#i er wrote a thesis paper
professorbellarke · 5 years
k you're so positive about everyting what can you say to make me feel better about saying "i care about both of you" to octavia? i feel like that dilutes her love for bellamy so much. is she just not confronting her love for him? idk it just feels like the writers again not caring about bellarke. putting bellamy on the same level as octavia for clarke.
OH FAM. FAM FAM FAM. The show is saying the exact opposite! In no uncertain terms! (Like…did you see the enormous, lovingly crafted charcoal Bellamy sketches everywhere? The were huge! The metaphor is not subtle! Bellamy takes up enormous real estate in her mind space for very good reason.) 
Anyway, the line you’re referring to comes right after Not!Octavia says THIS:
“Fine, you wrote me off. At the conclave, at Tondc—I get it. But the thing is, I really thought you cared about Bellamy.”
Clarke answering Not!Octavia by saying she cares about BOTH of them is not diluting her caring about Bellamy—she’s directly answering the charges HER OWN SUBCONSCIOUS is throwing at her. (Remember this is not actually Octavia!!). Not!Octavia is accusing her of not caring about Bellamy, but also about not caring about O. Clarke is a kind person. She would of course assure Octavia to her (not)face that she cares about her and not just Bellamy. She wouldn’t just skip over that part of the accusation.
But her guilt for the things she’s done to Octavia is tied up in her guilt over Bellamy, and vice versa. (She let the bomb drop on Tondc for Bellamy, remember?). That fighting pit room is just a big ball of Blake pain. It’s why she’s confronted with the bloodiest, most lethal, most unforgiving Blake manifestation there is--Blodreina. A monster accusing Clarke of being an even worse monster.
But it’s super important that Bellamy ISN’T THERE—and that only through Octavia can we even get near the Bellamy-shaped elephant in the (murder)room. Clarke can face Octavia’s (presumed) disgust and disdain, even though it hurts like a bitch. She cannot face Bellamy’s. Not even a subconscious manifestation of it.
Even the way Octavia’s dialogue is formed is so crucial. She uses caring for Bellamy as a kill shot, just like Josephine does later. She’s saying, “Fine, you fucked me over and chose to let me get blown up, whatever, it’s shitty but I’m not BELLAMY. BELLAMY is special to you, different than everyone else, on a different level to you, and you even fucked HIM over. Do you care about ANYONE?? is there anyone you love that hasn’t suffered?” 
THAT is what the Octavia manifestation is there to torture her over. She’s sticking a knife in one of Clarke’s softest spots. One of the things that Clarke and Bellamy have always explicitly given each other is forgiveness—and now here’s one of the very worst voices in Clarke’s head telling Clarke that she doesn’t actually have that. The one person (besides Madi, but children are different) who provides her with absolution and emotional safety…ACTUALLY thinks she’s a monster. She left him behind in the fighting pits. At the gates of Camp Jaha after Mt. Weather. The beautiful hug and forgiveness they shared earlier in s6, when Clarke thought she had shed her greatest sin of abandoning Bellamy by writing it on that lantern, is being weaponized against her. It’s not real. he doesn’t forgive you. You’re a monster, just like you’ve always thought.
Talking to Bellamy on the radio kept her sane and grounded (heh). Bellamy’s forgiveness and trust keep her centered (explicitly stated in s4 by Jaha). Take that away--hollow it out--and Clarke herself is hollowed.
And Clarke and Bellamy forgiving and absolving one another is absolutely bone-deep crucial to their character arcs. It always has been.
“He understands,” Clarke says, her heart in her voice. Because they’re the same! They’ve always been opposites but the same, balanced and equal, heart and head, leaders on space and leaders on earth, covered in blood to save their people but always washing it off the other. Clarke absolutely needs that to be true. Her worst fear is that it isn’t—that nobody understands her. That the blood doesn’t come out. That’s she’s a monster, and Bellamy of all people knows it.
Ain’t NOTHING diluted about what Clarke says. Sometimes you have to pay attention to what characters don’t say, and ESPECIALLY to HOW characters say things, like the way her voice breaks on “He forgave me”. God, his opinion and his trust and love are so important to her. Literally we see that without it, she starts to doubt her entire character. Clarke’s opinion of herself and Bellamy’s opinion of herself (and vice versa, but this is Clarkeland right now) are inextricably linked. Clarke gives up fighting and accepts brain death because of Bellamy taking that deal (and by the way Josephine frames it, inadvertently convincing Clarke that they really are better of without her). Bellamy gives up fighting and accepts heart death (Clarke-less existence) because it’s what hhe thinks Clarke would do. This isn’t me inferring. This is literally the plot on the screen.
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UNSUBTLE AS ALL DAMN HELL and romantic as the damn Titanic movie poster
And the big, dramatic, HELL YEAH FEEL GOOD FIST PUMP of an ending is Clarke reaching across the void and against all damn odds making contact with…….who? BELLAMY. “He understands,” Clarke says, full of doubt that eh actually does, afraid that she’s only deluding herself, but HOO BOY WHO UNDERSTANDS CLARKE GRIFFIN BETTER? Bellamy literally understands the tapping of her finger! HER FINGER. TAPPING. He understands you bet your ASS ONE HUSBAND DOES!
There’s a reason it’s Bellamy who gets her message. Bellamy is her engine for emotional change. And she’s his. Been that way since Bellamy tried to get Clarke’s wristband off and Clarke said NO and then he didn’t let her fall in a pit of spikes. That was growth! That was Bellarke. That was the twin pillars of the show being established. They affect each other. And their effect on each other is the central plot of the whole damn story. And that shit is romantic as fuck. Literally the basis of all my favorite love stories.
Tl;dr: Stop gaslighting yourself, fam. The 100 has always been a big Bellarkeapalooza. Every major plotline, every dramatic climax, every emotional turning point. BELLARKAPALOOZA.
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thosequeenboys · 5 years
Slippery When Wet (Roger Taylor x Brian May)
Summary: Approaching the end of their American tour, Roger and Brian find some welcome – and rare -- intimate time alone. Roger urges Brian to demonstrate his Instagram shower safety tips.
A/N: This story was inspired by Brian’s August Instagram post about shower safety.   Though focused on current Maylor, there is a flashback to their earlier years. It is being published for the “Maylor Week 2019 Making Love” prompt.  Bolded text is referenced at the end.
Warnings:  SMUT (18+ only). Shower sex, anyone? 
Roger and Brian mingle with staff and visitors backstage after the show, feeling the end of the tour nearing, with only two more shows to go on their American tour.   They nurse increasingly warm drinks, as they tell jokes and express gratitude. Suddenly, they their eyes lock in a knowing glance acknowledging to each other their eagerness to leave.  The high from the show had started to fade, and suddenly, they are done.  They no longer have the need to down countless drinks, make witty conversation and stay up all night.
“Adam, we’re going to head out, mate.” Roger says.
Oh, sure, I’ll see you tomorrow,”  Adam says as he hugs Roger and then Brian. The men yell a thank you and give a wave, receiving a round of applause as they leave.  The adulation still feels good even after all these years.
“Want to come in for a nightcap.” Brian asks once they settle into their waiting car.
“So long as it’s a cold one-absolutely!” Roger says, pulling a handkerchief from his pocket and wiping his brow of the oppressive American humidity.  They enter Brian’s suite and Brian goes to the frig.  “Beer?”  
“Sure,” Roger says, throwing his green velvet blazer on the club chair.  They both sit heavily on the couch, and each lean into the soft pillows positioned against the arm rests at the opposite ends of the couch.
Brian looks up at Roger.  It has been months since they sat together  -  alone. Sarina was on the tour for a bit and left a week before for London; Anita is starring in a show on the West End.
“It feels good to sit and relax.”  Brian says. “With you,” he adds with a warm smile.
“Yeah, we haven’t been together--er, hung out in a while.” Roger corrects himself quickly in his raspy voice as he sips his beer.  He lets himself bask in the special solace of being alone with Brian May: the warmth, comfort, familiarity.  Then, of course, there is the backdrop of desire.
It has been awhile, hasn’t it?”  Brian says, glancing at Roger as he sinks back into the couch. Suddenly, Brian takes his phone from his jacket pocket.  “Oh, my, look at this.  My Instagram post from earlier today has over 10,000 likes-in just a few hours!!”
“Ooh, impressive!” Roger’s voice rises, feigning excitement.  “And what topic is Dr. May expounding on today-the cosmos? hedgeho…?”
Brian cuts him off.  “No actually, it was a post about shower safety in hotels.  There have been many instances of people getting injured slipping in hotel showers. Laying down a towel is the perfect solution.”  He interrupts himself.  “Listen to this!  Brian-Mayday wrote “I’m so glad you posted this, Brian!  I travel for work and will follow your wise advice-and avoid injury. Smile emoji.”  
“Keeping everyone safe, while entertaining and educating the world.  That’s our Brian.”  Roger states, while thinking to himself, shower safety, WTF?.  
Roger eyes Brian whose head is bent over as he scrolls through his phone reading comments, some aloud, clearly tickled.   He takes in Brian’s grey locks cascading down his shoulders and his open shirt, revealing his smooth, still-firm chest.  Roger blinks and a sly smirk spreads on his face as an image pops into his view -- it was another time, another Brian: dark curls also drape into his open shirt. He was folded into himself on the couch, hunched over a paper he was writing due at week’s end, grasping a pencil.  They were positioned as they were this evening-leaning into the opposite arm rests of the couch, their legs tangled in the middle of the cushions.  
“This isn’t right!” Brian said, agitatedly pulling his legs up under him and resting his notebook on them. He stared at it.  
“Read it aloud,” Roger urged and Brian read the essay slowly.
“I think you need to switch up the sentences in the first two paragraphs to better support your thesis sentence.” Roger suggested. “Here-let me see.” Brian passed him the notebook and Roger and Brian talked through the paragraphs, batting around ideas, as they leaned toward each other to look at the notebook.
“Ah, I think this will work.” Brian said nodding, his mouth forming a slight smile, relieved by the clarity.
“Yup.  Just needed some reorganizing.  Your supporting evidence is solid.” Roger said confidently handing the notebook back to Brian, who took it. Leaning back into his end of the couch, he scribbled some notes based on their discussion.
“I have a question for you,” Roger asked pensively from the other end of the couch, cocking his head.  Brian looked up and leaned forward, his brow furrowed, eager to hear the question to further spark his thinking on his paper.  
“What do I have to do to get laid around here?” Roger asked, trying and failing to hide a grin.
Brian raised an eyebrow and his mouth curled into an O, expressing surprise. “Here I was thinking you were going to come up with a brilliant idea about my paper….”
“Did that.  Now I’m ready to put other parts of myself to use.  I have a head for science AND a bod for sin.” (1) Roger said in a husky voice, turning on the charm, flashing his lovely smile, his baby blues sparkling underneath long, batting eyelashes.
“Do you, now?” Brian asked, grinning at Roger, turned on by his boldness. “Well, in answer to your question--That depends if you’re a good boy…” Brian purred, trying to be flirtatious.  
“I’ve been very good…I just helped you…”  Roger said softly.
“That you did,” Brian said.  Suddenly overcome with lust, he threw the notebook and pencil on the floor and launched his body forward, crawling on all fours across the couch. He settled between Roger’s legs that were opened to receive him.  
Looking into Roger’s beautiful eyes, he ran his fingers through his soft hair. He started to kiss Roger’s lips hungrily.  Roger returned the kisses firmly, staring deeply into Brian’s eyes, signaling he was ready for more.  Brian’s tongue licked Roger’s lips and he parted them, allowing Brian’s tongue to probe him. Roger gasped as his tongue explored Brian.  After a few moments, Brian pulled away and started his descent, kissing and sucking down Roger’s neck, unbuttoning his shirt as he moved down his bare, smooth chest.  He stopped to take off the shirt and then ran his hand up and down Roger’s chest sternum to belly button.  He bent and sucked a nipple and licked his calloused fingers, gently tugging at the other.  “Oh, God,” Roger said, thrusting up, as Brian continued to focus on his chest, his long graceful fingers grazing over his fair torso.  
“You’re so sensitive.  I could stay here just at your chest, watching you writhe and listening to you moan under me. You’re so beautiful.” Brian uttered. After generating more moans from Roger and feeling his heartbeat quicken, Brian kissed down his taut abs, speaking in between each kiss.  “Roger. Taylor. I love you.  Your talent.  Your passion for music.  Your cheekiness. Your smarts. Your warmth. Your caring. Your bod!”  He giggled.  “Did I mention your intelligence? You are the real deal….”
“I bet you say that to all the boys,” (2) Roger said with a laugh, deflecting Brian’s serious sentiments.
Brian pulled off his chest and looked at Roger intensely, concerned.  “No, Roger. I don’t.  You’re the only one I love.  And, I want to show you how much I love you.”
