#i feel like Echo took the common sense with him when he went with Rex
alitherandom · 6 months
Wrecker: Echo is away with Rex again, so while he's gone, I’m going to cut the sleeves off all of my shirts.
Hunter: Why?
Wrecker: He's like 90% of our impulse control.
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elysiadjarin · 3 years
Sword and Shield 4
Tags: Bad Batch x reader (you), fem!coded, poly!relationship, multi-part series, nonhuman!reader, Echo later on
Part 3: https://elysiadjarin.tumblr.com/post/654100310923657216/sword-and-shield-3
Warnings: mentions of a rough past, otherwise none.
4: Learning Process
Closing your eyes and taking in a breath, you straightened and opened the door to the common space. You forced yourself not to freeze as you saw all four of them gathered in the room, turning to stare at you.
“Should you be up?” Tech instantly asked, eyebrows furrowing.
You shuffled into the room, then sat down on an empty chair, pulling your legs up. Looking down at your knees, you tugged at the sleeve over the arm that had been injured.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered into the tense silence.
“Why are you apologizing?” Hunter turned to you with an odd fierceness in his voice. “You kept Tech and I from getting badly injured or even killed at your own expense, but you’re apologizing? If anything, we should be apologizing to you.”
You stared up at him, eyes wide. For a moment, you tried to scoop up your scattered thoughts. “N-no,” you finally tried to stammer, trying to explain. “I- I’m- I got distracted, I- I made a mistake,” you confessed, taking in a burning breath. “Back in the vault room, I- I should have been paying attention, but I thought- I thought I’d done something wrong. I got distracted, and I should have- I should have been faster. If I’d been paying attention like I should have, we could have gotten out in time and- and-“
“What in nine Corellian hells are you talking about, Shiv?” Hunter demanded, staring at you incredulously. “What do you mean you did something wrong?”
You swallowed thickly. “You- you seemed angry, and I- I thought I’d done something wrong. I’m not- I wasn’t completely attuned to you and got distracted. I should have been quicker to find a solution, but I- I got distracted and-“ You bit your lip, frustrated at your own inability to just explain. “I could have paid attention and avoided getting anyone injured,” you whispered, looking down.
A silence fell over the room. Then Hunter let out a deep sigh. “Shiv, it’s my fault.”
Startled, you looked up at him. “Wh-“
He raised a hand, hushing you from protesting. “I was the one who distracted you. As your leader, and as... as the one who was... who was Bonded with you at the time, I shouldn’t have done something to distract or disorient you. I wasn’t mad at you, Shiv,” he said evenly, looking at you with his dark eyes. “You did everything I could have asked and more. You sacrificed your own body just to keep Tech and I from being injured. Why would I be angry with you?”
Despite yourself, tears welled in your eyes as you reached up to futilely swipe away tears. He... wasn’t angry? You knew that the 501st had been... very kind, compared to many of your previous Handlers. And you had barely realized it, but you’d automatically defaulted back to expecting the same treatment you’d always endured before the 501st had taught you differently. Yet here you were, not being punished for getting distracted.
Hunching up, you dug a palm into your eye and trembled with the effort of holding back the sobs of relief, the dull pain in your arm reminding you of your failure. “I’m sorry,” you gasped, “I- I shouldn’t be crying, I-“
You let out a gasp as you felt two giant arms wrap around you, pulling your into a surprisingly gentle hug. Looking up, you saw Wrecker’s face looking down at you.
“Hey, I thought you looked really cool out there, Shiv,” he said, voice more subdued than usual, though still pretty loud. But you appreciated the effort he seemed to be making to keep you calm. “I mean, there was that huge blast and it was super cool, and you saved the Sarge and Tech.” He grinned down at you, weathered face lighting up.
Despite yourself, you let out a little giggle at the goofy grin on his face as he recalled the blast. Sniffling, you tried to wipe away tears and focus. “Th-thank you, Wrecker,” you whispered with an exhausted smile.
He carefully set you down, and Hunter gave him a nod. “I was going to thank you for keeping us safe out there, Shiv. I understand if this incident makes you want to leave the team, but-“
“No!” You bit your lip, but shook your head adamantly. “Please, I-“ You looked down at your feet. “I’d like to stay, if you’ll... if you’ll give me another chance.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Shiv,” Hunter reiterated fiercely. “I don’t know what made you think that you did anything wrong, but I’m not angry with you.” He took in a deep breath. “Do you need any medical attention to your arm? We don’t really know... enough about you.”
You shook your head. “No, I-“ You rubbed your arm absently, still coated in the metal. “It will heal,” you said uncertainly, glancing over to the side uncomfortably. Normally people didn’t.... care if you got hurt. “Please, I can still... I can still function just fine.”
“Why do you talk like you’re some kind of slave?” Crosshair stared at you, eyes piercing.
You flinched. “I used to be,” you replied thinly, hanging your head. “Before... before the 501st took me in.”
A dead silence fell, and you could almost feel the anger palpably fill the air.
“So that’s why you-“ Hunter seemed to stop himself, breaking off. A snarl crossed his lips, then just as quickly disappeared. He let out a heavy sigh. “Shiv, you’re not a slave here, with us. You’re not just a weapon. You’re our teammate, one of us, and you’re a valuable member. You don’t have to sacrifice your own health or safety just because you feel some stupid need to or because you’re any less valuable than us.”
You listened, still fixated on the floor. You remembered the first time that Rex had given you this talk as well. Now things began to make more sense. Why Hunter had seemed angry, back in the bunker. Because he’d been like Rex, you now understood. He’d been upset that you’d called yourself a tool. He was upset about how you’d been treated.
It still felt odd to you, to realize that there were people out in the world that would see you as more than just a weapon. It was still hard to accept. Hard to grasp.
“Thank you,” you said at last, looking up at him. “I... Commander Rex and the 501st... were very kind to me and I-“ you winced. “Once I left, I... I went back to my old ways. I’m... I’m used to being nothing more than a tool. I was born a weapon. I... I’m used to being expendable.”
“You’re not expendable here. You’re not just a weapon here.” Hunter’s eyes bored into you, staring you down. “Don’t expect us to treat you as anything less than a person.”
You looked up, then, and gave him a genuine if tired smile. “Thank you, sir. I’m glad you and Tech are safe. I’ll do my best in the future to continue being a good teammate.”
He nodded curtly. “We’re going to drop off the intel we got at the next stop and let you get a bit of rest. We haven’t been assigned to anything yet.”
You looked around at everyone. “Um- should I start to... I mean, should I be prepared to start working with everyone? It might be best before the next mission to at least have Transference with everyone, so that I can easily be passed between everyone even in the middle of battle.”
“Do you have any sort of compiled profile about yourself?” Tech asked curiously.
You grimaced. “I tried that before, but everyone who’s tried to understand by reading has said that it’s not... enough. I can give it to you if you want, I should have it, but I’ve been told that while it’s informative, it’s not very useful until it’s been experienced.”
Tech nodded. “I’d still like to have a copy, if you don’t mind.”
You nodded. “Of course.” Fumbling with one hand, you tried to grab your datapad from it’s charging port. After a moment, you managed to grab it and pull up the correct page, handing it to Tech.
“Sorry, I- I won’t have full use of my other hand for another couple of chrons at the least,” you explained, pushing hair away from your eyes.
“Just take care of it until you’re not hurting yourself,” Hunter ordered, eyeing your arm sharply. “Are you sure you don’t need at lest a bacta patch?”
You smiled weakly, shaking your head. “It will heal more quickly without it, in this case. Bacta seems to leave scars on me more than letting it heal naturally. Although in an emergency I’ll use it.”
He just nodded. “We’ll be landing at the next designated spot in seven chrons.” Without another word, he ducked out the door and left, presumably to the cockpit to pilot.
“Hey Shiv, you wanna sit here?” Wrecker patted the empty spot next to him invitingly.
You hesitated, then decided to accept. After all, you’d have to get to know all of them pretty well, right? Might as well start now. Gingerly, you sat next to him, favoring your arm a little. The more you let it be, the quicker it would heal, you knew. Pulling your legs up, you leaned back in the seat, almost touching Wrecker’s side.
He casually draped his arm around the back of the chair, behind your shoulders, though not touching you. “Is this okay, Shiv?”
Startled, you blinked but nodded. “Oh- of course.”
He grinned. “Good. Wouldn’t want to make ya uncomfortable, ya know?”
“Thank you,” you whispered shyly, head ducking.
A little kernel of hope bloomed in your chest. Maybe... maybe this would be a place where you could belong.
Tech examined your arm closely, peering at it through your goggles. “Whoa. It’s almost completely healed,” he said wonderingly. There was some scar tissue still on your arm, but it was a far cry from the mangled mess it had been when you’d first gotten the wound.
“Is it because of the metal?” Hunter asked, glancing at your arm.
You shook your head as Tech let go of your arm. “Um, no, the metal is there mainly for protection and sterilization. My biology is not... entirely organic, so it fixes itself differently,” you offered awkwardly. “I don’t completely understand it either, as my kind is... extremely rare. I’ve only met one other of my kind.”
“So there are others.” Tech glanced up at you from his datapad. He’d apparently read the profile you’d compiled and had peppered you with questions once you’d woken up.
“I don’t know how many.” You shrugged. “Probably not very many though. We’ve been... pretty heavily enslaved or used. Worked to death, essentially.”
Hunter just grunted. Crosshair let out a quiet huff from his corner where he was polishing his rifle. Wrecker was off in the galley, getting a snack apparently.
You’d apparently slept through the drop off, and when you’d woken up you’d been informed that you had a couple of chrons left before you reached the place Hunter had decided you would train with the rest of the team. He’d made some notes to Tech about the Bonding Process from his experience, which Tech had added and already distributed to the other team members.
When you finally arrived at your destination, you felt rested and mentally and physically ready. Your arm was almost healed and no longer hurt, and you knew that it would heal fully in time for the next mission, so you wouldn’t have to worry about it being reopened somehow or interfering. A damaged weapon wouldn’t be of much help in any situation.
Following the others down the ramp, you looked around interestedly at the wide, open plains littered with some rock formations. In the distance shimmered the water of a lake, and hardy grasses waved in the slight breeze. It was a good place to train, with no one in sight and a wide line of sight. You turned your attention back to Hunter, who led the way away from the ship a safe distance before turning.
“Alright.” He nodded to you. “Is there a specific order that we should do this in?”
You shook your head. “Anything works.”
“I can go first,” Wrecker offered, stepping forward. He grinned at you excitedly, and you instinctively smiled back. You appreciated the way Wrecker had treated you so far, the way he was cheerful and smiling but also thoughtful in the way he approached you.
“That alright, Shiv?” Hunter addressed you.
You nodded, stepping forward to meet Wrecker. “Sure.”
“Alright Wrecker, do you remember the process?” Hunter asked.
Wrecker’s smile dropped, eyebrows furrowing and mouth opening a little in clear thought.
You stifled a smile. “Keep your mind open towards whatever you feel. You have to start the process by offering me your hand and saying ‘Permission to Transfer,’” you reminded.
