#i feel like im clogging up the tag a little but i dont know how else to get interactions 💀
yareyaredolphin · 5 months
how it feels being attracted to a fictional character with no canon appearance
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beannary · 8 months
hey abt your tags on the DID survey
I would say we were a little thrown off by them? The tone just came across as talking about systems like theyre some weird misunderstood creature that needs to be experimented on, and not you know, people with thoughts and feelings.
Being interested and having an open mind is good! I'm not saying it isn't, and I know this probably comes off as being very policing
Its just important to be careful how you talk about other people, especially when we have a history of being the "other"
We're genuinely not mad because I'm pretty sure this came from a super good place, I just thought I'd let you know!
Thank you!!
Thank you for sending me this! I did not consider how the tone of my comments could come across but I also think you are misunderstanding what an anthropology study would be but also
1. that is super understandable because anthropology is not super well understood by non anthropologists
2. anthropology has such a bad history when it comes to studying marginalized communities
3. i am so entrenched in the anthropology community so i definitely did not consider how what i said would come across to people who dont have the same set of knowledge that i do and
4.i did not like proofread my comments so i totally get that i may have written my thoughts in a way that was othering which I really didn't intend! so I am sorry for that
im including like a bunch of information about my like thought process and like a further explanation of what i mean under the cut my thoughts just ended up getting super long so i didnt want to like clog up peoples dashes
TLDR: I totally understand how the term anthropology study comes across as othering and seems as if i am reducing people with DID to some sort of oddity that needs to be studied, and I am sorry for that, I should have considered how it would be understood. What an actual anthropology study would entail (or at least a good anthropology study) is just asking people with DID questions about their lives and whatever other topics they want to talk about with the end goal of giving the people who were apart of the research as much control and say over the research questions and study itself if that makes sense.
when i say anthropology study i mean that in the sense that anthropology is the study of communities and culture. anthropology has been used in the past as a tool to oppress people of color, women, people with mental illnesses, and pretty much every other community that is not straight and white and male, but that is slowly but surely changing!
I'm currently doing a masters degree in anthropology so I have read a lot of academic anthropology literature and I have read studies on people with mental illnesses and psychiatric disorders but I haven't read anything about people with DID and so i think that is an area of research that could be expanded on
when i say it would be interesting to do an anthropology study on people with DID what I sort of have in mind is basically it would just consist of asking people with DID questions about literally whatever. anthropology is meant to be a study that at the end of the day helps the study group in whatever way they want or need, it isn't (or at least it shouldn't) be entirely motivated for academic achievements if that makes sense
if I were to do a hypothetical anthropology study on people with DID my first step to begin that research would be to reach out to people who have DID and 1. ask if they want me to do a study at all (if they don't then there's no point in me pushing for it because the end goal of my study should be to help them in whatever way they want), 2. explain to them the ways anthropology could help them if they want a study to be done at all and figure out if what they want is compatible with the discipline of anthropology
just thinking of some like research topics off the top of my head (and mind you this is just me spitballing without going through the actual research process which would be much more intensive and would involve me you know actually talking with people with DID to figure out what they want specifically so this actual research question would not be applied in an actual study but im just giving you this as a rough example of what I mean) but a research question could be how are people with DID living in the modern 21st century world? I would then ask them questions about how they live their life, what they feel about the way they live their lives, what struggles they face, what would make life easier for them, and essentially literally whatever else they want to talk about.
I literally cannot stress enough how whatever research I would hypothetically do would be entirely up to the people I'm interviewing they would literally be entirely in control of the entire thing. And also any hypothetical research would only be conducted if people with DID wanted me to, it would be entirely dependent on their wants and needs, my job as the anthropologist would just be to document what they are saying and helping them navigate the world of academia to help them achieve whatever goals they want
If you do end up reading all of this I hope this was all understandable and straightforward! If it isn't then that's on me and I will rewrite it to be easier to understand. But I really do hope this makes sense and if you have any more questions for me or really anything else to say to me about things I could have said better or with more consideration my ask box is always open and also im pretty sure my dms are open too so you can always message me there!
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kaeyapilled · 1 year
1, 3, 10, 25? i'm really curious about these, i always find this topic really fun tbh
- cygnus
1 - the character everyone gets wrong
okay im realizing why im bad at these ask games it's because im indecisive. and also i just wanna answer kaeya for most of them. because people get him so wrong so often its painful!!! there's other characters too obviously but outside of our little kaeyablogger bubble it gets SO bad i hate every second of it. the slutification. the completely skewed perception of his personality and inner workings because people only seem to approach him from diluc's point of view and not as an individual character. oh i have already discussed it at length i never shut up about it (reason why this blog was made)
3 - screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
oh man. from the top of my head i can't remember the WORST take ive read but examples of things that have made me block people just because of how bad their takes were include: people who insist kavetham is super toxic, people who wouldn't stop talking about crepus being a bad abusive parent, etc. though to be fair i block people extremely easily if they as much as clog up a character tag with takes i disagree with. i have a feeling that as soon as i click "post" i'll remember all the worst things i have ever read on this webbed site
10 - worst part of fanon
worst part. hm. generally speaking i think it's the phenomenon that happens in every fandom ever: when people flatten out and twist every character to fit them into their little incorrect quotes cliche dynamics even though whatever is going on in canon is far more interesting. absolutely terrible. no character or relationship is immune to it
25 - common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
. Okay. allow me to be very fr right now because the ask game did say to choose violence. sometimes i get a little tired of the discussions about the fetishization of mlm relationships in fandom. i fully admit that people have a right to make that complaint and i dont deny that it really does happen, i just think it gets a bit repetitive? and though it isnt at all the fault of the people complaining about this, i kind of wish we'd have more discussions about some other issues in fandom. i know it's terrible and annoying that some people are weird about your gay ships. like genuinely im not being sarcastic people can complain and call out whatever they want. and there really is something to be said about how some people approach mlm ships but i think it's either not a very big problem in the grand scheme of things or its just a byproduct of other overarching issues . if that makes sense
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bunnyboy-juice · 1 year
Hey I've been mutuals with you and your butch for a long time, but I'm bigender man + woman, is it okay if I continue following, or would you prefer I softblock? My gender makes seeing "men dni" and "woman dni" blogs really confusing because I never know if its supposed to apply to me, so I figured I would just ask ❤️
this is going to be kind of long answer - this is loaded and i want to give some perspective so I'm putting it under a read more so it doesnt clog up anyone's feed. also recommend reading the tags cause i ended up putting some footnotes in there lmao
so first things first: even tho my butch and i are married i dont speak for her. we hold very similar thoughts and views (bc i would not be with her otherwise) but ultimately I speak for me only. if you want to ask her something, ask her directly please. this isnt @ u anon, this is a general disclaimer bc its actually a very big pet peeve of mine that ppl expect me to talk for her since we are together. we are whole ass individuals and yes we are building a life together but that doesnt mean we have the same brain or the same exact reasoning for things.
as for the "men DNI" part: this, along with all other DNIs of mine, is a boundary that i choose if and when to enforce. my boundaries for followers are all pretty much public somehow. my personal reasoning for using "men dni" in my bio, like many other kinky nsfw dyke blogs on this website, is that i want to discourage as many men as possible from trying to interact with me here in the quickest way possible bc this is my silly little space where i can explore my sexual fantasies and those do not include men and i largely do not feel comfortable with men following me or interacting with these parts of myself (key word here being largely, this will come up later). this is similar to my "[specific kinks] DNI" - these are boundaries that are my responsibility to enforce as i deem fit.
that being said i do check for age/gender/etc in each blog that i notice trying to following me and, in that moment, handle it according to my needs. and sometimes that means that i decide to reject my own boundaries and allow certain ppl into my little space and sometimes enter theirs as well. i take an approach to social media where i tend to watch who interacts with me bc this is my space and, just like I'm not letting anyone into my home, im not just gonna let anyone follow me. i do risk assessments in every part of my life and that includes my online experience.
i also am aware gender is complicated. i mean i am literally an intersex transmasc femme who takes T on and off, uses "masculine" language often, etc. i get its way more complicated than "man/woman" so thats why if you look at my pinned (which has a short list of things ppl will be blocked for separate from my DNIs) you'll see that gender identity does not come up there aside from the pls dni of MLM bc ive had some gay guys interact and i prefer it not happen but also sometimes it happens 🤷🏽
basically the shortest answer is: if u are bigender and not just following me but we've been mutuals for a long time chances are i checked ur blog and felt comfortable with having an online relationship of some kind with you. if you are uncomfortable following me because I have that in my bio i literally do not care if you soft block me or even full block me. take care of yourself how you need to. breaking mutualship literally has no effect on my day to day life unless we have become genuine friends outside of this space - but i am assuming we haven't considering this question is (1) even being asked and (2) being asked on anon
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romanarose · 4 months
Hello there ✨️ love your work 💕 I'm a long time fan 🫶🏼. I've been on tumblr a few years now, but I'd never found the courage to post anything of my own til now. I've been feeling a little optimistic these days, and genuinely excited about posting some of my writing and sharing it with the people out here. Do you have any advice on how to start posting and interacting from scratch? Cause I'm low-key nervous abt it and it seems like my target audience has already formed a solid community I don't know how to get into 🥺
Wow, this might be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me wowie!!!!!!
okay let me tell my advice
The numbers don't equal quality. Certain things appeal to people more, like shorter stories, straight up smut, Joel Miller gets way more than when I write Marc. I think one of my best works was my Marc X Jewish!Reader series, Seattle, but it idnt get anywhere really even at the height of moon knight popularity bc people dont read OC's esp ethnic oc's. Put your heart into it and those who enjoy it will enjoy it. I had a William Miller series that averaged like 8-20 notes per chapter but I had a handful of readers I knew adored it and thats what mattered
This site is so much better with interaction. PLEASE DON"T ONLY INTERACT FOR THE SAKE OF GETTING FRIENDS WHO"LL REBLOG!! However, if you dont already, make sure you are reblogging stories and leaving nice words! Me personally, if someone reblogs regularly and leave nice words, espcially things that show they really paid attention, I usually just follow back bc I love friends. Im happy to get to know you!
