#i drank water 4 times while writing this
shingogf · 2 years
Its 1 am and im bored and i cant stop thinking about just how fuckin tragically complex spamton's character really is like. That's grade A fuckin writing.
Not only was he not so great from the start and life was by all means not kind to him bc his sales never hit no matter what, but after that benefactor (be it gaster or whoever) contacted him and he was drowning in money and fame, everything was ripped away from him once they left. He had everything a man could wish for in life and it was all just...lost in a matter of seconds. Not only that but his friends abandoned him before that too out of jealousy and after his imminent fall they entirely refused any kind of contact with him and society turned its back entirely on him, deeming him as an outcast. His past fame and success was irrelevant, because everyone looked down upon him now that he was a nobody.
But i think what he wanted the most wasn't just easy cash and bitches, but sentinence. He wanted to "call his own deals" as he puts it, he wanted autonomy over his own life and for whatever the fuck reason neither he or jevil or kris for that matter (the kris/jevil -> spamton pipeline is a whole other story theres too much to say on it) have it. And he may have had a vague idea about how it felt when being helped out by that benefactor but that didnt last either and when he saw it didnt he entirely lost his mind, further driving people away from him bc they didnt wanna be associated with his unstable ass. While you can't blame the system and other ppl necessarily for potentially targeting and "destroying" his life (i.e evicting someone who cant pay rent isnt inherently malicious), multiple factors from his environment contributed to his ultimate ruin.
And i wont even get into how fuckin good the pinocchio parallels are bc man...the character WRITING. At the end of the spamton neo battle after u defeat him peacefully he mentions he's gonna become "a real boy" with understandable excitement, but even that does not happen cuz he fuckin dies the second u cut his last string which is such a beautifully sad way of putting it. No matter how much he struggles he will never gain the free will he craves so much because he is made to be stringed around. He cannot live without an outer higher force that makes choices for him and directs him and he loathes it. Even he sorrowfully admits it at the end by saying that he couldnt be more than "a simple puppet" then recognizes kris' potential of overcoming their condition, unlike him. The inherent difference between him and pinocchio is that pinocchio at the end of the story achieves his dreams and becomes a real person, spamton, on the contrary, had lost everything relating to his person a long time ago and will never be able to get it back no matter how much he kicks and screams and tries. He also hates jevil for being able to "accept" his fate and choosing to live in blissful ignorance towards his mediocre condition, something which spamton simply cannot accept which brings his inevitable downfall.
Another parallel that makes me so fuckin normal abt his character is the weird ass icarus theme he's got going on. Besides the obvious physical comparison you could make with neo and his literal wings that look like they've been put together in a frenzy by a first grader during arts and crafts, spamton, just like icarus, tried seeing past his given role/condition and had unceremoniously fallen because of it. He had forcefully crafted his own wings and stubbornly ignored others' words, flew too close to the sun and failed, because spamton's core driving force is his stupidly high level of perseverance. Achieving absolution and ultimate truth had rendered spamton fully incapable.
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hwaflms · 26 days
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𝗣𝗔𝗜𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗚! ⭒ bf!yuta x reader 𖦹  𝗚𝗘𝗡𝗥𝗘! ⭒ fluff 𖦹  𝗪𝗖! ⭒ 0.861k 𖦹 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦! ⭒ none! 𖦹  𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘𝗦! ⭒ just a short drabble bc i rly enjoy writing these days <3
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[ ☆ 4:37 p.m ] sunlight bleeds through the half-drawn curtains of yours and bf!yuta's shared apartment. the sky is clear, birds are singing and yuta even hums along to some tune playing in his head. you can hear the kids from the apartment below splashing away in the pool, squeals and giggles echoing against the walls. all of these features point to the perfect day to spend outdoors.
which is exactly what you wanted to be doing. deciding earlier in the day that you would go for a walk at around 4:30 p.m, when the time came around, yuta had already put his outside shoes on, water bottle in hand. you would have joined him had it not been for this terrible headache of yours.
you had spent the last half an hour on the couch trying to fight your headache while yuta napped in your bedroom. you had turned over in every position, flipped your cushion over a number of times, even tried blocking out all the sounds from outside with your eyes closed, but to no avail. you had taken a pill for it earlier, but this one was persistent, the dull thud throbbing away inside your head while you lay there trying to numb the pain.
"aww", yuta cooes, finally noticing that you hadn't moved from the couch. "what happened, angel?"
sensing your discomfort, he plops down on the couch in the space between the arm rest and your feet, placing a hand on your calf. "head hurts...", you mumble into the material of the couch, bring a hand up to pinch the bridge of your nose. yuta makes another sympathetic sound and begins asking you a couple standard questions, such as ‘did you take something for it?’ and ‘have you drank enough water today?’, replying ‘yes’ to all of them.
if this was a regular headache, the pill you took should’ve kicked in by now, but still you lay on the couch, feeling lethargic as ever. looking at the leaves blowing outside with the faint breeze through the window, you try to sit up out of slight guilt but end up feeling groggy and soon, yuta’s gentle but firm arms are helping you lie back down.
“i don’t think i have the energy to go for a walk, babe”, you mumble into the pillow, feeling flushed and sticky all of a sudden. he brings his hand up to your forehead to try and check your temperature, biting his lip in concentration. “i can’t tell if you’re burning up or if my hand is just warm…”, he mutters more to himself than you, but he soon starts talking his shoes off, so it’s pretty much decided that neither of you are leaving the house today. “i may be getting a cold.”
yuta excuses himself to the bedroom for a couple minutes and returns with a damp hand towel and a blanket, lifting your head up ever so gently to seat himself, like you’re made of porcelain. the action makes you giggle weakly but you push yourself up anyway, making space for your boyfriend who softly coaxes your head on to his lap.
his hand immediately finds itself smoothing out your hair, fingers carding through it while you hum appreciatively. this new position is ten times more comfortable than your previous one, head resting easy on yuta’s thighs while he delicately massages your scalp, applying the right amount of pressure. “thank you…”, your voice is a little muffled due to your cheek being squished against his leg, but he recognises the tiredness behind it and the way your eyes droop a little.
yuta adjusts himself so he can reach over to grab the blanket on the coffee table and rest his back against the sofa better, but your eyes are closed and the movement makes you think he’s trying to get up, eyes shooting open immediately. “shh…”, his hands fly back to your hair, leaning down to pepper your face with kisses– your nose, cheeks, eyelids and temple are all victims of the attack. “i’m not going anywhere, baby, relax…”
“mm, don’t want you to catch my cold, if i have one”, you argue feebly, but make no move to get up from his lap, to which yuta replies, “we can be sick together, it’s okay.” remembering the damp towel, yuta folds it one, two, three times before brushing the stray hairs off your forehead and placing it on the warming surface, instantly feeling a sense of relief from the cool material. he smiles softly when he hears you sigh contently, snuggling yourself into him even more when his fingers return to your scalp.
“i’m gonna fall asleep if you keep doing that”, you warn him slightly incoherently, but you know he understands you because he chuckles a little, dragging his knuckles across the expanse of your cheek endearingly. “that’s the idea, babe. i’ll carry you to bed later, don’t worry.”
and that’s how your afternoon goes, wrapped up in a warm blanket while the throbbing in your head minimises little by little, yuta’s soft hands playing with your hair absentmindedly as your eyes become droopier.
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cameronspecial · 5 months
Hiii I love your writing so much! I was wondering if you could maybe write something where Drew and the reader moms have been friends since college only causing for the reader, Drew and his siblings to be close due to growing up side by side in Drew’s hometown.
Drew and the reader have been together for a while and they have a little girl together (around 3 or 4 years old) They return to their hometown to celebrate Christmas with their families all together opening gifts, eating Christmas lunch and things like that just loads of fluff between Drew and his daughter the reader and the family.
I would really appreciate if you could do this thank you!!!
Magic Snow Globe
Pairing: Dad!Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.8K
A/N: Surprise! This wasn't on the schedule so it is my Christmas gift to you guys. This is separate from my dad!Drew series.
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Drew watches as Grace examines her father’s childhood bedroom. This isn’t the first time she has been in it, but it feels like the first time because her consciousness is now able to form memories. Her eyes catch the snow globe sitting on the desk and she runs to it. She glances at her father for approval and he nods for her to pick it up. Once the trinket is in her hands, Drew picks the small girl up and places her on his lap as he sits on the bed. “Do you want to know where Daddy got this from?” he asks the three-year-old. Her head vigorously moves up and down. He takes the orb into his hands, turning it over to wind the key at the bottom. The melody of “Silent Night” plays as he begins his story. “Your mommy gave it to me. When we were in middle school…” 
Drew loved Christmas time. It meant that he got to spend the Winter break with the Y/L/Ns. This year, they were exploring a little Christmas village that Y/N’s mom found. The hour and a half drive was long, yet worth it once they saw the picture-esque shops covered in snow. Y/N and Drew were old enough to be allowed to go off by themselves and it was exciting for the pair. Drew’s eyes drank in everything and he adored everything about this town. The Christmas music. The small town architecture. The smell of gingerbread cookies in the air. It all brought the holiday to life for him. “God, I wish I could stay in this place forever,” he thought to himself out loud. She caught his words and wanted to make that dream come true. She excused herself for a minute, remembering something she saw inside of a store. She came running back with her hand behind her back and a wide grin on her face. 
“Close your eyes and hold your hands out,” she ordered. He was confused but obeyed her words. His eyebrows met at a point when he heard the familiar tune of “Silent Night”. A weight fell into his hands and his eyelids pulled apart. In his hands was a snow globe. Inside the glass, there was a red-bricked house with a green wreath on the black door. The roof was covered in glittery white snow and more sparkles floated through the water as he moved the orb around in his hands. “Why are you giving me this?” he questioned. She shrugged with a smile, “We can’t exactly stay here forever, so I thought that being able to bring a little piece of it with you would be just as good.” Drew didn’t feel like he needed his jacket anymore because her gesture warmed him up to be burning hot. He knew this was the moment he realized he had fallen in love with the girl who would do anything to make his dreams come true.
“And Mommy really did do everything she could to make my dreams come true. She’s the reason why I have an amazing wife, a successful career as an actor, and the most spectacular baby girl in the world,” he recounts. He lifts his daughter into the air and attacks her with kisses. She giggles at the feeling of his lips on her cheeks. He sits back down with her in his lap. He notices she is clinging to the snow globe like her life depends on it. “Auntie Brooke just got in. Come say hello, you two,” Y/N instructs her family. Grace nods and hops off of her father’s lap. She carefully places the symbol of her parents' love on the desk and runs downstairs to greet her aunt.
Christmas day, Y/N’s head rests on her husband's chest as everyone watches Grace and her cousins unwrap gifts. The adults love to drink in the Christmas magic coming to life for the kids. Y/N’s nephew places Grace’s next gift onto her lap and her parents watch as she tears apart the paper. Her face lights up at the snow globe she finds. She wobbles a little as her feet plant on the ground and she stands up. She makes her way to Y/N and Drew. Her mother pulls her into the adults’ hold. “Thank you for the snow globe, Daddy,” she says, kissing his cheek. Drew smoothes back her hair, “You’re welcome, Gracie. This is a promise that Daddy is going to do everything he can to help you achieve your dreams.” Grace snuggles into her father’s chest at the promise before going back to opening presents. Drew notices his wife’s gaze and kisses her on the lips. “I guess I’m going to need to get you another snow globe. We wouldn’t want our other baby to feel like their dreams aren’t going to come true,” she whispers to her husband. Drew’s eyebrows furrow for a second and then he fully comprehends her words.
A giant grin crosses his face as he rests a warm hand on her stomach. “I can’t wait for our little family to grow. I can’t believe that I keep having my dreams come true because of you. Having an amazing family with you will always be my biggest dream.” Drew should thank that snow globe because it must have some dream-giving magic. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @nonbullshit-toleratingkindagirl
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buckychristwrites · 1 year
About You | Day 4 | j.t.
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Pairing: Jamie Tartt x F!Reader
Summary: Your job? Pop culture journalist for The Independent. Your assignment? To write a profile on the cocky footballer that you're publicly feuding with.
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: Idk maybe its kinda fluffish. Cussing. Enemies to lovers
A/N: Let me know what you think! :)
Masterlist | About You Masterlist | Main Blog
It was admittedly difficult to sleep that night. Firstly, the couch was just not your choice of  a preferred sleeping spot. Secondly, it was weird having a person sleeping in your bed, especially a person who you didn’t sleep with, and especially especially since that person was Jamie Tartt. 
Which explains why you were up so early, two pans on the stove with breakfast. One with eggs, the other with potatoes frying up. On the counter was the bread, waiting patiently to be cooked in the toaster.
Movement in the bedroom told you that Jamie was awake. Turning from the pans, you threw two slices of bread into the toaster. By the time you had turned back, the door to the bedroom crept open and slow footsteps made their way down the hallway. Rubbing his eyes, Jamie appeared in the open living room. When you looked up at him, you found him still just in his boxers. The two of you stared at each other for a while with similar looks of surprise. You couldn’t say why he was in shock, but for you, it was because of the nakedness. 
“I woke up thinkin’ that I had the strangest dream,” He said slowly, looking around the room with squinted eyes. His back was facing you when he spoke again. “Guess it was not a dream.”
“Not a dream,” You said, scrunching your face. He flopped down on your couch, running his hands up and down his face.
“Drank too much,” He admitted. “My head is fuckin’ killin’ me.”
“Did your clothes evaporate overnight?” You asked him in an unusually high pitched voice. Though you weren’t looking at him, you could sense his eyes jump back towards you. 
“They’re still on the floor, thanks.”
“Well, thank God. I was worried, since you decided not to dress before coming out.” He was trying and failing to hide a smile.
“Fine, fine.” He sauntered back towards the bedroom, and against your better judgement, you looked up from the stove, letting your gaze fall up and down his backside before he disappeared down the hall. 
“We have to be out the door soon, so hurry up!” You called to him, receiving a groan in response. The toast popped out of the toaster suddenly, making you jump. You grabbed a plate and filled it with half the food, setting it down before doing the same with another. When Jamie re-entered the scene, this time fully clothed and with brushed hair, you handed him a plate. 
“Eat fast. I’ll drive us to work.” The sentence felt so weirdly domestic, and you wanted to hate it more than you did.
He nodded, taking a seat at the small dining table and digging in. You sat across from him and did the same. It was a silent meal, but comfortable, as if the two of you had been eating meals together for a long time. Before you knew it, the plates were empty. Jamie stood just as you were about to and grabbed your dish.
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” You said, reaching to take them from him, but he waved you off. 
You said nothing more, instead rushing towards the bedroom so you could get ready. From the kitchen, you could hear water running and dishes clanking together, making you freeze. Is he doing the dishes? You finished getting dressed and quickly brushing your hair before walking back out. Jamie was just pulling the gloves off his hands as you came into view. Turning towards you, he looked you up and down, expressionless, before speaking. 
“You good?” He asked. You nodded, a surreal feeling washing over you.
How did your day start like this?
The two of you made your way down to the car park, where you climbed into the driver’s side. The rain was still modestly falling, although it was nowhere near the magnitude it had been the morning prior. Despite turning the car on, you made no move to leave, even after Jamie was in and secured. A few seconds passed before you felt his stare fall on you.
“I think we should start over,” You said, before turning your head to meet his gaze. “We’ve both done things, and continuing to fault the other for the past is counterproductive. I think we should go into today with a clean slate between us.” 
“Dunno,” He said as you came to a stop light. A moment of deja vu hit you as you turned to face him, reminding you of the evening before. When you met his eye, you found him smirking. “I kinda like bein’ mean to ya.” 
“Well, in that case…” You trailed off, the both of you laughing at the exchange. After a second, you tilted your head. “I’m not saying we have to be the best of friends who braid each other’s hair and share their deepest darkest secrets. But at least while I’m around for the next week, we can pretend.”
He lifted a finger at you before saying, “Or two.” You looked at him in confusion.
“Or two what?”
“Or two weeks,” You repeated back to him in agreement. 
But you didn’t think it was pretending, at least not for you. It was then that you realised that you were, indeed, starting to like Jamie Tartt as a person. Though he was still stubborn and arrogant, the night before had been a moment of clarity for you. He was just as broken as everyone else, despite his cool exterior. Inside, he was just a young boy, begging for validation and affirmation. But most importantly, he was begging for the love he didn’t receive from his father. Beyond that, the night before had you laughing the hardest that you had in a while. 
The car behind you honked, you cursing under your breath as you drove through the green light that you had, once again, missed.
“I think you’re right,” He finally said. A smile playing at your lips, you glanced over at him. “It’s hard bein’ angry that you’re here.” He paused, and it was then you noticed the water bottle in his lap, which was he messing with the lid of. “You…” A beat passed. “You didn’t turn out to be the villain I’d made you in me head all these years.” 
Something about that made your heart swell.
“You’re not as bad as I made you out to be, either.” You smiled with your face forward. And though you weren’t looking at him, you thought you caught a smile out of the corner of your eye.
“Although,” He added, his voice quiet. You eyed him, waiting patiently. He let out a slight laugh, rubbing his forehead. “You actually do know my deepest, darkest secrets now.” 
Something fluttered in your stomach.
The next thing either of you knew, you were putting the car in park. A few spaces over was Jamie’s car, patiently waiting for him. You pulled his keys out of your purse and handed them.
“I take it you'll need those.” 
He opened his mouth to say something, but immediately seemed to backtrack. You studied him. For a man who had been drinking so hard the night before, he seemed like he was in good spirits. Suddenly, he was jumping out of the car. 
“Can’t sit here all day, can we?”
You followed, having another moment of deja vu as the two of you walked in the club together. Despite having worked there for what you could assume was a while, the security guard still appeared overjoyed at the sight of Jamie, and forgot to check your pass. 
It seemed like the entire team was waiting for the pair of you, for once he, then you, entered, a chunk of them circled around like a pack of dogs.
“What happened last night?”
“Did you drive, Jamie? Is your car okay?”
“Did you sleep on the street?”
“Lads, lads, let’s calm down, yeah? A man is still nursin’ a hangover,'' Jamie pushed through them to get to his locker. Once he had broken from the pack, all eyes landed on you. The anxiety in your chest began to creep up.
“I drove him to his place. threw him in bed, and then I went back home, myself,” You explained to them. Over Dani’s shoulder, you could see Jamie look over at you. Holding his gaze for a moment, he nodded at you as if to thank you. You looked back at the others without giving any sort of reply. They all seemed to accept this explanation without further questioning. 
“We are just glad you got home safely,” Sam said, a wide smile that he gave to both you and Jamie. 
“Didn’t seem concerned when you sent the enemy after me, did ya?” Jamie asked, making the others roar out in laughter. You couldn’t help but laugh along with them as you could hear the playfulness in his tone. 
“We were just gonna let what God intended to happen, happen, bruv,” Isaac said to him. 
“Maybe God intended for her to go after you, Jamie!” Dani added. 
Jamie and you exchanged a look before quickly looking away. Your cheeks grew very hot. Jamie awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. 
With immaculate timing, the coaches entered in that moment, saving the both of you from having to come up with a response. You took your place against the wall, although now you allowed yourself to stand a bit closer to Jamie’s locker. 
As they spoke, you took notes. 
“Didya ever think that maybe you’d learn more if you listened than just writing down whatever they say?” Jamie whispered into your ear. His breath was warm against your skin. Ignoring that feeling, you shot him a glare. 
“I don’t need to know how to play football,” You reminded him, glancing at the coaches to make sure they weren’t privy to the two of you talking before going on. “So I don’t need to learn what all this means.” 
“Just tryna help ya sound smart for ya article.”
“Are you saying I sound stupid?”
“You could sound smarter…” 
“And who made you the expert on sounding smart?”
“Meself, obviously.”
“What are your qualifications, footballer?”
“I’m sorry, is this meetin’ interruptin’ you?” Roy’s voice boomed through the room, making the two of you jump.
“Sorry,” Jamie called out, raising his hand in apology. You lowered your head and furiously pretended to be writing notes innocently. Roy’s glare lingered for another few seconds before Beard continued talking. 
When everyone began to head towards the tunnel, you walked towards the entrance to the stands. 
“Oi.” You turned to see Jamie watching you. “Just come out with us. You can stand with the coaches.” When you opened your mouth to counter him, he waved his arm towards himself as a gesture to follow him. “It’ll be easier for you to take your wee notes. Let’s go.” Conceding, you followed him out onto the pitch. 
The rain had stopped, the sky still blanketed with clouds. The players started running their drills. You stood a few feet behind the coaches. Being on the pitch as opposed to the stands did make a difference. It was much easier to hear the coaches, and you could hear the players as well. 
“So,” A voice next to you said. You jumped, damn near throwing your notepad across the field before turning to find Beard next to you, standing in the same exact stance when he had been in front of you just moments before. “A truce was called, then?” After you remembered how to breathe, you nodded. 
“We talked it out, I think.” The two of you looked out in time to see Jamie fold over in laughter over something Isaac said. 
“I haven’t seen him in such high spirits since Ted left,” Beard admitted. The mention of the former head coach brought your thoughts to a screeching halt. You glanced at him for a brief second before turning back to Jamie.
“He hasn’t brought Lasso up at all to me.” 
Beard blew a raspberry, shaking his head. “He was really torn up about it. I don’t think he wanted anyone to know.” He was thoughtful as he continued to watch the footballer kick a ball into the net. “I think he viewed him as a father figure.” You thought back to the conversation from your car, where Jamie told you about his abusive father. The pain in his voice was so clear, along with the hesitation to tell you. 
