#extreme example ofc its just a thought i have
ink-the-artist · 8 months
no that makes total sense. i think it's cool to see your art have that kind of wide reach, but it's also nice for it to be like. well documented somehow that it originated with you if someone wanted to check, you know? like it can grow a life of its own but the roots are visible. if that makes sense.
YEAH exactly. im thinking of defunctlands video about the disney channel theme song composer and how hard he had to work to find him and all his other works. you put parts of yourself in your art and want to be seen through it, and when people dont know its yours or think its someone elses it takes away from that a bit
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lovingseventeen · 2 years
is seventeen good at taking your picture? *ੈ✩‧₊˚
a/n: this is kinda random but wholesome lol 
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✿ “ah, you’re pretty”
✿ it just sort of comes out, really. he was taking a couple pictures but he puts your phone down for a second just to look at you
✿ he giggles when you start blushing (the pictures end up being the kind thats a little blurry bc you moved when he got you blushy, but its still aesthetically pleasing)
✿ he tries to prank you by showing you that he actually took a (very cute and giggly) selfie while you were posing (this selfie becomes your lock screen eventually)
✿ when he sees you scoff he does his specific “hahaha” laugh (y’all know what i mean) 
✿ but just as you’re about to smack his arm he swipes left and he actually took a couple good pictures 
✿ i feel like he’s the kind to be pretty diligent with taking your picture 
✿ will direct how you pose (if you want him to help) to get the best possible picture 
✿ “mm maybe turn your chin this way just a little bit” he goes, even so far as to demonstrate with his own face
✿ he really tries his best and they’re not totally bad 
✿ occasionally just crops your foot out weirdly or it’s not lined up the best 
✿ it may take another one or two tries but you’ll get there 
✿ will comment when you post that 1) you look pretty and 2) he took the picture (he’s proud)
✿ takes a million pictures of you in rapid fashion and each of them are about 2% different from each other 
✿ may be a little bit hit or miss 
✿ will encourage a horanghae hand at some point 
✿ but even though he’s taking pictures kinda fast he will be patient and take more if you want him to 
✿ i feel like he’d take pictures of you from two angles at most and ngl, they ain’t bad 
✿ like somehow, he didn’t put that much thought into them but they’re pretty good???
✿ he may not take too many pictures but he puts a lot of care into the 7 he does take
✿ says little words under his breath, maybe quirks his head as he’s figuring out how to hold your phone
✿ “hmm maybe this isn’t right” *head tilt* “is it?”
✿ may be a little bit overdramatic with the lunging to “make you look taller” 
✿ but best boy energy and he’s enthusiastic to help you !!
✿ will probably get a cute candid picture of you laughing over his antics
✿ he’s probably taller than you but he will squat and/or break his back to get that good angle 
✿ also has a pretty artistic eye so i could assume that he’d get an interesting picture 
✿ he also did mention bringing his camera with him everywhere (in that one interview) so he’d probably be the kind of boyfriend that would take your picture without you knowing 
✿ honestly use his height and some funky lens to your advantage to get something editorial 
✿ another artsy boy hehe 
✿ very flexible will most definitely get pictures of you from so many angles 
✿ moves around you enough so you barey have to adjust 
✿ i feel like he’d help you filter your pictures too 
✿ who am i kidding, seungkwan will go to every extreme to get the perfect picture 
✿ ofc he knows all of your best angles 
✿ you may want to stop taking pictures but he will inSiSt he can do better 
✿ you think the pictures are fine already (he really did do so good) but he’s pointing to tell you to go back to pose 
✿ the energy may not be through the roof but he’s still putting an effort trust
✿ if he doesn’t get what you want at first all you gotta do is demonstrate what you want
✿ really, just make him stand in your place and take a quick example
✿ “so i want you to take it like this, so you see this in the background too”
✿ “ah okay i see” he nods
✿ funniest part is the practice photo and he’s just standing in it like 🧍
✿ also tries pretty hard
✿ he’s about to show you what he has so far before he grabs your phone back before you even see he screen
✿ “wait let me try again!”
✿ he gets excited when he feels like the pictures turned out well
✿ sneakily sends a couple photos to his own phone 🫶🏽
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last-flight-of-fancy · 3 months
I would love to hear your trans alphinaud and lesbian alisaie headcanons or more about the subtext you see! Especially alisaie.
AHHH oh gosh i would love to answer!! Though I must admit that these are built from many (MANY) small moments across the whole game more than a few easily pointed at examples, which means its.. kind of difficult to pull up (and remember) all the evidence.
That being said, i do still have Many Thoughts about it :DDD
First off trans Alphinaud was set into my mind very early on by one simple fact: identical twins are almost always born the same sex. like almost invariably, with the very rare exceptions needing some wild extenuating circumstances. and you cannot tell me those two are fraternal.
now ofc this is fiction, and a fantasy world besides. who's to say the writers knew that particular fact? well good news! alphinaud presents a *lot* of other common trans experiances, which are scattered throughout the msq and optional side dialogue.
(shoutout to me for having the exact same thought four years apart before and after playing the game myself. i have absolutely no memory of the first post at all because i also have no memory of watching my partner play shadowbringers even though i definitely did. rare adhd memory loss win! i got to experiance my favourite thing for the first time twice!)
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post 1: dated 2019, talking about how alphinaud is extremely trans coded, being an identical twin of a different gender to his twin, cannot swim, is body shy and *extremely* hesitant about using public showers, and having interests that are traditionally coded as feminine in fiction.
post 2: dated 2023, the same thing but this time talking about how wonderfully alphinaud and alisaie are made to complement each other in opposite ways.
he cant swim: related to the body-shyness and hesitance around the showers, its VERY common for trans people to experiance these things due to dysphoria and societal perceptions. i myself started experiancing this (even though i LOVE swimming) when pubescence started to hit. (it sucks!) alphinaud was probably one of those ones who realised VERY early what he was (logic boy who is too dang smart for his own good) so he just.. never learned to swim at all. kept his nose buried in books instead.
traditionally feminine interests/abilities: sure it could be trope subversion, but personally i think theyre also things he just enjoyed before transitioning and thus continued to do.
and one more that i can remember off the top of my head: alisaie's reaction to estinian mistaking her for alphinaud.
"but alphinaud has no problem with being mistaken for-" let me explain, i swear it makes sense.
see, alphinaud is a little logic boy at heart, we know this. he knows he and alisaie share their features, that is simply a fact. alisaie though? alisaie is ruled by feeling, and reacts accordinly. most notably the Incident when she first meets estinian.
what i find especially interesting about this is that prior to that moment with estinian, neither of them appear to have much issue with their similarities. it's only after shadowbringers that alisaie reacts with such contempt
(probably not helped by her not liking estinian much in general lol)
what this says to me is that some time before or during ShB, alphinaud told alisaie that the way people mistake him for her does bother him, but he can't blame them for the mistake considering the circumstances, so he just doesn't mention it.
alisaie however can and will blame them and thus the next time someone mixes them up (rip estinian) she EXPLODES. because it's not about her. if it was about her i honestly dont think she would care nearly as much. but it's about her brother, and how dare you hurt her brother's hidden feelings by not being able to tell them apart.
(completely seperate headcanon but i do think that estinian is faceblind as fuck, which means he never stood a chance on this one, poor guy)
okay now for lesbian alisaie <3
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what WAS it that thancred said about battle scars and maidens? and whyfor are you thinking about this alisaie? :3
also: Tesleen.
also also: Emery (A Malm in her Shoes short story)
fr tho alisaie pays attention to and talks about girls a lot. in a way she never does about boys. bringing up my complementary opposites wrt the twins thought from before, it honestly could've been another way the writers COULD have done that, having alisaie attempting to impress boys with her athletic skills the same way alphinaud tried to impress girls with his artistic ones (something he is teased about repeatedly). like the absence of this potential parallel is almost suspicious tbh...
once again, any one of these things in isolation is probably simply a choice in writing, but all these things together spell out to me one thing: alisaie likes girls. exclusively.
(im sorry you wanted lesbian alisaie thoughts more and i have less of that than the trans alphinaud ones, but if you come back in 3-5 years when i've finished my second msq run i will have compiled a far more complete list of evidence for both complete with screenshots, probably lol)
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gornackeaterofworlds · 2 months
for the ask game? 10, 23, 30, 33, 54, 57, 75?