“Oh, right!” He laughed, then stuck out his hand. “Permission to Transfer,” he bellowed.
You took his hand, closing your eyes. “Transfer Granted.”
Wrecker was the easiest Transfer you could remember in a long time. He was so unguarded mentally towards you, his thoughts blasting. They were coherent and clearly linked, just... loud, and fast. You found yourself taking a bit longer to settle into the Bond, stabilizing the flow of information and ‘tuning in’ to his mental frequency.
By the time you could focus outward, you realized with a bit of surprise that you’d actually automatically become an IWS in instant response to Wrecker’s preferences. Wrecker let out a pure, joyful laugh, then aimed at a nearby rock formation and sent a rocket hurtling towards it. He whooped in the aftermath of the explosion, effortlessly tossing you in the air and catching you as though you barely weighed anything.
You had to smile a little, materializing over his shoulder. You leaned your chin against his shoulder, quickly getting comfortable with the steady stream of information he kept feeding over the Bond as naturally as though he had been doing it for years. Weapons seemed to be something that came to Wrecker naturally, as well as using them. You found yourself fading away and falling into a comfortable, natural rhythm as he did a little target practice. His weapons of choice were pretty standard, and you even got to Shift into some lesser used heavy weaponry.
It was comfortable, to just lean back and be fed information in a steady, constant stream. Wrecker’s weapon handling was expert, though to others it might seem that he just randomly moved and fired. But you could see the natural nuances that he used to sight, aim, lift, and fire.
Wrecker stopped after a couple of weapons. “This is really easy, Shiv!” He laughed. “You doing ok? I can kinda feel ya there.”
You let yourself shimmer into view again, comfortably rested against his shoulder. Your voice came out wispy and almost dreamy, a reflection of your mental state.
“You’re very natural with being a Handler,” you murmured, hands sliding over his shoulder. Shadowy fingers trailed down his arm, brushing against his armor. “It’s very comfortable and... relaxed.” You giggled, feeling a little loopy from the giddiness that he kept pouring over the Bond. “Your thoughts are... constant, fast.”
“Oh, uh... I guess that’s a good thing?” Wrecker scratched the back of his head.
You Dissolved the Transference, landing next to Wrecker. Reaching up, you rubbed your eyes and blinked a little sleepily, letting out a wide yawn.
“Yea,” you slurred, shaking your head. “Sorry, it’s...” You gave him a lopsided smile. “You’re a very natural Handler. I’m feeling a bit high,” you giggled. “I’m very.... I tend to be influenced quite a bit by my Handlers’ emotions.”
Wrecker steadied you. “Glad to hear it! It felt really comfortable.” He shrugged. “It felt different from what you said, Sarge,” he remarked thoughtfully.
“It’s a bit different for everyone,” you said, starting to recover your senses. Shaking your head, you took in a bracing breath and looked up. “I’m ready.”
Tech hesitantly stepped forward. “I can go-?”
You nodded, stepping toward him.
He took in a deep breath. “Permission to Transfer.” He held out his hand, a determined look on his face.
You took his hand. “Transfer Granted.”
The moment you felt the Bond click into place, you mentally reeled. It was a barrage of... everything. Tech’s mind was constantly whirling, moving through thoughts, processing things, almost a nervous babble of information. You tried to process, to find a way to join the stream that rushed on and on, thoughts disappearing as quickly as they came.
Calm down, Tech, you whispered, trying to infuse a sense of relaxation into the words. There’s no need to be nervous. There’s no perfect way of Transference. It’s up to me to assimilate to you, to learn about you. Just be yourself. It’s just me... just Shiv.
You could feel Tech let out a breath, and the stream seemed to slacken a little. Just enough for you to ease yourself in, to begin to process and adjust to the new stream-of-consciousness. Tech’s thoughts ran into each other seamlessly, one thought clearly linked to the next. He had both visualization as well as full words and sentences, something you recognized as being a sign of Tech’s proficiency in using both sides of the brain equally.
You prefer double blasters, right? You recalled.
A tentative thought slithered its way through the stream as you picked it out. Yes... is that... possible?
You smiled. You are my Handler, now. Slowly, you let yourself shimmer into view. Sliding your hands down both his arms, you turned to whisper into his ear. What do you need me to be?
Tech stared down at both his hands, and between one blink and the next, he was grasping another blaster in his left hand. He offered a few schematics and modifications, letting you quickly adjust. Then turning, he focused on some rubble that Wrecker had created and began to pick them off, one by one. A few of the initial shots missed, but as you began to find his rhythm, he began to easily hit every single target he shot at.
By the time he lowered the blasters, you’d begun to understand his process. Tech was a true analyst, his movements clearly thought-out and calculated, the opposite of Wrecker. Wrecker’s movements came naturally, hardly without thought. Tech’s mind, however, made razor-sharp recognitions and calculations, thinking a step ahead as much as possible. It was simply a matter of learning to find his pattern and learn to predict it and run with it.
In the back of your own mind, you began to realize the work cut out for you. If you happened to be tossed from Wrecker to Tech in the middle of the battle, it would be like making a 180 degree shift within the space of a breath. It wasn’t impossible, but you knew it would take a close understanding of each of them, their thought processes, their preferences, and their individual personalities to truly perfect yourself as their personal weapons.
You Dissolved, the two blasters once more converging into one as you reappeared physically. For a moment you simply froze, staring blankly ahead as you regained yourself. Shaking your head, you blinked and refocused, looking back up.
“Ambidextrous,” you said almost without thinking. “Physically and mentally.” You shook yourself off. “Sorry, it’s... it’s a bit challenging to keep up.” You smiled at Tech. “Your mind is... so fast. There’s so much. It’s very impressive.”
He blinked, and you wondered if that was some color staining the tips of his ears. “Thank you,” he said.
“Guess it’s my turn.” Crosshair grunted, stepping towards you. He eyed you warily, eyes flint.
You turned to him. “I’ll do my best.”
He held out his hand. “Permission to Transfer.”
You grasped his hand, feeling the calloused palm under your own skin. “Permission Granted.”
Silence. Compared to the others, Crosshair was just... utter silence. The Bond was there, you could feel it, but there was just... darkness and silence. But it didn’t surprise you, after you took a moment to think about it. You’d worked with a sniper once before. They distanced themselves, so far.
So you didn’t say anything, simply waited.
After a moment, a single visual came across. A detailed schematic for the rifle, including the mods.
It only took you half a second to instantly respond, the rifle seeming to just appear in his hands. He carefully studied the rifle, lifting it to stare through the scope and aiming in a few directions. You stayed quiet, ready to instantly respond to anything, trying to remember everything in Crosshair’s profile and the previous sniper you’d worked with.
Crosshair abruptly turned and fired several shots, peering down the scope. A few other modifications appeared across the bond, and you Shifted seamlessly between his steady shots. He hit every single target, every single time. No emotion came across the Bond, only a split-second visual of the intended target and any adjustments.
He lowered the rifle after a few more shots. “Your response time is satisfactory,” he said aloud, turning the rifle over in his hands. “I’ll have to get used to your presence. I keep feeling like there’s someone behind me.”
You hesitated a moment before speaking. “Would it be better if I kept a shadow beside you, or just stayed invisible?”
“Try the shadow,” he said, lifting the rifle again.
You projected astrally, hovering just beside his shoulder.
He paused. “A little forward.”
You adjusted, realizing that you might have been in his blind spot.
“Other shoulder.” After another moment and a few shots, he nodded. “Better. Once I get used to your fixed location, it shouldn’t be a problem.”
You nodded, Dissolving the bond. With a wince, you clapped your hands over your ears and squeezed your eyes shut with a tiny whimper. Everything kept bursting in your senses, a sharp contrast compared to the utter silence and deprivation of Crosshair’s mind. Letting out a gasp, you dropped down and hunched close to the ground, scraping yourself together.
You shook your head. “I’m fine-“ you blurted shakily. “I’m fine- I just- it’s been so long since I’ve worked with a sniper, I-“ Sucking in a breath, you started to come back to, getting used to the normalcy again. Slowly standing, you leaned gratefully against Wrecker’s arm.
“You’ve worked with a sniper before?” Crosshair asked, eyebrows furrowing.
You nodded, peeling your eyes open. “Y-yes. But it’s been many years, since I was a child. Both of you have... your minds are like... like sensory deprivation tanks. It’s- I have to- to get used to it. I think like- like Sergeant Hunter experiences.” You shook your head, taking deep breaths.
“You alright?” Hunter asked, observing you carefully.
You straightened, nodding. “Yes. Could we try passing?”
He nodded. “Who do you want to start with?”
“You, please,” you requested, sending Wrecker a grateful smile. He grinned back and nodded, patting your arm.
“Permission to Transfer.”
You took Hunter’s hand. “Transfer Granted.”
“So, how do we pass?” Hunter asked as soon as he was holding the modified blaster in his hand.
“Just warn me who you’re passing to at least mentally,” you directed, materializing over his shoulder. “That way, even if you throw, I can direct myself to the person you’re intending to pass me to. It also helps me prepare myself to acclimate to the next person and try to predict what weapon and modifications they will want from me so they don’t have to waste time waiting for me to finish Shifting. I can Shift mid-throw. Or you could hand me over.”
Hunter nodded. Without warning, he sent you a name and whipped his arm back. “Cross!” he shouted.
You Shifted mid-throw, allowing your astral form to dart across the space and directing the rifle to Crosshair’s hand. He caught it, instantly lifting it to his shoulder. Taking a quick shot at a rock formation and hitting the target, he sent a single name across again.
“Tech,” he warned, sending you into a tail-spin.
You darted over to Tech, splitting mid-air to guide yourself into both his hands seamlessly. Tech spun, shooting quickly at two pebbles on a rock formation and knocking them off. He didn’t even turn around before slamming the two pieces together and tossing them over his head.
“Wrecker,” he shouted, though you’d already started Shifting.
Wrecker caught the IWS, hefting it effortlessly above his head. “That was pretty quick,” he said, firing a random shot into the distance. “You good, Shiv?”
You Dissolved, pressing fingers to your temple. “Yeah, I’m... I’m trying to get the hang of it. It might take me a couple of tries to be able to get better. It’s... it’s difficult to keep track.” A migraine started to build in the back of your brain, making you hide a wince.
“Well we’ve already at least formed a good foundation, so let’s give Shiv a break for now and head back to the ship,” Hunter decided, turning on his heel and heading back for the ship.
You took a step forwards and lost footing, pitching forward. Wrecker caught you before you hit the ground, making you gasp. He lifted you up.
“Whoa there, Shiv. You good?” he asked, holding you easily as you grabbed his shoulders for balance.
“A little- I- disoriented,” you managed, still reeling and dizzy. “I-I’m a bit- dizzy from-“ You winced, closing your eyes and burying your face into his shoulder. “Sorry- everything is- I’m going into sensory overload,” you stammered, feeling jittery.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll take you back to your bunk,” he said cheerfully, his steps long and steady as he walked back to the ship.
Your breath started to stutter as you felt sleep quickly creeping up on you. “Thank you, Wrecker,” you managed to whisper thickly, before the darkness descended irresistibly.