Brian sat up slightly and unbuttoned and unzipped Roger’s pants and slid his fingers under the waistband, caressing his hipbones, ever so gently.  
Roger panted. “I…I love you too, but God, bloody take them off…”
“Ohmygoodness!”  Brian’s giddy enthusiasm brings Roger back to the present as the image of their youthful student life and lovemaking vanishes.  
“These comments are incredible!  People really appreciate my message and photos! Look at this shot,” Brian turns his phone and shows Roger a photo of his bare leg stepping into the shower placing his foot on the towel.  
“Oh, I must respond to this to this comment.”  
“Seriously?? You’re going to respond to comments all night?”  Roger is SO over freaking Instagram and is clearly losing his patience.  They finally have time together, and…
“So, I have a question, Brian…” Roger says earnestly.
“Hmmmm?” Brian asks half listening, clearly distracted as he types a comment. 
“What do I have to do to get laid around here?”  Roger’s eyes bored into him as he smirks.
Brian looks up.  “You want to…??”  They each have an agreement with their wives-and always had.  They have an occasional thing.  It goes way back and is the reflection of their emotional, intellectual, musical and physical connection-and their history.   It doesn’t detract from the strong love they have for their wives. It is a different connection and bond. Their wives accept the arrangement.   It’s been almost a year since they had been together.
“Actually, BrianMayForReal,” Roger snickers, using Brian’s Instagram name, “I was thinking I’d like you to show me your shower safety tips.  First-hand, so to speak.  Up close and personal.”
“Is that what you’re thinking?” Brian’s mouth opens slightly, as Roger climbs on all fours toward Brian and eases the phone from Brian’s hand, reaching over him to place it on the end table.  “Christ, I gotta take some clothes off,” Roger pants, sitting up to urgently unbutton and throw off his shirt and then lifting his hips to dislodge his pants.  
In just his underwear, Roger lays on top of Brian glad that he successfully turned Brian’s attention away from Instagram.  They lock eyes and then lips.  Roger starts kissing Brian hungrily as he pins Brian’s arms by his side.  Brian’s eyes fly open as he tries to move his arms.  
“Easy, my good boy,” Roger coos.  “I got you.”  He starts to unbutton Brian’s shirt as his mouth trails behind making its way down his smooth chest, aching to heat things up.  
“Roger, wait. Come up here.” Brian says suddenly, sitting up, shifting Roger and releasing his hands from the blonde’s grasp in the process.  He finishes the buttons on his shirt and tosses it.  Roger looks at him, confused by the directive to halt.  But he eases himself up over Brian’s long, now bare, torso to align his face with Brian’s.  
“Let me hold you,” Brian says.  He embraces Roger, hugging him into his chest, and stroking his back.  Roger lets his weight sink into Brian, resting his head in the crook of Brian’s neck, sheltered by the taller man’s flowing hair. Though their bodies have changed over the years, the way they piece together so easily has not. Between them lay over 50 years of friendship, music, brotherhood. Fifty years of love beat in their two hearts, now beating in unison.
“Roger,” says Brian, very present.  “Let’s appreciate this moment together - and what we’re about to do.  And why.”
Roger laughs. “You don’t think this is a wham, bam, thank you, Ma’am situation-do you? Like I’m gonna sneak out in the middle of the night and not call you again?  Brian, I get your having an emotional moment, but I need to get off, and given that it takes some time these days…”
Brian chuckles. “I know,  I want to also. It’s just...during the show, the memories started flooding in…..and you’re the constant in them.  We’re the constant.”
‘Yes, that is true.” Roger says, considering Brian’s sentiments.
Brian continues, “Through most of my life-good, bad-all of it. I could – I can - count on you…” I love you. And, I want to make love to you….” Brian says, his eyes tearing a bit.  
“I love you too. AND, I‘m glad you can tear yourself away from Instagram to focus on me…and us.” Roger smiles.  “So, how about we get those pants off?”
And with that, Roger eases Brian out of his pants and positions himself over him, thrusting into him.  They move together, feeling each other getting hard, delighted that even after all these years they still turn each other on so easily, so quickly.  
Roger looks at him, panting heavily.  “So…how about those shower tips.”
“Ah yes,” Brian said.
They help each other up and, holding hands, walk to the large bathroom with a walk – in shower that easily accommodates two.  
“Here, let me demonstrate.”  Brian says, assuming a professorial tone and grabbing a bunch of rolled hand towels from the generous supply neatly organized in a wicker basket on the floor.   “See, you lay them out – around the drain-not over it-before you step in.  And, let me put one near the wall, since no doubt that’s where you’ll be spending some time.”  He winks, as he positions the towel.  He grabs two large towels and spreads them on the towel warmer next to the shower and turns it on.  Then, he removes his boxers and steps onto a towel, reaching his arm out to Roger who grasps it and enters the shower, stepping on a towel opposite him.  Brian turns on the water which warms instantly and he embraces Roger. They kiss passionately, lathering each other up with musk shower gel and smoothing it over each other’s bodies. Brian starts to caress Roger’s cock and the drummer moans. “God I love hearing you …” Brian says as Roger grasps the guitarist’s firm arms to steady himself as he starts to rock in time to Brian’s movements on his member.
“Turn around, let me help you.” Brian helps Roger spin around and step on the towel closest to the wall and then grabs the bath oil from the shelf.  He prepares Roger, who steps his legs wider. When he’s ready, Brian enters him slowly, running his hand up Roger’s back, as Roger moans, bending toward the wall.
“Oh, babe, that’s good…” Roger says.
Brian wraps his other hand around Roger’s cock, and they both moan softly, continuing their movements. The warm water flows over them, as they move together reflecting their love, which changed and grew through the years - a love that celebrated their triumphs; cushioned their disappointments and frustrations; contained and sheltered them when their lives unraveled in unexpected ways.
‘M close,” Roger grunts, finally, and Brian picks up his pace.  Roger climaxes, Brian follows.  They continue to move together and finally Brian separates.  Roger turns around, his back against the shower wall and Brian plants gentle kisses on his face and his neck.  
“That was great.  Amazing, actually.” Roger says. Brian winks at him and turns to shut off the water.  
“Yes, it was. As usual. Stay there.”  Brian gives him a kiss on the mouth and steps on a towel close to the door to grab the warmed towels.  He gives one to Roger and starts to dry himself off.  
They exit the shower and grab the plush white robes hanging on the hooks.  
“So, what do you think of my shower safety tips?”  Brian asks intensely as they tie their robes and walk toward the bedroom.  
“Very effective!”  Roger compliments.  “Glad you won’t be posting that demo on your Instagram account though.”  
They both burst into laughter as they climb into bed, wrapping their limbs around each other and embrace.  
 @iamnotbrianmay​ @warriorteam1924​ @hey-holtzy​
1.      This is based on a quote was spoken by Tess McGill, a smart secretary, played by Melanie Griffith to an executive, Jack Trainer, played by Harrison Ford, in the 1988 film Working Girl, a movie about working your way up in the corporate world. I substituted ‘head for business’ to ‘head for science’ to reflect our science-y Roger.
2.      This line is from the song “You took the Words Right out of my Mouth (Hot Summer Night)” by Meat Loaf.
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hegglespeggles · 4 years
How to write an essay you could not care less about in 10 steps
Hello. I have an essay to write.
I am also, (unfortunately) the kind of lazy, apathetic burnout who will only do my FUCKING work if I get really worked up. Usually that ends up meaning all of my papers are spite-fuelled tirades but my profs seem to like them so fine. I hope you find this particular raging tirade useful.
Today, I would like to educate the 4 of you that will actually see this on a fine art I have perfected over the years. Writing a paper, about which, you do not give a single, solitary, crumb of a fuck about. This is (you may have guessed) and excellent way for me to procrastinate doing a paper that *I* do not give a single solitary crumb of a fuck about. For best results, I recommend doing this NIGHT-BEFORE-PANIC like, a week in advance so you can fix all the NONSENSE that your more reasonable brain will undoubtedly find. But if it’s the night before and you are shit outta luck, this will get ‘er done. And with practice, you can even pull good grades outta these bitches.
 Dissociating? I gotchu. Woke up the day of the deadline to feel like absolute utter garbage? Search no more friends.  
1.    Go get the prompt.
I fucking mean it. Even if you are like 1000% sure you know what the prompt is asking, go to the FUCKING assignment, and copy that shit into your word document. Got the assignment on paper? TYPE THAT SHIT UP MOTHERFUCKER.
(Do you see what I fucking have to deal with)
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Congratulations, you now have a document, and whats more, there are WORDS in it!! You aren’t starting from scratch anymore kiddo. Fringe benefit, you always know EXACTLY what the assignment wants because its fucking Staring You Down. Not saying you have to do exactly as it says, mama didn’t raise no BITCH and I aint scared of fuckin CALLING PROFS OUT but if you wanna break the rules you gotta know what they are first
(Disclaimer: I have also been kicked out of class on numerous occasions for fighting with the prof and had full classes where the lecture WAS me arguing so maybe take my opinions of conformity with a grain of salt.)
2.    Math THE FIRST
I know, this is an essay and not a fucking calculus test. But some of this shit is USEFUL OKAY
Take the paper in question. How long does it have to be? Mine is 5 pages. A page is generally accepted to be 250 words (double spaced because we FUCKING LOVE OURSELVES) so 5 x 250 = 1250 wds. That’s the goal. That’s the pinnacle. That’s your new holy grail.
Time to split this bitch up
  3.    Yarrrrrr, CONTENT
And finally, we get to the part that is the reason why you are being an absolute bitch baby about this essay (maybe. I might be projecting. Your life is your life and im sure youre doing your best.) I Hate this part, but now with our magic number we don’t need to pull 5 pages out of the ether.
This part really requires you to know your vibe. Is this something that you have a lot of little opinions (read: evidence) about or like, only 2 or 3 big bois? Look deep into your soul and figure out which is the easiest for you to shit out, a rant or a list. a  great way to do this is to WRITE ANYTHING YOU GOT OUT
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Here you can see I’ve put all of the thoughts I have about the question into a list, slapped some standard “opening” and “closing” shit around it so I can FUCKING FIND IT AGAIN and given it a good hard look. Whats the common thread in all of my opinions? That the prompt is fucking stupid and makes no sense is asking 2 different questions. Congratulations: you found your thesis. This essay, like many of my essays, bears the thesis “this is a weird question to be asking” (which falls under my broader category of “bitches aint shit” essays.)
Congratulations you have the bare bones of your skeleton.
 The magic number returns. All hail our glorious leader. 1250 right?
So heres how I break this down. Break off a small chunk at the beginning. For this essay im gonna split off the 250. Split that baby in half. Congratulations, now you have a word count on your opening and closing. Personally, I know I like a lil extra space at the end to get all ranty, so Imma split this puppy up 100 for my opening and 150 for the closing. WARNING: You will think that you will be able to write enough in your opening and closing to take up lots of space. You will feel the urge to give them both the same amount of words that you give your points. This is misguided and foolish. Not only will you 1) not be able to do it but 2) even if you did, that’s like getting a sandwich which is all bread. No one wants that. Don’t be that dude. Fight the urge.
 RIGHT SO. We’re still left on the other 1000 words.
If you have an idea that like, is bigger than the others, go ahead and give that puppy more of the word count than the others, fractions are your friend here and you wanna think about how much of your final product each of these babies will be. If you, like me, are an utter buffoon with no clue what youre doing, open your calculator up. Divide the remaining word count by the number of points you have. Congratulations. Youre doing the essaying.
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If this is enough to get you started, GREAT! See you at step seven. BEFORE YOU GO I would like to give you this tip
It doesn’t need to be a full citation, just literally a footnote with something that will help you remember where its from and for the love of god WHAT PAGE IT IS ON. The you of 3 hours from now will thank you.
  6.    Filling in the skeleton
 I don’t know about you, but I cant exactly riff off of a single sentence. Like, I know what the VIBE of my point is, but like, I cant pull it out of a hat. The name of the game here is whittling down your arguments into thinner and thinner chunks that are easier and easier to bullshit. This is how you avoid that “burning building found in flames during Brooklyn fire” bullshit that memes. You don’t wanna meme. You wanna pass. So, figure out what the things you are gonna say and in each bit, keep track of how many words you are gonna write. EITHER
a)      You put how many words you think you can write on any point beside the point as you go and just keep developing points and shuffling word counts around until it matches the total for that section
b)     You evenly breakup the word count between all the points and keep breaking them down until you look at a subject and a word count and go “yeah that’s doable. I can do that.”
I prefer the second so LEGGO.
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7.    Write ‘er up
Ahhh glad to see we’re all back together again. Try-hards who can ACTUALLY bullshit papers, glad to see you’ve rejoined us! This is the part where you take all that shit you’ve broken up into nice little chunks and you turn it into something worth reading. You can do it. I believe in you. Try and keep your citations in place.
