#i dont know why i gave you a long story when it was just agreeing with you xD
snazzilystoopid · 1 year
What it's like to date Cole Brookstone
The dragons rising trailer gave me Cole fever 😭😭 so yk I just gotta do a Cole post to appreciate this lego man's existence
Enjoy this yall heheh
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Starting off strong: texting. The guy will spam you if you don't answer within 5 minutes
He's always worrying if something bad had happened to you 😭
He's also a ninja (obviously) so he's gonna be busy most of the time
That doesn't mean he doesn't make time for you though heheh
Before he'd leave for a mission he'd send you a sweet message, or leave small pouch of your favourite sweets for you
For your 3 month anniversary, he got you a pair of headphones
They're extra special bc they match with his <3
He sends you gym pics. Ok? He just does.
Mainly because he knows on the other side of that screen you're a blushing mess
Sometimes Cole will just walk around you shirtless to tease you, because he knows you're always gonna be staring
If you can bake, this man will BEG you to make cakes.
If you can't, you at least try. He'll always eat them, even if they are a little burnt
Its the thought that counts though, right?
His love language is touch, so you guys cuddle often
If cuddling isn't really your thing, that's okay! He'll settle for always holding your hand
When it comes to kissing however, hes so passionate that you usually have to lean on something, like a wall or a table 😭
When things get a little steamy he'll definitely be hoisting you up and wrapping his arms around you
Your dates usually consist of desert places, picnics, and CD/Vinyl records shopping
He love love loves music so whenever you tag along with him to these shops he loves it, and also really appreciates the company
Sometimes you both put in one ear each of Cole's earphones and just lie on his bed together listening to music
Its so therapeutic for both of you
He tried to teach you how to play the drums a few times, but you're horrible at it, sorry 💀
(Unless you can acc play the drums ofc)
When you met Lou, he told you a bunch of funny stories about his dance lessons as a kid
Cole gets so annoyed whenever he does this but you think its cute <333
Lou would also go on to tell you how much Lily would've loved you
It felt a little uncomfortable talking about his mother, because you know how much of a sensitive subject it is for him
But Cole did agree, you reminded him a little of his mother
In truth, Lou sees himself and Lily in you and Cole
Although he denies it, Cole loves it when you trace his scars
Especially the ghost scar on his forehead
Also loves it when you trace his jaw
Whenever you randomly do, I promise this guy WILL just melt right there
Since his hair is really long, you're always trying out random hairstyles on him
He always protests, but he really does love it hehe
The man is such a tease, sometimes he'll swoop down to capture your lips in a kiss, only for him to kiss the corner of your mouth instead
Other times (when you're alone ofc,) Cole trails kisses down your neck and just randomly stops, and you always complain
He finds you so adorable when you're complaining 😭
He has a passion for singing, but will never sing in front of anyone apart from you
Most of the time, whenever he sings to you its a love song that both of you like 🥰
He's usually a pretty chill boyfriend, and doesn't normally get jealous
But on the very rare occasion that he does, he won't show it
Instead he'll get all pouty and whenever you ask what's wrong, his only response is to pull you into a hug
He'll most likely feel a little self-conscious and wonder if you're becoming uninterested in him
DONT give Cole a reason to feel sad. Do not. 😒
He didn't tell the ninja he had a partner until Jay and Nya spotted you two in a vinyl records store holding hands
They interrogated the poor thing for like 3 hours when he got back
But once they all met you they really liked you!
Kai and Jay subjected you to more embarrassing Cole stories, which the earth ninja was NOT happy about
He prefers to spend time with you alone, away from other people
He vents to you a lot of the time and tells you about his struggles and his feelings
Hes actually really open with you, but he never pressures you to tell him anything
He wants to be able to earn your trust <3
(Sorry for any typos!!)
That is all ! I hope you guys enjoyed this little hc post 🤭 stay tuned for more !!
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onlyjaeyun · 5 months
i’ve been following ur writing for some time now and i do have to agree with that anon who said you did CH dirty. you are a very talented writer so it’s just hard to watch.
you started off CH so strong with the lore and little chapters here and there but as it progressed you kind of just got lazy and it shows. when important events happened in the story, they weren’t conveyed through writing but through the texts (ie the riki and yn fight, that was definitely worth a written chapter) and it was honestly disappointing.
the ending isn’t much to say about either. yn and hoon barely go through development after the letter incident and all of a sudden they’re dating and married with a kid like two chapters later?
idk, if it was a mental health issue then i get that but even then you should’ve just gave it a break and thought everything out more. you could do so much better.
thank you for the feedback!
i wanna put you through the progess of a piece of writing from the POV of a writer okay? now keep in mind: i work two jobs, am a fulltime uni student and the daughter of an immigrant household with two parents who still work most of the day just so you know what else i have to deal with, besides my mental health okay?
now, i started off CH strong right? yes. i uploaded on the daily, fine i chose that. a chapter usually takes me around one hour if i actually sit down and focus on nothing but the chapter itself, which includes IG stories, editing, formatting etc. alright
on top of the daily chapters, i constantly replied to 40+ asks a day, a blessing in disguise because no matter how much i enjoy talking to you guys, the pressure does get worse the bigger that number of my inbox becomes, i hope this makes sense
now, i started CH back in october, right when my semester started, thats why i started off strong but as time went on, my assignments and private life got too busy and i guess i felt entitled enough as a writer to skip a few certain chaps and make life a little easier for me by making them regular chapters instead of written ones.
and this is gonna be my main point: i'm not a machine. i wrote a minimum of 5 THOUSAND words per written chapter, MINIMUM. we're talking about a 5-9 THOUSANDED worded chapter EACH WEEK. which usually took me about 6-7 hours, even allnighters.
yes, i chose to do that and maybe my time management wasn't the best but i had to create a compromise where i wouldnt have let you guys wait for over two months which would have resulted in me losing my motivation completely, and yet still focusing on EXAMS. because you know, i'm a fulltime uni student with TWO jobs 😮‍💨
if YOU think i did CH dirty go write an alternative ending yourself but it should be a minimum of 15 chapters including 5 written ones, with at LEAST 9k words each yeah? i wanna see you manage it all, pls prove me wrong snd show me you're better than me i'm genuinely begging bc it might inspire me to do "better" next time.
as a writer/artist/creator, and i can tell you probably arent one yourself or havent been one for long, the longer smth takes to come to an end the worse the pressure becomes which results in a blockage i dont wish upon my worst enemy i'm being deadass. i dealt with some of the worst writer's block ive had since i started writing literally 12 years ago and you're telling me i should have just "taken a break" and do "better"
i never, ever expected anything from anyone but some of you are so entitled to a writer's time and skill it's giving me a headache. maybe you didn't like the timing and writing of the last few chapters of CH and i guess that's unfortunate but this was so unnecessary because you completely dismissed everything else that could have been going on in my life and even belittled my mental health issues like im some fucking AI writing machine
do better, be nicer, write it yourself if you don't like it i'm so fucking over this
if i had gotten out of my own comfort and wellbeing and have actually written another set of written chapters i would have burned myself completely out. ive been in this fandom for not even a year and have already finished FOUR smaus with 50 chapters each, you do NOT get to tell me what i should or could have done better because you dont even give a fuck about me as a person this is just about receiving what YOU think YOURE entitled to but this is MY art and I will do what I see fit even if it's not what was expected of it because i'm a fucking human being with a life before i'm a writer on tumblr
oh, also: i do this for free ㅤ:) just a reminder :) this is my HOBBY :)
and don't you EVER call me lazy again when it comes to writing because i'm not gonna pour my heart and soul into a fic just for you to call me lazy when i literally wrote 50 THOUSAND words for this fucking fic just for the written chapters
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streussal · 3 months
i 100% agree with u about the fight, my question is why do you think they even included that scene? i don't feel like it tells us anything we don't already know & it gives ppl who dont remember the original scene opportunity to believe louis was the aggressor.. don't know how to feel about it to be frank
I got this ask after I made this post. Responding almost 4 days later so I don't know if the anon will see this, but I have some thoughts.