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lokiwritess · 4 years
Restless - Sergeant Hunter
I learned the spelling of sergeant halfway through this and that is all I have to say. Ps. We all know Hunter is secretly a softie who loves his brothers
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The light rap of knuckles on durasteel was the first thing to pull you out of your trance in hours, maybe even a day. Nothing had managed to break your concentration: Not hunger, not thirst, not even the raging headache in your temples. 
Exhaustion had you almost slipping away a few times, but you clung on to your last bits of energy like a drowning man would cling to a bottle of water. 
Your hair was probably a mess, eyes half-closed, with the dark circles to prove the time you'd spent staring at the datapad in your lap. What had started from interest had turned into desperation quickly, leaving nothing but frustration in its wake.
If you didn't decrypt those files you would have failed another one of your friends.
"How's it going? Made any progress?", Hunter questioned.
The long-haired sergeant leaned against the doorway, arms crossed in front of his chest. His eyes scanned the room in a fluid motion, settling on your figure.
"I got nothing.", you muttered in defeat. "Kix must've known that whoever was after him would try to find these files as well. I mean- how the hell am I supposed to open files protected against way smarter people?”
"He sent them to you. I doubt that he just chose a random person, that means that you know how to decrypt them. Just don’t know it yet."
"I just can't figure it out. I'm failing miserably. I need more time. What if I can't figure it out until it's too late?"
Hunter huffed, his soft footsteps echoing on the floor as he moved closer. He stopped right next to you, crouching down to be on the same level as you. But instead of trying to look at him, your gaze was fixed on the datapad once again, and on the transmission, you’d received while eating with the group.
This time, what broke your concentration was that Hunter just snatched the pad from your hands and turned it off.
“What are you doing?”, you questioned in shock, trying to reach for it.
But the Sergeant held it out of reach from you, laying it down on top of a monitor.
“You’ve been doing this for hours. Right now, you don’t need more time, you need food and rest.”
The ship was quiet, the only thing that you could hear the steady humming of the engines that kept the ship in its position. Too quiet, for the usually chaotic ship. There was no bickering, no arguments, no bets being made.
“Everyone already went to sleep, didn’t they?”
“They did, about eight hours ago. We let you be then but this isn’t healthy anymore.”
You couldn't help but protest as he grabbed your waist and made you stand on your feet. Wobbly feet, as you noticed. Did you sit on the floor in the command center for almost a day? How had you not noticed the way your muscles ached?
"Alright, let's go before you fall asleep on your feet."
"I really have to keep working on this. I’ll promise I’ll eat, but-”
"Tech will look into it while you do your part in being a functional member of the team. And that for you means eating and sleeping right now.", he cut you off.
"Did you just call any of us functional?"
He made a low sound that you had learned to identify as his way to express amusement. But he didn't stop moving, his hand on the small of your back gently maneuvering your tired body in the right direction.
"Stop protesting. Food first or sleep?"
You rolled your eyes at his stubbornness, while a yawn decided for you. "Sleep."
He hummed in agreement, reacting by laying his other hand on the crook of your arm and saving you from stumbling straight into a storage crate.
Touch was still something rare coming from Hunter, as you had come to realize in your time with the Bad Batch. Even though the limits of the team’s mutations and abilities were often unknown to you, it felt good to know that Hunter had gotten used to your presence so much that he didn't get overwhelmed as easily anymore. 
His oversensitivity had reacted a lot to you in the beginning, rooted in your often subconscious use of the force, but now - with you in a resting state, with no one else around - he was fine. And your exhausted body relished in the warmth of the clone in his blacks.
You barely noticed Crosshair walking past you, the force signature of the sniper faintly floating by in a moment's notice. You had successfully relied on Hunter to not make you run into walls, half asleep already. Your mind had retreated into itself. It was just you, the quiet, and Hunter's presence. Exactly how you liked it.
Your senses only re-activated as you took a less familiar path.
"Why are we going to your room?" 
Hunter's room was at the end of the corridor, as far away from the electricity and signals in the cockpit and command center as possible. Your’s was down the hall to the right. As one of the last people to join the crew of the Havoc Marauder you shared the last room - which also happened to be the smallest - with Echo. 
The first couple of weeks you'd slept on the floor, just waiting for his nightmares to end what little sleep you’d had. And then the Bad Batch had started accepting you more and one-day Tech got so tired of hearing your shoulder crack every morning that they installed a make-shift second cot.
It took you a second to realize.
"Wait- Is Echo okay?" The words were slurred by your drowsiness. Before you, the door to Hunter's room swished open and he nudged you to move in. But a sense of panic had already settled in your bones.
Echo had been your friend long before he supposedly died. Long before things spiraled out of control, before you’d left the order and your friends. Before you lost so many people it would take you a while to count.
"He had a bad night. Wrecker is keeping him company to get him back to sleep."
"I should-" But as you turned around you simply walked straight into Hunter's chest.
"Absolutely not. You need to rest. And Echo is just as worried about your friend as you are. The last thing that's going to help him right now is your presence.", he bluntly stated.
Yep, that was Hunter. A bit rough around the edges, but always the best interest of the team in mind.
"You can get together and talk once you're both in a better state." With that, he turned you around by your shoulders and guided you the rest of the way to his bed. 
You'd never been in his room. Always just stood inside the doorway in case you needed something or one of the others asked for him. It felt weirdly intimate. 
A common theme within the members of the Bad Batch. It’d always just been the four of them, so they had the luxury of having solitary rooms, no matter how small they were. They served their function as a time-out zone, a safe space for different reasons, that you had learned in your time with them. 
Their rooms were tailored to their specific needs. In Tech’s case that meant he stored all of his devices there, safe from his brother’s who were absolutely not allowed to touch any of them. 
For Wrecker, it was the size. With a special cot and the biggest room available, he could drop the caution that he might break something his brother’s treasured.
 You’d yet to look at Crosshair’s room, that’s how secretive he was about it.
Hunter was a stark contrast to Tech in regards to his room. He’d downsized everything in there to things he really needed, nothing that served no purpose. Where Tech had a clutter of all kinds of things, Hunter kept his knives organized and he never brought things in there that could trigger his enhanced senses.
Bringing you in there seemed like a clear violation of that rule.
You were fascinated by their rooms because they were so personal.
In your time with the Jedi, you’d always been forbidden from even feeling attached to a specific room. And when you joined the 501st things had been vastly different as well.
Echo’s and your room was a stark contrast to the rest of the team members because of that specific reason. You were used to the loud barracks, not the isolation of the Havoc Marauder.
On good days your shared room felt like the old days in the 501st barracks on some risky mission to a weird place. Like you were taking a break from the business of war, filled with Fives’ jokes and Jesse’s laughter. Like home.
On the bad days, it felt like explosions at the Citadel. Or like the echo of blasters firing on Umbara. It felt like hopelessness and sadness caused by the loss of many friends. Like a deep abyss of loneliness that would drown anyone that dare enter in the waves of past trauma.
You barely registered hitting the mattress. You adjusted on autopilot, gravitating closer to the wall behind your back as your head found the pillow.
"You're spacing out on me again.", Hunter remarked.
"Bad habit." 
He sat on the side of the bed, pulling the covers over you. Once you were warm and cozy, he turned to stand up but he hesitated. Hunter could feel your guilt. That was one of the feelings you carried around with you day to day, since the day he’d met you. 
It ate away at you even when you were in a good mood, and that bothered him. Especially since that transmission came in and amplified your guilt thousandfold.
"You do know that it’s not your fault that your friend was taken, right?”
You pressed your lips together tightly, avoiding eye contact, instead choosing to focus your attention on your hand. He was wrong. 
“I left them.” The words felt like lead on your tongue, hurting you as you tried to get them out.
“You didn’t.”, Hunter disagreed. “You left the Jedi, but not them. You wouldn’t have been there at the smallest sign that Echo was alive if you had.”
You looked up at the clone with mixed feelings. Maybe there was some truth to that. Even after you finally broke and left the order, you’d been there when Tup and Fives died. And you’d been there when Rex had the suspicion that Echo was still alive, dropping everything in a moments notice.
Hell, the only reason you’d had for going with the Bad Batch had been that Rex asked you to look out for Echo and help him adjust.
“Maybe you’re right.”, you shrugged numbly. “I guess I just… feel like I keep failing to keep the people I care about alive. I can't save Kix. And I couldn't save Fives nor could I help any of the others… but if I figure out what Kix was onto, I might be able to help Echo and Rex and Jesse and maybe even you."
To your surprise, Hunter grabbed your hand and squeezed it lightly.
"I know that you want to protect them. But you can't do it at the cost of working yourself to death. You're part of the Bad Batch now. You don't have to do this alone, alright?"
You nodded slowly.
“Good. Now get some rest.”
And with that, the handsome Sergeant stood up from his bed and left you to be consumed by your exhaustion, in a room that felt so distinctively like him that you finally managed to relax.
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ayo-cowbelly · 4 years
Maybe - Captain Rex x Reader
*All POV’s will be female unless requested otherwise*
So.... I’m in the mood for angst. This idea has been in my head for days, and I’ve been listening to a lot of instrumental soundtracks lately, which only fueled this (lots of Across the Stars and Burying the Dead). Eventually I decided to just sit down and write it.  Got pretty into italics with this one. It’s kinda long. Also this is the first time I’ve posted something like this, so I hope you like it :)
Part two can be found here!
Y/n: Your name
Y/l/n: Your last name
You walked the never-ending halls of the Resolute, a neutral expression on your face. Your mental shields were strong, or as strong as they could be. You weren’t really sure if you were fooling anyone. 
Hopefully you were, because if people (namely, other Jedi) sensed your inner turmoil, things could go horribly wrong; after all, Jedi don’t feel this way. They don’t spend their nights crying silently, hoping that nobody hears. They don’t simultaneously curse and cherish their memories with a particular person. Jedi do not have broken hearts. 
Because a broken heart could mean you broke up with someone. And to do that, it usually means you fell in love. 
And Jedi do not fall in love. 
Except... when they do.
It started two years ago, when the war had just begun. When you had first stepped foot onto the Venator-class starship that would soon become your home. When you met him.  Your captain, CT-7567. Rex. 
“Hello, Captain.”
“Sorry, do you have a preferred name? Seems we should get to know each other a bit.” 
“It’s Rex, General.” 
“Well, Rex, I look forward to working with you.”
“And I you, Sir.” 
That’s where it all started- and eventually ended.
The war was hard on everyone. You watched as the people you knew so well started to- well, change. Anakin seemed angrier, Obi-Wan more stressed, and you… you seemed, for lack of a better word… hollow. The men dying all around you, your order seemingly breaking (you were never meant to be soldiers, yet you lead men who had never known anything else), it felt like you were being crushed on the inside. Yet, you had him. 
He was there. 
Whether it was quiet talks in the night, locked eyes in the briefing room, or a lingered touch in a turbulent LAAT/i, he was there. The war escalated and the world changed and sometimes it felt like your soul was on fire with pain- but he was there, until he wasn’t. 
