#i dont want any comments about my age 😂
yuzuyoon · 1 month
I saw a comment where someone was like JM got so much for WHO than JK ever did. I couldn't honestly stop laughing for ages. Like JM got bare minimum which is also begrudgingly after fans begging. JM didn't get ads, auto play, playlist to name a few. Like I just don't get where people come up with this bullshit. JK literally got TTH on day 1, was literally everywhere because the level pushed him. Like why even bother trying to say dumb thing you know. Anyways I can see that a lot of so called OT7, shippers and solos are scared and annoyed that JK can achieve this much with minimum support so they try to put anything and everything on him to make it look like it's not organic. Can you imagine if he got a Grammy nod 😂 I don't think he will because Grammys are inherently racist but it would be hilarious. Honestly that would be such a slap in everyone's face lol.
But one thing is for sure. The fake OT7s, shippers, solos have always been scared of Jimin and they continue to be to this day. I think deep down they know if JM leaves, they are fucked. I know a lot of people say RM might be the one keeping the group together but I am willing to bet it's JM. If he chooses he had had enough, I don't think BTS will cease to exist. Yeah others leaving will create a dent but I think JM leaving will break the group. I don't think he will be the way. He is too much of a good guy. He knows the legacy the group brings but it would be interesting to see.
If they do break up though, I would interested to see what happens especially to the shippers.
people really are just unaware. they also just dont like to see the truth. they want to believe the narratives they've created, so they act like they're true
one of my dreams is for jimin to get a solo grammy before bts gets one (because be real bts has to get one eventually (right???)) and everyone will get horrendously riled up about it
i think bts have gotten to the point where any member leaving would ruin the group but jimin has always been that member. he attracted fans during debut bc of his ab reveal, he attracted people in run era because of his perfect man stage, he attracted people in bst era because of all his killing parts, he attracted people during bts' tours because of his visuals, he attracted people during bbmas because of his pink hair and talent, he attracted people during nye because of his funny mistake with his sparkly jacket, he attracted people in 2020 because of his unique voice in dynamite, he-
do i have to continue? you put all that on top of the fact that he can sing, dance, he has the startings of being able to rap, he can write music, compose music, and produce music, he has the ability to come up with choreo and to come up with concepts. he literally was the project manager for be.
bts has always been a team that works together but jimin has always done more than the others to get them to their success levels, even if just by a little bit
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mostlymaudlin · 1 year
For the writers ask meme: 15, 28, 29 :)
15. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
omg it HAS to be We Can Live Forever. that would be so fucking fun. i need to andrew doing body rolls to call me maybe 😂 silly-ness aside, i think i drew a lot of inspo from teenage coming of age movies for it, so the scenes tend to have a more cinematic/movement-heavy vibe to them!
28. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
omg always so embarrassing to do this hahaha. ok u should all know by now that i lead the @seasy33 fan club... syd makes me SICK every time. on the theme of "people who write andrew in a way that makes me want to chew on my phone" -- @alcego and @worldenough-and-time! do you guys want fic recs from these ppl? of course you do! straight from my bookmarks, heed tags:
not to blame for falling series by binarystars04 (@worldenough-and-time)
disuninvited by alcego
if you really love nothing by seasy33 [screaming and punching the wall etc]
anyway yeahhhh all three of these authors write an andrew that is just sooo, like, sensitive and hopeful? without stripping him of any of his strength or sharpness. or humor! yeah they never miss.
29. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
oh this is such a cool question omg. i think i want to preface by saying that i really fucking love the way this fic ends and i dont think it NEEDS anything else. but i recently read "It never comes from your enemies" by spectaclesandbooks and i have been THINKING about the longstanding consequences of that one. WHEW, it was a doozy. andrew fucked up really bad and i was like feral for multiple hours afterward screaming "OF COURSE NEIL FORGIVES HIM" at everyone who half-listened to me lol. dont look at the comments i was being so weird hahaha. SO i think i would be really interested in a sequel that takes us further into the future, where neil's forgiveness is tested in some way. mostly so that i could really double down on "OF COURSE!!! OF COURSE HE WOULD.... HOW COULD HE NOT???" anyway yeah heed tags again lmfao but that was some good shit
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foxymoxynoona · 10 months
Ive decided to skip ahead and read book 3 with no context lol so i may be missing lots of details but i know i wont go through with reading the whole thing if i dont skip. Read chapter 4. The fact Jungkook thinks hes “won” is disgusting to me, its not about winning or loosing. I understand his pov but this is just messed up. I think he should getting therapy too honestly he became a star at such a young age thats got to mess u up a bit. Sasha sounds so defeated in her voice mail, I hope she sticks up for herself more bc this group at the tattoo shop seem like trouble. He wants to “fit in and seem cool” bc he doesnt like his bb image which is ok, but he doesnt want to change artists bc he doesnt want ppl to control his life. Im sorry, i would understand this in any logical situation, but this is just outright stupid. You want sasha to support u getting tattoos well she is now! But everytime she looks at them she’ll be reminded of the time they spent apart and the girl he fucked how she supposed to be supportive of that. Also, whats the point of going to ur friends if u don’t take their advice. Oh right, you don’t want their advice, you just want them to be on ur side bc u want to “win”. And not sticking up for your gf, Stop no excuse. He gave her a sexual disease ofc he did smh 🤦‍♀️ Shes just asking u to change artists why are her feelings not valid and naoks (whatever her name is) is. So you kept a promise to support the girl u fucked, but don’t think abt ur gf’s feelings. He said he was thinking of telling her after if his “plan” had gone right, yet she prolly would’ve been upset then too so why are u surprised she yelled in the car. And naiko or whatevers comments were so fucking out of line she def took a photo and is prolly gonna blackmail jk and then hes gonna realize shes not the “cool girl” he thought she was but by then it’ll be too late. Sasha deserves so much better than this man go find a man who doesnt think of arguments as games. Is it wrong that i want jk to face some karma… I was shaking while reading this chapter bc smth similar like this has happend to me b4 so maybe its my emotions talking. Anyways luv u bye~
NO context!!!! 🤣🤣 I can't imagine what that's like, there's sooo much history in the first two books. This feels like a social experiment now hahaha.
I'm so sorry something similar happened to you though! I think scenes like this get very personal feeling when there's overlap with any real lived experiences.
I see the "I won!" thought Jungkook had coming up a LOT with readers, which is in particular very amusing to me. Yeah, no one should be approaching arguments with a partner as win/lose... but really none of y'all ever had that little thought when your partner finally sees your way or agrees to defer to you and you think "fuck yeah, I won" ??? 😂 You are all better people than me. I wouldn't say it but... 🤣
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leedongwook · 1 year
-> re: reblogging issue convo
Thank you for the kind answer, as always. I hope you get all the reblogs and more people support your work, you really deserve it! 🩷
I'm one of the "old bloggers" too, been around here for 15 years and just turned 30 last month 🥳 and you're right, could be the age why we dont understand the conceptual change 😭😂
I'm also pretty sure we both have the same idea of tumblr and how to use it respectfully and politely, so as to not make this ask even longer, I'll skip it if that's ok?
The thing is, some content creators I follow occasionally post rants and warnings about not wanting any opinions in the hashtags, comments, any text added to their gif sets, positive thoughts included. It's not that I've ever received a msg directly, but I do feel like I'm being yelled at too in those rants because I type things like "this is so gorgeous and I love that character so much" in the tags.
I definitely don't reblog as much as before and tbh don't even want to anymore. That, however, doesn't include your work, which I often reblog without thinking twice. So thank you, for everything you're doing here. Wishing you a nice week 🫶🏻🩷☀️🌺
I am so happy to see you back, I was worried my answers were maybe a bit too direct and harsh. Thank you for your kind words and wishes, I appreciate it 💕 We are the "oldies" on here huh :) yeah I think we both know the true Tumblr etiquette and how to blog the right way (I wish some more people had that common sense again duh!)
Oh, I see what you mean now. I think I've said it in one of my asks, how much we love to read other people's thoughts and opinions (= you screaming about how much you love the character/person or show or scene or whatever in the gifset) on our gifsets/content. So please always reblog stuff and yell about how much you love it, it's the best thing to see :) I know some content creators don't like when people add stuff to their gifset in the comment section and not in the tags. So it changes the layout/style of the original post a bit. I don't mind if people add their thoughts in the comments section and it's defo no reason to send hate to other bloggers.
