#i dont mind people who prefer the books! theyre telling different stories
sharpening-fangs · 2 years
my mom is a book olde books elitest and has refused to watch amcs iwtv since the 2nd episode but tomorrow is my birthday so I'm going to force her to watch the last two episodes with me
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littlebabycrybtch · 3 years
bro..... im sooo tired of ppl being whiny freaks about ppl liking fictional shit ‘~too much~’. like bitches are literally fully convinced if you prefer acting out certain ideas in fiction but not irl, thats not your normal preferential boundaries but rather your brain is a mental illness BOMB and you need to be fucking hospitalized for being imaginative and having autonomy. like yall if its not taboo or smth shut uuuuhp man you’re not ‘concerned for their health’ or w/e you’re fully just tryna get away with being a nihilistic asshole who lacks sympathetic reasoning skills. listen to me. fiction is valuable. the thoughts we have on it are important. the personal lack of value you happen to put on a media is next to worthless. its not a fuckin waste of time dude, creators are people, who live in the real world, they experience it and have ideas through it and about it, they form and tweak their ideas while still definitely existing in the real world, and then put that back into the world with a new angle and new perspective, to share with other people definitely encountering it in , you guessed it , the real world. thats not disconnected. its not nothing. these things do not magically appear from fairytale land, they are created. stories mean smth, people tell them for a reason, its ok to feel smth for any story, why would we even tell them if not with the intention to impact others emotionally somehow i mean??? fiction does not Just affect reality, it is valuable to real life society, it is a functioning thriving part OF reality. 
humans have told stories since the dawn of our existence. it is literally all but an inherent species trait for us to imagine things, its tied to each and every one of us, and to reject ‘fantasy’ as smth worthless to human life is frankly just fuckin wrong and weird of you. bitch we are Supposed to get outside the box, the fandom ppl you cringe your pants over arent thinking abt fake shit too much, you guys very often just arent exercising abstract thought and imagination enough, which actually hurts your ability to engage with it critically in all the ways its meant to be. if you dont see the value in fiction its because you put in no effort to form the analysis skills. in other words, you idiots dont get the hype bc you’re too stupid to get how you're supposed to compare a book to the real world it came from. ‘uu but cmon not everythings valuable what about [tumblr designated cringe media]-’ 1. ok! somehow you havent come to this conclusion yourself yet but thats not real, whatever ppl get to enjoy is not all abt you, your bias means less than dirt to others outside of hivemind social medias, you can keep it to yourself, ppl shouldnt care about it bc it means nothing outside of ur own space, its literally funny to me that you’re so elitist you want me to cater my interests to you, Your Standard Of Quality Isnt Universal, 2. ranking the values of fiction is the waste of time here, if you compare mlp to pride and prejudice ill dissect your teeth, different emotional impacts from tragic to funny to Just A Vibe are all able to be assessed as ‘valuable to somebody else so leave well enough alone’ if you dont have 2010+ funnyman brainrot disease that makes you incapable of reflecting on anything you can find a way to joke abt first.
i mean seriously like. whenever randos start engaging with medias you ppl dont like or in ways you dont get, the strawmans yall make up to get to be cringe culture vultures abt such benign shit, and almost Always at the expense of neurodivergent people with a deeply rooted undertone of extreme ableism might i add..... its just so selfish. u have a brain ok, you’re manipulative but we both know you dont Actually think ppl automatically default to being a waifu obsessed incel rotting away at their basement computer, stagnating their social skills and straying further and further from reality with each passing day, a poor disturbed wretch that you just HAVE to save from themselves, all bc they say they. prefer fictional porn or w/e to having sex irl. buddy thats not a big deal, theyre normal, just different from you. theyre fine, you’re just uncomfortable. as a functioning adult you’re gonna have to try and recognize that sometimes that feelings gonna be 100% on you, and you cant always just lie abt the validity of it to make ppl feel obligated into agreeing with you. this is gonna be one fragment of their personhood and your self obsessed brain imploding over how unrelatable that is doesnt fucking matter, grow up bitch like. how detached do you have to be to think thats so unstable or morally wrong.... its just a completely inconsequential preferential decision that only affects them and isnt a wrong choice at all cuz nobody has to get their dick wet if they dont wanna for any reason ever and thats gotta be that tbh.... and it kills me cuz they still inherently experience the real world and are capable of thinking abt it critically,,, even tho they... masturbate to drawings or w/e the fuck ppl think is unhealthy ???? like? imagination is just fun we dont need to moderate it anymore than we moderate other fun activities i mean lol ksdjfsd this is the DEFINITION of ‘just vibing’ no one FUCKING cares and it deosnt fucking matter the way you desperately try to make ppl think it does just so u get to be loud abt ur shortcomings as a decent understanding person. 
‘uuuuuu im sorry but thats unhealthy :///’ you sound like a goddamn maniac dude stories are not unhealthy having feelings abt them is not unhealthy thinking some anime bitch that was DRAWN TO BE HOT , IS HOT, is not UNHEALTHY and you clowns arent convincing anybody you ‘care’ abt that concept anyways !! im losign my mind here skdlsdfsd medias are literally DESIGNED TO DO THIS TO PEOPLE... WE’RE SUPPOSED TO FEEL THINGS FOR IT.... IT IS WHAT MAKES THE ART WE’VE TAKEN PART IN FOR CENTURIES, “ART”.... ITS JUST... HAVING IDEAS AND EXPERIENCING IMAGINATION..... whats wildly unhealthy actually is yalls toxic obsession with ‘harsh truth’ and validating your stupid ass cwinge feewings to the point where everything that gives your underdeveloped selfish ass hives has to be a matter of health and morals and whats ‘best’ for everyone. u dont know that shit!!!! ur a petty brat and im not ur mommy ok i wont baby you so u dont feel like the shitty whiny person you are, you need to grow and do better and think outside urself already, dont put the responsibility of making u feel right for judging somebodies benign hobbies on me. i wont bc its wrong and unnecessary. you’re not a savior no ones falling for that lmao you’re just a bitch girl xoxo get over it shit truly does not matter. let them write nsfw self insert fics instead of banging !! 
to make it real do yall really not Get that basic consent kinda doesnt just mean ‘no when im not in the mood at the time’ but it means ‘no if i just dont fuckin feel like having sex ever for literally any reason at all bc i choose what i do’ and pressuring them, even with what your warped brain translates as the best of intentions, is inherently disgusting? especially with the ‘i know how to help you’ attitude like......... ohhh die soonly ew lmao! lay off this nasty shit already please it doesnt matter! stop trying to make it matter!! its not hurting you or them you stupid tumblr phd ass!! and like again yeah some media shits just truly gross but tbr now its like even That kind of shit, the Real social issues caused by Actually problematic media that ppl should discuss Genuinely without ulterior motives, is being used more and more rampantly as just a stepping stone to get to the needless mockery of other harmless things in the media they want an excuse to bag on.......... like a bitch cant just be grown and talk about problems at face value without getting a bully jab in. smhhhhh you all fuckin suck please just stop talking already. so anyways yeah being attracted to fictional characters instead of real people or w/e IS funny, funny how many boyfriends they have when u have none xoxo theyre having fun and you can die sad abt it they get to die 5 times in an angsty fantasy fic and be brought back with mouth to mouth by fuckin kakashi every time and then they go get lunch irl while ur updating tinder bitch ... different fucking strokes ig !
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gayregis · 4 years
if you've read season of storms is it any good? i read a sample and was kind of bored but i don't want to spend money on it if it's going to be like,,,,,,,,,lady of the lake
reading this i was like “wait lady of the lake was good though,” then i paused to actually think about it as a cohesive narrative for a bit, and went “actually wait never mind :/...” it was good thematically, and there were a lot of great scenes, but like as a whole book... if you could only read that book on its own... it would be very long and confusing. i just think lotl’s good because i do the uncivilized thing of skipping around to the parts i like and then i don’t read the parts i dislike
but luckily i have already ranted about season of storms before, and i’ll post that rant here now. for context, i actually read season of storms from cover to cover... yeah.
overall, it's a disorganized and aimless plot. it's set inbetween tlw and sod, so there's no quest to find ciri, because geralt hasnt met ciri yet, he's still our free bachelor geralt. which means hes still quite directionless and when it comes to his personal life it's mostly preoccupied with romance. but more importantly it means the plot is incredibly aimless and NOT PERSONAL to geralt, like all the stories in TLW and SOD and all the saga books revolve around events and people super meaningful to him. what happens in the plot is a whole JUMBLE of things that feel like sidequests from the witcher games, not a story from the witcher books. nothing really means anything for geralt's character development, and it suffers from being so long because there's like a lot of different settings and characters and everything just seems completely thrown together, mashed up, and not coordinated. 
i will admit that baptism of fire & tower of the swallow followed a style of “random encounters” in which geralt and the company traverse on and just interact with whatever they happen to find, but it felt like they were accruing knowledge (and also. members of the company) as they travelled on. in season of storms, it feels like geralt starts over and the entire book resets itself every time there is a new scene. none of the plotlines fit together, so it is just a super confusing and exhausting reading experience, unlike in bof & tos, where you can follow the action quite easily and it’s very pleasant to read because it’s all one continuous storyline.
in addition, all of these mashed up stories are pointless, because they dont END with the reader learning anything about the universe the characters live in or their relationships with each other. we might learn that sorcerers are power-hungry, but we already knew that. we might learn that people are violent and corrupt, but we already knew that. we might learn that geralt loves yennefer, but we already knew that. in the short stories, you learn so much about the world and geralts relationships (for example: we learn so much about the situations surrounding the elves in edge of the world, so it’s worth reading because otherwise you will not understand anything when the scoia’tael show up in blood of elves and later in the saga). and in the saga, this continues and more worldbuilding/relationship building occurs (geralt and ciri’s relationship grows from a question of price and then becomes crazy right around baptism of fire when they’re super linked by destiny). it really doesnt in season of storms. you don’t learn anything meaningful about the world or the characters like in the other witcher books.
another large flaw is that in the stories and saga, sapkowski was really good at creating likeable, enigmatic characters no matter how few pages he had to create them. they were deep and almost lifelike and also usually told a larger message. the NPCs- sorry, "characters" in season of storms are SUPER flat and uninteresting.
coral is h*rny for geralt and jealous of yennefer, like every sorceress ever to exist, pratt is a dick and corrupt, degerlund is corrupt and evil, mosaik is timid, the werewolf guy is JUST THERE, the auguara isn’t super interesting despite being cool, nimue feels flatter as a character than usual, even dandelion- okay actually jk i liked dandelion he was the sunny part of this book AS ALWAYS ... ofc he felt one-dimensional but he usually does so you know, EVEN GERALT feels a little one-dimensional and not his typical introspective self
one of the worst things sapkowski did was [SPOILERS] make the major villain character of the book gay and feminine... like its mentioned SO many times that "ohhhh this is a man that looks like a woman WOW HOW EVIL!" and he literally does the worst things like rip ppl to shreds and want to kill geralt painfully by torture with syringes, also he uses his sexuality to ?? seduce an older sorcerer to be his favorite so he can keep his job as a sorcerer?? 
and OK vilgefortz and bonhart arent complex villains. but theyre despicable and it feels a little deeper bc vilgefortz has that backstory and hunger for power, and bonhart is just terrifying and the embodiment of wretched evil, this guy from season of storms is just annoying and anime villainy like “OOHOHOH watch how i kill you now >:)” also theres a lot of crass humor like fart jokes and villains that are described as really super ugly like omg wow never saw that one coming!!! it just feels super bland and basic and almost like the antithesis of The Witcher as short stories and a saga, super out of place with the rest of the series. [END SPOILERS]
in my opinion, the BIGGEST FLAW with season of storms is that since the plot is so all over the place, and since the characters are so flimsy, the entire book feels meaningless. it feels like it would appease games or netflix fans who just want to read about geralt going on some crazy adventures, and it does serve that purpose, but it is NOT a “book belonging to the witcher series.” it has no depth where there should be... i do not feel like sapkowski is trying to tell me something as a reader about human nature, or the nature of parent-child relationships, or society, or violence and war... 
it just feels like geralt is doing all of this shit just because sapkowski had some remaining ideas and wanted to get all of them out into the world all in the same book, like sewing a vest out of fabric scraps. it was not refined like the witcher saga, because none of them were really meant to fit together anyways, and because they weren’t meant to fit together, there is a distinct lack of message and substance to it.
