#i dont know why bc i dont do that with axel
hearties-circus · 2 years
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School ipad drawings btw <3
[Leal: they/it, faye: he/she/they, axel: ze/zir fae/faer]
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agi-ppangx · 10 months
“what was your first impression of me when you saw me for the first time?” you asked faintly and minho abruptly raised his head to look at you. he tilted his head to the side. “why are you asking?” he responded, confusion clearly seen on his face. “just answer me,” you urged him and he gulped loudly. “i... i don’t know, i can’t really remember,” he mumbled, lowering his head again. you scoffed at his words, pouting and he sighed at that. “why do you want to know anyway?” you looked at him with teary eyes and shook your head. “forget it,” you whispered, wiping your eyes. “no, honey, please. what’s going on?” minho ran to you, sitting next to you on the couch and bringing you to his chest. he rocked you gently from side to side, rubbing soothing circles on your back as you cried silently. minho was dumbfounded - he knew about your insecurities and he was always there when you needed him, but he just assumed you were dealing with them just fine. “i don’t really look friendly, do i? i look like a bitch,” you mumbled into his t-shirt, not daring to look up at him. he placed a gentle kiss on your temple and hummed, trying not to giggle because of your directness. “but you are friendly, you don’t have to look a certain way to prove a point,” he said softly, as if he was talking to a scared child. you whined at his words, straightening up and looking him in the eyes, your vision blurry. “but i don’t want people to think i’m rude. i’m nice and kind and-” “exactly. then why do you care so much about the way your look?” minho interrupted you and it confused you, though after a while you exhaled loudly and nodded. “yeah, you’re right. i’m just overthinking it...” you said, laying on his chest again. you closed your eyes, inhaling deeply. minho wrapped his arms around you once again, creating a much needed safe space for you. your insecurities hadn’t evaporated in an instant, but minho’s words and support helped you to get through this episode of self doubt and you were forever grateful that there was at least one person who loved your not-so-friendly-looking face.
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this is very self indulgent bc i have a resting bitch face and because of that people think im rude and dont want to talk to me so bear with me yall ive been overthinking it for the whole day
taglist !
@lynlyndoll @iyenbread @flooo71 @skz-streamer @inniescandy-01 @hannahhbahng @prettymiye0n @ggsez31 @laylasbunbunny @like-a-diamondinthesky @axel-skz @kittymaryam-thebrowniefairy @l3visbby
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spoileralert21 · 2 months
I’m trying to collect as many feathers as possible bc why not?? Do you guys have any ideas on how to do this?? I’m asking y’all bc you guys seem to get them a lot. Axel and Griffin are here bc I already know them.
also what is even happening with the talons I’m so confused they seem to either want to kill everyone or recruit everyone
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idoweirdcrap · 4 months
Me- [pansexual, apothisexual, demiboy, transmasc] literally the best person in the world and will stay up if you stay up bc i love listening to ppl talk. That may or may not be why i stayed up till 3am talking to Eli. ANYWAYS- i have a weird dependence on these guys. 0_o
Brianna- [pansexual] bro is LITERALLY crazy. Short, cis girl who loves melanie martinez with an undying passion. will she ever shut up? not sure. not sure.
Izzy- [aroace, demigirl] (@belabeya) tall, with ridiculously long blonde-brown hair. is VERY emo.
Julian- [GAY] way too hyperactive. brown hair and dresses like a twink bc he is one.
Axel- [genderfluid, lesbian] very firm. the only sane person here. but loves music and is probably where i discovered most of my fav bands, first hand or second hand.
Elliot/Eli- [transmasc, gay] short with BLACK HAIR and VERY EMO. his failure and suffering is amusing to me. giving main character trauma vibes. {insert uwu giggles here}
Paige- [omnisexual, aroace (i think)] medium height and dresses like an uwu j pop gorl. keeps disconnecting us from the dicord call and is pretty insane at 2 am.
Dextina- I MEAN DEXTER (dont kill me plz)- [pansexual? questioning.] ABSOLUTELY SIMPING FOR ELI. AND HE DOESNT HIDE IT. ITS EVERYWHERE IN THE SERVER WAHHHHH T - T. brown hair and a nickname he hates (please refer to him as dextina)
Jake the Internet Explorer- [pansexual, queer] hes so cool and is basically my therapist at this point T - T. show jakey some love. antisocial, but humourous.