What I personally dislike tho is, when people reblog my gifset and add negative tags to it (like I fuckn hate this show, or the character sucks). Why reblog something you don't like, that makes no sense to me. That's actually the only reason I don't like people reblogging my gifs. Thankfully most of the reblogs I get are lovely and happy reblogs which makes me happy too :)
Anyway, I think I got what you mean and I think you also understand my points. Thanks for talking about this and clearing things up. I get why it's a bit discouraging for you to reblog stuff, no one wants to get hate and no one should get hate, ever. I do hope your Tumblr experience will get better and you can enjoy reblogging again.
Thank you for supporting my work and for reblogging my stuff, it means a lot to me. All the best to you and have a wonderful week 😘
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I can't believe a couple years ago having two males do the 'look back' in Andi Mack was a massive win, actually getting to say the word gay was a massive win, and two boys holding hands was a massive win
And now with HSMTMTS we have a same sex couple from season 1, and we have Ashlyn have fireworks when hugging Val, after episodes of build up, and her actually being super happy she's discovered this about herself
Andi Mack had Cyrus crying when coming out, had him telling each person being a big thing, and HSMTMTS just got to do it in such a lovely way where it just wasn't a big deal, like it was, but there weren't loads of coming out scenes (I'm assuming there will be one with big red) and she was so excited
And it's just lovely seeing how far Disney has come - lord knows they have a long a** way to go - but it's truly lovely seeing how far they've come now
Like Joshua Rush said, Andi Mack walked so other shows could run
And when I think back to when I was a kid watching Disney there was not one small even rain drop of representation for anyone who wasn't straight - like I stopped watching Disney consistently before good luck Charlie had that war with parents over there being a same sex couple in a scene for like 10 seconds, so you're talking way back in the day
Disney has so far to go but they've come so far and I think celebrating wins is important
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Lmfao dont worry I got that too. If I cant see it, it's not there. 😂
Oh. Great. We love that. So helpful.. It's really frustrating to think how much more support you could have gotten. My mum works in early years SEN; shes a teacher for preschool age and SEN has always been her speciality anyway, so she is the manager of all things to do with that at her work, and it's amazing (in the worst possible way) how many parents just refuse to have their children assessed because they think it's something to be embarrassed about. It's like an actual fight my mum has to have with these parents to just sign the documents or just go to the appointment or whatever, so that the children can get the support they need and parents dont ever want it because autism and adhd isnt something they want to be associated with. They either outright make up excuses (most popular ones being about how the child is fine at home) or they say they'll do whatever it is my mum needs to get their referrals going and then they dont turn up/dont do it.
I think I was about 7 or 8 when it was first pointed out for me. My year 3 teacher told my mum she thought I might be autistic. But nothing ever came of it because my mum didnt have any clue as to any of that at that point. She didnt get into her current field of study until I was about 13. And even the therapist I saw at 12 didnt pick up on anything. So it ended up being the summer after my GCSEs that I finally got diagnosed. So the support in my GCSEs would have been amazing but I just didnt get it.
Yeah I sort of had a familiar expierience. My Year 5/6 teacher had expierience with autistic kids and my mum's boyfriend at the time had an autistic son and they both told her "Hey, that one's probably autistic, get her tested" so I got tested when I was 10, and I don't really remember the test itself, I just remember the woman coming to the house and doing a few things with me and talking with me with my mum in and out of the room, but it ended with her sitting my mum down and basically going "Alright, what support and benefits would you like?" Which is... telling.
My mum told her that if I needed help going into secondary school she'd get me it, but that never happened. I didn't know I could ask for help because I wasn't informed of my autism, and actually I did ask for help about my mental health once to her and she basically told me I was fine and nothing was wrong and I was making it up so I didn't ask for help again. Not long after I found out what autism was (thanks to Markiplier playing To The Moon and I plan to get a tattoo related to this since it played such a big role with who I am today), started doing my own research, and on at two occasions, confronted my mum about my suspicion and the test, and I asked her "What was my diagnosis" and she refused to give me a straight answer, being really wish-washy so I couldn't decipher if I was diagnosed or not. After 11 years of all this, doubting myself despite having autistic friends tell me to my face "Your definitely autistic" and feeling like I didn't fit in no matter what in school which really did a number on my mental health, she finally, in a passing comment, not even to me, acknowledged that I was on the spectrum.