TLDR: no cohesive narrative and a confusing plot, no deeper underlying message or arguments about humanity or society or nature being made by the author, cheap new side & background characters, no ciri and no yennefer so geralt is quite directionless and stupid
other remarks that are just my personal preferences and comments:
geralt & dandelion:
geralt mostly works alone in this book... which is... not my favorite. this is why i got bored with tw3 after i read the witcher books, because i can’t stand geralt being alone, the world feels so... lonely! although he meets up with dandelion and has an affair with coral in season of storms, most of the book is him waffling about with side and background characters that i couldn’t care less about because sapkowski put no effort into developing them to be enigmatic or at least lifelike and likable (unlike some really minor characters in the witcher saga that, although they were so minor, were incredibly likable: for example, applegatt and toruviel i quite like). 
of course, i also have a preference for when geralt hangs out with dandelion, because it usually creates more of a lighter tone for the scenes and a more humorous nature overall, plus geralt changes his personality to be not in such a bad mood and we get to see him being kind and friendly. so it annoys me that although dandelion has some scenes with geralt, they never really have deep conversations like they do in a little sacrifice, or witty remarks & banter like in the edge of the world... i feel like dandelion was quite in-character for the whole book, which is good, but also, he’s dandelion so he’s pretty easy to get in character. he’s just easy-going, arrogant, preoccupied with earthly delights, cowardly, and friendly to geralt. but it annoyed me that their scenes together were both not very deep, and that they didn’t get as much interaction as i think they deserved. usually in a witcher book or story in which geralt and dandelion have met, they stay by each other’s side for like, the whole book or story, lmao... 
that being said, they do have some fun moments in this book and dandelion has some funny lines which i quite enjoy. like. they are eating at an inn, and the innkeeper asks them “how are you finding the pork?” and dandelion replies, “we’re finding it among the kasha. from time to time. not as often as we’d like to.” and somehow i just find that line so fucking funny... i think it’s just because it’s really relatable
coral is SOOOOO one-dimensional, she really is just like the same character as fringilla vigo or some other sorceress that’s jealous of yennefer for getting to bang geralt, and this lack of characterization is super transparent. people laugh about how many affairs geralt has had, but they never discuss how all of them have been super uneasy and unfulfilling.
already said that i hate degerlund as a character and all of the sorcerers being morally wack is predictable if you’ve read like, anything from the saga about the sorcerer/esses. also geralt talking with sorcerers is like, interesting if the sorcerer in question is vilgefortz, but everyone else is just super boring
i didn’t really like ferrant de lettenhove until the very end of the book (which i won’t spoil) but because of this end, i wished that he got more backstory/development
NIMUE I LOVE YOU and it was nice that nimue got some more backstory in this.
i do enjoy the end of the book. not to say “my favorite part is when it ended,” but it’s true, because the ending in kerack is interesting and full of drama, the moments in the inn are alright if a little void of substance, the ending with geralt and dandelion on horseback is beautiful, and the epilogue with nimue is wistful and beautiful as well.
sheer pettiness:
oh my GOD why are the CHAPTERS so SHORT? it’s like, 20 chapters plus a bunch of interludes and an epilogue, and the book is only 357 pages long. it feels like as soon as i was getting into a scene, it switched to another chapter. i mean, idk whether i prefer this, or the haphhazard long as fuck chapters from baptism of fire where i’m not quite sure when a chapter begins or ends because i memorized the scenes and not when a chapter occurs. 
i dislike how coral is on the cover of it, even though it’s fitting, because if there was a work about... oh idk... the hansa... then angouleme could have been on the cover... and then i could have had geralt + yennefer + ciri + dandelion + the hansa on the covers... like wow that would be cool...
this book would have functioned much better as a series of short stories... i think sapkowski has talent for the short story medium, but novel-length books are more desirable by publishers, but this is literally just a guess, i don’t have anything to back this up
my recommendation: don’t buy it if you are just looking to read the witcher books as in, get a feel for the book canon world and characters. it’s pretty unnecessary for that. do buy it if you are a completionist like me / the witcher is something you’ve been into for years and you’re about to buy all the books as a set and it would feel weird to not have all eight books on your shelf and it’s only like $5 more to buy the set of 8 as compared to the set of 7. don’t read it and expect perfection, it’s basically like “drabbles” but canon from the author. there are like 2 or 3 nice gerlion moments if you care about that.
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unfortunatematchups · 4 years
(Hello is this blog dead because I haven't seen you post since February)
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nope, this blog aint dead. i have it open on a browser tab as long as im online to check on any new asks and messages. im going to leave a short explanation here for those who dont want to waste their time.
weve been busy with other interests and ive gotten something like a writers block. matchup block? since im the primary writer here, theres pretty much no activity as long as im not writing. thats it. no reason, nothing to do with personal problems. just a block. 
keep reading for the real reason. you might not like it, but here it is.
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im going to use these john sprites to convey my emotion so it might clear up any doubts on how im feeling. lets start with the process of how i write a match.
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this is what a draft looks like. i write out how i would rant about this pairing, errors and all, then i leave it for the next day to come back to this and clean this draft into a polished, three-pointer paragraph. the thing is, im the only one doing this, so its obviously going to take long. i dont mind, i love to type and see something spawn from my effort. 
the problem? these rants are people-specific. right. whatever im rambling about in the draft, its about the ask and the ask only. it wouldnt fit if you crammed it into another ask, it wouldnt make a lick-a-sense if it was used to answer someone else. but, when i start to polish it up with clear and coherent sentences, suddenly it becomes… static. it becomes plain and simple, uninteresting and linear. think of it like youre hearing about a book from someone you know and trust versus a review. the person you know describes why the book is great with a lot of passion and love, but theres a lot of errors in delivery and some awkward bits they havent flushed out yet. 
nevertheless, its enjoying and persuasive, because you can see how they love it so much to the point where it gets them like that. they dont plan out how theyll describe the book to you word by word, because theres no need to. seeing how it gets them excited gets you excited, so you buy their faith in the book. 
what about a review? its clean, its cut, its perfect in delivery. it has a flow, introducing you to the story and overall appeal, then maybe it digs down for a spoiler or two. it gels with you in a simple fashion, doesnt quite have that connection a passionate ramble has. because its professional. 
thats what ive been making this blog to be. professional. i answer the request with a polished, pretty and perfect answer. theres no personal connection. i could take a match, swap out a couple of words, maybe cut out a bit, and it would be clear for another match. it feels static to write those paragraphs, and it progressively gets worse each time i repeat the process. im chipping away at something so close, so personal and unique into something dull and professional because i want it to look clean.
but thats my end of the problem. i dont like how it comes out, so what? people enjoy it. they must be, seeing how theres fifty three fucking asks for matchups and 73 followers. 
i wont show all the asks i have in the inbox, but ill tell you what majority, if not all of them, sound like. 
“I’m bi/pan”, “I have brown hair/eyes”, “I’m chubby/short”, “I like art/gaming/reading/writing”, “I’m shy around people I don’t know, I’m crazy around people I know”, “I’m a nerd”, “I have ADHD/Anxiety”. 
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of course, there are some exceptions. not everything i say is as is, but from 50+ asks, these are what about three quarters of them sound like. there are personal differences, like music tastes and obscure hobbies, but the general gist is there. 
im not going to say anything about the sexuality orientation, because im in a friend group where majority, if not all, are not cishets. yes, people like art and gaming. 
but thats it? these descriptors are such shallow answers. i can personalise a match for you, sure, but does it feel like its right? you like gaming. so what, do you like ALL games? from FPS to Dating sims to Horror games to Sports games to Adult games? do you like ALL art? Surrealism, sculpture, comics, abstract, even those where they splash paint and call it a day? really? i dont think im asking for a lot when it comes to being specific. some asks literally just go ‘im a bi female, 5′3, i like gaming and drawing, im sometimes shy but i can be sassy at times’. 
with everyone being so similar and vague, how am i supposed to give a match i feel is right? i might as well take everyones favourite boy david elizabeth strider and talk about how he likes your art and how he likes gaming and oh isnt it so great that you two like music. 
there are some unique ones, and its pretty obvious which ones they are because ive put in more love into them. and i havent been able to do that to many asks. 
and the physical descriptions. while im sure some of the characters do have types and preferences, i dont care for appearances. i dont care if youre fat or skinny, i dont care if youre tall or short, brown hair or blonde. you being morbidly obese or morbidly skinny may affect the match depending on how i feel the characters might respond to someone with those physical traits, but they shouldnt matter. 
i dont need how you look. i dont want how you look. its shallow and unimportant. it takes up space in the ask, because you could be using it to describe your personality or interests in detail. not that youre limit to one ask, you can send in an entire fucking fourteen page essay and id match you, as long as youre telling me something i can pair you with. 
telling me youre ‘chubby’ or ‘blonde’ doesnt help visualise shit. this shouldnt be new information to you or anyone else. writing shit like ‘he loves your curves!’ or ‘she likes how short you are because it makes you cute’ is bullshit and is simply self-serving nonsense. yes, its an additional bonus if your lover likes how youre short or fat, but that shouldnt be why theyre in love with you. a paragraph based on how much they like to hold you are appreciate your body is utter fucking nonsense. you appreciate your own body, and thats it. 
i dont feel inspired when i look at some of these asks. i dont feel like i should answer any of these because a) im not obligated to, this blog is just a side hobby and b) id be writing something i dont enjoy for people who might also not enjoy it. i dont deserve to sit at my laptop and write something i feel doesnt represent my work or ideas well, and the person who im matching doesnt deserve the half-assed boring paragraph of nonsense im pulling out of my ass just to clear the inbox. 
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ive taken some time away from this blog and upon receiving this ask, i wanted to use the same old excuse every other blog uses: ‘we’ve been busy, so we went on an unannounced hiatus’. 
but thats not true. with the pandemic forcing lockdowns, theres essentially nothing else for us to do. if anything, this would mean that we have more time to write. 
so there it is. my truthful answer as to why nothings coming out of this blog.
part of this is my fault. i thought that maybe i could force myself to match all those vague asks that feel like theyre about the same person, just with a couple of changes. but i cant. i wont. im not going to keep writing shit i dont like, and im not going to keep giving half-assed matches, giving characters people are at the very least sure to be okay with. 
i want to write exciting, unique and adorable relationships. i thought that with the homestuck fandom being so vast and creative, maybe i would get the chance to meet and write for a couple of people who were just so different it would make pairings id never thought of. 
but nah, it looks like everything is the same. all the anon asks start to bleed together. the responses start becoming the same. im given descriptions that sound so tame, so generalised. like somehow, youre afraid of letting me know who you are as a person. or not, perhaps you just struggle with expressing yourself. thats why youre using anon to send in your ask, isnt it? 
i turned anon on because i wanted to respect privacy. i wanted people to be able to send in each and every detail about themselves while remaining behind a mask so they could get the best match without exposing every inch of themselves on a blog. maybe that was my mistake. 
ill leave the matches open, but im only going to do the ones that interest me. but if you decide that you dont give a fuck about the quality of the match, tell me or something. i have drafts that i can just post. maybe youd like that. 