Eventually it really was too much. The war put a strain on an already fragile relationship (Jedi are not meant to fall in love). The threat of you being caught had always loomed heavily on both your heads. You would be expelled from the only family you’d ever known… and he would be court-martialed, or worse- decommissioned. The thought of the man you loved being cast aside and killed for following his heart plagued you with fear. 
Fear was not the Jedi way.
You started fighting. Little things, that sometimes exploded into larger issues. The survivors’ guilt and the stress of so many battles (you never knew what the next day would bring; could one of your names be added to the list of remembrances? You didn’t know… and didn’t want to, ever) made you both edgy and it was hard to discuss it without conflict. 
Your relationship burned bright for so long until it crumbled. 
“So, that’s it then? A year, and then… we’re just… done?” 
“I think that would be best, Sir.” 
“Don’t! Don’t call me that! Not now! Right now, I’m just Y/n, and you’re just Rex. You and me! What happened to that?” 
“It’s not right, General-” “Stop calling me that!” 
“It’s what you are! You’re the general, and I’m the captain. Jedi and clone. That’s all it ever should have been, and it has to go back to that.” 
You were supposed to be the composed one… but your emotions were spiraling and gripped your heart. “I won’t let it.” 
“You don’t get to decide that, Sir.” 
“Rex, I-” You choked out, but couldn’t finish. You didn’t even know what to say. What would fix it? 
You just watched as he put his helmet back on and left your room quietly. 
With your head in your hands, you tried, really tried, to repress the tears- until you couldn’t. 
If your Co-General and Commander noticed your changed demeanor, they were kind enough not to mention it. You and Anakin used to have a game, of sorts, of who could get away with the craziest maneuvers on the battlefield without an injury- whether it be jumping out of a flying LAAT/i, taking on a whole droid squad alone, or grabbing onto a rocket droid like a speeder. You and Ahsoka would team-up and tease Anakin together pretty often around the ship. But that all changed. 
You wouldn’t take on as many droids alone- something Kix was probably happy about. The crazier ideas all came from Anakin, the more “sane” (as the rest of the legion would call it) plans came from you. Ahsoka would poke fun at Anakin while you watched with a forced almost-smile. Actually, that forced content on your face was probably your most common expression these days.
Life took on a grayer hue. 
So, you worked on shielding and repressing, keeping your pain hidden until the dead hours of the night. 
Were the hallways smaller, now? It felt like it. Every turn, every corridor, no matter where you went, it felt like he was always there. Somehow, you ran into him everywhere, with a shallow nod and the slightest of glances. 
 2 years. Strangers. Friends. Lovers… Then strangers again. 
It was a cruel cycle. 
For a while, you had thought about requesting a battalion to lead alone. At the beginning of the war, you had been assigned to co-lead the 501st due to your familiarity with Anakin- both Crechemates and eventually Padawans with your masters as good friends, you spent a lot of time together growing up. The Council felt it would be good to have their resident loose-cannon lead a legion with another, to make sure he didn’t go too off the rails.
 What the Council hadn’t realized was that yes, while you were the more rational of the pair, you enjoyed Anakin’s crazy plans- most of the time. Sometimes, they really were insane, which was where you stepped in. 
A bonus of being assigned to the same legion was that you met Ahsoka. The young Togruta sometimes felt like your own Padawan, and you adored her. She was endlessly curious and brave, and wise beyond her years. And you grew even more proud of her as she grew up. 
Now, she was older, and more experienced- and as she came into her own, you realized you weren’t always needed anymore. Granted, the missions were sometimes shorter and had more solid planning due to having an extra Jedi General around, but your presence was no longer a necessity. Anakin and Ahsoka would do just fine without you. Besides, leading a legion as large as the 501st meant you had to watch more and more clones be taken with every battle. The longer the war went on, the more recruits there were (who seemed to be getting younger all the time). 
And even though it was selfish, with your own legion you wouldn’t have to be around Him all the time. Maybe it’d be nice, to be away from him; maybe you could heal without the pain of it all filling you when you saw him. Maybe.
You could handle your own battalion. You were capable, and more than ready. You knew this, but didn’t necessarily like it. 
Eventually, you reached a decision. It was the last thing you wanted, to leave Him; you loved him fiercely, still. Yet, leaving was what you needed. You had to be at your best to lead the troops, and lately, your best was sloppy. It was time to reign in your emotions and gain control again. 
Of course, nothing was final, but the feeling of something ending echoed around you. 
The last time eating in the mess with the men who almost felt like brothers. 
The last time going through a briefing with your Co-General, watching Admiral Yularen’s face fill with exasperation and irritation as Anakin laid out a daring plan. 
The last time you met His warm Golden-Brown eyes in the halls. 
Your comm chirped, and you ducked into an empty storage closet to take the call. You were met with Masters Yoda and Windu’s holographic forms. 
“Something you wanted to discuss, you had, young Y/l/n?” 
“Yes, Master Yoda.” 
A week later, you stood in the briefing room with the usual command crew: Anakin, Ahsoka, Admiral Yularen, and Him. 
Deep breaths, Y/n. In, and out. “I called this meeting because I have some… news, and I thought you should be the first to know.” You glanced around at them, swallowing. “I’ve requested to lead my own battalion- and it’s been granted.” Letting that sink in, you continued: “I’m leaving at 0800 tomorrow morning, in my fighter. I’ll head to Coruscant, where I’ll meet the men, and then we’ll ship out sometime next week.” 
Anakin was the first to speak. “What do you mean you’re leaving?”
“I’m getting my own battalion. I requested it a few days ago.” 
“Why?” You heard the growing anger in your friend’s voice and decided to tread carefully.
“Anakin, you don’t need me here anymore. Ahsoka’s more than qualified to lead the 501st with you, and with the war- there’s more and more troops who need leading, and not enough Jedi to do it. But I can, and I have to; It’s my duty. The Council agreed with me.” 
“Y/n, when did you talk to the Council about this?” 
“A few days ago- but it’s been on my mind for a while.” You said gently. You didn’t meet His eyes, didn’t even look over there; if you did, your resolve would crumble. You just kept your gaze on Anakin, occasionally looking to Ahsoka. She looked surprised, and a bit sad, but understanding. Anakin looked… well, it was wise to be cautious of your tone. 
“Do you know where you’ll ship off to?” Ahsoka asked politely. 
“Not yet, but I’ve heard that it might be Cato Neimodia, or maybe Anaxes. I can’t be sure, though.” You looked down. “I just thought you all should know first.” 
“Well, best of luck, General. It’s been an honor.” Admiral Yularen nodded at you, then went out to the bridge. Eventually, Anakin and Ahsoka left too, the latter guiding her Master with a soft hand on his arm. 
That left you and the Captain. Alone, for the first time in weeks. 
“So… your own battalion. That’s… big news,” He said quietly. “I know you’ll do well.” 
“Thanks, Rex,” You practically whispered. “I’ve enjoyed our time together,” You met his eyes briefly, barely keeping the floodgate of emotions at bay. “I’ll miss working with you.” I love you. I love you more than anything. 
He nodded. “And I you, General.” 
You left that next morning, with your men watching from the hangar. His presence, the one you had treasured and held onto like a lifeline... the one that got you through the worst of it all, the one you had loved (and still did, so much), stayed behind, slowly fading from the forefront of your mind. 
It’s for the best. 
Maybe you’d start to heal. 
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solastia · 6 years
Sandcastles | 1
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Chapters: [Prologue] [1] 
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader 
Word Count: 2,356
Genre & Warnings: Angst. Infidelity/Open Relationship. Some smutty MxM action. 
Notes: I’m on a roll! So much inspiration for this story. Outlander fans will notice a similarity in the beginning. It’s the one scene in Frank and Claire’s relationship that struck me the most. If you can’t even give each other the basics, even just going to a movie, what is the point? 
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“If we’re going to do this, we’re going to have to have rules, yeah? Some pretty common sense stuff. Use protection. Be discreet. Shower before you come home. Our place is off limits. No spending the night.” Namjoon listened as she listed everything off. He still didn’t know what they were doing, but this sounded...okay? No. It felt wrong. So why wasn’t he stopping her?
“If we’re doing this to stay together then you’re going to have to spend time with me too. Date nights at least like, once a month? Alright?” He nodded because that was reasonable. Actually, when was the last time he took her on a date? He couldn’t even remember. Maybe their anniversary? No. Shit. He just gave her flowers and a card before going to bed. Fuck, he was an asshole.
“And, if you end up falling in love with someone else, just...tell me. I’ll let you go. No need to string so many people along. I just want you to be happy.” He could hear her voice cracking and couldn’t believe how strong she was being. She shouldn’t have to be. 
“Are you really sure you want to do this?” He asked one last time.
“No, but you didn’t give us much of a choice, Namjoon. It’s this, or we’re done.” 
He hated himself as he looked at the face of the woman who’d been his whole world for years and saw nothing but sadness and pain. His Princess. He’d done this to her.
And he couldn’t stop.
“I understand. I’ll follow the rules.”
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“Hey. That modern art museum finally opened up a couple weeks ago. I know you were looking forward to it. You want to go see it this weekend? We can make a day of it? Maybe have dinner and walk down the river.”
His girlfriend looked so excited, smiling happily up at him as she asked.
“I, uh. Already went. Last week.” He sheepishly answered, not knowing why he did. He should have kept his mouth shut and just went again to make her happy. Why didn’t he just do that? Because, as Yoongi likes to tell him so often lately, Kim Namjoon is a fucking idiot.
“Oh....Oh. Yeah, of course. My bad.” He hated how she visibly drooped. How her pretty smile vanished, and her eyes dropped to her lap. Because of him.
She set the tea she’d been drinking onto the counter and walked towards the bedroom. Namjoon followed her with his eyes, noting the slow steps and clenched hands. Before she closed the door, she glanced over her shoulder at him.
“Just remember to follow the rules and save some time for me too, yeah? This isn’t going to work if you can’t even give me the basics.” She said softly before closing the bedroom door, the echoing click that followed letting him know she wanted to be alone.
They’d been doing this open relationship thing for three months now. At first, even though he really felt guilty, the selfish asshole part of him had been excited. After all, it was every guy’s dream to be able to fuck around as they please and even have a good home to go back to. He never lied when he said he still loved her. He absolutely still did. She was his Princess. The one he planned on marrying someday. But for some reason, he was letting his dick make his decisions lately. 
He supposed part of the blame could be put on his career. His rise as one the Seoul’s top music producers had brought him into the limelight. Suddenly singers, actors, and models were all throwing themselves at him, and he was flattered. He’d never had that kind of attention before. These men and women that he used to only see on the TV were begging to jump his dick, and would anyone say no to that? 
He knew that he should.
And he hated that he didn’t. 
He got up and grabbed his keys and threw on his snapback, gazing longingly one last time at the bedroom door before he quietly left the house. 
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“Faster....fuck! That feels so good....”
“You want it faster, Jimin? You want me to fuck that ass so hard you can’t walk for a week? Is that what you want?” Namjoon growled as he pounded him into the mattress. 
