#i dont. remember writing a number of them aha....
chumpovodir · 1 year
oouugghh. just popping to say im not dead and things are fine, considering how uh. cryptic. that last post was. and how long its been
in fact, things are better now because i finally got psychiatric help by way of meds, so the urge to scroll and reblog impulsively was basically instakilled lmao
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lixern · 11 months
; xx. wriothesley x gn!reader , modern au
imagine being in a mall youve never gone to before with your friends, so they know the place and you dont. they give you locations but you just cant memorize them all! you tell your friends youre going to the restroom, and they tell you directions to the restaurant theyre going to so you agree to meet up with them there. well.. when you step out- wait, what was the restaurant's name again?
you ponder for awhile, what is it? but then suddenly forget the directions they gave you. god, you just have to wing it.
well, wing it you didnt! you got lost, and didnt see any of your friends in the restaurants you walked pass. you look around for reliable looking people to ask, and there you see a man with black hair with a few gray streaks, with supeeeeerrrr light blue cute eyes! a few piercings and a wolfish appearance to him. you walk up to him and..
tap tap "hey.. uhm- do you know how to get to.." you say, embarassed. you literally just forgot the name!
aha! nevermind that, you just remembered!
"*******. ya, the restaurant? thats the one i think!"
you look like a lost dog!! infront of the most sculpted man youve ever seen aswell... hes so cute, you shouldve asked someone else for directions or your nose probably wouldve bled infront of him if you didnt keep your composture. especially infront of his friends! they looked so attractive too. long, white hair with blue streaks and a dark purplish blue type of hair color? god, youre surprised how such good looking people exist.
he turns to look at you the second you tap him, and now you realize just how tall he is the way he stares down at you!
"Well sure, but the buildings preeeettty big so you want me to escort you?"
wow.. his voice was super hot too. well- wait! nows not the time to dream!!!
you look at him and nod, too stunned at his appearance to speak. you watch him talk to his friends, hearing them but not listening. he then pats your shoulder, signalling your leave. huh.. maybe youll ask his number later.
you walk with him, a bit flustered at how tall he towers over you. should you engage in conversation, should you stay quiet? how do you avoid embarassing yourself infront of a gods creation?!?!
"so, whats your name?"
the man asks in the middle of your pondering, well atleast you dont have to think about that anymore. so.. you give him your name and ask his!
"well, it's [name]. how bout you?"
you sound pretty cool, but inside you arent!! he sounds so pretty, hes indeed a pretty boy..
"wriothesley." he says with a gentle smile, looking down at you with bright eyes. he seems fond of you, but you dont know that!
"rio- rizzley? wosley??" you try to pronounce the name, failing ultimately.
"wrio, for short." he chuckles, patting you on the back. whats up with all the physical affection its driving you mad!!!!!
you laugh slightly, smiling a bit too sweetly for your first interaction and, he notices. but he doesnt wanna scare you away.. youre just so cute!
you talk and talk with him, and hes the same level of talkative as you are! finally, someone who actually responds to your yapping! you just wish he could be your boyfriend right now.. waitwait. you guys just met no way!
its been about 5 or more minutes you guess, then you see him pull out a white card on his bag and write something on it with a pen. he puts the pen back and shoves the card into his pocket. you then speak up, pointing at a restaurant and asking him if its that one. he says yes, nodding as he does so.
"i can go there by myself now, thanks for the help wrio!"
but no, he disagrees.
"nah, i think ill just bring you there. you might get lost even if its just right there."
he smirks, mischievously at that. but.. its kinda cute not gonna lie. so you just nod and walk with him. his hand slides across your side, your hand then the bag you carry, it drives you insane how close you are!
you finally get there, smiling up at him. admiring his pretty face one more time before having to let the sight go.
"thank you really, for the help- I hope it wasnt a distraction to you and your friends hangout or something..."
a light red tint dusts over his cheeks, as he says a polite "your welcome" before walking away. you first fix your composture before entering, but then suddenly.. wait! you forgot to grab his number!!!
"wrio!" you scream, but hes too far to hear you so you just weep internally in vain, before entering the restaurant.
your friends scold you, its been like 20 minutes since they were there! little do they know you got a bit lost.. you sit down beside them, before noticing the pocket in the bag you carried had a little white card peeking out of it...
on the back of the card in the clearest space there is, you read..
i know its just a business card im sorry aha, pretty shit way to tell you my number yeah? but its all i have right now.
maybe you dont have to say goodbye to his pretty face after all.
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luxwing · 6 years
Hey lux. Do you have any tips for getting an entry level job? I'm 20 and I've never had a traditional job before and idk but it's so nerve wracking for me. A grocery store that I love is having a job fair in a few days and I'm going to try to go but I dont have a resume and I'm really anxious about it. Like how should I write a resume when I've never worked anywhere? I apply places all the time and they never even send me a rejection idk I'm just nervous
The first job is always the scariest but the good news is that you only ever have one first job, right? I'll be honest with you, I've never written a resume outside of high school. Most places nowadays just have you fill out applications online with all the required info, which thank God for that because I always forget what I should list anyway aha.
But if a place is having a job fair or like a hiring day, stop by! Some things to remember to have on hand:
References: names and phone numbers of people who can act as character references and aren't directly related to you (use friends who like you a lot and ask if you can have them as a reference). Most places ask for two but have four or five on hand just in case.
Two forms of ID: if you aren't in USA idk if this is req. But here you need at least two government issued forms of ID (state ID, drivers license, social security card, military ID, ect)
And remember, everyone who's working there had to do the same thing you did so don't feel bad if you are nervous during an interview. If they have you fill out a questionnaire, you fuckin answer those questions the way you know the company would want you to. (That means you lie like a dang rug)
If there are places nearby that you are interested in working at, check their websites to see if they allow you to file online applications. If they don't, just walk in and ask if they have an application you can fill out. And if you can work all positions, put in for all of them. You can move around in the company after you get hired 99% of the time so just focus on gettin in there.
