#i dont really know what to do with this project now tbh
mihai-florescu · 2 years
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God's power is infinitesimal compared to a girl's hatred for the world
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arcaneyouth · 5 months
it is So Weird how working on my comic makes me feel like i have more free time. and gives me more free time. logically, working on 3 comic pages a week would mean i have Less Time. but no. despite everything, i'm getting more done and able to use my time better now that i'm working on comic pages again. what the hell is up with that.
#it's probably the structure and routine tbh i've been doing this for 6 years#i feel way less stressed about all the stuff i have to do than the 2 months i wasn't working on the comic#and arguably i have more to do now!!!!!#there's just so many little things that working on my comic helps me with. vital part of my daily and weekly structure#1) gives me a Main Goal to focus on every week and it's a goal that i know is achievable#2) gives me things to do almost every day that i am able to get started on right away and then will have free time later when i'm done#3) on days i'm not working on it i feel more comfortable doing things for fun or completing smaller tasks#4) because it's a weekly schedule i actually know what day it is now. completely lost track of the days before. made me really scared tbh#5) actually allows me to relax. the way i make pages means it's a lil bit mindless half the time. which is nice#i spent most of the last 2 months when i wasn't making comic in bed. because i had nothing else to do#now i am not doing that! because even when i'm not working on pages i have the motivation to do things!#this is an ironic post to make when i've spent like 6-7 hours today just playing fathomverse#but that's the thing!!!! instead of hating myself for doing that i still feel like i can get shit done!#also i already knew all this about making comics and how i function but. man idk how to put this#i spent the last 2 months struggling to do fucking Anything#and it was after i was so sure i could handle taking a break from the comic#and it was after lots of people have told me i need to put the comic down and get a job#or do anything that isn't making a comic#i have been working on the comic again for 9 days. and already everything feels more manageable#i literally Need to have projects like this. if i dont i will lose my mind. nobody tell me i need to do other things with my life ever agai
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toastsnaffler · 12 days
#mood rocketing downhill. thjs can only end well :-(#on my period and so tired and sad and lonely and i really really really want a hug im going to bash my head in with a rock#and a bit annoyed i spent ages testing climbing shoes today which ive been meaning to do for ages and the staff were rly nice#and i got a pair in the end but tbh i may end up returning them bc on reflection im not sure theyll work for my specific climbing style#what i rly wanted was a few sizes down of my current ones but they didnt have stock. and i tried the size i wanted in a variation of the#same shoe ie. same shape just not the rubber im after and they fit near perfectly so now im just thinking abt them instead.#u know what fuck it. ill take the train to my old city tmr and go to the climbing store there bc i checked online n they do have them.#ill just be constantly doubting my decision if i dont and i need to do smth nice for myself. and i can read on the train#and if they dont fit better well i have these other ones. and these ones are still nice! but im worried theyre more suited to sport/trad#and im primarily a boulderer... and i mean theyd def be good for some types of bouldering and i wanna get into sport/trad anyway but arghhh#whatever. fuck it. booked my train its not that expensive anyway just time. im tired of letting my decision paralysis get to me#and always settling for shit that makes me unhappy bc its not quite what i want but i talk myself into pretending im okay with it#when im not!!! and its unfair to myself and everyone around me to so consistently fail to identify n communicate my actual wants/needs#this isnt actually abt the shoes im upset for other reasons but at least projecting it onto this gives me a semblance of control#and gives me an easy way out of having to confront n deal with my avoidance...... it literally has no fucking limits huh.#well whatever. i need to food shop and eat and shower and then its okay ill play a videogame and go to bed early#its not been that bad a day i watched a movie this morning which was nice. and it was nice to cycle around the weathers great#probably havent slept enough. probably took my afternoon meds too late. probably just feeling lonely and tired and on my period....#tomorrow will be a nice day and monday i have climbing and there are other nice things coming up. puts down my head bashing rock#okay feeling a bit better now ive cried a bit and typed this. deep breath. wheres my shopping list.#.diaries#.vent#byeee
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enid-coleslaw · 1 month
i know i know fear of being perceived but also not knowing how people perceive me is scary too
this is going to be a long one so too much for the tags but i really don't know how people perceive me, especially in regards to gender/identity/presentation and it scares me that i'll get harassed. but also this fear seems unfounded because people probably perceive me as a woman but also maybe they think i'm trans, which isn't an issue itself but if they are transphobic then theyll start yelling at me when i use the bathroom. i know how unrealistic this is: yes i have short hair and wear loose fitting clothing but i also don't think i read as masculine,, at most people may think im a tomboy or a girl who just isnt that feminine or whatever (if they're even thinking about that, which idk they probably aren't right?). i guess my biggest fear about this is i will make another woman uncomfortable somehow and that will lead to some transphobic attack. again i realize how unrealistic this is bc yes i wear loose clothing but im pretty sure some of my figure (i.e. breasts) are still visible and I dont have a deep voice and I dont think I have many physically masculine features...so why do I have this fear??