“YES, fuck yes.” Jimin mewled before he buried his face into the covers, his wails muffled by them. Namjoon increases his speed, the smacking of skin on skin echoing throughout the room. He smacks Jimin’s plump ass once, growling as he can feel himself getting close. “Oh, shit...I’m gonna cum!” Jimin moans and Namjoon finishes as soon as he feels Jimin’s muscles contracting around his cock, filling the condom. He pulls out with a ragged groan and throws the condom away before falling back onto Jimin’s bed. 
He stares at the ceiling as he catches his breath, the now familiar guilt rising to practically suffocate him. He pushes himself up and makes the trek to the fridge to grab two water bottles before heading back to the bedroom and handing Jimin one, draining his own bottle quickly. 
What was she doing right now? Was she watching the door, waiting for him to crawl back home? Crying to her family and friends that he was fucking up their lives? Sitting in front of a cold dinner like...
He sighed audibly, shaking his head at his thoughts. Why would her life revolve around him anymore when he does this to her? 
“You know, I can tell when you’re thinking about her. Your jaw juts out, and you get all tense. You look like a T-rex.” Jimin giggles, poking Namjoon in the back with his foot. “I still can’t understand how you fuck around if you’re so whipped for your girlfriend.” 
“We’re in an open relationship.” 
“So just because you can, you do? Don’t get me wrong. I’m benefiting from that arrangement by getting some bomb ass dick, but if you’re sad every time you fuck me, it kinda bums me out too.” Jimin is sitting up and stroking Namjoon’s arm in comfort, and Namjoon leans over and gives him a peck on the cheek. 
“Sorry, Chim Chim. Are you saying you want to stop?” Namjoon asks, almost hoping that he’ll say yes to help him avoid one more temptation. 
“Nope. I’ll happily be one of your side pieces as long as you want. You know you’ll miss this ass.” Jimin jokes, giggling cutely when Namjoon flips him over and smacks it. He props himself up with his head on his hand, observing Namjoon in a way that makes him feel like he’s under a microscope. 
“For real though, you know we’re friends first. If you need to talk or something, you can count on me. And if you ever need to cut this off, we’ll still be friends.”
“Thanks, Jimin.” Namjoon quietly says as he gets up and grabs his clothes. “I’m going to jump in the shower and then head out. I’ll see you at work on Monday. Have fun on your date later. Don’t compare him to me too much.” Namjoon grins over his shoulder at his friend who throws his boxers at him. 
“You wish you could compare to him, you giant nerd.” Jimin laughs. “Have fun on your date tomorrow, too. You’re going to see that model chick again, right?” 
“I don’t know if one picture makes you a model, but yeah, seeing her tomorrow.”
“Good luck, Joon. I hope you find what you’re looking for.” 
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Namjoon arrived home a little later than usual and he hoped she’d eaten dinner. Most of the lights were off but she’d left one on in the hallway so he wouldn’t have to walk around in the dark. He walked to the fridge and opened it, both touched and saddened to see she’d saved him a plate of food. Even when she knew what he was out doing, she still thought to take care of him. 
His gaze scanned the apartment, cataloging all the little things she does for him. Saving him dinner. The plate full of cookies that she bakes for him even though she doesn’t like them. The notes of encouragement she still puts on his laptop so he’ll see it before work. The basket next to the couch filled with clothes of his that she mends because he’s always ripping them on something. 
He hangs his head in shame and shuffles to their bedroom, trying his best to be quiet as he gets ready for bed. He can tell by her breathing that she’s really asleep, so he slides in as gently as he can so he won’t disturb her. 
Namjoon stares at the back of her head, marveling at the little strands that are highlighted by the moonlight. He wanted to gather her up and cuddle her. He couldn’t even remember when they started sleeping on separate sides, but he was sure he started it. He didn’t feel like he deserved to touch her anymore. He was tainted. Someone like her couldn’t last in a relationship like this. She was everything that was good, and this would destroy her. 
He should let her go. 
But he couldn’t.
He scoots as close as he dares and breathes in her comforting scent as he falls into a deep sleep, where he could pretend there was nothing wrong with him and everything was right with the world. 
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Everything about this woman was wrong. She was rude to the waiters, she spoke with her mouth full, her hair was too short, she was too tall, her nail polish was a weird color...
Namjoon knew he was just picking at things. He couldn’t help it, though. His princess at home was everything he wanted. Why did he keep looking? What was he looking for? Or was it him? Was he the one that was missing something? 
“Excuse me, just gonna head to the bathroom. I’ll be back.” Namjoon said, not waiting for a reply before escaping. 
The room was empty, thankfully, so he took a moment to stare at his reflection. The same ugly face he always saw looked back at him. He could practically hear his girlfriend’s snort in his head, the one she always did when he’d make a negative comment about himself. “You’re stunning, my Joonie. From the top of your gorgeous head to the tip of your long, elegant toes.” Namjoon stared at himself, trying to see what she saw, what they all saw, but all he could see was ugly because his foul actions were painting the outside.  
The bathroom door opened as someone came inside, so Namjoon quickly turned on the faucet and ran his hands through the water, patting his face with a bit. The guy stood next to him at the bathroom counter fixing his hair and dabbing on cologne. He looked like a movie star, and Namjoon wondered if he’d ever seen him in anything. The guy looked over at Namjoon with a boxy smile, nodding in greeting. 
“You on a date too?” He asked as he fixed his hideous outfit. The man was draped in head to toe Gucci. Expensive and high fashion, sure. But hideous. 
“Yeah. Kinda nervous, you know.” Not really, but it would explain the way he was acting, he supposed. 
“Yeah, man. Me too. I mean, I hit the jackpot. This girl, she’s in a complicated relationship thing, but she’s...way worth it. You know? Like, wife material. Beautiful, funny, sweet. I met her at the dog park and was super persistent until she finally agreed to a date today. I don’t know what finally got her to agree, but I’m not going to waste my chance. I don’t know why the guy doesn’t have her on lockdown, but he’s a dumbass. They don’t get better than her.” He animatedly raved about his date as Namjoon politely nodded, wincing at the parallels to his own situation. 
“Well, good luck with her then, man. I hope it works out. She sounds great.” Namjoon said as he made his way to the exit. 
“Yeah, same to you!” 
Namjoon walked back to his table, apologizing for the long absence. He grabbed his glass of wine and took a sip as he saw the Gucci guy exit the bathroom and walk towards his table. Namjoon watched, curious to see what kind of woman could land someone that looked like a real live anime prince. The man sits at a table near the windows, and his date glances up to smile at him in greeting. 
He knew that sweet smile. The red silk dress she’d worn on their second anniversary. The garnet necklace he’d given her for their first Valentines day. 
Gucci guy laced his fingers with hers and brought her hand up to his lips for a kiss, and the woman blushed so prettily and bit her red lips. 
Namjoon was so focused on the woman he didn’t hear the startled gasp of his own companion, or feel the pain as the wine glass in his hand was crushed; it’s shards embedding themselves into his palm. 
Namjoon had forgotten the most important thing about open relationships. 
They’re open both ways. 
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((AN: Is it really Taehyung if he doesn’t make friends in the bathroom?))
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I 👏🏼need👏🏼an 👏🏼angsty 👏🏼sick 👏🏼clones 👏🏼who 👏🏼push 👏🏼themselves 👏🏼fanfic Like really. I want a clone to get sick and brush it aside as he still goes on duty only for him to get worse and pass out on the job and brothers are super worried for him! They care so much! 😭👌🏼
It was gonna be just a lil drabble lmao
Fiveswasn’t feeling exactly well ever since they’d gotten in the shuttle. Echoelbowed him on his arm, keeping his voice low.
“Youalright there?”
“I’m fine.”
The hell hewas. Fives had woken up a little dizzy and so clogged he could barely breathe,settling for breathing through his mouth, which made him short of breath andwas starting to get him a headache. Echo wasn’t gonna let up this easily:
“You don’tlook alright. You were pale this morning. Are you sure you’re okay?”
Fivesbreathed out of his mouth, which made the filters in his helmet hiss.
“I’m fine.Give it a rest, okay?”
The missionwas to defend the shipyards of Kuat, a planet of the Core Planets from whichmany ships vital to the Republic would come from. Dooku had sent an army ofdroids and their commander to try and seize control of the planet and itsshipyards. When Fives was about to get off the shuttle, he could barely standon his feet. Echo led the shinies out and asked Kix to mind them for a secondas he looked over his shoulder to Fives.
“Are you sure you’re okay there, Fives?”
Fivessniffled, unable to breathe through his nose. He could feel sweat forming onhis forehead under his bucket. Before he could answer, Rex stormed back in theship:
“May I knowwhy in the blazes my two ARC troopersare still in the ship while our General expects us outside?”
Echo stoodstraight at Rex.
“Sure, sir.Uh, Fives here is…”
“Had aproblem with my equipment, sir.” Fives cut him off “I, uh, thought I had leftmy ammo back at the base” he lifted his kama “But, hey, it’s all here. Let’smeet the General.”
Rex tookhis helmet off, narrowing his eyes at Fives.
“Is thisall there is, Fives?” he asked, and Fives nodded.
“Yessir.I’ll… I’ll get going so the boys won’t be alone.” and he marched out.
Rex sighed,putting his helmet back on.
“He is aterrible liar.”
Echofacepalmed at his own helmet.
“HeAlways have been, sir.”
“What is upwith him, then?”
“I don’tknow.”
“Well” Rexsaid walking out of the shuttle “Let’s hope we don’t find out in the middle ofthis mess.”
Fives’voice was cracking every three words. Rex just knew he wasn’t okay. Still,Fives pushed him by his chest, away from the incoming gunfire as they tookcover.
“—Tellingyou to back off, sir! Somebody has to activate the disruptor and that’s gonnabe me! You round up the boys to protect the depot. Go!”
Rex lookedover his shoulder. General Skywalker did need a help to hold the clankers off,so many there were, coming in waves. He looked back at Fives.
“You’ll beokay? I can send a small squad…”
 “No, I need their attention on you!” Fiveslooked ahead with his visors “There are fewer of them there. They don’t knowthey’re all within the disruptor radius.” He looked back at Rex “The minute Iturn that thing on, stay close to General Skywalker; All blasters in range,ours and theirs, will be useless and they might resort to fighting so he canwipe them all with his lightsaber and they won’t be so dangerous. Look out forEcho and the others…”
Fives wasinterrupted by a coughing fit; his throat felt like he had swallowed dry sand.
“Fives, youare not one hundred percent, are you?” Rex asked with concern as Fives liftedhis helmet halfway up to spit on the ground
“I’m fine.”Fives answered as he wiped his chin “Just fine, sir. Now move on, take care ofthe others.”
As Fivesclimbed out of the shallow improvised trench, Rex sighed, running back toSkywalker.
“Kriffinghell Fives, you better come back alive.”
Fivesactually managed to turn on the disruptor without alarming the droids. Too badhe was too dizzy not to trip on his own feet and fall down with a loud clatterof armor. The eight commando droids guarding that exit turned to him as he gotback to his feet.
“Ah, justmy luck.” they raised their blasters to him and Five raised his own to them “I won’tgo down without a fight, you karking clankers.”
Both Fivesand the droids tried to open fire, but nothing happened. Fives let out a smalllaugh.