-pretty obviously, mod olio.
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comicteaparty · 4 years
April 1st-April 7th, 2020 Reader Favorites Archive
The archive for the Reader Favorites chat that occurred from April 1st, 2020 to April 7th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
How do you feel about creators spoiling their own stories, and how does it effect how you read the comic?
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
As someone who's both reader & a creator, it can be really hard to restrain giving spoilers. But it could also be that they are excited to make this story and they wanna 'get to the spoilers' really soon. But if you are such creator, an idea is to find friends whom you can trust, don't mind giving critique/give spoilers to. As a reader it can be slight disappointment to learn about spoilers in a comic you were invested in and still reading. At this point, I might think, I'm going to get out of the conversation on the spoilers and wait until more content is made(edited)
Being someone who was raised by a parent who wanted me to spoiler movies for them if I saw it first, I don't care about stories being spoiled for me. Experiencing the scene is usually very different than being told what it is, also once I get to that spoiled scene I've already forgotten about it thanks to my Quality short-term memory. Honestly, I would totally go all out spoiling my own comic, but I know most people hate that stuff so I don't out of respect. There have been a few times when I've talked about spoilery stuff not really knowing if it would be considered a spoiler, or because I'm talking about something else that is related and I have to spoil a bit for the topic.
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Personally it depends on how plot heavy the spoiler is. If it's something like what food/clothing/interests the characters have, I don't mind so much. But if it's something like who is going to die, who falls in love with who....I think the experience would be slightly more diminished.
Like @Joichi [Hybrid Dolls] said, I usually share the spoilers only with close friends, particularly those who know how to give their input. It's important to get feedback, but choosing who you tell is very important.
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I’m very protective of story details. I don’t want people to know any of what’s going to happen in my story. I like having secrets
I don’t really mind hearing spoilers myself much of the time because I mostly enjoy stories by looking at all the events in the story together. If I know all the events sooner that often lets me enjoy it sooner
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I usually don't care that much about spoilers, unless it's about character death or something. Usually, I try to avoid them like the plague, just in case, but I don't really care that much.(edited)
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Personally, on other people's comics, I usually only refer to what's in the comic proper. Not too fond of having to read supplemental material, like creator QA's.
I know they can be nice for some readers, but I genuinely don't like it when the knowledge established in a QA or so is assumed to be known in the comic proper without ever being mentioned there.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I'm having difficulty articulating my reasons, but for me, the creator spoiling things is different from a reader spoiling the same things. And reader-supplied spoilers can also be VERY different based on context and tone. I hate it when people spoil things for others out of malice (like when people were buying ad spaces, just after that one Harry Potter book came out, to broadcast [THIS IMPORTANT CHARACTER] DIES!!!!), even if I don't care about the work being spoiled.
Going back to creator-supplied spoilers........ it's something I can't relate to, as a creator myself? (Sharing spoilers in private is one thing, but if they're posting it in public...) This is going to sound negative and I apologize in advance. When I see a creator laying out the big spoilers in public, it makes me worry that maybe they prefer to talk instead of actually making the comic -- that maybe they won't make it to the ending. I'm happy to be proven wrong, of course. And there is no shame in dropping a comic before you get to the end (I've done that myself!). But yeah, public spoilers is one of those things that makes me worry.(edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
^My thoughts exactly. It worries me in exactly the same way.
Deo101 [Millennium]
when it comes to reading spoilers, Ive never really minded. Granted, I'd rather have spoilers more towards "what to expect" because I otherwise will get a lot of anxiety. A bit of the way in, I want to know if something is going to be worth my time to get invested into, or if I should ignore the stress and just be along for the ride. Being told things like "this is a tragedy and you shouldnt expect to have a happy ending" and "everything will work out in the end" really calms me down when I'm reading. Getting small spoilers about character things, inconsequential plot stuff, etc. don't really bother me at all, but yeah I'm with keiiii where if someone is sharing the ending of their story halfway through I worry theyre not interested in actually working to get there.
I'll personally share in small private settings whatever people want to know, but I refuse to in a public setting share what I'd consider to be a big spoiler. I'll share small character things or vague plans and some worldbuilding stuff, but I don't see those as spoilers really.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
The "what to expect" thing is a really great topic though. I would love to discuss it in depth in shop talk when the caffeine kicks in
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Ooh me too. I drop some future story features in my About page - very broadly. But it's more of a pitch than an outright spoiler. It requires some vagueness to be effective.
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
@Deo101 [Millennium] Setting expectations correctly is very different from spoilers, I think, and more in direction of "what genre does that story fall under". Like a romance means happy (for now) ending for the main couple - even if you might end up disagreeing if an ending is happy.
It ain't a spoiler that a space opera has some kind of space travel, that kind of thing.
For me spoilers tend to cover plot specifics, not genre and general tone. That's setting expectations.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah, but a lot of people really don't like to say that their story is gonna be a tragedy because they dont want to spoil that people are gonna die or whatever
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
That's... bad marketing.
Deo101 [Millennium]
it happens constantly
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I agree that a lot of times what creators share is basically bonus plot info, or extra details, or even warnings. I actually haven't really ever gotten a major spoiler from a creator.
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Mind you, you can have people die without being a tradgedy, see the majority of epic fantasy.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
(On a side note, I have spoiled 100% of the plot of my comic to very specific close people in my life, but I don't know if that counts.)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I don't think there is a single person to whom I've spoiled 100% and I'm jelly of those of you who have Story Confidantes!
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Honestly SOs and close siblings are a GODSEND
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I'm close with my bro, but he's not into the kind of stuff I write. (might be getting off topic?)
Yeah I do want to remind again here this should be about experiences as a reader, not as a creator. And I know there can be a bit of bleed over, but there's a point where the focus changes too much.
I think this depends on who it's being spoiled to. If creators want to spoil their stories to close personal friends in private convos, I think that's A-okay. Even as a writer I do that, because it's good to have people to bounce ideas off of. And I think for more creators it's the same. Also, sometimes you just want to have a fun chat to de-stress and it's easier with people who you can tell all your secrets too. If it's being spoiled to people who asked for spoilers, that's also another matter where I think it's mostly fine. In fact, depending on what's spoiled, it can really help drive engagement. For example, if a comic is "spoiling" lore that has a significant bearing on the plot without revealing the exact how of it all. However, then we come to the matter of major public spoilers, which there are tons and tons of creators who do this. On the one hand, that's the creator's right to do so, so a part of me feels like embracing the can't be helped mindset. But, if I'm being brutally honest, as a reader 90% of the time it just kills all engagement with the story for me. I mean, what's the point of reading the story if I can just find out everything in a fraction of the time? Plus, for me personally, I enjoy theorizing and trying to guess events, mysteries, etc. And if I'm being told the answers, that basically ruins like 80% of how I engage with content. I'm also confident I'm not the only reader who feels this way, so personally speaking I don't think it's a wise decision no matter how juicy or agonizing it is to hold in the spoiler.
Feather J. Fern
For me, spoilers don't mean much. I'm still going to read the comic regardless. Now I spoiling something is funnier, because it takes me forever to get to the section which I spoiled, so something I spoiled would take a year to get to, and then everyone forgot the spoiler anyways. XD
I have already spoiled endings to my friends about one of my comic projects, and three months in they are already like "I forgot about that." So maybe it's just my readers haha.
@keii’ii (Heart of Keol) About the talking vs. finishing the comic thing. If I decided to spoil it would be because I was impatient to discuss. Like, right now I have the worst itch just to talk about the climax and ending to discuss all the little details, what I could do better next time, if I should put trigger warnings on specific chapters, and/or how my readers feel. Would it keep me from making it to the end? Nah, executing and seeing the results are not the same as describing them. The emotions a reader has can change vastly when they experience an event vs. read a description, it's not as fulfilling... or as painful. At least that is my perspective, neither I nor my readers would get the full experience from me describing a major event/ending. I don't know how it would be for other creators though. Lol
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah, it's definitely a case by case thing.
Pff yeah, I imagine some people are less anal about execution than I am.
eli [a winged tale]
Great discussions here! If I’m the reader, I’d prefer not to be spoiled and enjoy the story as is. It helps me as both a consumer and a creator to see how the plot twists are planted and revealed. As a beta reader, though, I would need to know the story to give suggestions on how to execute said spoilers but this is more of a creator-to-creator basis. I totally get the itch to share and I think having betareaders/comic confidantes are great for satisfying that need while getting constructive ways to evaluate them.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Agreed. I think having at least one person within your reader circle who is privy to deeper details can be very helpful, both for editing and for motivation Especially if there are story details that won't be shared for years. It's a good way to prevent 'leakage'
I need to get myself a confidant, not only would it help the itch but talking about it would probably help me better fill in the small details. There was a rl friend I had who got too busy and lost interested, and someone online who I talked to about smaller stuff, but I don't like bothering people. Especially since my comic is sooo... my comic. Lmao!
Gosh, I would be the perfect person for someone to confide in about their comic, I would totally forget about the spoilers after waking up the next day.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Tbh I don't mind if a story is spoiled to me. I'm the type of person who is like "okay so that's how it ends? How does it get there?" and I would be more upset if the creator spills those important parts that reach the end result. Though, when explaining my comic plots and details to my irl friends and beta readers, it's more of a planning session than things said in stone. Basically if it's something that I've not written down and could be a spoiler, yet I talk about it and those spoiler squeals aren't in the final scripts though. If it's an important detail and is a spoiler, I will withhold that information till the time comes.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I don't know what I'd think because I've never seen a webcomic I liked share spoilers before. I get the feeling that a "serious" writer would keep their twists private because they know they can show their plot better than they can tell it, if that makes sense. Even Sfeer Theory, a comic I really like that iirc did much of its brainstorming online, shut down their old worldbuilding posts once they got their actual comic started.
Personally, I'm not hugely opposed to spoilers, though it depends on the context. A lot of new webcomics when they're just started out will often only be able to market themselves with illustrations of scenes or dynamics that haven't quite happened yet, just by virtue of being so early on, and that's fine-- though increasingly less necessary the more Comic is released. The only kind of spoiler I might be actively mad about is if a comic whose appeal hingest largely on a central mystery or suspense spoiled The Answer, but I feel like most of the writers creating stories like that are conscious of this and keep that sort of thing under lock. There's also a big reason why I personally try not to share spoilers (and why I try not to put much stock by any spoilers I see posted by other webcomic creators, in case their process is like mine)-- which is that, basically anything that is more than a month ahead of the pages I've already drawn, is very likely to change substantially. I rewrite future plot points all the dang time. So if I shared something as a 'spoiler', there's only a 50/50 chance of that plot point actually coming to pass (unless it's one of the 4/5 big central plot linchpins); any readers waiting for it may come away disappointed, lol.
Def agree with Vare on this one. However, sometimes when a writer tells details to the point of no surprise in the comic whatsoever, that usually breaks immersion and interest for me. I've had a couple stories stagnate from having their plots revealed by the writer, and when the story hinges on that being a selling point, it tends to be very dissapointing to have done. Unless the story is character driven/ has characters charming enough to capture readers, i would def avoid spoiling the main plot points of the story if they can
eli [a winged tale]
I feel like anything in act 1 is technically not a spoiler since in books, the blurb encompasses act 1 even the beginning of act 2.
