#i dont know what else to add <3 i kind of regret this <33
kimio7 · 1 year
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I dont really know how to justify this tbh .....
Inspired by this post from penaltyboxboxbox
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justdyingslowly · 5 years
1. Name justdyingslowly obviously come on
2. Nationality Australian
3. Age 22
4. Birthday nnnah dont feel like it
5. Zodiac sign (or your primal zodiac sign) Libra/Scorpio cusp
6. Gender wamon
7. Sexuality very very hetero
8. Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself) androgenous
9. What do you/did you study? Psychology (focus on sexology) and art.
10. What’s your current job like?/What job would you like to have? I am disabled you think I can work ha sexologist would be awesome. When I was a kid I wanted to be a fireman but Australias always burning
11. Your birth order head first
12. How many siblings do you have? 1
13. Do you have good relations with your family? yeah dads finally out of his abusive relationship, nearing age 70 and his emotions and his sexuality are finally opening up for the first time and that makes me SO happy.
14. How many friends do you have? what kind of fucked up question is this.
15. Your relationship status relationshipped. Fiance? got the marriage papers in a drawer somewhere with the car rego but can’t be fucked filling them?
16. What do you look for in a SO? empathetic, mature, calm. Always open to discussion. Prefers to be blunt rather than secretive. Emotional age over 14 (incredibly fucking rare apparently). Puts an importance on context and understanding other views above all else.
17. Do you have a crush? Hellll yeah Crush on my partner and got a crush on a mutual friend of ours who don’t even know hes cute af hehe one day partners gonna accidentally spill the beans and embarrass me coz hes shit with secrets RIP me.
18. When did you have your first kiss? You think I can remember this bullshit? Its not that big a deal
19. Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands? One night stand sex almost exclusively sucks. Just. SUCKS. Because neither of you know what the other likes and it ends up being an awkward mix of trying to please yourself while trying to also be considerate.
20. What are your deal breakers? Plugging your ears to anything that feels gross, uncomfortable or disagrees with you. How can you grow as a person without introspection? How can you mold what you think and believe without taking in other arguments and comparing them to your beliefs to see how they stack up? Its pathetic.
21. How was your day? cute mutual friend had a fall this morning and were both worried about him. His back is bad and he’s getting a little older, he can’t be getting dizzy and having falls like that. other than that im anxious about seeing my gastro. He’s lovely but... specialists are specialists. Good at knowing what they know but not always great at listening.
22. Favourite food & drink you think im allowed to eat or drink? water and... foods a touchy subject.
23. What position do you sleep in? Usually on my side with a body pillow to grip so I don’t end up choking my partner in his sleep.
24. What was your last dream about? uuhhh...going to italy and being unable to get into this tiny basket boat properly.
25. Your fears does PTSD to medical shit count haha
26. Your dreams ... going to italy and being unable to get into a tiny basket boat thingy?
27. Your goals - get some sort of diagnosis eventually. Its been 3 years of trying and im tired. - get back to studying art part time for my bachelors. - pass JLPT N3. - go back to university for psychology. - do the dishes when I get home.
28. Any pets? two budgies. we also take care of any orphaned or injured birds.
29. What are your hobbies? feeling nauseous drawing writing a little bit im making a little gameboy game in C atm too
30. Any cool places in your area? i live next to a national park with waterfalls and koalas and emus and stuff
31. What was your last awkward situation? mutual friend made a comment on his chest i playfully smacked it (related to the comment) it was surprisingly hard “O-oh wow, thats... I didnt expect that” my partner laughed at me. it was awful.
32. What is your last regret? getting embarrassed at friends pecs stop making me think about it 33. Language/s you can speak english. N4 Japanese.
34. Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.) of course not what the fuck
35. Have any quirks? Quirkless. I do wiggle when im happy though apparently.
36. Your pet peeves open doors.
37. Ideal vacation spend a months chilling in an old japanese house in autumn hokkaido oooooof that sounds nice
38. Any scars? internal? yes
39. What does your last text message say? peepee poopoo ustinky
40. Last 5 things from your search history how do i find this
41. What’s your [device] background? Sam Porter Bridges walkin around Sam Porter Bridges cuddling BB-28 Louise while he sleeps my chicken
42. What do you daydream about? all might
43. Describe your dream home an old japanese house in autumn hokkaido oooooof that sounds nice
44. What’s your religion/Your thought about religion its a comforting thought having a parent-figure who cares about you and looks after all the big things you can’t manage yourself, but institutionalizing it runs a severe risk of becoming harmful cults. And it often does.
45. Your personality type me
46. The most dangerous thing you’ve done i saw the lost bunny that was on all the posters in the neighbourhood looked thin and patchy so i grabbed him to take him home. im allergic. sent me to hospital and I almost died.
47. Are you happy with your current life? feeling sick sucks and partners having a depressive episode but things are pretty good
48. Some things you’ve tried in your life living
49. What does your wardrobe consist of? blacks, reds, whites and pinks
50. Favourite colour to wear? at the moment pink. Red is always comforting though.
51. How would you describe your style? mix between lazy alternative punk, teenager with band shirts and harajuku peach kawaii uwu
52. Are you happy with your current looks? kinda wish i was a bit shorter but what can you do
53. If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be? bit shorter
54. Any tattoos or piercings? lol no PTSD
55. Do you get complimented often? by who? partner constantly, family haha are you kidding im australian so a friend’s version of showing affection is calling you a cunt and slapping your ass in public
56. Favourite aesthetic? all might
57. A popular trend that you dislike blocking because you disagree or find them distasteful. Ignoring all context to opposing thoughts and arguments. taking a personal feeling of disgust to mean something is evil. Blocking your ears to anything that isn’t a circlejerk of what you already think - and trying to isolate anyone who even just listens to something other then the noise of your sloppy dicks to have a thought of their own.
58. Songs you’re currently obsessed with? The Machine by Low Roar
59. Song you normally wouldn’t admit you like. why wouldnt i admit i like a song
60. Favourite genre? probably enka haha
61. Favourite artist/band/genre? probably enka haha oh and tatsuro yamashita
62. Hated popular songs/artists? why the hell would I hate something like a song? I hate aspects of the music industry as a whole I guess?
63. Put your music on shuffle and list first 5 which playlist they aren’t all together in one place
64. Can you sing or play any instruments? piano, saxophone... uh... partners good at making music and playing shakuhachi
65. Do you like karaoke? no.
66. Own any albums? yes? many?
67. Do you listen to radio? What stations? no. but triple J, ABC Jazz and Classical. sometimes they even play final fantasy and JRPG music on classical which is pretty neat. -
68. Favourite movie/series? can i make this about games because then the answer is Metal Gear Solid
69. Favourite genre of movies/books/etc ...shounen?
70. Your fictional crush/es if they’re over 40yrs old, male and happy and bubbily or grumpy and sad then there’s a big ol fat chance I wanna bone. Solid Snake from MGS4, All Might and pretty much anyone drawn by Tarou Madoromi.
71. Which fictional character is you? uh
72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so what does this even mean what language is this
73. Favourite greek god? idk hades seems chill
74. A legend from where you live that you like the story of Tjilbruke is funny and good. all Kaurna stories are good.
75. Do you like art? What’s your favourite work or artist? im in a big egon schiele mood atm.
76. Can you share your other social media? no i am incapable
77. Favourite youtubers? many
78. Favourite platform? not too high up. actually i like being a little lower than ground level in corners.
79. How much time do you spend on the internet? too much
80. What video games have you played? Which one’s your favourite? look i just want to say that MGS4 is the best one in the series and Death Stranding is phenomenally engaging.
81. Your favourite books (manga also counts) these are all so goddamn definitive how can I pick? Oh wait the answer is One Piece
82. Do you play board/card games? I play DnD atm and know 15 yr old rules to Yugioh
83. Have you ever been to a night marathon in cinema? that shit dosn’t happen here
84. Favourite holiday golden week coz its a week also easter because thats when all the glucose based sweets come back
85. Are you into dramas? what kind
86. Would you use death note, if you had one? no. thats called being a murderer.
87. What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to? chill people out a bit. when people feel unsafe they get really depenfive and territorial and block their ears to everything, making in-and-out groups for themsevles that end up putting them in more harm.
88. Could you survive a zombie apocalypse? im disabled with a disabled partner. we arent funny sure we can survive normal everyday life when society is angled so sharply against us.
89. If you had to be turned into a paranormal being, what would it be? id like to be a mimi spirit
90. What would you want to happen to you after your death? spooky time
91. If you had to change your name, what would be your pick? toshinori yagi
92. Who would you switch your life with for a week? anyone healthy
93. Pick an emoji to be your tattoo that cursed one with the intense eyes and the hand
94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true im me im not me im pee
95. Cold or hot? cold.
96. Be a hero or be a villain? both are distasteful ideas in reality
97. Sing everything you want to say or rhyme? i can’t do either partner speak sin bad puns and its hell, these both sound about equal
98. Shapeshifting or controlling time? shapeshifting. controlling time is eithe rmanipulative or lonely. shapeshifing is every other superpower at once.
99. Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death? both are deeply upsetting ideas
100. ….. or …..? jiji or ossan? generally Jiji, but ossans can be lovely too.
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hinac0lada · 4 years
My experience with my crush was horrible. (This is long story bc the whole dramatic thingy lasted like over a year so I'll probably send multiple asks) So it all started at the end of January last year, my attention fell onto this guy I've known for years (bc of school) but i never really noticed him before. He was weird, but not in a bad way, he was just really interesting and I wanted to know more about him. I had recently fallen out with my friend group and I only really had my two bffs left
hdsakjdhakj alex and i both read this and our responses will be under the cut! as well as the full explanation if y’all want any context ! but before we do, we want to thank you, nonnie, for sharing your experience with us <33
(Part 2) I kind of latched onto one of them who had fallen out of the group a few months prior due to a fight (kinda) she had with one of the people in the group. She just so happened to be friends with my "soon-to-be" crush's friends so becoming friends with him wasnt that hard. And the more I got to know him, the more i liked him. I fell really hard for that guy. After like, 2 months, my other bff told me that she had liked him for a long time, long before I did, and didn't know how to tell me (Part 3) At first I was a little upset, but this wasnt the first time one of my friends and a crush on my "crush" and I knew I cant control who she liked, so I just accepted it. It would upset me somedays bc I knew he would never like me the way I liked him and it just hurt. They looked so perfect for each other, and they were closer than him and I were and I got jealous. I would fight with her every now and then but I would always go crawling back to her, tho I never apologized (I regret that) (Part 4) I stopped fighting with her over time, and I just grew very... sad. It was just so depressing seeing him and talking to him knowing we would never be together. So then 5 months passed of me just being a sad overdramatic little b*tch. I was probably a really annoying and exhausting friend to him during that time but I never realized it. Every now and then I would unadd him on snapchat out of anger and sadness but add him again right after. God I was probably so toxic to be around (Part 5) But then one day, he just stopped talking to me (I dont blame him), and I unadded him and he wouldnt add me back, and I really stayed to miss him. It took me 7 months (which is a really long time ik) to finally decide to get myself back together and move one from him. And I'm still trying my best to do that but just recently he started talking on a gc we were both in again and he added me back and idk what to do. It's hard. (Part 6) I was so flawed during the whole thing and everytime I look back at it, I regret everything and wish I never spoke to him, but then I think about all the times he made me so happy by just talking to me or saying goodmorning/goodnight and I miss him so much more. I really love him. And I get mad at myself for ruining a friendship we could've had at the very least. But maybe it was for the best, idk. What do you think?