Yes, it's hard sometimes to break it. It took a few months for me to get into the Oscar Issac writer circles, and then when I started writing Pedro it took a while too but I always reblogged and tried to communicate and I made friends. Isn't it crazy we can just.... become friends with our fav writers? Obvs Im not friends with all my favs but MOST of my favs became my friends <3
It's kinda annoying to me bc Im bad at it but aesthetics help. Title, a picture to catch eyes, summary, warnings, note. Try to make it look nice. Im really had at this LMFAOOOOOO. My lovely friends have made my best looking banners. If you have graphic design skills, use them! i wish i didn't have to but it does help catch readers when you have an interesting headers and everything looks pretty.
Few technicals. Use the readmore option. No one wants to reblog a LOOOOOONG story and clog up the feeds. Use as many correct tags as you can. Tag any triggering content. And I'm the worst at this but proof read. Im bad at proof reading, everyone who reads my work knows spelling, grammar, wrong words are a common issue I have bc Im bad at typing. When I still had word on my laptop I started typing in word and using text to speach to help me catch stuff!
Keep at it! IDK where you know my work, weather moon knight, triple frontier or tlou or whatever but all those fandoms right now are like.... a little less active. So don't be dissapointed if it takes a while. With TLOU, theres SOOOOOOO many amazing writers. With Moon Knight theres just less buzz rn. If you write for lesser known characters like Llewyn Davis or Will Miller, you probs won't reach the notes of established writers in Joel Miller. Just the reality. the point is keep going, find what you like and what gets people excited and go from there
This is the most important. Write what you want. I mean it. I love writing Will Miller because he's my special man <3 even though it's a small fanbase. My series Rooms On Fire, a lot have lost interest bc its a long series. That's okay! I love the series and it makes me happy to write it. I wrote a few Miguel O'Hara stories because, I'm being honest here, I wanted to capitalize on the hype. Guess what? They weren't good. I'm not proud of them. Since then, I write what Im inspired to.
feel free to say hi off anon! I'm always happy to get to know new people. If you like Triple Frontier, I have a discord server that is pretty much open to everyone! I'm trying to revive it and you can share your works and meet knew people!
Anon or not, let me know if you have any questions!
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kingdom-of-kins · 3 years
Hello, I’m a bit nervous so I wanted to ask before I sent anything in. But um, for example recipe kits. Could I request potentially more than one person? A theme? Is there some sort of format those follow?
Similar questions exist for the doodles requests. How many details would be appropriate? How in depth? I would like to send in a request but don’t want to be a bother or make them super difficult.
Finally, last thing which is more a personal curiosity. What do you enjoy doing most? You offer a lot of different things for your sources, and they all look very cool. Do you have any favorites? Why? (Sorry for so many questions. I hope you’re having a nice day)
thats perfectly fair! plus, this can help other requesters, so i dont mind the questions at all :D!<3
(answers under the cut cause this got kinda long and i dont want to clog anyones dash!)
(for recipe kits) Could I request potentially more than one person?
yep! if you want foods that fit multiple people, or something that could remind you of someone else, feel free to include multiple people in your request! just make sure to specify which :]
(for recipe kits) A theme?
depending on what you mean by theme! if you mean having a certain preference or wanting food that would come from or be eaten at a certain place or with a certain person, then yes! i personally won't suggest certain types of food normally (cause i dont like them lol) so if you have anything you know you like, i can try to find stuff similar to that!
(for recipe kits) Is there some sort of format those follow?
Ask wise? Nope, people tend to just send in whatever! if it helps, though, i'd recommend something along the lines of "hey can i have a recipe kit for [name] with sweets and drinks?" or you can look through the tag for recipe kits (literally just 'recipe kit' to see how others have asked and go off that! Post wise? yep! I pick out four recipes at default, but if you specify, i can do up to six and down to two.
(for doodle requests) How many details would be appropriate? How in depth?
as much as you like! you can go as detailed as you'd like, in fact i encourage it! details, while i sometimes forget them, are half the fun in these requests! the only thing im hesitant on details with is posing, as its pretty hard to get across posing over text.
(general) What do you enjoy doing most? You offer a lot of different things for your sources, and they all look very cool. Do you have any favorites? Why?
ty!! and honestly? I have a blast with all of my requests! it really depends on my mood for specific ones, but i genuinely have a lot of fun with all of the things i offer :] I genuinely thought abt this question for a solid minute but i can not think of one specific type of request i like doing more then the others. theyre all fun. heck, even canoncalls are fun! you get a little glimpse into someone canon, and even if you dont think its familiar at all, its still really cool to hear others experiences :]
have a nice day yourself anon!<33
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wonwoonlight · 3 years
check in tag!✨
hellooo @chanberriees thank you for tagging me <3 hahaha its okay! dont feel embarrassed at least not with me💚
why did you choose your url ?
> it's wonwoo + moonlight :D my blog title has always been 'we under the moonlight' which is from got7's 3rd??? fanmeeting?? i think? so yeah i'd like to just mesh them tgt :D
do you have any sideblogs ?
> @starry-hannie in which i just pile up stuffs i've read just so my updates here wont get 'clogged' & its easier if i want to reread 🙈 tho i dont update it quite as often now bc i havent been in a reading mood in a while :/
how long have you been on tumblr ?
> a loooooooong time ago lol i used to look up dramione fics and a lot of other fics but i was never active and it's only recently that i am :D ((that said, i still do not know how to use tumblr properly))
do you have a queue tag ?
> nope! and, for the record, i keep my draft on ms words
why did you start your blog in the first place ?
> i've always been interested in writing tbh so i guess i kinda wanted to venture to tumblr tho it's only last year that i actuallly get to ~actively~ write
why did you choose your icon/pfp ?
> it's the ultimate superior wonu look nsdjnsjfb (plus i like the color scheme haha) i love it when he dresses like that so im still upset he only wore those outfit for like 10 seconds in gose
why did you choose your header ?
> i like the mood of it ^^ but also it's a subtle way to show i am also a blink bc it's a screen capture from stay mv hahah
what’s your post with the most notes ?
> uhh i think it's Wonwoo - Surprise which is surprising (haha) bc it was my first angst and my first fic that went pass 2k too i think? and i was SO sure it'd be bad but i still get notifs from it from time to time
how many mutuals do you have ?
> im... i dont know,,, i think 10 at most?? but only bc i have no idea how to interact here jsdfjhb and mostly i follow back ppl if they talk to me a few times haha
how many followers do you have ?
> 508..?? omg?? when did i reach 500 ajshdbshdb thank you so much guyss😭😭
how many people do you follow ?
> only 57 but again bc i have no idea how tumblr works and i just mostly follow either: ppl who posts abt svt gifs, writers that i like, ppl who interact a lot with my blog, or fic recs acc :D i dont mind following a lot of you tho i just dont know who to follow bc only a little interact a lot with me haha
have you ever made a shitpost ?
> a lot?????? if you consider me losing my mind over seventeen that is hahah
how often do you use tumblr each day ?
> nowadays? so often. i check it like i check twt and ig haha
did you have a fight/argument with another blog once ? who won ?
> no bc 1. i only know a handful of ppl 2. im the type of person who keeps things to myself haha
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts ?
> i dont mind them as long as you dont /force/ other ppl to do it to the point where they feel guilty if they dont
do you like tag games ?
> yesss! bc it's fun plus i get to know how you guys r doing haha
do you like ask games ?
> yupp, but it not a lot of ppl are interested in it and it's not like i can do it on my own right?? haha
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous ?
> uhhh, again, i dont hv a lot of mutuals... but maybe pj? @wonunuu :D
do you have a crush on a mutual ?
