#i feel like making cc is all im good for sometimes lol
ssspringroll · 3 months
And until/unless morphmaker gets adopted by a new developer, I don't really plan on making any more presets or sliders. Toddlers are broken right now. It's only a matter of time before all ages are broken with the way EA patches this damn game. I don't wanna keep making stuff that is, essentially, not going to be updateable, you know? It feels like there's an invisible time limit on morphmaker and I just don't wanna touch it anymore unless I have to.
Thanks for all the love on all my presets and sliders over the years. It's been fun! I love making stuff like that that's quick and easy and versatile. I don't know what my cc is going to be in the future. Anything I feel like making, I suppose, that's always been how I've done things. It'll probably happen a lot less often though. Everything else takes me so much longer to make and test and refine
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leolingo · 8 months
(long post about purgatory and meta and rp)
sigh one thing ive been thinking is that it feels a bit unfair to see so many people complaining or doomposting over how purgatory affects the overarching qsmp rp story or how it ~interrupted arcs~ or is ~disturbing current storylines~ or ~narratively unsatisfying~ like. Sure. its a bit abrupt and most players were caught off guard because lore-wise it stems from the federation which means none of them were told about anything beforehand
but... its only been three days. maybe we could have a little faith? like idk ill be soooooo out there rn and say that maybe the admins did this now for a reason. maybe itll make sense later on. we already see lore repercussions with elquackity and his motives and all the nods to the eggs.
theres fair criticism to be made (when done respectfully) if youre mainly here for the roleplay but i feel like we sometimes need to remind ourselves that the qsmp storytelling is a VERY ambitious project. lmao. imagine being the writing team and trying to wrangle 20+ characters with distinct points of view and journeys on an ever-changing story because of the very nature of live rp. its practically IMPOSSIBLE to tie up every loose end neatly and at this point i dont think we should expect that. keeping up momentum with all plotlines must also be pretty hard, cc's schedules and outside factors like server programming and building and mod tweaking and all those meta elements considered and so on and so on
i DO also want the story to move forward and be cohesive and make sense in a satisfactory way. like i really do!!!!!!! but i try to understand that thats not ALL the qsmp is about. from the start quackity said the server wouldn't be exclusive to the rp aspect. it sure is that way right now, but thats because most of the active members are VERY passionate about roleplaying. thats a good thing! they have fun and its fun to watch and the experience is mostly good for everyone because it corresponds to their expectations to an extent
the thing about purgatory is that i feel like its a lot more meta than most people doomposting realize. it ties into the story, sure, but to me it feels like the sudden switch in environment and vibes and stakes isnt actually catered to the rp and thats FINE. like thats not what it exists for and thats fineeeeeee
pac for one has said he appreciates the event for the change of pace, though its very hard (lol), because regular qsmp was starting to feel a bit stale to him and he was kind of running out of things to do. THATS A GREAT THING! managing player engagement like that is awesome and sometimes necessary. YES, purgatory caters to a very different playstyle than what we're used to -- and thats one of its strenghts.
a lot of hispanic creators have also felt this!!!! roier, rivers and carre most prominently have been VERY excited about this event because its similar in format to a lot of spanish speaking events like mc extremo and such. a lot of these players are also not particularly interested in rp-ing and had not been logging on very often prior to purgatory.
even roleplay regulars like tubbo, fit and bbh have shown interest in purgatory for the competitive nature of the setting!!! thats cool too!!!! something different, new possibilities to play around with. thats what the events should be about. kudos to the admins and dev teams for attempting it in such a big scale. their effort shows and all the mechanics weve seen are really fucking cool
i love the roleplay!!!!!! its one of my favorite parts of the qsmp!!!!!! but its not ALL there is and it shouldnt be! non rp-oriented creators are also part of the project and deserve to have a little fun too -- not to mention a big chunk of the hispanic fan community that has blown up twitter with support bc what we have rn is similar to events they already love!!!!!!! im glad to see so many of them get excited again!!!!!!
at the end of the day, qsmp is a LONG long term project, and purgatory ends in two weeks. by the time its over, we can all choose to engage with it as we wish. it can be a big filler episode in your mind, if you want. it can be just for fun..... otherwise, if its not fun, your regularly scheduled qsmp will be back soon anyway :3 its fine to not like it, its fine to have something negative to say about it if properly tagged and not like. crazy entitled or blown out of proportion for what this situation is.
i just hope we can all manage our online experiences accordingly and avoid making things less enjoyable for each other. this is supposed to be fun
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imaginespazzi · 28 days
Thank you 😊 As long as I survive the night out on the town in DC the evening before should be great ha. (Manifesting a good performance already Washington..). I just hope that the squad is mostly healthy at that point.
Yes for the love of God Indy please start pulling off some wins. Lots of season to go, hoping for the best 🤞. (Also hey Liberty are my other team! 🙌)
Ok, Full Court Press highlight thoughts:
I always just love little behind the scenes looks! Seeing insight to NIL stuff was cool. And I get they dont really have to, but it always slays me that these athletes cant really cook!And I thought it was a really good mix of players with them all being prominent but very different individuals. CC bias was predictable but also logical given Iowa had another run to the title game. I was mostly bothered by the amount of time we had her bf on screen. Like I get thats a significant other, but why are we hearing from this dude constantly? He just didnt really offer anything for the audience as a narrator imo. Also the others just may not be in relationships, but it seemed an odd choice given that just family members were featured otherwise for everyone. Cardoso's journey was really interesting to me. I wasnt aware of all of her tough family circumstances back home. Makes me feel good for her success. And Kiki.. honestly kinda just blindsided by how attractive she is and realization of who her aunt was! (Really brought home the fact that I dont get to watch enough west coast bball lol)
Oh and from your other recent asks - I sincerely hope, as someone who is half Irish, that no one here has ever thought Im British! (Kidding everyone, Ive got a total soft spot for the English and who doesnt adore a pub)
Died laughing at your last tag replying to my ask btw. Not wrong 😅
Best - ☕️
LMAO here's to you having a memorable (in the best way possible) night babe!
AHHH TWIN! The Liberty (please don't embarrass me against the Sky again) and Sun are my two main teams this season so tbh I very much was not rooting for Indiana at all but now? We are Fever fans on this page (that hurt to write actually).
Yes I love the BTS we got and seeing them in their day to day lives out of the court was really refreshing, like they're all so much more than just players and I think we forget that sometimes.
Ugh in general I don't understand why CC's boyfriend gets the attention he does like who the hell is that man even? Literally as plain as toast and just bad vibes all around tbh.
I think Kamilla's part was my favorite tbh. I knew a little bit about her background but really getting into the BTS of it made me feel so much for her. Her reunion with her family was everything and she deserves the whole world.
