#i dont like hummus but the last time i tried it was when i was like 5
ratherbefangirling · 2 years
Belong 5
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Pairing: OT7 x reader
Genre: Fluff, Hurt /Comfort, Omegaverse
Synopsis: The pack seems to be falling for you but Jungkook doesn't like it one bit. What happens when he learns you are his mate
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When Yoongi wakes up on the sofa bed of their home office, he feels a body on lined across his. Wiping his sleepy eyes he notes its Jin.
Jin and Yoongi had bonded well while it might not be apparent to others because they were both shy. There was nothing Yoongi wouldn't do if it meant making Jin smile.
When Yoongi tried to move away Jin whined hugging the beta.
"I have to go to the bathroom hyung" yoongi said softly causing Jin to raise his head. Then he muffled his head in the pillow which were scented by the pack and kept so even if Yoongi who often liked sleeping alone could still be comforted by his pack.
Instead of returning to Jin, Yoongi fixed a quick breakfast for the elder.
Finally Jin awoke to the breakfast in bed. They ate together. Usually they wouldn't do it so as to set a better example for the younger members but today it was just the two of them . Also it was very quiet in the pack house. The older one's though used to and perhaps even slightly fond of the chatter appreciated the peace while it lasted.
Jin decided to play video games. After hell at work video gaming was the best stress buster.
"What do you want for lunch hyung?"
"Dont know."
"What about ramen?" Yoongi asked dressed in an apron one hand holding a spatial and other on his waist.
"The pack is the only men I want" Jin said giggling.
Yoongi shook his head to hide his fond smile and decided to go to Hoseok who was working in his studio.
When Yoongi opened the door Hoseok was busy recording himself wearing earpods so as to not disturb the other people in the house. Yoongi took his time to appreciate his mates moves, until Hobi finally noticed him.
Removing his earpod he came closer to Yoongi.
"Did you want something Hyung." Hobi asked chugging down his bottle of water.
"Lunch.. I'm planning on making ramen do you want some?"
"I'm on a diet it's only chicken and eggs for me... though I'd appreciate a salad." Hoseok replied.
Yoongi nodded already thinking about what to make salad with.
After defrosting the meat and seasoning it Yoongi left it in the oven.
He decided to go check on the vegetables Namjoon had planted in their garden.
The garden definitely needs a trim. He will have to see who would be fit for it.
He dug through the dirt for the carrots. Yoongi also plucked some other greens before wiping his sweat and heading inside.
He quickly got to washing and prepping the vegetables. He made quick work of chopping the greens.
He put down his knife to choose a peeler for the carrots because he had hurt himself last time. But the pack wouldn't have it and 'Let him destroy his pretty hands'. So they made him promise to use a peeler.
"Even if it causes wastage."
"Even then." Jin had said solemnly.
"Don't worry about the peels they make good compost hyung." Namjoon had added.
The carrots were sweet as he bit into them. He wondered if you'd like the carrots.
Jin entered the kitchen and ate a piece of carrot.
"Kookies going to love this." Jin commented.
Yoongi felt a stab of guilt. He had forgotten how much Jungkook favoured carrots since then they would always called him thier little bunny.
Yoongi decided to complete the salad and started looking inside the cupboard for seasonings where he discovered a tin of chickpeas and decided to make Hummus.
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The hustle bustle of his house woke Taehyung up, he searched his bed for Jimin but the temperature of the bedding let Taehyung know Jimin hadn't been here for a while. He turned and buried his head on the pillow still not wanting to wake up.
Jimin stood beside Taehyung's mom on the front of Taehyung's parents villa. The two bedroom house was cozy and filled with memorabilia of Taehyung and his family pack. The sunny weather and delivery of cabbages had prompted making of kimchi. Jimin was more than happy to help.
When Taehyung finally woke up, he decided to go to the living room. The sight of Jimin sitting between his family and looking right at home made something inside him warm, what was even better that Jimin was glowing from the praise.
"You're so lucky you have such a good pack omega." His father comments.
Taehyung only nods not ready to take eyes away from his omega.
Jimin notes Taehyung's presence and smiles even brighter, offering Taehyung some Kimchi and even if Taehyung isn't a fan of spice he'd do anything for Jimin. Their relationship was like that from the very beginning they would not expect anything but be willing to move the world for the other.
In the evening they spent time together at the park, swinging and playing on slides and drinking coffee from the convenience store (Taehyung drinks peach tea). Taehyung is pleased that Jimin's mood has remarkably improved. He doesn't even want to think about going back to the mess of the pack house.
"Taehyungie what happened?" Jimin asks concerned. Taehyung realises he had been unconsciously growling.
"Nothing." Taehyung replies. Jimin takes Taehyung's hands in his.
"Talk to me taetae." Jimin says softly and Taehyung thinks Jimin could never know the extent of Taehyung's feelings.
"I just we have to leave tomorrow."
"You can invite your family over." Jimin says almost naively until he hears Taehyung sigh and realises what Taehyung is actually worried over.
But instead of addressing Taehyung concern he gets off the swing and points towards the dumpling selling cart.
"Race you to the dumplings. Loosers going to pay." Jimin says taking off.
"Hey !! No fair." Taehyung says and follows Jimin.
Running and playing with Jimin, Taehyung thinks to himself that he doesn't need to be worrying when he can have delicious hot dumplings and listen to his soulmates laughter.
And it's especially nice to get to eat that last dumpling.
Even if he has stomachache later due to over eating
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Suyeon had been going to your house when her pack mom had asked her to look after Jungwon her little brother because she had a doctors appointment and the rest of the pack was very busy.
Jungwon and her had a huge age gap but she still loved her younger brother. Buying baby clothes when he was younger. Dressing him up. Making him bend to her will was all quite fun.
Jungwon too was devoted to his older sister. And the three of you played house and building blocks too when you were younger.
Now you would go cycling together or just to amusement parks but because of college. You had gotten busier so you couldn't make time to hang out.
The knock on your door alerted you to Suyeons arrival opening the door you immediately took Jungwon in your arms. While he had gotten heavier. He still was a baby to you.
"How's my wonie doing?" You coo.
Jungwon starts to ramble about his school showing off the new swan he had made in his art and craft class.
Suyeon used to the scene had taken it upon herself to check out your kitchen for snacks.
" There's brownies I baked yesterday." You inform her as Jungwon decides to use the swing chair and opens his tab.
"Wonie we still have to do your homework later ok."
Jungwon nods only half listening. So you take it upon yourself to check his homework and set it on table so that you could supervise his work without having to interrupt your own.
You and Suyeon were developing the final proposal that you were going to submit to the Dean and to your sponsors. After that Yeonjun and Taehee would be responsible for collecting fees from students and the rest of the finances would be Suho's job.
For the proposal you and Suyeon had scoured a lot of both offline and online markets. Soobin and Suyeon had even gone to visit some of the warehouses and restaurants.
You placed your planner next to computer and made a PowerPoint presentation. Suyeon too helped check and cross check.
In the middle your alarm rang and you made Jungwon open his books to complete his homework.
Soon it was time for dinner.
"What should we have for dinner?" Sooyeon wonders
"This new place opened I got the menu pamphlet. Do you want to check ? " You ask.
Suyeon nods.
"I'm going to have Fish and chips and we will get Jungwon Dino nuggies. What about you?"
"The ultimate Burger sounds nice.. I think I will be having that" you say.
You decide to clear the tables and Suyeon takes one last look at Jungwon's homework and then keeps it inside his school bag.
"It's ridiculous how easy it is." She tells you.
"I'm sure it's tough for him." You reply.
"Yes probably." You both are in the kitchen and Jungwon is watching TV , Suyeon checks if he's engrossed and he is so she turns to you a mischievous smile on her face, one that you've learnt to fear. "So....."
"Come on you and Yeonjun have been chummy. Is my bestie going to finally finally have a partner?"
"It's not like that.."
"Look me in the eye and say it." She says.
Luckily the door bell saves you.
"Food's here." You say your voice filled with more excitement than you felt.
Sooyeon eyes you but let's it go.
You lay the food on the table and it's nice not eating alone.
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Jungkook had forgotten about his upcoming project for which he had a mere 24 hrs left. It was an important project but Jungkook put it off for later until the dead line was screaming at his face. In his defense the recent tension had made unable to focus but talking to his pack alpha and the rest of the pack had been just the thing he needed. Soon Taehyung and Jimin would come and then after his project they could go on a group activity possibly mountain climbing because nothings better than physical exercise for one's mental health.
About you he still had mix feelings. Jungkook used to be a staunch believer in fate until he had to give up his old family for his new one and because he loved the pack he couldn't let him love you even when you had the sweetest scent he had ever sensed.
He thought about you often more often then he'd like to admit about your smile, about your hands, about how soft you were against him he still dreams about it. He wonders what loving you will be like, how would you react if he kissed you or held your hand, would you like to hug him upfront or prefer climbing his back. Would you like staying in front of his camera or behind it. Would you make cute faces or funny ones to get him to laugh.
A cup is kept on his desk bringing him to the present. Jin puts a plate of snacks to knowing Jungkook wouldn't be moving.
The pack had decided to sleep early because they were going to watch the sunrise tomorrow to enjoy the kast moment of peace before the maknaes came back but more importantly because the maknaes would never let them leave this early and the bed is more inviting and almost irresistible so.
"Here's some coffee. Don't stay up to late. I'm going to sleep. Taehyung and Jimin are coming but they might be late. " Jin told him barefaced and dressed in his favourite blue pajamas.
Jungkook nodded. Jin gave him a smile pinched Jungkook's cheeks and then left.
Jungkook stretched and dived straight into his assignment.
He was highly engrossed in his world when the bell chimed. He ignored it at first but then remembered he was the only one up.
It was probably Jimin and Taehyung forgetting thier keys. They really should act more responsible. He would get extra cuddles for this .. well after his assignment was done.
I'm coming he called out to the dor as he unlocked but instead of his two packmates he came across a little boy.
