#i dont upload pictures of my pets here but
I think everyone is here! Forgive me if I missed someone!! If I did... Probably you're not handsome enough (?) or you are!
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Nolan Chance: The one and only! Ladies, please, contain your orga$ms, I'm here and I have something for everyone!! OH BOY! OH YEAH BABY I'M COMING (To change your life, lady!)
TIER 2: DILFS (if i were a girl)
White haired guy: Just because reminds me of me in my tactical suit. Otherwise he'd be after BL.
Montague: God he's HOT. I want him to speak french to me while he stuffs me little ol' pockets with diamonds!
King Midas/Midas: A tie. A respectful tie. You guys are good looking, I admire you King Midas, Regular Midas (but not as regular as us human beings)
Dirty Jones: Stinky, I wish i had your stubble... between my le—
Lorenzo: Very handsome young boy! Man, you and I are someone's twink dream team
TIER 3: Handsome guys please dont break my bones
Doctor: I think I'd like to hug him, I think he could fix me
Persephone: Persephone (love your eyes)
Drift: Man, give me your arms routine! You're ripped!
Wrecker: Move your butt and wreck this d—
Ezio: Man, show your face a bit more! Love your beard
Rust: He's gonna hit me if i put him lower
Raz: My man needs therapy but keep doing what you're doing with that hair!
Raptor: Just he right amount of face shown!
Lord Hades: Lord Hades I love you and I adore you and I respect you but... you scare me a LOT
Chuggus: Healty! I'm not into you, but I'd like you to be into ME (as shield potion of course)
BL: Yeah boy I sure love BL!
TIER 4: Ehhhh confusing
Oscar: Scary cat, fancy pet. I wish I could take him pictures with outfits to upload it to my social network accounts
Motorcycle guy: Scary guy
Cerberus: Scary underworld dog
????: What is that thing?
Pink Guy: Your balloon face creeps me out a bit but keep spreading love! This island is missing SO MUCH LOVE!
Banana beard man: ?????? But I think Banana beard man is a Banana beard They. if so, sorry for that, they fellow!
Wasteland Dummy: I liked you better when you were regular dummy
Pea bois: The third one looks like he wants to kiss me. Sorry boys, you need two more bodies to qualify as hot. Keep up the good work with cars tho!
TIER 5: I wanna puke
Bucket man: Old man, ew
Robot: Cold, I don'tlike cold
Fire skull: Way too hot to handle
Skull Trooper: Fucj that guy, score a goal and we'll see if you get higher
Mega London: Your 7 foot long thing is not enough to make you equal a fraction of my rizz
Pd: Nolan Chance is not gay, I just think we males and theymales should be allowed to say to each other "hey, nice muscles bro" in the same way girls compliment each other. Let's go bros! Yeah, football!
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scribbly-bear · 3 months
hi can you plz help I would like to know what artfight is but I have no idea what it is or how it works. And the website doesn't really help. I also sent an ask to actual artfight but that was weeks ago and they haven't responded. So could you tell me what you're supposed to do before and during july in detail. And what are attacks? sry I am very confused abt this whole thing. (sry you dont have to answer if you dont want)
Hey don't worry about it!! I don't mind at all! Not sure how well I can explain but I'll try!
So basically the game is about people drawing each other's characters. There's two teams, and the theme changes every year, the theme for this year hasn't been announced yet but they're things like: dream vs nightmare or sugar vs spice, just things that are opposites. After the theme is revealed you can either chose which team you want to be on, or wait until the event starts, then you'd automatically join the smaller team. The theme reveal this year is streaming on twitch on the 15th this month, so (if I remember correctly) people will be able to chose their teams from the 16th to July 1st.
Everybody uploads their characters, you can upload anywhere from 1 to 100, you can upload either fan characters (with credit to the creators) or original ocs, I've seen people even do their pets, which I honestly don't understand, BUT you can do it. For uploading a character you add pictures to be used as drawing references for your character and a description, the description is optional but it does help people know what to draw the character doing, what their personality is, and do they have a story? You can upload a character at any time in the year, including July. I like to do all my character prep before July, but my first year I uploaded a couple on July first.