“He told me a little about his dad,” You said quietly. 
“I’ve never witnessed such behaviour from a parent,” Beard admitted. “Disgusting.” This truly grabbed your attention, making you turn your entire body towards the coach.
“You saw it?” You asked. “You saw his father abuse him?” The expression on Beard’s face became a pained one, the memory clear as day on his face.
“It was at Wembley, when we played Man City,” He explained. “Pops came backstage, clearly sloshed. Wanted to bring his buddies through security to take pictures of the pitch. Jamie said no.” He began to shake his head. “Started calling his own son names, and getting in his face. We had lost, morale was low. Jamie clobbered him right in the nose.” At this, he looked proud. “He deserved more than that, but I’m glad he got what he did get.” 
You felt sick. The breakfast you had worked so hard to make was threatening to make a reappearance all over the rich green grass. 
When Jamie had told you about his dad, you had assumed it had happened a long time ago,  maybe as soon as when he had just started out. Never would you have ever thought that it was happening so recently that Coach Beard, or any of the current members of the team for that matter, would’ve been there to bear witness. 
No wonder your articles hurt him so much. It all made more sense now. He was getting abused two fold.
The second your eyes found Jamie, seeing his smile as he passed the ball to his teammates, you felt a surge of pride towards him. He was a huge jerk for a long time, following in the shadow of his father. But he learned, and he grew. Now he knew kindness and love. 
The transformation was quite magical.
The whistle blew and the players made their way towards the coaches. Jamie stood next to you, eyeing you curious.
“You alright?”
You turned to face him, and it felt like you were seeing him for the first time.
“I’m good.”
He stared at you for a long time, eyes searching your face, before nodding. Crossing his arms over his chest, he turned to face the front again. You began taking notes again. It was hard to focus, with the newfound information fighting to be at the forefront of your mind. It felt strange, knowing something so intimate about Jamie that he hadn’t told you. Part of you wondered if you should tell him, but maybe that wasn’t for the best. You weren’t out of the woods yet when it came to your relationship with him, and it wasn’t best to rock the boat further. Maybe after the article you’d-
No. After the article, you’d be back to business as usual. There wouldn’t be any chances to talk to him about anything, really. You’d be off the pitch and back in your office. He’d continue to play football and be Jamie. And it would be like none of this ever happened.
Why the fuck is this making me so sad? You asked yourself.
Pulling you from your thoughts was Jamie bumping his hip against yours. You jumped slightly, before turning to look at him. His face was filled with amusement.
“Sorry, Jumpy,” He said with a voice filled with laughter. “I was thinkin’ we could have a chat after practice, if ya want.” You shook your head with more force than you intended.
“Yeah, that would be great!” There must’ve been something off about your tone, for he knitted his eyebrows together, his head tilting slightly.
“You sure you’re alright?” 
Inhaling slowly, you nodded again. This time with more ease.
“I’m fine, Tartt.” At first, he seemed shocked that you were back to calling him by his last name, but the smile you gave seemed to placate him, as he returned it almost as quick. 
When practice was over, and the field had been cleared out, it was just Jamie and yourself who remained. You sat in the grass, running your fingers across the even cut blades. Jamie was standing, and was moving around as if he wasn’t able to stop.
“Do you ever relax?” You asked him, your phone already set to record. He paused at this, raising his hands in question.
“I’m always relaxed.”
“That’s definitely not true.” He scoffed, but you continued. “What do you do to unwind?” This made him stop, genuine thought on his face.
“I dunno,” He admitted. “I like havin’ a pint with friends. Layin’ on me couch sometimes.” When his eyes found you again, he found your face scrunched up. “Don’t look at me like that.”
“I’m gonna make that the headline,” You said as you raised your hands and wrote a line in the air in front of you. “‘Jamie Tart: He Also Drinks Beer and Lays On The Couch.’” He laughed.
“Fuck off.” Shaking your head, you looked around at the field.
“If you could talk to any deceased person for 30 seconds, who would it be and what would you say?”
The next words out of his mouth hit you like a train. In the most earnest voice, he said, “I’d talk to George Harrison, and tell him thank ya for inspirin’ me to live my life.”
The recording was instantly turned off, as it was ruined by the way you were laughing. Jamie looked scandalised as you fell backwards into the grass.
“What’s so fuckin’ funny?”
“Didn’t you only just find out about George Harrison dying?”
“I didn’t know!” He shouted, throwing his hands in the air. “Can’t know everything all the time, can I?” As you came down from your laughter, wiping a tear from your eye, you shook your hand.
“No, you can’t.”
He started moving around again, and you watched him. Recalling the conversation from earlier with Beard, you bit your lip.
“What about living?”
He paused.
You inhaled sharply. “If you could say whatever you wanted to any living person, with no consequences, what would you say?” 
This made him really freeze, his eyebrows properly knitted together. After a moment of silence, he took a few steps forward and sat down just a few feet from you. Elbows on his knees, he rested his chin in his palms.
“I’d ask my dad why I wasn’t enough to keep ‘im sober.” All traces of humour left your face. He nodded before continuing, “I’d tell him I needed him to treat me as more than a punchin’ bag.” Another beat passed. “And then I’d thank him. I’m the man I am today in spite of him. And I’m proud of that.” 
He was staring at his hands right then. You smiled at him.
“You should be.” 
His head jumped upward, eyes falling on you once more. Your smile was more broad this time, as you leaned forward a little.
“Yeah?” He asked, as if his opinion was hanging by the thread of your answer. 
You nodded firmly. “Yeah.”
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iiseor · 8 months
ੈ✩‧₊˚ lights | prt. 4
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Summary: dating Ellie was a battle, but maybe her cheating on you, was the start of something new.
cw: toxic!ellie, biker!abby, fem reader, cursing, mention of reader having a breakdown, mentions of alcohol abuse, a poor attempt at hinted smut at the end i can’t write it for the life of me…
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The morning was gloomy. The slight breeze and smell of crisp smell of rain flowing through a small slit in your window.
You woke up from what felt like a year long nap, to the sound of your alarm.
“shit shut up” you groaned, turning over and switching it off—your head pounding, your room a complete mess.
You covered your head again for a moment before finally rising, sitting up against your headboard and drinking some of the stale, warm water you had on your nightstand.
As you drank, your phone quickly lit up, the bright screen making you groan again.
You dimmed the screen before unlocking it and checking the notifications.
Seven unread messages.
Hey did you get home alright?
Ellie came into our dorm mad as fuck, so I’m assuming you two talked
message me in the morning
Hey y/n…it’s sai, I got your number from ellies phone while she was asleep, she came back here last night
That sounds creepy….but I just wanted to see if you were alright, she left really mad…and while came back the same.
Message me when you wakeup, so I know you’re alright. hope you slept well.
You put your phone down on your bed, covering your face with your blanket out of embarrassment.
The night before was everything except a blur, every second of it being recapped in your mind the moment you saw abbys message.
When Ellie left, and Abby saw you standing there—your body locked in complete shock, everything felt like a whirlpool.
The night had ended short, despite it being nearly three in the morning by the time Abby left. You couldn’t stand to make her stay with you, to make her comfort you the first night you met.
You were sure that Abby had made you feel something. what it was exactly, who knows—but you knew you couldn’t mess it up.
When she left, you were left with nothing to do other then drink your feelings away. The alcohol driving you insane, your nerves being taken out on anything around your room you could possibly reach.
Your anger being drowned out by tears, your tears being drowned out by the silent sound of slumber.
You uncovered your face, taking another sip from the warm water on your bed side, this time downing pain killers with them.
You slipped out of bed, still wearing the same t-shirt and shorts you wore when abby had been over, and ellie had left.
You grabbed your phone off your bedside table, stumbling over all the clothes on the floor and into the washroom.
Standing there for a moment, you starred at yourself in the mirror, then looked down at your phone.
You opened the chat, ignoring everyone else and only reading Abby’s message—at least six times before responding, almost immediately getting a reply back.
Good morning
Good morning again love, How do you feel?
I’m okay.
That’s good, do you need anything? I want to see you again, if it’s not too soon.
you didn’t open the text. you sat your phone down, Leaning over your sink and putting your head down for a moment before brushing your hair and teeth.
walking back into your bedroom, you sat on the floor and starring at the mess you had made. The hungover headache driving you crazy as you took in the sight of clothes, spread across the floor, and the leftover wine bottle on your table.
You drank nearly the entire thing, downing leftover whisky you had in the kitchen directly after, then adding nearly any other alcohol you could find. Not forgetting to make a complete mess of your clothes and bedroom before dozing off.
When you were finally done dissociating, you silenced your your phone and threw it onto your bed. You sprung open your curtains, the sudden brightness pushing through the damp clouds and making your eyes squint.
You instantly started fixing everything. You threw out the alcohol bottles, cleaned up the clothes on the floor and showered before changing the ones you were wearing.
Your mind couldn’t stop wondering. You couldn’t comprehend why you did this to yourself, why you were letting Ellie affect you in this way—why her words and actions had such a toll on you. It didn’t make any sense, you weren’t in love with her, after last night, you hated her. Yet there was still a feeling running through your veins, you needed something to take it all away.
Are you busy right now?
Not at all
Can you come over please?
Are you sure? I can wait, if you need more space.
No, I don’t want space
Okay sweetheart, I’ll be there soon.
As soon as you read her message you rushed to your vanity, fluttering your eyelashes through the mascara and spreading clear-glittery lipgloss all over your lips.
You then studied your face in the mirror above, fixing your hair quickly before your phone dinged again.
im outside whenever you can open up, no rush.
Her message made you smile. despite her reassurance, you got up immediately and rushed to the door.
You hesitated for a minute, brushing your hands across the skirt and tight tank top you were wearing.
“Hi” you said, Abby standing in front of you holding a bag.
“Hi y/n” she replied, walking in as you backed up to hold the door open.
“How do you feel?” She asked, placing the bag down on your kitchen counter and taking off her gloves—the ones she always wore when riding her bike.
“I’m okay” you replied, shutting the door and walking over to her.
“Are you sure? Last night was…rough” She questioned, looking over at you—her eyes so sympathetic.
“Yea…just hungover” you laughed, making her laugh back.
“Ah, well I guess you can save this for another day then” she said, pulling out a fresh bottle of wine from the bag and walking to place it in your cabinet.
“Oh Abby you didn’t have to-“ you said, your words cut off by her laughing again.
“Don’t protest, please, it’s just a gesture to make you feel better” she replied, walking over to stand in front of you.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” She asked.
The feeling of Abby was close, causing you to nearly push yourself against the counter to be distant.
“Yea, im sure..” you replied, trying to look at everything but her.
“Have you spoken to her yet?” She asked.
“No, I don’t want to….or need to. I think she made it pretty clear how she feels” you replied.
Abby walked closer, pushing your hair behind your ear—the same way she did the other night.
“I’m sorry sweetheart, she’s a bitch” she replied, caressing your face with her thumb, Your breath growing heavy. Abby just, had that affect on you.
“Im just, lost really. I don’t want her back, it doesn’t even feel like we were ever in love. I want to forget about her completely. Sai messaged me saying she left mad, she came over just to yell at me and be angry, even though I should be the one angry that she cheated ” you rambled on. Abby focused on your every word, watching your eyes and lips as your head was faced down, letting the words spill out.
She sighed at your cracking tone, your emotions becoming overwhelming.
“Don’t get upset y/n….She’s not worth any of it, your mind, you, your feelings, she doesn’t deserve to make you feel this way” she replied, her tone so gentle and sweet.
She moved closer, lifting your chin up to look at her—your eyes slightly glossy from the mix of emotions.
As ur eyes met, it was as if she sent a signal to your soul. Her soft eyes making you locked in a trance, your heart beating faster then ever.
You both paused for a moment more, but before you could get a word out, her lips were pushing onto yours.
You pulled away for a moment to breathe, everything still pressed together except your lips—until your pulled her closer bringing them back together.
It was messy, Abbys hands gliding up and down your exposed thighs, gripping your lower body as she lifted you onto the counter, pushing herself closer into you.
As her lips made their way to your cheek, then down your neck, your mouth letting out quiet whimpers, her touch rendering you weak.
She made her way back up towards your jawline, placing soft kisses along it before leaning towards your ear.
“let me…show you how you deserve to feel, what she should be making you feel like” she whispered against your skin, sending chills throughout your entire body.
Her hands moved from your thighs to your waist, her lips a magnate to your body.
“Can I?” She asked breathless as she held onto the lower lining of your shirt.
You nodded at her question, so desperate for more of her touch, the slight separation make you deranged.
“words please” she asked, placing more wet kisses onto your neck.
“Yes” you let out through a shaking breath, the feeling of her tender hands against you making you choke on your words.
she lifted your shirt over your head, her hands drifting up and down your sides.
“Fuck” she let out, kissing you a few more times before pulling back, giving herself a second to take in every part of you.
“You’re so beautiful…” she said, bringing one of her hands up to caress your face again, your shy eyes becoming hypnotized by hers.
“So, fucking pretty” she added on, pulling you in again.
“Please y/n…let me show you how it should’ve been from the start, let me make you feel what she couldn’t. I want to show you everything you’ve missed” she spoke in between every press against your neck.
Every word she spoke only increased your hunger for her, you were completely melted into her presence, starving for more. Your mind dizzy with desire.
“Please Abby” you whined, your body longing for more.
Her hands glided back up your legs, each kiss becoming more messy and rough, your dorm being filled with the sounds of heavy breathing.
Your whines drove her over the edge, she needed more—and that’s what you gave her. Every moment was centred around you, which turned her on even more. Your pretty voice sending butterflies through her body at every sound.
The night was drowned out by the sense of lust. Anything you ever felt for Ellie, being inevitably forgotten by every knot tied around your stomach. Abby, full filling her promise of making you forget any touch that Ellie had every laid on you.
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ro-is-struggling · 1 year
Hey! Congratulations on 600 😊
May I request song prompt 12 with Eddie Munson? Something angsty, totally up to you if you’d like it to end that way or fluffy
Hi beautiful! Thank you so much for participating and I'm sorry you had to wait so long for your fic! I really liked writing this one, I was super inspired and wrote it in like one sitting which is unusual for me. I hope you like it💜💜💜
Four A.M || Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Eddie can't sleep without you in his bed
Warnings: angst with happy ending, suggestive tones, friends with benefits, Eddie being insecure (he thinks he's a loser)
English is not my first language
Word count: 1700
This fic is part of my 600 followers celeration
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Eddie rolled over in bed for what felt like the thousandth time, watching the ceiling of his room light up with the passing cars outside. The sound of the clock on his nightstand was taunting him, laughing in his face with every passing second.
4 A.M.
It was four in the morning and he was still unable to sleep, tossing and turning as he tried to distract himself from the problem that afflicted him: you. More precisely the absence of your body on his bed.
He hated that he had gotten used to having you next to him at night. When he accepted your offer to be friends with benefits he never thought he would end up like this, awake at night missing the smell of your perfume or the warmth of your body. It was supposed to be just sex. Sex without feelings between two friends who trusted each other completely. He wasn't supposed to miss your touch or the sound of your breathing while you slept. But he couldn't help it, you were different from all the other girls he'd been with. You made him feel things. And he had been such an idiot to let you go.
He knew you were with him now, the guy you'd ended your arrangement for. Eddie didn't even remember his name, but he hated him anyway. You had left the apartment all dressed up and smelling of perfume, wearing that tight dress Eddie loved so much —it hugged your curves perfectly, leaving little to the imagination. Your red tinted lips left a mark on his cheek as you said goodbye to him before disappearing behind the door, leaving him alone with his thoughts. 
Eddie knew that you were probably lying in that guy's bed, caressing his body, moaning his name. It made him sick, he should be the one in your arms, touching your body as only he knew how, taking his time to appreciate your curves as he brought you to orgasm. It was his name that should be coming from your lips like a prayer, screaming it louder and louder until the neighbors complained. He was the one who should be making you feel good.
He wondered if that guy could feel his caresses on your skin, if he could somehow tell that you belonged to someone else. Even if you really liked this new guy, Eddie knew that your body belonged to him. No one knew you like he did. No one knew what buttons to push to make you melt under his touch like he did. You were meant to be together, he knew that now and he wondered if your new boyfriend felt it too.
After a couple more minutes of tossing and turning, Eddie gave up, it was clear that he wouldn't sleep tonight —at least not until you got home. So letting out a frustrated sigh, he got out of bed. The sound of his bare feet walking down the hallway echoed through the empty apartment, reminding him once again that you weren't there. He went to the kitchen with the intention of pouring himself a glass of water, but by the time he got to the fridge he was feeling so miserable he thought a beer would be better. Maybe if he drank enough he could pass out from drunkenness and finally forget about you for a couple of hours.
He settled down on the couch in the living room, turning on the television in search of something to distract him. He knew he wasn't going to find much at that hour-just commercials and reruns-but the sound in the background kept him company. He didn't bother to turn on the light, not even the small lamp resting on the end table next to the sofa, he felt comfortable in the shadows, it helped him hide his sadness.
He sipped his beer slowly and quietly, enjoying the darkness while his mind was lost in his thoughts of sorrow and regret. He should have said something to you when you asked him to break things off. He should have confessed to you then that the thought of another man stroking your hair made his blood boil. He should have had the courage to tell you that he loved you and that there was no other person he wanted to share his life with. He had repressed his true feelings for you for too long and now it was too late to do anything about it.
Eddie knew he was a failure and that you deserved someone infinitely better than him. You were the most wonderful, intelligent girl he had ever met, full of determination and confidence, with a bright future ahead of you. And he... he was an idiot with dreams of making it big with a band he'd had since high school. An idiot who went from unstable job to unstable job because he wasn't able to keep one for more than a couple of months. He would probably be lost if it wasn't for you. You kept him together in every aspect of his life and he loved you for that, but it was also the reason he knew you two couldn't be together. You deserved better.
He kept repeating that to himself as he finished his beer, hoping to convince his brain that letting you go had been a good idea. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't do it. He loved you, he missed you. He couldn't sleep alone in his bed knowing you were resting in another man's arms. It was probably selfish, but he wanted you for himself.
"Why are you still awake?" your voice brought him out of his thoughts. He had been so focused on his misery that he didn't hear the sound of the keys or the door closing behind you.
"What are you doing here?" he asked you without even turning to look at you. He couldn't do that, not when he knew another man's hands had touched your body. It hurt too much.
"I asked you first." You tossed your bag onto the couch, kicking your heels off your feet before sitting down next to your friend. He was staring blankly, focused on the ashtray resting on the coffee table as if it were the most interesting object in the house.
"I couldn't sleep," he finally replied, raising the glass bottle of beer to his lips and taking what was left in one gulp. "Your turn."
"I..." you mumbled, unsure of what you were about to say. "I ended things with Scott. It just wasn't working."
"How? You seemed pretty happy when you left." You shrugged, though it didn't matter because Eddie still wasn't looking at you. His eyes were now focused on the television, admiring a Coke commercial as if it was the first time he'd ever seen it. 
You remained silent for a moment, contemplating your response. You knew very well why you had ended things with Scott, but you didn't know if telling Eddie the truth was a good idea. Scott was a great guy, he was funny, he was smart, he respected you and your times... but he wasn't who you really wanted. You tried to convince yourself, to force yourself to love him the way he loved you, but it was impossible. Your heart belonged to someone else and you felt bad lying to Scott like that, he didn't deserve it.
"He's not you, Eddie."
That seemed to get his attention. His gaze left the television to settle on your face for the first time since you walked through the apartment door. It was hard to make out on his face dimly lit by the television glow, any expression that would give you an idea of what he was thinking, something that only added to your nerves. However, you could have sworn you noticed a sparkle of hope in his eyes. It was quick, a blink and it was gone, but you were pretty sure you had seen it. Although it could very well have been part of your imagination.
“What are you trying to say?” Eddie had some idea of what you were referring to, but he needed to be sure. He needed to know for sure that you wanted to be with him, that you felt the same way about him that he felt about you. He needed to be sure that you didn't just miss the physical and passionate nature of your former arrangement.
"That I love you," you confessed, fiddling with the hem of your dress. "And that I want to be with you... for real this time."
Eddie didn't respond to you with words, unable to put into a coherent sentence how happy and relieved he was to hear you say that —he wasn't the only idiot who had caught feelings after all. Instead, he took it upon himself to close the distance between the two of you, bringing your lips together in a slow but desperate kiss. 
It wasn't the first time you had kissed —you knew each other's bodies by heart at this point—, but this time it felt different. There was no doubt or hesitation in the way your lips moved, no fear of revealing too much. You had nothing to hide, so you allowed yourselves to get lost in the moment, enjoying every caress, every touch, using your lips to communicate how deep your feelings were. 
Eddie's hands cupped your cheeks and you followed them, placing your hands on his in an act of desperation to feel him as close to you as you could. You didn't want the moment to end, you wanted to feel him against your lips for the rest of your life, to have his fingers caress the skin of your cheeks until you could no longer feel them. You had denied your love for him for so long and now you had to make up for lost time.
But despite your protests, Eddie pulled away from you to catch his breath. You missed his lips the moment they stopped making contact with yours, but to make up for the loss you rested your forehead against his, maintaining close proximity as you gazed into his eyes.
“I love you too.”
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alitheakorogane · 1 year
Freedom's Protection: Please Forgive Me
Summary: Venti tries to visit you while you're still recovering from your injuries and tries to apologize. At the same time, you found out the truth about the Divine Creator from Venti.