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> Neptune IN the HOUSES < How your DELUSIONS find you RESOLUTIONS
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Neptune in the First - You act so naive, and now people actually think your naive. But you hate it when people treat you this way, but your always swaying around and acting oblivious to everything around you, but ik its all a front, and people find you to be mystical and now everyone is entranced by this dance you make acting oblivious. its obvious its an act, but then the more you get to know them you realize its not and thats actually who they are, and you wonder why no one has bonked them on the head yet Neptune in the Second - you dont really value anything, you think everything comes and goes, and your just like a paper bag flowing through the wind tbh. But this quality of letting things be and go, allows you to be molded by life and that can be a useful tool for artisty, but man yall just give up easy tbh. also your voices are like ethereal - kiddd cudiiiiiieee Neptune in the Third - you guys talk like a movie character, and its never the villain but the naive protagonist who just believes in a bunch of bullshit. but everyone thinks your so amusing to lissten to and i suppose you are but sometimes you guys really are playing up this movie trope and well im done watching the same movie i want a re-cast. then next week you will re-cast yourself as a new protagonist and well everyone just loves to watch you be an idiot so keep it up Neptune in the Fourth - Your literally 'good will huntings robin Williams'. you act like you figured out emotions because you let them come and go, but when someone questions whats going on with you, you find a million reasons to explain why you behave this way, and why others do, whilst completely avoiding letting your emotions out because your way too sensitive youd rather keep it at them at a distance that way you can handle it Neptune in the Fifth - You guys are the embodiment of a amusement park. YOu perform a million different acts, and never run out of ideas on how to entertain. Very amusing to watch, but people tend to take you for granted since your always so fun to be around we just expect yalll to keep performing, and you can, but this eats you up inside. then you perform again showing us how you feel as usual, and how it feels being used, and well i guess its all good because you have a never ending source of material - yourselves
Neptune in the Sixth - IMO the real mvps of delusions. No one is as delusional as them but they dont even care because they have thought of so much bullshit and have found so much evidence for their bullshit that they now realized that what most people believe in is bullshit, so they just think everything is bullshit. They dont even give a fuck anymore because to them everything isnt real, and everything is real, they have trouble understanding reality, because they have seen things no one could ever believe exists Neptune in the Seventh - Hopelessly projecting what they want in the world just for it to never come to fruition. This is actually how they pull, so dont hate their game. but they tell people how they wish things would be, and people want to save them by showing them how the world works, or giving into their stupid delusions and pretending what they believe in is real. Kinda a lot to deal with. But they'll never admit that they act so innocent but then your basically taking care of a baby Neptune in the Eighth - They make the universe bend to their will whether it wants to or not. They will pull every magic trick they know to make sure that their delusions are not delusional anymore. And its impressive how much they believe in there imaginings that it does tend to become real, but i would warn them and whoever is around them; That their fantasies tend towards the dark. so if they want something to be real (and they gonna do everything they can to get it) they may or may not resort to black magic or some shady ass shit Neptune in the Ninth - They believe in god a lot, maybe too much to appear normal. They are the type to make up a cult and behave liek mormons and say it was the will of god. The people ive met with this are strange, and their beliefs alter quite a bit, and for some reason they always have met deities and angels. But they are so delusional in their beleifs that if you hear them out, its so far fetched youll get lost in them because your so curious how someone got so lost in their own religion you wonder if they'll ever return to the real world Neptune in the Tenth - They are openly strange. Bro dennis Rodman has this conj his midheaven and its just iconic really. These guys are the strangest most ethereal beings and everyone gets lost in their cult of personality. Always switching up their identity, they think reality is bullshit and well we are all here for it because yall do the strangest things and i just wanna watch what your gonnna do next. but im still trynna figure out how close i wanna get to you because being seen with you is a risk for my reputation, because you clearly dont give a fuck about yours Neptune in the Eleventh - How many acid shirts do you own. Its like your the public personification of 'make love not war and peace bro' and its cool everyone wants a freidn like you, but no one takes your advice seriously. Because your so lost in the make believe that you think your make believe can actually make someone make believe..... But like cmon how the fuck do you think thats going to change anything. WHen has 'peace bro' ever actually worked. do your charities or whatever but i do not see it working as much as you think it can. sorry not sorry. But i do love you. But get a haircut Neptune in the Twelvth - Your literally the type to lick your finger , put it up in the air and say 'yep it going to rain wednesday' then it actually rains wednesday. And your so cooked no one believes you (because why would you) but then it does happen and now eveyrone thinks your even more cooked because what you had cookin is a real recipe. Now everyone wants to know how you have your third eye or whatever open and now you just want to hide again lmao. Also incredible artists, i recommend you guys keep your intuitive insights to yourself because you are right a lot but why tell people when everyone is just going to question how you see signs rather than heed your advice
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kenlvry · 2 years
angry confessions
c; getting into an argument abt something then saying “why u care” and yhhhh, angry confessions speak for itself, aged up 16-17 kenny kyle and stan
kenny mccormick
kenny wasn’t really fazed when something bloody happened, having died millions of time before, he got used to it. but when he saw you and some girl fighting he almost yelled stop loudly tryna be the main character, he let the fight happened bc he knew you hated it when someone pulls you away from a fight, it made it seem like you lost.
after the fight that you won you were frustrated and walked away home bc school alr ended, kenny ran to you and yelled at you “ what the fuck y/n?? you know how fucking dangerous that was?? you looked so fucked up” he said while holding a first aid kit, you couldnt care less how you look, “ y/n! are you even listening?? y/n” he said and walked infront of you, 
“fuck kenny what?, can i not get into a fight? idgaf how i look, she asked for it” “are you hearing yourself rn?? what if you fractured something?? cmon sit down so i can check” he touched your arm “don’t touch me” you said sternly, he let go and you walked away, he wasn’t going to let you go like that so he grabbed your arm again “omg kenny why the fuck do you care so much?! why do you care if i got into a fight!?” “ because i like you dumbass!” your eyes widen and so does kenny “w-what...” you said “ now let me treat you, cmon” he said checking you hands while blushing ,
after that it got somewhat awkard but you two def act more close than ever
stan marsh
you were hanging out with a boy, not just any other boy but a boy that was known as the most violent kid at school, people said the boy always got into fights, smokes behind the school and disrespects teachers. but there you were talking and laughing with him, it made stans heart twist, after you were done talking to the boy stan went over and talked to you to warn you abt him.
“yo y/n why were you talking to him js now?” you looked at stan then at the boy, “who him?” you looked over to the boy and stan nodded “because... hes my friend? plus i have him for my science partner so we were talking abt when to meet up” you said smiling and walking away “hold on, yk who he is right?? stay away from him, he’s dangerous!” stan said pulling your arm “cmon stan stop over reacting he’s sweet, he even promised to buy me lunch!” you said pulling away from him, “still! im going to talk to mr garrison abt this, i’ll ask so you and me are on the same team” he said and walked away, now youre the one pulling his arm
“the fuck? dont, its none of your business” he was so shocked at how defensive you got over the kid “its too! what if you got hurt,infact i’ll make sure for future projects that requires two people us two are already on one” he tried walking away again, “stan! dont butt in! let me be, hes not as dangerous as people potray him!” you said slightly raising your voice “ i’m not risking it.” he said crossing his arms also raising his voice slightly “ why the fuck do you care??! you never cared before!” you yelled looking angry “because i love you y/n! bc i care for you! how have you not realize it by now geez!” he yelled back, you sat there shocked with a slight tint of pink on your cheeks he coughed a little breaking the tension “ now cmon, you wanna change partners or not” he looked away refusing to make eye contact, you nodded. 
the whole time you two were working on the project you two blushed and smiled literally acted like you two never met
kyle broflovski
although you looked like a very untroubled person, you also had problems you wished would go away. so often times you and some other kids would smoke at the back of the school before school starts, its a way for you to release stress before school starts.
everyone kinda knew, the way you smelt when school starts it was too obvious,not to kyle i guess.. people didnt tell him bc they thought he knew! you thought he knew too tbh, but he thought it was from your dad or someone in your family, he believes your not one to get into that shit
school started and you scrapped your cig bud on the wall and threw it in a bin that was prepared by one the kid who smoked, as much as he smoked he cared for the environment too yk even though he's literally ruining it by smoking .when you came in the smell was strong, kenny smiled knowing what you did before school "smells strong y/n, things got tough huh?" he smiled while laughing a little "atp y/ns lung is gonna be all black like her heart" cartman added "is your dad okay y/n? he shouldn't smoke infront of his kids" kyle tried chiming in which made all five of you stop in your tracks. you looked at each other in confusion
"kyle, y/n dad isnt even alive" and kyle eyes was widen, he never asked bc he thought your dad was messed up and didn't wanna triger you. "wait then why does y/n smell like smoke" "bc she the one that smokes dumbass" kyles eye widen even more. with a little brother who used to vape and a bestfriend who drinked he was scared you'd be addicted too so he asked to talk to you separately.