Kiki really is beautiful. I'm really glad they chose to do UCLA who honestly maybe didn't get the coverage they deserved last year. And getting a little into the Betts stuff, damn.
I'm really hoping we get Paige, Juju and Flau'jae next year, that'll feed families for years to come!
I cackled a little bit writing that tag so I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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sappynapper · 2 years
heyy can you do romantic cc!dsmp x figure skater!reader?
plsss i love ice skating!! im gonna interpret this as like, reader loves skating and competes locally so it’s not a famous!reader thing and more about the skating
cws: gn!reader, fluff
brags about you sooo much
like everyone he knows knows everything about your skating and has seen endless pictures and videos that he takes when he comes to watch you
embarrassing but he’s so proud of you, like he stans you so hard it’s kinda funny
always brings a huge bunch of roses for you when you’re competing so he can present them to you dramatically if you win or make you feel better if you don’t
and ofc he insists on getting you the best skates money can buy and paying your coaching fees so you can get the best person going
he also tries to learn more about it, watching loads of youtube videos and listening in on your talks with your coach so he can understand your passion better and offer advice on your form and stuff during your casual practices
if you’re into skating as a fan too he gets you tickets to watch big skating tournaments / lots of signed memorabilia etc
basically he’ll do anything to support and show interest in your hobby, well almost anything
he refuses to actually skate with you bc he knows how bad you’ll show him up and he’s not about it lol
makes jokes about not wanting to steal your thunder bc obviously he’d be sooo good and that’s why he won’t skate with you
he might secretly get some lessons if you’ve been together a while though, so he can surprise you one day...
can’t understand how elegant you look on the ice, you make it look effortless
like he’s a texas boy so i reckon he’s probably never ice-skated in his life, except the one time you dragged him onto the rink with you
he lasted less than three minutes before calling it and has flat out refused to ever go on again
he DOES love taking you to the skate park tho, and you get into inline skating (bc they’re kinda similar at the end of the day) so you can skate together “on solid ground” as sap puts it
also he can’t get over what you wear for competitions
like he feels kinda conflicted tbh bc obviously you look sexy asl in those skin tight outfits but they’re also just a tiny bit goofy
they remind him just slightly too much of pro-wrestling ??? idk
he’s amazed by you though and his lockscreen is a selfie he took during a competition with him going crazy in the foreground and you doing some insane spin jump in the background
the photo’s kinda blurry and you didn’t actually land that jump but he does not care
you two have a tradition of getting drive through take out on the way back from competitions or difficult practices bc it helps you decompress, and you shit talk your competitors together in the privacy of his car
he also heckles the judges that give you bad scores like he’s at a football game and you’ve had to tell him to stop so he doesn’t get banned
he just genuinely really enjoys watching you skate
he’ll sit on his own in the stands for hours just watching you practice, or even just scrolling on his phone, but he likes to be there with you anyway
sometimes he’ll facetime karl or somone and show them what you’re doing and he always gets so smiley
he has a lot of fun coming to watch you compete too and he makes a whole thing of it like he’s going to watch a big sports league final or the olympics or something and you’re his favourite team
like holding his breath when you do difficult jumps and spins he knows you struggle with and jumping up and cheering when you land them
of all of them he’s definitely done the most skating, with you and just in general
he’s still not very good but he can mostly stay on his feet and just laughs when he falls over bc fun > ego every time with georgie
loves just holding your hand while he stumbles around the rink with you or holding your hand over your head while you do a lil spin
he thinks you always look the most beautiful while skating: all giddy and smiley from doing your favourite thing and cheeks flushed from the cold and the exercise
another one who goes way overboard with the cheering just to be a dork and embarrass you
but also bc he is so genuinely proud of you and how hard you work to be good
he can’t make a lot of your competitions or any practice really bc he’s so busy with his work, but when he can be there he makes up for it with a bunch of flowers and gifts, and so much praise and cuddling
celebrates your wins and feels your losses so sincerely bc your success is his success and your sadness is his sadness
he undoes your laces and takes off your skates for you every time he’s there to do it
and after the stream where he drew on those sneakers you asked him to decorate your practice skates with whatever he liked so he could always be there with you in a way
he got so in his head about doing something incredible and you had to tell him you just wanted cute lil doodles and they’d be perfect bc he drew them
they came out like a graffitied primary school desk but with loads of different colours and little hearts and stick figures of the two of you smooching plus some affirmations about how amazing you are
he was so nervous to show you but you ADORE them and would wear them for competitions if you could
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saruin · 1 year
the urge to delete my entire blog consumed me suddenly. thankfully I did not listen to that urge today.
i go on to ramble some more under the cut
instead i just deleted a shit ton of posts but I'm tired now so I'll do more later. I want to rebrand and clean up tags and this is the easiest way for me, going through posts one at a time wasn't cutting it. I've left some of my older cc posts up but they lead to TSR and I'm conflicted. should i just delete them? I have a master post of my cc that links to SFS (i'm currently going through and updating those files but TSR files have not been touched and as I officially-i know I said it before but im serious this time directly due to the insane hoops you have to go through to download anything from that site for free- don't plan on ever uploading to that site again I don't want people lead there to download any of my content especially if it's broken...) fuck it I'll delete them, one day I'll make more preview posts of my older cc that I still like.
I've been working on a new skin and genetics so I really want to update my sim style (again) but I think what I really mean is starting all over, but i don't think I can let go of some of my fav ocs so lets see how I deal with that. I want to show more of myself and stop holding back, I hate the people pleasing part of myself that seems to have taken over. I want to fucking make content for myself. If I share it, good, if people like it; great. no more self doubt. I want blood, gore, surrealist chaos and i want to mix that in with the cute shit that I make. I miss the saruin that woke up and decided to make vomit or trypophobia inducing cc and just did it without doubt or hesitation.
also in deleting posts I was able to read asks from a year ago and see all of the interaction that I used to have on this site. I didn't realize how many of my mutuals deactivated or just left the site (out of site out of mind i guess) it was really bittersweet and i miss all the people that are gone (wow not to make it sound like they're dead -_-;) I was also able to see posts from people I don't follow anymore lol don't meet your heroes. The good and the bad, I miss it. the interactions was what made me stay on tumblr after being so apprehensive about signing up. Now sometimes it feels like I'm just another fart in the wind.
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yooniesim · 2 years
not being in the sims community for a few years (computer problems, couldnt play) and then coming back only to see so many creators have their cc behind paywalls sure was a shock tbh. i dont blame ppl for having patreons for their cc in general, ive seen plenty of creators have patreons with all their cc for free; becoming a patron being just an optional way of supporting them. plus, im pretty sure patreon has unlimited space, so ig itd also be a good idea if u dont have/dont want to use sfs or other unlimited upload sites (also posting pics with the files is a plus)
some ppl tho are like, wild. ive seen ppl charging 20$ a month and only releasing like, at most 3 patron only things per month then complain abt their stuff being shared for free.... like, youre selling 3 items a month for 20$, which is the same price as the base game when it isnt on sale. plenty of ppl already dont pay for the game itself, do u think theyre gonna want to pay the same amount for 3 things??
yeah nonny I'm in the same boat, it was so shocking for me to come back to this lol. I never imagined this many people would have patreons. I think it wouldn't be a big deal if it wasn't almost everyone. But here we are lol.
