#how dare i. how dare us all not be pwetty
mihai-florescu · 2 years
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God's power is infinitesimal compared to a girl's hatred for the world
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peachy-wolfhard · 1 year
Dating Leo II
a/n: I wanted to add more after I posted part one so here it is Bone Apple Teeth, I love leo sm so its LONG
Let me know if you would like to be on my tmnt taglist!
Warnings: swearing, grandchildren mention (splinter is gonna splinter), illness mention, insomnia, mentions of slapping leos bald head
Word count: 738 -woof
Insomnia gang
This turtle physically cannot sleep
When you don't spend the night he is CONSTANTLY texting you everything that comes to mind
“y/n…why is pizza a circle?” “idk lee can i come over :3” “yeth pls HURRY IM DYING HERE WITHOUT U”
Lying in his bed, cuddling, matching eyemasks ON, fan ON
Even with all of that, nothing works
The nights that the both of you are actually able to sleep he has a grasp on you
Holds you so close to him all the time, you guys are joined at the hip
Everyone besides Mikey and Splinter thinks you guys are gross
“You can't even say their names apart now it's ALWAYS Leo and y/n. You can't separate them they will DIE without each other”
“Calm down Mikey please you're scaring Shelldon”
Splinter is…well Splinter. He stays in your guys' relationship, with how dramatic you guys are he doesn't need his soaps
He loves to show you baby pictures of the boys esp the ones of Leo
((cough cough he definitely mentions grandchildren like the old man he is))
Bites all the time like anytime anywhere
Making breakfast peacefully listening to music- CHOMP
Getting ready for work- CHOMP
Dr. Delicate Touch has to intervene
Play fights with you in slow-motion
(slow motion voice) “yyy/nnn iiiimm goooinggg tooo kick your aaaasssss”
(also slow motion voice) “im gooonnnaaa kick yours firrrst”
Initially, it started as a way to keep Leo from running off when exploring places, but then it turned into a regular thing
“My love, light of my life, future spouse eHEM!”
“What Leo”
Absolute drama queen and don't get me started when he’s sick
Picture those old paintings of the sick children in bed, he’s that but dialed up to eleven
All he wants is cuddles and daytime television and don't you DARE come in between him and his Maury
Giving him medicine is surprisingly easy maybe it’s because he’s so out of it or maybe he’s just in love he’d let you do anything to him
But if you’re ever sick he does the exact same for you
If you fight medicine (just like me fr) he’s NOT afraid to use those ninja moves to get you to take your meds
Loves it when you read to him no matter what you are reading
Manga? Sign him up! Horror book? Let's get spooky! Sad book? I'll get the tissues! He just loves to hear your voice especially if you do different voices for the characters but not overly comedic voices, he’s here for the story!
Falls asleep listening to your voice with his head on your lap 99% of the time
Going to the Hidden City for date nights and getting up to absolute mischief
(having to then call Raph to come get you guys because you pissed someone off and just kicked their butt)
Speaking of the Hidden City! During their break in the Hidden City (when everyone gets arrested) you join Leo at the spa
After he gets kicked out he BEGS you to go to the creepy spa across the street with him
“Sorry sweetheart I too am in DIRE need of some relaxation plus it’s not often I’m in an exclusive club”
The moment he shows up with that gorgeous hair you’re suspicious
Texts you a selfie of his new hair with the creepy ass background
“Whatcha think? Even more handsome than normal? ;)” “go back to being bald i miss slapping ur bald head :(“
Anyway when he starts “sleepwalking” your immediate reaction is “Maybe it's the wig” but quickly forget all about it due to relaxation
“Um… yyyy/nnnn could you please help me out with one teeny tiny situation…? Please?”
Now you and Leo are on the case!
“Ooo lala finally some privacy ;)”
“Don't touch me until you’re bald AND we figure this out”
“Pwetty pwease? JUST ONE!”
“Fine, ONE kiss”
After the evil hair reveal and fighting with your boyfriend’s hair he's finally bald again
Leo explains the massage guy’s deal but it falls on deaf ears
“Hey, who’s that guy?” “He'sthe non-member we kicked out earlier!”
“I bet he and that human are the thieves. Call the cops”
After a quick stay in jail, you’re now peacefully back home
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thedreadvampy · 10 months
absolutely sucks shit when people are like HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST PUTTING ANY CONDITIONS ON YOUR VOTE as if. the constant shift right doesn't have to do with the belief in major parties that they're owed votes by default on account of not being the other guy.
like they're going to ignore the public's wishes either way but fuck, you don't have to make it that easy for them. literally the second they get in. oh pwetty pwease Mr Biden can you wespect basic human wights? don't worry sir you'll still get my vote if not but I thought I'd ask nicely!!!!
hold their fucking feet to the fire dude. make it clear that your vote is conditional on them listening to the public on the clear and vital points.
(btw 'refusing to vote for Clinton is how Trump got in' no it literally is not. please remember that Trump lost the popular vote anyway and only got in because your country has a weird fucked up system where states are allowed to ignore how their constituents vote.)
(Refusing to vote New Labour after the Iraq War is how the Tories got in over here. Kinda. because what actually happened was we had the first hung parliament since 1979, and then the Lib Dems sold the country up the river for some minor concessions. and then Labour spent the next 10 years actively kneecapping itself by painting its own leadership as a bigger threat than the Tories, and when they had a leftist leading them they still brought the Tories to a hung parliament again in 2017.)
(anyway the point is you all seem to have a majorly inflated sense of how much democracy is involved in elections. Ultimately in cases where the race is close-run it is not the electorate that decide, it's like 100 people in positions of high power, be it the electoral college, the party leadership, or otherwise.)
(none of which is to say your vote is useless. your vote is valuable to politicians. there's a limit to how much they can get away with ignoring the public. but. because your vote is valuable, it's only useful as leverage if there's a possibility you might not give them it. and let's be clear, people WILL change direction if they're worried about losing votes. but unless you're offering them massive funding, then the only reason your opinion would carry any weight is if there's a possibility of your vote being withheld. if you stand up and say VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO YOU'VE GOT MY VOTE WHATEVER HAPPENS then like. You might as well just say 'ignore me, pay attention to those guys who might not vote for you'.)
if the centre and the left's votes are vocally assured regardless of the party's policy or stance, then the party will move right. bc they've already got you, so it's time to court the undecideds. YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT NECESSARY TO A POLITICIAN'S SUCCESS TO LISTEN TO WHAT YOU WANT. they don't care. you have to use what little leverage you have, your vote, to make them care. it's the only form of accountability we can bring about that doesn't involve, like, storming the winter palace 🤷‍♀️
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yay new event
a trey love request pls :
hello trey-boo <3 you know we have valentines day today right
you are in every way perfect and I cannot have anyone stealing my picture book perfect boyfriend from me eveeeer so I got you this for valentines <3 *gets out marriage contract* go on love of my life write down your name and grant me with a life supply of your baked godly goods tehehe~ <3
.... yes I lost a bet... *whispers* yes it's Ace... Sorry Sir...
I swear to Michard 😩 Trey prompts have so much potential for fun awkwardness… Love it 💕
Sweet on You.
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Well, that’s a new one.
He blinked, cautiously eyeing you as you sauntered over to him, hands folded behind your back. Between you, his younger siblings, and Heartslabyul, Trey had always thought he’d get accustomed to high-octane antics—alas, here came another curveball, courtesy of his significant other.
“Yeah, I know the date.” He cocked an eyebrow. “… Is there something you want to tell me?”
You let loose a torrent of mushy praise, whipping out a piece of parchment paper and waving it in his face. Singing of his perfection and even more perfect baked goods, you urged him to sign, your eyes large and pleading.
Trey startled, setting his glasses askew. The honeyed drawl and the sprinkle of a giggle on top was, perhaps, a little too much for his brain to comprehend at once.
“Ahahah…” He readjusted his frames, a pithy laugh at his mouth as he tried to collect his thoughts. “I see that you’re taking a page out of Azul’s book. Maybe a little too much of it.
“… So, what’s this really about?”
You glanced at the ground, shyly kicking it. The confession slipped through your lips before you had even realized it—you were so honest with Trey, so comforted by his presence. It was only natural to spill your heart out to him.
He nodded understandingly. “Ah, I thought something was up. You know, you really shouldn’t let Ace bait you into these dares and bets. It always ends up badly for one of you—or worse, for both of you.”
Wise words from a wise man.
… Too bad you weren’t so wise.
You pouted, your brows turning up and your eyes starting to water. “Pwetty pwease, Twey-senpai?”
“Aw, don’t look at me like that. It’s not fair,” he sighed—though his tired tone tinged with his own brand of playfulness. “How can I say ‘no’ to that face? Sure, I’ll sign for you if that’s what makes you happy.”
It took but a moment for Trey to scrawl his name on the dotted line. You furled the paper back up and pumped your fist triumphantly. Victory tasted as sweet as one of his cupcakes--but even sweeter would be Ace's shocked expression when you rubbed it in his face later.
"Alright, alright, settle down." Trey's hand coming down upon your head and giving your hair a good ruffle. "I know I just signed my soul away to you and all, but you really don't need a contract to lock me down. You call, and I'll come running."
Your cheeks warmed at his promise. Perhaps you'd have said something just as charming and sincere, had the growl of your stomach not cut you off.
Trey laughed lightly. "Come on, I have a cake cooling in the kitchen. You can help me frost and decorate it, and then we can cut you a slice. Gotta make use of my perks and get some of those 'baked godly goods', right?"
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hepbaestus · 2 years
Thoughts on X-Men First Class (2011)
I've got journal articles to read for my essays so join me in my thoughts on X-Men First Class (2011) as I suffer through reading something that makes me want to gouge my eyeballs out.
There's more of my thoughts after the cut-off, except it just gets gayer.
I'm only really watching this for James McAvoy.
This is from back when marvel was simple to watch
Poland 1944?? Penultimate year before the end of WW2
This is starting off extremely dark oml
Who just has a photo of Einstein on their bedside table? Apparently this kid does.
Ooooo mummy issues
Oooo young Xavier
Kevin Bacon is that you??
Those saws in the background oml
Using his mother against him??!! Jesus Christ
Poor Erik
The bass guitar shouldn't be that good or make this scene seem hot. But it is
Jennifer Lawrence looks so jealous
This man's is a flirt and I'm here for it
He shouldn't be that hot but he is.
"Would you date me?" Girl just fucking ask him out already Jesus
It's weird not hearing James with his Scottish accent, I'm used to hearing it
Owie that must have hurt
French has never sounded more sinister until now
Hellfire? You say? I've heard that name before
Azazel's fucking hot as hell.
Oooo pwetty mountain landscape
Multilingual king? Even hotter.
Just casually trauma-dumping in a fun way, me likey
Owie 2 electric boogaloo
This is like Five Hargreeves from the umbrella academy
Oooo a party boy.
How is he making science sound slightly hot? What the fuck.
The editing is so 2011
It's the dude from Chicago Med!!
So Erik and Charles are just an enemies-to-lovers story (I think)
I swear all men look good in those dark blue/black long coats
Awww Charles rescuing Erik
Kid just got outed oof
That's so cursed
They're so cute together
I can already tell that they're in love
That ball looks like the one at Disney in America
God they're already so in love and they've known each other for a few hours
You can just tell by their faces
The playfulness in their voices? I adore
"Don't touch my hair" I love this so much already
Man's is so horny Jesus Christ
God this is so gay and I love it
Oof poor dude
Oooo the disappointment in their faces
A giant spring just grabbing a dude is so funny to me
Wait a minute that's fucking Laurent from the Twilight series. I knew I recognised him from somewhere
Oh shit that's fucked
Of course they had to pan to the only Black guy of the mutants when talking about enslavement
Rip Alex
Or not
Rip that dude- I don't know his name (Darwin)
The parents are discussing
That's a fucking palace
Oh shit this is set when Kennedy is still alive? Wow
There's always something so homoerotic about pointing a gun at your mates head
That's a lot of fire. Fun.
That scream, brilliant
He reminds me of Icarus, it's probably just because he's flying
Charles don't you dare (I've given up with reading for my essay I'm too engrossed in the lovers)
James has such pretty eyes
There is no way either of them acted without a little thought into making the characters gay for each other
I remember the panic buying of COVID. That wasn't fun
This scene gives me katniss and peeta about to swallow the berries scene (which is fitting cause it's fucking Jennifer Lawrence in both)
Good ol' chess game
The way they're both sitting, neither sitting in a "socially acceptable" way to sit (or as I call it, the gay ways of sitting on a chair)
Oh shit of course the serum didn't work
Man's is becoming Sully from monsters inc.
The uniforms!!
The arrogance of Shaw
The red body paint on Azazel must've taken hours to put on and take off
Oh shit is this where Charles becomes paralysed because of Erik's mistake??
Oh but he is
This is where shit hits the fan
Manipulation time
Oh fuck this is the scene where Charles becomes paralysed
Shaw's outfit reminds me of a Japanese schoolboy
Oh shit that's brutal and gruesome, dude
Oh wait, does that affect Charles?
Okay it doesn't thank god
That's gonna start a war bro
Lovers quarrel that might kill thousands of men
Oh fuck
The fact that the music is white noise fucking hurts
"She didn't do this Erik. You did." That's such a powerful line like fuck bro (except they're not just bros)
"We're brothers you an I." Mhmm sure, that doesn't explain the homoerotic tension that you've had this entire film
They're going through a breakup sad times dudes
The panic in everyone's eyes. Fuck. I can't imagine what that must feel like
That wheelchair looks fucking sick
"Next thing you know I'll be going bald." Well shucks do I have a story for you
I love Moira. She's great
Setting up for another film I see
"left a bit of a gap in my life, if I'm to be honest." Bro just say you love him already
"I was rather hoping you would fill it." That so gay dude, I love it.