> Nopeee
> yooooo! @wonunuu @shuajeong and @lovingyu04 I hope you guys r doing fine and its totally fine not to do this if you don’t feel like it :D
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okay this is my last post I know I'm being very annoying and I hate to clog the tag but I just have to scream into the void for a while if you disagree or you're annoyed with me please just scroll past this rant thank you
- the hitman plot. god. we all hate that shit. what I realllllly hate is how long and drawn out it is. should've been one episode tops, like when dean tried it. I want to say, that obviously it's not gonna work bcz it would be stupid to kill off the character carrying the entire show, but at this point maybe they are gonna kill him off??? idfk. maybe it's a punishment for all the people (everyone) who like him. truthfully the whole "murder is our only way out of this" attitude is disappointing and seemingly out of character for all of the girls. Boomer attacked annie and they let him fuckin live. They knew he was a fuckin rapist piece of shit, and a regular piece of shit too, but couldn't kill someone. But apparently killing someone beth, at one point, felt some typa way about...smh..apparently that is A ok and they don't even explore other options or feel the least bit guilty?? even when they "mourned" boomer it was more about marion than him. But rio and his whole ass innocent child are not a thought at all??? Wild. Truly. Also....what do they think will happen?? If I were a gang leader's right hand the first person I would check upon seeing my boss get murdered would probably be the person who tried to murder him last time lmao. Do they really think they would get away with it? Even if they didnt get caught, they wouldnt be off the hook. Surely mick would just keep things going, with even less leeway. And what happens when their illegal activities bite them in the ass when Rio is gone? Who are they gonna blame everything on? Who is gonna clean up their mess? No one. And this whole "I'm not doing it, wait yes I am, wait no I'm not, wait I'm gonna do it" thing the hitman is doing is...not it. I'm assuming were gonna get an explanation about how he knew that this was a crime of passion (lol)
-beth beth beth......you know there is a theory floating around that she has serious ptsd and I actually would love to see that explored but that shit ain't happening lol. I'm tired of feeling like I'm analyzing her character. At what point is it too much. She's hard to read but I think it has crossed the line over complex and ventured into poor characterization. She's gotten chances and chances and I'm tired. And dean. God I'm tired. I feel like all season I've been watching beth do the same thing, play good wifey, risk her (and Annie's and Ruby's) life by doing stupid shit..and that's basically it. Face some fckn consequences for your actions please. Take some responsibility. I feel like the show is showing us inklings of...something...bubbling underneath the surface but it's not our job to fill in the blanks or interpret shit. I do not work for nbc. I'm not getting paid for this. What is this girl thinking trying to get rio to invest in hot tubs (bless her calling dean an idiot. fuck this show for making him suddenly a good salesman) while trying to kill him. Does she think he dies and suddenly she owns it?? Makes zero sense. Also unpopular opinion i dont like that she caused a scene with the pool ball. Like....of course he isnt listening to you....you shot him...3 times....then stole from him....and have been screwing him over repeatedly.
-dean just....no. I understand that beth has so much going on in her life right now that divorce isn't exactly on her mind and dean is the last trace she has left of a normal life so shes holding onto it for dear life.....actually no. I do not know if any of that is actually true or if I'm just interpreting wrong. Because the subtext and editing and parallels and all that would be fine and dandy but not when that's all the show is at this point. If dean cheating yet again is not gonna make beth leave him, nothing will. I want his screentime to be 30 seconds and nothing more.
-im just not invested in the boland children. Annie and ruby have both struggled real bad, but beth, the one in the deepest, has 4 children who are somehow unaffected by this?? Not to mention the whole divorce, wait never mind, oh look a gang leader hanging out with mommy again, oh look our house is empty, type stuff happening. Beth's kids should be going through it but for some reason they arent? Maybe it's because child labor laws or something lol.
- rio. At this point I'm rooting for him for than anything. But I genuinely do not know why he hasnt killed beth. She's proven herself to be more of a liability than an asset and I just cannot understand why he hasnt killed her. Unless it's the whole "feelings" route, which wouldve made him look dumb, but made sense based on what we were given. This is actually the direction I thought the season was going but now it just seems like he is a bad businessman lol. Obviously she cant die for the sake of the show, but its like they didnt even try to make it make sense. He definitely knows about the hitman btw. I dont really blame him for anything he's done with beth so far. He robbed her in retaliation. He had to cut her off when she started acting shady. 🤷‍♀️ he let's her get away with too much tbh. It's a shame that this character isnt being utilized. Its like they are banking on this mysterious aura to keep working, but we are 3 seasons in and it's a little old now. I personally think that they just don't know what to do with him now. Also can I point out how dumb he looks showing beth that he is doing business at the carwash, why would he give her more information than she needs when he is suspicious of her? I cant tell if I was happy with how unphased he looked about her outburst or if I wish he checked her.
-mick. Did his side plot with beth die? How does it seem like this show simultaneously moves through plots every episode but is also stuck in the same one for the entire season? I also think mick is not being utilized. As funny as it is for him to be a built in 3rd wheel all the time, they could do so much more. Like can you imagine if beth mouthed off or fucked up and mick checked her? The possible ways a plot like that could go...untapped potential.
-ruby. Ah...I remember when I thought her and stan's fight was dragging for too long. Miss those days. See even tho ruby and stan seem to have the same issue over and over it's not the same story. Pen cap, new job, sarah stealing, all the same fight, but with different stories. And it really seems like Ruby's always going through it but I appreciate the variety. Stan's storyline has been interesting but I dont know how much it relates to the central plot. Sarah....great. that actress is so talented and even tho shes an attitude machine (what preteen is not) i just love her scenes. Harry seems to be missing a lot. The hills are the only part I seem to enjoy anymore. Really wish the show would explore why ruby seems to be the one who keeps getting caught up with the law...I wonder what it could be....what is different about her..hm...
- annie. Backtracked so much. Wish she had a single plot that didnt revolve around men. Now shes trying to cheat on her GED. Where's the snark? Where's the wit? It seems like all she is now is a codependent insecure mess. And I'm tired of this fuckass therapist. I thought her study montage was gonna end in a "she didnt need anyone but family (:" lesson but it did not for whatever reason. I thought by bringing a therapist into the show it was gonna give us more of a look at Annie's and Beth's upbringing and relationship. Or help annie work through her issues, the boomer thing too. Or maybe lead to Beth's ptsd diagnosis. Therapy could've helped move the plot forward or help the characters grow, but it's doing the opposite of that. If its not contributing to the main plot, what is its purpose? To give annie yet another terrible love interest?
To summarize....I hate it here.
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chaninfused · 4 years
1)oh hey its furats godtier writing once again and its 26.6k words long… what a great time to be alive !! im trying to give you gOOd feedback though im really bad at it kghks. starting from the characters, ai really like hyunjin,; though he seemed kinda suspicious (WHICH HE WAS LITTLE TRAITOR), i like his character. the same with jeongins chracter, something about them is special. actually all the charcacters are portrayed so good !!
[the rest of the asks are under the cut due to spoilers]
2) one my faves has to be jisung with his little gossiping hgksgh even tough he just had a cameo. i LOVED the dynamic between minho and mc !! it fit the plot so much (which makes sense its the whole point of the story?? i dont make sense) but your writing portrayed minhos feelings very well. i also really liked how you didnt stick to one pov. gave us more insight on how both the mcs felt.
3) OKKK NOW TO THE PLOT. THE PLOT ???? THE PLOT !!!!! how did you come up with that LET ME KISS YOUR BRAIN. the whole idea of demon fiance I LOVE THAT. THE WHOLE CONCEPT OF PRINCE MINHO ????!? AAAAAA PRINCE MINHO !!!!!! did dm minho dethrone tsb minho?? UHM YEAH its unfair to compaire them i love them both minho as a prince is just a GODTIER concep. (dm minho and tsb minho are on the same level btw) YOUR WRTING ??? also godsent, dont need to explain that. furat writes and furat doesnt miss.
4)not only could i feel every emotions the mcs felt, from being angsty, sad, happy. but the use of the arabic words made it feel like im part of the universe…?? like on a deeper level. i had to google all those creatures bc i was curious what they looked like gkhsg. AND WE GOT A HAPPY ENDING. ngl at first i thought ure gonna kill minho and jeongin, i dont even know why youre not that cruel BUT MY HEART STOPPED FOR A MOMENT. ok stopping now i dont want to clog ur asks even more, see u in the tags
aaaaaaa where to begin 🤧 
first, thank you, thank you, thank you for reading! danse macabre is quite long and a little too packed so thank you for going through all of that 🥺💕
second, I was so afraid that I wouldn’t do certain characters justice (e.g hyunjin and jeongin) due to them being a little in the background but I’m glad they stood out to you! ah, mc and minho’s dynamic... it was hard to write at first 🥴 I can’t tell if it was portrayed well enough but I still went with it for the sake of the plot. it’s good to know you liked their soft awkward relationship! 😌😭
prince minho has become this blog’s staple, hasn’t he 🥴 he was a fun character to write along with half-jinni mc 👀 (I miss them already 🤧) and oh my god, the plot, I can only thank you for taking in all of that 😭 so far, it’s my most packed plot and I think I can say I’m proud of it 👉👈
I told you guys to trust me, why does no one trust me anymore 😔 kidding, but yes, a happy ending! as I promised 😌 (though if you look at the plot in my notebook, jeongin dies- ) anyway, I’m relieved to know the use of arabic words wasn’t overwhelming and instead added to the story 😅 I was a little afraid that it would overpower the events and setting, so yeah, that’s good to hear! 🥺 
as always, thank you for reading and it was so lovely to hear your thoughts ♥ it truly means a lot! 