I remember when patreon tiers were $1 and you got access to everything. When I first saw someone with $3+ it was the most expensive I'd seen for maxis match early access cc, and it really wasn't worth it for that creator. Now it seems like so many people are $5 minimum??? And sometimes you don't even get access to everything? The cost has increased drastically and more importantly- the quality isn't there.
I've had a few items that I downloaded when it became free and tested in game and went, "thank god I didn't pay anything for this". Lack of LODs or proper maps, high poly, holes, improper weights, etc. All of this to me is fine for purely free cc (as long as there's nothing game breaking). But to me, for paid cc, early access or exclusive, is unacceptable. And there is no way to know what you're going to get, and if there's a problem, you're out of luck. It may not be fixed, and you're certainly not getting a refund.
And then there's the issue of the tiny mesh edits. I know for a fact there are many people, if they knew how simple the edit was, they would never pay for certain items. I am not paying anyone for 5 minutes in blender. I would honestly rather pay for a recolor than a lazy ass mesh edit. That's more time and effort than making a hair two inches shorter. You don't even have to edit the texture, just make hat chops, and sometimes not even that! I have literally made certain hairs in under an hour and I'm not even that experienced! Separated the werewolves stuff in around the same time. I made the necklaces I posted recently in a couple lazy afternoons, like ten minutes per. Of course it added up since I did so many at once, but nickel and diming per tiny mesh edit? The ratio of time and effort vs payment is ridiculous. There are so many talented creators that do amazing work that takes days, weeks, etc for free. And there are talented creators that do really awesome items for early access as well, that seem worth the money. So when I see that sort of cheap tiny edit thing... it feels like these creators are taking advantage of the consumer that may not know better. It's embarrassing.
If that $20 was for 3 things that took the creator 5 minutes each to make, wouldn't you be even more upset? And then imagine that creator has hundreds or even thousands of patrons. And doesn't contribute anything to the community other than paid content. No interaction, no gameplay, no chat, never existed before popping out of the womb with a patreon. It's insulting. Is this community just a cash cow? And people wonder why we're all so tired, even if it's following EA's rules.
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mainlyjustthesims · 1 year
Here is some plans i wane do for sims 3 this year( some followrs whanted mods/cc will be included)
FIRST OFF replace the sims 3 burrito babys with better looking babys that will look like both perents GIVE THEM MORE REALISM,better animations and more infractions babys will be actually babys not just burritos chilling in a crib shitting themself and cry about it..
I will make more objects thats quite a need in sims 3 strollers (functional ones) more male cc its a must! Sins i feel the boys are a bit left put its rare to find some good male cc
I want objects to be shiftable like in sims 4 can be placed anywhere and aswell be scaled in size witout the use of resizers /omsp objects!
AND YES multitasking as in sims 4 but better and more realistic all tho there is already a bit in sims 3 i just found it broken i can say eh? Sims will sometimes leave one task they where busy doing to do the other one
And yeah have you seen a sims phone ring while taking a bath...?! Babe where are you putting that phone o.o (i dont think i wane knowwww) And i wane make a mod that sims phones STOP RINING WHEN THEY SHOWER OR HAVING A BATH it just doesnt look real (well if there isnt a mod out for that yet babe im here!)
And yesss pre schools for tods if there isnt already one i just feel its needed or like something more or less like the day care career that come with sims 3 generations i mean i dont know if its like it in other places in the world but toddlers does indeed start going to a school when they become a age they old enough like 2 or 3 years old they start going to a school again idk lol but you geet wat i mean
And better pet births well more realistic pet births i know some peeps gone hate it but babe i dont give a shit if you dont like it some peeps like some realistic game play
There is allot of stuff i would love to add bu t i keep it a secret for now ;p
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kuackity · 2 years
Other anon I love ur takes sm omg and you too kauckity! Aaaaa
Now now, imagine karmaland members meeting dsmp members. Luzu would prolly feel the need to take the younger ones of the server (Tommy, tubbo, ranboo, purpled) because HOLY CRAP they have been through a lot and need a good parental figure.
Kamaland members hearing some of the stories the others tell about the dsmp would either have them flabbergasted or outright enraged (specifically at C! Dream) and probably concerned for everyone's mental health. But overall I think it would be pretty wild. K! Quackity would just be pointing at Las Nevadas while bragging to vegetta that his other self made this which would cause them to have a playful back and fourth banter.
Also the fact there's extremely gigantic beings of the dsmp server (foolish who is 23 ft. And Bbh who is a long tall demon) would intimidate the K!members but once they got to know them would be reassured that these tall guys are actually gentle giants.
Im a big fan of crossovers ngl -brainrot anon.
Hello my lovely brainrot anon! I love this back and forth thing we keep doing, is perfect for brainrot so your name is on point. I will start making this a read more cause I need the space to ramble.
Can you believe that Luzu is older than Philza? Irl? Luzu is 36 and Philza 34, all except one of the Karmaland crew are closer to Philza's age than Quackity's. That's a fact you have learned today.
I think in a character aspect, he won't straight up adopt them but he would be there? I think they would find all someone to tail eventually like k!Rubius with c!tommy, maybe c!tommy now will be scared of making pranks to k!Vegetta but once he founds that the most that him would do to k!rubius is calling him "Tontito" (that means dumbass) he will relax, and last season k!Rubius was a priest! So maybe church prime time ?
With c!tubbo thats a tough choice (I am not deep in lore) so maybe k!Vegetta? He is the one who knows more about the mods and how things works on Karmaland and I think he would like to learn. And he will join with the bombs with k!Rubius and k!Tommy thats for sure, maybe k!Vegetta would break the rules a little and let c!tubbo have massive explosives.
I think k!Luzu and c!Ranboo would be good to spend time together cause k!Luzu has this way with people to just vibe so ghostboo can follow him everywhere. And maybe with k!Vegetta they can find a way of reviving him, and maybe then he can meet k!Lolito that last season had memory loss and something like a second personality appear (enderwalking? Similar? Idk) so bonding over loss of your true self and memories, yay!
c!Purpled I am not big either in the lore or watching him as a cc's, so maybe Alexby (a space fan that is so funny) will be good with him since he had an UFO? I am not sure since I don't know properly lol. And k!Alexby was the one who didn't have like a secret indentity like most? So he would like the honesty of this man after all.