Hi hi!!
10. What is the last beverage you had?
Cranpineapple Juice!! Still drinkin
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
Nope. I have a grey-green, his is dark brown. I don't even have my mom's eye color lol. I had a really good picture a year ago, a beautiful albeit grainy pic of my eyes in the sun, and I lost it>:/
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
Yes. Ofc it depends but there are times people get second chances that others don't realize, like just the passage of time. For example, some random person's mother has had years and years to become get better and more mature and apologize for the damage they've done, yet every day they scream and say things like "I can be as immature as I want to", I'd hate to be that lady's kid haha. On a separate note, I was given a second chance in a way. I used to be a disgustingly conservative young teen and had disgusting online circles. I got TikTok, I got educated, realized how awful I was. Made new friends that didn't know me, new good people. I'm not eternally kicked and beaten for my old ways, even when I thought I should be. I'm glad I was given TIME
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
Ehhh. I just don't have access to it. It's expensive
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
Nope. Ik its crazy, I'm in Pittsburgh, but I am an extremely picky eater. Hate any kind of pasta, ravioli, etc
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yeah, most of the time
75. Do you study better with or without music?
I wish I could answer this properly, but I haven't studied in over a year. I study best in pure quiet I think? I liked the classroom ambience of just pencil scratches. It's also currently very loud, which taints my feelings. Thinking more, when I really focus I kinda zone out. Like with art. Sometimes if songs I like are on I do fine, but when I really need to lock in I turn it off
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baby-xemnas · 3 months
One thing I enjoy about Law/Bepo is that I constantly see the debate surrounding “Is Law getting it?” Like, is the man so hot and stoic he’s constantly getting ass or is he a creepy workaholic weirdo with terrible social skills who couldn’t possibly get laid? And the LawBepo answer is both. The man fell in love with a mink at 14 and has not looked back. He can hook one guy, specifically a guy who apologizes like it’s second nature and thus needs constant validation and is over obvious with his feelings in a way that’s nye impossible to misinterpret. Man found his wife at 14 while recovering from a depressive spell and thus has never had to exist in the normal dating scene. Could not possibly hit on a woman at a random bar and be successful on anything but his looks but is, in fact, constantly getting laid cause he picked his wife up out of the snow during his preteens. A creepy little weirdo who built his sexuality around a mink and thus would have a terrible time in a regular dating scene, who is dating his co worker and thus can work and fuck at the same time. Man has a partner with a natural predisposition to swimming and would do great on a regular sail ship but instead chose a submarine so his partner can never be more that 100ft away from him. A workaholic creepy little weirdo with negligible social skills who is, in fact, constantly getting laid, it’s the ideal Trafalgar Law.
Man found his wife at 14 while recovering from a depressive spell and thus has never had to exist in the normal dating scene
put that shit in GRANITE
constantly getting laid cause he picked his wife up out of the snow during his preteens Crying
so. sooooo true. i love how he is so terrible when people flirt with him - easiest examples are Monet or Robin even if neither was serious about it we digress - he didnt even BOTHER being friendly like yeah yeah whatever whatever shut up bitch - he is such a rudeass, the type of rudeass that only comes with being extremely married. he is NOT interested, he will not lift a finger or bother with a smile
its soooo real how technically he has no game cuz he dont need it - i would argue with lack of social skills - he does have them he just doesnt use them - he can be charming as a person if he wants to (cuz how else do you collect such a big crew)
i dooo LOVE the thought of him being STRANGE AND OFFPUTTING and he is really saved by being a hottie when he is put in a fucking situation. he has to do very little, he is hot, and thats exactly what he does - bare minimum, he is so not invested - because he is thinking about how everyone is inferior to Bepo - also Bepo will be jealous if he finds out...Bepo..
BUILDING HIS SEXUALITY AROUND A MINK - YEEESSS thats my favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its the same with just HAVING always been with Bepo ofc its fucking normal that a guy is a bear, why the fuck not. thats a guy, thats their guy - Law's special guy in particular whomst he treasures...like IMAGINE living with a permanent furry since middle school thats ought to become normal for you in like a few months..and Law seeing him LIKE THAT ruined humans for him fr...whatever...People? who cares. he has such a lovely wonder next to him. going thru puberty while your bestie, most loyal person to you is a furry...permanently altered brain chemistry. literally built different
you are sooooooooooooo right its so true and its the best
i love that Law a sexy guy who is completely off limits and unapproachable on purpose - he has sex life on easy mode because he saved Bepo once and have stayed a prince charming, knight in shining armor for Bepo EVER SINCE. he is always a hero he is always awesome and the best
laughing about a submarine being confined space lmao oh of course...you are trapped in there with him, Bepo (Bepo: yay \o/♥)
AND ANOTHER THING THAT MAKES LAWBEPO GREAT FOR LAWS CHARACTER - being in a long time established relationship - A CHILDHOOD SWEETHEART EVEN - makes him Very Cool. Oh you kept a good relationship for a decade and even developed it into a romantic partnership? Awesome. It makes a man complete dare i say! I love when characters are married as hell, genuinely a massive flex
thank you so much for the ask you are so fucking right im sorry if my reply is too chaotic xoxo thank you for loving lawbepo with me
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centrally-unplanned · 4 months
Hard mode - RUO meme 2010s social justice culture.
Not hard at all for me actually! I think I have talked about this explicitly here or there - the SJ movement is a grab bag of topics and movements, and while its dominant strain was toxic and ill-concieved a ton of branches are fine. Recent ones I have mentioned are for example consent culture - a bit more dominant in the feminist era, sure, but 2000's cultural norms around sex and in particular drinking were actually not far from "rape is okay actually". It wasnt *most* people, but others would just openly talk about scoring with blackout drunks and others thought it wrong but it was *normal* enough that they didnt rock the boat over it. We have 100% gotten better about this even if ofc not fixed, and "yes means yes" had a lot of good in that.
I talked recently as well about representation in media - i think the "racial checklist" casting is dumb but "hey lets protray foreign cultures accurately" thing was totally on the nose and has improved media across the board (again obviously not fixed forever or anything).
For a bigger ticket item, lets take police brutality - uh, US police suck! Ofc SJ politics got *really* dumb about this in 2020 and now tries to pretend they never were, but that was a slow build from the 2014 Ferguson protests and there was a ton of spotlight on real issues during that. I do not consider race a strong motivating factor in US policing issues (do not read that as zero factor), but the unaccountability of police in the US is extremely real - police do in fact abuse and even kill people recklessly and just stay on the job. It's now less common due to the SJ movement, and things like employing body cams they should get credit for - and meanwhile we can and should make more progress on this, the crime wave made everyone hard ditch the baby with the bathwater here.
And there are more - oh hey trans issues, gay rights is more the 'feminist' era but trans rights is fully SJ and quite positive, even if shares similar oversteps. If I sat down I could definitely think of more.
The SJ movement was, in the end, defined by an *approach* to politics & institutional culture that was overall quite bad, but its issue domain is broad and was as right as any politics movement is on the merits on many of those.