Overall score: 8.5/10
Film recommendations welcome!
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charliedawn · 3 years
Video Game!Reader x Slashers
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Freddy likes video games. He would join you and have fun. He's one of the only slashers that doesn't care if he wins or not, as long as he gets to have his fun and make fun of everything wrong in the video game.
However, he would feel a little less enthusiastic once he'd see what video game you play at..Dead by Daylight.
Freddy loves trying new games since he's a pretty open-minded man who likes to have fun, but Dead by Daylight was created on a true city, one he used to live in..Racoon City.
Ghost face recruited him and Michael and they both used to work there and kill whoever would dare enter the city.
But, it wasn't enough.
They were planning on leaving, but as soon as they set a foot outside, St Louis' special recruitment team came in and kidnapped them.
They were then admitted to St Louis hospital.
This is why Freddy wouldn't really like it, but it would soon change once he'd see his video game alter ego..As the egocentric man that he is, he would take pride in seeing that someone actually took the time to add him.
He would also enter the game himself sometimes, just for the fun of it and to scare you.
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Pennywise wouldn't be interested at first.
Video games are human entertainment devices, things he used to use to lure kids in. He knows video games and can play them, but wouldnt really be competitive.
He would play to make you happy, but wouldnt really have the mindset of a player and would most likely let you win to get out of the situation.
Pennywise *pretends to be disappointed after losing for the eighteenth' time* : "Oh noooo...I lost. Again."
However, he would make an effort if he sees how much it means to you that he does his best or if there is something to win ?
He could use his powers to win all the time, but what would be the fun in that ?
However, be prepared for him to play dirty :
Covering your eyes, tickling you, pushing you playfully or making your controller float in the air ?
Everything is allowed as long as he wins.
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Penny would find it odd at first, but would soon get the hang of it.
He would play with you, but more often just watch you play and look at the little people on screen trying to kill you.
However, horror video game means lots of blood and bodies.
Don't be surprised when Penny starts drooling everywhere.
Penny *staring at the screen* : "T..Tasty.."
He is also aware of what a video game is, considering that a lot of children like them and he had to get acquainted to them as well.
He may even be more aware of them than Pennywise, as Penny tries to be as close to the new generations as possible, to keep himself aware of the last trends as to not starve.
Some things stayed the same: some kids like playing ball, toys, cute animals, teddy bears...but as time passed, their tastes changed as well.
Now, most of them want electronic devices, flying toys, video games, last trends outfits or trinkets of multiple kinds..This is why Penny uses his powers to culture himself.
He may sound carefree and unaware, but he's far from it.
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You don't even need to ask him. Hedwig would start playing even without any invitation or annoy you until you accept he joins.
Hedwig is a kid, and as many kids, he loves video games.
He would sit beside you and look at you playing until he understands the rules and immediately ask you to let him play.
To sum it up: Hedwig is a brat. A very energetic and very creative child who could come up with a million ways to get what he wants..
Hedwig *staring at you with puppy eyes* : "Can I play ? Pwetty please ?"
He would then jump excitedly up and down once you accepted and laugh everytime a monster appears or scream and press every single button on the controller until the monster is dead or he mysteriously wins...
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Brahms would be interested in watching you play, not so much as to play himself.
He likes to see what your choices would be or help when you get stuck somewhere.
He had a TV and some video games in his bedroom in his old house, so he knows how to play.
He's very calm when either of you play and focused, which is not always.
However, he doesn't like scary games.
Brahms *grabs your arm and stammers* : "Is..Is that a monster ? B..Be careful.."
He would scream at every jump scare and as he is a rather big and strong fellow, would break something without meaning to.
He would immediately apologize of course, but maybe try to play something a little less scary with him ?
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Jason would play, but would either become frustrated very quickly or not stay focused long enough to actually finish the game.
Jason is more of a very basic man who would prefer playing more rudimentary games and doesn't really care about modernity.
He would prefer to play hide and seek or tag in the woods than video games.
But, he would if the game is easy enough and he can understand it.
Jason : "So...You have to beat monsters to get to the next level ?"
He would also enjoy playing beside you and more than once let you win or lose on purpose just so he can see you happy.
You *laughs and punches his shoulder playfully* : "Come on ! You lost on purpose !"
Him *laughing too and scooting away* : "Did not ! You're just good at that game !"
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Norman doesn't understand video games.
He was born in 1932. There weren't any video games back then, not any close to the ones of the 21st century anyway.
This is why his ways of having fun are much more outdoorsy.
He wouldn't mind playing with you, but he would quickly become frustrated by being locked up in the house and would ask you to play something a little bit more "of his time".
This is how you would both find yourselves outside, playing either baseball, basketball or golf.
Norman : "Come on ! Let's get you out. Or, are you too scared that I may beat you ?" *flashes you a daring smirk*
Norman will try to play video games with you because he wants to bond with you and can be competitive sometimes, but it's not really his kind of fun.
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Michael *writes down* : "Let's go."
No hesitation. Michael grew up with video game. He knows how to play and even though they may have evolved a lot since his time, they still follow the same rules. Win. Think. Act. Game over.
He would first observe you play, then when he's sure he understands the rules, would ask to play as well.
Michael is a fast learner and it wouldn't take him long to get to the final level and win.
Michael is a very intuitive person and this is why he would most likely beat you at video games or any sort of game involving fast thinking and patience.
Michael *smiles when he beats the final level and winks at you before standing up**writes down* : "That was fun."
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"Really ? You want to play against me ?"
Arthur would be surprised that you ask him more than anything. Arthur isn't known for playing at video games, even though he knows how to.
He used to play them when he was little, but hasn't had the time to really practice since he became Joker and even though, he is still very competitive and wouldn't be merciful.
He would play to win and would also quickly be able to foretell the monsters' moves in the game and outsmart them.
His way of playing the game wouldn't be called conventional and even if he never played that game before, it would only take a couple of tries (and kills) for him to get the hang of it.
He would ask to practice a bit before actually playing against you or with you.
But, once he'd get the hang of it ?
He would become a powerful ally, or a formidable foe.
Arthur *smirks at you* : "Rematch ?"
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He would need a little encouragement first to get into the game, or a direct attack to his ego.
You *smile and nudge him playfully* : "You don't want to play because you know I'd beat you."
Five *scoffs and smiles forcefully before taking the remote from your hand* : "Don't come crying when I win."
He would be frustrated at first if he doesn't win.
This is why you should be careful to make sure he doesn't break your console by accident or throws the controller out the window.
Be sure to ask him when he's calm or not busy.
Playing video games may be a way for him to relax or let off steam, but it may also frustrate him further.
This why you should probably explain the rules to him very well beforehand. Not that he will listen to you, but it may save your console.
Five *victory scream* : "YES ! I DID IT ! AH ! TAKE THAT !"
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
The Perfect Wingman.
Pairing: Single Dad!Sebastian Stan x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff, tiny bit of Angst
Warnings: mentions of injuries, blood
Requested: Nope
Summary: Felix, Sebastian Stan's five year old son, is the perfect matchmaker (with the help of Uncle Anthony, of course!)
Author's Note: Hiya peeps! Another matchmaker fic lmao there's just something about that trope where kids play matchmaker for adults that's just... 💞 anyway enjoy!
"Buddy! Hi!"
Y/N glanced at Chris Evans as her boss spoke to her, seeing him running towards somebody. After her boss left, she turned around and smiled when she saw him chatting with Felix, Sebastian Stan's five year old son. The kid was literally sunshine in a bottle, making everyone around him happy. Guess that's another thing he got from his father.
Aside from looks.
Then she looked around, but couldn't see Sebastian anywhere. "Boo!" Startled, Y/N screamed and held a hand over her chest as she whirled around to see Sebastian doubled over in laughter behind her, clutching his stomach. "Oh my God!" she groaned as several heads turned to her at her scream. "You should've seen your face," Sebastian wheezed.
Y/N pouted at him and swatted his chest. "I could've had a heart attack!" Y/N wasn't an actress, she was just an assistant on set. Her only work was to make sure that all the actors on set were hydrated, which in turn led to her becoming good friends with all of them. They were all very friendly people, the Marvel cast. "But you didn't. Felix!" Sebastian called out and his son looked up.
Running as fast as his little feet could carry him, Felix jumped into his father's open arms, giggling. Y/N watched them with a smile on her face; Sebastian was a great father. "Meet Y/N," Sebastian introduced her and she waved at the kid. "Hi Felix," she grinned but Felix was mesmerized. Wow, she's so beautiful.
He simply blinked at her a few times, his jaw dropped. Y/N raised a questioning but amused brow at him, her eyes flickering to Sebastian who was watching his son with an exasperated look on his face, all too aware of his shenanigans. She laughed at Sebastian's expression and Felix snapped out of his thoughts. He raised his arms and leaned forward; a silent request of please pick me up.
Y/N gathered him in her arms, his tiny arms going around her neck as she held him on her hip. "Hello!" He had surprisingly clear speech, he did not mispronounce his L's and R's much. "Hi! How are you today? Enjoying yourself?" Felix nodded excitedly. "Yes!" Sebastian simply watched them with a soft smile as the girl he fancied talked to his son.
Sebastian had had a crush on Y/N ever since they began filming, and at this point, 4 months later, the only person who was oblivious to his feelings was Y/N. Everyone knew, and everyone heartily teased him for it. He had always wanted to ask her out; seeing his son get along so well with her only fueled his feelings. "Are you… are you an actwess too, Y/N?"
"No, darling, I'm a helping hand. I help everyone stay hydrated."
"What does that mean?"
"I give everyone water when they ask for it," she explained and Felix nodded, eyes the same colour as Sebastian's blinking at her in wonder. "Water is impowtant," Felix stated matter-of-factly making Y/N giggle. Felix decided he wanted to hear that sound much more frequently. "Felix! Is that you?!" Y/N, Felix and Sebastian turned to see Anthony making his way towards them.
"Uncle Anthony!" Felix squealed and Y/N put him down on his feet, smiling at the way he ran to Anthony Mackie. "Your son is so cute," she commented, turning to Sebastian only to see him already staring at her, a soft smile on his face. "It seems as though he has taken a liking to you. I wouldn't blame him." Y/N rolled her eyes at his flirting but blushed.
He did flirt with her a lot, but come on, that was just a part of his personality. Surely he didn't have feelings for her, he couldn't. Oh but he did; very strong feelings, on top of that. "Cheesy," she jabbed back and Sebastian clutched his chest with a pretend hurt look on his face. "You wound me," he pouted and Y/N grinned at him.
What they didn't see was Felix and Anthony staring at them, eyebrows raised in an identical manner. "Uncle Anthony, can I ask you something?" Anthony smirked but nodded. "Does papa… does papa love Y/N?" Anthony laughed loudly, realising that the adorable kid was the perfect wingman for Y/N and Sebastian. So he said, "Yes, yes he does."
"She is really pwetty…" Felix confessed, his own cheeks turning pink. "Aw, look who's blushing," Anthony teased, pinching his little cheeks. Felix blushed more and slapped his hands away, pouting. "Do you want your papa to go on a date with Y/N?" Anthony asked the child. Felix thought for a moment before nodding.
"Yes. If he likes her, he should just tell her!" Oh, bless his innocent heart. If only it were that easy in real life. "He will ask her soon, we'll make sure of it. Here's what you can do to help…"
2 months had passed since Felix visited the sets and Sebastian was getting impatient. If you thought his flirting was too much then, you should see him now. He flirted with her every chance he got but Y/N used to brush him off each time; he possibly couldn't be genuinely interested in her. She didn't think herself to be worthy of his affections, so, as much as she liked his flirting, she never reciprocated.
As Y/N gathered a few bottles of water in her arms, she heard a screech behind her. "Y/N!" Smiling, she turned, dramatically faking an 'oof' as a tiny body collided with her legs. "Felix, honey, hi! Didn't expect you to visit the sets today," she grinned as Felix let go, smiling broadly up at her.
"His babysitter couldn't make it, had to bring him down."
Her smile turned nervous as she saw the father of the cute kid walking towards her, a suave smile plastered on his face. "That's okay, papa, I can just hang out with Y/N!" Felix assured him before frowning at the dozens of bottles in her arms. "Do you need help?" Ah, ever the gentleman. One more thing he gets from his dad.
"Thank you so much, sweetie," she cooed as she handed him two bottles. It wasn't much, but seriously, how much could a little child carry? That was enough for him. "Can you go give these to Scarlett and Chris?" she requested, pointing to the spot where Scarlett Johansson and Chris Hemsworth were standing. "Okay, Y/N!"
She grinned when he left. "Seriously, how did you manage to birth the most perfect kid in the world?" she commented, turning to Sebastian. "Look at me," he said unabashedly, wiggling his eyebrows. "Seb," she huffed and nudged him, raising her eyebrows in shock when he took the bottles from her arms. "I have some time before my next scene."
"That's my job—"
"Nope, can't have you carrying all these bottles, sweetheart. What if you drop them?" She pouted as she followed him through the busy set. "Do you think I'm clumsy?" He glanced at her, worried that he actually offended her, but smiled when he saw her playful look. "Nope, but I don't want you to trip over the fallen bottles and hurt yourself."
"Now that was a good line," she whistled and Sebastian laughed. As Sebastian and Y/N chatted more, they heard a loud wail coming from a few feet away. Freezing up, both of them turned to see Felix sitting on the floor, surrounded by Elizabeth Olsen and Chris Evans as he moaned in pain. Y/N's eyes went wide with fear when she saw the cut on his knee.
Talk about hurting oneself...
Forgetting the world around her, she quickly rushed to the child, Sebastian hot on her heels. "Bub, stop crying," Chris tried but Felix wouldn't listen. The moment he saw Y/N, though, his tears ceased. "Y/N," he whimpered and reached towards her, finally content when she took him in her arms. "Oh, honey bun, you'll be okay," she whispered, kissing his forehead.
