattheo took both books, looked them over & had a quick read of the blurb on the back. If he hadn’t known you were one for romance or love, these books gave a small indication you were. Though there was love, there was distance and longing, as well as revenge and anger, mixed with some tragedy. 
“They’re silly, I know...” you said softly, as you put the books away. “But I find them interesting”.
“It’s not silly. You are allowed to like what you do” Mattheo said, smiling warmly at you when you looked his way. “I have begun to get into books myself, even a few Muggle ones” he stated, whispering about the Muggle books. Knowing Draco and Blaise would not let him live it down if they heard him.
That surprised you. You hadn’t taken him for a fan of Muggle literature. Or really one for reading. Mattheo was the bad boy. A list of girls that he had snogged or done more, as long as one of Snape’s lectures. Of course you’d seen him read but that was school books or magical world literature. The few times you’ve seen Mattheo in the library was occasionally to study, or rather getting answers to class homework, but mostly when he was finding a quiet corner to snog a girl.
Before your conversation could continue, Pansy said it was time to go. But before going back to Hogwarts, she suggested a trip to the Shrieking Shack. The boys said they’d come with, saying you girls would need protection. Which Pansy scoffed at. The walk to the abandoned house didn’t take long; Pansy, Draco and Blaise up front, while you and Mattheo walked behind them in silence.
By the time you made it to the Shrieking Shack the sun was starting to set. The boys stopped a fair distance from the building, while you and Pansy moved closer. Seeing the boys had stopped you both turned around and looked back at them.
“Seriously? I thought you were here to protect us?” Pansy asked in a baby voice. That made you giggle.
“We-we are” said Draco, clearing his voice. “Happy to wait here and if anything happens we’ll come to your aid”.
Mattheo laughed at his friend. Clapping both boys on the backs, he stepped forward. “I’ll join you ladies, happy to protect you” he winked at you.
“Our hero” Pansy said with a smug smile before looking back at Draco.
The three of you walked closer to the building, stopped at the fence of the property. Pansy and Mattheo talked about the building, the history and the rumours of the shack. You looked around, observing the abandoned building. You tried to picture what it might have looked like, if a family had lived there or was it a single person. Then you started to think of how it would be described in a book. One could describe it as a deserted, forsaken or unoccupied run down building that was boarded up in an attempt to conceal its insides from the world or to keep the outside world out. The wind rustled through the building causing the most haunting sound to hit one's ears.
While you seemed distracted Pansy moved closer to Mattheo and whispered, “if you are planning to make any kind of move you better do it soon”.
Mattheo’s eyes widened, nearly popping out of his head. “W-what!?”
Pansy slapped his arm, “keep your voice down”. She glanced at you and saw you were still oblivious. “I know you like her. And she is nice, sweet and shy...so don’t break her heart, or else I’ll break your nose”.
“I-I” he spluttered. Not sure what to say, but he decided he couldn’t hide it from the girl before him. “Okay...I like Y/N. Do you think she likes me?” He sounded like a scared child.
Pansy offered a small smile. “I believe she does, but she’s different. She’s not like the usual girls you ‘date’ Theo” Pansy said with air quotes.
“Oh I know she’s different” he said looking at you, a loving smile upon his face.
Pansy giggled, “then go for it!”
Mattheo looked back to Pansy and nodded his head. He had to confess to you that he likes you. Talking to Pansy seemed to give him a confidence boost. He felt he could just about take on the world. He just hoped you wouldn’t reject him. Pushing down the fear of rejection, Mattheo collected his thoughts and was ready to do this. Pansy had suggested along the walk back to the castle that he pulled you aside and you both talked. And he agreed. They had a plan.
“Lets head back before it gets too late” Mattheo’s words brought you back to reality. Pansy agreed with him.
Meeting back up with Draco and Blaise, the lot of you started the trek back to the castle. Once again you and Mattheo brought up the rear. It was quiet between you but it wasn’t uncomfortable. The light in the sky was almost gone as you came to the turn off on the main path that would take you into the Dark Forest. Pansy gave Mattheo a look before suggesting you stay with Mattheo, and watched the last of the sunset and the first stars.
Draco and Blaise started to protest but Pansy put an end to it, before the three took off and left you two on your own. Now on your own, you stood there unsure what to do. Alone with Mattheo. You had been doing your best to avoid him, and within a day you were back to a close proximity with him. And it was nice. You took a few steps along the path, closer to school, Mattheo not far behind you.
“Looks like a clear night sky” Mattheo commented looking up at the slowly darkening sky, and a few stars littering the heavens.
You stopped and looked back at Mattheo, before looking up to where he was looking. “Yes, I think so...”
Mattheo watched you talk, taking you in as you looked to the sky above. He noted how the almost faded light outlined your face, and highlighted your H/C locks. He gulped. You were stunning right now, you looked like an unearthly creature. When you turned, and your eyes met for the third time today. He was so close, closer then he had been. When did he get close? With one step Mattheo’s body would be just touching you. You felt your breath hitch at the thought, and your stomach butterflies fluttered at the thought of him touching you.
“You look lovely today...” Mattheo said, wishing to kick himself. “Not that you don’t any other day!” His nerves were starting to rise.
You looked at him with wide eyes. “Ah...t-thank you?” you asked breathlessly, unsure what else to say.
Silence settled in after that, leaving you both unsure and uncomfortable. Deciding enough was enough, you told Mattheo you were going to head back to the castle and started to walk on. Seeing his chance starting to slip, Mattheo quickly moved and grabbed your wrist with his hand.
“Wait!” he exclaimed in a panic. “Y/N, please wait. I-I need to talk to you”.
You turned to look at Mattheo, confusion on your face. “W-what is it Mattheo...?”
Oh his name leaving your lips, hearing your voice speak his name. It was music to his ears. “I need to confess”.
“Confess?” you questioned in confusion. 
Releasing your wrist Mattheo stood up straight, taking a deep breath. Now or never. “Y/N...I want you to know that you are different, different good! Not different bad. I like that you keep to yourself, that you read books whenever you can. I like that you don’t listen to all the bullshit students talk, and choose to live in your own world”.
You looked at Mattheo in a slight panic, you had an idea where this was going and you were undeserving of him and his affections. “Mattheo, stop please! This isn’t right, I’m not right...for you”.
With those words you turned and started to head back to Hogwarts at a faster pace. Mattheo, stunned for a moment, was quick to go after you, calling your name. You continued to keep walking, ignoring his cries. Then you felt your arm being grabbed and Mattheo pulling you to a stop and looking at him, though you didn’t meet his eyes.
“Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth be a liar;
But never Doubt I love” Mattheo recited from memory.
‘Hamlet by William Shakespeare’ you told yourself.
“My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep. The more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite”
‘Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare’.
“In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you” Mattheo said, bringing his hand up to cup your face.
‘Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin’ you thought as his hand touched your skin.
Realising that Mattheo’s hand was holding your cheek, along with great literature confession’s of the heart. Your mind was at a loss. What was happening? Has the world finally lost it? Or were you dreaming? The later more possible. But your mind could never come up with how good it felt to have his skin touching yours. Mattheo searched your eyes, trying to gauge what you were thinking or feeling.
“And finally, my own confession; I like you Y/N. I like everything about you, my antisocial bookworm. Or should I say my main girl”.
You felt your face warm up. You were right, he was confessing to you. He had recited words from books that you had read, which means at some point Mattheo had read them. Another surprise that he would have taken the time to do so. And then to give you his own, Mattheo Riddle, confession. Which was the best out of all of them.
“Are you sure?” You asked unsure.
He blinked before laughing. “Am I sure? Yes I am! I know I like you, I adore you. But do you like me?”
You gulped. “I-I...I do like you” you finally spat out.
The smile that crossed Mattheo's face was bright, it met his eyes and they twinkled with the starlight. He decided it was now or never. Mattheo stepped closer, leaning down closer to your face. This was it, you knew he was going to kiss you, and you welcomed it. As his lips lightly touched yours, soft and warm he noted, you both felt a small spark. Drawing back he looked at you, seeing if you disliked the kiss or did not want him. But there was joy, happiness.
Not wasting time Mattheo went in for another kiss. This time pressing his lips firmer to your own. That spark was there again, but stronger. He felt your hands come up to rest on his chest, he feared you would push him away. But your hands gripped at his coat. Taking that as a sign to continue Mattheo brushed his tongue along your bottom lip, and you gingerly opened your mouth. Mattheo then deepened the kiss, taking your breath away and sending your mind into overload. Slowing down the kiss, Mattheo pulled away, resting his forehead against yours and looking into your eyes.
“I take this as you will go out with me? Or should we just skip to boyfriend and girlfriend?” He asked with a cheeky smile.
You went red again in the face, something Mattheo was loving. He decided he would do anything to get that reaction from you, it was just too cute.
“What do you want...?” You asked him softly.
“Be my girlfriend Y/N/N” he answered with a cocky smile.
So you agreed. Making Mattheo the happiest he has ever been. And with that you headed back to the castle, first holding hands before Mattheo moved to wrap his arm around you, making you blush yet again. And though you were embarrassed, you were the happiest you could be. Maybe you weren’t a background character after all. You were the main girl, who got the main boy.
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A/N: Constructive feedback welcome. Hopefully you have enjoyed this story. Also, like to thank my boyfriend for reading my story before I post them, and putting up with my fangirl ways lol.
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adhdmeds · 10 months
How It Started W/ CSM Characters [Gender Neutral]
This is my first x reader fanfiction, so please give me plenty of criticism. You can also request certain scenarios. I hope you enjoy :) Makima:
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Makima is not a devil who cares for love. She finds the idea of love to be below her, a human concept that doesn’t concern her.
You two are coworkers at the Public Safety office in Tokyo. She’s a superior and you’re a new hire, ready to prove yourself
At first, she pays you no attention unless it’s to give you orders. Whatever kind of worker you are, lazy, hardworking, enthusiastic, etc., whatever it is, it slowly catches her attention.