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starryjkoo · 2 months
some random chronically online fandom and shipping thoughts #1
I just feel like ARMYs who are very obviously Y/N’s have NO reason to be judging shippers. I think it’s funny how some of them are so genuinely defensive and put off by shipping in a way I can tell is personal lol (it’s giving jealousy!). I totally understand people not liking shipping/shippers but I’ll never accept judgement from a Y/N, sorry! If you’re posting about only ONE member in a really thirsty manner after every AYS trailer and then turning around and saying “ugh, jkkrs are so annoying and delusional, jikook are brothers!” I know what you are! 🫵
slurping up all these AYS teasers like a starving animal but I’m starting to feel like they’re showing us too much now 😩 don’t spoil all the cute parts please BH!
only extremely sad and chronically online losers think that mass liking hate tweets actually means anything in the real world. a lot of these people need to get a life and go touch grass because the obsession with jm is truly weird and sad.
not everyone who wants th to appear in AYS is a tkkr, because it’s normal for ARMYs to want to see as many members as possible, but it’s kind of obvious with the ones who bring it up every chance they get lol, or the first thing they look for in a new AYS teaser, or just the specific way they talk about it. and my god are there a lot of tkkr ARMYs
I’m self aware that I’m pretty heavily biased, but there’s nothing worse than the ARMYs who hide under the OT7 visage but are CLEARLY heavily biased themselves. I simply do not like hypocrites, maybe some of them are in denial about it, idk. ofc there’s nothing worse than the ones who cosplay and try to create havoc in ARMY spaces, but that’s an entirely different thing. with that said, i’m convinced that at least 90% of active ARMYs are heavily biased at this point and we’d all be better off if they could simply just admit it.
perhaps this is my own bias so feel free to disagree, but imo ARMYs very clearly have a different sort of energy for jm antis and I think its partially because his hate has been so damn normalized in this fandom after years of tkkrs, but also because clearly a vast majority of the ARMY sh*oter accounts are diet solos and tkkrs and they always put an extra amount of scrutiny on things related to jm. they're also the first to bring shipper/solo drama into ARMY spaces (but only when it impacts their ship/bias) and they’re very clearly obviously lurking in solo/shipper territory to find it the way they do. the silence right now from certain accounts really does speak volumes.
sort of related, but the best way to gain a big following on ARMY twt is to get involved in whatever current drama is going on, for example MHJ drama, boycott drama, general fanwars. ARMYs will flock and mass follow these accounts, and a lot of them are diets who gain a platform and then spread their diet narratives later. one really good example is that elo person if anyone remembers all that, they literally were moots w/ tkk akgaes & calling them bestie but rebranded after they started gaining a mass following for “doxxing” and they started gaining attention because they were “debunking” the OG taennie icloud leaks (lol ofc they were a tkkr doing that). anyways they were awful and did a lot of harm, but they got that platform bc a lot of ARMYs flock to toxic accounts like that, especially when somethings going on, and then they’re impossible to cancel.
last shipping thought but we all know why tkkrs and y/n’s are jealous and weird towards jkk but sometimes its actually the same case for a lot of the other bts shippers, especially jk x hl shippers (like what's w/ all the j*nkookers lol) & yoonm*n. and there’s a lot of ARMYs who fall into this category actually. even if they don’t believe their ship is real, sometimes they still feel a bit passive aggressive/jealous bc they would prefer whatever content was with their bias/self-insert instead. theres so many jkk moments that have been really badly OT7’d, like I’ve never seen anything like the way almost the entire fandom rewrote history to make that jk binging jm content jk binging bts content (its legit wild to me).
and ill never forget during the disney docu when someone pointed out how jk likely knew jms apartment password and it got ratio’d at over 4k by someone saying “he probably knows all his hyungs passwords!” and it wasn’t even funny or clever lmao, it was very much giving
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anyways, i believe this is one of the reasons sometimes ARMYs at large are weird towards jkk bc even outside of just tkkrs there are a LOT of HL shippers who take it pretty personally, especially if they’re the sort that projects onto one of the members in their ship. tbh, even if it’s not shipping, it’s a bias line thing where they want to fight over jm/jk being closer to their bias than they are to each other.
its whatever and just a petty complaint lol, i dont care who ppl ship/bias but i do find it annoying sometimes bc there are always ppl constantly downplaying jkks friendship and picking it apart and trying to OT7-ify it more than any other duo. its like ppl are really obsessed & its tiring. just give jkk their flowers sometimes and move on, you know? you definitely do not need to ship them or see them as romantic, but just respect their bond and the things about it that are unique to them, god
alright was just getting this out of my system because I was focused on positive vibes only for MUSE, will be going back to (mostly) positive vibes for AYS!
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darlingkirstein · 4 months
can I ask how you go about developing your stories/plot? I think coming up with an idea is (semi) easy because ✨vibes✨ but how to you actually turn that into a story? there's so much (character, backstory, plot, arcs, etc.)
I'm anxious to know how it is your going about developing home beckons the wanderer. Are you using any sort of method? I can't see you using a "point a to point b" method. It feels more complicated.
I know what I want to write but developing that is daunting. (In general and time wise)
Are you at all getting impatient with the development of your stories? Sometimes I forget a story can't just instantly be entirely plotted within the span of a week.
I apologize if this was too invasive, feel free not to answer, but if you do, I greatly appreciate it <3 take care love
it's not invasive at all!!!! these are all super great questions — and i hope my answers can be helpful and ease some fears!! and ofc, always feel free to ask more questions if you have them! :) i'll include some screenshots from my planning documents because i am a visual person so maybe you are too and that'll help :)
every story is different for me, and some are far more demanding and complicated than others. but, generally, it's outline, outline, outline. i have never been able to just write without having an outline backing up, unless it was for a one-shot or something more simple. another tool i have found extremely helpful and honestly essential for me is discussing my barebones ideas with others and watching them grow with the combined brain power behind it. if you have people in your corner supporting your ideas, let them help you!
so, for developing a story, start with your major idea. then, just start coming up with little ideas, anything, doesn't need to be in order. discuss with your friends, whatever helps! write those ideas down somewhere. i personally use a combination of my notes app, google docs, and the app notion to organize my thoughts.
notion tends to be where i start — i'll jot down little ideas i have, basic stuff needed to kickstart the rest. here's an example for the cult au:
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google docs tends to be where i flesh whatever i did in notion out and have it more accessible. here's an example from thespian's coquetry:
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for me personally, i have recently started spending a lot of energy into the development of the story/background before writing it. that also tends to be why i take forever to update/publish. let me get into the four things you specifically mentioned! characters, plot, backstory, arcs.
characters: stories depend on characters, and they need to feel real and have the capability to connect with the reader! i myself sometimes struggle with feeling like i don't do a well enough job with this. the main thing here is motivation — what drives this character, what is their goal/purpose, what makes them do whatever they are doing for the story? this goes hand in hand with their personality and their actions, so deciding what motivates them is important! this also ties into their backstory, so yeah it's important! their motivation will progress the story and explain their every action, so start there!
i can reference hbtw here actually, because it may be the story of mine where the character motivations are clearest — eren is motivated to go home to his family again, while mikasa is motivated to sustain herself financially by taking eren on their little quest. these motivations kickstart the plot and are essential to how it'll progress.
tldr; start with motivation, build from there, go to personality, hobbies, interests, quirks, etc.
backstory: this can be two things! either it's the actual world-building itself or its individual character backstories. since you're particularly interested in hbtw, I'll reference its development!
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this story has been an absolute beast in terms of backstory/world-building development. this is why i say my process is dependent on the story, because this one is very involved and time-consuming. this is the place where you'll need to be the most patient if you're writing anything with a complicated world to develop. i am attempting to make hbtw as original as possible, so that involves a lot of building from scratch. right now, with the help of @strscrossed, i am working on the development of the eight regions in eldevane — this involves geography, economics, people, religion, history, and more. for example, i developed a history of eldevane's rulers and major historical events because, even though the story takes place decades later, i wanted to lay down a strong foundation to make the world feel real. this story is kinda stuck in world-building hell right now because i want most of that finished before proceeding because of how much eremika will be directly interacting with the world and its little intricacies. this is a daunting process, and its time-consuming! more on the frustration later.
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basically, overall, my method for backstory development is to take it one step at a time and go slowly. there are also a lot of great resources for developing the world! http://arcadia.net/Cruinne/DnD/Articles/worldbuilding.html#language — this is an extremely (maybe overkill) detailed list of world-building things to consider in fantasy/sci-fi/etc. settings. the details matter, basically! also, consider your favorite medias and look at all the details there that feel small and inconsequential but develop the world and make it what it is. same with characters. what do you find interesting about this character's backstory? it is no danger to study fiction that you consider to be great? if you love it, you can learn from it :))
arcs: gonna do this first because it leads into the next bullet point. when you're starting to develop the plot, what helps me personally is putting a little shape to the plot, dividing it into crucial sections that are encompassed by one major plot point/resolution. if you divide your story into chunks, it may make development easier. for thespian's coquetry, i divided the story into three 'acts' and an epilogue to divide the plot more evenly in my head and make it less overwhelming.