"It hurts," Felix insisted. "I know, darling, let's patch you up." Without any word to anyone, Y/N led him away from the crowd, sitting him down on one of the chairs littered across the place. Sebastian, Chris and Elizabeth watched her; Chris and Lizzie were smirking but Sebastian was beyond shocked. The worry on her face the moment she found out he was hurt, the way she cradled him…
The way his son had stopped crying when he saw her, as if she were his mother. The way he reached out to her instead of him. "Just ask her out, pal, look at her. She's perfect for you. And for Felix," Chris told him, patting him on the back before leaving with Elizabeth.
Sebastian stayed where he was for a few more minutes, heart racing and mind in an overdrive, watching as Y/N took care of Felix. Be mine, please.
"All okay, bub?" Y/N crooned as she tied a bandage on his knee after cleaning the blood off. "Thank you, Y/N!" Felix threw his arms around her neck and buried his face in her neck, smiling widely. Y/N returned the hug ardently, rubbing his back. "Felix?" Felix looked over Y/N's shoulder to see his dad standing there, a small smile on his face. "Papa!"
He made no point in moving out of Y/N's arms and Sebastian took the hint, merely ruffling the boy's hair. "You doing okay? Y/N take care of the boo-boo?" Felix nodded eagerly. "It doesn't even hurt now," he said proudly and Sebastian smiled. "Did you say thank you?" "He did, Sebastian," Y/N assured him.
"I wish Y/N took care of my boo-boos all the time!" Felix pouted. Sebastian froze again, his eyes darting to Y/N when he saw her stiffen. "How is that possible, sugar?" Y/N joked nervously as she stood up, Felix still in her arms, holding him on her hip like before. "Papa can date you! And then you can get married and then you'll be my mama and then you'll take care of all my boo-boos!"
Sebastian and Y/N stared at each other as Felix innocently looked at Y/N with a huge smile on his face. "M-Married? Bubba, I don't think your papa likes me in that way…" Sebastian suddenly found his voice. How dare she? "Y/N, I do like you, why do you think I flirt with you all the time?" he scoffed, rolling his eyes.
Y/N's eyes went wide. "Wait, I thought you were joking—"
"I wasn't. Will you go on a date with me?"
"Sebastian, I-I… I'll be honored."
"Oh please, iubi, the honor's all mine," he chuckled and, not caring about who was watching (including his own son), leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers in a sweet kiss. Y/N's heart fluttered at the term of endearment as she kissed him back. Felix groaned loudly in Y/N's arms, covering his eyes. "Yucky!"
Sebastian and Y/N had to break the kiss because they laughed too hard. Felix slid down Y/N's arms and ran towards Anthony, who was watching them with a small smile, proud of his best friend for finally making a move on the woman he liked. Anthony smirked when the pipsqueak stopped next to him. "Good job, bud."
"Thank you, Uncle Anthony." And Felix gagged again as he and Anthony turned to Sebastian and Y/N, only to see them in another liplock.
A/N: Thanks for reading! Leave a like if you enjoyed, reblogs will be accepted and appreciated too <3
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butlersxbirdy · 2 years
Angsty Austin imagine where reader was in a toxic relationship in the past and feels guilt over leaving. Austin can tell her that it was the right thing to do and that she’s the strongest person he knows pwetty pwease with spwinkles and a chewwy on top 🥺
Here you go! Thanks for this ask, I loved writing this!
"Theres my girl," Austin's voice echoes in yoir head as you pack up and leave, for good.
Your hands shake as you drive away from what was your apartment, with your now-ex boyfriend. You had no idea where you were going, only that you had to get away from him. The constant controlling behavior, threatening to hurt you or himself if you left, and isolating you from your family became too much. The final straw was the fight tonight, because you had dared to eat a meal your ex knew you used to make with Austin.
Looking back, forbidding you to see Austin should have been the last straw. You missed your friend so much it was like a gaping wound in your chest. With that thought, you suddenly knew where to go. Taking a sharp u-turn, you sped off in the rain through town. When you arrived at Austin's place, you had to fight the tears of anxiety and fear.
What if he didn't wanna talk to you? You'd given him reason enough to be angry. You didn't know what you'd do if you lost your chance to be in his life, but you knew you had to try, least of all because you literally had nowhere else to go.
Your knock on the door was timid, but he heard and opened the door.
He clearly was not expecting you- his eyes widened with shock as he takes in your appearance, and pulls you inside.
"Y/n, it's pouring rain, you're freezing, are you insane?" He asks, frowning angrily but his voice betrays the worry behind the tone.
"I..." you start, as he begins removing your jacket and hoodie, noting how shaken you are and how pliable you are in his arms. "I left him..." you confess quietly. "But I don't know how long until he expects me back. He just gets so angry sometimes, it's not his fault, he'll fall apart without me," you ramble and Austin's jaw clenches in anger.
"You fall apart from being with him," he says softly. "Tell me honestly, do you wanna be with him?" He asks, taking your hand in his, leading you to his bedroom.
"Uh... well... its not..." you stammer, completely clueless as to where this was going. He let's go of your hand and gives you a t shirt and a pair of sweatpants, then he leaves to stand on the other side of the door.
"Figure it out," he says softly as you change. "You're the strongest person I've ever met and you can have anything you want in life. I've never met anyone more capable of forging her own destiny than you," he carries on, talking nervously while waiting for you. When you're freshly changed and feeling warmer, you open the door to see him standing there.
"He kept me from the only thing that has ever made me happy," you say slowly, the guilt washing away as you look at Austin. "He can go to hell."
Austin blinks in surprise at how quickly you came around, but then his eyes land on a photo of the two of you, that you clearly saw when he left you to your own devices. The two of you were on a ferris wheel, and it was taken a week before you met your ex. You looked so happy and carefree, and he can't believe he has gone six months without seeing you smile like that.
"Remembering how it was?" He asks, reaching a hand out to touch your face.
"Wishing things had never changed," you whisper, and he presses a kiss to your forehead.
"There's my girl," he says quietly, smiling against your skin.
You knew it might take awhile, but that you'd be just fine, because you were safe, and you had Austin.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Teddy and Horse
Summary:  Fable really wanted a sister
Pairings:  Fable X Harry, Blade X Harry
Rating:  🐾🐾
Warnings:  floofster, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  900
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Blade Drysdale Masterlist
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“Uncy Hawwy?”  Fable asks so sweetly. Batting her eyes up to look at her babysitter and godfather.
“Yes, Squishers?” Harry asks looking down at the little girl.  He should know this isn’t going to go well for him, because he just can’t say no.  She leans back more into the couch tapping her fingers on her leg.
“You know, I weawwy wanted a sistew,” Harry nods his head.  Not well at all.  “Weww, Eggbewt is not a sistew.  Him is a boy with a stwaw, and I want a giwl in da house.”
“You have your mom.”
“Dats not the same and you know it.  Since you’we babysitting me, you have my pewmission to take me to get a puppy.  A giwl puppy.  Dares these dogs dat wook wike teddy beaws, and I want one so baby.  And Eggy is no fun to pway wif.  He bawewy cwaws.  Pwease, Uncy Hawwy.  I want a giwl in da house.  Pwetty pwetty pwease.”
“Don’t do that,” he turns his head to look at the ceiling.  “Your cousin Otto used to do that to me.  Don’t do it.”
Blade stops in his tracks as he walks in his home.  A teddy bear that’s walking on four legs, stops and sits down staring right at him.  “What’re you?” the fluffy ball gives him a yippy bark, before struggling to run away.  Those fluffy paws just don’t allow her any traction.  “Harry Bodecker what did you do?”
Coming around the corner with the teddy bear in her hands, his daughter smiles up at him.  “Wook at hew daddy.”
“What is that?”
“What did you just say?”
“No,” Harry jogs past, and meets the two of them in the kitchen.  “No, her name is Asiago.”
“Dats what I said, Assgo.  Hew is a sweet Assygo awen’t you.”
“Squishers, why don’t you and Asiago go play, I need to have a chat with your Uncle Harry,” with the biggest smile she walks off carrying her newest friend.  “I can’t get rid of that now.”
“Why would you want to get rid of it?  It’s adorable, and looks like a teddy bear.”
“You named it Asiago on purpose.”
“No.  No, I didn’t do that.  She was eating asiago cheese, and fed the dog some.  Dog loved it.  Your strange daughter wanted to name it after the cheese.  What is with your family and naming animals after food?  Waffle, Donut, Biscoff, Biscuit, what’s that other rat’s name?”
“It’s not a rat.  Do you think Aster would let a rat be in her house?  And it’s Pickles.  You forgot Noodle.  But you bought a dog for my daughter without asking,” Harry only shrugs.  “You just wait.  One of these days, this moment will come and bite you in the ass so hard.  How big is that thing getting?”
“It’s full grown,” Blade opens his mouth wide.  “Yeah.  She needed a shrimpy dog.  She can carry it around.”
“We gotta fix this.”
“So let me get this straight,” you take a deep breath.  Beckett on your hip while you look at Blade who is avoiding your eye contact, and Fable who is smiling so big holding onto that dog that she has talked about for weeks.  “Fable got a dog that we agreed to get her.”
“You did!  I didn’t have to do the face with Hawwy?” when you look at her, her face falls, and she starts kissing at Asiago.  Hoping you ignore her comment.
“There’s a face? And what happened to the Uncy Hawwy?” Fable shrugs and gives him a sweet smile. “I’ve been had by a toddler.”
“Me not a toddwew, me is fouw, Eggy is a toddwew. Me is a big giwl. But back dis up,” that sweet daughter of yours gives you her best smile, tilting her head, “You and daddy wewe going to buy me a teddy beaw dog?”
“Yes, we did.  But because you got a fluffy thing, your father had to get a huge ass dog to over compensate for the yippy dog?” 
“Mommy said ass.”
“You said it first.”
“I’m an adult.  You and Assgo play, while I talk to your father,” she snorts at you saying the dog’s name wrong, while you zero in on Harry and Blade.  “You basically bought a horse.”
“Open floor plan.  We got the room.  He’ll love it.  That thing yipped at me.  And look at his face,” he holds the giant puppy up for you to see his sweet face.  “Zeus.”
“You named the dog Zeus?”
“Yes, look,” he points at a pattern of spots that resembles a lightning bolt.  “He is the god of dogs, and has that.  Zeus.”
“You’re never babysitting again.”
“Well, I never.  I didn’t ask,” Harry crosses his arms across his chest.  “You two asked me.  I did you favor.”
“Where’s your wives and ginger babies?”
Harry’s smile softens at the mention of wives and babies.  “They’re at the castle.  Winnie told Otto he needed to read after surgery to help with his um,” he wiggles his fingers at his throat.  “Is it mean to say I don’t want him to change the way he speaks?”
“He wants to speak clearly,” Blade tells him.  “I remember when I spoke like that, and had the stuttering.  It’s not fun, and people tend to make fun of you.  He’s thirteen.  That’s hard.  I’m surprised that Winnie was confident it would change.”
“It did change.  He could pronounce Rs better.  But back to the horse and the teddy.  You realize we have two puppies,” Beckett wiggles around, creating grabby hands at Zeus.  “No, buddy.  You’re too rough.”
“The teddy is full grown,” Harry informs you, his hand letting Zeus’ long tongue lick at it.
“Well, that’s good, since we’ve got a whole horse, that I’m assuming is staying inside?” Blade gives you a nod.  “And when he needs training, it’s your job.  Asiago is full grown, and I’m assuming she’s trained?” it’s Harry that nods at you this time.  “Alright.  Harry tell your wives I said hey.  I’m sure the babies are being suffocated by Story who has always wanted a red headed baby.  Please save them.”
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Okay but like I feel like Diego is the kind of person to flirt with really bad pick-up lines and Klaus is just Not Having It
featuring: Diego being a flustered Mama's boy and Klaus being a disaster dumbass and the two of them being completely in love with each other anyway
DISCLAIMER: None of the pick-up lines are mine, but the responses and ensuing shenanigans are :)
(there's fifty of these so buckle up kids :) sorry not sorry <3)
seriously though some of these are really bad
#1: He A Snack
Diego: Baby, you belong in the vending machine because you’re a snack.
Klaus: Diego you know I’m claustrophobic.
Diego: Don’t you mean Klaus-trophobic??? *finger guns*
Klaus: *blinks*
Klaus: I want a divorce.
#2: I’m From Hell
Diego: Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
Klaus: I’m a veteran addict and abuse victim who can see ghosts, Diego.
Klaus: Everything hurts.
#3: Animal Puns
Diego: *points to TV screen playing the Discovery Channel* Hey Klaus.
Diego: You’re my otter half.
Klaus: Diego those are meerkats.
#4: Stars
Diego: The stars are beautiful tonight.
Klaus: Yup.
Diego: You know who else is beautiful?
Klaus: Ben.
#5: Get Out Your Handcuffs Mister
Diego: You’re under arrest… for stealing my heart.
Klaus: Diego you got kicked out of the police academy like five years ago, just give up.
#6: Bad Boys
Diego: *leaning against the doorframe like a moron* So. I hear you like bad boys.
Klaus: Diego you cried because you accidentally stepped on a bee last week.
Diego: Well yeah but -
Klaus: You held a funeral for it. You made us all speak. You had Allison fly in from California. It was a fucking bee, Diego.
Diego: … I wear leather?
Klaus: So does every other kid who shops at Hot Topic. You’re not special.
#7: Prince Charming
Diego: Your knight in shining armor is here -
Klaus: One, that’s a turtleneck, not armor.
Klaus: Two, you’re covered in blood. That’s the opposite of shiny.
Klaus: Three, you smell like dead fish. Go take a shower.
#8: Chemistry
Diego: Did we have a class together? Because I could’ve sworn we had -
Klaus: Chemistry? Yup. Also English and math and foreign languages and history and like every other fucking thing because we grew up in the same sadistic boarding school, Diego.