First of all, no matter how strongly a piece of media demonstrates who is the bad guy in a situation, there's always going to be people who side with the abuser, ESPECIALLY if the abuser is a white male and the victim is anyone other than a white male. Louis straight up said in the scene (LESTAT'S VERSION) "like you wrapped your hands around our daughter's neck" so it's pretty clear he's responding to Lestat attacking Claudia. On stage, Lestat goes off script and insists that it was wrong of him to drop Louis from the sky, and that afterwards Louis was "a broken thing. I know, I saw, because I am the one that broke him". He then follows this with the admission that he did it because Louis hurt his feelings, not because of any threats or violence from Louis: “I couldn’t persuade him to return my affections. I could force him to love me. And so, I broke him.” If people don't get that Lestat was in the wrong here, I don't think there's anything else the writers can do.
As for why I think the show gave us that scene:
Playing around with different points of view is neat, and showing different recollections of the same event is a recurring thing in this show. (I'm torn on whether this is Lestat's actual recollection or just something the coven added to make Louis look bad - see my interpretation that Lestat is being coerced into participating in the trial - but either way it plays into one of the themes of the series.) Yes showing the POV of an abuser could backfire if it falls into victim blaming but I think the show handled it very well (and there is a portion of the audience that is always going to see Lestat as the victim even when he straight up says he was the bad guy in a situation).
It shows Louis physically protecting Claudia AND prioritizing her over Lestat. One of the major criticisms of Louis is his failure to do either of these things, so I actually think it made a lot of people like him better. Most of the twitter reactions I saw, from people who accepted the scene as 100% fact, was people talking about how great it was that Louis was ready to kill the guy who hurt his daughter.
It allows Jacob Anderson to do something different! One of the reasons I'm suspicious of this version of events with Louis cackling is that I have not seen Louis act quite like that before. But Jacob definitely sold it! Makes me wonder if maybe this is yet another side of Louis! I don't know! It adds rewatch value.
The acknowledgement that Lestat dropping Louis from the sky really did do long term damage to Louis. Not just physically. He became "a broken thing" - there was serious psychological damage. After he got back together with Lestat, we never really saw him push back against Lestat again. A lot of his time in Paris is a reaction against being in an abusive relationship. (And then he gets in another one, which happens a lot in real life.)
But I think it's also significant that right after this scene, we saw Lestat's remorse. And a much more real apology than anything we saw in s1. Now obviously this does not fix anything. (Claudia highlights this - "Can I cry and say sorry too?" - She and Louis tried to kill Lestat and are on trial, Lestat nearly kills Louis and just gives an apology.) But it gives the possibility that perhaps Lestat has changed or realized that he needs to change. And given that the showrunner has repeatedly referred to Loustat as the central love story of the series (link)... we need to see that Lestat is not going to do the same thing again. We want him to be better for Louis. Not that it would ever be an entirely healthy relationship (they are vampires), but not "drop him the sky requiring months of recovery" level awful. (@awildwickedslip wrote an interesting post relating to this here)
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animentality · 6 months
re:Durgetash childhood best friends… i think Durge would become like. a comfort item for gortash? like a child’s favorite stuffed animal or blanket. like, in his mind he had Durge, and everything was great (his childhood), then he lost them and everything went to shit (being sold to the house of hope, then escaping and being a minor crime lord in baldurs gate), then he found them again and everything started becoming good again (becoming the chosen of bane, making the steel watch, the absolute plan). then he loses them AGAIN and things start going to shit again (losing the astral prism, ketheric dying, orin fucking up her part of the plan).
it would be so easy for him to start associating durge with things in his life going right, and he becomes co-dependently attached to them, and probably them to him as well. and then they come back and hes still co-dependent and expecting them to be as well. of COURSE theyll come back to him and everything will fall into place just the way it always does, but they dont even remember him.. :(
ok but I am the world's biggest supporter of childhood friends durgetash, first off because it's plausible, but secondly, it's just got so much potential.
absolutely agree on the idea that they were glued at the hip as young children, and that whenever they were apart, Gortash would feel as if things were going horribly for him, and he'd associate them with his own happiness.
that just makes sense to me.
but then it becomes just.
horrible to consider that the dark urge doesn't feel the same way, because gortash might feel that they're associated with his own happiness.
but what happened when gortash "left" as in, was sold?
they killed their parents. they joined the cult of Bhaal. they abandoned childish things and embraced the darkness dwelling within. they'd forsake friendship and loyalty and love for anyone but bhaal.
he comes home, and he's happy to find them again, but they're cold now. they're not the same happy child he remembered. they're as haggard as he is, and they still have sparks of that innocent childhood friendship they both cherished once...but it's soured because they think he just left them one day, without saying goodbye.
once the true story comes out, they're a bit mollified, but it doesn't change the fact that when he was gone, they were vulnerable.
it happened, regardless of whether he intended for it or not. he left them alone.
and it's been too long for them to return to exactly what they were before.
but luckily, Gortash becomes involved with the cult of bane. and then they can work with him, under the guise of serving both their gods, and he thinks they're destined to rule together.
and maybe they begrudgingly try to believe him.
but then you know.
Orin kills them... while they're working with Gortash.
and whether you believe it was because of their relationship with Gortash or not, it happened while he was supposed to be there to watch their back.
and it's funny because it flips the script.
now Gortash thinks the dark urge just left HIM without a word one day, and that's when his plan unravels.
but like.
Gortash needs the dark urge for his own happiness and for his plan to work.
but the dark urge... they learned to live without him.
they might have associated Gortash leaving with the bad things in their life... but here and now, just before their triumph, when things were going well... it didn't matter whether or not Gortash was there.
they still died.
so I like the idea of Gortash believing the dark urge is his good luck charm, but the dark urge not feeling the same way.
they gave up on him long ago. they can't forgive him for "leaving." they grew, into a twisted, mangled adult while he stayed perpetually young and afraid in the house of hope, an abused child, deep down, no matter what he did.
they became something else, and that's why they were able to move on, to embrace redemption after they lost their memories. they had experience with growing and changing.
but Gortash?
he stayed behind.
and then he was left behind, permanently, when they returned to him a hero and slayer of all things evil.
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queerpumpkinnn · 1 year
Hi can you write a Robin Buckley x reader fic, where Robin and reader were each other's first kiss (they didn't tell anyone)and now are partner for a science project. At first they dont realize who each other are, but once they realize it it's awkward, eventually reader asks Robin if she wants to go on a date and Robin says yes
Of course! I fell in love with this idea as soon as I read it, I love Robin with my whole heart and I hope I did her justice.
we fell in love in october
1.8k words
Summary: The cute girl in your science class has a first kiss story that's strikingly similar to yours.
Pairing: Robin Buckley x reader
Warnings: None, but let me know if there should be!
You didn't think anything of it at first. But then again, that's usually how these things go.
When you stepped into class on the first day of school, taking the first empty desk you saw, you didn't think it would ever make a difference. You didn't think you'd even spare your seatmate a second glance, planning to daydream through the entire period.
But the more you sat near her, noticed her in your peripheral, you found yourself leaning back to get a better look- still trying to be as subtle as possible. She was leaned back in her seat, legs spread open in a manner that would earn a side-eye from most parents, right leg tapping furiously. Her arms were folded comfortably over her middle, and she was chewing on her lip. Her eyes darted towards you, and she gave you a shy wave.
Shit. You hadn't realized in your curiosity that you'd actually turned your head all the way and were now staring at her. You ducked your head, giving an embarrassed 'hi'.
Robin seemed to be opening her mouth to say something, but it snapped shut when the teacher, with a very dinosaur-like face and cat-eye glasses, cleared her throat in a shrill and exaggerated manner. She began calling out names, and you let out a quiet breath.
You were now hypervigilant about how often you glanced at her, cheeks warming every time she caught your gaze. It wasn't panic that flared up in your stomach, but you weren't sure what else to name it. Excitement, perhaps?
"Buckley, Robin."
"Here!" Your seatmate raised her hand, and upon further inspection, you noted the chipped black paint on her nails. Her fingers and wrist were adorned with silver jewelry. It waved, and shit.
She caught you again. Your head whipped back towards the front, and you could have sworn you heard a quiet laugh.