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blueheartedmayor · 4 years
I just.. sadly don't really have any roleplay partners. I have my best friend, who only rps with me and her friend, sometimes an OC blog when they're active, and well, you now and then. Everyone I used to rp with isn't on tumblr anymore or something else, since it's been years since their blogs were last active. I feel like i'm not doing anything but sit here, since i cant find anyone. i dont know any ego blogs but yours actually, and i really miss writing my muse normally
and while i do love writing a lot! i just.. have so little motivation anymore, and absolutely NO ideas. i dont know what to write for drabbles or oneshots or stuff, and general ideas like "blubb au" is too broad for me to come up with with an idea. roleplay is easier because im not the only one being creative and giving ideas. and i cant really ask for writing prompts if no one is around to send them either :')
(Sorry! I was having dinner when you sent these!)
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OOC: If I may be blunt for a moment. By saying you ‘don’t have any roleplay partners’, then list a few, you’re actually dismissing those you write with. By definition, that’s precisely what a roleplay partner is. I know you’re likely comparing things to how they used to be (easy to do these days), but I think everyone is in the middle of accepting things aren’t the way they used to be. People have jobs, IRL commitments, other hobbies, without even mentioning the giant stress that is the world as we know it right now. And that’s okay. Like I said, it’s better to appreciate those you do have. While things may not be as active as you’re used to, it’s still a starting point.
When I find myself in a rut like that, I look at the ask memes I’ve reblogged and see if any of them work as a starting point - whether as a sentence starter, or a line to include in a little piece of writing. I personally wouldn’t recommend relying on others for a writing prompt. My writing blog, for instance, never gets prompts sent in any more (which is fair! I don’t engage in the community and thus no one engages with me. It’s an unfair expectation to put on people when I do nothing to earn it). It doesn’t need to be a brand new AU. It could be something simple. You could even explore some headcanons. Things like any certain routines they have, a place they like to visit, or an item that means a lot to them can be good starting points for musings. I find, especially with Y.ancy, that doing my research brings ideas I can drabble or muse on. Maybe you could do some research into the job your muse does, or a hobby? I have seen a blog on my dash reblog from this prompt account and give some answers in tags, or make a new post with a reference link to the question so they can expand on it without clogging notifications on the other blog.
Finally... I do write with a handful of ego blogs (and mine are linked on my main blog - @dreamingofmuses ). However, I’m not going to tag any since I don’t know their stance on accepting new partners and it wouldn’t be fair to put them on the spot. However, if any of them are looking for new partners, maybe they could like this post as an expression of interest for you to check out at a later point? (Assuming time zones work in my favour and people see this)
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meherya · 5 years
hi you seem to know whats going on but whats happening ive been out of this fsndom for a little but now im seeing something about slurs and wylan? can you explain i dont wanna be a bother but im confused thank you
IDK how to feel about this ask bc it wasn’t me specifically that was under fire and I’m sure if you’d asked the girls that had to deal with the shits they would’ve explained it too! BUT what happened is @kingjesperfahey made some OP posts poking fun at Wylan and how’d he act around the coc (crows of colour): x  x 
They’re harmless posts and honestly hilarious, and she wasn’t the only one making them BUT people chose to attack her specifically and it was gross bc they were ready to call her a slur over what? Poking fun at their white fave? See: x ( other asks she got before that: x) -- All unwarranted and hilarious as though wylan stans don’t clog the Kuwei tag with their hate but anyways...
So when other users spoke up about how the wylan stans jumped straight to being racist they got asks like this: x x
and accusations that the asks were sent by the user themselves, which is gross that people are more readily to blame poc for the shit they face than acknowledge that maybe their fandom isn’t as great as they make it out to be: x
So at the end of the day, it’s frustrating to see that soc fans would rather jump to attacking users (specifically woc) rather than acknowledging that there’s racism in the fandom like???
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sun-kissed-star · 6 years
could i request some extremely fluffy Elmer content please?
@suddenly-im-respecsable this is for you because i told you i’d post almer fluff tonight
also because Albert is a Tree Boy and i can relate
“El, you gotta take the bus home.”
Elmer looked up from his English notes. He wouldn’t say he’d put off studying for the test, except that’s exactly what he’d done and he was starting to regret watching Buzzfeed Unsolved all night instead of memorizing adjectives.
“Hm?” he said, swallowing a mouthful of cereal. “I thought you only work in the morning and evening on school days, though.”
Ed, one of his older brothers who also happened to be his usual ride home, rolled his eyes. “Big boss man’s giving me overtime. And everyone else’s got clubs, college visits, interviews, yadda, yadda. So you’re on your own. Sorry, kid.”
Elmer sighed, tapping his spoon on the table. “Gotcha.”
Some kid rammed into Elmer’s shoulder as he ran off at his stop, and as the bus jolted forward, Elmer’s face slammed into the seat in front of him.
“Take the bus home, he says, it’ll be fine, he says,” Elmer grumbled, rubbing his nose. He leaned his chin on his hand, staring out the window to watch for his neighborhood. He’d missed his stop four times in a row once when he was in seventh grade, and his sister had claimed he was being “dramatic” when he’d claimed he was traumatized, but better safe than sorry.
The bus rolled to a stop in front of a small pond a few neighborhoods away from Elmer’s. A few people got off, and as one shuffled past him to squeeze down the aisle, Elmer leaned closer to the window to make more room.
He turned his head out at the pond, focusing on a kid sitting in a tree down by the sidewalk. He was in a spot between thick branches, looking at the phone in his hand. When Elmer squinted, he could see red hair peeking out under a baseball cap.
Before he could get a better look, the bus started up again and turned around the corner.
Ed: take the bus again. covering for a girl at work
After checking the text for the seventh time, Elmer put his phone back in his pocket and dragged himself on the bus. Again. It wasn’t like he blamed Ed for working more or his other siblings for having lives more interesting than picking up their little brother from school, it was just that the bus smelled like sweat and high schoolers that didn’t know to use deodorant.
When the bus pulled up to the pond, Elmer found himself perking up a little. His eyes wandered out the window, and sure enough, the boy was sitting there again, in a higher branch in the same tree. His legs were dangling on either side of the branch, his hands tucked under his chin like a house cat.
He glanced up at the bus and Elmer’s eyes shot down, as if he could see Elmer looking at him from forty feet away. Eventually, the bus left again, but Elmer could still feel the heat in his cheeks even after the boy was nothing more than a blur.
Ed had work for the rest of the week. On Monday morning, he ruffled Elmer’s hair as he came into the kitchen and grabbed a mug from the cabinet.
“I can pick you up today, kid,” he said, putting the mug under the coffeemaker. “I think my boss is finally taking pity on me.”
Elmer shouted, “No!”, almost choking on his orange juice, surprising them both. Ed cocked an eyebrow as he filled his mug to the brim, and Elmer rubbed the back of his neck and said, “I mean, uh, no. It’s fine, I’ll take the bus again.”
Ed laughed, taking a sip of his coffee without bothering to add creamer. “Didn’t know I was that bad,” he said, “but alright. If you wanna be squeezed in with a bunch of juniors that don’t take showers, go for it. I’m not here to judge.”
Elmer reached over the table to swat at him, and Ed caught his hand, still grinning. “Okay, okay. Maybe I’m judging a little.”
The pond (and, okay, maybe Mysterious Tree Boy) was starting to become a familiar that Elmer hadn’t even thought twice about before. So when the bus stopped and people started filing off, he automatically craned his neck to see the boy crouched in the tree.
He wasn’t there.
No bright red hair tucked under a snapback, no feet kicked up against the trunk of the tree, no awkward arms sprawled out on the branches.
Elmer felt his heart leap, and he silently cursed the anxiety pooling in his stomach for a boy he’d never said a word to. But he’d been riding the bus for a week and a half now, and he hadn’t given up Ed’s ride home just not to think about a boy he’d convinced himself was living in that tree.
Sighing, he grabbed his things and squeezed into the aisle. He would have to forget his seventh-grade fears of getting off at the wrong stop for a while if he wanted to finally put a name to a face.
He hopped off the bus, thanking the driver that was looking at him suspiciously, and walked down the sidewalk to the pond. It was peaceful. The second his shoes sank into the grass, the fresh air swept the stress off his shoulders. He shrugged his backpack off, feeling the pollen tickle his nose. He couldn’t blame that boy for spending so much time here, even if he was M.I.A. that day.
“You don’t usually get off here.”
Suddenly, it didn’t seem so peaceful when an unfamiliar voice broke through his thoughts. He yelped, jumping back from the tree. No one was around. So it was a talking tree now. Cool.
“Hey,” someone snapped their fingers, “I’m up here.”
Elmer stepped up to the tree again, peering up at the branches. Hidden by a bigger clump of leaves at the top, the boy he’d been looking for was perched up there, snapback and all. He was wearing a dark red sweater that covered his hands, a notebook and a pencil sitting in his lap. Definitely not a talking tree.
“Oh,” Elmer said, breaking out in a smile. “Hi.”
