#i dont think their parents are maliciously neglecting their children
skippersthecat · 8 months
I wonder how Kusuke felt about never being visited or even contacted by his family for 4 whole years. Then the first time they do its not even because they want to see him. It's because he's the only one who can fix Kusuo's limiters. His family hasnt seen him in 4 years and when they finally do its for Kusuo.
That must've hurt so bad. He already felt worthless compared to his brother, and now probably thinks he can't even win his parents' love. I wonder if that's part of the reason he ran away in the first place.
It's probably a big reason why he resents Kusuo so much. Kusuke clearly loves his brother and doesn't want to seriously harm him, but I think he part of him does want to hurt Kusuo a little out of anger and envy. He wants to win so badly because then maybe he will receive the same amount of affection Kusuo gets.
It's tragic because this is how Kusuke views his brother, when it's not the truth. Kusuo is also used by his parents to fix their problems and has his feelings ignored time and time again. He isn't being adored the way Kusuke thinks, but Kusuke doesn't see this and resents his brother for the perceived favoritism.
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comradeboyhalo · 6 months
what i love about q!bad is that im pretty much chill with whatever he does (i.e, i can acknowledge murder is bad but i dont get upset when a character murders someone) but i would draw a line at any sort of child abuse/endangerment/neglect. and that's exactly where q!bad also draws the line! that doesn't mean he's perfect to his kids. one of his biggest flaws is that dapper and pomme mirror his self-destructive tendencies and he sees no wrong in it (praising dapper for risking his life to help the islanders, and pomme for her paranoia/child soldier tendencies), but that is such a good flaw in my eyes? its so realistic to how parents can love you so much yet their own flaws will inevitably effect your psyche, and its not even completely their fault. its largely subconscious. but i think its such a great way to give q!bad some degree of flaw in his relationship with his children, without it feeling malicious on his end at all. idk basically what im saying is that i love that his parenting can be critiqued but not in a way that feels upsetting to his character.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
You know what? I dont think that you and Idiot-Mushroom 's Splinters should get together. Theyd be awful. theyd enable one another and take ideas and tips from each other. TM(N)T Splinter will start slapping asses and threatening to kill himself and Idiot-Mushroom 's would start giving his kids complexes and also like pseudo poisoning them with elixers. You know who SHOULD meet?
Your Draxums. Let the slutty alchemists hang out. They can do Hot Girl Shit, like talk about algorithms for various different potions and how hoof polish isnt made like they used to make it back in the day, it was so much better dont you know.
do you use algorithms in potions???? who can say i'm not a smarty mc scientist. they would have fun being sluts together tho :) but i think my Draxum might get on @idiot-mushroom's draxums bad side by being a neglectful/absent parent. their draxum is significantly kinder than mine :') i mean mines not actively malicious but he doesn't super care about the turtles in an empathetic way.
my splinter would never ever even consider slapping anyone's ass... on his own.. but with an enabling friend??? who reinforce the idea that you have full ownership over your children's bodies and them enforcing boundaries is disrespectful???? ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE WITH THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!! (awful, horrible, toxic, enabling friendship)
also no pseudo about it- you give someone something and they get sick from it, and you KNEW they'd get sick from it? thats POISON babyyyy. maybe not deadly but, yknow, poison nonetheless. like a gas station hot dog!
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comradekatara · 1 year
hi idk if you’re still taking hot takes but if u are- Ursa does not get acknowledged enough as being an abusive parent herself. Obviously she doesn’t compare to Ozai in sheer maliciousness (I don’t need to break it down we’ve all watched atla) but her clearly picking favorites with her own children and calling her daughter a monster when she was EIGHT at the most is terrible. Like I could sit here listing supporting points all day but it ends up just boiling down to: Ursa emotionally abused her daughter through neglect, Azula’s treatment by her family is only made unsympathetic because of her status in the original narrative as a villain, and every time for the last who knows how many years I’ve seen people call Ursa “best mom” or similar I want to tear my hair out. Anyways love your blog I always enjoy seeing your posts pop up on my dash ty✌🏼
...nah. ursa was a woman who was trapped in an extremely difficult situation, and that needs to be acknowledged when considering her relationship with her children. first of all, i don't think she ever actually called azula a monster. just because azula thinks ursa hated her does not actually mean ursa hated her. yes, ursa definitely favored zuko, but zuko was far less under ozai's thumb as a child. ozai pitted azula and zuko against each other, manipulated them into believing that they needed to compete for his love. there was only so much ursa could've done to change azula's mind re: ozai's conditioning. the more ursa criticized her bad behavior and tried to minimize ozai's influence, the more ozai would've convinced azula that her mother didn't understand her due to her weakness, that ursa didn't love azula the way he did. frankly, we don't actually see enough of ursa's parenting ("the search" comics don't count) to decide whether or not she was a good parent, but considering that she was married to a violent, power-hungry man who was trying to turn his children against each other, and ursa encouraged them to play together and be kind to each other and generally be more empathetic people, i do think she did the best she could (again, i'm not counting "the search"). azula feeling neglected and shunned by ursa is more a product of ozai's abuse than anything else. i dont think ursa is a "perfect parent" or anything, but as a woman in an abusive marriage who was ultimately killed by her husband (i said what i said), blaming her for failing to protect azula from her father isn't a great look.
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impossiblesuitcase · 11 months
honestly i dont think that if cinder would grew as selene would be a bad person bc she'd have winter and jacin w her whole life and jacin wouldve soo protective over selene too like he was to cress
Hmm, it's a hard one to predict. She would've grown up around the pomp and circus of the royal court which would invariably rub off on her. Winter resisted that influence because her father raised her; but Selene has no one to raise her. In Fairest, she's looked after by nannies, and never is it mentioned that Evret or Levana took on a complete parental role for her. We see that as a 2-year-old Selene is described as having "hair too frequently uncombed", connoting that she was often neglected, even by her nannies.
