#i feel like she goes to art galleries and old libraries and writes in a little notebook 🤒
birdietrait · 22 days
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marvelmusing · 2 years
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Gorgon!Billy Russo x Goddess!Reader
headcanons under the cut
A/N: features brief mentions of sex and violence. Reader is based on Athena, and the gods in this are based on the Greek Gods but it’s a loose inspiration
Growing up in the group home, one of Billy’s only sources of refuge was reading myths and stories about the old gods and how they used to bless mortals who were dedicated enough.
Several years later, Billy is struggling to keep Anvil afloat. He hadn’t been caught up in the illegal activities of Rawlins, but his old commander’s actions still had an impact on Billy.
He’s walking by a trinket shop when he spots a familiar symbol. The Goddess of Wisdom’s symbol. It’s a dull golden charm, hanging from a thin piece of black string. Something inside him calls out to the charm, and he buys it.
Billy hasn’t had time for reading or hobbies over the years, too busy fighting, trying to stay alive, then create a business for himself. Alone. But after buying the necklace, he feels the urge to go back to the stories he had read as a child.
All the while, he keeps the necklace on, the charm settled next to his beating heart.
He goes to the library, spending hours reading through countless books. Anything about the old gods - but particularly the Wisdom goddess. Original texts. Academic analysis. Poems and plays. Trashy romantic retellings written for teenagers. Billy devours every word of it.
He reads online discourse and debates. He goes to museums and art galleries, admiring how the artists tried to capture the Goddess’ likeness.
Eventually, he finds a summoning spell, to call the Goddess to you. He doesn’t really think it will work, so he tucks it away in his office at Anvil.
He only finds the spell again one Sunday morning when he comes into work, hoping to distract himself from the ache in his chest.
He knew people saw him as a one-time thing. He knew that the girl he’d been flirting with over the last week probably wouldn’t want to stay and have breakfast with him. He would settle for whatever morning sex she wanted and hopefully she’d want to see him again. Because he liked her. He always liked them.
Only for her to wake up and immediately get dressed, telling him she had only gone out with him because her father wanted to make an offer on Anvil.
Now here Billy was, in his office on a Sunday, feeling used, when he wanted to still be in bed with someone who cares about him. Clearly that’s too much to ask for, he thinks bitterly, swiping his papers to the floor in pain-fuelled frustration.
Then he spots the summoning spell.
He draws the complex diagram on a piece of paper, writes his name in the centre, encircled by the many names of the Goddess. Billy says the words of the spell, his tongue pronouncing the syllables clumsily.
He waits for a long moment, looking around for any sense of another presence. He strains his ears, listening for some sort of sign for the God’s. Something to take away the awful ache inside him. To make him feel whole.
Then Billy passes out.
When he comes to, he’s on a cliff top, overlooking the sea. The wind whips at his hair as he looks around wildly. A voice calls out calmly,
“Hello William Russo.”
He turns. You’re sitting on a tree stump, leaning back on your arms as you enjoy the warm glow of the sun on your skin. Your eyes are hooded, due to the brightness, as you look over at him.
The breath catches in Billy’s throat. You’re ethereal. More gorgeous than he could ever imagine. His lips part, and you appear to be amused at his expression. He briefly wonders whether he should kneel at your feet. Then he shakes himself.
“What’s going on? Where am I?”
“You called out to me.” Your voice is soft, and he could listen to you all day long. “So I brought you here, to my island.”
“Why?” You shrug lightly.
“I’ve seen your pursuits, William Russo. It’s been quite some time since a mortal was so dedicated to me.”
The skin over his cheekbones reddens.
“I’ve seen your struggles too. I’d like to make you an offer.” He narrows his eyes. He knows to be wary of the gods and their gifts, but you don’t seem to mean him any harm. “Any mortal that looks at you with ill intentions in their heart will suffer greatly for it.” His stomach flips. That’s what he’s always wanted.
“What’s the catch?”
“You will be bound to this island, and serve here as the protector of my temple for the rest of your life.”
You point through the trees to where a large marble structure stands, though it looks like it’s seen better days.
“That’s all?” He asks. You nod. He runs it through his mind. He doesn’t have much waiting for him back in his old life. Here, he would have safety, and a purpose, and you. “I’ll do it.”
“Will you swear it?”
“One condition.” You nod. “I want your blessing as well.”
A smile creeps over your lips. You do love it when mortals are clever.
Then Billy swears an oath to remain on your island, and protect your temple for the rest of his life. You step closer to him, asking him to close his eyes. There’s only a moment of hesitation, before he obeys.
Leaning close, you press a featherlight kiss to each of his closed eyelids. Then one on his forehead.
“Say goodbye to your mortality, William Russo.”
He breathes out a nervous laugh.
“I think you can call me Billy, all things considered.” You chuckle quietly, and Billy wants to hear that sound for the rest of his life. You step back, allowing your magic to settle over him.
“Open your eyes then, Billy.”
You smile at your work, taking his hand in yours and leading him towards the temple. There’s an adorable frown of confusion on his face. He doesn’t feel any different.
His eyes widen when you step foot in the temple. High ceilings and beautiful paintings on the walls, now faded with the sun and smudged by rain. Ornate columns and carvings that are crumbling slowly with time. You stop in front of a large mirror, and Billy finally sees his reflection.
He stares in shock.
If he could tear his eyes away he would notice that you look nervous.
“A Gorgon?” He says faintly, reaching up towards the mass of dark snakes sitting on the top of his head.
“I kept most of your human features. No hooves or wings or tail.”
“Snakes.” He says, running his hand tentatively over the creatures.
“Yes.” Your voice is very quiet. “I sharpened your teeth, and nails.” He observes these features, looking them over curiously. “Changed your hair, obviously. And your eyes.”
“My eyes?”
He looks closer into the mirror, studying his eyes. They look the same dark brown as they always have, though when the sunlight hits them appear to shimmer like moonlight over a still lake.
“So I can turn people into stone?”
“Only those who wish you ill will.” You remind him, before adding in a soft, dangerous tone, “I’ve heard it’s quite an agonising way to die.”
Billy tilts his head as he looks at you. So kind and gentle with him, but he sees the cruelty underneath. He sees how dangerous your beauty is. You’re just like him.
“Thank you.”
From then onwards Billy lives in your temple. After his first day on the island, you’re called away to the Council of the God’s. You warn Billy that you may be gone a long time. Years feel different to immortals, and trying to gather all twelve of you, then come to a decision together takes the patience of a saint.
Billy assures you that he’s used to being alone. Though that doesn’t make you feel better as you dematerialise and drift away to the Council.
While you’re away, Billy cleans up the rubble and the weeds growing in the cracks of the temple. He then patches up those cracks, to the best of his ability. He manages to come to an agreement with the local bees, and makes beeswax candles for your altar.
As you’re sitting through the meeting, sighing as your sibling falls from their chair after one too many glasses of wine, you feel the changes Billy is making. With every pile of dust removed, your head feels clearer. With every animal he befriends, your heart flutters. When he lights the candles on your altar, you feel powerful for the first time in years.
Your brother observes the change as the two of you walk out of the Council Hall once the meeting has finally concluded.
“You seem happy. Don’t tell me you’ve finally found someone to warm your temple.” He teases with a smug grin, and you shove his shoulder, eyeing the sky as sunrise is about to begin.
“Don’t you have a chariot to pull, little brother?”
Before he can respond, you shift into an owl and soar off into the night.
Billy is in the temple when you arrive. He turns when he hears you coming, his eyes wide as you move towards him in a glistening silver gown, the thin fabric rippling as you walk.
“My Goddess.” He greets you with such awe in his voice that you shiver.
“Hello Billy.”
He grins wickedly with a confidence he hadn’t shown you before.
“I never got to thank you properly.” You frown at him, and he steps closer, pressing his body against yours. His fingers trace under your jaw, as he breathes the words against your skin, “May I?”
He perches you on your altar, parts your thighs, and buries his face between them, worshipping you with every ounce of devotion in his body.
From then onwards you slowly become lovers.
One day you’re working in the forest together. Picking berries as Billy chops at some wood. You drop your basket when you hear a startled cry from Billy.
“You should be more careful, my love.” You warn him, the endearment slipping out at the alarming sight of his blood. You feed him ambrosia to heal his wound, and his eyelids flutter at the sweet taste.
You are very affectionate towards his snakes. He often lowers his head into your lap, allowing you to thread your fingers through them and coo at them.
“Hello, my darlings. Oh you poor things, all tangled up aren’t you? Let me help you.”
Billy hides his grin when you help his snakes to detangle themselves, knowing full well that they could do it on their own.
Your siblings soon hear about the mortal man turned immortal by your hand, who now protects your temple. Of course, they decide to visit.
“This is my brother. You probably know him as Apollo, or Helios, or… Well he’ll probably list all his titles and ask you to choose your favourite. He’s rather vain in that sense.” You remark teasingly, at which your brother rolls his eyes.
You tell Billy that should be want to bed any of them, he’s more than welcome to. As long as he doesn’t do it in the prayer room. He tilts his head in confusion at your words.
“I thought the gods were possessive over their mortals.”
“You aren’t mortal anymore, Billy. Forever is a long time, and I wouldn’t want to confine you anymore than I have done already. Besides, my siblings may have you for a night or two, but I’m the one who gets to keep you on my island, in my temple.”
He smiles at your words, but he still has questions.
“They’re your siblings though. Isn’t that a little weird?”
“We’re not actually related you know.” He frowns at you, and you explain, “God’s aren’t made up of genetics like humans are, we’re intangible. After all, can you hold wisdom in your hands?”
“Yes.” Billy says immediately and you frown at him.
He cups your face in his hands and you laugh.
“Very clever, Mr Russo.” He shrugs lightly with a bright smile on his face.
“I try.”
When the word spreads of the Gorgon in your temple, you begin to feel worry for the first time in centuries.
“Please be careful, Billy. Now that the gods know about you, before long it will reach the demigods, then the humans. They’ll see your head as a prize to claim.” He kisses your forehead in reassurance.
“I’ll be careful.”
You’re lying in bed one night when Billy asks you,
“What happens when a monster dies?”
You turn to face him with a frown, eyeing the distant look in his eyes.
“I didn’t turn you into a monster, Billy.” You state firmly, holding his face in your hands. “Despite the things you did, even as a mortal, you have never been a monster.” He nods and you continue. “If you did die, I would go straight down to Hades or Tartarus or wherever you ended up, and I would bring you right back.”
“Gods can’t go to Hades.”
You smile mischievously.
“I have my connections.”
Said connections visit a month later, when Spring arrives at your island.
Persephone sits in the sunlit field with you as she weaves Billy a flower crown, and you discover that his snakes can sneeze - much to his embarrassment.
You and Billy Russo have a very long existence ahead of you, but you’re sticking together through it all.
marvelmusing Tag List: @dreamlandcreations @blanchedelioncourt @idaofinfinity
Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23 @rafaelakelley @theysayitscrazy @nyx2021 @skybridgerton @dragon-of-winterfell @chickensarentcheap @stardustmorozov @sweetwritingfanficfriend @witchcraftandwit @ladyofsoa @ily2lia
BB Characters Tag List: @rachlovesactors
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Fuck it. Today I get to be self-indulgent and tell you about the entire Fjorester Hallmark Christmas Fanfic that is way too long for me to write these days but I have entirely laid down in my head so instead I’m going to write about it as a bulletpoint fic.... sort of... you’ll get the grasp. Just strap along for the ride. 
(This is obvious and shamelessly based on Tis The Damn Season by Taylor Swift, you can fight me. I said it was self-indulgent)
Okay, so first of all, the group are all friends and knew each other all through college, right? 
Jester studied psychology (she’s an emotional healer, you know?) and especialices in art therapy. 
Fjord did a marine biology major with an acting minor, because deep down he’s a theater nerd but doesn’t dare admit it because he needs to want a “real” career, you know? Also, he paid for his studies with a full swimming team scholarship. 
I legit don’t know what everyone else studied —this is the kinda stuff I would figure out while actually writing the fic— so you get to fill those blanks! 
ANYWAY, basically during college Jester had this art teacher, Artagan, who she became weirdly friendly with (you sometimes become friends with your college teachers, they aren’t even that much older than you and half the time are just as tired)
So this art teacher is delighted by her, right? Keeps telling her how talented an artist she is and how she should definitely come with him to LA after this year is over. He’ll get her into a gallery! She’ll be famous and amazing! 
So Jester goes. And her heart aches. And maybe leaving her mama is so damn hard. And maybe, maybe, she doesn’t want to say goodbye to Fjord but she’s been in love with him for so so so long and he never seemed to see her in that way, so she can’t put her life on pause for him. She can’t. Even if the night before she leaves it looks like he’s trying to tell her something, to half confess something that he never quite does say out loud and her heart falls and she leaves. 
ANYWAY here is where our story begins. 
Jester comes back for christmas after six months away and she is EXCITED to be home! 
(maybe a little too much, maybe things aren’t going as great in LA as she expected) (and mayyyybe she’s a little nervous to see a certain someone but it’s ok)
Fjord picks her up at the airport. He knows her mama doesn’t like going out much and he really, really, really insists that it’s no big deal. His car is old and shitty and there was an incident once that made Jester start calling it “The Ball Eater” to Fjord’s endless dismay (and bemusement). 
Anyway the ride home is light hearted, they make small talk and laugh about old times and Jester talks so much about how amazing everything in LA is but Fjord can’t shake the feeling that something about her, despite her smile, seems sad. 
He also can’t help the desire to hold her hand, or kiss her, or at the very least confess how uselessly in love he’s been with her for years, but she’s only here for like four days because she needs to go back to LA for her big New Years gallery show that Artagan put together and he can’t ask much from her without getting in the way of her dreams, so he doesn’t. 
So they get home and Marion is as delightful as ever and Jester finds out that Fjord has been helping her fix some things around the house (oh so you’re a very handy man, Fjord! *wiggles eyebrows*) and he’s been buying her groceries because he knows Jester used to do it because Marion is always so busy performing at the Chateau (and doing other things for her fancier clients, but Fjord would rather not bring that subject up too often) and he just thought it would be important for someone to look after her from time to time. 
Jester has to choke back tears because she is so moved that he is so wonderful with her mama even when she’s gone. Her heart flutters and it’s terrifying. 
So Fjord leaves and Jester and her mama spend the whole afternoon together, catching up and baking cupcakes and watching christmas movies until Marion has to go to work.
Meanwhile, Fjord is trying to figure out what to do with himself and with Jester —nothing, he decides, he shouldn’t really say anything— and keeps pacing around his apartment to the endless bemusement of his roomate. 
Caduceus was MEANT to go home for the holidays, but there was some kind of change of plans with his family at the last minute (or so he says, he hasn’t been very forthcoming about it and Fjord suspects they might have had an argument or something or maybe Cad just decided not to go home, but how is he supposed to know? He never knew the first thing about families) so now Caduceus is here and for the first time in his life Fjord is not spending Christmas alone. 