Once again I'm popping in here to remind people this chat is primarily to talk about experiences as a reader, not as a creator. So let's not go too far into creator territory here.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
It's hard to say how I'd feel because I don't really see writers post, like "X dies in the end" or whatever. Like it's not that common an occurrence, at least for comics I follow. What is common in my experience is creators posting ship art for characters that haven't shown up yet (thus spoiling that these are characters who will show up at some point, and at least have some interaction with each other). And with regards to that... I dunno. Like, my mentality as a reader/watcher of things is that a character doesn't "exist" until I see them in the story. Like, if I see a character in an anime OP, I'll be like "oh that character looks cool, I can't wait until I meet them". That is, I don't consider myself as having "met" them yet - I need the story as context. (for the record, that's true for me as a creator too - i know plenty of creators figure out their OCs' personality & backstory first before figuring out what sort of story they work in, and that's valid, but I can't imagine working like that) So anyway, to me creators posting OC art before they appear in the story is less "oh, i've been spoiled on what these OCs will do" and more "oh, i can't wait to read the story that these characters are involved in"
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cow3survivor · 3 years
Episode 1 Pt. 1: “Playing A Game With A Fresh Slate” - Jessica
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So im a little slow with names to start but everyone seems chill and nice to be around. I hope I can find some like-minded people here 
Hello hello hello, it is Jessica here with a confessional. I don't know a single soul in this game except for Silver and we are not even on the same tribe. I also barely know him so it's basically like I'm playing a game with a fresh slate! It's nice because I feel like I used to have a Reputation with a capital R and sometimes that made it difficult to play the way I wanted (which is chaotically but in a cute way). But since no one knows me... I can use whatever strategy I want and hopefully they don't see it coming. I am tied for the oldest person here. Everyone is college aged (or even HIGH SCHOOL aged? Didn't know people still did that) so I do not know what we are going to talk about. My only interests are taxes and coffee, things that kids these days know nothing about! Also I am only allowed one teenager friend without it being weird and that person is Zach so I will just vote out the rest of the teenagers in this cast. The tribe wants to play pictionary later so I am going to join that and wow them all with my art skills. All right that's it, that's my confessional for this round. I probably won't even need to write any more until merge because I will be immune every round :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) I am manifesting that it will happen 
my tribe is seeming kinda dry</3 but thats okay im here to be insane and annoying not to win 
I'm coming into this game with the mentality of "you need to write a vl everyday, a confessional every day and communicate with everyone every day. I don't think I know anyone on my tribe apart from Nicole and Silver, who I am looking forward to possibly work with. I'm the youngest as always. Jabari seems worried about the image he gives off. Nash looks like that chatty archetype, someone you can go to vent to. Mikey was pretty excited to not be the youngest. Jake seems like a pretty nice guy. His first ORG, and with 15 orgs under my belt, I think I actually can help, but he loves survivor so he must know the strategies. I think I know jones from other ORGs, but she wasn't very active today. Or maybe I just wasn't awake for it. Jennet seems like a cool person I'd like to talk to. Same goes for Lindsay. As for Brookesia, I couldn't help but notice that Ethan reminds me of someone, I just don't know why. No thoughts on Daisy, Lovelis, Sam, or Shane. Jessica is giving me a strange vibe. She's gonna get to swap/merge, and in those later days, I think she has the possibility to become a villain. Or maybe that's gonna be me hehehehe. Cloud spoke in ITALIAN in their Intro Video and I'M EXCITED CAUSE MAYBE THEYRE  ITALIAN. Madison is someone I know from another ORG and great person, may not get to even meet her, she may get booted out pre-swap. Everyone knows Sammy, may be considered as a liability and I do too. I'm hella scared of him, but I just hope Brookesia sees the threat before I'm on a tribe with him. And then there's Pete. Ughhhhhh whyyyyyy. Bitch you can't make that show up on my screen at 2 am and expect me not too have nightmares. May be just all for show and he may be voted out first. For now, let's just try to make friends. I could just go to Jake or Silver. I don't know yet, I still have to talk with everyone
So? This is overwhelming a bit. I haven’t played survivor in almost a year and really didn’t think I’d be playing any more games. Yet, here I am! And it’s very weird, because I like everyone so far on a surface level which means I might be the weakest member of the tribe? I don’t think that’s how that works. I’ve been talking to Jake a bit, Lindsay a bit, Pennino a bit, then I love Nash and Jones. Jennet and I were active at different times I think so I haven’t gotten to speak to them yet but I have watched them play Toy Story! And Jabari was really nice but we talked about the weather and the weather only so uh..we are gonna have to talk more. In a big game like this you have to have the personality and active time to move forward so, I’m trying to show people I have that. It’s just real hard to do so, and also Silver...he is hard to keep up with. I’ve been hosting him for the past month and I just find it difficult to find an in to align with him on, not really trying to align with him honestly. But I feel like I’d probably do good at pretending to align with him, which is all that matters right? In terms of the other tribe...kisses all of them. Sammy? Love of my life. Daisy? Love of all our lives. Like, these are super likable people! So it’s a little worrisome to have big personalities over there, I really hope they don’t eat each other before a swap can happen. Especially Madison and Daisy, both of them have a tendency to uh...stick with the men...and vote out the women. So I’m really hoping history doesn’t repeat because I’d love to work with both of them! I feel like I’m solid if I can find a way to keep communication constant this round and show I can help out. I feel like rallying the girls and the theys this round may be an opportunity. I feel bad because Silver is doing all this and I know sammy is a graphic designer LOL Speaking of he should be working on my book cover not this game...anyway I’m gonna go back to sleep for an hour before work but I hope this tribe shows an inact soon because I’m starting to feel like the weakest link 😳
so right off the bat i’m really vibing with Ethan we immediately found our shared love for Bowser & Roadhog as our gay dads aw ♡ also talked to sammy since we have a little history but we’re cool i really think it’ll go well this time around at least i hope
(a little later)
i recorded this very late so im sorry if its a mess: 
Also to add one pennino immediately started interrogating me about people i didnt like and is generally not giving me great vibes like dude. chill it down on the aggression. you gotta make a connection w people before you start doing shit like that and we definitely didn't have one yet. obviously i vagued him (while giving him just a little bit of tea so it wasnt intensely obv i was vaguing) but dude... dont do that shit. we ain't even know if we goin' to tribal yet what the fuck.
Charan's Hot Confessional Questions for Leafy (Charan is my diary room buddy <3) :dance: 1. You've had the evening to get to meet your new tribemates! Who are you connecting with? Who are you struggling to connect with? How did the Tribe VC go? I feel like I am getting my foot in the door with most of them, so rather than saying who I am connecting super well with, I will say Kiki is the only one who I haven't had a conversation with. They got back from work right after everything happened, and I was already asleep, and they have not messaged me back yet today. The tribe vc was fun! I love vcs, as my diary room buddies RYAN and CHARAN know, as they are a way to make even deeper connections, and talk about things more efficiently. VCs are also a way to more quickly understand the personalities of who I am talking with, so I got a lot of info quickly. Super excited because my tribe looks awesome! :dance: 2. How do you personally assess your gameplay? Where do you think your strengths lay, especially in the early premerge? In what ways do you find yourself capitalizing on those strengths to keep yourself safe? My gameplay is 100% rooted in my social maneuverability. I try to understand those I play with, and preferably, have them as allies. Even if they aren't allies, if I understand how they think, I will be able to anticipate how they will act and react to certain scenarios. So far I hope to use my social game to keep me out of harm's way, as I don't need to be in control, I just can't be the one to go. If things go well, I will naturally be in a more powerful position as people come to trust me, but I can never be seen as going for one or being in one. Perception is everything, and on day 1, I am going for the perception that I am a nice volleyball coach with a passion for education, and I am just somebody who wants to have fun and make new friends. That is all true, and that is all I need to be! :dance: 3. I personally have 0 clue how idols/advantages are obtained in this org. Do you expect it to be difficult or easy? And does the easiness of finding idols factor into your gameplay at all? Or are you used to playing without having to rely on advantages? I expect this to be difficult. My luck in life and ESPECIALLY in orgs is abysmal. This system is rooted in luck but also social prowess, so I can set myself up the best I can socially but ultimately it is a luck-based system. I am not anticipating on finding anything this season if this is the only way to find things, but more importantly, I just need to know who finds what and when. I am used to playing without advantages, and just need to know who has them in order to adapt my gameplay to them. :dance: 4. Lastly, tell me about your day! What did u do that made u feel happy about today and what're ur plans for tomorrow? My day has been good so far! I told one of my volleyball teams that I coach about this, and they said they want to be in my video confessional, so maybe that will be coming soon :eyes:. I love what I do and coach a LOT of hours, so if I am not typing in here I am likely doing that. In addition to that, the semester is winding down for school, so hopefully, soon I will have less school work and I can focus on this and on coaching. For tomorrow I play to more deeply integrate myself socially, and start to talk game with people! 
i fear i will not click with my tribemates... im easy to get along with but idk if these people will like me
https://youtu.be/Q3eDyTryE0g when I tell y'all I've had it....
I feel like nobody hears me when i speak :(( i dont wanna sound like a toddler but hopefully its just my insecurities and they do enjoy me
(a little later)
Silver is kinda... hmmm kinda weird i dont like to isolate people or be mean but that’s just something i noticed. i do enjoy having somebody that’s awkward around bc it does take the edge/pressure off me being awkward
(after an afternoon of swimming)
this is such a different experience than what im used to.... nobody really messages me like at all and ive reached out but idk-
Well we are here on day three doing an immunity challenge. I hope we win! Today's song of the day is: HELLO by Allie X (I have listened to it 30 times this morning alone).
So far I like my tribe enough. I find people are falling into two categories: active/chatty or quieter/a little more difficult to talk to. In category one we have:
- Ethan: One of my favourite people to talk to so far, really liking him.
- Sammy: The only person I've talked any strategy with. I really like that out of the gate he was like "hey let's not waste time, let's STRATEGIZE". Since he was the one that brought that up first, I'm thinking I might go to him today (whether we win immunity or not) and see what he thinks about starting an official alliance with any of the people in category 1 (or anyone at all really)
- Daisy: Daisy seems very sweet and is easy to talk to. I really like her!
- Lovelis: Oh my gosh.... at first I was like hmmm not sure what my opinion is of this guy. But then we realized we are both from the FB Org community and now we are hitting it off! He said he cheered for me when I played Kingdoms Collide.
- Pete: Umm I don't really have a read on Pete but he does reply pretty quickly when I message him.
And then in the not so active group:
- Sam: Sam is actually here quite a bit but I've found he's a little difficult to talk to. He doesn't move conversations forward a lot. However we have been bonding over the evil that is braces/retainers so now he is opening up a bit.
- Shane: For some reason, I keep thinking he is also named Ethan? Not sure why. Shane is fine but same as Sam; not great at keeping conversations moving forward.
- Cloud: Okay I love Cloud. They are great and I really want to talk to them more! But they are also a little spotty with how much they're online. I would not want to vote them out if we lost but I also would not necessarily stop others if they wanted to.
- Madison: She is not here very much and doesn't seem to be putting in the effort when she is. Like she's left me on read already and in the span of 48 hours (or however long it's been since the game started) we have barely spoken at all and I've had to start the convo twice. I'd probably most want to vote her out if we lost.
In an ideal perfect wonderful world, we will win immunity and that gives me more time to try and subtly get some form of alliance going. I don't want to be the one to push it directly so I'm going to try and get Sammy to suggest it to people.