And like don't feel bad if the first job you get is in fast food or something like that. I worked at McDonald's for seven years man after that Walmart is like heaven but it was a good place to start. It's just a job, you know?
Don't sweat it if they don't call back and don't get discouraged. I believe in you and wish you the best of luck! You're gonna land you a good job, I can feel it in me bones. Lemme know how it goes!
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4lexturn3rs · 3 years
(I really don't want to have to write in the whole Andy and Nick thing so we're going to act like it was Nick all along, ok? Cool.)
I pulled around to the front and watched him carefully examine the different bins, careful as to which one to put the plastic cup into. He tossed it into the plastics bin and scanned the car park for my car.
I wasn't sure if he remembered what my car looked like, so I honked my horn. His head perked up, and he walked over to my car, running his fingertips along the boot and down the side of the car, pulling the door open and shutting it careful as to not the door slam.
"My mum hates slamming doors," he started off the conversation. As do I. "So, what are we wanting to do here, Al" I returned his gaze. "...no ones ever called me Al. I like it; " he stated in an even more chipper mood than before. "Wanna just...drive?" He shrugged, looking out the windshield at the swaying tree-lined street. "Always," I said, reaching across him into the glove box to pull out my sticker plastered CD case. "Aha, what does she listen to then?" He leaned over my shoulder to examine my collection, something I was rather proud of.
Some of the CDs including: The Strokes, Nancy Sinatra, Dr Dre, and David Bowie. I took a lot of pride in not having a particular taste and being open to new music. "I love Dr. Dre; " he exclaimed. "Whats... this...?" he pulled 'Is This It' by the strokes from the case and opened it, sliding it into the stereo, then skipping to 8 songs in. Combating his action with a simple favourite number. Hard to explain began to play through the speakers of the car. Oh, right, this CD skips the beg-
Raised in Carolina
I'm not like that
Trying to remind her
When we go back,
As the song went on, Alex started to pick up the melody of the song and began to hum along. The song finished as I pulled out of the car park. I stopped the CD and handed Alex the Dr. Dre 2001 CD, "Xxplosive;" I stated as he clicked the CD out of its case. "Sure you don't want 'Pause 4 Porno'?" He elbowed me, giggling like a schoolboy.
"Absolutely positive sir, need me to stop anywhere, maybe somewhere for you to change, maybe take a quick shower since you just worked...inside a McDonalds?" I gave him a sort of side-eye, though joking, he smelled like fast food. "You sure? I live all the way in High Green..." he questioned. "Yeah, it's not a problem." I shrugged, leaving the city. "My flatmates might be home. They're kind of obnoxious, but they're my best mates." He moved his eyes to his lap, nodding his head to the beat of the song.
We pulled onto the main road as Alex guided me to 68 Sundew Gardens. A boy with big curly hair and tracky bottoms sat on a white chair in the driveway nursing a beer. "Matthew! This is y/n, don't make her uncomfortable or she'll take your place on my friends tier list" Matt raised his head from examining a video camera, presumably trying to figure it out.
"Hey, nice name." His head dropped back down as he walked into the house, mumbling under his breath. "Damn thing, fucking mystery." Alex opened the door to the house, allowing me into the air conditioning and introducing me to the rest of the boys. "Thats the sitting room, that's Jamie, and that's Nick." Alex introduced them as if they were just part of the house. They waved at me, not looking away from the telly.
"Umm, you could wait in my room while I shower?" He turned back to me from the steps. I nodded and followed him up the steps. I looked around at the state of his room as he rummaged through his drawers. My mum always told me you could tell a lot about a person by how they lived. His bed was made but not neatly, almost as if he did it because someone told him to or it was a habit, definitely not something he wanted to do.
A white fender guitar in the room's corner caught my eye. "You play guitar?" I questioned, causing his attention to be turned back to me. "Yes, well, no, sort of. I got it for Christmas just a few months ago before I moved out of my parents' house. I know a few chords, but I can't seem to figure it out."
He looked back at his drawer towards the end of the sentence. I could sense his embarrassment. "Do you play?" He asked back, being polite. "Yeah, I grew up with music being the centre of my life, so I learned when I was about 13, I can teach you?" He smiled at me, seeming open to the idea "... only if you want to, though" I added onto the end, making it easier for him to say something back. "Yeah, anything to spend more time with you" and with that, he was out the door into the bathroom.
I sat there in his room looking at his posters and noting things like the cigarettes on his dresser and the glass soda bottle collection on his shelf. "Whatcha doin?" He came into the room with a towel barely hanging off his waist. "Just getting to know you. What happened to your clothes?" I raised an eyebrow at him teasingly, knowing he had taken clothes with him.
"Didn't like the outfit... also, I'm an attention whore." He giggled, looking back through his drawers. "I can tell, but that's okay, so am I." I laughed back. "Just didn't think my outfit was on par with yours." He nodded to my denim cut-offs, lavender flower embroidered tank top, and knee socks. "Here, you pick out my outfit" he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dresser, making me remember he was only in a towel.
I looked through his clothes and noticed he only had jeans. "It's summer, you only have jeans, I have nothing to work with here" I turned to him accidentally looking at his chest for a little too long. "I see the attention stunt is working;" he smirked at me, squinting his eyes. I cleared my throat and just looked back to his clothes, finding a single pair of black 5-inch inseam shorts and a Led Zeppelin t-shirt.
"Ah-ha, why this is perfect, you'll look darling" I exaggerated my accent, shoving the clothes into his chest. "Y/n love, I don't have the legs for shorts;" he said, tilting his head down at me. "Embrace it, Al, you'll be dandy," I said, pushing him out the door into the bathroom to get changed. He came back into the room, his hair beginning to fluff up again. He was exaggerating by miles. His legs looked fine. "Alexander, you look perfect" he gave me a disgusted look and looked down at his legs. "I'm scrawny y/n/n," he breathed out. "You're not, you're cute." I smiled, causing him to blush, something I brushed off, not wanting to further his embarrassment.