Caduceus suggests honesty is the best course of action, that he should just tell Jester how he feels. Yeah. Right. 
Jester gets together with the rest of her friends “The Nein” they call each other, though they have never been nine, just to mess with people who keep asking and getting weirder and weirder answers. They get some drinks. 
While Fjord is away getting drinks, Beau mentions what a shitty year she’s had and Jester’s brow furrows and Beau says it was just a lot of shit, you know? Vandran just up and leaving town, handing in his thesis (though his tutor, Mrs. Melora was delightful and supportive). She doesn’t mention how depressed Fjord was over Jester leaving, though, but she does say that the cherry on top was his fucking ex showing up again. 
“Avantika came back?!”
Jester’s chest twists with the painful memory of jealousy and anger and worry over how unhealthy the whole thing was and how sick and sleepless and exhausted and sad Fjord seemed though the entire relationship before he finally gathered the courage to break things up. 
Veth knows that, so she brushes it off with a quick “it’s fine, he told her to go fuck herself” and Jester feels maybe a little better —even though she totally has no right because she and Fjord aren’t a thing and he can do whatever he wants ok? she totally doesn’t care, totally. 
Still, maybe, on the way back home she asks if he’s okay and she’s so worried and hesitant and Fjord just melts and assures her he’s alright, that he already knew when Avantika came back that she was not what he wanted, that he deserved more... that he wanted more... and he’s so earnest and breathless that Jester thinks he might really be in love with someone else, then... it doesn’t occur to her that all he can think about is kissing her in that moment, parked outside her mama’s house. 
The porch’s front light turns on, the moment passes, they say goodbye. 
Fjord comes over on the 24th to hang out. Apparently, Caduceus is a little bit more homesick than he is willing to admit and decided to unload all of his Cain Instincts on Fjord. Jester is delighted by the idea of Cad secretly being a prankster, but she lets Fjord hide out with her and her mama as they decorate the house (Marion didn’t have time to before between shifts) and make cookies and watch movies. 
And it’s so easy, so sweet and comfortable, that Jester can’t help but feel like this is what life is meant to be, she can’t help but fantasize about what things could have been like... 
Fjord finally asks what’s wrong. She tries to dodge the question first, assuring him she’s alright, but Fjord has known Jester long enough to figure out that something is weighing on her and he insists that she can tell him anything. 
Jester finally breaks and admits LA isn’t everything she dreamed. It’s pretty great, sure, and she got a job as an art therapist in a nearby clinic and the gallery is going to be great and fun but she feels so lonely, she’s tried to make new friends but everyone is too busy or stuck on their own road to success to really get to know them, she misses the Nein, she misses her mama, she misses her home and Fjord. Besides, Artagan has been so busy with planing the gallery (and all of the other cool artists he has been collecting to showcase there and she didn’t know about before) and he’s just not as focused on being her artistic mentor has before. It’s just a lot. 
And Fjord listens and nods and assures her that she’s brilliant and amazing and she will be alright, but she can always come back home if she wants (god, he wishes she would return). 
instead, Jester says he should come to LA because they used to talk about this, about both going there and trying their luck as artists. “You are such an amazing actor, Fjord!” She insists but Fjord is too anxious. Dreams don’t pay the bills. He can’t just drop everything just to follow a dream... just to follow her. 
It gets quiet after that. 
On the way out, Marion overhears that Fjord is planing to spend christmas alone with Cad on their apartment and insists they should come over for diner instead. 
Jester is delighted! It’s usually just her and her mama (who usually has to leave early because she works christmas night at the hotel) but now Cad and Fjord can come too! And the others should too! Beau and Yasha are here alone too and Veth can bring Yeza and Luke and Caleb will definitely want to spend it here instead of the library right?
So the Nein end up all invited to Jester’s christmas party. 
Which, of course, means they HAVE to do a secret santa. 
Jester gets Caleb, so she enlists Veth and Beau to go shopping for his gift to make it extra especial. 
While they are out doing chores, Caleb texts Jester and asks if he could talk to her later that afternoon. She wonders out loud why that would be and Veth blurts out: “he’s probably finally gonna tell you he’s in love with you” 
And Jester would brush it off with a flirty joke if it wasn’t by the way Beau slaps the back of Veth’s head and tells her “you said you wouldn’t tell on him!” 
So Jester is shocked and confused and thrown off balance because she never even considered Caleb like that. Does Caleb like her? Is he in love with her? Is she supposed to know that? To like him back? Oh no, he’s going to tell her this afternoon isn’t he? 
And she has to give him a christmas gift for the secret santa!
Caos and overthinking ensue and finally Jester buys Caleb a big thick book he’d been eyeing for a while but that he’d deemed too expensive to get and a very long scarf with lots of tiny cats and there’s nothing romantic about it but she’s still worried about it. 
So, either way, Caleb and Jester meet up for a late coffee (Caleb is basically immune to caffeine at this point so it’s fine and Jester only drinks hot coco so it’s alright). 
And Jester jumps the gun, she goes on and on and on about how she had no idea and she’s so sorry and she’s not sure about how to feel with this but she doesn’t want to hurt Caleb because he’s such a good friend and she really does care about him a lot but-
Caleb cuts her off with a laugh. He already knew she’s not in love with him, which is why he never brought the subject up. He’s fine, he’s moved on. 
Actually, he wanted to talk with her because he is seeing someone else (ESSEK) and he wanted to know if it would be alright to bring him over for christmas tomorrow. He thinks he’s ready to introduce them to his friends and a party seems like a good idea. 
Jester is delighted again and assures him he totally can come and not to worry about the extra space or work or food because Caduceus and Fjord promised to come help her prepare everything for the party. 
She grabs his hands and assures him with a bright smile that she’s incredibly happy for him and hopes this is the good kinda love that makes him feel warm and fuzzy and smile. And Caleb blushes and nods and mumbles that maybe it is. 
CUT TO: Fjord is totally accidentally watching this from outside the coffeeshop because he was out buying gifts too (for his secret friend, Beau, a dope set of weights... and for Jester, a tiny unicorn that he just saw and had to get for her because he knew it would make her so happy). 
Either way, as you can imagine, what Fjord sees is easily misunderstood. 
Cue: heartbreak. 
Which gets us to christmas morning filled with excitement and presents and hugs. 
Fjord and Caduceus come over to help the Lavorre women cook (Fjord feels a little responsible over turning their little yearly diner into a fully blown party because he mentioned they were spending it alone at home). 
And Fjord is sad. He isn’t angry, or rude, or jealous... okay, maybe a little jealous, but mostly he’s just heart-broken and Jester can tell something is off, but Fjord makes an effort to smile and pretend like everything is fine and –wow, whoever he is in love with (that person he said he now new he wanted) might have broken his heart and Jester is so confused and at a lost. 
Anyway, it’s Caduceus who finally has enough of the mopping around and pulls Fjord aside to figure out what’s wrong and Fjord just blurts everything out: Jester and the feelings and the almost kiss in his car and the hanging out and the stupid little unicorn he has back at home and now doesn’t dare give her and Jester holding Caleb’s hands and how stupid he feels and how he had no right to feel that way anyway...
Cad lets him ramble and in the end just sighs and puts a hand on his shoulder and says: you should give her the gift. Did you get it so she would love you? Did you get it to get something in return? 
No, Fjord says, he just wanted to make her happy. 
Well, it will still make her happy, right? Isn’t that what you want?
And Fjord nods despite the hurt and Cad thinks he is so clever because of course he knows that Jester is in love with Fjord and that Caleb has moved on but he figures his roommate needs to figure it out himself this time. 
And so, the party comes. 
They do the secret santa early, because everyone is too chaotic and excited to wait to figure out what gifts they will get and they all want their friends to see the awesome gifts they got them already. 
Fjord nearly bites through his cheek while he sees Jester give Caleb her secret santa gift. 
Yasha gives Jester a beautiful dress, dark but artistic, that everyone insists she must try on and model for them at once because the world really hates Fjord and wants to make him blush and squirm as much as possible over the girl of his dreams. 
Caduceus gets Fjord an amazing movie collection with all the western classics he loves and it’s probably one of the nicest gifts he’s ever gotten. 
The tiny unicorn weights like a fucking ton inside Fjord’s pocket through most of the night. He convinces himself that he can’t give it to Jester, it would be overstepping. If she loves someone else, he needs to respect that. 
And then Essek shows up, and Fjord understands many things at once, and he’s so stupid he wants to laugh and hit himself at the same time. 
And yeah, just because Jester isn’t in love with someone else it doesn’t mean that she will like him now... of course not... but he feels a little bit less like a terrible friend and person for wanting her to. 
He pulls her out to the porch with some dumb excuse and after a lot of awkward small talk he finally brings out the tiny unicorn. 
Jester is delighted. What? Why? When? And Fjord just tells her the truth, that he saw it and thought of her and how happy it would make her and he had to... 
So Jester kisses his cheek and he blushes furiously and just as the moment is about to die down Veth shouts from inside that someone hid a lot of mistletoe around the house and that she is not kissing any of her friends thank you very much. 
So the two of them look up just in time to see GUESS WHAT hanging over their heads. Because of course. 
Blushing. Awkwardness. I mean, we don’t have to if you don’t- I mean if you- I mean I do- Do you? Yeah. Wait. Really? I mean, do you want to? Y-yes! 
They kiss. 
And it’s quick and shy and not really a big romantic kiss, barely a peck between two friends terrified of fucking everything up. 
The night goes on and neither of them can stop thinking about it... but other than that, it’s just a fun party. 
Fjord doesn’t sleep much, he’s up early and pacing around the house until he decides he needs to try that again. Just once more. One more kiss. And maybe then... and, yes, she will leave, but maybe one more kiss wouldn’t be so terrible before that?
So Fjord runs. He runs over to her home, heart in his throat. 
He knocks on the door, rushed and breathless... and finds Marion looking sad. 
Jester got a call that very morning saying Artagan needed her ASAP back in LA because the gallery is apparently a mess and he needs her help to organize the big night. 
Fjord does his best to cheer Marion up but he also knows, he knows, how upset Jester must have been to lose the last few days home. 
Meanwhile, Jester is doing her best to help Artagan (after finding out her mentor might be an amazingly talented artist but a terrible event organizer) and basically runs herself thin, going crazy and barely sleeping for a couple days. 
Two days before the big exhibit everything is still a mess and it’s too much for her to handle alone... and then the Nein arrive. 
What are you doing here? What is going on? How are you here? 
And they just shrug and smile and say they missed her and ‘hey, do you need a little help with that?’ and before she knows it everyone is helping her up and putting together everything that’d been falling apart. 
Beau basically intimidates the catering service into actually delivering on time by reviewing their contract and finding how much money they could lose if they don’t. Yasha, turns out, has a fantastic eye for art and helps pick where and how each piece should be hanged. Veth goes nuts with the decoration, making it way fancier than anyone expected this little art show to be —she demands black tie for everyone who is coming, too. Caleb and Essek result amazing with lights and music and manage got connect the whole audio system by some sort of magical miracle because it hasn’t worked properly since the 8s. Caduceus and Fjord offer to serve drinks when the barman calls in sick. 
In the end, after a few hectic days, it all works out. 
Jester finds out from Beau that Fjord basically knocked on their doors as soon as he found out she had to come back and talked everyone into coming and drove all the way here in his cheap shitty Ball Eater car (it broke down halfway through and Fjord and Caleb had to fix it themselves which is also why it took them two whole days to get to LA). 
The night of the gallery everything is perfect and beautiful and Jester could cry because she has the best friends in the world —but, really, she could cry because she’s missed them so much and having them here with her has made LA seem like a true city of stars again. 
And so, she takes a moment in between smiling and shaking hands and posing for pictures with Artagan (who is sort of taking all the credit for their work but it��s alright because he’s already hooked her and two others up with a bunch of interested agents and it seems like he really just wants to help this small artists have their big break) and Jester steps outside to take some air. 
Fjord follows. 
And she starts to thank him, earnestly, for all his help and support and she has no idea how she could’ve done any of this without them —without him. She can’t believe he followed her all the way here (as if Fjord has done anything else since the day they met on their college’s induction day... he always follows her)
Fjord, a little coyly, says that he could pay her back by lending him a couch while he looks for a place... and that’s how Jester finds out Fjord’s moving to the city to try and pursue acting. 
“Job hunting wasn’t going too well either, so I figured I might as well give my dreams a chance... I would also really like to be closer to you,” he admits, in a moment of boldness. 
And Jester understands. Finally. She sees what she was too afraid of admitting to herself out of fear of heartbreak and disappointment. 
“I can lend you a couch,” she smiles, playfully, “but it will cost you... a movie, maybe diner later” 
And his eyes sparkle as he steps closer and says, “I think I can manage that” and he asks if he can kiss her, following a hunch, and she nods. 
Just as everyone shouts HAPPY NEW YEAR inside the building. 
ok that’s all, i cannot bring myself to actually write this multichapter, but I hope anyone who is still here after ALL THAT enjoyed the ride. 
Happy holidays!! 
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nineteenninety-six · 4 years
Escapism - Part Two
This is a bit early, I was actually going to write and post 3 imagines before this one but I struggled to find the motivation.
This is about 3k words of nonsense, I didn’t want it to be a continuous thing of them meeting at an event every so often so I tried to add a bit of a story to it and I uh don’t like the end part but it’s 5 am and I’m tired.
TW: abuse, alcohol 
Tag list for people that commented/asked (if you want to added or removed then just ask me:)) :
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Stewart was silent on the drive home, something he often did, so (Y/N) paid it no mind. She watched him out of the corner of her eye as he lit himself a cigarette slumped against the seat with this shirt untucked and his tie haphazardly wrapped around his neck, she could smell the waves of alcohol coming off of him and his eyes were still glazed from the drugs he had taken and she was grateful that they had a driver to take them home since Stewart was in no condition to do so.
(Y/N) helped Stewart up the stairs to their house, briefly letting go of him to open the front door before taking his arm and guiding him in and towards his bedroom but they didn’t get far as, as soon had the front door had slammed shut, she was slammed against the nearest wall and Stewart’s hands were tightly her wrists and he leant his body into hers enough so she knew that she wouldn’t be able to push him off.
“Where were you?” Stewart grit out, spit flying.
“W-what?” (Y/N) was caught off guard, not having a clue about what he was talking about.
“The afterparty. Where were you? Did you think I wouldn’t notice if you disappeared?”
(Y/N) cursed in her head, she thought he was too far gone to notice her absence but she was apparently wrong.
“Stewart, you know I don’t like those types of things.” She said meekly, not wanting to anger him any more than he was.
“I don’t care. You’re my wife, you do as I say.” Stewart growled out, “Understand?”
(Y/N) quickly nodded, wanting to get away from him as soon as possible.
“Good.” Stewart gave her one last glare before releasing her and stumbling away to his room.
(Y/N) collapsed to the floor as soon as he let go of her, her legs unable to support her any longer and began sobbing, quickly slapping her hand over her mouth to muffle the sound knowing that if Stewart heard her crying then he’ll just come back angrier.