Earlier in Fairest, Channary and Levana discuss the way they were raised by nannies and ignored by their parents. But they never fondly mention a nanny in particular or regard one as their parental figure. So although these nannies care for the royal children's physical needs, there is no evidence of a lasting, reliable parent-child dynamic. This isn't their fault; as lower-class workers they would be barred from too closely influencing the 'perfect' royalty.
Selene would therefore grow up without a parental figure, and while Winter and Jacin would have some good influence, it wouldn't be enough to entirely mitigate the negative influence around her. Becoming the queen at only 13 would heighten her distrust in people, as the court would likely sneer behind her back about how a child should not wear the crown. She would struggle to understand social dynamics as she never learnt how to make emotional bonds with adults, and therefore become emotionally reclusive, clinical and calculating.
As we know, in Levana's regency she begins accelerating production in the outer sectors--rapidly depleting Luna's resources. If Selene had to take over a kingdom on the brink of collapse, that emotionally-distant mentality would allow her to make unjust decisions without remorse. Perhaps Winter and Jacin could dissuade her to some extent. But consider: they are her only reliable sources of love. Once they pair off as a couple, she could be jealous and angry and betrayed, and eventually, their pleas for her to be lenient would go unheard.
In all, Selene may not do things from a place of malicious intent, but all the same do them ruthlessly. Certainly not the same good-hearted Cinder we know.
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littlebabycrybtch · 3 years
ughh i hate starting niche shit that ik ppl will immediately reject without even considering it but. dude ngl the anti tablet thing with kids is becoming so exhausting. like PLEAASE fucking hear me out for a sec. theyre probably watching fucking cocomelon and elmo. bro. theyre learning numbers and shapes dude. why do you think thats harmful. genuinely ask yourself why on earth that would hurt them. children being entertained by childrens media or games literally designed to enrich their young minds is not fuckin bad. it exists for a reason. it is made for them. kid tablets arent the devil lmao.
im sorry but yall know parents like... ARENT legit superheroes and actually do inherently need to leave their child to their own devices from time to time just so they can complete other necessary tasks so they both survive right. you know demonizing every single instance of witnessing a parent taking care of themselves at what you perceive as even the slightest expense of their kid is not just an unattainable unrealistic standard, but just. downright Cruelty. seeing a kid with a tablet for 2 seconds and being like ‘wow i bet their parents make them do that for like 8 hours a day while they just sit there lifelessly :///’ is just... such a WILD leap. like no forreal why is this idea so ingrained. to be frank its this malicious ‘parents are lazy and terrible until proven hero’ mentality which is so fucking needlessly damaging. why do you literally think its automatically evil to let a kid watch educational yt kids in a stroller !! why is a parent expected to be their childs resource literally 24/7 when its obvious they literally cannot bc they have to be their own resource too !! ik sympathetic reasoning towards parents aint ppls strong suits and no you do not have to have your own kids to judge, but damn man yall could at least try to be Educated on raising kids b4 u spread this shit. 
‘uu just handing them a tablet and ignoring them is gonna damage them’ my guys, you can give kids Plenty of attention and 1-on-1 time, but theyre autonomous human beings, after a certain point they actually Need to learn to entertain themselves and this happens sooner in life than you think. most infants learn how to self soothe a little by 6 months. sometimes ur kid might Prefer to watch smth than talk to you or w/e, and its honestly not a sign ur neglecting them. its a sign ur raising them with enough care that theyre starting to want to navigate on their own. independent play is Good. its Good for them to learn their own interests and what makes them happy. sometimes kids dont WANT your attention, or cant have it at the moment. or sometimes ur kid doesnt WANT to be at walmart, and they have the right to feel upset theyre somewhere against their will, but ofc u kinda have to buy them food so they live and shit. so distracting them with smth both educational and fun, long enough to get in, do what you need to do, and get out is... is not just ‘okay’, but a perfectly healthy and responsible thing to do in that situation, instead of letting them scream and be upset just to ‘prove’ you’re the boss while you don’t give them anything to cope with besides yourself, like its a good thing for them to not form any personal soothing skills. most parents are not Forcing a tablet on their kid, they offer it as an enriching solution to unavoidable situations where they cant be directly interacting, just like the purpose of any other toy, except this one has a much more engaging interface. and uh, lbr, you can neglect a kid with any method for this. seriously, nagging them to go play outside for 8 hours every time they annoy you can be just as neglectful for them, and make them feel just as ignored and rejected and under stimulated as it could be to leave them with a tablet for that long. and dont even get me Started on special needs kids who might need devices to cope even from a young age bc i just fuckin......... please fucking listen. im not exaggerating or playing devils advocate for fun here. the assumptions abt this are truly miserable.
tldr;;; there are not demons in the computer screens tryna rot childrens brains, ur ass grew up watching bill nye the science guy in classroom settings, ik its hard as hell to recognize flaws in such widely socially ingrained concepts but can you guys..... please just Try to be more understanding and think abt how u treat parents, and tbh how you view kids. its harmful to be so ignorant abt childrens needs and how their minds work. yall kinda act like when ur a parent it becomes a crime to still be a human person or smth like thats reasonable and not an incredibly cruel set up against them, and you act like kids are a one-size-fits-all love robot where its as simple as putting in the universal codes every day to raise them right. theyre literally just people and its a bit more complex than that
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