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this way, i'm able to break things down — when i think of a new plot point, i sift it between the three parts; where does it fit most? this makes placement of things less overwhelming, because it'll at least be confined to act i, ii, or iii. so decide these major headings and i find it'll help you compartmentalize things more accessibly.
plot: this is where its tricky for me. i have the exact same problem with every single multi-chapter story that i write; i know the beginning, and i know the ending, but it's everything in between that is muddled and less clear.
so, if you're me, you imagine the start, then (or oftentimes first) you imagine the ending — now, what has to happen between those two points for the ending to feel earned? what plot points will draw the characters closer to this pre-destined conclusion? most important in this is conflict. what conflicts happen to drive the plot? there will more than likely be multiple answers. there will be the overarching conflict/challenge (the dangerous journey of taking eren back home in hbtw is the overarching challenge) — but there will also be mini-challenges that serve the big one overhead. this can be inter-character conflict, quarrels, fights, disagreements, etc., but it can also be more external — challenges in their journey, little roadblocks that must be overcome to progress the story and maintain interest. there is only so long that a story can sustain itself without some degree of conflict; if things are smooth sailing forever, what's the point? if eren and mikasa's journey to eren's family happened without bumps along the way, sure it might be cute and wholesome, but it's not interesting, and the beautiful thing about stories is how they can interest and ensnare the reader's attention.
so, create little conflicts, big ones and important ones, and smaller ones more readily resolved. conflict drives the story. i think if there's one thing to take away from this total yap session of mine, it's that. seek conflict, and you'll find a plot.
please let me know if you have any questions or want me to clarify anything about everything i just said!!! i know it's a lot!! but i wanna be super helpful for your story!
now, you're absolutely right about hbtw being a very non-linear process. most, if not all, of my stories are developed like that. you develop as the inspiration takes you — i have been jumping between developing backstory/world-building which has bled into plot point development. it's one big system that works together — figuring out one thing often leads to another eureka moment in another aspect. me and stella developed the religious ceremony for eren's home region and that bled right into the story.
to answer your last question, ABSOLUTELY. i'm a very impatient person in all aspect of life, but i find it so frustrating when the ideas in my head cannot be immediately translated onto page. i was at first trying to rush through hbtw world-building before i was starting to burn myself out and realized that doing that was counterproductive and a total inspiration killer. this has been a very big challenge for me with all my stories. i'm rather meticulous, and i need to know the details and everything before starting, but sometimes i just want to be done with the planning and plotting so i can start. it's a perfectly normal feeling (or, i hope it is LOL)! you're eager to get your story somewhere, and you feel like there's an invisible wall that you keep banging your head against. i know that feeling well! writing can be an exhausting process, but it's the end result, finishing a story/chapter and sharing it with the world that feels very rewarding.
my overall tips for story development:
be patient and go slow — stories deserve nourishment, not ham-fisted neglect! your story deserves the time it needs to flourish!
jot down every idea you have. every single one. even if you're not sure you'll use it — better to have and not need then to need and not have. you really never know!
it's okay to go out of order! don't force yourself into a linear path if that doesn't feel right — it's never felt right to me! develop in whatever order you need to develop.
lean on your friends if they're willing! i probably would've given up on a lot of my stories already if not for my friends. (special shoutout to @random-millennial, @likesunsetorange, @strscrossed, @sinigangsta-ao3, @karizard-ao3, and others for always being willing to help me/listen.)
use online writing resources! there's so many articles and reddit posts (feels shameful to recommend reddit) and such with experienced writers happy to share their experiences and provide advice!
model after media you enjoy — can be books, movies, shows, manga, whatever!! figure out what you think the creators/authors/screenwriters did well and consider emulating it. you obviously like it for a reason! everyone gets inspired by someone else. don't feel like you're not a 'real writer/artist' because you reached out for resources or inspiration. you are real, and you're doing it!
HAVE FUN!!!! i'm a hypocrite because i often take all this way too seriously and get easily frustrated but promise, it's more fulfilling when you're really having fun doing it :))
i hope some of this was helpful!!!! apologies for the total yap session, i know this might be sorta overwhelming??? hope not! like i said, feel free to reach out with more questions, and i'd love to help you out individually if you'd be interested! all love and best wishes on the development of your story — manifesting nothing but success your way, and thank you for trusting me to help!
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bbiemochi · 1 year
(headcannons) what would it be like to date both chiaki and nazuna? how would their unitmates react? or how would they both make it work? also! the reader could be an idol as well :]
𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚒𝚍𝚘𝚕 | nazuna & chiaki
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[an]: i’m back hello—hi there anon let’s pretend this didn’t take a year to post ahahaah 🫠 tysm for requesting!
summary: fans in all across japan wonder…what’s it like to date an idol from the biggest idol company? y/n for sure knows what it feels…
pairing: nazuna & chiaki x g/n!reader! [ separate ! ]
genre: fluff!
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• such a charming and thoughtful boyfriend!
• even if he was busy with idol schedule or university duties, he’d always find a way to have some time for you! <3
• as said, nazuna trusts you with all his heart, so please don’t hurt him! </3 he knows what it’s like to have a broken heart because of being separated.
• the type of bf to drag you into picnic dates (i reassure you they’re going to be sweet and adorable af so be prepared)
• ofc, he makes half of the desserts provided there.
• “here! try some! say, ahh!” a spoonful of sugar with sweetness was met with your tongue. he knows damn well how to make the best desserts.
• expect him to always hold your hand tight when among big crowds. ‘fears he might lose you then a minute later he’s the one who goes missing.
• loves drawing matching doodles in both of your arms! not big ones though, just those small cute designs :3 like a doodle of a bunny for example!
• it’s a little pressuring of how you have to highly keep your guys’ relationship a secret or else everyone will start exploding.
• but let me tell you, nazuna’s always by your side for comfort!
• candid photos of each other!
• he doesn’t like it when you treat him like the child of your relationship ToT
• he’s the oldest among the ra*bits! and even the other unit members from different idol groups!
• alwaysaskpermissionwhengivingheadpats
• let’s not forget, his unit members also have a huge liking towards you!
• including mitsuru! he always clings next to you whenever nazuna would bring you in for practice
• the members were just happy their ni-chan had found someone who understands him sm 🥹 difbsid proud children
• now for this, doing this has to take big (as in really big) responsibilities. idols dating another idol is a sign of danger and social media breakdowns from hardcore fans. the idols have to be extra careful when going out on dates, included.
• nazuna knew he was in love with you. someone from another idol unit. he doesn’t care how many terms or way he’ll say it, but he is highly infatuated with you.
• when he told to his unit members he’s officially has a date, and it was an idol—first, they were super happy for him (of course), though tomoya was the one who cut their celebration short and asked him if hiding a relationship with someone like you, would be easy.
• nazuna knows it isn’t simple. after all, two famous idols going out with one another…and if those idols have extreme fans? it’s almost like a death sentence. sure enough, nazuna will make it work for the both of you. he promises that <3
• dating nazuna as idols…eh, let’s say it was hard to always go out in disguises. masks, sunglasses, hats, you name it. you two did your absolute best to go out and look unrecognisable in public. paparazzis are crazy after all. the cinnamon cafe was the best destination mostly for your dates. praise niki.
• he’ll always make sure the atmosphere around you both is comfortable enough to be in, and once your approval has been ensured, the date begins.
• there were times their producer would invite you for collabs with rab*its, either for a song or a photoshoot, and with wide grins you knew this was the best thing to do while in a secret relationship.
• nevertheless, nazuna would do anything just to stick with you.
• he’ll sneak kisses as a reward at the back rooms ;)
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• buckle in, folks, for being in a relationship with this man is going to be a rollercoaster ride.
• CONGRATS! a hero has saved his love interest!
• being with chiaki morisawa…how do i put my finger into this?
• it’s almost like you’re the mother and he’s that super excited son going on a field trip. a small explanation of your relationship.
• though as said, chiaki’s love language is definitely acts of service without any doubts. he’s a hero after all!
• dates would him: mostly on arcades, karaokes, shopping sprees, and sometimes even visiting toy stores (i’m a 100% serious). this man is a definition of an adult toddler.
• also please don’t bring him into a test of courage :,) he will run like he was usain bolt.
• but he won’t leave you behind! that’s not what a hero does!