(Y/N) slowly pushed herself up on to her feet, wincing at the pain in her wrists before silently shuffling to her room, trying her hardest not to make a sound. Once she slipped into her room, she stripped out of her clothes before sliding on her nightgown and slipping into her bed. As she laid in bed, she prayed to a God that she was no longer sure she believed in, pleading for an escape for the version of hell she was living in, one that she didn’t deserve before turning over and crying herself to sleep.
The next morning as (Y/N) walked downstairs for breakfast she prayed that Stewart wasn’t there but her prayers weren’t answered as he was sitting in his usual seat in the living room, puffing on a cigarette waiting for the maids to bring in their breakfast.
“Good morning, Stewart.” (Y/N) greeted as she slipped into the seat next to him and poured herself a cup of tea.
Stewart only grunted and (Y/N) couldn’t tell whether or not he was still upset about last night or if he even remembered what had happened the night before.
(Y/N) didn’t bother to attempt to converse with him and read over the newspaper until the maids brought in breakfast and when that came they ate in silence.
“I’m going to be in Parliament all this week, Jonathon offered to show me around and give me tips on becoming an MP so I’ll be back late all week.”
“Okay.” (Y/N) was internally cheering, practically a whole week without Stewart was probably the best thing to happen to her ever since she got married.
“His wife is coming down on Wednesday so I want you to come with me in Morning and show her around London and entertain her for the day.”
“Of course.” (Y/N) kept her answers short and sweet.
They finished the rest of the meal in silence before Stewart left the dining room to go, gods know where, not that (Y/N) cared either way.
(Y/N) spent the rest of the day in the library, it was pretty much the only thing she did, the only times she left the house was when Stewart was dragging her somewhere or she had to socialise with Mary-Anne and the other wives. (Y/N)’s life was boring but what could she do when the man she was married to practically kept her locked up and only brought her out when he wanted to flaunt or brag about her. She had overheard the many times Stewart’s friends had confessed to him that they were jealous that he managed to get a young woman while their wives were just as old as they were. It made her sick that these men were talking about those women like that but she couldn’t do anything to stop it.
Before she knew it, it was Wednesday and (Y/N) was sat next to Stewart in the car as he drove them to Westminster. (Y/N) had thoroughly enjoyed her first two days without Stewart even though today was a slight inconvenience, she didn’t care all that much as it meant she still got a day away from Stewart. They met Jonathon and his wife outside of Jonathon’s office.
“Stewart!” Jonathon shook Stewart’s hand before pulling (Y/N) into a small and brief hug, “(Y/N), it’s lovely to see you again.”
“Lovely to see you too Jonathon” (Y/N) politely smiled and interacted back, knowing that if she didn’t, Stewart would be mad.
“This is my wife, Margaret.” Jonathon introduced his wife, a small, pretty blonde woman.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you (Y/N).” Margaret stepped forward and shook her hand.
“The pleasures all my mine. I hope we will have a good day today.” (Y/N) smiled.
A pair of footsteps coming their way distracted the four of them and (Y/N) turned slightly to see who it was. It was Tommy Shelby and alongside him was a slightly younger woman who looked slightly liked him.
“Mr Shelby!” Stewart called out, disrupting Tommy and woman’s conversation.
Tommy looked up at the shout of his name and recognization flickered over his face as his eye found Stewart and the rest of the group. Tommy quietly murmured something in the woman’s ear before making his way over to this group, the woman one step behind him.
“Mr Langley, Mr Alexander” Tommy shook their hands and politely nodded to their wives.  
(Y/N) stared at Tommy as he stood only a few steps away from her, she had completely forgotten about him and now that she stood next to him, she remembered how relaxed and free she felt when she spent those few hours talking with him.
“This is my younger sister, Ada.” Tommy introduced the woman, who smiled.
The six of them stood in awkward silence for a few moments before Margaret spoke up, “Me and (Y/N) are spending the day in town, you can join us if you want Ada? It’s probably better than sitting in a stuffy office all day.” Margaret laughed.
Tommy and Ada exchanged a look before Tommy nodded his head in what looked like permission but (Y/N) wasn’t completely sure, she didn’t think their dynamic worked like that.
“I’d hate to interrupt,” Ada said.
“Oh it’s no problem at all is it (Y/N)?”
Suddenly (Y/N) felt the gazes of five people on her all at once, “Of course not, the more the merrier.”
Her smile was tight and forced as Margaret happily clapped.
“Let’s go, I want to experience everything I can before it gets dark!”
Stewart gripped her arm and lowered his head to talk to her before she could quickly make her escape, “Be nice. Try and get close to that Ada girl, remember I want her brother to be on my side.”
(Y/N) nodded before pulling her arm out of his grip and walking to where Margaret stood. Tommy was quietly talking to Ada when his eyes suddenly flickered to her, catching her off guard before going back to his sister.
Soon Ada made her way over to (Y/N) and Margaret and they went on their way, stopping off for brunch before deciding what they wanted to do for the day.
“So where first?” Margaret asked as soon as they stepped out of the cafe.
“The National Gallery of British Art is a short walk away, what about that?” (Y/N) asked, hoping that Margaret agreed.
The gallery was perhaps one of (Y/N)’s favourite places to visit, she found peace and her loneliness didn’t exist in the moments when she was surrounded by the paintings.
“Sounds wonderful! Let’s go!” Margaret began walking ahead, leaving (Y/N)  and Ada to trail behind her.
(Y/N) wasn’t sure what to think about Margaret, she was chipper and enthusiastic and so far more tolerable than the other wives she usually has to deal with but she was sure that Margaret’s happy personality would start to grate on her.
“She’s got quite a personality eh?” Ada suddenly spoke up making (Y/N) jump in shock.
“Oh! Yeah. She’s definitely got a bright personality, that’s for sure”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Ada apologized.
“It’s alright Miss Shelby, I was just lost in my thoughts.”
“I-, my last name is actually Thorne.” Ada corrected her, “Ms Ada Thorne if we’re using proper titles.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” (Y/N) was embarrassed before the second part of Ada sentence caught her attention.
“Ms..? Oh. I’m sorry for your loss.” (Y/N) had made a fool of herself in the short period of time that she had known Ada.
“It’s alright, it’s been a while. I’ve healed.” Ada was quick to soothe her.
“Still though...to lose someone close and precious to you must hurt.” (Y/N) felt at ease with Ada, like how she did with Tommy.
“It does but it’s a part of life I suppose. Everyone goes through it.”
(Y/N)’s lips twisted at Ada’s statement, she didn’t think she would know that feeling, with her no longer speaking to her parents and her miserable marriage to a man who bought her, (Y/N) couldn’t imagine feeling the pain of loss.
If Ada noticed her weird reaction she didn’t say anything.
“How long were you and your husband together?” (Y/N) asked before realised how rude of a question it was, “-You don’t have to answer that! I shouldn’t have even asked you that question, it was rude.”
Ada laughed, “It’s fine. At first, we were hiding around, trying not to get caught by my brothers but then I fell pregnant and we got married and then moved to London.”
“You have a child?”
“A son, Karl.” Ada smiled at the mention of her son. “How old is he?” (Y/N) asked, smiling at the joy that came over Ada’s face at the mention of her son.
“Ten. It feels like yesterday he was still just a baby.” Ada laughed, (Y/N) joining in.
“Do you like children?” Ada asked.
(Y/N) actually paused at the question, having to actually think about it, “I’m not sure. I don’t think I’ve ever been near a child or a baby. I’m an only child as well.”
“What about children of your own? Ever think about starting a family with your husband?” Ada asked.
“No. Stewart and I will never have children.” (Y/N) was final in her response.
Margaret was still ahead of them ‘ooh-ing’ and ‘ahh-ing’ at new things she came across which (Y/N) had to admit was quite endearing.
“Your husband…”  Ada started to speak, “No offence but he seems a bit older than you.”
“It’s fine. It was an arranged marriage, he’s quite a bit older than me. Old enough to be my dad, if we’re being honest.”
“How old are you?”
Ada scoffed and swore under her breath, causing (Y/N) to laugh, she laughed harder when Ada threw her an incredulous look.
“Tommy had the same reaction when I told him” (Y/N) explained.
“You’re not that much older than our youngest brother Finn. He’s only twenty-one.” Ada elaborated.
“How many of you are there?” (Y/N) was curious now, after meeting Tommy and Ada and hearing about Finn, she guessed there was a few more Shelby’s she didn’t know about.
“There was five but my older brother John passed away a few years ago. So now there’s the oldest Arthur, then Tommy, me and then finally Finn.”
(Y/N) sent her a sympathetic smile at the mention of her late brother, “Five siblings, what a life you must have had growing up.”
“It was certainly something. It was tough being the only girl in a family and having three older overprotective brothers.” Ada slightly scowed
“I like to think there’s a perfect in-between, between having siblings and being an only child.” (Y/N) said, slightly jealous of Ada’s youth.
“How was it like growing up an only child?” Ada asked. They were close to gallery and she found herself enjoying the conversation and the outing more than she expected.
“Lonely...my parents didn’t allow me to have friends really. After I finished school, I didn’t have any friends so I spent most of my time at home until I got married. Not that much has changed, I still don’t have friends or go out, still trapped at home. “
“Well, we’re friends and I’ll be sure to invite you out.” Ada smiled at her, causing (Y/N) to smile. (Y/N) really liked Ada.”
“C’mon you two!” Margaret called from in front of them, already at the steps of the gallery.
(Y/N) and Ada shared a silent look before hurrying up and joining Margaret. They didn’t get to have a private conversation again that day, spending the rest of it in the company of Margaret and by mid-evening that made their way back to Westminster.
The three of them stood outside of Jonathon’s office waiting for him and Stewart to come out when Tommy appeared at the end of the hallway and approached the trio, sidling up to Ada’s side.
“Have a nice day ladies?” Tommy asked.
“We did. We had a great time.” (Y/N) said. Tommy’s eyes flickered to hers.
“S’good to hear” Tommy’s eyes stayed on her, (Y/N) felt like they were looking into her soul.
The door to the office opened and Jonathon and Stewart stepped out, Margaret immediately leaping in her husband’s arms and began blabbing about what had happened. (Y/N) watched with a bit of jealousy, while she had doubts that Jonathon was a good man, especially since he was close with her husband, she knew he was a good husband and he loved his wife.
“We best get going deary, I want to get back home to Brighton before it’s dark.” Jonathon told his wife before turning around to shake Stewart’s hand goodbye, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Of course” Stewart shook his hand.
Jonathan dipped his head at everyone else before guiding Margaret out.
“We should go too.” Stewart walked over to (Y/N) and gripped her wrist hard. They were still sore from a few days ago but he didn’t care. He also didn’t care that he had an audience.
“I must invite you around to dinner at some point Thomas. Tell me when you’re free and I’ll be sure to schedule a day.”
“I’ll be delighted to. Let me look over my schedule and I’ll tell you tomorrow.” Tommy looked slightly angry, his jaw was clenched and his eyes hard.
“Very well. See you tomorrow.” Stewart turned around and began walking away, his grip on (Y/N)’s wrist meant that she was abruptly turned around and pulled away to follow after him, causing her to trip over her feet. She looked over her shoulder as she was being dragged away and saw Tommy frowning and take a few steps as if he was following after them before being stopped by Ada.
Tommy had ended up coming over the Friday the following week and (Y/N) was counting down the days ever since Stewart had told her. He had been at home the whole week, only sometimes leaving in the evenings and it had been driving her crazy. The brief week of freedom she had, made her crave for more.
(Y/N)’s two interactions with Tommy had left an imprint on her and she hoped and prayed that since it was a Friday night, Stewart would drink himself into a stupor so that she had time with Tommy, the man who interested her and confused her at the same time.
The doorbell rang and Stewart turned to her whilst one of the maids lets Tommy in and led him to the living room, “Remember, behave.”
(Y/N) nodded and when he turned back around, she rolled her eyes.
“Thomas! I’m glad you managed to come.” Stewart shook his hand and led him further in.
“Mrs Langley, lovely to see you again.” Tommy took her hand in his and pressed a kiss upon it.
“It’s lovely to see you too Tommy.”
Stewart pulled Tommy into a conversation leaving (Y/N) to sit there in silence, absolutely bored out of her mind, only getting up to pour Stewart drinks when he asked.
When dinner was announced, the amount of alcohol Stewart had consumed so far that evening had obviously taken a toll on him, his eyes were slightly glassy and he became much looser. During the meal, Tommy sat opposite her, on the other side of Stewart and she could feel him glance at her several times but she kept her head low and her eyes focused on her plate. Stewart was rambling to Tommy, who she was pretty certain wasn’t paying a single bit of attention to him.  
After dinner, the went back to the living room but this time Tommy had taken the seat next to her on the couch instead of one of the loveseats or chairs that sat around the room.  
Not that paid attention in the first place but (Y/N) was certain that Stewart was absolutely speaking nonsense. He was murmuring to himself and slowly blinking, no doubt on the brink of sleep and sure enough, a few moments later, he was passed out.
(Y/N) let out a disappointed sigh at the sight of the man in front of her before standing up and ringing for the footmen to come and take him back to his room.
“I must apologize.” She said to Tommy after they watched two footmen drag her husband out of the room.
“You have nothing to apologize for.  Your husband is a grown adult, you shouldn’t have to apologize for his behaviour.”
“That does not matter to the people in high society, a woman’s reputation is always tarnished by a man, even if they’re not at fault in the situation but the man always manages to escape cleanly.”
“You do not like high society?” Tommy asked as he poured them drinks, waving her over back to her seat on the couch.
“I don’t but it’s the only thing I know. I was born into it and I married into it. Many times have I laid awake wishing for a different life but I suppose the grass is always greener on the other side. I don’t doubt there are thousands of people wishing to live even a fraction of the life I live. “ (Y/N) said as she sat down, gratefully accepting her drink from Tommy.
Tommy shifted to face her, their knees touching. “Why haven’t run away? Tried to escape.”
“Run where? To who? I’m alone in this world Tommy.”
Tommy simply hummed and nodded.
“Can I ask you something?” (Y/N) asked, a sudden thought occurring to her.
Tommy cleared his throat, “Go ahead.”
“You go by Tommy, which is your nickname right?” Tommy nodded at her question, “So how much do you hate it when Stewart calls your Thomas?”
Tommy grimaced before flashing her a small grin, “I fucking hate it. My aunt is pretty much the only one to call me Thomas and she only does it when she’s mad at me.”
“Common occurrence?” (Y/N) threw a grin at Tommy, slinking into the couch, finally feeling comfortable and at ease.
“My aunt being mad at me? As common as the sun rising and setting every night” Tommy snorted causing (Y/N) laugh.
“How’s your son?” (Y/N) enquired
“Charlie? He’s good, I don’t get to see him much since I spend so much time in London.”
“You should start spending more time with him before it’s too late and if people like Stewart keeping asking you out for dinner then tell ‘em to piss off.” Her drink had certainly loosened her tongue but (Y/N) couldn’t find it in herself to care, at least not when she was with Tommy.