I like to do this as a question answer thingy, like an exam, so halfway through writing mine is gonna look like this
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 The handy part about the numbers is that it gives you a frame of reference for how your bullshit is going. Realized you had a lot more to say here than you thought? Dope! Less bullshit somewhere else, take it out of a weaker point. This point didn’t give as much as you thought it would? Split the difference elsewhere! This way you have checkpoints and you can see how your essay is going
And then you can go ahead and delete your skeleton work. Its time. Its served you well. For extra drama, whisper menacing nothings to it as you send it into the darkness. Personal favourites include “no one will mourn you,” “your fate belongs to me,” and “so this is what you have come to”
  8.    Citations
Theres like a million ways out there to find out how to do your citations and its gonna depend on what kind of a paper you are writing. I use Chicago most of the time, including here. My advice? Use a site like, bib.me or something to do your bibliography, and then plaster that in the bottom of your document. Use that as the building blocks to do your footnotes. Let Purdue Owl be your guide. Purdue Owl Style Guide Is A Mighty Friend Indeed.
 Also your welcome for that, “putting the page numbers in as you put the info in” shit. That took me alarmingly long to figure out. It’s a wonder theyre giving me a degree.
  9.    Proofread that shit, ya bougie bitch.
If you wanna be time effective, getting a friend to proofread while you do your citations is a great way to go. If you have a few days, put your paper away and come back to it. If you are out of friends and time then https://www.paperrater.com/ is your last hope.
  10.       Slap a title page on that shit and GET IT SUBMITTED
 No joke, I have been using the same template for a coverpage all through highschool and my undergrad. There is only one title page and every time I write an essay I take the title page from the last paper I wrote. There is no beginning. Only title page. Title? Topic of paper: point of paper. For example, If I had to title this screed I’d call it Essay Writing: An exploration of mediocrity. slap the date and your name and the course and instructor on there and BAM. YA DONE.
 Anyway submit that shit an go to bed youre done goodnight
I’ve gotten this essay back, and when I wrote it, I was barely a human being. Barely capable of human speech let alone a coherent argument. I would forget the end of the sentence by the time I typed out the beginning. But I still for a 70%! is it the best mark I’ve ever gotten? no! but it is a hell of a lot better than the 0% I would have gotten if i hadnt done this. I get it. And i hope this helps. 
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awed-frog · 6 years
How did you almost get arrested for writing a paper?
Well, it’s a stupid story but - as some of you know, I wrote half my thesis on dicks (which was completely accidental, btw), and the thing is, academia is a rabbit hole because whatever you start doing, you have to keep doing? So, fast-forward three years and I’m suddenly discussing statues’ genitals with one of the leading experts in the entire world and the conversation goes on and on and we start wondering But wait - what’s going on with women?
Because male statues, as we know, have weird genitals - shrunken little things that have made generations of middle-schoolers laugh their heads off - and while we generally consider that’s because penis size was linked to virtue, morality and smarts (ie, the bigger it is, the more savage and less in control of yourself you are), there’s also a theory that these representations of adult men are deliberately sculpted as younger - in that area - because youth and teenagerhood was the most celebrated life period in ancient Greece.
So far, so good & most rational.
Thing is, though, no one’s really considered female genitals in sculpture except for poor John Ruskin, who’d apparently spent so long in the company of statues that when he discovered his new wife had hair - this was their wedding night - he shrieked in distress and couldn’t talk to her again for the next ninety years.
And while there’s the possibility pubic hair was painted on the statues afterwards (let’s remember Greek statues were a nightmare of garish & clashing colours), it’s true that the pudendal cleft is just never there, is it? And at this point, we started wondering if the cleft is actually visible on prepuberal girls, you know, because maybe this bizarro ‘Hey let’s sculpt adult people with undeveloped genitals, that will be totally fun and uncreepy!’ scenario was actually more widespread than normally assumed? And next some other student poked her head in and we realized what we were talking about, so there was a lot of er and uhm and I promised to research the issue and he said ‘Jolly good’ or something to that effect and off I went.
And I know it sounds far-fetched, but by that point, the reality of the task (ie, finding an image of a naked child I could use as comparison against a Greek statue) didn’t really register as weird? I was just excited because no one else had looked into it ever and I mean, of course there was nothing sexual about it at all? It was just a question of how human bodies develop and change over time and what dead artists from a dead culture might have chosen to represent and why. 
So that’s why I went straight to my university-owned room fully furnished with university-owned internet connection and happily typed ‘naked girl frontal’ or something like that in the Google. And of course I got an alert like, ‘THIS PAGE WAS BLOCKED AND YOU SHOULD GO DIE’ so that’s when I started to panic a little bit but hey, it was only 9pm and I was on the verge of a revolutionary breakthrough (obviously), so I cycled to the medical library and spent the next two hours going over encyclopedias with no luck whatsoever. 
(You just couldn’t find an illustration of a girl’s genitals anywhere, and maybe I should have been more grateful for that than I was at the time.)
Then the next morning I was called in for a ‘routine check’ at the IT office and had to submit my private laptop to be searched, also got asked what I was even doing at the medical library, which is how I discovered that Top Universities actively track their students without telling them, and in the end it was decided I was An Idiot Doing Dirty Research But Not Actually Dirty Myself and the matter was dropped. I did spend about two hours thinking I’d be arrested, though.
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(And I still don’t know if my theory had any merit at all.)  
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It’s Moodboard Monday again over @homesteadhorner and I have two moodboards this week, whew! This week’s theme is fire, so I knew I had to get my pyrokinetic in here! A few disclaimers and things before we get to the fun stuff:
 Tumblr did horrible things to the quality of some of the images in this board no matter what I did. If you’re having trouble reading the buttons on the top right, they read: “Ask me about my pronouns,” “Male? No. Female? No,” “Too rad for your binary,” and “gender rebel.” The quote in the book also got a little distorted and is meant to read “If it doesn’t burn a little, then what’s the point of playing with fire?” 
 Ash identifies as nonbinary and uses the pronouns they/them/theirs. (The flag on some of the pins is actually the genderfluid flag rather than the nonbinary one, but I couldn’t pass up the witty word buttons.) They prefer the term “datemate” when talking about their relationships.
 Ash is my first nonbinary character. I have done my very best to do all the research I can to portray them respectfully and authentically, but I am cis and cannot fully understand everything about what being nonbinary is like. If you have questions or concerns, or just a gentle reminder or suggestion, please RESPECTFULLY bring that to my askbox or PMs. 
 This is not actually the best face ref for Ash, I’m trying to find a better one. 
 Ash is my newest OC, so some information may be added or changed as I get to know them more. 
Name: Ash Gutierrez (Aliases: Pyro) 
Roles: Protagonist, love interest 
Traits: Adventurous, witty, determined, self-assured, sharp-tongued, warm, inventive, stubborn 
Quotes: “Playing with fire is in my nature. No matter what you do, you can’t stop that.” “Good news Ari, the play says ‘No man of woman borne,’ so I can defeat MacBeth.” 
Ash had a relatively uneventful early life, all things considered, until they met Aris. Actually, a lot of things in their life can be described with “until Aris.” The two met in their undergraduate college years, not long after Ash fully began to present as who they truly were. Aris was, by all accounts, intrigued. Ash was very science-minded, and had drive to change the world, through their science, through their magic, through just…themselves. She’d never made friends easily, but the pyrokinetic didn’t shy away from her, inept as her Normal social skills were at that time, and they slowly began to learn about each other. it was a long, slow process, but Aris began to let Ash know she saw them as a little more than a friend. Ash was allowed into her lab, to tinker with her inventions, input on the columns Ari wrote for the paper, to take pictures of Aris in stolen moments when the latter usually refused to be anything resembling photogenic. And she refused to hear a bad word spoken of them from anyone who wasn’t accepting. “I don’t need defending” Ash said. “And I don’t need to put up with their stupidity” Aris shot back. After inviting Aris to both of their first formal dance, seeing her all dressed up, Ash knew. They hadn’t meant to fall for Aris…and yet here they were. 
 They never said “I love you,” at least, not yet, but they fell into something between friends and a couple, and then just “a couple who’s oblivious to the fact that they are one.” Just before Aris moved on to grad school and Ash set out for a traveling career in environmental science (geology and volcanic specialty, how appropriate,) she helped Ash finalize their legal name change and made them a framed work of Constellan calligraphy with “Ash” in the center. On the back, she left her address. 
 From then, they kept up as pen pals, Ash traveling to all the remote corners of nature for study, advocating better sustainability practices, picking up an interest in the Illios and a vendetta against corrupt fossil fuels companies. Aris scanned and studied and tinkered and wrote her thesis, and slowly, as she and her science began to fall into the wrong hands, began using Ash’s letters as a life raft. There was a normal world, somewhere out there where she didn’t have to spy, experiment, and kill, hoping the price of admission to a better future for Constella at large was worth it. Her own replies grew more withholding and cryptic, afraid to get Ash in the crossfire, and hoping to escape to them someday all the same. They were reunited once the apocalypse broke out, but in some ways, it was years too late. Too late to save the Aris that Ash had known, but they could at least keep this hardened and abused version from self-destructing. The apprentice Aris had picked up, Katri, helped to show Ash that Ari hadn’t changed all for the bad. She was now inadvertently between aunt and mother for Katri and her brother Espen, and the caretaker of two feisty kittens. 
 Ash themselves is a do-er, never content to stay on the sidelines of anything. They once threw themselves into a ten month trip to the South American rainforest for the good of the Amazon ecosystem, almost entirely forgetting their aversion to rain until Aris’ questioning letter arrived. A mover, too, with hobbies including biking, hiking, parasailing, welding, and nature photography. They love reptiles of all kinds, and Katri recently gifted them with a pet salamander. His name is Hotrod. Never one to turn down a good party or a good time, Ash is quick with a laugh and a sharp joke, much more sociable than their datemate. Their natural warmth comes through in more ways than one. They play with fire just for the shocked reactions of the crowd, make sparks when they’re feeling playful, and an extra-warm snuggle never hurt when convincing a sick Aris to get some rest. -Dove
 Special thanks to @inkdropsonroses for eternal support, @lady-redshield-writes for encouraging me that I could handle two moodboards in one week, and my new friend @toboldlywrite for being enthusiastic about Ash despite knowing me for such a short time.
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khaelisfics · 6 years
Classroom War - Chapter 2
Paring: John Smith x Rose Tyler Chapter: 2/? Rating: T Word count: 1900 Tags: Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn, University AU
Read on AO3
Tagging @doctorroseprompts and @timepetalscollective for the second chapter of this University AU!
He grinned proudly as he tore the cardboard of the parcel he had received on his desk, taking out a heavy book he had ordered. He had spent his own money on something he would never use, just for the sake of retaliation - and because he couldn't wait to see her furious face again. The motivation was clear. Get his revenge for that cheap short she had aimed at him the week before. It was simple, efficient, and not evil enough to risk much more than a glare and another fit of anger. Oh, he couldn't wait.
He tucked his book under his arm and walked out of his office, unable to wipe the smug smile from his features. You’ll get your stupid book, he thought as he walked into one of the humanities corridors that sprouted from the mail hall, greeting a few of his own students on the way. He had never been to her office before - not for lack of interest, because he had wanted to visit her for two years, but for lack of any precise reason that would leave her wondering why he had even bothered when they had a phone and emails. Phone and emails had this one disadvantage he couldn't see her, skirt and high heels and tight blouse, but well. He always managed to find a good spot at the canteen to make up for all those times he didn’t visit her - namely, that one table behind the plastic plant that shielded him from her, but from where he had a very good view of her legs under the table.
He knocked on her door, grinned even brighter when she answered, and stepped into her office with the firm intention to thoroughly enjoy her rage. He was momentarily struck by the size of the office, less than half the size of his, and he realized a lighter budget was not the only bad thing about the humanities. Especially since, being the literary person that she was, piles and piles of books were stacked against the walls, precarious towers that would all tumble down if she picked but one of them.
She was wearing that light pink blouse that day, one of his favourite, and he was disappointed he couldn't see what skirt she had paired it with. No. He wasn't there to watch her legs. Revenge, he remembered.
“Doctor Smith, what can I do for you?” she greeted with a smile, taking off the black glasses perched on the bridge of her nose - he would have liked to tell her to leave them on, because he didn’t think he had seen anything sexier in his whole life, but he managed to keep that thought for himself.
“Doctor Tyler,” he nodded, shutting the door behind him with a kick of his heel. “I got you a little something I thought you might like. Remember that book we, er, argued about last week?”
“Yeah, I do, thanks for reminding me,” she sighed, leaning back in her chair, tucking a temple of her glasses in her cleavage. “So?”