"Hey little dude what happened are you lost?" Jungkook racked his brain to remember if he'd seen the boy before. He came up blank.
"Y/n Noona sent me. Noona is sick , she fell ... needs help." The kid sniffles.
Jungkook's heart stops. Then he picks up the boy rushes to your house.
You're going to be fine.
You have to be.
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Hmm a cliff hanger .. sorry peeps don't worry though we just needed to screw some sense into our kookie
Yes I'm a villainess for ending it there. But hey our dude is coming in terms with his feelings.
Yes I'm very much into eternal roommate Yoonjin and Soulmates Vmin and overall ot7.
to be fair I have struggled writing this and because of other commitments I won't have time to write. I know this is shorter than usual but less update is still update right?
Hope you like it don't be shy in letting me know
Taglist : @jaiuneamesolitaiire ; @mintsugarmy ; @goooood-vibes ; @juju-227592 ; @singukieee ; @zae007live ; @rainbow-bunny-bts ; @fluffy-canada-pancakes ; @bleubirdinthesky ; @kyrah-williams ; @thedarkwinterrose ; @realswimshaddy ; @djodjom1 ; @thsrndkd ; @emu007 ; @jcrml
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June 29
Long rant about feelings
Damn ok tmro is the last day of June wtf
Having big anxiety rn bc I just watched a movie and like it was a good movie but something about it was unsettling and now I feel crazy 🙂
Before that it was a pretty good day - started brainstorming for a sculpture but idk if I'll have time to make it before I need to leave for Miami, also went on a boat ride to get dinner, had a caprese salad and waaaay more fries than I should've, still feeling it and I don't like it. Also a grapefruit crush which was good :) before that I had 4 pretzels with hummus and like a serving or two of potato chips. I think I'm at the point where I actually hate food and I'm kind of stressed how I'm going to function at work in a week but idk what to do about it.
Just feeling like a blah mood right now, probably from the movie or maybe the fries, idk. Tomorrow I'm gonna work on other projects that aren't crochet bc I think it's making me insane haha. Honestly feeling really bad about eating all those fries which is kinda sad bc normally fries are like my favorite food and they were really good but damn. Reminding myself: I'm still within the limit, one day won't matter in the long run, just drink water and eat better tomorrow, etc. Reminding myself that my shoulder bones are sticking out and even if my belly is a lil bloated tmro it won't affect my shoulders/collarbones :) wrists are looking skinny, legs are looking skinny, it's ok just relax.
I started all this up again like, I guess the last week of April, thinking it wasn't a "relapse" and that I'm not /never have been "disordered" ; but I feel like the vibe right now is not a relaxed healthy vibe lol. Honestly thinking about skipping the Miami gig just bc I don't want to have to start eating more. Feeling lonely and also avoiding everyone that ever tries to connect with me.
Also, there's a guy at work that I was hanging out with and he got way too serious about me way too fast and I've been kinda trying to keep my distance as much as possible without being an asshole but I think I'm actually being an asshole and I need to break up with him just so he actually gets the message, and I feel bad about doing that bc he really likes me but it's just giving me all kinds of vibes that I dont want right now, and like I only accepted the Miami gig bc he said he wasn't going but then I think he changed his mind bc I told him I was going, and I know he's gonna want to be roommates and act like a boyfriend, and like I've told him multiple times i dont want a boyfriend right now but I think I just need to be more clear about defining the relationship as just friends....... And idk if I should do that before we get there and room with someone else, idk who that would be which also gives me anxiety, or should I just go along with it for now and have a conversation in person when we get there........ Idk. Maybe that's the real reason I want to skip the gig, I don't want to deal with this but I've been avoiding it for so long and now I'm gonna have to answer to people at work who think we've been dating and ugh this is why I shouldn't date people at work, I need to trust my instincts on a guy from the beginning and not let it drag on when I'm not 100% into it, not get romantic with a person until I'm sure about it and I've known them for a solid chunk of time. Like he's such a sweetie and I don't want to break his heart but I just don't want that kind of relationship right now and I don't like that everyone at work thinks we're dating and calls me "his girl" and stuff. Kicking myself for handling this whole situation terribly the entire time, I should've been more clear at the beginning but I wasn't sure bc he is a nice guy and I have a tendency to push people away so I was like, maybe I'll give it a shot, but I feel like that wasn't the right move, I feel like I need to get better at setting boundaries while I'm still getting to know a person....
Relax, it's not that bad, things will unfold. Yes I've been an asshole to both him and D and I am learning lessons along the way and next time will be better :) it's one week in Miami and I will survive. I guess I'll call him when I leave here just so he's not blindsided when we get there. However it unfolds beyond that, only time will tell!
R is also going to be at the gig in August and then all the ones for the rest of the year which will be interesting so I'm going to stop overthinking it and just relax and live my life. People break up and I'm not responsible for someone else's happiness if it's negatively impacting my own. Right? Or am I just a selfish asshole? Maybe but I shouldn't have kept it going for so long if I wasn't feeling it, and it's better to be honest about it now.
Meanwhile; I'm a strong independent woman and I'm still learning how to navigate the dating world and every new person teaches me a different lesson. I'm traveling for work and I get to work a halftime show for a major national soccer tournament which is cool as fuck. I have time to finish up my projects here and spend time with my dad and then I'll go spend a couple days with my brother and clean the van etc, and then drive all the fucking way down the east coast *once again* lol and it's just another chapter in the story! Just another phase in the adventure! The next 2 chapters beyond that are going to be super fun and I'm so excited for them, let's start it off right with a positive attitude going into this one as well! I am smart and capable and funny and friendly and ready to see what unfolds. I don't have to let a man's feelings take precedence over my own. I am a free and independent woman. I am solo on my journey and I can do it and it will be fun and exciting and probably challenging. It will be hot in Miami and I can handle it. I am strong and capable. This first part will be the most challenging; I'll learn a lot of new things and challenge my body and my emotional strength; there's a week between the end of that and the next one, so I'll visit my mom and my friends in FL once again, and then I'll go camp in the mountains and get ready for a fun festival. And then another fun festival! And then a couple weeks off to spend more time with my family or whatever else happens along the way. I can relax and enjoy the ride. I can surrender to the journey. I can show up and do my best and smile through the struggles and make new friends. I can eat food to keep my body going!!! I can relax and it's going to be alright. Things will go better if I'm having fun with whatever shows up. I love my life even with all of its challenges; especially with all of its challenges. It's a new fresh chapter and I can do hard things. Maybe I'll cut my hair lol. After Miami I can go back to losing weight bc the following events will be easier on my body, and one week won't hurt my progress. Maybe I'll get over this phase and start eating better again. Who knows. I love my life and I'm grateful for these opportunities and I'm excited to see what unfolds.
Relax, breathe, go to sleep, have a good day tomorrow. Everything is working out. I love you ❤️
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Hey guys,
I see a lot of people who are struggling with binge eating in this Community. And I don't mean the "oh I ate over 1000 calories" binging, I mean the 3.000 -over 10.000 calories binging.
My Story : I always had a fast metabolism and was always the skinny girl who would eat a lot. Then I discoverd the pro-ana community and I thought I could become even skinnier, so I started restricting, but I always stayed over 1000 calories. I lost a lot of weight people where concerned and always commenting on how skinny and unhealthy I looked blablabla, I loved it. But then I would have these cravings and I would eat a lot, so I got back to my starting weight, over the years it got worse because I would try to restrict during the week and always binge on the weekend. Holidays where the worst, because I had no routine and would binge every day. Last year I finshed high school and started a gap year in the USA and maybe going to the US with binge eating disorder was the worst Idea of my life. In the last 8 month I gained over 22 lbs /10 kg. A lot of shit happend at home and I wasn't there, so I would eat my feelings, I would stay in bed for weeks and eat 10 whole meals a day until I thought I would die from a heart attack because I ate so much. I have a 9 to 5 job in an Office right now, so I dont move a lot. Most days I get up go to Work and have lunch, go back home have dinner, eat a lot of Snacks watch TV go to bed. But since a few weeks I am binge free, I still eat too much and not healthy all the time, but it's getting better slowly and I already lost some Weight. So here are my things that help me.
🌻Accept it.
You have Binge eating disorder, Yeah it sucks, and it's gonna happen again! Nothing sucks more than having this anorexic beauty standart /goal in your head, but binge eating at the same time. But this is where we are right now, so accept it. And dont promise yourself to never binge again, this will put you under pressure and you will most likley binge again! Promise yourself to get better.
🥗 Eat healthy.
All this processed food will lead to more cravings and wont make you full. Also healthy food is lower in calories, more nutrional and will make you feel better.
📺 Eat mindful.
Don't eat in front of any media. If you have time prepare your food and eat slowly. I used to eat every meal while watching something on my Phone, to the point where I couldnt watch something without craving food. Yeah eating in silence is boring but it will stop you from over eating. Also dont eat in your room!
🕛Eat regulary
Try to eat at the same time every Day. That doesnt mean you have to eat exactley at 12pm but try to eat around that time. What Works for me is having 3 big meals a day. But there are so many options like 3 meals two snacks etc. Just try to have a routine. It helps especially when you have trouble knowing when you are hungry or full. I try not to eat after 7pm because I know that thats mostly emotional /binge eating. And dont freak out if something unplanned is happening and you can't eat at that certain time. Its ok thats life. Try again tomorrow.
👭Eat with friends.
Especially when you feel like binging. Call a friend, do a sleepover. Eating with others will stop you from eating like a pig. Maybe you will still overeat but at least not until your stomache hurts.
😴 Get enough sleep.
If you lack of sleep your body is trying to get the energy from food, so you will eat more. Try to get 7-9 hours every night. And have a certain bedtime. I had most of my binges after 10pm but if you sleep you can't eat!
🏡 Get out of the house.
If you are at home it's easier to binge. No one is watching you and you have all the food around you. Try to have something to do every Day. Meet with friends, get a hobby. Even if you have work to do, do it somewhere else like the libary.