#9: The Store Can’t Just Give Away Things For Free. That’s A Terrible Way To Run A Business.
Diego: I like your pants.
Klaus: Thanks. I got them out of a dumpster. And yes, you can have them 100% off.
Diego: *voice cracks* Really?
Klaus: No.
#10: Boyfriend Material
Diego: My jeans are made of -
Klaus: You’re wearing leather pants Diego.
Diego: Okay but -
Klaus: So they’re made of leather and they’re not fucking jeans.
#11: Digits
Diego: I lost my phone number. Can I have -
Klaus: None of us have phones, Diego.
Diego: I can… buy us some?
Klaus: Fine. I want my number to be 1-420-420-4201.
Diego: Baby no.
Klaus: *pulling out the puppy dog eyes* Pwetty pwease?
Diego: Fine, but mine’s gonna be 1-696-969-6969.
Klaus: I love you so much. Marry me. Have my babies.
#12: Love At First Sight
Diego: Do you believe in love at first sight or -
Klaus: If I did I’d have already fallen in love with a lot of hot ghosts.
Diego: - should I walk by again?
Klaus: You’ve been pacing for the past ten minutes, Gogo. I think if it was gonna happen it would’ve by now.
#13: You Have Fine Written All Over You
Diego: Are you a parking ticket? Cause -
Klaus: Diego I can’t drive.
#14: His Eyes Are Green Not Blue You Dipshit
Diego: Your eyes are an ocean, and I’m lost at sea.
Klaus: ... can’t you, like, hold your breath forever?
Diego: *blinks* Baby, I love you, but you’re ruining this with our childhood trauma.
Klaus: Well since you’ve refused therapy I just thought this was the next best option.
Diego: I take back what I said about loving you.
#15: Math Is Dumb And I Wish School Would Stop Teaching It
Diego: Are you a forty-five degree angle?
Klaus: Actually, because humans have non-linear body shapes, it’s impossible for their specific angles to be measured -
Diego: Are you high or have you been defiling Five’s books again?
Klaus: *blinks* Why can’t it be both?
Diego: *rethinking life decisions*
#16: Baby I’m All Yours
Diego: Do you have a name?
Klaus: Klaus.
Diego: Or can I call you mine?
Klaus: I mean I prefer “baby”, but sure.
Diego: *super wide eyes* Really?
Klaus: *melts into a puddle of glitter* Yeah, Gogo.
#17: (Not) Bookworms
Diego: Thank god I brought my library card. Cause I’m here to check you out.
Klaus: *through a mouthful of waffles* God isn’t real. We all die and rot beneath the earth to be eaten by maggots. There is no such thing as a higher power.
Klaus: *swallows waffles and takes a really loud slurp of an orange juice and chocolate milk combo*
Klaus: Oh, and the library’s closed for renovations til, like, Christmas so you’re outta luck, sorry.
Diego: I thought you met god? Little girl on a bicycle?
Klaus: Her? Nah, only Satan’s got that much sass. Plus, that wasn’t heaven.
Diego: And you know this how?
Klaus: *squishes Diego’s face with both hands* Think about it. Do you really think dear ol’ dad’s in heaven?
Diego: Can you let of my face please?
#18: Bad Move, Buddy
Diego: Are you a pre-historic fossil? Cause you’re my missing link.
Klaus: Did you just call me old?
Diego, backing out of the room slowly: What? No! No of course not! No, obviously no, absolutely not -
Klaus: *releases savage war cry*
Diego: *runs for his goddamn life*
#19: I Rate This 0/10
Diego: Are you from Tennessee? Cause you’re the only -
Klaus: I don’t know where I’m from. I’m an orphan.
Diego: Oh… I know, baby -
Klaus: And the piece of shit that adopted me lived in New York anyway. We’re in New York right now actually. Do you need a geography lesson? I think Pogo’s got a map -
Diego: Klaus.
#20: Oh Shit
Diego: If nothing lasts forever, will you be my nothing?
Klaus: *tears up* I’m nothing?
Diego: Oh no. No no no. No, baby, you’re not nothing, don’t cry, I’m so sorry, that’s not what I meant, baby - oh my god please don’t cry -
#21: You’ve Got Everything I’m Searching For
Diego: Is your name Google? Because -
Klaus: Diego. For the last time…
Klaus: My name is Kimberly Linda Aerealia Ulysses Saffron Hargreeves the Twenty-Fourth. I don’t know why I need to keep explaining this to you -
Diego, kissing him quiet: You’re my favorite person in the world, you know that?
#22: Don’t Make Bets You’ll Lose, Luther.
Diego: Luther bet me a hundred bucks I couldn’t talk to the prettiest person here. How do you wanna spend his money?
Klaus: Drugs.
Diego: Baby -
Klaus: *beams* Nah, I’m just kidding. Stuffed giraffes.
Diego: *grins* For Five?
Klaus: *nods* For Five.
Diego: He’ll hate them.
Klaus: Exactly. Let’s go.
#23: Deja Vu
Diego: Have we met before?
Klaus: Yes. Obviously. Are you also high?
Diego: No -
Diego: Wait, you’re high?
Klaus: No?
#24: Such An Optimist
Diego: Are you a time traveller?
Klaus: No, that’s Five.
Diego: Cause I think you’re my future!
Klaus: *stares blankly*
Diego: No? Nothing? Nada?
Klaus: In the future we’re all dead dipshit.
Klaus: Because. Ya know.
Diego: Okay then.
#25: Please Go To The Hospital.
Diego: Are you my appendix? Cause my stomach’s fluttering and I think I should take you out.
Klaus: Did you drink water from the fish tank again?
Diego: *turning green* Luther dared me to okay???!!!!
#26: Suicidal Tendencies
Diego: Hey gorgeous -
Klaus: Let me guess. I should drop dead?
Diego: What?! No! Baby -
#27: Infinitely On The Naughty List (And Not The Good Kind Of Naughty List (If There Is One I’m Asexual I Don’t Know))
Diego: Are you Santa Klaus? Cause you make all my wishes come true.
Klaus: You have five seconds to run.
Diego: *already two streets away* Fucking shit -
#28: You Can’t Use That Every Time We Have An Argument, Tony.
Diego: Kiss me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist right?
Klaus: I mean, there’s one in the corner of our living room right now, so I guess?
Diego: *squeaks* You - you can see dinosaur ghosts?
Klaus: I mean, there’s a chance that thing Ben’s petting is just a super deformed ostrich, but yeah, I think so.
Diego: *tearing up* That’s so cool.
#29: A Whole New Kind Of Thirst Trap
Diego: I’m thirsty. But guess whose body is 75% water?
Diego: *smirks*
Klaus: *frowns*
Klaus: Hold on, I know this one…
Diego: Klaus -
Klaus: *snaps fingers* Oh, I know! Luther!
Diego: *horrified* What the fuck Klaus why the fuck would you say that -
#30: What A Tragedy
Diego: You must be a campfire. Because you’re super hot and I want s’more.
Klaus: Diego sweetheart, you’re allergic to marshmallows.
Diego: *tearing up* I know.
Klaus: You wanna hug, baby?
Diego: *crying* Yes please.
#31: That Can’t Be Allowed
Diego: Don’t tell me if you want me to take you out to dinner. Just smile for yes, or do a backflip/somersault/counter-spin gymnastics combination for no.
Klaus: *smirks*
Klaus: *does a triple flip and lands perfectly on the top of the bar counter*
Diego: *turns bright red* That was h-h-hot.
Klaus: *beams and jumps down into Diego’s arms bridal-style*
Klaus: *kisses his cheek* I know, baby.
#32: Merry Christmas
Diego: You’re the reason Santa started the Naughty List.
Klaus: *blinks*
Klaus: *pouts*
Klaus: No fair! He told me last week I was on the Nice List!
Diego: What? Klaus? What does that -
#33: I’ll Keep You Safe, Honey.
Diego: I lost my teddy bear. Will you sleep with me instead?
Klaus: *pulls out a stuffed tiger*
Klaus: He got lost in the kitchen. Don’t worry, I rescued him for you.
Diego: *takes soft tiger*
Diego: *voice cracks* Oh. Thanks.
Klaus: *kisses his forehead* You’re welcome, baby.
#34: Excuse Me?
Diego: The only thing your eyes haven’t told me is your name.
Klaus, internally: Shit. What if he finds out I stole like five of his knives and all of the cookies last week?
Klaus, externally: *blinks*
Klaus: Um… Stefonopolis?
#35: I Am Not Apologizing For This One
Diego: If you were a steak, you’d be well done.
Klaus: But I’m so unique…
Klaus: I talk to the dead, Diego.
Diego: Okay…?
Klaus: *smirks*
Klaus: So wouldn’t I be medium rare?
Ben: Ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
#36: Leonardo Da Vinci Was Arrested Multiple Times For Homosexual Activity.
Diego: Is this a museum? Cause you’re a work of art.
Klaus: *dancing to the soundtrack of High School Musical 3* Actually Five took me back to Italy once. Leonardo da Vinci and I had some fun.
Diego: Oh my god. Seriously?
Diego: *looks up picture of Mona Lisa, now titled Mona Klausa*
Diego: How the fuck -
#37: Why Would You Say That Though
Diego: Am I sleepwalking? Cause I’ve only seen you in my dreams.
Klaus: *sitting on the counter and eating a donut in one bite* Are they dirty?
Luther: *chokes on a pickle*
Diego: Oh my god no -
Diego: Well sometimes -
Diego: I mean no of course not -
Luther: *praying to whoever’s up there to just kill him already*
#38: Be Safe Kids!
Diego: Can you hold this for me?
Klaus: Sweetie, you need to wash your hands.
#39: Apocalypse Averted!
Diego: If looks could kill, you’d be a weapon of mass destruction.
Klaus: *blinks*
Klaus: I thought that was Vanya.
Diego, panicking: Holy shit Klaus you can’t just say things like that -
Vanya: *crying from laughter*
#40: Attractive
Diego: Do you swallow magnets? Because you’re -
Klaus: *shoves him up against the wall*
Klaus: How did you find out? Who told you? Was it Ben? I swear to god I’ll kill him -
Diego: *squeaks* What?
#41: First You’ve Gotta Propose Diego
Diego: Wouldn’t we look cute on a wedding cake together?
Klaus: Diego. Did you buy me a cake?
Klaus: I’m waiting.
Diego: Right sir yes sir right away sir -
#42: He May Not Be A Kitten But He Is As Soft As One
Diego: If I followed you home, would you keep me?
Klaus: I’m homeless, Diego.
Diego: What? You are? Oh no, baby - you can come stay with me?
Klaus: *looks up from Disney Princess coloring book and raises an eyebrow* Is your bed available?
Diego, blushing: Ye-yeah, b-ba-baby. Whe-whenever you-u w-want.
Klaus: *smiles*
Klaus: *takes Diego’s hand*
Klaus: Okay.
Diego: *dies a little bit inside (in a good way)*
#43: It’s Just You.
Diego: Is it hot in here or is it just you?
Klaus, blushing: I -
#44: ‘Scuse Me, Mate?
Diego: You know, penguins mate for life. Wanna be my penguin?
Klaus: Eh. I’ve always been more of an iguana man.
Diego: What?
#45: You Look Like… Antonio Banderas With The Long Hair.
Diego: How’s the most beautiful person in the world doing today?
Klaus: *buried in a Vogue magazine* I don’t know I’m not Antonio Banderas.
#46: What The Fuck Klaus
Diego: Do you have a map? I keep getting lost in your eyes.
Klaus: *hands him a Candyland board* Here. I stole it from Pogo.
#47: You Dumbass
Diego: I hate my last name. Can I borrow yours?
Klaus: We have the same last name, Diego.
Diego: *blinks*
Diego: Fuck you’re right -
#48: Okay But Diego Would Make A Great Aladdin Though
Diego: I’m not a genie, but I can still make your dreams come true.
Klaus: *wrinkles his nose*
Klaus: You can get me a pink elephant with jaundice?
Diego: *blinks*
Diego: What the fuck Klaus -
#49: HELLO
Diego: Is that a knife or are you just happy to see me?
Klaus: I don’t just have random knives on me Diego, I’m not you.
Diego: So you are happy to see me?
Klaus: I mean you just interrupted a very riveting episode of Sesame Street, so… we’ll see.
#50: It’s Always Best To Start With The Truth.
Diego: I love you.
Klaus: *beams* That’s all you had to say, darling.
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caxsthetic · 4 years
↪Miya Atsumu smut drabble
↪cw; fem!dom, mean!dom, degradation, humping, foot job, rimming, choking, edging
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"You are so filthy, 'Tsumu." You chuckled darkly, sending a shiver to run down his spine. "Humping on the sheet while I am gone? You think you are so cute, aren't you? Think I would fuck that slutty asshole with that stunt you pull just now?" He nodded, he was sure that you would give him—
"Think again."
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When you came back from a business trip, this was not the sight that you thought you would see. The second you walked to your shared apartment, this — happened.
The door to the bedroom was ajar, and the way your boyfriend's moan rang through the entire unit made you click your tongue. You were tired, you wanted to just rest and cuddle with him, maybe taking a shower or bathing together and ordering takeout afterwards.
But no, your slutty boyfriend just decided to be a whore at this moment. Moaning and whimpering out your name, knowing for sure that you would come back today.
This was a gift. To him, acting like this, all desperate for you was something that you wanted, something that you always love to see. Proofed by how you would end up deep inside him every time you caught him jerking off at the thought of you.
Though today was different.
You were not in the mood, not even in the slightest. If it was another circumstances you would strip yourself and jumped on him. And he would take you, completely at your mercy as he whimpers out your name.
It seems like he couldn't read your face, he couldn't see how you were enrage with him. He only have one brain cell, that was you knew for sure. And he currently used it all for lust. Hardened cock humping desperately on the plush pillow. Your pillow.