At first, the idea of you becoming a lingering thought to her vexes her. She’s an important person who has to run a government organization, she has no reason to get interested in anyone, even in a platonic sense
But she can’t help it, something about you stays with her until the end of the day. This can’t persist, as she has plans for Chainsaw Man and the world. With all the devils of hell to deal with, one measly human can’t distract her
She “accidentally” let some devils loose in the Tokyo district and sent you and your team to go and fix the situation.
Despite all the odds stacked against you, you survive and this does it, Makima then can’t help but think of you CONSTANTLY.
Slowly but surely her schemes pivot from Chainsaw Man and eradicating devils to getting you to be just as infatuated with her as she is with you
Maybe she could make some use of you as well
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Poor ‘Beni, there’s no way in hell that she has the confidence to ask you out. It’s all on you, champ
For Kobeni, you will definitely need to be coworkers for you two to become close. She has to work constantly in order to please her abusive family.
You guys are assigned to patrol the city on day and that is how you two meet.
During that patrol, you strike up conversations with Kobeni, who, despite her nervous appearance, cheerfully reciprocates.
You don’t mind her nervousness, in fact, you find it quite endearing, leading you to slowly fall for her
After that patrol, you two exchange contact information to stay in touch outside of work.
This is where she will progressively open up to you about her family problems and the difficulties that she has to go through and, to her surprise, you listen and try to help her on an emotional level
No one really cared about her emotionally so she didn’t know what to do, she felt a bit overwhelmed
You being there for her and being a genuinely kind person to her is what makes her slowly grow attached to you and what makes you fall for her even harder.
You ask her to go out to eat or to watch a movie. You stop short of calling it a “date” just in case
You both have a great time
She doesn’t admit it out loud, but she would definitely agree to a few more dates
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You’re a student who transferred to Fourth East High School. You introduce yourself to the class.
Asa doesn’t think much of you at first, you’re just another student after all.
It isn’t until you are seated next to Asa that she finally pays you any attention
You start trying to talk to her outside of class to her initial displeasure, she’s an incredibly emotionally avoidant person.
This goes on for a little bit until the Bucky situation, Yoru taking over her body, and Asa losing her best friend Yuko.
After that, she starts to appreciate you coming up to her constantly.
These past two weeks have been miserable for her and you taking time out of your day to bug talk to her has cheered her up ever so slightly
Yoru wants to take advantage of this newfound friendship to make a powerful weapon to kill Chainsaw Man
Of course, Asa can’t let that happen, you are one of the only people talking to her at the moment and she can’t let you be taken away from her
This feeling of friendship slowly changes, she looks forward to school just at the thought of seeing you again
Asa decides that she must act and so she asks you out on a date and to her surprise, you agree!
Things are looking up for Asa! She has someone who she can be close with and maybe more than friends!
Maybe Yoru can leave this relationship alone, right?
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least-carpet · 1 year
I do find all these posts where people claim that JC is such a horrible person and that no one in Yungmeng can stand his scary self, seem to forget that if JC was that terrible it’d be pretty easy to just leave him without much fuss? Like none of his disciples are required to stay by like family bonds or anything. People pledged to follow him into war, but I doubt people would stay after that if he wasn’t being at least a decent leader. Hell, it’d probably have been pretty easy to kill him without the other sects questioning too much if he truly was that despicable a person. The other sects have the mess of family at least partially holding them together, but the Wen’s took care of that for JC!
Yeah, it's definitely taken to an extreme that doesn't make a lot of logical sense. If he was a violent despot, he wouldn't have lasted very long; he doesn't have any of the advantages of Wen Ruohan (money, resources, a lot of experience, a large sect with many powerful members, an extended family, etc.), who they put down anyway.
Based on the survival and growth of the Jiang sect, he has to be an unusually effective sect leader—he takes the remains of a massacred sect and builds it back into a great sect within 13-15 years (depending on the adaptation). You can't do that without any interpersonal skills. He's not soft and cuddly and approachable, of course, because that is also not how you achieve that particular outcome from his starting point. He is the correct degree of scary to outsiders to prevent people from trying him, but—notably—not so unpredictably scary that people feel like they need to take action against him (see: Wei Wuxian and his corpse army).
We really get very little of the new Jiang sect, though, just that there has been significant growth, made up of recruits that had to come from somewhere. This makes sense, given Wei Wuxian's withdrawal from the sect (and desperate avoidance of Jiang Cheng), but it means that there are a lot of gaps to fill in.
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
Do you think Superman ever found out about Superboy trying to drown himself?
so this is one of those thorny questions that rises out of the way dc editorial was like, well superboy and superman are separate books and we don't want superman all over superboy's story all the time. because in the text, there's absolutely no acknowledgment of it from clark, even when mae shows up and rips the s-shield patches off kon's jacket for misrepresenting what superman's crest stands for. if mae's heard of what's going on, surely clark should have heard about it too, right? but that never actually is shown to have happened anywhere in the aftermath of knockout arc.
it goes back to the attitudes prevalent in karl kesel's writing (and in general at dc in the 90s, i mean), with stuff happening to kon that SHOULD make any adult with a degree of common sense and responsibility go "hey! wait a minute!" but that has no real impact because karl kesel as the writer thinks it's nbd. like in superman jr and superboy sr, when clark is written as thinking kon and tana dating is just fine.
like, it's a discrepancy. because superman, the character whose entire thing is like. caring about everybody ever, and who IS shown to care for kon even before they're as close as they get later, ostensibly should have heard about superboy getting tangled up in something with a villain, and gone to investigate, and the fact that he didn't is entirely because editorial didn't let him, and because karl kesel didn't think this was a predatory situation. like yes knockout was written as manipulating and abusing kon, but not in a predatory way - just in the "manipulative and evil woman takes advantage of kind and naive boyfriend who wants to believe her" way. which is insane because she's also written calling him jailbait and all sorts of shit, but. that's just how kesel thinks sexual women are, and that's what he thinks teen boys fantasize about, etc., so it's not written in a fashion that even remotely condemns that behavior as Maybe Not Great.
because like. the thing is. if superman heard that a kid who fights crime wearing the crest of his house got manipulated into defending a villain and then tried to kill himself to take her down, of COURSE he would step in and say something or do something. in annual #2 he literally shows up just to talk to kon about how he's feeling about the paul westfield revelation - the idea that he wouldn't step in re: the knockout situation is absurd. it's completely out of character for him.
so like, no, i don't think he knows. it's the only way to explain him not showing up at any point. which is still hard to actually reconcile with the fact that mae did know, but... when working within the confines of what we're given with by a flawed canon that reflects its authors flawed views, we kinda have to bend stuff here and there a little, right? it's kind of impossible to make sense of, otherwise.
my personal interpretation of events is that clark was kind of avoiding too much news about kon in the early days because he needed some time to process the whole "being nonconsensually cloned while he was dead" thing, but also was in denial that he was upset or feeling violated at all, because he knew it wasn't kon's fault and because he was already fond of kon, and felt quite guilty for having any hangups about how kon came to be. it still takes a little fiddling (for instance, his appearance in annual #2) but it's the best way i've found to keep clark in character while having kon's story remain as it is. (i do find kon's narrative of exploitation and suicidality compelling. he's so kind and so full of joie de vivre and so independent. and at the same time those traits keep getting him taken advantage of. he's a vulnerable child in the spotlight. ough.)
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katiifaestarot · 8 months
My reading today is: What Truth You're Afraid (or avoiding) to See or Hear Right Now ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
☆ sorry for missing yesterday's blog post, i slept all day yesterday and was really just working on getting my body to feel better again 😭🥹
☆Today's post will be on the shorter side, but i hope the topic piques your interest 🫣
about me + why i am a tarot reader
There are 4 piles and you will be picking through The Earth Magic Oracle Cards picture that is right below this text!!!
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✨️🧚🏽‍♀️please choose your pile and may your intuition and inner knowing guide you to the pile with the energy most suited for you and most suited to help you along your path at this current point in time, no matter what that looks like🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
PILE 1- Love -- Compassion
PILE 2- Green Man -- Synergy
PILE 3- Ancestors -- Generations
PILE 4- Ceremony -- Invocation
** sometimes ( most of the time ) i will pick up on multiple energies that need attention or want to be expressed during the reading so i ASK YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS DURING MY READINGS:
depending on how the reader(YOU) chooses to look at the situation or however the situation resonates for the reader(YOU) and because this is a general reading;
⚠️YOU HAVE to be able to use YOUR better discernment + better judgement skills to fully absorb the message and be able to do the necessary work to keep YOURSELF on track for the future YOU WANT for YOURSELF⚠️
The truth you are afraid to see/hear right now is: Your heart is tired and done with getting taken advantage yes, but its also tired and done with not being attended too and being closed off to everything and anything that would help it heal and grow by you.
because YOU still refuse to let go of past situations or people, or because you are blocking it off out of fear, doubt, or past rejection. Your reality is not what you would like it to be. And you arent bringing in people or situations to help it heal OR help YOURSELF/YOUR MIND HEAL TOO!!
What your heart/heart space/heart chakra is trying to get you to understand is that you are not the only one who goes through heartbreak that causes you to feel earth-shattering-ly broken(¿? if that is a word((its not)) or if that makes sense lol). You and many others share the same pain. So it would stand to reason that you ARE NOT ACTUALLY ALONE AND YOU HAVE PEOPLE AND SITUATIONS WAITING FOR YOU TO OPEN UP AGAIN SO THEY CAN AS WELL HEAL AND EXCHANGE THE CORRECT TYPE OF ENERGY TO HEAL THEMSELVES AND YOU.
Another thing is that you need to recognize and fully believe is that your own thoughts create your reality and the more you focus on fear, doubts, pain, etc, etc-- the more you'll feel and see darkness encompass you.
but if you focus on the new things that could bring you happiness and so much love + stop fearing change and uncomfortability, you'll start to notice how much good is around you and how much you AREN'T alone💚
The truth you are afraid to see/hear right now is: you are ready to get on move on in your life, and you're actually afraid of your own success at the moment, which is holding you back from everything you deserve to attain for yourself.
you will be victorious if you are SERIOUSLY and CONSISTENTLY going after them.
so be more open, aware, excited, and trusting of yourself and the divine support coming towards you.
make sure you keep your ego in check! Dont get carried away and DONT get to.....victim-y either!
work in tandem with yourself and other people or things willing to help you grow
The truth you are afraid to see/hear right now is: you do NOT have it all together and you CANNOT do the healing all by yourself, you will need to open up about the pain that has occured either to a trusted friend/family or seek guidance from a professional source. and there is nothing wrong with that.