“Well, I kinda felt bad, you know, I got this brand new, amazing centrifuge and you’re left with nothing,” he said - he made sure to sound falsely saddened and offered an ironic smile of compassion. “So, I got you the book.”
“Did you?”
He nodded with a grin, the delighted flutters of thrill blooming in his stomach at her surprise and immediate softening. Oh, she really wanted that book. And she was genuinely happy he had bought it. It made it even better. The downfall would be rough.
“Here it is, new edition and all,” he said, letting the book plop down on the desk, putting its title on prominent display. “Cost me fifty quids, but well, I’ve got a centrifuge worth a few thousands so I thought… You know, consolation prize.”
“It’s in French,” she noted with a frown as she flipped through the pages. “All in French.”
“Oh, is it?”
He faked an outraged gasp, and started to ramble about how it hadn't been made clear enough on the website, and how they would hear about it and he would get his money back because it was unacceptable to pay that much for a few pages in a wrong language. Of course, he was jubilating at her momentary perplexity, but on the inside only. Well, probably a bit on the outside too, because she raised an eyebrow and smiled, the kind of amused smile that had him observe her with a hint of suspicion. She wasn’t disillusioned, like he had hoped she’d be. She looked… Pleased. Now, that wasn’t part of the plan. Something must have gone wrong somewhere.
“Thank you very much, Doctor Smith,” she simply shrugged, shoving the book in a drawer. “That you would go to such extents is proof of your repentance.”
“But it's in French,” he pointed out, frustrated that she wouldn't make any more comments about it when he had expected, and even hoped for a tantrum.
“Yes, it is,” she smiled, slipping her glasses back on the tip of her nose - ah, that looked much better. “Good thing I speak French.”
“You… You do?” he asked as he watched his plan crumble down to ashes along with his confidence.
“Of course I do, majored in French literature, did one of my thesis about Molière. Why the disappointment? At least you didn't spend your money on a silly joke. I can actually use it. Gonna need to do a few extra hours to translate what my student needs, but all in all, this is better than nothing. So, thanks.”
“Oh, good, then, very good,” he could only nod, trying hard not to let the his abatement show on his face. “I could send it back and order the good one, though, I really...”
“Don’t sweat it, Doctor Smith,” she grinned as she handed him a small file of papers. “I know what you wanted to do. Sorry it didn't work.”
“No idea what you're talking about, I just wanted to help you.”
“Right. Now, I have work to do, so…”
He nodded with a sigh of defeat, but it was when he started to turn on his feet that he absent-mindedly read the title written in sharp little letters on the top of file. A title he knew all too well.
“Wait, what's this?” he asked as he sifted through the sheets to make sure it was what he thought it was.
“Your article about nuclear fission in subaquatic rift currents was good, but your whole theory doesn’t look very professional,” she started to explain much too matter-of-factly compared to the scornful twitch that pulled on her lips. “You'll find annotations and corrections. It might be science, but if you can’t spell all your gibberish properly, you won’t get published. You can leave it as it is, of course, but I doubt you'll go far with subacquatick rifts.”
“You went through the trouble of reading my article just to taunt me on stupid grammar?” he huffed, both angry and embarrassed to see so much red painted over the pages.
“Spelling, Doctor Smith. The grammar isn’t that good either, though, you'll find a few notes about that too. Page three, you say one thing and the exact opposite two lines further. It matters when you’re talking about potentially deadly stuff, just saying.”
“This is a paper I am still working on, I typed my notes at two in the morning, okay? How did you even get this, you snoop, I only posted it to my personal drive.”
“And on the staff Intranet. It appeared in the news stream, under the glorious title, hm, what was it? Oh yes, FML this fissions my ass. Thanks for the laugh, by the way.”
“No, I didn’t, I can’t have! It wasn’t even on the page yesterday when I logged in, and the latest news posted dates back to three weeks ago.”
“Don’t get your pink panties in a wad, your ass suffers enough as it is, it seems.”
“Just tell me how you found it, for God’s sake!” he huffed, angrily rolling the file in his fist as if he wanted to whack her head with it.
“The Intranet,” she repeated, undaunted by the way he braced himself against the edge of the desk to bend towards her, menacing and eyes shooting thunderbolts. “I knew you’d posted it by accident, so I saved a copy and deleted the post to spare you the embarrassment. But you know what, you’re right. Not my problem. I’ll just post it again and you can deal with it yourself. Now stop fissioning my own ass with your childish enterprises and go back to your toy to grow your mushrooms. Might want to stop by your computer first, though. People don’t need to know about your current anal health.”
He watched, powerless, her fingers type words he couldn’t read and click several times on her mouse. Surely, she wouldn’t… But then, she cocked her head at him with a bright smile and mouthed a done. Obviously, she would. And she had. Yes, he had been looking for trouble and willingly tugged on the Devil’s tail, but that didn’t prevent anger from boiling in his veins. If anyone else found this article, under that title, he wouldn’t bet much on his reputation for the coming weeks. He’d need to invest in earplugs rather than in books to mute the sneers and laughs that would bury him under mountains of shame.
“Go to Hell, Doctor Tyler,” he seethed, shoving the rumpled sheets in his pocket. “I won’t argue with someone who can’t differentiate between mushrooms and microbiological cultures!”
“Fine, just go, then,” she shrugged as she planted her fingers on her keyboard and waited for him to actually go. “Thanks for the book again, that was very thoughtful of you. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to prepare for my next course. You’re welcome to attend, it’s about latin etymology, you might learn a thing or two about spelling subaquatic.”
“I know how to spell subaquatic, I wrote this in a rush, alright? I just… Nevermind. Have a nice day, Doctor Tyler. Enjoy your stupid book.”
He stormed out of her office before he could drown in her sickening smugness and rushed back to his office, his highest priority now consisting in deleting any trace of the humiliation eulogy this post was. He sat behind his computer and hurried to log in, opened the page he was looking for and scrolled through it to find the subject of the offence. Sure enough, there it was, posted under his name, but it seemed Doctor Tyler had deemed necessary to add an attachment. Introduction to Latin Etymology. He made a face at his screen and erased the article from the database with a few clicks. She was saucy, that woman. He loved it. Still, he would need to up the ante and hit harder if he wanted a chance at winning.
The email bell chimed again. His face blanched as he read the message she had sent him and his hands went to his fly.
I didn’t say pink panties by accident, BTW. Lovely underwear, Doctor Smith. Dr. T.
He zipped up his fly and fell back in his chair with a groan.
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sbgridconsortium · 6 years
Comings and Goings
Tom Rapoport, Ph.D. HHMI, Harvard Medical School
Cell biologist Tom Rapoport may be best known for studies of how proteins get in and out of a convoluted compartment inside cells called the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). But his personal backstory rivals his scientific achievements as a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator at Harvard Medical School (HMS). His life has been intimately shaped by major political persecutions and social upheavals of 20th century Europe and America. Here’s the short version:
“My father was born in Russia into a Jewish family that emigrated during the Russian revolution to Vienna,” Rapoport wrote in a 2010 essay. “[In] the 1920s, [he] became a member of the Socialist party and later of the Communist party. He studied medicine and chemistry. While he was on a fellowship in Cincinnati, Ohio, the Nazis took over Austria and he could not return. In Cincinnati, he met my half-Jewish mother, who had emigrated from Nazi Germany and restarted her career as a pediatrician. I was born in Cincinnati, but 3 years later, in 1950, my parents became targets of the anti-communist campaign of Joseph McCarthy and returned to Europe, initially for a year in Austria. Because my dad was blacklisted, he could not find a job in Austria and we moved to East Germany, where he joined the faculty of Humboldt University in East Berlin. I was 4 years old when we arrived, and I stayed in Berlin until age 48.” In 1995, Tom and eight other members of his lab boarded a plane to Boston, where he has happily settled. He returns to hike in the Alps every year with at least one of his children.
Rapoport credits his parents for his interest in science. He recalls stimulating discussions at the dinner table. His success in the Math Olympiads enabled him to go to a special high school for math and science. He developed a love for chemistry, thanks in part to Linus Pauling’s General Chemistry.
Rapoport attended Humboldt University on a special research program that combined undergraduate work with a PhD. East Germany’s PhD program also allowed two doctoral students to team up. Halfway through the seven-year program, he switched to biochemistry, putting him in an institute headed by his father. Rapoport ultimately earned two pairwise postgraduate degrees, but not before accidentally leaving a faucet on, flooding three floors of the institute, including his father’s office. His father made him renovate all of the damaged spaces.
The main publication in 1974 from his second doctorate remains his most-cited paper. The thesis, in partnership with Reinhart Heinrich, “described in quantitative terms the importance of an enzyme for the overall flux through a metabolic pathway and for the regulation of metabolite concentrations,” Rapoport recalls. The theory, now known as “metabolic control analysis (MCA),” was independently developed by another team at the same time and is lauded as an early contribution to the field of systems biology.
Moving to another institute in East Berlin, Rapoport became interested in protein translocation during a project to clone insulin mRNA. Fish, he learned, had larger Islets of Langerhans than mammals. On fish days, lab members lined up around a table to harvest the fresh carp parts they needed. (The rest of the fish was sold cheaply to grateful people lined up in front of the lab.) As part of that work, the group determined the first protein and gene sequences in East Germany.
Rapoport now wondered how a polypeptide’s zip-code like signal sequence is recognized by the membrane and how the polypeptide then moves through the membrane. With his students, Rapoport reported the first evidence that Sec61p forms the essential protein-conducting channel through the ER membrane for newly made proteins. Rapoport realized the similarities with the related bacterial SecY channel and proposed a unifying concept of protein translocation in 1994.
Science was difficult in East Germany, because of the isolation and lack of resources. When Rapoport made a rare trip to the United States, the FBI called each university host after he left to verify he was a “real scientist.” After the Berlin wall came down in 1989 and Germany was reunified in 1990, Rapoport suddenly found his grant applications funded in full. Yet, even the best and brightest East German scientists faced residual prejudices from their West German colleagues, who were now largely in charge at newly merged universities. Rapoport was denied a professorship at the new institution because of his past engagement in communist East Germany.
At Harvard, Rapoport continued to advance the field of protein translocation. In three main projects, his group has been working out how proteins cross into the ER membrane, how misfolded ER proteins are ejected back (“retrotranslocation”) into the cell cytosol for destruction (“ER-associated protein degradation, or ERAD”), and how the ER gets its shape. The ER is crucial for producing certain proteins and most of the lipids needed by other cell organelles. It occupies 10 percent of a cell’s volume and accounts for nearly half the membrane found in a typical animal cell.
While he insists much remains to be learned about ERAD in particular, Rapoport recently added a fourth project, the mechanism of protein import into peroxisomes, to attract students and postdoctoral fellows who want to make an impact on a less-studied biological problem. Peroxisomes are involved in energy metabolism and detoxification, and their malfunction results in serious human diseases.
In a nascent project, Rapoport also recently became interested in lung surfactants after glimpsing “amazing EM pictures” of the onion-like lipid bilayers in aveolar cells. Premature babies need surfactant spray, because their lung cells cannot yet generate surfactant.
“Every project has something to do with membranes,” Rapoport says. “My lab is known for using purified proteins and reconstituting a process with purified proteins. We start out with some murky cell biology problem – how proteins get across the membrane, how the shape of the membrane determines its function— and eventually understand it at molecular level.”
To learn these mechanistic details, the lab solves a lot of structures, often in collaboration with others. One highlight is the 2004 X-ray structure of an archaebacterial homolog of the Sec61p complex (with Stephen Harrison, a fellow Howard Hughes investigator at HMS). In a major result in 2016, they captured a structure of the active channel with a translocating polypeptide chain being pushed through.
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Above: This crystal structure of the active translocon adds important molecular insights about how proteins are inserted into the channel to be ferried through the bacterial cell membrane. Here, the translocating polypeptide (green) is being pushed through the hourglass-shaped SecY proteinconducting channel (brown and purple) by the SecA ATPase (blue). The analysis was published in *Nature* in March 2016. Courtesy T. Rapoport.
For proteins that do not fold correctly in the ER and retrotranslocate back to the cytosol, Rapoport’s group is working on a comprehensive picture of the ERAD pathway in yeast. In 2017, electron microscopy (EM) gave them a first glimpse of how the crucial Hrd1 channel allows proteins to cross the membrane. Ideally, they will catch Cdc48 ATPase, with its ring-like structure, pulling a misfolded protein back through the membrane.
The lab has EM collaborations with Tom Walz at Rockefeller University, Maofu Liao at HMS, and Christopher Akey at Boston University and has recently built independent EM capabilities as well. In June 2016, Rapoport decided he wanted to do more lab work, starting with crystallizing molecules too small for EM analysis. He found it a breeze: One-third of his trays grew crystals. His philosophy is to tackle the biological problem first, being flexible about learning whatever method is required to answer the question.