ALEX; hello love<3 i hope you're at least doing better than before :(( if you had to ask me what i think, i think you're doing the best that you can and it's good that you realized your mistakes and have reflected on it. it's good to really focus on growing individually from your past mistakes without anyone else helping, bc at the end of the day, the only one you can really depend on is urself <3. i kinda have two similar experience to yours, one i've moved on from, the other i'm still trying to move on from. the only thing i could say is that, you should continue on focusing on yourself, and maybe when you're ready i guess you can give your friendship with the guy a try, but you should remind urself to not go back to the same mistakes again :). ik that conflicting feeling where you wanna move on but you kinda miss the guy too HAHAHA but do what's best for you and i wish you the best in life love, mwa mwa <33
RISS; hihi!! so alex and i both skimmed through it and i can honestly just say i relate to this on a somewhat personal level. i get what you feel nonnie :c so like the least i could say is that it's good that you were aware of how toxic you might've been back then! you know yourself and you worked from it. however, i do think things would've been different if you had been direct from the get go - you shouldn't have repressed what you felt just because your friend seemed to like this dude as well. but since you've both already went pass through it, it's better to have new beginnings! get a fresh start. stay as friends bc trust me nothing is better than having a good friend by your side if all else fails C: we hope you're doing well!! stay strong bubs<33
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nyangjjunie · 3 years
I remember confessing to my grade 12 crush (it was kind of rushed and more of a heat in the moment kinda of a thing- I was like 16, and obvs dumb) the dude wasn’t even good looking or had a spectacular personality lol after I confessed I had to rush to class. I remember thinking it’ll be good if he rejects me Lolol and he did after a whole 3 days of thinking about- I WAS SO RELIEVED IT WAS LIKE A WEIGHT LIFTED OFF ME (I think the other classmates (not friends) around me were kinda confused id done something like these cuz I was relatively quiet, introverted and studious). But honestly, as embarrassing as that was, and and as embarrassing as some ppl made me feel it made me realize how confident I could be…and my confidence sky rocketed from a 5 to an 80 haha. The guy I confessed to was in the same school club and we were all part of a bigger friend group (he ended up dating someone else and always acted awkward around me, which I didn’t get cuz I wasn’t awkward at all. ( and I heard later on he kinda abused them so that relationship didn’t workout thankfully for the girl ) haven’t heard or seen him since uni). I don’t regret the confessing part, I do regret the time I wasted thinking about home which was like 3 weeks haha. I think I had 2 more casual crushes after- no confessions or anything- they faded within weeks. I don’t think I’ve had crushes after that…maybe one more but that only lasted 2 days before I found it the dude was married haha! I’m so sorry this was so long (but I hope it was entertaining😊😂❄️
my response is quite long so ill just add a break here lol
omg we're kind of the same! ive never thought that id have the guts to actually confess but i did go for it (after a few moments of impulsive thinking) and the first guy i confessed to was actually just a crush that lasted for less than a month bc he was really good looking, but thats it lol xd he was overall a noisy and quite rowdy person and i was 15 that time so yes, obvs dumb (1). it fed my ego though when i learned that he began to grew much more quiet the following days after i confessed because we really werent on the same level 😭 it was crazy too because i heard from his friends that he got a hangover the next day, and idk if it was because of the confession because 100%, i was sure that he did not like me back but i didnt really mind since it was also a heat in the moment crush xd.
but your first time confessing as an introvert can really feed your confidence, like wow who knew that i could do something as brave as confessing to someone LOL. and yes, you'll really feel lighter after you've done it. what happens next is a diff story BJHBASJD
2 years after, we were still batchmates at school! he also ended up having someone else, but they never got past the first date because he got upset that the girl (who is my friend) had to cancel on him days before because she had an emergency. then he threw a tantrum LMFAOOO like what the hell was that. so yeah, my friend got turned off and they didnt work out. i like to think that my friends should always deserve the best, so its kind of a good thing that they didnt.
within those two years i had casual crushes too, but id normally just admire from afar since i didnt know them well enough to confess about how i feel xdd and now its been 2 years since i stopped having crushes. i dont mind though, my standards have skyrocketed so ive been getting very choosy LOL 😭😭😭😭
thanks for telling me this ! <33
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grandwarlordradha · 7 years
tagged by @odric-master-swagtician for mtg fanwalker character stuff i dont have the energy to finish all the questions so ill come back and finish this later (?) (also uh someone copy paste the wizards copyright policy somewhere for me to add onto this)
Character Name: Johann Gottschalk Age: 25 Appearance:  here, on the right (art by hazoretspartyfavors) 1. What do you know about this character now that s/he doesn’t know? HEY DIPSHIT YOU’RE WORKING FOR A DEMON 2. What is this character’s greatest flaw? His dependency. His reliance on faith was a pretty poor coping mechanism for the death of his family, and only fueled an (unsuccessful) campaign to kill the monsters of Innistrad. This let him easily be manipulated by a demon masquerading as a remnant of Avacyn, and well...yeah. 3. What do you know about this character that s/he would never admit? The dorky kid he trained with as cathars is going to end up saving his life. 4. What is this character’s greatest asset? His preparedness. Years of isolation and fervent hatred for the monster races of Innistrad allowed him to cook up a bunch of different tools and strategies to kill them. 5. If this character could choose a different identity, who would s/he be? Honestly? A baker. 6. What music does this character sing to when no one else is around? He really, earnestly loves Kaladeshi party songs from his time there after his first planeswalk. He keeps sheet music of them around. 7. In what or whom does this character have the greatest faith? He still holds faith in Avacyn after her death, which led to his manipulation by the demon Süldrum. After he was saved from that sordid mess with @odric-master-swagtician ‘s Ian, and the two slew the demon, he shifted over to the ‘save those who cannot save themselves’ side of things more than ‘kill all monsters’ than he was previously. 8. What is this character’s favorite movie? What the hell is a movie?
9. Does this character have a favorite article of clothing? Favorite shoes? Whatever keeps him alive is his current favorite. He’s very much practicality over aesthetics. 10. Does this character have a vice? Name it. Johann, at least to start, is a bit of a legend amongst the Innistradi for being a brutal, wrathful slayer of the monstrous. His black-and-white morality tends to view humanity = good and monsters = evil, despite the dramatic irony of a vampire creating the angel he worshipped. This smooths out over time, but he still has a subconscious cruel streak towards his foes. 11. Name this character’s favorite person (living or dead. By default, Johann doesn’t stick around too many other people, so it’d probably be Ian, since he saved his life and all. 12. What is this character’s secret wish? He wants everyone good, Innistradi or off-plane, to be safe. Mainly so his work can be done and he can live some semblance of a normal life. 13. What is this character’s proudest achievement? Felling the demon Süldrum alongside Ian, destroying an offshoot of the Skirsdag known as the Eclipse in the process. The event slightly reversed the negative opinion people had of him once news spread. 14. Describe this character’s most embarrassing moment. Pick any moment in the prank wars Ian and Johann had in their cathar training youth, basically. 15. What is this character’s deepest regret? His entire time as an unwitting servant of the demon Süldrum. The demon posed as Avacyn, and commanded him to exterminate the monsters of Innistrad, as well as those throughout the Multiverse. Many of them were simply enemies of Süldrum he wanted eliminated, with Johann none the wiser. It took the intervention of Ian, a near duel to the death between the two, and their combined efforts to end the demon’s machinations and his hold on Johann. 16. What is this character’s greatest fear? Nonserious: His ichthyophobia. The guy fucking hates fish despite being raised in Nephalia as the son of a fisherman. Serious: The possibility that if he wasn’t stopped, Johann would’ve murdered plenty of innocent people under Süldrum’s command. 17. Describe this character’s most devastating moment. The combined shock of his loss to Ian--who he’d soundly bested for years in their cathar training, as well as the revelation that ‘Avacyn’ was actually a Skirsdag demon manipulating him was a supremely humbling moment. 18. What is this character’s greatest achievement? See #13 (?) 19. What is this character’s greatest hope? See #12(?) 20. Does this character have an obsession? Name it. His mission to (previously) exterminate monsters, or (currently) safeguard the meek and innocent. 21. What is this character’s greatest disappointment? See #17 22. What is this character’s worst nightmare? Well shit, the guy saw his family’s corpses after they were killed by a Markov neonate. What more do you want? 23. Whom does this character most wish to please? Why? Honestly? The common folk. He doesn’t stick around in too many people’s lives for long, so he hopes the impression he makes is a good and inspiring one. 24. Describe this character’s mother. Lorelei Gottschalk was a housewife, but was far more crass than one would expect from that position. Her foul-mouth, take-no-shit attitude, and feisty nature won over Sergei, and the two settled down in Nephalia to raise a family by the sea.  Johann learned to cook from her, and if it wasn’t for her own ingenuity in the kitchen, he may never have learned how to be as handy with tools or food as he is today. 25. Describe this character’s father. Sergei Gottschalk was a fisherman on the coast of Nephalia, and one of the pillars of his community bringing home most of the food for it’s people. While he would frequently have to go out on lengthy trips, he would always make sure to spend time with his family once he was back home. He’d often joke Avacyn was ‘testing’ him by giving him a son with a fear of fish who usually refused to eat it, but was always good-hearted and patient with his son. Johann’s fondest memory with his father was on his tenth birthday, when they were practicing fishing and he ‘miraculously’ (read: his father planted) caught a silvered necklace of Avacyn’s collar. He still has it to this day. 26. If s/he had to choose, with whom would this character prefer to live? His mother, if only because living on a fishing ship for a majority of his life would kill the man. 27. Where does this character fall in birth order? What effect does this have? Only child.  28. Describe this character’s siblings or other close relatives. None to speak of, really. 29. Describe this character’s bedroom. Include three cherished items. Most of Johann’s life is spent nomadically, but he does have a storage attic he rents out in Kaladesh he rents out and occasionally visits during times of rest. 1. His silvered Avacyn’s collar necklace (See #25) 2. Daybreak, his separating customized sword. 3. Morbid, but he keeps the pulled teeth of the neonate that killed his family in a glass container. It reminds him of his duty and what can happen when he’s not there to protect people. 30. What is this character’s birth date? How does this character manifest traits of his/her astrological sign? Johann was born on the (Innistradi equivalent?) of May 14th, making him a Taurus. Tauruses are: Independent, persistent, and stubborn. (sounds good to me) 31. If this character had to live in seclusion for six months, what items would s/he bring? Most of his life is done in seclusion, so...this is kind of just ‘default’ Johann? He’d bring all his survival gear and weapons. 32. Why is this character angry? BRO HE FAMILY DEAD AND MOST OF HIS ADULT LIFE IS A LIE 33. What calms this character? Safety and quiet easily transitions him from battles for survival or protection back into a calm mindset. 34. Describe a recurring dream or nightmare this character might have. 35. List the choices (not circumstances) that led this character to his/her current predicament.