The boy rolled his eyes. “Hey,” he said, tucking a strand of hair under his hat. “I said, you don’t usually get off at this stop.” Elmer stared blankly at him, words clogging his throat. “On the bus. Big yellow thing? Usually full of annoying kids?”
“Uh, yeah,” Elmer said, snapping out of it right when he realized he was acting more like an idiot than usual in front of a boy that was a lot cuter than he looked through a dirty bus window. “Um, my brother usually picks me up? I have eight older siblings and my parents are usually at work but he had overtime so I started riding the bus and - I don’t know why I’m telling you all this.”
The boy was looking at him with something Elmer couldn’t place in his eyes. He had that dumbfounded expression on his face now, and when he shook it off, he was blushing from the ears. “Nah, keep going,” he said. “You’re pretty cu- uh, company. You’re good company.”
“Not much more to tell,” Elmer said. “I was riding the bus today and I saw you weren’t here, so I got kinda -” He stopped. Huh. That was a little weird, now that he was saying it out loud.
“- worried?” the boy finished. He didn’t look creeped out. He was smirking. Grabbing the branch above him, he dropped his notebook to the ground and came down like he was swinging on a vine, landing on his feet. He was taller than he looked curled up in a tree. “Nice to know you care, uh…”
“Elmer,” Elmer said, pointing at himself. “Elmer Kasprzak.”
“Elmer,” the boy said, shaking it. “I’ll have to remember that.”
“Am I gonna get a name? Y’know, so I don’t have to keep calling you ‘guy that lives in a tree’?”
The boy smirked again. “Albert DaSilva. And nah, I don’t live here,” he said, looking up at the tree. “Close, though. My brother raises me, but he has to drive my other brother to this debate club thing every day. I walk home and hang out here until they come back with whatever takeout they order for dinner.”
“Why don’t you just take the bus?” Elmer said.
“A junior on the bus is killer weak.”
“That’s from Be More Chill, right? I like you already.”
“Sure hope you do,” Albert said. “You’ve been here for,” he checked his phone, “ten minutes. That’s a new record from the kids that think I’m weird for hanging out in a tree for hours.”
Elmer laughed. “I’ve seen worse.”
They fell into an awkward silence for a minute, and just when Albert looked like he was about to scramble back up in that tree like a monkey, Elmer blurted out, “Uh, why don’t you have dinner at my house sometime? I’m pretty sure at least half my siblings know how to cook. Be careful around me, though. My mashed potatoes come out looking like cottage cheese in disguise.”
Albert nodded, unlocking his phone and pushing it in his hands. “We have one more thing in common, then,” he said as Elmer typed in his number. “I almost burned the house down trying to make pasta. I dunno why my brother keeps me around.”
“You can tell me all about it when you come over,” Elmer said. “I’ve got four blocks to walk to get home before my brother comes back and thinks I got kidnapped, and I’m sure you wanna get back to your tree.”
“I will,” Albert said. He waved, wriggling his fingers, then dropped his hand and wiped it on his pants. “Uh, yeah. Bye. Elmer. Elmer, right.”
Elmer ended up sprinting to get home in time, but by the time he stopped in front of his house, panting, he was pretty sure his cheeks weren’t red just from the long run.
@booksbroadwayandbagels @tis-my-cigar  @harrynerd-blog  @crutchieee-morris  @seizetheimagines @juliet-the-smol @got-the-east-side  @i-got-personality  @internalscreaming012  @voice-foundshoe-lost   @capncrutch @thatfancyclam  @not-your-cigar  @jjjudeshitposts  @orphan-with-a-stutter @disney-princess-sized  @perpetualbedheadspier @bexlynne  @we-dont-sell-papes @the-woild-is-my-what-now  @you-thinks-wrong-romeo  @pitiful-ambitions  @purplelittlepup @imjusttheoutgoingsidekick @damn-too-many-fandoms  @cattt420  @ben-cook-can-cook @thedolanspineapple @racescoronas@awwwwwwdang @bencookisagod @carryingthedaveyjacobs @disasterbisexualhere @maiawakening @hopeful-broadwaybaby  @racetrackcook  @aw-jus-let-em-try @suddenly-im-respecsable @the-dance-boi  @jessmuell25 @intoomanyfandomstopickaname @be-more-chill-evan-hansen  @marcusisaprettygay  @insane-tomato @tomscaprisun @seasickdolphin
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panticwritten · 6 years
Writing request! Carl and Sawyer (some version of you, I’m not sure where Carl usually fits in) have stumbled into the same dungeons and dragons forum and become closer through battling together (not 100% sure of Carl’s personality, be him not the type for this or totally the type). This can be a silly throw away or warmup up one since it is me.
Okay, so Cherry sent me this like forever ago. I wrote it, they read it because they live with me, but I forgot to actually post it! The name change to Kane is going smoothly, and I’m ready to never think about that asshole as Karl again lmaooooo
So, yeah, Kane and I play some DnD and he’s not subtle about anything ever at all. 
I’ll have to wait until after I post this to change the colors of the different people in the text chats because lord knows I look at those strings of chat-text and have a time sifting through it. Homestuck has spoiled me.
Word count: 2270
@asinwolves @avi-burton-writing @infinitelyblankpage @no-url-ideas-tho @jade-island-lives @ravenpuffwriter @spirit-wizard-nerd @steakfryday @alextriestowritestuff @cataclystr0phe  @perringwrites @davidvalencia323 @fluffpiggy @dont-trust-the-clogs @authorkimberlygrey @aclassilighthouse @cherrytying
I don’t think Kane knows I know.
If the smattering of ‘kid’ in our correspondences hadn’t tipped me off, it would definitely have been the way he made his character. I doubt anyone else would get the joke or see what he’s doing, but seriously? His character isn’t anything like him, of course.
If he were to be himself, he’d be a tiefling fighter. Either scout (ha) or cavalier archetype. He’d be a faction agent. Making a call between the chaotic alignments might be a shaky one sometimes. His attributes terribly skewed toward charisma and dexterity.
But he’s chosen a true neutral urchin. A mastermind rogue. An eladrin. The attributes are fairly balanced, save for dexterity always hovering above the others and strength a little lacking. Nothing like Kane. Not at all.
No, that’s the point.
He made a character that is exactly what I end up presenting myself as in the damn Cube. How I always play in console RPGs. Behavior just not erratic enough to be chaotic. Snarky and angry, never overtly because of the need to cover every goddamn emotion up. Inconsistent.
I’m not sure when I realized it was him. I thought it might be a member of the Collective when I first got the invitation from an unknown player. With Haz, j355, Hal, and Jax as mods of the server and tag-teaming as DMs, I slowly caught on to Kane’s game.
He’s making fun of me. He must have been playing with this character for some time, with their high level, and I wonder how long he’s been planning this.
It took me a little bit to even realize most of the similarities between myself and the character. My own character, a homebrew ice genesai, a brawler, bonded fairly quickly with them because they’re both urchins and saved each others’ asses when their time in the city overlapped.
He uses my lines, though. The whole ‘I’ll be fine’ shtick and his character has mentioned being a poet several times. After that, it took a few more days of play to start realizing it was him. That it was Kane playing such a long game.
The first time it occured to me, it was a bad call on what the endolin would do. We were looking for the deed to a seemingly abandoned manor. We hadn’t run into anything but low-level scavenging animals. In short, any good player would be a little on-edge and I was waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Halexander (MOD): Alright. The second you both clear the door, it slams shut behind you.Match (SeeSaw): Crap.Videre (ANON): whats in the room?Halexander (MOD): It’s a pretty nondescript room. Pretty small, almost looks like a study with three desks lining one wall and a bookshelf on another. There’s a couch shoved into a corner, looks like it was slept in recently.Match (SeeSaw): Can we roll investigation real quick?Halexander (MOD): Go for it, dude.Match (SeeSaw): 5Halexander (MOD): You notice that, unlike the rest of the place, there’s no dust. The whole room is swept clean of it. That’s it. The epitome of observation.Match (SeeSaw): Okay. Videre?Videre (ANON): nah im goodHalexander (MOD): You sure? Just gonna barge in there?Videre (ANON): the doors locked right what else can we do?Match (SeeSaw): Whatever. I’ll get a closer look at the couch.Videre (ANON): imma look at the closest desk while the kid does thatMatch (SeeSaw): Fuck youHalexander (MOD): I’ll put some form of that exchange as being in character.Match (SeeSaw): GoodMatch (SeeSaw): Now, the couchHalexander (MOD): To clarify, you’re both investigating different areas of the room?Match (SeeSaw): YesVidere (ANON): yeahHalexander (MOD): Excellent.
I was so used to the DMs at least pretending to need time to formulate responses that Hal’s immediate block of text took me by surprise.
Halexander (MOD): The two of you cross the room in different directions, as if by silent agreement. Match is slower, being more hesitant, so Videre gets to the desks first. Before you can do more than peer at the desk, however, there is a cry behind you. The bedding on the couch lashed out and has taken Match captive. Match, a blanket has one wrist and a facemask has bound itself over your eyes due to your proximity when the animation first occurred. Roll Initiative.Match (SeeSaw): Whaaaaat. Not cool. Okay, 16.Halexander (MOD): Enchanted Bedding got 12.Halexander (MOD): Videre?Videre (ANON): am i far enough away that i can stay out of order and keep looking through the drawers?