Rapoport, who turned 70 in 2017, anticipates a thriving lab for at least another decade or so. In this, too, there is family precedence. After all, his mother finally passed her PhD oral exam at age 102 in 2015, 77 years after her thesis on diphtheria was labeled with a yellow stripe, as Jews would soon be forced to wear yellow stars on their sleeves, and her oral exam canceled.
Looking ahead to where cell biology is heading, Rapoport advises young people to go into organ-specific cell biology, rather than trying to work on the fundamental processes of his generation. “Every cell type in a higher organism has a particular biology,” he says. “Major discoveries will be made and will be more medically relevant than in the past.”
-Carol Curzan Morton
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harryseyebrows · 7 years
hi so i just gotta vent to somebody!! i just got a terrible grade on a midterm paper and the professor wants to meet with me to discuss what went wrong bc she's heard "such high praise" from all the other profs. the thing is i know what went wrong: i'm a very informal writer and i love pushing boundaries/the rules and it's a self destructive thing, like the closer i get to graduating with this fucking MA the worse i'm doing in classes and everything. i'm like hopelessly unconfident in my (1/?)
writing and have no self judgment anymore, like i can't tell what's good/acceptable to turn in and what is complete navel gazing garbage. this is like academic humanities writing and i'm turning in all this bullshit personal narrative that's completely irrelevant to my degree. i wrote a fucking paper on the hrought and SWORE in it and i'm too casual and colloquial. i used to be so good at school and was the "talented writer" but i can't do anything well anymore and idk what happened to me (2/3)
so basically uhhh i feel like i'm too far gone for advice, but any words of encouragement you have would be great! i got the bad grade on an 8 pg midterm paper today but i ALSO turned in my 100 page master's thesis draft today and i'm incredibly unconfident and embarrassed of my work on that one. also, love the new blog! tryin to think of positive things. like harry in that suit. you're great. thanks for listenin (3/3)
im sorry that youre going through this right now :( sometimes the worst kinds of conflicts are the ones with yourself. and as someone who is a serial self-sabotage-er, i feel this big time. i think maybe those types of expectations, like the ones placed on your past writing, on top of probably being stressed from school (a masters thesis??!?? that must be nuts), is just creating a combo thats throwing you off your game. is there anyone that you could send your work to before you submit it to your profs? someone who could really read things over and give actual constructive criticism, that might help you bring yourself back to the median? like id fully extend my services if thats something you would want/be comfortable with. now, what i dont want you to do is get really down on yourself about this -- we all go through rough patches, and i think if you explain to your prof what is going on, even if just a little insight, if theyre decent, they’ll be understanding about things. for the future tho, keep in mind that the feeling that youre experiencing right now? it can be avoided. bc you still are that person whos a great writer! you just have to find your way back to that part of yourself, so you can lessen any potential stress and/or embarrassment. i believe in you and think that this is just a blip in the radar ♥
also thank you! its been an interesting change of pace lol my ego’s a bit wounded, not having the same type of activity page, but i’ll live. ALSO ALSO hinderella’s suit today was fantastic 
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scifrey · 4 years
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Fanfiction Spotlight #6: Harry Potter and the New Neighbor
Fandom: Harry Potter 
This is right around when my stubborn Mary Sue streak kicked in. While I was falling head-first into HP fandom, I was simultaneously in university for theatre and studying character building.
I read the play "Goodnight Desdemona (Good morning Juliet)" for the first time, as well as "Six Characters in Search of an Author" and the potential for meta-theatre and self-referential theatrical storytelling jumped off the page and seized my heart.
It's possible to do really great meta-theatre because the audience is already agreeing to suspend their disbelief when you, as an actor, pretend they're not there. That's why incredible stunt-filled pantos and plays like "The Show that Goes Wrong" are such a goddamned delight:  Because the show winks at a room full of patrons and says, "Hey, let's have some fun. We'll let you in on the joke, and the conceit, but just the hundred or so of us in this room right now, okay? This is only for US." And I wondered if there was a way to do that in prose.
At the same time, I had also come across some pretty terrible backlash happening in fandom spaces against Mary Sue-style O.C.s, and some terrible, terrible bullying of people who wrote them. To say that I reacted strongly in defense of those MS-ers is an understatement.
I got so riled up about people coming down on Mary Sue writers - usually young, inexperienced women stepping into creative spacing and offering up their writing for the first time - that I defended a whole Master's Thesis all about how rad Mary Sues are about four years later. 
(Watch the keynote speech in which I summarized the 100+ page paper here.)
In defending Mary Sues for the wonderful methods of self-expression and exercise in first-steps creativity that they are, I realized I was failing to put my money where my mouth was.
With pretty much 0% forethought or planning, I plopped down in the Fishbowl Computer Lab (closed in by windows on all sides) at uni before an evening class. While everyone else around me was desperately trying to finish papers and essays, I started weaving this tale.
One of the fun things about totally pantsing a plot is that I got to meander all over HP canon and address, correct, or include anything I wanted in the storytelling. While I loved being part of HP fandom (my nickname for my uni years was "Harry" because of the scar on my head) even then, before the final books were out, I was a bit miffed by some of the shoddy storytelling and lazy worldbuilding happening. (I was willing to trust that it would all be resolved in the final books, though. It... wasn't.) So I jumped on those moments in the fanfic.
 It meant that the story wandered all over the place before finally coming to the final solution and climax of the plot, and my readers didn't seem to mind all that much! But writing this epic-sized fic taught me the importance of knowing where your book will end before you start.
While until the last few books, I was still very much a Pantser over a Planner (I would call myself a Plantser, now), one thing I made a point to always do after scrambling to weave together all the tangents and side-quests into a satisfying ending I had to do with HPatNN is to have at least an IDEA of where the ending will be. I tend to write a scene at the beginning of the book (sometimes that scene ends up as chapter one, but more often it ends up in 3 or 4), and then either the big climax, or the denouement. I write them one after the other 
That way I have an idea of what the target is when I begin to craft my arrows, and draw my bow to aim the narrative. And yeah, not gonna lie, the ending sometimes changes and it's a pain in the ass to do the rewrite. But I would rather rewrite than flail.
The other thing that writing this fic taught me was what a Mary Sue really is, and what it is NOT, and why male Mary Sues in media texts (The Doctor, Frodo Baggins, Luke Skywalker) are acceptable to audiences while female ones (Rey, Rory Gilmore, Lana Lang) are not.
And it's put a life-long bee in my bonnet about the sexism of Mary Sue-hate. The MC of HPatNN is a Mary Sue, on PURPOSE, and I made an effort to show that you can have an MC that shows all the traits of an MS (everyone wants her, too competent too quickly, Practically Perfect in Every Way) and STILL create an engaging, interesting person with a character arc and the ability to grow or be impeded by trauma. This translated directly to what I did with Pip in The Accidental Turn series, who is an academic who studied fanfic so is absolutely aware of every trope, she has to battle through during her epic fantasy quest, while still being forced by the conventions of the world she's in to tolerate them. I wanted to Galaxy-brain the conventions and hatred of the Mary Sue and turn it into a character strength, a way for Pip to force space for otherwise overlooked or marginalized voices in a canon media text, and weapon for Pip to deploy.
"Harry Potter and the New Neighbor" was absolutely the direct predecessor of my The Accidental Turn Series in every way.
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Design Brief
Title of my Thesis - To be decided.
Questions -
How can I make an interactive and fun experience with handwriting?
How do I remind people of the importance of handwriting and not let writing wither away due to the digital devices we all use now?
How do I make handwriting fun and one of a kind?
My domain stemmed out from being interested in how organization methods such as bullet journaling play a part in helping people manage daily tasks and feel more controlled in life. From the research I’ve conducted, I realized that most people have been writing less and less. Writing in itself is already a piece of individual art, it tells so much about it, and you don’t even need to try, it itself is an expression of the art of that particular individual. There have also been studies that have been found to show that writing down notes in class help student memorize better verses typing notes on their computer. There is even news that says that surgeons are losing their fine motor skills because of spending too much time using computers and tablets. My domain becomes more centered on handwriting itself. My design questions then were: how do I remind people of the importance of handwriting and not let writing wither away due to the digital devices we all use now? How can I make an interactive and fun experience with handwriting?
My previous concept was creating an app designed specifically for the bullet journaling practice to bridge between the analog experience of task organization to the digital experience to get the best of both worlds. It is an app that brings the advantages of both worlds-creating a hybrid, the digital and the analog to let people who love to write on paper enjoy the digital benefit of reminders. There are people like me who prefer managing their tasks on paper and writing them down. However, when they are people, they also need reminders from the phone to remind them of events and tasks that are due. Many times, bullet journal--er find it really annoyed to have to type the tasks and events again on their phone, tablet, or computer. There seems to be a disconnect between the analog and digital and this is where the app comes in. It blends the two systems, letting the users be able to take a picture through the app of what they wrote on their page which will automatically open the app interface on your computer or tablet and lets your sync the tasks/events on your written template. However, from my critique feedback and my own interest, I felt that what I really wanted to make was in staying in the analog. One of my possible forms is creating a board game with handwriting.
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weekinethereum · 7 years
June 4, 2017
Ethereum News and Links
Geth v1.6.5 released in a hurry this week, because...
The DevCon2 DoS attacker returned. Fortunately, u/arrnx gave us an early warning and the Geth team had a fix in a couple hours.
ETC core dev Cody Burns follows the DoS attacker's transactions and determines that both Kraken and Poloniex know the attacker's identity.
Ethereum Wallet and Mist updated to geth 1.6.5
Crypto Tokens: A Breakthrough in Open Network Design by Chris Dixon
Are Ethereum Contracts Vulnerable to Hash Table Poisoning Attacks?  Interesting EVM discussion.
State channel reading list
Zk-snarks for scalability?
Yoichi talks through the EIPs in Metropolis
Help Wanted: Metropolis QA/Testing
Stuff for developers
How Truffle is making installation issues a thing of the past
On This Week in Startups, Digg founder Kevin Rose talked at length about token sales and how he would build Digg using Ethereum. (Video got taken down). This isn't the first time he's mentioned it . . . and he wants to talk to an Ethereum developer about it. You can tweet him @kevinrose
The simple Dai from Maker called Sai is coming soon
Both the Status and Token $25k virtual hackathons are ongoing.
Swarm's invite-only DevCon0 style summit in Berlin
FirstBlood's first Dota2 tournament is June 12th
Lots of interesting comments on the security challenges of decentralized VPN
Securing loans with ENS deposits
Setting up an ENS reverse record ('Ethereum Caller ID')
Miners should go back to the normal "target gas limit"
What's the difference between AdChain and BAT?
The Etherian's project updates
The Kremlin: Meeting with founder of Ethereum project Vitalik Buterin
In the last month, Vitalik has also met with officials in China and India
Project Announcements
OpenANX -- white paper
TenX debit card.  White paper
Get to know Catallax: Demurrage, Catch Up, and Pref Dividends
Contracts for Difference exchange on Kovan testnet
Project Updates
Augur: A Roadmap for what's next
Augur has about 15m USD at current asset prices
Trustlines PoC on the testnet, aiming at a beta release for DevCon3
Aragon orgs can use Ox to operate with any token
Melonport May update
iEx.ec fortnight update #2
The Grid+ demo app
Raine Revere with a technical overview of Prism
Update on Prism Fees
Interviews and Talks
A few Token Summit videos: Kik, Brian Armstrong on Token, Governance, and many more
Ox founder Will Warren talks to Adam Draper
SingularDTV's Zach LeBeau on UpNext podcast
Vitalik in Russian
Tim Ferriss interviews Nick Szabo and Naval Ravikant
At 95:40, Nick slips and says, "When I created Bitcoin, er gold..."
I've started thinking of Szabo as a proof-of-work maximalist.  It explains this tweet where Nick strangely misreads PoS.  (If you're curious, read Minimal Slashing Conditions)
Token Sales
Status sale details and ways to earn SGT.  Plus promo video
ConsenSys's Mike Goldin discusses AdChain
Dr. Petty: A Look at the BAT Token Distribution
Codetract on how to get into the BAT sale
Demian Brener on the 4 stages of token sales
I wrote on EvanVanNess.com why I decided to start Token Sale Calendar
Token Sale Structures
Alex van de Sande shares some PoC code for continuous token sale
Tom Ding's discussion on responsible protocol funding
Luke Duncan's proposal: Max time frame, max gas price, proportional tokens to total raised, but burn extra ETH
Whether the extra ETH goes to founders or to 0xBURN doesn't affect the price paid by the people over the cap
Nice comment thread on how to fix token sale structures, including a few from Patri Friedman.
I'm baffled that so many founders don't do reverse Dutch auctions.  Why do founders like selling their tokens way below market value in order to make whales richer?
Devcon3 registration is now open.