• anyways, matching hoodies!
• when he introduced you to his unit, you were immediately greeted by a guy in wet clothes (he just came out of a fountain).
• midori was polite while the other two were loudly shaking your hand.
• “you’re y/n, right?!!! i’m tetora!”
• “i’m shinobu sengoku! nice to finally meet you!”
• they’re like his children tf..(i love them).
• midori was…err, timid. though most of his questions were like: “how are you able to keep up with this guy? isn’t it a bother?” yet you just told him that you were used to it because simply you love him :)
• soon, ryuseitai became so used to your presence it’s so cute ToT
• just like nito’s, this was going to be extremely difficult for both you and chiaki, now you two stand as a popular figure in the idols’ industry.
• though, he promises big time, he’ll make it work between you two. he promises that.
• he talked with a lot of producers and managers to let him have this one secret within off the media’s knowledge, and after a long time of consent they agreed.
• actually, i bet he’ll give zero shits if you two are seen in public. he’ll actually be proud to let everyone know you two are a thing now. (depends if your industry is strict, that is).
• “c-chiaki…! wait, we’re in public…!”
• “dash out of the cameras, love!” <33
• you two are fools in love, what else?
• gradually, midori knew about your relationship, and now he’s praying a thousand prayers for your guys’ safety from the media T^T <33
• “idol fans are weird” —midori takamine. but scratch that, he thinks they’re creepy.
• don’t worry! if you two ever run into trouble, ryuseitai is there to rescue the day! chiaki double included.
• there are times things don’t go as planned, and prepare for the most sweetest apology you’ll ever hear from someone. (he’ll drag tetora for help).
• with chiaki as your lover, he promises nothing but affection, acts of service, and words of encouragement. and a ring he’d like to slip in your finger one day.
a/n: hi, firstly, i’m so sorry for disappearing for months :,} like i said, i’m a very busy peep, school’s a bithc and what not. motivation is lost these past couple of months and that’s why i took a small break. besides, i’m lowkey getting into blue lock that’s why, too :,3 hope you lovelies understand~ <3 i love u all, mwah. sorry again for late replies for your requests
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mecachrome · 3 months
question: is the salary for race engineer really 60-70k per annum? why did i think they get paid way more???? 😭
sorry idk why this answer is so long i'm putting it under the cut 😭
but hahaha uk engineering salaries are generally fairly low afaik, for ex in the usa entry level swe salaries at big companies are easily 6 figs but i've heard that in the uk 40k is a pretty decent base pay? (sorry if i sound like an idiot @ uk followers 😭 or if you yourself are british anon then i apologize as well 💔) obviously that's in pounds but purely numerically indy/nascar engineers probably get paid a lot better than those in f1 because you have to contextualize benefits and col and so on... this is probably off-topic sorry moving on
but in general it's worth noting that f1 is an environment that preys on the sentimentalism of its applicant pool (i.e. "passion job"); it's much easier to exploit employees who care deeply about the product they're involved in because it's something they've dreamed of their whole lives and manufactured their entire academic journeys around attaining. f1 is both extremely stressful and pays comparatively poorly for a majority of its mechanics and engineers — when you think about the strain of travelling, trackside personnel (just as an example, ofc only a small # of engineers travel) often arrive earlier and stay later than the drivers & their wages are low because teams know there's enough competition that highly qualified candidates will continue applying regardless. so you basically need to be 1) willing to work for not very much 2) willing to work a shit ton of overtime and 3) willing to sacrifice your social life to hack it. you'll hear a lot of anecdotes from people who were like hm i thought i wanted to work in f1 but i realized it wasn't worth the stress and just got a normal cushy tech job for twice the pay LOL
anyway idk how much gp specifically makes though very senior engineers could definitely be higher than that, but i'd be quite surprised if it was That much more than 100k? (just for base pay ofc) esp in cost cap era... 🥲 i could be talking out of my ass though!!! that's just the general impression i've gotten hsdflkh
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thisdreamplace · 8 months
hi is anon who writes too much haha! Hru💗
I want to share some experiences I’ve been having and a question
just really letting go and being.
life is really Beautiful when you just be
one extreme subconscious belief i guess I had was “everytime when good things happen. Bad things always do” I used to really spiral over this. I was so afraid. But then I asked myself “ can I let go of this and know all is okay? that god is on my side, that everything will be ok”. I was crying one night fearing “what if everything is terrible and will never be ok “ I allowed it but the something just came into awareness “what if I can trust god. what if I can trust and let go” and I did, I still felt like a crying mess and so very saddened. but I had a sense of trust , my heart was filled with love.
(I’ll speak in 3rd person but ) anon also had a huge fear or want. to being mysterious like… not telling anyone how they felt lalala or even feeling embarrassed about telling how they felt about something like they where right or wrong or how they inferior if they where nice lala. When I realized that was also conditioned, not my burden to bear I cried in relief, knowing just this was never something I needed to let go off. I’m ok haha
I feel like also one thing is we conditioned our self to others behaviors and what we determine as us (the false self) like example I realized my specific negative thoughts where a pattern. I asked myself “ do I really think this way? or am I conditioned too?” “Is this really me?”, my fears and thoughts and wants and needs are all just what I’ve always thought I needed to have, haha living a life without any of those is sure scary but… not a bad! More like a new unknown understanding! Like knowing there’s no meaning behind it , like the thought itself being a conditioned thing, idk it feels just nice , I can leave it be , beacuse it doesn’t mean anything.
The key is no longer allowing it to have meaning for you. - thisdreamplace
now I live my days having fun :) or even just being or enjoying all knowing I’m not bound to anything. it’s nice even when the hard times happen , still need to work on that tho 🐭
my question is.
when circumstances or even a overwhelming situation , or even badly reacting to something and you regret it. How do you deal with it, I always surrender to god and know everything will be ok. But I’m wondering if you have advice haha, like what are some things you do to regulate and help in times like this. sometimes moving on (letting go ) of everything feels a bit terrifying , even how do you stop seeing things as a bad moment? sometimes the heart feels so full and the head feels so firey
hope to talk soon again I miss your posts dream 🌌thank you for everything once again
-anon who talks too much 🍩
hewwo <3 i hope youre doing well!! sorry its taken me some time to finally write back !!
i love all of this ! feeling everything out, while simultaneously allowing yourself to feel that possibilities can be different. i love reading messages from yall, because they always spark deeper understandings in myself as well. it's a really beautiful cycle between us
hmm i think to answer your question, i usually don't try to make something seem other than how i feel it is. instead i accept it all in that moment, or at least try to anyway. it's not always easy of course. but through acceptance you have a lot less resistance toward an issue, and like that it can easily be transformed. so its not always about making ourselves drop it, sure its nice if we can. but if not, its okay to be there in that moment too. allowing it to be what it is, and moving on when the emotions arent as heavy.
anyway <3 thanks so much for reaching out again !! :') and awwwe thank you. i havent had much inspo lately, life has been really busy but ofc, whenever inspiration strikes, you'll see another post by me !!