"the fuck y/n?? smoking is so bad for you, you have to stop right now!" kyle got mad "ugh its none of your business,you literally used to smoke and how come you've only find out now?" you said rolling your eyes "thats not important! that shit can fuck up your lungs," "okay dad" you laughed a little and he got mad, he reach for your pockets and took away the packet of cigarettes you had "what the fuck kyle give them back, a teachers gonna see!" "no! not until you say you're gonna quit and start going to school with us from now on" he held the packet of cigarette high so you couldn't reach em
"why do you care?! why do you care if my lungs go all black and fade away? thats my problem!" "because i like you!" he said bringing the pack down and sighed "i like you y/n and I'm scared i might loose you so please, stop doing this" you blushed at the sudden confession
you didn't entirely quit, it was hard quitting something you always did as a routine so kyle would allow you only two times a week and gradually move from there<3
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im here for things getting weird tbh :vc
Transcript below the cut
Alex: Hello Everybody
Jonny: I'm Jonathan Sims, the writer and narrator of the Magnus Archives
Alex: Visionary Nightmare Merchant
Jonny: Visionary Nightmare Merchant, ooh I like that, I like that
Alex: and I'm Alexander J Newall, I am the founder and CEO of Rusty Quill Ltd and for magnus I was the co-creator with Jonny, alongside director and producer. Why are we here today?
Jonny: Oh, cuz we're doing it AGAIN!
Alex: yeah!! I know! Everyones like "Oh I maybe - maybe theyre doing like a little halloween special? NO!
Jonny: Magnus. Archives. Two. Not that Actual Title
Alex: We wont - no. There's a better title
Jonny: I'm really.. I'm not done  
Alex: Your not done. Don't tell them the title.
Alex: We need to tell you a bit more about it Like, whats going on? okay. So In order to do this, we are looking at doing a Kickstarter
Jonny: Kick. Starter.
Alex: to start the kicking. Um, and that basically means that We are going to be doing a pre-signup, Which is going to be available on the 30th of October, this year If you head to kickstarter.com/projects/the-magnus-archives2/the-magnus-archives-2 On the 30th You'll be able to pre-sign, and that means that you will get alerted when the kickstarter is live and that means you will be the first to get in there for early bird goodies and things like that where you will only get it if you are getting there right out of the gate But, we are trying to get this going  with a BIG kickstarter So that we can do THREE seasons. Three full seasons!
Jonny: Three seasons. It is going to be canon. It is going to be a continuation of the Magnus Archives universe But not necessarily in the way you would expect.
Alex: Its gonna get weird. Its gonna get really weird.
Jonny: its gonna get real weird.
Alex: So, we're also going to be selling limited edition merch
Jonny: limited edition merch! that was it!
Alex: So the limited edition merch is only going to be available for basically the period we are going this kickstarter, and these are designs that are going to disappear You will never be able to get them again. ever.
Jonny: Cuz if you try, i'll come round and burn them.
Alex: He'll come and burn it. In order to get ahold of those probably, you'll want to go to www.rustyquill.com and there will be more info there, but its pretty much going to be available anywhere that you can buy our designs so your looking at you know, redbubble, and tee public, things like that
Jonny: Can I get a mug?
Alex: yes.
Jonny: Can I get a t-shirt?
Alex: I believe so, yes.
Jonny: Can I get, your face as a cat scratching post?
Alex: Uh yes, but you will have to pay SIGNIFICANTLY more thats going to be a custom item and we will talk more on that later
Jonny: Oh no, I was inviting you over.
Alex: aww
Jonny: just to hang out...
Alex: aw shnookums!
Alex: Why now? Its ben a while, we could have done it immediately but we didnt, why?
Jonny: I mean... cuz i fucking love magnus and i want to do some more of it
Alex: right? I kind of miss it.
Jonny: its been, since it finished, a lot of stuffs been just... percolating, and...
Alex: yeah.
Jonny: we were talking and we were like should we just? should we do? do you wanna just to a bit more?
Alex: we should do it. Yes, we are going to do, or we are AIMING to do I should say a three season epic is a strong word. life changing event?
Jonny: yeah? yeah.
Alex: we are looking at a larger number of guests we are looking at going big from the start we have learnt a lot of lessons during magnus 1 and we want to hit the ground running
Jonny: Lesson 1: Trust no one.
Alex: [laugh] okay. cool i feel like-
Jonny: Lesson 2: Plan your exit, on the way in.
Alex: I feel like we are honing back in to season 2 there so maybe steer us away from that... But yea we are -
Jonny: Lesson 3: dont listen to Alex. he's already compromised.
Alex: stop compromising all of the fandom with your MENTALITY
Alex: in order to take part, to reiterate on very last time. If you head to kickstarter.com/projects/the-magnus-archives2/the-magnus-archives-2 You can get on there for the pre-sign from the 30th of october and then youll get more info or you can get all of the limited edition merch that WILL DISAPPEAR and for more info on that, go to RustyQuill.com
Jonny: The day before halloween. Halloween? Scary. before all hallows? its before all hallows... and so this is halloween-ee-een its Halloween squared baby. its even scarier
Alex: [snicker] thanks jonny.
Jonny: thats what I'm here for.
Alex: Bye everyone!
Jonny: Bye!
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pomefioredove · 3 months
🙂‍↕️not really coherent reply sorry
vil is one of the only characters in game that treats yuu with respect, and as an equal.
EXACTLYLY. honestly it never ever sits right with me whenever yuu BREAKS THEIR BACK trying to help others (especially because barely anyone is doing barely anything to help them. LET THIS BITCH GO HOME!!!!) for them to just? barely acknowledge it? casually brush it off? the scene in book 3 where the tweels r like wanna help out? you can switch with these guys and ace is like YES double all of my current suffering and pass it onto them /ref all of the students complaining about losing their signature spells when yuu has NO magic at all to protect themselves with.. let’s be serious please. maybe im being a little dramatic! but thats literally my favorite character you are talking about get their name out of your mouth.
vil is literally the only other character who plays a similar role in the story.