The dream situation, hmm, if the karmaland crew go there I think most will be curious about this big jail, but I don't think c!dream will show up in conversation umpromted with the dsmp members; and I don't think the Karmaland people will understand the situation or go hunting c!dream cause k!Vegetta would be like No rash decisions that can alter the world and such, that is mostly my take. They are heroes of course but this is not their world to protect or judge.
And regarding mental health did you know that last season there was a cc that played the rol of a psychologist? I think some people got better with him, so for therapy maybe the karmaland crew give them a call back. ( I miss auron just a tiny bit, chau)
I think k!Quackity and k!Vegetta will indeed get in a silly banter over Las Nevadas, but k!Vegetta will without a doubt talk with c!Foolish over the buildings later.
And about the size difference I forget sometimes about the knowledge of Karmaland 4 forgive me, but they have many events and mostly they fight some bizzarre things and BIG mobs, and I think most that being intimidated they will instantly be on fight mode out of sheer reflexes, look at this thing.
Tumblr media
You can't tell me they won't go fight, they are heroes after all. They aren't intimidated easily, their world is far dangerous that dream smp in mobs, and they have to protect it so the have to be strong for whatever missions appear.
Afterwards they will indeed apologize and maybe Vegetta and Bad can bond over not being fans of swears. Vegetta swears a little but mostly he has lame insults like dumbass calling people kids and saying All of you are grown men but still act like chILDREN
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starglowwos · 2 years
i just ranted in my friend group discord server about 3ld life and im just gonna copy paste it all here
spoilers for: 3rd life, last life, double life sessions 1-4
story trigger warnings: trauma, suicide, abuse, exclusion, bullying, insanity portrayed negatively (all in universe, except the swearing is from me lol)
typed trigger warnings: swearing, caps
all characters are c!, not cc! !
okay, ffs, why is friends messing around with small light roleplay sO EASY TO MAKE DRAMATIC
grian just
causing chaos because its fun and he isnt hurting anyone (...debatable)
"im still kind of in a little bit of shock because i was just playing the fishing rod game" nah what you mean is "so i just committed murder while having fun and now im traumatized"
andthefucking- like- desertduo just happening by chance every single season
and grian slowly going insane while scar has already accepted that he's chaotic
but them only being able to lean on each other in the end
and the first time that happened they had to punch each other to death
the second time they were separated in the chaos of last episode war and both individually died
and now theyre gonna be forced to die together
and then fucking flower husbands
scott (canonically) sobbing over jimmys last death as he had been shot in the middle of a war that scott also died in, and scott had no time to process it until everyone finally left him alone and he just built a grave and broke down
then latching onto pearl in last life and them being the one duo that never broke up in any way as they had agreed to not go face to face in the final battle
and then in double life, scott latched onto cleo as that was the only other person he had any sort of positive personal history with, and they went looking for pearl and by the time they found her they were pissed that her and martyn had just ignored looking for them
so pearl was left on her own, martyn wanted revenge but also wanted to be with cleo, cleo and martyn had beaten each other up, and scott was just like yeah no bye
and then pearl, at first going into some sort of hiding, as she stays awake longer, 5am pearl our beloved loses her dog and just takes it out on the world, freezing herself in a snow bath purely to hack away at scott's health and openly being suicidal just to get back at scott because why should she care? she has nothing left, nobody cares about her, and scott hurt her for (from her pov) no reason. she has nothing to lose and may as well get revenge
scott's view of pearl is just changing for the worse as pearl isn't with it and nobody knows how to handle that, describing her as having gone batshit psycho and wanting nothing to do with her, so much so that he tries to break up other couples (and in the process, having to have ren also be openly suicidal due to a failing relationship), yet still caring for pearl, because one, he kinda has to as he doesn't wanna die, and two, he knows pearl, they spent and entire lifetime together from day one, she's not in a good headspace and scott knows it's his fault
grian's going crazy trying to keep scar from being chaotic as hell, all the while causing his own chaos, subtle enough to not be recognized until the damage is done and even then nobody learns their lesson. he's seen scar be suicidal ("you can slay me and take the enchanter") as well as pearl ("do you want to die?!" "YES!!"), he's seen scar slip further out of touch with reality, talking people into doing things that isnt worth it in the slightest, and he's seen scar latch on to things that they can't give attention to right now. he's seen scar take every risk possible and not realizing the dangers of it - and if he does, he couldn't care less. grian's seen jimmy be excluded and tossed aside and made fun of, and while grian does this too, he sometimes feels bad for him. he's been preyed on for is gullibleness, he's been excluded just because he's jimmy, and he's been tossed into rivers and left to drown just because it's funny
grian's gone to bigb as an escape, and the two want to do something about it, but their universally decided soulmates and the stigmatization of others make it hard - bigb doesnt want to be the reason ren's suicidal, and grian doesn't want to be either - grian also doesnt wanna just up and leave scar, as he's gonna get himself and therefore both of them killed or worse
enjoy my rant, 3ld life lives in my brain rent free every weekend
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annieshowell · 2 years
💀🥘🕹️🎻🎒🔮 for don, dominic, pascal, and juliette :D
💀: Enemies or Rival
don: nobody, i don't think don is the type of sim that makes enmities, i mean maybe people who find out he had 218372 affairs while woohooing with them will hate him and consider him an enemy but he genuinely doesn't care
dominic: THE WATCHER and loki for being circe's husband
pascal: loki and circe for nervous reasons
juliette: nobody she doesn't care about the feud so she doesn't have enemies or rivals and yes i ignore that she consider bianca her enemy cause for me that never made sense???? she is literally dating romeo how is she going to care about the feud and have enmities with some monty
🥘: Favourite Food
don: he apparently has italian ancestry, according to the names of his parents and grandparents, so i think spaghetti and more home-cooked foods which he unfortunately hasn't eaten in a long time
dominic: lobster and other things rich villains would eat
pascal: anything jenny cooks cause i think she is a great cook and she learned everything she knows from kitty, so whenever pascal eats jenny's food he remembers his mother and his childhood<3
juliette: she loves isabella's baked alaska whenever isabella makes it, romeo keeps a piece and takes it to juliette secretly so they can eat together on some secret date
🕹️: Video Games they like or Play
don: idk he looks someone who likes to play fifa
dominic: he doesn't have time to play video games, his evil plans to control minds and beat the watcher waste all his free time
pascal: he likes old video games and games like zelda and mario and stuff but pascal's real passion is good old fashioned chess
juliette: THE OFFICIAL GAMER GIRL juliette definitely has a twitch stream channel and she plays overwatch and stuff that gamers play idk what im not a gamer but SHE IS a gamer it's her true hobby
🎻: Musical instrument