"What are you doing?" Your voice was stern, and how you delivered the question made him flinch. But he didn't stop though as he just focused on rutting himself on the white fabric, whole body shuddering as you walked closer towards him, sitting at the edge of the bed with both arms folded in front of your chest. "Atsumu."
He cum.
He did not just—
Your eyebrows twitched as some of his semen splurt on your clothes. Coating the expensive dress with his dirty cum. That's it. That was enough.
"'M sor—"
"Are you?" Your voice loomed even though you just sat there, legs crossed. Somehow reminding him that you were in control, and at the same time, giving him a warning that you didn't like what he did just now. "Are you that desperate, huh? Couldn't fucking wait for me?"
He gasped as you surged forward, didn't give him a chance to defend himself, wrapping your hand around his neck before pushing his whole body to the mattress. You squeezed him. Hard. And you didn't care if he needed some air. He was the one who asked for punishment,
And you were there to deliver.
"You are so filthy, 'Tsumu." You chuckled darkly, sending a shiver to run down his spine. "Humping on the sheet while I am gone? You think you are so cute, aren't you? Think I would fuck that slutty asshole with that stunt you pull just now?" He nodded, he was sure that you would give in. After all, he was your favourite, your boy—
"Think again."
He coughed when you suddenly released the grip on his neck, minds clouded as he tried to breathe in as much oxygen as he could. Preparing himself incase you were going to restrain the air once again. Now he was afraid, hands clutching the wrinkled sheet as he processed your words.
"Y-You wouldn't?" His voice was so timid, so desperate. "But I have been a good boy, I promise I have been a good boy!" Whine, whine, whine. "I didn't even touch myself, I waited for you!"
Your eyes twitched, half of it because of how annoyed his whining was, but half of it because of how he made you soft. The sentimental feelings crept into your heart, making yourself too close from giving in what he wanted.
But no, he was the one who asked for it. He knew you, he knew so well how to rile you up. Atsumu could push all of your buttons at once, and you were sure that he wanted this. He wanted to see that side of you that you never showed to anyone else, not even your former lovers.
"Alright." Your voice was low, not high and rough like before. "Sit down properly and lean to the headboard."
He scrambled, didn't waste any other second to pass and did exactly what you told him to. His cock was still twitching even though he already cum a few minutes prior. This made you roll your eyes, you wouldn't be surprised if he begs you to fuck him 'till morning.
"What should I do n-next?" He stuttered, how cute.
"Hm?" Slowly, in a torturing pace, you took off each layer of your clothes — one by one.
It would be a lie if you said you didn't like the attention. How he could be so enchanted by you, eyes glimmered with amazement as he saw you undressed for him. God yes, he was lucky to have you indeed. "Be patients, baby. Just stay still, okay?"
He nodded, and the second you threw away your lingerie from your body, you immediately plopped yourself in front of him. Facing his oh-so-beautiful body while you slowly spread your legs to the side, acting so generous as you gave him some visual.
"Did you say something?"
"Thank you, mam."
"That's better."
You loved it, the power that you had over the powerful setter of Black Jackals. Many women dream to be under him, many people wanted to be fucked by him. They were all could dream as much as they wanted. But at the end of the day,
You knew that Miya Atsumu belonged to you.
And you were the one who had him under your control.
He eyed your every move, from how you spread your legs for him, how your fingers caressed your inner thighs — he was sure that you would give him a show. Maybe you would ask him to jerk himself off at the thought of you, and imagining that already made all blood flowed to his cock.
But he didn't expect your feet (that was still clad with black lace stocking), to palm his erection.
"(Y/n)—" You glared. "M-mam?" He swallowed a huge lump as your toe went up and down to stimulate him, eyes never leave his glossy brown orbs. So vulnerable under your care.
With how he looked right now, you couldn't help but to lick your lips, moving your toe down near his puckered hole before pressing it there, earning a loud yelp from him. "I haven't lube it!"
He shouted. Your pretty boy just shouted at you.
This was the third mistake that he made today. First, him humping the pillow as a 'gift', second one was how he cum without your permission — and now this.
If he already scared before with how you acted, he didn't like the change of atmosphere that he felt right now in one bit.
You stopped whatever you were doing before, retracting your feet away from him, of course before pressing it deeper just to hurt him a little. He gasped as you did so, and he was ready to utter another apology.
That was the only thing he could do, huh? Apologize.
In a swift move, you pulled him by the leg forcefully. The back of his head knocked at the headboard as you did so, making him whine in pain before he laid down on his back. At this moment though, you didn't care that he was hurt—
"You dared shouted at me, slut?" Your words weighed with menace, making him flinch as your hand wrapped around his cock. And without giving him a chance to answer, you pumped the sleek erection with all your might.
"M-Mam, too much! I-I am gonna cum—"
You didn't stop. Your hands kept stimulating his erection that was twitching uncontrollably, ready to let everything out, ready to coat your hands with his thick cum.
Crawling closer to his face, you continued your ministration while squeezing his cock simultaneously. Tears were cascading down his cheek, lips bled from how much he bites it down before. He looked so beautiful like this, orbs never left your face as you gave him everything that he wanted.
"This is what you want, baby?" You cooed, earning a nod from him. "Bet you want to cum? Wanna cum all over my hand, sweetie?" He mewled from the nickname, nodding harder as his cock already leaked with so much precum.
He was trembling all over, one hand shyly crept to your arm, trying to hold on as much as he could. But with how fast your movement was, with how you squeeze his balls here and there, he couldn't hold it anymore.
"I am cum—"
And then you slowed down,
He arched his back as he could feel how his orgasm started to slip away from him. His cock twitching from frustration, ugly sobs rolled down his tongue as he bucked his hips, in hope that maybe he could reach it once again.
Right now, he didn't know it was a blessing or a curse that he was completely under your control.
"Aww, does my pwetty baby want to cum before?" You retracted your hand, spitting on your palm before wrapping it once again on his cock. "Let me hear you, baby. Or are you too fucked out by just one edging? You didn't even cum yet, at least, not the second one."
"I-I need it." He whimpered out, his grip on your arm tightened. "Mam, please, please I will going to be a good boy for you. I'll do anything for you. Please let me cum... Please... Make me cum with your hand..."
He was so cute when he pleaded like this, and to know that he wanted you to help him cum? He wanted you to be the reason he shoot his load out? That stroke your ego even higher than before.
But one plea wouldn't let him get away from the punishment that you have set for him.
"Oh, well..." You trailed off, kissing his cheek softly before whispering on his ear. "Too bad you wouldn't get any from me tonight."
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221bshrlocked · 4 years
Mando'ad draar digu (A Mandalorian Never Forgets)
HC about Pedro/Din finding out a girl he has feelings for is in an abusive relationship? Pwetty pwease?
Note. This could be triggering so proceed with caution please. Feel free to not read it at all and just wait until my not so heavy fics.
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It’s been a while since he made a pitstop in Tatooine, and he hates to admit why it’s taken him this long to finally stop by.
He didn’t leave on good terms with you the last time he was here, which wasn’t by choice. 
The last thing the Mandalorian wanted was to hurt your feelings but you were making it harder every time he flew by and spent a couple of days on the desert planet. 
Mando walked through the quieter than usual town after leaving the Child with Peli and asking her where you’ve been. He didn’t like the way she shook her head at the question and he knew something was wrong when she told him you weren’t staying with her anymore. 
He grew even angrier when he noticed he had to push her so she could tell him where you were now living. 
Making his way into the local cantina, his helmet locked onto your awfully slim body passing through the different patrons. 
And he was about to call you over when he saw the way you were reacting to a certain man’s advances, the same man the two of you argued over when he was last here. 
Taking a seat in one of the dark corners, Mando watched as you forced a smile on your face before attempting to get out of the nerfherder’s grasp. 
He almost lost it when he saw how aggressively and inappropriately his touches became but he knew you. You could take care of yourself. 
Except you weren’t doing anything now. In fact, you weren’t even pushing him off. You just let him grope your ass and talk about you like you were worth nothing. 
The bounty hunter was holding onto his last ounce of control but then he saw the man smack your ass when you turned around and he all but lost it. He watched as the tears ran down your lovely cheeks and he knew he couldn’t stand by anymore. 
Strutting towards you, he ignored your surprised expression at his presence, pushing his way past the tables until he reached his target. 
“Sooran, shab!” - Suck on that, chum!
He didn’t listen to your warnings, holding the man by his collar before headbutting him three consecutive times. He fell unconscious instantly and Mando turned to the three other men, daring them to try something. 
Mando waited until they all ran out of the cantina before turning around, hoping to take you aside to check and make sure you were okay. 
But then he didn’t find you anywhere in the awkwardly quiet space and he knew he screwed up again. The last thing you wanted was to make a scene and he did exactly that.
He made his way back to Peli and shook his head when she tried to ask him what happened. And for the first time in a really long time, the kid wasn’t able to cheer him up. 
He didn’t want to admit it because his life was dangerous and his line of work didn’t fit you but he couldn’t hold back anymore. 
He cared for you. He wished for a different kind of relationship with you. And he wanted more than anything for you to want him back. He had a feeling the emotions were mutual and he regretted that it took him this long to realize his own. 
The Mandalorian knew that once your mind was set on something you’d do it but he hoped there was an exception when it came to him. You didn’t want to see him and you made that very clear but he needed to see you. He needed to tell you. He needed to apologize and to let you in.
So it came as a surprise when he finally reached the little shack you called a home and heard loud laughter erupting from inside. And he felt that same anger as before rise in the pit of his stomach when his heat sensor picked up six men sitting around a table inside your place, anger which only increased when he saw you laying on the floor in the corner. 
He knew you were going to hate him barging in again but he didn’t care. You didn’t deserve this. 
So he slammed through the front door, and took out the beskar staff, knocking three men unconscious while trying to fight the other three currently punching and kicking him. 
As he managed to get another one off of his back, he turned around just in time to see the remaining two holding you by your hair with a knife to your throat. 
“Mesh’la, ni cuy' olar.” - Beautiful/Darling, I’m here. 
“So you’re the one she could never shut up about.” 
He shouldn’t have felt hopeful at the man’s words, not now at least. But he couldn’t hold back from smiling behind the helmet. 
Before they could even notice what’s happening, Mando releases two small munitions from his vambrace, opening his arms for you and sighing in relief when you run into him.
“It’s two against one Mandalorian.”
“I like those odds.”
“Mando, I’m sorry.”
“Shhh, Cyare, you have nothing to be sorry for.”
He tells you to pack anything important to you and holds back from saying anything when he sees just how little you have. 
Mando is walking ahead of you, shielding you from prying eyes looking through doors as the two of you make your way back to Peli. 
He gives you a few minutes to catch up with her while he lulls the kid to sleep. It gives him enough time to collect his thoughts and decide what it was he wanted from you. 
You’ve never seen him this nervous before and you hope by some miracle that he won’t leave you behind again.
“Cyar'ika, I want you to come with me. With us.”
You’re crying before he finishes what he has to say and the Mandalorian swears under his breath because he might have been a little too aggressive.
But then you’re throwing yourself into his arms and telling him you’d dreamt of hearing those words for months. Mando doesn’t know what to do so he just wraps his arms awkwardly around you and lets you nuzzle into his cowl. 
“It’s not an easy life sweet girl.” 
“I don’t care. I want to be with you, and the little womp rat.” 
He’s beaming at your confession and envies your honesty. 
Mando is bringing you back to the ship by the end of the night and ignoring your annoying teasing remarks as he makes room for you on the already small ship. 
“I shouldn’t be surprised that you remembered who he was. But I kinda am.” 
“Mando'ad draar digu.”
You’re asking him what those words mean and he’s ignoring you because he’s already used up all of his emotional/social battery for the day. 
But you’re not shutting up and it’s starting to get just a tad bit annoying, and endearing but he won’t admit to the last bit.
“Get some rest Mesh’la.”
“But Mando-”
“And for the record, my name is Din. It’s Din Djarin. Y-you can call me by my name when we’re alone.” 
Mando is close to breaking his facade when he sees how wide your eyes become at the admission, tilting his head to the side before motioning for you to go to your cot. 
You silently walk to it and quiet down and he really missed making you flustered and he should be worried that you’re joining him and he should be reevaluating his decision but he can’t find it in himself to care because you’re here now, with him and the kid, and he’ll be able to watch over you and take care of you and maybe, just maybe, he’ll one day be able to give you the most important part of him but he can’t think of that now because it’s already too much having you near him. 
“Good night Din.”
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dcbutinamrev · 3 years
26. “Take my jacket.” For Hamdre pwetty pleaseeeee? 👉👈
Of course bestie!! More fluff along the way! Hehehe. Hamdre! (Sorry this took a couple of days to answer!)
Modern au my beloved~
Alexander Hamilton sits at his desk late into the evening, working on his college essay for his professor. His classmate and fellow friend, John Andre sits across from him. Hamilton glances up, his breath nearly caught in his throat when he meets eye contact with the most mysterious man Hamilton has ever met.
Andre grins slyly from across from him, his eyes ticking up but his face remains facing down towards his own papers, his pen scratching. Hamilton presses his lips together, debating on whether or not to start a conversation. He's talkative, yes, but he's also pretty shy and fragile when it comes to his crushes.
"Are you well, Hamilton?" Andre's smooth British accent fills the silence between them.
Hamilton jumps in his seat, startled, even though he clearly heard Andre speak. Hamilton stares into those dark brown eyes of Andre's, the same eyes that almost seem to sparkle under the light above them.
"I um..." Hamilton swallows. He glacnes around him to make sure Laurens isn't around. He knows how Laurens--John Laurens, his boyfriend--feels about him being near Andre. "I'm fine...thank you..."