Match (SeeSaw): What the fuck. I’m being attacked here, your rapier would take care of this in like two seconds.Videre (ANON): you dont know that. i have a feeling the deeds in here just give me a minuteHalexander (MOD): You can stay out of the fight if you want, but you still need to roll so we can keep this orderly.Videre (ANON): fineVidere (ANON): 8Halexander (MOD): Thanks for cooperating.Match (SeeSaw): Okay, first off, Match is never going to trust you again.Videre (ANON): he doesnt even know im helping yet. he cant see rememberMatch (SeeSaw): WHATEVERMatch (SeeSaw): Is the blanket pulling on me or just holding me there?Halexander (MOD): It’s tugging something fierce. The rest of the pile of blankets and pillows are writhing as if alive.Match (SeeSaw): I guess I’ll attack the blanket with that dinky little knife.Match (SeeSaw): “you should empty your bag in case you find good loot” THANKS VIDERE NOW I DONT HAVE MY GOOD WEAPONSVidere (ANON): hey you should know better than to listen to me by now kidMatch (SeeSaw): When we finish this, I will find you and kill you.Halexander (MOD): Also canon, in-character dialogue.Match (SeeSaw): YEET, crit. 5 damageMatch (SeeSaw): Don’t think you’re off the hook here, HalHalexander (MOD): I resent that.Halexander (MOD): And that’s including your proficiency?Match (SeeSaw): 6 damage.Halexander (MOD): That’s what I thought.Halexander (MOD): You slash blindly at the blanket. You manage to cut the corner holding you clean off. You’re still blinded, but you’re free to move.Match (SeeSaw): OKAY YEAH I BACK THE FUCK UP AND ASK VIDERE WHAT THE FUCK THEYRE DOINGHalexander (MOD): You stumble back into the door.Match (SeeSaw): Hold up just a fucking second
I scrolled up to reread the chat.
Match (SeeSaw): Can I try opening the door?Halexander (MOD): Unfortunately, you’ve exhausted your turn. The mass of blankets shoots out another piece but cannot quite reach you in its haste. Obviously, you don’t actually see this because: The blindfold begins to tighten around your eyes. That’s it for that, what’s next on the agenda?Videre (ANON): how many of these drawers could i search in one turn?Halexander (MOD): Two.Videre (ANON): how many drawers in each desk?Halexander (MOD):Three.Videre (ANON): ill search two drawers in the first deskHalexander (MOD): Alrighty then. The first drawer is full of vials and tubes. Most of them stand empty, but there is a vial each of blue, red, and orange liquid. The second contains a weathered journal.Videre (ANON): ill snag those three vials and pocket the journalHalexander (MOD):Of course you will.Match (SeeSaw): Can I open the door now.Halexander (MOD): Since Sherlock Holmes over here can’t do much else, I’ll bite. The door, amazingly, shockingly, opens once you manage to find it with the blindfold currently limiting your sight and putting increasing pressure on your skull.Match (SeeSaw): Okay, we’re dumb.Match (SeeSaw): Videre, the door’s open, let’s get the hell out of here!Videre (ANON): im not doneMatch (SeeSaw): Are you serious right now.Halexander (MOD): Better make the rest of your turn good.Match (SeeSaw): K. I cut the string on the blindfold and join that IDIOT at the desksHalexander (MOD): I’m honestly just gonna take that as a free action.Match (SeeSaw): Sweet. Can I search a drawer?Halexander (MOD): You definitely can.Match (SeeSaw): I’ll start on the middle desk, I guess.Match (SeeSaw): I’ll deal with YOU later, VidereVidere (ANON): looking forward to itHalexander (MOD): The drawer holds a dusty lab coat. That’s it.Match (SeeSaw):Why the fuck not, I’ll take it.Halexander (MOD): You done?Halexander (MOD): Just kidding, I know you are. The blanket wraps around your ankle to pull your feet out from under you. Roll for acrobatics to see if you eat shit.Match (SeeSaw): Jesus fuck.Match (SeeSaw): 10Halexander (MOD): You slam your face into the desk on the way down. Take 1d4 damage for that, and your nose is bleeding.Match (SeeSaw): Why are you doing this to me.Halexander (MOD): You chose to let me design this campaign. What did you think would happen?Match (SeeSaw):2Halexander (MOD): While you’re down, another blanket catches you by the wrist. Again. Go, Videre.Videre (ANON): two more drawersHalexander (MOD): The first is full of pieces of metal. Mostly junk, nuts and bolts. The second is empty, so I’ll knock the action down and let you open another one.Match (SeeSaw): IF YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR HANDS AFTER THIS YOU WILL HELP ME RIGHT NOWVidere (ANON): yeah ill open another drawer. that leaves three left right
They searched every single drawer before helping me, by which time I was almost dead and being smothered by a pillow. They found the deed and I chewed them out on the way back to town. They said they knew I would be fine, they needed to find the deed, and there was no harm done.
Having already seen the parallels this anonymous player was making between their character and myself, I bristled at my computer.
Match (SeeSaw): Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing. You won’t stay anonymous forever.Videre (ANON): oh im so scaredVidere (ANON): are you gonna come kick the shit out of me over a dumb game? give it up and find something else to obsess over if youre gonna be like that kidVidere (ANON): im just staying in character
And I had a good idea who was on the other side of the computer after that. Especially after I found out he’d done a covert investigation check with Hal instead of sharing with me. He knew there was an enemy in the room before we even entered. Was likely planning on using me as a distraction from the beginning.
The next time he surprised me, we were working for the owner of an orphanage to find ways to exploit parents interested in adoption. Match goes along with it because why not. Also because fuck adults.
But Videre surprised both me and Jax.
Jaxabandit (MOD): u want to what?Videre (ANON): buy the orphanageMatch (SeeSaw): We won’t get paid if you do that.Videre (ANON): im gonna assume that was in character and not in this whole ‘ooc’ space or whateverMatch (SeeSaw): Duh. The guy’s slimy and gross. But just because you have money doesn’t mean Match does. He needs the paycheck.Videre (ANON): think of it this wayVidere (ANON): if dicks like this werent in power match wouldnt have grown up on the streetsMatch (SeeSaw): That’s not how he thinks about shit and you know it.Videre (ANON): and hes not the one holding a huge sack of gold right now
I didn’t know what to think. By this point, I knew it was Kane. The fact that I asked Haz helps, but I know the way he talks to me. He’s the only one that would do this and keep up with it for so long.
So now, I’m not exactly sure what to do.
Match just died, like D-E-D, dead, and Videre is flipping the fuck out. The two of them had become fairly close friends. They were snarky and prickly toward each other, but they were partners in crime and would likely kill for each other.
Videre gets really scary in the final stretch of that fight.
I didn’t realize Kane thought so highly of my intimidation skills. I didn’t think he thought highly of me at all, not outside of work. I was just a tool and a weapon and something to either give orders to or take orders from.
But Videre is a force of nature toward the end. Being a mastermind rogue, they confuse the ice devil as well as fighting it. They show a lot of skill they didn’t before, turning a few unlucky rolls into happy mistakes. Even they seem surprised when they win.
Videre (ANON): wellVidere (ANON): i guess i know what its like to be you nowThe Old Hazzle Dazzle (MOD): Are you done now, Kane?Videre (ANON): wow cats out of the bagMatch (SeeSaw): You’re awful at hiding who you are, though.Match (SeeSaw): Also, you’re an assholeThe Old Hazzle Dazzle (MOD): Did you want to make a new character and keep going? Or call it quits for now?Match (SeeSaw): I think I’m done. I gotta go challenge Kane to a fist fight.Videre (ANON):gotta find me first
- Videre (ANON): has left the chat -
He’ll have to try a hell of a lot harder than that to get out of actually hanging out with me like a person.
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grassepi · 7 years
get to know the author
i got tagged by @yaoyoroses​, which like, thank u sm?? this looks really fun to do. this got really long so i’m gonna put it under a read more so i don’t clog up anyone’s dash!
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
its a bit of a case of a normal name getting turned into a nickname and then a nickname getting turned into another nickname until it’s unrecognizable from the normal name? Grace -> Grass -> Grassepi !
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos).
all of them for Blue Petals, Silver Thorns ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . The yuri on ice fandom was crazy yo
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
it was supposed to be Uraraka from boku no hero academia, though I drew it without a ref so it’s a little off from how she looks in canon? I chose it cause I was really happy with how that doodle came out, though! 
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
oh hell ya, ive made a lot of good friends through people commenting!! @dansantsouslalune​ first started editing my stories because she and i started talking in the comments! I’ve got a couple people who I ended up giving my skype so we could talk more easily, too. It’s a really nice way to make friendss
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
Close to the Chest (yahaba character study, kyouhaba), constantly, always, re-reading this one. uhhhhh I’m sure there have been some others but I re-read this like, every few months so I’ll just put this here. 