Melody- [straight ally] thats all. just straight JKJKJKjk blonde hair and freckles, is convinced i have to get a boost slushie and is holding me hostage until i do so. :3
i hope i didnt miss anyone its a big friendship group T - T
who do u think would be the best friend/ the funniest?
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sierrasbiggestfan · 10 months
my thoughts on episodes 2-4 of the td 23 reboot, spoilers ahead (i wrote these while watching the episode btw)
ep 2
millie is so lesbian coded
caleb is probably going to be the downfall of pryia
are they going to make ripper and axel get together..? 🙁 i hate my life
i feel like chase is going to get eliminated this episode
praying rippers crush on axel is one sided
skunk butt is doing so horrible in this oml
okay wait nvm skunk butt is doing a lil better
ripper covering himself in butter 😭 oml
rippers scenes in this are trumatizjng because what.
team skunk butt is going through it
oh my god the skunk butt comeback is insane
millie is now friendless 😖 someone save our lesbian icon
mk x julia real
i was right abt chase being out, tbh idk how to feel abt it he was funny but ill survive without him on the show 😭
ep 3
begging for skunk butt to win immunity for this episode
if rat face loses millie is probably out literally everyone is against her
i want more rajbow moments 😞
prillie canon 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 the way pryia went with millie to the more dangerous one
they better not make ripper and axel canon im going to kill myself oml
wayne and rajs “🥺” faces when they were talking abt how cheating wasnt good was so cute omg
yay millie got forgiven!!!!!
i love evil lesbians (mk and julia)
zees lil racoon buddy omf
every ripper scene in this season makes me want to kill myself 🙁
millie is probably out
yeah i was right 😭 i speculated she was going to be a early elimination but yknow
ep 4
raj and bowie are so silyl im going to scream
“i know im not mille but im here if you need me” guys prillie canon even if mille isnt here
axel saying ripper is not her type, yay! (her type is women guys)
i like this challenge
“its better for us all if my dms stay private” 🤨
emma is making her team flop 😭 if rat face loses emma is doomed
“if mks brain drove a cool car id date it” LESBIAN JULIA IS LESBIAN THYE ARE CANON MK AND JULIA REAL
emmas fingernail biting habit is so silly shes so real
bowie feeling so bad abt cheating bc it upsets raj aw 😢
the one time emma doesnt go with her gut she loses 😞 im happt skunk butt won
im not surprised she was out but i love her so much i dont wnat jer to go 🙁
rippers poem. oh my god ripper what the scallop 😦
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popstart · 6 months
do you have any sexuality headcanons for the reboot cast?
Axel: Lesbian.
Caleb: i do not care enough, though ive never seen him as liking girls. i like the hc hes arospec but generally speaking since i dont label my own arospecness i dont hc characters as it either. hes there. shrug emoji
Chase: i cant see him as anything other than straight but also i think chipper as a ship is really fucking funny. i dont actively ship it but i think they are the embodiment of like "subjecting anyone else to either of you would be so much more toxic than whatever relationship you have going on so keep doing what youre doing"
Damien: i like him being a trans man. unlabeled sexuality. (i hate that thats in itself a label so generally speaking i dont think of him as "unlabeled" i just like dont label him as anything.)
Emma: idc. i think its a cute hc shes lesbian and chase was her comphetting bc i see that vision so so soso clearly but i just like... dont care enough about emma to hc her anything super deeply. for all intents and purposes shes lesbian but i also dont care literally at all
Julia: LESBIANN SHES SO LESBIAN. i will die on this hill I WILL DIE ON IT
Millie: trans girl lesbian
Mk: she/her nonbinary lesbian. idk what it is about her but i cannottt they/them mk. (i know exactly why but its not important lol)
Nichelle: no real opinions. bi maybe but she could be lesbian.
Priya: lesbian (oh my god shes so lesbian its unfunny)
Ripper: idc
Scary girl: NONBINARY SOOOO NONBINARY. she understands me so damn hard. sexuality wise idc. ive seen both nonbinarylesbian and nonbinaryhet and i think theyre both cute
Wayne: i like him aroace or arospec + straight/unlabeled. like i dont think this guy identifies as straight but in practice he is.