Usually I find I get two placements in games: I make it to merge as a non-threat and then kill it in the second half + go really far or I play too big too fast and by late pre-merge/early merge, I'm taken out. The only times I've gone into merge with a threat label and still won, I either won every single immunity (what's up, Jordan Pines!) or I had a once in a lifetime alliance. In my experience, it's way easier to play from a non-threatening position where everyone likes you.
I used to have that strategy down perfectly but it's been a few years so let's see if I still remember how the heck you win Survivor!
:pensive_cow: So we get on the beach and like omg I arrive like,, two hours later than everyone else but that’s all gucci idrc ab that but IN HINDSIGHT NOW feel like such an outsider on this TRIBE????????? It’s all internal I think. I haven’t done anything to make me an outsider other than be super super busy and preoccupied but I FEEL SO WEIRD :((( idk!! It might also be an age thing tho,, Bc it seems like a lot of people on my tribe are like 14-18 or smth like that I feel like the weird aunt who lives down the block!!! These kids make me SICK!!! But ya. It’s not like I have no one tho I’m just v v sad and feel rlly tuned out of everyone’s thoughts ajdkdkdkdk but uhm. 👉👈 first impressions cast assessment:
Jabari- have NOT had the chance to pm her 1 on 1 yet, but she was on call for a hot minute yesterday after the challenge was released!! She gave Lindsay some insight on the flash game which I thought was super super neat :) Jake - I definitely think on first impression he’s trying to take on a bit more of a savior leadership type position by organizing everyone for the immunity challenge and trying to make his own quirky cute flag too, but idk if we rlly like ? Need a leader rn ? I get it’s in good conscience but it’s a lil unnecessary. I do think he’s super super sweet tho and I loved his flag :) Mikey - this boy. JSJDJDKKD I think he’s TOTALLY FINE don’t get me WRONG but idk why he was like ,,, unintentionally lowkey shady??????? JAJDJFJFK LIKE when Jake’s flag came into consideration one of the first things Mikey said was smth like “well the judges might think it’s more illustration than a flag” LIKE AKSKSKSK ITS NOT A BIG DEAL ITS A FUCKING FLAG ANJSKS I think it might be,, an age thing or just him wanting his flag to be used which is FINE but it’s a reward challenge and it’s flagmaking it’s not,, the biggest deal ankskdksks I do appreciate his work ethic tho :3
Jennet - I’ve never heard bad things ab jennet so I’m RLLY EXCITED to get to meet them esp since they’re also kinda involved w fast twitter and whatnot but I feel like they kinda came in rlly hot? Like “I’m here to play this for real” I think Is what they said which isn’t totally fine but it’s also like,,, yes. Cool. Idk what it means ig hsjsjsj idk they’re v fun tho :)) definitely wanna work w them long term
Nicole - i Keep thinking Nicole is my emotional support counselor I’m so happy she’s here but I don’t wanna strictly rely on her ya feel (I don’t think I am rn Bc I think I have at least 2 solid allies anskkdkd but I don’t want to have to fall on Nicole Bc shes my friend yk)
Nash - is never rlly online :(( they messaged me yesterday and I messaged them back but they never respondedddddddddd Ik they said they napped but! Where are u I miss u
Pennino - this boy. ANDKFKDKDK he’s the kind of person that will respond to PMs w one word sentences and then go fking off in tribe chat like his life depends on it AJDKDKKDD I don’t see myself bonding w him that well tbh :( I think in the end it’s probs an age thing but he def seems nice and excited to play
Silver - at first I loved his intro,, filled me w joy,, but when I messaged him a bit later I felt like our convo was kinda stale? But THEN yesterday on call?? Chefs kiss I love silver sm. He said he wants to work w me too so BONUS??????? YES!!
Lindsay - this is it folks. This is the one. I love Lindsay sm. I haven’t had a great first impression convo w anyone like lindsay in a long long LONG ass time and I’m so. Appreciative. We both have said we wanna work w each other and I’m so so excited GOD lindsay is so incredible
But ya have to go back to work kiss me on the lipz
flopped the immunity comp so i fear i may be next :/// i havent really made an connections this is sick
0 notes
motherofkittens94 · 6 years
tagged by @greyjoysea and @staryjoy 
Do you watch the episodes when they air? usually not being a brit who doesnt have hbo  i watch like a day or two later when it airs on sky Atlantic  or on now  tv the first three i watched on dvd from a friend who had the boxset it was when we were sharing a house walked in  the logue one  Morning and she watching it and its that bit where the mountain cuts off the horses head and im like what the hell are you watching ?? i just woke up i wasnt expecting violence this early in the morning ? and then sat down and watched it with her and im like and watched the whole rest of season   one and im like what the hell is this show  ??  ....is there more ?? btw my brother said he got half way through season one and said it  was boring im like season ones the best ?? and hes like oh i dont enjoy  historical drama im not interested in medieval history and im like face palm he thinks this is historical and he also doesnt like history wtf i mean  how am  i related to this fool but yeah thats tangent  and i told him get to ep nine so he could see ned stark beheading he said maybe but if i agreed to watch stranger things with him lol :/ 
How often do you rewatch it? Do you rewatch it from season one? ive re watched all the way  it through a few times but usually would only watch my fav episodes ive seen the red wedding so many times though because wed always watch it with some friend whos just getting into and hasnt seen that one yet so we can see their reaction 
Do you rewatch the previous episode before the next one airs? Not usually on each  occasion but my aunt and uncle always do so when i watch with them i do  
Do you eat anything while watching? if so, what do you eat? not usually a proper meal but  i might have snack like crisps or popcorn unless its a glory scene 
One character that everyone seems to like that you don’t care much for hmm cersei ?? and i didnt lime petyr baelish much but he seemed popular at least among my friends  but i do agree he shouldnt had a better death scene they took all the cleverness out of him and though i hadnt liked him it was a shame in a way like the couldnt find way him to go down in a clever interesyting way so they had to dumb him right down  book pb wouldnt get caught like that people like show euron apparently me  hmm not show much to put it nicely also ave mixed feelings about stannis book book and show wise and i like jon but hes not the ultimate  hyped favourite like he is with a lot of people and perfer theon to him tbh 
Your 3 favourite pairings Throbb theonsa jon ygritte jaime brienne thats four but theres two theons so 
Favourite scene: robb getting crowded any scene where theon smiles  theons monologue  theon and sansa hug jon and sansa arya sansa hug jon and ygritte kissing on the wall jaime jumping to save brienne theons speeches both tyrions speeches both but the one in season one was really funny tyrion dragging the chair across the room when everyone is is science idk that cracked  me up bronn duelling for tyrion the one where Catelyn announces to everyone that (she thinks)  tyrion tried to kill bran cause that was the first ep id seen thats the bit that got me hooked  theon getting back up and fighting that ironborn guy pdrick saving tyrion  and i still maintain that viserys had the best death also not to be a basic bitch but that first time dany does her fire thing in season one i was #stunned 
One character you wish got more appreciation: theon duh #nomoredickjokes2018 but also meera and jojen too i suppose  and shireen and sansa and they could've (shouldve) done more with myrcella and tommen   and brienne too was underused and gendry also idk if if i like the way the tried to iron the grey parts out of tyrion and jon  and bran i wish they done brans story better and wed have got that tree scene with theon also as a disabled gal  certain comments some people make about uselessness of bran sometimes make me uncomfy tbh 
Fanfic or nah? i usually only read theon based ones and thats usually just theon robb theon sansa or sometimes theon jeyne p cause i cant do bolton heavy stuff im a whimp  but i read the occasion jon / ygritte or jaime / brienne and once i tried theon jon  but i wasnt sold soz :/ i read theon ygritte once as well  that actualy worked surprising well and theon domeric .. aha  thats mine  and @blueagia s baby  
but i guess id be open to others maybe 
Favourite quote:  from just the show ?  meeras some people will always need help that doesnt mean theyre not worth helping  also tyrions death is so final but life is full of possibilities and   mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone if it is to keep its edge. That's why I read so much Jon Snow also sansas not a killer .. not yet anyway sansa - or maybe hell give me yours theons sy he is is theon greyjoy again also i like that quote about theons smile but obvi thats not in the show bronns this is bronn son of .. you wouldnt know him  just because it was funny 
Do you avoid spoilers? :  i do because im a blabber if i know id tell everyone omg this happens and that - i dont do on purpose really not with the intention of spoiling it for people  i just blurt it out like  i ruined he Rains of Castamere for someone once by saying oh is this one where robb dies ? and i didnt realise she hadnt seen it  yet and shes like robb dies :( :( and im  like oh umm i meant ...  rob - ert baratheon obviously ! haha whoops and i told someone else about jofferys death because shed said she seen it all  but she said later  i wish joffrey would die and  i was lil tipsey then so im like  .. but he does die ? youve seen it right? in season 4 ? hes poisoned ?  at his wedding ? to Margaery?? and shes like ....thanks beth ..... turns outs shed only  seen season 1-3 whoops again but hey i was drunk  that time so i  now avoid spoilers to avoid spoiling people and when i read the books my then housemates told me not to tell them what was different in case they wanted to read the books later on and didnt want me to spill and i did try to keep to it but i blabbed a few things tbh 
Favourite house words: We do not sow greyjoys ftw 
One character you’d bring back from the dead: ygritte shireen  robb maybe catelyn  and hoder !!
One character you’d kill, or kill sooner than they were killed balon greyjoy also ramsay but i wouldve done  it differently and theon shouldve been there or at least known about it also randyll tarly like fuck that guy ive seen people defending him and im like no offense but you are serious me and a friend had a bet on the boltons i bet against roose dying and he bet against ramsay dying we both lost lmao 
Direwolves or dragons? Dragons 
Which was more satisfying: Ramsay dying or Joffrey dying? hmm i actually joffrey probably because it was more unexpected i didnt see it coming i didnt think hed die  -i wanted ramsay to die and i wanted to like ramsay dying  and wished i had liked it more but it wasnt  done  the way i wanted it and it seemed so obvious like it wasnt a shock like joffrey dying was  i think in a way they over did ramster and just ran out f things fro him to do that he hadnt already like i was like hmm sewating nevously what can we do now ...err  kill your dad! kill a baby! kill  a stark  kill .. jon snow ...??  aye fuck it get rid of guy ay 
 i liked season six   better than season 7 or 5 but it made me lol in a way cause it seemed like they went ok ok you didnt like it last time when we killed all the women we heard you! we did ! weve changed things yes  so how about this instead ...   the woman kill everyone ! yea ? you like that ? we good now ?  sweet as ! put more women killing eveyone into season 7 dave we on the money 
Wildlings or the dothraki? Wildlings
Favourite lannister?  Tyrion but jaimes growing on me 
Favourite stark? i think sansa tbh 
Would you rather be able to be resurrected anytime, but gain scars and all like Beric, or become a faceless man? Resurrect any time like Beric
Would you rather have the rebellion tv show or the conquest tv show?  id pefer Rebellion but id watch a conquest show i think 
tagging @saltwaterwoods @whiteladyofrohann  @unamatta  @wedonnotcare @faller1344 @starkrysis @iladylittlefinger if you want to :) 
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curlyshepards · 7 years
LITERALLY i want all of them for curly shepard
What does their bedroom look like?
idk why i’m such a firm believer of this BUT: tim and curly share a room, so typically half of it is clean and the other half (curly’s half) is a fucking mess all the time
Do they have any daily rituals?