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
...I’m subscribed to two stories.... I’m not the biggest fan of reading WIPs cause im a wimp, suffer under cliffhangers, and like to just read the whole story at once. I do keep more tabs open on my phone of stories I’m reading, which I guess count as subscriptions? So, 3 more stories that way! I’ve got 134 bookmarks, which isn’t really a lot compared to some people. 
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
.............., fantasy. im a big slut for faeries and merpeople, i keep coming back to ittt
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
108 people are subscribed to me and ive got 1794 bookmarks across all my works
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
mmmm i guess i’m hesitant about writing anything explicit? like, even vanilla explicit stuff- i would be too embarrassed to ask anyone to edit that and even more embarrassed if any of my friends actually read it. ironic, because i read all my friend’s porn the instant it goes up lmao
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
every once in a while i go through like, blackout months where i post nothing and respond to no comments and i literally Do Not Mean To, i just look at my AO3 and go OH SHIT I HAVENT DONE ANYTHING IN OVER A MONTH, so maybe that? Also, writing longer fics... and shorter fics? I have a sweet spot around 20K which is... kind of unwieldy
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
popular ships, literally always... i dont say that because im trying to pander to a fanbase! i guess, i just? i’m one of those people who does base most of my shipping off canon relationships. no offence to rarepair writers, i just have a hard time sustaining the desire to write an entire fic about two character  if they arent close in canon
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
,, bruh,, 56
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
mmm sometimes! i ponder them for usually a few hours and if i think it’s a good enough idea to make a whole story out of, i’ll write it down. one of my favourite things is outlining stories, so i have a lot of outlines for stories that i’ll never write tho
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
(weeps softly and gestures to the phineas and ferb/voltron au i wrote with my friend @horizon-runner) DISCLAIMER: this is meant to be written poorly, we wrote it for shit n giggles, go in with caution and patience lmao
16. How did you discover AO3?
oh my god i was like, “probably tumblr?” then i had a sudden vivid memory of reading a soulmaka fanfic on fanfiction.net and seeing the author linked to the same story on their AO3, but “with the mature parts” there. i started reading on AO3 after that lmaoooo
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
ive been... recognized a couple times in fandom discords, when i mention that i wrote X fic? But no, definitely not
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
nah, but i have jokingly referred to them as my children a few times to my friends
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
not really? ive just kind of always wanted to do this since i was like 7
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
!! -JUST USE ‘SAID’. as someone who reads a lot of fic? the reader, aka me, is basically just reading the dialogue when dialogue is happening. i personally find myself skipping over the “they [something that means they said that]” part mostly and just going to the next piece of dialogue. dont stress about it so much. use said, its Safe and There for U. 
-Just use their names. epithets are weirdly removing from the characters ur talkin about, avoid as much as possible. if ur using their names Too Much, ur probably not actually. as the reader u never think “god they used X character’s name TWICE in that sentence, how dare they?” u just move to the next line. 
-if ur writing a scene with characters of the same pronouns, please be careful about those pronouns. i personally try and designate one person to be the pronouns of the sentence, and the next person to always be their name. if u switch it mid-sentence, it gets very confusing for the reader! 
-most of these thus far are “here’s what ur reader is thinking”, so here’s one- as the writer, do whatever you want? Just have fun writing. Speaking as someone who got a lot of kudos when she started writing because she was writing for a large fandom that was just starting out, and then that trailed off into basically nothing just a few months later, it can be really hard to remember sometimes that the whole point of this was to Have Fun yourself. but it’s really important that you’re writing because you want to, not because you feel like you have to <3
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
depends on my mood! I really like plotting stories, but i also really like surprising myself when i’m writing lmao. i try and give myself leeway to figure things out as i go while i plot, so i write down like, a couple objectives for X chapter and then say “and whatever the hell else u wanna do for that chapter” 
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
Yea! When i was just a small twelve year old posting my first awful story to fanfiction.net, my first EVER comment was some 20-something dude telling me that it was awful and I should basically stop writing! Anyways, 12-year-old me was so fucking spiteful about that that I chilled out for the next 3 years just working on my writing. So thank you, dipshit 20-something who felt the need to tell a 12 year old how awful their story was, you motivated me so much through pure spite and salt
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
Uhhh scenes that transition from internal monologue to dialogue wig me out a lot, i never know how to make that transition smooth? Also, arguments. I write a lot of them, but they stall me out a lot. I usually end up staring at myself in the bathroom mirror saying the last piece of dialogue to myself, trying to figure out how the other person would respond. 
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
of published things, everything stays (right where you left it), an otayuri childhood friends AU. The next chapter is at like, 7K i think? So it’s getting there!  Also, Text Me, Call Me, Skype Me Later, a haikyuu groupchat fic that i’ve been gradually picking away at for over a year now! that’s sort of a constant WIP, since I don’t really have an end goal in sight right now. There’s also Dust and Starlight, a longer yuri on ice fantasy AU i started in march this year and i stalled out HARD on because i took such a long break from it that now I’d have to re-read it to keep writing, and I .... don’t.... want.... to .... do .... that....
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
u ask that like i ever finish my current stories
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
nah, but i do have a monthly writing goal for the past few months- 20K a month! and there’s a deadline in my writing groupchat too, we’re supposed to be able to say we’ve published something every 15 days or so. there’s no punishment if we can’t manage that tho 
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
i literally feel my soul slowly setting itself on fire when i read my older writing
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
in terms of the effect it’s had on my life, absolutely Text Me Call Me Skype Me Later- i’ve made so many friends through it, it’s so fun to re-read because i forget all the jokes i wrote in, it’s so therapeutic to write. It’s also something I started writing because of how depressed and anxious I was during the summer of 2016- writing it was the only time my brain wasn’t screaming at me, I found out. It really helped me during a time when nothing else seemed to help at all. For that alone, it means a lot to me, even if I’m bad at updating these days. 
In terms of writing prowess? no idea. Probably More or Less, i was really proud of how that one turned out. 
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
the phineas and ferb/voltron fic, which i refuse to name for the sheer negative chaotic power it holds. it was supposed to be a joke but theres this one person who keeps commenting on it and really bothering the person i wrote the fic with, and its kind of ruined the whole joke factor of the fic for the both of us
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
ill be.... 22 then? Hopefully, I’ll be the kind of writer who looks back at what i’m writing now and goes, “damn that was some shit writing” lmao. i hope future me roasts the FUCK outta current me and then writes something amazing. for real tho, hopefully working more on original ideas? i love fanfiction but i do wanna work on my own stuff eventually!
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
outlining!! i love it sm
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
trying to motivate myself to reread something i wrote last night and edit it,,, also avoiding the question when my extended family asks what i want to do with my life because if i said “i want to be a writer” they’ll just look back with worried looks because thats Such a Risky Career
33. Why do you write?
Writing stole my heart away ten years ago, and it won’t fuckin give it back
@jamthedingus AK A @jamthewriter, @oops-i-accidentally, @literally-a-person, @tootsonnewts, @ironinkpen, @horizon-runner, @call-me-kaii, @drdone, @dansantsouslalune, @packitandgo, @exile-wrath 
Feel free to ignore <3333
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raychulemma · 5 years
50 Completely Random Questions People Rarely Ask Tag:
1. What’s your favorite candle scent? Red Apple Wreath - Yankee Candle. It's perfectly Autumnal and always goes on half price sale after Christmas. I have far too many versions of it
2. What female celebrity do you wish you were related to? Probably Maya Rudolph because she's a shameless weirdo like me
3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother? Probably Peter Kay. I feel like he would be easy to open up to. And he would make awkward family events so much more bearable
4. What’s your favorite thing about marriage? (And if you’re not married, what’s your favorite thing about being single?) Security. Safety. I didn't expect it to feel any different because we had been living together for a while but something about the actual marriage made me feel protected and comfortable. Also because its a same-sex marriage it's a lot nicer to say my wife than my fiancée, because i would wonder if they assume my fiancée is male
5. What’s one thing you own that you should probably get rid of, but just can’t? Books that I'm not going to re-read but have memories linked to buying/receiving/reading them.