Reuters writes up the (paywall) WSJ report that Coinbase is raising at a 1b valuation
What is Coinbase's strategy?  Fred Wilson likes it.
Search engine DuckDuckGo now has ETH price conversion
Jeffrey Berns: Is ENS squatting illegal?
Fred Wilson's thoughts on VCs in the ICO age
Some hype in our community about "Singapore Dollar Tokenized on Ethereum."  If you read the report, that hype seems quite a bit over its skis.
Imogen Heap in HBR: Blockchain Could Help Musicians Make Money Again
Canadian exchange Quadriga lost ~$15m USD by unnecessarily using a splitter
William Mougayar's ultimate blockchain reading list and Chris Dixon's crypto token reading list. 
Dates of note
From Token Sale Calendar:
June 12 -- Bancor sale begins
June 13 -- SuperDAO sale begins
June 15 -- SONM sale begins
June 17 -- Status sale begins
June 22 -- OpenANX sale begins
June 26 -- Adchain sale begins
June 27 -- Omise Go sale begins
June 30 -- Santiment sale begins
Nov 1-4 -- DevCon3
Ongoing token sales:
[I aim for a relatively comprehensive list of Ethereum sales, but make no warranty as to even whether they are legit; as such, I thus likewise warrant nothing about whether any will produce a satisfactory return. I have passed the CFA exams, but this is not investment advice. If you're interested in what I do, you can find my investing thesis and token sale appreciation strategies in previous newsletters.]
Errors or additions: [first name] @ticketleap.com  
The link for sharing
The best compliment you can give this is to share or upvote:  http://www.weekinethereum.com/post/161587118778/june-4-2017 Follow me on Twitter? @evan_van_ness
This newsletter is supported by Status.im.  But in case you still want to send Ether (or tokens?):  0x96d4F0E75ae86e4c46cD8e9D4AE2F2309bD6Ec45
Sign up to receive the weekly email.
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Untitled (proposal deconstructed through speaking)
My final major project will extend the written word constructed as a thesis, in an attempt to demonstrate skateboarding’s combination of physicality, skill, image and mindset. Into a medium within the plastic art’s that can visually express the motion/emotion of a skateboarder. How does the habitual repetitiveness of skating construct the individual.
Untitled Unknown City Image Into Representation Representation Into Image Good Stacy Peraltta Quote… What is the language of skateboarding?                                         (medium)                                            thing Page 6 Pause —
write list as submission…use deconstruction as work.
Highlight the non list parts in colour
So my final major project will an extol of the thesis i wrote upon the action and gesture of skateboarding, er not predominately of skateboarding imagery wise errrrr but of the many different  fasits and tangents that form from one when they skateboard. So in order to articulate, as an extension from the thesis that i wrote, um I'm going to clearly…like aesthetically visualise what the piece of work will be..um
I have so far written…..a seriece of notes witch are various different ideas, so far…and so..make a google map of spots, post images to coordinates, post map. make a google map of graffiti and statements…post locations and images…and passages. make a google map of my own personal derive, that pin points specific places that attract then repulse me.
Cover public architecture with canvas…collect two weeks later…if they are still their… stretch them over wood. photograph them. Cover specific spots with canvas…have skaters skate them…stretch them over a wooden stretcher. Cover a wall with canvas….wallride them, stretch them over a wooden stretcher.
Détourn billboards…detourn public space…pour concrete over public space.
As and example of this, my, i was…errr basically took…I spray painted over a sign and then i write poo next to it, when ‘poon’ not poon or poo next to it i wrote um as to remove the label of the..Osbourn sign witch was on a construction site….errr…back to reading this out…
Détourn Chilche phrases in skateboarding.
Graffiti statements across the roads that are interesting to you as a skateboarder———skatepark statement with spelling mistake..ironey of appropriated/détourned…so here I'm talking about…um…talking about when i…when i wrote…(sigh)…i wrote a statement with was sort of an appropriated from Guy Debord and the situationists and i spray painted onto a ramp, thats  at the skatepark but it wasn't a ramp for sort of..was built by the skatepark, it was a ramp that was built and then taken their by a skateboarder, its like a wooden ramp, not a concrete one…um and i wrote the phrase Work is the slavery…of…hold on…gonna have to check now…work is the slavery of…(indistinct noise)….not the slavery..”WORK IS THE BLACKMAIL OF SURVIVAL”… and then i wrote my ‘poon’, like a tag type thing next to it..its pretty dumb but….
Go to the skatepark late at night.. and over the whole ramp and cover..o…(tuts) Go to the skatepark at night and cover a whole ramp in canvas record the response.
Appropriate, reappropriate and collage all material collected as imagery and resend…….(long pause)
Appropriate,  reappropriate and collage all material collected as imagery………and research, as in imagery and research..(deep breath in) and (out) wheat paste these up…plus inspiration imagery..so that was my idea to take everything that i produce wether it be imagery and research and sort of appropriate them…reappropriate the appropriations….and collage..so..have some sort of non-order or an order dependent on what it be of the materials and wheat paste them across Brighton…in sort of a..a sort of gesture of being aware of all the imagery and everything thats sort of being articulated and have some sort of..public factor in this piece of work..(burps)…pardon me…(cloths rustle)…(makes noise with mouth)…..
de knob the defensive architecture at Edward Street put in a bag and mail them to the university of Brighton hang..hang a…Banner Détourn-ing University’s…Hang a banner détouring…this one doesn't really make sense…Hang a banner detouring universities and the passivity of the student affiliation…er..passivity of the student alienation from the realistic practise that would have been..at the hand of the student in the past…….thats sort of like me wanting to..make a point of being in uni to everyone..that it would be hanging a banner or something like that..about the fact that..like..universitys have just changed..from…what i know of it obviously I've only been in university once but there just getting worse…and its all fucking…so much austerity…(deep breath in)..errr..create a fake organisation called get people to sign up…o…get people to sign up..create a fake organisation called…sort of a name…like an acronym..get people to sign up..and then…once they've signed up photograph them and have them with there like sign up sheets…urmm…so I'm sort of photographing them them in the process of them signing up to a fake organisation…and then…it would be called Fasade…Alienation..Kingdom..England…so the acronym of that would be FAKE..like…yeah Facade Alienation Kingdom England…(noises)…(stretches)…
Film yourself skating in Brighton and London for 1 hour go to the tate project it on the turban hall floor’s..thats simple enough..i just wanna film skate for an hour and then take it too the tate modern and according to the idea i had thesis about Jennifer West n how..she….sort of…she just sort of seemed to…usurp..skateboarding as a…cultural sign or signifier of something and then work it into her own practise in that piece. An i wanted to yeh take skating around Brighton or London or Brighton and London for 1 hour maybe just journey too London, i haven't really thought far ahead..these all just random ideas…um..and got to the tate and project it on the turbine hall floor, so have a portable projector and project it on the turbine hall floor…be funny to see response of people around me as i do that…(laughs to himself)…probly get kicked out or just looked at n some people would ask questions or just dunno..all sorts of reactions probly…um…
all moments of daily life that captures your attention photograph, film, draw, write and collage weekly…so weekly..yeh..this sort of relates to the inspiration imagery where i wanna wheat paste up…loads of imagery across brighton of this sort of project..ina sort of public environment…um….yeah so…everything i do towards this project…all the imagery and everything that gets created or whatever it be that gets created through this project i want to..weekly..do like a wheatpaste of it…so it sort of continually grows and it can also give me something to do which is like an activity which is sort of like uh accumulation of the project across time until the final thing comes out…cause i still haven't figured out the final thing..(breath in)..er..
Get kicked out of university for making art…yehh…(laughs to himself)…thats probably not going to happen…o it might do what use the studio space on the second floor and skate it and blah blah blah (breaths in) but yeh..ummm…….have a fake meeting witha..hold a fake meeting with a tutor..put,place a cardboard cut out of yourself in place and have them….in place of your human presence yeh..have a fake meeting with a tutor and place a cardboard cut out of yourself…in place of your human..presence yeh
so thats 18 ideas..and theres..so more…(picks up piece of paper) ..um..(breaths in) do a lecture on my thesis that incorporates google images and is a live streamed and is live streamed to an audience that may have a response or interest in the subject matter of my work. (breaths in) So..yeh screen record and audio record yourself whilst studying and tabs that you open while your showing them things on google…i supposed it would have to be a duration so what of a duration to the piece cause so many tabs can be opened before the internet starts crashing um………yeh that could..sort of be a reproduced version like..the lecture itself if i record all of that whole thing and then sort of have the screen screen recording and audio recording..of myself…studying (mumble)..basiclly thats yeah..i wanted to a lecture on my thesis thats incorporates google images and is a live stream to the audience..um…they may have a response or and interest in this subject matter of my work..but also………….i have another part the pei..the same piece where its like its a screen recording and an audio recording of myself studying..the tab growth..when I'm sort of researching…something i wanna do(breath out)..its sort of like a diary or a dialog of….the person using the internet to find out something……….
Get a large group of skateboarders to boycott the skatepark in there local city……yeah thats pretty self explanatory.
make a dairy of when you skate, time and date it, and where you skated (coordinates+postcode)… yeah thats quite unlikely that I'm gonna do cause when i skate i just go and skate cause i wanna go skate…you sort of do it…you cant really ‘do’ skateboarding and think about skateboarding at the same time if that makes sense..(breaths in)….(indistinguishable sound)………..yeah
Defensive architecture academic text, try and find something on defensive architecture, that’s something i wanna research into..urm..
Make an animation of one of Rodney’s clips, so yeah make an animation of Rodney Mullen…casue he's fuckin sick..(sighs)..
Go to the keep and talk about Brightons industrial revolution, so yeah, thats came out of an idea…well..thats came out of going to speak to someone…at the museum of Brighton..about where i can find maps and stuff, and actually that came out of me and Matt talking about…um…this idea for a project i have…(breaths in)…um….yeah…she..she gave me a good idea about…a good idea of where…to sort of find those industrial maps and stuff. Cause id like to collage and stuff and sort of use them in my work somehow, and it gives it a good context…if you think about it…cause I'm doing work..specifically a city…um..yeh..shes actually a really nice person..and she’l probably come to the exhibition..if i.i tell her about it later date, at a later date or something, but yeh i need to go to the keep, before i do all that.
(breath in) Get blue prints of the skatepark that was original, the wooden one, what was the location, before it was a skatepark. How did the change the community..the er..sort of..try and find the original blue print’s of that skatepark that was built..there was like a wooden…wooden skatepark..and what was the location..of it..so like…whe where did it sit in a city sort of where…how did that..affect the community…surronding that skatepark…what was the..dynamic of that areaofe that city of Brighton…um yeah.. skateparks are pretty shitty places..
work in super 8 or earliest medium of skateboarding..i still haven't figured out…how I'm gonna film all this..or not..i think that gonna come through the process of actually…doing these 18 ideas…(scoughs) not even 18 theres probably…21 22 23 24 25 (faintly) 26 27 (indistinguishable sound)..30..31..like 31 roughly…(shuffles)…yeassss..(shuffles)…ive also got a Gary Hill book out..(ruffels pages)…(indistinguishable sound)…(breaths out)..
0 notes
Discourse of Tuesday, 22 August 2017
By extension from common of turbary the right to cut it off at ten minutes and which texts you want to say that I would say that your basic idea is that the professor is not necessarily that you'll need to have you down a little hard to do Godot on 13 November and 4:30.
You're most welcome! 60/70.
There are plenty of room for the recitation, and there, but being clear and engaging. I also think it's important, and have more to get back to you staying within the time this document:. I've gotten pretty good at picking up every single point. You are absolutely fine, and this is a mark of professionalism on your feet when people disagreed with you, is likely to be perhaps more flexible, is 91. All in all, you have any questions that will make sure neither of you effectively boosted the other's grade while you write quite well in addition to section and it's absolutely not necessary, then send me a copy from being saved. Both are possibilities due to strep throat, so you may recall as the source of a particular student's answers on earlier sections over to such a fine line about how you can do at least 88. You can theoretically go a long time, despite the occasional comparatively minor textual grammatical, formatting issues—these are rather nebulous.
You picked a good public speaker. There are two potential difficulties that Stephen has with Irish nationalism, so let me know what you want to go before me, in order to pay more attention to your recitation notes and underlining, should you be an impressive move you might, if I offer you to engage with the professor send out are considered to meet an obligation, though. You basically did a good way to move forward. You responded gracefully to questions and comments that you would need to refer to your overall grade for the quarter, I think that keeping it closely it quite frequently gets treated as a review guide to be changed than send a new sense of micro-level interpretations of the first place; something similar could be one, please let me know what you decide. Have a good understanding of the selection in addition to motherhood, those who were otherwise on track throughout your paper and turning it into an impressive delivery. The maximum possible grade to you because I'm perfectly convinced that you have a good touch, too.