After the game begins on July first (there will be an exact countdown) people can start drawing and posting attacks. Which are drawings of other user's characters. (Friendly fire is an option) The more effort put into the attack the more points it gives. For instance: a full body picture of a character sitting on a bench with shading, gains more points than a headshot of a character with a solid color background without shading ect. Friendly fire takes a percentage off of the points since it's done against team members, though I don't remember how much. The attacks are not rated on the skill of the user, so a headshot made from an expert artist would not get more points than a headshot from a beginner. How much of the character is visible, how much shading, how clean the coloring, how clean the line art is and the background, all of these go into how much points the attack earns.
Drawing attacks before the game starts is against the rules, as the whole point of the game is attack during the month.
As the month goes on people continue to attack each other, the game ends on August first, the point tailing usually takes a few days but then the winning team is announced, there is no prize other than a digital badge, and bragging rights. But even the team that lost is happy, since everyone got art of their ocs. I know I don't fight to win, I just like drawing people's characters.
Here's a link to my artfight, I dunno, maybe you can kind of use it as a reference.
I think I mentioned everything? But if you're still confused on something just ask again and I'll try to word it better. You are not bothering me I'm glad to help! I hope this helps and you join!
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ask-katima · 5 days
The Small Companion
(Sorry for the later upload, had to build up the motivation to make a drawing for this, if you’re reading this, it would mean a lot if you read this and gave a vote on the poll at the end of the post)
You change your mind and turn around to face Katima again, you are determined to get this bitty to go with you to view over the times and drop her off at the guest room, your mind is set. You prepare to have a long discussion with the small skeleton- but she starts talking even before you open your mouth once-.
So uh, small fact- I can read minds… and if you wanted to get me these items so badly, then why dont you have them already.. the room sounds nice, but from what I have gathered from your thoughts… that description would be too vague.. am I right?
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You’re baffled, taken aback even… did she just? No, you think of yourself.. she has to be playing-
Well, if I’m playing it then how come I was able to fully reply to you without you even opening your mouth to actually speak up then, hmm?
Katima judges you, you start to feel a little nervous.. this felt awkward… you just wanted to be nice and have hospitable stuff ready for Katima, but this isn’t what you exactly imagined would go down when you adopted her… you hear a gentle sigh from Katima, and she nears the end of the table where you’re standing.
Okay.. look, I may be an adoptable pet to some degree, but I’ll be clear.. I’m my own monster.. just small, something akin to a child but I’ll never grow up.. is that more clear? Not trying to be rude or anything here…
She looks at you with pity in her stare.. she kind of understands where you’re coming from with how ads seemed to advertise bitties.. as just “pets” when they were just more… this only made you curious to how exactly they came to be.. but you didn’t want to push barriers.. you extend your hand towards Katima… hoping maybe now after this talk she would finally budge?…
Your hand feels a little heavier, and you’re more happier now,
+1 Bitty
You think about what to do now.. you have convinced Katima, looked into the guest room and took pictures.. but you don’t have the items and you still aren’t too sure if you didn’t accidentally leave something in the bathroom by accident… where will you go next?
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nohiketoosmall · 1 year
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heres what i have so far for the pamphlet idea outlined! The idea is to make it as something that could be printed front and back and have some extra resources on the back. i do not expect this to be printed btw its more like a challenge to myself. the panels will be reorganized in order to upload it online.
The front has: title, "a brief overview" and a diagram of a hand compared to an adult and baby bearded dragon along with average size, lifespan, weight. also little labeled icons showing habitat (grassland/savannah) and showing food (circle with bug and leaf). One sentence about them
When you open it youd see the "mid" section first (if it were a folded pamphlet) which would be a list of staple foods, treat/infrequent foods, and toxic/harmful foods. one sentence at the top explaining the importance of foods low in phosphorus, high in calcium and the addition of calcium/vitamin powders on the list.
then you unfold and the left side has a list of items, ideally doing my best to label everything with icons. lightbulb with heat for heat spot vs lightbulb with sun labeled UVB; etc etc. I may revise this section because i dont think the scales and tongs are that important
a diagram of a simple tank that would be labeled; tiles, slate, etc covers the next two sections. on the middle inside panel there would just be a couple pictures of natural behaviors: basking, running, climbing and digging (in a dig box). the right side would have a little sentence about shedding and mention baths help prevent dehydration. at the bottom right a little section on bioactive environments with labels like "reptile safe plant" "natural substrate" ""cleaner" bugs". I may reorganize these pages depending on how this looks but this is most of the information i want to include on the inside.