You're dealing with generations of pain and missteps. And that is simultaneously SO COOL and SO F◇(#-ing hard to take on and deal with.
I say cool because 🥹you guys do have the ability to tap into your past generations abilities and skills to help you through life as well. Because just as much as you take on the pain, you take on the wonderful traits from your past ancestors as well.
You have drive, strength, passion, resiliency, and so many more wonderful qualities too. All passed down from people who lived WAAAAAY before you.
so dont take on everything alone, gather help, and that will show your true strength!
-444 could be significant or have a message for you.
The truth you are afraid to see/hear right now is: Dont cut off spirituality or spiritual gifts because you're afraid, because it goes against something you might already believe in//**were told to believe in by someone else, or because it's not tangibly showing itself to you.
You need to open up your mind and heart to fully becoming who you were always meant too.
This path keeps calling you and you might be ignorning it.
If you truly want to change, grow, and become someone you like within yourself:
start with an altar of somesort and put the four elements on it (earth,water,fire,air) ie-things that represent those elements and then start to add personal items for you that can remind you throughout your day what you want to achieve and that hopefully helps with believing and staying on track this year and MANY years to come too.
I sincerely hope you received what you needed and released what you don't !! See you again soon!! Take it easyyy and just breathe and fllooowwww!!! you got this! byyeee~🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
**please let me know how I'm doing in any way you can! that is the easiest way to support me and also a good way to signal to me that I should keep going + any helpful advice from the community would be welcomed and appreciated because i've been off tumblr for about 5years+ now and it's all different n' shizz 🥺 🥹 🙏🏼
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secret0codename · 7 months
I went back! ^^ With a Headcanon
=/ Hello people, I disappeared but I'm back maybe I'll be less active but I'll post more that way! What happened was that I have anemia and it's getting worse, insomnia and some other things... But I'm back to writing!
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♣︎My Ticci Toby Headcanons ^^
I was looking forward to writing this, as I know the most about Creepy! Besides Sally hihi, I hope you like it, as always my English is not perfect :)
*Small start *
-This boy definitely has a passion for fire and is a pyromaniac; he plays with fire as if it were something simple, but who cares, he doesn't feel any pain!
-"S-shit, uhush, because it d-doesn't hurt" Toby did everything he could to try to feel pain, which didn't do any good and even caused his body to be full of scars, and when he's injured he rarely notices it because he doesn't feel the sting of the wound.
-But he uses this to his advantage, because if any victim tries to fight he will have an advantage because if he is stabbed* or shot* it will not hurt him in any way, which makes him feel "stronger" than his opponent.
- He loves animals, even so he doesn't get too close because he's afraid of hurting them, the fact that his favorite animal is a raccoon makes everything better, Toby feels much better around animals than people
- Toby is an adult man, over 20 years old, after all he became a proxy at around 17 and 18 years old, his appearance is adult
-Is your skin always very pale, perhaps because of your condition or perhaps because you want to go out more at night? Here's your opinion
-His eyes are brown, almost black, dead eyes, with very obvious dark circles on his face, he doesn't care about it, and he clearly doesn't sleep regularly
-His hair is the size of a Mullet but it is not a mullet, it is tangled and full of curls, perhaps dirt like leaves or even dirt
-Body hair, just like every teenager, he had hair but he never cared about taking care of it, he has hair like anyone else, perhaps very rarely he bothers and tries to remove it but a small cut always comes out, his tics make he loses concentration, which makes him spend hours trying to shave any hair off his body
- "Stupid Ush- Pel-Pelo is sh-shit.. It won't come out" This man has a very dirty mouth, that's nothing new
-He has big hands, with some calluses, he also holds the ax tightly
-He has separate teeth, they are not aligned or much less just white, His teeth are yellowish and a little crooked, but he likes to keep his breath good, so he brushes his teeth slowly to avoid tics, he feels much prettier when he takes care of himself, even if it only happens a few times.
-He knows very well how to differentiate between friends, victims, lovers, enemies, etc.
-He has long dialogues with victims that he takes a while to kill, even if it could go wrong and the person escapes, he captures them and leaves them tied up listening to him talk for hours, or even days
-If he makes a friend, know that he values it. More like him, he makes people angry, mocks them, humiliates them, but deep down he just wants them to stay there forever, always, ALWAYS
-If he has crushes, that's a problem, he becomes crazy, persecutes, hurts, kills and kidnaps* and if that person doesn't want to, he will get frustrated, at first he would stay still but then he would kill you or something else he comes across your mind
-He doesn't mess with enemies, but if enemies mess with him... Poor things, he won't stay quiet he hates being taken out of the concentration area
-He doesn't remember Lyra, just small memories or sometimes hallucinations with her, but he forgets. If you are similar to her physically or mentally he will have some dejavus and he will be tame for a while but will soon raise his guard again
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Let's talk about Sand.
I love Sand, and even though it hurt to see him use Ray last week, I loved that he was capable of the scheming required to do so: breaking his phone, lying to Nick, etc. And I love even more that when he saw how he had miscalculated, and how Ray was going off the rails, he tried to course-correct. Ultimately, he recognized his mistake (not accounting for how deeply fucked up the rest of Ray's friends are) and did what he could to take care of Ray.
I've seen a lot of people say that Ray is using Sand to get taken care of, and I very much disagree. Ray is enjoying getting taken care of, yes, absolutely, but he's not using Sand; not since that first time that he's paid for Sand to keep him company at least. Even then, I genuinely think that was Ray attempting to get what he needs without burdening others -- if he's giving Sand money, something he needs, then he's being useful -- but we're talking about Sand, sorry for the digression.
Sand has zero illusions about who Ray is.
He calls him out for being a lonely rich boy, for being a needy mess, for not being careful about people's feelings-- including his own.
Sand has seen Ray at his absolute worst. Has seen him drunk and throwing up and not remembering the next day. Has seen Ray drunk and asking to be left alone, because he's not worth it. Has seen him systematically blow up all of his friendships, and say goodbye to his best friend, and get behind the wheel of a car (something Ray has not done since meeting Sand, always seeking a ride from him or already being with him instead).
Sand chased him anyway. Sand let Ray chase him anyway.
Sand shows his love through caretaking; it's what he knows from how he was raised, as more of a friend and confidant to his mother than a child. It's not a healthy dynamic, but it's what he knows, and it's shaped his love language. Sand is a care taker, and he has so far sublimated that need to care for others by sticking to his routine, working, saving money, and making sure his mom is okay, avoiding relationships in favor of hookups.
Enter, Ray. A walking "please love me" sign that is also absolutely overflowing with love in need of an outlet, and Sand was never going to be able to turn away from such a kicked-puppy of a man.
When your primary way of relating to others is to take care of them, you do tend to ignore what might be best for you, but there's no way to turn off the deep seeded need to fix what's wrong for those in your circle (I mean, there's intensive therapy to try to keep from actually hurting yourself in the process, but you're always going to want to take care of people).
But Sand isn't doing anything to his own detriment. He's got his eyes wide open, and he is choosing to care for Ray anyway. He sees something in Ray worth loving, and Ray desperately needs to feel worthy of being loved, so that he can let all the directionless love inside him find a place to land. They both need to feel needed and wanted, in different measures, but they are both uniquely able to offer those things to each other.
Sand is a giver, but he's not being taken advantage of.
Ray is not a black hole, he's just been empty of love and affection for a very long time, and Sand, with his patience and his giant heart and his unwillingness to take Ray's shit, is happily waiting for the opportunity to fill that emptiness as soon as Ray stops trying to self destruct.
Sand is a good man, and I hope that he gets everything he wants (namely a world tour with Ray at his side).
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jben073 · 9 months
Grace Chasity and Bliklotep Headcanons!
Here are the Grace and Blinky headcanons that I made bc I misunderstood the last ask! Hope you all like these bc they were really fun to make!
- Grace has always had poor vision. She’s supposed to wear glasses but she has always hated how they felt on her face and hated the sensation of contact lenses even more so she just kind of suffered through not being able to see super great and accommodated herself whenever possible for most of her life. After coming into contact with Blinky/being under his influence, however, her vision becomes exceptionally sharp and developed.
She becomes abnormally aware of even the smallest movements or visual changes in her surroundings. One day she has the sudden realization that she can now see in the dark because Blinky needs his vessel to be able to see at all times so that he can watch at all times.
- Blinky likes to ‘passively’ possess Grace and essentially just (figuratively) sit in the back of her mind while Grace remains conscious and keeps (majority) control of her body. This is because he likes to watch things through her eyes/point of view. 
When he’s doing this, she tends to become a lot more still and quiet, and her irises are tinted purple like the people in WatcherWorld. Most often, he does this when Grace is witnessing something that he would find entertaining (usually arguments or violence). She’s like a front-row seat to the action for him!
- While Grace carries on with her day (at school in this case) during Blinky’s ‘passive’ influence, she will occasionally realize that she has been unconsciously doodling eyes all over her paper alongside the occasional Blinky ramble exposing her classmates’ secrets (which she promptly rips up and wishes she never saw in the first place.)
He will also sometimes push forward enough to very minorly take control and use Grace’s voice to speak for a moment. Typically it’s more of the same with him saying something ominous about knowing/seeing what someone has done and possibly taunting them about eventually being punished.
Her classmates are unphased because honestly, Grace is just kind of like that all of the time anyway.
- Blinky likes to mess with Grace by making her unintentionally cheat on tests. He knows that oddly, the things that get to her the most are the little things that challenge her specific morals rather than the blatant violence he might enact to mess with others. While writing tests, Blinky will flash images of the answer sheet in her mind before Grace is able to think of the answer on her own so that now it’s impossible for her to get the answers wrong and thus she is wracked with guilt for having an unfair advantage over her classmates.