6. Can you do a split? not a chance
7. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike? Seven. i learnt at the end of my road because it's a dead end. and i got a green bike for my birthday with a seat for my teddy
8. How many oceans have you swam in? just the Atlantic ocean 🌊
9. How many countries have you been to? 6. France, Spain, Germany, USA (Florida), Wales, Scotland.
10. Is anyone in your family in the army? No, my Grandad was, and some of my Great Uncles but no one during my lifetime
11. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child? Superted, Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The Story of Tracy Beaker, Dick n Dom in da Bungalow, Jungle Run
12. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight? A classy binbag witch
13. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series? I got into the Harry Potter books in 1998 and am still in love with the series. I went to the midnight release for the last book. I watched all of the films in the opening week and vividly remember that the cinema i saw the first film at in 2001 had a Harry Potter themed sweet shop. I have jewellery, clothing, books, dvds, wands, other collectibles. I read the books with my mum when i was younger and watched all of the films in the cinema with her. she had her own HP merch. My wife also loves Harry Potter. We have been to see Cursed Child twice and have been to the Studio Tour 3 (or 4?) times. We had a Harry Potter themed wedding which was absolutely perfect. Hunger Games was something i avoided reading until the first film was coming out, and then absolutely loved the first 2 books (3rd one got too political for me) and the films are still some of my favourites for costume and set design. I read the twilight books after my best friend recommended them to me. We all actually read them as part of our sisterhood club. I went to blackpool to watch the first film in the cinema with my best friend. I watched the last one at midnight with my wife and one of the girls from the sisterhood who is one of the biggest twilight fans i know still. she has behind the scenes books and dvds and has re read the books that much that the spines are just gone. my mum was also a big twilight fan and would watch them any time they were on tv. i watched a few at the cinema with her, always her choice. she hadnt seen hunger games at the time of them being released but we did watch them all with her a few years ago
14. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent? i film YouTube videos and always think my accent would be more interesting if it was American
15. Have you ever taken karate lessons? no, my 2 brothers and sister did when i was 5 or 6. i didnt like being touched so never did it
16. Do you know who Kermit the frog is? yup
17. What’s the first amusement park you’ve been to? im going to guess Gullivers world Warrington because its the closest one to where i live
18. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in? French because I love disneyland paris. or japanese because i would love to visit tokyo but its way out of my comfort zone
19. Do you spell the color as grey or gray? grey. e for england, a for america
20. Do you know triplets? yes, 2 girls and a boy but i only met the girls
21. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook? Titanic. my mum was a massive fan. She watched it 3 times in the cinema when it first came out. we watched it with her when it was released in imax on an anniversary. she had behind the scenes books, a few versions of the vhs and dvds, playing cards. her love for it made me love it
22. Have you ever had Indian food? no im a very fussy eater and have never tried indian or Chinese
23. What’s the name of your favorite restaurant? Of all time? Tough choice but im going with pizza hut. Cheesy bites base with double mushroom. Never craved something more
24. Have you ever been to Olive Garden? they dont have it in England so no but i would probably like it
25. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender? i have no idea, maybe jason after my dad?
26. If you have a nickname, what is it? rach, chicken, chickadee
27. Who’s your favorite person in the world? i want to say scruff but shes technically not a person. kirsty is my best friend and i would pick her every time
28. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs? where i live is in between. drive one way and its city, the other way is farms. so living in one ot those farmhouses not far from city life would be the dream. i would have chickens, sheep and cats.
29. Can you whistle? yep but my cats hate the noise
30. Do you sleep with a nightlight? i can see the hallway light from where our bed is so i dont generally need a nightlight but we do have cute ones. i have 3 HP ones on my bedside table
31. Do you eat breakfast every morning? yea as long as i have time
32. How many times have you been to the hospital? ive only ever been to a&e. once for palpitations, a few times for mental health and once for an x ray on my hand. ive been to walk in centres for urine/kidney infections and for fractured fingers. oh i did go to hospital to see a neurologist to be diagnosed with essential tremor
33. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo? yes i love it. my brother and sister both bought me the dvd for christmas the year it came out so i had 2 copies for a while. i also had the game for pc and ps2. and i had a game on my phone and ipad where you could build up the seabed and gain fish. the film is just so nice and calming to watch. the scenery, the sound effects, the movements are all just gently flowing. and somehow you get attached to these characters and root for them whether youre a fan of tropical fish or not.
34. Where do you buy your jeans? primark, next, sainsburys, asda
35. What’s the last compliment you got? kirsty said my eyelashes look like im wearing mascara when im not
36. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning? yea and they're weird as fuck. the latest one was about the bath being clogged with poo
37. Favorite beverage that isn’t water? Tea ☕
38. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own? a disgusting amount. maybe 20. maybe more
39. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn’t real? about 8 which I think wasnt too young or too old. my brother told me which I was glad about because i was prone to being bullied at school and would have hated to be told by nasty kids
40. What is one food that you used to hate but now you love? cheesy garlic bread WTF
41. What is a weird lie you’ve told? i told kirsty once that i had pood the bed and asked her to help me clean it.
42. Heels or flats? flats always. specifically trainers. i think dresses look so much cuter with trainers. same with suits
43. Do you have any weird phobias? no just common ones. moths, spiders, flying insects, beetles, heights, being completely isolated, finding a dead person
44. What is a phrase or word you always say? i cant actually think of a current phrase i say but i do get stuck on phrases
45. What is a song that you bast or belt out when you are alone? part of your world, let it go, bridge over troubled water, over the rainbow. any that i try to actually hit the notes on
46. What is one of your biggest pet peeves? nails. nails tapping, and the sound of cutting or biting nails. or people that stop in the middle of an aisle or walkway when you're trying to get past
47. Do you sleep with your closet door open or closed? they dont even have doors on yet so open
48. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees? bear. the noise of bees terrifies me. i had a flying ant in my hair on flying ant day but i didnt know. i heard it buzz and cried
49. Do you have any weird things you do? i cant have 2 cream biscuits together (custard cream and jam n cream). i sometimes say hi to my teddies so they know i havent forgot about them. i buy hatchimals when theyre on sale even though i havent previously collected them cos im an impulsive pos. (honestly collecting animal jam figures and my little ponies were the best though)
50. What movie could you watch over and over again and still love? any of the harry potter films, titanic, sisterhood of the travelling pants, Princess diaries 1 and 2, enchanted, princess and the frog, raise your voice, catch me if you can, chalet girl, the shining, slumdog millionaire
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andromedasstars · 7 years
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
tagged by: @prowlingthunder 
a - age: 22 ‘yes i know im an old lady please dont come for me baby tumblr users im too salty for your nonsense.
b - birthplace: Gravesend, Kent, England, yeah the ‘Garden of England’ and I’m born in the chavviest part possible, not to mentio it’s literally called Gravesend which really couldn’t think of anything cheerier huh?
c - current time: at the time of typing this, it’s 21:21 and honestly that number makes me so bloody happy my little brain just purrs because look how damn retty the numbers areeeeee
d - drink you last had: strawberry waer which honestly im so obsessed with its ridiculous
e - easiest person to talk to: uhh how’d you mean like face to face? because no one in that case because ew but online or in places where i can use emojis to offset my deep emotional trauma and reression of all the bad things in my head? probably my bestie @youwerethinkingitsannoying because brain twin chats are the best kind
f - favorite song: i don’t know if i actually have a favourite song? like there’s s may amazing songs out there how can i choose just one? im definitely feeling new rules by dua lipa right now or the season one opener for galavant which probably doesn’t count but god its quotable as fuuuuck
g - grossest memory: hmm toss up between waking up midway through having teeth pulled because i hate needles so much they had to knock me out because i refused to let them shove needles in my gums even though ive got multple piercings and tattoos go figure right? and i could feel them ripping out the two teeth and the noise was vile. or the time i suffered post surgical haemmorage after my tonsils were taken out and i turned my then step-mums newly decorated bathroom into something out of SAW and nearly choked to death on a blood clot only to nearly suffocate an hour later when i suffered another bleed that saw me turn her kitchen into a slasher movie with blood uncontrollably gushing from my nose and mouth for almost thirty minutes. oddly enough that’s round about the time my thing with blood started?
h - horror yes or horror no: all day every day unless its got puppets or clowns and then hell fucking no i am sprinting for the hills like an angry sheep is on my heels i am away screaming onf a fast camel my friends goodbye adios h0pe y’all dont die.
i - in love?: hell if i know anymore im definitely in love with myself though beause narcissim is the only logical way to deal with years of emotional trauma .
j - jealous of people?: i refer you to the above answer 
l - love at first sight or should I walk by again?: hate to see you go but i love to watch you leave
m - middle name: hahahahahhaa nope. it makes me sound so much more middle class than i actually am. so nope sorry tumbles you aint getting that one. 
n - number of siblings: officially speaking im an only child? in reality well, that’s a whole different kettle of bullshit. .
o - one wish: that my mum could have everything she;s ever wanted
p - person you called last: either mum or jamie
q - question you are always asked: 'is that tattoo on your hand real?’ because manic shan desided a blue dinosaur on her hand was an excellent tattoo, he’s named francis if anyone is interested
r - reason to smile: im booking my trip to belgium on wednesday 
s - song you last sang: candyland by blood on the dance floor. please n judgement its on my pals throwback playlist and its annoyingly catchy.. 
t - time you woke up: 9:43am because the dog goes psycho at the postman 
u - underwear colour:  what’s t say im wearing any? 
v - vacation destination: i’d love to go all over the world tbh from new york to sweden to romania just, everywhere really…
w - worst habit: excuse you i am a fucking delight and a wonder i dont have bad habits 
x - x-rays: ive had every part of my body x-rayed at one point or another.  i am an incredibly accident prone person, add that to a short temper and childhood illness and accidents and im a walking talking x-ray at this point.
y - your favorite food: at the moment its candy sticks and shepherds pie
z - zodiac sign: im a virgo and no bullshit oh there’s 13 zodiac signs will change that. you can pry my virgo-ness out of my cold dead hands after my ghost deafens you. 
if you see this and fancy sharing random facts about yourself pleae go ahead! i always like to learn more stuff about you guys who put up with the daily game of ‘whih fandom is going to clog up my dash today’ 
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