It should never have come to that, or taken that long. I shouldn't have had to go through that. Not getting a child tested despite people who know what they're talking about telling you to, and/or hiding, lying and concealing their diagnosis and denying them help, is shitty parenting, and honestly, I don't think I will ever forgive my mum for putting me through that.
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baronessblixen · 2 years
'He probably gets comments like that all the time "my mom loves you" 😂 Same thing happens with Keanu. Their "franchises" are "older" therefore they tend to attract "more seasoned" women. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug. There's nothing wrong with that at all. We all age but sometimes keep our younger crushes. Especially if they age like fine fine 😂 these guys have a younger fanbase as well but I liked that he gave a cheeky nod to his older fanbase.' saw that on another blog have a good day.
I combined all the recent anons I got about this and they're a lot so if you sent one and want to read, they're all under the read more. I don't want all of these on my dash and I'm sure others feel the same.
So here we go
First anon: Thank you for that other perspective! If that was the intention of that sketch, it fell completely flat for me personally. I did not get the feeling of a nod to an older fanbase at all.
more surprised in the skit/sketch that david mentioned keanu but not surprised he mentioned a toxic mfer like mark harmon ( btw one of his ncis co-stars called him for years of being abuse by Pauley Perrette and she's been open about it too )
Him possibly being a toxic co-star is in no relation to him dating someone age-appropriate.
also i dont see why we, as people would get this talk of dd's sketch/skit on kimmel as a drama ? or start it as a drama really? i mean yes people don't like the skit, i do not like it as well, the keanue and mark harmon ( even though harmon is problematic as fuck ) mention was bizarre as hell. but no matter what DD does even if it was intentional or not he'll still be hated tho just my two cents.
I don't consider this drama. I have an opinion, other people agree or disagree. It may seem like drama to others, I don't know. I wish people would just comment on existing asks instead of sending new ones that basically say the same as the others have before. I didn't like the sketch and thought it was in bad taste. I don't recall saying I hate him. If someone in a comment said it, please talk to them.
my two cents here with the skit of DD is that as the anon said he probably was reading it from the cue cards couldn't do shit about it, yes he could have said no but they were recording the entire thing and how we'd know what went down there truly? we're just audiences to the whole thing. yes the skit/sketch is bizarre and weird bc he never have been close to both actors that he mentioned there. it is the show's skit/idea not his people.
It was scripted. He probably just read out loud what was given to him. I have no idea how much input artists give, but the whole interview was also so scripted - as it always is, with everyone - that there must be some kind of conversation and understanding what can be discussed and what not. Cause otherwise why does no one ever ask him about his love life?
weighing on the DD doing that skit/sketch thing on kimmel, y'all know that he didn't really thought of that sketch right? pretty sure that's all about the show making him do it and the show and sketch is also recorded?? not live?? also my two cents here is that he's not jabbing at keanu or mark dating someone appropriate lol
Pretty much answered this in the ask right above.
doing a skit on Jimmy Kimmel disparaging men who are in relationships with age appropriate women when you're doing the complete opposite of that and trying to hide it is not a good look by any stretch of the imagination. but watch his older female fans trying to defend it, even though they were targeted too
Most of what I saw were either people finding it funny or not liking it at all. There seems to be no middle ground. Then again I haven't seen that much. I was surprised how few people were actually talking about it. Not just the sketch, the fact that DD was on Kimmel at all. Maybe it's because of who I follow.
I have to disagree with you when you say we all do weird things. David isn’t just doing weird things he is pry of a societal problem that makes it okay to objectify young female bodies. And many give him and others a pass because they are charming Or because of prior things they did. Not holding men responsible for their toxic behavior is the problem and even worse is that women are among those apologists. And I like your blog and I know that you don’t like to be controversial but at one point someone has to have a clear standpoint without giving passes to the patriarchy system that only see value in a woman’s appearance and youth instead of her education and achievements 
I meant that more in general terms. I think I've been pretty clear and outspoken that I don't care about his relationship with MP - or any large age-gap relationship in general. I am constantly begging for stories about middle-aged people.