every day for lunch at school him & his friends just go under the bleachers and drink. unfortunately curly has no limits so when lunch is over he usually just ends up ditching the rest of the day to go continue drinking somewhere else
Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?
he doesn’t make a conscience effort to exercise, but he walks basically everywhere when tim has the car. so he’s in pretty good shape bc of that & bc of fighting
What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?
curly has never made dinner a day in his life and will never make an attempt to nor does anyone want him to. if theres nothing already made at the house he’ll either just go without or go to the diner
Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
he’s a generally messy person, but he takes pride in his looks so he takes care of himself. he’s always clean shaven and smells really good. his room, however, is a disaster scene
Eating habits and sample daily menu
usually not awake for breakfast, and for lunch he’ll scrap up whatever he can find in his house (probably ends up being a sandwich or cereal) and for dinner he’ll follow tim somewhere and make him buy him dinner. he loves eating at the diner and never underestimate his ability to eat breakfast meals at 11 o clock at night
Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
his sole reason for going to school is to waste time (thats what he tells everyone at least but its rlly because tim will not let him drop out) but if hes not in school then he’s probably just walking around his neighborhood w/ his friends or hanging out at the strip trynna start fights
Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
dont.....really know what this means. all im thinkin about is that chocolate stuff. but he likes chocolate so lets go with that. he could eat 50 kit kats in a row, probably
makeup sex? absolutely. he’ll start a fight with his boo just for the sex
Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?
i honestly dont see him having a mental illness
Intellectual pursuits?
intellectual isn’t really his thing. BUT  i can see him really liking labs and stuff
Favorite book genre?
he hATES reading, but mostly because he’‘s dyslexic and he was brought up thinking that he was dumb bc he had trouble reading. ponyboy is the one that ends up helping him, though, and sometimes he’ll read to curly (action books bc they’re the only ones that’ll keep curly’s attention. there are numerous times he regrets the decision bc curly cant keep quiet for more than a few minutes.)
Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?
(i can already see the purly supporters @’ing me yikes) but PERSONALLY i think he’s straight. idk what this means by thoughts on s.o. in general but im bisexual ??? idc about sexual orientation ??
Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.)
he’s got a lot of scars, mostly on his knuckles but a few up and down his arms. he’s deathly allergic to seafood but doesn’t care bc it looks gross to him anyway.
Biggest and smallest short term goal?
biggest: honestly just making it through another day is an achievement to him
smallest: he swears that one day he will beat sodapop curtis in a drag race
Biggest and smallest long term goal?
biggest: being as respected as tim is when he’s older
smallest: he will own a puppy at some point
Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
white t-shirt, jeans, tennis shoes, and if its not too hot then a leather jacket. he hates jean jackets tho and WILL make fun of anyone who wears them
Favorite beverage?
beer. but also pepsi. hes weird.
What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
we’re about to get deep. on good nights he just thinks about his day. there’s never a boring time with him, so he’s always got a lot to think about. he could be thinking about a girl he’s met or just hooked up with, or about what his friends got into. on bad nights though, he thinks about his dad and how he never got to know him. he thinks about how maybe he’ll never be like tim, and he’ll never be the brother that angie falls back on (that doesn’t bother him as much as it should, but it still pops into his mind) the number one thing that keeps him awake is never amounting to the shepard name
Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?
just stupidity. he broke a lot of bones, needed a lot of stitches, and was bed bound too many times to count. there was one incident that tim loves to tell: the first time curly got into a fight. the guy was two times bigger than curly, but he didn’t care. the fight was done in 5 minutes, and curly had his first broken nose
Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
turn ons: i can see him really liking outgoing girls/ girls that are upfront. also neck kisses, collarbone kisses, hair pulling, back scratching
turn offs: daddy kink (seriously, its gross, stop forcing this on my son. he already has enough daddy issues) but nothing else really he will do basically anything
Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
either a very crude & poorly done drawing or a sign that says “curly is the hottest shepard”
How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
he is NOT. it doesnt really bother him that hes disorganized, but it drives tim up the wall. he’s always getting onto curly for being a slob
Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?
he doesn’t really care, but since he’s forced to go to school he might as well enjoy something, which ends up being the labs in science. he likes the dissections, mostly, but he thinks looking into the microscopes are cool too (mostly bc him and his friends make shapes out of the slides)
How do they see themselves 5 years from today?
alive, hopefully
Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?
he kinda just takes it day by day and doesnt care about the future. hes a strong believer that things will fall into place if theyre supposed to happen
What is their biggest regret?
probably being too emotional and not toughening up enough when he was younger
Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
SO this is an OC but his best friend is a guy in the gang named brian. his worst enemy is also in the gang and his name is jimmy and he fucking hates that kid.
Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)
he’s probably the one that caused the disaster, so he immediately tries to fix it on his own. which usually works, but it leaves a mess behind that he’ll attempt (and fail) to cover up. a few hours later he’ll get chewed out by tim.
Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)
so lets say tim dies. tim is the only person that curly is really close to, because if there’s one thing that he learned from his brother it’s to never let anyone too close. but he always thought that tim would be there for him so he worshipped him. but ANYWAY tim dies and curly shuts down. i can honestly see him losing it bc tim was all curly ever knew, he was always there to fix the mess curly got himself in and now he’s just kinda alone in the world. he’d still have the gang, but they’d remind him too much of his brother, so he’d eventually cut ties with them. it’d take a major, new person to bring him out of his stump, and thats if he ever really brings himself back to normal
Most prized possession?
the hand-me-down leather jacket tim gave him
Thoughts on material possessions in general?
doesnt really care about them bc he doesnt have a lot. he likes the things with meaning, but couldnt care less about expensive & nice things
Concept of home and family?
hes VERY family oriented and a huge mama’s boy, but he hates his step dad. he’d do anything to protect angela and anything that tim asked him. family always comes first with him
Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)
it kinda depends. on his sexual life hes really TMI, but about emotions and family and secrets he’s really private. you could count on one hand the amount of people that he’s told private stuff to, and even then they don’t know the full story. i think the only people who would ever truly know him are tim and his significant other
What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?
football!! and hes actually good at it. tim never plays tho so the only time he gets to is with the curtis gang
What makes them feel guilty?
fucking up on a gang job and letting tim down
Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?
more emotional!! that’s the biggest difference between curly and tim. tim will think of the long-term effects before making a decision, where curly is more of an “act now, think later” type person. his decisions are usually the wrong ones, but they make for a better story
Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality?
i’d wanna say type B, because he is super laid back and easy going and isn’t really competitive (unless its for a joke)
What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?
getting away for a while. he loves driving and ive always seen him as having a little secluded spot that he goes to by himself during his teenage years. eventually though he finds the right person that he can take, and just being with them makes him feel better
Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?
neither tbh. he may think that he’s better than some greasers (because honestly he is) but he doesnt think of himself as above other classes. he finds it unfair that socs and middle class people have a superiority complex, so it’d be dumb for him to have one. he just thinks everyone should be equal (but he knows theyre not, and for that reason he’ll fight any soc he can get his hands on)
How misanthropic are they?
hes very easy to get along with if you come from the same type of neighborhood. he’s open to everyone that’s cool with his gang, but he’ll be the worst kind of person to rival gangs and rich people. so he doesnt dislike people, because he can be a really cool guy, you just have to come from his streets
football, fighting, drinking, poker. y’know, d00d stuff
How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?
he graduates high school and thats it. and he definitely values self education more, the stuff he’s learned by himself ahve been more useful to him than the Pythagorean theorem ever will be  
he believes in a god but never really thinks about it. hes not religious by any means but i think it kinda comforts him knowing something comes after life
Superstitions or views on the occult?
he doesnt believe in superstitions imo!!
Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?
both. he’ll talk a big game and then follow through with his promises
If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?
THE QUESTION IVE BEEN WAITING FOR OK if curly ever fell in love, it’d be with someone making him feel okay with being him. they’d make him want to be a better man & not just a mini tim. they’d have to accept that curly would always idolize his brother, but they’d also help him detach a little. they’d love him for him and accept the fact that they can’t change him. they’d probably be just as wild as he is, bc they’d have to keep up with his lifestyle. they couldn’t take life too seriously and would never know what the future had in store for them. i can see curly eventually being able to be romantic, but it’d never be in public
How do they express love?
kisses, holding hands, little acts of kindness (giving them something that reminded him of them, asking how their day was, remembering little things)
If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
daddy came to win
Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not?
nah i dont think he is. i think he’s kinda accepted that there is a very real possibility that he won’t make it past 30 w the way he’s living, so that’s why he takes it day by day
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eagleslouis · 7 years
I get what you mean! Is nice to just get this over with haha no! I can't haha sorry for the drama no I didn't mean I was forced but like nobody will ever considered not trying get into the universe the same year you're done with school you know? Like from all my school friends and classmates I can't think of anyone who didn't :( ah here is a bit different like we have university for free so we have a test of course we also have private universities but most of the best one are public one/ yeah
yeah it’s terrible like my grades were fine so everyone thought I was doing fine until I break down crying trying to sleep after that… I was pretty much dead inside lol yes I’m so grateful he was very helpful ❤ and thank you darling 🌟 I wish you all the best in the world 💕 🌠 oh my god! My cat does exactly the same!! I thought only cats did that?? Haha that’s so sweet!!!! Aww I think is more about the connection between the person and the animal then 😭💕 vet is the dream bc you spend yourtime with animals but I couldn’t handle see any of them sick or hurt 😭💔 yessss Steven’s mother is adorable 💕 and their friendship is so pure 🙏 yeah people are super bitter someone is treating Louis like he deserves to be treated 😔 I will try to find the picture buy he is holding a black cat and is sitting on a sofa I think the cat was his grandmother’s cat?? But I’m not sure kittens always prefer other kittens!!! Yes 👏 prove number 2 haha and true! That’s us with Louis haha 💙
i cant insert the little line because im on mobile but my reply is starting here jsjfjf. you said you had to wake up early today and bye because i woke up early (in my mind) too! i woke up at 9am and thats good tbh since i think i fell asleep around 1am. but anyway dont worry i understand!! college is so crazy to talk about since its so different everywhere 😫 but i would say its the same here with not taking gap years, like typically if people dont go to college the same year (or next) i think people just assume they arent going to college at all 🤷‍♀️. but im a little like uncomfortable that i wont be with my friends you know because one of my best friends is going to a college four hours away, but still in the state, where my other best friend is probably going to a school very close to me (we have like a college town, so just a lot of colleges in one small part of the city) but not the exact one you know? its annoying because i just got so confident this year in school having them around and now im going to have to repeat how i felt my first two years in school rip :((. but college free? SOUNDS LIKE A DREAM. the ones im looking at vary from probably $14k to $59k (but 59k is ABSOLUTELY a reach. i do not.. have that money) per year. but that includes tuition and room and board and personal expenses like everything. so thats why im always talking about needing a job to pay for it!! private schools and public schools tbh arent that severely different? it depends on the school id say but private schools are typically religious 😪 and way more expensive ofc.but anyway i just talked so much dkdkfj SORRY. im so sorry that you broke down and stuff though babe thats awful :(( yeah like even though most people didnt know (is kinda like that saying dont judge a book by its cover you know?), it is really really good that you had people around you 💓 and i know im like probably not much help lol but if you want you can always rant to me about anything! its definitely between the person and animals connection 😊 its sososo sweet like theyre the best 😭 my dog can always tell my mood to based just on the tone of my voice like!! what an angel!! also i know about the vet thing :(( i have a crazy story okay sorry but jsjfjc. two days ago there was literally a bird.. in my wall. like it was definitely in the wall (how it got there? NO IDEA) because i could hear it chirp (constantly. for like two hours.) and i heard it like? try to fly i think? i heard it like go against the wall if that makes sense. but anyway eventually it stopped chirping and my mom kept insisting it died but im like no!!!! i cant live knowing theres a dead bird in my wall 😭 we came to the theory that it just made its way out because.. i think it was too soon for it to die anyway? omg i hope so 🙏 but sorry!! that was kinda sad im sorry.