🙅Avoid Stress.
Bad feelings like stress will lead to binging. If you have a big project to do and you don't know how to start and you procastinate, that will lead to guild and stress. Start early, ask for help, prepare for a binge. Dont let other people Stress you, especially family members love to tell you how many things you should be doing and how far you are behind and how easy it is to do All of this. Its ok, breathe, especially with Depression and an eating disorder it often feels like you are stuck in life and everyone else figured it out. Its not like that! Your trying! As long as you keep trying you are not stuck!!!
👸Don't compare yourself to others!!!!
This is maybe the most improtant one. Dont compare yourself, yes there are people where it seems like there are perfect, they have all this energy and they are good in everything. But who cares? They are not you, you should only compare yourself with yourself. Everything else will make you feel like you can never do it and you will never be good enough. But if you only Focus on your own progress you will get happy and stay motivated.
🐢 Be slow.
Yes I know we all want to see change as soon as possible. But change takes time. Think about where you would be right now if you made slow but constant progress?! Yeah we see all these people who eat under 1000 calories exercise every day and have straight A's. But you tried that right? It worked for a week and then you binge again. Dont overwhelm yourself Start slow. Start with one challange a week. Set yourself realistic Goals. For example exercise 4 times a week. Thats your goal for the week nothing else. You could stay in bed all Day and eat, as long as you exercise 4 times a week. It works, I promise you wont stay in bed all Day, but if your brain thinks you could then it doesnt feel like restricting and you wont binge. Its So weird but the Moment you tell yourself Im gonna binge again and it's ok, you are less likley to binge. The mindset, I never gonna binge again, is the most dangerous.
⭐Dont be a fucking perfectionist!
I told myself so many times Im gonna eat healthy and then I would eat one drop of olive oil and be like fuck it now Im gonna eat 10.000 calories of junk! There are so many diffrend ways to reach your goal! Not this one perfect way. And even the most perfect people are not always perfect. You dont have to be perfect to reach your goal!!!!!!!! Slow progress!!!! Kill your All or nothing mindest!!
🍕Enjoy your binge.
If you are about to binge, keep calm, Trink some water. Call a friend, prepare your binge food, try to make it more healthy,for example vegan junk food or stuff like hummus and Avocado, wich are tasty and high in calories but healthy. Binging on more healthy food will make you feel better than binging on McDonalds and your skin is not going to break out, also it is hader to eat as many calories with healthy food. Enjoy the food, dont just swallow it!
🚫Dont restrict the day after!
It seems so logic right? I binge, now Im gonna starve the next Day. But this will ALWAYS lead to another binge. Dont skip meals! Move on as if nothing happend!
🤸Learn to fill the void
Lets be honest there are only 2 reason why we binge,1. You don't eat enough and your body is trying to get the nutrition. And 2. you're trying to feel better. Tasty food is releasing Dopamin and we feel good, at least while we are eating. But after you binge you feel disgusting and like a failure. So you have to find something else to fill that void. I read once that for every Bad habit you want to break you need 5 good habits. So find something that makes you happy. Start your Day dancing to your favourite songs. Meet with friends. Exercise. Watch your favourite Show without any distraction. Draw. Masturbate :) whatever makes you happy.
🌈Stay motivated.
Remember, progress is slow. Sometimes you wont see any change, your brain will tell you it's not worth it and to just give up. Remember why you started. Keep a tumblr with stuff that inspires and motivates you, but don’t compare yourself with others! Search for people who have the same problems it's not a race, be Kind to each other motivate each other. And don’t use your whole energy for this one goal, focuse on other things in life, time will go faster that way. Dont search for change in the morrior everyday! You got this!
🍑Hope this helps someone. If you have more Tips please share. If you have questions ask me and if you want to chat, message me.
Sorry for my spelling btw.
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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The sun was out today and that was really nice. But people were outside screaming last night? Like it was some women yelling at eachother for way to long. I got up and tried to see where they were but I couldnt. Eventually I was able to get back to sleep. My alarm went off at 9 and I found James in the dungeon playing animal crossing. And today was a big day! We finally got out concert which means we finally got teraforming! I could add roads! I was super excited. 
Today was actually really nice. I wore my new kimono thing. Felt really cute. I got to just hang out with my boyfriend and enjoy the morning. 
We decided it wasnt a day to do writing work. It was a day to make hummus from scratch and enjoy eachothers company. 
And thats what we did. We had lunch. We hung out. The apartment smelt like spices and garlic. It was a nice day. 
James left a little early. I got out of the game and worked on cleaning the apartment. I vacuumed and tidied. It was nice. I cleaned the bedroom fishtank because its still a little cloudy. I hope it calms down. 
Once I was done cleaning I made a video of our animal crossing island. I had to use the ladder to hold the tripod but I think it came out okay! I still wish I could figure out how to stream the game but we dont have a capture card. I heard you could maybe use the xbox as a conduit so maybe we will look into that. But thats not a big deal really. 
I puttered around the apartment Mostly I worked on the island. Its still hard for me to feel right about it. Like I really enjoy it. Its creative, Im making, Im exploring. But its a video game. Something I have never really enjoyed. So its hard for me to like. Let myself enjoy it. Like before we got this game I was still staring at my phone all day, so like, I wasnt on the screens less. I dont know. Its just hard to let myself enjoy it. 
I made dinner. And then the mail came. My harp came!! It needs to be tuned but its so beautiful. I am really excited to play around with it. 
I was hanging out here having a snack when James texted me that he had a flat tire and was going to walk home. But thats unacceptable so I drove the like 5 minutes to pick him up. Not gonna having my boyfriend walk 45 minutes in the dark. 
Were home now. I am pretty sleepy. It was weird driving. Its been so long. No one was really out on the road. I liked seeing the houses at night. String lights and signs. It was really nice. 
Now is almost time for sleep. Tomorrow I hope to complete some work. I hope you all have a great night. I hope no one is noises outside in your neighborhood. 
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thisbibliomaniac · 5 years
All the asks! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
hnnnng okay. just for you ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?Teacups and wine glasses 👌 but they have to be big tea cups and pretty wine glasses. My house will be full of wine glasses and no wine 😂 2. chocolate bars or lollipops?Chocolate 3. bubblegum or cotton candy?Cotton candy 4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?It was my mom, so probably nothing flattering XD 5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?I prefer to drink pop because I'm not an animal. 6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?Boho7. earbuds or headphones?Neither :/ 8. movies or tv shows?Both!! 9. favorite smell in the summer?Fresh air 10. game you were best at in p.e.?Dodgeball 11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?Nothing 12. name of your favorite playlist?👍 13. lanyard or key ring?Key ring14. favorite non-chocolate candy?Reese's pieces 15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?Madman 16. most comfortable position to sit in?None :///17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?My work shoes. They're also my most expensive shoes by a lot, but I can actually walk at the end of the week now 😂 18. ideal weather?Fall weather 19. sleeping position?Side 20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?Notebook with lines, but I also love typing 21. obsession from childhood?General and specific history 22. role model?None 23. strange habits?I was moderately obsessive compulsive as a kid, and our kitchen and basement stairs are black and white tiles like a checkerboard. For years upon years I only ever stepped on the black tiles, which meant for years upon years I always walked up and down the stairs the same way. A few years ago the kitchen floor was replaced, but not the basement stairs. Last week there was a basket on the landing so I started off on the wrong foot and almost fell three times on four stairs 😂 muscle memory, man. 24. favorite crystal??25. first song you remember hearing?Oh goodness i dont know26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?Drive with the windows down and Needtobreathe playing 27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?Stay inside and read 28. five songs to describe you?D: also no idea! 29. best way to bond with you?Literally just talk. I hate feeling like I'm being interrogated and tend to shut down if all you do is ask more and more probing questions. Talk about yourself. 30. places that you find sacred?My car. 31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?None :///32. top five favorite vines?Somehow I missed out on all of vine culture lol 33. most used phrase in your phone?lol 34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?I only use Netflix and mp3 so I rarely hear ads anymore 35. average time you fall asleep?236. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?Probably grumpy cat?37. suitcase or duffel bag?Bag 38. lemonade or tea?Tea!39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?Bothhh40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?I'm sure there are lots of things, but I can't think of them 41. last person you texted?Probably Stell 42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?Pants pocket if they'd ever make them big enough for my phone 43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?All of the above. Except maybe jean jacket 44. favorite scent for soap?Pumpkin spice! 45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?All! 46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?Yoga pants and tank top 47. favorite type of cheese?Feta48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?Cherry 49. what saying or quote do you live by?"More isn't always better, sometimes it's just more." 50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?Interesting lettuce 51. current stresses?Everything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 52. favorite font?Webdings 53. what is the current state of your hands?Typing? 54. what did you learn from your first job?Everything I would ever need for life 😂 55. favorite fairy tale?Cinderella! 56. favorite tradition?Don't really have any 57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?Nope 58. four talents you’re proud of having?¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?I'm right and I should say it 60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?I don't know anything about anime, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?Too many to choose from 62. seven characters you relate to?63. five songs that would play in your club?Anything from Needtobreathe or Taylor Swift 64. favorite website from your childhood?That veggietales gaming one 65. any permanent scars?Yes 66. favorite flower(s)?Roses and Plumerias 67. good luck charms?None 68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?Stevia 69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned???70. left or right handed?Right 71. least favorite pattern?Paisley 72. worst subject?Science 73. favorite weird flavor combo?Veggie chips and hot sauce 74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?Depends on what type of pain. I can handle everything except a migraine, which I only cant handle because I know it won't go away on its own. 75. when did you lose your first tooth?No idea 76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?Curly fries 77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?All I've ever grown was told 78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?Hummus from a gas station 79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?No photos of me look good 80. earth tones or jewel tones?Jewel tones 81. fireflies or lightning bugs?Fireflies 82. pc or console?Depends on if I'm playing Mario kart or roller coaster tycoon 83. writing or drawing?I can't do either :////84. podcasts or talk radio?¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 84. barbie or polly pocket?Polly pocket!! 85. fairy tales or mythology?Fairy tales 86. cookies or cupcakes?Cookies87. your greatest fear?Too late 88. your greatest wish?I want a kitten 89. who would you put before everyone else?Obi 90. luckiest mistake?My first job. My boss didn't realize I wasn't technically old enough to run the grill for another two months, so it was harder on her for a while, but that was my favorite job. 91. boxes or bags?Bag 92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?a l l 93. nicknames?Not big on them. I'm good with Bibi though 94. favorite season?Fall! 95. favorite app on your phone?The calculator 96. desktop background?I've been meaning to change it. It's been Tim drake for like six years 97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?Oh gosh so many. Lots of family numbers, and tons of local dealerships. A handful of coworkers. Every place I've ever worked. The Chevy dealers fax number. I'm good with numbers. 98. favorite historical era?Tudor England (just the drama, not the politics) and the Salem witch trials Thanks dear 💖💖💖
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11 questions
I was tagged by the glorious alex @queerlyalex ! love u thank u
The rules are: ✰ post the rules ✰ answer the questions given to you by the tagger ✰ write eleven questions of your own ✰ tag eleven people
1. If you had unlimited resources for one thing, such as going to school or travelling or to meet someone or to do a good work such as solving the water crisis in Flint, what would you use your unlimited resources for?