I just got around to watching that interview because of the Drama on your blog and WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!! who ever thought that was a good idea?? he just made fun of really talented people and he embarrassed not only his fanbase but also himself. I wonder how he looks his daughter in the eyes after a shitshow like this (pardon the language but im really disappointed) :((
Cursing is allowed on my blog, anon :) I really wonder who wrote the sketch and why they thought it was a good idea. For DD or anyone. Humor is a touchy subject and there's no agreed-upon definition on what is and isn't funny. I'd think West doesn't care much about it. She knows her dad better than any of us here.
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itsmentalillness · 4 years
Thank you so much for the cuddling hcs!! I loved them and Maul’s sass! 😂 could I ask how he would react to his s/o being nervous about coming out to him as trans because they’re afraid he won’t like them as much as a new gender, if that’s okay to ask? Thank you so much for your time and putting up with my asks and ideas. I hope you get lots more requests and that you have a lovely day/night! -🤡
That’s totally okay, I’m nonbinary and pan so I’ve done my fare share of coming out lol 
Tumblr media
You had spent the day on the couch, not feeling your best. You were not quite sure what was wrong, but you had a hunch. This feeling had lasted for a while now, and heightened at certain times. All you wanted right now was for Maul to come home and talk somethings out. 
Shortly into the next film, the doors slid open. 
“(y/n)? Where are you?” You jumped from you place in the living room, running down the hallway to meet Maul at the door. Jumping onto his waist and kissing his face.
“I think my little girl’s excited to see me?” He poked, and there it was, that drop in your stomach, the odd feeling of not liking it. You quickly snuggles your face into his shoulder to hide your discomfort. Maul was not one to miss something, he set you down in front of him, resting his hands on your shoulders. 
“What’s all that about?” You just shrugged of the question, trying to step away from his grip, his hands only gripped your shoulders to keep you in place. “I don’t  like to be ignored, talk now or later?” He asked, he wasn’t one to wait for answers, though he could tell something was wrong and he might have to be patient. 
“Later please. Can we watch cartoons now? I’m a little tired.” You asked and he complied. Taking your hand and leading you to the couch where you had previously spent your day. He paid no mind to the wrappers and litter sprawled out on the coffee table.
Putting a pillow on his lap to lay your head, an tense feeling filled you. You had no clue how everything would go. You could practice time and time again, but it would never go the way you planned.
Maul’s toying with you hair did not help your already sleepy state. You felt your eyes drift away from the screen, and your vision turned black. 
“That’s right princess, rest” and with that comment from the voice above you, your eyes snapped open before releasing ages of held back tears. 
Tears wracking over your body, as Maul just slowly rubbed circles into your back, not wanting to upset you any more. 
Once you calmed down from your intense outburst, Maul slowly picked up your limp body to carry you to the kitchen. He sat you down on the counter and gave you some water, closely watching your movements to see if there would be another surge of tears. 
Immediately upon seeing you as calm as you could get, he started asking questions. “What was all this about? I need to know. Okay?” You could tell how concerned he was, he had a right to know, and you weren’t sure how much longer you could keep it to yourself. 
“I dont know. I just don't think I’m a girl. Well physically, I have the anatomy of a woman but on the inside... I don’t know. It just doesn’t feel right.”  Your breath hitched, and words started flowing more quickly to get this over with. “I’m trans! I’ve known for a while, but I didn’t know how to tell you, because I never really told anyone. I feel really bad about my body all the time, but I don't think I’m a guy and its too hard.” And with that you folded, hiding your face into your hands. No tears this time, just an empty pain of confusion. A string of “im sorry’s” being mumbled into your hands. 
“There’s no reason to apologize. I’ll help in whatever way I can.” He reassured.
“You-you still love me right?” You asked, his heart broke at the sound of the question. The fact that you actually thought that was terrible. 
“Of course I do. Nothing about you could change that. Unless you became a Jedi, then I would have to kill you, but I don’t think that’ll be happening any time soon.” 
You pulled him closer to you, feeling safe in his embrace. “We make an odd couple dont we?”
“Indeed we do little one, indeed we do.”
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