‘treating louis like he deserves’ i.. kno w. someone appreciating louis for louis and ignoring his relationship partner? realistic and well deserved. i really dont know that picture haha but if you do ever see it make sure to send it my way!! itll be evidence for that discourse if it ever starts 😎
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introisms · 5 years
*   ☆  ◞  PARK CHAEYOUNG. DEMIGIRL. SHE/THEY.  ◟  wait, wasn’t that RYAN KIM? they’re a/n TWENTY TWO year old SOPHMORE, hailing from STATEN ISLAND, NEW YORK. i heard they’ve chosen to study MATHEMATICS AND STATS MAJOR while living at KAPPA THETA XI . word around campus is that they’re LOYAL & GOOFY but also quite OBLIVIOUS & LONGWINDED. if you happen to see them walking to class with their earbuds in, they’re probably listening to LOTTERY by KALI UCHIS. ( PINTEREST )
gifted kids who kind of became fuck ups later in life make some noise!! yeah if you were a casual friend of ryan’s you probably wouldnt know it, that they are actually insanely smart. its only in books really, they’re super oblivious to anything in the real world yeah its definitely gotten them walked over in the passed. it wouldnt be hard to use them since they mean well and get attached to people a little bit too easy. stupid himbo
theyre part of the earth club even though they accidently killed their plants in the past from over watering them, its kind of sad honestly that they want to have a green thumb so badly but they literally wilt around them. yeah they definitely are a little bit of a vsco girl - hydroflask that they definitely stole and a metal straw that folds out of their hemp backpack.
theyre very honest about if they like you are not while theyre nice and friendly if they dont like you or theyre mad at you they will not hold their tongue and they do not care if you like them. honestly they do have a very couldn’t care less attitude towards a lot of things. theyre just not affraid to speak their mind no matter the situation.
yup stealing, ryan comes from a upperclass family so this probably started when they were younger and their parents would withold their allowance but it kind of turned into a really bad habit. theyve gotten into a lot of trouble for it like actual cops once but they batted their pretty eyes and got away with nothing but community service. they sneak into concerts, movies, dine and dash resturants constantly and no walmart or target or convenience store is safe from their sticky fingers. yes this includes test answers ;)
theyre a middle child and it defintiely shows, their dumbass chaotic nature was definitely born out of being neglected and forgotten about. living in a shadow wasnt the greatest for them and then not even getting the attention of being a baby for long by their mom and dad. they play it off as just being goofy and playful most of the time but they get up to some serious trouble all the time.
ryan is longwinded by far - they could talk forever it makes it easy for them to be an advocate for what they love which they do all the time. whether it be from the campy 80s horror movies that they love or art that they love to do. yes it can get annoying does this enby ever take a breath? it truly doesnt seem like they do. sometimes you may just want to ask them to stop talking just to get a bit of peace and quiet.
theyre president of kappa theta xi and they do take that a bit seriously they didnt think they would at first really they only joined it because their mother was an alumni to the house but all the way down to the 68% classiness they embody the house. yes their room is a wreck and on the weekends they’re known to get messy and maybe tping and graffiting one of the fraternities when theyre drunk but thats all part of the experience.
ryan is on a few sports teams as well, soccer and lacrosse they were never too much of a sports kid growing up but they used to go to soccer camp as a teen and honestly that was one of the first times their ass made out with a girl so it holds a special place in their gay sentimental heart and lacrosse was something that they picked up along the way from knowing some of those on the team.
theyre demi girl and and have no super preference between their pronouns as long as you are not refering to them as a woman or girl or feminizing them that is fine with them. they are very secure in their gender identity and while they definitely align with being femme sometimes they refuse to be seen as such. family doesnt know and they never have intention of telling them as they were raised in a very religious and catholic home but ryan is so friendly and open they are easy to share their story with and usually starts it off by saying gender is a myth created by the church to stop you from eating the communion wafers.
they pretty much drink only black coffee energy drinks and on mondays those are usually spiked in the morning yes that means theyre not paying attention in morning stat classes but is that really that big of a deal? to them no even though its made their grades slip in the past but so does them staying up all night trying to solve cold cases and listening to ghost story podcasts.
theyre entire wardrobe is only black jeans and platform boots and shirts with the ugliest prints on them. yes they are pretty much a gay goth dad on vacation that is their ideal aesthetic. during the colder months its worn denim jackets on top of that and call it a day.
terrible for speaking first and thinking later they joke constantly about things like eating dirt that their fish brain is pleased. theyre a bit strange but they try to make it come across as endearing as possible. the things they say arent always jokes some of it is very real. this also goes for impulsive decisions like doing someones stick and poke tattoo at a party or wanting to go bungee jumping.
they come across cocky and narcissistic at times, saying that they are a god and cant be killed theyve convinced themselves that theyre pretty much untouchable. sometimes being up your own ass is not always a good thing but truly who is going to clock them? some one might have too.
exes ( any gender ) though ryan is mostly into coochie they have and are not against dating c*ck owners. ryan is the type to be infatuated fast and then get bored and get over it just as quickly so i would say theyve been a serial dater in that respect. this probably doesnt always happen so we could definitely say your muse broke up with them.
childhood friends for the new york area theyve lived in multiple different boroughs of new yorks mostly manhattan and staten island from moving here and there. so definitely could have known them when they were younger.
camp friends. they went to soccer camp where they had their first kiss with a girl and math camp where they got lost in the woods and bible camp where they definitely ate a page of the bible LMDSLMSDLDSLM so that would be fun.
party friends they definitely party a lot ryan is known to get a little bit too wild and do stupid shit and really needs someone to make sure they dont hurt themselves. this also goes for not just party but they dont sleep a lot so this could go for someone who goes out to get food with them at like three am and hang out at a park eating it
siblings!! they have two siblings an older and a younger and i would suuuuuuuper love them please!
someone who they tutor and have just stolen answer to exams for them they dont always ask for payment but they do ask for ious.
snuck them into a concert with them and maybe they drank when they were too young and ended up almost in trouble with the cops because they got caught. or just generally they dine and dash together or movie hop or go and do dumb shit together.
crushes they can be mutual or one sided i really dont mind. like i said before ryan kind of gets crushes really easily so i super dont mind who is on either side of the crush.
they stole your muses bike and they caught them LSMDLSMDLMDSLM
they stayed up one night and tried to fully solve a cold case even went to the library so late that they got kicked out. it was a long night full of energy drinks and crazy theories. they still do this sometimes now.
pen pals theyve written letters to each other all the time and still do even now. sometimes ryan send them really weird things like paper dolls but theyre equations for them to hang up on their walls or just little letters that say sweet things in them.
honestly anything works your muse could even hate them because they think ryan is kind of annoying or fake because they have a tendency to be overly nice and friendly to everyone.
tinder date/ set ups that either led to something or didnt
good friend who hacked their instagram one night and started responding to dms just funny doesnt have to been anything crude. they do it to each other some nights like just hang out
hookups. good or bad. one night stand or on going.
or anything im down for brainstorming!! :D
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distortionsprite · 6 years
fanfiction asks. original by @criminal-minds-fanfiction
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction?
i think like 11
2) What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one?
harry potter
3) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.
OC’s because i can make them how i want. i dont have to make them tailored towards a certain person and also i get really anxious on what the real people will think
4) What is your favourite genre to write for?
hmmmm idk read some of my books and tell me what genre they are because idek at this point
5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi chaptered stories, which would it be and why?
hmmmm probably Digital. its set in the far dystopian future but not as most people would imagine. because its the future and anything is possible i can let my creativity run wild
6) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?
the electrode gene. to be honest i liked it in the beginning but i dont like where its gone. if i could id just want everyone to forget the last 8 chapters.
7) When is your preferred time to write?
usually after midnight. im still awake and theres no filter on my brain. also i have no distractions
8) Where do you take your inspiration from?
i just kinda get it from my own brain i guess. idk
9) In your xxx fic, what’s your favourite scene that you wrote?
in the electrode gene i like the emotional scenes. i like character development scenes. not just senseless killing for no discernible reason other than hes a psychopath
10) In your xxx fic, why did you decide to end it like that? Did you have an alternative ending in mind?
i havent finished any of my fics yet
11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
no one reads my stuff so i guess not
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why?
damien from Beast Inside. who doesnt love a gay monk who can take down cities with his thoughts?
13) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why?
sirius from The Electrode Gene. at first he had a reason to kill, it was self defence that led him to psychopathy and some weird ass morals. but now he just kills for the sake of killing
14) How did you come up with the title for the xxx? - You can ask about multiple stories.
i dont know. my brain just kind of shits things out and im just like oh okay fine
15) If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names?
see above
16) How did you come up with the idea for xxx?
see above
17) Post a line from a WIP that you’re working on.
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
like all of my romance novels. i abandoned them because i cant write romance
19) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?
i havent finished any of my stories but probably Nebula
20) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?
not finished any
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
rick riordan because lgbt rep yas
22) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?
all of them
23) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence?
i cant have silence. if im left to my thoughts for too long i start going into that depressive state
24) How do you feel about writing smutty scenes?
if theyre done right it can be romantic. but if not its just weird. i dont like writing them
25) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?
yep and its usually when the character is doing some weird evil shit
26) Which part of your xxx fic was the hardest to write?
stuff where theyre doing evil shit in the electrode gene
27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?
i have a general idea for the start and the end. everything else is improv
28) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fanfiction?
how to get people to read it
29) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
all of them
30) In contrast to 29 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?
all of them
31) Send me a fic recommendation and I’ll post it for my followers to see! (The asker is to send the rec not the answerer)
32) Are any of your characters based on real people?
sirius is based on me. surprisingly
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
i dont 
34) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten?
i dont
35) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest?
i usually scream about my ideas before writing them
36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s?
they all die :)
37) What’s the funniest story you’ve written?
i havent
38) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you’re shy, don’t tag the blog, just name it.
andy is an amazing writer and i would love to collab with them one day 
39) Do you prefer first, second or third person?
first. i like the personal touch
40) Do people know you write fanfiction?
who doesnt?
41) What’s you favourite minor character you’ve written?
daniel from the elctrode gene. he dies pretty much immediately but hes still a cool guy
42) Song fic - What made you decide to use the song xxx for xxx.
43) Has anyone ever guessed the plot twist of one of your fics before you posted it?
44) What is the last line you wrote?
i dont remember
45) What spurs you on during the writing process?
the ideas i have for doing stuff
46) I really loved your xxx fic. If you were ever to do a sequel, what do you think might happen in it?
they all die :)
47) Here’s a fic title - insert a made up title. What would this story be about?