This is the sixth part of Mondstadt's storyline for the Reader Protection Squad SAGAU series.
Warning: There are mentions of blood but it's nothing major. Also, there are instances of grammatical errors and incorrect lore because this was written on a whim.
Note: I apologize for the delay, it's been a month or two since I updated this! This draft was been gathering dust for months and decided to add some ideas little by little. To those who are actually waiting for Archon Venti, just be patient, this was cut into parts so this wouldn't be too long for a chapter, I can assure you he will appear in his Archon form in the next chapter (as of this date). I still had to write them, review the next chapter for errors and place some additional ideas.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (current), 7
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You woke up with the most pounding headache you had ever felt in your entire life.
You had no clue what happened, as you were still adjusting to the situation you're currently in. With difficulty, you slowly sat up and looked around the place, ignoring the aches and pains you felt, trying not to shake your throbbing head. By the looks of it and the fact that you can smell the lingering scent of disinfectant, it seems that you were placed in some sort of clinic.
You reached your forehead to calm yourself but were surprised to feel some kind of fabric on your head, possibly bandages wrapped on your head.
You were confused as to why you were lying down on a bed in an unfamiliar room when you were supposed on your room. After all, since the pandemic has begun, you're on online modality and you are supposed to be at home right now, playing Genshin or doing something worthwhile to kill some time. You wondered what place you are currently in and why you woke up with a killer headache.
Suddenly the door opened wide, making you nearly jump up off your bed in surprise. A young woman then entered the room, holding a cart full of medical supplies and medicine. By the looks of it, she looks like a nun... a fancy nun who looks like a nurse. You couldn't help but notice how she looks so familiar to you but you couldn't pinpoint what.
As she closed the door behind her, the young woman saw you try to sit up so she rushed to you and abandoned her cart beside her so she could help you get up.
"Thank Barbatos, you are finally awake..." the young nun spoke up as she grabbed a glass of water from the pitcher she had carried. You gratefully received the glass and drank the liquid, feeling the cold water rushing on your parched throat. You were still groggy from being recently awake alongside the throbbing feeling on your head, so your mind was still as blank as a clean slate of paper.
As you focused your sight on the woman in front of you, a plethora of memories regarding your recent escapades in Teyvat suddenly rushed into your mind, causing you to wince over the throbbing pain in your head. The woman, the lovely Deaconess Barbara, noticed your pained expression so she tried to heal you with her Hydro Vision, but it wasn't as effective as you expected it to be. But at least the pain was slightly reduced due to her efforts.
So your unfortunate trau... adventure throughout Tevyat was not a dream after all. It was real as it had been.
"How long have I been asleep?" You groggily asked the young nun as she was preparing to give you some herbal medicine that you assumed the nuns of the Church of Favonius had made them. Of course, they are not as modern as in your time, and had to rely on healing and elemental magic rather than science and technology to cure people in this world.
You then saw her sprinkle some herbs on the glass of purple juice and waved her glowing hand, signaling that she used her Hydro Vision on the drink.
As she had finished preparing the drink, she then sweetly smiled at you as she offered the glass in front of you, "I hope you like it, it's actually Wolfhook juice mixed with some healthy herbs to help you recover. I even made sure that you can't even taste the bitterness of the herbs I freshly plucked a while ago."
You received the drink and looked at it with a hesitant look and a grimace. The young Deaconess had noticed your strange expression so she cutely giggled, "Don't worry, it has no poison on it, I could assure you. After all, I'm a healer by trade."
Then she crossed her arms with her right hand raised in the air as she waved her finger for emphasis, "And to answer your first question, you have been asleep for two weeks. We are even wondering why you slept that long without food or water."
You were flabbergasted as your eyes looked at the nun as if she had grown a second head, and you should have seen your jaw drop if you were in a cartoon, "WHAT?!"
You still can't believe what you have heard, until you remembered how time flies on Teyvat compared to your world and you suspected that even though you were isekai-ed to the fictional world of Teyvat (which is apparently real in some other universe), you were still bound by your world's time.
You found this out when you first came to this world, when you noticed how you can spend days without food or never slept for weeks. After all, according to the game, 24 hours in Teyvat is 24 minutes in yours.
Barbara nodded as her face turned into a serious look, "But of course, I wouldn't be surprised if you do that, but we're still worried. Based on the ancient book our family had treasured for centuries, which was given and written by Lord Barbatos, the Divine Eminence has been gone, probably asleep, for centuries. And you're actually the Cre-"
Suddenly there was a knock on the door, earning a slightly annoyed look from the Deaconess and a curious look on your face, "I'll be right back."
She went to the door and opened it, revealing a tired-looking bard clad in green and gold accents, his cape flowing through a non-existent wind and you were not surprised that he was currently in his mortal bard form. After all, he has an identity to hide.
He seems to be holding a bouquet of fresh Cecilias and a bottle of apple juice in his hands, a well-thought gift that you assumed he possibly stole from Master Diluc's winery basement.
"Ven-Lord Barbatos!" The young Deaconess exclaimed as she bowed gracefully toward the new visitor. You did the flabbergasted look on your face once again, and by the looks of it, you did it a thousand times already ever since you woke up.
The Archon in question, Venti, entered the room, his beautiful face was struck with guilt and self-loathing as he walked towards you and the young nun, who paved way for the Anemo Archon to come inside the room you were in.
"You can call me Venti and you don't need to bow. I am just a regular bard at the moment," he replied to Barbara with a crinkled smile on his young-looking face, as Barbara blushed in embarrassment over her mistake, but you could see the guilt and child-like wonder in her eyes. You can probably guess that she was still thinking about her embarrassing moments with Venti during the Holy Lyre incident.
He then set the apple juice on the tabletop beside your bed, but he looked around for something to put the flowers in. Barbara could notice the bard fidgeting nervously so she offered her help to place the flowers in a vase, her arms now free from medical supplies she had carried a while ago.
Venti thanked the young nun gratefully while giving the flowers and the apple juice to the young woman, who sensed that you needed some time with Venti. She excused herself to grab some nice containers for these beautiful flowers, leaving you and the guilty Archon in the room.
As Barbara was gone, the young Archon was still standing near the door and fidgeting nervously, as his eyes were staring at the ground and his lips quivered as if he was about to cry. You just sat on your bed with your forehead covered in bandages, your eyes looking at him with a sympathetic gaze.
"Just come here beside me, I won't even bite," you teased him, as you patted your right leg in emphasis, signaling him to sit on the chair beside you. The bard hesitated to follow suit, but you made a puppy eye stare at him, complete with a pout, and he then gave up when he saw you still maintaining the look for minutes. He quietly sat on the chair, but he was still bowing his head down, his eyes were still covered under his bangs.
"I'm sorry for hurting you, (Y/N)," the green-clad bard suddenly apologized up to you for the first time since he came here. Your eyes widened as it was the kind of first time seeing Venti nearly breaking up in tears and begging for forgiveness in front of you.
"I...um," you stuttered out, not knowing what to react.
"I know you can't forgive me, I even knew that even my own people can't forgive me for what I have done," he raised his head slightly as his eyes sparkled in unshed tears, "I nearly killed my own people, (Y/N), and I couldn't forgive myself for that. I could have killed lots of innocent people just like what I had done a few centuries ago. I feared that I was starting to become like Decarabian... Worst of all, I could have killed you, even though I know you're not what I have perceived you to be."
You smiled sheepishly as you spoke back, reassuring the bard that you were fine even though there was still a lingering headache caused by his outburst a while ago, "No need to apologize, in fact, I was grateful that you were one of the people who defended me that time! So don't cry, Venti."
The bard just said nothing, as he sniffled with quivered lips, but you could notice the tears started to fall in his blue-green eyes.
"I supposed that you are really involved in the Cataclysm 500 years ago since you said you had experienced killing innocent people a few centuries ago. The Khaenri'ahns, isn't it?"
Venti looked away in shame as he had heard your remarks, making you wince at the words you just released, so you try to salvage the situation, "I don't want to pry, though. I know it's kinda traumatizing for you after all."
To be honest, you never even knew what happened during the Khaenri'ah disaster, as the game was still in the Sumeru patch, and the nation was still mysterious as it was when the game was first released. All you know is the latest dump info about it in the recent patches, where Nahida once said that the six Archons are involved in the Cataclysm, while she was protecting the Irminsul.
"I guess you know all about that, after all, you're the Divine Creator of Teyvat themselves. You were supposed to know as Celestia must have been doing all of this shit in your honor," Venti whispered but you could still hear him, his eyes still looking at the window behind him, "And here I have thought that you're just an imposter."
Your eyes widened once again, for this is the first time you hear him curse, and his tone suddenly filled with a little spite. Also, the words he had said to you made you a little confused, so you asked him with a confused tone, "Why do you say that?"
Venti shook his head with hesitation before he replied to your question, "The blood, you're actually bleeding in your head because you bumped your head to the floor and it actually glittered gold like the legend says. The Divine Creator in the legends of old was supposed to have the blood of pure gold, with constellations shining in their eyes. I dunno about the constellation thing, but the gold blood we had seen coming from you was the legitimate indication that you are really the legendary deity."
"Fortunately, the citizens had been evacuated to safety thanks to the brilliant minds of Acting Grandmaster Jean and Master Diluc, along with other Knights, and that means not everyone knew about you bleeding an aureate color. But even though Bennett and Razor had to carry you to the Cathedral without gaining attention from other people, we need to have someone look at your wounds and protect you while you're still recovering."
You nodded as if you now understood everything, but deep inside, confusion and doubt was still simmering on your mind. You had known your whole life that you were born a regular human, a normal speck among billions, but being the greatest god of Teyvat that can bleed liquid gold? Last time you remembered, your blood was red. You have been in too many blood tests to confirm that.
You theorized that it has something to do with you being isekai-ed to Teyvat. The phenomenon has made your biology change to fit the essence of the game. Then you suddenly remembered how Barbara reacted when she saw Venti.
"But what about you? Based on Barbara's reaction, everyone now knew who you were..."
Venti rubbed his neck with a sheepish look, "Well, it's bound to happen sooner or later, but honestly, I wouldn't expect that I would be revealed while being in an unstable state."
He then smiled brightly but you could see the empty look in his eyes, "But on the bright side, they now gave me free wine and good food to eat for free. But to be honest, I don't really deserve their kindness after what I did as their absentee Archon who suddenly shows up and tries to hurt them."
You nodded again as you looked at your hands which were still clenching on the blanket covering your legs. Since you were just recently conscious after being knocked out for weeks, your memories of the past events were kinda fuzzy.
Yet, you were curious about what happened after you were knocked out, so you asked the bard, causing him to look at you in the eyes, "Can I ask you something?"
Venti nodded as you took a deep breath and the question was now dropped from your lips.
"What happened after I went unconscious?"
Taglist: @vvyeislazzy, @chocolatekuns, @mmajoko, @jaxielous, @mulandi, @code-roevember, @the-real-fandom-person, @dilucpegg3r, @yoascheeksplayin, @kithewanderingme, @justarandomweeblol, @3there4l, @5sos-wdw, @leyla3x0, @totallyntsarcat, @tartarsaucechi1de, @uchihaeirin, @ello-its-me-ya-boi, @konzumeken, @05aaphrodite, @pix-stuff, @osamu-miya-wife11, @bajifairyy, @valka-230, @thedevioussmirk
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that-sarcastic-writer · 10 months
Safe Haven (4)
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Soldier Boy X Fem!Paramedic!Reader
Summary: You and Ben have been bonding for a few days, but after a scare, you both have an important conversation
Warnings: Foul language, talks of PTSD, some slapping (not from ben), angst, this is literally the slowest of burns, eventual smut, so minors dni, Soldier Boy bc he's a warning on his own
Like I've said before I write sb as less insufferable and horrible, he's still a dick but he's warming up to reader so he's nicer
WC: 3.2k
A/N: I AM SO SORRY. I know I left this tory forgotten for a year, and that's so not fair to you guys, and I am truly sorry for it. I've never been good at finishing my series. I tend to get blocked in the middle and I'm never able to get past it. But I started rewatching s3 again and decided to give this series a second try. And I think I have a much clearer idea of how to proceed from where I left off. I just always have a hard time with the middle. But I will do my best to not leave this series unfinished because yall were more than supportive to it and it's not fair to just leave you hanging. So if you stuck around thank you.
Next part | Series Masterlist | Soldier Boy Masterlist
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The last thing you expected to wake up to was the smell of freshly brewed coffee and Ben, in the kitchen, actually cooking something. You were still a bit out of it from sleep when you walked into the kitchen, but you stopped dead in your tracks and your eyes grew at the sight of him, frown plastered on his face as he stood with a pan in his hand. You blinked a couple of times and snorted in disbelief. 
“Since when do you cook?” You asked as you moved to stand beside him, slightly tilting your head as you looked at the slightly burnt sandwich on the pan. “If that’s what you would call cooking.”
“Fuck off,” He rolled his eyes at you and scoffed like he took offense to your words as he grabbed the sandwich from right out of the pan and took a bite out of it. His face remained in a frown, lips pursed into a displeased grimace. “I got hungry and you were still in your room, so I improvised.” 
Well at least you appreciated him not barging into your room so you would cook for him. After you went off on him the other night he gave you space, he was just as flirty and inappropriate, but respected your space and wouldn’t antagonize you much. If he could do something on his own he would, but was still silently grateful if you ever did anything for him. And much to his surprise, you still allowed him to stay, for some reason. But he didn’t mind it. And honestly, you didn’t mind his presence either, if anything he was pretty bearable most of the time. 
“Does that not burn?” You asked, eyeing him with big eyes as you turned the stove off and placed the pan on the sink. 
He shrugged, “The Russians burned me with flamethrowers the size of your head for fun, so no, this doesn’t burn.” 
You stared at him blankly, lips slightly parted as you tried to process his words. 
“Right..” You simply shook your head, not even wanting to inquire further. You were about to walk away when you heard him say your name. 
“That’s for you,” He said, pointing at the glass mug you usually use for your coffee, droplets of water already pooling around it like it had been sitting there for a little while. You looked between the glass of coffee on the counter and him, confused. 
“You made me coffee?” You asked slowly, squinting at him with confusion. He grabbed a glass of his own from the counter next to the stove and he nodded as he drank from it. 
“Why do you sound so surprised?”
You grabbed it and hesitantly took a sip from it, eyes widening in surprise. It didn’t taste half bad. So he wasn’t entirely useless. 
“I don’t know. I mean, you cooked and you made me coffee,” You said slowly and paused, narrowing your eyes at him suspiciously, “What do you want? Is this your way of convincing me to fuck you?”
He laughed at that, tongue running over his pink lips playfully and an equally playful glint in his eyes, but he shook his head, “No…” His lips curved into a small smirk as he stood in front of you, leaning down close to your face. “Is it working?”
You took a deep breath, eyes wandering to the side to avoid his. You'd be lying if you said you hadn’t considered it. In the days he had been pretty much hiding in your house, you had grown to like his company, when he wasn’t being a dick of course. And he was irresistibly attractive in more ways you would like to admit. But you knew better than to let him in your bed. 
“You wish.” You moved away from him and hopped on the kitchen island as you sipped your coffee, your face already flushing with heat, though you were glad he couldn’t see that. 
“You know the offer is always on the table if you change your mind darlin’.” He winked, lips curled into a smirk as he drank from his coffee. You rolled your eyes at him and shook your head.
“How did you even manage to get the coffee machine on? I’ve seen the way you look at my phone, it’s like your brain is computing. Technology isn’t your thing.”
His face turned blank and his lips fell into a flat line, jaw slightly twitching, like he was not amused by your comment in the slightest bit.
“You can suck my dick, thank you. For your fucking information I’m not that stupid. I’ve seen you make coffee every morning for almost a week, I can manage to make some goddamn coffee.” 
You were trying your hardest not to laugh, you had to close your eyes and exhale through your nose so you wouldn’t laugh at his clearly offended tone. And when you opened your eyes to look at him, he looked anything but amused. 
“Jeez alright, don’t get your panties in a bunch. It’s not the worst coffee I’ve had, so.” Your lips curved into a half smile and he rolled his eyes. 
“That’s how you like it right? Iced, a bit of cream and caramel?” 
“Yeah, actually.” You said with a half smile, surprised he actually seemed to have remembered that, most guys you've dated wouldn't have bothered to remember even after months.
He smirked almost proudly and he hummed as he stood in front of you, and had your legs been open, he probably would’ve stood right in between them. You straightened your back as you looked up at him with curiosity. 
“That’s a good girl. I like a girl who knows her stuff.” The words rolled off his tongue so naturally and yet so breathtakingly hot it made you inhale sharply. He knew what he was doing to you when he did things like that, and the worst part was that he would often just walk off, almost as if he was hoping you would chase him. Which you never did, as much as a part of you wished you did. “I’m a pretty quick learner, I can do things just the way you like ‘em, you just have to ask.” 
And with that he walked off, smug smirk full on his lips at the sound of your sharp breaths and quickly beating heart. Your sanity and modesty could only last so long if he kept this up. And honestly, you didn’t see it stopping anytime soon. 
You blew out an annoyed sigh as you padded down the hall from your room to your living room, the persistent sound of Ben calling your name nonstop having pulled you out of your own space. 
“Dude what.” You sighed out as you stood with your arms crossed and looked down at him. He was sprawled out on the couch, an arm behind his head. For a second your eyes drifted to his bicep under the soft fabric of the henley you had given him, and you had to force yourself to look at his face instead.
“What are you fucking deaf? I’ve been calling you for like five minutes.”
“Yes Ben I heard you the first five fucking times you screamed my name. I was busy. What do you want that is so urgent and you can’t do yourself?” You asked, leaning your weight into one heel. 
“Do you have any drugs?” He deadpanned, not bothering to take his eyes from the TV. You stared at him, blinking a couple times. 
“What I said. Do you have any reefer or benzos or some shit like that?” He turned his head to look at you this time, face completely serious. 
“Uh.. No? What the fuck do you want drugs for?” You asked, rubbing the side of your face, still trying to process his request. 
He ran a hand over his face, fingers threading through his hair and he sighed heavily, looking up at the ceiling before speaking.
“I need something to help me take the edge off. I’m constantly restless, I always have this feeling like I’m going to punch a hole through a wall, I can’t sleep and I didn’t feel that way when I was fucking high all the time, so.” He said with complete honesty, he was serious too. 
Your lips slightly parted as you thought about it for a second. You guessed it made sense. If he did have PTSD weed probably would help him relax. You knew that feeling pretty well. You sympathized with him even. 
"Yeah okay. I know a guy." You finally said.
Ben gave you a surprised look, his eyebrows slightly raised. He definitely didn't take you for the drug type. But then again, maybe you liked to feel numb sometimes, too. 
"Thanks sweetheart." 
"Sure." You gave him a half nod as you glanced at your phone. "Listen, I'm gonna go out for a bit. I'm gonna buy some groceries and stuff. Stay here? Please. Your face is still all of over downtown. And with the whole Homelander Starlight bullshit I just don't think it's safe." 
"Aww sweetheart, you worried about me now?" He sat up with a shit eating smirk that made your roll your eyes. 
"Not particularly. It'd be less money I'd have to spend if you weren't here actually." He shot up an eyebrow with disdain and scoffed at you, making you grin. "I mean it, after what Homelander did in plain daylight, nobody's safe." 
"What did that fucker do this time?" He asked, his tone suddenly changing and he sat up straight. 
"Didn't you see? Oh yeah, you don't even own a phone." You sighed, "Homelander lasered a guy at some form of public event. The guy wasn't a criminal, he wasn't dangerous, he was just telling Homelander the truth to his face. So he killed the guy." 
"In plain daylight? You're kidding." 
"I fucking wish. I saw the video, it was all over Twitter before it got taken down. The worst part, everyone there cheered him on. He murdered an innocent person and everyone praised him for it. It was terrifying." 
Ben sat in silence for a long minute, even after you were done speaking. His lips were parted but he never spoke. That was his son. His only son. He couldn't say he was a saint, he knew he had done plenty of wrongs, unforgivable things, but he had never killed a person without reason. Let alone an innocent person. He was disgusted, digusted that his own flesh and blood could do something so horrible. Disgusted that Vought made him that way. He couldn't live knowing Homelander was still out there like this. He had to end this. One way or another. 
"Ben!" You called out loudly as you kicked your front door open, struggling to carry the multiple bags you so wrongly assumed you could carry on your own. You groaned loudly, the one time you needed this motherfucker. "Ben you useless asshole I need your super strength!" 
Still nothing. 
"I cannot with this motherfucker…" You muttered angrily to yourself as you pretty much dropped the bags on the floor. 
You left the door open since you still had more bags in your car but you wanted to find him first. You called his name a few more times as you walked around your farmhouse. He sure wasn't downstairs. You went up to the second floor, maybe he was in the guest bedroom, he slept there sometimes. 
Still no Ben. 
You stood in the middle of the hall with a frown on your face. Your stomach twisted with uneasiness. Your palms began to sweat cold as you thought the worst. God, where could he have gone? He clearly didn't know his way around town, he had no car. And worst of all he was still wanted by FBSA and now the CIA as well in a joint task force. 
He was gone. He was actually gone. 
What was this feeling? You felt sick and lightheaded, and your heart was racing. You leaned against a wall as you took deep breaths. Were you actually upset he was gone? Was this worry and panic you were feeling? Your mind was racing with every possibility, the next being worse than the previous. Maybe he got hurt? Or worse, maybe he blacked out and hurt somebody else again. God, why didn't he listen to you? 
