#i feel like i'm becoming like those youtubers who blabber a lot before they get to the content you actually wanna see
luxexhomines · 4 years
pls write more Nagito I'm 😥💙
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Since these messages all came around mostly the same time, I’m going to assume they’re from the same person (unless you’d like to correct me! I just thought the timing was really close). Edit: it’s come to my attention that the first ask was separate from the other two (not sure if the other two are separate from each other, though)! I guess I was just really surprised since I usually don’t get so many asks at once from different people (all within the span of maybe 10~20 minutes). Thank you (both? all?)!
Firstly, thank you for the request, wonderful anon! General requests are closed, but I did open them for the two prompts lists I put out (they’re not very good, but nonetheless, they’re there: lyrics & variety). I’m a person who follows their whims all too easily, so the moment I saw this request last night, I zeroed in on it, despite the other year-old requests still sitting in my inbox.Thank you for the lovely words & cute message! I’m touched and happy that you like my blog. You’re a really cool anon ♡ Thanks also for the feedback! I’d like to branch out and write more for characters aside from just Kokichi, even though I keep getting drawn toward writing anything with him involved. 
Here’s your request below the cut because of major SDR2 spoilers; trigger warning for blood and slight gore! I’ve fulfilled the prompt in two capacities, each emphasizing a different element of the phrase, ‘I need you.’  
11. i need you | | nagito x reader
You woke up again with your body doused in sweat, clammy skin, a racing pulse, and hot, slimy tears running down your cheeks, and sat up in your bed, drying your wet face and trying to calm down or at least get your heart to beat at a normal pace for having just woken up from sleeping. 
It’d been days since you’d found him there, trapped in a burning room, creepy music playing, and blood streaked over his body, which was stretched out by the relentless, sturdy rope. 
Every night, you woke up with those images, those sounds, those thoughts in your head from when you first discovered his body. You were so tired of it. You were tired of these nightmares, tired of waking up, tired of being tired, but most of all, tired of missing him. 
“I need you, Nagito.” 
The words came out before you had thought them, and disappeared into the silence as you sat there in the darkness of your room, feeling small and half-dead, half-alive. 
It hurt to say those words. But it hurt, even more, knowing they were true. You knew by the way you looked for him at breakfast, by the way you paced the island for him, by the way you wrote in your journal absent-mindedly trying not to think about him, and of course by the way you dreamed about his death every night. 
You tried not to cry any more that night. He wasn’t coming back, no matter how much you needed him. If you needed him, you were going to die, and that was one future you had been trying to avoid this entire time. 
11. i need you | | nagito x reader
You walked into the room and immediately realized that something was very, very wrong. Nagito was standing next to the table, reading and clutching a letter from a crisp white envelope with an odd expression on his face as if he didn’t know what to make of its content.
“Nagito, what is that?” you asked, walking over to him and glancing over his shoulder when he didn’t respond. When he did answer you, it was belated and after you’d already skimmed his letter. 
“I’ve been called for the military draft,” he says calmly. A look at his face revealed a surprising indifference to his military conscription. You snatch the letter from his hands and rip it to shreds angrily. 
“How can you be so calm about this?! This is terrible!”
Nagito shrugged and laughed. 
“I mean, who needs a piece of trash like me?” he says offhandedly. “No one’s going to miss me. Better me, a jobless orphan, than someone else who supports their family and is relied on by others at work.” 
You feel your expression crumple, and you slap him hard across the face. He put his hand to his stinging face, his long fingers touching it tenderly. He hadn’t been expecting such a volatile reaction from you. 
“How could you say that?” you burst into tears. “I need you, Nagito. I need you.”
Not knowing what to say, he took a step closer to you and embraced you. He was warm, and you breathed in his scent: clean, with a hint of laundry detergent, and his smell. 
“I shouldn’t have said that,” he says gently, and his gentle kindness only makes the entire ordeal more painful as you gulp back your tears. You held him, too, and sniffled. 
“I shouldn’t have been surprised. You always say things like that,” you say weakly. “It’s beyond me why I love you when my love only gets trampled on by you like this.” 
He holds you in silence, not having any words to comfort you with. Time passes before you let go of him, but instead of also letting go of you, he puts his hands firmly on your shoulders. 
“I need you, too,” he says simply, and it was probably the most truthful thing he thought he’d said all day. 
You smile at him faintly. At least you could always trust him to be sincere. 
“Alright, alright… All is forgiven,” you reply with a small chuckle, and smooch him on the cheek affectionately. 
His cheeks tinge with red, and he gazes upon you adoringly. 
“I really do need you, you know.” 
You blush. He was a loving partner, but such direct words still were enough to embarrass you. 
“Whatever you say,” you brush it off. 
“Really,” he emphasizes. 
“That’s enough out of you,” you say, face burning, and lean in to capture his lips and keep him from continuing his mindless doting words.
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