“I’ll be sure too.” Tommy softly smiled, “You should meet him someday?”
“Meet your son? You barely know me.” (Y/N) was surprised
“True but I trust you.”
(Y/N) stared at him in shock surprised at the sudden jump from strangers to being trusted enough to meet one’s son.
They sat in silence for a while, simply enjoying each others company when Tommy suddenly shifted and turned so that he was fully facing her.
“I’ll help you.” He murmured to her, his eyes staring deeply into hers.
“Help me? What do you mean?”
“Runaway. Get away from Stewart.” Tommy said to her.
(Y/N) stood up and crossed her arms defensively, “You have misunderstood Tommy.”
Tommy stood up and stalked over to her, his hands on her arms, “I’ve seen the bruises on your wrist. You don’t deserve it, let me help you (Y/N).”
Tommy leant forward and pressed his forehead to hers, their noses brushing against each other, “Please”
When (Y/N) didn’t move away or say anything, Tommy slowly leant his face down and pressed a soft kiss against her lips.
(Y/N) briefly kissed back before she realised what was happening and stepped back,
“You should leave.” She told Tommy, avoiding his eyes.
“Tommy if anyone had seen us, they wouldn’t hesitate in running to Stewart and even you wouldn’t be able to help me.”
Tommy wanted to argue against her and tell her that he could but he knew it was a lost argument and he didn’t want to upset her further so he nodded his head and bid her goodnight before pushing past her and grabbing his hat and coat before leaving the Langley House.
Once Tommy had driven far away enough, he pulled over to the side of the road and slammed his hands against the steering wheel repeatedly whilst cursing himself in his head multiple times. He didn’t know what convinced him to tell her that he’d help her run away or why he’d even kissed her. He had met her only a few months ago and yet she was constantly on his mind, invading his thoughts and he wanted her away from the disgrace of a man in Stewart and with him instead, where they could be a family with Charlie and perhaps kids of their own.
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gotatext · 4 years
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 hello, its nora (she/her, gmt) n this is the ethereal but spoiled alma olive putnam (she goes by all 3 names cos she’s pretentious as fuck). raised in a farmhouse in vermont, big horse girl energy. very hungry for everything life has to offer. wakes up and smells the success in her blood. luvs the smell of libraries and listening to french music from a tinny record player in knee socks. here is pinterest. bio is below the cut, like this post to be bombarded with plotting messages but i might forget tho so pls message me x
application template.
『ELLE FANNING ❙ CIS-FEMALE』 ⟿ looks like ALMA OLIVE PUTNAM is here for HER JUNIOR year as a CLASSICS student. SHE is 21 years old & known to be RESILIENT, MAGNETIC, CALLOUS & PROUD. They’re living in PERKINS, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ NORA. 24. GMT. SHE/HER.
a red beret nestled on top of bright platimum locks, neck scarves tied around your throat the way they do it in french new wave films, running barefoot through the woods in feckless hedonism, china dolls with porcelain faces lined against the walls of your room, the mona lisa smile, knee-socks tugged over the hockey grazes on your knees, a forged botticelli drying on your easel, ophelia floating in the middle of a lake. 
proceed w caution, tw for death, drugs, alcohol, violence
the short form.
— studying classics cos she thinks it makes her sound smart, but actually hates fuckin latin and just loves learning about feckless hedonism and the festivals of bacchus and writing about how all women in myth are literally forgotten. was expelled from princeton in her first year so her parents basically paid her way into radcliffe but she made an impression.... like... super fast and in her sophomore year she was upgraded to perkins accomodation n a paid scholarship bcos i think the governors kind of expect to see her in the supreme court one day or.
—  born in vermont in a big old farmhouse. her great-great-grandfather moved to america as an immigrant and worked on a plantation, made his way up cos he could speak a lot of languages and therefore win more people over. for the last two generations, putnam men have owned the farm and do little of the dirty work. big in the meat industry.
— both her parents had large personalities, so alma’s never really been shy around adults, even as a kid she’d speak to them in a forthright, confident manner, and because she was always surrounded by adults, she’s always seemed a bit wise beyond her years.
— very much a consolidation of every character in the secret history. has a morbid longing for the picturesque at all costs. obsessed with w.h. auden and the beat poets. — ”aestheticism is the only thing worth pursuing and even that is pointless” — is majoring in classical civilisation. can read ancient greek and latin. also speaks french.
— studies hard and plays hard. she gets top marks but it’s because academia is literally her life, she loves the smell of libraries, the ancient smoke of learning, of feeling like old wine in a new bottle reincarnated from the bones of some old, dead witchy woman who invented a cure for cowpox or somethin.
— isn’t a foward-planner, however. alma prefers to leave her options open, play the field, live in a spontaneous manner so her study style is mostly cramming a few days before a test, or staying up all night writing an essay on a massive adrenaline boost powered by red bull or probably adderall, scribbling (or typing) furiously into the night.
— pretentious motherfucker. loves poetry, especially the romantics, loves morbid ones too, edgar allen poe, sylvia plath, allen ginsberg, she just loves them all. can’t get enough. her favourite films are like…. wanky artfilm independent european cinema. especially french new wave. “what do you think of goddard’s work??” while snorting a line off someone’s sink at 5am on a school night, but you can bet she’ll make it to that 9am class. — very intelligent and beautiful and knows both of those facts. plays devil’s advocate. humanitarian, vegan. — judgemental but takes great care not to appear so. petty and vindictive
— obsessively devours mystery and thriller novels. she herself is a gillian flynn book waiting to happen. — tries to be an enigma. wants to be mysterious and unreadable because that’s what books have taught her makes women desirable and interesting and cool. very amy dunne in the way she expertly reinvents herself to suit her audience, when she wants to impress
— act like the flower but be the serpent under it. is a user. manipulative. leads people on. will throw another student under the bus to demonstrate her own intelligence and integrity — heavily involved in the theatre society. loves attention. — has an addictive personality. seems unable to do anything in a small dose, she has to let it utterly consume her. with sports, she’s fiercely competitive, runs track, played lacrosse at school, now is a cheerleader probably. with alcohol, it’s never a shot, it’s a whole bottle – wine or whiskey – she’ll be table dancing before the night’s up and making out with someone she’ll regret in the morning.
— her clothing style is like…. vintage thrift store but make it preppy. berets and cute hats, neck scarves, large fluffy cardigans or like those leathery jackets with big suede fringes on them, mini skirts (very 70s), and knee-high socks or boots. quite often she’ll be in sports kit, maybe a cute tennis skirt, n when she’s feeling casual she’ll wear like, a talking heads tshirt with a pair of mom jeans and converse, but otherwise, the library is her catwalk. — relates to ophelia from hamlet and sibyl vane in dorian gray. weirdly obsessed with women who commit suicide. loves jackson pollock paintings and abstract art. – likes old things. old books, old music, old houses, it reminds her of happier times like when she wasn’t alive. buys all her music on vinyl and has a gramophone because “the sound quality is better” kfdsjj.
here are some generic wanted plots but by all means message me so we can flesh them out more if any strike ur interest:
study buddies !! someone who is equally unprepared and so spends all night in the library with alma before a big deadline, maybe they even met in the library
if they’re from new england or vermont, then cousins . second cousins / extended family / family friends –  probably spat volavons on your character once as children, omg childhood friends !
people who live in perkins n feel like they r constantly competing with one another to keep their place as one of the #elite only know each other from brief interactions in the lift or the canteen
honestly someone who is fully in love with her or crushing on her that she can just break would be sweet :/ or on the other hand someone she unexpectedly gets feelings for and actually wants to guage her own  eyeballs out bc of it
frinds !! unlikely friends !! toxic friends !! former best friends separated by sporting or academic rivalries !
hockey / cheer friends who are on other teams but who she absolutely loves playin against!!!
fellow academics who like meeting up to discuss latin and greek ! gimme a secret society bonding by their love of ancient learning
i reckon she’s in a lot of societies, definitely the film club, maybe works as a projectionist at the uni cinema if they have one so give me ppl affiliated with that, give me fellow wanky pretentious art-lovers and poets and historians who will go to museums and galleries with her and listen to the velvet underground on vinyl
people she gets mortally fucked off her tits with at parties
people who think she is throwing her academic potential away by caving to hedonistic impulse
A SECRET SOCIETY !!! honestly i would die for a slug club esque thing in which the children of notable families are invited to dinners OR alma’s also an art forger, so maybe like a club of students set up to basically forge paintings and documents from the university special collections
people she has drunkenly made out with, hooked up with, or regularly sleeps with casually, maybe even a friend w benefits she is repressing feelings for, i love angst,
people she used to date or unrequitedly likes, but to them it’s just a physical thing, give me all the thirsty angst plots, and maybe some softness too, i need some religion in this girls life, she is a roman catholic after all
full biography.
alma olive putnam.
         the girl is a knife. razor-sharp, double-edged, the bright shine of a two-faced, lovely thing. silver like the secrets you magpie thief from other heads. you’re a scavenger of knowledge, of tidbits, of gossip to lock away for later use and late-night re-inspection. a mind is like a clock if you get to learn the pieces. bit by bit, you dismantle the inner workings of the brains that tick around you – how easy it is to change it’s path, how words and their meanings can make a person laugh or cry in an instant. to have the power to control that is to be a god. it’s the power trip you crave wielding pom-poms in your hands; a possessive need for control that a younger you, small and weak, never had as a child. small lips, smaller smile, a doll clutched in your too-hungry fingers, hard enough to shatter the bones of a real infant. you cut your hair with your mother’s kitchen scissors before the autumn falls, rendering you out of season, unfit for the cold weather that beats against the nape of your neck, where a stick-and-poke marks the star you were born under ; the bull. “mama, when will i be a queen?” as soon as they find a crown small enough not to slip from your head.
         if you get hungry enough, they say, you start eating your own heart. hands red, stained by pomegranate seeds, the empty pulp of its shell splattered on your thighs you find yourself wondering – what would it be like to want? in the beginning, you never knew hunger. twins, born under the same star, you first, him second – a nuclear family. never a sister to compete with, you were always the cherry pie of your parents’ hearts. white-haired, blue-eyed, beautiful baby of mine. the townhouse in vermont and the summer house in lyon, you wanted for nought, showered with attention, saddled with gifts - hardly a wonder you came to rely on such affection as a confirmation of your own worth.
         at eight years old you first met death, blood on a gingham-print dress, a smear of it over your cheekbone and the pulp of a mangled animal at your feet murdered by the hands of a stable boy. “alma, my precious baby, you get away from that filth,” your mama would cry from the upstairs balcony – cigar in one hand and a bloody mary in the other – though whether the filth she referred to was the dead pig or the boy with a kernel of corn in his mouth, you never did find out.
         your family earned their keeps in farming, great-grandfather wolfgang hildegarde a german immigrant, great-grandmother maura lisbon a prairie girl. they fell hopelessly in love between troughs and pig-shit, working for three dollars a day at a farm their descendants would later own, trade deals with the indians, vacations to calcutta, your father todd putnam in the kind of sheepskin coat his father’s father could only dream of owning. he worked hard so that you’d never have to. your mama once asked – you heard it through the window, rounding cartwheels across the picket-fenced lawn – could he not find a respectable career rather than selling shrink-wrapped pork for a dime a dozen? that blood money had no business raising a child. you look far back enough, edie, your father had said in his low, strong voice that could bring a civil war to silence, and i think you’ll find that all money is blood money.
         language was never fickle on your tongue, french dinner time talk by the time you were out of your hush puppy shoes, your mama fixing the au pair a smile as she fixed herself another martini. you learned the clarinet at four and how to dance with the grace of a swansong at six, ethereal under a spotlight, an audience captive in the palm of your hand. by eight you knew that you’d always been destined to be loved. loved so hard they would want to taste you, bite into the soft plump of your cheek and eat you alive. that was how magnetic you wanted to feel. but mother hamsters eat their own young when penned in together too long, and soon you became too wild, too restless, another package on your father’s delivery invoice, box-shipped out to english boarding school.
         fitting in had never been something you had to concern yourself with. you were always the shiny new toy the other girls wanted to play with, bright like a dropped coin from a magpie’s beak. wherever you went, you seemed to leave a trail of awe, pig-tailed harriet’s adoring you, imitating you, teachers forgiving your class-time chatter for the sake of your wild heart and the restless spirit you possessed. tell us what it’s like in the states, alma. they’d coo, enamoured by your hollywood drawl. does your father own a gun? you hardly knew. barely even knew the colour of his hair, for the scarce amount of times he’d stoop to kiss your cheek, though you’d tell silver-tongued tales if it���d guaranteed you an audience. when you learned how to smile at the right times, and that flattery would get you everywhere, it soon became apparent that charm would pave the yellow brick road to success even when your lack of drive couldn’t.
         the road you followed – gum-snapping, roller-blading, friendship bands all up your arm – eventually led you to radcliffe. bright-eyed and gingham skirted, you’d always known you were more. there was a hunger in you to be something extraordinary, a want so adamant to be imagined and desired that it was almost savage. in leather-bound volumes and a circle of stones, you were helen of troy, the girl for whom they’d launch a thousand ships. but there’s so much rage within you, collecting like sawdust in cavernous parts. hockey helped. there was something grounding about the feeling of a stick clasped in your hands. sweat. stiff knuckles. feet pounding the earth. the smash of wood against flesh in the scram of a game, passed off as mere enthusiasm. “slipped, sorry.” hockey is the one thing you had that was yours alone – a feral instinct that motivates you to play; something primitive within you that sparks an energy like no other. on the pitch, you feel alive. you feel like a god.
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maggotmouth · 4 years
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         hello, its nora again ( she/her, gmt ) n this is the ethereal but spoiled alma olive putnam (she goes by all 3 names cos she’s pretentious as fuck).  ive never used anya taylor joy as her fc before but anya has a smile that looks like she knows something u dont and thats completely alma’s vibe so we’re gonna try it out. she was raised in a farmhouse in vermont, big horse girl energy. very hungry for everything life has to offer. wakes up and smells the success in her blood. luvs the smell of libraries and listening to french music from a tinny record player in knee socks. here is pinterest. bio is below the cut, like this post to be bombarded with plotting messages but i might forget or get shy tho so pls message me x
application template.