- Blinky will constantly try to influence Grace into snooping through her friends' things or just generally invade others’ privacy. Often he does this by filling her head with all kinds of distrustful thoughts: telling her that they’re hiding things from her, that they're talking behind her back, that they stole something from her, that they’re going down the wrong path, etc. Anything to make her stick her nose where it doesn’t belong. If she’s kind of zoned out, he’ll sometimes subtly influence her into walking within earshot of private conversations so that she overhears things that she shouldn’t know.
Grace has now taken to holding her hands very tightly clasped behind her back while in others’ homes because it makes it easier to avoid the temptation to rifle through things that are none of her business.
- Blinky is a huge gossip (a bit of a lighthearted word for an eldritch god but it suits him!) and he specifically is the one who (very gleefully) directs Grace toward her victims. He’s always in her ear telling her about the sins of her peers and giving suggestions as to which “dirty dude” she should go after next.
- Oddly, I feel like Blinky has a little bit of a soft spot for Grace compared to the other humans that he’s encountered but that doesn’t mean he won’t mess with her. Because of this, Blinky tells Grace what people say about her behind her back. Part of this is because he wants to hurt her, but part of him also wants her to know so that she can stick up for herself and get revenge (plus there’s the added bonus of it being free entertainment for him!).
When he’s having a rare moment of empathy, he will simply inform her of the sins of the person who was saying nasty things about her and encourage her to use the Black Book on them without ever disclosing that they were saying anything about her.
- Grace is the most paranoid about Blinky out of all of the LIB. She’s not necessarily afraid of him, but she is constantly aware that he could be watching her, especially when she’s doing something that she thinks is wrong or sinful (even if it wouldn’t actually phase him at all) and she is afraid that he will use this information against her or tell others. 
He lets her continue to think this way because it gives him greater power over her but realistically, he would not want to betray her trust in this way and risk his most powerful asset becoming disobedient/disloyal to him.
One more silly one to end on!
- Blinky constantly wants to antagonize Bill when Grace sees him at church but she has set that as a hard ‘no’ boundary because she refuses to be disrespectful to ‘a good churchgoing Christian’ like Bill.
She’s nice to him at church!! She can’t lose that!
That's all I've got rn but this was very fun!
Anyone can feel free to send me asks about hcs :D I definitely have a bias toward Grace-related hcs (including stuff like this where it’s her dynamic with another character) bc my brain is rotted for her, but I’m willing to try others if someone wanted that :)
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blackrabbittwst · 1 year
Hi I was the one who asked for the Aladdin one and yeah I totally should've clarified!!! So what I mean is that I wanted their personality to be like Aladdin (charming mischievous quick-witted caring etc.) and that some part of Aladdins background in them. Like them being good at stealing things bc they need to. hope this helps. Please tell me if u need more info!!!
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A/N: It’s all good! Thank you for the details! That should work!
A/N 2: I actually started writing this a year ago, so I’ll go back and proofread it later.
Synopsis: Dating an Aladdin-like S/O
Characters: Jamil Viper and Kalim Al Asim
Pairings: Jamil Viper x Reader, Kalim Al Asim x Reader
Gender/Pronoun: Gender Neutral
Warning: N/A
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Kalim Al Asim
Kalim would be easily drawn to your charming nature. He already has this innocence and trusting personality, that he would be an easy person to captivate. Thankfully he has Jamil to help him avoid a lot of these people and their schemes at home. However, if you do fancy the adorable son of Al Asim, it won’t be too hard to catch him with your charms.
However, despite your charms, you’d probably be drawn into his own charms as well. While he may not act it, Kalim has his own unique charm that even draws the entire dorm to his side. So together you both would be a charming power couple! Everyone would be attracted to both of you and be surrounded with love and affection.
Since he’s such a pure boy, he wouldn’t initiate or encourage any mischievous schemes you might be pulling of they’re past the point of small harmless pranks. However if you only pull harmless pranks, he’d probably have fun setting it up with you and giggling. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or make them sad. He would also be against anything violent since he wouldn’t want to see you hurt.
If your schemes or plans are more harsh, hurt people’s feelings, etc., he would scold you for not being kind to other people and how you’re better than that. He’d mention you’re too smart to be hurting others with your skills. You could be using them to help others instead. He might even get upset to the point of crying.
He wouldn’t really appreciate it if you steal at your older age. He’d understand and not criticize if you stole necessary items like food and water as a child to survive. However, now you attend the most prestigious magic school, so there’s no need to steal anymore. Instead he’d promise to buy you anything they wanted instead!
If you continued to steal after talking to him about it though, it will be a betrayal of his trust to some degree. He’s used to being taken advantage of by other people who want to obtain his wealth, so he’s experienced theft. The idea of you stealing would remind him of people who have hurt him in the past. He doesn’t understand why you would continue to steal if he could buy you anything you wanted.
If you wanted to give back to the poor, just tell him. He doesn’t understand what the lower privilege class goes through on a daily basis, so you would need to sneak him out to a town and show him first hand. He’s lived a life of luxury, but they doesn’t mean he’s greedy, if anything all he ever wants to do is make people happy and be happy. He’s willing to supply anything the town would need if you help him understand what they go through and what they need.
You and Kamil go into the town you grew up in while wearing hoods to cover your faces. You made sure to mention that this trip was purely to understand how people are living, and that you would help them later. If you both were not careful, people might recognize him and go into a frenzy. You did clarify that you would explain everything when you both made it back to the dorm because asking questions in earshot could also blow his cover. Holding his hand, you lead him to the back alleys where he comes face to face to starving children and homeless families begging for food. Kamil would look at them so sadly, not understanding how they got in this situation. He grew up in a home that always had plentiful of food and jugs full of water to the point where he never felt much in the way of hunger or thirst over a long period of time. Seeing these children run up to him and grasp onto his pants legs almost made him cry. The moment he’d watch you take out an apple from your bag and carefully hand it to the child, he knew he fell in love again. Your warm smile made his heart flutter and the way the child’s face lit up so brightly made him so incredibly happy when this child was crying merely moments ago. While you were handing out some food you had just bought down the street, many of the citizens asked you who was the man that accompanied you. Normally you would swing by these alleys by yourself, so seeing that you had a fried delighted them. They were all worried you weren’t making friends and that you were spending too much time there than at the fancy school you worked so hard to get into. You would reassure them it was the least you could do after all the help they gave you growing up. You did introduce Kalim to them as your boyfriend at school but mentioned he was very shy to avoid too much attention towards him.
Back at the dorm, Kalim asked you many questions, like why these people were without homes, why they didn’t have food, why no one else helped them, etc. You did attempt to answer all his concerns, but ultimately it really varies on a person to person basis. It broke your heart to see him look so dejected and sad to see all those people on need, especially since you grew up that way. After a large deep breath, Kamil hops up and exclaims that he was going to start giving back to those people! You were completely surprised, but not because you didn’t think Kalim would offer his wealth for other. It was the fact that he decided this so quickly and without any judgement towards the individuals who lived there. Of course you had to guide him on what to buy the people in the town. For example, they don’t need wine at the moment, nor do they need golden chairs to sit on. You were very gentle and passionate as you explained what are actually necessity items they don’t actually have. The list of common goods was so shocking to Kalim. He knew that they did not have much in the way of belongings, but even jugs to hold water was something they they struggled with since they could develop cracks over time. He would end up thanking you for showing him how grateful he should be about his life and that he should focus on using his ressources for the people in need. It really warmed you heart to see him so excited to help others like yourself.
Jamil Viper
Let’s be honest, Jamil would be super suspicious of you at first. He would be able to catch glimpses of you stealing food here and there or using your charming personality on the fly as you convinced people that you were not planning something like a scam (but you indeed were).
He would think you had ulterior motives when you wanted to get closer to Kalim. However what he doesn’t realize is that the reason you seemed to be getting closer to Kalim was to actually get closer to himself.
When he realized how caring you were and how you cared for the less fortunate, he would allow himself to open himself up more to you. He would act less cold towards you and not avoid your presence. By watching your good nature, he’d eventually realize you were not there to take advantage of the Al Asim family.
He’s used to keeping his guard up, so he would be apprehensive and not tolerate your mischievous side. He finds it troublesome since it causes him issues he’d have to clean up. However , if you involve him in your schemes, he’s totally game. He’d definitely want fo help if it was involving harmlessly pranking Kalim (as long as it didn’t get back to Kalim that Jamil was apart of it so his parents won’t find out), or if it involved scamming the King of Greed (AKA Azul lol). As long as Jamil isn’t responsible, he’s a lot more chill.
Like getting Kalim to run into a door opening blocked by cling wrap and seeing his face scrunch up in the transparent film! After you set up the trap, Jamil would probably be the one to lead Kalim to the door’s opening and duck gracefully under the film before Kalim runs smack face first into the stuff. Of course you’d all share a laugh afterwards (and someone might post it on magicam).
After learning to trust you, he’d also get caught up in your charm and be attracted to your quick-witt. While he does find Kalim a little troublesome, his own charm is what really keeps their friendship alive. Despite not showing it, he’d find this charming side of you endearing and special. It would be something he loved the most about you as your carefree nature won over the entire dorm
Similar to Kalim, you’d be able to convince him to do things with you despite his initial rejections. Please convince this overworked boy to relax and take a nap with you. Normally this would be impossible but if you worded it in such a way, he might be willing to listen. A decent excuse would be: enjoying himself and his free time rather than continuing to suffer and half-ass everything (so basically instead of trying to be mid, be lazy and smack off here and there), would be more worth his time. Also the moment when you quickly react to a problem, he’d be so impressed. It would be a reminder why he liked you in the first place. You had a quality that the Great Seven of Scarabia would adore, which was your wisdom.
When he finds out why you resort to stealing, he wouldn’t criticize you too much. He’s experienced his fair share of swiping food when he was in middle school, and your reason was even more heroic than his immature past self. However, he has matured since then and he would encourage you to stop the antics since it was bound to get messy and cause you more issues than benefit in the long term. He understands living as someone less privilege and trying to survive, but you’re at NCR now and there’s no reason to steal anymore. There were many other ways to give back to the poor that didn’t include the five finger discount.