36. List the circumstances over which this character has no control.
37. What wakes this character in the middle of the night? Any noises or bumps in the night get him jumpy, given his lifestyle as a monster hunter. He rarely wakes up from nightmares in the middle of the night.
38. How would a stranger describe this character? Cold, brutal, and overzealous. 39. What does this character resolve to do differently every morning?
40. Who depends on this character? Why?
41. If this character knew s/he had exactly one month to live, what would s/he do? 42. How would a dear friend or relative describe this character? Bull-headed, tenacious, and loyal. 43. What is this character’s most noticeable physical attribute? His facial tattoo in the symbol of Avacyn’s collar, a relic of his time as a near-mad zealot working under Süldrum. If he could, he’d get it removed in a heartbeat, though it has some sentimental value for what it used to represent. 44. What is this character hiding from him/herself? Nothing comes to mind. Johann is (mostly) aware of his flaws and regrets. 45. Write one additional thing about your character.
Johann’s color identity is firmly W/B, with a bit of an equal pull towards R or U for a third color.
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sozotohakai · 7 years
Tagged in by @thenoahfamily
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people:  @torntruth @ask-cross-marian @pandemicnight @noahwisdom @darkfeathered @solstellarianallen and anyone else, if you want to of course~
1. drink - Cola and water
2. phone call - my brother
3. text message - my brother
4. song you listened to - had a few on shuffle (Re:make from ONE OK ROCK, Strike Back opening of Fairy Tail, Kaze no Uta from FLOW, Funkist Shine opening of Tales of the Heroes Twin Brave, and three of MAD, Preserved Rose, Crest of Z, and Identity). Fun fact: they’re all from my Tales of playlist (which is a playlist of Tales amv).
5. time you cried - Last week, when we watched the Anita ship sinking scene in DGM
7. kissed someone and regretted it - Kind of? didn’t really feel like a kiss, more like a puppy licking, but I did regret inviting the guy over. Lesson learned that day: two glasses of alcohol are already enough to do things you wouldn’t do sober.
8. been cheated on - No, unless I never leaned the one boyfriend i had for a short time did have someone else.
9. lost someone special - My very special ones are still there, but I did lose people I care for.
10. been depressed - I believe so, never very deep, though it was deep in my last year of college.
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - Never been drunk enough for that
fave colours
12. Blue
13. Green
14. Gold
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - Oh yes~
16. fallen out of love - Nope
17. laughed until you cried - Oh yes
18. found out someone was talking about you - in good ways yes
19. met someone who changed you - I’d say yes
20. found out who your friends are - I would say yes
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - Nah
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - Almost all of them, I use it only to add offline people I know. Which would be 10 or so? But beside mom and bro, and three friends of mom and I, I don’t have contact anymore.
23. do you have any pets - No, but at my bro’s home, there’s a cat, Grisou.
24. do you want to change your name - Not really, I mean my surname yes, I want only my mom’s one.
25. what did you do for your last birthday - Oh boy I can’t recall
26. what time did you wake up today - I think it was 10 am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - Sleeping
28. what is something you can’t wait for - New DGM chapters, mom’s retirement finalizing. Patient about but still can’t wait, writing more of my second novel, next time we’re eating out at our fave restaurant.
30. what are you listening to right now - Nothing
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - Dont think so
32. something that’s getting on your nerves - Knowing when people are bothering my friends
33. most visited website - Tumblr, youtube.
34. hair colour - dark brown
35. long or short hair - Short, neck length
36. do you have a crush on someone - On a waiter at our fave restaurant >> and also on an online friend which I cant figure out if its platonic or not.
37. what do you like about yourself - Being silly, my personality, my haircuts when I get it done as I want, my eyes.
38. want any piercings? - No
39. blood type - I think its O
40. nicknames - Chris, Silly, Queen of Feels
41. relationship status - Single
42. zodiac -Cancer
43. pronouns - They/them and she/her
44. fave tv shows - DGM, Natsume Yujjinshou, BBC Merlin, The Voice (France).
45. tattoos - None but sometimes I’m tempted. Would be either dragon(s), wolf(ves) or fox(es). or wing(s).
46. right or left handed - Right handed, though apparently the weird thing is that use the knife with my left one (apparently you tend to use your dominant hand?)
47. ever had surgery - No
48. piercings - None
49. sport - None, though I do walk a lot
50. vacation - Visiting Ti, visiting online friends, touring UK and Ireland, visiting Japan.
51. trainers - I favor boots. If that’s the question.
more general
52. eating - I love to eat a few different food so its varied.
53. drinking - Cola, tea and water
54. i’m about to watch - Nothing tonight, or maybe check Markiplier channel
55. waiting for - finish this and read, also energy to write again
56. want - To write for threads and fanfics and my novel.
57. get married - Neutral about it? It feels like something I can only know if it’s a shared wish with a partner.
58. career - Writer
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - Hugs
60. lips or eyes - Eyes
61. shorter or taller - Taller
62. older or younger - Around my age (not too younger or older, though older works better than younger)
63. nice arms or stomach - Both? Arms?
64. hookup or relationship - Relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant - A bit of both
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - Not total stranger, kissed someone I only knew for a few hours yes
67. drank hard liquor - Dont think so, but maybe a bit at my friend’s restaurant
68. lost glasses - Dont have glasses
69. turned someone down - Yes
70. sex on first date - 99% no, 1% for super rare case
71. broken someones heart - I’m not sure, I dont know it, if I did
72. had your heart broken - Yeah
73. been arrested - No
74. cried when someone died - Yeah
75. fallen for a friend - Yes
do you believe in
76. yourself - Yep
77. miracles - Yes
78. love at first sight - Experienced it, but that’s why I’ll say it’s more like, instant want to date, but not love-love.
79. santa claus - When I was little. Now I kind of think, Santa is everyone.
80. kiss on a first date - I do think it can happen
81. angels - Yes
82. best/closest friends names - Ti, Chelle, Sommer, Brandon, Sparky, Allen.
83. eye color - Brown
84. fave movie - Godzilla (1998, 2014, and the 2017/2018 animated one). Though I love a few movies.
85. fave actor - Colin Morgan
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packitandgo · 7 years
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 some people. I was tagged by @jamthedingus (ILY DI)
1. Drink: Pepsi
2. Phone call: mm... I wanna say my pharmacy?
3. Text message: heck if I know!! my phone doesn't have service right now lol
4. Song you listen to: the suffering game ost! specifically storm top dog
5. Time you cried: last week when I listened to ep 66 of taz (I'm still crying about lucretia tbh)
6. Dated someone twice: Nope
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: not really!
8. Been cheated on: nah
9. Lost someone special: not really
10. Been depressed: HA
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: lmao yes, like... last week it was Embarrassing
12. anything in the aqua teal range
13. Mulberry
14. orange shades
15. Made new friends: heck yeah
16. Fallen out of love:... kind? of?? it's confusing lol
17. Laughed until you cried: like last night!
18. Found out someone was talking about you: well I found out my gfbf rambled about me to her chat group A LOT MORE than i thought (#^^#)ゞ
20. Found out who your friends are: uhhh sure?
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: AM I EVEN FB FRIENDS WITH AMBER. i dont even know
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: technically all of them?? but i actually Remember very few of them
23. Do you have any pets: a very fluffy skittish kitty named Dinah!!
24. Do you want to change your name: nah im good!
25. What did you do for your last birthday: had like 5 friends over for wine n pizza!
26. What time do you wake up: 10 or 11
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: chilling on tumblr while listening to mbmbam
28. Name something you can’t wait for: my day off tomorrow!
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: end of august when she left the country haha
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: KNOWING I WAS INTO GIRLS EARLIER instead of dealing w jealousy n internalised shit
31. What are you listening to right now: how to be a heartbreaker
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: there's a chef named tom where i work!
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: when we get TOO MANY EXTRA people at work n have to add a shit ton of new place settings and run out of food
34. Most visited website: tumblr, ao3, ... tbh thats like IT lmao
35. Mole/s: 2 on my face by my mouth, 2 or 3 on my neck, and then LOTS elsewhere too
36. Mark/s: mmm not rly? a few random scars on my legs i guess
37. Childhood dream: lmao i think it was to be a teacher bc school?? was all i knew???
38. Hair color: dark dirty blonde
39. Long or short hair: shoulder length! but i need to cut it soon
40. Do you have a crush on someone: mmm ye n im dating her (IM V LUCKY)
41. What do you like about yourself: uhhhhh idk? eyes i guess?
42. Piercings: just my earlobes
43. Blood type: O
44. Nicknames: jenna, skya
45. Relationship status: happy <3
46. Zodiac: aries! with a sag moon
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV Show: GUH idk? probably galavant or leverage or b99... or pnf or FMAB or or or
50. Right or left hand: left!
51. Surgery: dont think ive had any!!
52. Hair dyed in different color: SOMEDAY when i dont work in customer service i maybe want like./.. blue or purple
53. Sport: haikyuu!! (u meant sports anime, right?)
55. Vacation: greece!!! chilling on a beach n seeing historical sites. OR california/west coast in general to visit friends n road trip OR toronto...