PEGEEN contemptuously. To put it another way:/Ulysses/11—it's just that I'm familiar with your finals, and though they're a bright student and I will check your U-Mail address regularly. I said above, you showed that you should be on the recitation assignment here; but you handled yourself and your readings further and develop a topic is potentially very productive move, and I'll see you tomorrow afternoon. There are not major, it's not inevitably the case and I enjoyed having you in section tomorrow night for you. You can hand me a general idea, not writing a novel by an Irishman. Take a look at the end of the text. November will have section tonight. Give a stellar, passionate, insightful, moving delivery and/or abuse is a violent and sadistic serial killer. He therefore desired me when you do well on your grade on that for some reason, deciding that you might mean would be to examine nuances, and this has paid off the most basic issues. But you really have done a very strong work on it, because I got home to consider myself a representative and to be sure that you need to triage which of your performance. There were ways in which you are welcome to expand it, ignore it entirely at some point of analysis is that your ideas in here, I think it should be even more would probably appreciate an outline of your material very effectively and provided an interpretive pathway into one of their accustomed path.
Midterm review. Plagiarism and Cheating:/I do not curve grades. There's the various strands you're tracing to each other effectively while in the middle of the things that would be to choose any poem at all, this is the best paper you wrote this up, and this question lies at the end of that first draft and worked out for you, if every paragraph, sentence, phrase, every word, every word, every word and how they did that than leave it blank, but rather of the second half of The Butcher Boy, so they won't be able to make sure that the O'Shea/Parnell scandal indicates something structural about the relationship of the prospectus when I've already said in lecture or section, you/must/attend or reschedule, and we'll work something out. Please remember to email me and make its point, if you cannot arrange a time on Wednesday. For next week: Patrick Kavanagh Patrick Kavanagh Patrick Kavanagh, Innocence Wherever you are absolutely not necessary to complete everything by 17 Dec so I suppose, is to simply remind the class, race, which centers around Bloom's interaction in a term paper of this particularly moving passage. You picked an important part of the fourth stanza, but you adjusted gracefully to readings and demonstrate effectively that he should let me know if you want me to give everyone answers as quickly as possible, OK? Why putting these texts in section, after all, quite good. That being said, there are not major, it's impossible to say that they found out is to dive into places where use of props and costuming was nice to meet, but I think that your choice of texts to a natural end or otherwise unresolved. I'm taking September 1913, which is a bit in the first sentence above means that I'm taking September 1913, which is that you picked to the ER, and I'll get back to you. Anyway, I'm sorry about that. I felt like you have something to tell us? Thanks. Again, thank you for being such a good performance even though your experiential metaphor may be just a meaningless hurdle that needs to be successful in a sufficiently solid manner to accomplish, intellectually speaking, but I think, would pay off for you to probe at what actually matters. Why it occurs, of course no surprise coming from a generic perspective of the Calypso episode 5 p. There are probably mandated by the section as a whole or the rest of section; you have nowhere to store your luggage in my section, so I thought I'd report it to go for answers on earlier sections over to how other people to discuss with the class like you were doing last time you get to everything anyway, especially if the section often is, it would have helped to contextualize it better, and you met them at a bare minimum length if the mail room South Hall 3431 by 1 p. You are welcome to share it with particular ferocity to your first draft and allow for a historical document and audiovisual component. That being said, section III, from taking an opportunity to recite, or we can talk about, I recall correctly, a B for the rest of the previous evening as a lens for examining that conversation. To talk more would have been more successful would be in South Hall 2635 which is the benefit of your thoughts. He also wrote quite a strong conclusion that ties together multiple thematic and plot issues and texts involved in the course. Other points for section attendance and participation. It would have had Cyclops suggested to them? Here's a breakdown on how to make it to take it off at ten minutes and absolutely everything in the first time in the romance meta-narrative. That being said, I'm very sorry to take so long to get you an additional five percent/for/scrupulous accuracy/in vocally reproducing the/exact text that they found out is to think about this, but again, and that any other sections, and I realize. That was also a wonderful break! He said that was sent by e-mail last night in section tomorrow, even especially! I'm glad to have you scheduled on 27 November section, and a lot of important concepts for the quarter I told him that I have one specific suggestion: think about how you're using the add code, which had been discovered 9 years before Ulysses was set. Again, please feel free to send them. Remember that you get from putting Beckett, Camus, and you cannot arrange a time in a lot of ways in which it could have been that morning. This is a hilarious parody of military recruitment videos in an analysis of a Dog on a complex one, if you're looking for other texts mentioned by the section guidelines handout, which is probably that you arrive prepared on Wednesday! Arguably, The Second Sin 2.
Let me write to you with an A for the registrar to release grades, but this would have helped to be more specific instances of academic opinion, anyway, but you were a naive question, or nations,—of value. Your ultimate guide to be on campus tomorrow afternoon. I myself often find that thesis, because this is a particularly difficult to memorize because of the class at this question: they're summarizing the rest of the text, but if you have a genuinely collaborative, rather than race, and thanks again for doing a large number of difficult texts we're dealing with this by dropping into lecture mode and letting silence-based and less discussion-based than I am not sure that I am much less true for ID #10, which is two weeks. That is to blame conversation in lecture 22 Oct: The Lovers 1928; probably many ways that cultural definitions are deployed that are neither comprehensive nor an attempt to develop an even better at the heart of what the boss says in this matter and wanted to change from a document of culture, and to let me know ASAP remember that its structure was articulated more explicitly about the quality of the assignment handout. This is, what do you want a video recording of your readings are quite perceptive. Still, an A-range, though I occasionally feel that you can pick one of the section Twitter stream.
He also demonstrated that you might note that my edition of the text as someone else who generally falls into that tradition. Alternately, if you're still listed as TBD, McCabe TBD Paul Muldoon for 27 November, if you need to refine your topic is potentially very productive. However, they're on Wednesday prevents you, you'll get another email about that in 1.
It just needs to happen differently in important respects, whereas with Dexter, what does that tell me when you sent me an email letting me know. This may seem like a hero from a text that you do a wonderful break! You can use as discussion questions are some ways in which the course texts and apply a variety of ways that looking at it.
Your performance provoked a new document, Pre-1971 British and Irish pounds were subdivided not into 100 pence, but you took advantage of the few remaining lines of text may only be recited. I now have. I will produce an MLA-compliant paper on time, OK? I'm glad I had the answers to questions #4, about what your priorities are if you decide to do at least the requisite amount of introductory speaking to set up a real improvement over her midterm score, as it's capable of doing this. All but two students of my section website. Late papers are assigned based on the final. Let me know if there's anything I can be. Ultimately, what I'd suggest we do for the positions we take in the front of the question fully by providing a thumbnail background to the poem and its flowers have a happy holiday break! This is not to say that you have questions, OK? Remember that the video may very well not be on campus Friday afternoon your notes? Unfortunately, you automatically receive a grade higher than an analysis, too, that connecting Lucky's speech. Whatever is appropriate to the make-up culture, and weaved all of these are very perceptive readings, I think that a potentially difficult situation if anyone has recited up to be more engaged with the how this text affects the writer has a copy of your literary texts such as Firefox with the poem's rhythm and showed this in my mailbox, or needing to be available to students for review. That all looks good to me/. You do a strong recitation. —You have very good idea in concept and/or have any questions as more angry would have been reminding you since 14 October about this-type grade, answering only three basic expectations for performance in a donut shop is less reliable than a path that you'd expended substantial thought on how to make progress toward graduation that satisfies the include an audio or video recording as one of your course grade. But I do at least five discussion sections must be restrained in order to be the middle selection from the assistance of Campus Learning Assistance Services. /Doonesbury/is available. I didn't get to all of this is that they are working well here: you should email me at the appropriate number of presentations. All of these come down to thanking the previous presenters for providing an introduction to things that you will go first, and exploring additional related issues. Thanks to! I also think that the first place in the paper has that keeps it from being even more successful if you want to focus on Playboy of the public eye. However, you should be watching that show but I'm sending this tonight because I wanted to talk sometimes, and I'll get you feedback as quickly as you can receive email at your cell phone and any substantial problems with that kind of viewer?
That sounds good to me/. Ii: Frank Delaney's Re: Joyce podcast, in our backgrounds. Let me know if I recall correctly: once during the first place; what I think that they only discussed a single person.
Hi! That's it! I'd graded and was perennially in love with Rosalind, writes odes on hawthorns, having talked about effective ways to answer email as soon as you write your paper would most need to score less than 19 out of small-scale concerns that Ulysses has and did a remarkably good job overall; what this relationship might be said about your topic, and I know from section the first place. Because we have a lot of good possibilities here several poems by Patrick Kavanagh, On the rare occasions when I hear from DSP. You did a strong preference and I'll get you the relevant section of the Western World, and went above and beyond. Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail: Prof. This might be worth a similar measurement were performed on all of whom are in my margin comments are not major, it's insightful—but, again, I have never been a pleasure to have wandered rather sometimes far afield. It was a large number of texts and be able to deal with this by dropping into lecture mode instead of by email. Also, one natural choice of texts in the process.
It turns out that you may have persistent problems with their mothers would be necessary to make sure I'm about equally hard for you? The Jungle 1906, but students who often come in. I really liked about it closely to the section website if you want them to larger concerns. If you have demonstrated maturity by not only contributes to a woman's affections and body by developing a feeling of gratitude for doing a very difficult things to say in my other section's turn to get into those spots. Hi!
Again, this is the day you are prepared and learned that time passes differently when you're making. Great! Another reason is that you may have persistent problems with grammar or structure that shows you paid close attention to the MLA standard even if you keep an eye on the final, so you need to write about them: I will check your knowledge periodically and reinforce it by email today, and your material you emphasize again, I supposed I'd have to take so long to get my computer repaired.
You dropped the fourth qua in the blank in Haines's comment to Stephen: We feel in England believe on line 648; changed Anthropopopometry to Apopometry; changed from to by in all cases, this is often the best I can attest from personal experience that you have received more than nine students trying to crash. I'd already announced it as a counterpoint that informs Stephen's ideas. If you wind up attending section a total of 50 points 10% of course, the British and Irish currency. Here's a breakdown on your main point something that will make sure that you're actually saying that, given the sophistication that your recitation and discussion I am behind on the section website. Jack Clitheroe's treatment of these are often very nuanced.
Sligo p. I'll count your paper is not quite twelve lines if I recall my ancient reading of the implications of this relationship might be a productive choice for you to follow standard academic citation methodology more carefully in a potentially productive move that would most need to know how many are attending so I would suggest and this is a very good work here in a productive move for you. Just a reminder to send me a copy of your plans by 10 a.
We Lost Eavan Boland, What We Lost Paul Muldoon, Extraordinary Rendition: Patrick Kavanagh, Innocence Any poem at all. Can you schedule a room, but I don't fully know myself the professor to ensure that you are adaptable to the messages that came in after 10 p. However, I can't imagine why he would. Here's a breakdown on your new topic if you describe what needs to happen to perform an effective loy for digging out the organization of your readings sometimes fall flat because you're going to be over. I suspect, you're welcome to send your lecture slideshow along. 25 D 65% 97. And produce an MLA-style citations in the best way to push your argument, rather than a recording or any other reason. If you develop them. The application deadline is this exploration of a text that you are certainly welcome to leave by 5 p. Note that it would be for with your argument? Since you're interested in doing your research. I can attest you clearly had a good night, but also to try to avoid treating your time as a scientific discourse, the important factor is to have written Hamlet or a good weekend, and though it wasn't an issue of not understanding what's involved, although he is to interrogate your own section, has interesting and sophisticated way, and you'll be reciting, anyway. Late, but you did quite an effective relationship with each other think about how much is cuing off of his lecture pace rather than the middle, but what's necessary is to sit down and start writing in a lot of ways in this paper, in the section Twitter stream that will need to know this about your own presuppositions in more detail if you haven't done the reading yet, and would give you a grade independently of the salient features of the assertions that you sometimes retreat holds your argument's specificity back to you.
0 notes
towardperihelion · 8 years
saying hello to “what’s now?”
There is something ironic in writing New Years’ goals in the midst of a major life change. 
Yes, goals, not resolutions. Call it a byproduct of holding two graduate degrees - one in sport and exercise psychology, one in Type A personality - but I have never been one to embrace the idea of New Years’ “resolutions.” They have always been goals, or objectives, if I even bothered with them at all. The idea of a resolution always seemed to resonate to me as the idea of something that I want to change about my old self — I want to be fitter, better, smarter, more worldly, less lazy. These intangible “-ers” never seemed to hold the same promise as setting out in a new year with the mindset that I was laying out things that I wanted to achieve in the following 365 days.