You were drowned in your own worry when you heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. You straightened up, afraid someone had come for you, another supe, or the cops. You had been aiding a known fugitive afterall. 
You didn't know how long it had been, but you heard your name. It was his voice. 
"There you are. You okay? Why is the front door wide open?" Ben stopped at the top of the stairs, eyes furrowed into a worried expression. 
You didn't realize you had been holding your breath. And you felt like you could breathe again. But the knot in your stomach was quickly replaced by your blood boiling. God, how could he just walk in like that? Did he not realize how worried you had been?
You were worried about him.
You hadn't worried about anyone since—
You didn't think, you simply marched in front of him and your flat palm collided with his cheek. You were so fucking furious with him.
"What the fuck were you thinking? Why did you leave without saying anything? Are you so reckless and careless that you didn't stop to think you're literally the most wanted Supe right now?" You were shouting at him, shoving at his chest like it was going to do anything. The man didn't even move. He was stunned, surprisingly not angry. If anything seeing you like this turned him on.
"Jesus Christ, woman, can I tell you my safeword first?" He scrunched up his face a bit. He didn't feel your slap. It didn't even leave a tingle, but it was more so the fact that you had the guts to do so. You glared at him and smacked his chest one last time before you crossed your arms over your chest, face fixed tight and fuming. "Why are you so angry? I wasn't gone long." 
Did he seriously not realize?
"Why? Why am I so angry?" You repeated his question with disbelief. "Maybe because you could've gotten hurt out there or arrested! Or worse you could've—" You stopped, catching yourself before you said the words.
Ben raised an eyebrow at you, sensing the heat in your words, and he gave you a half nod of his head, knowing what it was you didn’t dare to say. 
"I could've what? Go on say it. If you had the balls to smack me then have the balls to finish that sentence." 
"You could've hurt someone." You finally said after a few seconds of silence, your voice much quieter now. 
"Right, 'cause I'm the brainwashed terrorist supe who just loves to blow people the fuck up, is that it?" He lowered himself to get in your face, his words accusatory, but also hurt by your accusation. You didn't to outright say it for him to know what you meant. Everyone else seemed to think so anyway. You avoided his eyes, mouth closed. "What? You got nothing to say now?" 
"I don't know! You're unpredictable, your powers are unpredictable. I'm not saying you meant to hurt those people, but you did Ben, I saw it. I saw all of it. It wasn't fucking pretty and I just—" You swallowed, closing your eyes, frustrated with yourself. Why were you so upset about this? About him? "I know you don't want any more of that on your conscience."
Ben stared at you for a long while, lips pressed together, and his jaw ticked with frustration, but he didn't snap at you. He just sighed. 
"I didn't hurt anyone. I just.. I can't keep hiding here with you when Homelander is out there. I just can't." He finally said, his voice strained with emotions you just couldn't quite understand. "I went to see an old friend from Vought. I needed to know what was going on. I need to do something. But I'm…" 
He swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing and lips pursing as he tried to say his next words, like it was hard for him to do so. You met his eyes this time, expectant. 
"I'm sorry for worrying you. I didn't think… To be honest with you I don't know why you care but I'm glad you do. So I'm sorry." He breathed out the words with his chest, like he was lifting a ton of bricks off his chest and he could breathe. 
Your eyes grew in size at his seemingly sincere apology. He had never sounded so genuine, he had never looked so much either. But he was, his green eyes were big and apologetic, and there was no smug smile, no grins, just a flat line and his big eyes. 
"I'm sorry for hitting you. I was just worried. I thought something might’ve happened." You sighed, giving him an apology of your own, which he welcomed with a tiny smile and nod. "But I... Fuck, I'm still worried about what you're doing. Homelander is extremely dangerous, Ben. I don't think you should get yourself in more trouble than you already are." 
Ben would be lying if he said he wasn't surprised by your concern, it made him feel strange, actually. No one had actually shown him such selfless care before. Everyone always needed something from him or were just pretending to care for him. But no you. Everything you had done for him you had done because you wanted to, not because you had to. And he still didn't know why. 
"Listen darlin', I can't tell you much, but I can tell you this— I had a mission before you found me. I started something and now I need to finish it." You frowned even more, and he couldn't help but reach his fingers to smooth the tight lines above your brow, and for some reason, you let him. "I have done some pretty bad shit, I'm not gonna lie about that, but if I can do one good thing by killing that motherfucker, I will. I can't just sit here while he's out there doing God knows what and with nobody to tell him otherwise." 
"I don't know what it is that you got yourself into, or that you got me into, but we're here now. I just ask you that you tell me what's going on. I think I've proven to you that you can trust me." You finally said with a long breath, but you still felt that pressure on your chest. "Do what you gotta do, just be careful." 
His lips curved up into a small smile. A genuine smile. He hesitated at first, but something in his chest told him to do it. You had already slapped him once anyway. He closed his eyes for just a second and leaned down, his lips touching your forehead ever so slightly. 
"Don't you worry about me, sweetheart. There's nothing that fucker can do that hasn't already been done to me before. I'll be okay." 
He'll be okay as long as you let him stay because somehow, you have been the only thing keeping him sane.
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surrounded-bysea · 6 months
Last night’s hold
This is how my hold last night went, also my first time making a post on here that isn’t my intro post so I’m a little nervous but oh well.
I spontaneously decided to do a hold while I was out to dinner with some friends. As soon as I got home (around 8:00 pm), I started drinking a big cup of coffee. Then I started working on a paper, making sure to take big sips of water and tea every time I checked my word count. I also took a few breaks to scroll through my feed on here and rub myself through my panties. By the time the writing I needed to get done for the night was finished, I was at a 5, so not super desperate or anything yet but definitely would’ve gone to the bathroom if it were a normal day.
I got back on tumblr and read through some other omo blogs, especially people’s past holds, to get ideas for how to torture my own bladder. Around 11:00 my roommates came home, so I went out to say hi and washed the mug my coffee had been in and some other dishes in the sink, letting the warm water run over my hands to tease myself a bit, at this point I’m a 6 nearing a 7 for sure. I drank some iced tea from the fridge (I had maybe 4 or 5 oz left in a smaller bottle I’d been drinking from earlier) and refilled my water bottle. I went back in my room and did some squats then pressed on my bladder, which was starting to get pretty full. The long presses really helped tease me. I heard my roommates getting ready for bed and shutting off the lights in their rooms, so I felt okay to keep my hold going.
All of a sudden I’m at an 8. I was laying on my bed scrolling through tumblr and I had to keep rubbing myself, this time under my panties. My clit was starting to ache from my full bladder. I tried to read some omo fic on ao3 to distract myself, but I was so full I couldn’t focus and I realized I was at a 9. I was involuntarily squirming around and knew that if I stopped grabbing at myself I’d leak. At this point it was 12:20 am, I told myself I could wait until 12:30 am, then start getting undressed to get in the shower and let out some bigger leaks in there to tease myself. I was trying to edit my paper as a distraction, but by 12:25 am I was basically just clutching at myself trying to keep my pee in, I could feel my pee hole quivering trying to not let anything out, and I couldn’t stop squirming. I was at true desperation and it was so hot but I knew I couldn’t wet myself in my bed and still fully clothed.
I decided at to just start getting undressed so I could run to the bathroom (directly next to my bedroom) as soon as it turned 12:30 am, because the pee was really starting to push and I felt like I could feel it about to come out of me if I didn’t have my fingers over my pee hole trying to stop it. I was staring at myself in the full length mirror in my room while getting undressed and my bladder bulge was so big, but I couldn’t take too long really admire it because all I could focus on was how absolutely desperate I was and how badly I just wanted to let everything out. I started pacing back and forth to distract myself and hold it in. It was 12:27 am and I felt a dribble come out and hit my thigh, and I knew there was no way I could wait to run to the bathroom at 12:30 without making a puddle on my bedroom rug.
I ran to the bathroom with the intention of waiting until 12:30 to turn on the shower and let myself start leaking, but as soon as I saw the toilet something broke in me and I leaked. I had to sit down and pee started bursting out of me. The stream was so strong and it took a bit to feel any relief because I’d been so full from staying hydrated all night. As soon as I’d finished my pussy was so wet. I’m getting wet again just thinking about this experience and how hot it was.
I was disappointed in myself for not making it, I wish I’d done more to really tease myself once I’d gotten to an 8. Next time I do a hold I’m definitely going to try again for my plan to get in the shower. Hopefully I’ll have enough control to make myself go through a few rounds of leaking and continuing to hold, because leaks are honestly one of the hottest parts of getting desperate and holding for me. Maybe next time I’m holding I’ll post about it when I’m starting and let people on here either help me hold or also torture my bladder, since I would’ve loved to give up some control during this hold.
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autumnshighlady · 1 year
I’ve Always Liked to Play With Fire (part 14)
summary: Reader and Azriel have a talk, Nesta discovers Eris’ secret
warnings: Night Court slander, semi graphic torture, Rhysand is horrible
word count: 7.1k
a/n: IM BACKKKKKK!!!!!! SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!! This is some of my worst writing but I love the concept so here ya go, I hope this was worth the wait! More action coming soon, chapter 16/17 are gonna be HUGE!!!!!! x
feedback is appreciated, just no hate pls! these are just my opinions, i’m more curious to see how you all like the writing and characterization and storylines!
part 1 // part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10 / part 11 / part 12 / part 13 / part 14 / part 15 /
read on ao3
Spotify playlist
You didn’t know how long it had been since Rhysand left you bloody and strung up in the cell. In some ways, you were grateful that the past while had been a blur. Your memory was a haze of flashes of searing pain, Rhysand’s voice in the background demanding you reveal the bond to him and admit the details of your conspiracy against his court. Yet you did not break, even as those tendrils of dark power carved into your already open wounds.
Despite not being able to feel her on the other side of the bond, Nesta was what got you through it. The thought of her in Autumn, far away from the Night Court’s reach, made you grit your teeth and fight the urge to crumble in front of the High Lord. You closed your eyes and pictured the eldest Archeron sister wandering through the paths of the woods, brilliant leaves of red and gold falling around her and landing on the soft grass. Her creamy skin adorned in a soft emerald dress, that golden-brown hair trailing down her back, finally free. You pictured her happy, content in her new environment. With Eris.
Even in your half-conscious state, you wondered how well the two were getting along. While the Inner Circle thought the Autumn heir was a cruel, sadistic bastard, you always knew Eris as your best friend’s older brother… the aloof, sarcastic male who would attempt to charm you to piss off Lucien. You never told Lucien, but every wink Eris had sent your way made butterflies swarm in your stomach. Eris was clever, a good intellectual match for Nesta at least. You had faith in her to be able to navigate the Autumn Court politics. After all, she had been raised to be a perfect courtier. Why the Inner Circle wanted to ignore that and make her into a warrior instead was mind-blowing. Even Lucien, who was incredibly skilled at negotiating and getting along with other courts, was treated like trash by the Inner Circle.
You missed him terribly. It had been months since you had seen Lucien, who was reportedly dwelling in the human lands now. You suspected he was being fed lies by Feyre and Rhys about your involvement in their court. No doubt their version of the story told a tale that painted you as the obedient female who eagerly immersed herself into the Night Court, grateful to be given this chance.
The eerie quiet of the cell was broken by the rush of air in the corner, the soft sound itself deafening against your pounding head. You couldn’t recall the last time you drank water, your throat dry as sandpaper. You didn’t lift your head up, for the weight of it was too much for your neck to bear. You did nothing, just accept the fact that Rhysand had returned for another crack at you.
But it was not Rhysand’s sneering voice that muttered, “Mother above.”
“Az…” Your voice was raspy and almost unrecognisable as you lifted your chin up. The spymaster stood before you, eyes widened slightly. His jaw was tense, and there was something about his expression you couldn’t decipher.
When he didn’t say anything, you tried again. “Please… help….”
“What happened?” He asked coldly, his shadows swirling around him. You flinched as they approached, drifting towards you like Rhysand’s mist had. The action didn’t go unnoticed. Azriel blinked, the only indication of surprise he was likely to give. Still, you could see it in his eyes as he put the pieces together. Not once had you ever flinched from the shadows that hovered around him. Until Rhysand’s own likened darkness had cut through your skin like butter.
“Water…” You mumbled. For a moment, you thought Azriel was going to ignore your request and continue to just stand there staring at you. But after what appeared to be a moment of contemplation, the spymaster pulled out a small canteen and unscrewed the lid. With his scarred hands he lifted it up to your lips. Your entire body sagged in relief as you eagerly drank the water, taking as much as he would give you. After downing about half of the liquid, Azriel stepped back.
“Thank you.” You said, voice clearer this time now that your dry throat had vanished.
“Rhysand did this to you.” Azriel said more as a statement than a question. After training with the spymaster for months, you could read him a bit easier than before. There was something behind his expression, revealed by the widened eyes and tensed jaw, that made you think whatever Azriel had expected his High Lord to do in his interrogation of you, this was not it.
So you nodded, and the tears that had been pooling in your eyes finally spilled down your cheeks. You hated crying in front of Azriel, or anyone really. But you were too tired to hold your tears back. Days in this cell, tortured without food or water… It was too much.
“Gods,” Azriel muttered, running a hand through his tousled locks. “When Rhysand told me he wanted to interrogate you himself, I didn’t expect…. this.”
You choked out a laugh. “Why does it matter to you anyways, Azriel? You were willing to send me to die on an impossible mission. My fate here is really no different.”
Azriel stiffened visibly, brows narrowing. “How did you–”
“Does it matter?” You interrupted bitterly, twisting your wrist around in the chain to try and relax the stiff muscles.
“You know if you want any shot of getting out of here, you’re going to have to tell the truth.” Azriel growled, his voice dropping. “You’ve been hiding things from me this entire time, and I’d like to know what. And why, starting with how you knew about the confidential mission to the continent before I even told you.”
You laughed again, a hollow, bitter sound echoing throughout the cell chamber. You were beyond caring at this point. No matter how you answered their questions, or if you answered them at all, there was no escaping the fact that telling the truth or not, you would not make it out of these dungeons. “You don't understand,” You retorted. “It doesn’t matter how I know. Telling you how will not change the fact that neither you nor Rhys will let me out of here anytime soon.”
The shadowsinger folded his arms, his cold gaze unblinking. “You do realise that if you want me to help, you’re going to have to be straight with me.”
It killed you that you couldn’t tell Azriel what was really going on. Some part of you yearned to, hoping that he’d finally get his head out of his High Lord’s ass. But you couldn’t shake how he just left you in here with Rhysand. Rhys apparently has his claws so deep in every member of the Inner Circle, it would take a lot more than a few months of training one on one with the spymaster for him to change.
“Please, just…” Your voice was barely above a whisper as you hung your head, ashamed. “Kill me. Get it over with.”
You heard him scoff. “I am not going to kill you.”
“You basically were by letting me be sent to die on the continent.”
“Damnit, (Y/N) I was trying to help you!” Azriel snapped, his tone rising.
You froze as you were lifting your head up. “What?”
Azriel rubbed his face with a scarred hand, leaning against one of the rocks that jutted out from the wall. He looked exasperated, the weariness on his face visible even in the dim lighting of the cell. “I was trying to find a way to get you out of the mission.” He said. “I told Rhys it would take months, years even to get you ready for that level of assignment. He did not listen. I spent those four weeks trying to find a way for you to escape, to get out of here.”
Your mind reeled from more than just exhaustion. Azriel had been trying to help you this whole time? He may not be brave enough to put his foot down to Rhysand, but had enough sense to try and get you out of this mess.
He continued. “I was trying to set up refuge for you, in a village far south on the continent. You’d have been safe there, if you laid low. I would have told Rhys that my spies reported you were killed.”
“Why?” You couldn’t help but ask. “Why lie to him for me? He’s your high lord.”
“Yes. And he always will be. But that does not mean I am not allowed to have my opinions on the way he handles some matters. It is unfair to drag someone into this line of work who does not want it, and it is even more unfair to send them on assignments they are not ready for.”
You chose your next words carefully. “You know why he did it, right?”
Azriel only stared at you, saying nothing.
“He wants me dead,” You whispered. “He wants me dead and you know it. That’s why he arranged the mission-”
“No,” Azriel cut you off, his voice sharp. “He was desperate for another spy, and could not send me. Braillyn would have expected that. You were the best one for the job, because they don’t know you. He just didn’t understand that you weren’t ready.”
You shook your head, heart sinking at Azriel’s denial. He wasn’t stupid, some part of him had to know the truth – that Rhysand wanted you dead because your defiance of him could cause unrest, even more so if you were plotting against him. Which you were. The first big step had been a success, getting Nesta out of the Night Court in a way that, by the law, prevented them from coming after her.
There was much more you had in store for the Inner Circle, but only time would tell if you would be able to pull it off. None of which would happen if you did not escape this cell.
“That’s not true, Azriel.” You said. “I wish you would see it. He knew I wasn’t ready, but if I died then he wouldn’t have to worry about me anymore. But if I somehow survived then he’d get the intel he wanted.”
The spymaster’s glare hardened. You shrank back slightly as he propped himself upright once again and stalked towards you. Large wings flared slightly, a menacing sight as he asked you firmly, “I will ask you this one more time. How did you find out about the mission?”
You didn’t answer, wondering if he was going to try and carve answers out of you like Rhysand had. Azriel had likely done such a thing countless times, perhaps in this very cell. Your wounds were crusted over and raw, fae healing abilities diminished in the darkness of the prison.
“It was Eris, wasn’t it?” Azriel said after a few minutes, bitterness and disappointment lacing his voice. “That’s why he proposed to Nesta, and why she insisted on you coming with them. It was part of a plan, wasn’t it? A plan for you and Nesta to escape.”
You did not bother confirming nor denying it, any defiance you had long ago wilted. Half your body had gone numb, and the other half ached beyond belief. You could feel yourself slipping further and further away, a discouragingly slow descent towards death. It was almost worse than the torture itself, being so close to death’s arms embracing you and carrying you to freedom, yet not quite there yet.
“Why?” Azriel asked sternly, taking your silence as an answer in and of itself. “Why would you want so badly to leave? To take Nesta away from her family?”
Bitterness coursed through you, igniting a fire in your voice. “If that is truly how you see it then you won’t even try to understand.” You hissed at him.
Azriel perched himself atop one of the rocks in the corner, those massive wings folding in. He shrugged, arms folded. “Humour me.” He challenged dryly.
These moments were crucial, you knew. It was your chance to either convince Azriel to help you, or to seal your fate and be locked in here forever. The choice weighed upon your already heavy shoulders like a rock. Rhysand would likely return soon and Azriel would disappear again, along with this one chance. And so you chose.
“Nesta will never be part of the Inner Circle, and you know it.” You said. “All you guys have done is try and muzzle her, control her, make her docile enough to sit quietly alongside you at the table but never truly be a part of everything.”
“We were trying to help her–” Azriel interrupted, but you quickly cut him off.
“By forcing her to train? Do something she never wanted? There are many ways to help someone, Azriel. This method may have worked for you and Cassian, but it is not for everyone. Nesta was hurting after the war, and all she received was judgement. You lot consume a bottle of wine every Friday night at Rita’s, but when Nesta does it, suddenly it’s a bad thing? You’ve all slept around, but when Nesta does it, she should be shamed? You have all held her to an impossible standard and refused to give her time to heal. But none of you ever cared about her healing, only how she made you look. You’ve done exactly to her what Tamlin did to your High Lady.”
You expected Azriel to argue, to fight back in defence of his found family. But he merely stared at you, eyes unreadable. You took it as a sign to continue.
“Nesta is drowning in the Night Court.” You said, locking eyes with the shadowsinger. “She will never be accepted here, and being a warrior is not what she wants. You are not stupid, Azriel. You know this. Feyre has found her new family, and that is fine. Let Nesta find her own. Please, just let her go.”
The eerie echoes throughout the cell were the only sound for the next few minutes. Your gut churned at Azriel’s reaction to your rant. He had said nothing, made no defence nor an agreement. That was almost more nerve-wracking to you.
“You see much of yourself in Nesta, do you not?” Azriel finally spoke, unfolding his arms. “That’s why you resorted to involving Eris to help get Nesta out. You have known him for as long as you’ve known his little brother, so you went to him for aid, did you not?”
“Yes.” You muttered. You didn’t have it in you to deny anything anymore. With what you had already admitted, Azriel would figure everything out on his own. You just hoped that Nesta had solidified her position in the Autumn Court quickly enough to prevent a war from breaking out.
“And he was at the meeting where Rhysand discussed sending you to the continent,” The spymaster continued, hazel eyes gleaming in the darkness. “So that’s how you knew. And you came up with the idea of marriage to get Nesta out, did you not?”
“Here’s what I don’t understand,” Azriel stood up, once again looking down at your withered form. “That plan involved a clean way out for everyone except you. Why? Were you wanting to get sent to the continent to die?”
“It is because she loves Nesta.”
The arrogant voice of the High Lord filled the room, chilling your bones. Your entire body went stiff with panic, and even Azriel’s eyes widened as Rhysand appeared from behind you. Clearly, he hadn’t expected his brother back so soon.
The sound of footsteps and a dark presence was all your senses noted as you closed your eyes, feeling Rhysand walk around you to stand next to Azriel. You couldn’t bring yourself to open them, to look into the face that had sneered as tendrils of dark mist tortured you for hours.
“Good job, Az, you got her to talk!” Rhys clapped Azriel’s stiff shoulder, shock still evident on the spymaster’s face. “She said a hell of a lot more to you than she did to me. But I don’t recall ordering you to interrogate her. Unless my excellent memory is wrong, of course.”