Zee: nonbinary any prns unlabeled. i dont think he gives a shit so neither do i
then bowie and raj are obviously gay lol. i have no further opinions than that
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AXEL‼️ today i almost shit myself at school(not actually)
I hate the first day back. my spanish teacher loves to call on me bc she knows im not confident with my spanish and that i have a fear of public speaking (i dont even know why i’ve been fluent since i was 5💀) SO SHE LIKES TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT AND CALL ON ME TO READ THE LONGEST PARAGRAPH IN WHATEVER TEXTBOOK, ARTICLE OR LITERALLY WHATEVER WE’RE READING 😭 ITS LIKE SHE’LL LET EVERYONE ELSE READ THE SHORT STUFF AND THEN SHE’LL MAKE ME READ WAY MORE THAN EVERYONE ELSE AND IM JUST LIKE?? i get that its to “help build confidence” and shit like that but is it really helping if her “helping me build confidence” made me have a panic attack last year? I DONT THINK SO.
oh yeah so you’re probably wondering abt the panic attack thing🧍‍♀️ so lemme just give you a little back story first about how i feel about her class and stuff‼️ her class terrified me. like every time i would enter i’d be shaking and my heart would be beating so hard that i could feel it in my throat… kinda embarrassing…
but anyway it was just cause we had to present a something we made for a project and i was losing my mind because my friends didnt want to present it and my class was pretty big and filled with a bunch of rude and snotty people so i went to talk to the teacher to ask if i could just present to her privately or something but she said no so like i lowk freaked out and had a break down in the middle of the hallway 💀
honestly though the work isnt that hard considering i passed spanish with an A throughout the years but i just HATE talking in front of the class because for one my accent is different than everyone elses and two im one of the only non native spanish speakers so im kinda just like on edge cause yk how some people are theyre just not nice 🫠
anyway for the rest of the school day things were pretty good except J was being weird again and i think he was trying to flirt with me? he was just being rlly inappropriate and kept stealing my stuff 🫠 he stole my bag and then tried to go through it and then he asked if i had a dildo in my bag and if i like using it 😟 he then proceeded to walk around the class and tell people i have a dildo in my bag. i probably should’ve told C or a teacher idk why i didn’t 😭 oh yeah speaking of C hella people think we’re dating AND NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES I TELL THEM WE’RE NOT THEY WONT SHUT UP AND JUST KEEP TELLING EVERYONE THAT WE’RE DATING.
oh i alsofell asleep in english😭 i got lucky at the teacher didnt notice though‼️ and then my friend fell down the stairs
thats all for today! byebye and ilysm 💗💗
dude i swear to god spanish teachers r either the worst person on this planet or the sweetest person ever no in between…. LIKE WHY IS SHE TARGETING U OMG i’d have to start swinging i fear…
i need J to like explode why does he act like that do u think it’s bc he doesn’t get attention at home… that’s mean sorry LMFAO um anyway i hope he leaves u the hell alone already bc u deserve it😍😍
i’m ok!!! and HMMMM my favorite animals r probably bats !!! what is urs :0
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thefreshchannel · 1 year
Ok i finished it, here are my final thoughts
I did not care for the winner smh i was rooting for the other one lol need the alternate ending.
Favs: axel and scary girl. Cannot believe they never interacted? U mean to tell me scary girl never approached axel about her weapons?? Sounds fake.
Overall thoughts: the season has great animation, overall kinda mid. I think its the same as tdroti where they kinda make u wanna root for some characters bc theyre nice but u end up rooting for the bad guys cause theyre more interesting and end up eliminating good characters pretty early on which kind of affected how i view this season as a stand alone thing.
In regards to the relationships portrayed, this is a big step for fresh “we cant show gay characters bc its too political” tv. Like it wasnt handled awful or in a joking manner and i like how respectful and supportive even? Now in the other hand u got emma and chase which like. Cant be t0tal drama WITHOUT at least one bad relationship. Really disappointed w emma’s character as the story developed.