“Ha-ha. Itworked.” the dizziness and the unrelenting headache was starting to make himstupid
The droidslowered their guns, closing a circle around him instead. Fives raised hisguard, defending the first hit, but a punch of a solid steel punch wasn’tsomething his armor could do much for. Fives grunted, and another strike hithim right on his ribs, triggering another coughing fit; when another droid hithim on the back of his head he collapsed down, never feeling happier for havinga bucket over his head to prevent these fuckers to bash his skull in. He lookedup to the merciless red eyes and tried to stabilize his breathing.
“Ah, kriff,what a damn way to die.”
GeneralSkywalker came cutting two droids in the same move, and that was a sweet image,but nothing could compare to Rex and Echo simultaneously landing a kick to acommando droid’s chest, forcing it to stagger back to the General’s lightsaber.As Skywalker got rid of the remaining droids, Echo reached for Fives, helpinghim sit up.
“Fives, areyou alright, vod?!”
Fivescoughed. And coughed. And coughed. Then he pried the helmet off his head andpushed Echo away, because he knew what was coming, and he threw up right nextto an unamused Captain Rex’s shoes.
“So.” Rexraised an eyebrow “One hundred percent, huh?”
Fiveswasn’t quite finished, and this time he did manage to hit Rex’s shoes. Echotapped his back lightly.
“There,there, let it out.” He scrunched his face in disgust “The hell is up with you?”
Sweatdripped from Fives’ forehead as he tried to catch his breath.
“Nothing.They punched me in the gut, that’s all, let’s…” he got to his feet, and hetried to walk despite his steps looking like those of a drunk deer on ice “Let’smove out, we need to set the second disruptor close to the other flank…And…”
Fives was sodizzy he didn’t even put his hands in front of himself to prevent falling onhis face. Someone flipped him on his back without much care and Fives sawhimself face to face with a furious Kix holding a vial full of a bright greenliquid close to his face.
“Try towalk again and I’ll shoot this on your neck. Fall on your face again and I’lldo it on your dumb ass instead.” He threatened in an angry snarl
“Holy kriff,Kix, didja miss the first few classes on bedside manners?”
“I don’t havebedside manners to stupid pacients.” Kix answered as Jesse and Hardcase broughta stretcher close to the ground close to Fives “And now I’ll get you out ofhere and you will lie the hell down until I’m done checking you.”
Kix wasstill cursing even the tube from which Fives had come from as Jesse and Harcasecarried him  out, and Rex scratched theback of his neck.
“Ah, therare angry Kix we see once in a blue moon.”
Echo noddedat Rex.
“The lasttime I saw him like that we had a case of Hardcase.”
When Rexfinally came to see Fives at the camp, the ARC trooper sat up tensely, undressedoff his armor and lying on a small bed in the medbay:
“What’shappening outside? Is everyone okay? Any losses? General—”
Rex raiseda hand, and Fives silenced. Rex looked at Fives with sharp eyes, and Fives knewthat look. That was ‘disciplinary Rex’ alright. Fives knew this side of hisvery well, almost as well as Hardcase did.
“I want anexplanation. And so does the General.”
“Don’tstall me.”
“I was just…”Fives looked away from Rex “I thought I could…”
Rex tensed uphis jaw, cutting him off again.
“Don’t lieto me, you suck at that and you’re wasting my time and yours. I demanded anexplanation, ARC Trooper Fives, and I want it now.”
Fivesfisted in the white covers over his legs, still not looking at his Captain.
“I woke upfeeling a little ill. I thought it would be okay for me to work like that.”
Rex ran histongue over his teeth, nodding a few times.
“Like that.Like that, out there in the field? Throwing up and barely breathing andsweating like a bantha?”
“I wasn’tlike that when we left…”
“Why didn’tyou take a checkup with Kix before leaving the GAR?”
Fives shookhis head, speaking between his clenched teeth:
“Because wewere tight on schedule, we were departing soon and I wanted to…”
“And youwanted to be a hero. You wanted to– Look at me when I’m talking to you,soldier!” he snapped at Fives, and the ARC raised his face in a sharp move;Fives’ face was full of pent up anger “You don’t get to decide whether you aregood to go or not, we have a medic staff to do so. They get to give you clearance.Not your poor judgement.”
Fiveschewed at his cheek.
“My poorjudgement? I turned the disruptor on. I did the thing that saved everyone’slives, including yours and the General’s!”
“And youalmost got killed in the process.”
“Nothingyou never did before.”
Rex took astep towards Fives, raising a finger and warning in a whispered snarl.
“You watchthat tone when you talk to me, trooper.” His breath was shallow and hiseyebrows were so furled and his eyes were squinted in such anger that for amoment all Fives could see was their glimmer in his features “Kix told me youhad a burning fever over 40ºC! You could’ve died out there!”
Kix hadgiven Fives an amount of painkillers that most likely had took from him whatlittle common sense he would normally have not to answer to his Captain.
“Oh, please!”he spat “Like it would be a big kriffing difference, another clone dead onduty!”
Rex’s eyeswent wide and he marched to Fives’ bedside with such anger in his featuresFives flinched, expecting a punch to the face. Instead, Rex gripped the frontof his blacks, pulling him closer and screaming at his face.
“It wouldmake all the difference, you stupid, shitty soldier!” Rex’s face was red allover, a big vein popping up on his forehead “You’re an ARC trooper! There areothers depending on you! You can’t just go sick into war and throw yourself todeath!”
Fivesflinched again because Rex’s screaming wasn’t doing any good for his massiveheadache.
“Why areyou worrying about the shinies anyway?! I would’ve died for them if I had to.They would be safe!”
Rex’s voicedropped down abysmally to a raspy, tired whisper.
“Youabsolute di’kut. It’s not just aboutthe shinies. It’s not even about the General. I need you. I need you in theLegion. What do you think the 501st is made of? Hm? Captain Rex and GeneralSkywalker? Why the kriff do you think I made you an ARC Trooper, to rub your ego?I don’t think you’d ever need that, you selfish asshole.”
He pushedFives back down against the pillows, breathing hard between his teeth as Fiveslooked back at him wide-eyed. Rex turned his back on Fives and ran a hand overhis face, sighing.
“Look. Iknow I’m not the best example of someone who knows when to relax ever, but youcan’t let that affect your work, Fives. Do you understand that?”
Fivesfidgeted at the covers for an instant before answering quietly:
Rex noddedlooking at Fives over his shoulder.
“Good. I’llhave you on charge of cleaning the barracs for a month after this little stuntof yours.”
“Ah, c’mon,Captain, I’m sick in a bed, how can you be this heartless?”
“I’m goingeasy on you, you deserved worse and you know it.” Rex paused, scratching hischin and speaking louder now “Hey, I know you are all outside spying on ourconversation, smartasses.”
Echo, Jesseand Hardcase popped their heads in the tent.
“Spying?”Hardcase asked as if someone had accused him of a crime “We would NEVER!”
“They mademe do it, sir.” Echo said promptly, standing straight with his hands behind hisback
“Thanks,vod, good to know you’d never turn us in.” Jesse said as he rolled his eyes,and Rex chuckled
 “Take your time talking to him, but rememberwe have a meeting with the General soon.”
At that Rexsaluted them and Fives, and they saluted him back. The group cautiously camecloser to Fives, and Fives shook his head.
“Don’tworry, it’s not contagious by touching or breathing. Kix said it’s just a minorvirus but unless any of you is going to kiss me…”
Hardcasescratched his head, drawing in closer along with Echo and Jesse.
“Well, nokissing, but…” he gave Fives a hug, and Jesse and Echo joined him “I think youdeserve that.”
“Yeah,”Jesse laughed ruffling his hair “being sick and having saved our lives, thatkinda deserves a hug, right?”
“Glad tosee that Kix didn’t have to strap you to the bed this time.” Echo said with asmile as they let go off him “I suppose you’ll accept staying down for a while,vod?”
“Yeah… Iguess a trooper’s gotta rest sometimes, right? It’s not all that bad.”
“Good.”Echo replied “Because you ran over like eight safety regulations on that stuntof yours. Paragraph 112, code E of the manual explicitly stated that in the circumstancesof need for medical attention, a trooper is obligated to—“
“I changedmy mind.” Fives groaned “It’s bad. It’s terrible. Someone toss me back in the middleof those clankers and let them finish the job!”
They alllaughed, even Echo. He was used to being a little shit to Fives and did itmostly to annoy him. Then a voice came from the door, making the group shiverin fear.
“I willtoss all of you to the clankers if you don’t get the hell out of there and letmy patient rest now.”
Kix hadstormed in, and Echo, Jesse and Hardcase got up to their feet and back to thedoor in no time.
“ ’scuse me”
“See yousoon, Doc.”
Kix walkedto Fives, setting a droid to measure his heart rate and checking the readingson the screen on it’s chest. Fives swallowed hard, looking down to his ownhands.
“Sorry formaking you worry, Kix.”
Kix noddedto then swallow hard, looking at Fives with a hesitant smile.
“Don’t evercome to work sick again or I will kick your ass, we clear?”
“Yeah. Ipromise.” He made a pause “Kriff, I’ve never seen Rex so angry.”
Kix raisedan eyebrow.
“Angry? Hewas pacing and looking all helpless outside. General Skywalker had to remindhim to breathe slower. You didn’t get him angy, Fives, you got him terrified.”
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Day 22- Pain
When Anakin is captured by the Separatists, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka must work together to get him back.
rating: t
pairings: none
word count: 3141
(read on ao3)
*shows up two days late with 3000+ words*
“Commander. Are you alright?”
Ahsoka withdrew her hand from her forehead and looked up at Rex. “I'm fine,” she said. “It's just... been a long day.”
“Well get the General back,” Rex said confidently. “Skywalker is tough. He'll be alright.”
Except he wasn't alright. She could feel it.
Once established, the bond between a Jedi Master and Padawan was strong. Anakin and Ahsoka had gotten off to a rocky start and it had taken a while for them to open up and trust one another. Their bond had developed slowly, but now she could pick her Master's Force-presence out of several hundred, sense where he was when they were home in the Temple. When they were in close proximity, she could sense feelings he didn't bother to shield, and he could do the same. Sometimes, it was convenient. Others, it was annoying.
Today, it was agony.
Anakin's fighter had been hit in the space battle above Shadonar, forcing him to crash-land on the planet below. Before the Republic troops on the ground could get to him, he'd been captured by the Separatists. Now, he was a prisoner in one of three possible locations. They didn't have the manpower to storm all three Separatist bases to try and rescue him, and so until the ground forces could figure out where they were really holding Anakin, they just had to wait.
Rex was sure Anakin was okay. But Ahsoka knew better.
Through the Force, Anakin's presence was crackling with torment. Ahsoka could almost feel electricity snaking across her body, though she didn't know if that was her brain helpfully filling in the blanks of what Anakin was going through, or if that really was how they were torturing him.
Her Master had been tortured before, she knew. But she'd never been close enough to him, both physically and mentally, to feel his pain before.
Ahsoka offered Rex a ghost of a smile. “You know me, Rex. I always feel better when I have something to do.”