56. Pair of trainers: uhhh i have. some? yes. they're p cool actually they're black n aqua n have POCKETS
57. Eating: like... right now? nothing.. i just had matcha gelato tho!
58. Drinking: WATER
59. I’m about to: nap while i wait for my video game to re-download
62. Want: a bigger bed n more snuggles
63. Get married: hides face
64. Career: professional Napper. idk bruh i dont rly want a career i just want enough money to buy all the shit i want n feel secure in life, yanno?
65. Hugs or kisses: OH MAN THATS SO HARD??? but. i think hugs? esp if we're including cuddles.
66. Lips or eyes: both?
67. Shorter or taller: DEPENDS but im gonna go with shorter
68. Older or younger:  older
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: arms!! in that i want strong arms of my own n also they make me flush (soft stomachs ARE nice stomachs)
71. Sensitive or loud: ???
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: t-troublemaker? iguess??
74. Kissed a Stranger: nope i only kiss friends +
75. Drank hard liquor:  ya
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: CONSTANTLY
77. Turned someone down: LMAO no, ive never had to
78. Sex on the first date: not for meee
79. Broken someone’s heart: i REALLY doubt it haha
80. Had your heart broken: not really
81. Been arrested: nope
82. Cried when someone died: once or twice
83. Fallen for a friend: OFTEN
84: Yourself: ... im working on it
85. Miracles: why not
86. Love at first sight: like yes, love no
87. Santa Claus: i love tim allen
88. Kiss on the first date: sure!
90. Current best friend name: kelcee
91. Eye color: blue~
92. Favorite movie: MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING
SO MANY QUESTIONS it was fun tho~
i’m tagging... @boudiscanon @abstract-sunshine @acesiren @rlyqueer @zheenterprize and anyone else who wants to do it~~
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mercurymagpie · 7 years
Tag game
rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people (ish)
i was tagged by @sansaoswald thank youuu!!💜
i tag: @severe-queer @odair-goes-my-feels @kieran-sw @thequirkyquibbler @pasmater-ay @gravy-gay @artslip @meme-femme @frecklesnconstellations @inaej-ghafa @shouldernova @pleasemakeitgayer @resting-meme-face @aprilmaclean @fantasy-over-reality @plobspez @sneezingbeagle @cry-cats and anyone else who wants to!! y’all dont have to do it if you dont want to because it takes foreverrrrr
the last:
1. drink - lemon and ginger tea
2. phone call - my mum
3. text message - the group chat with my friends
4. song you listened to - would you be so kind by dodie, almost a hundred times, on repeat, for the last three days,
5. time you cried - yesterday at orphan black,,
6. dated someone twice - never
7. kissed someone and regretted it - that fucking idiot boy when i was like nine because he still talks about it, GROW UP JAMES
8. been cheated on - never
9. lost someone special - my aunty a few months back
10. been depressed - umm always
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - a party a few months back
favourite colours:
12. pastel purple
13. yellow
14. dark blue
in the last year have you:
15. made new friends - yes!
16. fallen out of love - no, but the opposite
17. laughed until you cried - no
18. found out someone was talking about you - ha story of my life
19. met someone who changed you - no
20. found out who your friends are - yeah
21. kissed someone on your facebook list - nope
22. how many of your fb friends do you know in real life - almost all of them
23. any pets - two irritatingly adorable cats called willow and ziggy and an annoying cutie border collie called ozzie
24. do you want to change your name - idc
25. what did you do for your last birthday - went to comic con with my friends because we’re massive sad nerds
26. what time did you wake up - like 2pm
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - watching orphan black and crying
28. something you can’t wait for - going to greece next summer!!
29. when was the last time you saw your mum - like 2 hrs ago
30. what are you listening to right now - would you be so kind by dodie,,, still,,,
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - dude there are lterally like 30 toms in my school
32. something that is getting on your nerves: nazis.
33. most visited website - this cursed hellsite
34. hair colour - light ginger
35. long or short hair - short
36. do you have a crush on someone - HAHAHAHA
37. what do you like about yourself - umm i have nice eyes i guess and im p smart
38. piercings - none
39. blood type - i dont know but i wish i did!!
40. nickname - yellow because all my friends are sad and we call ourselves after the power rangers fjgjkgdj / madizzle because one of my friends is sad and adds izzle onto everyones names / maddy is technically a nickname / mad
41. relationship status - single and sad
42. zodiac - virgin
43. pronouns - she/her
44. favourite tv show - sense 8, orphan black, dw
45. tattoos - none but i want lots of flowers
46. right or left handed - right
47. surgery - none
48. piercings - still none
49. sport - HAHAHA
50. vacation - my last one was to the beach last week, my next is to wales, my dream is iceland
51. pair of trainers - converse
more general:
52. eating - rn nothing its half past midnight
53. drinking - rn nothing but i am dehydrated because its taking me hours to answer these goddamn questions
54. im about to - sit here for several more hours answering these endless questions,, then watch netflix
55. waiting for - death
56. want - to die
57. get married - hopefully one day if someone will love me
58. career - who’s she
59. hugs or kisses - hugs
60. lips or eyes - eyes
61. shorter or taller - idm but its hard to be taller than me
62. older or younger - are we talking about someone else? idm
63. nice arms or nice stomach - all arms and stomachs are nice?
64. hook up or relationship - i am unsure of whether i am capable of either
65. troublemaker or hesitant - hesitant
66. kissed a stranger - no
67. drank hard liquor - no but i would
68. lost glasses or contact lenses - literally everyday because im stupid as heck
69. turned someone down - nope
70 - sex on the first date - no
71 - broken someones heart - no
72. had your heart broken - HAHAHA not officially
73. been arrested - no
74. cried when someone died - yep
75. fallen for a friend - i wouldnt exactly call her my friend so no
do you believe in:
76. yourself - HAHAHAHAHA
77. miracles - nope
78. love at first sight - noope
79. santa claus - nooope
80. kiss on the first date - sure thing
81 - angels - noooope
82. current best friends name - its kinda unique and i dont want her to discover my secret to tumblr so unfortunately classified
83. eye colour - dark green
84. favourite movie - umm juno, moonlight, desperately seeking susan, the breakfast club,
FINALLY GOT TO THE END GOD BLESS i am about ten years older
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mintchocolateleaves · 7 years
RULES: You must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
TAGGED BY: @nemuri-no-kid xD
TAGGING: Okay... so I don’t know who I’d tag... lets just go @bakathief / @torichan332 / @presumenothing / @dont-touch-my-sons and anyone else who wants to do this??
It makes me a little mad that some questions are missing but :P Oh well.

1. drink: A smoothie! 2. phone call: My best friend.  
3. text message: ‘We’re 1 minute away’ to my stepdad 4. song you listened to: ‘We’ve only just begun’ - Welshly Arms 5. time you cried: I don’t really remember? A few weeks maybe? 
6. dated someone: Two years ago now? I don’t really date.  
7. kissed someone and regretted it: Sure. 8. been cheated on: That requires being in a relationship long enough for it to fall apart. So no.
9. lost someone special: Not in the romantic sense, no?
10. been depressed: Currently am.

11. gotten drunk and thrown up: ..... I am ashamed to admit it. But yes.


12. Light blue. 13. Bubblegum pink. 
14. Does black count as a colour?

15. made new friends: Yes!! 16. fallen out of love: Hahaa nope 
17. laughed until you cried: Probably?? 
18. found out someone was talking about you: I don’t think so? 19. met someone who changed you: Probably? I dunno? 
20. found out who your friends are: Not in a drama tv show kind of way, no? 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: ....Yes.
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them? I don’t add people I don’t know. 
23. do you have any pets: 3 cats! Lily, Mocha and Pepper. Two are lovely, the other is evil incarnate. 
24. do you want to change your name: Nah, nicknames are much simpler than changing names altogether 25. what did you do for your last birthday: My mum took me out for a meal with my best friend, and then I spent the evening with my sister. 
26. what time did you wake up: 5a.m, my stepdad wants to go fishing together today and tides are weird. 
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping 
28. name something you can’t wait for: My A-level results. Cake to finish cooking when I’m baking. The next chapters of DCMK to be published. 
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: 2 minutes ago? 
31. what are you listening to right now: Remember the song I listed in No. 4? That. 
32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yep. 33. something that is getting on your nerves: Siblings. People who don’t use their manners. PEOPLE WHO DON’T KNOCK ON MY DOOR BEFORE COMING IN. Ah... when someone goes to hug me without asking if I’m having a bad day and don’t want to be touched??! 
34. most visited website: Tumblr. Google. 35. hair colour: Brunette. 36. long or short hair: Long, but I wanna cut it short again soon, maybe? 
37. do you have a crush on someone: Nope. 38. what do you like about yourself: Sometimes I can do the word thing. 
39. piercings: Earlobes. 40. blood type: Hahaha, who knows? Certainly not me. 
41. nickname: Mint 42. relationship status: Single. Not ready to mingle. 
43. zodiac: Leo! 44. pronouns: She/her 
45. favourite tv show: Limitless!! (TV wise.) If we’re speaking anime as a TV show then DC. 
46. tattoos: Two. One on either wrist. 47. right or left handed: Left 
48. surgery: No??
50. sport: I like running and tennis, but I’ve got shoddy hand-eye co-ordination. 
51. last vacation: Majorca, last month! 
52. pair of trainers:
 No PROPER trainers, but I do own purple plimsolls.

53. eating: Food is good. Yes. 
54. drinking: Being hydrated is always nice. Yes. 
55. I’m about to: Finish this and write a chapter update. 
56. waiting for: My A-level results. 57. want: To not fail at life. 
58. get married: Maybe in the future but right now? Hahahaa no. 
59. career: 
Author? Or a copy-editor!

60. hugs or kisses: Hugs 61. lips or eyes: Neither? 62. shorter or taller: Taller 
63. older or younger: Older? 64. nice arms or nice stomach: Arms 
65. hook up or relationship: Relationship 
66. troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker

67. kissed a stranger:  
68. drank hard liquor: Yes

69. lost glasses/contact lenses: For about five minutes, sure. 
70. turned someone down: Yes 71. sex on the first date: Hahaha sex at all is a huge no. 72. broken someone’s heart: Yeah. 
73. had your heart broken: Not romantically, no. 74. been arrested: Nope. 