... cause chars like trey and lilia are almost there, but distinctly different in their roles, while vil is THE mother.
THIS!! !! !!! !!!!! lillia is more of the father trope and trey is more of a big brother i’d say. they aren’t nurturing in the same way vil is. maybe it’s the ‘nagging’ slash instructing aspect of how vil interacts with people. i don’t even know how to put it into words but ur right vil is so mom. like. i dont know.. it’s probably his relationship with epel (and even the other first years?) that makes me associate him with being motherly but he’s just so. nurturing. so many moms in the media that i’ve (recently) consumed were teaching their daughters to be quiet and respectful as to not get punished/essentially outcasted socially. of course that’s not really what vil is doing with epel but. ugh. read my mind!!! ull understand then trust. the ONLY other character that sorta makes me feel the same way is jamil. illove him so dearly but i know. little to nothing major about his character aside from his relationship with kalim. yuu and grim. vil and epel. jamil and kalim. they should start a we dont get paid (enough) for this bullshit club
honestly i dont even want to project myself onto yuu i wanna be a helpful roomate or somthinf. wtf 😭 my hungry aggressive ass could NOT be yuu /ref..
rhats all i can put into words rigth now . evene though i got sidetracked a lot.. !! bht th part abojt yuu being motherly ! ialso wanted to reply to. wowww thats a lot of typos sorry my eyesight is a tad blurry 😭
"double all of my current suffering and pass it onto them" LMAOOOO 😭😭😭
I am such a yuu defender idc. LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!! it's why rollo is still such a fave of mine, he's like one of the only sane people. looks at yuu and is like jesus christ are you fucking okay.
and yes literally vil is just. I think the big difference is that he actually kinda likes being in charge? more so than yuu. he's a natural leader while they were literally manipulated and blackmailed into their position (I WILL SAY THAT I do think vil feels pressured to be a leader because of how he was outcasted/made out to seem mean and scary by his peers so he just kinda Filled That Role... but also I definitely do not see him as someone who'd enjoy following rather than leading. his own character VERY MUCH parallels yuu's in so many ways)
jamil is definitely different tho. he was also forced into his position as a caretaker but he doesn't have a parental vibe to him. tbh I couldn't tell u what it is but he's got his own thing going on (and he DOES parallel yuu in a way, I wish he was closer to them because there's potential but he's really Not)
BUT YEAH I get you. I feel like this is a weird thing to say but yuu feels like their own character to me 😭 like I have my own yuusona but yuu themselves is a little guy to me
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factual-fantasy · 7 months
28 asks! :DD Thank you as always!! 💖💖
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My FNAF AU has been sorted out. In the sense that the timeline has been re-written enough that I can go back to drawing it..
Now the next comic in the AU is a re-write/re-draw of my old FNAF comic, Moon Malfunction. A few months ago though there were several time sensitive projects that came up and I needed to shelf Moon Malfunction 2.0 until they were done. Well now they're all done.. but Moon Malfunction is gonna take me some time to get around to..
For the past few months I've been in a really bad spot mentally and physically. And taking on my FNAF Recap/Repair project is just not something I feel I have the mental energy to do at the moment.. All it feels like is a one big pile of work. And all I wanna do I just draw what ever comes easily to me and focus on recovering..
Soooo for the time being,, my main FNAF AU might not see any updates for a bit.. Though I haven't forgotten about it and I do want to get back to it at some point soon. But for now I want to cut any work out of my relaxing/drawing time and just draw what ever I want. Which atm is pirate cookies-- <XDD
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They're also great for grabbing something across the room while I stay in bed 😎😎
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Why haven't I drawn anything like that yet- what--
I might just have to at some point! :00
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I never thought of it like that! Anyone who gets into the game through my characters is like a lactose intolerant person recommending an ice-cream joint- and they're very persuasive! XDD
But fr, thank you! And hey, even if my characters aren't in the game, they'll always be here on Tumblr waiting for you XDD
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Actually, I wasn't! :00 I haven't seen that episode of the Cuphead show. But I'm assuming its about Cala Maria and Captain Brineybeard, yes? If so I can easily see the relation XD
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(Post in question)
AAAA THANK YOU!! The comic was different than what I'm used to. But it was a nice change of pace. I'm glad you liked it! :}}}
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@badlyblurry (Post in question)
FRRRRRR THO He's been holding that glow back for a while. Trying not to send the wrong messages to Blue and potentially damage their friendship 💔💔
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I have! In this post you can see 3 of them floating behind Melvin! (The anthro donkey)
And in this post, you can see Melvin holding one while it passes away... :((((( Sad day for sure.
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Well? What did she taste like? XDD
Oh wait you're dead my bad-
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Unfortunately I cant think of any songs that would match each crew members theme.. Rn all my brain can think about is this 👇
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@nunyabusiness459 (Comic in question)
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What is primordial dough? :0
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Thank you! :DD Though unfortunately my fwernnd, I am known for being very bad at explaining how I do art things. :(
If I tried to explain my thought/design process it would just be a lot of word spaghetti that boils down to "uhhh... I just drew it.,. aandd if it dont look good.. draw it differently.. until it looks good-"
My advice would be to look on YouTube for character design tutorials or ask some other artists that have artwork similar to mine and see if they can help. :( Again, so sorry! I wish I could articulate my thoughts better 💔💔
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This actually makes me think- Google says that if you add too much sugar to a cookie they become brittle.
Huh,, makes me think. If one of the cookies was baked with too much sugar.. they'd break real easy.. hmm.. 👀👀
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Thank you so much!! :DD I wish the same for you!! ✨💖✨
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I've thought about drawing them! :0 And I thiiink I drew Franny one time..? The Blue one. Although I don't think I'll be able to find the sketch unfortunately-
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tbh though I think they'd see him as just a normal guy! :0 Right..?
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I'm not sure.. considering what I know about the games.. I thiiink they'd be horrified?? <XDD If they understand that they're made of dough, it'd be the equivalent of a human walking into a giant meat factory where they chop up meat and make weird false humans..
Okay yeah, they'd be horrified for sure XDDD
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@neo-metalscottic (Cookie run post in question)
AAAAA thank you so much!! I'm glad you liked it!! :DD As for the power, I think you're right about it being a rare occasion. And the idea of her gaining better control over it over time? While her love grows as well?? Perfection. But man I'm also tempted to make it so she can change when ever she wants. :( I really like drawing her and Seafoam together like that.. 🥺
As for the Colossal squid episode,, I'd have to go back and re-watch it to decide if I'll keep it for my AU or not..
