#i dont know what im dojng
luneetoilex · 1 year
my name is juno
i am juno. i’m a nobody. that’s silly though. i post my bad art, poetry and i’m thinking about giving music a try (though i mainly post my poetry). as a person, im pretty boring. i’m a minor, i go by they/them. i like clothes, little trinkets, my friends, music, the colour brown and books. my favourite song is ‘she moves in her own way’ by the kooks, i am currently reading the railway children by e nesbit but my favourite books are anything alice oseman writes. i wanna be like my best friend when i grow up because they’re pretty. thanks for listening to me ramble <33
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obnoxiousarcade · 9 months
Chatrooms online chatrooms im litterallt shaking
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clonewarsahsoka · 8 months
It is SO HARD to keep trying your best when your best is objectively dogshit
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confessions-sm · 3 months
im soo bored because my fucking discord account is gone so im dojng a huge analysis on candybatz.
lets start with kevin.
my biggest pet peeve is when people solely make kevin grumpy and always irritated and violent and a kid hater. its so dumb. like , i dont mean to shit on peoples aus or interpretations, but when theres a consistent flow of people thinking that kevin is literally just a grumpy asshole, it gets SUPER frustrating.
literally thinking of the person who said ""characters shouldn't be black and white!!" you guys cant even handle spooky month characters"
its so real man. anyway back to the main topic. we get a good view of who kevin is as a guy in the 5 episodes hes in. i could give a good list of his traits. hes selfless, a quick thinker, protective, and kind. i could give examples. he puts other people first even if they have wronged him or put him in danger (skid n pump in episode 5). he uses his surroundings to protect other people and himself (ep 4 and 5). he gives free candy to skid and pump (who probably havent even paid for years, not to mention the time where he notices theyre visibly upset and he cheers them up with giving them free candy). like he doesnt need to do all of this but he does. hes nice. hes a sweet guy. hes really frustrated and stressed with his job but all he really wants to do is help people. when hes not losing his shit because of the nth disaster, he just really wants to assist people. and thats such a noticeable part in his character. i remember someone saying that the "and why is an old dude hanging around with kids? kinda weird.." can easily be read as him looking out for skid and pump. he just wants them to be safe.
because as much as he dislikes the trouble they bring, he KNOWS tneyre still kids. he doesnt outright scream at them or try to awfully punish them because he KNOWS theyre just little kids who dont know better. they arent adults with logical thinking skills, and kevin understands this. like fuck!!! as soon as he notices a threat, he stops scolding them to PROTECT THEM. kevin doesnt hate kids. he doesnt even hate skid and pump. he just hates how frustrating his job can get with the disasters that skid and pump seem to attract.
hes not an asshole, and people should stop fucking seeing him as that.
oh yeah. kevin also seems to be a very panicky guy. easily freaked out and probably really jumpy. again with the quick thinking. he says whatever to try and slip out of situations. he uses the things around him to fight off threats, even if those things dont work. he still tries, because he has that huge sense of wanting to help and protect. oouuuuh i love kevin i love him i love him i-
moving on because i think i covered most of kevs personality. so streber timeeee woooooo
we dont have a lot of coverage on this guy. we only get 1½ episodes, and a background appearance which doesnt give us, anything besides the fact hes alive. so, lets just work with what we got
in sm5, streber is shown to be an enthusiastic guy. really dedicated to putting on an act, and it gives us the idea that he really enjoys halloween, and most importantly, vampires. now, onto strebers rehearsal. we get more background personality ^_^! he seems to be almost sassy, and again!! dedication!! confi even says "he takes this so seriously". this forms streber even more. hes passionate and creative (and a bit nerdy :3), and from background details, we even get the idea that hes good at engineering and designing, having made the mirror himself. he aswell seems to love acting a lot, using the vampire accent an additional time in the short. another take away is that he loves kids :÷]. hes passionate about putting up a whole haunted house just for kids to experience the joy of halloween, and this is more headcanon based, but perhaps halloween means a lot to streber. perhaps it means a lot to the HH crew aswell. maybe streber is so passionate because he wants kids to feel the same spooky joy he felt when he was a kid, yknow? but thats not exactly confirmed, so thats all up to personal opinion. i imagine streber also has a good friendship with the crew. theres a bit of banter, and it gives me the vibes that theyve known eachother for a while ^_^.. but another thing i wanna mention is that people shouldnt characterize streber as some happy lucky go guy whos oblivious and stupid. hes, honestly pretty sassy. and its like, hes not really.. happy go lucky? hes passionate and creative and thoughtful and smart. yeah, hes sure enthusiastic, but happy go lucky? thats not streber.