. . .
"Today's the day, Pop."
Your head fell back, a groan paving the way for an exhausted laugh.
Robin had given you the nickname Pop a month into school, after she'd made a comment that you, like Mary Poppins, were "practically perfect in every way". You'd laughed it off and rolled your eyes, spending the rest of the day desperately praying nobody asked why you were smiling to yourself.
It was October now, temperature dropping rapidly and making way for snow season. So every time Robin trudged into class her cheeks and nose were tinged pink, making your staring problem- which Robin had long since told you she picked up on and teased you for- much worse.
"Don't remind me." You sighed, grinning.
"Wonder how she'll do it." Robin scooted her chair in, folding her arms over the desk and resting her chin on them. "Arrange partners, I mean."
You shrugged. "I just hope I don't get stuck with Carol."
"Ooh, yeah. You'll get stuck doing the entire project." Robin agreed.
"Hem hem!" You winced at the sound. Robin snickered, hiding her face in the crook of her arms to stifle the noise.
The teacher droned on and on about what you assumed was the relevance of the project, how it would impact your grade, and how she would be grading it. You didn't hear, Robin was making faces to mimic your fossil of a teacher.
"You'll be working with your seatmates, and no, there'll be no exceptions."
Your ears perked at that. You and Robin looked at each other in sync.
Robin's face, though it was excited, had a strange undertone of shock. Like she'd just realized something; what it was you had no clue.
"Guess you didn't get Carol after all." Robin smiled, but it didn't quite meet her eyes. She looked a little panicked, actually.
"Thank God." You rolled your eyes, then glanced at the clock. "There's no way we're going to get this done by Monday."
Robin was looking over the material. "Yeah, definitely not."
"We're gonna have to meet up over the weekend, when works for you?"
Robin looked up abruptly. "Sunday," she blurted out after a second.
. . .
You shouldn't have spent as much time as you did standing in front of your mirror, glancing at the clock and then back at your hair.
You'd spent the entire morning cleaning your house, checking and re-checking if your room looked appropriate for company. You had your books and papers laid out neatly over your comforter, finding nothing else and everything to fuss over.
When the doorbell rang, you leapt from your seat, nearly slipping on the hardwood floor as you scrambled.
When you opened the door, Robin gave you a wave. That same awkward wave she'd given you on the first day of school. Your heart fluttered.
"Brought us a little pick-me-up." She held up a plastic bag in the other hand.
"You're a lifesaver." You stepped aside to let her in, blinking at the proximity as she passed you. She was actually in your house. You thought you might shit yourself.
You led her to your room, sitting awkwardly on your bed as she stood looking around, taking short steps as she took in your posters and pictures and furniture. You watched her, trying to gauge a reaction. Did she think your wallpaper color was immature? Was there dust on a picture frame you'd forgotten to swipe off?
When she glanced over at you, you expected her to make a joke but instead she winked.
You certainly weren't expecting that.
Robin laughed at your stunned reaction, sitting down next to you. "Sorry Pop, force of habit." Her head was ducked, curtained by chestnut hair. She ruffled it, tsking.
You cleared your throat, reaching for the plastic bag she'd left on the nightstand. "So, what'd you get?"
It turned out Robin had gotten coffees. While you sipped yours happily while you worked, you noticed Robin pursing her lips and scrunching her nose every time she took a sip. You wondered why she got coffee if she didn't like it, but didn't press.
Speaking of work, you made very slow progress. Your conversation went off topic a few too many times, too busy laughing and too engaged in stories to work and talk simultaneously. At some point you'd abandoned the project completely, lying side by side on your bed and staring at the ceiling.
"So you've never had your first kiss?"
You frowned. What's so bad about that?
She caught on immediately, shaking her hands. "Not that that's a bad thing! It's just, you're really pretty, so that's a little hard to believe, you don't just have guys lining up?"
You were fidgeting with your fingers. "Technically... okay, you cannot tell anyone."
Robin rolled over on her stomach, chin resting in her palm.
"When I was little, probably seven or eight, I made friends with this girl at the park. I didn't know her, I don't even remember her name, but she was really nice. She had so many band-aids on her legs, and she wore this old baseball cap with a smiley face on it. Anyways, us being dumb little kids, we kissed under the slide. It was more of a peck, really, and she ran away as soon as we did it. I never saw her again. But anyway, I don't know if I really count that as a first kiss, because I was so young and it obviously wasn't a romantic thing.."
Your voice trailed off when you noticed Robin's expression. Her jaw was hung open, and she wasn't blinking.
"Robin?" You asked, voice hushed and tense, but she didn't speak. She sat up, rigid in her movement, and walked slowly out of the bedroom, hands folded over her mouth.
The reality of what you'd just confessed hit you like a truck. You told her you'd kissed a girl. Even with how much you padded it over by saying it happened when you were young and stupid and that it meant nothing, fact was fact and if it gets told to one wrong person, it can get warped and twisted into some predatory lie and you could end up kicked out of the house and getting beat up behind grocery stores.
One minute passed. Two, three. Finally you couldn't stand the silence and hauled yourself onto your feet.
Robin was standing just outside the door, leaned against the hallway wall with her arms crossed, one hand picking at her lip. Her head jerked to look at you, cheeks paled despite the warm light from your bedroom washing over her normally honey skin.
Your hand was shaking on the doorknob, lips chapped as you opened them to speak. "I know what it sounds like-"
"You remember the hat?"
Your brows furrowed. "Huh?"
Robin shuffled past you, reaching elbow-deep into her backpack until she tugged out a tattered old snapback with a very familiar yellow stitching on the front.
Your jaw fell open. You looked, dumbfounded, between her face, equally awestruck, and the hat.
"That was you?"
Robin nodded. "That was me."
You smiled, even if only out of anxiety. "You ran away from your first kiss."
"Hey, you surprised me!" Robin threw her hands in the air. She was smiling again, ruffling her hair and shaking her head. She turned to you, who was sat back on the bed now. "Anyways, you don't even consider that a first kiss."
You shrugged. "I didn't like you then."
"But you like me now, eh Pop?"
You froze. Robin laughed, flopping back down onto the mattress. "Kidding, kidding."
But she was still chewing her lip, ducking her head down so that her hair shielded her face. You stared at her rifling through papers, resifting as though she herself didn't know what she was looking for.
She looked up, the most bashful you'd ever seen her.
Your body acted on its own. Your lips caught hers in a moment of reckless abandon. Briefly, before panic settled in, and you began to draw away, but a hand on the back of your neck pulled you back in.
The world around you seemed to fade, the only thing going through your racing mind was the shock of your own actions. The fact that you were actually kissing her.
When you broke the kiss, she chased after you, forehead rested against yours. Her eyes were still closed as though scared to open them, breaths held. Her hand was shaking against your skin.
When they did open, they were wide and terrified. You winked at her, and they softened, laugh lines closing around her eyelids.
The silence was deafening. She rested her face in your shoulder. It wasn't until she started giggling that she looked up.
"What's so funny?"
"I didn't run away this time." She grinned.
"Good for you, Robin." You rolled your eyes, pressing another chaste kiss to her lips.
You sat there for a moment, just staring into each other's eyes, fingers tracing over hair and jawlines. That is, until Robin jumped, clapping her hands against her thighs.
"The project! Shit, it's so late!"
Robin Buckley Masterlist
Sapphic September Masterlist
Stranger Things Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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lactosa2 · 9 months
I wanted to do something for Chamber, honestly i think this guy is the type i would hate, and for that im gonna make this angst
( ˘ ^˘ )=3
There was no need for an exact time, you just knew that you had gone to sleep early, around 9 PM, hoping that when you woke up in the morning Vincent would be on your side of the bed and then give you the explanations for why he didn't arrive. at the agreed time.
You didn't want to admit it but you knew that he was being unfaithful to you, no matter how many kisses or gifts he gave you, insecurity is not cured with empty promises.