“Hang in there,” Rex told her. “We'll have more intel from the ground forces soon.”
Not soon enough, Ahsoka thought. Every second wasted on the Resolute, waiting for more information was a second her Master spent in agony. She pressed her hand to her forehead again, but the headache she had wasn't something physical.
Rex snapped to attention. “General Kenobi.”
Ahsoka turned to see Master Kenobi heading their way. “Rex,” he said. Ahsoka noticed his voice was thin with tension. “Are the men ready to go?”
“Yes, sir,” Rex replied. “Just give the word.”
“Any news about Anakin?” Ahsoka asked, and Obi-Wan's frown deepened.
“Unfortunately, no. The separatist bases are heavily fortified- the ground forces haven't been able to get close yet. And we have yet to hear a ransom demand.”
Of course not, Ahsoka thought. They were interrogating him first. Ransom would come later, if at all.
Rex put his helmet on, and the determination could be heard clearly, even through the slightly tinny sound. “They'll locate him. And we'll be ready when they do.”
His confidence was catching. Ahsoka could almost forget the pain winding through Anakin's Force-presence, clinging to it like a second skin.
Rex headed up to the war room, leaving Ahsoka alone with Master Kenobi.
“It's been almost eight hours,” she said, frowning. The first four had gone by quickly as Ahsoka finished up with the space battle, but during hour five, the echoes of pain had began. The reports and briefings ever since had been excruciating. “Shouldn't we have heard something by now?”
“Patience, Ahsoka,” Obi-Wan said to her. “These things take time.”
“I understand that, Master,” she said. “It's just...” She trailed off, wondering how to explain to him that she could feel Anakin being tortured. That he might not have the kind of time everyone seemed to think he did.
The phantom electricity was back. Ahsoka looked away.
Obi-Wan opened his mouth to say something, but as he did, his comlink beeped. “General Kenobi,” came the voice of Admiral Yularen. “I'm sending you and Commander Tano to the surface. Quadrant Four needs reinforcements. Commander Cody will brief you on the way.”
Not the news she'd been hoping for, but finally, something to do. Not to mention, Quadrant Four was where one of Anakin's possible prisons was located. If that's where he was, she would be close enough to go in immediately.
“Thank you, Admiral,” Obi-Wan was saying. “We'll leave at once.” He studied Ahsoka a moment longer, lowering the comlink. Ahsoka resisted the urge to rub her temples again. The phantom pain would not go away.
“Clear your mind.” Obi-Wan's tone had gentled, just a bit. “The best way you can help Anakin right now is to focus on the task at hand.”
“Yes, Master,” Ahsoka said. Hopefully, focusing would be a lot easier in the familiarity of battle. “I'll let the troops know we're leaving.”
Obi-Wan nodded and stepped aside. Maybe it was a trick of the light, but as she walked by, she saw a troubled expression flicker across his face.
The ground troops in Quadrant Four were trapped in a canyon, about seven kilometres from the separatist base. After working so hard to establish a presence in that quadrant, Yularen wasn't willing to retreat just yet. It made sense. They needed to bomb the three separatist bases to secure their victory, and having republic forces close by the bases would make that easier.
Anakin's Force-presence burned hotter as they neared the planet's surface, but Ahsoka still couldn't pinpoint exactly where her Master was, so she said nothing. Her frustration mounted. He was so close, and yet too far for her to do anything about it.
She threw herself into the ground battle, taking down droid after droid and for a while, she was able to distract herself. Obi-Wan's fighting style was very different from Anakin's but they worked well as a team, driving the droids back through the canyon and gaining ground on the separatist base. Every once in a while, the phantom electricity would crackle through the Force and across her skin, but Ahsoka gritted her teeth and attempted to ignore it. Obi-Wan was right. She couldn't lose focus now.
And then a wave of torment lit up the Force, momentarily blinding her to everything else. Anakin's Force-presence was aflame with agony, and it took everything Ahsoka had to stay focused enough to keep herself alive.
To her right, Obi-Wan faltered.
It was a small movement, and most wouldn't have caught it. Ahsoka nearly missed it. But Obi-Wan didn't do things like that. He didn't falter in battle. Ever.
Except for when he was injured.
Ahsoka scanned him quickly, but he appeared fine, apart from that one moment of weakness. Then, what...?
Her mind cleared suddenly, and she realized what she'd been missing all day. The bonds between a Jedi Master and Padawan were strong. Which meant..
“You can sense him too,” she breathed, and Obi-Wan glanced at her. His eyes widened marginally. In the fraction of a second it took for them to exchange a look, several things became clear.
He had not expected her bond with Anakin to be strong enough to sense his pain from that distance.
Earlier, when he had told her to clear her mind and focus on the task at hand... that had not just been advice for her. He was struggling too. Ever the model Jedi Master, he was just... better at hiding it.
And, he had purposely not told her that he could sense what was happening to Anakin, most likely believing he was sparing her details she didn't yet need to know.
That last one was annoying. But Ahsoka knew he'd only done it to protect her.
A blast rocked the ground in front of them, and they broke eye contact, scattering. There was still a job to do. They couldn't discuss this here.
But now, Ahsoka had an idea about how to find and rescue Anakin.
Eventually, the canyon spilled out into a rocky desert dotted with mesas, and they were able to force the separatists back enough to establish a temporary base and perimeter. When a ring of walkers in place around their supplies and the wounded soldiers were looked after, Ahsoka went looking for Obi-Wan.
“Still no word from Admiral Yularen,” Rex was saying as she rounded a stack of crates. Obi-Wan was with him, arms crossed. The troubled look was evident on his face, now that she knew what to look for. “It might be time to start thinking of a new plan to rescue Skywalker.”
“I think I might have an idea,” Ahsoka said, coming up behind them. “Master Kenobi? May I speak with you?”
Obi-Wan nodded. “Excuse me, Captain,” he said to Rex, and walked with Ahsoka to the relative privacy in the shade of the walkers.
“How much can you sense?” was Obi-Wan's first question.
“Not enough,” Ahsoka sighed. “I can feel that he's in pain. But I can't get a sense on where he is.”
“Neither can I, I'm afraid.” Obi-Wan looked weary. “It appears I underestimated how strong your connection with Anakin was. To sense another Jedi like this, from a distance this great... it's unusual.”
Yet, Master Kenobi could do it too. Anakin was the common denominator here and he was the most powerful Force user Ahsoka knew. “Anakin is one of a kind,” she said dryly.
“Indeed. But unfortunately, that doesn't help us locate him.”
That brought Ahsoka back to her plan. “Not alone, maybe.”
Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow, folding his arms. “What are you suggesting?”
“Separately, neither of us can sense where Anakin is,” Ahsoka began. “But if we try it together, I think we'll have a better chance.”
She couldn't be sure. But she'd seen great things happen when Jedi Masters meditated together in the past. And they were running out of options.
“It's certainly worth a shot,” Obi-Wan said slowly. He frowned. “But Ahsoka, a word of warning. If it works, amplifying this connection is... not going to be pleasant.”
Ahsoka lifted her chin. “I know.” If it helped her find Anakin, it would be worth it.
“Very well,” said Obi-Wan. He walked further away from the commotion of the troopers, then knelt on the ground. Ahsoka mirrored him. Had she ever meditated with Anakin's former Master before? Certainly not like this.
“Concentrate,” Obi-Wan said, closing his eyes. “You must focus on Anakin without allowing your mind to be clouded by fear or anger.”
Ahsoka closed her eyes as well, surprised to find that yes, she was angry and fearful, though she hadn't realized how much until now. She was angry at the separatists responsible for taking her Master. She was furious that they had dared to hurt him. And she was afraid that this wasn't going to work, that they would be too late to rescue him.
She took a deep breath in, processing the feelings. Then she let them go, and slowly, the outside world began to fade away.
Obi-Wan was a curious presence in the Force, she'd always thought so. He was nearly as calming as Master Yoda, though there was a mild reckless streak that was at least partly due to Anakin's influence. She wondered what he thought of her. If she was as much like her Master as everyone said she was.
Ahsoka used Obi-Wan's nearly unshakable calm as a grounding point. She reached out with the Force, drawing from Obi-Wans' power as well, and she could feel Obi-Wan doing the same with hers.
This time, when she sensed her Master, it was much clearer. If Obi-Wan's presence was the eye of the storm, calm and peaceful with a hint of something more, Anakin's was the storm, swirling with emotion and power.  The phantom electricity felt nearly real, burning along her skin and it took all of her concentration not to shy away. She couldn't, not now.
But she still couldn't sense where Anakin was. The storm of emotions and torment was too distracting, and as much as Obi-Wan was helping, it wasn't enough. Frustration threatened to bring her back into reality.
“Ahsoka,” came Obi-Wan's voice, “what you're sensing are surface feelings. Concentrate.”
Ahsoka exhaled. “I'm trying, Master.”
Obi-Wan's Jedi do not try didn't need to be spoken aloud. Ahsoka could feel it through the Force.
But that didn't help her focus.
“What comes to your mind when you think of Anakin? What are his defining traits?”
Ahsoka struggled to think through the pain and anger she was feeling from him now. “Recklessness” she said slowly. “Stubbornness. Determination.”
She could feel his amusement and knew he did not disagree. “What else?”
“Compassion,” Ahsoka realized. Most of what Anakin did was born out of his desire to save people. “Loyalty. And... kindness.”
It wasn't a word many would associate with her Master. But he was kind. In the Force, she viewed Anakin as not a storm, but a river, sometimes wild and unpredictable, sometimes gentle and calm, always changing.
And then, she realized what Obi-Wan was trying to tell her. If she focused on the storm, the surface feelings, they would get nowhere. They needed to find the river.
Obi-Wan felt the shift in her focus. He harnessed the Force again, and together they reached out, beyond the immediate storm, searching for that stubbornness and the determination and the compassion-
And then the storm clouds vanished and something else took their place.
A dark cell-
A tactical droid, carrying a remote-
“-don't have all day, Jedi-”
“-really? Cause I'm having a great time-”
-a press of the button and the phantom electricity was suddenly real-
-red dust gathering in the corners of the room-
Ahsoka opened her eyes, jarring back to the shade of the walker. A moment later, Obi-Wan did the same. For a moment, they just stared at each other.
It had worked.
“Quadrant Three,” she said aloud, although she knew they'd seen the same things. The red dust in the cell was only found in that specific sector of the planet.
Obi-Wan nodded. “You did well, Ahsoka,” he said, rising to his feet. “You maintained your focus and controlled your feelings. Anakin would be proud.”
It was the best compliment he could have given her.
“Thank you, Master Kenobi.” Ahsoka smiled. “But I couldn't have done it alone.”
Obi-Wan inclined his head, returning the smile, and in that moment, Ahsoka felt, for the first time ever, like she had connected with Anakin's former Master.
It was rather fitting, Ahsoka thought, that Anakin had been the purpose to unite them.
“I'll inform the Admiral that he can go ahead with the airstrikes on the bases in quadrants four and one,” Obi-Wan said. There was a glint of determination in his eyes. “Gather the men. It's time to go.”