But thinking about all the stuff you described about a violent altercation and nightmares?? 👀👀 Its giving me ideas! XDD
Now if the crew did face a violent altercation like that, I imagine their #1 goal would to protect the Octopod. That's their home man! They would probably do what ever they could to get the octopod away from the situation. Like the Captain manually piloting it and some of the crew being sent out in gups to distract the squid. Stuff like that :0
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It was on the 10th actually- and hey thanks! Seam could probably use the calories <XD
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@unpopularartist14 (referencing this ask post)
<XD oh boy, what a stark contrast between the sides--
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I didn't have them in mind while designing them,, though maybe I took some subconscious inspiration? I see the similarities! :0
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shurislover · 7 months
meg the stallion headcannons
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a/n - i’ve never written for Meg before so let’s see how this goes and these are just my personal thoughts on how i think she’d be in a relationship. hope yall enjoy 😊 im not sure if anyone has done headcannons for her either.
also this will probably be a mix of sfw and nsfw but honestly it’s mainly fluff.
divider - @firefly-graphics
tags - @oceean @beautybyfire @notapradagurl7 @onyxstones-world @blkgworlamplified
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you’re her plus one for EVERYTHING , no matter if it’s a fashion show, basketball game , award show she always has you by her side.
she really loves having you around, even if it’s just to sit in complete silence, she’s satisfied as long as you’re there.
extremely clingy but you love it. she either has to be near you or touching you at all times tbh personal space doesn’t exist to her & if she’s away doing shows or photoshoots you’re on call with her all day long.
“ baby we are in the house you don’t need to hold my hand “ “ what if you like disappear?” you laughed at how serious she was “ you’re cute but baby i’m not going anywhere gimme kiss “
her lockscreen is of you and her on you guys first date, and it’s been her lockscreen for as long as y’all been together and she refuses to change it to anything else.
absolutely loves spending money on you, even though half the things she buys YOU DONT NEED.
definitely surprises you with vacations when she has a decent amount of time off from work. “ my love , pack maybe 2 weeks of clothes our flight leaves in about 5 hours “ “ GIRL WHAT ?” “ y/n we don’t have time for this pack up and let’s go “
gives you all the deets on new projects or songs she’s working on, so you always know all the words to her songs before they drop & gets all the new merch before anyone else
HUGS ? megan loves hugs, every chance she gets she’ll hug you. in the kitchen cooking ? she’ll hug you from behind and kiss your cheek. coming home from work ? she’ll run from wherever she is and jump on you. you’re her comfort person.
her favorite thing to do after a make out session is resting her forehead on yours and just stare into your eyes, she always says “ you have the most beautiful brown eyes i’ve ever seen, i get lost in them everytime “
now she knows when she’s pissed you off because you’ll give her the silent treatment, but that never lasts long , she does this pout and she KNOWS that’s your weakness so the moment you look up at her face , your face instantly softens.
megan loves when u have rough day at work because she thinks it’s so cute to find you knocked out on the couch, that means she gets to carry you to bed , slip on your pajamas and bonnet and tuck you in then leave a goodnight kiss on your forehead.
her favorite names to call you are :
“ babyyyyyyyyy “
“ my loveeeeee “
“ beautifullllllll”
“ princessssss”
wifeyyyy “
She cares about you very deeply & does not play about you. The day she dropped a hard launch photo dump on instagram the hate you got was horrible. It wasn’t even coming from her fans it was other people & Megan always reassured you :
“ Dont listen to them. You’re the most special person in my life, someone i hold very dear to my heart. Those people don’t know you, they don’t know how amazing and wonderful you are. They don’t know about the love we have & fuck them !!! You my baby and that’s all that matters.
she knows how to fluster you out in public and every single time you fold.
she’ll walk up behind you while you’re mingling with friends and whispers things in your ear like “ i can’t wait till we get home “ “ you look so good i could eat you out right now “ “ we should have another round of last night “ & once megan walks away you have about 5 minutes to say your goodbyes and hop in the car
now meg may be the dominant one but she LOVES when you put her in her place. she loves when you take control
she’s a B R A T . a brat to the T ! and it’s you’re fault because you spoil the fuck outta her. so once she hears that word “ no “ it’s a wrap first she’ll catch an attitude then she stops talking to you & lastly she goes and hides in your shared bedroom until you change your mind
“ baby please let me in “ silence “ pleaseeee ill give you a kiss “ silence “ “ fine , ill buy you that chanel bag despite you having it already in every single color “ you listen as the door unlocks and she’s just there cheesin like a kid on Christmas “ thank you baby “
big baby at heart.
loves when you tell her she’s pretty in between kisses . she starts blushing then hides her face
one of her favorite memories with you is when she had a really bad day at work so you surprised her by setting up a fort with all her favorite snacks and drinks and ordered in from her favorite restaurant and binge watched all her favorite anime
A HOODIE STEALER ! especially when she travels for work all your hoodies seem to go missing.
loves that you let her be outside and enjoy her time with friends because at the end of the day she’s coming home to you. everyone thinks you should have a problem with her twerking when in reality she’s been doing it long before yall got together and it’s her favorite thing to do so why have her stop.
little does she know you already have a ring picked out for her and can’t wait till the day to make her your wife.