"Whatever, I'm ready to leave when you are," I mused, "so ...now then." He said, pivoting on his heel and walking out of the room, me following.
"Heading out now, boys, dont know what time I'll be back. No parties, no impromptu stair sledding, and absolutely no roof drinking." He gave the boys in the living room a stern look. "Okay, mum." Matt jested. "yeah, alright," he mumbled, walking out the door.
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yellow and/or green ! o/~
thank you!! this, as usual, got kind of long~~ 
if you could have any view from your bedroom window what would you choose?
ohhhhh this is hard!!! because on one hand, usually when i picture like, a “dream living space,” it’s an apartment overlooking a city! but i also would love to see mountains and forest and fields and… ooh the ocean or some other large body of water. basically i have no idea xD
what’s your favorite thing to do on a sunny day?
it depends on the temperature!! like today it’s kind of cool out but the sun is gorgeous so i might go for a walk. but if it’s too hot, i tend to stay inside and just keep the windows/blinds open because i love the sunlight, just not the heat. but in general, going to parks, especially ones with wooded areas, when it’s sunny is really relaxing!
what do you consider lucky?
finding feathers in my path, numbers 3 & 7 & 13… also i’ve just *generally* had a pretty lucky life in that there have been many times i’ve managed to avoid scenarios/outcomes (without directly trying to) that would have been very very bad. Up to this point in life I consider that I’ve been pretty “lucky,” though I hesitate to attribute it to “luck” itself. that’s vague but i’m not certain xD
what made you smile today?
it’s a very little, common thing but i went to lunch with my friend and her fiance and they’re both very good friends of mine and we’re all comfortable with silences in conversation (well, her fiance tends to break silence most often, but still) so it was just a nice time
what makes you happy?
ooooh let’s see… acknowledgement, validation, affection, “this made me think of you,” deserved praise, flowers blooming (right now, the cherry blossom trees on my campus are bright and full and it’s so charming), good music, writing (when it doesn’t feel like a chore), fresh air, animals, the night sky, space in general, good literature, haunted houses, laughter, listening to people talk about things that really interest them, sharing interests, BIRDS (sorry i just saw some fly by my window xD), and quiet. that’s some things!
what’s your favorite thing to do outside?
a lil basic but frankly existing outside is nice?? walking, too, when it’s nice out, and also just sitting and talking. seeing flowers and butterflies and all that.
do you like camping?
i actually really do!! unfortunately i am not very good with bugs BUT i used to go camping all the time when i was younger with my Pap (step-grandfather) and my cousin. ah i just made myself a lil sad with memories but anyway. i like camping, and we used to stay by this lake an hour or so away from home, and we would go fishing (i caught several fish but also my cousin once YIKES) and have a campfire, and even tho my older cousin used to pick on me, we had some really… really good times there, and it was a nice little break from home! i am filled with nostalgia and i want to go camping now xD
what would you spent $1000 on?
hfhashdsahd oh my gosh i don’t even know. if i didn’t have student loans, okay, i’d probably buy gifts for people because i dont even remember the last time i was able to do that! like technically i have some money, but there’s a certain ingrained guilt that prevents me from spending things. so anyway, getting nice things for people, ooh and if i have enough, i’d like to go on a trip! i want to travel so badly
what’s your job OR what do you want to do as your job?
currently! nothing! aha! i guess i still have my part-time job back home but if i have to go back to it, kafadkj no. no thank you. i will take anything but that. but ahhh one of my potential End Goals is a college professor? I’d like to teach literature/creative writing/theatre/film (any combination aaaaa) and I think I’d be good at it but grad school costs $$$. Also, i really want to write and be published and stuff. that’s been a dream for as long as i have been writing!
what’s your favorite article of clothing?
it’s getting kind of ratty since i’ve had it for like three and a half years and have worn it probably at least every other week, but i have this jellyfish shirt!!! it’s blue and super cool. i would like to replace it but *shrugs* the internet fails me xD
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cheesyramynry · 7 years
taggy tag
the Living Sweetheart @starlightjeongin tagged me in this thank you so much melly :D
I tag: @ohkaypopthis !!! 
1. nickname: krys!!!!
2. gender: hahahahahahahahhahahahha uhhhh genderfluid 
3. star sign: virgo
4. height: 160 cm, or 5′3 but I have not measured myself in a while!! (im problably this tall and this tall only tho but i can dream!!!) 
5. time: 8:44 pm
6. birthday: september 9. (mel out here sharing a birthday with my love bang chan must be nice)
7. favourite band(s): kpop-wise, i would say i full on ult ult ult stan astro, got7, elris, mamamoo, day6, and stray kids, but there are like other groups with really good music like april, block b, bts, exo, myteen, pentagon, seventeen, vixx, vromance, winner and wonder girls (whaat i went alphabetical order?? shh). not k-pop, i really like hippo campus and yall should check them out they are, and the lumineers have a solid place in my heart <3 (also they arent bands bc they are duos but akmu and bolbbalgan4?? amazing)
8. favourite solo artist: oh dear lord i love so many AHA SO LIKE GUSTAV HOLST N CLAUDE DEBUSSY N MAURICE RAVEL N ARTURO MARQUEZ WOW GREAT ARTISTS GREAT ARTISTS lmao I really like dpr live, baek ah yeon, ailee, suzy, and zico in the solo kpop artist realm and in the non-kpop world i am a hecca big fan of beyonce, shakira, dodie, nicki minaj, cardi b, and leslie odom jr. like they are great and my music taste is crazy oml
9. song stuck in my head: for some DANG REASON its Oh Cecilia by the Vamps but its only the first three seconds where they say the title of the song and thats it its just the vocals and the harmony and the box they are hitting and the shaker idk but that has been in my head constantly thanks mel
10. last movie watched: lmao i watched the second half of Captain Underpants with my sister rn bc she’s watching netflix. real great movie for the animation style i love it
11. last show watched: do stray kids vlives count??? because i was watching their series on there idk
12. when did i create my blog: 2015 i think because i remember getting a notification saying my blog is three years old so i think like august 2014 or somth
13. what do i post: my original posts on this blog is usually tags and random things i think of but on my other blogs it’s writing. I tend to reblog a lot of kpop and memes and cool stuff on my other blogs tho :D
14. last thing i googled: “interpersonal communication definition” because communications class yay
15. do you have other blogs: @starry-kfics is the blog i share with homegirl mel and we write kpop fanfiction and make other cool things!!! @kpopdrabblecanons-lmao is my lowkey drabbles blog that i made over the summer bc i wanted a break from wattpad but now its just a queue of dogs, ice cream, and green/pink kpop stuff, and @persymmonry is my lil side blog where i reblog things i need to remember and more mj :D
16. do you get asks: not on this blog lmao but i usually get the tag things :D
17. why did you choose your url: i changed mine bc the muffintop832 era is coming to an end. rip 2011 deviantart. i chose cheesyramynry bc cheesy ramen is a magical thing to think of (i just had some lmao) and i changed the e to a y bc vowel changes are cool
18. following: 1783 blogs whOOPS
19. followers: 370 whats good my 300 pornbots
20. favourite colour(s): green and purple!!!!1!1!!!