i would do the good thing. not necessarily bc i wanted to?? but because if i DIDNT i would be so plagued by guilt i couldnt enjoy the unlimted one thing anyway. also i’d hope i’d want to do the good thing tho.
2. Say you’re an amazing photographer and you got picked up by National Geographic (before Rupert Murdoch of course, ick), they are willing to let you go anywhere in the world to photograph any subject, where are you going and what are you taking photos of?
i am...not good at photography but i would probably go to ethiopia bc it is gorgeous and the people are gorgeous and i would just take photos of relationships
3. Do you listen to music when you go to sleep?
absolutely. its gotten to the point where i have a hard time sleeping if i dont have music playing.
4. Have you ever had a “food phase” where you absolutely cannot stop eating this one thing, or a few things in combination? Do you still get cravings for whatever it was?
a cheese quesadilla with beans added (it makes sense dont question it)
5. Can you tell me about the best pet you’ve ever owned? Or someone else owned and you still connected with? If you’ve never experience this comradery with an animal a) I’m sorry and b) tell me about a stuffed animal or a beloved trinket.
my childhood dog was a beautiful collie named taffy and she was my size when we first got her (i was probably three?) and i loved her and i used to sleep curled up on her dog bed with her and when she got hit by a car two years later it was the only time i can remember crying in grief my whole childhood.
6.Do you like hummus? If you haven’t ever tried it, Google it and tell me if you would be willing to try it.
hummus is EXCELLENT especially with homemade Armenian pita
7. What’s the most you’ve ever spent on fan merch, whether it’s an object or an album preorder, etc.
i think....sixty dollars on a 1d otra hoodie?
8. I have a really weird #adulting life goal where I want to end up with a house that has a formal dining room. Do you have an #adulting life goal?
9. Do you have pajamas, like PJs you bought from the PJ section at the store and wear as PJs to bed, or do you wear whatever such as sweats and a tshirt from your closet like I’m wearing right now?
oddly enough, i am also wearing sweats and a tshirt rn which..answers that question lol
10. What are some of your goals in 2018? Either goals for yourself or what your doing or your fandom experience, etc. Can you tell me about them?
finally finishing this library course im working on and getting a FULL TIME JOB (fingers and prayers crossed for me in that area friends if u dont mind!)
11. What is a happy memory you feel like sharing?
when i got to see my grace @kingofattolia last year and we rode in the back of molly @lionlass7‘s truck and i force-cuddled her and fell asleep and it was glorious
and im not gonna write new questions or any of that bc i SHOULD BE ACTUALLY WRITING LOL*
*i should be doing schoolwork shhh
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crispy rice and egg bowl with ginger-scallion vinaigrette
It’s really unfortunate timing, because we’ve got a long year to go and I at one point had many great and luminous cooking plans for it, but they’re all cancelled now because on the afternoon of January 4th, before 2019 had really even kicked in, I ate the best thing I had or will all year or maybe ever — because what would the internet be without some unnecessary melodrama — and I threw it together from a mess of leftovers in my fridge.
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Don’t you hate it when those lifestyle guru-types tell you about the meals they threw together from their leftovers, which just happen to be in tip-top shape, chromatically balanced, and Instagram-perfect. In real life, or at least mine, leftovers are a lot of Let’s Never Speak About That Again, the best of intentions cut short by poor planning, the now shamed and guilt-ridden humans responsible for the disgrace vowing to do better by that murky bag of herbs and liquefied cucumber next time.
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But not last week. Last week, on January 1st, I made David Chang’s Bo Ssam, something I do once a year or so when I want to make a jaw-dropping feast for a crowd with exactly three ingredients (pork shoulder, salt, sugar) even a person living through the aftereffects of an evening of daquiris can handle. Of course, because most three-ingredient recipes are a lie, there are a few other things you make to serve with it: a Ssam sauce (it’s like a vinaigrette), a ginger-scallion sauce (a riff on the classic Cantonese sauce), rice, and I always like to serve it with marinated julienned carrots and thinly sliced cucumbers so needless to say, these leftovers were well above-average. Bo Ssam makes a lot; we ate it on the 1st, the 2nd, and the 3rd before we were finally out of pork, but I still had a smidge left of everything else so for lunch on that 4th day of the year, I put it all in a bowl and topped it with a crispy fried egg.
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But first, I crisped the rice. The world of crisped, stuck-pot, scorched, fried, and tahdig-ed rice is vast and nuanced and fascinating and I’m not going to even try to do it justice here, but what they all have in common, what they all know, is that cooked rice that’s been allowed to crisp is a glorious thing. My favorite — short-grain brown or white rice — is particularly good at this, starchy and thick enough to be both crackly edged and tender-centered in a single grain. (What a showoff.) It, apparently, smells like popcorn when you cook it.
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I have told every single person I’ve seen or spoken to since about how amazing this lunch was (their eyes mostly glazed over, it’s fine, I understand) and now it’s your turn. I’ve tried to pare it down to just the most essential parts — crispy rice, a crispy egg, and a ginger-scallion-sauce-meets-vinaigrette — plus whatever crunchy or leftover vegetables you have around. I hope it becomes your new favorite 2019 meal, too.
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One year ago: Boulevardier Two years ago: Crusty Baked Cauliflower and Farro Three years ago: Ugly-But-Good Cookies and Swiss Chard Pancakes Four years ago: Mushroom Marsala Pasta Bake Five years ago: Coconut Tapioca Pudding and Chicken Pho Six years ago: Ethereally Smooth Hummus and Gnocchi in Tomato Broth Seven years ago: Apple Sharlotka Eight years ago: Vanilla Bean Pudding and Pizza with Bacon, Onions, and Cream Nine years ago: Barley Risotto with Beans and Greens and Poppy Seed Lemon Cake Ten years ago: Almond-Vanilla Rice Pudding and Light Wheat Bread Eleven years ago: Lemon Bars and Crunchy Baked Pork Chops Twelve years ago: Balthazar’s Cream of Mushroom Soup and World Peace Cookies
And for the other side of the world: Six Months Ago: Bourbon Peach Smash 1.5 Years Ago: Confetti Party Cake 2.5 Years Ago: Peaches and Cream Bunny Cake 3.5 Years Ago: Green Beans with Almond Pesto 4.5 Years Ago: Sticky Sesame Chicken Wings
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openvisionz-blog · 6 years
OpenVisionZ Blog #13 - The Story of the 13 Year Old Assassin
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Classic Wrestling Matches
Last night Farts got extremely drunk and started throwing Texas Clover Leafs, and Facebusters on his furniture unaware of operation "Gas Mask" the Chinese Triads assassination attempt on the malodorous Ex Pro Amatuer Wrestling Phenom - Roarin Farts McGuilliman Roarin Farts was walking home from his favorite restaurant, Chinks Lee All You Can Eat Chinese Buffet in Brooklyn, New York, he loved the cheesy stuffed Chinese burrito pockets and all you can smother hummus dip
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 they had and always ranted about how clean and well kept their restrooms were.  Roarin Farts decided to grab a 30 racker of his preferred drink of choice, True Ice Beer, at One Eyes Beer & Spirits before heading home.  Farts stepped into his apartment, plopped himself on the couch, popped in old VHS tapes
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 of his most classic wrestling matches
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, and pushed out a giant fart while cracking a beer.  When he got to the Cage and Rage Mania Match held at The Omaha Meat Grinder, he was elbow dropping couch cushions, as the matches went on, the more Roarin Farts would drink and reminisce of how he could finish a bum wrestlers career at anytime performing high flying dare devil signature moves like the Flying 360 Brown Eye Buttock Drop and the Flying Mouth Shart.  Farts put in the last VHS tape
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 of his classic wrestling match box set, The Cage and Rage Matches from Hell Vol 5, the legendary match between Thick "Tuna Can Dick" Turner and him started playing, Roarin Farts began slurring out old wrestling taunts at his TV with frustration, he screamed out "Sharts in Yo Mouth Bitch" while throwing a sloppy arm bar and all of a sudden as if Thick "Tuna Can Dick" Turner was sprawled out on his living room floor, Farts climbed his coffee table and full of remiss leaped off attempting to pull off a high Flying 360 Brown Eye Buttock Drop, failing horribly and hitting his head on the end table knocking him out until the next day.
Roarin Farts Apartment
The next day, Roarin Farts woke up and reached over to grab a warm, flat, half empty can of True Ice Beer, after drinking it he chased it with the last drag of a cigarette butt he found from under the flipped over ashtray on the floor. He sat up and belched out the word "Mouth Farts" then stood up to see the mess he made, flashbacks of last nights imprudent behavior started running threw his head, he looked over towards his closet and the door was wide open, he squinted his eyes to see a little body sprawled out next to his closet, he thought to himself I hope I didn't call Lin's Escort Service for another Lady Boy midget again, but then remembered he was blackballed from Lin's and pretty much all of the escort services for paying with stolen credit cards.