ANYA TAYLOR - JOY   ,   CIS-FEMALE   ,   SHE/HER         →         according   to   the   school   records   ,   ALMA OLIVE PUTNAM   has   been   attending   sacred   heart   for   the   past   three   years   .   i   last   saw   them   hanging   around  the  sacred   heart   cathedral   ;   i   think   they   were   studying   the   stations   of   the   cross   with   a   smile   like   a   well - kept   secret.   at   twenty   -   one   years   old   ,   alma   has   been   studying   classics   and   get   this   ,   i   heard   that   she   has   made   a   fortune   on   the   black   market   by   forging   renaissance   art   to   sell   to   collectors   —   figure   it’s   true   ?   everyone   around   here   always   associates   them   with    neck   scarves   tied   around   your   throat   the   way   they   do   in   french   new   wave   films , running   barefoot   through   the   woods   drunk   on  red  wine   and  untapped   power , a  smile  like  a   locked   door   that   speaks   only  in   riddles  .   in   the   time   since   these   strange   happenings   ,   they   have   have   encountered   any   unexplained   occurrences   .         (   written   by   nora   ,   24   ,   she/her   ,   gmt   )
a red beret nestled on top of bright platimum locks, neck scarves tied around your throat the way they do it in french new wave films, running barefoot through the woods in feckless hedonism, china dolls with porcelain faces lined against the walls of your room, the mona lisa smile, knee-socks tugged over the hockey grazes on your knees, a forged botticelli drying on your easel, ophelia floating in the middle of a lake.
proceed w caution, tw for death, drugs, alcohol, violence
the short form. (still long af tbh)
— studying classics cos she thinks it makes her sound smart, but actually hates fuckin latin and just loves learning about feckless hedonism and the festivals of bacchus and writing about how all women in myth are literally forgotten. was expelled from princeton in her first year so her parents basically paid her way into sacred heart and the board really liked her in her interview. i think the governors kind of expect to see her in the supreme court one day or st
—  born in vermont in a big old farmhouse. her great-great-grandfather moved to america as an immigrant and worked on a plantation, made his way up cos he could speak a lot of languages and therefore win more people over. for the last two generations, putnam men have owned the farm and do little of the dirty work. big in the meat industry.
— both her parents had large personalities, so alma’s never really been shy around adults, even as a kid she’d speak to them in a forthright, confident manner, and because she was always surrounded by adults, she’s always seemed a bit wise beyond her years.
— very much a consolidation of every character in the secret history. has a morbid longing for the picturesque at all costs. obsessed with w.h. auden and the beat poets. — ”aestheticism is the only thing worth pursuing and even that is pointless” — is majoring in classical civilisation. can read ancient greek and latin. also speaks french.
— studies hard and plays hard. she gets top marks but it’s because academia is literally her life, she loves the smell of libraries, the ancient smoke of learning, of feeling like old wine in a new bottle reincarnated from the bones of some old, dead witchy woman who invented a cure for cowpox or somethin.
— isn’t a foward-planner, however. alma prefers to leave her options open, play the field, live in a spontaneous manner so her study style is mostly cramming a few days before a test, or staying up all night writing an essay on a massive adrenaline boost powered by red bull or probably adderall, scribbling (or typing) furiously into the night.
— pretentious motherfucker. loves poetry, especially the romantics, loves morbid ones too, edgar allen poe, sylvia plath, allen ginsberg, she just loves them all. can’t get enough. her favourite films are like…. wanky artfilm independent european cinema. especially french new wave. “what do you think of goddard’s work??” while snorting a line off someone’s sink at 5am on a school night, but you can bet she’ll make it to that 9am class. — very intelligent and beautiful and knows both of those facts. plays devil’s advocate. humanitarian, vegan. — judgemental but takes great care not to appear so. petty and vindictive
— obsessively devours mystery and thriller novels. she herself is a gillian flynn book waiting to happen. — tries to be an enigma. wants to be mysterious and unreadable because that’s what books have taught her makes women desirable and interesting and cool. very amy dunne in the way she expertly reinvents herself to suit her audience, when she wants to impress
—  an incredibly talented dancer. she was accepted to juliard to study ballet, but after an injury to her foot she had to refuse her place, something that she’s incredibly bitter about. she went to princeton instead to study classics for a semester, before being expelled. 
— alma comes from a family of high-end art dealers. while her parents paid her way into the school, that was mostly due to previous expulsions, not low intelligence. she’s incredibly intelligent but will only put in effort when she deems the cause worthy. she’s frustrating to teach, because she requires evidence, truth, in order to accept something as worthwhile. she plays devil’s advocate, but academically she’s brilliant. 
—  she can recognise any renaissance artist just by their brush strokes. her aunt and uncle deal antiques and art, and from an internship with them after her expulsion from princeton, she learned how to market and sell art, how to recognise originals in contrast to fakes. from this, alma began to produce counterfeit art and sell it off as the original work to the contacts she had made in her internship. it’s disloyal, but it’s powerful.
— act like the flower but be the serpent under it. is a user. manipulative. leads people on. will throw another student under the bus to demonstrate her own intelligence and integrity — heavily involved in the theatre society. loves attention. — has an addictive personality. seems unable to do anything in a small dose, she has to let it utterly consume her. with sports, she’s fiercely competitive, runs track, played lacrosse at school, now is a cheerleader probably. with alcohol, it’s never a shot, it’s a whole bottle – wine or whiskey – she’ll be table dancing before the night’s up and making out with someone she’ll regret in the morning.
— her clothing style is like…. vintage thrift store but make it preppy. berets and cute hats, neck scarves, large fluffy cardigans or like those leathery jackets with big suede fringes on them, mini skirts (very 70s), and knee-high socks or boots. quite often she’ll be in sports kit, maybe a cute tennis skirt, n when she’s feeling casual she’ll wear like, a talking heads tshirt with a pair of mom jeans and converse, but otherwise, the library is her catwalk. — relates to ophelia from hamlet and sibyl vane in dorian gray. weirdly obsessed with women who commit suicide. loves jackson pollock paintings and abstract art. – likes old things. old books, old music, old houses, it reminds her of happier times like when she wasn’t alive. buys all her music on vinyl and has a gramophone because “the sound quality is better” kfdsjj.
here are some generic wanted plots but by all means message me so we can flesh them out more if any strike ur interest:
study buddies !! someone who is equally unprepared and so spends all night in the library with alma before a big deadline, maybe they even met in the library
if they’re from new england or vermont, then cousins . second cousins / extended family / family friends –  probably spat volavons on your character once as children, omg childhood friends !
honestly someone who is fully in love with her or crushing on her that she can just break would be sweet :/ or on the other hand someone she unexpectedly gets feelings for and actually wants to guage her own  eyeballs out bc of it
frinds !! unlikely friends !! toxic friends !! former best friends separated by sporting or academic rivalries !
hockey / cheer friends who are on other teams but who she absolutely loves playin against!!!
fellow academics who like meeting up to discuss latin and greek ! gimme a secret society bonding by their love of ancient learning
i reckon she’s in a lot of societies, definitely the film club, maybe works as a projectionist at the uni cinema if they have one so give me ppl affiliated with that, give me fellow wanky pretentious art-lovers and poets and historians who will go to museums and galleries with her and listen to the velvet underground on vinyl
people she gets mortally fucked off her tits with at parties
people who think she is throwing her academic potential away by caving to hedonistic impulse
a secret society !!! honestly i would die for a slug club esque thing in which the children of notable families are invited to dinners or alma’s also an art forger, so maybe like a club of students set up to basically forge paintings and documents from the university special collections
people she has drunkenly made out with, hooked up with, or regularly sleeps with casually, maybe even a friend w benefits she is repressing feelings for, i love angst,
people she used to date or unrequitedly likes, but to them it’s just a physical thing, give me all the thirsty angst plots, and maybe some softness too, i need some religion in this girls life, she is a roman catholic after all
full biography.
alma olive putnam.
        the girl is a knife. razor-sharp, double-edged, the bright shine of a two-faced, lovely thing. silver like the secrets you magpie thief from other heads. you’re a scavenger of knowledge, of tidbits, of gossip to lock away for later use and late-night re-inspection. a mind is like a clock if you get to learn the pieces. bit by bit, you dismantle the inner workings of the brains that tick around you – how easy it is to change it’s path, how words and their meanings can make a person laugh or cry in an instant. to have the power to control that is to be a god. it’s the power trip you crave wielding pom-poms in your hands; a possessive need for control that a younger you, small and weak, never had as a child. small lips, smaller smile, a doll clutched in your too-hungry fingers, hard enough to shatter the bones of a real infant. you cut your hair with your mother’s kitchen scissors before the autumn falls, rendering you out of season, unfit for the cold weather that beats against the nape of your neck, where a stick-and-poke marks the star you were born under ; the bull. “mama, when will i be a queen?” as soon as they find a crown small enough not to slip from your head.
        if you get hungry enough, they say, you start eating your own heart. hands red, stained by pomegranate seeds, the empty pulp of its shell splattered on your thighs you find yourself wondering – what would it be like to want? in the beginning, you never knew hunger. twins, born under the same star, you first, him second – a nuclear family. never a sister to compete with, you were always the cherry pie of your parents’ hearts. white-haired, blue-eyed, beautiful baby of mine. the townhouse in vermont and the summer house in lyon, you wanted for nought, showered with attention, saddled with gifts - hardly a wonder you came to rely on such affection as a confirmation of your own worth.
        at eight years old you first met death, blood on a gingham-print dress, a smear of it over your cheekbone and the pulp of a mangled animal at your feet murdered by the hands of a stable boy. “alma, my precious baby, you get away from that filth,” your mama would cry from the upstairs balcony – cigar in one hand and a bloody mary in the other – though whether the filth she referred to was the dead pig or the boy with a kernel of corn in his mouth, you never did find out.
        your family earned their keeps in farming, great-grandfather wolfgang hildegarde a german immigrant, great-grandmother maura lisbon a prairie girl. they fell hopelessly in love between troughs and pig-shit, working for three dollars a day at a farm their descendants would later own, trade deals with the indians, vacations to calcutta, your father todd putnam in the kind of sheepskin coat his father’s father could only dream of owning. he worked hard so that you’d never have to. your mama once asked – you heard it through the window, rounding cartwheels across the picket-fenced lawn – could he not find a respectable career rather than selling shrink-wrapped pork for a dime a dozen? that blood money had no business raising a child. you look far back enough, edie, your father had said in his low, strong voice that could bring a civil war to silence, and i think you’ll find that all money is blood money.
        language was never fickle on your tongue, french dinner time talk by the time you were out of your hush puppy shoes, your mama fixing the au pair a smile as she fixed herself another martini. you learned the clarinet at four and how to dance with the grace of a swansong at six, ethereal under a spotlight, an audience captive in the palm of your hand. by eight you knew that you’d always been destined to be loved. loved so hard they would want to taste you, bite into the soft plump of your cheek and eat you alive. that was how magnetic you wanted to feel. but mother hamsters eat their own young when penned in together too long, and soon you became too wild, too restless, another package on your father’s delivery invoice, box-shipped out to english boarding school.
        fitting in had never been something you had to concern yourself with. you were always the shiny new toy the other girls wanted to play with, bright like a dropped coin from a magpie’s beak. wherever you went, you seemed to leave a trail of awe, pig-tailed harriet’s adoring you, imitating you, teachers forgiving your class-time chatter for the sake of your wild heart and the restless spirit you possessed. tell us what it’s like in the states, alma. they’d coo, enamoured by your hollywood drawl. does your father own a gun? you hardly knew. barely even knew the colour of his hair, for the scarce amount of times he’d stoop to kiss your cheek, though you’d tell silver-tongued tales if it’d guaranteed you an audience. when you learned how to smile at the right times, and that flattery would get you everywhere, it soon became apparent that charm would pave the yellow brick road to success even when your lack of drive couldn’t.
        the road you followed – gum-snapping, roller-blading, friendship bands all up your arm – eventually led you to sacred heart. bright-eyed and gingham skirted, you’d always known you were more. there was a hunger in you to be something extraordinary, a want so adamant to be imagined and desired that it was almost savage. in leather-bound volumes and a circle of stones, you were helen of troy, the girl for whom they’d launch a thousand ships. but there’s so much rage within you, collecting like sawdust in cavernous parts. hockey helped. there was something grounding about the feeling of a stick clasped in your hands. sweat. stiff knuckles. feet pounding the earth. the smash of wood against flesh in the scram of a game, passed off as mere enthusiasm. “slipped, sorry.” hockey is the one thing you had that was yours alone – a feral instinct that motivates you to play; something primitive within you that sparks an energy like no other. on the pitch, you feel alive. you feel like a god.
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kathrynethegreat · 5 years
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THE RAPE OF EUROPA: Hannibal AU Season 4                                               by Kathrynethegreat
After the untimely death of his father at the hands of his disinherited sister Margot, Mason Verger finds himself the sole heir to his father’s meatpacking fortune and trustee of the Verger Museum and M.J. Verger Collection. Now with unlimited resources at his disposal, Mason is able to plot his revenge on Hannibal Lecter, who left him paralyzed after an attack years before. A great art collector like his father before him, Mason has begun to assemble a new private collection of art and artifacts related to Hannibal Lecter, with plans for the Doctor himself to eventually be at the center of the collection. But an unfortunate accident leading to Clarice Starling’s promotion to Behavioral Science, spearheading the hunt for Hannibal Lecter may cause problems. If Clarice gets to Lecter first, all of Mason’s plans will have been in vain -  but when several pieces of artwork eventually lead Mason to believe that Agent Starling may, in fact, be the perfect bait to catch Hannibal Lecter, Mason and Paul Krendler strike a deal that will give them both what they want - even if it means destroying Clarice Starling in the process.
U.S.A., France, Switzerland, Argentina
Season 4, Episode 1: Sense and Sensibility
Barney is hired by Mason Verger in an attempt to learn as much as possible about Hannibal Lecter. Still haunted by memories of her time with the Doctor in Italy, Johnny asks a question Clarice is hesitant to answer. Paul Krendler pays Clarice an unwanted visit.
Season 4, Episode 2: Double Exposure
Attempting to distance herself from Paul Krendler’s advances at a Museum Gala Benefit, Clarice accidentally witnesses the sleight-of-hand theft of a sculpture by a gala attendee by the name of James Brookman. Upon obtaining a warrant, the F.B.I’s Art Crime Team is shocked to find Brockman may have been responsible for hundreds of small art thefts over the years. Clarice Starling and Ardelia Mapp work to negotiate a lighter sentence – in exchange for valuable information about other art theft cases around the world, unaware that what they will learn could shake the art world to its core.
Season 4, Episode 3: The Muse
When a celebrated artist is brutally murdered in his studio in France, Clarice draws on her experiences with the Buffalo Bill case to try to find a motive. She soon discovers that the clues to the killer might lie in the very paintings that adorn the walls of the studio. Mason Verger acquires a new piece of artwork that leads him to a realization about the nature of the relationship between F.B.I. Agent Clarice Starling and Hannibal Lecter.
Season 4, Episode 4: Mundus Novus
When a raid to capture a stolen painting goes horribly wrong, Johnny suffers the consequences. The recovery mission goes from bad to worse when it is discovered the painting is a forgery.  Hannibal Lecter journeys to America. Jack Crawford receives an unexpected phone call. Paul Krendler and Mason Verger make a deal.
Season 4, Episode 5: Subtractive, Additive, Kinetic
Clarice hires her successor and settles into her new job at Behavioral Science, now officially leading the hunt for Hannibal Lecter, but questions if it’s what she still really wants. Paul Krendler asserts his authority. Hannibal Lecter sends Clarice a letter.