idk. im mainly saying that only because of the huge explosion of candybatz being kinda fetishized due to the fact theyre a gay couple, and honestly, i kinda want to say streber got more of the worst of it. but thats not too fair, kev got bad treatment too.
anyway, i think thats all i gotta say about streber i guess. now, when it comes to candybatz? its hard to exactly tell how theyd act with eachother. all you can do is get their personalities and ponder if theyd mesh. really, my view is that theyd be an awesome fuckin couple. i project my personal want of a relationship onto them, so mainly its a lot of "they better eachother" and "they work together to make sure that they stay together". i think they communicate a lot and make eachother feel comfortable to exist and be themselves. theres no need to mask who they are as people, because theyre so in love with each other. they dont want or need to conceal themselves.
also. i have another pet peeve that im gonna say because i can and this post is already really long. i HATE when people call streber and kevin a sun x moon ship, because, 1. this kind of wrecks their personality and leans more into how the 2022 fandom portrayed them, and 2. "sun x moon" ships are SO fucking boring because people dont actually use traditional sun x moon things. when people usually say sun x moon, they mean day x night. @catsockpuppet did a really good analysis himself of the difference on a goldenlavender ask here. go check it out.
i dont know lol. this is really long but i was bored and wanting to delve into their ACTUAL personalities so. hell yeah
have a good day
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I would not go as far as deleting your account, but that whole fiasco yesterday was embarrassing and you probably should feel bad. And also never drink again, lest a certain someone I won't name spend every day of her life having to digitally coddle you.
By the way, what in the lord's name does "ougjf nvm the headpat thing is dojng it forme......." mean???? If it means what I suspect it does, that's disgusting and you should probably take a million showers RIGHT NOW. Good day to you.
yeah i know,, im sorry;; i didnt really consider she felt obligated until now, just that it was weirding her out, but she did seem a little worried.... god. i wont drink again anytime soon i promise that i usually dont. and that comment didnt mean anything gross,, it really didnt
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pacifymebby · 2 years
Posting here cause its the only place i can really like, u dont gotta read, tw mental health
I relapsed recently its pretty bad, im not doing good at all but its really making me thjnk about what a destructive and lowkey selfish/manipulative disorder anorexia is.
Cause this whole time im starving and doing myself damage and half my motivation is this little voice in my head like "i just want B to be worried about me i want my friends to be worried about me, i want them to talk about me with one another and be concerned about me" like i know we always say that we dont starve ourselves for attention, that its our mental illness that makes us like this but at the same time we do starve ourselves for it kinda. Like i do, i want someone to notice that im dojng bad without me having to tell them that im doing bad, i want B to want to take care of me and stuff idk.
I know its terrible and i know that it makes me a bad person for having those thoughts but i cant help it and i dont think ill ever really be able to recover properly and get rid of them
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cyutie pie >_< wwhy a re yuo loking arund
ghehehee im gona cu dddle you ^⁠_⁠^ but ill be ghos t so you dont know
li ghtsflicker >u<
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crave-mp3 · 7 months
art class is like i dont know what im dojng ibe never had a single idea in my life. whats a pencil
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homeoftheyell · 2 years
it feels like im dojng this wrong. i know I am. i dont know whats going on in my mind.
im so tired
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inlove-core · 4 years
some fun nice things that happened to me today! feel free to send me asks w good things thag happened to u today!
stretched my ears a bit bigger n i actually think its going pretty good so far!
got ice cream and cotton candy! and sushi!!!
made my bf a custom build a bear 🥺
got to show off my ROCKING outfit today!
watched some more atla!
got to eat at ihop for brekky!
thats just a basic list but! tomorrows gonna be even better!
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gandalf-theslay · 5 years
And I’m not saying that “I hope her friends ~whatever~” shit to be shitty and guilt trippy
I’m saying it bc I love her and care about her and truly hope that her friends are there for her and can help her and comfort her like I did
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how-do-life-does · 6 years
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hearties-circus · 3 years
Huh the everything breakdown ok
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watchdogz · 6 years
story of my life is people having high expectations for me while simultaneously being treated like i don’t know shit
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
What is August going to do if his little decides to play with his forbidden knife collection? :3
Omg so this took a while and i'm sorry but im sooo happy with this! It got a little long so im hidig it under a cut but i hope you enjoy! @littlefreya @viking-raider
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August swore vehemently looking around for the blades he'd sharpened specifically for his next assignment.
This needed to be silent and precise, he'd sharpened each blade twice! Not once but twice!
He wouldnt even attempt his 'arm hair' shave test this time knowing he may have gone over board with the sharpening.
But he couldnt help it, he found it therapeutic running his hands over the blades again and again, it was like medatation for him.