Before he joined the protocol you had noticed how nice he was to his friends, female friends, this made you feel somewhat out of place, which he covered up with the excuse of not wanting to be rude or hurt his feelings, but he didn't know. tried to stop talking to them, the only thing you asked was that he stop acting that way with them, giving them expensive gifts (the same kind he gave you, or even more expensive), allowing them to stroke his hair or measure her hands with his
According to him, it was all harmless friendship, since he was also like that with his male friends, which made you even more insecure, as if you were never enough for him. Vicent was never able to dump his friendships for you, he didn't even respect the limits that if you broke he would surely dump you. But the fights no longer made sense, they all ended with him stopping talking to you and telling you that you were exaggerating, and little by little, you began to believe the story that they were just your insecurities, he would never do this to you, right?
11:23 AM
You woke up, but no matter that you had slept for more than 10 hours, you continued to feel the mental confusion, you no longer wanted to follow the circle, fight, beg for him to listen to you, and then agree with him when all you want is for him to get on your side. place.
You looked to the side, stretched out your arm and there he was, sleeping soundly. You approached to hug him, although he used to wake up earlier it didn't matter, you just wanted to hug him after fighting for so long.
You pressed your torso against his, your arms around his and your nose nuzzling against his neck, caressing him. The sudden urge to cry came when you felt a fragrance, obviously one foreign to yours. However, you didn't fight, you just took a deep breath and swallowed the pain and disappointment, hugging him tighter.
You knew you had to leave him, even before starting the relationship, you just wanted to wait until he wasn't who he obviously was, you tried to find an explanation why you were still there, in a place where you are clearly not happy, maybe you idealized him, you were financially dependent on him , emotionally? unconditional love?…
You didn't know, the only thing you were clear about is that you are totally incapable of leaving him, although being with him feels horrible, the five minutes of happiness feel as if everything gonna be okay, as if he would soon change, respect you, love you. The happy moments are currently just memories, but you live on them, you don't want to leave them behind, you are not ready and maybe you never will.
You just wait until he doesn't destroy you more than he has already done.
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stromuprisahat · 7 months
i saw your evgeniy post and i totally agree that it wouldnt work out the same at all if genya was male, maybe he would work directly for the king but either way im willing to bet the fandom wouldnt be victimising him to that extent and the character probably would be allowed to stay morally grey instead of being forced to be "good".
as per your comments too: they probably gave ivan a love interest for "representation points" but if the show character was played more accurately to the book and looked more like book ivan people would probably ship him with the darkling a lot more and talk about him having unrequited love or whatever which is fine but certainly cheapens the characters motives.
also i dont think alina would have got on with genya if she was in a red kefta from the start as its like she saw genya in livery as "on the same level as her" as a servant and outsider, its my firm belief that if genya was introduced to alina as corporalki to start with her prejudice would kick in and she wouldnt trust her at all as she seems more prejudice against corporalki than any of the other orders (aside from the darkling)
(What if Genya were Evgeniy)
I don't think the King would require services of Tailor. The Queen remains the obvious choice for that, although there would be issues.
Regarding narrative-treatment... well, my guess is he wouldn't live long. Just look at Ivan- he wasn't easily brainwashed character, so he had to die to prop up brand new Good Guy™. Zhenya wouldn't be re-written into one-dimensional victim, because it would be easier to simply kill him off (preferably in a way emphasizing he picked the wrong side).
Fandom would simply ignore him, because he's a man in Aleksander's service. His backstory, missing sexual abuse "orchestrated" by the Darkling would also lose its appeal to antis. Loss of loved ones or torture just doesn't have the ring to it, when aimed at a man. Hell, if we'd make the King "fond" of teen boys, or came up with another molester, Evgeniy's story would include different variables. Women are easier to woobify, but then again, it could be "fixed" by making the boy gay, or better- headcanon gay. Everyone knows that makes you easier to exploit, so we can pretend lack of agency equals unfavourable circumstances etc. etc.
Since we know almost nothing about book!Ivan's personal life, I didn't mind his and Fedyor's romantic relationship, quite contrary- both actors used their minimal screentime to introduce the best romance in season 1 (in both, if I'm honest).
Ivan's in danger of simplification of his motivations no matter the looks. While book Ivan's described as good-looking, in show he's already canonically MLM. Both can work as a good enough reason to turn his loyalty into unrequired crush. Why delve into anything more complicated, if your view requires demonisation of the Darkling?
Absolutely agree on Genya's position and Alina's "friendship". Alina has been distrustful of other Grisha since the beginning. Sure, her belief she's a fraud played a part, but that would apply to Genya in red too. Grisha without colour didn't fit in. Useless Sun Summoner wouldn't either, once her incompetence becomes widely-known. Alina doesn't exactly believe in selfless unconditional friendship. Hell, she takes and takes from Genya, while offering little, with Malyen she assumes the opposite position.
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fireflykaizoku · 2 years
Killer x Reader | In another life
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i promised @kerokerogecko i'd write some killer x reader halloween themed... so here it is! again: HAPPY HALLOWEEN
i hope you guys dont end up sad
i may need to write a part 2
It was October 31st, Halloween and your best friend’s birthday. Being a horror movie and creepy stories enthusiast, her party theme wouldn’t be different. Everyone would have to wear a costume and a mask, and only reveal their faces at midnight. 
— I know it’s a cliché, alright? — she started, while you helped her place the spider webs all over the walls. — But it’ll be fun. You always do that. You don’t want to go at first, but you end up having the time of your life.
You laughed. It was true, you ended up having fun. That’s why you were there participating every year. But this time, it took you a long time to pick an outfit. It wasn’t easy to find something that could match with the mask you chose and that only covered your eyes, but you ended up finding something perfect.
When you arrived, later that night, your friend’s house was crowded. It was no surprise, she knew a lot of people and would invite all of them. While she gave attention to the other guests and tried to make sure no one was breaking anything, you decided to have a drink and walk around alone.
Many people were dancing, drinking or making out with someone, so you kind of felt out of place inside that house. It was better to go outside and have some fresh air, without the smell of cigarettes and the loud music.
You sat on the lounge chair by the pool, you rubbed your arms together to try to make you feel warmer. You took a sip of your drink, hearing the sound of crickets and I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight playing inside the house, everyone was singing and having a good time, apparently.
You were distracted, barely noticing a man sitting next to you. It was hard not to notice him, though. The man was tall, strong, had long blonde hair and was wearing a mask. His clothes seemed old somehow, which fit perfectly with the Halloween theme.
— Aren’t you enjoying the party? — his voice asked, making you jump in surprise. — Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. 
— It’s alright. — you giggled. — I’m enjoying it, actually, but… They can be too much sometimes. What about you, are you having fun?
— Yes, but I agree with you. They can be too much. — you smiled and nodded. After a second without saying anything, the blonde broke the silence. — Did you want to be alone? I can go.
The mysterious man was about to get up, but as an impulse, you placed your hand on his arm, that had a noticeable scar, trying to make him stay sitting next to you.
— No, you can stay… 
The moment your hand touched his warm skin, a strange sensation took you over. It felt like some wave, some energy, rushing through your whole body. You gasped in surprise, not expecting something like this to happen. It felt strange, but it wasn’t a bad feeling. It was comfortable, even.
— I mean, you can stay if you want… — you whispered, feeling a bit shy and not wanting to sound desperate.
He nodded, sitting next to you. The conversation started awkwardly at first, but the masked man kept asking things about you, like why you went to the party, why you chose that costume, where you met the host… The blonde seemed to be very interested in you and your life, and rarely talked about him.
Whenever you asked about him, he changed the subject or answered with something very vague. But he was a good listener, and eventually you found some stuff that you both had in common, especially a taste for old movies and music. 
You couldn’t help laughing when he didn’t seem to know any recent songs that were playing, and whenever you asked about his social media so you could keep in touch, he said he didn’t have any.
That man was strange, intriguing even. But you were loving spending time with him. It was better than staying inside the house and play truth or dare with all those people that you didn’t even know. 
And whenever he looked at you, or touched your hand by accident, it made you feel butterflies. Such a foreign sensation, since you couldn’t remember the last time you found someone who made you feel that way.
— So, are you going to show me your face, stranger? — you giggled. — Or will I have to wait until midnight?