the back has a brief section on health: shows a baby on a scale, with a pie chart showing it eats more bugs than greens. a sentence would explain that as they grow, monitor their weight and activity. there is a second pictureo f an adult bearded dragon with a pie chart showing it eats more greens than bugs, there would be a sentence explaining this. then a couple little pictures/sentences about poop and brumation, ending with the emphasis that if your pets activity levels, poop, etc change, bring them to a vet, etc. also a section for recommended websites!
anyways this is all using information ive learned online on multiple different pages + keeper recommendations ive heard on tumblr. lmk if anyone has suggestions for this thus far.
*this is not a full care guide at all, im not intending it to be, so it will not include advice for specific temperatures, humidity, brands, food schedules, etc. the most specific will be the food section, but it should be made clear that these are just staple/common foods and not 100% of the foods they can or cannot eat.*
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valla-chan · 4 years
65 Questions You Aren't Used To answered by ME
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
    Sometimes, but it always goes away fairly quickly.
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
    3, im not actively afraid of the dark itself but it can exacerbate paranoias
3. The person you would never want to meet?
    The guy on reddit with like 100 different parasites he spreads to people around him
4. What is your favorite word?
    Catgirl or Ghost maybe idk
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
    Monterey Cypress
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
    Oh my god my hair is so fucked, i look dead in the face too
7. What shirt are you wearing?
    gray longesleev :)
8. What do you label yourself as?
    gray-ace trans girl who is probably actually nonbinary but ignores that for the sake of simplicity
9. Bright room or dark room?
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
    in a voice call watching my friend stream hl2: lost coast
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
12. Who told you they loved you last?
     gf :)
13. Your worst enemy?
    congress republicans
14. What is your current desktop picture?
    I have 3, and currently all of them are on images of hatsune miku
15. Do you like someone?
16. The last song you listened to?
     No Children - The Mountain Goats
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
    Mitch McConnell
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
    Donald Trump
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
    A clone of myself, who i would make work on my portal mod lul
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
    My hair perhaps
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
    I dont know if this would make me male, female, or a trans man!
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
    Getting people to like me when i want them to, i guess? It sounds manipulative but if you dont use it to manipulate people, and you dont always do it (because sometimes you dont want the person to like you), then is it?
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
    I am afraid that my perception of other things is inaccurate and eventually i will realize that people around me regard me as someone who is very much detached from objective reality.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
     Crab+lobster mix, avocado, cheese, caramelized onions, bacon, sourdough bread, basil+a bit of garlic, and probably other stuff i cant think of.... oh and sunchips stuffed inside that i could pull out and eat.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
    Save it!!
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
    1) If you die we eat you
29. What is your favorite expletive?
    simply saying the word KILL!
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
    My computer :( it would cause the most extreme impact to have it be destroyed. i would feel terrible about everything else though
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
    I’d rather not say.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
    sounds awful :(
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
    My kitty :(
34. What was your last dream about?
    I was playing a hidden level in Frogger: the Great Quest but then @ sleepysoul DM’d me to ask what my newest video was about cause she was weirded out by it, and i went to my youtube channel to find this bizarre video about crab-catching, which slowly descended into this video showing bizarre and cosmic horrors. For some reason i thought i uploaded it and tried to defend the video, but i could not explain it
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
    I am a good 3d modeler, texturer, game mapper, and other things that have to do with digital 3d artstuff
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
38. What is the color of your socks?
    All of mine are tan or dark blue. super lame and boring
39. What type of music do you like?
    Most currently, it fluctuates between “weirdcore” type aesthetic playlists of music, and anything Vocaloid.
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
    Sunrises, because im usually not awake for them so they are extra special
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
    strawberry maybe
43. Do you have any scars?
    One on the side of my butt where i tore it open on the bathtub faucet, one on my elbow from a bike accident, and 
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
    I dropped out :(
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
    my cheekbones and eyebrow ridge stick out so weirdly, id make it not look like that
46. Are you reliable?
    on small things? yes. on big things? nope, not in the least.
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
    Have you finally gotten out of this rut and found happiness and success?
48. Do you hold grudges?
    i kinda do but try not to
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
51. Are you a good liar?
    only when im not trying to.
