#i dont think this will last much longer thoufh
soggypotatoes · 1 year
ugh ok so like
I dissociate a lot, have my whole life, but a few days ago I experienced a complete switch over for the first time and it's still ongoing
like. I had therapy that day and I walked in and was like. acting very normal, because I can do that, and she pretty quickly asked '...have we met before?' and I've seen her every day since then so we're trying to work it out
I honestly thought at first that I'd died and been reincarnated into a living body by accident... but after seeing her a few times and trying to figure out who I am I see what's happening. it was scary but I'm adapting. I don't think this will last much longer. apparently something extremely triggering happened on Sunday and I actually passed out and woke up like this. I'm ok though. this is happening to keep me ok. like I'm totally fine, not really stressed about things, except for the fact that I'm dealing with a lot of fatigue.
still not sure who I am or why this is happening. but there ya go.
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destinyc1020 · 10 months
I think Kia n Austin make a nice looking couple bt thats about it lol i personally didnt like Elvis bt I get why he has a fanbase now and with Kaia the paps stay on her ass even thoufh I dont really see a lot of her modeling campaigns like that (compared to other models like Bella or Kendall).
They seem lik a private couple who is somehow always photographed which is a odd combo☠️ Austin was constantly photographed and talked about V n that was apart of his image before bt now with Kaia he'll b papped with her and photographed on a carpet bt wont speak about her. Kaia learned from JE cuz she posted him on her IG and talked about him in an interview wen they were just together for a yr lol n i think she learned nt to do that and probably has relationship questions banned too. After those rumors about Cole Sprouse cheating on her wen he was with Lili Reinhart (pretty sure its nt true) and again that whole situation with JE/Z (...☠️) her relationships r def apart of her image bt again she has leanred nt to speak on them.
I think Kia n Austin make a nice looking couple bt thats about it lol i personally didnt like Elvis bt I get why he has a fanbase now and with Kaia the paps stay on her ass even thoufh I dont really see a lot of her modeling campaigns like that (compared to other models like Bella or Kendall).
Lol I always find it so funny when I get anons in my inbox talking about how they hated the movie "Elvis", but yet, when I talk to other ppl IRL, EVERYONE hands down (young AND old) gushes about the film and says how much they LOVED the movie lol 😆 Like, not even, "yea, it was alright", but seriously is like "Omg I loved that movie! It was SO well done!"
But in my inbox, it's a totally different story. I just always find that funny lol. I need that Oprah "what is the truth?" gif lol.
While Austin's fanbase isn't that big rn (I kinda feel like that might change in the future actually 👀) I think it's still important to remember that he did have a fanbase BEFORE Elvis. The dude has been acting for almost 20 years, so some fans may remember him from iCarly, Ruby and the Rockits, Zoey 101, The Carrie Diaries, The Shannara Chronicles, Switched at Birth, etc. He did a LOT of TV stuff here and there, especially on Nick and Disney, so some fans grew up watching him. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Kaia has been papped since birth lol, mainly because she's the daughter of famous celebrities. So, that's just been her life tbh. I also kind of wonder if maybe she has some deal with the Daily FAIL, cuz it seems that they post the most mundane pap stuff about her lol. 😅
"Kaia getting a green drink! Kaia going to yoga! Kaia BREATHING!" ROFL 🤣
They seem lik a private couple who is somehow always photographed which is a odd combo☠️
Yea.... odd isn't it lol.... 😏🤭
Austin was constantly photographed and talked about V n that was apart of his image before bt now with Kaia he'll b papped with her and photographed on a carpet bt wont speak about her.
I def think he learned a lot from the Vanessa rlshp. He seems very private to me, and I just don't think he wants his rlshp to be the FOCUS of his career. Plus, keep in mind, he and Vanessa dated for quite a while... it wasn't like they just dated for two years... so I'm sure he probably thought at the time when speaking on her that they were pretty much endgame. They dated longer than what some Hollywood marriages last lol 😆
I think ppl have to keep in mind too that what ppl do or how they feel in their early 20s might be different from how they feel nearing 30. We've even seen a STARK change in just how private Tom and Z have been with their lives online and on social media. So, ppl change! And when your fame level gets higher, that can also cause you to become way more private.
Kaia learned from JE cuz she posted him on her IG and talked about him in an interview wen they were just together for a yr lol n i think she learned nt to do that and probably has relationship questions banned too.
I DEFINITELY think Kaia learned from the Jakaia rlshp rofl 🤣 I'll never forget their CRINGEY Elvis and Priscilla Halloween photoshoot lol, or her birthday post for him lol 🤭
Didn't they break up a few months after she posted for him on his birthday lol? 😅 His birthday is in June, and by November, they were SPLITSVILLE rofl. Things can change fast, that's all I'll say lol 🤭
After those rumors about Cole Sprouse cheating on her wen he was with Lili Reinhart (pretty sure its nt true) and again that whole situation with JE/Z (...☠️) her relationships r def apart of her image bt again she has leanred nt to speak on them.
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Whoah..... you're gonna have to come back and clarify what you mean by this Anon, coz I'm not sure I'm understanding correctly lol. You're not saying what I think you're saying are you? 👀 If so, I've NEVER heard that rumor.
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