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Farts had no idea who or why there was a 4 foot person face down on his floor, he stumbled over to the closet with a half limp stiffy and a half ass buzz to see who the vertically challenged suspicious unknown lifeless body was and began to poke at the little body with a broken selfie stick
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, Roarin Farts mumbled "hey wake up it's time go party's over", he got no response from the person, he gave another poke and said aloud "hey get up you gotta go", still nothing.  Roarin Farts knelt down and noticed that the little person was wearing a all black judogi
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 and had two ninja sai's
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 tucked into a black belt and for some reason they had a purple bandanna over their mouth and face. Farts was flummoxed.
Roarin Farts
Roarin farts anxious and bemused, tried to put together what he did last night that would have involved little ninja's but all he could remember was watching his classic wrestling match
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 with the ferocious 7'5 "Japanese Tornado" Swung Lo Hoggins in the 1987 International Wrestling Federation of Amateur Wrestlers "Royal Blood Battle" on VHS
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.  Roarin Farts McGuilliman was bewildered as to why there was a what seemed to be dead ninja midget on the floor of his apartment.  Roarin Farts reached over and pulled the bandanna up, it was a 13 year old boy.  Farts gasped then let a leaky fart slide out, at first he thought that maybe he invited one of the neighborhood kids over to play wrestling games
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 and a horrible accident happened, but then realized that the neighborhood he lived on had no families just users and losers, no kids just hookers and dope dealers, and definitely no mini ninjas just pushers and pimps, then he thought that maybe the neighborhood pimps may have started a child sex ring but the main pimp in the area was Long Dick Chappy, he ran the trade on vagina and was only in the business of selling snatch from older woman, grown men, and some animals. Farts knew Chappy would never deal with children and especially little ninja boys.  He started digging around the boy for identification and came across a piece of paper which had his address and the words "operation gas-mask" written on it. Roarin Farts started to fart out of shear nervousness he had to put 2 and 2 together, he thought that maybe this kid was one of his illegitimates conceived during his illustrious pro amateur wrestling career, so he tried to look for recognizable facial features, he propped the dead ninja kid up and turned his face to the light to get a better look, then noticed that this kid was covered in scars and had cross-hairs tattooed on his neck and a tear drop tattoo under his eye.  Roarin Farts had a bad feeling about the situation, last nights hangover started to wear off as did the half limp stiffy, he started to wonder what kind of kid runs around a neighborhood with neck tattoos, and Chinese ninja sai's
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 then it became clear that the kid laying on his floor was not one of his illegitimate children, nor a neighborhood hoodlum. Farts came to the conclusion that "operation gas mask" was a sepc ops assassination contract put out by the Chinese Triads
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 to eliminate the gas. Farts ran to the phone and started to dial his old wrestling manager, Mr. Bob Bickles whom he thought could give him some answers, he got a busy signal followed by "sorry this number is disconnected repeated by please try your call again.
The Loquacious Pimp
Farts was confused he tried to dial the number again but it was followed by the same busy signal and message, he knew something wasn't right, Mr. Bob Bickles was retired from the wrestling business and only left his house to hit the XXX Peep Shows
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 around Brooklyn.  Roarin Farts started to fart out of fear, he had a bad feeling about why Mr. Bob Bickles wasn't answering the phone, and it became clear as day that the Triads
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 were out to cut the cheese. Roarin Farts grabbed his Polaroid
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 and snapped a picture of the 13 year old assassins face and immediately called the only pimp who still gave him credit on hoes, Long Dick Chappy, the loquacious pimp.  Long Dick answered the phone, "Fuck is this" - Roarin Farts, "It's Farts I got a dilemma Chappy" - he explained that he woke up with a 13 year old ninja assassin on his floor dead, and that he had a feeling the Triads are involved and possibly got to Mr. Bob Bickles because his phone isn't working.  Long Dick Chappy said, "Dont worry Farts I got that LD, Get to my office baby, take it easy like a mac makes em sleazy, keep your cool like a pimp gets em wet by the pool, papa keep it smooth, relax I got you" Long Dick knew how the Triads liked to operate, he's dealt with the Triads a few times and has also defeated a few assassination attempts from crime organizations, like the Guyanese Mafia, the Nigerian Organized Crime Organization, The Spanish Smuggling Association and others, Long Dicks worst enemy was the Triads, he knew that Roarin Farts or Mr. Bob Bickles must have disrespected the Triads in a horrible unforgettable way or they would not have sent the 13 Year Old Assassin.
The Tale Of The 13 Year Old Assassin
Triads Grand Master Leader - Ghou Han Zhen
The 13 year old assassin was a ancient Chinese myth that has only been rumors in the streets, Long Dick Chappy knew that Roarin Farts was in trouble but had to make a plan to get him to safety. Farts arrives at Long Dicks office, white as a ghost, shaking, trembling, and bursting out little poots as he stood at the door way.  Long Dick Chappy invited him in and locked the door behind him then began to ask Farts if anyone followed him, Farts said, "no," Chappy began telling the tale of the 13 year old assassin, and how he doesn't appear for no reason, and that the little ninja dead on the floor back at the apartment was not the only 13 year old ninja assassin, that there will be more 13 year old assassins that will make more assassination attempts.  Chappy went on to say that The 13 Year Old Assassin is a old Chinese tale from the Ming Dynasty
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, it involves triad ghost warriors created by Pakistani voodoo witch doctors who had teamed up with the Triads Grand Master Ghou Han Zhen back in the day to eliminate Japanese Yakuza
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 Pirates.  It all started when Triads Grand Masters 13 year old son, Qou Han Zhen, was on a fishing excursion, the vessel he was on was hijacked by Japanese Pirates who sold children to a Philippine child labor group and executed the rest of the fishing crew older than 13. The Triads Grand Master Leader, Ghou Han Zhen, received the news of his sons capture and had a plan to buy back his son from the Filipino Child Labor Group, he agreed to a large amount of gold to be delivered to the Spratly Islands off the south coast of China in exchange for his son, The Spratly Islands were secretly occupied by the Japanese Yakuza
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, they were using the islands as a pirate recruitment base, but the Triads had known that Yakuza Pirates were occupying these islands because of a trade deals involving opium for hummus with Pakistani witch doctors, the witch doctors gave reports of flat faced pirates being seen in and around the south coast to the Triads who kept close tabs on the Yakuza pirates, as a way to keep friends close but enemies closer tactic.  So the Triads Grand Master Leader, Ghou Han Zhen, proposed a deal with the Pakastani witch doctors to make a voodoo potion weapon, but in exchange for the potion the witch doctors wanted perform voodoo, a spell would be performed on all of the Triads 13 year old children, they would be immortalized. Grand Master Leader, Ghou Han Zhen agreed to the deal with the Pakastani Witch Doctors for 2 reasons, it would aide of the rescue of his son and make trade safe on the south coast again,  eliminating the threat of Yakuza Pirates. The Pakistani Witch Doctors made a poisonous gas tincture of hummus
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 and curry that the Triads would hide in the chest of gold, Grand Master Leader Ghou knew that Yakuza Pirates would attempt hijack the shipment, and when the Yakuza
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 Pirates opened the chest, it would trigger the release of the poisonous gas which will knock out the pirates, allowing the Triads to capture them, then the Triads would be able to slaughter the Filipinos because they would not have the Yakuza Pirates as back up. The plan worked, the Triads were able to defeat the Yakuza Pirates all while regaining control of the Spartly Islands and rescuing the Baby Triad Emperor, "Qou Han Zhen", from the Filipino Child Labor Group who the Triads
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 captured and sold into slavery in Indonesia. After the rescue, Triads Grand Master Leader, Ghou Han Zhen, allowed the Pakistani voodoo witch doctors to cast a voodoo curse spell on 13 children of the Grand Masters choice.  The voodoo spell meant to immortalize the 13 children gave Ghou Han Zhen a advantageous opportunity for the Triads Organization.  Ghou Han Zhen chose to make a crew of immortal child warrior ninja assassins, training the immortalized children in the art of war, and building the temple of the 13 Year Old Ninja on the Spartly Islands. The children were trained in all aspects of hand to hand combat and combat weaponry, it resulted in a army of 13 year old Ninjas that were eventually sent to eliminate the worlds Child Labor Organizations. Legend has it that the immortalized children of the Triads still occupy the Spartly Islands, and that the Triads have used them to their advantage to grow the organization to be the most notorious gang the world has ever seen.
Now that Long Dick explained the story of the 13 year old assassin, Roarin Farts started to remember that back in his preeminent wrestling career, Mr. Bob Bickles scheduled a lot of mid tier amateur wrestling matches in japan, Mr. Bickles would talk about some deal he had with this Chinese company to sponsor wrestling matches, and that they imported hummus
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 and owned a bunch of child day care services in and around China.  One day after Roarin Farts winning one of the wrestling matches, Mr. Bickles seemed very distraught and warned Roarin Farts never to eat hummus in a Asian restaurant after dark, but Farts didn't pay no mind to the statement by Mr. Bickles about eating hummus after dark and thought he was just getting old.