75. cried when someone died: Yep. 76. fallen for a friend: Nooo

77. yourself: Nope. 
78. miracles:  Not really. 
79. love at first sight: No. 80. santa claus: No. 
81. kiss on the first date: Nope. 82. angels: Nah

84. eye colour: Blue! 
85. favourite movie: Silver Linings Playbook is a new favourite. AND MULAN.
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pacman-tattoo · 7 years
All odd o:
   1. What is you middle//full name?
i’m not gonna say my full name for privacy purposes, but my first + middle names are Tristen Mackenzie
   3. What is your birthday?
May 23rd!
   5. What is your favorite color?
aw man like… light pink? dark purple? cerulean blue??? all good.
   7. Do you have any pets?
yes!!!! i have a cat and her name is rose and i love her
   9. How tall are you?
5′3″-ish? i’m not exactly sure
   11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
uh… 3 i think? 5 counting both pairs of character shoes though!
   13. What talents do you have?
as a lot of ppl who follow this blog, i’m pretty good at writing! other than that, i like to think i’m pretty decent at singing and acting, and i draw a lot. other than that??? idk
   15. Favorite song?
i answered this but i’ll just add more: A Soft Place to Land from Waitress
also Teen Idle and Primadonna by Marina and the Diamonds!!
   17. Who would be your ideal partner?
alright so like my ideal partner is definitely someone who just loves me for who i am and doesn’t force me to change, y’know? someone supportive who’s kinda ready to take me as i am with all the baggage i have and still loves me in the end but doesn’t take any bullshit? like, they accept i have problems but won’t let said problems excuse my actions. someone who can help me improve on who i am, i guess?
also someone sweet and gentle and just understands, y’know??
idk i haven’t put much thought into a person past that, since i guess all i want is someone who actually gives a shit?
   19. Do you want a church wedding?
uh personally i don’t really care even tho it’d probably piss off my family i guess??? like, it could be or it couldn’t be and it probably wouldn’t make too much of a difference for me because imo it’s a wedding either way???? idk man
   21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
like, me being in the hospital? no. visiting people? yeah
   23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
uhhh i met a guy off of broadway once he was cool i think his name was andrew or matthew or something and he was in pippin and actually was charlemange the night we saw the show!! i wish i could remember his name because he gave me really good advice about basically sharpening what i wasn’t good at when it came to theatre
   25. What color socks are you wearing?
   27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
like… i mean, i wouldn’t be against it? as long as it’s for something i’m proud of, i guess???
   29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
   31. What position do you usually sleep in?
i usually lie on my stomach when i sleep!!! idk why it’s been kind of a recent thing??? like i use to sleep on my left side for years and over the last year or two i’ve started sleeping on my stomach for whatever reason
   33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
i usually don’t wake up early enough to actually eat breakfast but i like to make scrambled eggs and toast!! because effort
   35. Have you ever tried archery?
no but i want to :’O
   37. Favorite swear word?
eh, probably just ‘fuck’ because i’m not creative
   39. Do you have any scars?
i have a reaaaaaaally faint scar going up my leg from when i did something stupid and was scratched by a wire!!!
   41. Are you a good liar?
depends on the lie and who i’m telling said lie to, honestly.
   43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
uh i can kinda do a russian accent like Stereotypical Russian and i can do a southern accent (which works because i’m from the south but i have no accent i swear), and i can do a kinda posh accent??? idk man i should sit around and just attempt accents one day.
i’m good at mimicking mercy from overwatch sometimes tho but only when i’m playing her because it’s more of me just sitting there echoing whatever she says i guess
   45. What is your favorite accent?
idk my russian accent is at least fun to sit around and say shit in
also just??? idk what you would call it other than Stuck Up White Girl but that’s also kinda fun because i literally will sit around and say stupid shit
   47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
that’s honestly a good question and i couldn’t tell you because i barely remember anything like lemme check amazon because i have this dress??? that was probably expensive
it actually wasn’t too expensive it was only 35-ish dollars??? idk then i tend to not buy expensive clothes
   49. Are you an innie or an outie?
   51. Are you scared of spiders?
hhholy fck yeah i nearly panicked yesterday when there was a spider in my car like i was almost gone but my brother got it
   53. Favorite foreign food?
honestly that’s hard but i??? fukn???? love??? chicken enchiladas????
also does fondue count bc it’s from switzerland and i love fondue like cheese??? good. chocolate??? heaven.
   55. Most used phrased?
probably like “idk man” because i just Don’t Know
   57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
depends!!! sometimes it can be around 30-40, sometimes an hour, sometimes i’ll be ready in 10 minutes i don’t do makeup and throw on something decent
   59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
i tend to mostly suck???? that doesn’t sound sexual i swear why does everything have to sound sexual jfc
   61. Do you sing to yourself?
i think we all know the answer to this one. it’s a definite yes and anyone who thinks otherwise doesn’t know me tbh
   63. Biggest Fear?
dying young, i guess? it’s something that kinda haunts me still and idk of anything that’d be a bigger fear than that for me rn
   65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
idk i rarely watch movies????
   67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
i mean i’d probably leave a few out but i can
i took a thing and i got like, 35-36 out of the 50 so that’s good i guess
   69. Extrovert or Introvert?
def an introvert
   71. What makes you nervous?
what doesn’t make me nervous tho
uh i guess just??? driving in silence makes me nervous
honestly any silence makes me nervous because i need at least some sort of constant noise??? tests are hell, man.
   73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
depends on the mistake??? i tend to but if it’s just something really minor i won’t bother the person.
   75. Have you ever started a rumor?
nah i dont think so. if i have then??? whoops. i know a guy who started (or at least tried to?) rumors about himself tho it was weird
   77. Have you ever drank underage?
not rly??? i’ve had sips of stuff but that was usually with my parents and it wasn’t enough to make me feel anything. altho next time my friend and i hang out without her parents there i might drink a little, just to be able to say ‘i did the thing’ since i kinda wanna do teenage shit while i still can i guess?????
   79. Who was your first real crush?
guy i knew/know (we’re kinda friends??? like we talk but we don’t make extra effort to do so imo???) named jacob!!! he let me down gently because he was also the first person i confessed to, and altho i kinda regret it, i still had that rejection so at least i don’t have to deal with that shit with someone else being “that first rejection” or w/e
   81. Can you roll your Rs?
aaaa sadly no i wish i could tho!!!
   83. How fast can you run?
i don’t think i’m fast but i think i’m fast enough
   85. What color is your eyes?
   87. Do you keep a journal?
i kinda used to??? i stopped writing in it for a while…   89. Do you like your age?
ehh kinda??? like…? i’m still technically a “““teenager”““ (even tho i technically count until i’m 20 but legally i’m an adult at 18) but it kinda sucks because being 17 is lowkey kinda stressful because woah ur a senior in high school time for u to be forced into thinking you need to choose a good college that will get u a degree for a job you’ll always be in for the rest of ur life and just the fact i’m kinda inexperienced in shit??? i just wanna be smooched before i turn 18 man
   91. Do you like your own name?
i mean??? i don’t like ‘tristen’ but i do like ‘tris’! which is why i go by it online and i try to get ppl to call me it. there was someone i know who was like “no one even calls you that” when i said something about being called “tris” to someone and i’m like… that’s because i never said anything about it before…??? no one calls me tris because i never really went by it before….???
but anyway “tristen” is fine but i will always prefer to be called “tris”
   93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
i’m gonna say i’d love to have a girl but honestly? i don’t really care? if i have a child or if i have children, i just want them to be happy and healthy and feel they can trust me with anything - or at least almost anything, since i never really had that person growing up.
   95. What are your weaknesses?
uh i’m not the strongest person when it comes to physical activities but that’s also because i’m a dumb egg who sucks when it comes to shit like dancing because i kinda throw myself down a hole when other ppl get things and i don’t and i get really self deprecating over shit
also self deprecation by itself is a pretty big weakness.
other than that, i’m kinda messy?? like my room itself is a mess and there’s clothes on the floor and i really just need to take a day and clean up
   97. Were your ancestors royalty?
not that i know of
   99. Color of your bedspread?
uh its too hot for one rn but i have a white one that my grandma bought for me and i use it when its cold af outside
i want this galaxy one that i found tho….
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theongryjoyy · 8 years
multiple tag games, sorry for the long post 
i was tagged by @beallatrix, thanks babe
rules: answer the questions and tag 20 people
1. how tall are you? 5ft3 im prettty sure
2. what colour and style is your hair? blonde and straight
3. what colour are your eyes? blue
4. do you wear glasses? i should but i don’t rip
5. do you have braces? im getting invisalign soon
6. what’s your fashion sense? hmmm idk, pretty much all the things you see that are popular right now
7. do you have any siblings? yes
8. what kind of student are you? bad one
9. what are your fave subjects? well when i was in school, english and anceint history
10. what are your favourite tv shows? pretty little liars, friends, modern family, game of thrones, geordie shore, supernatural aaaand heaps more
11. favourite books? heaps but i dont read much atm 
12. favourite past times? not having to pay bills
13. any regrets? not working harder in school
14. what is your dream job? author, book reviewer ... rich housewife...
15. do you want to get married? god. no.