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sout999 · 2 months
adhd talk
the third truly unsung project alongside my film and dissertation was the weird amount of targeted effort i had to put into Completing Anything Big As A Neurodivergent Person Whose Brain Is A Crazy Off The Rails Train Staffed and Patronised Entirely By Multiple Exact Copies Of The Squirrel From Ice Age
which is a description like 99/100 people reading this can relate to, but i think a sentiment i see less often and therefore feel kind of stupid and stubborn and lonesome about is "adhd is innate but is also exasperated by hectic lifestyle/modern instant gratification machines so if i fix my habits around those i can cure myself forever". which is silly and wrong but also i feel abit disconnected from adhd social media culture and cant cope just relating to it (which is all it seems to be sometimes) but learning to harness or tame it to do the things that are really important to me
i felt really cringe tbh having to look up youtube videos of HARVARD STUDENT REVEALS PRO STUDY TRICK and then narrowing it down to specifically adhd-focused study videos and keeping a planner and setting aside specific time to study studying and practising anti-academic meltdown journaling techniques and reading fucking atomic habits but i really didn't want to contribute to my abhorrent academic record following me all through undergrad. in fact i wish i had done this sooner but i was not self aware enough to consider the fact
probably the best change i made was severely cutting down or being mindful of social media time, i don't backread my tl anymore and have more moments of awareness when i find myself dumbly scrolling and realize i dont want to be doing this, and then wondering what i actually Do want to be doing. i keep a book nearby to read, and have also swapped a lot of social media time to sketching-off-pinterest time. reading about the psychology behind social media apps is also super interesting, although i always feel like a paranoid wacko conspiracy theorist talking about it. stuff like how negativity and judgemental behaviour is good for engagement (and therefore ad revenue), and how if all posts on your tl were interesting you wouldn't be as addicted to social media as you are, therefore microblogging employs a slot machine/gacha system where you "roll" for posts by logging on and hope to get a good one. it's a little full on but the more i think of it as a revolting and evil machine the more incentive i have to do something else with my time ^q^
a harder thing to do was, in the late stages of the project, the real crunch time month, avoid everything that could become a huge hyperfixation, and then eventually even minor distractions or fixations. because i know if i got super obsessed with something i'd just be up posting about it or drawing fanart. i had to bar myself from persona 3 remake and elden ring dlc and all these other shiny new releases, and the mobile games i was playing... i look forward to catching up on them now. i took up reading books a lot more because unfortunately thats just not as exciting. in the last month of film work i stopped listening to music on my computer so i wouldnt get drawing or animation ideas to distract me from film work. as of writing this i havent listened to music in like 40 days guys 😱 at the same time i am the kind of person who needs background noise to work, so i have:
watched novum's four hour hereditary video essay three times
watched novum's seven hour midsomar video essay three times
watched that one five hour bojack horseman retrospective twice
listened to audiobooks of the Britney Spears biography, Jennette McCurdy biography, three Playboy Bunny biographies (i was on some sort of lady bopgraphy kick i guess), and a few fiction books
rewatched all of bojack horseman
started on House MD and got a few seasons in before i finished the project, amazingly the perfect show to look away from bc of all the medical stuff, how many lumbar punctures do you need to show like seriously
honorable mention to the learned skill of communication and being honest and picking your battles and killing your darlings which is a larger part of managing mental illness than i cared to admit but one of the hardest ones because it involved confronting things and making big painful drastic changes and then having to tell the faculty about them. sometimes i'd be stuck on a piece of animation work for weeks/months, then go back and change the underlying idea to one i'm actually passionate about, and do the animation work in one day using newly found magical hyperfocus passion power. it's crazy! but being able to be confident about taking those steps rather than keeping on with what you're "supposed" to do went a long way.
i very much look forward to listening to a music and playing some video games properly now and being pulverized like a small victorian child from the sheer amount of fun i'm having. i'd say it was all worth it and a fun experiment in channeling the magical humours of passion and boredom and i hope it will help me with future projects too. i Am super burnt out though x__ x thanks for reading and for all your support up until now!
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aropride · 2 months
saw ur recommendation for 3m aura n95s 👀👀 any advice on where to get them from? heading back 2 school in a few weeks and wanna stock up — tysm !!!!!
ok so!! my first recommendation is to see if there is a mask block near you, in my area it was CRANE (covid resistance action northeast), they're having trouble stocking and filling orders rn so mine took ~a month to arrive but the time would've passed anyway as they say . if ur in a more urban area ur a lot more likely to have one near u tbh, idk if it'd work but it'd be worth reaching out to the closest one even if they're not technically working in ur exact area just to see . here's a map of mask blocs worldwide- they're mostly in america (continent - but mostly in the US+canada) & europe (mostly in great britian) but there are some others too
otherwise the safest way to get some that are 100% not counterfeit is ordering directly from a supplier, but that can be expensive . project n95 is inactive now but theres still a list of suppliers there !! 3m is really good from experience . u can also get n95s/kn95s/p100 respirators from home depot if u have one near u- however the supplyaid kn95s they sell arent very good, i had them and theyre better than nothing but they only have a 67% filtration rate (as opposed to the 95% expected from n95s and kn95s - thats what the 95 stands for i was mindblown when i discovered this)
also while im thinking about it, part of the reason n95s are more protective than kn95s despite both filtering 95% of particles is bc the seal on the n95 is a lot more reliable than the kn95 :}
me personally ive been getting mine from amazon (not recommended) (i have gift cards there so im not giving them My money at least) and trying my best to make sure they're legit . i referenced the 3m n95 1870s i got using this twitter thread and they seem to be legit? on amazon it also usually says where it ships from and check the storefront, the reviews etc etc. i basically have to do an entire vetting process every time its very annoying ���️ it is a lot less expensive though, especially if they have a sale going . (here are the ones ive been getting- the listings look the same as of rn but amazon changes them all the time so take this with a grain of salt, person i imagined reading this in 2027. link 1, link 2)
ive tried the holy trinity (new term i made up for the 3m n95 1870 (red straps), 3m n95 9205 (blue straps), and 3m n95 9210 (braided white straps)) -- ime the 9210 definitely has the tightest head straps and i have an abnormally small head on account of being 3 inches tall and born in a thimble all alone . so thats something to be aware of, if u have an abnormally big head the 3m auras might not be the best bc of the strap tightness .
SORRY I'M LIKE INFODUMPING AT U NOW ..!! i have more though . If you know anyone irl who masks asking them where they get theirs might help, they might know stuff locally. ALSO speaking of knowing stuff locally- i don't know if this is universal but i have a friend who's getting really into asian cuisine and a lot of asian grocery stores ive been to with her in my area have had masks. that's such a long shot but ive seen them five out of six stores ive gone to and never at, like, hannaford or market basket or whatever.
OKAY ONE MORE THING . when i got my free masks from crane (SHOUTOUT CRANE I LOVE YOU CRANE) they also sent a thing abt how to reuse them that i will add !! they can be used for like 40 hours if theyre not visibly dirty or the straps dont break or anything
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okay i am done infodumping now SORRY THIS IS SO LONG..!!! tldr: local mask bloc if it's an option is definitely the least expensive, project n95 compiled a bunch of links to buy from suppliers, home depot/other hardware stores are worth a shot, and amazon's an option especially if you're like me (poor but have money stuck in amazon gift cards) 🫡
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this might be a lil mean, but tbh, i just think viv is back pedaling on making stella a complete monster because she wasnt anticipating the critical response the circus would get. that episode did everything it possibly could to potray her as an insane mega bitch with no depth or anything she feels towards stolas besides anger. that, and the fact that now, because of that episode, stella is objectively a victim like stolas is, because of their arranged child marriage, no matter how much the narrative favors That fucking blue Bird that i Hate.
but by doing so, it honestly seems like a double edged sword for the writing no matter what.
like, if it was written that their marriage and relationship was a consensual one they developed as adults, it would make stolases actions ten times worse. it would imply at some point, he cared about stella, even if he did fall out of love and stay with stella for via. but that still wouldnt matter, since later on, he would cheat on stella for an imp he just sleeps with once a month, effectively running his relationship with his wife AND daughter. at that point, everything would be his fault.
having them forced together at such a young age means theyll have to make octavia no matter what, and be together no matter what, absolving stolas from a lot of the of the accountability of cheating. because if stella never really loved him at all, then it doesnt matter!