Azriel straightened his spine, glaring at the High Lord. “You didn’t,” He said plainly. “But seeing the results of your last meeting with her and how little information you gathered, I believe it best you leave the rest of it to me.”
You finally opened your eyes, greeted by the practically feline smile of the High Lord. He bore a triumphant look on his face, one that made your body shake with nerves. Somehow, he had heard almost everything – Azriel’s shadows not even detecting his presence. Deep down, you knew that you were never getting out of here now.
“No.” Rhysand said. “You’ve done enough. You can carve her up all you want and nothing will make the magic mark appear, so I don’t need you for this next part. You are dismissed, Azriel.”
Unlike before, Azriel stood his ground. “No,” He growled. “As your spymaster, it is my job to be involved in these things. I am staying.”
Rhysand merely shrugged, showing no signs that he cared about his brother defying him. “Suit yourself. But you are not to intervene, do you understand?”
“Intervene with what?”
Rhysand hummed, taking a step towards you. You flinched as he brought his hand up, taking one of your tangled locks and pushing it behind your ear. An act so seemingly gentle, filling you with more fear than you had ever known.
“You look famished, darling.” He crooned, stroking your ice cold cheek. “If you show me the mark that allows you to communicate with Nesta, we can get you a nice hot plate of food and some water.”
With your mouth no longer dry, you gathered up as much saliva as you could manage and spat in the High Lord’s face. From the corner of your eye, you noticed Azriel’s jaw drop open slightly at the action, and you almost laughed.
But Rhysand only chuckled, wiping your spit off his face before standing back up to his full height. “I may not have been able to get into your head before,” He said. “But now that you are weakened, I will be able to break through your shields.”
Searing pain shot through your skull and you screamed. Those dark tendrils that had sliced your flesh before were now in your head, scraping down your shields like nails on a chalkboard. The pain was unlike anything you had experienced, the worst migraine of your life times a hundred.
Through the screaming, which you weren’t sure if it was in your head or out loud, you could hear Azriel’s muffled voice in the background. “Stop it, Rhys,” He was protesting. “You’ll kill her.”
Rhysand ignored him, continuing to try and force his way into your head. It felt like the entire force of the sea had come crashing down on your skull, pushing and pounding in every direction in search of a crack. Your entire body shook, the pain from your physical wounds nonexistent in comparison.
“This isn’t right.” Azriel was saying. “I will get her to talk, just stop this. She’ll never trust us if you keep doing this.”
“I don’t care about her trust.” You heard Rhysand say, his voice both in your head and echoing throughout the room. “Once I get into her head and get what I need, she will be of no more use to us. Then she’ll be your problem.”
The sensation of white hot needles pricking into your head took over, and you let out a wail. It was a thousand times worse than before, especially in your starved state.
Please, You begged the Mother, or any gods out there. Please kill me. Grant me this mercy and end it.
Amidst the pain and your screams, a warm sensation brushed your shoulder, like someone’s hand was grasping it in reassurance. You can do this. It seemed to say, in a voice so familiar yet like nothing you had ever heard before.
“What are you saying?” Azriel growled.
The High Lord’s next sentence was all you heard before darkness overtook your vision. “When I am done, I need you to kill her, Azriel.”
The smell of a freshly made breakfast sandwich and tea roused Nesta from her sleep. As her eyes crept open to meet the golden glow of the sunrise, she became rapidly aware of the presence lounging beside her. Nesta’s vision focused after a few blinks, a male with red hair coming into focus.
Instantly, she shot up, wincing as the pounding headache she apparently woke up with protested. “What the fuck, Eris?” She practically yelled, bunching up the bedsheets to cover her nightgown.
“Ah, finally you’re awake!” The prince said casually, as if he was not laying next to her sleeping form with his head propped up against the bed frame. “Half the day has gone by already while you slept.”
“It’s sunrise, asshole.” Nesta hissed furiously, wishing she had a dagger nearby to stab him with. “Were you watching me sleep?”
“Exactly,” Eris quipped, turning to the next page in the book that he was currently reading. “And no, watching you sleep is rather boring. Especially when you snore. Besides, this novel is way more interesting.”
Growling, Nesta snatched the book from him after noting it was a smutty romance one she had snuck from the library and was currently reading. Eris smirked knowingly, making Nesta’s cheeks burn. “I did not take you for a romance novel type of female,” He purred, arrogantly reaching up his arm to rest behind his head. “Especially ones with such erotica.”
Nesta gave him a hard shove, unbalancing him. “Get. The. Fuck. Out.”
Eris chuckled, raising his hands in mock defenselessness. “But I brought you breakfast! Am I really not allowed to bring my loving fiancé breakfast in bed?”
She shot daggers at him with her eyes. “Your loving fiancé is going to murder you before the wedding if you don’t get out within the next fifteen seconds.”
Eris sighed in defeat. “I do not know what I did to deserve this type of treatment from my future wife.” He muttered in obvious sarcastic pity, but climbing off the bed nonetheless. Nesta crossed her arms over her chest, cursing inwardly at the headache that plagued her. If she had better control of her magic, she’d send a stream of silver fire after Eris’ ass on his way out.
It had been one week since the dinner with Beron where she was granted one month to train her powers, and every day had been the same routine. Get woken up before the sun has even risen, ride Diadoro and Calypso to a remote clearing in the forest about an hour away, try over and over again to follow Eris’ instructions only for either nothing to happen or absolute catastrophe. The day usually ended in an argument, either about training, Eris’ progress in finding you, or where he was on his plan to dispose of his father. And then followed by a very silent ride back to the manor.
“Meet me by the lake in 10 minutes.” Eris called out as he shut the door, leaving Nesta to eat the breakfast laid across the tray. She groaned, rubbing her eyes and wishing for just an hour of rest.
Sleep hadn’t been coming easily lately. Every night was the same dream – Nesta running around a dark maze with walls of stone, trying to get to you. She could hear your screams as if they were real, echoing throughout her head whenever she was left alone with her own thoughts. Eris insisted he was doing everything he could to find you, but the more time passed the more worried she got. Every day Nesta woke up, she was plagued by the aching in her chest.
In record time, she managed to consume half of her breakfast and get herself dressed. The outfits Eris had always prepared for her were admittedly perfect, and today was no different. A forest green gown with gold buttons up the front, and a subtle dark pink trim. Nesta had no idea where Eris was pulling these gowns from, but she didn’t complain as she slipped on the comfortable material.
Eris was waiting with Calypso and Diadoro, the creatures tacked up and ready to go. Calypso was pawing at the ground impatiently, as if she had been waiting a while.
“At last she graces us with her presence.” Eris called out as Nesta approached hurriedly. It had taken her an extra few minutes to get ready, as her hair did not cooperate in its usual cornet. For the first time in Autumn, Nesta had simply pulled her golden brown locks back into a simple braid before hurrying out the door.
“You said ten minutes, I took fifteen, get over it.” She snapped, taking Diadoro’s reins from Eris’ outstretched hand. “Besides, I needed a few minutes to recover from the fright of looking at your face the first thing waking up.”
Eris chuckled. “A sight to look forward to after our wedding day, my dear.”
Nesta rolled her eyes, climbing into the saddle as Eris held the stirrup in place for her. He had insisted Nesta get used to riding, something she had protested at first. But admittedly, it was fun, not that she’d ever admit that in front of Eris. As the Prince got on Calypso’s back, the pair and their horses headed off through the path they had taken every day for the last week.
It was a scenic route, the Autumn hues throughout the forest bringing Nesta a sense of calm that she had never quite found at the Night Court. She was no longer always cold, bones chilled by the crisp night air that seemed to somehow be present during the day, even though none of the Inner Circle seemed to feel it. She only wished she could share this stroll with you.
After about twenty minutes of riding, Nesta decided to change things up and break the usual silence that they rode in. “Where are you with your search for her?” She said quietly.
“Well, my spies are convinced she is still somewhere in the Night Court.” Eris responded cautiously, his voice flat.
“So why can’t we go back and get her?” Nesta pressed as they continued to ride through the trees.
“Many, many reasons,” Eris said in a matter-of-fact voice. “Firstly, you know that the High Lord and the brute would snatch you up immediately. You would never get out after that. Secondly, neither of us knows the terrain. The Night Court is large, and she could be anywhere. It is not easy to pinpoint exactly where she is out of the dozens of places she could be.”
“Eris, every night I have the same dream. I’m running through an underground maze of stone, with walls of black rock. And I hear her voice. And you’re saying this doesn’t help at all?”
The Autumn princeling sighed, halting the horses. “Correct. Because the Night Court has hundreds of mountains, all of which could be harbouring some underground dungeon. So no, it doesn’t help.”
Deep down, Nesta knew he was right. She tangled her fingers in Diadoro’s mane to soothe the sea of worry churning within her. “Why did we stop?” She asked after a few moments.
Eris turned to face her, his eyes serious for once. “Nesta, I know how badly you want to find her. I do too. But with how well hidden and warded the Night Court is, not to mention remoteness, it is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. And if the magic from your bond can’t reach her, I’m afraid I’ve done everything I can.”
“No.” Nesta refused to believe it. You had been her anchor to this earth for months, her reason for keeping her chin up and moving through the relentless stormy sea it seemed she was destined to wade through.
Eris’ voice was gentle. “Nesta, you are immortal now. You have a long life ahead of you. Clinging onto this will only hold you back.”
“Easy for you to say,” Nesta shot back, not caring how deep her words cut. “You don’t care about anyone. Must be no problem for you to just drop people once you’ve gotten what you want.”
For the first time since she had known him, Eris’ face fell slightly. Regret washed over Nesta immediately at the hurt flickering in his amber eyes. Insults were part of Nesta and Eris’ routine now, but this…. She knew she had gone too far.
“Do you truly think so little of me?” Eris asked, his voice uncharacteristically quiet. There was no trace of the arrogant prince she had grown used to.
“I just…” Her voice trailed off. “I don’t know what to think anymore. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.”
“I know. And I’m doing my best to get things back on track, but it’s proving almost impossible.”
Nesta swallowed the familiar lump in her throat that indicated tears were going to begin welling up soon. “I know.” She said before coughing and regaining her composure. “Anywho, you were the one insisting we were late. Let’s get going.”
Before she could move Diadoro forward, Eris turned Calypso to the right and headed off the path. “We’re doing something else today,” He called out. “Follow me.”
Nesta didn’t have to do anything, as Diadoro was already following the white horse off the path, expertly stepping over roots and branches in his way. “Where are we going?” She demanded.
“It’s a surprise.”
“Tell me.”
“That would ruin the surprise.”
“I don’t care.”
“I do. Keep moving.”
Nesta huffed, but didn’t protest. She had never been on this route before, and the further they got the rockier it was. Trees grew sparser, and the soil became harder. The journey reminded Nesta of something from one of the fantasy books in the library at the House of Wind, and with a pang she thought about Gwyn and Emerie.
She wondered how her disappearance had been explained. Most likely, they had been told that Nesta was kidnapped by Eris or something. Nesta missed them terribly – Emerie’s snorting laughter, the way Gwyn’s eyes would light up as she explained something in her research, how they both took an instant liking to you.
“Eris?” Nesta asked about thirty minutes into their trek.
“Yes, my fearsome goddess?” Eris singsonged over his shoulder in response.
“Can I bring my two friends to Autumn?”
“I did not realise you had friends other than (Y/N) in the Night Court.”
She rolled her eyes. “Well, I do. I met them at my training, and…” Her voice trailed off, unsure of how to phrase it without seeming weak. Nesta had never needed anyone before, but the lack of Gwyn and Emerie’s presence in her life lately was beginning to weigh on her.
“You miss them.” Eris finished her sentence for her. “Once I am High Lord, we can invite them to come here.”
“For a visit?”
He shrugged. “Or to stay permanently, if that is what they wish.”
Nesta’s heart fluttered with excitement at the idea. She knew Gwyn would love it here certainly, once she got used to it. Emerie too, who would be relieved at being miles away from her vile family. “I’ll hold you to that, Eris.” She said sternly.
“Consider it one of the many wedding gifts I shall spoil you with.”
Nearly two hours later, Eris finally halted Calypso and got off. It was the longest ride Nesta had been on thus far, and her inner thighs ached. Luckily, the prince was already reaching up to grab her waist, lifting her out of the saddle with an impressive amount of strength.
“Thanks.” She mumbled, cheeks red with embarrassment before asking, “Where are we?”
There was nothing notable in her surroundings, save for a rocky cliff that loomed above them a few metres ahead. Calypso and Diadoro had pressed their noses to the ground in search of grass amidst the sparsity.
“All will be revealed.” Eris winked, then extended his hand. He glanced up at the cliff, and Nesta crossed her arms.
“I am not scaling that cliff.” She said sternly, causing Eris to chuckle.
“I would not make you, certainly in those skirts,” He said. “We’re winnowing up there.”
“You know I hate winnowing.”
“Fine, if you’d like to climb it then I’ll see you in a few hours–”
Nesta quickly grabbed Eris’ hand, cutting him off. It tingled against her own, like electricity in her veins was jumping out to meet his own. She ignored his smirk as the world went askew and the ground fell away underneath her feet.
A split second later, they stood atop the cliff. The wind immediately whipped across Nesta’s cheeks, but it was not cold. Oddly enough, it was warmer up here, like the very rocks they stood on were heated. The colourful forest spanned across the horizon, bright with the now late morning sun. Nesta’s braid whipped in the wind, coming undone within seconds.
“I’ve been keeping this from my father,” Eris said, turning away from the edge of the cliff and walking away, leaving Nesta to follow. “A secret weapon, if you will.”
Nesta hurried to catch up, her long strides matching his own. “A weapon to kill him with? Up here?”
Eris chuckled, shaking his head. “No, between you and me we are perfectly capable of doing it ourselves. This weapon will help solidify me as the High Lord and prevent other courts from going to war with us. And I think it will help you with your magic.”
Nesta halted, dread forming in her stomach as she thought of the last few magical weapons she encountered. The mask, that took away everything she felt and made her raise an army of the dead. The Cauldron, that stole her humanity away from her and turned her into a creature she had grown up learning to hate and fear. The thought of something else like that made her knees go weak.
“It’s nothing like the Cauldron, I swear to you.” Eris said calmly, as if reading her thoughts. “Come, I promise it’s something entirely different.”
After a second of hesitation, Nesta resumed following Eris. They walked further and further, approaching a large mountain with a cave entrance that was bigger than anything she had ever seen.
“Are we seriously going down there?” Nesta gaped. The closer she got, the warmer the air was. It sang to the silver flames within her, and she felt them dance.
“Yes.” Eris said, igniting a flame in his hand in place of a torch before entering the darkness. Not wanting to lose the light and be stranded in the dark, Nesta followed. They walked down the large cavern, and the further they went the more her power begged to be let out.
“You can feel it, can’t you?” Eris asked, pausing at the bottom of the slope they had just crawled down. “Like calls to like, Nesta.”
Eris’ flame didn’t illuminate much, but by the way their footsteps echoed, Nesta could tell whatever chamber they were in was large enough for a small city. “What is this place?” She asked.
As usual, Eris continued his lecture and neglected to answer her question. “You fear your power too much, Nesta, because you haven’t seen anything like it. You are letting your fear control you, and you need confidence if you are to wield your powers in a manner that impresses my father. There are many fire-wielders in this world, Nesta Archeron. Yours may be different, but you can learn from others. And not just me.”
Nesta took in a sharp breath, the taste of smoke and ash on her tongue. “This secret weapon…” She said slowly. “It’s not a ‘what’.... it’s a ‘who’.”
Eris nodded, his pale face a striking gold in the light of the flames. “Do not be afraid.”
Before she could ask what he meant, a low but fierce growl vibrated throughout the chasm. It quaked her bones, and the floor began to tremble with what felt like the footsteps of a large creature. And then another, and another.
Nesta trembled as they grew louder, but refused to shrink back. She would not be a coward, not in front of Eris, even as whatever weapons Eris had approached them. The prince stepped forward, lifting up his flaming hand and illuminating the dark space a bit more to reveal not one, but three massive, scaling heads.
The heads of dragons.
The one in the middle had onyx scales, barely visible within the darkness. Its head was only illuminated by its glowing amber eyes. The one on the right was almost as big, but it had golden scales and larger horns on its head. And the one on the left crawled opposite from Nesta, a shining shade of silver with a longer neck. Each beast exuded sheer power and might, the space in the enormous cavern almost too small for their bodies.
Time seemed to slow down and stop as the three dragons approached, the orange glow from their mouths and bellies lighting the chasm. They were a thousand times bigger than a horse, almost the size of an entire palace.Nesta gawked, and her magic began to thrum excitedly at the beasts. Realistically, her instincts should have screamed at her to run before she was burned to ash, but she felt none. No, Nesta was rooted to the stone in fascination and awe.
Eris approached the black dragon, who lowered its head and growled. For a second, Nesta thought it would simply devour Eris whole. But instead, it let out a crooning noise and pushed its nose into Eris’ flaming palm. He began murmuring to the dragon in a language Nesta didn’t recognize, and the beast purred in response.
Her fixation on Eris with the dragon was broken by a low growl, and she flinched as the silver dragon snaked its head towards her.
“Summon a flame.” Eris instructed, still stroking the snout of the black dragon, despite its head being twenty times his size.
“What?” Nesta said, still frozen in place as the dragon crept towards her.
“Just do it.”
She raised a shaky hand, taking a deep breath. She tried not to think about the size of the dragon’s teeth approaching her as she reached down and grabbed a hold of a silver tendril of her power.
Yes please! It seemed to cry. Let me out to play. Let me make new friends.
Just as Eris had taught her, a ball of silver fire began to dance in the palm of Nesta’s hand. The dragon paused, lowering its head even further towards her hand. Nesta tensed up, but her flames had other plans – they flickered in the direction of the dragon, almost as if they were excited to greet it.
The silver beast made a low rumbling noise in response, and pressed its nose into Nesta’s hand, just as the black dragon did with Eris. She gasped, expecting her flames to burn the creature’s nose and cause a wake of destruction, yet it did not flinch from her fire. Its eyes met Nesta’s, and she felt as if her very soul was being gazed into, as if the dragon could see every raw, vulnerable part of her. The scales were smooth against Nesta’s slightly shaky hand, hotter than the warmest coals yet they did not burn her. Her flames danced along the scales, exploring the dips and horns of the dragons’ head. But it did not seem to mind, only continuing to gaze into Nesta’s eyes.
For a moment, she was overcome with emotion. The sensation of touching a creature so mighty, so powerful, one that she thought only existed in the stories she read. But then she, too, was now a creature that existed in storybooks. One that was admired for its beauty yet feared for its power, much like the very beast before her. It looked at her with such understanding, such intensity Nesta felt like she could both crumble on the spot and conquer the world at the same time.
“Her name is Athariel,” Eris’ voice broke her out of her trance. “I figured you’d like her. The one with me is Morgoth, and the golden one is Zorzimril.”
“I…” Nesta swallowed her emotion, tentatively stroking the dragon’s scales. It made a purring sound, the silver flames dancing around it excitedly.
“I found their eggs here just over a century ago.” Eris explained, his voice echoing in the chamber. “I thought they were rocks. There were rumours of dragons existing at the beginning of the world, but the last rumour comes from the wild hunt. No proof of them existed, until I found the eggs. No amount of research helped me figure out how to un-petrify them, until I felt them call to me. I used my magic and lit the hottest fire I could manage, placing the eggs inside them. A few hours later, they hatched. I’ve been raising them in secret for almost 150 years, training them. They are my secret weapon.”
“Like calls to like…” Nesta murmured, observing how her silver flames played with the dragon, who remained unscathed.
Eris smirked, patting Morgoth on the cheek. “Exactly. I have bonded with Morgoth, and I figured you and Athariel would be a good match. You can learn a lot from her, and she can help you conquer your fear. From everything I’ve learned over the past century, they’re loyal beasts. If you bond with her, she will defend you fiercer than anyone in this realm.”
The thought of this powerful creature looking out for Nesta made her overwhelmed with emotion. Maybe they were both seen as monsters by the rest of the world, but they could face it together, if Athariel let her. Nesta thought back to all the times she felt true fear – at the Hewn City, Illyria, the battlefield, there was no trace of that now. Somehow, she felt safer with this dragon than she had in the Night Court.
Nesta glanced at Zorzimril, the golden beast. “What about her?”
Eris sighed, resting his shoulder against Morgoth’s head. “I had hoped that with (Y/N) here, she would bond with her. It seems like fate, does it not, Nesta Archeron? Three of us, three dragons. I am not particularly religious, but it seems the Mother has set this out for us. Zorzimril is the reason I still have hope that we will find (Y/N).”
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150 notes · View notes
ozai-the-bonsai · 2 years
Tame the Dragon
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 |
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x Targaryen!reader
Summary: Daemon has asked you to marry him, but you have to wait to talk with King Viserys until Rhaeneyra and Laenor's wedding takes place. As you and Daemon try to hide the affection you feel for one another, everything gets more complicated with you being betrothed to Jason Lannister.
Warnings: I’m not a native English speaker, strong language, incest, mention of sex, mother abusing her daughter
Taglist: @disneydaddyevans @mirandastuckinthe80s @xicesam @mariamyousef702 @eddiemadmunson @dont-try-pesticide @sweetybuzz25 @hc-geralt-23 23 @schniiipsel @ttae-yong @syrma-sensei
A/N: @schniiipsel requested me to write a few more chapters to the series, so here I am! To be honest, I am not entirely pleased with this part since there is not much of an action in it, but I had to build up the story :) There are a few more parts I'm currently planning to write, we will see :3 If you want to be added to the taglist for the series (or for my future works about Daemon Targaryen in general), just let me know!