But they were no where to be seen! Hed placed them each delicatly in the rolled travelling leather holster, useing the small poppers to lock each dangerous blade in place and then hid it in the small safe in the wardrobe.
"Baby girl! LITTLE ONE HAVE YOU BEEN IN THE SAFE?!" He shouted down the stairs only not to get an answer, the radio on the kitchen drowning him out.
You were baking, well 'bakeing' he had bought a 'unicorn gingerbread box kit' for you both to make today.
It was a small treat he would spend the day with you doing anything your little heart desires befor setting off onto his week long mission.
You were currently rolling out the gingrbread and he had decided to sneak his weapons into his bag while you were preoccupied.
August never liked rubbing innhis occupation with you, never liked faceing the awkward questions, he wont lie to you but in being truthfull he can sometimes frighten you.
In the bedroom he was as ruthless and rough and demanding as he was at work.
But like this when you were little, you drew out a softer side. Well as soft as he was capable of, he was a stern man in everything he did, even in daddying you.
August huffed and zipped his case violently stressing out he needed to go down and pversee ou before you did something foolish, like tried to put the gingerbread in the oven.
Your panicked hyperventilating and bitten 9ff screams drew his attention immediatly!
He bolted down the stairs as fast as he could, so panicked by the cries and screams from the kitchen he raced through the housestomping and crashing with all the grace of a bull in a china shop.
Oh hell.
He froze, face paling mouth agape as he took in the scene.
Then he roared in a way you'd never heard.
You cowered holding your hand tightly as it bled profusely red life blood poured all over the white counter ruining the sheet pan dusted with what was once pure white flour.
The blood was also over the rolled out gingerbread, along with a very familiar knife.
You cried and staggered over you august holding your wound tightly tripping over your feet to him, wandering blindly unable to see much through your tears. Or hear past your frantic crying and yelps of "daddy!?"
August quickly decended on you grasping a teatowel from the laundry basket on the counter and tookover holding your offered wounded hand whislts snappjng at you in worry fueled anger.
"What the fuck are you dojng with that!? They are daddies special knives! You know not to touch thwm you silly little girl!"
"I'm s-so-rry! OUCH, NO-OO DAD-DY IT HURTS!" You cried out complaining as he dabbed the wound inspecting it.
It wasnt to deep just long, across the whole of your palm. He could tell your slipped and probably didnt evwn notice youd cut yourself untill it'd sliced fully across.
He'd sharpened them that much.
"You will be! By god little lady you will ne so very very sorry when im done woth you!"
"Come on sit down before you pass out and bleed all over the kitchen" he said tying a knot in two corners ot the teatowle making a triangle like a sling and looped it around your palm then fetched a wooden spoon slotting it in the large opening and began twisting it tight making a tourniquet.
You hissed as he pulled the clother thighter and tighter then slipped the wooden spoon into your fingers holding the teatowel still, before raising your hand high letting gravityhelp slow the bleeding.
"Now hold that there, dont you move, w need to stop the bleeding so i can mend it" he snipped grunting to himself. He wasnt worried as such, it looked worse than it was he had tended to worse on himself.
"Y-you can fix it da-ddy?" You sobbed tryi g to be brave but you were shaking like a leaf, youd never bled that much before.
"Yes daddy can fix it poppet, daddy can always fix it" he said quickly pulling out his... vast medic kit that was fully stocked to deal with everything from burns and cuts to bullet woulds and decapitated fingers. Because ou never know.
"A-are you mad da-addy?!" You whined eyes wide as he huffed and sighed dragging his hands through hos hair irritated
"Im not angry im very very disappointed. And you can bet your little ass is gonna be meeting that spoon shortly!" He said vehemently trying to calm himself and remind himself it wasnt too serious and he could deal with this cut.
You didnt even argue just looked down, dropping your watery eyes to the floor like a kicked puppy, and it wasnt even to soften him either.
"Why were you touching daddies private things?" He spoke tyring to take both his and your mind off your wound as he located everything he needed from the box.
"A'cos i wa-nted to see...they were shiney after you were polishin'em" you explained hicupping slowly weeping still as the pain and throbbing set in.
"I was sharpening them poppet, not polishing" he uttered quickly with a sigh trying to find a quaze big enough to wrap in a bandage.
"I just wanted to see... Never gon' touch" you sobbed bijng your lip eyes flickingnup the the now red teatowel, your figers were going a ittle numb from the tight tourniquet.
"And then?" He asked quirking a brow as you before waling to the kitchen sink washing and rinsing the washing up bowl thoroughly befpre filling with fresh warm water and a new clean cloth.