He’d help you out as much as he can and maybe even manipulate Kalim to help out too. For example, he’d convince Kamil to donate money to you as a sponsor so you do not have to worry about your financial situation. He could also tell Kalim about donating his money to charities around Sage Island rather than spending it so frivolously. He’d also assist you helping others in need on his spare time like volunteering to cook for the hungry.
While in town on a free weekend, you were peacfully wandering around window shopping with Jamil and admiring the stuff you could only dream of obtaining. You noticed a small shadow moving in the corner of your eyes getting slowly closer than what you’re comfortable with. As the figure reaches in your pocket, Jamil swiftly snatch their arm and you turn to look at the thief in eyes. In front of you was a dirtied faced, wide-eyed small child not much older than 10. His face, despite all the soot and dirt smudged on his face, pales at the sight of his victim staring him down, catching him in the act of pickpocketing. His eyes water as he begins to tear up, so shocked as he gasps for air, attempting to utter a single word. Like a fish being quickly reeled in to be then eaten by a hungry fisherman, the small boy tries to wrangle out of your grasp. Before he could get free, he feels something cold hit his hand, which made him jump out of his skin. You gently let go of his arm as he scampers away desperate to get away from his captor. After rounding the corner, the boy remembers the cold sensation in his hand earlier. He slowly opens his hand to see a shiny gold coin. He closed his hand, and reopened it a few times thinking this was just a big joke.
“If you needed help, you could have ask us.” Jamil says behind him. ‘When did he even get behind me?!’ The boy thought as he whipped his head around to stare at the couple he just tried to pickpocket. Before he could zip off again, you kneel on the ground to his eye level and ask, “What do you need the money for?” Your kind voice resonated inside somewhere in the boy. It was something he hadn’t heard in a long time. The image of his late mother flashed in his head as she gently rubbed his head while softly telling him how much she loved him. Your voice alone allowed him to trust you and Jamil, just a little bit. “My sister. She’s sick. And my brother is starving.” The boy quietly mutters while looking at the ground. You hum with acknowledgement as the boy’s eyes fill with tears again, being reminded of his harsh situation. “Come back with us and we can get you some medicine and food.” Jamil says as he uncrosses his arms in front of his chest and reaches out to the boy. “B-but I just tried to steal your stuff! Why would you help me?” The boy croaked, thinking maybe their kindness was a trap. “Because I know how it feels to live a tough life.” You say with a sad smile as remember your time on the streets. He recognized that expression. It was the same as his mother’s smile as he watched her slowly lose strength from a rare disease. It was worry and guilt as she realized that she would be leaving her children to fend for themselves in this cruel world. Tears stream down his face as he sobs at your kindness. A small sigh escapes Jamil’s lips as he bends down and pats the child’s head. The boy, wishing for comfort, reaches up and clings into his arm, which surprises Jamil. After calming the boy down, the two of you go and buy the boy medicine and food for his siblings, which he was more than thankful for. After returning to the dorm, you made plans with Jamil to go back to town and check up on the child to make sure he doing alright. Jamil also suggests that he’ll cook some curry and bring it to them and any other homeless children in the area. It was then that Kalim overheard their planning, which lead to you telling the housewarden their encounter in town. Kalim’s eyes widen and start to tear up dramatically as he agrees to come along and help the children (much to Jamil’s disappointment since he’ll have to babysit Kalim, but he is thankful that Kalim is willing to help out at the same time).
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autisticsupervillain · 7 months
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Could the Wright Anything Agency catch Agent 47?
I'm analyzing this under the pretext that Agent 47 has killed someone and sticks around under the same cover to scope out another target in the same area. The person 47 was disguised as at the time gets framed for the murder and the WAA take the case, looking into this "Tobias Rieper" guy when it starts to seem like he might be involved.
Neither has any prior information on the other going in.
Pre-Disbarment Phoenix
Given the Timelines of both franchises, this is Phoenix going up against World of Assassination Era 47. That is.... not good.
Basically, 47 is at his prime both in his abilities as an assassin and his resources with the ICA and he's going up against Nick back when he still needed Mia's advice from time to time.
Okay, that is unfair. Phoenix has taken down some very tough cookies. Damon Gant, Manfred Von Karma, Matt Engarde, and so on. All of whom were either very connected, very intelligent, or both. 47 is very much both.
I do genuinely think 47 can talk his way around the Magatama. 47 at this point has a particular habit of speaking when undercover, where he'll tell technical truths as a little private joke to himself. Lies of omission. Much like how Matt Engarde got around it by technicality, I do think 47 could as well.
Example: "Hey, doc, what's in that shot you're giving me?" "Floral extracts. Mostly belladonna." "Uh, isn't that poisonous? Shouldn't I be worried?" "I'm not. Just sit back, it'll all be over soon." Etc.
Not straight up lies, just not giving an entirely upfront answer.
That said, the name "Tobias Rieper" mosy definitely would cause a ding, because 47 himself doesn't consider himself as having one. That'll probably be what prompts Nick into poking around.
47 takes care to avoid getting recorded or photographed, and takes time to destroy such evidence when he has to, so Nick's gonna have to rely on witness testimony to prove 47's disguise didn't match his client. His basic Pressing techniques should be enough on that front, getting them to mention 47's completely hairless physique, tall stature, monotone voice, etc by pressing for more detail.
That said, I don't think Nick can genuinely catch 47 out with anything. He was genetically engineered to not leave a trace behind, so he can't grow hair and might not even have fingerprints. He prides himself on the bodies either not being found until hours after he's gone or spinning his kills as elaborate accidents. Nick can definitely bluff and theorize his way into working out how 47 did it, but without any proof, all he can do is prove it couldn't have been his client.
Also, First Game Nick dies here. Dude almost got himself assassinated by the mafia and 47 won't hesitate with that fiber wire.
That said, 47 does play into Nick's hand a little bit. He's been known to concoct overly elaborate kills that only he could ever possibly pull off just to make things interesting and if there's one talent Nick has its untangling convoluted murder plots through logical leaps no one else is willing to make.
47 also canonically has an "aura of death" that psychics can sense because of how many people he's killed. Don't know if the Magatama or Maya can pick up on that, as that's not really in their wheelhouse, but it's there if you want to argue it.
Similarly, 47 has met ghosts before, so he's liable to put his guard up if Mia tries to interject. Hell, he's met actual Santa too.
Also, if Phoenix does get his man, he'll have incurred the wrath of the entire ICA so... lose-lose really.
Ultimately, I think Nick can get his client off the hook, but he won't be able to corner a man as slippery as 47. 47 covers his tracks too carefully. 5/10, would solve case, would not catch killer.
Post-Disbarment Phoenix
A lot of Nick's advantages from before still carry over, but with a few extra notes.
First off, timeline wise, this is Freelancer Era 47. 47 no longer has an entire international assassination agency backing him up and now relies on his contacts in the black market and Diana Burnwood to get around. He also has a home he can be traced back to while previously he moved around constantly.
This time, Phoenix is the one with higher resources, as he has connections to Interpol through Edgeworth and connections to Khura'in through Apollo. He has the means to organize an international manhunt if he has to.
Nick is also a lot more willing and able to play the long game. Take his seven year plan against Kristoph or his collaboration with Edgeworth to catch The Phantom, for instance. Nick won't stoop to the lows he did against Kristoph again, as that came about from him being at the lowest point in his life, but his plan there proves he's absolutely able to play the long term Chessmaster when silly bluffing lawyer man won't cut it.
Again, Nick won't be able to catch 47 on their first run in. He just runs too tight a ship. Unlike previously, Nick will have the means to conduct follow up investigation and won't have to do so with a massive target on his back because the ICA doesn't exist anymore.
That said, a 47 whose at the top of his game is still a bit more than the Interpol of Ace Attorney can handle. It will take a lot of planning to create a trao that 47 can't just shoot his way out of. Most likely by going after Diana, but it'll take awhile for him to figure out she even exists. Diana's a force to be reckoned with on her own.
In brief, he can, but he'd have to dedicate a significant chunk of his life to it, pulling every string he has through connections and friendships. 9/10
Apollo Justice
Gonna be blunt, perceive is not gonna work. Like, flat out.
47 doesn't have body ticks. He's unnaturally stiff at all times, even while relaxing and having fun. He doesn’t emote or react or change his tone of voice in a situation. There wouldn't be a microexpression to give away the lie because 47 barely has expressions.
That said, he's just as good at the classic approach as Phoenix is, so a lot of what I said there applies here. Press for more testimony and point out the physical discrepancies that come from that.
Of note, if the crime takes place in Khura'in, then the Divination Seance may screw 47 over. He's had entire conversations with targets before killing them, after all, so it could catch him right there if he's not more careful than usual.
That said, Khura'in by itself doesn't have nearly the presence or resources to catch 47 on the follow through unless he stays relatively close by geographically, so even with all of Khura'in's investigative abilities focusing him, 47 should escape afterwards just fine.
Unless you count Apollo bringing in Phoenix to bring in Edgeworth and Interpol, Apollo just doesn't have the right deck to play with 47. 7/10 because Divination Seance and death aura might get 47 in Khura'in though.
Athena Cykes
On the opposite side of the spectrum, Athena basically hard counters 47.
A seemingly emotionless assassin whose a master of disguise. Think I've heard that one before....
That said, 47 isn't just Phantom 2. He does actually have emotions. He just buries them deeeeeeeep in there.
Honestly, 47 is a massive trauma magnet with a lot of damage upstairs. He was genetically designed to be an assassin from the ground up, waa abused all his childhood in an attempt to purge all emotion and empathy from him, had to witness the first family he ever had he shot and killed in front of him to "teach him a lesson", was drugged into believing he killed his best friend and brother for years, and now has to live with the fact that he killed the parents of the one person left in the world that he cares about. Just... that's rough buddy.
Yeah, Athena would hear nothing when 47 talks about the murder and hear a biiiiiiiig blip when someone says the name Diana or Lucas and that's a big give away.