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drivestraight · 5 months
hi! i am writing a character study right now (for a completely different fandom) but ofc objects in mirror keeps coming to mind because your characterization was so amazing and on point. do you have any advice for character studies specifically? and also, how did you gain the inspo for the plot in objects in mirror? was it a planned out thing or was it more just like a few key bulletpoints and then you went from there? i would love to hear about it and i appreciate you and your writing endlessly!!!
thank you so much! i have a bit of a rambling answer so i'm putting it below the cut:
i guess for characterization, the way i try to approach it, is to just keep them as human as possible in a way? like i don't think anything i do is exceptional or novel at all, but the way i think about it is to think through interactions, and go through the whole "would he do that? would he say that? would any normal person do or say that? what would X's response to Y doing this be? what is X and Y's relationship like and how do i get that across?" and i guess a lot of that is having a grasp of the "source material," so like. all the little videos that give us insight onto what they're like - and obviously that has its limits. like we really only do see glimpses, and a big part of rpf is filling in the blanks in a compelling/reasonably realistic way, and that's all up to you.
like obviously you can't reflect reality but i think it just comes down to portraying the characters so that they don't feel, like, caricatures rather than characters. and since you're doing a character study i'd assume you're writing it in like, a racing setting - in cases like these i do feel like it's more restrictive/difficult to get characterization "right," as opposed to in an au, where the characterization can feel real and compelling despite being pretty different. and this isn't to say that there's one right way - not at all. but like. making it Feel right in in an f1 setting, i'd say, is a little more narrow. it all comes down to just being thoughtful, i guess?
i do get kind of picky lasjf;lsaflaskjdf like sometimes when i feel like people try to give, for example, max or charles nuance, they go so heavy on like self-pity and trauma and inferiority it's like - is this a character who is even at all compelling? if this guy thinks he's so shit at everything like what's the point...😭 (unless he's getting rawed as a solution. that's always okay)
it's that sort of thing i mean like. it doesn't have to be accurate (we have no idea of what that actually means), but like... i do think to some extent it's important that you put thought and care into how you are portraying someone and not go too far into one extreme rather than the other. People have nuance. they can want antithetical things. etc etc. so it's just having that in mind, i'd say.
but like. if i'm being honest. not to like invalidate everything i've said above. i don't really think about it That much?? i kind of like. i pick the person i'm writing in the pov of, and just try to put myself in their head (as much as that's possible lmao), and things kind of just go from there. like i think i think about characterization when i need to, but it's more nowadays wrapped into my writing process as a whole, rather than something i think about in isolation.
and obviously i don't think that my word is gospel. this is just how i try to think about things and if this doesn't gel with you, throw it away lksjfd;lksad i'm just one person on the internet writing rpf
WOW okay i rambled a lot. onto your second question.
objects in mirror was largely unplanned. i think i've explained the story a couple times on here, but i'll just do it again haha.
when i was writing on the limit, i just wanted to write a fic about 2 guys talking. i didn't even think about writing a romantic relationship for them (deep enough in my discord dms is me talking about how i will Never ever ever ship lestappen or any sports rpf ship because i thought it was cringe), nor did i go into it with the intention of having charles go to red bull. i kinda just wanted him and max to have a drink and talk. originally it was supposed to be at the FIA gala but then i changed it, etc etc, and then we got on the limit.
leave no space was also kind of unplanned. by that point i started getting into lestappen as a romantic ship so then i was like. i wanna write something. hmmm. and then i just started writing something lmao. i think about 90% of the fic was unplanned. just vibes. scene after scene depending on what i felt like writing. maybe a bullet point here and there.
all to play for however... like. i was so against writing it at first because i knew it would take a lot of planning and effort. but then as more time passed i caved because i was like - this part of the story needs to be written. so then i literally made this spreadsheet along with plans for each race. dkfja;lkdfjsa. really an endeavor of massive proportions it was like a 2 month writing affair which i rarely ever do...
i guess "sources" of inspiration were like. seb's 2013 campaign, multi-21, spain 2016, etc etc. like past racing incidents were fun to think about/helped give inspiration for some of the incidents and this fic. and i think that one time lewis drove into the wrong pitbox lmao. and i guess also the wikipedia article of alexander the great. and also this one dream i had about someone calling me in the morning that turned out to totally be fake. <3
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anyway yeah. i hope i answered at least some of your questions 😭
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booksandpaperss · 1 year
elli booksandpaperss hello fellow sex education enjoyer. do you have any favorite character or characters in that show. i am very interested to hear your thoughts
I would like to start this out by saying this ask out of context would be hilarious to someone who didn’t know you were referring to a TV show while reading the first sentence kdjjsbs
but hiiiii omg thank u for this ask I literally love that show so much omfg it is rlly does cover a lot of different sexual experiences for teenagers (both queer and otherwise) and it is so genuine with its characters (and btw quite honestly its what a lot of people think heartstopper is in terms of queer rep and more soooooo)
its hard to say I have a favorite character because all of the major teen characters have found a place in my heart in their own way because every single one of them is so well written but! if I had to be forced to pick one favorite character I think it would be Eric. I adore his storyline in every season but I think the reason I would say he’s my favorite is because of season 3, I love the way he gets to explore his queerness in the context of his culture and I liked seeing how it impacted his relationship with Adam bc it showed that those two were having two very different queer experiences and how that was okay, and it was beautiful how going to Nigeria helped Eric figure out how he wanted to be his most authentic self. I also really loved how it put Eric’s black queerness specifically front and center for the season because rarely do you ever have shows that actually acknowledge that the POC queer experience can be different from the white queer experience, much less show it so beautifully and honestly. whiteness as a political concept and queerness aren’t compatible so it’s extremely ironic that most queer shows never really bother to show that. I also just really adore Eric as a character, the way he interacts with the other characters and with himself makes the general storyline so much richer, and I love his friendship with Otis almost as much as I love Maeve and Aimee’s friendship <3
other than Eric I can’t exactly say I have any other one fave but my other top characters if I had to pick would probably to Ola, Lily, and Maeve. I’m literally in love with Maeve, and Ola and Lily individually are great characters, plus I love their relationship (also they’re a great example of how to have a wlw couple that while isnt really the primary romance of the show still gets a storyline that actually gets attention outside of when it’s only convenient for the mlm and het couples yes heartstopper I’m looking at you I’m still pissed abt how Tara and Darcy literally felt like props to taoelle and nick and Charlie, ola and Lily have their own dynamic as well as their own development and issues and they never felt like props to Eric and Adam or Otis and Maeve)
and ofc an honorable mention goes to my girl Ruby, to me she was part of why season 3 was so good (can u tell season 3 is my favorite season lol). but SEE WHAT I MEAN I can’t rlly pick one character cuz I love them all since they’re all just so well written like in terms of character writing I’d say it’s easily one of the best Netflix shows
anyways feel free to ask me abt sex education anytime I love that show SO much and bee I hope u don’t mind that I used ur ask as an excuse to write an mini essay lol
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fruttymoment · 1 year
Whoa linux user
Do you have a guide on how to switch to it? I have zero coding knowledge (i think that's required) and I trust you with my life
I perfectly understand the "linux is scary and requires very big brain and coding its too hard to use!" thought coming from a Windows/Mac guy, i really do! But in the end, a linux distro is just a computer kernel that also has a desktop environment and just does what you want it to do like an operating system
Coding on linux is not required. Linux has so many distros at this point that designed to be beginner friendly, requiring "no knowledge but TO gain knowledge while using it"
The linux terminal is the thing that scares most of the users, but trust me once you get used to it you'll realize how efficent it is to operate your computer and do certain tasks from THE terminal instead! In the end, the cold looking white text with black background terminals are the REAL face of computers. Desktop environment is made so EVERYONE can use computers!
The terminal of gnu/linux uses the bash language. In a nutshell, it is pretty easy to learn basic commands actually!
Super beginner friendly linux distros are designed for people (YOUU) who has no experience whatsoever with linux! They are designed and engineered so you dont have to use the terminal much! For example, Linux Mint is the best distro you should start with. It looks and feels like Windows, even! And Mint does not require much terminal usage. That is also their mission, to make an linux distro friendly enough that no terminal usage is needed!
As easy as this sounds, i actually do not recommend staying this far away from the linux terminal. Please start with Linux Mint if you gonna, its just the best for beginners, but also please dont avoid the terminal much! The linux terminal is important to learn because it also teaches you how a computer really works, and certain operations are much more efficent to do via terminal anyway!
Push yourself to interact with the terminal, even. Learn very basic commands like "shutdown now" , and the "sudo" privilege and how it works (linux always asks your password while doing stuff and you also cant do muc without the sudo privileges!)
"sudo" is the command that gives you the REAL admin privileges to do ANYTHING. With your password and sudo, you can even delete your bootloader lol. Linux wont stop you
This means to be extremely careful while using sudo, though! You can do ANYTHING with sudo privileges, and that also contains accidently trashing your computer! Unlike Windows, that doesnt even let you uninstall Edge, linux has no boundries. Its like "we are gonna assume you know what you are doing."
Of course, friendly distros DO warn you on certain stuff, so dont worry too much!
So ye. U can use linux with no coding knowledge, but i dont recommend staying like that. After starting to use linux, you GOTTA let it teach you stuff!