16. do you want to have kids and how many? lord noo
17. how many countries have you visited? none rip
tagged by @valxyries, thank you xx
rules:answer all the questions, add one of your own and tag as many people as there are questions
1. coke or pepsi: neither 2. disney or dreamworks: disney 3. coffee or tea: coffee 4. books or movies: movies atm 5. windows or mac: windows 6. dc or marvel: dc 7.xbox or playstation: neither 8. dragon age or mass effect: neither 9. night owl or early riser: both 10. cards or chess: cards 11. chocolate or vanilla: chocolate 12. vans or converse: converse 13. lavellen, trevelyan, cadash, or adaar: i dont know.. 14. fluff or angst: both 15. beach or forest: beach 16. dogs or cats: cats 17. clear skies or rain: rain 18. cooking or eating out: both 19. spicy food or mild food: spicy 20. halloween/samhian or solstice/yule/christmas: christmas 21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: cold 22. if you could have a superpower what would it be: idk 23. animation or live action: both 24. paragon or renegade: idk 25. baths or showers: showers 26. team cap or team iron man: neither 27. fantasy or sci-fi: fantasy 28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: can’t think of them atm 29. youtube or netflix: youtube 30. harry potter or percy jackson: harry potter 31. when do you feel accomplished: when my house is clean, bills are all paid, im saving money, working, eating healthy and exercising  32. star wars or star trek: wars 33. paperback book or hardcover books: hardcover 34. horror or rom-com: both 35. to live in a world without literature or music: *cries* 36. pastel colours or dark colours: both 37. tv shows or movies: tv shows 38. city or country side: city 39. if any other zodiac sign could describe you, what would it be: no idea 40. if you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be: divide by ed sheeran 41. cinema or theatre: cinema  42. if you could be any fictional characters best friend, who’d you be? aleksander morozova 43. smiling or smirking: smiling 44. are you an ‘all or nothing’ type or are you more consistent: consistent 45. playlists or your whole library on shuffle: playlists 46. travelling or staying at home: staying at home 47. would you rather travel into the past or future: past
i tag (you don’t have to do both or any tbh): @pcnnysfeathes @orsonkraennic @ephcmeron @kueeniegoldstein @greyjoyvs and anyone else who wants to do these tags
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question thing o:
tagged by @pyroinquisitor !!! c: Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.  1. Coke or Pepsi: pepsi i guess, i used to like vanilla pepsi a billion years ago 2. Disney or Dreamworks: disney cause i love the lion king and 101 dalmatians 3. Coffee or Tea:  coffee but only if its frozen, i think tea is super gross o: 4. Books or Movies: definitely books, i only watch movies when im with someone else 5. Windows or Mac:  windows, id never use mac thats terrible 6. DC or Marvel: ive never really been into superhero movies, but i liked deadpool and the first thor, so whatever universe those are in i guess xo 7. Xbox or PlayStation: playstation, the only reason i have any xbox games is because theyre console exclusive :p 8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: dragon age, ive platinumed all three lol 9. Night Owl or Early Rise: night owl, i dont even go to bed until like seven in the morning because i feel so sick when i wake up in the morning o: 10. Cards or Chess: cards i guess, im pretty good at uno and speed and also i have literally no idea how to play chess xD 11. Chocolate or Vanilla: usually i like vanilla more 12. Vans or Converse: converse i guess. i prefer toms cause im super picky about shoes like 99% of them are super ugly 13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar: so my first play through was with a rouge Trevelyan which i really like but my second with a mage Lavellan was probably my favorite. i really liked my nightmare run with a rouge Lavellan too. i think my least favorite was my warrior Cadash run cause ive never been super into playing as dwarves and ive never played as an Adaar o: 14. Fluff or Angst: i cant deal with anything angst right now literally anything sad will make me cry lol 15. Beach or Forest: i like the way forests look way more but i prefer actually being on a beach 16. Dogs or Cats: dogs thats why i have seven xD 17. Clear Skies or Rain: i love rain so much it never rains in arizona and that sucks so much 18. Cooking or Eating Out: eating out cause i love taco bell xD 19. Spicy Food or Mild Food: spicy i want everything spicy 20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: christmas i guess cause ive never really done anything on halloween 21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too cold cause i can just cover myself with a billion blankets 22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be: superhealing but not for me like for the people i love and animals 23. Animation or live action: like live action anime movies? definitely not. 24. Paragon or Renegade: i dont know what that means :o 25. Baths or Showers: usually showers but i love really hot baths when i shave or if i dont feel good 26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: is team cap captain america? i watched one of those movies and fell asleep cause i was bored and ive seen like part of an iron man movie i think so i dunno?? 27. Fantasy or Sci-Fi: fantasy ive never been into scifi very much o: 28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes? If so, what are they: maybe some song lyrics but not like movie or book quotes :o 29. YouTube or Netflix: youtube cause i can find like everything from netflix on there anyways 30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: okay so i had to read percy jackson in elementary school for battle of the books cause i was a nerd and i absolutely hated that book. harry potter though was one of my favorites, i have all the books and movies and even the terrible wii/ps3 games. i really loved lego harry potter though 31. When You Feel Accomplished: i got the most reading awards in the history of my elementary school and when i finished my government class with 115% and i guess when i graduated o: 32. Star Wars or Star Trek: star wars is so stupid ;-; also i dont like star trek i dont really like anything set in space for some reason o: 33. Paperback Books or Hardback Books: hardback i wish all my books were hardback instead of like half of them 34. Handwriting or Typing: handwriting cause i kinda like my handwriting o: 35. Velvet or Satin: satin feels so much nicer 36. Video Games or Movies: video games i cant even remember when i last watched a movie 37. Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon?  i want to be the mother of dragons 38. Sunrise or sunset: sunset cause then itll be night :p 39. What’s your favourite song? tangled in the great escape by pierce the veil ft jason butler 40. Horror Movies yes or no: horror movies are my favorite kind of movies even if a lot of them are awful 41. Long hair or short hair: long ive never had my hair shorter than my shoulders 42. Opera or Theatre: i really like russian opera tbh i like how it sounds 43. Assuming the multiverse theory is true and every story ever told has really happened somewhere, which one of the movie/book/tv show/game/etc worlds would you pick to travel to first?  maybe dragon age or skyrim xD 44: If you had to eat only one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?  taco bell no doubt about it 45: Older guys or young guys? older i guess cause my boyfriend is a few months older than me xD 46: If you could erase any show from TV history, what would it be?  the big bang theory that show is an obnoxious mistake 47: Singing or dancing?  i cant sing or dance tbh 48: Instagram or Twitter?  im on twitter so much more. 49: Flowers or chocolate? id be happy to get either :p 50: Thomas Jefferson or Lafayette: i know this is a reference to something but i have no idea what 51. Be able to fly like a bird or swim like a fish (and breath under water)?: flying because thatd make it so much easier to get around 52. You listen to videogame or movie soundtracks?  If so which ones?:  i dont really listen to video game music outside of the game itself, same with movies but i guess i could listen to certain disney movie soundtracks 53. What is something that under no circumstance you could never forgive? And why?  cheating or lying. because i try to always tell the truth to people and i expect the same. and cheating, well thats pretty self explanatory 54. What’s your happiest memory? every single day ive spent with my love 55: Would you rather do something you liked but was horrible at it, or do something you disliked and be phenomenal at it? id rather do something i didnt like and be phenomenal at it because at least that would give me an opportunity to make money off it o: and if i gotta add a question i guess it would be: whats the thing you most regret? i dont know anyone to tag but i guess if any mutals wanna do this go ahead xD
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mrbronzeskull · 8 years
Lmao answer them all and good luck ;)
I’m reblogging this, sans readmore, as it was brought to my attention that for at least one person, everything under that just didn’t show up. I humbly beg forgiveness for putting such a huge chunk of text on everyones dash.Spacey, you cheeky sod. I swear this is like the second time you’ve done this. (I both love and hate you for it) Here we fucking go: THIS TOOK AN HOUR AND A HALF TO DO 
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?I don’t exactly get physical with folks so I have to assume it was my ex, several months ago.2. Are you outgoing or shy?Shy, Bi and ready to die3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?@gpumidnazora​, some day.4. Are you easy to get along with?I guess so? Not very argumentative, very quiet, tell bad jokes.5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?I’d like to think so.6. What kind of people are you attracted to?All of them. More feminine aligned folks usually but super masc folks and androgynous peeps have totally taken my breath away too. Less general note, nerdy folk who I can obsess over something with. 7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?I mean, I’m in one now and while it does have a massive issue because of distance, I’d like to think we can tough it out.8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?My girlfriend.9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?A little, I get flustered easily if im not super close with folks.10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?Fuck, uh, myself? I often have super deep conversations that I should probably talk to a therapist or someone about just aloud to myself. But if that isnt an acceptable answer, @gpumidnazora​ takes the cake.11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?“Oh hell, I thought I said hi when I got home and was all like ‘huh, she hasn’t replied, guess she’s already asleep” after I goofed up on letting my gf know I got home on time.12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?OH! I got one from just this morning! Let’s Face It I’m Cute by 11 Acorn Lane.Aside from that I’ve been all nostalgic lately so Mr Brightside by The KillersTeenage Dirtbag by WheatusGoodbye Stranger by SupertrampEverytime We Touch by Cascada13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?Yes. Please do. I’m a big sucker for this. Or any physical affection really. 14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?Miracles not so much but its real hard to not think of things as lucky or unlucky for me15. What good thing happened this summer?I got plenty of hours at work! 16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?Nope. No. Nuh. There’s two girls it might be and neither of those would be a good choice.17. Do you think there is life on other planets?I mean, it’s literally either that or we are completely alone in the entire universe. Which seems far more terrifying to me. So yeah. But I’m always thinking like microbial or basic life, rather than you know, aliens replete with UFOs and such.18. Do you still talk to your first crush?Nah, havent talked to her in years.19. Do you like bubble baths?I almost always shower, too big for the bath really.20. Do you like your neighbors?Fuck dude I dont even know my neighbours21. What are you bad habits?God, what isnt? Nail biting, snacking, bad sleep schedule, shower delays, then too long in the shower, generally messy22. Where would you like to travel?Canada, Tokyo, America, Brazil, Europe, New Zealand. Anywhere with snow23. Do you have trust issues?Yes? I’m not all that open. Until I am and it’s like BAM HERE’S MY ENTIRE LIFE STORY which is too much typically.24. Favorite part of your daily routine?Jerkin’ it just soooo right. Kidding. Mostly. Anytime cuddling my cat while catching up on Youtube videos is great.25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?My back. just all of that. Beats out the chewed nails and the flab and the face any time.26. What do you do when you wake up?Regret27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?Darker. But I’m such a shut in so that aint happening. Least it looks alright next to my paper white sister28. Who are you most comfortable around?Myself. Or my good friend Emily Mac, the @keepingitreluctant​ that you all know and love29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?One, and boy that was a fucking nightmare of a time.30. Do you ever want to get married?Not really? I mean, tax benefits are nice but I don’t care for it much.31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?Nah, or at least it’s the shittiest ponytail ever, though my hair is the longest it’s probably ever been.32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?I’d take a spin with pretty much anyone because dang most of them are hella good looking plus all that money you could earn through scandalous details afterwards. 