52. How long could you go without talking?
    consecutively, maybe a fourth of a day
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
    I’ve helped, but never done it myself!
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
    Oh, believe me, no. But i do it anyway because its objectively hilarious
56. What do you like on your toast?
    Not beans.
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
    Miku :)  (it turned out so badly i scrapped it)
58. What would be you dream car?
   Golden Leopard Print Golf Cart
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
      I lie down as to not pass out (and cause warmn wotter....)
60. Do you believe in aliens?
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
    E? (it has a nice synesthetic color)
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
64. What do you think about babies?
    gremlins. strange beings. they are very strange and creepy-ish but can be cute but RARELY. keep away.
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sillypandalover91 · 4 years
Part 2: After the Auction
Alastor wasnt used to losing.
Not in the sense that he would flip over the board of monopoly if someone had stolen Boardwalk and Park Ave. from right under his nose. Though Husk swore that he would never again count cards when playing with Hazbins no matter how hilarious Alastor's face had been when he handed over the last of his colorful paper money to the feline when he landed on the overpriced blue territories.
No, Al wasn't a sore loser.
But this DrAngler44 was a bad winner if he ever saw one.
"Computer offend you again, babe?"
Alastor had gotten into a habit of playing with Angel's laptop while he went through his hour long nighttime ritual of thoroughly bathing himself, drying and dusting his fur and followed by his face routine and ending by brushing his teeth.
The laptop had been a gag gift from Vaggie, who had found it amusing to see the two old men fumble their way trying to figure out how to use it. After figuring out how to set it up, Angel was the first to master searching for things and using helltube. Alastor was more than happy to call it Angel's laptop if it meant he didnt have to continue embarrassing himself trying to figure the damn thing out.
But then Angel, during their nightly cuddles, mentioned finding a funny sounding video on Helltube that one of his fans uploaded recently. It was a haul of his merchandise, both recent and vintage.
And the vintage items certainly caught Alastor's attention. He scrolled down to the comments, smile widening as he figured out how to torment demons in a way that wouldn't upset Charlie. Angel's delighted face as they watched the doe demon unwrap a limited edition trilogy called "Lady Science".
"Holy shit," cried Angel, accidentally jostling Alastor in his excitement, "Sorry, babe."
Alastor rolled over on to his side but kept a hand buried in Angel's fluff, "It's no problem at all, cher. I take that you are fond of this particular installment of your rather impressive repertoire?"
Nodding, Angel turned down the volume but paid careful attention to the goodies that came in the set. "This one was so much fun to do. The director is an incubus, one of Lady Lilliths personal court now, which is a shame cause I loved working with him so much."
"Yeah, he gave me artistic control and even let me write this one! It did so well that we did two more. You should really listen to the commentary on that one, it's a hoot!"
"Do all of your picture shows have commentary?"
"Some of them, yeah. Well, the fun ones do." Angel glanced down at his thighs where the bruises were covered by his pajama pants, "Mostly the ones Val ain't got his nasty little talons in which, these days, they're few'n between."
After that conversation, Alastor borrowed a few films from Angel's library and, with Husk's reluctant help found the commentary.
"I'd ask why you're watching porn of your boyfriend banging other guys but quite frankly I dont give a fuck," grumbled Husk as he took a seat next to him.
Alastor paused the video and gave the feline a side glance, "Just what do you think you're doing?"
"What? It's not like I'm going to beat off with you here and I know your virgin ass isnt going to get off to this either."
Eyes and smile sharpening, Alastor said, "My good fellow, the implication that you are going to, as you crassly put it beat off did not go unnoticed. I'm not going to let you watch my beau in the throes of ecstasy."
Husk snorted, "Why not, all of hell has."
"They're not my friends, Husker. Now, go away. I'd hate to cut our friendship short because you lust after my darling."
At this, Husk spat out his beer, "I- I don't, you know what, I'm not drunk enough to unpack that one. You enjoy," he squinted at the title, "Angel in The Baby Sitter."
"I intend to, old sport~"
One film had turned into two and three, five, until Alastor watched well over half of the videos in Angel's collection.
Who knew Angel was so beautiful when he was genuinely happy and having fun without the use of drugs. Ah, he did! But it was still refreshing to see him this happy when at work.