Andre smiles with thin lips before fully turning around to face Hamilton, his arms crossed over his chest and leans forward against the table. "It's Laurens, isn't it?"
Hamilton furrows his brows. "What do you mean?"
"John?" Andre says. "Your boyfriend?"
Hamilton clears his throat awkwardly. "Yes...What about him...?"
"Do you love him?" Andre says suddenly. So suddenly, Hamilton does a double take, blinking his eyes once, twice, three times.
"I...what?" Hamilton chokes, wondering what Andre means. "What? Of course I do! I--Of course I do! What kind of question is that?!"
Andre tosses both hands up in surrender. "My apologies...I did not mean to offend you."
Hamilton huffs out a breath, a small smile on his face. "You did not offend me, Andre."
"John," Andre says suddenly, causing Hamilton to do a double take and blinking once, twice, three times. Hamilton could feel his freckled cheeks grow warm.
"I'm sorry..." Hamilton gasps, flustered. Andre grins slyly, the corners of his lips quirking up but his eyes and face remain facing down. "W-What?"
"Call me John," Andre offers.
Hamilton presses his lips together. "Perhaps I should call you simply Andre instead." Andre simply stares at him, his brows furrowing. "My boyfriend's name is John in case you've forgotten."
"Ah, yes."
"So, as to not get mixed up with which John I am speaking too if he is near, I'll refer to him as Laurens. If it is just yourself and I, I'd prefer it if I call refer to you simply as...Andre."
After a few moments of silence, Andre clears his thraot and nods. "Of course."
Hamilton shivers suddenly as a cold breeze rushes through the room. Andre must have noticed Hamilton's shiver because he grins and stands from his seat across the table, walks around which causes Hamilton to lift his head up from his work with surprise, and sits beside him, shoulders nearly touching as Andre shrugs off his dark red jacket and loops it around Hamilton's shoulders. Hamilton feels his heart soaring up towards the sky. "Here. Take my jacket." A pause. "You are cold."
Hamilton smiles with tight lips and pulls the jacket tighter around him, feeling his shoulder touch against Andre's.
"I...I thank you," Hamitlon says, meeting Andre's warm Van Dyke brown eyes. The color of tree bark. "You didn't have too--"
"Nonsense," Andre whispers, leaning close enough for Hamilton's breath to hitch in his throat and his nose touch against Andre's. "I insist."
"Are you sure?"
Before they're close enough to catch the other's lips, the bell rings above them, startling them both with a yelp as they spring backwards, both of them blushing deep red--red as Hamilton's hair--and both scratches the back of their necks.
Hamilton glances up at the clock, quickly tosses Andre his jacket back before snatching up his papers and textbooks and swinging over the bench at the table he uses for his studies. As Hamilton nears the entranceway, he flashes Andre a beautiful, bright smile, which makes Andre's heart stop, and a curt nod.
"I'll...I'll see you after?" Hamilton asks.
Andre smiles thinly. "Of course."
With that, Hamilton spins around on his heels and makes a sharp right. Once he's out of Andre's line of vision, he presses his back against the brick wall of the campus building and tosses his head back against the wall and whimpers, as he slides against the wall and presses his forehead against his notebooks and textbooks, his red curls dangling in front of him.
"Alexander?" a familiar French accented voice Hamilton knows all too well. He can tell it's in a teasing tone.
Hamilton lifts his head up to find his dear friend, Gilbert Marquis de Lafayette, before him with his arms crossed over his chest and an eyebrow raised and a teasing smirk on his face.
"Are you alright?" Lafayette asks, his French accent rolling smoothly off his tongue.
"Mhm," Hamilton assures. "Oh, I'm fine. I'm totally fine."
He grunts as he pushes himself back up onto his feet. He shakes his head.
"It's just...Oh Gil!" Hamilton whines, flopping his head onto his dear friend's, whom he consideres as a brother, shoulder. "Why must he be so fucking hot?!" A pause. "And British!" Another pause. "And an artist!" Another pause. "And can play the flute!"
"Don't tell John," Hamilton says firmly as he lifts his head back up, jabbing a finger at the Marquis. "Whatever you do, don't you dare tell him."
"You cheated him?" Lafayette blurts out.
"What?! No, Gil! I'm..." Hamilton takes a shuddering breath. "Oh, fuck it! I'm hopeless and awkward and desperate for love!"
Hamilton whimpers again as he flops his head down onto the Marquis's shoulder once more. Lafayette sighs as he pats his Little Lion's back. "There, there..." Lafayette whispers and while patting Hamilton's back comfortingly, he thinks:
Where's Eliza when I need her?
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peachy-inserts · 4 years
bakugou falling for someone/relationship hcs
request: Hawks, kirishima and bakugo falling for someone/relationship headcanons pwetty pwease? *pleading bird eyes"🐓 warnings: Cursing a/n: here’s the blasty boys part, since it’s his birthday!! im also trying a new style of formatting, i hope this is easier for you guys to read and more pleasing to the eye
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The hardest part for Bakugou when catching feelings is admitting it to himself. Most likely, you’ll notice before he does; when he’s crushing on someone, it’s visible to everyone but him. He struggles with coping with his own emotions and tends to ignore them out of fear of stepping out of his comfort zone and being rejected
Some may think it would be easy for him to confess to someone, what with his cocky attitude and ‘better than you’ demeanor, but it’s the exact opposite. He’s such.. a broken, messed up person. He uses that exterior to hide and push down how he truly feels so that he can focus on his goals, which are really just another distraction. He’s so bothered on the inside and emotionally just totally fucked up. It’ll take a close relationship with him to develop a romance
Bakugou would certainly fit best with someone different than him, someone who knows how to communicate and help others. It’ll take someone who can give him a little healing therapy and slowly pry him open, all while wearing their heart on their sleeve just to show him how
Bakugou while crushing on someone would be like a whole new side of him. He’d make an effort not to scare you off, offering you help when/if needed and refraining from yelling. It’s almost like a subconscious effort, and comes off surprisingly natural from the hot headed boy
He would certainly try and make conversation with you, trying to ask you questions about your personal life and let you know he doesn’t have any harsh feelings, worried that you may have gotten the wrong idea
The fact that everyone sees him as such a hostile person has really affected his own self image and caused him to feel bound to that persona, scared that he’ll only make things worse if he tries to prove to everyone the person that he really is
Bakugou also would be spending an increased amount of time with you and becoming protective. He’s possessive to a certain extent, and may even linger over you to the point of it becoming uncomfortable. Tell him about it, and he’ll apologize and make an effort to try and back down after a few days of trying to hide from you out of embarrassment
The way I picture Bakugou coming to terms with his feelings is in a sudden moment of revelation, all the pieces finally clicking into place and making sense. I imagine him being someone who falls in love with a close friend over time, instead of jumping into a relationship without any true feelings
The way he would confess would be emotional to say the least. Not an awkward or tense moment, nothing planned, but out of pure circumstance. Maybe someone got hurt, maybe you’re scared, or maybe he’s being comforted. Show him some special attention and affection and it’ll slip out so spontaneously you’d almost think he was joking, but you’ve never seen him looking so heartfelt or speak so genuinely 
The early stages of your relationship would be strange, to say the least. Neither of you are really sure what to do, since most people tend to become comfortable as significant others before confessing their love for them
He tries to cover the basics with you, going out on dates and precariously planned outings, but eventually you both realize that’s not the move for you. He’s more of a secretive person when it comes to personal affairs, and is confident that you don’t need to be wooed to care for him
Besides, he pours all of his trust and effort into your relationship. If going out on a date matters more than any of his other feats, then you’re not the person for him. He has high, cliche standards when it comes to love
I’ve said this once before but he really does devote his entire self to you. He’ll give you his everything and more because he’s confident that you would do the same for him, and would go to great lengths for any period of time for you because of it; he’ll become the most reliable and loyal person in your life
He feels guilty for talking to other people sometimes simply because of how jealous he can be; let him know you trust him and that it’s alright
Speaking of jealousy, he’s so fucking bad about it holy shit. So much as someone shaking your hand makes him tense up and suddenly be in a pissy mood. He’s an angry man when he’s jealous, but never towards you, of course. It’s *other* people he doesn’t trust
Not to mention, his own insecurities holding him back and choking him. His greatest fear is that you’ll suddenly realize that so many other people could treat you way better, make you so much happier-
When he gets possessive, don’t be afraid to knock him down a few pegs and then get to the root of the problem. This is when he’s the most vulnerable, so take advantage and let him know everything is alright. Coddle him, reassure him; he more than deserves it
So not afraid to literally punch someone in the face if they’re making you uncomfortable, or God forbid laying a finger on you. Is by far the most protective lover who won’t hesitate to take any necessary measures to guarantee your safety. You’re the best damn thing to happen to him, and nobody will take that joy away from him
Would certainly, regardless of your gender, size, or whether or not you’re another hero, buy you things like pepper spray and tell you to bring it with you everywhere. A ‘text me when you get there’ kind of guy (even though he himself drives like a dumbass)
I literally get sooooo pissed off when I see people writing about Bakugou and him calling his s/o names, cursing at them and such. Fuck that, that is an abusive behavior and he’s well aware of it. Katsuki Bakugou would never even dare to call you a foul name, not even jokingly. He’s 100% all over sticky pet names like honey and darling
Not a big PDA guy but if he’s jealous, which he literally always is, then he’s all over you. On a regular day he’s a hand on your waist, arm over your shoulder, but when he’s feeling threatened he has no qualms with giving you a deep kiss in front of everyone
He would be so, so, so fucking proud. Hell yeah, that’s his baby; he landed that! While he doesn’t talk about you a whole lot, whenever you do come up he goes off, to the point of annoying his friends. Everyone has to know just how lucky he is, because you truly are a blessing in his life
Put him in his place when he’s being a little too aggressive, show him you aren’t afraid to stick your nose out and are strong enough to stand up for yourself. He’s a great boyfriend, but like anyone else has his flaws and needs to be corrected. Be the person he’s too weak to be, someone he can look up to without rivalry
Bakugou can act like he doesn’t really care, but it’s really important to him that you like his friends and that they like you (although it would be almost impossible for them not to, what with all the great things that he says about you. I can see them being relieved that he has someone to care for him so deeply and someone that he can honestly be open with)
He’s the type of person to see something you might like and randomly get it for you. Not to the extent that Hawks does, because Bakugou is more genuine when it comes to gift giving. It’s about you, not him. 
If you mention off hand that you like something, need this replaced, or think something is cute, then he would surprise you with it no matter how big or small
Dates with him are all or nothing, and don’t happen that often. He prefers staying in with you and enjoying time alone, but still feels like it’s important to treat you every once in a while. Going out with him means you’ll be dressed to the nines and spend the entire evening out in high society
Listen his mom’s a fashion designer, if he wants to help you get dressed or buy you clothes let him! Not only is he good at it, but it means a lot to him that he can share something with you that he excels in
One of his favorite things to do is cook for you, speaking of being good at things. He can communicate his love for you in a way where he doesn’t have to spend money or use his words and still please you. Food is important to him, and used as a comfort between the two of you
Please be patient with him when it comes to telling you how he feels. No matter how long you’ve been together, he’ll always be a man of action rather than words. He proves his love in ways other than romantic speeches, and although he tells you constantly that he loves you, it’s short and brief
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heyheshi · 4 years
Chipped Tooth
2.2k words
written and uploaded: September 3, 2020
🦋 - fluff
Please like and reblog! Also please don’t post my writings anywhere!
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Aren’t these kittens just look adorable! The first cat is Cuddles and the second one is Snuggles! Kinda inspired by the new photo of Harry on a football field.
"Cuddles! Come back here!", you yelled as you run after your 2 month old kitten who's running away from you towards the living room.
You sat down beside her after seeing her on the couch, petting her head making her purr at you, you smiled, "where is Snuggles, huh? Where is he?", you asked your cat as if she was a real person.
Cuddles only 'meows' at you and jumped off the couch and ran off somewhere in the house, leaving you alone in total silence, you sigh.
You started cleaning the living room, picking up multiple cat toys on the carpet and vacuuming it, as well as the couch to at least get rid of the cat furs.
You love your cats, they're just really messy and they needs a lot of time and affection most of the time which is a bit tiring but also a great practice to when you start having your own real babies even though it's not nearly the same.
Harry gifted you Cuddles when she was just a month old for your birthday almost a month ago adding to your small family - together with Snuggles - who is now 3 months old.
Cuddles looks like a toy with its white and gray fur and deep blue eyes. She's a Persian cat, really really tiny and quiet and often chooses to lounge on your bed or couch but she loves being cuddled - hence her name and loves to run away from you and Harry so you can give her some loving. What a brainy little teacup kitten.
While Snuggles is the exact opposite, a Munchkin cat who's very active. He also looks like a toy, he also got white furs but with a touch of brown. As much as he's active, he also loves to sleep but only when he's snuggled to Harry's side - you're not his favorite but you can live with that since he gets along with Cuddles really well - both intelligent cats.
Speaking of your fiancé Harry, you look at the wall clock and realized that he will come back home in an hour giving you enough time to prepare some snacks and clean your bedroom.
You were about to climb upstairs when you lost your balance after seeing Snuggles laying on the first staircase sleeping - you almost crushed him! Thank God you saw him just in time but you fall pretty bad. Both of your feet feels alright but your mouth feels numb, your right palm is on the third step helping you get up.
Snuggles is still sleeping peacefully, you picked him up to bring him upstairs with you - oh and you almost forgot to mention that he sleeps like a human, with his back on the surface he’s laying on! - but you saw something on the stairs. It looks like a broken bead, you look closely to pick it up, not wanting the cats to eat it but it wasn't a bead, it looks like a chipped tooth...
You run your tongue across your lower teeth, then your upper teeth until you felt something crooked making your eyes grow wide in panick.
Grasping "your" chipped tooth with your left hand and Snuggles in your right arm, you stomped upstairs to the master's bathroom after laying down Snuggles on the bean bag near your study table.