Season 4, Episode 6: Every Vermeer in the World
Barney and Margot strike up a friendship. Clarice begins to follow the sales of Lecter Memorabilia but struggles to push her memories of her time with the Doctor aside. Ardelia worries the stress is becoming too much for Clarice. Margot agrees to help Mason in exchange for something she wants.
Season 4, Episode 7: The Two Picassos
Clarice meets with Mason Verger about a lead in the Lecter case and is surprised to find Barney in his employ. Jack Crawford visits Will Graham in Florida. Mason puts his plan to capture Hannibal Lecter into motion, but Margot is horrified when she finds the men who kidnapped her two years earlier are the same men hired by Mason to capture the Doctor.
Season 4, Episode 8: Fearful Symmetry
The theft of the National Gallery’s copy of William Blake’s Woman Clothed with The Sun leads Clarice to think it may have something to do with Hannibal Lecter. Seeking information on the old Dollarhyde case, Clarice enlists the help of Will Graham and Miranda Pilcher. Mason’s newest art acquisition brings him one step closer to Hannibal Lecter.
Season 4, Episode 9: Vestibule of the Asylum
When a famous Van Gogh is stolen from the Verger Museum, Mason Verger requests Clarice join the case alongside her old Art Crime Team. The history of both Van Gogh and the culprit responsible for the theft lead Will Graham and Clarice to question the nature of mental illness. Clarice and Will visit the abandoned Baltimore Hospital for the Criminally Insane in search of Hannibal Lecter’s medical records, dredging up intense memories for both of them as they stand in front of the Doctor’s empty prison cell.
Season 4, Episode 10: The Map Thief
Clarice creates waves at Columbia University when she seizes their collection of Lecter information, but manages to smooth things over when she agrees to investigate the disappearance of several priceless manuscripts from their library that have vanished without a trace.
Season 4, Episode 11: Sfumato
Clarice’s work with Behavioral Science begins to dovetail with her old Art Crime Team as the Lecter Memorabilia sales lead her to an art dealer she believes may be working for Mason Verger. Clarice goes for a run in the forest, unaware that Hannibal Lecter is watching her every move.
Season 4, Episode 12: Entartete Kunst
When a trove of stolen paintings from WWII is discovered behind a wall in the home of a wealthy Argentine businessman, Clarice is called upon to authenticate the items and determine the process of restitution for the paintings.  When it is discovered that the man has been living under a false identity since the war, Clarice realizes she recognizes the man’s real name - a name mentioned to her years ago by Hannibal Lecter.
Season 4, Episode 13: The Deposition of Christ
When Clarice uncovers a connection between Hannibal Lecter and the Polish-French artist Balthasar Klossowski de Rola, she journeys to Switzerland to meet with him about a painting that might draw the attention of Lecter. On returning to the United States, Clarice finds Paul Krendler is doing everything he can to dismantle her career.
Season 4, Episode 14: The Fall of the House of Verger
When Clarice witnesses a kidnapping that the F.B.I. refuses to acknowledge, she decides to take matters into her own hands. Mason’s well-laid plans finally come to fruition. Jack Crawford suffers a heart attack. Hannibal Lecter asks Margot Verger for help.  Margot makes a shocking discovery about her brother’s estate.
Season 4, Episode 15: The Restoration of Clarice Starling
When the F.B.I. gives little attention to Clarice Starling having gone missing, Ardelia goes in search of Clarice herself.  Margot and Lecter exchange favors. Paul Krendler joins Hannibal Lecter and Clarice Starling for dinner. The F.B.I. Art Crime Team receives a mysterious note that may finally help them solve the Gardner case.
The bust of Medusa is edited from a photo from the Gorgon City Album Cover, Sirens. The snake is from the Visconti Coat of Arms over the Archbishop’s Palace in Milan, Italy.
That’s it. All four seasons. Thanks for all of the kind notes and PMs.  Please note that almost every episode in this series has been inspired by a real art-related crime. I have a lot more graphics that did not make the cut. I wasn’t planning on posting them, but can if anyone is interested. Also though I do not plan to write 60 episodes of fan fiction, I do know all the details of each plot, flashbacks featured and what art is shown in each episode, so feel free to ask if you have questions about what happens in an episode, or about the real crimes that inspired them.  And yes, “The Two Picassos” does refer to Will Graham and Mason Verger.
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angrylizardjacket · 5 years
self-same mettle
Summary: "I love my sister more than anything in this life; I will choose her happiness over mine every time."
A/N: BIG WARNING; August Reid, who you may remember from the main story, child groom tw, though nothing comes of it he's still creepy and predatory. Okay so I just wanted to write a little something from Oscar's perspective in the High School AU. Let me know what you think!!
Oscar's always been a romantic at heart, always wanted to be the star of his own Mills and Boone novel ever since he was sixteen and found his mother's stash while hunting for Christmas presents. It had been painfully straight, right when he'd been discovering the delightful world of loving men, but he was invested enough in the romance that he didn't care.
In 2017, at the tender age of 19, he discovers the author Chuck Tingle, and despite the fact that he's technically now a literature student, this ridiculous, gay erotica makes his heart happy in ways he can't quite articulate.
The point is, he knows August Reid, because he's his dad's drinking buddy and fellow professor, but Oscar doesn't think of him much until he takes the man's class. Ash, who's fifteen and who spends weekends at the local art gallery down the road, has always been far more artistically minded, Oscar's always been more drawn to words, but he takes August's Art History class on a whim.
There's a certain draw to the whole teacher/student fantasy, and August looks kind of like an older Richard Madden, still angular and defined, but greying at the temples, the prelude to an extraordinary silver fox. So Oscar let's himself daydream, and take the follow up class, and look forward to the weekends where his dad's friends would come over to smoke cigars and play cards. August Reid was nothing if not polite, always smiling and kind and happy to see Oscar, answer his questions. Oscar knew he was married, thinks he probably has a kid, and so he was happy to keep his daydreams to himself. He thinks there's something romantic about quietly unrequited love.
However, it takes a year, once Ash has matured more, not a lot, but enough to catch August's interest, for the rose-coloured glasses to be ripped off. August takes an interest in her; when he and the rest of their father's colleagues came over, he would make a point to stop and check in with Ash, encourage her interest in Art, both physical and theoretical, and even suggest research for her, or upcoming exhibits he thought she might like. It's harmless, at first.
Talk of art turns to compliments, her taste in things, her outfits, how she wears her hair, the colour of her eyes. Ash seems to start looking forward to his visits, and something about it doesn't sit right with Oscar.
"He's just, Oz he's so cool," she was smiling, blushing a little; she had a crush, it was plain as the nose on her face, "and he said he could get us tickets to the Renaissance exhibit in Glasgow next month, how awesome is that?"
August starts calling her Miss Ashley, a joke that started since she still had a habit of calling him Mr Reid - because she's a fucking highschooler, it's how she's been taught to address teachers - Ash delights in it, straightens her posture a little when he says it. August makes a habit of petting her head fondly when she does. It makes Oscar's stomach turn just a little. August shouldn't be looking at his little sister like that, she's just a child.
Their father seems blind to it, tells Oscar 'don't be ridiculous, he's just being kind' and when he goes to mum, she just brushes him off, insisting that August is lovely, that he's so in love with his wife, and that Ash is just excited to have someone who understood her.
"A little schoolgirl crush is harmless, Oscar, dear; weren't you singing his praises not too long ago?" It's meant with a wink and a nudge, like perhaps Oscar's jealous, but his mother can be so dense; it's not the same at all. He's an adult, and Ash is a child, and yet he's not the one August is giving leering looks to when he thinks no-one's looking.
It's not that their parents don't love them, it's just that they don't particularly care. They're trapped in a loveless marriage, too self absorbed to care about those that can take care of themselves.
So Oscar takes it upon himself.
Oscar's never understood art like he's understood literature, never been able to make it make sense in the same way, but that doesn't matter. The point is, on Sundays, when his father's colleagues come over for tea and cigars and cards, Oscar's started taking Ash to art galleries across the country.
"But August is-"
"It's the impressionists, Ash," Oscar takes her hand with a grin, practically begging her, "come on they have the Water Lilies," he enthuses, and Ash's expression softens.
"I do love the Water Lilies."
Because he can't tell her what he's really doing, because she's sixteen and thinks she knows everything and the idea of telling her that August has any sort of feelings towards her, even if he explains why that's creepy and wrong, is probably the worst thing he can do to discourage her. So he distracts her, and is careful to never mention him if he can help it, or steer the conversation away if she brings him up.
She's his best friend. She's always been his best friend, but in an abstract, sibling sort of way, but it doesn't take long for the two of them to become legitimate best friends. He listens to all the drama of her highschool career, and her ideas for sculptures, and anything else she wants to talk about, and in turn he tells her about whatever he's reading that week, whatever poetry ideas he's been riffing with lately, and complains about pretty straight boys in his lectures.
Oscar may be a poet, but neither he nor Ash could hold a tune to save their lives, and so of course they sing along to Ash's Spotify playlists at the top of their lungs whenever they're driving. There's three weeks where she plays the Hamilton cast recording on repeat, and Oscar finds himself muttering it under his breath in class.
He works nights, and Saturdays, to afford all these day trips, and his family think he's so diligent, studying and working so hard, and on his day off he spends it with Ash. He keeps local for a few weeks, a few months actually, and surprises her with a trip to the West End for Christmas.
She talks about August less and less as time goes on. Though she does ask about it, in a roundabout way.
"Why're you spending so much time with me?"
They're having lunch in the park across from a gallery somewhere in Ireland. Oscar packed jam sandwiches.
"I don't understand this art shit like you do, but it's good to find inspiration from all mediums, you know?" Oscar smiles, takes a big bite of his sandwich, and watches Ash wrinkle her nose.
"You sound so pretentious," she snorted, shaking her head, "but whatever, I'm not gonna complain, you're the one paying."
"And I like spending time with you, biscuit." His voice turned overly sappy, as did his grin, "I love you." Oscar reached out and ruffled her hair, and Ash squawked, batting his hand away.
"I love you too, ya muppet, but if you wanna hang out we can just do something lowkey, or like, close to home."
She takes him at his word, which is good because he's being honest, but she seems content with their routine. Sometimes they go bowling, or to the library, sometimes they go op shopping, or to the movies, but they never miss a week.
She's his cheerleader at poetry readings, his tour guide at art galleries, and his favourite person at all times. His father's a literature professor who stopped truly engaging with her about her love of art once he stopped understanding her, and his mother was a Type A accountant who was just disappointed she wasn't interested in something employable. So Oscar was her cheerleader at art competitors, her enthusiastic student at art galleries, and ends up being her best friend and quietly, her favourite family member.
August asks about her, according to their father, but Ash's brief infatuation with him seems to have died down.
"Do you have a problem with me, Oscar?" August asks almost a month after Oscar's started spending Sundays with Ash, and maybe their father's told August what's happening, maybe he's noticed Oscar glaring at him whenever he saw the professor, but either way, he's so painfully kind when he asks that it's a dead giveaway; August knows something's wrong.
"Stay the fuck away from my sister," Oscar, kind-faced, bright eyed Oscar, snarls. He's 6'3" and never more thankful for his height as he towers over August.
"I'm simply showing an interest in her, she's an art enthusiast, I'm an art professor, don't worry-"
"I don't give a shit; look like the innocent flower but be the fucking serpent under it, right?"
"I don't understand what you mean? Does your father know you feel this way? Does Ash?" And it doesn't sound like a threat, it sounds like a very genuine question, but Oscar wants nothing more than to punch him in his stupid, angular nose.
"Does your wife know you spend weekends ogling underage girls?" Oscar fires back, and August's expression sours considerably, his mouth closed in a tight, humourless line. "Yeah, dad knows, not that he gives a shit," Oscar sneered, "but if you go near my sixteen year old sister again, you smarmy creepy -" his voice dropped very low, expression dark, his hands balling into fists by his side.
"If your father's not bothered by it I don't see why you should be, I haven't done anything wrong, but you're throwing around some serious implications here," August gives a blithe smile, "Ash is an incredible young woman I'm simply encouraging her passion."
"August Reid, I need you to know that I'm not threatening you," Oscar said calmly, "I'm promising you; I'll fucking kill you."
And maybe he doesn't believe Oscar would legitimately harm him, but he sees it's not a fight he's going to win. August leaves Ash well enough alone after that.
At the start of their Summer break, before Ash is due to start her second last year of high school, their father gets a job in England, their mother gets an excuse to leave her loveless marriage, and Ash and Oscar get a choice. Oscar knows without even having to ask that Ash will stick with him. He also knows that in two years, if she's still here, she'll end up studying under August and his father's other creepily complicit friends. Oscar's playing the long game to keep his sister safe when he announces he'll be going to England with their dad.
He lies, says he doesn't mind transferring courses and maybe retaking some classes at this new university, makes sure he's nothing but positive when he talks about the move, and Ash, add expected, joins him. It hurts to leave the life he's building himself, but he knows it's what's best for Ash.
Adjusting to a new life is difficult, and some weeks they don't end up spending Sunday together. Oscar let's himself relax, takes time for himself, and starts to build new relationships, new connections in this new situation he's found himself in.
Here, he didn't have to worry about Ash so much. She was still his best friend, but now she could just be a teenager without a creepy professor leering at her and grooming her. Though quietly, Oscar was just glad she still wanted to spend time with him; she still goes to his poetry readings, still wants to go on day trips with him, and she's starting to get to know his new friends little by little.
Meeting Freddie is like getting hit by a freight train; they're both taking a Creative Industries subject as an elective, and they get partnered together. Freddie is intense and warm in equal measure, a lover of cats judging by the pins on his bag, he's always drawing or doodling something on his notebook, and he writes songs. Oscar adores him from the moment he meets him. He's always busy, always on the move or at band practice, but he seems to like Oscar well enough, so the two of them start having lunch together a few times a week.
Freddie thinks Oscar's selfless when he learns about everything that had happened back in Scotland.
"Picking up and moving your whole life just to make sure she's safe," Freddie shakes his head, "you're a Saint, you know that?"
"She's my sister, I couldn't not do it," Oscar laughs a little self consciously, but Freddie just seemed endeared.
They're messaging almost every day. Freddie sends draft song lyrics and selfies with his cats and Oscar will send bits of poems and shitty angled selfies or photos taken by Ash. They both live busy lives, but they keep up with each other without even trying.
[I've got a cat named Oscar, you know?]
[I didn't actually. You really like me well enough to name a cat after me 😂😜]
[har har I've known the cat longer. sorry to disappoint. 😘]
He's so caught up in his new life and his new friends, and Ash seems so happy with her new school, especially their art program, that it takes Oscar a while to realise how painfully lonely Ash was. She's always been introverted, always focused more on her projects than on the people around her, but when Oscar realises that person she talks most about is her physics tutor, it hits him that she doesn't actually have any friends her own age here. She likes his friends well enough, one even got her a fake ID if she might ever need it, but she had none of her own.