It was so endearing that he couldnt help but want to see more. Unfortunately there were only so many films left in Angel's library and the newer stuff had Valentino written all over it. So once again enlisting Husk's help, Alastor learned how to use the laptop to find where to buy Angel's earlier work.
"You know you can always ask him to get you more...fucking addict." The last part was muttered under his breath so Alastor ignored it.
After all it wasn't an addiction and it was, well, there were worse things to be addicted to than wanting to hear Angel's witty comments and joyous laughter.
"Or you can watch the actual porn with him and have him comment irl." Both men turned to see Cherrie grinning at them, "What? The princess said I could visit with my bestie so long it was in the parlour. Bet she didnt know there were a couple of old horny motherfuckers in here already."
Slamming the laptop shut, Alastor picked it up and made his way out, "What you do with your mother is your business. Now if you excuse me, I have things I need to win."
Angel found out because there was no way his sales suddenly boosting both on the Studio's website and on auction sites went unnoticed by Val who asked him to his office and nervously informed him that all future productions were going to be overseen by the incubus director Angel was so fond of.
That had been a few months ago and Alastor usually always had that air of self satisfaction that he usually attributed to an amazing release but Al wasn't one to do that and his self satisfaction came from securing items lesser demons wanted to get their repulsive hands on.
Those nights always resulted in heated make out sessions and some light petting on Alastor's part and ended in cuddled sleep.
Tonight, however, when Angel stepped out of the bathroom, he found Alastor glaring at the computer screen face void of a smile before carefully and slowly typing with his two index fingers.
Angel covered his mouth to hide his endeared smile, "Computer offend you again, babe?"
"Not the computer," muttered Alastor, his brow furrowed in concentration as he continued to type out his message in the chat of the auctioning website he frequented, "Some imbecile is flaunting the lot I wished to procure."
"Aw, I'm sorry, doll." Walking up behind his disgruntled beau, Angle draped his arms around Alastor's shoulders and rested his chin between his fluffy ears, giggling as they twitched in response, "You know I can just go through the Studion Vault and steal ya whatever you want. Not like Val actually keeps track of my older work anyway."
Alastor stopped typing and glanced up at Angel, "You mean you can find me this beautiful photograph of yourself? And the corresponding body pillow?" He pointed at the images DrAngler44 uploaded, "I loathe the idea of this creature having these photos of you but I admit that it is wholly because I had just the spot for them in my office at the radio tower."
When Angel didn't respond, Alastor frowned and spun around on his chair to tug Angel onto his lap, "Mon ange?"
"I haven't seen these in years," replied Angel, still staring at pictures. "Hells, this was the very first time I ever let my stupid feet be photographed. I had to beg Val to destroy most the of the copies and cut the photo off at the feet. You know there are only like 3 of these, right?" Ignoring the sudden burst of static, he counted off who had the other two copies, Vox has one cause, of course he had to have my feet in his possession and Lucifer has the other one cause Lilith thought I looked cute."
The static grew worse behind him and, now that he thought about it, maybe he shouldn't have brought Vox up. Angel felt Alastor tightened his hold on him, "You ok, baby?"
"Can you help me write my message," gritted out Alastor through his smiling teeth. Angel typed it out much quicker and sent it with Alastor's approval.
Alastor got up and carried his beau to bed where he tucked Angel in much to the spider's protest, "What about you?"
"Oh, I'll be back soon, cher. Vox has something I want."
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sweetcatmintea · 6 years
Atlas meets Ivan - Drabble
So, I haven’t got any new pictures for you guys, have a short drabble instead. It was a gift for @babydollneko but she said I could upload it here too :)
Moonlight filtered through the thin clouds overhead illuminating speckles drifting through the late-night air. Hard shingles stole the warmth through Atlas’ shirt, prompting shivers. He lazily took note of his leg dangling over the musty gutter pipe. A clean was long over due but the negligence was understandable, it was no simple task to clean the top of a three-story house. Hoisting himself into a sitting position, Atlas stretched his arms in front of him until there was a satisfying crack.