21. average hours of sleep: around 5-7 weekdays (i either sleep at 11 or 1 lmao), and on weekends, it could be like 8+ bc i tend to stay up and sleep in lmao
22. lucky number: i guess 20 or 3
23. instruments: i started playing piano when i started elementary, and about late into the 3rd year of elementary school i quit taking lessons but i can still play some piano. in november 2010 i started playing the flute, and in november 2015 i started playing bassoon. around 2014/2015 i picked up the ukulele!!
24. what am i wearing: jeans, my tlt shirt for pathfinders bc i tHOUGHT I WAS GOING TO PATHFINDERS BUT LIKE I HAD NO RIDE SO SORRY TO DISAPPOINT LMAO IMA BAD TLT
25. how many blankets i sleep with: one. i am a sweaty child. used to be two but i would sleep on top of the comforter with a smaller blanket??
26. dream job: something that i absolutely love 100%. i used to say teaching but now i doubt my teaching skills so i dont know anymore :(
27. dream trip: i wanna like drive out in the netherlands where its just green field or some european country like that and know what a flat green field and clouds and wind and emptiness looks like
28. favourite food: spicy ramen is rad, rice crackers, fried anchovies with rice, thai food, mexican food, and american food
29. nationality: filipino/dominican republican 
30. favourite song now: UUUUHHHHH i have been listening to danzon by arturo marquez on repeat recently so i guess that??
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Answer 30 Questions, Tag 20 People
tagged by @kalashnikovs thank you! sort of ;) he knows whats up
Nicknames: Em, Parker (only certain ppl can call me that:) liek u guys ;0 ), Emi, Stupid, Emilka, Emilushka, 
Gender: female
Sign: You could say I’m a Gem ;)
Height: Really short. Like 5 ft ish.
Time: 4:45 pm ish im editing this now and its like 5:15 so this took me half an hour :)?)))))
Birthday: Joineee
Fav bands: hmmm I generally just like songs here and there, not really following any bands atm. Calpurnia, Clash, Toto??? Uhhhh Foster the People.... Gym Class heroes...,...adklsjgwaa Spendtime Palace, the Police, Electric Light Orchestra. HMMMMMM half of these are probably just artistsss buut
Fav solo artists: Again same thing buut Avicii, ummm?? Weezer,  ahhhhh idkkkkk i just like music but i dont know any artists aha
Song stuck in my head: for a better day by avicii wihich i just listened to, also Buddy Holly by Weezer is always in my head, as well as the occasional Africa by Toto 
Last movie I saw: hold on lemme pull up netflix real quick... i dont really remember butt ohh yeahhh wait ok (sorry im being so annoying im just typing out me thots) It waaas Star Wars: the last jedi. yes :) wait no it was Star Wars: Attack of the Clones :)
Last show I watched: I watched kids baking championship yesterday :))) very intense content nooo joke. like this kid helped another one whip her cream because she forgot to and she was crying, so she got it done in time and it was so close to the finale and he didnt have to help her but he did??? like save this boy soft boy
When did I create my blog: like 2 months ago, but i didnt start really using till like 3 weeks ago??
What do I post: currently? Mostly Losers Club stuff, also Marvel, Star Wars, Stranger Things. I have a bunch of moodboards saved that im too chicken to post and I wanna start writing :))) the occasional social justice and aesthetic post
Last thing I Googled: play pumped up kicks by foster the people :) i was trying to make laundry more intresting
Do I have any other blogs: nah I just cram everything in here like a lil douche
Do I get asks: like one from my sibling which they did anonymously... 
Why did I choose my URL: i deeeply relate to peter parker (with a cause ooops, you could say im a rebel.... without a cause omh im so funnnnnyyy)
Following: 153 :/
Followed by: 9 woooooo! rlly good for my ego, literally no one is going to see this post sooo
Average hours of Sleep: ummmmmmmm 7-8 ishhh 
Lucky number: 2, 3, 23, never 32 though ew, and 6
Instruments: technically I can play the viola. and i took piano lessons but i quit like a lil dweeb
What I am wearing: red fuzzy holiday pj pants with polar bears and theyre too short so theyre like capris and im cold.Burgundy socks, black hoodie, school uniform top.