— The thing is… — he took a sip of his drink with the straw. — I’m a bit insecure about my face. But… — he looked around, seeing that you were the only two souls outside. — Soon it is midnight, I think I don’t mind showing it to you.
You smiled.
— I can’t wait, then.
The silence wasn’t uncomfortable. However, there seemed to be such a great tension between both of you. You looked at each other, and you noticed that his eyes were blue. Such beautiful eyes.
In a slow move, you gently lift his mask, just enough to show his purple tinted lips. You were expecting him to stop you, but he didn’t move. The blonde wanted this as much as you did, and you could tell his heart was beating as fast as yours.
You slowly moved closer, closing your eyes and locking lips with him. It was a soft kiss, but that made you feel warm on that cold windy night. It felt like your lips completed each other perfectly, like a puzzle, perhaps. 
You couldn’t even ask yourself if it was bad to kiss a stranger you just met. You didn’t even have time to have such a thought, because right now, it simply felt so right.
It felt like an eternity, it felt like the world got quiet and there were just the two of you. You couldn’t help feeling disappointed when you moved away.
— I’m going to get us drinks before midnight, okay? — he whispered, and you nodded.
The man adjusted his mask back in place and got up. But a part of him wanted to stay there for the rest of the night. The blonde started to walk away.
— Wait, I realized I never asked your… — when you turned back, he was gone. — … Name…
It was a bit scary how he seemed to disappear like a ghost, but he probably walked too fast for you to notice. You shrugged, and rested your head on your knees, hugging your legs and waited.
You waited, only five minutes to midnight. He’d be back before then, at least it's what he said.
Four minutes left.
Three minutes.
One minute, and everyone inside the house started a countdown. But the man never came back.
Midnight, everyone was laughing, taking off their masks and having a great time. But he never came back. Not even over thirty minutes later, and even when you went inside to search for him, the blonde man was nowhever to be found.
You were disappointed, and you didn't know why. Maybe because he was comfortable to be with, because he kissed well, maybe because he made you feel like you haven't felt in a long time.
Why were you so disappointed about not ever seeing a stranger again? You went home earlier than you usually did at your friend's party, but suddenly, you weren't in the mood to celebrate something anymore.
The next morning, you went to your best friend's house again, full of hope to at least know that man's name, to know just a little bit of him. Maybe your friend could help, after all, she probably knew him. — What are you talking about, (Y/N)? — your friend raised an eyebrow as she sat in front of you. — There was no blonde man at my party last night.
— Of course there was, he was tall, strong, had long hair and was dressed as a serial killer or something, with a mask and all! — you protested, assuming that she probably invited so many people that she forgot about that mysterious man.
She shook her head.
— No, I’m very positive that there was no man with that description there. — she rested her chin on her hand and thought. — You spent the whole time alone outside, I didn’t even see you talking to any guy. But you seemed to be happy, smiling and all.
When you put two and two together, seeing how his clothes seemed out of place, how he disappeared right before the face reveal, how he didn’t know anything after a certain decade, and how your body shivered the moment he touched you… Everything seemed to make sense now.
Fear took you over, but at the same time, you felt incredibly sad, knowing that the only person that made you feel right, wouldn’t be yours and that you’d never see him again.
At least not in this lifetime.
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nurdhaniyam · 2 months
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yk. . .i havent rly address this tag properly nd ik some of you arent rly familiar with qpr marriages well here r my thoughts on this hc;
Personally, id like to think anti cosmo and anti wanda as like, frenemies with benefits, but they aren't exactly**that**, they dont just hate fuck or wtv , to me i think they both knew they were destined to be soulmates, it all started by the two's rivalry from the beginning, with how irritated anti cosmo was to be met with someone like anti Wanda, like how brave she is, full of life, with little to no care abt the environment, he was always up to her and wondered how can an anti female fairy be so different than others, and how she could possibly not fear for him and his powerful magic, and with anti wanda, no matter how arrogant and cold he was to her, she have always had this need to know him more, as annoying as that might sound to her,like how his life is as a king or how it feels to rule a kingdom on his own, she had always wondered if his short-temperedness had to do with his isolation in life, if his arrogance with his power had to do with wanting to project into his insecurities, or if his bitterness had to do with him masking only for the sake of his royalty
And then, here comes the hard part, after they found out abt their counterparts' marriage, from that day on, they had to force each other to like one another (their rivalry was prior coswan's marriage btw) bcuz according to Da Rules, they cannot interfere w/ true love, so this sorta gave them an advantage to get close with each other, but with one problem; they hardly know each other! They were stuck to being arranged with one another just because their counterparts decide to make their life a bigger mess
Fortunately, they did get along, anti cosmo learnt to realize why anti wanda was always how he interprets her, and anti wanda eventually learnt a new side of anti cosmo which she had always wondered deep down, basically bonding when they knew they shouldn't be but the feeling was so new, they both just wouldn't let it go
Starting from that day on, they both are always together no matter where and what they do, they started doing pranks, going out to dinner sometimes, causing mayhem by releasing bad lucks across the Earth, giving kids nightmares, haunting people, anything evil that you could think of, and despite all of this, they were never tired of each other's presence. This made them believe that they're actually starting to fell for each other, so they started experimenting, going on 'dates', gift giving, giving each other pet names, physical touches and they gotta admit, they had fun by doing so! but, even after they did possibly everything they could to feel that spark, there was simply nothing... They were confused, baffled even, they didn't know what they did wrong, i mean they care for each other, spent a lot of time together, they fulfill each other's emotional needs, they keep each other happy, so what rly goes wrong then??
Well guess fucking what, they totally forgot that anti fairies are supposed to do the opposite of what their fairy counterparts do so instead of their fairy counterparts being in love **romantically**, they became in love**platonically**, its in their gene after all lololol!!!!! so long story short they eventually marry after agreeing that their marriage might not be as perfect as it is, but with love, trust and an unbreakable bond, it will always be perfect in its own ways and they wouldn't trade it for anything the end !!!!
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
The hell you mean, we don't talk about Yoonmin. I don't talk about Vmin. Vmin have me sweating sometimes. I'm not gonna lie. Tae be staring at JM like he's ready to eat him. Just watch the Dynamite dance practice during JM's solo. Tae for real gasped when he looked at JM and could not take his eyes off him. I don't blame him. JM in those loose jeans and that loose grey shirt, with his fluffy blond hair and licking his lips too. Damn, I don't blame Tae. I mean he did describe JM's eyes as temptation. Then I'm like naw, they're just best friends, then Tae drops a song about bring in love with his best friend. And then I'm like no way, he means another best friend or its just for the show. Then he goes on record saying it was a personal song and Jimin is his ONE AND ONLY best friend. Then I suddenly find it hard to swallow & my collar getting tighter. LOL. Then I'm nah, its all good, Jikook real. Then I see JM post he's watching The Notebook for like the 7th time during his recovery and a few days later on Valentines Tae requests JM's favorite song, Nothing by Bruno Major where the song talks about watching the Notebook for the 17th time. And then I'm like ain't no way, like hello, JM gave JK a hickey, FOCUS. Oh and JM calling Tae My Love and not long ago Tae played a snippet of a song in his car & posted it on his IG story & the song says My Love & mentions 4 am (which is Vmin time cause of Tae's 4 o'clock) also mentions stars, driving, etc and Vmin did say they go on long drives together & watch the stars together. So yeah, I don't talk about vmin. They scare me. LOL I have just come to the conclusion all of BTS members are in love with JM at one point or another. LOL
I'm kidding honestly, I am confident in Jikook, but Tae acts sus as hell toward Jimin and you all know I'm right. Even with how much he's been talking about JK, hell no, not even comparable to how Tae acts toward JM. They all wanna eat Jimin.
I......... just woke up anon. I'm not mentally equipped rn. Nope nope nope.
On second thought, let's talk about it.
Jimin is Hellen of Troy. Agreed. Sometimes they all be fighting for his attention. Facts. They treat him like an artifact. True. (Which is why its so funny to me when Army shit on Jimin when the Tannies worship the ground he walks on. Watch enough of their content and tell me he's not the unofficial BTS leader)
Now idk about no notebook or Bruno something. All those things they have in common that u listed, I will take your word it.