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| Part 4 |
You woke up to the feeling someone gently caressing your cheek. When your eyes slowly opened, you were greeted by Daemon’s soft smile, which was reaching his purple pupils. A similar smile formed on your lips as you spoke. “Morning.”
Daemon cupped your face and leaned into you to leave a small kiss on your lips. “Morning, sunshine.”
“I could get used to this,” you whispered against his lips while running the fingers of your left hand in his silver hair, “waking up to the sight of you.”
Daemon chuckled as his lips wandered down to your neck. “I wasn’t aware that you were so eager to have me by your side, Princess.” He spoke in between kisses. “Or rather in your bed.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “I though you’ve had enough of this tease the Princess game last night.” You said as he raised his head to look at you.
“I can never get enough of you, Y/N.” He told you before pressing his lips against yours. Even though the kiss started out passionately, it quickly evolved into a rather soft and loving one. Then, Daemon slowly parted your lips. “Come now, we should get dressed.”
Both of you were, seemingly, lost in your own ocean of thoughts for no one said a word while you two got dressed. Since Daemon only had his nightwear, he wore them once again; you changed into a black dress with long sleeves and a low-cut.
To break the silence and ask the question which had been roaming in your head since last night, you cleared your throat. Daemon looked at you with questioning eyes as he brought a glass full of water to his lips. “Will you talk with the King about… us?”
Daemon paused before taking a sip from the water. “About the marriage?” he asked to be sure. You nodded at him. He drank some water before responding to your question. “I will, Y/N, I still stand by what I told you last night. But,” taking a few steps towards you, Daemon cupped your face, “not today. My brother has too many things to worry about and I don’t think it’d be the best idea to tell him that I want to take you as my wife, who is still betrothed to Jason Lannister. We should wait for a time in which he is in a pleasant mood.”
You had completely forgot about the wedding.
The celebrations for Rhaenyra and Laenor’s wedding were beginning at the present day with a feast at night, then, for the remaining six days there was going to be a tournament during the day, and a feast during the night. All the Lords and Ladies from the noble Houses and families were gathering at King’s Landing.
Which meant that Jason Lannister would be there, too.
You nodded at Daemon’s words. “Of course, I have forgot about the wedding,” you spoke quietly. “You know your brother better than I do, so I trust you in this. But Daemon, please be quick.” You closed your eyes as you took a deep breath. “I don’t know how long I can bear this wedding nonsense with Jason Lannister.”
Daemon left a quick kiss on your lips. “I will, I promise.”
The doors of your chambers were opened.
You, instinctually, tried to step away from Daemon as you thought of a sensible excuse for having him in your chambers at that time of the morning in his nightwear. However, Daemon didn’t let you step back as he held your hand.
The moment your mother walked in from the doors; you knew all hell was about to break loose.
With a deep frown on her face, Delaena Targaryen looked at you and Daemon. “What is happening here?” She asked with a demanding tone as Ser Ryden closed the doors. When her looks wandered down to see you two holding hands, her eyes widened. “I want an explanation, now!”
Slowly, Daemon let go of your hand and began walking towards the door. “You will have the explanation you desire, Delaena, when the right time comes.” He told your mother with his usual Daemon-attitude. “I will see you around, Princess.” After winking at you, he opened the doors and left your chambers.
You could literally see the fire of her rage inside her blue eyes as your mother turned to face you. “You stupid girl, what have you done this time?” She spoke between her gritted teeth, holding you firmly from your arm. You tried to shake her off, but you stopped struggling when you heard her gasp -she had seen the marks on your neck.
Then, she slapped you.
“How could you let him touch you, Y/N?” She literally screamed at you as you held your cheek and took some steps back. Your eyes were filled with tears -not because it physically hurt you too much, but your pride was badly hurt. “Your uncle? That troubled man?!”
“He is the only one,” you spoke after wiping away the tears, “who doesn’t use me to mend their political shit!”
Your mother let out a condescending laughter. “Do you really think that he cares about you?” she asked with a scornful tone. “All that Daemon cares about is power, Y/N. And you are a bigger fool than I have thought if you really do believe that he will change, just for you.”
You began to shake your head hysterically. “No, you don’t know what you are talking about!”
You knew that what you shared with Daemon was something special. You had been feeling it in his touches, in his kisses, and in between his words. He had been the one asking you to marry him -there was no other way he could get even more specific.
No, she is simply trying to confuse me. I will not let her push me away from Daemon.
“Fine, believe in whatever you want,” your mother told you as she threw a red, silk scarf at you. “Use this to cover those fucking marks on your neck, for the Gods’ sake! Your husband will be arriving shortly and the last thing I wish is for him to see you like this, marked by your uncle!”
You didn’t realise how hard you were clenching your fist -your long nails had sunken so deep into your palm that blood started flowing down between your knuckles.
Delaena Targaryen pointed at you in a threatening way before she left your chambers. “This will be the last I hear about this nonsense about you and Daemon. I won’t warn you again.”
[Time Skip]
When you returned to the Dragonpit, you had been riding your dragon, Virion, for hours.
After your fight with your mother, you knew you needed some time away from everything and everyone not to do or say something you would regret -you needed time to calm yourself down. Of course, the only way you could be by yourself, was up in the sky, accompanied by your dear Virion.
You hated your mother deeply for everything she had been putting you through; however, she was still your mother -even the thought of cutting your ties with her completely made your heart ache.
It is so unfair, you thought, that she could be so cruel to me, but I cannot mirror the same to her.
As if she doesn’t love me at all.
With the sleeves of your dress, you wiped the tears rolling down your cheeks. You gave yourself the permission to cry only when you were alone with Virion (or when you were being scolded by your mother); however, back in the Dragonpit, someone could always walk in on you.
While you were floating in the sky, you had a lot of time to think about the situation you were currently in -that you had to wait for Daemon to talk with King Viserys and in the meantime, you had to act completely normal around him. Which was, of course, going to take a lot of effort since his mere presence was enough to intoxicate you.
About Jason Lannister, you had decided to keep your façade around him as best as you could, trying to give him the image of the Targaryen Princess he thought he was going to marry, so that no further complications would arise before the King was informed about the situation between Daemon and yourself.
“I knew I would find you here.”
A smile formed on your lips upon hearing his soothing voice coming from behind you. After placing one last kiss on Virion’s nose, you turned back to face Daemon, who was leaning at the wall with his hands crossed over his chest. You could make out a small smirk on his lips.
“I must say that you know me rather too well, my Prince.” You spoke with a playful tone while you walked towards him. “Don’t you think so?”
Daemon’s eyes were lingering on your lips. “In that case, I would wish to know you too well more often, Princess.” He said, causing you to giggle at his words. Then, he leant into you and pressed his lips against yours. You shared a short, but passionate kiss.
You sighed. “I find it so hard to hold myself back when you are around me,” your voice was slightly louder than a whisper. “Tonight is going to be a proper challenge.”
Daemon winked at you as he made you hold his arm. “But it makes the sex even better -the more you long for it.” You were blushed, but at the same time, you were quite turned on. “Come now, Princess, your mother was looking for you everywhere.”
You didn’t even try to hide it when you rolled your eyes. “What does she want this time?” You asked with a weary tone as you walked to the exit.
“The Lannisters are here, enjoying a little chat with my brother.” Daemon responded, you could clearly feel the annoyance in his tone. “He is expecting you, too.”
“Great,” you muttered under your breath. “I have no desire to see that fuckface.”
Daemon chuckled at your words; it always amused him how much hatred you could actually carry under that pretty face of yours. “Your enthusiasm to spend some time with your future husband astonishes me, Princess.” He teased you, which he enjoyed quite much.
“Says you, who was quite eager to crush the said husband's head, if I recall it correctly, my Prince.” You teased him back as you walked towards the Godswood. Daemon sent you a deep look, which sent shivers down your spine, because of excitement, for he was giving you the exact same look as he did the previous night before he fucked you on that damned table.
I cannot let my mind wander off to the memories from last night, doesn’t matter how tempting they seem. You casted one last longing look at Daemon as you arrived at Godswood. For the moment I recall them, the more I want him, again.
“There she is,” you heard King Viserys speaking, which brought you back to reality. “My beautiful niece!” As he casted a look at Daemon, whose arm you were still holding, he smiled at you. “I see that my brother was right -you were with Virion, I assume?”
You immediately wore your political façade as you nodded at the King’s words with a soft smile on your lips. “You of all people, your Grace, know how much of a passion I have for flying.”
Your eyes slowly met those of your mother, who was standing next to a tall, golden-haired, and fairly handsome man -Ser Jason Lannister. His younger twin brother, Ser Tyland Lannister, was speaking with the other members of House Lannister. Upon seeing the warning look inside your mother’s eyes, you slowly let Daemon’s arm go.
“I didn’t now you had such a close relationship with your Uncle Daemon, Princess Y/N.” Jason Lannister told you as he handed you a glass of wine. You tried hard to resist the urge to roll your eyes at his words. As if he knows anything about me. Idiot. But before you could answer, Viserys spoke.
“Yes, Y/N has always been special to Daemon -a relationship which sometimes makes me jealous.” The King said; of course, he had little idea what he was really talking about. You bit the insides of your cheeks to prevent yourself from laughing; however, Daemon showed little to no effort as he snorted. You sent him a warning look.
You took the glass from Jason’s hand as you sent him a fake smile. “Daemon has been the one closest to me ever since I lost my father, my Lord.”
“Rather too close, I would say,” your mother spoke with a somewhat scolding tone. Her silver dress was literally shining under the sun. Your eyes winded at her words. She added. “It is quite unusual for an uncle to care so deeply about his niece -not to mention that it is Daemon we are speaking of.”
What is she doing?
Daemon placed his left hand on the small of your back as he spoke. “Unlike you, Lady Delaena, I am capable of showing love.” You could see your mother getting tenser by the second. “Of course, I would not expect you to understand, since you are, in the first place, incapable of showing love and affection to your own daughter.”
You could swear your mother had gone red in the face. Viserys looked weary as if he had been expecting Daemon to make a scene. Jason Lannister, on the other hand, was very much shocked at the turn of events.
As if he hadn’t done enough to taunt your mother, Daemon left a small kiss on top of your head. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a small business to attend to.”
The confusion inside Jason Lannister’s eyes quickly turned into jealousy as he watched Daemon walk away.
[Time Skip]
The hour you spent with Jason Lannister felt like a year.
To let you two get to know each other better, Viserys and Delaena had left you two alone in the Godswood for an hour. All Jason could talk about was his golds, his castle, and how fine of a knight he was. It could have bored you to death if you had to endure it a little longer.
From a fair perspective, Jason Lannister was a fine man, and the lion was probably the dream of many ladies around Westros. However, being a dragon, you found little joy in playing with the lion -he was too small, too weak for you. Of course, you knew very well that you could wrap him around your little finger with ease if you gave him the slightest bit of attention, but there was no fun in it.
He was no fine match for you.
After the King and Delaena Targaryen returned to the Godswood, you quickly started a conversation with Viserys about how fine of a knight Jason was and left the two of them talking about their adventures as you walked away silently. Pouring yourself a glass of wine, you heaved a sigh as you sat down, the voices of the others fading into the background.
Upon hearing the footsteps approaching you, you turned right to look at the person. The look inside your violet eyes softened almost immediately when you saw Daemon walking towards you.
“Have you come to rescue me?” You asked him while you made place for him to sit near you.
Daemon casted a look at his brother and your betrothed before seating himself. “It doesn’t seem like you are in need of that, Princess.”
You took a deep breath as you leaned back, your eyes were on Jason, but you could feel Daemon looking down at you. “Have you ever seen a dragon eat a lion, Daemon?”
Your questions caused him to snort. “I have seen many dragons eat many sheep, but a lion? No, I haven’t.” He responded and took the cup from your hands, which made you turn your eyes to him. “But I would love to see such a thing. Must be quite amusing, I assume.”
You watched him as he drank from the cup he took from you. At that moment, all you wanted to wish for was to be betrothed to Daemon, so that you would be free to kiss him and taste the wine on his tongue at the present moment.
He was all in black, other than his silver hair and pale skin. Even though you loved it more when the moonlighted melted in his hair; the sunlight gave it a breath-taking touch, too.
When he saw you looking at him as if he was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen, he took a deep breath and placed the cup on the table in front of you. “Y/N,” he breathed out your name, causing the memories from the previous night to resurface. “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Why?” You found yourself asking with a low tone, which held the longing you felt for him.
Daemon’s eyes wandered to your lips as he spoke. “It makes me want to rip off your dress and have you right then and there.”
The urge to place your hands around his neck and pull him into a kiss was so strong that you had to fold your hands on your lap. “I find myself thinking about last night,” you whispered at him, your look racing between Daemon’s purple eyes and his soft lips. “Every time I lay my eyes on you.”
Daemon took a deep breath and closed his eyes. The way he struggled to hold back was turning you on so much that you could feel yourself getting wet. “Bisa bantis, tolī se kisalbar, jaelan naejot māzigon naejot ao, dārilaros, se qogralbar ao ēva ao epagon nyke naejot tepagon ao iā keligon.” Daemon spoke in High Valyrian, still maintaining a low voice so that no one would hear him. [Tonight, after the feast, I want to visit you, Princess, and fuck you until beg me to give you some rest.]
You found yourself sighing when you heard his words, trying not to rub your thighs against each other. “Kesan sagon jurnegēre naejot naejot ziry, ñuha dārilaros.” [I will be looking forward to it, my Prince.]
The intense moment you were sharing with Daemon was interrupted by someone calling at you. When you saw that it was none other than Jason Lannister, your pain in the ass, you couldn’t help yourself but roll your eyes. Daemon snickered at your reaction.
“Princess,” Jason Lannister said as he approached you and Daemon. “Would you be so kind to join me on a ride? I have brought the finest of our horses.”
You forced a kind smile to form on your lips as you stood up. “I would love to, my Lord, but I should get ready for the feast -it is getting quite late.” You could see the disappointment inside Jason’s eyes but at the same time, there was a hint of jealousy, too. “I will see you tonight.”
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thegoober010 · 2 months
BOO!! Did i scare you :3
ANYWHOOO i hope your day has gone well!!! Make sure youve eaten and youve drank water!!! Ill know if you havent 👁️👁️ /j
BUT I HAVE A REQUEST. As always. Whos surprised. *theres no sound but a few crickets chirping and someone yelling “GET OFF THE STAGE”*
But basically its Shane x reader who is his secret admirer, like he’s been getting letters from them and he doesnt know who its from. And reader is usually kinda sarcastic towards him so he doesnt think its them UNTIL he sees them writing something down like a grocery list or something and recognizes the handwriting immediately.
It can be a oneshot OR headcanons, I don’t mind :)
gender neutral reader as usual <3!!
TW/CW -> none! Just some swearing but- wtv!
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"All my emotions feel like explosions when you are around"
Honestly he always enjoyed your company, of course at first he was rather grouchy (and an asshole) whenever you were near him. Always giving you a scowl or rolling his eyes when he saw you getting near him, but he slowly started to get used to your company. What!? It's not like he enjoyed your company! Of course not! What a foolish though. (sarcasm)
He got more used to your company, allowing you to be seen more often near him but he was still not used to the gifts you'd give him. He understood it was so he could be more comfortable around you and be more friendly but he wasn't really used to getting gifts. But he didn't really think anything of it
After a while of you two hanging out more often, you both were always seen together, so much to the point people asked if you were dating which of course you both said no, but you both didn't seem uncomfortable with the idea whenever asked... Anyways.. Shane always came over to your farm where you'd always give him a nice meal and a very small amount of beer (each time he came over you'd reduce the amount of beer given and slowly start getting him to drink more water to try and help with his addiction, you'd also regularly listen to him through these meals about any of his problems and in turn he'd listen back) and you two would just chill, watch TV, play some games or go out and fool around!
After a good 4 months though he started to get strange notes... he didn't bother reading them at first until he noticed a word that quickly grabbed his attention, 'love'. He was honestly indifferent towards the letters, he didn't really care for them until he started to get them more and more often. It was rather confusing as he started getting all these letters all of a sudden, and not just any letters but love letters! It was a bit overwhelming to be honest, he never knew anyone would feel such a way towards him, not like he cared much..at first, after a while though he started to wonder who liked him and he even wondered if.. maybe he started to grow attracted to the person just through these letters!
Once you were with him he told you about the letters and even showed them to you, your face turned red and you immediately left him all confused as you wouldn't answer any of his questions on why you were as red as a damn tomato. He never really got his answer for a while. Due to your sarcastic nature you kept on teasing him about the notes and whenever he asked you questions like, "Who do you think it is?" or things of that sort you'd always roll your eyes and just go "oh I wonder who!" in a monotone voice, leaving him a bit confused.
After a while the letters started to die down, but that doesn't mean they got any less romantic, no, in fact I'd say they had even more romance talk than ever! They started to allude to the fact that the anonymous sender of these messages will confess soon, often reading "P.S lots of love, and I promise I'll see you soon <3!" or things to that nature
To be honest he actually started to look forward to these notes, although he found them a bit creepy at first or boring he started to get rather happy? The thought of someone liking him romantically so much to the point they send him love letters and admirer notes was sweet to him in a sense?
One day he randomly went to your farm and barged into your home, you know like how best friends do. He grabbed a few drinks from your fridge as he watched you make a grocery list. You were humming a soft tune while Shane's eyes got wider and wider as he saw you write. He spit out his drink causing you to stare at him strangely. "Shane! The hell dude? You alright?" You'd ask and he just stared at you like '😲'
You look at him like 'wtf?? you okay???' and he just wipes off the juice on his chin and helps clean up the spilt juice. His ears and cheeks were turning red as he did so, covering his mouth and stifling a nervous/awkward laugh.
"Your handwriting... I recognized it from the notes." he says quickly and you just go from "what??" to "WHAT" very quickly, absolutely shocked he could figure it out so easily from such a small detail!. You both stayed in awkward silence for a good 3 minutes as he helped clean.
He let out a cough and just quickly ruffled your hair and looked away "Don't worry.. I like you too.. the letters are uh nice too by the way.." is all he says. You both stay in an awkward silence for another good 5 minutes
After the awkwardness you both have a good talk and decide LETS MAKE IT OFFICIAL!! Yall both like eachother! Yall both wanna be together! So like why not!?!??! And oh wow he is one of the best boyfriends you've ever had :)!
He tries his best to improve his flaws, he knows he's not the best person and he's willing to change not just for himself but for you too, he wants to feel better about who he is now that he has you and he wants you to see him as who he wants to be as well.
You both plan out lots of activities together while dating and such, both of you are pretty much inseparable and no one is surprised you two started dating :)! (I FEEL LIKE MAKING SHANE BF HEADCANONS NOW OMG-)
For your guys' anniversary what he does is make you a letter and sends it with flowers, usually signing it 'secret admirer' and at the bottom he puts a little 'P.S it's actually your bf' just so that you don't get uncomfortable thinking it might be someone else lmao
You get really embarrassed when he brings up the fact you wrote him secret love letters and sent them to him, you thought it was a little cringe of you to do and it made you seem weird, but to him it was rather sweet, he loved it. From time to time he asks you to make some if you're comfortable with since the letters always made his day when he read them everyday! they made him feel better about himself :)!
bonus - > (definitely the little spoon when cuddling ANYWAYS.)
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crystalsnow95z · 3 months
Yoongi throwing up when he's working with Jimin on a song together because of a 24 hour bug, having to give him a shower because he got barf in his hair and Jimin having to put him to bed because he was too weak to walk
This is a prompt my roommate gave me when I first started writing because I lacked confidence to use Yoongi as more than a background character and her bias Jimin. I was going through old drafts and found this. I wanted a story with Yoongi for his birthday and this is the best out of my 4 options.
"We did it! We got through the new choreography without any mistakes!" Jungkook cheers, hugging onto the closest member in excitement, Yoongi pushing him away.
"Jungkook, please don't hug me.. It's too hot for that..." Yoongi complains, relaxing when Jungkook moves to hug j-hope instead.
"Let's take a five minute... break to cool off. Great work, everyone." J-hope praises his members, hugging Jungkook briefly before also sending him away, still trying to catch his own breath.
Yoongi goes to the mirror where he left his water, taking a drink before passing it to Hobi.
"Thanks hyung.." j-hope takes a drink, eyes widening when he realized he finished it. "Sorry, I didn't realize how thirsty I was."
"I'll get us some more water." Jungkook offers when he finishes his own bottle. "It looks like everyone's empty.." he notes watching Jimin share his water with Jin and Taehyung with Namjoon.
"That'd be great." Yoongi says with gratitude. This new choreography has me feeling woozy.. i didn't think I drank that much last night..my tolerance must've went down from when I wasn't drinking. .
"You okay hyung?" Jimin asks, offering Yoongi the last bit of his water,but Yoongi pushes it back towards him.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just tired..i think i drank too much with Dong-hyuk.." Yoongi didn't want to worry Jimin over a little stomach ache. I'll just take something for it if it gets worse.
"Too tired to work on music with me after practice today?" Jimin's asks, wanting to give him the option to back out. He's been working on his own music on top of the team, I shouldn't have asked him yesterday..
"I can still work on music with you Jimin-ah. If you wanted to practice the choreography with me, that's where I'd tell you no." Yoongi tells him, smiling despite the small ripples of pain that moved throughout his lower abdomen.