Dream job: film producer or something in film or something like that <3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or if all else fails a dog walker who runs and bakes BUT I REALLY WANT TO GO INTO FILMMM
Dream trip: a long trip with my pals in Iceland, or Japan or Rio or Italy or somewhere in Europe, or Australia, or all of them at once ;)
Fav food: mac and cheese, fries, pasta, chocolate, pizza is preety good, polish donuts :) v healthy boys
Nationality: significantly polish, insignificantly Assorted European
Fav song: wowweeeee ok so, Buddy Holly by Weezer, There she goes by the La’s, Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper(such a bev song :)), Electric Love by BORN, Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People, Abracadabra by Steve Miller Band
Last book I read: I sadly havent been reading a lot, but i reread Lucky Few by K.E Ormsbee for like the 15th time, very good book :)
Top 3 fictional universes I wanna join: Harry Potter would be prreety lit, Marvel :), Losers Gang seems so fuun but It and also all those annoying people in there so no, and Star Wars!
i dont even have 20 friends anywhere soo (sorry if you already were tagged in this) but um @gayzier @dedeimagines @80sboyss @themobileappsucks
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itsbetterthananal · 7 years
a bunch of you said you would be interested in hearing about some of the things i do to take notes and study in college so i thought i’d put together a little something. i cant emphasize enough how these are just things that work for me and aren’t guaranteed to help you and im not saying these are necessarily better ways to study because i know some of you wont find these helpful to your situation but this is just my way
1. Buy a 5 subject notebook. 3 subject and single subject also work but I prefer a 5 subject because then I can just have one (or 2) notebooks that I throw in my backpack every day. That way, im much less likely to forget my notebook like I would if im having to switch out notebooks every day, and I wont have disjointed notes
2. Have proper supplies for taking notes. For me, these means a pencil, a notebook, and an array of different colored highlighters. For others, pens or other utensils may help, but I find them extra. For each class i only bring a single pencil and a single highlighter (different color for each class)
3. Determine if your professor is a powerpoint kinda person (those who put most of the information in words on the slides) or a lecture kinda person (those who put few words on a slide or have no powerpoint at all). In my experience most professors will put a lot of information on the slides, but some dont. 
if they do put most words on a slide, write it down in full if you can. I know they say you shouldnt write everything on a slide but if its new information it will make more sense to you written in a full sentence when you read it back while studying.  If you arent given enough time to write it all down, skim for bullet points, or if you have the opportunity to go back on the slides later, make a note to come back to that section and copy it down. If you’re in a slump that day in class and have access to the powerpoint at home, listen and go back later to copy down the information you missed.
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(example of writing things down in full or nearly full sentences, usually verbatim from slide)
If they dont put words on a slide, you have to do a bit more work. If the professor just puts up the headers of what theyre gonna talk about, just write down the first one before continuing. that way, you have room to put down the information under the first header. To understand when the professor is moving on to a new subject, listen out for indicating words, such as next, however, etc. start a new header. Leave an extra line or two around this section of information, as professors without information written out will often forget certain points and come back to it when they remember. If you miss any information, simply move on. Dont miss information because you’re trying to copy someone elses notes immediately.
4. Spaces and indents. Im pretty inconsistent with my spacing and indentation within my notes, but there are some rules that i follow to keep organization. When a subject changes, or I think a subject is changing as the professor goes along, skip a line and start a new section. This is usually indicated easily on a slide, but if listening listen for a new definition having nothing to do with the past information. Having chunks within the notes allows your brain to separate the information and begin chunking it, which means you will start to associate the information to do with that one subject. If you accidentally create a new chunk when the subject is the same, just indicate in the margin that it is a continuation of the subject, or a subsection. That way when you come back to it you can go aha, yes, this is actually all just one big thing of information.
Indentation is another thing im inconsistent with stylistically, but important. Always always always indent if the information is a subsection of what you are talking about, or describing the thing above it. Even if you have to indent 4 times within one chunk. this indicates to your eyes that there is information within the subject that needs to be remembered, and again your brain can begin chunking it. theres no specific type of mark i make for indentation, i consistently switch between dashes and bullet points, making sure not to use one under the other to confuse myself.
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(ex. of indentation and chunking. i switch between dashes and bullet points to indicate information within information)
5. Highlighting. important to understand how, when, and where. Highlighters are my biggest helpful tool when it comes to studying. Firstly, i get a different colored highlighter for each subject, so that I dont have to get confused when going back to study on where i need to go. Then, as the lecture goes on, I highlight all the opening headers or information that I think will be of importance/what most of the examples are about. This is easy when professors have words bolded in their powerpoints, but sometimes you have to be more active in listening if the professor doesnt use a powerpoint. you can always go back to highlight stuff, so dont go overboard. If you are unsure on whether something or not should be highlighted, wait and highlight whats important later once the professor has gone over the information. The reason i do this is so when im going back to study, my eye will immediately be drawn to information that I need to know and understand, rather than being overwhelmed by a whole page of text or cluttered examples with no indicators. Dont worry too much about going overboard with the highlighter at this point, sometimes you feel like long sentences are meant to be important and can highlight the whole thing. This will be fixed when you come back around to study. Please note that other tools such as colored pens or underlining can be used for this but highlighters work better for me, underlining makes more clutter.
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(ex. of using highlighter to draw the eye to things of importance. This was important in my statistics class because theres a lot of cluttered numbers and examples in my statistics notes that ended up not being important but just classwork)
6. You gotta pay attention. even if that means you gotta take breaks. sometimes in class you’re burnt out and cant fathom even writing stuff down. just listening will never do you any harm. sometimes I have to check social media for a few minutes before tuning back into the lecture just to give my brain a second to breathe. videos are a good time to do this. try your best to find a way to concentrate for the most amount of time. that doesnt mean you have to concentrate the entire time. many times in class i have stopped taking notes and just listened while playing games on my phone, because sometimes thats what you need. but try your best not to unfocus from whats being talked about. Better to have 80% of the information received by your brain and let 20% not make its way through than to half ass it and only have some of the information stored. 
1. Find your prime studying environment. This could be in silence (the library), with some background noise, with tons of noise, with music, outside, or any other kind of environment. Where you study and under what conditions make a difference in how well you proceed. For me, my prime study environment is either in silence or with some background noise, but i absolutely cannot focus if people are extremely loud or there is music playing. I often will sit at the desk in my room with an old lets play playing in the background, similar to leaving the tv on something you dont really care for. This keeps my brain from getting completely bored and burnt out, which can happen when im studying in silence. Pick a place where you know someone wont come up to distract you. we all know our brains will do anything to get out of studying
2. Have another smaller notebook/section dedicated to studying. A lot of my studying involves rewriting information. you will need some sheets of paper, and having a notebook or a section of a notebook will help you not forget your stuff when you go out to study. I usually will just use a single notebook or a section of a notebook that was not filled up from the previous semester.