Idk what i expected, but it certainly was not that.Its not a bad watch but would i sit through it again? Probably not. TD still has its writing flaws and have gotten…VERY uncomfortable w their fart stuff and their vmit stuff. I mean i guess in the end its for kids and they think fart jokes are funny for the kids but. Idk why center a whole episode around it and. Detail it the way it was? I have not forgotten about the dramarama gremlin, i know theyre into stuff there. Also a lot of the characters are pretty one dimensional. It can get pretty boring to watch really if youre not invested in the remaining characters lol. They have a couple good lines here and there. Was i entertained? Yeah. Overall it does its job. Theres drama, theres funny teens. It sure does do the bare minimum of being a td season at the least. I guess if you’re like the one dude and never watched tdi and this would be the main introduction to the show…it would be a decent start. Surely enough there will be someone u root for. 6/10
Ranking of seasons as of now: (i dont count dramarama as a td season)
1. TDI
3. RR
4. TDA
5. TD23
that is all
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leasboyfriend · 2 years
Maroon, Yellow, Emerald, Indigo, and Pink for Axel! - ⏳️🤍🖤
@hearts-and-stars yesssss thank!
🔴/Maroon: Tell us about the perfect date night scenario with your f/o!
already answered so im slightly changing the question to just describe a date
he took me on my first ever visit to halloween town! bc he knows i like spooky shit and had never been there before 😅 world magic made us both look delightfully creepy and we had a good time just wandering around (it was pretty close to halloween so most of the inhabitants there were busy oops)
💛/Yellow: Imagine a fantasy au with you and your f/o! What roles would the two of you take? How would the story end?
ok so originally I was going to say beauty and the beast but it doesnt quite work out, but then i thought hades and persephone and oooo yes i want that one. axel as hades and me as persephone and obviously we're in love by the end
🟢/Emerald: Are either you or your f/o a good cook? Or is the kitchen being declared a disaster zone and you ordered out?
i can bake lmao. i can cook with a recipe, but i dont rly enjoy it. Axel can cook simple stuff, but that's about it. we won't burn the kitchen down, but we're ordering takeout pretty often 😅
🔵/Indigo: Do you have a favorite image/gif/video of your f/o? Show us!
flamey bf go brrr :)
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Show us the emoji(s) you associate with your f/o! (Bonus: Tell us why?)
already answered so ur getting emojis he associates with me :)
green heart and space emoji are hopefully obvious
dancer bc he says watching me fight is more like watching someone dance (i took years of ballroom i cant help it 😅)
plant got added bc he saw my "garden" (the floor to ceiling wall of various plants from various worlds)
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leafiion · 5 months
i was having trouble with tiempa after swapping around my mons and decided to elysian shield + calm mind and sylveon easy swept. thanks sylveon you fix everything around here. also got a lucky break with domain shift on spacea after a second try and got sent to misty field so double thanks to sylveon
UM. did spacea just blow us up
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wait okay whys she grey. oh shit is this Zeight:tm:
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what. go away . oh is that evil karma? evil karma eye?
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sorry the word "system" in context of games makes me immediately sick. UM ELEVATOR TO HELL..
damn thats TWO mentions of axel by aevis now and like, one of aevia. bros before hoes
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da gang's all here.. except aelita frowny face. and alexandra she got cut off by the screen pov
wjat... password was pokemon rejuvenation... haiiii??
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damn. geara got hit with the fuckification beam then? no actually im pretty sure its still vitus' fault. hmmm
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gwat... missing exe... melia :3? or MEEEE--dies
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zwygarde... wait if vitus has yveltal then what the FUCK is madame x doing. is madame x the third one actually. maybe maybe not but if she is thats stupid bc shes bad at it
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can we delete them.
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huh<3<3 wait then who is Evil Karma. is all karma like varied is Evil Karma also Good Karma
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crescent spits facts as uh.. well . not as always. as always since we became friends. oh shit is that unedited music like just straight up pmd music.