"How was school?" They've been here for about three months, and finally things have maybe started to look up.
"Fine; we're starting sculpture making in art," Ash said offhandedly, rolling her eyes; she already spent time outside of school making sculptures, the idea of being graded on it now seemed trivial, "this one dumbass spent like twenty minutes negotiating with a teacher about whether he can also make a second sculpture for fun." Ash's voice was flat, unimpressed.
"Sounds like someone you'd get along with-"
"He wants to make a dick."
Dick Sculpture Guy turns to Fucking Roger, and Oscar starts to hear more about him, because Roger's always seemingly causing a scene and Ash is endlessly annoyed with him, though she once let it slip that she thinks he's rather hot, and Oscar, though he's never brought it up, will never forget it.
Until he gets a call on Friday afternoon, from Ash, in tears, asking him to come to the school.
She's surrounded by the pieces of her broken major work when he arrives, and there's a tall, dark haired guy checking up on her. This is Brian, the tutor he's heard so much about. He's thankful, but comforting Ash is his first priority.
Brian leaves, and together the siblings piece together her work. The school gets locked at five, and they're there until the very last minutes. Once the bust is sitting up on one of the desks at the edge of the room, Ash sniffles only a little bit.
"I'll paint the cracks gold."
"Kintsugi," Oscar adds, nodding sagely and Ash actually beams at him, "see, I listen to you, biscuit."
He suggests they go to Freddie's gig to take her mind off of it, though it's also because she's been asking to meet Freddie for a while now, but he's always been busy. However, things don't go as planned when not only is Ash's tutor part of the band, but Fucking Roger is too. Fucking Roger who's sculpture exploding made Ash cry.
Ash is adamant she's going to kill him. Oscar doesn't stop her. She disappears around the end of the bar after Roger, while the rest of the band - Freddie, Brian, and some kid called John - hang back.
Ash decidedly doesn't kill Roger, and actually ends up enjoying her night, which Oscar's glad for. That being said, he's a little bit distracted; he's quickly discovering that Brian might be the loveliest person he'd ever met. Brian's an astrophysics student, a guitarist, a tutor, and he took the time to check up on Ash; Oscar hasn't been seriously romantically interested in anyone since high school, and he's only met Brian today, but damn if there wasn't definitely a crush forming.
They play good music, and Ash seems to have a good time, and he tells himself that that's all that matters.
Days go by, weeks go by, the siblings keep going to Queen's gig's, and Fucking Roger turns to just Roger. Oscar messages Brian and Freddie that Ash might have a crush and Freddie sends back a wheezed voice message saying that Roger probably does too, but that he's stubborn as hell and would never be the first to admit it. Something warms in Oscar's heart at that. Slowly but surely, between Roger and John, Ash is finally making friends her own age.
Ash deserves a normal-ish crush on a normal-ish boy, and Oscar will do anything to encourage that crush. So they go to gigs, and Oscar wiggles his eyebrows at her when Roger's got an arm around her between sets, and Ash turns as red as her hair. But Brian's got a hand on his thigh where they're sitting near the door, and it feels weirdly normal, and kind of the best.
To see Ash smiling and happy, everything was worth it. It's all worked out, though he knows he'll never stop worrying about her, not that he'd want to.
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assassinwolf189 · 6 years
Mah Dudes I did the writing thing.
Here is one of my favorite pieces I’ve written. Also some extra info, Linina and George are siblings.
“Dian Gilberts.” “Yes him, he is the Regele-Nenorocit.”They all looked at him. “English dad.”George demanded. “It’s Romanian for damned King.”He pulled his key off of his neck, pushing away the large fish tank. “What a lovely title.”Linina said sarcastically as the floor separated itself, leading with a staircase to the following floor. “Damn sir, who are you in your private time.”Sam questioned as the lights dimly lit the large room filled with with books , weapons and artifacts. “I am a Marine biologist ,druidery adviser and father , I have no private time.”His eyes were filled with wonder. “Stay here.” Quinten ordered. “Linina give me your sword, someone else is here.” He walked up to the door, and peaked through.
"Oh, it's you." Quintin said snarkely rolling his eyes. "Hi?" "What do you three want this time?" He glared. "We need help." Eric muttered through the hole. "Let me guess , you're here to file a complaint for the missing people?"They stood silently, Ivan walked up behind them. "Actually sir , I am here to see your son, I brought him flowers. " Ivan smiled brightly, Quintin grinned. "George , your boyfriend is here to see you." He opened the door letting him in, closing the door again as Peter tried to pursue inwards. "Excuse me."He growled, feeling a jab to his ribs. "Yes Peter Stormbard, you are excused from my Marina." He growled at Quintin, whom met him with a sharp glare through his spectacles.
"Remember what we are here for."Eric muttered. "SO...? What do you need help with?" "Peter over here got himself into a brawl with a couple of shadows and had a mark burnt onto his arm, and we wanted to check it out, and the even bigger problem of my brother being missing, and we were wondering if you could help us find out what happened to the both of them." The lad suggested with a smile, that complimented his short brown hair and hazel nut eyes. "Well Aiden, I will indeed assist you in finding your brother , and helping Peter and Eric with their shadow markings, on my terms though." "Fine."Peter rolled his eyes, Quintin opened the large door, leading them inside to the other room.
"Nice Marina,- "Eric guessed, Peter Scoffed at his remarks. Eathen rolled his eyes sighing. "Pitiful." Peter snarled I facing yet another Jab to his rib-cage,Quintin continued on with a Smirk Wiring Upon his face,
" But George how on this green earth do we get them back?" ''By Mining them out of the ground." "They are not-diamonds or bloody chunks of gold "Linina argued. ''I don't know, Shailen and Micheal's friendship are worth a lot more then that" "Wait they've been taken too?!" She questioned in horror.. "Micheal was taken from the hospital yesterday, Shailen Is still unseen, she just disappeared , Cole says that he knocked her into the pool and disappeared into the showers and just didn't come back out again." George said quite calmly. "How the hell are you this calm about your family disappearing?" "K9 is on the case, and I know that if she soldiers on like this, I know we can too. Clearly you forget that we all get into sticky situations like this all the time, and the SDA helps all of us. And in times like this its best to stay calm...It's so hard but it needs to happen." He gave a sigh.
"It will take time but they will be found."  Sam sat there in silence witnessing the two's conversation in the "dead language" of Latin, baffeled ever so slightly, Quintin joined them followed by the others. They stood, a strange relieve of tension lit the room. "George, did you see who dropped in for you?" The old man smiled. "Who dropped in for me ?"The lad grinned. "So George, I think it's best we go looking for him."Linina flashed a smile leading him out the door quite quickly. "Now that that's out the way, I suppose we need to get to discussing the elephant in the room; so when did the disappearances start to happen?" He questioned taking a seat. "Three weeks ago, Louis got taken followed by Mason a few evenings after." Sam answered quietly . "A few of the kids were taken a week ago, my brother being one of them."Eathen added. "Do you know where these abductions happened or the time of day?" Quintin wrote down the extra details. "Around early morning and late at night, it mostly targets the top athletes-" "Yes but Sam, if it was the only reason Louis and Mason would definitely be her and you would be gone." "Relax peanut gallery, Sam will probably get taken later. Or not at all, because he's probably one of the hero's of the chapter." Eathen snorted. "Oh don't start with your, we are all living in a book gizz again Eathen." Peter rolled his eyes. "You know it's true." He prodded, Quintin pulled out another large weathered book. "Sam please go fetch the other three, I kind of need them for the rest of this investigation." Sam nodded and ascended up the round curved stairs.
They sat on the side of  the tank, Ivan still marveling the dolphins. "So Shailen is safe right?"Linina asked tenderly. "Well yes, wait why do you care?" "Because....I had plans....and I have questions and homework , I need to have answered." "Umm hmmm...what kind of questions...." "Just questions." "You like her don't you....the one girl that wouldn't just be a make out buddy..." "Just because I have questions doesn't mean I like her." "Well what questions were you going to ask her?" "When she's available....if she would like to go on with me to the exquisite art exhibition....and afterwards to a movie and  dinner at the gallery." "So a date?" "No." "Yes, it's just a friendly gathering between the two of you, under moonlight, between two great friends, that you'd actually dress up for ....yes that doesn't sound like a date at all." "Fine....it is a date...and I am interested, and no I wouldn't ever treat her like a tongue buddy..." "So it's best we get her back then ."
"Also what actually happened?" "Well Cole said that after she tossed a phone at him she went into the bathroom for a couple of hours."She cringed. "Cole's very stalkery, well he's gross." "Yes a cockroach, well I must say I can't expect anything else. He does talk to you after all." Linina laughed, nearly falling into the tank.
"You clearly want me to stab you with this Gucci heel again."George grinned. "But blood is so hard to get out saturn." "Its red, you wouldn't see the stain."George retorted. "Yes but dearest Georgie, blood stains brown." "But its Patent Leather It wouldn't Stain." "It would be even harder to get out, this is an atroccity."Linina flicked her hair. Sam came up to the top of the Marina. "Uh, your dad needs you down stairs."Sam grimaced. "Thank you, you sweet bean."Linina smiled.
"Such beautiful fish."Ivan marvelled "You do know that a bottle nose dolphin, is a mammal right?"She questioned with her brow raised. "Well the tales go like this."He gestured a side wards motion. "No. This isn't a dolphin tale where the dolphin has a weird circular motion, this is a normal dolphin where the tale goes up and down."She turned away looking to George.
"Dense."She muttered rolling her eyes. "Let me guess he smelt nice?" "Yes, and he looks good, and he's got a lovely personality."George replied. "I didn't say he was tastless, I'm just saying that you can't base a relationship on some one with a smellilality." He laughed. "Clearly you have type." Linina scoffed rolling her eyes. "Are we seriously pointing fingers, because you can't talk." He laughed "Oh really?" She challenged. "Two words. Tongue Buddies." She found it hard not to burst into laughter. "You've got me there."
They got to the library, glaring and snarking eachother out. "Finally you two are here." Quintin squinted at his book. "Sorry for taking all your precious time thou royal highness." Linina rolled her eyes. "So what else is there to know about this whole situation?" "Well Micheal disappeared from  the hospital." "WHAT?!" Quintin jerked. "Micheal was taken...and in hospital, why was he in hospital?" "The schools ice rink collapsed during a demon raid, and hit Micheal and amputated James other leg."She explained Quintens eyes widened in horror. "This is that family I serve and no -one tells me shit." "Anything else I missed???"
"George stabbed me with his Gucci red heels....twice."Linina looked at her shoes. "George you wear heels now?"He nodded to his fathers question. "Linina punched a few boys....and dated one of the assistants."Linina frowned at him. "See but your sister is bent to the point of no return, I can still mold you."They rolled their eyes.
"Could we stop talking about your family issues and get to the part as to how to fix me and not get me driven to the inferno?" "Zip it." Quintin answered. "Your attitude stinks worse then you do."George prodded. "Yeah dude, you need a dive in the pond or something...although you'd kill the fish and posion the dogs....So maybe the sanitary showers?" Linina taunted. "They're right Peter, you could do with a shower." "Quintin you're with them on that?"They were all grinning. "They're my kids, and the most logical and observant people I know...so when they say you smell, YOU STANK." Quintin began to laugh, the other two high-fived eachother. "Really." "Ok now let us get to business-" "To defeat the huns." Ivan replied.
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allwaswell16 · 7 years
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This is the masterpost for my fan fictions. You can also find and subscribe to my fics here on ao3. My word count so far is: 388,316. All pairings are Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson unless otherwise specified. Thanks for reading! <3 <3
Faded From This Touch | explicit | 7k | read here on ao3
Pop star Louis Tomlinson is about to make his long awaited return to music. Unfortunately, his label and manager feel his long hair isn't in tune with his pop star image. When Louis goes to get a hair cut at a posh London salon, he unexpectedly finds a very handsome reason to keep returning.
Today’s the Day (Winter Drabble Series) | G | 300 words | read here on ao3
Polar-Harry pines for the beautiful boy he sees in the coffee shop. Radiator-Harry meets the beautiful boy in the coffee shop he has been pining over. Melt-Harry talks to the boy in the coffee shop he has been pining over.
Be My Homeward Dove | explicit | drarry | 7k | read here on ao3
It's almost Christmas, and Draco must find Harry the perfect gift. It's much more difficult than he'd imagined.
We’re Dancing On Tables | explicit | 5k | read here on ao3
Last week, Louis went on the very best date of his life with the hot guy from his chemistry lab, which was great until the guy never texted him or called him afterwards. Everything is great. Everything is fucking great. Now this guy has the nerve to show up at Louis’ house party, which of course forces Louis to plot to ruin his night.
Staring Across the Room | explicit | 26k |  read here on ao3
Harry Styles has a great life. He’s a children’s librarian at the New York Public Library, he’s got wonderful friends, and he loves cooking, green tea, yoga, and his collection of bow ties. He doesn’t mind that his life seems a little structured, maybe even a little boring. But when Louis Tomlinson joins the library staff as the new Installation Coordinator, things become a lot less predictable. Louis gets under his skin right from the start, bossing Harry around, making noise during story time, and eating the last cupcake in the staff lounge. Louis may be almost offensively attractive, but Harry will not be succumbing to Louis Tomlinson’s charms, even if the rest of the library staff have.
Do You Smile To Tempt a Lover | explicit | 18k | read here on ao3
Pairing: Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson
Nick Grimshaw is entranced by Louis, his very beautiful, very cheeky new coworker at The National Portrait Gallery. He watches him day after day, wondering what he’s furiously typing on his laptop over lunch. With a little help from the very bored barista in the gallery cafe, Nick finds himself growing closer to Louis than he ever dreamed possible.
Let You Lick the Lollipop | explicit | 4.4k | read here on ao3
Louis may be throwing a Halloween costume party for a lot of drunk college students, but that doesn’t mean he can’t also hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. He just has to keep people from stealing all the candy--especially the very hot guy in a toga who won’t leave his candy alone.
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene | general | 2k | read here on ao3
When Louis takes his son trick-or-treating in a stormtrooper costume, little does he know by the end of the night he will end up gaining a Luke Skywalker, a Chewbacca, and a Rey. He doesn't mind the additions, and if Rey's very hot dad wants to come along as well, he doesn't mind that too much either.
Just Hear This (series) | explicit | 46k | read here on ao3
Former boy band member Louis Tomlinson can’t stand pompous indie artist Harry Styles, but with a new record label to launch he is going to have to endure his pretensions to snag up and coming new artist Liam Payne, who happens to be Harry’s oldest friend. Luckily, Liam seems to be very interested in 78 Records and maybe a little more than interested in Louis’ best friend. Too bad Harry won’t be making this easy on any of them. Or a modern day Pride and Prejudice.
You’re the Light (series) | explicit | 39k | read here on ao3
Before beginning a new graduate school in the fall, Louis Tomlinson decides to spend the summer working in Chicago as an editor’s assistant for the Chicago Tribune newspaper and staying with his old college roommate. What he finds on his first day of work is a tall, gorgeous editor named Harry who has the most beautiful green eyes he’s ever seen—and who also happens to be his new boss.