3. Condensing. a.k.a the actual studying part. Condensing involves taking the information you wrote down in your notes and condensing it down into much smaller chunks. By doing this, you are forcing your brain to a) reread over the information, b) determine what from that information is important and connected to your chunk, and c) rewrite the information in a way that is better understood by you. This starts by rereading the first chunk of information and writing down the subject and key words/phrases from the sentences you wrote. Basically instead of writing “when first observing a crime scene, the first responder must be attentive to all details of the home inside and out. they must also be careful to not to contaminate any possible evidence that may be there” you write “observe scene - attentive, dont contam”. Its the same information, just condensed, and since you already read the full sentence to get the words, the condensed bullet point makes sense to you. This is where you take those highlighted parts of your notes and break them down to their basic information. Also, if an area of text isnt highlighted, more than likely the information in there is extra and wont necessarily be in the test. Better to concentrate on what you /know/ will be important because the professor bolded it on the presentation, and leave those areas unless you know you are certain you know the skeleton of the subject. 
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(an ex. of condensing information. this put about 5 pages of notes into one page. highlighter while studying is optional because it can get messy and cluttered, but i continue to highlight each term/section i need to know just to reemphasize it in my brain)
this can get messy if you’re not careful. Keep the indentation from your original notes. arrows are a great way to show a progression of steps or information in a short manner. If you dont understand something or are missing a bit of information, put a question mark next to it in your study guide to indicate you either need to go back to your notes or ask a professor/google what tf is going on there.
This is a lot of work. it is time consuming. you have to rewrite a lot of stuff. sometimes you may not be able to condense all your notes before an exam. Sometimes you may only get through a few pages before quitting. thats okay. even doing this for some of the info you learned can help you learn it a little better. when rereading the information it can go in one ear and out the other but rewriting the information forces you to focus on it. 
4. Diagrams. usually best in science related classes for me, and often provided in a powerpoint slide. I use diagrams and drawings frequently in my biology notes to make sense of something. For instance, when I was in my cell biology class, I drew out the processes of the citric acid cycle rather than just writing the progression in bullet points, because it helped me understand what was going on with all the chemicals and such. Drawings of processes can help you envision the process which can help recall when it comes to tests
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(ex. of a diagram that was provided in my human factors psychology class. placing information like this can help those who are picture oriented when it comes to learning)
5. Allow yourself breaks. after youve been going for a while your brain can whine and go no more!!! so go get some food. or take a shower. or watch a yt video. or check your social media. your mental health should not be ignored. plan certain times to study in the future and stick with them. after 15 minutes come back and see if you can still focus. sometimes a quick break is all you need. offer yourself an award if you get through a certain amount. after finishing studying for my midterms i would always go and buy myself a starbucks frappucino. 
thats about it really. I hope some of these tips can help some people. for me condensing and rewriting has gotten me all A’s for the past 3 semesters. your brain loves some solid chunks of information. feel free to reblog for reference if youd like! and let me know if you want me to make more education related posts
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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40. ;))))) bro for the musical ask meme
favourite musical overall
its hard to decide but… right now id have to say amelie, aha!
list your top 10 favourite musicals
in no particular order, dear evan hansen the addams family musicalbe more chillsweeney todd: demon barber of fleet streethamilton: an american musicalnatasha pierre and the great comet of 1812spring awakeningwaitressmatilda the musicalheathers: the musical
favourite musical to listen to
be more chillllllllllll!! probablyfavourite musical to watch
matilda. idk i just love it
favourite musical you want to see livehamilton dude. or the great comnet i wannan see that SO MBAD but i NEVER WILL AND ITS DEPRESSING!!! #thegreatcometdoesntdeservethis. also i wanna see dear evan ahnsen so i can dehydrate my corneasfavourite musical you’ve seen livei’ve only seen three shows live before (but soon it’ll be 5 cause im seeing west end shows in a couple weeks!!! eeek im EXCITED!!!) but right now it would have to be matilda. i was so fukcing PUMPED for that i LOVED ITfavourite musical you’ve been a part of (or one you want to be a part of if you haven’t participated in any!)been a part of? ive only been in very few… so either sweeney todd or matilda. matilda is returning for these asks A LOT ahaahafavourite song from a musicaltimes are hard for dreamers from amelie or no one else from natasha pieerre and the great comet of 1812favourite character from a musicalevan hansen from dear evan hansenfavourite actor/actress in a musicallaura dreyfuss or kristolyn lloyd from dear evan hansenfavourite musical on broadway right now
i should probably say dear evan hansen but im weak for waitress so *shrug emoji*favourite musical that’s no longer on broadwayamelie, i say, as i shed a single tear,favourite musical that’s never been on broadwayIDK. i had the perfect answer but i forgot it so my placeholdder answer is be more chill. wait nvm i remembered , its heathers! i hella forgot it was off-broadway!favourite revival of a musicali havent even seen it/listened to it but i know that id love falsettos to the moon and fucking back.favourite musical that needs to be revived??? idk,  i mean, a heathers revival is temptingfavourite musical that’s underrated…uhm… school of rock?favourite musical that you’re ashamed to like*points to a glowing neon sign that says wicked on it in bright green capital letters bigger than my head*favourite musical you never talk/blog aboutspring awakening i love the music btu i never blog or talk a bou tit.favourite musical to talk about with friends
dear evan hansen or heathers probably!
favourite musical for sentimental reasons
les mis!!! when i was youn ger i was obsessed with it and i would run around the playground in groups singing songs from it! it was great
favourite musical that means a lot to you
dear evan hansen of course!!!!
favourite musical to sing along to
many, but probably hamilton is my answer. 