don: he plays acoustic guitar is something very seductive and turn on many sims i wish we have an acoustic guitar on ts2 i'll look for cc later
dominic: piano obviously a villain isn't a real villain if there isn't a piano in the living room
pascal: he's not very good with musical instruments
juliette: she looks like someone who participates in the school orchestra actually consort kind of forced the three siblings to participate in the orchestra so juliette plays the clarinet there
🎒: University Major
don: biology
dominic: biology
pascal: physics
juliette: maybe drama? or literature idk
🔮: Something Random
don: ummmm i have several things about don cause i like him a lot and i don't really like how people see him sometimes, i mean, everyone interprets him the way they want, but anyway, first about don x cassie, don genuinely likes cassie a lot and i like to think they met during college and that their story is genuine, like, no interest in the goths money, anyway, he likes cassie so much and thats why he broke off their engagement, cassandra is a family sim, she wants to get married and have her own family, but don isn't like that, and he couldn't make cassie happy, cause he wants to be free, he wants to have fun, meet new people etc but even though he is very smart (he is a doctor, and to study to be a doctor you have to be smart) he's kind of dumb when it comes to feelings so instead of ending the engagement in a civilized way he decided to do it right away and left cassie at the altar lmao oh and there is also that hc that don is a pediatrician who was circulating around these times i love this hc and i agree sm, don really likes children and if he is a father he will be a very nice father, even not living in the same house, he will do his best to be present in his child's life
dominic: i'll be honest with you i couldn't think of anything about dominic lmaoooo i think he's already a very developed character in his own and i really like him a lot but idk i couldn't think of anything lol im sorry
pascal: pascal is the best father in the world seriously if there was a competition between simnation's fathers pascal would definitely win and he always goes to all the parties, meetings etc that happen at tycho's school and he is super friendly with all the teachers and other parents and also with tycho's friends
juliette: for me shakespeare is something that actually exists in the sims universe and veronaville is kind of a funny coincidence but whenever juliette is with romeo she makes him swear they'll never fake their own death or anything like the original r+j did and end up dead just to be together and romeo always laughs about it
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gaypleasantview · 1 year
A, F, I, L , P, V and Y (lmao so many but i'm curious)
A: Favorite CC creator
Honestly its so hard to say bc i love so many 😭 naturally im a fan of creators that create or used to create something essential and super cool like platasp, jacky93sims, moni lisa sims, skittlessims, leto mills, linacheries, pooklet and azaya, mrs mquve, riekus13, rockethorse, applewatersugar, pforest, kestrelteens, vidcunds, sammy sundog, and probably a whole bunch of other creators that i forgot... if i had to pick someone i have a special love for it would be leaf-storm because im such a huge fan of their cc 😭 and naturally i got to mention you and dirk as my beloveds that im always so excited to see new stuff from 🙏🙏
F: Gameplay with or without cheats
Well im a legacy challenge kid, thats where i came from and thats i will forever be, and those require you to abstain from cheats so i got used to making money myself and its super fun, as a kid i would always abuse rosebud and motherlode and honestly when it comes to the first one its probably justified bc playing ts1 with cheap furniture is hell 😃 but with the other games its not the same! i gotta say i started building more recently so the basic building cheats are as necessary as ever but also i think i love testingcheats so much im just gonna have this mod tattooed on me literally bc its so scary and gives you too much power but the fun of it cant be described. i used to abuse it as a kid as well
I: Your Bella Goth theories
Honestly im a bit tired of all the bella business but i accept any theories, i havent decided on one myself but i lean towards thinking bella is in strangetown but is strangetown bella The bella? idk. i also dont like that bella from psp said she married for money and i dont believe her bc her and mortimer are the only true love in the universe it feels sometimes
L: Have your sims ever cheated?
As a kid i made Chester Gieke successful and he was my favorite sim, i also grew up with a lot of christian guilt but it looks like i played chester before that happened bc once i opened his save after a few years i was completely shocked betrayed and upset when i saw that he fucked four women two of which were his robots? i love that i had fun with it as a 8 or 9 yo bc later in life i cared for sims too much to make them cheat 😭 i do wanna play as a romance sim sometime bc i never truly experienced that but i still feel bad when my sims are sad so we'll see
P: Pose or play your sims?
I may not be super good at it but i loovvee posing sims with animations, everything else mostly just looks too basic to me bc once youve seen a pose a few times youre gonna recognize it everywhere and its not as fun anymore. but i still like them regardless! i just think im mostly better off using parts posers, animations or just literal gameplay so that people wont be annoyed with my pictures (honestly tho who cares. its my game) but in general gameplay is my favorite, even though ive always been a big fan of screenshotting, esp in ts3
V: How did you start playing the sims?
When i was about 5 yo we moved into a new place and we got a computer and my sister heard from her classmates about the sims, of course we had to go to our insanely-popular-at-the-time book market that had many many ill*gal game cds lol it was really hard to get a real copy back home bc ts2 wasnt localized in my language and ts1 wasnt even published in any nearby countries at all i think so people had to localize it themselves. we found a stand that had every ts1 expansion on display and we couldnt pick between makin magic and superstar i think. but superstar had xtina on the cover so of course we picked it, turned out it was superstar and literally everything that came before it (that is everything ts1 had except making magic). so that was my first sims game and i kind of dedicated my life to my love for it ever since. i dont remember how we started playing ts2 but i remember my first time playing it
Y: Favorite career
Paranormal probably 😭 bc i loved resurrecting sims. and idk maybe culinary and science? i love ghost hunters in ts3 🙏
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jeffverse · 2 years
it’s pride month!!!!!!!! are any of the jeffs celebrating:0
no none of my guys celebrate anything they are all either too old or don’t care or both BUT they r lgbt
stat is he/him/any nonbinary bi
nine is he/him/any cis(?) pan
praline is she/her cis bi
val is he/she/they intersex nonbinary bi
six is he/him cis something….. definitely not straight
bonus: ryd is he/him trans bi
bonus 2: all of kilian and co is cishet so they’re getting excluded all month (sloan desperately wants pascal to be he/they bi)
- mod lucia
i asked this question so im ignoring what it’s saying and listing their business
blondie is cis gay
daisy is cis bi and i don’t like him
spirit is a dog
for a bonus blondies jane is a lesbian :)
actually on a side note blondie would wear one of these for pride
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- mod sloan
Butting in like i always do since it's my male right in this pride month with mine. Most of my jeffs are trans and bi so! Specifics
- Dally is something and biromantic. He doesn't like to think about his gender even though in the server i joke about it, he goes by he/him but if you use she/her he's not gonna correct you but also going to stare at himself in the bathroom mirror almost ripping off the sink.
- Grease is transmasc and bisexual, as a bonus he's also canonically a dad!