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Long Dick Chappy started getting a weird feeling and then there was a knock on the door, he gestured to Farts to be quiet and tiptoed to the door and looked through the peep hole but no one was there, he opened the door and there was a big heaping bowl of hummus
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 with a severed human hand on top holding a note, the note had the words "operation gas mask" written in red crayon.  Long Dick knew he had issues, he started to go for his gun safe but then realized that if the Triads knew Farts was here, they must have already booby trapped the gun safe and probably are watching them right now. Long Dick looked over at Farts and said, "yo, we got a problem, The triads know where we are and we have to get out of here now big daddy smelly legs",  he showed Farts the bowl of hummus
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 and the severed hand, Farts blew a fearful fart and said,  "I know those fingers man, thats Mr. Bickles hand!! What the fuck they killed Mr. Bickles Long Dick, they killed Mr. Bob fucking Bickles!! What are we gonna do?"  Dick Chappy reached for his secret throw away emergency phone and called his bottom bitch, "Olivia Le'Avenem Limp", aka "The Lil Babushka", LD explained the problem and told her to reach out to the Russians for some back up, then to meet him in Brooklyn, at the hand job spot under the subway tracks. The Lil Babushka was a Ex-Professional Russian Bear Jockey who was not intimidated by anyone, especially the little dicked Chinese Triads. She decided that she would not reach out to the Russians, and handle this business with her bare hands. She hopped in a taxi and headed towards Brooklyn.
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Chappy asked how Roarin Farts killed the Ninja that was at his apartment and Farts insisted that he didn't, he said he woke up and the 13 Year Old Ninja was on the floor dead with a bandanna over his  mouth.  Chappy thought about the old Chinese tale and how the Triads defeated the Yakuza pirates with a Pakistani Voodoo Stink bomb
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, he asked Farts if he sleeps with windows open, Farts said, "no, I don't even have windows" Then Farts made a couple fart snappers, tight poppers, packed with a cheesy redolence, Long Dick took a sniff then asked Farts, "what in the hell did you eat, you bad mah fucker," Farts told him that he had been drinking True Ice Beer and ate at Chinks Lee All You Can Eat Chinese Buffet in Brooklyn he had Cheese Stuffed Chinese Burrito Pockets, and how that they have the best Cheesy Stuffed Chinese Burrito Pockets but when he goes heavy on the hummus dip, it gives him horrible, cloying flatulence.  Then a light bulb went off in Dicks head, he knew Roarin Farts must have filled the little apartment with Cheesy Burrito Beer Farts while knocked out on the floor, when the 13 Year Old Assassin entered the apartment unbeknownst to the miasma of Roarin Farts' deadly cheesy hummus farts, he got overwhelmed with the fetor stench of cheesy beer hummus
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 fart gas and passed out, then from the lack of oxygen to his little tiny lungs, and the fact that Farts had no ventilation, the prolonged exposure to cheesy farts the mini ninja in a stench coma!!  Roarin Farts was in denial, he insisted his farts could never kill anyone but Long Dick knew that was the only thing that made sense. Long Dick grabbed the keys to his Big Dick Caddy Car and told Roarin Farts, "Lets go! We gots to meet that Lil Babushka at the hand job spot in Brooklyn".
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They slowly opened the door, Chappy sticks his head out and looks down the hallway and then said, "The coast is clear Baby Boofs", they quickly ran for the elevator but it had a out of order sign on it, Farts let a tiny little fart out and Chappy said, "Ain't that a bitch".  Then they notice a small black figure walking towards them slowly, Farts shouts out "Chappy, That's the mini ninja kid!!".  Long Dick reached into his pocket and pulled out a lighter, he tells Farts, "Bend over and get ready to rip if this little Chinese ninja punk ass kid gets any closer!" Farts dropped his pants, spreads his cheeks, and bent over aiming his brown eye directly at the little ninja. The 13 year old ninja stopped, laughed, and threw a smoke bomb
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 on the floor then disappeared very mysteriously.  While bent over, Farts was looking at a big open window at the end of the hall, he said, " LD, there's a window" Chappy and Farts started to run towards end of the hall, Chappy knew they could climb the fire escape down and get out of the building before the 13 year old ninja could come back. Farts went first, but as he bent over to climb out of the window, he blew a toxic monster fart that hit Long Dick directly in the face, Long Dick was immediately aswoon by the fumes.  Long Dick began coughing and throwing up, he shoved Farts out of the window causing him to slip and fall down the fire escape right into the dumpster below. Long Dick knew that if he had inhaled anymore of the toxic gas he would have passed out, he instinctively dove out of the window behind Roarin Farts landing on top of him in the dumpster, but as Long Dick jumped out he seen in the distance his main bottom bitch, his top notch hoe, his all star of the track, "Olivia Le'Avenem Limp" also known as "The Lil' Babuska" hiding behind a mail box across the street.  Long Dick and Roarin Farts both look up from the dumpster and see 3 little ninjas looking down from the window at them pointing to a SUV that was pulling up, then all of a sudden 6 13 year old ninjas surrounded the dumpster out numbering them.  Long Dick threw his hands up surrendering, then Roarin Farts did the same asking "Dick, what the plan is?"  Long Dick replied "Don't worry, I got that LD
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, just follow my lead." They hop out of the dumpster and the little ninjas hog tied them. A old Chinese man stepped out from the black SUV he walked up to Chappy and Farts, made a face of disgust, then slapped Roarin Farts right in the face and spit at Long Dick Chappy while making hand gestures that looked like the international jack off signal.  Long Dick knew that the little old Chinese man was the Leader of the Triads and the owner of Chinks Lee All You Can Eat Chinese Buffet, if Olivia Le'Avenem Limp didn't act fast, the little old Chinese man would not hesitate in the execution of him and farts and sell the body meat to the Chinks Lee All You Can Eat Chinese Buffet out in Long Island.
The Lil Babushka
Long Dick whispered over to Farts, "We gotta make a diversion daddy-o, my Lil Babushka is behind that mailbox across the street, dig, we needs to buy some time for my main bitch to make a move baby, Farts daddy bear, ya dig?"  Farts had a plan, he looked over and asked the little old Chinese man, "Do you know who the Japanese Tornado" Swung Lo Hoggins is?"  "I beat his yellow ass down in the 1987 International Wrestling Federation of Amateur Wrestlers "Royal Blood Battle", then belched out very loudly "Asians can't wrestle bitch!!" The taunting worked, it created a distraction, but worked so well, one of the 13 year old assassins round house kicked Farts right in the head and shouted, "Shut up, ya Poopy cocka head" right then the Lil Babushka ran out from behind the mail box with a meat clever
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 and grabbed the little old Chinese man by the neck, she held the meat clever
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 to his throat and in Russian said,  "Болтуна язык до добра не доведёт".  The little assassin ninjas felt apprehensive to make a attack, they didn't expect a little Russian woman to be hiding on the streets with a meat clever
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, but then the little old Chinese man told the assassins to attack!! One ninja reluctantly came rushing towards Olivia Le'Avenem Limp, she let go of the old man and tossed the meat clever towards Long Dick, giving him the opportunity to cut himself free, then she threw a left hook connecting on the chin of the assassin child dropping him, another little ninja boy began to charge her, she leapt into the air throwing a superman punch shattering the ninja childs nose, Olivia Le'Avenem Limp laughed aloud and in a broken English dialect said, "I make you all limp" transitioning into a spinning round house kick to the third ninja kids belly, dropping him immediately.  The remaining assassins surrounded her, Olivia let out a loud growl, and said "it's the dance time boys", she leg swept one little ninja and judo tossed another followed by a spinning elbow that knocked out the third ninja.  By this time Chappy had cut himself free and started cutting Farts ropes, Farts was just cutting farts.  A gunshot rang out halting everything, everyone looked over to see the little old Chinese Triad leader holding a shotgun
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OpenVisionZ.com Merch
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Pointing the shotgun to the head of Roarin Farts, the Little Old Chinese man said, "You know why I shanghai you friend Mr. Bob Bickles?" Farts shook his head no and with every head turn a little fart passed through his tightly clenched butt cheeks, sounding like bubble wrap popping,  the Lil Old Chinese man laughed and said, "I tell you!! Son bitch, Yeah I tell you, You manager Mr. Bob Bickles, I tie him up, he in my restaurant righ now, he tie up in basement hahaha, with one hand hahaha," The little Chinese man started to become erratic and started shouting at Farts, "he shame me, he bootleg movie of  XXX Peep Show when he visit China, he have no permission from us to record movie, and he make big big money, now I shame him back hahah, I cut off his matterbation hand hahaha, he now have to do some one hand tug now when watch XXX Peep Show hahaha", Roarin Farts said, "So Mr. Bob Bickles was bootlegging XXX Peep Shows in China and was selling them? I had nothing to do with Mr. Bickles and his perversion habits" The Old Chinese Man apoplectic with anger said, " No, you I assassinate because you come to my restaurant everyday, eat all hummus dip
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 and leave big shits in toilet and no flush, no tip, you no manors, very disrespectful, clogged my toilet three days!! You no apologize and leave note saying sushi farts leave sushi shits?? I no know what you think I am, no funny very disrespectful!!" Farts looks up and before he could say anything Mr. Bob Bickles walked up with a samurai sword
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 and swung it full force with his left hand lopping the head of the little old Chinese man clean off, it dropped to the ground and rolled over to the feet of Long Dick Chappy who was in awe at what just happened and said, "Damn Baby, Now ain't that a mother fucker!" Farts could see pee stains and a giant shit smear on his shirt and pants, then looked up at Mr. Bob Bickles and said, "The china man said you were tied up in the basement of Chinks Lee All You Can Eat Chinese Buffet restaurant, how did you escape" and Bob said, "The toilet overflowed flooding the basement in shit water, the water was oily enough for me to slip free and I grabbed the sword hanging on the wall and just started swinging at these little kids dressed up as ninjas".  Olivia Le'Avenem Limps phone started ringing, she started yelling in Russian and then asked Long Dick Chappy for $50 because the thots on the strip were out of  hand lotion
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 and 2 for 1 tug job Tuesday was coming, Long Dick asked Roarin Farts for a fifty spot and told Mr. Bob Bickles to get his camera
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 they got a movie to make!