favourite lyric from a musical
kInKy will i ever be more than i’ve always been?
favourite set from a musicalmatilda returns as another answer ahaha. but man i love thos letters and all that around the stage it looks GORGEOUSfavourite costumes from a musical
rprobably the great cpomet i mean. they look GREAT.
favourite obc cast of a musical
come from away. thank you jenn colella for my life(i love everybody else as well esp rodney hicks i miss him and hope hes doing well health wise im so sad)
favourite non-obc cast of a musical
miss saigons revival cast is to die for
favourite female character in a musical
eliza schuyler from hamilton definitely
favourite male character in a musical
idk… jeremy heere?
favourite musical to read/write fanfictions for
i dont read many fanfics, especially not for musicals, but i think im obligated to put down the addams family musical cause i scoured for every single wednesday addams fanfic i could find. 
favourite instrumental song from a musical
the squip lurks. also i just typed the squirp lurks and im laughing
favourite musical where no one dies
uhm…. man thats a hard one. i mean, id say matilda but miss honeys mom and dad die, right? so that doesnt count. i mean, i guess id say the addams family msusical, since theyre… already dead, the anscestor background characters.
favourite dead character from a musical
me, cradling gavroche from les mis: whom?dead? no not dead at all just sleeping shhhh
favourite child character from a musical
child amelie! i think that counts
favourite teenage character from a musical
the insanely cool jared kleinman? or alana beck
favourite adult character from a musical
heidi hansen i would sell my soul for you
favourite musical you’ve never listened to
bare: a pop opera. havent listened to it but i need to. also falsettos and the producers and so many others i havent watched please im a mere procrastinator on watching good shoes
favourite musical fandom
deh or bmc??? theres a LOT of bad in them but thryre pretty fun in general!!!
favourite musical bloggers (tag them!)
i dont even know that many musical bloggers but my favourite number 1 musical blogger is probably @neglectedrainbow. im nervous, i probably shouldnt tag em whoops
favourite musical you used to like but don’t anymore
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scarletrebel · 8 years
a thing about rw.by
this is a whatever. not a meta or a theory or really a well-thought out critique. if anything I guess im just voicing my frustrations. if you like rw.by, please, please dont read this. you wont like what i have to say and i am in no way looking to upset rw.by fans, i just need a good old fashioned shout into the void. theres some things i liked in here too that actually came out whilst writing aha, so its not all my bullshit.
my main gripe with rw.by at the moment is the lack of character development for ruby rose. you know, the main character? which i think is the reason why my heart breaks a little that i dont love it as much as i used to. i identified so much with ruby. a little girl with a heart too big for her brain, who just wants to protect and help, having to come to terms with the fact that the real world doesnt make noble goals like that easy? thats my childhood right there. 
the latter is something that hasnt been touched on as far as ruby rose’s character development goes until this season, and even then it hasnt really been touched, or lightly brushed, its been mentioned. ruby thought saving the world wouldnt take that long, that the world wasnt as big as it is; she apologises to jaune for dragging jnpr along with her. all INCREDIBLE MOMENTS I was really happy about, but they werent expanded upon. it was like the writers wanted to hit a checklist of ‘make sure the audience knows ruby is naive and sad but hopeful’ rather than making it more engaging to learn about as aspects of her character, which is just lazy storytelling. 
show, dont tell. they’ve done that with juane. they’ve shown that he’s upset about phyrra’s death, they’ve shown him get mad at the situation and with qrow. he’s never outright voiced these things about his character like ruby has about herself, and we all knew she was a little naive. season one, weiss accusing ruby of being a bad leader and them showing the audience ruby trying to get better was so much better than just having her be like ‘im a little naive but ill fight for the greater good!’ like she has so blatantly been this series. 
like, why would she not get mad at her own uncle for keeping her in the dark about someone wanting to kill her?? ruby’s what, 16 at this point? 15 at the least? would she not at least be a little bit annoyed, and would that not show some character growth on her part if she was? my naivety ended, personally, when i stopped trying to be so dang optimistic, (this can become more complicated to explain, as obviously you still have to have hope in the world while keeping a level head and ruby is still young, but, thats another conversation) and if that moment hasnt happened for ruby after 1. penny dying 2. phyrra dying 3. her uncle keeping important information from her 4. her sister having her arm sliced off 5. her friends being split up from her 6. nearly dying to a foe way more powerful than she is, even with her silver eyes -- then when?! 
and lets just get it out of the way -- i dont fucking hate juane. i really, really like him as a character but i just fucking wish he got less of a spotlight because so much more attention is being payed to him and his journey and how everything affects him over ruby. it just is, and it sucks. i like theorising about his semblance, im pretty certain he’s really fucking powerful just like ruby is, but if he unlocks and masters his thing before ruby does i will be so pissed, and the only reason i say that is because it feels like thats the way its headed. 
juane is a lovely character. he’s heroic, he’s actually quite brave and smart, and he’s a good fucking friend. he’s a brilliant support character. but for the love of all that is holy, focus more on ruby when they’re in the same scene. about how he’s helping her on her journey, why could they not have had one conversation about phyrra on screen is my question. they did it really, really well it season one, and i was very loud about the fact that no, juane doesnt get more screen time or attention, but during season four it feels like he -- like everyone that isnt ruby or the other three titular characters -- has over ruby. 
just, please, rwby season five -- give ruby rose more character development. prove me fucking wrong and reveal that you were playing the long game, please.
also; i havent watched the last two episodes, but if it turns out the ‘’’cure’’’ to yangs ptsd is a new arm. fuck, man. please no. but i cant really comment on that yet so, we’ll see. i actually, up until seeing the preview for her spraying her arm and all that, really liked yangs journey. and taiyang is such a sweetheart i adore him. he was so patient and gentle and loving with yang, a few moments had me cringing but overall, an enjoyable part of the season. i hope yang gets to punch adam in the face. 