- RRH is the same as Grease, transmasc and bisexual and also canonically a father. Which makes it that i have two transmasc deadbeat dad jeffs. Don't know what to do with this realization honestly (ask me about it)
- JD is pansexual and gnc! He doesn't care about gender at all and doesn't worry about how he's presenting.
- Tulpa and the system are unlabeled! They don't really worry about how they present or what they are attracted to. And they're young, so they don't really care about it. Any pronouns work for Tulpy
-Raden is also gnc and aroace! He's the sexiest mfer on this earth
-mod noah
Nathan is GAY gay as hell he has at least four rainbows on him at all time in the form of patches or pins. He's cis and he/him but you can barbie doll him into a pretty pink dress if you want
Pirate is bi and ace but he's like, twelve and hasn't figured that out yet. In his 20s he has a gender crisis but don't worry about it he's totally fine and normal
AJ is gay but has been with women in the past. He's cis but really gnc. He owns skirts and heels, is pretty good with makeup and has probably done drag in the past. His gender doesn't bother him he just does what he feels like
Darcie is trans and gay. He grew up in rural catholic Ireland in the 70s then got eeby deeby'd into the shining hotel so he only recently learned what the word transgender means. He's also homophobic sometimes but it's okay because it's funny
Tino is pansexual, aromantic and intersex. Despite his whole love theme and the amount of relationships he's had he really does not care about the whole thing, it's just a tool to him. Tino will respond to any pronouns but if you ask him what ones he prefers he'll tell you to figure it out on your own
Eddy is aro/ace and cisgender. He doesn't really understand the concept of romantic love and doesn't feel sexual attraction. He's happy with just having really close friends!! :)
BONUS ROUND: Darcie and Louise have four other siblings. One of them, Sean, is bi :)
BONUS BONUS ROUND: Pirate's future au roommate Steve is bi too but he's a COWARD and refuses to leave the closet. I want to hurt him.
-Mod CC
. Squishy is gnc! Rn he doesnt really understand romantic attraction but in his adult life he comes out as gay! Only romantic bc he's stuck with a 15 yo mindset forever
. Kipri is nonbinary and wlw!! Also her father Marcel is pansexual and kisses AJ on the mouth
. Frenchie is queer but it doesn't really matter what exactly how because he bites >:(
. Mike is nonbinary pansexual!
About CC's bonus: i shipped steve and pirate before it was canon 😎
-Mod Kim 🧢 Hi! Mod ez finishing out this round with his characters sexualities! At the very last minute too lol - Andy is GAY he is PAINFULLY gay and he is very repressed about it. If I brought him to a pride parade he would start crying. - His brother Drew is bisexual and in a polyamorous relationship.  - Cas is bi! He doesn’t figure this out for a while though because he’s dumb as hell and forgot that was an option. he’s like i can’t be gay? I like girls? duh? and everyone is like cas i swear to fucking god Shockingly, those are my main lgbt jeffs, with most of my others being straight or unlabeled. Bonus content, RT is straight but would love pride month because he wants to ally as hard as possible. 
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retroaria · 3 years
hi !! can i request jealousy headcanons for gnf x reader? or an imagine? whatever you prefer :)) thank you so much!
cc’s: george, sapnap, dream, wilbur, karl, quackity, nihachu
pronouns: gender neutral
warnings: none :3
here’s my masterlist ^o^
hope ya like it !!
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he doesn’t really get jealous more so insecure
would kinda just let whatever was going on with you and the other person play out and then maybe mention it later
this could go two ways:
either you don’t acknowledge him being upset and he starts acting super pouty to make it obvious-
or he literally just shows no emotion to the matter and decides to keep it to himself
he trusts you so much but he definitely thinks about how maybe you could be with someone better
PLEASE reassure him that you love him and he’s the greatest boyfriend ever :((
he isn’t one to care for much attention but when he doubts himself like that you better give it to him >:T
he gets sad :(
he immediately thinks the worst
which is that you see something special in this other person that you don’t see in him
his whole mood changes
such an over thinker when it comes to this stuff
he definitely wears his heart on his sleeve tho so you know when somethings up
after lots of reassurance he’s ok but he always kinda feels like you’ll find someone better
he thinks he’s a little hard to handle sometimes and since he’s always busy he’s afraid that you would maybe want someone who’s easier to spend time with
there are some VERY special instances where he’ll just walk up and announce that he’s your boyfriend
usually it’s done without thinking and the once he realizes the person was trying to flirt with you he’s like “oh- OH HAHA LOSER” lol 
overall, he doesn’t want to intrude on any of your friendships and conversations but he can’t help but get a little scared of losing you
he’s the type to get really awkward about someone else hitting on you
seeing someone else flirting with you would make him feel so uncomfortable and it would just be really weird for him
he wouldn’t want to intrude but he can’t help but overthink the whole situation
he would feel so powerless and like he’s just watching his partner get taken from him and there’s nothing he can do
if you did try to get him to join the convo it would just make him even more uncomfortable because he’d feel kinda left out
also definitely starts feeling maybe he’s being annoying or something
once you let him know you’d never leave him he’d pull a sapnap and start making jokes about the other person lol
listen... he trusts you. just you tho. everyone else is an enemy.
he knows you’d never do anything but the thought of another guy even thinking about you in some type of way makes him so agitated
super super possessive but I mean hey ur quite the prize that i’m sure he worked hard to get ;)
tries to keep you by his side/holding his hand most of the time
is not afraid to step in between a conversation. very confrontational.
puts on a whole tough guy act which you bully him for later lol
once you two are alone he starts talking so much shit about the other guy
“babe he is literally my friend-“
“ok? and your friends a little bitch that’s not my fault.”
kinda mean LMAO but he’s so good to you and would stop if you asked him
the most protective boy ever
is so focused on making sure no one is ever making you uncomfortable
literally on you like a guard dog
i would even go as far as to say his protective/possessiveness could become an issue in your relationship but he loves you and he has good intentions
if you don’t pick up on his change in behavior he gets very passive aggressive
he doesn’t just get jealous of people flirting with you it’s a lot of different things including his own friends
deep rooted insecurity OMG IM SORRY THIS IS SO DEEP
he’s just really afraid to lose you but doesn’t want to show it
you’d definitely expect him to be more mature about it
will glare at the object of his jealousy, even if they are looking lol
“y/n, that guy is looking at you weird— i don’t like it :( “
“Will please i’m not going anywhere. i promise you’re all mine.”
will litter your face with kisses after being jealous.
when someone is hitting on you, he just walks over and scares them off with his height
will instantly get over it if you give him affection
he might just want your attention sometimes, but other times there is some truth to it
^^^^ 🥪 ANON WROTE THESE aka my little wilbur soot enthusiast thank you very much
the most mature out of all of them lol
she trust you so much to the point where if she sees you talking to someone else she just brushes it off
he only concerns are the person being creepy or weird so she will make sure to keep on eye on what’s going on
also just wants to me sure you aren’t uncomfortable without stepping in too much
might gesture you over to her for a second or send you a questioning glance to make sure everything is good
if you happen to ask her to join the conversation she would be so happy it would really calm any nerves she had
if the person does end up being weird you guys def laugh about it and tell the story on stream lol
niki has very little fears with you, you’re her person and that’s that :3
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hello hello thank you for reading hope you enjoyed!!! ALSO i’m gonna be doing like a little prompt thing for when i hit 100 followers so that will be posted soon and i’ll explain how it works and everything on the post!! (tiny milestone but thank you all so much :3)
@crackityy @themanifoldenjoyer ayo shoutout my only two tag listers so far LOL
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meruz · 3 years
i was gonna draw tonight but i dropped my tablet pen and the barrel of the pen broke off and flew somewhere underneath (??) my bed (?) and now i cant find it so I’m just gonna answer asks before bed instead. just some art asks and more mentions of infinity train LOL
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What program and brushes do you use when making your art?