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Donate with Crypto
BitCoin Donations: 18G2GnZHuiSMwFX9CvPQ2tH1pHSF5ajC9y
LiteCoin Donations: LYG4JdnBvPFMeEEcAAMKte7kAvBihq74M5
Ethereum Donations: 0x834698435d2CeA299eCEAf08b5c2167e5325c1Ce
Long Dick Chappy would appreciate you if you Donate with Crypto
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continuums · 7 years
my actual morning routine
i wake up and reset my alarm for thirty minutes later, convincing myself that i don’t need to workout today because i just ate like a massive amount of pho last night but pho is mostly broth so it’s chill, basically no calories. when my alarm goes off 30 minutes later i snooze it again. and again. eventually i get distracted by brightly colored icons proclaiming “instagram” and “snapchat” on my phone screen when i go to snooze, so i peruse those (because it’s a good idea to look at the manicured lives of others when first gaining consciousness in the am). i snapchat my boyfriend telling him i dont want to wake up and he’s supportive of my favorite of the seven vices (sloth, duh). i stop ignoring my cat who has been clawing my arm (in hopes of receiving food, affection) and ask him how he slept, what he’s gonna do today, how he feels about the likelihood of the dems passing the DREAM act. i finally sit up and my feet hit the ground and land in a pile of cat vomit. i go get clorox wipes to clean that up and start my coffee while i’m in the kitchen. i feed my cat and he looks at me with disappointment (this again?) before scarfing it down, much like i do with the weird combo of frozen veggie burgers, pita bread, and hummus i’ve been eating every other meal at this airbnb. i sit up in bed with my coffee and journal, mainly about how tired i am (more on how i misguidedly thought i’d have fewer things to juggle when i was a faculty member and no longer a grad student! that’s gonna be a long post!). i down the rest of my coffee while reading headlines on the chronicle of higher ed about how professors are being replaced by robots or TED talks or MOOCs or whatever the demon of the day is, retweeting what some other academics have said re: that instead of forming my own thoughts. i pad down the hall to take a quick shower (day 2 hair is looking fine without dry shampoo, i think i can make it to day 3, day 4 even without shampoo touching it again). i gather a banana and a non-dairy yogurt (dairy if i’m feeling indulgent) to eat for breakfast and videochat with my boyfriend who is lovely and handsome and the only part of this that i can’t be sarcastic about. i get dressed in something that screams “i’m trying to be taken seriously here!”, do something with my hair that will inevitably look strange by the time i get to campus, put on enough makeup to make it look like i tried, and i am out the door. 
(^a tribute to those awful morning routines from celebs and “trendsetters” all over the internet, which i saw a very smart facebook friend do a parody of and shamelessly stole the idea from)
0 notes
gokoulane · 7 years
Finally, surpassed all the procrastination, laziness and mental blocks to write about our trek to Sar Pass (Did you note the word play?).
It was an exciting trip and plenty of stories to be told. But, From where do I start? Just like my last trek, this one is also with Youth Hostel Association of India (YHAI). Being one of the most famous and sought after trek organized by YHAI, we had to plan well in advance, almost before 5 months. Like any other trip, few opted out, a few added in and finally left with Myself, Jayashree (Buddy), Nigilan and Lavanya. Yeah, the same friends from my last trek and many other trips before. It was quite unfortunate that Giri opted at the last moment, it was great fun with him the last trek.
Day 1 – 18th May 2017
As planned Buddy and Myself started from Chennai whereas Nigilan and Lavanya started from Bangalore. Here is something funny that happened at the airport. We were there well ahead of our flight schedule. With a poor consciousness of time, we lazed chit chatting and charging our mobile phones. It was a great shock when we were denied to check-in our luggage as we crossed the 50 minutes to departure check-in window. Phew, Thankfully, our kind apologetic words worked and the ground staff agreed to check-in with a strong warning to be on time. That’s a great lesson learned. We boarded our Indigo6E 26D, despite checking-in together we both were given different seats however the only consolation for that ultimate boredom was a seat by the window. Most time was spent listening to music and reading Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged (Yet to be completed). After a long haul at Hyderabad, we reached Chandigarh around 2 pm.
That’s a lot to carry
All Packed
Happy & Excited me
Chennai Domestic Airport
Art installation inside the Airport
Waiting for me 😀
Headed to Chandigarh
When clouds looks like cotton candy
When bored during long flight
Chandigarh Finally
Nigilan & Lavanya were already waiting for us at the airport and we were joined by Giri’s friends Prasad, Sunil & Sunil’s sister Sharon. More the merrier, the gang count raised to 7. With our bus to Bhuntar scheduled at night, we decided to hire cabs and roam around the city in the mean time. As we were terribly hungry, we decided to finish off our lunch first before doing anything else. The cab driver recommended Pal Dhaba at Sector 28, one of the popular Dhabas in the town. Yes, the food at this place lived up to its reputation without burning hole in the pocket. I loved their Butter Chicken & Mint Chutney and finished the meal with delicious Kulfi sold outside the hotel. Our next stop was the beautiful Sukhna Lake. Despite being a hot summer day, it was quite breezy there. With my friends complimenting my superior photography skills the time moved pleasantly as we walked around the lake. I am in still love with the yellow blossoms there.
Here we come Pal Dhaba
Yummy Mint Chutney
Roti & Butter Chicken
After Meals
Kulfi to finish
Sculpture installation
Lake Promenade
Lovely blossoms
Refreshing Laburnum blossoms
Sukhna lake
I Love this pic
Our next stop was the most famous Rock Garden of Chandigarh. It was secretly built by Nek Chand, a government official out of waste and throw away items. Though it was illegally built in a protected forest area, public opinions were asked and the park was officially inaugurated in 1976 as public space. Isn’t it true when they say “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder”? it was really amazing to see how day to day waste items has been transformed into beautiful sculptures. It’s awesome of Nek Chand to make us see and the feel the same beauty he saw in those disposable things. The place was magnificent, even got waterfalls and I really wish we had enough time to roam around.
Nek Chand, the man.
Beautiful Waterfall
Our next hop was Zakir Hussain Rose Garden or just Rose Garden as dearly called by the locals. Spanning across 30 acres, it’s the largest garden in Asia. It’s a home for 50,000+ rose bushes, as a result of being there at off season, all we could see is rose bloomed in very few bushes and that was quite disappointing. One big mistake we did was to extend the cab. The cab driver didn’t communicate us properly on the extra tariffs, as the result, we end up paying a lot more than we supposed to when we reached Inter State Bus Terminus (ISBT). The Sad part is, even my buddy’s conversation with the cab company’s customer care in Hindi didn’t help us. After a light dinner at a restaurant in ISBT, we boarded our bus to Bhuntar and that’s how the first day of our trip came to an end.
Day 2 – 19th May 2017
With bumps and sharp turns, all of sudden I felt like being on a roller coaster. It took some time for me to get into my consciousness and realize that the bus was in the middle of mountains intensely tracing its curves. As everyone is asleep, the whole bus was quiet and I silently enjoyed the dawn slowly breaking over the mountains. Little perks of being an early riser. As soon our bus dropped us at Bunthar, I could feel the cold breeze caress me and my body struggling to adapt to the same. My friends easily vetoed my idea of reaching the base camp by bus, so we hired a cab. On the way, we halted a little for our morning tea. The taste of the tea was completely contrary to the driver’s claim of the best tea in this area. View of the Parvathi river and the Hindi songs on the way make the drive much memorable one.
View of Parvathi river
Mountain Roads ❤
That one best tea 😀 😀
After an hour journey, finally, we reached YHAI base camp at Kasol. It was nothing like our previous base camp at Darjeeling during Sandakphu trek. Once done with our registrations, we were allotted our tents. Yes, you heard it right, we would be staying in tents in base camp as well as all other higher camps to come. After having our breakfast and collecting our blankets, we spent the forenoon resting in our tents. One can’t expect much on a rest day. At any given point of time, this camp houses 4 batches, 1 x reporting batch, 2 x training batch and 1 x departing batch. That’s quite a lot of people. No wonder when they say it’s one of the most famous treks of YHAI. One of the best things Nigilan did during this trip was finding an awesome place for lunch. The Evergreen restaurant served some of the authentic Israelian cuisines in Kasol. I really loved their Chicken Schnitzel and Hummus. We were not allowed to be out of the camp post 6 PM and that’s very little time to finish our late lunch and shop some essentials. After roaming around the street of Kasol, we returned to the camp just on time. Then the dinner was served and a yet another awesome day came to an end with campfire event organized by our previous batch in the camp.
Welcome to the base camp
View from the camp
Healthy breakfast
A view from the top
The Evergreen Restaurant
Veg platter
Veg schnitzel
Chicken schnitzel
Beauty ❤
Day 3 – 20th May 2017
Though the day started much earlier for me, for most of them at the camp the wakeup call was the long whistle from the camp leader. We all assembled for a quick count check and jogged to the exercise spot half a kilometer away. An hour was well spent doing stretching and strengthening exercises. The best part is, Sunil and myself would run back to the camp while others would walk exhausted, runners you see. A girl in the camp seemed familiar but couldn’t even recollect her name and was quite hesitant to talk to her. Later, she introduced herself and happened to be my fellow Yatri during Jagiti Yatra. It’s no mere coincidence that I keep meeting Yatri’s during my treks. It was a pleasure meeting you Amrita. The breakfast was followed by tent cleaning activity and the acclimatization walk. We had to carry a minimum of 10 kgs and walk a total of 8 km, almost near Manikaran and back. We took a small break on the banks of Parvathi river, had some juice and rejoiced the beauty of the mountains and the flowing water before returning back to the camp.  Post lunch we had our induction session, where the program director gave a brief talk on the trekking route, Do’s & Dont’s. The rain spoiled our sneaking out plan and we spent the rest of the day inside our tents. Like any other awesome day at the base camp, it came to an end with dinner followed by campfire event by our batch. Our guys did put a spectacular show on the stage. Did I tell you that Sharon is an awesome singer? We even some how convinced her to sing that day.