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i said my thoughts about this before but i still think this is weird unethical and uncomfortable and is most of why i dont really know how to feel about crecsent. like its dehumanizing BEYOND just the nim -> lorna pipeline and idk how to express it in words. like. HES A GUY. he might be a pokemon but hes still 100% a person and his whole situation is really fucked . you still have him in a pokeball and youre like 100% FINE with this?? and WE'RE supposed to be 100% fine with this???? this is a human/human-adjacent rights violation that makes me unable to properly sympathize with crescent on almost any level adn the fact that everyone else is like "okay idc" because he was evil makes it worse. i can condone AND endorse murder but i draw the line at whatever the fuck they're doing.
anyway xara adn clear moment. ithought they were Dead. but whatever i Guess
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tarofel · 6 months
been in a very Kingdom Hearts mood recently so a small KH3 rant about random topics.
since it's the obvious ill just go over it, but the disney worlds have a lot of problems. several just have sora exist while the movie plays (tangled/frozen), others are just kinda bad (bighero6/monsters inc). i enjoyed olympus, toy story, and pirates most of all (they all have gameplay problems sadly), but all of the worlds mean nothing to the story in total.
there are also no original worlds you go around. twilight town is a... hub area? but not utilized barring one cutscene. it had more to it in KH2 than 3. yen sid's tower area was removed, nothing like traverse town or hollow bastion, not even like the world that never was (in this game you have a single hallway and then a gauntlet).
im not a big fan of the world design in this game. for me it's a step up from KH2 that was literally just hallways for most of it, but in a way KH3 feels like lengthy hallways of no consequence a lot of the time. though KH1 had its problems, its areas felt compact and connected. at times in KH3 i feel like im running forever getting to the next section, especially bad when grinding.
KH3 resolves all the problems set up all at once with no consequence, that'll be the next few sections.
xion comes back because the new organization just kinda found a person they didn't know and put them in a body bc they needed xehanort fodder. sure, that much is cool, but because of her being put in the final gauntlet she comes back very quickly. personally (i think i have a soft spot for xion) it feels like there's a lot more that could have happened with her that could helped sora grow. those funny nobody xion bosses from 358/2 could've made some sort of comeback too.
aqua is saved pretty easily by sora with one fight. meh.
ventus gets awoken because sora just believes in himself enough, despite the disney worlds being useless. you'd think there'd be more to either castle oblivion or the land of waking, or both even, but it's just a vanitas boss fight.
terra is probably fine (dont care too much about the bbs story too much honestly) but it still suffers being put in the gauntlet.
axel and kairi got to train in the dragonball hyperbolic time chamber but are still useless. honestly everyone was aside from sora donald and goofy (and mickey/yen sid at times) outside the gauntlet. not helped by every enemy being all-powerful in cutscenes.
i really despise xehanort as a character. he straight up is irredeemable and evil, grinning madly when he is killing and traumatizing children throughout the series. and then at the end of kh3 they go "actually you should feel bad for him, he's actually good(???). he wanted to destroy all worlds to function as a universe reset." i... straight up don't enjoy him.
attractions are incredibly unfun aside from a few times. i took too long to turn them off. the combat in the game is a mixed bag. i think shotlock dash is neat, but shotlock itself isn't that fun to me, basically just slowing down the game and needing you to point at the enemy for 5 seconds (while also losing your lock-on and pointing you in a random direction). removal of combo variations with square feels bad too.
i think this game has the worst gummi ship. it plays like a generic space exploration game with random guff scattered everywhere. WHY the HELL do you have to grind on SHOOTING ASTEROIDS to upgrade keyblades are you KIDDING ME. the golden ship makes it less painful but wow it's harder to get in critical mode.
the minigames suck. winnie the pooh is a single minigame copy-pasted 3 times. cooking is better but not by much, and im not a fan of having to find ingredients and cook them for a one-use meal.
i still haven't done the data organization in KH3 Re:Mind yet but it seems pretty fun, if a bit tough on critical mode. grinding out stat boosts is... a time. it's funny how i only got into the series only a few years ago, but it really grabbed me. wish 3 was more enjoyable, but i have some hope for 4.
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catboy-steve · 3 years
The Kamila Valieva Situation Proves the Olympics are both Racist and Willing to Enable Child Abuse TW: Racism, Abuse, Eating Disorder Mention
I know that is a huge allegation and kind of a blanket statement but when you start to look past the surface of this situation in any way it proves to be at best hypocrisy and at worse a continued cycle of abuse. I would like to preface this by saying I am in no way an expert on the Olympics, figure skating, and the complexities surrounding this situation but I do have the ability to realize the difference in the way Sha’Carri Richardson and the way Kamila Valieva have been treated after testing positive for weed on Sha’Carri’s part and a medicine banned by anti-doping regulations have no other explanation but racism and specifically systemic anti-blackness in the Olympics.