but then that also means that stella is undeniably a child bride, who didnt want this just as much as stolas didnt. it means she had no autonomy like him, no independence to make her own choices like he couldnt, and no way to escape her life. he got an out through blitz, an imp who he projects his own feelings of wanting to be wanted by someone, anyone, onto him, and the most stella is allowed to do is throw parties.
and i mean, hes still doing just fine during all of this too. stella has to move back in with her family after he announces the divorce, the last place any adult, let alone a royal goetia would want to go back to, while stolas gets to day drink and read royal smut in his giant backyard with a pool. we dont even know what his actual important job for hell is 2 seasons and 16 episodes into this show, besides.. idk, blessing vegetables in wrath?
i just wish stella had had her backstory teased or even acknowledged in s1, because judging by the way viv tried to give millie depth by suddenly having her say she doesnt feel important, when shes almost always was regarded as a competent and deadly assassin by everyone around her, (even by striker!) before the episode that is unhappy sibling fuckers- i have my doubts on how stellas backstory could be executed.
apology tour, to me at least, was just an episode where the creators pet is gifted a random boyfriend after sexual coercing, harassing, and assaulting the main character for almost a full season, while the main character gets merch sold of him being hung and told to literally kill himself. so my standards for what to expect from this series are considerably more low then before.
i dont think stella will instantly become a more compelling character if its shown that she was abused like stolas was, but honestly, what i do think, is that what viv herself thinks. why else would that leaked scene in ghost fucker with millie be so dark and out of nowhere for her character? its a pattern of giving her women artificial depth that sometimes can be explored every once in awhile in a surface level, shallow way, but never more then stolas or stoliz fucking is. i think thats part of the reason why the writing for the women is so lacking in hazbin hotel too, to be honest. it feels like a first draft meant to tie fans over, rather then a conflict or arc being set up to be actually explored through any of these womens characters in the same meaningful way the mens characters are explored thoroughly with both shows.
Whether it’s mean or not I do think you’re right. Viv looks at peoples takes including criticisms of the show on the reg. Which I really don’t think is a good idea personally, in the sense it could allow an original vision to get watered down. I think it may have contributed to the show becoming all about Stolitz ad a kind of feedback loop lol, especially when you consider how fandom is so heavily shipping interested.
I remember when Viv responded to crit about Millie’s neglect like “Helluva is a male lead show while Hazbins the female lead one!” Or whatever as if that magically fixed the wasted potential of the shows female characters. Like, if you’re gonna look at crit then at least think about it instead of feeling the need to immediately deny and argue against it. ofc it’s okay for a creator to disagree, they have that right. But I don’t think responding publicly is the right way to go, like it just feels like too much, it’s not necessary.
I try to keep things non personal as people rarely hold other writers for HB accountable and sometimes people go after Viv in a way that isn’t just criticising the sexism in her writing or how she treats employees and rather is simply unhinged hatred of her - like trying to diagnose that she has X Or Y mental disorders, it’s creepy and inappropriate to me that kind of thing. But this time since the topics here I do have to say I’m just not a fan of the publicly responding to criticism thing, especially while a show is ongoing. I don’t think it’s good for a creators head and you run the risk of getting a small account that simply had an opinion on a show bombarded with hate if you respond directly or even not if it sets off rabid fans and then they go looking for criticsl posts. There will always be critics, stubbornly denying that their criticism isn’t right isn’t productive for anyone involved.
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is-this-plural · 24 days
on the plural chonny songs topic, hes got two original songs with some variation of the line "one will turn to two will turn to five"
"End the Dance." and "Devil's Tricks."
the second one is more especially plural all the way through but i think the first one precontextualizes the line
also Pit. is so so plural to me. you just gotta trust me but it matches the themes of both songs... and Devil's Song. has similar graphics to one major section of pit during the "one will turn to two will turn to five" line
obligatory mention of The Ballad of Dr Jekyll and The Mr Hide Jive for obvious reasons
laplaces angel is DEFINITELY PLURAL "one hundred trillion years all piled up in one brain" and just that whole verse
Not Perfect is so plural to us. on its own lyrically not necessarily but wearing different outfits n singing with voices for each section.
the forest for the trees for similar reasons tbh
tomcat disposables isnt necessarily plural but it feels like its about growing up after a particularly food insecure childhood, in a pretty plural way
honestly theres so many with one solo line that are so so plural in otherwise irrelevant songs
Thermodynamic Lawyer, Push, Mayday,
THE MOSS. i mean "well legend says that one and one is two and that one and two is three" which sort of ends up getting thematically reprised over into mucka blucka
we have even less reason for chonny's inferno i dont think theres a single line thats plural but to me its the. its the plural self acceptance and finding community. "an awfully diverse cast of critters resides down here in hell" you get it.
also also the latest project is based on the Ship of Theseus, and hes making a bunch of variations of the same song and theres nothing particular plural about it yet beyond just. the concept of the Ship of Theseus haha.
ok i think thats it
insert image I Can (imagine anything) Make ANY Chonny Jash Song Plural
It's moments like these that I'm glad I accidentally spoke this blog into existence.
End the Dance: your future self was too late to stop you but god damn it she's still going to try. If there aren't already animatics to this song, you know what to do.
Devil's Tricks: welp, she tried, it didn't work. Honestly, this one hits a little too close to home. I'll have to check out the full album
Pit: Even just the fact this is off the same album as the last two is already promising - why is the youtube upload's description "please do not call headspace"
Jekyll/Hyde Jive: oh come on how can I not?
Laplace's Angel: I almost put the original on the playlist when I first made it, and now I'm annoyed I didn't. Let's redefine reality together
Not Perfect: A flawed whole made of flawed parts? A life that never quite feels like it's entirely yours or always worth doing? Yeah, I see it
Forest for the Trees: This is the girl who's inviting me to run away with her in Laplace's Angel, mental health problems and all. Can't really call it a plural song though
Tomcat Disposables: this song just doesn't sound right to me in a major key, but you're right
Push/Mayday: Don't Die Wondering.
The Moss: Look, there's stretch, and then there's "the concept of math is a CCCC Covered in Discontent reference"
Chonny's Inferno: I see it. Dear anon, I see it
Ship of Theseus: "I did say I was working on one song." Track six wasn't out when you sent this ask, but I'd say it has the right vibes
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(Total additions: 4)
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Saw you're family tree post and i love how fleshed how they are! Though i saw you say that that Angela had her own godparent, could you perhaps elaborate on that?