And to the "switching to linux for the first time" part;
I recommend not deleting your main Windows, actually. For first time using linux i heavily recommend the "dual booting" , which simply means booting operating systems more than one in an computer! You can use BOTH linux and windows in thay way! Although, you need to shudown your pc if you want to switch between them and do it in the booting menu
This is because if something goes wrong, or you get very confused, just let Windows be ready in there. Only make the switch the moment when you feel you can operate linux with no issues and easily!
Dual booting basically slices your disk and creates partitions for operating systems. For example if you have an 512GB SSD, in dual booting you can slice it and make Windows use 256GB and Linux use 256GB too! Ofc u can change the numbers here (linux mimt will help u,.)
Before completely switching to linux; be aware that its a bit of a different world. Sure, very popular softwares exists in linux too but some softwares may not suppor linux. Adobe products dont support linux, for example! You can of course just emulate them with Wine software heh, but that would be a bit of a work!
Another problem will be certain online games. Online games does not like linux becuse how easy it is to manipulate the system, so they just either dont run on linux or they ban/kick you when you try to emulate it on linux
An example is Valorant. Valorant does not tun on linux!
And any online game that has a cheap anticheat system will be a problem!
With that being said, linux now supports every single game from Steam, with the Proton software. Just be careful about them online ones! If an online game natively supports linux (TF2, for example!) , it wont be a problem! Check the steam game's info thingy for it!
Oh and official Minecraft works in linux lol
Discord, Spotify etc. popular softwares also work on linux!
Linux in fact has an "app manager" software in their distros, making you install stuff with no terminal whatsoever! Think like Google Play Store but on le pc!
Anyways hehe thats it fo me bascallya! If u wanna switch to linux with no experience, start with the Linux Mint distro i say and explore it well! Tamper everything before fully installing it, dont worry about it! Linux is free. Linux does not care if you want to kill the entire system, even. Linux is freedom
Also please research the dual booting! You'll gonna be needing an 4GB+ USB for it, and a software like Rufus!
The site of Linux Mint has everything you need in detail, step by step ^^ good luck!
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nyan-koii · 8 months
I have a confession .. I’ve been obsessing over Seb’s body so much 😭😭 specifically these shots are so..
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My reviews of the pics :3
1. first of all the shirt - too big and almost down to his elbows. It is like pressed against his stomach so it’s FLAT and legs and arms are soo tiny 😭😭 like little pookie get off that football field y need to be in bed w mark and Jense rn
2. .. no words honestly he’s just so tiny and manhandable. Like I can just imagine Seb just being moved around by the mechanics, being in the way unknowingly and they just wrap their hands around his entire upper arm and picks him up and moves him idk. Like the mechanics groping him and like just touching him makes my brain go brrr. Also anyone on the 2010 grid with big hands like Fernando, Robert, ofc mark and Jenson just like moving him around and finding out just how tiny he is and UGHHH
3. IH MY GODDDD his arms are soo fucking tiny compared to Mark’s and I can’t like formulate words.. like it’s half the size of his. Idc if it’s the angle or not that man is a TWINK and he needs to be fucked and grabbed and chocked and-
Also just imagine someone covering Seb’s ENTIRE body part with their HAND. Like .. he would malfunction and cum in his pants. Probably like whimper and just like die on the spot or something
Rbr seb is tiny and needs to be fucked until he can’t speak
(I can’t believe I’m sending this unanon but :,) ye)
HIIIII TRASHTEENKIDD (idk what to call you lmaoo 😭)
1. YESS !!! look at the size of the shirt its not made for his size or is he into larger shirt that can cover his body because well um 😏 you know why, he likes the feeling of being small??? Mhmmm the way the shirt covers his butt too AND YESS his tiny legs and armss seb youre not supposed to be there indeed ! Get your ass on the bed now !! Also i love how red his ears are ngl. I think most of the time its always red which make me think if its like that on the other parts too 🤭 imagine him all flushed up and redd oooooo what a sight actually i need him...
2. AURGGHG PLEASE YOUR WORDS IM HAVING BRAIN DISEASE OVER IT. EXTREME HEADACHEEEE i always like the idea of the crew gangbanging on seb especially during his torro rosso eraa !! The boy is so so petite you can carry him everywhere and its as light as a feather ! Want him to be handled like a ragdoll every single second. Also the fact that he arrives at the grid first and is the one who usually leaves the last because he wants to hang around and 'learn' more from the crew.... doesnt that make you think thoughts???? Because i sure as hell do ! Insane honestly, GET HIS ASS RESTRICTED HES GOING TO GET PREGNANT GUYSS
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like look at these 😭😭😭😭 HES SOO EASY TO BE PICKED AROUND !!! The mechanics would definitely also manipulate him during sebs str era im insane i need to be put at a hospital.... i want more gangbang seb fics...
And yes definitely 🤭🤭 the 2010s grid is using seb as a free cumdump as repayment for letting him win the wdc hehehheheheheh seb you're completely tangled yourselves with evil men, get out of thereee (dont)
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Sebs amazing for putting up a brave attitude around mark like if they got in a fight, mark would definitely beat him to a pulp but seb knows mark cant do ANYTHING to him, knows that seb has more power than him and in some cases marks just too tired to reciprocate his energy. Sebs taking marks kindness and manipulating it to his own likings for example mark fucking and releasing his anger on seb because he hates the german boy so much but its actually what seb wants, to be used and to see mark crumble in front of seb aauuurghhhh, hes a twink but hes an EVIL twink.
Also... look at michael's thigh.... its the same size as sebs waist..... im completely normal about this
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Sebs definitely sensitive to touches too mhmmm !! Sensitive and desperate to be touched at all time its embarassing because he cant live without receiving physical touches from his boyfriends. During day, he finds comfort in their hand but at night, its the only thing he prays about while they continue to bring him close to heaven.
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Yesss rbr seb, seb in general, deserves to be fucked until he cant think straight anymore. Much like those anime hentais, i want seb to be fucked until theres love in his eyes and hes all drooling in pleasure 🥰 my love language actually.
And dont pressure yourself ! I admire your bravery reallyy for not anon-ing yourselff. Its good to see who im talking to and that i know you guys are comfortable to share these thoughts with me 🙏 keep em coming guyss !! This is a safe place for everyone <3
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lumilasi · 11 months
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UPDATE: Slight lore change for one of them, namely I changed Yaguro's name; it looks very similar but has completely different meaning and Kanji used now. I just felt like the OG name was too "edgy" for him in this new incarnation.
Also...."When your boyfriend is the fluffiest thing in the room"
Their bio below:
Yume Kobushi:
Age: 25
Height: 160 cm
Family: Great grandmother Anei (A ghost still lingering in the library she guards)
Friends: Avane Faydream (Her Fae bestie/Pen-pal) the Murasaki family running the nearby bathhouse
Love-interest: Yagura Asahi
Waterbending: She can use the element of water to form physical objects, most typically a bow or crossbow she uses to defend the library. Since she is not specifically an ice witch, she cannot freeze water.
reflection-shifting: She can traverse through water's reflection either to phase through things, or essentially teleport to another location entirely, as long as she knows where it is.
Astral projection: She can enter the spirit realm and discuss with spirits there, typically she needs some sort of object as a medium to open her way there/reach the specific spirit she wants to speak with. This is a fairly basic ability nearly all magic users regardless of their type can do, they just use different mediums for access (In Yume's case, water ofc)
General spellcasting: She can cast spells outside her water powers by transforming her magical energy to its basic form.
While she can cast spells not related to her primary magic, in order to use those she needs to convert her elemental magic into a more basic form of spirit energy, which is more draining than using it as is.
Yume is still young and new to all this, since she didn't really grow up taught magic. While her family was aware of their heritage, her parents' generation for example thought of it a myth, so she still struggles with her powers occasionally.
Staying connected to the spirit realm for too long can cause some damage to her, such as fainting, nightmares, hallucinations and in worst case possession, since Yume is not yet experienced enough to protect herself from it with just mental resilience. She typically needs talismans to protect herself.
Given witches' elemental powers are much more restricted than those of elementals or Sorcerers/Sorceress', Yume can't use water in any other form than its liquid form. She can turn ice or vapor into water, but can't use either element as is.