"Then the box said cut round the unicorns with a knife... And I already got it out to look at" you said shrugging a little as he moveed down your hand. Luckily the bleedig had stopped.
"I also says let and adult do it" your daddy chided as he slowly and gwntly unwrapped your hand making our fingers sting a little at the renewed bloodflow
"Im an-adult" you argued weakly then hissed as he begancleani g the wound dabbig it ever so lightly knowig he had to use clean water instead of antiseptic that could slow the healing of the delicate skin.
"Your a baby" he said with a roll of his eyes 'a spoilt baby' he added as an after thought to himself.
"...but im carful never cut myself with my big girl knives!" You agrued then gasped giving a small 'uh oh' you mouth had run away with you again.
"You mean the kitchen knives?" August asked quickly coming down on the new information like a... well hammer on a land mine.
"No... my saftey knives daddy" you uttered under your breath hissing as he moved on to the next stage of tending to your wound pressing the gauze to it.
"What do you mean your safety onives little one?" He said paying close attention to the bandages he was unravling over your hand trying to keep it firm but comfortable.
"My safety knives... i-in my purse?... Incase of baddies" you whispered slowly praying he wouldnt hear you. But his fingers paused for a second before quickly tying off the bandage in a knot and gave you a fierce look.
"You have knives in your?- wait hold-" august frowned and held a hand up singnalling you to stay then left the kitchen.
He returned moments later and emptied your pjrse only to growl shaking his had as a plethora of 'cute' weapons fell out. Hello kitty switch blades, rainbow blades, pink pocket knives and suspicious looking comb, key knives, pen knives you name it! There was even a ... cat keyring obviously meant to be some sort of pointy eared knuckle duster.
"Really poppet? Knives and... knuckle dusters- these are" he began scolding you but you cut him off
"I know i know daddy im sorry-" your apology was halted as your daddy spoke over you in a warning to e, he didnt like being interrupted.
"No where near good enough! These are all close range! If your close enough to use these then your already fucked! No you need pepperspray and a tazer!" He growled quickly picking up the feeble knives that had no grip to them, and wasnt ever sharp!
"T-tazer?" You stuttered tiltinnyour head cradling your injured hand to your chest.
"Yes, they are close range but will stop any attacker in their tracks! You can get away whilst your attacker is convulsing and laying in a pool of his own piss!" August growled becoming more and more aggravated as he realised you had now real way of protecting yourself when he wasnt around, big or little!
"Im getting you a tazer- today! Before i leave" he decided nodding to himself as he binned the now soiled teatowel and wash cloth.
"...can i have a pink one daddy?" You asked not being the slightest bit against having a tazer, it would make you feel alot safer then a knife.
Knives needed a proper opening and some brute force to protect you and could really really hurt someone!
A tazer was just a button and could work nomatter where ou hit the baddy and would kill them just make em gall over and pee.
"You can have a pink one princess... or a lipstick one or a tampon one?" Auguast suggested trying to thinl of the best one for you... he was sure a smaller discreet one whould be better than a law enforcement grade.
"That sounds uncomfortable daddy..." you uttered shuddering at the thought of that... being mistaken.
"Its not really a- fuck it... Right come on lets get in the living room you can go pick a tazer online" he said beginni g to pack up the first aid kitpillig everthing neatly into the box.
"O-okay... but no spankies daddy... I'm hurt" you warned cautiously waving your bandaged hand
"Yes spankies! Absolutly spankies! You take this spoon with you and you can pop it on the table as a reminder!" He ordered holding you with a level gaze blue eyes warning you to do as you were told.
"But my hand-" you said sniffling cradling it.
"Will be the least of your problems when I'm tanning your naughty butt! Now go or else" he threataned clipping the first aid box shut still watching you, staring unblinkingly.
"Or else what-" you started but your daddy was havig none of it and cut you off again.
"There is a silicone butter icing spreader in this kitchen that will be much worse than thw wooden spoon! Now get in the living room befpre i make you find it" he growled not about to let you throw a paddy about getting your ass blistered after the stunt you pulled.
Your lower lip wobbled but yu nodded giving up, plucking the wooden spoon and turning around leaing the kitchen in a walk of shame muttering a tiny 'yes daddy, sorry daddy'
Auguast watched with a stern face, before turning his attention to the bloody kitchen he will clean before coming to deal with you.
A good fifteen mineut wait will let you have time to reflect before he comes in and tans you hide.
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lesbian-bookworm · 4 years
Teacher: posts very vauge guidelines
Me: does not understand
Me: asks for clarification
Teacher: repeats the guidelines
Me: okay i still dont understand
Me: oaky so im goong to BS this entire paper because i dint know what im dojng.
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