But first let me clarify why we don't talk about Yoonmin. Suga is probably super gay or bi/pan. But there is more proof of him being interested in men than women. But then he also says his tongue can drive both sexes mad so there's that. Anyway, Suga has been caught in 4k eyeing all his members. Even JK 👀 Suga is me and I am him 😂😂😂 but the reason we don't talk about Yoonmin is because JK sees that shit and hates it.
JK is not threatened by Vmin. He's reacted to all members doing skinship with Jimin, yes including V. But its not that often. And definitely not as strongly as with Minimoni and Yoonmin. JK alot of the times will chuckle at their antics or ignore them all together. Cant say the same for Yoonmin though.
The other thing u mention. Jimin calling V my love or baby. That's not... anon that's not idk...I wouldn't put too much weight on this one. Even international fans do this with their bestfriends. And he did the baby one to comfort V and Jimin comforts all members. They go to him for comfort coz he is good at being there for them. Plus he's always babied Taekook from jump. (JK being less receptive of the two since he dont like Jimin to treat him like the maknae he is)
About V looking at Jimin like he wants to eat him he does this with all the members. I recently shared this Vmon post i mean.. isn't that what u mean by him looking at Jimin like he wants to eat him? And then this compilation where again, all members
And then you're saying their moments are fire? Have you seen Taejin? I'm sorry but that ship in my opinion has all V ships beat.
V and Jimin taking long rides together, I have never heard about this but didn't we see Vhope take a long ride together ITS2? Did they take a trip with both their families? I've never seen Vmin do that 🤔
Maybe in the beginning Vmin were super close and shit Anon, but damn. They done drifted apart over the years. More especially recently. I do not see the same Vmin from before I'm sorry. I have a higher chance of believing Jihope is real before I ever buy into Vmin.
My bottom line is, all those things you're talking about can be copy pasted to every. single. member. When it comes to V he does this shit with all of them. Yeah, he called Jimin his favourite but is that even the case anymore? Idk anon. I do not and have never found Vmin to be the least bit suspicious. A member won't be sus to me if they do the same thing with everyone else. And I like to pay attention to JK when it comes to these things. He's the one you look for to know if someone is sus or not. And JK just isn't bothered by Vmin.
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eamonorus-blog · 1 year
Why Abby from TLOU2 is a non-compelling character.
OK, I know that what makes a compelling character is subjective. If you say you really related to Abby I can hardly tell you you are wrong about that. However, there are reasons why Abby is so controversial and disliked, and there are more than simply her being responsible for killing Joel. Let's look at other characters who have killed beloved fan favourites. Zeke Yeager from Attack on Titan, Tywin Lannister from ASoIaF, Silco from Arcane. All of these guys have many fans, and even those who dislike them tend to agree they are well written characters, they may root against them, but they don't resent their inclusion in the story. In my experience at least, a character being disliked doesnt have terribly much to do with how much the audience disagrees with them, or the bad things they do. So long as a character is understandable in their motivations, and possesses certain admirable qualities we can respect, then they will be well liked, and even those who dont like them will at least appreciate the role they play in the story. in TLOU, most people loved Joel as a character. But even if you didnt love the guy, you could at least understand and appreciate him and his story. His character is almost universally respected in terms of protagonists in video games. Does the fact that he robbed and probably killed innocent people in the past change this? Does the fact that he is mean and short with Ellie when they first meet change this? How about the fact that he is a criminal smuggler, that he tortures men for information, that he killed a doctor trying to do whats best for mankind? No, none of those things changed the fact he is well written and broadly very well liked. Why is that? Because we can understand every step of his journey why he does what he does. In the harsh setting of tlou, we expect that people have to make harsh choices to stay alive and protect those they love. And this is NOT because we see things from his perspective. We would feel the same way if he was a side character that we saw him through someone else's eyes. All the characters I mentioned before aren't ones we really see the perspective of, and yet they are hugely well liked, and even those who don't like their characters admit they are well written and compelling. So why does Abby not fit into this category? Lets start with how we are first introduced into her. We learn a few things about her fast. 1. She is willing to capture and torture innocent people on a slim chance of getting revenge on someone. 2. She is willing to put her friends and comrades at risk to do it. 3. She has no sense of gratitude or thankfulness to somebody who saves her life. 4. She shows no remorse at torturing someone to death while their loved ones scream at them to stop. This is not the kind of actions which this harsh world justifies to a degree. This is pointless self destructive killing at its most extreme. Its hard to even wrap our minds around how someone could get into the space mentally to be so psychotic.
But then we are given the supposed rationale for why she is doing this. And what do all the flashbacks with her Dad show us? 1. She was willing to kill Ellie for the cure. This tells us a number of things about her, at least, a number of different things which might be true. Either that she REALLY wants the world to be saved and is really idealistic. Or that she doesn't care about the life of a strange girl at all. The former could be something I suppose, if we got any indication of this afterwards. But she immediately gives up completely on fighting for a greater cause after her Dad dies. Which makes the idea that she is SUPER committed to saving the world a bit suspect if she gave up on it so quick. Instead Owen is the one who hangs on to it and is more likable as a result. But its also just a really bad indicator of her moral character, speaking on someone elses behalf. She really shouldnt be volunteering someone elses life. 2. She knew what her Dad was going to do with Ellie but she still considers Joel totally evil. Again, this is only a justified response if she was totally onboard with her Dads mission, but the fact she never shows any indication of wanting to continue it or trying to fight for a better world, that seems unlikely. Or maybe she was just angry for the normal human reason that someone had killed a member of her family. Well, if family was so important, why is she risking her de-facto families lives by going after him across country attacking a large, fortified settlement? The evidence doesn't support her either having a family first attitude, or an idealistic attitude, only a bloodthirsty one. And with Ellie she has the gall to berate her for coming to Seattle after she let Ellie live! Oh really? So its wrong to try and kill someone after they attack you but let you live? Well Joel didnt even attack her and let her live, instead he risked his life to save hers unprompted, but she doesnt seem to think thats valid. What all the previous characters I have mentioned have, that she does not is a kind of inner strength of character, a value and goal they fight for and remain consistent in. Abby doesnt have this. Sure she helps Lev, but this isnt related to what she did to Joel, I mean it could be I suppose, but you have to reach to make a connection there. She never goes through serious retrospection or self examination about her own hypocrisy or how she is responsible for what happened. Her connection to the WLF that she casts off to help Lev isnt related at all to what she did to Joel, so her main arc has nothing really to do with killing Joel. This means that the game never really demands she reckons with what she did. With Joel we fully understand what drives him and what he fears. With Abby we have a vague sense of a desire for revenge and a willingness to kill people who have done her no harm and are no threat to her, and a desire to be a better person without having to confront what she has done.