@ravki hi! part of this is in my FAQ but i’ll say it again anyways LOL: I use photoshop CC and have used photoshop for pretty much....my whole art career. I’ve dabbled in clip and paint tool sai in the past but photoshop is my true wife, we eloped away from her awful father adobe many years ago and are very happy together. 
as for brushes... I should prob put this info in my FAQ too lol,... my default brush set is actually free to download here! Tho I will say I also use steve ahn’s storyboarding brush sometimes and lately i’ve been using shiyoon kim’s brushes A TON. Shiyoon’s cost a couple bucks but they’re super worth it imo
How do you choose colors?
This is kind of a difficult one to describe from scratch but hmm.... I’ll put it this way. Generally when I go into coloring or painting something I already have some colors in mind. Like for a certain piece I know I want a bright green, or a magenta, or a dark blue in certain areas. A lot of the time I know a mood I want. So I’ll start with that core color tone and build around it. I’ll use an example from a recent piece
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So you can see here that the first color I accessed was that bright cyan. So I start with that bright cyan and then bring in its “friends” in the form of analogous colors (shown below on the far left)
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greens greys etc. THEN I know I want the characters to stand out against all the blue so I start laying down warm contrasting colors for them (middle group). the mat under them is orange, skin tones are warm, ryans flannel is red etc. then to get them to work together I work more cool colors into the shadows and slightly warmer (not too warm because its a cool img overall so in this case, greener LOL) colors into highlights. 
hope that makes sense? for me choosing colors is a lot about story and composition. If you know what you want to say, the mood you want to create, where you want to go, the path to get there becomes a lot clearer imo.
Have you ever considered making an art book?
I have! But I don’t think I currently have enough...original illustrations for one LOL? Not that an art book has to be all original work but if I were putting fanart in an art book...at that point I’d just make a fanzine. I’m making more original work lately though so maybe this year....? Who knows. For now, I do have a sketchbook up on gumroad. Hoping to do one of those next year too.
Any tips for keeping background drawings from getting super stiff, especially since things like interiors have a lot of straight lines?
This is a really interesting ask. Really great question that I don’t think gets asked enough - forgive me if I get a bit art school here but I drew up some examples.
First I think we have to investigate the assumption that straight lines make things stiff. That seems true on an instinctual level and certainly proves to be true very often But I don’t think its actually the straight lines themselves but the sort of arrangements and compositions they tend to dictate. Take this for instance.
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pretty big difference, right? there’s a couple things that make a composition feel stiff and one of the most significant is lines that are perpendicular and parallel to the frame. it feels locked in and solid, like bricks. but the moment you shift these angles even a little the composition instantly becomes more dynamic because our innate senses of weight, gravity, and directionality can sense movement.
But it’s not just diagonals let’s take this one step further
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when lines meet and terminate together those tangents can flatten and lock space so the best way to solve this is with overlap and complete intersection, forms continuing past or behind each other feel more layered and less like a flat mosaic... again, even in the simplest line drawings. So how do we apply this to a background?
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ok I drew this really fast so its potentially not the best example but I think the idea is there. This space isn’t even particularly deep, it’s basically a room, a doorway, and a hallway behind it, and we’re not seeing that much of any of those things LOL. but when you draw an environmental object like a doorway in a way that lines up with the perpendicular and parallel lines of the canvas you’re automatically flattening it and making it look rigid.
and when you create tangents with objects and characters you flatten the space around them and make it difficult to tell what is actually in front or behind or if they’re on the same plane.
GOD I HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE. Anyways. avoid those things and you’ll instantly have less stiff bgs no matter what kind of bg you’re depicting.
I wanna mention however that this isn’t to say a stiff bg with flat space doesn’t have its purposes.
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sometimes you want to create parallels and tangents. it can make characters feel closed in, trapped, regimented, part of a routine, etc. it’s also great for making a composition look ornamental (especially combined with symmetry).
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directors like wes anderson can even use these compositional elements to make images feel uncanny or harrowing! its very versatile. I think the important thing is to just be aware of when you are making something rigid and when that’s the last thing you want to do. conscious choices.
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Can you speak Tagalog?
@lemuelzero101​ I can! BUT NOT VERY WELL LOL ;;; both my parents are from Visayas! but they met and had me in the states lol so I’m pretty American born and raised. We go back to visit family on occasion but not regularly. My tagalog is mostly absorbed from listening to relatives at parties lol and my parents speak bisaya at home so I’m marginally better at that. Sorry to any filipinos out there hoping I’d be better educated, I’m like a little baby...
I do love meeting and talking to other filipinos online though, I grew up in an area that was relatively diverse but the asian population was small and the filipino population basically non-existent. I was like one of maybe 2 filipino kids in my highschool of 2000.
Apart from infinity train what shows are you watching now? Have you seen jujitsu kaisen?
Man this is gonna sound so boring but I haven’t watched a lot of tv lately.  It’s not really part of my daily routine. Let’s see... I was sort of watching Amphibia, Craig of the Creek, and the new Digimon Adventure 2020 but I keep falling off watching those for one reason or another. Also there’s a lot of episodes, it doesn’t feel like something I can just binge and be done with.
The last thing I binged was Succession. I want that show and Euphoria back so bad, when I’m done forcing all my friends to watch Infinity Train im cancelling my HBO subscription until Succession and Euphoria return so they know exactly what I’m on their list for LOL. 
I have not watched jujitsu kaisen but I’ve kept up with some of the sakuga news (I keep up with anime industry news and production info like x5 the amt i keep up with actual anime) for it and their compositing/editing looks dope. I’ve read the manga actually LOL or at least part of the beginning. I wasn’t super keen on the whole finger eating thing. Also to be honest I kinda feel like its the new Bleach and I never particularly cared about Bleach. Characters look nice enough tho. I wholeheartedly support jjk fans.