Acclimatization walk
I love this pic
With the gang 🙂
Spectacular view
Induction on the way
One spectacular show
Day 4 – 21st May 2017
The morning routine is pretty much same at the base camp. Just like the last day we had the wakeup call, count check, exercise session, breakfast and tent cleaning. We were then taken to a pine forest for the rock climbing training. The trainers gave us clear instructions and even thought us how to tie a double bowline knot. We had to climb an almost flat vertical surface with a few cracks to hold on. Most of us tried and only a few of us succeeded. Even though we mocked Nigilan a lot, he is the only one in our gang to complete the climb successfully and did it like a piece of cake. While others were trying hard to climb, I relaxed eating cherries and playing cricket with the local kids. They were gracious enough to allow me to bowl an over. Ours was a 50 member batch and the time wasn’t enough for all of us to try, consequently, few of the brave souls like me returned back to the camp without even giving it a try. Post lunch we were supposed to go on Rappelling, but nature had other plans. It rained heavily and Rappelling got canceled. By evening, we packed our bags. Initially, my backpack weighed around 9 kgs. Lighter the better during the trek, eventually, I reduced it to around 6 kgs and deposited the rest with the base camp. When the rain subsided we had some time to go out and munch some cakes at the German Bakery and some hot Momos at the small shop opposite to it. It seemed to be a perfect climate to munch those deliciously hot Momos. By this time you must have known how a day ends at base camp. Unlike rest of the days, one feeling dominated that night, the sheer excitement of climbing mountains the next day.
Fellow Yatri
Nature’s Beauty
Some rock climbing instructions
Wild Berries
It’s cricket time
Nigilan’s climb
Yummy Momos
To Be Continued…
Trip To Remember – Trekking Sar Pass – Part 1 Finally, surpassed all the procrastination, laziness and mental blocks to write about our trek to Sar Pass (Did you note the word play?).
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alien-earz · 8 years
about me
Fancy knowing anything about me?
1: Full name Kirstie Taylor King Turcotte
2: Age: 20
3: 3 Fears: deep water, creepy crawly bugs, pizza place doesnt deliver
4: 3 things I love: music, art, laughing
5: 4 turns on: if you funny, gentle, and can have deep conversations
6: 4 turns off: big ego, doesn’t show he cares, ugly shoes
7: My best friend: nobody wants to be close to me long enough
8: Sexual orientation: str8 
9: My best first date: ohhh maaannnn.... somewhere in a waterfall in a foreign country
10: How tall am I: 5′3
11: What do I miss: not having to adult
12: What time were I born: 7:30 am!
13: Favourite color: dreamy purples and green and blue and anything lovely
14: Do I have a crush: yeessssss!
15: Favourite quote: let it go, let it leave, let it happen. nothing in this world was promised or belonged to you anyway. all you own is yourself.
16: Favourite place: new zealand or anywhere with a beautiful sunset
17: Favourite food: all da food! but mostly hummus 
18: Do I use sarcasm: ....noooo :3
19: What am I listening to right now: bedroom-nostalgic feeling!
20: First thing I notice in new person: the beautiful smiles
21: Shoe size: 7 
22: Eye color: bluuuueee
23: Hair color: dirty blonde
24: Favourite style of clothing: dirty mop grungy just crawled out of a trashcan unique
25: Ever done a prank call?: pretty sure i wasted my adolescence prank calling people
27: Meaning behind my URL: i like to get high
28: Favourite movie: oh maaann! idek. the grinch probs. i know err word. 
29: Favourite song: i have a million favorite songs. but my favorite song at the moment is hodera-breathe easy because the guitar sounds so dreamy and beautiful
30: Favourite band: nevershoutnever is my guilty pleasure
31: How I feel right now: weird
32: Someone I love: everyone who ever made me feel loved
33: My current relationship status: d8ing
34: My relationship with my parents: terrible
35: Favourite holiday: halloweeny because i love being creepy 
36: Tattoos and piercing i have: i only have my belly button pierced but i have 8 tattoos and ive had a million piercings in my life time. 
37: Tattoos and piercing i want: i want to get my septum re pierced annnnndddd i want an avocado tattoo’d on my arm 
38: The reason I joined Tumblr: because it was cool af in grade 10
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?: no way, we were friends for a long time before. 
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: ermm... sometimes i guess
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?: yep! 
42: When did I last hold hands?: yesterday in the car with my boyfriends mom cause i love her and she loves me and shes the best. 
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: 10 minutes at the most
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?: loool no? its winter. 
45: Where am I right now?: at work :(
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: probably my self or the cab driver. cabbies always pull thru. 
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: as loud as it can fuckin go
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: no!!!! im a full time adult
49: Am I excited for anything?: summer time 
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?: yesssssssssss, most of my greatest friends are boys
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?: mm  70% maybe. 
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?: yesterday when i was leaving my friends house. noice warm hugs
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?: i would be confuuused. 
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: no! i learned the hard way not to trust a distrusting person.
55: What is something I disliked about today?: that i had to get up at 8 and go to the bank to get money for my rent. and than pay my grumpy landlord. 
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: Robert Plant
57: What do I think about most?: im mostly in dream land 99% of the time
58: What’s my strangest talent? i can spread all my toes apart and it looks like i have munky feet. its pretty bad ass. 
59: Do I have any strange phobias? i dont think being closter phobic is strange. but FUCK that. 
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? both! i like to capture beauty and be apart of beauty. 
61: What was the last lie I told? i lied on my time sheet at work because i need the hours but i fucking hate working. 
62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? talking on the phone is nice, it keeps the mystery going. 
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: of course.
64: Do I believe in magic?: yes! i believe we all have abilities we cannot access, only some people get to that point. 
65: Do I believe in luck?: sure
66: What's the weather like right now?: sunny, windy. 
67: What was the last book I've read? celestine prophecy 
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: i would be dead if i did 
69: Do I have any nicknames?: kerby/kerbz
70: What was the worst injury I've ever had?: uhm my brother snapped my pinky in half. 
71: Do I spend money or save it?: both haha 
72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge? no :c
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? yes! my key chain.
74: Favourite animal? red panda
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? roasting my brain on social media 
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? love 
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? heaven must be missing an angel 
78: How can you win my heart?: be sweet and semi obsessed 
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? tried my best 
80: What is my favorite word? rutabaga 
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: i dont go on tumblr enough 
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? love everyone. every leaf. every ray of light. forgive. 
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?: nahhh 
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?: read peoples minds 
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? how do i feel honestly. 
86: What is my current desktop picture? a red panda.. hahah 
87: Had sex? i would be pretty sad if i was 20 and still a virgin. 
88: Bought condoms? yessssssss
89: Gotten pregnant? noooo! 
90: Failed a class? ha ha ha 
91: Kissed a boy? yup
92: Kissed a girl? yupppppp 
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? heh yes 
94: Had job? unfortunately 
95: Left the house without my wallet? all the time 
96: Bullied someone on the internet? ya i was a dick in highschool 
97: Had sex in public? how public? i had sex in a park at night. and in the forest. and in a car parked on the side of the road. idk how public that is. but. 
98: Played on a sports team? soccer! 
99: Smoked weed? everyday.
100: Did drugs? yea!
101: Smoked cigarettes? ive been ciggy free for awhile 
102: Drank alcohol? if i could calculate how much vodka i have drank in my life i could probably fill an olympic pool. js. 
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? vegetarian! 
104: Been overweight? not really. 
105: Been underweight? no
106: Been to a wedding? yess
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? probably. 
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? when i was younger yeah 
109: Been outside my home country? multiple times!
110: Gotten my heart broken? i think my heart is in a constant broken stage now. 
111: Been to a professional sports game? yeah! 
112: Broken a bone? if my pinky counts than yes 
113: Cut myself? for a year i used to cut my self in highschool. 
114: Been to prom? i live in canada 
115: Been in airplane? yeaaaaaaa
116: Fly by helicopter? noooooo 
117: What concerts have I been to? too many 
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? mm no 
119: Learned another language? no! :’( 
120: Wore make up? sometimes 
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? i was 15
122: Had oral sex? duhh 
123: Dyed my hair? not for 2 years
124: Voted in a presidential election? i voted in the prime minister election in canada last year. my dude won. of couuuurse because hes sick. 
125: Rode in an ambulance? yea when my brother shattered his head 
126: Had a surgery? yup!
127: Met someone famous? no 
128: Stalked someone on a social network? haaaahaha i have issues
129: Peed outside? ya gotta do what ya gotta do 
130: Been fishing? yes! i caught the biggest fishy at my bf’s cottage this summer. he was pretty impressed. 
131: Helped with charity? i dated a christian guy in highschool and his parents would take us to the mustard seed to hangout with the less fortunate and feed them :) it was really nice.
132: Been rejected by a crush? YEAA! its the worst. 
133: Broken a mirror? no thats bad luck
134: What do I want for birthday? a big hug and an awesome concert in seattle to happen. 
135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? 2 kids. they will be boys. Atlas/Onyx. maybe Eli? 
136: Was I named after anyone? my dads highschool crush. 
137: Do I like my handwriting? yeah! ive got pretty nice writing id say
138: What was my favourite toy as a child? barbies/teddy bears
139: Favourite Tv Show? one tree hill 
140: Where do I want to live when older? somewhere peaceful, surrounded by nature 
141: Play any musical instrument? ukelele! 
142: One of my scars, how did I get it? my friend put a cigarette out on the back of my leg when i was passed out drunk. that was fun. 
143: Favourite pizza toping? pineapple!!
144: Am I afraid of the dark? if i watch a scary movie or have a scary dream. 
145: Am I afraid of heights? not really but sometimes when i look down it gives me butterflies 
146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? HAHA ya. my mom is smarter than i thought i guess. 
147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? all the time. 
148: What I'm really bad at: expressing myself. 
149: What my greatest achievments are: moving out all on my own and paying all my bills on my own without any help. 
150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: my first love told me to go kill myself and that i was spineless. 
151: What I'd do if I won in a lottery: pay my parents debt off and move them somewhere they always wanted to go. 
152: What do I like about myself: im funny i guess 
153: My closest Tumblr friend: jen 
154: Something I fantasise about: having my life be a dream pop music video 
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