She’s quite temperamental and compassionate, wanting to do things well and also getting frustrated if things aren’t working like she’d hoped. Yume sometimes questions her own abilities due to the fact she never had “official” witch training outside the guidance from her great grandmother's spirit. She also has the tendency to get a bit flustered around people she finds attractive. (regardless of gender) 
She tends to be the type to not make a big deal of her good deeds, and often helps people secretly; mainly because unconsciously due to her doubts over her own skills, she's afraid she's done something wrong so she's pre-preemptively avoiding the anger and rejection from others. (it is somewhat irrational, given she tends to do good job at helping)
She does also have a petty side to her, that enjoys taunting people and messing with those she dislikes. She's known for being able to insult people totally poker-faced, which leads to them not necessarily realizing at first they were told off.
Yume is pan, and has a fan crush on the Murasaki family daughter/boss of the bathhouse Kouka. She's also had a brief crush on her best friend Ava initially, though she pretty quickly figured out she'd rather be friends with her as Ava is Too Scary sometimes.
She still sometimes acts flustered around Asahi, even if she's used to his presence by now.
Yume would never admit it, but she LOVES that her weird moth-ghost-past-life-Samurai-boyfriend is extremely fluffy and therefore a good pillow.
Yume didn't find out she has magic until she turned 15, which is when her great grandma's spirit contacted her, sensing the family had finally produced an offspring with magic.
She initially didn't want to go, but once she did end up in the mirror realm (accidentally) and spent some time there, she quickly begun to feel like this was her home. She'd always felt subconsciously alienated in the human world.
The library she looks after is the second oldest of the seven still left in the Mirror realm; there used to be 20, but most were destroyed during the Ancestral War long ago, where the entire realm was in chaos.
The magnolia theming of her witch outfit comes from her family name, which is a type of magnolia.
Yume sometimes jokes her life is like one of those magical girl stories popular in her human world home country: She thought she was just a normal girl, but then turned out she has powers and a greater purpose. (People around her rarely get this joke, they are not familiar with modern world pop culture in human realm)
Yume's haircomb she often wears is her medium to speaking with her grandmother's spirit, as it used to belong to Anei
She doesn't really visit her family often, but does occasionally send them letters. Her parents have mixed feelings about her new life, wanting to support her but also struggling with the entire concept. Her grandfather - Anei's son - is very supportive though, and has even visited the library before, both as a child and now as an old man.
Yagura Asahi:
Age: 30 (at the time of death) manifested 2 years ago
Height: 185 cm
Friends: The Murasaki family (Soul eaters), Avane Faydream (Yume's bestie who visits them occasionally)
Moth spirits are human souls reborn in new form through what is called a Hive Tree. There used to be 7 of those, but after the Ancient War only 3 are left. Each tree attracts slightly different types of souls with unfinished business:
Amethyst Wisteria:  A purple tree which reminds a massive Wisteria tree in appearance, the spirits manifested by this one are typically those who were in some way significant people in their community, dying unexpectedly. Leaders, warriors, freedom fighters, etc. (Since Yagura was a Samurai who died in battle, his soul was called upon by the Wisteria.)
Emerald Weeping Willow: A green tree similar in likeness to Weeping Willows, only again much more massive. Souls born from this tree were those with tragic, darker sudden deaths. These souls were typically killed by someone in a non-war setting (I.E victims of crime) or they died of self-inflicted injuries caused by mental distress of some sort.
Blue Lapiz Spruce: A large tree in likeness of blue spruce. The souls that this tree attracts are typically those who died in a freak accident or natural disasters. This tree tends to birth a lot of child moth spirits, given it is more likely for a child to die of a freak accident/natural disaster than be of a level of importance/die due to crime. (both are still possible, but rarer)
Moth spirits also correspond to the tree they are born from in color; Wisteria-born are purple with sometimes yellow accent colors, Weeping willow's creations are green with occasionally red accents, and Blue Spruce creates blue spirits with orange accents. Their names also typically indicate how they died in some way, or reference the setting they died in/a significant object related to it.
Born-Adult spirits recall their deaths with often some sort of trauma-related response left in them, whereas children tend to not remember at all; it is a supposed form of mercy by the Hive trees, granted to the youngest souls.
The way moth spirits complete their "unfinished business" is more symbolic, rather than directly going to those this regret is connected to. (Often this'd be impossible given those people may be long gone themselves) For example, they perform the same action/reach the same goal they didn't do during their past life: confessing your love, helping with something you didn't help with, etc. It is in that sense, not a do-over to fix what you already did, but a second chance to not repeat your mistakes.
Close combat; really strong physically with excellent swordsman skills, his blade can even slice magic and spirits, not just physical, tangible things.
Moth spirit abilities: All moth spirits share some basic abilities, but not all manifest every single ability possible; Asahi is a rare case where he has most of them, likely because he was a combatant in his last life. These are: poofing into bunch of butterflies to quickly avoid attacks or flee, drenching an area around him in darkness using them (essentially enlargening his pocket dimension to bring people inside it), flight, Spitting acid that is corrosive even to magic seals, his wings are also stab proof.
Dadness: Asahi is very good with kids, able to be patient and supportive with them, and children tend to not view him as threatening, even if he looks scary. 
Immunity to most fellow moth-spirit abilities: Moth spirits tend to be immune to each other's powers, or at least matching ones. In Asahi's case he is not affected by moth spirit acid, can't be taken into another spirit's pocket dimension, and he can in fact stab through other moth's wings, including those who also supposedly have stab proof wings.
He’s known to be very efficient and ruthless in battle; He’s not the type to show anyone he fights mercy easily, although he tends to not like combating somebody who’s clearly far too weak to even have a chance against him. 
Outside fights he quite intelligent, mostly polite, patient and considerate person who has a strong sense of justice, though for most outsiders he can come off really closed off and rude at first. He just doesn’t really warm up to people easily. Once you have made it to his inner circles though, he's fairly relaxed and pleasant person to spend time with.
Yagura is very observant person, and can pick up if something is wrong long before others do. He can tell if someone (Like Yume) is about to have a mental breakdown/needs to rest before they acknowledge it.
While he can utilize majority of moth spirit abilities, there are two he can't do, and therefore isn't immune to: Ear-shattering/ groundbreaking screeches, fellow moth spirits with stab-through-the-wings ability, being trapped by their webbing.
Due to his manner of death, Yagura has a slight fear of fire, and even though he no longer freezes around it, he still tends to keep a VERY close eye on campfires and fireplaces, dousing the flames as soon as he is allowed to do so. He does still have nightmares occasionally about fire, especially if he's too warm when sleeping. (he tends to prefer sleeping outside as a result)
Yume met him only months after he manifested; he was initially looked after by the Murasaki family, then upon noting Yume was struggling with her duties as a bit of a newbie, he decided to offer his help in protecting the library, which she eventually accepted upon seeing he was reliable and trustworthy.
Asahi is a rare case where he still remembers his human name partially; this is not unheard of though, and can sometimes happen with the purple moths especially; this is speculated to be because these souls born from the Purple Wisteria tend to have the strongest sense of self.
Asahi uses Yagura as sort of a surname, and most people tend to address him with it, mainly Yume and Ava call him Asahi (some don't even know his actual name is Asahi)
He tends to not curse much, and sometimes uses a bit unusual choices of words, such as referring to things he sees as bad behavior/terrible actions "Dishonorable."
He does wear modern clothes too, mainly sweatpants, sleeveless shirts and cardigans. Yume does make him dress up a bit more appropriately if they travel to the city where Ava lives together, though.
Yagura sheds his fur every two months, which leaves Yume with bags and bags of bluish purple fluff everywhere. She's used it as stuffing sometimes...
The scar on his lip wasn't there when he was born; moth spirits generally do not carry physical scars from their past lives (apart from mental ones)
Moth spirits tend to have the same lifespan as humans (80-100 years roughly) starting from the moment they manifested. If the spirit doesn't complete their unfinished business though, they may live much longer until this is done/keep being reborn if they die.
Yagura has already completed his "unfinished business" because his regret as human was dying before confessing his love to a person his past human self adored, something he got to do with Yume.
His blue jacket and belt were made by Yume's grandmother's spirit once he became an official Guardian for the library. The pattern is not just a reference to him being a moth spirit, but also of the river the library isle sits on.
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