He wasn’t sure how long his nap had lasted but he felt refreshed enough. It was late afternoon when the summer heat left him lazing about, but that didn’t mean much to him. He had also been sprawled on Lady Clara’s ornate lounge, enjoying the firmness of the well-maintained upholstery and the gentle breeze tussling his bangs.  To find himself waking on the roof of an unknown building in an unknown street was not how he expected the day to go. Surprising as it was, there was little mystery. Many an adventure in his youth was prompted by accidentally teleporting somewhere in his sleep. It was kind of like sleep walking, but with more stress for Lady Clara. He glanced at his wrist only to remember he had taken off his stylish purple gloves and accompanying compass cuff earlier in the day. This was going to make things more difficult. Oh well, no use sitting around worrying. Scaling down the building with relative ease, he decided to just explore for a little while. It’d be a shame to waste the opportunity. Lady Clara was forever scolding him for roaming around like some tom cat. ‘Come home straight away!’ she’d say. ‘You’re never where you’re supposed to be! Disappearing to who knows where whenever the fancy takes you! Honestly, it’s a wonder I haven’t locked the doors by now!’ Translated roughly, she meant ‘I worry when you disappear, so I want you to come straight back.’ Atlas grinned into his knuckles. She was a funny lady, but certainly good quality. He was an adult now – more or less – and she had relaxed some. It helped that he wasn’t under her constant care and supervision anymore. Still, he’d just have a little look around, then head back. Or, at least, a little look, then try to work out where he would be coming back from. His current location was less important than where he wanted to be, but knowing it would probably help.  Music pulsed faintly in the distance, a faint throb indicative of a nightclub type place. Given the back-alley vibes he was getting and the apparent late hour, the club would probably be inhabited primarily by drunks. Atlas sighed. He didn’t want to go amongst drunk people. It was probably the best bet for finding someone to ask his location. Ambling away, he put his money on the opposite direction. Going for the easiest route? Where was the adventure in that?
He must have been a fair way away from Lady Clara’s house. The wind carried a bite more tenacious than that of a summer. Atlas lamented the absence of his favourite dark grey coat. The fur trim, purple of course, was luxuriously soft and oh so fluffy. He really couldn’t complain though, years of waking up in unusual places ensured he was always reasonably covered when he rested. As funny as it would have been, he would not have appreciated exploring in only his boxers.
It wasn’t until the music had faded entirely, replaced with a cricket orchestra more suited to the country than such a populated area, that Atlas finally saw another person. A man, not much older than himself, busied himself opening the large roller doors of a … warehouse, maybe? The mechanisms made such a racket he didn’t notice Atlas approaching him. It was at this point Atlas realised he probably should have tried reading one of the street signs, he had no idea what the common language was here. Hoping it was one he knew, he cleared his throat, immediately catching the other man’s attention. Fabric spun and metal flashed. The knife stopping a mere finger’s width from Atlas’ skin. The two men appraised one another momentarily. This man, decidedly less harmless then Atlas first assumed, was slightly taller than him. His dark hair spiked from his head in organised chaos, complimented by a dark hoody and calculated grin. His teeth were clearly sharp, more so than Atlas’ unusually animalistic ones. Offering a placating smile, Atlas raised his palms to the man. He meant no harm. The switchblade returned to it’s hiding place in one smooth movement but remained at hand. The man’s posture relaxed, replaced with an easy confidence. Most reasonable people would be put off, intimidated even, by a man exuding danger and standing in front of a gaping maw of black. Unfortunately, Atlas was not a terribly reasonable person at times. ‘Foolish’ was almost a nickname at this point. He wasn’t stupid, but, out in the open as they were, he had many escape routes should things go sour. He lowered his hands, resting one in the pocket of his tailored shorts, and waving a greeting with the other. “What are you doing out here?” Ah, English. He knew that one. Lucky~ “Hello,” More accent than he would like, but good enough, “I got a little lost. Would you mind helping me? My name is Atlas, Atlas Mao.” The man tilted his head, lips pursed. “You’ve got cat ears.” It was a question in the form of a statement. “Yep.” He wiggled his ears for emphasis. The man’s grin grew. “Tail too. It was a matching set situation.” Even though he had kept it politely low, he was pretty sure the man had already noticed. The man’s hazel (maybe? It was hard to tell in the dark) eye’s glittered with excitement. “You don’t have … cat people here?” A shake of a head said no. That was unusual, he’d