You opened all the lights and prayed to God that it's wasn't your tooth - that what you felt wasn't it but as you smiled with your full teeth on the mirror, there's a dent.
On your Central Incisor, you can see the chip and it looks awful in your opinion. You’re not teeth obsessed but you also know that this doesn't look good at all! The chip was in the front!
You racked your head with the possible outcomes and what you can do with it for the mean time. Harry will be home in a few and you gotta think quick.
Then you saw the box of disposable masks on your dresser, took one and wore it. 'It'll work for now', you thought and went downstairs to make some sandwiches for when Harry arrives.
Approximately an hour later, a very sweaty Harry came into the living room, "hey love! Why are you wearing a mask? Did you went out?"
You shake you head, "no, I didn't. Supposed to but I got lazy.", lie.
"Oh alright. Gimme a kiss Y/N!", Harry slowly went to you on the couch but you dodged his arms giggling uncomfortably.
"Later!", you winked at him to hide your nervousness as you stood up, walking towards the kitchen, "I prepared us some snacks."
Harry whined like a little boy as he pouted, "fine! Be like that! But I'm gonna go take a shower, I smell horrible anyway!", he said while walking backwards to keep your eye contact, "but you have to give me a kiss when I came back!"
You shooed him away and yelled "no promises" as you hear him scampered upstairs. You're not gonna lie, you're really embarrassed with what happened but you also know that Harry is not going to judge you but still!
You wait for Harry in the kitchen, not daring to remove your mask and eat the BLT sandwich you prepared even though your stomach is grumbling.
Harry arrived a few minutes later eyeing you down then looking at the meal in front of him, "I can't decide which one I wanna eat first...", he hummed teasing you.
"Oh shut up! Eat your sandwich.", you said as you pushed the plate towards him. Harry only clinked his tongue, strutting towards you, ignoring the food you made for him.
"Kissy!", Harry tried to remove your mask away but you only pushed him back, giggling, "eat your food first!", you said.
Harry crossed his arms on his chest and shake his head, "no."
You laughed at him, "what do you mean no?"
"Do I smell that bad? I already showered! Is that why you don't wanna kiss me?"
Now you feel bad seeing Harry feel down. You know it certainly isn't him but you don't think you can tell him that.
You stood up from your seat and went to him, hugging your fiancé tight, "I'm sorry Bubba...", slowly looking up at him seeing him already looking down at you but not hugging you back.
You only snuggled closer to his chest and squeezing him tight, "you smells good, as always, H.", you whispered not knowing if he can quite hear your with your mask.
"You don't know that!", he protested but pulled you closer to his chest.
"Oh I know..."
Harry kissed your temple while you rocked the both of you, "can you remove your mask now, pwetty pwease?", Harry requested in a childlike voice, "wanna kiss, haven't kissed you since this morning!"
"Don't want to!", you already know that he's pouting before and your reply will make him annoyed with you.
Harry pulled away and turned to the sandwich you made, taking a huge bite, "give me a valid reason."
"It's embarrassing!", you said, already feeling hot but collecting all your dignity to remove the mask.
Harry can sense that something is bothering you so he put his food down and looked at your eyes, "what's the matter love?", you only shrugged your shoulders at his question.
"Can I...?", Harry softly took your head in his hands and run his fingers through the mask making you softly nod your head.
You clasped your lips tight as Harry remove your mask. You know you're being dramatic but you're too clumsy and careless for your age!
"Why are your lips like that?", Harry thinks you're only teasing his so he laughed, pulling on your chin to get you to separate your lips.
"Mhfmfm mhdf!"
"Lovie I don't understand you!", he only laughs harder making you squint your eyes and look at him like you're a tiger ready to eat its prey.
Harry put both of his hands up in defense, "m sorry! I'm sorry!", as he laughs more, his giggles makes you wanna smile but you're annoyed at him.
You took both of your hands to cover your mouth as you speak the next few words, "I smifd mi fodth!", but it still come off as a muffled words.
Harry pulled both of his eyebrows down in a distressed and questioning manner, "you what?"
You removed one of your hand in hopes to speak more clearly this time, "I said I chipped my tooth."
Harry was about to laugh when he saw the serious look on your face, "wait! Really?!", the hot bastard looks excited!, "I wanna see! C'mon!"
But Harry wasn't having it, he started to tickle you making you laugh and remove your hand away from your mouth. 
'He can see it now Y/N!', you scolded yourself in your head.
"Oh now that's a really cute chipped tooth!", he grinned at you making you feel a bit better, "what happened baby?"
You saw a pen and paper for your grocery list, attempting to take it and just write what happened but Harry interrupted you, "nu uh! It's okay Y/N, it happens to us. I still love you and I think it looks cute. Now tell me what happened.", he playfully demanded.
You're still a bit wary of opening your mouth but fiance's order, "I was going upstairs to clean our room after finishing up the living room...", you started in a small voice to minimize the opening of your mouth.
Harry just looks at you supportingly as you continue narrating to him, "and I was about to take my first step when I saw Snuggles sleeping on the steps, I almost stomped on him but I saw him last-minute so I lost my balance and well this happened...", you looked down as you finished your story.
"Oh well that makes you a great mom! You didn't kill our baby!", Harry joked making you smile a bit, "so that's why our room is a bit messier and that's why Snuggles is on our room now.", he concluded.
You nodded twice, "pretty much. Is he still asleep?"
"Uh huh, and Cuddles was in the living room when I came back down.", Harry explained as he now hugged you from behind.
"I wanna get this fixed babes, you think we can go to the dentist tomorrow?", you looked up at him and he pecked the tip of your nose before answering.
"Of course, I'll make you an appointment but for now let's eat, I'm starving!", you agreed with Harry and took your plate as Harry took his and started descending to the living room.
You plopped down to the couch beside Harry, Cuddles on the center table playing with his stuffed candy toy.
"How was the game? Do you still got it?", you teased Harry, feeling more comfortable and confident now talking to him.
He looked at you and smirked, "are you really asking me if I'm still good at football? Baby I'm great at it!"
"Says who? Says you? The one that sprained his legs when he attempted to kick the ball?", you poked his arms laughing.
Harry swatted your finger away, "it was one time!"
You rolled your eyes at him, still laughing, "yeah sure!", you said and took your first bite on the sandwich, moaning on the taste making Harry smile.
"Oh what a narcissistic!", he sarcastically said.
"Well mister, I make banger sandwiches and we both know that this is what reeled you in when we started dating!", you looked at him accusingly.
Harry laughs, "okay! Okay you're right!"
"I know I am!", you smirked.
He looks at you fondly, "thank you for the sandwich and everything."
You smiled at him but playfully punched him in his right thigh, "oh don't be dramatic now Harry!"
He gasped, "I wasn't!", then looked at you mischievously, putting his arms around your neck and pulling you to him, "Snuggles!", you giggled but snuggled him.
Then the very awake Snuggles came rushing downstairs after hearing Harry's voice and tried to jump to his lap. He probably thought that Harry was calling him!
Harry looked at the Munchkin cat and picked him up, the kitten immediately snuggling on Harry's chest then you heard a 'meow' and you saw Cuddles looking at the three of you, eyes begging for her to get picked up and cuddled too, so you did.
The four of you in the livingroom just cuddling and snuggling each other making you forget about your chipped tooth and your sandwiches.
You looked up at Harry as he looks down at you at the same time, exchanging ‘I love you’s’. You finally kissed him without feeling any embarrassment making the both of you smile during it with your cats on each other's chest.
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seriouslyhooked · 4 years
Can’t Say No (At Christmas)
CS one-shot set in the future. Hope is three and Emma and Killian are still very much in the throws of a happily ever after, but Killian wants to do something special for Emma for Christmas. With the help of their family and the town, he manages to fulfill a Christmas wish for his wife in exactly the kind of over-the-top fluffy and sweet way you’d expect from me. Includes holiday surprises, Christmas cheer, and a healthy dash of true love. Rated T. Available on FF Here and AO3 Here.
A/N: Hey all! I really did not know if I was going to be able to get this drabble done, but I am so happy to say that I did and to share it with you all tonight. I know that this Christmas is going to be so different for so many of us, and that it has been a hard year of uncertainty and stress. My gift to our little fandom is this story, focused on Emma and Killian a few years after we got to see them in the show. It’s inspired by the spirit of Christmas, the cheesiness that only Hallmark movies can provide, and the song ‘No Problem’ by Dylan Schneider. I love the idea that Killian cannot deny Emma anything, and that at Christmas he has to make Emma’s wishes come true. I hate to spoil any more of this, but I will just say thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!
“I don’t know how the hell you pulled this off, mate, but I got to hand it to you, this is really something special.”
The words David uttered from the bottom of the ladder were high praise, despite the dig at Killian’s favorite endearment. Tonight though, Killian would let the jab slide. He simply didn’t have the time or energy to pretend to argue with Emma’s father. Instead he hustled down the rungs and back to solid ground beside his friend. He took stock of the room once more, running his hand through his hair and tracing each corner of the barn with his gaze. There was very little about the place that was recognizable. It had been sufficiently transformed, from an old, dusty tomb of farm equipment, to a space fit for the evening ahead.
“It pays to be a good guy in the end,” Killian joked. Playing up the early days of their knowing each other when Killian was anything but a hero. “Turns out I’ve helped quite a lot of people these past few years. They were eager to return the favor.”
“That’s true enough, but I think the fact that you did this all for Emma plays a big part too.”
There was no doubt about that, and the mere reminder of his wife brought a smile to his lips. She was going to be surprised by this, and there was nothing that he loved more than surprising his Swan. Killian could hardly wait for the look of excitement that would spread across her face, and the light that would appear in her jade colored eyes. Her cheeks would flush from realization, and her hands would move unbiddenly, as if she couldn’t quite contain the excitement or suspense. Emma was always the most beautiful of women, and a miracle to be sure, but when treated to a gift that was truly worthy of her, she was transcendent, his own personal star and tempting taste of heaven.
“Any word from Snow?” Killian asked, checking his watch and seeing they had made good time, despite the hecticness of the day. He had enough time to catch a shower and prepare himself, but he needed to be sure that Emma and Hope were sufficiently occupied in the meantime.
“Better – she sent a video while you were hanging the last of the garland.”
David offered his phone and Killian laughed at the sight. Snow and Emma had taken Neal and Hope out of town to a nearby ski resort that was hosting all sorts of winter activities for kids. In the video Emma, Hope, and Neal were all making snow angels, until Neal gave the signal and he and Hope pivoted to throwing snowballs at Emma. The only problem was Hope was far too little and bundled up in snow gear to be effective. She was having the time of her life though, and at the end of the video, Emma scooped their daughter up and nuzzled her close, bestowing a kiss on her curly brown hair, which had escaped its winter cap. Hope was a dazzling blend of him and Emma, but her goodness and ability to inspire love was totally her mother’s doing.
“Perfect. You good here for the time being?” David nodded, pivoting from his assistant role to commander in chief with the quickness of one-time prince. Content that his tasks were in good hands, Killian headed out, eager to put the next parts of his plan in place.
Things moved quickly from there. He showered and readied himself for the kind of night his Emma had imagined, ignoring the strangeness of his reflection as he did. He would never feel quite right in these damn tuxedos, but Emma’s wish was specific and it included the blasted suit. It also included a number of gifts for Emma and for Hope, which he pulled from the one place in the house Emma never ventured to – the garage. From the back of the storage space there, he grabbed a number of boxes that he’d stuffed away last week, and brought them all inside. After checking the contents were free from any water or dirt, he was convinced things were as they should be, and he left the gifts underneath the Christmas tree.
The only thing left to craft was the note for Emma that would set her surprise in motion. He hadn’t dared to write it out before, wanting to save it for this moment. It felt right to speak from the heart and to put in words exactly how he felt tonight. Still, it took time to get the letter exactly right, and he must admit he grew a bit sentimental when crafting it. A time or two he fell into recent and more distant memories of their lives together, feeling the warmth in his soul that could only ever come from the truest love. Luckily, he had enough of his wits about him and time was on his side. Soon he heard the sound of a car pulling up the drive just as he closed the envelope with Emma’s name and placed it on the tree, and with the stealth accrued in his past life, he slipped out the back door just before his girls came in.
“Mama, look! Santa came early,” he heard Hope say as he quietly rounded the side of the house. For a moment he was truly tempted to steal a look and watch this scene play out, but he reminded himself that there was still more to be done, and instead headed down the street to where a not so patiently waiting Snow was parked.
“Killian, thank God! I thought you’d never get here!” she exclaimed as he opened the door, but before he could reply, young Neal let his own thoughts be known.
“Mom, it’s been like sixty seconds. Literally. Look, I timed it on the stopwatch Henry gave me. 63 seconds.
“No, has it only been a minute? I’m so excited I can’t tell. It feels like forever. I was waiting for this all day. It was so hard not to spill the beans.”
“But you didn’t, right?” Killian checked, pivoting to Neal for the truth. When the boy gave him a thumbs up, he let out a breath. “Good. But it all might be for not if we don’t get a move on.”
“Oh, right. We’ve got to go. We’ve got a Christmas miracle to deliver.” Neal groaned at the words and Killian remained quiet prompting Snow to ask the question, “Sorry, too cheesy?”
“For tonight? No, strangely it’s just right.”
And with that, they pulled away from the curb, headed back towards the barn and the long-awaited surprise.
“Mama, look! Santa came! Santa came!”
At first Emma didn’t understand the words from her daughter. She was just trying to get her bearings after peeling the snow clothes off of Hope and discarding her own jacket on the hook by the door. Her boots were barely off and her scarf was still wound around her neck. She couldn’t imagine how Hope still had so much energy, but then she remembered – three year olds were like comic book characters, with a super power of endless energy.