HIIII IM SO GLAD U ASKED... this is one of my fave hcs and im happy i could talk abt it
when she was younger, angela was not in a good headspace mentally, she was extremely depressed to put it lightly, she was also really anxious and when she was 10 she recieved cirrus swiftsky as a godparent, the best i could describe him was like a grandfather to her and looked sort-of fancy, he had a mustache and everything, this wasnt his first rodeo with a kid, hes been doing this for a good few fairy years
angela, altough she used escapism often by reading kids books, she wasnt very "imaginitive" as she describes herself, so her wishes werent anything extreme, and if anything just mostly talked to cirrus about things that were bothering to her, and he wasnt expecting to become a defacto therapist to this kid, he gave her life advice he vaugely remembered while studying to be a godparent (they take mandatory childrens psychology lessons) and gestured her over to try journaling for her thoughts
he often disguised himself as a orange butterfly when outdoors with her (to school, to the park etc), and at home would usually be their pet ferret, who was called tom by her parents
they lasted longer then the usual godparent-godkid duo, 2 years infact, however she was expected to leave him when she was 14 as she was still concidered not yet fully happy, she had accidently blurted it out when her brother walked in on her and she panicked, thus wiping their memories
godparents, if taken away before their kid has been properly reverted to being happy, arent allowed to visit them again, and godkids wont be given another one unless they are in desperate need of them, like if something else drastic happened, even if they are still miserable, this is a big countroversy in the godparenting industry (which i could go on about tbh)
angela, who used cirrus as an anchor, was EXTREMELY distraught, and if anything made her feel worse by the fact she couldnt remember why (codependancy problems, where have i heard that before!) and after afew weeks of refusing to leave her room she decided to go to the library as a way to slowly start getting back to it and she had picked up a psychology book, and thats where she started her psychology interest, along with vaugely remembering her doing jounraling, so she continued and it spiraled into how she is today
though she had picked up psychology books for older people, so she convinced herself she was more "mature" for her age, and even today she hasnt gotten the hang of how 10 year olds should actually work ("lets leave her untill shes ready to come to us" go talk to ur daughter?)
her parents - heather and felix campbell - werent horrible at all, just in the dark about what her kid was doing since she didnt like to share anything she liked with them at all, if anything they were slightly more "loose" if that makes sense, but because she was just anxious she worried that theyd get mad which they often didnt, if that makes sense
she never really had any friends in her life, as she decided she'd focus on that after shes done with her studies, she wasnt really a social outcast, if anything a little socially awkward, shes only had 1 friend during high school and her social life kicked off more in collage, everyone had respected her but she was more of a "i wont talk unless you talk" type of deal, on top of her grades because it gave her something to do in her free time (and she just enjoyed writing essays in general), and she had gotten much much better where she was now! only problem was that she was still anxious about presenting projects
when she was with postpartum depression after hazel was born she couldnt help but feel like she was missing a puzzle piece, yknow how it feels when you know youve forgotten something, but you dont know what? thats how she felt, thankfully she had gotten treatment quickly
hazel does get her more anxious side from her, angela is a good parent and has taught her children to communicate with eachother unlike how she did with hiding it, though she (unknowingly) struggles with properly understanding her 10 year old and being so focused on her work she cant sit down and 'think outside the box' as shes said
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delusional-mishaps · 6 months
well guys. since i missed epic's birthday (devastating) have some headcanons :)
he is one of those weaboos who learned japanese so he can watch anime "the authentic way" (his words)
so he's fluent in japanese 💀 he literally only learned it for anime but dude was DEDACTED
he's so cringe guys 😭 i can say that. he's my boyfriend i love him
he would adore those cute anime girl v-tubers. like not in a weird way but he'd watch a lot of them
HE PLAYS GENSHIN 💀 he'd probably main beidou or raiden shogun/ei.. maybe run a full electro team with miko and fischl too 😭 (fischl is his fave character he loves her backstory and her bird thing idk i dont use fischl 💀) he loves the electro characters for some reason idk
HE HAS THE WORST LUCK ON THIS GAME THO. bro has c6 diluc (me too ☹️) and all his artifacts SUCK ASS even tho he'll grind every day
he has to spend money on every banner because he always loses his 50/50 and only gets high pity
ok enough genshin headcanons he's cringe we know this
im here ranting about a game i hate because my dumb boyfriend plays it so much
he hangs out with cross a lot ofc BUT
whenever he hears the word cross used in any context he turns to cross like "CROSS????? BRUH THATS YOU!!" (i always make these jokes. im projecting)
cant believe jesus died on his best friend fr... LMAOOO
he speedruns minecraft. he's NOT GOOD AT IT. but he can do it
he's had his speedruns ruined by creepers like 7 times
one time he somehow got into the deep dark and got killed by the warden??? idk what bro was doing down there in a speedrun dawg 😭
sorry he's a gamer in my head but hes really bad at every game he plays (just like me fr)
he sleeps under like 6 different weighted blankets in the hopes that he wont thrash around when he sleeps but he's too strong and ends up tossing them all off his bed 😭
bro needs to be CRUSHED to fall asleep!! he literally cant fall asleep without the weight
not that he likes to sleep anyway because of the nightmares but whatever. hes gotta do it. unfortunately.
he fights in his dreams ofc thats like canon but bro is throwing punches in his sleep fr
if he gets a partner (me fr!!) they gotta sleep in a different ROOM 😭 he is taking NO CHANCES and tbh thats so fair i wouldnt wanna wake up being beaten up by my bf
he is so ipad baby-core <3 he'll just watch youtube on his ipad all day if u let him but he's an old man and needs his spectacles otherwise he's holding it at arm's length 💀
don't forget bro is literally a doctor?? he's SO smart but he uses his goofy persona as a cover up
im convinced like most of the people that know him actually dont know this. they all think hes dumb as bricks 💀
them he'll casually say smth super smart and everyone is like ???????? HELLO??? SINCE WHEN DID UR BRAIN WORK??
i love drawing epic with glasses guys he looks so cute. but he has old man reading glasses
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this the typa shit he wears
AND HE FUCKING. anime glasses 😭
like yk how ppl in anime push glasses up
him fr
he actually needs his glasses all the time but he doesnt like to look like a NERDD so he doesnt wear them
he makes cross read everything for him
they go out to eat and gotta make him read the whole menu otherwise hes holding it 2cm from his face 💔
"whatd that sign say i cant read it"
"dude the letters are huge how cant you read it"
"oh lol i need my glasses my bad bruh"
actually he cant legally drive. because thats funnier than if he could
id still be his passenger princess <3 i refuse to get my license
anyway guys isnt my boyfriend so silly
im so tiredni needto seelp goodnight smooork mimimumumu
its 3am i neednto get up in 5 hours naioiiooooooo
goodbye guys enhjoy my boyfrien mdgrf
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