 It gets worse when you learn that Eteri Tutberdize, Valieva’s coach has a history of her skaters retiring early due to injury, this coach has a trend of taking young girls and training them to do incredibly technically difficult jumps and these girls she is training winning for a season or two and then retiring at around 17-18, for context in women's figure skating the average retiring age is around late 20s to 30′s and American figure skater Mariah Bell being 25 and on the Olympic team. So why are these girls retiring so early? Because Tutberdize’s coaching method relies on getting skaters as thin as possible so they can perform jumps easier instead of the more difficult process of having the skaters build up the muscle and conditioning needed to perform these jumps safely. If you look up her name and the word abuse articles come up about her skaters immediately this is not a secret these young women are being used to get medals and then thrown out after they get debilitating injuries that prevent them from skating. 
So when a 15 year old tests positive for a doping drug it is absurd to think this was a choice made by the fifteen year old either out of the blue or after not being pressured by someone to do it, this is a tarnish on Kamila’s repuation forever much like being barred from competing will tarnish Sha’Carri’s reputation forever. On one hand it is clear Valieva is not to blame for this situation but it also deeply hypocritical and unethical to allow her to compete as it is not fair to other skaters and also goes directly against the expirience Sha’Carri Richardson had. Allowing Valieva to compete also implies that this behavior from her coaches is ok and isn’t a big deal. The abuse Eteri Tutberdize inflicts on her students has been swept under the rug for years as the ISU (governing body for figure skating) and Russia have no problem ignoring the teenage girls who have their food and water intake restricted to such a level that it causes them to develop eating disorders under the rug because it means there will be more skaters like Valieva who can complete quads and triple axels and all of these incredible athletic feats. This entire situation is infuriating and heartbreaking as we see 2 talented young women harmed by the Olympics is vastly different but horrible ways. 
This is rambly and I honestly dont expect it to get a lot of notes but I just wanted to say something because of the way the olympics and the governing bodies surrounding them are proving themselves to be both deeply racist and also willing to enable abuse and exploit young athletes. I am also not going to tag racism or abuse because those are both banned tags bc tumblr sucks.
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thatjeanjacket · 2 years
first impression: absolute confusion. i started playing the series w kh3 bc i thought it was the first game remastered and i wanted to know why she was in a forest with a concerningly tall man
impression now: OUGHSJFDSHF *sounds of screaming and crying as i rant endlessly* but i should say most of my loving rants are about manga kairi where most of my frustrated (at the writing) rantings are about game kairi so most of the stuff here will be manga kairi. i will say this is my longest lasting obsession with a kh character, even roxas didnt go as long or at least my feelings weren’t as strong as it went on
fav moment: “sora im still waiting for your reply. still waiting…”, “maybe waiting isn’t good enough”, when she drags sora to riku-that-looks-like-ansem, “no, not this time! i promise i wont get in the way! i’m through waiting!”, when kairi threw her key blade like a boomerang in the manga and she got really happy when it came back, when she defended axel and demyx to riku because he didnt think nobodies had feelings and she said that they were good to her, when she gets pissed that sora told her not to use the keyblade and tells him to “not let the organization abuse him and hes like O.O okay!!!, when she bites axel and scolds him for kidnapping people to ask for help, when she wiggles to convince the nobodies to let her out, when she decks demyx and he starts crying and begging her to let him kidnap her and she has literally the best facials omg it gets me every time, “im tired of waiting so don’t tell me to stay behind! wherever one of us goes the other follows got it?”, and various other moments where she has agency and it results in either a good laugh or me violently screaming and crying
a story: OH TO SEE HER TRAIN.. this was done really well in this comic but id like to see kairi train with aqua and see her break down out of frustration of being alone again/not having a choice in the situation/not feeling good enough or valued n then aqua comforting her and aqua remembering how lost and alone she felt in the realm of darkness and doing whatever she can to make sure kairi doesn’t ever feel the same
unpopular opinion: i dont think there's many popular opinions so i dont think this counts as one but her kh2 outfit kinda ugly ngl.. like girlie what are those SHOES and why do they have less of a red hue than ur dress? ik u havent seen ur two best friends in a year but GET IT TOGETHER !!!!!!