48) What’s your favourite trope to write?
they all die :)
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?
it was called romances (creative title i know) and it was a romance (original i know)
50) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
angst because im super fucking angsty
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haeroniel-doliet · 6 years
i need more money to buy little art
honestly tho feeling like for that ideal goal existence i’ll try get to someday, i’ll needa be making proper money comfortable and good so i can spend all i like on society 6 and other to buy shirts and bags and just everything to a house all in different art prints (mostly florals) bc just those pictures are  like everything i want but just so expensive. i’m trying to sum down like 10 to stickers, bc i wanna do up my laptop, but dedicating to a single decal (thats like 25 ON SALE) is too much esp since i love so much. so ive kinda decided to get a hard cover for the laptop just in case i break it, and just in case i do break my laptop that i can keep the stickers on the hard case and dont lose them to replaced parts. idk seems smart. ill probs buy a kinda shady cover off of ebay for 5 or 6 pound and then spend 20 on stickers for it :] since theyre on sale till 8 am today and its 3 am im probs just gonna settle and order them. might order cover tomorrow w my dad bc i need trust assurance. hes not all on board on the stickers so im just gonna go for it. theyre gonna be like my post cards. i buy so many every place. and no. not trashy postcards. i want art. i have so many postcards of paintings in galleries and so many from comic con art valleys (guess who wants to get so much more and 100% will) i love original art the most when its pretty to me and like everyone who sees it. simples okay but i prefer soft and detailed. excited now i can go to con and also be looking for stickers bc maybe ill get a few cool ones that wont cost me as much as the society 6 ones do. and then my laptop can replicate my walls, displaying all the art ive loved that ive been able to take with me (bc theres so much i obviously dont have on my walls) anyway im looking at these and making some small bc i suddenly realise this laptops got realestate. and the saddest thing w stickers (literally why i had one of those waxy paged sticker books as a child) is that i cant dedicate stickers to a single spot. its so much dedication. what if i buy a bigger sticker and it wont fit? what if i get the perfect sticker for that spot and it wont fit? (over lap i guess) how can i be sure i put them in the right spots to start with? augh i dont really wanna cover just half of it and obviously leave space bc that puts pressure on finding stickers and i might get ones i dont love. i cant get sick of any one bc itll be there  (joy of having multiple mean theres less getting sick of anything). anyway i think im happy w the sizes of these 10 stickers and can work w them (also for now i think im just gonna be going around the edges and leaving the apple logo as it is, esp bc it glows and theres already this shitty old smiley face sticker from my old psych teacher and i kinda dont wanna get rid of it, i just wanna add things around it so it doesnt look so: clean (actually dirty) laptop that a child marked as their own) 
anyway society 6 has random discounts all the time which is p rad and maybe the day im ready to invest in my own living space and dont feel obliged to check w my parents about just about any purchase, i’ll then subscribe to something thatll tell me what discount is on. that in mind, i think i’ll only get the 9 now, that hopefully wont cost too much, and leave a bunch in my wishlist, bc there’ll be another discount (this is 20% off everything)  and maybe that’ll be like 50% off stickers and boy then when my collection is underway you bet ill go for it. and like maxx sticks on their sketch book, if i dedicate to a new book maybe ill get more for that and have a pretty thing to keep and reminisce over (tho knowing me, ill not use it much bc i have a need for pretty things to stay perfect and presentable, and i have a need for everything that i might show to others to be like near perfect otherwise its sucks and ill feel bad bc i dont wanna show it off to people. like my art book, sure i couldve made it all experimental and crap and then edited the real pages together on the computer. but no. i needed everypage to be presentable and pretty and handwritten and creative. and they must go page after page, its so awkward showing someone something and then going “oh wait now these few are empty sorry yeah heres the next page” so i baasically have  a book with mhmmm 20-26 pages of beautiful spreads that im quite proud of inside beautiful covers ( i knew id want to be presenting it for years to come) and the back pages are just...empty. and theyll probably stay that way bc i no longer have projects to be doing to fill them with. maybe one day ill grow into myself and grow out the fear of ruining what ive achieved and fill some with new projects to please myself and be an indepenednt artist not just a teacher pleaser. you know its like that with my work too, like it has to have a direction and a plan that will be achieved, and its terribly frustrating when that vision doesnt happen. but i think thats the same with everyone. 
anyway on a side note, dont you guys think its so fun and cool how ive not done my post labs that were due last friday? how every night ends up being 3-4 am until i go... mhmmmm yeah i guess nothing is happening. like i hope id bloom and do work at that 11pm-3am window and then i get here, suddenly having lost all track and sense of time and just sigh. its wasted, its basically tuesday already. have to keep telling myself dates bc it moves so weird. i planned on getting shit done two days ago. here we are regardless. and the most ill get done is get those stickers ordered bc that is i guess what ive been half focused on for mhmmm5 hrs. then ill save my 7 dollars or whatever, have stickers on the way, tomorrow order the case and thats one insignificant thing done. then the question will be have i looked at summer jobs? no of course not ive looked at ballet courses. shush. i havent showered for days bc theyve just slipped by too laying in bed, maybe tomorrow ill take a shower and pick up all the trash and tissues on the ground. maybe i will. i know i wont get real work done tonight, and already ill be sleepy till 1 pm and by then mom will be again on me abt sleeping to latesoo... yeah no point. and here i thought id make a quick totes relatable short post about how i need more money to buy stickers and maybe a brief my ideal life is to have enough money to spend on art being in every part of my life and all this  being unique so people love coming to my house and go wow its so original and cool. and that turned into a word vent thats so far taken me over half an hour. hi my batterys dying. 
lng story short, i’ll order the stickers currently in my basket after so much though, suck it up and do it and know that i have a bunch over in my wishlist for that next maybe even better sale when it happens. the only thing is im taking all the rest as transparent which for sure dulls them down (yeah white background looks sick but for some its just more classy w transparent, then theres this one bear i’m 100% naming wojtek thats in white bc i feel it’ll be best for him, and i guess having him in white will set that theres no clear rules to follow and worst case if it doesnt fit he can come chill on the keyboard side next to my mouse pad thing) honestly i cant tell if i should be getting them all in white and just hope that theyll look gorgeous no matter what. yikes 3 dollar shipping for stickers, ok itll actually be 19.62 pound and using euro card 22.50 in  euros.... am i dumb? maybe. and tho im supposed to be saving money up so i have some, i also did get birthday money sorta recently soo... birthday gift from them. first set of stickers. deep breaths ok. my parents told me when i bugged them that i just have to make a decision and not ask them all the time, and he said to get 3 stickers i told him id pick 12 so i think getting 9 is reasonable. also oh shit realising that the delivery time is 1-3 weeks and im staying here only 1 and a half more so i should really order it to scotland even tho it might get ther ebefore i do bc my parents might not rly want to send them up to me. idk ok order to scotland, thank f at least one of my flat mates is staying and tbh i should really bring her some chocolate... shes done me faavours. 
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cayazoo · 7 years
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? Exboyfriend
2. Are you outgoing or shy? Outgoing, like 99% of the time
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? nothing 
4. Are you easy to get along with? nope
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?  literally idk
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? serialkillers, shooters and murders in general
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? no n i dont want to i guess
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? literally noone my head is like empty atm
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? not really
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? an supervisor of mine
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?  “im stupid”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?  witchblades, open season, smoke and drive, the whole teenwitch album, ...
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? idk tho
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? no
15. What good thing happened this summer? literally nothing
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? no
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? maybe
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? no
19. Do you like bubble baths? hell ye
20. Do you like your neighbors? no
21. What are you bad habits?  I quickly freak out, im not able to keep relationships going, whether with friends, family or boyfriends
22. Where would you like to travel? russia, america, england
23. Do you have trust issues? yes
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? literally going to sleep
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? idk 
26. What do you do when you wake up? brush my teeth
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? darker
28. Who are you most comfortable around?  some friends i guess                    29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? no
30. Do you ever want to get married? no i dont think so
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? yes
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? dylann and leonardo di caprio woops
33. Spell your name with your chin. jhunb (kim LMAo)
34. Would you ever do a face reveal?  probably
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? tv
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? yes
37. What do you say during awkward silences? nonsense
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? i dont have a special type but i like tall guys with blond hair n blue eyes
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? amazon literally, sometimes H&M n primark
40. What do you want to do after high school? kill my fucking self
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? depends
42. If you’re being extremely quiet what does it mean? im broken literally i talk all the time
43. Do you smile at strangers? seldom
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? outer space
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? nothing but the fact i that have to go to school or if i just cant sleep anymore
46. What are you paranoid about? being alone at a place especially at night
47. Have you ever been high? yes
48. Have you ever been drunk? yes
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?  not rly 
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? brown
51. Ever wished you were someone else? often
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? my disorders, my family if this counts
53. Favourite makeup brand? recently nyx 
54. Favourite store? primark
55. Favourite blog? i almost love every blog i reblog from
56. Favourite colour? nude, pastel pink, black, white
57. Favourite food?  croquettes filled with cream cheese
58. Last thing you ate? a chocolate easter bunny
59. First thing you ate this morning?  vegetarian chicken nuggets
60. Ever won a competition? For what? no
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? no
62. Been arrested? For what? not arrested but i have been taken to the police station several times
63. Ever been in love? not really sure anymore
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?  just happened randomly tho                      65. Are you hungry right now? no
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?  im not talking to anyone here recently 
67. Facebook or Twitter? twitter
68. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr
69. Are you watching tv right now? no
70. Names of your bestfriends? jane n selina ( FÜHL DICH GEEHRT GURL)
71. Craving something? What? death
72. What colour are your towels? different colours, almost every colour
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 7
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? nah, theyre all in my closet
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? lol i think about 15
75. Favourite animal? DOGS
76. What colour is your underwear? black 
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? bueno omg
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? pastel pink
80. What colour pants? grey
81. Favourite tv show? none
82. Favourite movie? natural selection atm
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? never watched those                                         84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? none 
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? IDK I NEVER WATCHED IT BRUH
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?  nemo
87. First person you talked to today? celi 
88. Last person you talked to today?  ^
89. Name a person you hate? my family  
90. Name a person you love? recently no one                                                        91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? plenty
92. In a fight with someone? no
93. How many sweatpants do you have? i guess 2 atm
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? like 7
95. Last movie you watched? the fear of 13
96. Favourite actress?  /
97. Favourite actor? LEONARDO
98. Do you tan a lot? no
99. Have any pets? no🖤
100. How are you feeling? depressed
101. Do you type fast? very
102. Do you regret anything from your past? nothing 
103. Can you spell well? i think so
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?  no
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?  no
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? i guess 
107. Have you ever been on a horse? yess
108. What should you be doing? idk
109. Is something irritating you right now? i guess no
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? yeS
111. Do you have a prefered gender? nah
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? i forgot it tbh  
113. What was your childhood nickname? just my real name lol
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? yessss
115. Do you play the Wii? no
116. Are you listening to music right now? yes
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? no
118. Do you like Chinese food? not that much
119. Favourite book? /
120. Are you afraid of the dark? sometimes
121. Are you mean? sometimes
122. Is cheating ever okay?  NO
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? nah 
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? nooo
125. Do you believe in true love? i guess no
126. Are you currently bored? sorta
127. What makes you happy? dogs, movies, music, food (these things also keep making  me sad)
128. Would you change your name? no maybe myy last name
129. What your zodiac sign? virgo
130. Do you like subway? no i only like the cookies lmao
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? idk
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? idk
133. Favourite lyrics right now? " i cant tell if its monday or tuesday, or maybe wednesday, cause everyday seems like the same day”
134. Can you count to one million? wtf no
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? idk
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed n locked
137. How tall are you? about 5,5feet
138. Curly or Straight hair? straight with some waves
139. Brunette or Blonde? blonde 
140. Summer or Winter? summer
141. Night or Day? afternoon/early evening
142. Favourite month? august
143. Are you a vegetarian? yes for like 6/7 years now
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? milk
145. Tea or Coffee? why not both
146. Was today a good day? NO
147. Mars or Snickers? snickers
148. What’s your favourite quote? i dont have ne
149. Do you believe in ghosts? idk
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?  I DONT OWN A BOOK 
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