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Thank you! Thank you @keznodzieja​! <3
And thank you anons who don’t watch infinity train LOL...it’s always nice to hear when people enjoy my fanart despite not knowing the source material because it lifts a little bit of the “oh god am I being annoying???” fear off my chest. But also I think you should watch infinity train because it’s really good I have no reservations recommending it.
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mebbrrr · 2 years
cc indirect from the perspective of a bitch who dropped the fandom a While Ago and hates like 80% of the creators on the server
1. youre cool. ur New To Big Fame but i think ur quite neat and actually seem rlly nice. rock on. also u actually bring something new to that shitass story and its nice to see from the sidelines
2. same with the above u seem Cool i just Dont know As Much abt you. ur cool
3. i literally do not have feelings about you. like your humor is just Loud and it works sometimes but like Yknow.
4. um. twitter is on ur ass rn. for good reasons it seems like
5. you are the only mf. ur cool in my book u should get more attention
6. i literally dont know a thing about you
7. i still watch ur youtube content u kinda rock. we are like when autism unites except u might be neurotypical Idk
8. also know nothing abt u but ur character had a cool premise at least
9. Hardly Know Anything about you but youre good in my books purely by the fact that you know Nothing at all. that sits right with me. ur on thin ice tho (but everyone on this list is)
10. um. i have ur merch i guess but imma be real i am likely going to sell it LMAO
11. idk u
12. i also dont know u
13. ur tweets remind me of my grandmother’s facebook presence
14. imma be real i do not like u king. ur like #25 in terms of Dark Humor El Oh El and that doesnt vibe with me and i also just. couldnt sit down for ur streams i am being 100% honest its just Something abt ur voice
15. u r kind of boring i will not lie. i like ur laugh tho
16. ur gay i guess
17. it’d be cool if u would actually apologize for some of the stuff u’ve done. like im of the belief that u actually learned from it but actually acknowledging it would be sicknasty. please acknowledge it. the ice is so thin that you literally have 1 foot in the water. also i fucking hate the character you play its so badly written
18. i literally have no thoughts on you. you showed up for the first time when i first started watching and i Still do not have thoughts on you
19. ur twitter stans are annoying. like ur ok i Guess (friend-disown that other mf and we’re GOOD) but your vibe is just slightly Wrong
20. u actually did apologize for the shit u did. idk how to feel abt u tho even tho i actually do find you funny
21. u deserved better both from fans and from those bitches on the server who Never listened to u
22. i still vibe with you. ur like a capybara to me i could never hate you. thank u for actually calling ppl out on their bullshit
23. U ALSO DESERVED BETTER. thank u for apologizing for ur ignorance. but also u deserved better king i wish the other jackasses on the server listened to u
24. ur fucked up Lol i thought u were Cool for a bit just bc Most People Did but u have recently gotten urself into hot water and its.. deserved bc wtf. u fucked up For Sure
25. i cant see the appeal. any bit of humor from u Solely comes from ur voice. u are like if john mulaney made a career on being even whiter than he is. also u literally buy (SOMETHING HEEHEEHOOHOHO) which is still fucked up even if u frame it as a joke LMAO
26. i mean ur fine i guess. thin ice bc ur white. ur (HOBBY OF SOME SORT) does rock tho
27. YOU ALSO CALL PPL OUT ON THEIR SHIT. ur better than most of these bitches
28. i cannot get over past comments u’ve made. not only did they make me deeply uncomfortable, but they hurt some of my friends and acquaintances and that will always carry with me
29. imma be real i. could never get into ur content. ur funny with other people but just.. not on ur own, to me
30. you are white bread
31. i did like ur content. like a lot. but i feel like you crossed over that line of whats okay to joke about Too Much and now i cant vibe with u. hope u learn from it i guess bc i still Do have some sort of hope for u
32. i dont trust any man with that hobby and that name
33. u deserved better. except when you decided to partake in buying (SOMETHING. LOL) wish ur friends were less white
34. i wish you’d get acting lessons bc you were one of the few genuinely interesting characters
36. ppl somehow forget u in the conversation of (some discourse dont worry) even tho ur one of the main parties involved. i just dont rlly like you purely based on vibes, otherwise
37. the last time i read ur name is the first time ill be at peace
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chrvstenpress · 2 years
This will be long, but I want to get it out before you leave again 🥺 (excuse any grammatical errors) I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the amazing work you and your circle put in to make CP23 to LA a movement that brought her home. I don't think I can even express the gratitude I have for you and everyone that was involved. She's home! I live in Ventura County and made it out to all the games at CSUF and the atmosphere was great. I love football but grew up watching the men's game. I had never experienced such a good atmosphere for a football match the day ACFC played the first CC match against the 🌊, but our home opener was FUCKING INCREDIBLE!!!! Seeing people from all walks of life and ages being so excited to watch the team play is amazing. The game day experience is awesome. I have yet to get there with enough time to spare to check anything out (fuck traffic) but I always feel so happy seeing the supporter groups hanging out, the kids kicking balls around, and people getting their face tattoos. I love this club so much. I'm a STH in section 315 and I get goosebumps every time the supporter's section starts chanting and sets off the smoke! They are so loud and give off such amazing energy throughout the whole match. Someone correct me if I'm using the wrong term but the capos GO SO FUCKING HARD!!! Like they're so energetic and always moving and using so many hand gestures and sometimes I zone out of the game and watch them lead the chants instead! So much love and respect for the capos and all of the supporter group members. I don't follow them but am always checking the SG socials and I'm so amazed by all of them. The drummers go non stop and their hands bleed! The chants are amazing and I've started learning them. I am going to make it a goal of mine to join the supporter's section for a couple of games because the vibe is unmatched! Overall they keep such an amazing atmosphere throughout the whole game and I love you all so much. I'm super grateful that ACFC has created such an amazing environment for fans and players. As someone who isn't out to anyone yet, the Pride Night made me emotional seeing so many people loving each other and it made me hopeful that maybe next year I'll get to experience it! Things might not always be perfect, but my love for our crest will never waiver. To the solo anons, I'd be down to meet! Thank you for all the work that you do for our club! 🖤 (I hope you and your family are well! I hope Ita has made it out to a game and is doing well)
hahaha those are my people!!! im not going to lie, it hurts our bodies to go that hard but we do it for the love of the game and the club LOL. I totally agree though. the first game at Fullerton was one thing and I sort of knew that it would only get better at the Banc, but it didnt quite hit me until it happened and there were tears that were sheddd. also, yes pls!! come join us in the supporters section!! it's so so so much fun and you won't wanna leave once you try it lol. Ita hasn't been to a game yet and she's been okay, but we're hanging in there! I'll be sure to get her to a game at some point. I think she would love it. thank you for such kind words!!!!
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