never been to a place where there were no Tainted people. Maybe he was even further than he thought. “Can I touch them?” “P-pardon?” “Your ears. I want to touch them.” The man reached out eagerly. There was a child-like enthusiasm that dampened the automatic ‘no’. Sighing inwardly, Atlas relented and nodded. That’s how he ended up being pet softly in the middle of the night by a very strange man. The plan to wait until his novelty had run its course and then find out where he was, was a bust. The enjoyment the man got appeared to be endless. Being told he was adorable was something he had gotten used to, it becomes necessary when your face becomes a brand, however having someone coo at him in the middle of the night was a bit much. An embarrassed flush crept up his neck as he put some distance between himself and the man. Luckily, he didn’t seem too disappointed, instead pointing out another of Atlas’ peculiarities. “You’re floating.” “Yeah. I don’t want to walk. The floor is really dirty, and my shoes are at home.” He wasn’t that high. Maybe a few inches off the ground. The man narrowed his eyes, considering Atlas again. “You’re not from here, are you?” Finally. He didn’t mind this man, he didn’t know him well enough to decide that he liked him yet, but it felt like some kind of backwards Alice in Wonderland scenario. Given he was the floating cat and all. He really couldn’t stay much longer, he’d promised Lady Clara he’d be in her photoshoot tomorrow. “No. I’m lost. Do you have a map and a compass I could borrow, uh…” “Ivan. You can call me Ivan.” He leaned in closer “I mean it call me.” Atlas didn’t know how to respond to either the wink or the playful nudge. “I’ve got those back home, but I gotta do something first.” He entered the abys of the warehouse, calling over his shoulder. “My cat got out, so I’ve gotta find him before we go back.” Nothing else to do, Atlas followed him in, offering to help search.
The deceptively small light on Ivan’s phone lit up a large chunk of the building. How did the phone have a light in it to begin with? Atlas knew there were some technological leaps lately, but wow! Debris was scattered all over the place. Leaves piled wherever the broken roof permitted. A dry, dusty smell filled the air, clinging to the backs of their throats. With all of the shadows and hidey holes, the chances of finding a cat were slim. Even with his sensitive ears, Atlas couldn’t detect anything other than the scuttling of bugs avoiding Ivan’s light. He strained his eyes but there was neither hide nor hair of any mammal. He was about to tell Ivan that he might want to look else where, but the man cut him off, bellowing “KING CRUNCH!” Evidently, Atlas wasn’t the only one to jump out of their skin. The boxes in the far corner began to rustle in response. Ivan ran over, letting out a proclamation of triumph. “I found my cat!” He dragged an angry, hissing creature from it’s nest, returning to Atlas with a massive smile. Beady eyes glared venomous hatred at Atlas. Little round ears were slicked back and grabby hands scrambled in the air, desperate for a victim. The grey-brown fur bristled like needles. That wasn’t a cat. The raccoon seemed to accept its fate, slumping in Ivan’s arms and chattering murder under its breath. Ivan was positively beaming. “Alright, I got my cat, we can go back. Somehow, he always get’s out when the Bae’s there. It’s weird, I know he likes King Crunch. Who wouldn’t?” Atlas couldn’t help but find Ivan’s clear affection towards his ‘cat’ very sweet. “Why’s he in a jacket?” The fact that the studded leather suited the raccoon was as undeniable as the ridiculousness of addressing raccoon fashion. What an interesting night it was turning out to be. “Oh, that. I tried to put a collar on him, so no one steals him, y’know, but he just kept getting it off. Neal got the jacket made for him so I would” he air quoted “stop moaning about the stupid collar. Good thing King Crunch is so fat, he can’t get his jacket off. No one’s going to mistake him for a stray cat now. I’d have ta kill them if they did though.” He laughed jovially.  
If you’re curious -> Atlas Ivan 
Ivan was created by, and belongs to, @babydollneko
Atlas is my character
Feedback is appreciated!
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snakesinavan · 7 years
commissions of your pets?
I’m thinking about doing commissions for people of their snakes, lizards, frogs, etc. and im wondering if anyone would be interested 
I would probably do something like $5 for uncolored and 10$ for colored
here are some examples of things ive done for people (sorry these are all on lined paper because i used to only draw in my journals, the commissioned drawings obviously would be on nice paper)  I have a lot more pictures too that I dont have uploaded already but I can post those later when i have a camera
reblog/like this or send me a message to lmk if you’d be interested!
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and here’s a snake i doodled using a shitty stylus on my iphone:
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beimanorthrun-blog · 5 years
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