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dreamywolfdd · 1 year
Sonic Thoughts
this will be different than most of my posts, but id like to type this out since i been thinking bout it alot, nothing wrong is going on btw this is mostly me typing out my thoughts
but if you want a tl;dr:
not entirely leaving/done with it, but i want to focus on other stuff aside of sonic the hedgehog in general, i want to focus on my other interests and obsessions
i been thinking bout it and i decided that sonic superstars will be my last sonic game i'll buy for who knows how long
this does not mean i hate sonic now or i'm done w it or anything, but i been recently thinking bout how sonic's been these past few yrs, content wise and what i personally think bout it currently
latest releases such as sonic prime, sonic movie 2, idw comics and sonic origins made me think bout it alot, as much as i enjoyed the movie and liked the idw comic i got as a gift, this is a whole new generation of fans we speaking of now, its been more noticeable how a new era of sonic is here thanks to the movies and that makes me so happy but it also makes me realize how some of the recent stuff flat out isn't rlly my thing (like sonic prime), sure, they may be good on their own and such but there's some stuff i just dont think its worth for me to look at, but i do however hope the newer generation enjoys it alot, i dont feel like part of that target demographic anymore
one major thing that made me question it too is pmuch with the quality of games, i recently gave frontiers a second playthrough and it made me remember why i had a fun experience with it, but it also made me see the flaws it has aswell too, its not a perfect game by any means but you can tell morio kishimoto, lizuka and everyone at sonic team have been wanting to deliver an amazing experience for a while now, remembering how the director had to convince higher ups to get more time for development made me think alot, this will be a dumb comparison maybe but if there's one thing i would love for sega to have its give more time and budget for its developers and such, recently, even if sometimes nintendo has been very questionable and sometimes bad, i will give them alot of credit and respect by how they been treating their artists and devs recently, games such as tears of the kingdom and smb wonder, seeing how they gave alot of time to their developers and artists to craft such wonderful games, i definitely want that for sonic games to have as well too, it has been admitted before and it has been a thing i been agreeing for yrs too
whenever i look back at sonic fondly, its mostly games i played in the past and still replay and hope i will for many yrs to come, same with the era and type of sonic i usually enjoy the most too, its just something thats not there anymore and its usually what comes up in my head whenever i think of sonic rather than the recent stuff, not saying its bad or anything but its my prefered one just like how many ppl have their prefered and definitive version of sonic
i been playing and enjoying many other stuff aside of sonic for many yrs now, as a kid i remember always being sattisfied with a game from the famicom for example, or how games like cave story and super meat boy made me have a blast for hours, but i do noticed how in recent years its been lowering with sonic and what i mostly do is revisit the older games and played frontiers when it came out, for yrs i been enjoying exploring and enjoying many different types of games old and new, i highly recommend sonic fans to also widen their library of games (and media in general) to explore many hidden gems
i have many other interests and obsessions that cannot leave my head, so i want to give more love to those as well too, at a far distance, ppl will know right away im a sonic fan, but will completely ignore my other interests and outside of gaming as well too, so its also why i been thinking bout this too
so yeah, if you notice my lack of sonic stuff is because of that, again, i do not hate sonic or im done with it, but its been a question in my head i been contemplating for some time now since sonic pretty much is one of the main things i literally cannot live without (xd), i will still do sonic fanart stuff from time to time, i will still replay my favorite games and such and of course, i will play and enjoy sonic superstars as my last sonic game for who knows how long, i hope ppl who have known and met me because of my sonic stuff have that in mind maybe
if you've read all of my wall of text, ty, i dont think this will be read either way but if so, ty very much and hope you have a good one
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neowinestainedress · 1 year
First of, I'd like to commend you for making and finishing such a wonderful story!
Second, I'd like to commend YN for being so much more mature than me lol, I still think though that Zoya and Haechan should've never been endgame no matter how made for each other they are. I still think yn deserves better than that and that Haechan deserves a little bit more "worse" than that. While I HATE CHEATING with a passion and would rather not have to justify it if both yn and haechan emotionally cheated on each other i think yn emotionally cheating is literally a long time coming/expected AND deserved with how haechan treats her at that. And while i know real life is not all karmas and sorrows, i still think haechan should've had a bad consequence of his actions, i hope he lost yn and by extention jaemin cause i never saw a bad "karma" given to him all he got was him being paranoid of losing yn which again i think is deserved. and honestly it gave me a little ick with how zoya and haechan immediately fucked each other after yn and haechan called it quits literally a minute ago lmaooo. so all im hoping in my own extended version of the fic in my headis that they dont last forever no matter how "made for each other" they are :p REGARDLESS! i still enjoyed the fic!!! especially all the non haechan parts HAHAHA i love your work so much and i hope you keep on writing banger fics, im just sorry that in my mind i hope heachan in this fic never existed cause he makes my blood boil lmao
Thank you! Sorry if I reply only now but I wanted to avoid spoilers as much as possible so I waited for a while.
Idk I would agree if Haechan was a bad person (like if he purposefully hurt her) but in my mind it wasn't like this so I can't see your point of view. He didn't act well, and I will never justify him, but even if he was a better boyfriend they weren't meant to last and were forced by their friendship so I think Haechan's coldness was the last drop that they both needed to wake up. Same thing for Haechan and Zoya fucking. I get it, I really do, but Hyejin and Jaemin had sex before Haechan and Zoya did, and also two months had passed from their break-up so to me it was a pretty reasonable amount of time to don't count as 'as soon as we broke up you went to her'. I agree with the fact that Hyejin had more reasons to morally cheat.
Also can I ask what you mean by 'hyejin deserves better than that'? Because she's having the time of her life with Jaemin so I don't know if you are talking about her past with Haechan or something else
I agree that he probably should've 'lost her' a bit longer but personally, I don't think he deserves to lose her forever. In real life it probably would've ended like you said but I wanted to show that there's growth in pain and just because something is not meant to be it means it has to hurt, and that if you can is better to forgive rather than hold grudges, especially if there's nothing you can do and the person that caused you pain didn't mean it. Probably it would've been better if more time passed between 'the hurting' and 'the forgiving' to make it look more realistic? Idk. Honestly, I didn't want to drag it too long but I also wanted to show that their relationship had run its course even in Hyejin's mind. The moment she stopped holding to the old idea of Haechan her feelings vanished too and so did the pain, that's why they started to fear for their friendship and not their relationship.
This is not an attack, I'm just trying to show my point of view and explain why I wrote it like this but your point of view is valid! (if it happened to me i'm not sure i would be as wise as hyejin so trust me when i say i totally mean what you say)
i still enjoyed the fic!!! especially all the non haechan parts I SCREAMED PLEASE
Nah don't worry, I get it a lot on my Haechan's fic, I promise I will stop writing him like this (even though I think he was much worse in sour for example even if he got better by the end) If you want to have the perfect boyfriend experience after this, read hits different, you won't hate him there
Anyway, I'm glad you liked it!
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spicybylerpolls · 6 months
cafe anon here, coming via willbyershandmoles! i didnt see the negative responses here but looks like my post got deleted?
so just to clear up:
i know not everyone will understand or empathise with what i said, but some responses seem to be that i, at age 20+, had a 'crush' on young teen finn and noah. NOPE, incorrect. I said there was a fleeting moment of confused attraction. that is very much not a crush. this moment of attraction lasted literally as long as what, a few minutes while we discussed the photo? we then moved on with our lives. we enjoyed the show but didnt engage in fandom of any kind, and only years later, when s4 arrived, did i even become interested in the show itself again. in what way is this a crush lmao? my heart didnt skip a beat. i didnt follow finn and noah on instagram. i did nothing. i simply acknowledged something with my friend, and honestly, it says more about the psychology of human attraction that it does about finn or noah themselves. it also says a lot about this kind of internet discussion, and i'm writing this post now but im aware it'll probs fall on deaf ears. ah well.
2. when my friend said they looked 'hot' she meant Hot with a capital H in the context of THESE PHOTOS ONLY. Hot as in 'Hot Girl Summer'. Or the 'Hot Girl aesthetic'. She meant that they looked like the stylists/PR/photographers were trying to make them look Hot. Just like MBB's stylist did for a long time. Our response to that realisation was THEN confusion, as I said, because not only did we not expect these young teens to be posing as such, but we did not expect to find ourselves inexplicably and uncomfortably attracted to these two people because of how they looked in THESE PHOTOS ONLY.
This is not crush behaviour. A crush is not looking at one still image of a person and acknowledging a weird attraction, and anyone that thinks so is revealing either their emotional or actual immaturity.
(i also did not mean that them 'standing there' was sexualisation or adult-coded, as willbyershandmoles pointed out, but rather everything about their stylised expressions, poses, attitude, styling, and the photography itself gave us that INITIAL instinctual impression. and this is proven by the fact that if you look at any other photo shoots of them at this age (or any age tbh) the vibe is not replicable. they look like the same people but different. it was why this shoot was shocking, and perhaps also why noah chose to single it out in his birthday post for finn just last year, despite the fact that it's been literally years and they are now grown up? something about this shoot's vibes was standout.)
thanks to the few who supported my post though - they understood the nuance of being human in a non-judgy way.
of course you dont need to agree with everyone here - that would be absurd - and i dont even care if people are trying to find out who i am and cancel me because the internet doesnt matter that much to me, tbh... but making a nuanced situation black and white is nuts, especially when i described in such detail the psychological depth of that situation. i don't feel ashamed about it, because it was a thought, and out of my control - but it was certainly interesting to reflect on. it happened, and i observed and analysed it. you wont be able to make me feel ashamed about it. i posted it becuase i find it a fascinating phenomenon, and i even thought some people might relate or feel seen. i certainly didnt post it for acceptance or approval.
condolences to any youngsters who were disturbed by it. i hope for your sake you extend better empathy to your own dark thoughts than you did to mine. cheero!
thanks for clarifying your story!