“Christmas Eve is tomorrow, honey,” Emma said, righting her clothes and letting go of a big breath, before walking towards the living room. “Two more sleeps until Santa.”
“But look, Mama, pwesents!”
Emma followed her daughters pointing finger across the way, and low and behold there were gifts under the tree that had not been there this morning. Her curiosity was peaked, but when she saw the white envelope secured in the branches of their evergreen tree, she had an inkling of what was happening.
“Killian,” she murmured walking forward, and running her fingertips across the delicate paper.
“Daddy?” Hope asked excitedly, and Emma nodded as she opened the envelope, only to fight off tears of love when she read the letter.
My Dearest Emma,
There are no gifts that I could ever give you that compare to all you’ve given me. I know and accept that, but this time of year is different. It’s a season predicated on love, light, and yes, even a bit of magic. So I had to try, for your sake and for mine.
Christmas is about showing the people you love what they mean to you. It’s about giving love and feeling love, and knowing that even in the dark of a winter night, there is hope and light ahead. It’s about reminding loved ones that you care, that you’re rooting for them, and that their dreams are your dreams too. You taught me that, you and Hope and Henry, and I swear to you that all I could ever want is to make you happy, and to grant the wishes you carry in your heart.
“Ooo, pwetty,” Hope said, dragging Emma’s eyes down to where her daughter had already begun opening the parcels below. Inside the white garment box was a gorgeous crimson colored dress, breathtaking in its elegant design. The satin and the beading were exquisite, and the color was to die for, and like something from a dream. Hope offered the box to her, knowing even at age three that it wasn’t the right size for her. “For you, Mama.”
“Thank you, princess,” Emma said, taking the box in hand, wanting to look at it in full, but knowing the letter was still more important.
You are everything to me, Emma. Everything and so much more. You and our children hold my whole universe in your hands. Tonight, I hope to take your hand in mine, and remind you that in life, all you really need is the perfect partner.
“He didn’t,” Emma whispered, looking down from the letter which had been signed with love by her pirate. Then she looked at the other presents Hope was opening. A beautiful pair of heels, a white fur muff, and a necklace that sparkled, along with all the same things for Hope that were more their daughter’s style and perfect for her size. The last gift was another envelope, with a card. On the top in cursive script it read ‘Selected Suitors for Emma Jones’ and the only name was Killian’s. “Oh my god, he did. It’s a dance. He planned a Christmas dance for me.”
“Dance?” Hope asked and Emma crouched down to help her daughter really open her own garment box, where a beautiful princess-style dress was waiting for her. As soon as she saw it Hope let out a sound of pure delight, clapping her hands together at a hastened clip. At that moment, the front door opened, and Emma looked, expecting to see Killian but instead seeing her son, dressed up in a tuxedo and looking downright dashing. It would have been a shock either way, but this year, when she’d been bracing herself for her son being away for the holiday, it felt like an even greater gift.
“Henry?” she asked, as Hope bolted for her brother. Instinctively, Henry scooped her up, accepting all her hugs and kisses before turning his eyes back to Emma.
“Surprise! Well, part of it anyway. But we’ve got to get a move on, or we’ll be late.”
“Where are we going?” Hope asked. Henry responded by whispering in her ear, low enough that Emma couldn’t hear. Whatever he said made Hope gasp. “Really? We’re going there?”
“Sure are. But we have to get ready. Don’t worry, Mom, I’ve got Hope. You do what you need to do.”
Emma was spurred into motion, grabbing the gifts marked for her and heading upstairs. In thirty minutes, she and Hope were both ready for whatever awaited them, and though Emma had her suspicions, she was in no way prepared when they arrived at the old McDonald farm. Pulling around back to the barn, there were dozens of people milling around. Everyone in town was here tonight, dressed up and partaking in merriment, but when they left the car and walked inside, Emma was truly stunned.
“It’s beautiful,” she said aloud, taking in the gorgeous decorations. The space was totally transformed, a perfect blend of rustic refinement. The colors were vivid and vibrant, the air was warm and filled with the scent of cinnamon and honey, and the joy here was palpable. There was a buzzing electricity that crackled in the air. This was what all those Christmas movies strove to recreate but could never quite capture, and Emma took it all in knowing that her husband had made this just for her.
Scanning the room for him, Emma was first greeted with the sight of her Mom and Dad and brother. They came forward immediately, hugging her and Hope and Henry and extending their thoughts.
“Oh, honey, you look spectacular!” her mother exclaimed with tears in her eyes, holding her hands and looking at her red dress. It was a truly wonderous design, that hugged every one of Emma’s curves just right while still feeling of the season. It was classic and timeless and more than a little sexy, but it was appropriate for the night, when everyone was dressed to the nines.
“So do you guys,” Emma said honestly, taking in her mom’s sapphire ball gown, and her Dad and brother’s tuxes.
“I’m a princess, Grandpa,” Hope said happily and Emma’s father immediately agreed as the band began to play a slower melody.
“There’s no denying that. Care to dance with me, Princess Hope?” He asked, bowing to her daughter. Hope giggled but took Emma’s hand instinctively, looking at her for permission and clarity.
“What about you, Mama?”
“Don’t worry, sprout,” Henry said nodding across the room and using his favorite nickname for his sister. “Dad’s got her taken care of.”
Emma’s heart skipped a beat at the mention of Killian, as if this was a first date and not years into their marriage. She couldn’t help the butterflies swarming within her, and then, like magic the crowd of people parted, and there, across the room was her man. It should have come as no surprise how handsome he would look. Emma was well versed in how roguishly hot her pirate could be, but in a tux it was a whole other story. Maybe it was the rarity of seeing him like this, or maybe Killian was just one of those men who was born to wear a tux, but either way she was struck by him. Everything seemed to stop around her, and all she could sense was the man who completely owned her heart.
A few moments later they were together again. Emma hadn’t even realize she’d been walking towards him, and him to her, but when he took her hand she felt her blood hum in anticipation. She was caught in his eyes, sensing the mixture of love and desire that was so intoxicating, and waiting for him to speak, because words in this moment truly failed her.
“You look stunning, Swan,” he said to her, the gravel of his tone washing over her and sending a shiver down her spine in that delicious kind of way. “The fantasies I’d conjured in my mind’s eye could never do you justice.”
“So you were fantasizing about this, huh?” she asked, her voice thready as she turned, purposefully taunting him with a view of all her best angles. This time he let out a low growl that spiked her desire to tease him. God damn, there were people around! How could she be this hot and bothered? Oh right, she was married to a sinfully attractive and impossibly romantic man. This was par for the course.
“Aye, love, and I promise those musings will prove more than satisfactory when we get home.” His voice dipped low and she swallowed hard, trying to tamp down her own building need. Then something shifted in his eyes, and she knew before he said a word that something immensely thoughtful was about to be shared. “I hope it’s everything that you wanted, love. Those blasted ‘Hallmark towns’ have a lot more built-in Christmas cheer than Storybrooke, but all it took was a hint that this was what you wanted, and everyone came together.”
It dawned on her that the wish he was referring to was one that she’d made a few weekends ago when they were laying in bed watching TV. She usually skipped the Hallmark Christmas extravaganza, but this year she was feeling sentimental. Maybe it was the fact that Hope was finally hitting an age where she was starting to understand the season, or more likely it was the pregnancy hormones from their little one on the way. She was only twelve weeks along, and wasn’t even showing yet, but her self-coined pregnancy induced crazy brain was in full swing, and had been from the start. The only thing getting her through most days was Killian, and then he went and did something like this… it was too much for her, she couldn’t take it.
“I love you,” she confessed, blurting it out like it was some big secret instead of established fact. “Like a lot. A lot a lot.”
“A lot a lot,” Killian parroted with a grin, pulling her with him out to the dance floor before taking her in his arms. She melded into his muscled physique, trying not to swoon as the melody carried them away.
“You know I’m not as good at the whole poetic declarations thing as you are.”
“Few can be, love,” he joked. She raised her brow at him in quiet consternation, and he only laughed before turning her into a low dip on the dance floor and reminding her that he was in total control of himself out here. “But where words might fail you, action is your strong suit. You show me every day how much you love me, Emma. And every day I thank my lucky stars to have that love.”
He made a fair point. Emma was, after all, a woman of action, and so she decided to take some now. Though they were dancing, she stalled their moment to pull him in for a kiss, giving them both a taste of what was to come when the night drew to a close. The sparks between them ignited instantly, and without looking, Emma knew some of her magic was radiating from within. When they pulled apart she was almost dizzy from the delight, but Killian was even more effected. He had that boyish grin of his in full display, and that tiny hint of bashfulness that came when he’d done something really well. Only when she heard the oohing and aahing of the people around them did she realize their magic had created stars along the ceiling of the barn, making it appear that they were all dancing under an inky black sky bursting with constellations.
From a distance, Emma heard her daughter ask if it was ‘magic time’ now, but before she and Killian needed to step in, Regina told her ‘Not tonight, kid,’ and Henry whisked her off for her another dance. This gave Emma and Killian time, time to enjoy the fruits of all he’d done, and to revel in this moment for as long as they could.
“Merry Christmas, Killian. You’ve made it so perfect, I never want it to end.”
“What is it they say in those movies, love? Oh right – every day is Christmas when we’re together.”
And even though it was horribly corny, and she should have rolled her eyes at such a lame joke, Emma found that she couldn’t. She was simply too happy and grateful to feign otherwise. Instead she savored every moment of their Christmas dance, and the night they shared thereafter, knowing this would be one of the best days she’d ever had, and that somehow, some way, her pirate would find other means of making the future just as bright.
Girl I got a no problem Yeah, it's a bad habit, the way I gotta have it With or without you around All ya gotta do is call me, and tell me that you're lonely You're always stringing me out Yeah, they say the first step to quitting it Is admitting it, so here it is Girl, I think I got a no problem On my hands, 'cause I can't say no to you Once you start you know I can't stop it Even if I wanted to Yeah, I get tongue tied every time I try To do what I oughta do Girl, I got a no problem Yeah, 'cause I can't say no to you Girl, I should know better, yeah, I should know never To let you in just to leave If it's just two letters, then why can't I ever Find a way to piece 'em together Let's say the first step to quitting it Is admitting it, I'm admitting it, here it is Girl, I think I got a no problem On my hands, 'cause I can't say no to you Once you start you know I can't stop it Even if I wanted to Yeah, I get tongue tied every time I try To do what I oughta do Girl, I got a no problem Yeah, 'cause I can't say no to you Those smokey blue eyes staring back at me Yeah, you already know if you're asking me What the answer's always gonna be It's gonna be, yeah Girl, I think I got a no problem On my hands, 'cause I can't say no to you Once you start you know I can't stop it Even if I wanted to Yeah, I get tongue tied every time I try To do what I oughta do Girl, I got a no problem Yeah, 'cause I can't say no to you Those smokey blue eyes staring back at me Can't say no to you Yeah, you already know if you're asking me Girl, I got a no problem That the answer's always gonna be 'Cause I can't say no to you Girl, I got a no problem 'Cause I can't say no to you
Post-Note: So, what did you think? Hopefully you enjoyed this little dose of holiday cuteness and none of this is offensive in any way or to any story line. Most of you know I never watched the last season of the show, so I don’t know what they say happened to Henry and everybody. I only knew Emma and Killian did eventually have a baby girl named Hope. Anyway, I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and healthy holiday season. I am grateful for you all, from the ride or die readers who comment on every post, to the people passing by who just wanted a little bit of Christmas cheer. You are such a force for good in my world, whoever you are, and I thank you for your light and kindness in these trying time. I wish you all the best this Christmas and in the New Year, and more than anything I wish you love! Sending my best vibes your way now and always, xE.
The Captain Swan Mixtape oneshot series:
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9,Part 10,Part 11, Part 12,Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24,Part 25, Part 26, Part 27, Part 28, Part 29, Part 30, Part 31,Part 32, Part 33, Part 34, Part 35, Part 36, Part 37, Part 38,Part 39,Part 40, Part 41, Part 42, Part 43, Part 44, Part 45,Part 46,Part 47, Part 48, Part 49, Part 50, Part 51, Part 52, Part 53,Part 54,Part 55, Part 56, Part 57, Part 58, Part 59, Part 60,Part 61,Part 62, Part 63, Part 64, Part 65, Part 66, Part 67, Part 68,Part 69,Part 70, Part 71, Part 72, Part 73, Part 74, Part 75,Part 76,Part 77, Part 78, Part 79, Part 80, Part 81, Part 82, Part 83,Part 84,Part 85, Part 86, Part 87, Part 88, Part 89, Part 90,Part 91,Part 92, Part 93, Part 94, Part 95, Part 96, Part 97, Part 98,Part 99,Part 100, Part 101, Part 102, Part 103,Part 104, Part 105,Part 106, Part 107,Part 108, Part 109, Part 110,Part 111, Part 112,Part 113, Part 114, Part 115,Part 116, Part 117, Part 118,Part 119,Part 120, Part 121, Part 122, Part 123,Part 124, Part 125,Part 126, Part 127, Part 128,Part 129,Part 130, Part 131,Part 132,Part 133, Part 134, Part 135, Part 136, Part 137, Part 138,Part 139,Part 140, Part 141, Part 142, Part 143, Part 144, Part 145,Part 146, Part 147, Part 148,Part 149, Part 150, Part 151,Part 152, Part 153, Part 154, Part 155, Part 156, Part 157, Part 158,Part 159, Part 160, Part 161, Part 162, Part 163, Part 164,Part 165, Part 166, Part 167, Part 168, Part 169, Part 170,Part 171,Part 172, Part 173, Part 174, Part 175, Part 176,Part 177, Part 178, Part 179 , Part 180, Part 181, Part 182, Part 183, Part 184, Part 185, Part 186, Part 187, Part 188, Part 189, Part 190, Part 191, Part 192, Part 193, Part 194, Part 195
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