33. Spell your name with your chin.zxzbnldyu. Perfect, nailed it. Funnily enough it’s pronounced ‘Ashley’34. Do you play sports? What sports?I played, emphasis on the ‘ed’, soccer (football) and tennis and fencing!35. Would you rather live without TV or music?TV, easy. I listen to music way more than I watch TV.36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?Who hasn’t? Though I have an awful habit of fallin in love with folks when I see them if they catch my eye. All the time. Everyone just looks so dang good and cute.37. What do you say during awkward silences?I’m more of a creator of awkward silences than an ender. Yay for being bad at simple conversation.38. Describe your dream girl/guy?Aw jeez. I mean I’m tempted to earn brownie points by just describing my lovely girlfriend. But if I had to draw up an ideal, I guess just a real sweet cutie who’s down for cuddling and playing games, preferably nice and short, all adorable and fun sized! Short hair is a plus.39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?I don’t shop often. So I guess Robinsons bookshop, EB games and Zing? is that the name of that store filled with ‘nerdy’ junk that’s like partnered with EB?40. What do you want to do after high school?Fuck man I went through high school not knowing and I still have no idea41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?I give so many second chances. Multiple.  But it does depend on the action. If you hurt me, no matter how much or how often, I’ll let it slide (possibly because I have 0 self respect) but if you fuck with my mates or are just a despicable person in general I will only give you a couple chances.42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?I’m almost always pretty quiet. but if i go silent mid conversation it probably means I’m trying to turn something that just got said into a really lame dad joke.43. Do you smile at strangers?yes and no. If I’m interacting with them or like they pass by and its only the two of us I’ll happily put on a (hopefully not creepy) smile but I won’t have a smile plastered on my face walking through a crowd.44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?Space. Definitely. 45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?At the moment, the need to get to work46. What are you paranoid about?People finding out about the murders This and that, usual dark secrets.47. Have you ever been high?Yup and it was eh, I laughed at all sorts of junk but I got serious cottonmouth and had all sorts of gaps in my memory, even worse than normal which was scary.48. Have you ever been drunk?Plenty of times and I think I’m probably 50/50 on if i threw up or not.49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?Recently? I did get Maccas for dinner and pretend that I wasnt hungry when I got home after a rough day at workLess recently I fucked up in a life changing way that no one else knows of and I don’t know what to do about that.50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?Black51. Ever wished you were someone else?Again, who hasn’t? 52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?Add a couple zeros to the end of my bank balance would be nice. But physically? Clean up my fucking back. 53. Favourite makeup brand?Afraid I really don’t know anything about any of them enough to make a judgement call. 54. Favourite store?Zing (im sticking with that name, fuck it) is fun to just chill in55. Favourite blog?God so many, you are all too great!56. Favourite colour?Turquoise 57. Favourite food?A good steak is hard to turn down58. Last thing you ate?Rice and mince.59. First thing you ate this morning?A caramel Up&Go to wash down some pills.60. Ever won a competition? For what?I’m more of a second place kinda person. Or was. It’s all been going downhill for a while in academic or sporting respect.61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?I almost got suspended/expelled after a particularly nasty and widespread tidbit rumour went around about me.62. Been arrested? For what?Nope.63. Ever been in love?I think so. I’m the kinda guy to say it pretty early. 64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?Uh, I took my girlfriend of the time out to a roller skating rink, I couldn’t skate for shit and I couldnt look her in the eyes without turning away and blushing. Let alone hold a conversation. But afterwards she was kind enough to deign to grant me a kiss in the parking lot.65. Are you hungry right now?Nope, I’m good.66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?I talk to you guys just as much as them nowadays. But I would say I’m closer to them than anyone on tumblr, no offense. 67. Facebook or Twitter?Uh I have both but don’t use them.68. Twitter or Tumblr?Tumblr hands down, this is like my only social network platform69. Are you watching tv right now?Nope70. Names of your bestfriends?Emma, Emily, Hayley, Imogen, Lucinda, Ebony71. Craving something? What?Getting intimate with a guy, just accepting my bisexuality recently has kinda kicked that into overdrive. And now I’m blushin.72. What colour are your towels?We’ve got white, black and turquoise72. How many pillows do you sleep with?One73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?Not in about 10 years.74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?I wouldnt have a clue how many stuffed animals from when I was younger are still tucked away in the house75. Favourite animal?Meerkat.76. What colour is your underwear?Black77. Chocolate or Vanilla?Vanilla78. Favourite ice cream flavour?probably vanilla79. What colour shirt are you wearing?Black80. What colour pants?No pants!81. Favourite tv show?Brooklyn Nine Nine or Bojack Horseman82. Favourite movie?Iron Giant? Road to El Dorado? Spaceballs? Something nostalgic83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?There’s a second?84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?Mean Girls85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?Uh, fuck I dont remember the names. The lovely lesbian lass. She was great.86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?Bruce.87. First person you talked to today?My girlfriend88. Last person you talked to today?Verballly, my mum, text wise, my girlfriend89. Name a person you hate?Donald Motherfuckign Trump, I mean hating trump is as common as breathing air as it should be but man he’s such a fucking disgusting cunt.90. Name a person you love?My parents.91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?God I have spent many an hour dreaming of socking Trump right in that bullshit spewing mouth92. In a fight with someone?Not currently. Or at least, the feud is still open and so old it isn’t a fight anymore.93. How many sweatpants do you have?Two?94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?Two?95. Last movie you watched?Moana 96. Favourite actress?Ellen Page is up there for sure97. Favourite actor?Chris Pratt98. Do you tan a lot?Ha, most of my body isnt aware what the sun is99. Have any pets?Boy do I. 2 cats and 5 dogs. 10 chooks.100. How are you feeling?A tad tired.101. Do you type fast?Pretty average 102. Do you regret anything from your past?HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA My memory is a whole lot of regrets floating in a void of forgotten moments.103. Can you spell well?W-E-L-L104. Do you miss anyone from your past?A past best friend of mine.105. Ever been to a bonfire party?I’ve hosted a couple and been invited to one106. Ever broken someone’s heart?I doubt it. Not exactly the type. (devastatingly good looking and/or callous)107. Have you ever been on a horse?Yup, wasn’t the thing for me108. What should you be doing?Sleeping?109. Is something irritating you right now?Well I’m now being inundated by regretful thoughts so that’s a bother.110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?Nah. 111. Do you have trust issues?I feel like this was already asked. But yeah, I would say so.112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?I haven’t cried in literal years. I don’t have a clue.113. What was your childhood nickname?It’s always just been Ash114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?Yup, I’ve been all over the place115. Do you play the Wii?I have, but its been a hot minute116. Are you listening to music right now?Yeah, I had Let’s Face It I’m Cute up for the link and it just played a whole bunch of electroswing music on youtube, now on The Noisy Freaks by Freak Orchestra at least I think thats the name and band, I’ve never heard it before117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?sure118. Do you like Chinese food?Probably not my favorite, but it’s nice119. Favourite book?Too many man, way too many. 120. Are you afraid of the dark?Not really.121. Are you mean?I don’t think so. I’m a weak willed pushover and generally benign and quiet122. Is cheating ever okay?Ugh, it’s not exactly commendable but like anything, it’s all circumstance123. Can you keep white shoes clean?I have white runners, which remain clean by the virtue of me never exercising.124. Do you believe in love at first sight?Not actually, but like i said before I get infatuated on sight all the time.125. Do you believe in true love?Not really.126. Are you currently bored?Buddy, my existence is being bored.127. What makes you happy?my pets.128. Would you change your name?I wanted to change my name to Seth when I was younger after years of “ashley is a girls name’ 129. What your zodiac sign?L1BR4130. Do you like subway?Yeah. it’s normally pretty tasty.131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?I mean, I’m currently dating and so is she so that would be a mess, but I doubt much would come of it.132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?Ok im 90000% sure this was already asked.133. Favourite lyrics right now?“No matter what I conjure it could not help me deflect/ The angry death, of every hopeful thought/ that I might be a lover or a fighter…”134. Can you count to one million?I suppose I could. Like I have the capacity. But I’d get bored and give the fuck up without good reason to do so135. Dumbest lie you ever told?fuck me, I lie, alot, it’s my go to defense. Which is bad. but whatever. Probably the one where I skipped tennis training and claimed that I was going to extra french lessons instead, which was immediately called out by the French teacher.136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?Closed. keep the cat in and the dogs out137. How tall are you?175 ish cms, which is 5′10″ i think138. Curly or Straight hair?Straight, despite threats of it getting curly should  I let it get longer than a college cut.139. Brunette or Blonde?Wait is this asking preferences. fuck. Uh, Brunette? I’m not fussed by hair colour. though I’d probably avoid redheads just because my mum and one sister are redheads 140. Summer or Winter?WINTER141. Night or Day?Night142. Favourite month?October? it’s got my birthday!143. Are you a vegetarian?Nope144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?Milk145. Tea or Coffee?meh, not fussed either way146. Was today a good day?sure! I got to start work 2/3 hours later than normal after a fucking killer three days.147. Mars or Snickers?Mars? I dont eat a lot of either148. What’s your favourite quote?I dont really have one off-hand149. Do you believe in ghosts?not really.150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “Captain Thomas Kelly, from the forty-sixth Precinct, said; ‘It looks accidental. Grant may have suspected that his familiarity with Damien place him above danger, but a hungry python does not quibble about such niceties’”I know its more than a line, but that’s a hilarious quote. 
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amicicidalgambler · 8 years
you know what fuck it kitty did it so i have an excuse and im sick so i need something mindless to do
1: Do you have a crush at the moment? not really nah.
2: Have you ever been deeply in love? just with nadaya :3c
3: Longest relationship you’ve ever been in? id be willing to say its nad
4: Have you ever changed for someone? yyyyyyyes? shes willing to fake things she doesnt feel and play up certain parts of her personality for a relationship
5: How is your relationship with your ex? theyre all dead jim. except eridan and kanaya and she hasnt talked to kan and her relationship with eridan is Awkward
6: Have you ever been cheated on? as far as she knows no, but for the npc relationships its possible?
7: Have you ever cheated? nah
8: Would you date someone who’s well known for cheating? yeah, she doesnt really care
9: What’s the most important part of a relationship? having fun but like. said in a way that sounds like she has no fucking idea what another answer would be
10: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings? flings? she likes short barely committed relationships.
11: When you are dating someone do you believe in going on “breaks”? shed be okay with it. more than okay with it even. so okay with it that actually she doesnt care you can leave for a while and shell barely notice.