favorite relationship: HER AND AXEL HANDS DOWN i wish i got to see them actually train together rather than just them talking ab training. they ARE siblings it doesn’t matter if its true or not and axel is like a more grown up and mature roderick from diary of a wimpy kid. once again the bite scene is so funny but i rly like how afterwards kairi is still bothered by being kidnaped and scolds him then realizes that they’re both against the organization after empathizing w him missing roxas.
personal headcanon: oooohhh kairi plays an electric black heart shaped guitar covered in stickers. she writes songs in the style of candy pop, frequently covers beach bunny and songs from paramore’s self-titled album, and she likes to sew her own outfits as well as embroider little things on her clothes.
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the-nubiest · 3 years
Sweet Elite (Main 10 taking care of a fake baby)
Teacher: Each of you will take care of a baby for a week as an assignment.
Scholar: This is the weirdest setting to do such a thing
(they dont even take care of it, they just project themselves onto the baby)
(What is this post anymore)
This girl doesn't know what to do with a baby
After being told by Tegan to treat it like her bots, her motherly instinct activated
She even built it support systems so the toy can walk on it's own (Raquel requested to add one on hers)
Axel and Claire are lowkey scared of dolls now bc of her
When the assignment was over, she asked the teacher to keep the doll
Now uses it to intimidate opponents at robotic competitions
Treats it like a mini him
Even though it isnt alive, he teaches it coding languages (for some reason, python, C++, and java to be specfic)
Implemented an AI into the doll, and plays against it
The AI is too good, now it plays in place of Tegan in online smash bro fights
The perfect reference for drawing
Has recreated famous paintings on it, why? (bc he wants to)
Whenver he is stressed, he'd throw the doll across the room (its oddly therapeutic he says)
Requested Tegan to put an AI
The AI plays shooter games for him
Soccer dummy (kidding)
She pushes her ball to it and expects them to kick it back
Ellie built limbs in the baby, and can move with a controller
Raquel has now traumatised Claire and was kicked out the dorm for 2 days
Carries the baby, lion king style and shouts "KUMBAYA" with Axel and Ellie
Has a fear of baby dolls now (thanks Ellie and Raquel)
Will unknowingly run tests on it, and panicks whenever the tests comes back bad (the doll isnt alive, Claire, pls sleep)
Commissioned Neha to make baby clothing and related products
Actually take cares of the doll
Ellie traumatised him in their dorm lot at 3 AM with her doll
Sings it his songs in process
Raquel will sing to them country lullabies
Axel threw his notebook at her because it is literal torture
Shows off his future finanical projects to it
Vents his issues to the doll
"My mom gave me one of my old suits when I was a baby. So I dressed them up! Cute, right?"
Tyler and Neha made a Tadashi wig for the baby (imagine it pls)
When practicing some moves in his dorm, he punched the doll too hard
The baby has a dented face now
Put little boxing gloves on the doll
Had taken pictures of it, edited it, and posted on IG (it gotten over 5,000 likes)
Whenver she doesn't feel like modeling for a big audience, or is just burnt out, she does little fashion shows for the 10 (and the babies)
Made the doll look exactly like her (uncanny valley effect)
It has the eyes and everything
Was commissioned by Claire once to make baby clothes, now she cannot stop
Uses the baby to model clothes she is making (Karolina thinks the doll is replacing her)
"Making designer baby clothes may be an interesting idea, Tadashi seems to like it."
Even puts makeup on it
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blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): toprak my beloved <33
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): andrea locatelli my beloved stunning incredible fantastic wonderful hope he is second overall this season I just want him to succeed
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Rinaldi, he on the one hand rlly annoys me bc he's so up and down but my scrimblo
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): axel bassani idk I rlly dont even know why but every time I see him I feel like a proud father
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): garrettt gerloff basically what ash said, he rlly is 🤏 close to figuring it out but at the same time he just isn't doing it 😔
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): alvaro bautista it's the hair im sorry </3 he looks like a clown henry cavill in the witcher
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): jonathan rea sorry to this man like I have lots of respect for him he's a good dude and v talented but I am tired of him now !!!