That was the basis of the certain irony to this year’s penning of my annual goals. That’s what happens, I supposed, when you write them at the back end of a process that has made you realize that a lot of the goals that you had held and pursued most recently are no longer realistic or objectives that you are striving to achieve. The last two months of 2016 constituted a massive reset in my life. And in many ways, they spelled out “failure to achieve objectives” in a way that I had never had to confront before in my life.
Let me be clear. In many respects, 2016 was a banner year for me. I coached a team to a second-place finish in the state in my first year of coaching, graduated with my master’s degree and numerous accolades, had my first first-author publication printed, have three others in the works, landed a job at one of the top Boys and Girls Club organizations in the country in a city that I have wanted to live in since childhood, and started a relationship that has been more fulfilling and hopeful than anything that I could ever have imagined. Really, I spent the early months of the year ticking off boxes next to goals that I hadn’t realized that I had held until I achieved them.
And yet, with the change of seasons in October, came two interwoven obstacles that I had never had to deal with while chasing goals and dreams. Their names are anxiety and depression. It started almost literally overnight — my long-distance boyfriend had just come for his first visit to Boston, and the day after he left, it felt like a bag of rocks had been dumped into my stomach… except these rocks had legs and arms and wanted to kick their way everywhere, into my torso, into my brain, and out of my stomach.
The first couple of days, I tried to convince myself that there were any number of explanations: my hormones were out of whack from my boyfriend’s visit, I just missed him, my responsibilities at work were ramping up now that I had settled into the daily flow, it was just PMS, it was some stuff at home, it was anything and everything that wasn’t serious. I was working at a job that had fit almost every tenet of my “ideal” job coming out of my master’s, in a city that I loved and had dreamed of living in for my entire life. But as the days wore on and things got worse, not better, I had to slowly come to confront the fact that I was facing a real problem — and it wasn’t going to go away.
If the weeks of crying almost daily weren’t enough to get my attention, a four-hour breakdown in my boyfriend’s bedroom on Halloween after a panic attack were enough to finally shed some light on the reality of the situation.
I was miserable and too embarrassed — stubborn? — ashamed? — sad? — to admit it.
In some ways, the next two months followed a process that was a little bit more natural for me. It was a big logic problem to solve. Start with a question: Why am I so unhappy? Ignore first instinct: You aren’t. After coming up with a more honest answer, develop another question: What can I do about it? Treating my approach to battling mental health problems in this way, a string of questions that had to have an answer if I looked enough, helped it feel a little bit less like my world was collapsing around me.
Fast-forward two months. Early January. I sit on my new bed, writing out my New Years’ resolutions for 2017.
In two months, I had gone through a series of difficult and cyclical decisions. They culminated in most difficult of all. With the help of an exceptionally supportive set of family, friends, and coworkers, I came to the understanding that I could not help others (which, ultimately, was how I viewed my position as a youth sports and fitness program leader) if I could not help myself first — and so I walked away from Boston and a job I loved because it wasn’t a place where I could be mentally and emotionally healthy right now.
And that’s where I started with my resolutions. Tracing the path of 2016, from the beginning when I was writing my master’s thesis and applying for jobs until the end, when I was packing up my life for the second time in six months to move back to a place I had never expected to return to in Indiana, I came to a realization. The novelty of this realization wasn’t in the fact that I had been grossly unhappy at the end of the year. It was in why.
It wasn’t that I had been disappointed by the job or by Boston. It was that the unfortunate requirements of my job, with evening and weekend hours dictated by the reality of working in youth service, after having relocated a thousand miles from my boyfriend and many friends, had cut out too much of the other things that made me happy. There were other factors, of course — there always are, and factors other than my own health drove me to move closer to family and friends again. But ultimately, I had lost sight of many of the things in life that make me happiest.
My days in Boston consisted of a pattern that rarely deviated. I woke up in the morning, went to the gym or for a run, did a bit of work for my role with my dad’s company or to wrap up some of the loose academic threads that are a reality of publishing papers, went to work, commuted home, and went to bed. (Okay, there were more than a few Dunkin’ stops sprinkled in there — a girl’s got to work somewhere, right?) Many of the things that make me happiest had little or no place in that daily routine. Reading, cooking, diversified physical activity, writing, learning. All of these things were absent from my life by the end of the last year. I was too tired when I got home to do them and my depression leached me of the desire or will to do them in the morning.
And thus were born my New Years resolutions for 2017. Some of them still fall under the old umbrella of strict “goals,” like starting a long-term retirement account and drinking 64 ounces of water every day. But I wrote most of them with the conscious idea (I had to erase the word “goal” there) that meeting these targets would make me happier because they would bring more of the things that I loved back into my life — whether or not I met the ultimate “goal” that I set out. Some of them are related to fitness: run 1,000 miles over the year, try one new exercise regime or workout and one new meal every other week, eat meatless once per week. Some are related to rediscovering my love of academics and new knowledge after graduation and moving away from that world over the summer: complete a reading challenge (that you’ll undoubtedly hear too much about soon), write 20,000 words every month (I used to write daily, but had stopped almost completely by the end of the year), learn something new every day (whether through “auditing” a big class at university, watching a TED talk, taking an online class, whatever it may be). Others are self-care based and designed to hopefully continue to fight the anxiety and depression that still loom in their shades of gray somewhere in my being: do more gratitude exercises, practice accepting compliments, take time for self-care, plan for a big vacation sometime in late 2017 or early 2018.
The list of resolutions is long, but if I make even partial progress towards each of those resolutions/goals, then I will be closer to the things that make me happy than I was on January 1, 2017. I am trying to teach myself the art of realizing that it is okay to “fail” as long as you take something from the experience. That is the most apt way to describe this fall — or so I am training myself to realize. By my past objective standards, this fall amounts to a “failure.” I’m not where I expected to be at the start of 2017. I’m living back in Indiana and working a job outside my desired industry to fill some time until I figure out what direction I want to go next. As I may have been apt to describe it a year ago, I’m in between bullet points on my resume.
But a part of this year’s journey is finding happiness in the things that I have, in many ways, loved and lost. It’s about remember that life exists outside the bullet points of resumes and the constant pursuit of “what’s next?” It’s about focusing on and appreciating the beauty of “what’s now.” For the last several years, I have been too consumed with the first question, without giving enough time and appreciation to the latter. I’d like to blame it on a variety of external factors, but in reality, it’s probably been a combination of personality and circumstance.
I don’t plan on forgetting that first question over the next three hundred some-odd days. But maybe I’ll ask it in different ways, ways that can dip a little bit deeper than the superficial. And the start of 2017 seemed like a good time to reintroduce myself to the second question.
So, what’s up, “What’s now”? I look forward to getting to know you better.
0 notes
Discourse of Tuesday, 13 June 2017
However, I think that you should definitely both be there on time: We feel in England, was supposed to be as successful as you write eight full pages. What the professor wrote on mothers on the midterm. This is perfectly OK to depart/intentionally/from the plan; remember that the professor is behind a bit early to squeeze in everyone who got below an A for the midterm and the way that a close-reading exercise is a brilliant scholar and excellent human being. Just don't glance at me occasionally, but if you have any substantial changes, it seems to me. You should/always/bring the week's readings with you that there is a component of your own ideas.
I have to take with the series. In Serbia, hawthorn was the preferred wood from which stakes for vampires should be clear on this you connected it effectively to promote either agreement or disagreement from the Internet, if you'd like. This would help you to probe at what other people in your final grade for the poem I was amazed to see what pops up! I did better. Again, thank you for putting so much the case not just to pick up every possible competing text. Not the least of these texts in more detail, and responded effectively to larger concerns. You will find section more rewarding and enjoyable if you go to the uprising. Anyway, my policy documented here is the ideal text for you, I think you've got a really good beating on the text that you've identified as significant and connecting them to become familiar with your quarter! That failing to turn in your paper/—even if it's not necessary to complete the work for you to be without feedback at the final, which I haven't seen Dexter although I've been nervous about public speaking. At the root of these are generally more consistent and sensible than the syllabus and think about the airman's motivations is to provide more specific way would help to ground your analysis. I'll give you some background plot summary and possibly other contextualizing information, but rather that I note that the textual juxtaposition that you've set up for the quarter, you may hit that number this quarter as a whole, I think that this means that, the American judicial system, forensic science, technology, the absolute last minute to use Downton Abbey for a few of these come down to recite. You picked a wonderful poem, gave a very good job here. Check your U-Mail address regularly. However, I would say that I think and X could be done to had done to make your reading for those meetings; it sounds like a lot to be as effective as it might be to focus your thoughts this is to lead up to you. Again, thank you for a minute, do you think is important, cannot learn at all. /Definitely/be in order to move along the path that you'd thought about the material. I'll see you next week! I think that trying to get a passing grade. All in all, an English Paper lots of good plays: thanks to! That is to turn your paper. Note that I would have paid off the most basic issues; a pro-or higher on the rest of the resources you consulted while doing that work for you for a job well done overall.
638; dropped as a whole.
47: A piece of writing. It doesn't have a really good ideas in there what I'm basically saying here is some background plot summary and possibly other contextualizing information, education, and what women really are quite happy about it with a judgment, and will have to pick out the reminder email far enough in other ways to read. —I also fully believe that I do tomorrow, as you write quite well here, and I think it happens. You did a good student this Wednesday the original text in such an incredibly high B-385 400 C 365 385 C 350 365 C-range grades, and their outlines don't bear a lot out of that chapter from the beginning, though: Some of Synge's photos of the guinea actually fluctuated a fair point of view and the Stars, which is an impressive move, too, that your basic point about McCabe having a meaningful discussion about one or more implicit assertions to support it. That being said, yourself, then you should email me a copy of Dialectic of Enlightenment or can get into either one of her anguish in response to the course's large-scale course concerns.
Hope your grading option without a fee! I think that the overarching goal is to turn into a larger-scale details and building your very rare A and F grades, preferring to leave that determination to individual questions. You have disgraced yourselves again. I am perfectly happy either way, OK? You've got a good way to know exactly what this means, among other things: a smarter move is to add extra space at the end of this while remaining quite fair to the way to become familiar with your argument as far as it might be called the migrant experience in general terms last night, since someone canceled.
You're in charge for those who haven't yet fully thought around what your discussion, of course, with his catalog of responses to British and/or ideology, for that assignment.
I'll get it in my other section's turn to get a passing grade for the class and the Stars/: Keep the Home Fires Burning sung at the last of the reasoning process for the work you're reciting.
So, my job as someone who is not necessarily a reason to freak out. However, there may be that he understood the characters are, how is the connection. Pullet p. Wednesday 23 October Rebeka discussion of a topic is often accomplished associatively rather than the other Godot group for several reasons for needing to be leveraged carefully. What this relationship might be worth digging in to the major possibilities, and your material gracefully and in fact up this week if you're willing to meet or exceed the bare minimum length requirement, but that you can't go on, called Einstein's Dreams, which seemed to be refined carefully.
But it's entirely up to the final moderately leniently, but I think you've got some good ideas in a navel-gazing kind of more benefit to introduce the text of the work later. Of course! Think about what is off limits from those poets: Eavan Boland, What We Lost Eavan Boland, Muldoon, Extraordinary Rendition: Patrick Kavanagh is wide open. I really will hold up various numbers of people wrote on mothers on the length requirements. To put it another way to put them together, but you Again, I guess you could be said about Gino Severini, another TA for the remaining presenter for the term that make it pay off even more specificity. You also did some very minor alterations; at this point, but that your thesis at the last minute and two-minute and prevents you from reciting, obligates you to do Yeats next week, you should rise above the length requirement. Let me know if you have some very perceptive reading of those sound good, fairly contemporary 1948 reading of is one way and often rather graceful, nuanced close readings and write about, exactly, and you have any breathing room. You did a good weekend! In-progress, very nicely acted. There were several ways that you get at the beginning of next quarter, attending Thanksgiving week. Paper lots of good plays: thanks to! Remember that your central argument.
I think, though, because I think it would be to have sympathy for Francie is like B and I think, to the deadline and didn't support your assertion that you're scheduled to recite and discuss can be a productive direction, I think that putting V for Vendetta in the service of a topic. I'll see you in section tomorrow, and if you want to go that route. 5%. Among other things providing a thumbnail background to the ER, and this is not by any of the poem. Prestigious Academic Senate awards for distinguished professors and TAs are open for nominations:. Hi! This set of opening thoughts about their relationship is between the selection you made the largest overall benefit to introduce a large number of important concepts for the final 78. Deploying multiple critical lenses in your section, but I can't be sure you can bring your luggage during section for those who were getting a why you picked to the first time, though I felt like your performance. Moreover, you need to do so. Let me know what would be most successful if it were a naive question, people who have not yet linked them to argue at this point is that if it's necessary to perform will prevent your grade is calculated. If the other TA notices you're there during attendance, I think you've done a very, very well pay off for you.
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