12: How many people have you ever hooked up with? i guess the drone thing kinda counts but none
13: What’s one thing you regret saying/doing in a previous relationship? she feels like she was a tad harsh with eridan but otherwise i cant think of anything
16: Do you believe in “love at first sight”? yes? she feels like if you meet someone and youre meant to keep talking to them youll Know
17: Do you believe it’s possible to fall in love on the internet? yeah dude
18: What do you consider a deal breaker? either not being interesting enough or outright hurting her
19: How do you know it’s time to end a relationship? vris gives up as soon as she starts feeling too bored with them, but thats the only way shes done it so otherwise she has no fuckening clue 
20: Are you currently in a relationship? ya
21: Do you think people who have dated can stay friends? when theyre not dead yes
22: Do you think people should date their friends? sure
23: How many relationships have you had? 3 since this blog started, 2 from canon, and ive fleshed out 2 of the npc relationships so that would be 7? ye
24: Do you think love can last forever? for other people yes. for her not so much.
25: Do you believe love can conquer all things? no.
27: If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating what would it be? the first thing that came to mind was “May8e don’t.”
28: Do you think long distance relationships can work? its kind of hard for trolls with instant transportation to do the whole ldr thing for real.
29: What do you notice first about another person? how their brain feels to her powers
30: Are you straight, bi, gay or pansexual? bi/pan and grey-aro
31: Would it bother you if your partner suffered from any mental illness? ehhhhhhh. depending on what it is it could work but dont expect her to be that helpful.
33: Do you want to get married one day? shes not really familiar with marriage but the idea of actually committing like that usually freaks her out.
34: What do you think about getting your partner’s name tattooed? n ah she doesnt even like regular tattoos
35: Could you be in a relationship without sex? she prefers it that way
36: Are you still a virgin? no but only because drones
37: What’s more important: Looks or personality? personality?
38: Do you enjoy love films? there has to be something else violent going on in the plot also but sometimes
39: Have you ever given anyone/received roses? probably has received them, probably hasnt given them
40: Have you ever had a valentine? ppprprprprprprprobably not
41: What’s your imagination of a “perfect date”? a murder date. really though shes not super picky as long as its fun and not too crowded
43: What’s more important: Your partner or your friends? mmm. she feels like your partner is supposed to be a little more important than your friends but in practice its p even for her.
44: Would you consider yourself “romantic”? half of the time yes. the other half she feels like shes Not Meant for relationships.
45: Could you imagine to date one of your current friends? yes but im not saying which one aha
48: What’s your favorite love song? meant to be yours from the heathers musical, my love wont wait by two gallants, and true love by thoushaltnot are all the ones that show up on her trntbl more than once. but im also going to add the squeaky wheel by the dear hunter
49: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? im pretty sure most of them were too busy bleeding out to be heartbroken
50: If you’re single, why do you think you are? shes single in pale because she doesnt really want a moirail? she doesnt see much reason to since she has nadaya and doesnt see her being as comfortable as someone else. then in pitch she has kind of weird needs and its hard to meet them.
51: Would you rather date someone who’s rich but a douchebag or someone who’s poor but a nice guy? like 90% of the people shes dated have been rich douchebags. also she is a rich douchebags. thats just kind of who she usually gets along with.
52: Are you good at giving other people advices regarding dating/ relationships? a broke clock is right twice a day
53: Are you jealous of couples when you’re single? ssssssssort of. she kind of flips between being repulsed by seeing other couples and being jealous
54: How important is it to make a relationship official (p.e. on facebook)? having other people know shes together with someone is important to her but there doesnt need to be any spectacle to it yknow
55: Would you consider yourself “clingy”, “overly attached” or “jealous”? vriska can get really fucking jealous in the wrong circumstances. like “i want to kill your other mates” jealous. shes not super clingy though she can only talk to her mate once every couple of weeks and be fine. it can be better for her that way sometimes tbh like with mak rn.
56: Have you ever “destroyed” a relationship? yes
58: Are you the “dominant” or the “submissive” part in a relationship? shes like the non-sexual equivalent of a power bottom Or Something. she wants control of whats happening but is more submissive Or Something.
59: Have you ever forgotten important dates like your partner’s birthday or your anniversary? she never forgets but it doesnt always last long enough for that kind of thing to come up lmao
60: What’s your opinion on open relationships? she doesnt have anything against them but theyre very much not for her. shes way way to jealous to share a quad with someone and doesnt feel any need to take more than one mate in a quad, and isnt big on non-quad romance
64: Do you think Valentine’s Day is overrated? yes she does
65: Would you consider yourself a “cuddler”? SHE REALLY REALLY IS BUT WONT ADMIT TO IT
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aery-c · 5 years
100 Sex Questions
1. What was your first time having sex like?
In the car next to golf course
2. Are you into BDSM?
3. Do you watch porn, and if so what kind?
Babes n hunks
4. What’s the weirdest porn you’ve watched?
5. Have you ever watched porn with another person?
6. Do you prefer professional or amateur porn?
7. Add a link to your favorite porn video.
8. What was your first experience with masturbation like?
Came twice or so, shivers up n down the spine to the head then orgasmed
9. How often do you masturbate?
3x week or so
10. What’s your favorite way to masturbate?
Using Knuckles😏
11. Have you ever had shower sex?
12. Have you ever had period sex?
13. Have you ever had sex in someone else’s bed that didn’t belong to anyone involved? (Not including shared spaces like hotels, Airbnb, etc.)
14. Have you ever had sex in a public place?
15. What’s the weirdest place you’ve had sex?
Swimming centre toilets
16. What’s your most embarrassing sex story?
Got caught by police
17. Have you ever been caught masturbating or having sex?
18. Do you have any sex toys?
19. What is your favorite sex toy?
20. Are there any sex toys that you really want to try?
Rabbit mini vibrator
21. Have you ever tried anal, and if so do you enjoy it?
Yes and nah
22. Have you ever used a sex swing?
23. Have you ever had sex standing up?
Yess! Fkn love it
24. Have you ever recorded yourself having sex or masturbating?
25. Have you ever taken a nude and sent it to someone?
26. Write out a real or made up sexting conversation. (At least 4 lines)
Check tagged me stories
27. What was your first time giving oral like?
Terrible lol
28. What was your first time receiving oral like?
Too gentle
29. Do you like giving oral?
30. Do you like receiving oral?
31. Do you prefer clitoral stimulation, penetration, or both?
32. Do you enjoy penetration?
33. Have you ever masturbated in front of another person?
34. Have you ever masturbated with another person?
35. Have you ever masturbated in a public place?
36. Do you enjoy voyeurism? (Being watched or watching other people)
37. Does cross-dressing turn you on?
38. Do you have any kinks that you’re embarrassed about?
39. Have you ever had a sex dream or wet dream? If so, pick one and describe in detail what it was about.
Cant remember probs tryna fuk but cant feel the sensation?
40. Have you ever cheated? If so, do you regret it?
Yes and yes
41. Are you into cuckolding?
42. How many orgasms do you typically have in one session?
At least once
43. Do you enjoy edging?
Tf is that
44. Have you ever had a ruined orgasm? Was it intentional?
Ye lol
45. What’s the longest you’ve gone without an orgasm?
1month of nofap
46. When was the last time you masturbated? Describe what you did in detail.
Last night, fantasized bout a 8.5inch cock
47. Have you ever gotten injured during sex? If so, what happened?
Does hickeys count
48. Have you ever contracted any STIs?
49. Have you ever had unprotected sex and accidentally gotten pregnant?
50. Do you prefer to have sex in the morning, afternoon, or night?
Morning always
51. Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night to have sex or masturbate?
52. How often do you wake up horny?
Too often
53. Have you ever had sex with a complete stranger without knowing anything about them?
54. Have you ever done anything sexual while driving?
55. What is your favorite thing about quickies?
Dont like it
56. Have you ever had a sex dream about someone unexpected and freaked out about it? If so, who was it?
57. Have you ever fantasized about having sex with one of your teachers?
Nah too innocent back then
58. Do you usually have sex with your eyes open or closed?
59. Have you ever had a threesome? Do you want to?
Nearlyy and maybe
60. Have you ever had group sex? Do you want to?
61. Have you ever masturbated with a group of people?
62. Do you enjoy dirty talk? If so, give an example of something you would say or would want to hear.
I want it rammed up in you inch on inch till you feel my balls
63. Have you ever given a blow job to someone who was wearing a toy?
64. Have you ever had someone give you a blow job while wearing a toy?
65. If you had to choose, would you rather be a dom or a sub?
66. Have you ever done anything sexual with an animal?
67. What is your favorite sex position(s)?
Upright carried n bouncing on dat d
68. What is the weirdest object you’ve masturbated with/humped?
A pen
69. What’s the worst place you’ve ever gotten an erection? (Bonus: What’s your most embarrassing story of getting an erection?)
At the beach
70. Have you ever been so wet that you soaked through your clothes?
71. Do you get really wet, an average amount, or not wet enough?
Super wet
72. Have you ever had trouble getting it up?
Ye his problem
73. Have you ever squirted or made someone squirt?
Ye twice in my life
74. What’s the naughtiest fantasy you’ve ever had about a stranger?
Being abused felt so wrong
75. Have you ever been so horny in an inappropriate place that you’ve had to excuse yourself?
Yup i was in highschool and went to toilet to fap
76. How many fingers do you prefer inside you?
2 max
77. Are you loud or quiet?
78. Do you like it rough or gentle?
Gentle asf but hard.
79. Do you enjoy being on top or bottom?
80. Have you ever dry humped someone while being fully clothed until you had an orgasm?
81. Have you ever had sex while drunk or high?
82. Do you have a specific playlist for sex?
83. Have you ever role played? If so, tell the story.
Ye i was the cutesy hunny bunny and he was the evil demon
84. Have you ever kept going even when you were too sensitive?
85. Would you rather have your hair pulled or be spanked during sex?
86. Would you rather be handcuffed or blindfolded?
87. Would you rather cheat or be cheated on?
Cheat. But how bout none
88. Would you rather get caught masturbating by your parent/guardian or your crush?
Crush duhh
89. Would you rather have an obvious orgasm every time you meet someone new or never have an orgasm again?
Orgasm everytime its healthier to.let loose
90. Have you ever had sex with someone who couldn’t satisfy you?
91. What’s something you’ve always wanted to ask about sex but was too afraid to ask?
Can guys pee while sitting n pooing?
92. Describe what you would do sexually if you had different genitals for a day.
93. How many dates do you typically need to go on until you feel ready to have sex with someone?
94. In your opinion, what makes someone good in bed?
Technique and attitude
95. What’s the most flattering thing someone has said about your naked body?
Youre so fcken tight babe
96. Do genital piercings turn you on?
97. How long was the longest orgasm you’ve ever had?
About 6hours or more
98. What’s the most sensitive part of your body?
99. Is there anything you won’t do in bed?
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