I didn't delete your post? It should be there somewhere. There were a lot of anons rushing to call you a pedo, and they really weren't in good faith. For the most part, they were one-sided attacks without any nuance or empathy, not really adding to the conversation. It's obvious why people are on guard, but we should all be quick to listen and slow to speak instead of rushing to make sweeping allegations.
some were also wondering why I posted your message, saying I shouldn't "give a platform" to "weird anons." But one shouldn't come to the anti-censorship blog and wonder why anti-censorship is being practiced. I think all should be allowed to share their story, no matter how potentially controversial. That doesn't mean endorsement, and it doesn't mean the opposite either. It just means freedom! We should all be able to share things without getting attacked or cancelled. And when we disagree, we should be able to do so civilly. so again, thank you for clarifying things!
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laurmaus · 6 months
My twitter rant thread j didnt even read before posting any of this it’s in my personal priv hold on let me get the context photo i started writing before she even opened her MOUTH to elaborate sorry im very passionaye about this
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ALL OF THE ABOVE IS FUCKING FRAZY. WHAT THE HELL DO U MEAN U WANT TO WAIT TO GET TO KNOW HIM MORE DO U REALIZE HOW SRUPID THAT SOUNDS THE GARROTH OPTION US STUPID TOO HOW IS HE ETILL IN THE OICTYTR IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM He has been by your side for AS LONG AS HES KNOWN YOU literally every single waking moment he’s spent dedicated to protecting you and making you laugh and Smile and like yeah that doesn’t mean you’re obligated to like him back but to say you want to get to know him more first is fucking insane you know EVERYTHING possibke anout laurance you’ve known him since before he was a shadow night you’ve stayed with him by his bedside while he was blind you saw him change hair and change eyes and become your friend your guard your right hand man he lived with you when the threat of okasis and scaleswind came to light he was the ONLY ONE you could trust when the amulet was discovered while garroth was too busy being brainwashed you two went out and GOT SHIT DONE He’s given his heart out so many times risked his life loo ked after malachi been a shoulder to lean on im dead seriois when i say NO ONE ELSE in this entire series has done this much for aphmau like even in the stupid non canon short stories you can See how much he cares and values her so much more than just a love interest but a friend he’s always cared and remembered small insignificant things about her when NO ONE else did like that fall was her favorite season or that she really liked mash potatoes when he found out garroth had a crush on her he literally tried to help SO MANY TIMES FULLY KNOWING!!!!!what it would mean if his attempts actually worked like he is not a jealous person thats the whole point of the SPEEL HE GAVE TO GARROTH IN THE IRENE DIMENSION laurwnfe is completely willing to give his own chance of a romantic relationship up in exchange of helping his friend he says in the beginning of season two i think like oh even if you do get with someone else i know you don’t love me just please let me stay by your side CAFENZA SAYS IT TOO he’s always putting aside his own happiness to see aphmau happy and yeah that’s really sad and unhealthy but watching his light hearted character slowly be warped into one whose jealous and impulsive and puts his own judgement in the moment above the safety of others is the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of everything he stands for oughhhhthat just makes me mad and c aphmau is a BITCH for acting like shes in the middle of this super crazy unexplainable situation while all of this is happening like WTF R U TALKING ABOUT I want to wait to get to know him more WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO KNOW????????GENIUENLY LIKE AM I MISSING SOMETHING HERE and WHY is garroth still in the roster am i crazy for not getting that either HOW CAN USERUOUSLT BE CONSIDERING THE MAN WHO IS SO INSECURE HE ISOLATED HIMSELF ABANDONED YOU AND YOUR VILLAGE AS HEAD!!!GUARD!!!!! All bc he thought you got with laurance WHICH SHE LITERALLY DID BTW but thays besides the point garroth has ACCEPTED he can’t be with aphmau and to bring the whole catalyst of the s1 finale back a quarter into the next season is weird especially when it wasn’t acknowledged while the situation itself was happening Dragging garroth back as a love interest was weird to me i geniuenly dont get it but maybe tbats bc im really bias?????? Maybe i don’t see something here but idk i think the whole game laurance is waiting to play when garroth is saved is weird and not a situation aphmau should be allowing like girl stand up😭 Why is she agreeing to wait for garroth to see “who she chooses” do u realize how fucking insane that sounds i don’t know if i’m explaining this jna way that makes sense ok im tired of writing this BRING OLD LAURMAU BACK🔥🔥🔥🔥
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romaritimeharbor · 7 months
honestly, one of my favourite things about the hoyo games is how they deal with immortality, im a sucker for immortal characters who dont enjoy being immortal and vise versa, yknow?
its why baizhu and yaoshi are so interesting to me, especially baizhu. most of the liyue story themes revolve around modernity vs. tradition and mortal life compared to the reclusive adepti, usually (im pretty sure its always?) siding with the former being better. so a character like baizhu, a mortal man desiring immortality is just so cool and i wished they gave enough of a shit to write him better (not that his writing is bad, especially compared to some other characters, but its very obvious the writers couldnt choose between a 'kind doctor' character or a more black jack-esque doctor who can cure anything but is pretty morally gray, especially the 'charging people a bizzare amount of money' thing)
one baizhu moment that i think about constantly is from his story quest where xiao tells him "immortality may not be the blessing that you imagine it to be." and i just wish hoyo could expand on that. like imagine wanting immortality more than anything and then basically being told by an ancient being "its not my buisness but please dont its awful."
(also yeah genshin's worldbuilding sucks so bad lmao, i've played through all of the main story and read alot about the lore and i still barely know What is even going on)
NO IT'S REALLY ONE OF THE COOLEST THINGS!!!!! hyv writing is kind of questionable most of the time but i think they did well in their handling of immortality. it's really fascinating to me.
baizhu wants to attain immortality so bad, to save others, to save changsheng, and maybe to save himself (just throwing that last one on there for fun tbh i think he's way more worried about others; the other potential victims of changsheng's contract if he does not end it asap, changsheng herself, etc). i wonder what he must've felt when xiao outright told him "immortality may not be all that you think it is" LIKE???? this ancient being told you not to do it. but he'll continue doing it anyway. a man who is blinded by his ambition. hmm. and yeah i do agree! but i also hope this particular trait of baizhu's was done for a reason, not just bc the writers couldn't pick between tropes. baizhu was written impressively well compared to some others, so i HOPE it really is there for a reason.
but to add my own little commentary regarding yaoshi bc i never stfu about them: yaoshi is so fascinating to me for so many reasons.
do they know about the consequences of their blessings? if so, did they warn the alliance's ancestors, and did those people just not listen? or... did they not say anything? if so, why? OR do they just not know?
(either way i think the xianzhou's explanation of their history is bullshit. girl why did you all go LOOK FOR THEM and ASK FOR IMMORTALITY and then get mad when they did what you asked....... smh. This is why we can't have good things [<- is biased])
to add onto that last point, are they so all-consumed by abundance that they cannot see beyond their path and cannot even perceive the harm their actions cause? it would be such a fascinating idea, because this would also explain why lan is SOOOO obsessed with them (just say you want to kiss them bro it's ok 😒 /J); if the "aeons are all-consumed by their path" is true, then lan literally cannot do anything BUT hunt yaoshi down. the trailblaze can do nothing but trailblaze, which would explain why they disappeared. They Trailblazed Too Far. but if this were true, then what would this mean for aeons like long?
OR. is yaoshi simply an amoral eldritch being, whose motivations and thought processes cannot be comprehended by mortals? adding to this point, why the fuck does the xianzhou alliance "categorize" the aeons GIRL THEY ARE ELDRITCH DEITIES NONE OF THOSE MFS ARE "GOOD" OR "EVIL" ❗️❗️❗️❗️
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