"Are you sure? It's okay if you're too tired, though. I could ask someone else."Jimin asks again, trying to get a good look at Yoongi, but the ballcap he was wearing cast shadows over his face, making it unreadable.
Jungkook goes over by them, giving both of them a water bottle. "Here hyung. Try to stay hydrated.. you look a little pale Jiminie hyung."
"Thanks Jaykay, I gave all my water to Namjoonie-hyung." Jimin takes a drink. "I'm fine though. I'm more worried about Yoongi hyung."
Yoongi takes small sips, not wanting to risk worsening the ache in his abdomen. "I'm fine. You guys worry too much. I should be worrying about you two with all your extra lessons."
"It's only English, singing and boxing." Jungkook says as if that wasn't a lot on top of their practices, interviews and meetings.
"Let's work on your album at your place Jimin-ah. My studio is a mess right now." Yoongi blushes lightly, recalling his moment of frustration causing a mess of papers he'll have to go through later.
"Tired of looking at your studio?" Jimin muses, smiling when he sees color returning to Yoongi's cheeks after drinking water."I'll make us dinner when we get to my place. I went shopping yesterday."
"Sounds good. It's been quite a while since I had a homemade meal." Yoongi couldn't bring himself to say he wasn't feeling all that hungry when Jimin was so excited about it.
"Alright break time is over. We have one more song I want to get all the way through then we can go home. We have an early morning tommorrow so I don't want us staying too late."
"Hyung dinner is ready. Do you want a bottle of soju with me?" Jimin asks while setting the table. "I made a little bit of everything.."
"No, I'd rather have some tea. We have to get up early and I struggled getting up this morning. You can drink if you want to though." Yoongi waves away the bottle, his medicine he took while Jimin was showering after practice only just now kicking in.
"I'll make us both tea. I didn't think ahead about getting up in the morning.. hobi-hyung will scold me for sure if I'm late a third time this week." Jimin fills a tea kettle with water then takes a seat at the table, taking a bit of rice and stir fry for himself. "Did you really like the third song? I think the lyrics need some work.."
"The lyrics aren't the problem, it's the chorus..it's too rushed.." Yoongi picks up where they left off, getting himself some rice to start with.
"The chorus did feel fast.. should I add a line or..maybe just slow down the music..?" Jimin takes a bite of steak, pulling his notebook closer.
"What if you try this.." Yoongi sings the chorus, changing the notes.
"Oh that sounds good.." Jimin mimicks Yoongi, rushing to get a keyboard.
"Jimin-ah, Jimin-ah take a break to eat.." Yoongi sighs with a smile when he realizes Jimin doesn't hear him, trying to mimic the notes on the keys."The first note is D not C."
"Aish I need to practice more.. could you play it for me?" Jimin asks, Yoongi happy to oblige. The bowl of kimchi fried rice was already sitting uncomfortably in his stomach.
Yoongi hits the notes for Jimin, writing them down."You should ask Supreme Boi to help you, this song is right up his alley."
"Do you think hyung has time to work with me?" Jimin asks. "I'm not as good at writing as you or Hobi hyung or-"
"Don't compare yourself, you're good at writing songs too, you just lack confidence. All of you kids do." Yoongi scolds Jimin, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"I'll ask him then.." jimin blushes at Yoongi's praise, jumping up when he hears the kettle screaming."Ah, the tea is ready."
"Ahhh...mm...hmm.." Jimin sings, trying to match his voice to the notes on the page. "Why can't i get this right?" Jimin asks Yoongi, biting his lip. I sounded so bad..
"You're singing two octaves too high. Are you still nervous? You don't have to be. I've heard you sing a milion times of times." Yoongi tries to calm Jimin's shaken nerves.
"Do you think we should touch up the first verse? Is it too immature? Maybe we should-" Jimin stops when he feels Yoongi's finger touch his lips.
"Jimin-ah, shh. The lyrics are fine. Stop it. Your song is good.. you're just stressing yourself out."Yoongi places his hand on Jimin's shoulder. "I know you're nervous about asking someone to do a collaboration with you, but just because they say no, it doesn't mean your song isn't good. They could just be too busy or don't...mm.." Yoongi moans softly as a ripple of pain bubbles up in his stomach, making him dizzy with nausea.
"Hyung what's wrong? Are you okay?" Jimin wraps his arm around Yoongi's shoulder to keep him from double over.
"My stomach..it..just..don't feel well all of the sudden.." Yoongi speaks softly, lying to the younger member. Why did the medicine wear off already, it's only been two hours..
"Do you feel like you're going to be sick?" Jimin asks, trying to gently lead Yoongi to his feet when he sees the color drain from his lips. "Aiigo Yoongi.."
Yoongi let out a wet burp, his body trembling with cold sweat as he tried to hold down his dinner that was quickly rising up his throat, clinging to Jimins arm for balance. "Jimin-ah.." He whines with urgency when his vision faded, another burp pushing up the meal Jimin made, the sick spraying across the floor halfway to the bathroom. "I'm..I'm sorry..I...I can't.."
"Don't be sorry.. it's okay.. I have a little bin in my room. Just wait here it's closer.." Jimin runs into his room, grabbing the small bin, eyes widening when he hears Yoongi retching again, heart tightening. I should've noticed something was wrong sooner. He's been silently suffering while I feel sorry for myself..
"Here hyung, I'm back.. just move back just a little bit okay?" Jimin pulls him back a bit to be able to place the bin without having Yoongi kneeling in his own sick.
Yoongi takes Jimin's hand, squeezing it when another waterfall of sick pushes up, hitting the plastic liner. "F*ck..." he whimpers wrapping his other hand around his cramping muscles as another mouthful comes.
"I know, I know it hurts.. but you'll feel better once you let it all out.." Jimin tries to sound reassuring, but his voice trembled. I've never seen him so sick.. I can see the sweat rolling off his chin.. is he running a fever?
Jimin reaches to touch the back of Yoongi's neck, shocked at the amount of heat coming off of it. "You're burning up.."
"Hyung..." Yoongi calls weakly before another wave of nausea hits him, thick bile rising up his throat, gagging up more sick.
"Hyung is at home, but I'm here.. it's okay.. I got you.." Jimin gently scratches Yoongi's back, giving his hand a squeeze. I need to calm him down, he's hardly getting a breath in..
Yoongi continued to heave despite having nothing left in his stomach. Make it stop..it hurts so much..I wish I never ate anything today..
"Yoongi, Yoongi-yah you have to take deep breaths..i know its not easy..but you have to try for me..please?' Jimin felt his eyes misting with tears, his heart breaking to hear Yoongi's sharp gasps of pain between the dry heaves.
Yoongi closes his eyes, trying to take deep breaths, moaning softly when a sharp pain spikes up his side, pressing his palm into it. "Aish..i..i..it hurts.. Jimin-ah.."
"You probably got a stich from your muscles overworking..are you finished now? Do you want to move to lay in bed?"
"I..I just.." Yoongi backs into Jimin, leaning against him. "I just need to..rest..i don't want to move..I'm so dizzy.."
"We can stay here as long as you need. I just want you to be comfortable.." Jimin kisses the top of Yoongi's head, gently running his hand up and down Yoongi's side. "You should've told me you weren't feeling well sooner Hyung.."
Yoongi tries to focus on slowing his breathing, wincing with every inhale. "I know..I'm stupid..but..please.." I don't need a scolding from you..I'm aware I fu*ked up..
"I'm sorry..I know.. I'm just.. I don't want you to feel like you have to be strong for us..you like to handle things on your own and you don't have to.."
Yoongi turns to his side,focusing on matching his breathing with Jimin's listening to his racing heart. I must've really scared him..
"Are you okay yoongi-yah?" Jimin asks, brushing Yoongis hair from his face.
"I..I don't know.. I don't think I have anything left..but I still feel dizzy.." Yoongi speaks in a raspy whisper.
"You should stay the night with me.. you shouldn't drive if you feel this poorly.. do you want me to carry you?"
"If you can.. I think I can stand with your help though.." Yoongi gasps in surprise when he feels Jimin start picking him up lifting him off the floor. "Jimin slow, slowly.." he wraps his arms around Jimin's neck, feeling his stomach churn. "Mm..."
"Sorry, sorry..I'll move slow. It's okay.. I got you.." Jimin moves slowly, tensing when he realized he didn't have the arm strength he thought he had, feeling Yoongi slipping. "Almost there..just..hold on tightly okay..?"
"Okay.." Yoongi's voice comes out small, tightening his grip around Jimins neck, heart skipping a beat when he feels himself dangle while Jimin adjusts him. "Jimin-ah.."
"Almost there.. we're in the room, we just need to get to the bed.. I'm sorry.. here we go.. safe on the bed..I'll get you a pair of my pajamas. You're covered in sweat." Jimin slowly places yoongi on the bed. "Do you think you can drink a bit?"
"I think I'll throw up again..i still feel bad.." Yoongi curls up, pulling his knees to his chest. "I want heat.."
"Oh right, I'm sorry hyung.." Jimin gets a heating pad, putting it aside trying to gently uncurl Yoongi. I have to cool him down, but if hes in too much pain he won't be cooperative.. "Let's get you changed first.. at least your shirt okay?"
Yoongi doesn't fight against Jimin, but he doesn't help either, not making any movement. Jimin just barely gets him to sit up long enough to get his shirt off, getting the top on him, helping him back down to button the top two before Yoongi curls up again. "Cold.."
"Alright hyung.. here you are.." jimin gently places the heating pad against Yoongis side, cuddling up to his ailing hyung. "Is that any better?"
Yoongi nods, pressing against Jimin. "You're warm.." He murmurs.
"If you say so hyungie..rest well.. I'll be right here if you need anything.." jimin gently kisses Yoongi's temple, hearing his breathing slow as he starts to fall asleep.
Jimin waits until Yoongi grows heavy against him before removing the heat from Yoongi's side. "Now to take care of your fever.." he whispers, yawning. "Then I'll sleep too.."
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mad-who-ra · 1 year
Dagger and Arrows (16)
Dagger and Arrows 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13 14 15
Well well well, look who still remembers how the keyboard works- Me, that's me, in case you were wondering. I still remember the sentence structure and all- You get it. I am gonna taunt myself before you do. But hey, here's the last chapter. And no, we probably won't have an epilogue since it took me months to write this chapter. But yes, here's the happy ending you all threatened me for. Enjoy.
Ram x (still alive) Wife!Reader
Word Count : 904
Y/N did not remember a lot. She fell in and out of consciousness. She remembered bits and pieces of what happened or what was actually going on. She remembered the pain. She remembered the desperate voice of her husband trying to wake her up. Begging her to open her eyes. She remember him screaming her name, and then Bheem’s when she tried. Bheem- She thought she heard his voice too. The next time she came to, all she saw was fire. It was blurred. She felt the wind caress her wounds. She felt something cold wherever it hurt. Before she could move, darkness surrounded her again. 
When she finally gained enough consciousness to move, she realised her whole body hurt. It took her a lot of efforts to open her eyes. Her vision was blurred. She moved her fingers with last ounce of strength she could muster in her body. It hurt. It hurt to breathe, to move, to open her eyes. Was she dead? Was she in heaven? If it was heaven, why was she still hurting? 
Maybe she was in hell. She would deserve it, knowing what she had done to Bheem and Malli. No amount of pain on earth would be enough to erase her sins.
“Y/N?” She heard a voice she thought she had heard before in a dizzy state of mind, but couldn’t remember who it was. She tried to focus her eyes on the person.
“Ram! She is awake!” The girl shouted before rushing to her side. She helped Y/N into a sitting position, stuffing a blanket between her and the wall. She held a glass of water to her mouth and as the water entered her system, she realised how parched she was. She drank the water slowly, trying not to hurt herself.
“Do you need more?” The girl asked. Y/N blinked. The girl’s face finally came into focus and she realised she had seen her before, in pictures. Seetha. It was Seetha. 
“More water?” She asked again.
Y/N shook her head lightly. It took a lot out of her to actually focus on her surroundings. It was a small room. Probably a tribal hut. Where was she?
“Y/N-” She heard his voice before she looked towards the door. He stared at her as his eyes teared up.
“Bhabhi!” Bheem walked into the room before Ram did. 
“Bh-Bheem!” She croaked out, tears clouding her own vision. He pulled her into a hug, careful as to not hurt her. She held back a wince. She did not want him to let her go and she knew he would as soon as he realised she was in pain.
“I am so sorry.” She started.
He shushed her, holding her to him. He was alive. He was fine. He was not mad at her.
“Malli?” She asked.
“She is fine, everyone is fine.” He said, pulling away to look at her. There were scars on his face. But other than those, he looked fine.
“How, what-”
“We will explain. But not right now, you need rest.” He said. She looked at Seetha.
“Not now.” Seetha echoed.
“Rest for a while.” Bheem said, getting up, “We will go tell everyone that you are awake and fine. Everyone is worried about you.” 
With that both of them walked out of the room, leaving Ram standing in the doorway looking at her like she would disappear if he looked away.
She lifted her lips into a small smile. 
“Are you going to stand there?” She asked.
He took hesitant steps towards her. He, like Bheem had scars on his face. But he too, seemed fine otherwise. Healing, at the very least. He was alive. That was a relief.
“How are you?” He asked, settling on the bed beside her. 
“Never been better.” She joked, lightly. He did not say anything for a long time. He did not look into her eyes. His eyes were glued to the bed sheet. She slowly moved her hand to hold his. He very tentatively laced their fingers together as a tear rolled down his cheek.
“I thought I had lost you. In the cell, after we got out. I thought I had lost you on multiple occasions in the last few weeks and I-” He shook his head, “I am so sorry, Y/N. All of this is my fault. I-”
“Hey, hey.” She said, squeezing his hand as tightly as she could. It was not his fault. Both of them were to be blamed. Both of them were trying their best.
“I am so sorry.” He said, again finally looking at her. Her heart broke looking at the tears in his eyes.
She shook her head.
“I am okay. I will be okay.”
“You should rest.” He repeated, “we will talk about this later.”
They will. They will talk about this and a lot of other things. Later, when she is able to get more than a few words out of her system. But right now, she did not need to think about it. Bheem and Malli were fine. Ram and her were alive. That is all that mattered. They were together.
“Don’t go. Stay?” She asked. A thousand emotions flashed in his eyes. She recognised love as he slowly nodded, looking at her. They would talk about this, too. They had an eternity in front of them.
I love each and every one of you
@sada-siva-sanyaasi @manwalaage @maraudersbitchesassemble @gauri-vishalakshi  @rambheem-is-real @seherie @how-is-it-in-london @itsfookingloosah @ma-douce-souffrance​ @irisesforyoureyes @cainiyor @zaddylokiandthorsimp​ @bromance-minus-the-b​ @kafkaesquebestie @hissterical-nyaan @ramayantika @reallythoughtfulwizard @phoenix666stuff @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @obsessedtoafault @budugu @chaanv @nerdreader @pavbhajiofficial @hxnky-pxnky @shawty-writes-a-little @azraelcruor @rambheemisgoated @aasthuu @vidhurvrika @jeonmahi1864 @jjwolfesworld @yehsahihai @voidsteffy @lite-teesko
@dumdaradumdaradum @eloquentree @herefornamu @shreyalokesh @rishi-sita @sukitaee @mathy-u @army24--7 @floating-mushroom @nyotamalfoy @saanjh-sakhi @sabi513 @theclumsypanda
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oscurascout · 7 days
Y/N As A Doorman
From "That's Not My Neighbor" game
Note - Sorry for not posting for a while. I've been busy with schoolwork and tests, and I've also had writer's block. But I'm back, and I hope you enjoy this part.
A little side note - This is my first time writing a fight scene, I hope it turned out well.
Warning ⚠️ - This part includes fighting, hitting, broken bones, mentions of blood (sort of), injuries, and fainting.
Part 8 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 9, Part 10)
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~•~Y/N's POV~•~
After dinner, we all gather in the living room where Hoon had made a mess of all the stuff that my grandparents had. Hoon was currently happily showing everyone photos of me from when I was a little kid.
I was happy to finally have some peace and calm after everything that had recently happened. “How I wish that it'll always be this peaceful,” I thought as Hoon grabbed my grandmother's favorite album.
“Be careful with that one; Grandma loved those photos,” I said and saw how Hoon carefully handled the book.
We stayed like that for an hour or two, then we all went to sleep. Francis had to stay with us for the night. “I hope tomorrow is a peaceful day too,” I thought as I lay down, but I just couldn't sleep. So, I decided to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
As I got to the kitchen, I saw that someone else was there. It was Francis. “Hey, you also can't sleep?” I said as I entered the kitchen.
Francis - “Yeah, it's usually like this for me.”
“You should see a doctor,” I said as I drank water.
Francis - *chuckles* “I don't have time; a lot of work to do.”
We both stayed quiet for a while, just feeling comfort in the peaceful atmosphere.
Francis - “Are you okay?”
“… No, you see, I'm worried. I just can't deal with all of this. A few months ago, I was just doing odd jobs and had nothing to worry about. But now I have to worry about everything. I have to protect the whole apartment while also trying to protect myself. It's just too much, and I don't think I'm doing a good job,” I said as I felt all the pressure of the world on my shoulders.
I felt Francis giving me a side hug and patting my back.
Francis - “Don't worry; you are doing an excellent job. Even after many months, no doppelgängers have entered the apartment, and that's thanks to you. So, don't give up.”
I felt more relaxed by his words. After a bit, we both went back to our rooms, and I thought about what he said. I felt happy. “Yeah, I'm the one who has been keeping everyone safe. I should probably go to sleep now; tomorrow is a workday,” I thought as I closed my eyes and went to sleep.
The next day was the same routine, though this time we had Francis, so it was a bit more fun. He looked like a walking zombie while his counterpart was happily moving around, helping both of us get ready.
I drove Francis to his work van, and after that, I went back to the apartment. After getting in and starting my shift, I saw the twins coming in. “Agh, it's too early to deal with them,” I thought as I saw Elenois coming to the window, with a baggage. She passed me her papers without saying anything, though she did have a tired look. “I guess their trip was very tiring,” I thought as I checked her papers very carefully.
Selenne - “Can you hurry up!” *annoyed*
“Shut up!” I said as I looked through the ID. I could hear her complaining under her breath. I confirmed that everything was fine, and was about to let Elenois in.
Selenne - *scared* “Ahhhh!”
I was about to shut her up but stopped when I saw why she screamed; it was two doppelgängers, but worse, one of them was the one that had been attacking everyone, the one who had attacked Mr. Cappuccin. The most aggressive one was the one who looked like Elenois, but instead of a normal face, it had very big and sharp teeth, while the other one was the version of Izaack but melting, he wasn't too aggressive, but now it appear he was.
“Selenne, get your butt over here!” I yelled and opened the door. Elenois quickly went and grabbed her sister's hand and started running towards the door, leaving their baggages behind. The doppelgängers quickly went after those two. The moment Elenois got to the door and opened it, I switched to lock the door, grabbed the taser, and ran outside.
Elenois got inside, but before Selenne could, the doppelgänger grabbed her by her hair and pulled her back. Elenois was about to go out, but I stopped her. “Elenois! Go to the office and take control. I'll deal with these doppelgängers. After your sister gets inside, call the D.D.D!” I said firmly, and Elenois, still panicking, nodded and ran to the office.
I opened the door and saw the sharp-teeth doppelgänger dragging Selenne. I turned the taser on. “Hey! Leave her alone!” I yelled and ran towards them. I plunged the taser into the sharp-teeth doppelgänger's neck. She released Selenne, and the other doppelgänger was about to grab her again, but Selenne hit him straight in the face with her bag, knocking down the melting doppelgänger. Sharp-teeth was also knocked back by the taser.
“Selenne, run and put the alarm!” I yelled, and she quickly dropped her bag and ran towards the door, which opened the moment she got there. After a few seconds, the whole building went into lockdown. I grabbed Selenne's bag, which was pretty heavy, and got ready to fight.
The flickering red lights gave the situation a very eerie atmosphere, the only sound being the alarm indicating the current problem. I wiped the sweat from my forehead, feeling a little scared, but I quickly threw that feeling away, knowing that I needed to survive.
Melting face was the first to recover, but he didn't lunge at me. I turned just in time to see sharp-teeth rush at me with claws in her hands. I quickly ducked, barely missing the sharp claws. In one swift motion, I drove my elbow into the doppelgänger’s ribs, feeling them break.
I suddenly felt pain on my side as the other doppelgänger’s claws scratched my arm. I gasped, feeling so much pain but forced myself to stay upright. I spun, turning on the taser and lunging it into the attacker’s side. The doppelgänger fell to the ground.
The room spun as I struggled to keep up, all of my muscles screaming to stop, but I knew I couldn't, not until the D.D.D. arrived. I blocked a claw swing with my forearm, wincing at the pain, and retaliated with a swing to their stomach with the bag. The doppelgänger gasped, stumbling back, and I seized the moment to catch my breath.
"I can do it," I told myself, eyes darting between the two doppelgängers. I felt myself starting to get dizzy and very tired. The next attack came fast and hard – a coordinated assault from both sides. I dodged left, narrowly avoiding a claw swing, and countered with a low kick to the knee, making the melting one fall.
The sharp-teeth doppelgänger grabbed my arm, twisting it painfully. I bit back a scream, using my free hand to deliver a crushing blow to their throat. Their grip loosened, and I yank myself free, adrenaline fueling my every move.