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drawingdeamon · 4 years
getting caught up on rvb: zero and heres my thoughts(tm)
- i do think rvb: zero feels more like a spinoff/side series than a genuine rvb season. it makes me think of the arc where agent washington was introduced, but we didnt know anything about pfl yet
- pacing feels rushed and they keep skipping over little things to get to the next big fight, like how washington’s past recovery, carolina’s broken arm, and the evil team stealing the key. what are their names again?
- speaking of wash, really wished he stopped getting hurt. has there been a season that didnt revolve around wash getting injured? and did any of those consequences actually stick around past the season it was featured it? 
- theres not a lot of stakes in here,, im more interested in the past story than i am with the main plot. i think starlight lab was mentioned in the past but?? who is this organization shatter squad works for? is it on chorus? why are carolina and washington doing freelance stuff when theyre practically war heros? when axel told carolina she wasnt alone bc she had the shatter squad,,, WHY. and dont tell me the other rvbs wouldnt go through hell for wash because they already did! several times!
- i had to google to make sure i wasnt mixing up viper and zero but i still have no idea who the blue buff guy is... holy shit, blue? buff? its evil caboose 2.0
- okay i ACTUALLY googled and?? viper is the team name?? zero is the leader?? and *phase* is the one with teleporting powers who may be axels daughter?? and diesel is still offbrand loco
- like,, this probably wont be the case but what if axel and zero were part of the resurrectionists way back when,,,
- also if a. phase is actually axels daughter and b. zero and axel were close buds and not related but had a falling out, that basically means zero took their kid in the divorce
- why is west referred to as the father figure when axel is the one who adopted half the team
- didnt like raymonds first entrance but hes growing on me in the classic rvb way,, through quips
- tiny too, big queen!! she reminds me a lot of dr grey
- honestly i miss the standing around and talking models... the animation is nice but its a little much. it felt much more powerful when only the major moments were animated
- if they had taken the time to set up the setting so i actually know who everyone is, and why these alien things are important, and why the rvbs are involved (maybe with an extra episode before the beginning.. episode 0, if you will) and the conversations felt more natural, i wouldve really love this series
- i still do like it! its just not the same as the rest of rvb 
update: now on encounter
- what was east saying about her dad?? did something happen in between the car chase and when theyre back to base? whats the point of skipping around the timeline other to keep the audience in the dark?
- legit i forgot why west got hurt
- theyre being taken off the mission?? bruh this series really needs to slow down sometimes,,, 
- how could east tell axel knew zero? does this team know each other that well? how did they even know the names of the bad guys if they never monologued?
- OH okay so it was zero who attacked west when axel was distracted,, bruh can we get some DIALOGUE between the good and bad people
- also this is a populated city, isnt it?? where are the people?
- ‘lose something?’ the FLEX
- what is this armor,, also i wanna know more about the BACKSTORY.
- ‘thats the problem, you dont know anything’ YEAH. THATS MY PROBLEM WITH RVB ZERO RIGHT NOW
- thank you zero for monologuing after i complained about the lack of monologues
- so the rvbs retired,, but wash didnt? he wanted to ‘keep helping’????? idk if its because i havent watched rvb in a while but that doesnt seem like a wash thing to do 
- they didnt actually answer his question smh
- as happy as i am to see my boi, i really wish red team had gotten the spotlight in this season,, 
- i really dont like how viper is there IMMEDIATELY,, they better retroactively explain this
- ‘story time... is OVERRRR’ ‘NO WAIT’ i know carolina was probably trying to stop him from rushing in but MOOD. GO BACK TO STORY TIME.
- okay this mongoose fight slaps 
- shouldnt tucker be doing more in this fight..? i mean, he does have the sword
- is this echo thing?? IT IS THE ECHO THING
- two daughters for the price of one
- damn, tucker just randomly picked up this sword because he thought it looked cool and it it got him targetted by like. THREE separate groups at least (blarg, the mercs, and now viper) 
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