Could Athena talk him into giving up his career? That's a big if. 47's been kicking the can around in his head for awhile and he always comes back to "killing bad people is the one thing I enjoy in life" so... I'm not optimistic.
She also has no way of actually apprehending him, with none of Apollo's or Phoenix's resources (beyond having them in speed dial, at least).
That said, she'd shake him to his core in the way the other two could never. He'd come out respecting Apollo and Nick but shaken by Athena and that's a big win.
All of them:
Combine all those advantages and what do ya get?
That's a conviction several years in the making, my friend.
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pommunist · 5 months
Going off of this one anon that said something about never working in a real environment... first of all, that anon spoke nothing but truths and I totally agree with everything they said. Now what I wanted to say was to your response, line by line.
"Fact is that we’re almost two months after things went public and these signs are nowhere to be seen." Firstly, multiple CCs have said changes have been done behind the scenes and trust in the process. We won't see these changes, because we aren't working internally. This makes sense.
"I think it’s not abnormal to want to be sure these things aren’t happening anymore before they continue supporting it" There is no proof of things being this way. As a matter of fact, the admins that we know of that are still on the project, are enjoying their time and making changes of going back to normal. Most of the statements of mistreatment come from people who worked months ago, before this was made public. Currently, the fact that things are slowly returning to normal, is a very good sign. This means that things are stabilizing behind the scenes.
"Voicing criticism can also be a way to try to avoid problems being swept under the rug as it had been until Léa shared her experience" This is also true, you are correct. However, there is nothing new to be talked about. This is like beating a dead horse. We know the treatment was bad. We know the conditions were horrible. However, now it's being fixed and worked upon. This we know is the case now. Therefore, talking about old subjects eventually gets tiring for everyone involved and stops being productive. At this point, it's just public venting.
"as long as it’s with respect of everyone involved." This is entirely true. Except nobody respects Q in all of this. Nobody extends this respect to Q, who also got taken advantage of. It is unfair for him as well and nobody is defending him. If people do defend him, then suddenly they're harassed, they don't care about workers rights, etc. and it's what's causing this divide now. Nobody can defend Q -not even CCs, anymore - without getting treated like shit. Look what happened with Tubbo, who gets treated like a child who doesn't know anything. Look at Missa, who felt personally hurt by attacks made on Q. He wasn't even involved and he felt horrible about it all. Everyone who says "respect everyone involved" ends up not extending that respect to Q. I am not implying that you personally attack Q, but I have seen several people who say this exact line, then go to attack Q. Tweets calling Q white, posting his address, his phone number, full name, etc. get thousands of likes. And people saying "hey this is weird" end up getting swarmed.
"And people keep being angry because they keep hoping for the project to improve, without getting signs it will." The issue here is that we have gotten signs. From the admins making their projects on the QSMP, from CCs talking about their good experiences, those are all good signs. But nobody takes those good signs as truth, for some reason. We have been getting these good signs but they're brushed off as "they don't know everything" or "this isn't what I wanted to see" which is parasocial as hell. I don't know how to put it any other way but it's insanely parasocial to demand to see such specific changes from the QSMP. It doesn't align with what you think should be done. You don't even know what's going on behind the scenes, like, at all. Anyone on Twitter making "new" statements are all from people who aren't even in the project anymore. Because these are coming out now, people have this false impression that nothing changes. When in reality, nobody knows what's going on right now except those still involved. Like Pierre, like Phil. Who both know more than you or I ever will. And it should stay that way. I don't want to know the extent of what either of them know. Because it should stay confidential. I, as a viewer, shouldn't even know half of this. I shouldn't ever know this unless I am a worker there. This wasn't even intended to be made public, it never should have been. This was going to be handled already. Pierre and Q both said that they were planning on dealing with this. This was made public for zero reason. The truth is, complaining isn't going to get anyone anywhere. It's like trying to clean up a mess and you have someone in your ear complaining about how long it's taking you to clean despite you trying your damn hardest to clean.
To end this statement off, I do not intend for this to be some kind of attack on you personally. It isn't an attack at all, to be quite frank, this is moreso to the arguments you presented that I have seen splayed across Twitter, Tumblr, anywhere. I truly think this constant complaining and constant detail-orientation is getting nobody anywhere. All this is doing is just distracting from the big picture:
Q put someone in charge of a project, whom he falsely trusted.
As a result of this, for about a year, this person created horrible working conditions and used their position of power to hide most of this (or the full gravity of the situation) from Q.
Q was made aware of this, and was planning the proper steps to deal with this privately.
However, this was made public for no real reason, and now he has to deal with this while dealing with the public eye, misinformation, and also privately too.
Due to people leaving and leaking certain details, he cannot be as transparent as he wants to be.
He is also dealing with legal cases which prohibit how much he can say, also limiting which people can get the information he can say.
Although the operations within QSMP are slightly turbulent, things are being done slowly to stabilize them, which includes garnering funds to pay back the people who were exploited and insufficiently paid.
That's the entire story. People are so wrapped up in details that they forget everything that led to this. Again, this wasn't directed specifically towards you, I have nothing against you. But some arguments you presented have their counterarguments as well and I wanted to present them.
man what an ask to wake up to after opening tumblr at 7am uh
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First link to the post you’re referring to anon because I still stand with everything I said AND might repeat some of it here :
-I’m glad some ccs have said things are moving behind the scenes, I’m not doubting their words. However I don’t make my personal opinion based on what a cc says. There is nothing wrong with withholding support to a project until there is any concrete indication that things are solved. Already pissed I did so for almost a year, won’t make the mistake twice !
-There was no proof of things being bad for 10 months before admins came out with their stories, we trusted that they were being treated fairly because there was no reason to think otherwise, look where that got us. "Most of the statements of mistreatment come from people who worked months ago" well not only do we know that there are admins who are still within the project that are not being communicated with, but maybe the reason most statements come from people who used to work for Qstudios is because since then at least 50 people have been fired/had to quit ?
-"At this point it’s just public venting" Yes, maybe, and ? People who are angry about this don’t owe patience, productivity or anything to the QSMP. I would argue that Qstudios could fix everything perfectly overnight and people would still be allowed to be angry that it even happened.
-About Quackity I’m not sure I see your point here because obviously it’s stupid to go harass, insult, threaten him or anything close to that. It’s different from actual criticism about his actions and negligence. I can have no respect towards his work as a company owner while also believe he deserves basic human decency ?
Let’s not forget that yes, he might have been fucked over by that One admin, but also the repeated mistreatments over months was made possible because neither Quackity nor anyone else was keeping an eye on what was going on behind the scenes.
-Once again, ccs talked positively about it before, admins were doing projects before, and yet things were shit. When I say signs of things improving I mean ex admins being contacted, statements that those still working are doing so with an actual legal framing and protection.
It is not parasocial to ask that a company upholds workers rights and have something to show they’re doing so. Wouldn’t that make the goddamn union parasocial ? 😭
And I’m glad if some of the admins still currently working are able to do so in the right conditions, obviously not wishing for more people to be mistreated. Doesn’t change the fact that those who have been have not seen any improvement of their situation. Plus we know that even before everything came out, not everyone was treated the same.
Again, this was not made public for zero reason. It was made public as attempts from the admins at solving it internally had been met with silence.
Complaining does get you somewhere. Admins complaining and people using their voices to shine light on their statements and the issues they raised got that Quackity talked about it and started to make changes. Complaining about and withholding support from a company do hold them accountable to a certain extent, and push them to improve the work conditions. Workplace abuse thrives under silence and people keeping their mouth shut.
To reuse your metaphor about cleaning : If you break a glass and start cleaning the shards, people can still point that the glass is broken, and they can still complain about the cleaning if you’re doing a sloppy job at it.
About your recap of events, I have already talked about some points but also :
-The "leak" argument just has to stop for real. Not only it is incredibly inaccurate to use that word to talk about admins sharing what they went through, if you truly want to fix stuff you shouldn’t care first about your actions being revealed.
-Any admins who are to ask about fair payment shouldn’t have to wait until enough merch is sold or whatever. As a victim you shouldn’t have to be patient with the company and wait for them to get their shit together before you start getting some consideration.
tldr i guess : Cool that you’re able to fully trust a company that is responsible for unlawful treatment of their workers for months based on Quackity saying "don’t worry guys things are changing", but not me tho !
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i’d love to hear some of your subscorp headcanons that haven’t made it into your fics 🫶 (love your work btw)
thank you so much!
The list might include headcanons that are in the fics as well, just bc I can't remember what all I've included
Hanzo is a cuddler, if he is in bed with another person he will end up wrapped around them like an octopus. Kuai Liang on the other hand isn't used to touching people so whenever Hanzo wraps around him he ends up just lying there, buffering.
Sparring is one of their favorite ways to flirt, partly bc they're the only ones who can give each other a real challenge and partly bc they like seeing each other all sweaty and shirtless and whatnot.
Their first date was probably a mission, not bc they'd planned that but bc they got the mission as they were leaving for their date and didn't want to waste the opportunity.
Similarly, Hanzo was probably the one that said it first (as often as I write otherwise) as he is, somehow, the more emotionally mature one between the two and Kuai Liang would not admit to an emotion if his life depended on it.
It probably happened either during or after a near death experience as well, as Hanzo's self loathing would probs make him keep it a secret.
Once they say it tho they go from allies to practically married in zero seconds flat, it's just instant.
I also think that if Kuai Liang ever. managed to track down his home from before he and Bi-Han were taken by the Lin Kuei and get some of the heirlooms and keepsakes (parents' wedding rings, photo albums, etc) he'd give Hanzo one of the rings and wear the other.
He also would not tell Hanzo where he got the ring, so Hanzo would find out from Bi-Han and probs have to go lie down for a minute while he processed that.
They are attached at the hip too, like thank god they have trustworthy ppl as their seconds in command bc they spend every other day at each other's temple. They can't be apart for more than a few hours or they get irritable.
There's a betting pool amongst the Special Forces about when they're going to get together. Takeda has considerable money on the outcome and keeps trying to nudge things into his favor.