Breathing heavily, I stood as the doppelgängers quickly recovered, every inch of my being aching. The fight wasn't over yet – not until the D.D.D arrived. It was hard; they were stronger than me, and my taser was almost out of power. As I gasped for air, the melting one grabbed my arms and held them painfully. Then I heard the other one behind me. I moved my head and saw the sharp claws coming near my face.
I quickly moved my head, dodging the blow to my face but not to my body. The claws went down my back, breaking skin. I screamed and with all my strength, I pulled away from the melting face, turned the taser on, and plunged it into the sharp teeth. My vision was starting to blur.
I heard footsteps. I looked behind the doppelgängers and saw the yellow suits; the D.D.D had finally arrived. The doppelgängers turned their attention to them and started to attack, but unlike me, the agents were professionals and far stronger, so they easily won. I smiled, and suddenly, my world went dark.
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gyusimp · 1 year
°•Desire drops•°
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🌸100 Followers special One-shot (NSFW)
Minors DNI | Fem reader | Smut content | Modern AU | Human Gyutaro | Insults/Dirty talk
I'm not sure if I'll ever post anything nsfw again, so enjoy! I don't write smut very often so maybe there are some mistakes but I hope you like it anyway. It's written with all my love for you! 💖
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Your parents had been leaving the house lately when they weren't at their jobs, they also had things to do. Your mom had recently joined a group with other ladies of her age, they were on a kind of classes or something but you couldn't remember details about it, and your dad was doing some repairs around the house so he went out to buy building supplies and decorations for the house. You usually finish your college homework and chores quickly because you don't like the pressure of having something to do and so, you can enjoy your free time as soon as possible. Today was Friday and your parents weren't at home and Ume was spending the night at one of her friends' house to make a pajama party so you and your boyfriend Gyutaro had planned to spend this afternoon together watching some movies at his house.
Gyutaro picked you up on his motorcycle at 4:00 PM as he promised, you greeted him with a kiss, and a few minutes later both of you arrived at his house. Fortunately, you two arrived quickly because after you closed the front door and went up to his room, it started to rain. The weather was starting to get cold so you two sat on Gyutaro's bed for him to hug you and help you stop shivering, feeling his body warmth. Gyutaro took the remote control and after browsing on Netflix for a while he found a movie that both of you agreed to watch.
You chose an action movie, the kind of movie that makes your hands sweat with nerves and can make you live the adrenaline rush of the main character.
About 15 minutes had passed since the movie started when suddenly the TV went off.
"What the fuck?" Gyutaro said.
He reached for the remote to turn on the TV but it didn't work. You noticed that the small red light on the TV was off so you checked your cell phone and indeed, the electricity had been cut off. He was pretty sure the rain was causing the power out and outside it didn't look like it would stop lightning and rain for quite a while.
"Shit" he cursed. "This's gonna be fucking boring and our date is ruined."
"Don't worry honey, it's not that bad" you said, trying to calm him down. "I'm sure we can entertain ourselves with something else."
No light, no internet. You couldn't even put on some music. You had some songs on your phone but you weren't sure Gyutaro would like them. Maybe you two could cook something? No, Gyutaro hated cooking and it wasn't much fun. Take a nap, maybe? Definitely not, Gyutaro suffered from insomnia so if he slept in the afternoon, he would stay up all night from lack of sleep. Another idea came to your mind but you were too embarrassed to suggest something like that, it's not like you could say that easily: "I have an idea! We should have sex!" it was ridiculous, besides, you weren't sure if Gyutaro was in the mood to do it. You could feel your cheeks burning so you decided to get out of bed and go down to the kitchen for a glass of water, maybe refresh yourself would help you clear your mind of those ideas.
You went straight to the sink and drank a glass of tap water. You could feel how hard your heart was beating and how fast your breathing became, you waited in the kitchen for about 5 minutes and then you came back with Gyutaro, if you took any longer on the first floor he would think that you would want to leave because you felt bored. You step in his room again and found your boyfriend sitting on his bed with his back against the wall, with a lazy expression and looking at nothing. You climbed back on the bed and sat next to him.
"Let's think. Something good to do has to come out of this situation..." you sighed, as you thought of something that could cheer him up.
You were trying to think of something interesting but you didn't have many options, you and Gyutaro were silent for a long time, where the only sound was the raindrops soaking every corner of the city. A pounding sound invaded Gyutaro's mind, it was so loud that he thought you could hear it at any moment. Out of the corner of his eye, Gyutaro watched every part of you. Your gaze was straight ahead so you didn't notice his stare on you. Gyutaro fixed his eyes on every detail of your body. The windows of his room and the door were closed so inside the house it was starting to get a little hot, this made small parts of your hair stick to your forehead. He inevitably imagined how you could see yourself sweating even more. He lowered his eyes to your chest observing your collarbones perfectly under your soft skin, skin that he wanted to paint with his teeth and lips to mark you as his. He looked a little lower to see the beginning of your breasts below the sweetheart neckline of your blouse. He wanted to touch them, rip off all your damn clothes and squeeze them both between his hands. His gaze extended to your hips and legs. That little pressure on your thighs at the start of your tight shorts was driving him crazy. He wanted to undress you right here and now.
Gyutaro placed his hand on your thigh, when you felt his heat you looked at him immediately but you didn't say anything. His touch was not soft, not like a usual caress, he took all the skin he could with his hand and squeezed your muscle with a little more force, running his hand all over your leg. This was the spark you needed to further ignite the thoughts that brought back your pounding heartbeat and heavy breathing. You got closer to Gyutaro to take his clothes and kiss his lips. It wasn't a sweet and soft kiss, you two were just as needy so you opened both of your mouths to lick your lips and let your tongues make some contact too. Soft gasps escaped from your mouth as Gyutaro ran his hands over your hips and arms. You were still sitting next to him and it was a bit of an awkward position so you sat facing him placing both of your legs on each side of his waist.
You took off Gyutaro's black hooddie and T-shirt at the same time, doing this as soon as it made him understand that you wanted action. Your lips did not separate from his, Gyutaro put his hands under your blouse to caress your back and remove the garment almost in a single pull up. The hasty movement made your breasts bounce a bit. Gyutaro continued to kiss you while obscene sounds came out of your mouth and his. With both of his hands, Gyutaro squeezed your butt forcefully making you moan louder, your body gave a little jump at his action and when you moved you felt a bulge under you. You looked down for a while and noticed the tent that was forming inside his sweatpants. Gyutaro continued massaging your butt with both of his hands, his touch was perfect so you laid your head in the space between his neck and chest taking hold of him with both of your hands on his shoulders. Unconsciously, you began to move your hips, rubbing it in circles over Gyutaro's bulge. The fabric of your shorts was starting to get in the way so you couldn't feel much of him under you but Gyutaro's hands went quickly to the front of your clothing to undo the button and zip it down. You could feel the denim fabric of your shorts being slid down your hips and buttocks to your thighs where you lifted yourself off your boyfriend's lap a bit so he could pull them off completely.
Gyutaro's kisses and yours were not soft or tender, both of you felt very turned on for some reason so you would make the most of the time, without rushing or interruptions. Your arms were entwined around his neck while you continued rubbing your middle on his pants, the friction that your panties fabric created in your area adding to Gyutaro's hardness drove you crazy, you began to feel like humidity was going appearing between your legs with every movement you made while you gasped in your boyfriend's ear causing him to lose control. Gyutaro grabbed your thighs tightly and separated your legs so that you sat directly on his bulge. He wanted you to realize what you were doing to him.
"See what you've done? Now you'll have to take care of it, babe." Gyutaro said with a perverted smile. You didn't know if he was challenging you or he had already planned something in these minutes.
"Then, show me what you got, honey." you responded with a challenging and sensual tone, accompanied by a smile.
Gyutaro's hand went down to your panties, he touched the center and a smile formed on his face when he noticed how wet you already were. You rested both arms on the bed behind you, leaning back to give to Gyutaro a better access while still sitting on his lap. He played with his fingers for a while but he did it over your panties, he wanted to tease you a bit because he loves it when you beg. You rubbed against his fingers applying more pressure as he touched your weak spots, you could feel your area throbbing and begging for more of him which caused you to throw your head back beginning to moan desperately.
"W-what are you waiting for?" you could hardly speak. You were desperate to feel Gyutaro and you were angry that he thought so much about it.
"Nothing, what are YOU waiting for? You know that if you want something you have to ask for it, love."
You did not stop moving your hips anyway, from one second to another Gyutaro's fingers remained static. He had fun seeing how you were the only one who kept moving on his hand.
"I won't go on until you talk" he commented "why don't you want to open that pretty little mouth of yours? Is it so hard to do it? Is it so hard to ask me to fuck you?"
Your breathing became more and more agitated, you knew how much it turned on the two of you to talk about your desires while you two did it, you were a little embarrassed but then you were able to be horny enough to feel your wet panties to open your mouth and tell to Gyutaro what you wanted.
"Gyutaro I-I...pls touch me! I wanna feel you, all the way down...just fucking touch me!"
Not a second passed before Gyutaro's fingers slipped under your panties. You let out a sigh of pleasure and satisfaction when you felt his touch again. His left hand massaged your butt forcefully and his right hand entered into your pussy.
He buried his face in your neck to lick your collarbones and leave hickeys all over your skin, you could feel his fingers arching inside you pinching your most sensitive places. He parted your labia with his index and ring finger to expose your clit and kneaded it with his middle finger. This movement drove you crazy, you kept moving in his hand and telling him how good it felt, after a while he changed the position of his hand, you still had your panties on so he couldn't touch as much as he wanted. Gyutaro took you by the hips and while he wildly kissed your lips he pushed you so that you lay on the mattress. Before he took off your panties, he lowered his head and licked over the fabric. He opened his mouth and scraped your sensitive area with his teeth to give you a unique sensation that made you squeeze the sheets under you and moan with all your might.
"That's it, I love listening to you. I love seeing my girl behaving like a needy slut."
He had crossed the limit, the fact that Gyutaro called you on that and other ways or even that on some occasions he insulted you, turned you on a lot. The fact that he now called you like that made all your shyness completely disappear. Gyutaro almost ripped off your panties and threw them on the floor, now he had a perfect view of you.
"Aren't you going to continue?" you asked with a fake sadness expression, when you saw that he was just watching you. You wanted to provoke him too so you decided to continue with the game, you took his hand and spread your legs before him. You brought his fingers to your cunt and began to rub it on your own, although you weren't doing it as well as he was.
"Fuck me Gyu, come on just do it! I'm yours, you know my pussy is yours, you can do whatever you want to me..."
Gyutaro's mouth twisted into a lewd smile, he felt so privileged to hear you say that. He took off his pants before continuing with you, he inserted two of his fingers inside you moving from the inside out while he rubbed your clit with his thumb, his finger was so big that he could almost cover it completely. His fingers pumped in and out of you, with every movement of his hand you could hear a wet, obscene sound from your wet cunt clenching around his fingers. Your moans wouldn't stop, and your legs spread wider to give your boyfriend a better reach of your core. Gyutaro leaned over you and leaned his head to the side of yours so he could listen to you more closely, he took his dick with his left hand to start touching himself while he continued to pleasure you. You didn't know if the splash that was heard in the place was the rain or your cunt slippery and wet. You could feel how wet you were, even your satisfaction was so much that you could feel a couple of sticky desire drops going down your thighs and buttocks. From one moment to the next, you felt a burning sensation, you could feel how your center was throbbing while your abdomen felt tense and you felt something similar to pee, your back arched and you spread your legs as far as you could while you couldn't shut your mouth.
"Aaah! Gyutaro...i'm gonna cum, i'm gonna cum!"
"So do it, babe! Show me what a whore you're!"
You nearly yelled your boyfriend's name as you overflowed him. After you cum, you kept pumping and moving your waist by impulse, Gyutaro took his fingers out in one motion causing a wet sound as he did so, he grabbed your face hard with his dry hand to make you see him.
"You're so beautiful, darling" he told you, smiling almost madly, his eyes full of lust. Gyutaro brought his face closer to yours to make sure that you would see when he put the fingers that he had inside you a few minutes ago into his mouth. He licked and sucked on them until they were wet with nothing but his spit. "And you taste so fucking good too."
Watching Gyutaro savoring you made you feel an electric flowing throughout your body. You were somewhat agitated by your reaction a while ago, so you just rested on the bed trying to calm your breathing. Gyutaro looked down on you, weak and helpless. If you felt tired you would be so submissive and easy to control so he took his hands to your shoulders to lower your bra straps and undo it wildly to expose your breasts. Gyutaro buried his face between them making you moan again, he licked your neck while each of his hands was on top of your boobs massaging them roughly, then he traced a wet path down your chest to your nipples taking one of them with his tongue while groping the other. You felt so good but you remembered that all this time you had been the only one receiving attention, you looked down and noticed the bulge between Gyutaro's legs and yours so you decided to do something. While he was taking care of your breasts, you lowered your hand towards his cock to rub it with your whole hand causing him to moan in surprise. Both of you were satisfied each other by touching the weak points you two already knew, you had the audacity to lower the front of his boxers as you felt that they were already wet enough to free his erection and treat it as you should.
Your hand massaged Gyutaro's hardness and his hands squeezed your softness. You knew you were doing a good job because your fingers began to daub of him and his mouth didn't stop praising your name.
"S-Shit, girl." he was being very loud and you loved that. The two of you were completely alone at home, with no chance of being caught or interrupted, and the rain was heavy enough that the two of you could make as much noise as you wanted.
"Aa-aah! Fuck, I can't take it anymore!" Gyutaro yelled.
He took you by the waist and in one movement placed you face down, your breasts stuck to the bed but he lifted your hips with his hands to attract you to him and enter you without warning. You moaned his name boisterously as you grew accustomed to his firm, sensual thrusts, moving inside you tilting his head back. As he could, he put his hands between the mattress and your body to continue massaging your tits over and over again, you clung to the scrambled sheets under the two of you feeling how little by little your legs began to shake and how you were so wet again.
"Aaah, girl. You're such a whore... my wet and sexy whore. Look at you, so damn soaked just for me. I'm gonna make you cum more than 1 time tonight."
You were about to cum again, Gyutaro could tell by the way your walls tightened around him but he wouldn't make it so easy for you. He immediately came out of you refusing to cum even himself as well to bother you. He could see your annoyance on your face when he placed your back on the bed again. You hated seeing his stupid smirk so you wouldn't give him a reason to make fun of you. With your feet you pushed his neck back towards you so that his face fell into your pelvis, you maintained your grip on him with your feet and thighs. He was surprised by what you just did but it turned him on so much that he didn't have time to react. He immediately began to lick your vagina, his tongue and teeth examining every part of her until he lowered his face further to plunge his tongue into your hole as you cum a second time today, his mouth and the tip of his nose got wet with your juices. It wasn't enough for you, you kept rubbing against him until you managed to get him to lie on his side on the bed being surrounded by the neck with your two legs. Now you settled on top of Gyutaro but turning your back to him, you bent towards his hip to get rid of his underwear completely and expose his enormous masculinity that without wasting a moment more you introduced into your mouth to savor it. Gyutaro had a perfect view of you, your ass almost in his face, your cunt rubbing on his chest leaving a shiny wet trail and your breasts on his abdomen, he continued to touch you while you took care of him until you managed to make him cum.
After around 20 minutes, Gyutaro slapped your ass to make you pay attention to him, he wanted to see your face.
"Hey, bitch. Your eyes on me." he said as he slapped your butt again. You obeyed him and turned around. You sat on him in a sensual way, getting closer to his face. He stopped you when your thighs were next to his face and his neck was below your pussy. You looked at him enticingly, you understood what he wanted so you grab the sheets and began to swing over him, while you applied some pressure with your legs. Gyutaro started to feel hard again but it was nothing his hand couldn't handle. You felt so good over him that for nothing in the world did he want you to move. He was right, you started to get wet again with every move you made on him. Gyutaro had a certain kind of fetish, he has many just like you but he really turns it on when you choke him with your hands, so imagine the pleasure it gives him that right now you are almost choking him with your thighs and your wet vagina. You two moaned without any concern, you were turning on so much hearing the sticky and wet sound of your juices on Gyutaro coming out inside you and to see how they varnished your boyfriend's skin. He grabbed you by the back of your head pulling your hair a little hard so you would look back.
"Just look…look at what your slippery little cunt is capable of."
You looked at Gyutaro's right hand painted with his own seed as well as his thighs and part of his abdomen splattered. Before you could react, Gyutaro bit one of your thighs making you complain to open your mouth and insert his fingers inside your lips, so you could taste a bit of him. You took his arm to better suck his fingers while you continued your movements, after a while, you opened your mouth moaning loudly. You couldn't stop and shut up so a trickle of your spit ran softly down your chin as you kneaded your cunt harder on Gyutaro, listening to your wet, shiny clit slide over him.
You spread your legs, changing your position and giving Gyutaro a full and wondrous view of your womanhood as you fell back onto him without stopping to move. Because of the new position you had taken, your pussy separated from his neck but you were about to cum so you placed one of your hands to open your cunt and with the other pump your hole with your own fingers filling them with your juices until the pleasure was enough for you to cum again, calling out Gyutaro's name. Just before you did, Gyutaro approached you to take a bit of you into his mouth and swallow your dense and sticky satisfaction.
Your breathing was very agitated, you were panting and you could feel the sweat on your face and all over your body. You leaned over to look at Gyutaro who was looking at you with a perverted smile between your spread legs, in front of your drooling and open cunt.
It took a few minutes until you decided to get up to get into a more comfortable position, but as soon as you tried, you felt how incredibly heavy your body felt. Your arms were shaking, your breathing was not fully regulated and you felt as if both legs had been torn off. Your groins and lower back ached like hell from the effort of holding your legs so open. Gyutaro noticed your pained expression and grabbed your hips and back to push you forward and help you up fully so that you were sitting on top of him again. With the little strength you had left, you just got off him and fell next to him on the bed. Your eyelids felt very heavy and you were fighting with yourself to stay awake. You heard Gyutaro say something but not too clearly and then he kissed your cheek. In the dim light provided by the window, you were able to see your boyfriend's tall and thin silhouette taking a towel and leaving the room.
He was probably going to clean up himself because he had half of his body and face wet with your juices, you should too, because you could also feel how sticky you were and how a little cum string stretched from the inside of your pussy up to your thighs when you moved but you just didn't care. You were too tired to get out of bed. You've never had so many so strong and so often orgasms before so that must have used up all your remaining energy.
As your boyfriend walked back into the room, you would close your eyes for just a few seconds to get some rest.
Your eyes widened hurriedly when you heard your phone ringing on the little wood table next to the bed, you extended your arm and took it to answer, feeling your vision blurred and blinded by the light from the device. Your heart nearly sank when you saw that the call was from your mother.
"Hi" you tried to sound as normal as possible.
"I thought you guys would just watch a movie, but I come home at 9:15 p.m. and you're not here! Explain yourself, miss!"
You looked at the time on your cell phone to check it and you were surprised to see that it was true. You were very nervous, your mother was furious and most likely your father was too. The notifications on your phone announced 5 missed calls and almost 20 messages from your parents. How would you go about convincing both of them that the blatantly obvious didn't happen? You had to speak in a normal tone of voice to remove suspicion, causing Gyutaro to wake up. With a nod, he asked who you were talking to and only by moving your lips you told him that it was your parents.
You two were lying on the bed covered with the sheets and your boyfriend was lying on your chest. Gyutaro took the liberty of putting the call on loudspeaker so he could also hear what your parents were saying to you.
"I want you to tell me now why the hell you're not here! You said you'd be home by 6:00 p.m. My God, you were supposed to be gone for only two hours!"
"Yes mom, I'm sorry, it's a bit late bu-"
"A bit!? Your father will go for you this instant."
"No, no! He don't need to come, everything is fine I promise!"
"Then, why the hell didn't you come at the time we agreed!? What were you doing!?"
Your answer had to be firm and convincing. Gyutaro chuckled as he listened to how your parents scolded you because of him and knowing that now you would inevitably have to lie turned him on even more. He looked at you with a lazy look as he slowly kissed your neck and caressed your arm and hand, he pulled the sheets from your chest to reveal your tits and began to kiss them gently.
"Gyutaro and I were playing some video games, then Ume joined us and I guess we played so many different games that I didn't notice how late it got. I wanted to go back but Gyutaro told me it was too dangerous so Ume lent me some clothes and said that I could sleep with her..."
You felt bad for lying, even more when you knew that under these sheets your body and Gyutaro's were completely naked and now he was caressing and kissing you. You knew he did it on purpose.
"I left my bag with my cell phone on the kitchen table, I just came for my phone so that's why I haven't seen any of your messages or your calls."
The story sounded convincing, so your mother let you spend the night at the Shabana's house on the condition that you be back before 10:00 a.m. then you hung up the call and left your cell phone back on the table.
"Videogames?" Gyutaro laughed. "So you're such a gamer, honey." now he was making fun of you while you lay down again.
"Shut up, you better go to sleep."
"Though I must admit you sounded pretty convincing. I hope you can make excuses like this more often so your parents will give you permission to come over and let me fuck you for a while. That would be lovely."
Gyutaro buried his face in your collarbones inhaling the scent of your hair while he clung to you with both arms around your waist. You ran your fingers gently through his tousled curls until you both being lulled to sleep by each other's warmth, falling fast asleep.
Ok, maybe 100 is not a very big number but it does make me very happy. It hasn't been long since I started writing for Gyutaro and I'm so glad to see everyone's support and nice comments. All i can say is thank you and i love you all! 🤧💖
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