From there, it was a straightforward rescue mission. Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, Rex and a small group of clones split off from the forces in Quadrant Four and infiltrated the base in Quadrant Three. While Rex, Jesse and Hardcase caused a diversion, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, and Kix, the medic, made their way to the further into the base.
This close to Anakin, it wasn't difficult to find him at all. All separatist compounds had such a similar layout that it was a simple task to find the detention block. And really, at the point, the Separatists should have known that a guarded cell was a good as a neon sign.
Ahsoka swallowed her apprehension as she she finished dismantling the last of the droids guarding the cell. Anakin was alive. That was the important thing.
But what kind of state was he in?
Anakin was hanging in a containment field when they burst into the cell. His head was down, and despite the fact that his body was twitching- an after effect of electric torture- Ahsoka thought he was unconscious.
And then he stirred. Slowly, with effort, he raised his head. “Hey, Snips,” he croaked. “What took you so long?”
Relief that could have belonged to any of them filled the Force. Ahsoka exchanged a look with Obi-Wan.
He was beaten, but not broken. Eventually, he would be alright.
“You're impossible,” Ahsoka said, but she was smiling as she cut him down.
Obi-Wan and Ahsoka had never been close.
Sure, all three of them worked well as a team, and Anakin knew they liked and respected one another, but they didn't have a bond like the one Anakin had with both of them. It had never affected their dynamic, and neither of them seemed bothered by this, and so Anakin didn't let it bother him either.
Something changed after Shadonar, though.
After all three separatist bases were destroyed and Anakin had spent some time in a bacta tank, the three of them ate dinner together in the dining area of the Resolute. Anakin was aware he bore resemblance to a nightsister and his metal arm had shorted out from all the electricity, but he had refused to stay in the medbay any longer.
Neither Obi-Wan or Ahsoka faulted him for this. If there was one thing they all shared, it was an immense dislike of bed rest.
“One thing I can't figure out,” Anakin said between bites, “is how you managed to find me. The separatists sounded pretty confident that their plan was foolproof.”
He didn't like to think about his period of captivity, but he remembered that tactical droid's smug attitude well. Anakin had been their immunity, if only for a short time. The Republic had not been able to attack the three bases until they knew which one Anakin was in, and the Separatists had guarded that secret well, even as they tortured him for information.
It brought him great satisfaction to know that tactical droid had been blown apart in the Republic airstrike.
Obi-Wan and Ahsoka exchanged a look. It was heavy with meaning Anakin didn't understand and that, that was a first. He raised an eyebrow.
“You're pretty easy to find if you know what to look for,” Ahsoka said with a shrug, picking up her fork.
“Yeah? And what's that?”
“Oh, you know.” Ahsoka waved her fork vaguely. “Stubbornness, impatience...”
“Recklessness,” Obi-Wan added from across the table. Anakin shot him a betrayed glare.
“I didn't even do anything! This time,” he tacked on, as both his Master and Padawan turned matching disbelieving stares on him.
“You didn't need to, Anakin,” Obi-Wan said, and they left it at that.
Now he was really curious to know what had happened in his absence. But the Force around the two of them was clear and relaxed and he supposed he could let it go.
One thing was obvious. Whatever it was, it had brought the two of them closer. Anakin really couldn't argue with those results.
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brothers-all · 7 years
Vod’ika 17
Alright everyone, here we are. I'd just like to say that, I probably won't be accepting any more requests, because I have three more and I think after that I'll finish up this story? I'm not 100% sure yet, but at the moment, I am leaning on that. Might change my mind yet
Alrightly, this one is more on the light side, because the next one will be on the dark side (and no, I don't mean the Force) As always, read, review and enjoy~
In war, there isn't much time for relaxation. But when it does roll around, everyone makes the most of it. Be it just sleeping in, going to the city, visiting shops or anything in between.
"Ah, back on Coruscant!" Ahsoka stretched her arms over her head as she walked down the ramp and onto the platform.
"We'll probably leave soon, so better enjoy it," Echo added, following close behind.
"Aw, c'mon, don't be such a killjoy!" Fives lightly nudged him, rolling his eyes.
"What are we supposed to do? Rex said we're free while we're here," Jesse looked around, taking in the busy city.
"Hey, why don't you go grab some of the others and we can go have a 'vode night out'?" Ahsoka grinned at them as the boys shared a look.
"You mean… shopping?"
"Well, it'd be part of it. We'd go sightseeing, get a massage and maybe a movie. I don't know, just hang out and all."
"Sure, sounds like fun! What's the worst that could happen?"
"Kix, have you seen Ahsoka, Fives, Hardcase… Any of them?" Rex asked, looking around the empty hanger. The medic stayed behind because the damned workaholic needed to make sure they had enough of everything.
"I think they got a bunch of others and went into the city. Not 79's, but the city," Kix looked up, not sounding particularly worried about any of it.
"…I got a bad feeling about this…"
"How do I look?" Oz left the changing room, a smile on his face. He wore a gray suit, fitted with a tie and shiny boots.
"Different," Ahsoka was trying hard not to laugh.
"Meh," Jesse shrugged, arms folded.
"Like a secret agent or something," Hardcase grinned, sitting next to the Padawan.
"What about me?" Fives left the other room, one hand behind his head and the other on his hip. He only had a pair of short swimming shorts on.
At that, Ahsoka snorted and covered her face, trying to contain her laughter. Hardcase gave a thumbs up and Jesse shook his head.
"This is actually pretty nice," Kano walked over, wearing a pair of jeans and a hoodie.
"And these are so much more comfortable!" Tup added, having taken on a blue T-shirt, some sweatpants and a bandana for his hair.
"I have to agree on that," Dogma smiled besides the rookie. He himself had a sweater, baggy pants and flip-flops. Everyone was surprised he joined, but happily accepted him.
"You all look so casual. Never seen you like that before," the Jedi was really glad they all decided to join her. It was relaxing, for all of them. And they get to buy anything they like, since they'll be wandering all around later.
"Make way!" Echo did a little spin as he stepped forward, wearing a deep blue dress, reaching to the ground.
"You're blazing!" Tano smiled, clapping her hands.
"Aw, you chose our color!" Jesse put a hand on his chest.
"Do they have that one in my size?" Hardcase asked in awe.
"We're all the same size," Kano shook his head and laughed.
"Commander, your turn," Tup turned to the Padawan who looked boggled before the others agreed.
"Okay, okay, fine! But we're all taking a picture together then."
Ahsoka actually took a similar outfit to Oz's, only her suit was black, had a trench coat and high boots. Fives tossed her a fancy hat and Jesse gave her some sunglasses. Hardcase found a baggy, colorful shirt and short pants, putting on a sun hat. Jesse on the other hand, settled for a jacket, a T-shirt and tight jeans.
When everyone was dressed, they naturally laughed first, before settling together in a small group. They managed to get the cashier to take a group photo, each one making a stupid face. When they finished, each one decided to actually buy the outfit they had – who knows, maybe they'll have another chance to wear it. Though Hardcase, Echo and Fives each took another, more common outfit as well, since their previous one wouldn't be all that comfortable for the traveling they were about to do.
Next up was the spa. They got a few funny looks, since they were clones, but none of them cared as they readied themselves. Hardcase, Jesse and Ahsoka all went for the massage, beyond happy to have their muscles relaxed. Fives, Echo, Tup and Dogma went for the mud bath, amazed at how soft their skin could be. Kano and Oz took to the sauna, taking deep and steady breathes of the hot air. They all eventually changed places, so each one got to try all of what the spa had to offer. It was fun, relaxing and the boys said they'd love to come again. Or at least get something like this on the Resolute.
Then they went for some food. They joked about going to a restaurant, but in the end settled for some one of those fast-food stands. There was a lot to choose from and the merchant was surprisingly kind and patient. Clearly knew these men have only heard or seen this kind of food and weren't sure what it really was.
After a few minutes, they finally settled on different things. That way, they'd all get to try everything. Echo and Kano picked some of the spicy things, and though Dogma was temped he followed suit with Tup and ordered something sweet. Fives, Jesse and Hardcase were almost drooling over a really nice looking desert, and each took one. Ahsoka actually settled for one of the salty dishes, just because she hasn't tried it before.
The merchant said that, since they bought so much and knew they probably never had it before, gave them a medium bucket of ice cream as a bonus. His payment was probably the excited and delightful expressions of the clones, and later, the groans as they got brain freeze. All in all, no one could complain about it.
And for the last thing, they went to a movie. There were a few to pick from, and each one had a different idea, but in the end, they went with Dogma's. He was the only one to suggest one called 'Rising Sun'. When they saw what it was a bout – a man who survived a war and returned home to his family, but had to deal with how the war changed him – they really couldn't suggest anything else. Ahsoka, for a few seconds there, sensed a certain sadness and sorrow coming from her brothers, and went to get some snacks. She just hoped this movie wouldn't ruin their day…
By the end of the movie, Hardcase, Dogma, Oz and Tup were all crying. The man had survived so much, even with his post-traumatic stress disorder, his family loved him no matter what, but he died when he tried to stop a robbery. The thug had something which, to the man, seemed like a bomb, and while he was distracted, got shot.
"That was something alright…" Fives said as they left the theater, voice low.
"And the song at the end… 'Brave soldier boy, comes marching home…' Damn," Jesse ran a hand over his head.
"Nice pick Dogma," Kano patted the man on the shoulder, who was still distressed.
"I hope it didn't ruin the fun…"
"Don't worry about it – it didn't," Echo assured, giving a smile.
"We should probably head back to the ship… It's getting late," Ahsoka suggested as the others nodded.
"I see you're all still in one piece," Rex was the first person to greet them as they returned to the Resolute. "And you were busy," he nodded at the bags they carried.
"Need to make the most of it, right?" Fives shrugged, giving a grin.
"What did you do the whole time we were here?" Jesse asked, seeing the man was still in his armor and had all his gear on.
"…I was around. Went to visit some old friends," the Captain answered, though his tone had taken on a quieter tone.
"As long as you're not working on off duty sir," Hardcase smiled, bag over his shoulder.
"Where's Skyguy?" Ahsoka asked, not sensing her Master anywhere near.
"The General went to visit Senator Amidala," and that was all any of them needed to hear. It's common knowledge already that Skywalker and Amidala had something going on between them, they just all pretended not to know.
"There's still some time left – anyone want to play Sabaac?" Echo suggested, seeing the others shared a look. "Captain, would you like to join?"
"I don't know, you ready to lose all the stuff you bought today?" Rex smirked, arms crossed as everyone have him shocked look, yet were laughing.
"The Captain just gave a challenge," Tup mumbled, unable to stop smiling.
"Now that is something I'd love to see," even Dogma was excited.
"Rex, c'mon, go easy on us," Kano knew the man was a demon at this game.
"Honestly, I love what I got – I don't want to lose it," Oz grabbed his bag a bit tighter.
"Don't be a bunch of shinies now. It's just a friendly game. Who knows, we might even get Kix to join in."
Cut! Okay, fun and sweet, right? Because they deserve it!  Anyway, thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! If you fancy, leave a review - I'd love to hear what you thought! Till next time~
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