Neither Hanzo nor Kuai Liang is aware of the betting pool.
For all that Hanzo is the more hotheaded one, Kuai Liang is actually the one more down with violence. Like someone insults Hanzo and Kuai Liang is Immediately in Attack Mode.
Hanzo is incredibly tactile too, like he needs to be touching Kuai Liang at all times. It took a while to get used to it, but now Kuai Liang jsut melts into the contact every time
NSFW Territory
Kuai Liang has a praise kink, he likes to know that he's done a good job and really enjoys it when he can make Hanzo moan.
Kuai Liang also likes to be the one in control more often then not, which Hanzo is thrilled about bc it means he doesn't have to think for the next couple of hours.
They both like biting and leaving marks but while Hanzo is happy to stop at a pretty big hickey, Kuai Liang wants to draw blood. Kuai Liang is somewhat embarrassed about that but Hanzo is Delighted.
They both have a quite frankly ridiculous amount of stamina and after a close call they'll sometimes just lock themselves in their room for a full day and just not come out.
Both of their powers do occasionally come out during sex, but while Kuai Liang enjoys that and uses it to his advantage, Hanzo is just worried he'll end up burning their house down so he tries to avoid it by keeping things under control.
Kuai Liang likes to see how far he can push that control and whether or not he can break it (spoiler alert, he can)
I think that's everything, but let me know if you want more and I'm sure I can think of some
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watermelonsloth · 10 months
Why the Hell Do I Ship Royai???
(TW: brief mention of suicide and allusions to unhealthy relationships)
I know nobody asked but I find the fact that I ship Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye so interesting because, on paper, I shouldn’t ship them.
First of all, I don’t like straight ships with dynamics like the right hand man or ships that have the male character as the woman’s superior. It’s not the dynamic itself that bothers me, it’s the predictability of it. When it’s hetero, I immediately think “of course those two are gonna get together.” It feels like low hanging shipping fruit.
I also don’t like stoic badass x absolute clown (competent or otherwise) ships. I almost always end up wondering why either side likes/puts up with each other. Especially since the badass tends to be an asshole and/or emotionally unavailable while the clown (forcibly) takes on their baggage.
Lastly, I don’t like relationships where one or both sides are codependent on the other. “I’ll die without you”, “You can’t leave me”, “I refuse to go on without you”, “You’re mine/I’m yours”, “You’re my other half (seriously)”, etc. ships have never been appealing to me. I understand why people like them, but I just can’t get over how gross it makes me feel. Like, I promise the planet will continue spinning after they’re gone, get some self confidence, I’m begging you. Maybe it’s because I’m not a romantic, maybe I’m overthinking it, maybe I’ve heard too many stories of codependent relationships going south, who knows?
By all means, I should look at Royai and think that it’s an incredibly unbalanced and unlikeable relationship (at least in a romantic sense). But I don’t. And I think I know why: Royai took what should’ve been an incredibly one-sided/unbalanced relationship and balanced it.
First, it avoids coming across as predictable (because it technically isn’t canon) because the series goes out of its way to expand upon their relationship's. It doesn’t absolve the predictability, but it counters it. It avoids being forced by being taken seriously and being given serious time to develop.
Secondly, both characters are developed in ways that avoid their relationship coming across as overly cliche. Namely, they’re given reason to like each other and both are charismatic/likeable enough that they aren’t annoying (I know this isn’t much, but the bar is in hell for shounen romance. Especially background character romance). Hawkeye has her lighter and nicer moments and Mustang knows when to be serious. The problem of the stoic character having exponentially more baggage or the clown forcing that baggage onto themselves is also avoided by both of them having a lot of baggage and (something FMA nailed as a series) boundaries.
My last problem is avoided by both of them staying their own characters. They can both function without the other, the other doesn’t fill their every waking thought, they’re capable of and willing to call the other out on their screwups, and whatever pedestal they put the other on doesn’t impede their judgement (for the most part) or make them ignore others to a concerning/upsetting extent. Even after Hawkeye says she’ll take her own life if Mustang dies, it somehow avoids being ship-ruining/frustrating/ disturbing. It’s tragic, but it doesn’t make me want them to not get together (it makes me want them to work through that shit and then get together). I’m gonna add that this is probably helped by the fact that Mustang never takes advantage of her vulnerability and he doesn’t come across as the type who ever would. It would’ve been so easy to make Mustang the stoic badass in charge with enough baggage to fill an airport with Hawkeye as his softer/more lighthearted right hand woman with a concerning level of dependency on him, but the author didn’t go that route and I will be forever grateful.
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neurodogical · 6 months
right obviously you can dislike something for whatever reason you like, but the way you talk about it still has an impact on the world around you? when people limply reference to Homestuck being “problematic” and Andrew being “problematic” it just evokes transphobic whisper campaign. this is how people treat trans girls on this website too, no? how many times have you seen camab trans people be avoided on “vibes” or “because they said something racist [citation needed]” like is it really necessary for you to contribute to a transphobic rhetoric in your discussion? you can just not like something you don’t have to act like there’s some deep political flaw with homestuck that makes it irreconcilably evil — people literally ONLY do this to camab trans people’s work, it’s nuts.
I understand that this means a lot to you, but my criticism of hussie and her work has nothing to do with their gender. you can criticize something while liking it, too. i agree that people criticize things harder when it's by someone whose TMA though, I've seen that happen. and I'm sorry that it's something that you need to look out for, truly. however, it's really strange to act like homestuck isn't very racist at times, though. do you not remember damara megido's entire existence? how about the manner of speaking of the condensce and other instances of them using aave in weird ass ways? people can grow and change yes, but i don't have to forgive racism and the groups she was racist against are ones im not part of.
I didn't say a thing about racism in my original posts, but somehow you knew to bring it up though... if hussies work spoke to you deeply, well, I'm glad you found something important to you even if it's something I really can't bring myself to like (speaking truthfully, "problematic reasons" aren't even my full reason for disliking it. honest! I was just in online fandom WAY too young, like 11 years old, and was the main moderator of a 15,000+ person homestuck facebook group for years, got taken advantage of by older people, etc.) I won't get further into it, but i don't like being called transphobic for just disliking a piece of media especially when I didn't even state my actual thoughts about it as a piece of literature, I just shared my broad opinion. I don't see how it's transphobic to dislike one piece of media created by a trans person. I never used the words "evil", I think that's unproductive and disingenuous when talking about literature, even if it's something i dislike more than homestuck.
if people take "I should go be transphobic now" out of "i hate homestuck and don't like the author much", that's their issue because they're not truly reading what I'm saying either and they suck. that is to say though, had i known that hussie was nonbinary before this entire thing unfolded, i would not have claimed she wasn't LGBT in my tags of that reblog. i haven't even read DTWOF and therefore don't have thoughts on it, i just had a visceral reaction to homestuck, remembered the hussie i made up in my mind over the course of 2014-2020, and said something rude that I wouldn't now. I'm sorry for how upset I've made you, but I'm allowed to have my own thoughts on a piece of media that's shaped a large part of my life.
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rebelcourtesan · 8 months
My D&D Character Build for Charlie Morningstar
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Princess of Hell who loves to sing and dance while proving redemption is possible for the damned.
The purpose of this build is to create a character who can support and defend others while taking care of herself. I'm creating this build based off what I've seen in the Hazbin Hotel series and per what's available in D&Ds.
Long post with spoilers below.
Race: I went with Tiefling. While Charlie is half-angel, and I was tempted to go with Aasimar, Tiefling suits her better and works with the classes she'll go into.
Tieflings get +2 to Charisma and +1 Intelligence.
Charlie gets Darkvision for 60 feet
Has automatic resistance to fire damage (save for magical fire).
She also receives Thaumaturgy which she can use to create fireworks and incase the volume of her voice for 1 minute.
Also, she gets Hellish Rebuke which allows her to attack a creature with hellish flames as a reaction to being attacked. The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. It takes 2d10 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Charlie regains this spell after a long rest.
When she hits level 5, she gains the Darkness spell. She can create a magical darkness of a 15-foot-radius sphere. The darkness spreads around corners. A creature with darkvision can't see through this darkness, and nonmagical light can't illuminate it.
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To match her role as Princess of Hell, I set her with the Noble background.
She gains proficiency in Persuasion and History.
Stats (in order from highest to lowest)
Charisma: 1st. This will be Charlie's top stat as she enjoys singing her feelings, though she does have a hard time convincing others to believe in her dream of redemption.
Dexterity: 2nd. Charlie is quick on her feet whether it's dancing or prancing across Pentagram City to meet the angels.
Wisdom: 3rd While Charlie believes in the best of people, she still has a hard time reading people. However, she does catch on when it becomes obvious if something is wrong. Far from her top stat, but should not be her lowest.
Constitution: 4th Charlie has taken some serious hits from angels and Adam and kept fighting. Not her best stat, but shouldn't be her lowest either.
Strength: 5th Try to keep this state at 10 or more to avoid Charlie wielding the trident at -1.
Intelligence: Dump Stat
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We're going to start Charlie off in the Bard to make good use of Charlie's high charisma while helping out her allies.
Charlie gains proficiency in Dex and Charisma Saving Throws.
Bards get three skills to be proficient in. For Charlie I would choose:
Level 1 - Bard 1st Level
Charlie will receive Bardic Inspiration. As a bonus action, she can grant an ally a 1d6 towards an ability check, saving throw, or attack roll. She has as many of these as her Charisma modifier and these refresh after a long rest.
She also has access to the Bard Spell List using her Charisma modifier for Spell DC and Spell Attacks.
The spells I would choose are listed.
Dancing Lights - Charlie can create four torch size lights within 160 feet which create light in a 10 ft radius. Think fireworks. She can move these lights as a bonus action on her turn.
Friends - Once casting this cantrip, Charlie gets advantage on all Charisma checks at a creature that isn't hostile towards her.
Level 1 Spells
Color Spray : (More Fireworks) Charlie can cast this spell to blind creatures in a brilliant display of light. Roll a 6d10 and that's how many creatures hit points she can blind.