blake’s journey is one ive enjoyed also. and tbh, i think sun following her and thinking she was on a personal mission to take down the white fang is a very sun thing to do, and i think blake surprising us all by saying no im not gonna do that is a very blake thing as well. sun is spontaneous, carefree to a point and very dedicated to taking down bad guys. projecting that onto blake was his mistake, and im really glad that blake is the one to voice the audiences frustrations at how annoying it is that he follows and harrasses her into taking action (even when a part of us knows that she should -- a really, really well written aspect of blakes journey actually, i really liked it) (sun really needs to have a ‘okay im being a creep im really sorry’ moment but i dont see it happening. again; prove me wrong, guys.)
blake so, so needed to see her family. im glad she could see that and im not surprised that she wanted to run under the guise of ‘resting’ like. come on blake, we all know you’re scared shitless. her characterisation was on point, probably the most out of the four girls. blake was a+ in this season and im really happy about that, come to think of it aha. i hope she gets to punch adam too.
weiss im satisfied with too, although i really wish that ironwood and her got to talking. he didnt necesarily need to save the day for her, i would think that a guy fighting her own battles -- even if it is a ‘good one’ like ironwood -- would irk her, so it wouldve been nice for them to talk. (im still fucking salty about juanes ‘you can have her’ to neptune like lmao fuck off you fucking dudebros THAT WAS SO ANNOYING anyway) weiss being able to call off the thing she summoned before it hurt the lady would be a sign that yeah she’s getting strong but she’s learning control, so. shrug. 
papa schnee is an asshole, where is mama schnee?? and i FUCKING LOVED THE PLOT POINT THAT HER DAD MARRIED INTO THE FAMILY. please let this be an opening for a badass but subdued for Reasons mama schnee (although my hope is not that high)
my main, number one, OVERALL problem with rwby since the end of s3 to s4 is that they dont give the characters that need and deserve the most time and attention just that. i know its a small crew, i know that what they do and the time they do it in is amazing and admirable, and i do admire it and applaud it, they work so fucking hard and deserve praise for that. but they dont use their time wisely when it comes to assigning it in the narrative. and thats more of a writing issue, anyway. 
and another fucking thing. the majority of the interesting characters that arent the main four and are alive and have been developed or made mysterious enough to warrant interest from the audience are fucking men. and yeah, no duh jade, welcome to every piece of media for fucking ever. qrow is an asshole that everyone loves, raven is probably going to turn out to be a bitch -- the majority of salem’s ‘court’ or whatever are dudes. ironwood. ren got backstory over nora. blakes dad. adam taurus. for all that i love him, fucking juane. did we learn anything about phyrra that wasnt her explicitly telling us her backstory? no. we felt sad that she died because of her connections with other people, but, lets face it, mostly juane. im still adamant that she didnt die just for him, that she knew there was a bigger picture and genuinely loved him, but from a narrative pov him and his reactions was a bigger focus point especially in the aftermath with season 4. 
i remember at a rwby panel at rtx one year, when asked about making a series that has four female protaganists, the guys said that they didnt see it that way, that they were just writing a story about a bunch of kids and yeah, i get that. but its not. 
its a story about four strong, tested, young women and they need to stop being oblivious to that because the narrative is fucking suffering. 
end rant/
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mondayswithgrace · 7 years
Life AHAs
I really do enjoy watching documentaries about food-health and different ways of living. Like minamalism, owning lesser things. Carousell, I've been on it for approximately 2 years. Listing things and waiting for people to want them can take alot of time. But theres something that changes one's perspective on things when you start to let go of many things. Springcleaning, down sizing, facinated me since I was 15. I attended a photography talk at the University Cultural Centre at National Univerisity Singapore. A photographer was talking about his project, where he was documenting everyday items. He would go to thrift stores and thieves market to purchase items to photograph. A lightbulb went off in my head, aha thats the way I would document my life, I'd take picture of everything that I have and then wont need to feel like I lose the memory of it when I discard the physical item. I would no longer have to be tied down to the committment of having to keep the item because I paid for it. I also learn from meaningful movies. The latest was A Thousand Words, main character mister chatterbox was given 1000 words to turn his life around. Indeed he did, with his last seat gripping 11 words, he told his loved ones he loved them, as absurd as they had seemed. Only when he had really made the words that he spoke count, did he really deliberately lived. What makes you happy, I feel that for some people it is a moving target. But what you should really try to do is to amass things that form a buffer bubble, that while the bullseye may move, you dont fall out of being able to find things that make you happy. Have you ever wondered, if you count your clothing posessions down to the number of times you wear, how much would one outfit of wear cost? are you living at a $1.50 per outfit, or perhaps wear luxury items once in the item's lifetime making your cost per outfit $550. Consumerism, was a term that was pumped into my ears when I was in US. The mention of US being the consumerism capital of the world, well to an extent the way they did some things felt a little wasteful. The use of all paper or plastic plates and never really seeing real crockery until you are in a sit down service tip-required restaurant. That was how I first came to be fully aware of consumerism. I enjoy nights like this, I feel 20 again. I remember i was working for a gardens then, shift work, I'd work weekends as well, so I'd have a couple of weekdays off. I would spend nights up, doing things, watching movies in my room, staying up past 2am. The excuse was always 'I am not working tomorrow'. I remember my parents would take turns turning up at my door (it is a deliberate 7metre walk from their room door), asking in a cheeky manner "Tomorrow, on or off?" , quizically finding out whether they should count for a share of my lunch the next day when they would buy take away or cook something at home. Tonight, I am indeed off tomorrow, watching a film about the different ways people live life, deliberate omisions of excess. Sometimes I wonder if my thoughts would amount for anything ever. Whether it is for monetary exchange or appreciated reads. That's why I never write when I feel like I am forcing myself to, or nothing would translate to text. Sometimes when I do write, I feel a little crazy, the thoughts are all over the shop. A friend has told me this before, but largely this is how my brain works, like a rusty mechanical toy, if it runs it runs, dont expect anything from it. Just view in awe would be nice! hehe.
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