Healing Word - Charlie can heal a creature 1d4 + casting modifier (Charisma) within 60 feet. At higher levels it can heal additional 1d4 per spell slot.
Unseen Servant - (Think Razzle or Dazzle) an invisible being is created that can perform simple tasks (serving a meal, folding clothes, lighting a torch, etc). As a bonus action, Charlie can command the being to move 15 ft and interact with an object.
Faerie Fire - (More Fireworks) Charlie can cast this spell to create a 20 ft cube of light. Any creature within that cube that fails a Dex Save is highlighted in light that grants advantage for any attack rolls against it and won't let them benefit from invisibility.
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Charlie has a lot of skills, but she hyper fixates on redemption.
Level 2 - Bard 2nd Level
Charlie gains Jack of all Trades. Charlie can add half her proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus.
She also gains Song of Rest which adds a 1d6 to Hit Dice used during a short rest.
Charlie also gains a new spell.
Heroism - Charlue can grant a willing creature immunity to being frightened and gains temporary hit points equal to her Charisma modifier at the start of each of its turns
Level 3 - Bard 3rd Level
Charlie gains Expertise. She doubles her proficiency in two skills she's already proficient in. Select Performance and Acrobatics.
At third level we're going into the College of Spirits subclass.
Charlie gains Guiding Whispers which allows her to cast the Guidance cantrip within 60 ft. Guidance grants an ally 1d4 to any ability check.
Charlie also gains Tales from Beyond. Spending a Bardic Die allows her to roll a 1d12 on a table that grants random benefits to an ally of her choice.
Charlie also gains access to 2nd Level spells. I would select:
Aid: Charlie can choose up to three allies and grant them 5 to their maximum hit points. The amount increases by 5 for each spell slot above 2nd.
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Charlie in the spotlight where she belongs.
Level 4 - Bard 4th Level
At level four, Charlie gains Ability Score Improvement. Go ahead and put both points in Charisma to make her spells and abilities more effective.
Charlie also gains a new spell. I would select:
Calm Emotions: Charlie can suppress strong emotions of any creature within a 20 ft radius sphere. Creatures within the zone must succeed on a Charisma saving throw, though can choose to fail this save. Any creature that fails can suppress any effect that's charming or frightening them. As an alternative, it can end a creature's hostility, but effect ends if they are attacked or harmed or witness an ally being attacked or harmed.
Level 5 - Bard 5th Level
Charlie's Bardic Inspiration increases from 1d6 to 1d8.
She also gains Font of Inspiration which lets her regain all spent Bardic Inspiration after a short rest.
Charlie gains access to 3rd Level Spells. I would choose:
Mass Healing Word: As a bonus action, Charlie can heal up to six allies 1d4 + Charisma Modifier. At higher levels it can heal additional 1d4 per spell slot.
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Charlie is willing to fight to protect her Hotel and friends.
Believe or now, we're taking Charlie into the Fighter class. Fighters gain proficiency in Shields and Martial Weapons. In the fight against Adam and the Exorcists, Charlie fought with a shield and a pitchfork (which we'll say use the trident stats).
Level 6 - Fighter 1st Level
Charlie gains Second Wind. As a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + Fighter level. Charlie must finish a short or long rest to regain this.
Charlie also gains a Fighting Style. Select Protection which allows Charlie as a reaction to impose a disadvantage on an attack roll against an ally within 5 ft as long as she has a shield.
Level 7 - Fighter 2nd Level
Charlie gains Action Surge which lets her perform a second action on her turn. She regains this after a short or long rest.
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Charlie is pretty good with the shield.
Level 8 - Fighter 3rd Level
At 3rd Level Fighter, Charlie can go into a Martial Archetype. Select Bannernet.
Charlie gains Rallying Cry, whenever she uses Second Wind, up to three allies within 60 ft gain hit points equal to her Fighter Level.
Level 9 - Fighter 4th Level
Instead of an Ability Score Improvement, we're going to give Charlie the Shield Master feat which allows her to:
When she attacks on her turn, as a bonus action, she can use her shield to shove an enemy within 5 ft.
She can add her shield's AC bonus to a Dexterity saving throw against any spell or harmful affect that affects only her.
When she succeeds on a Dexterity saving throw to take half damage, as a reaction, she can use her shield to take no damage.
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Don't forget, Charlie is half angel
We're leaving Fighter behind to go into Class that will not only give Charlie more spells, but also give aid to her friends.
We're going into Warlock, hence Charlie does get her power from her father, Lucifer Morningstar.
Level 10 - Warlock 1st Level
Charlie gains two Cantrips from the Warlock Spell List
Eldritch Blast - (This is a MUST for any Warlock class) attacks with a burst of energy causing 1d10 damage on a successful hit. She can fire more beams of energy at higher levels. Two at 5th and three at 11th.
True Strike - Charlie can gain insight on a target's weakness within 30 ft, giving her advantage of her next attack against that target.
Charlie gains two new spells from the Warlock Spell List
Expeditious Retreat - After casting this spell, Charlie can use a bonus action to dash.
Hellish Rebuke - When damaged, as a reaction, Charlie can retaliate with 2d10 fire damage. The target must make a Dex save or take half damage.
We're going to choose the Celestial patron for Charlie from her father's side.
She gains two more spells and Cantrips from the Celestial Warlock Expanded Spell list.
Light - Charlie can touch an object causing it to glow bright in a 20 ft radius, and dim in another 20 ft.
Sacred Flame - Charlie can create a flame light radiance on a target. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8 damage. The damage goes up at 5th and 11th levels.
Cure Wounds - Charle can heal a creature 1d8 + Charisma modifier within 5 ft.
Guiding Bolt - Charlie can make a range attack against a target dealing 4d6 radiant damage, and the next attack roll made against this target before the end of her next turn has advantage.
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If only Charlie would let her angry side out more often.
Charlie also gains Healing Light. She gets a pool of d6s equal to her 1 + Warlock Level. She can use these d6s to heal an ally within 60 feet as a bonus action. She regains the die pool after a long rest
Level 11 - Warlock 2nd Level
At 2nd Level Warlock, Charlie gains Eldritch Invocations. Choose:
Eldritch Sight - Charlie can detect magic at will allowing her to see any magical influences around her.
Devil's Sight - Charlie darkvision extends to 120 ft and she can see through magical and non-magical darkness.
Charlie also gets a new spell. Go with Protection from Good and Evil - she chooses a target to be protected against affects from aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. (namely Angels). Any attack from a type of these creatures are at a disadvantage.
Leve 12 - Warlock 3rd Level
Charlie gains Pact Boon. Take Pact of the Chain so Charlie can summon a familiar (like Razzle or Dazzle).
She gains a new spell. Since she can now see through magical darkness, take the Darkness spell which lets her create a 15 ft radius of darkness in an area.
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Charlie can command Hell while having divine powers.
Level 13 - Warlock 4th Level
As for Ability Score Modifier, let's go ahead and max out her Charisma Score to 20. If it's already maxed out, then round out any odd number scores.
Charlie gains a new cantrip, take Blade Ward, which grants resistance to piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage for one turn.
As for her new spell, take Hold Person, on a failed wisdom save, the target is paralyzed until it succeeds on the saving throw on its next turn.
Level 14 - Warlock 5th Level
Charlie gains access to the 3rd Level Spells. Choose Intellect Fortress, granting herself or an ally advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against along with resistance to psychic damage.
New Invocation, take Gift of the Ever-Living Ones, as long as her familiar (Razzle or Dazzle) is 100 ft, whenever she is healed, she can gain the maximum hits from the dice roll.
Level 15 - Warlock 6th Level
With Radiant Soul Charlie gets resistance to radiant damage! And when she casts a spell or attack that inflicts fire or radiant damage, she can add her Charisma Modifier to one damage roll each turn.
For her new spell, choose Dispel Magic. She can dismiss any spell effect of level 3 or lower. Any higher level, then she must roll a skill check using her Charisma modifier.
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Charlie in Hellfire
Level 16 - Warlock 7th Level
New spell time and this time from the 4th level spell slot. Shadow Of Moil lets Charlie wreath herself in flames obscuring her and whenever a creature within 10 feet of hits her with an attack, it takes 2d8 necrotic damage.
Another new Invocation: Investment of the Chain Master. This will make Razzle or Dazzle more effective in combat.
Level 17 - Warlock 8th Level
Another Ability Score Improvement. Max out her Charisma, and/or round out any odd number modifers.
New Spell: Banishment - She can attempt to banish a creature back to their plane (like Adam or Lute) if they fail a Charisma saving throw.
Level 18 - Warlock 9th Level
New spell: Commune with City - Charlie can gain knowledge of the surrounding area within 600 ft of her. It'll give her information of bodies of water, prevalent creatures, powerful beings, and influences from extra-planar beings.
New Invocation, let's make Charlie's Eldritch Blasts hit harder by choosing Agonizing Blast which lets her add her high Charisma modifier to the damage.
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Charlie never catches a break when it comes to her dreams.
Level 19 - Warlock 10th Level
Charlie gains Celestial Resistance, which gives her and up to 5 allies temporary hit points after a short or long rest equal to her Warlock Level + Charisma Modifier.
Also, new cantrip, take Minor Illusion - Charlie can create a visual or audio illusion.
Level 20 - Warlock 11th Level
Charlie gains Mystic Arcanum which is a spell she can cast once after a long rest. For this spell, I would select Other Worldly Form. Charlie can change her appearance to gain benefits such as:
Immunity to fire and poison damage or radiant and necrotic damage 
immune to the poisoned condition or the charmed condition 
Wings that grant a 40 fly speed
+2 to AC
All weapon attack are magical, and can use Charisma modifier for attack rolls
Can attack twice when using the attack action
And to top it all off, she gains one last spell, Dimension Door - she can teleport herself and a willing creature to 500 ft away.
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Sweet Charlie, Princess of Hell and our hearts
And there you have it. You have a powerful being who is capable of supporting her friends while using Angelic and Hellish powers. I tried to stick with spells I'm certain Charlie would use and similar to what we've seen her do in the show and pilot.
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