Looking Through You (series) | explicit | 49k | read here on ao3
Just as Louis and Liam were starting out in the music industry, writing and producing for up and coming artists, a fateful meeting with new pop singer Harry Styles changes everything. Four years later, just as Harry is set to embark on his next world tour, a drunken confession causes a rift between once inseparable friends. As Harry tries to make sense of his feelings for Louis, he begins writing his next album to express them as it may be the only way to break through the walls that Louis has built between them. 
That’s How I Know | explicit | 17k | read here on ao3
Louis Tomlinson has just landed his dream job, coaching soccer at Augustus University. When he moves into a new house near campus, he meets his very fit new neighbor, English professor Harry Styles. Although their first meeting leads to an instant mutual dislike, the more Harry gets to know Louis, the more he likes what he sees. Or the one where Harry’s African grey parrot spills his dirty secrets to his very hot neighbor.
I’ll Be There | explicit | 5k | read here on ao3
Louis is less than thrilled to find out his roommate has coerced his nemesis to check on him whilst he’s sick in bed. However, Harry seems to take great pleasure in taking care of Louis. Maybe this green smoothie drinking, hot yoga instructing, hair in a bun wearing, pretentious art history studying wanker isn’t so bad after all. On Monday, Louis thinks Harry’s a twat. By Friday, he’s thinking of reasons for him to stay.
One Day You’ll Say These Words | mature | 10k | read here on ao3
Growing up together in Yorkshire has led to a lifelong friendship between Louis Tomlinson, the future Marquess of Rotherham, and Harry Styles, the heir to a viscount. When Harry suddenly inherits his uncle’s title and estate much earlier than expected, Louis must watch his friend struggle under the weight of these new responsibilities, including searching for a wife with a dowry large enough to save his estate. However, sitting idly by as Harry looks for a bride brings some unexpected feelings to the surface. A friends to lovers story set in the Regency era.
Sound Like a Song | explicit | 14k | read here on ao3
Part 1 of When We Were Young Series: In high school, Louis Tomlinson lit up Harry’s world like nobody else, even if Harry did most of his pining from the safety of his tightly knit circle of friends. Ten years later, Harry is ready to make some changes. He’s tired of having so many regrets and not taking charge of his life, and he still hasn’t forgotten how brightly Louis shines. He’s about to get a long awaited second chance.Or the one where Harry helps out at a farmer’s market and gives Louis free vegetables. Featuring Elton John songs, many vegetable puns, way too many zucchinis, and being right on time for the love of your life.
Look Like a Movie | mature | 10k | read here on ao3
Part 2 of When We Were Young Series. Louis lights up Harry’s world like nobody else. Harry just wishes he could be brave enough to ever ask him out. Although Harry’s high school life is fraught with anxious encounters, he gets by with a little help from his friends.Or a prequel taking place ten years before ‘Sound Like a Song.’ Featuring school dances, soccer games, overeager lab partners, crushes, and being ten years too early for the love of your life.
How Could I Ever Forget | explicit | 14k | read here on ao3
After his boyfriend leaves him for a job in New York, Harry vows to move on with his life. A year later when their best friends announce their engagement, Harry knows he’ll be forced to see Louis again and face the truth he’s been trying his best to hide–even from himself. Or a Vegas AU where Ziam’s bachelor party turns into drunken karaoke, winning thousands at slots, washing your clothes at the laundromat in your underwear, and making life altering decisions that you can’t remember in the morning.
You Really Got Me Now | explicit | 6k | read here on ao3
Louis is the best older brother anyone could ask for. He knows this because he’s agreed to help chaperone his younger sister’s school trip to Rome. As it turns out, Italy is full of surprises. Fizzy’s Italian teacher is surprisingly hot, Rome is surprisingly interesting, and Louis is surprisingly falling in love with more than just the city.
You & Me | general | 3k | read here on ao3
Louis Tomlinson doesn’t have much faith in fate. Unfortunately, his mother does. She thinks he’s destined to be with her best friend’s son. Louis hasn’t had much luck in love, so he decides to finally meet this boy his mother thinks is his match. As fate would have it, he encounters an intriguing stranger to confide in before he meets with destiny.
1D Very Silly Chat/Email Chain (series) | (im)mature| 7k+ | read here on ao3
(1) Danger in the Produce Aisle, (2) Caramel Apple Peeps, (3)The OT4 Email Chain, (4) Email Chain OT4, (5) Screaming, (6)The Brits & Always You, (7) Is Neil Available?
Important topics including: frightening fruits, no milk for Louis’ tea, hacking, being jealous of Steve Aoki, way too many poo jokes, Niall screaming, dogs Liam doesn’t Instagram, Harry’s floofy hair, Liam’s chains, Instagram aesthetics, and much more!
Now That I’ve Found You | mature | 6k+ | read here on ao3
Harry Styles has a great job working for his brother-in-law’s construction company. He has just one small problem. His concrete sub-contractor just quit, and he needs a foundation built as soon as possible. One fateful turn brings him exactly what he’s been looking for—an experienced concrete construction company that happens to be owned by the most beautiful man he’s ever laid eyes upon.
For You I’d Bleed Myself Dry | explicit | 3k+  | read here on ao3
After a public and humiliating breakup, Louis Tomlinson finds himself on his would-be honeymoon with his best friend, Niall. However, this St. Lucian paradise is not all that it seems. Louis may be particularly vulnerable to an unusually handsome predator.
On a Day Like This You Know It’s Meant To Be | t&up | 2k+  | read here on ao3
One year ago Harry Styles met Louis Tomlinson, the man of his dreams. Harry is certain he’ll never see him again, even if they did make a pact to reunite should the Chicago Cubs win the World Series. Harry has one small flicker of hope left when it appears the Cubs might actually win it all. But will Louis fulfill his end of this fateful bargain?
Won’t You Please Come Around | mature | 5k+ | read here on ao3
Harry has lived in London for a month, and so far the only friend he’s made is his sister’s cat, Mr. Whiskers. When the lock on the window breaks, Mr. Whiskers begins exploring his new neighbourhood a bit too thoroughly and brings back mementos of his escapes. Or a Valentine’s Day story where Harry has a really fit neighbour, and his cat is a thief.
Let Me Kiss You | mature | 3k+ | read here on ao3
Harry Styles is on top of the world. He’s moving to Chicago to live in a kick ass apartment that he’s sharing with his old college friend, Niall. When their old college crew makes plans to hang out, Harry realizes he will be coming face to face with his unrequited crush, Louis.
haven’t you heard | explicit | 8k | read here on ao3
Harry Styles has been in love with Louis Tomlinson since they were eighteen. After six years together, Harry is ready to propose to the love of his life. The holidays strike him as the perfect time for a romantic proposal, but his well-meaning friends and family (including his self-appointed best friend, Niall) seem to thwart him at every turn. Or the four times Harry tries to propose, and the one time he gets it right.
but tonight (you’re on my mind) | explicit | 36k | read here on ao3
Pairing: Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson (Tomlinshaw)
Nick’s friendship with the lead singer of Seventy Eight has come with a new circle of people including an entrancing, blue eyed drummer. But what brings them together can also tear them apart.
And I Could Hear the Thunder | mature | 1/? WIP | read here on ao3
Harry prepares to inherit his family’s estate, and Louis is the mysterious boy living in the manor to the north.
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Illustration-based collage art: Vice feature artist Joanna Neborsky
Reposted from VICE written by Tanja Laden. 
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Informal personality quizzes are nothing new. Long before the proliferation of clickable multiple-choice tests from sketchy sites online, print magazines published all kinds of ersatz exams about everything from makeup to sex, and probably even makeup sex. (Vanity Fair still does, albeit more tastefully.) The truth is that the tradition of supplying intimate answers to bold questions originated as a Victorian parlor game, and in 1890, a teenage Marcel Proust (1871-1922) indulged in the fad. It's his handwritten manuscript, An Album to Record Thoughts, Feelings, etc., that inspired artist Joanna Neborsky to try to bring back the erstwhile tradition of providing longhand answers to life's profound questions.
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There really isn't a term to describe Joanna Neborsky's artistic style, which is a blend of antique spot illustrations, original drawings, and other collages reassembled into colorful yet mind-boggling pieces of meta clip-art. Maybe that's why she's the ideal artist to illustrate A Proust Questionnaire, a book of questions based on Marcel Proust's own answers in his confession album, as there's also not really a word to describe Proust's own writing except "Proustian."
"I would like for others to tell me what my style is," Neborsky tells The Creators Project. "Unfortunately, this morning, I keep landing on 'wacky.'"
Neborsky's career trajectory as an artist is an interesting one. She earned a degree in English at Yale, followed by an M.F.A. in Illustration at the School of Visual Arts. In a few years, she went from being an untrained artist to having her thesis in illustration published a year later as a book, Illustrated Three-Line Novels (2010). Maybe it's because her advisor was famed illustrator Maira Kalman, but most likely, it was Neborsky's witty take on grisly French crime blotters from the Belle Epoque that landed her the gig.
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From there, Neborsky's career has taken off with a poster A Partial Inventory of Gustave Flaubert’s Personal Effects for The Paris Review, as well as caricatures of literary figures such as Colette and James Baldwin for A Reader’s Book of Days: True Tales from the Lives and Works of Writers for Every Day of the Year by Tom Nissley.
"If I’m going down anywhere, it’ll be as an X-acto- and- paste- and- construction- paper- and- assorted- pens woman," Neborsky quips, referencing the James Joyce quotation: "I am quite content to go down to posterity as a scissors-and-paste man."
Neborsky says she finds old magazines and books for her projects everywhere from the sidewalk to estate sales, library sales, and thrift stores, adding that she never cuts out the pieces of her findings directly, but copies them instead in order to keep the source material intact.
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"When a freelance job comes in, I identify the theme or concept of the piece and raid my 100% randomly archived collection of photo cutouts, spanning historical eras, animals, buildings, machinery, textures, words, numbers–for fragments that could suggest, either individually or in concert, the subject at hand," Neborsky explains. "Or, if I know I’m unlikely to have the right cutout because the topic is utterly specific—say, semi-automatic weapons (for The New York Times), or the painter Gustave Caillebotte (for Vanity Fair Italia), to cite two recent examples­, I move on over to the Pasadena library or The Last Bookstore and fire up the copy card. I set the cutouts next to one another in Photoshop to see if a relationship emerges, if a meaningful (versus merely textural) collage is possible. Then I draw or cut and paste the missing incidentals or accents to round out the scene."
When making art, Neborsky's goal is simple. It's "to tell a story; to make a viewer laugh; to make a little bit of beauty; (selfishly) to get lost in making." Less simple for her is listing her wide range of influences, which include Terry Gilliam’s collages and Andy Warhol’s children’s books. In fact, she has so many, she's made a list of them.
[2019 addendum: Neborsky is also inspired by Hannah Hoch, Franciszka Themerson, Maira Kalman and Betty Woodman.]
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With such a worldly-looking portfolio, it's also interesting that Neborsky decided to come back to her native Southern California after studying on the East Coast and teaching in France. "I’m proud to be Californian, but nobody has ever mistaken me for one," she says. "My family’s roots are in the east, in Jewish Baltimore. Suburban San Diego, where I was born and raised, with its surf- and- SUV- and- smoothie- and- athleisure-based culture, never quite dug my scene. Whether my pessimism was Russian or adolescent, it didn’t matter; pessimism doesn’t play in sunny, bro-dawg San Diego."
Neborsky says she came back to Southern California partially because she felt she had maybe unfairly dismissed it as a youth. "From afar, Southern California started to gain back its luster that was apparent to everybody but morose teenaged Joanna—in my mid-twenties, living in New York, I began, for the first time, to crave the spaciousness, the Pacific, downtrodden glamour (specifically of Los Angeles), maybe a bit of the hedonism."
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Like many of her fellow LA-based artists, Neborsky goes to yoga in order to take a break from her studio practice and realign. "And it’s usually there, in Savasana or some shape I am attempting to form en route to Savasana, that I get an idea or two that I smuggle back to the studio," she says.
"I will also say this: even after a decade flopping around New York, some of it in art school, I did not participate in an art scene until moving to Los Angeles. 'Participate' is probably even a stretch: in my shady Mount Washington home I maintain a solitary practice for faraway (usually New York) clients; at quitting time I visit with the LA art scene, in which most of my friends here are involved. It’s interesting and weirdly pressure-free to follow LA art doins’ as a commercial artist with no skin in the game. People are making so many great things here in weird little DIY art spaces, parking lots-turned-galleries, on mountaintops, the LA River. Even the blue-chip galleries in Culver City or Downtown (newly arrived to the consternation of many, I know!) calm me with their monumental sculptures and reliable air-conditioning. I don’t mean to be a naïve cheerleader, but I think so much of the work is good! Expansive (easier to make expansive things here) and intricate and ceramic and funny and painterly-sloppy and feminist and curious and rough-hewn and large-minded. I don’t know what I’m saying other than that I think I love art in LA, even as I’m an LA artist who doesn’t make LA art."
Visit Joanna Neborsky’s website here.
Les Femmes Folles is a volunteer organization founded in 2011 with the mission to support and promote women in all forms, styles and levels of art from around the world with the online journal, print annuals, exhibitions and events; originally inspired by artist Wanda Ewing and her curated exhibit by the name Les Femmes Folles (Wild Women). LFF was created and is curated by Sally Deskins.  LFF Booksis a micro-feminist press that publishes 1-2 books per year by the creators of Les Femmes Folles including the award-winning Intimates & Fools (Laura Madeline Wiseman, 2014) , The Hunger of the Cheeky Sisters: Ten Tales (Laura Madeline Wiseman/Lauren Rinaldi, 2015 and Mes Predices (catalog of art/writing by Marie Peter Toltz, 2017).Other titles include Les Femmes Folles: The Women 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 available on blurb.com, including art, poetry and interview excerpts from women artists. A portion of the proceeds from LFF books and products benefit the University of Nebraska-Omaha’s Wanda Ewing Scholarship Fund.
Current call for collaborative art-writing: http://femmesfollesnebraska.tumblr.com/post/181376606692/lff-2019-artistpoet-collaborations
Current call: What does being a womxn mean to you? http://femmesfollesnebraska.tumblr.com/post/183697785757/what-does-being-a-womxn-today-mean-to-youyour
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tolifelechaim · 7 years
#5WomenArtists --the illustrative list!
I recently saw an article in the Huffington Post talking about art museums around the country trying to showcase women’s art. Additionally the challenge “Can you name #5WomenArtists?” made me think. 
I thought “Mary Cassatt, Frida Kahlo, Georgia O’Keefe.....and.....well crap”
But then I realized, WAIT I know ALL of these fantastic female illustrators and digital artists. But I didn’t think there names were “legitimate” answers to the #5WomenArtist questions, because they aren’t “fine artists” that get featured in the Met. 
Illustration is art. Digital Art is art. Tattoos are art. Comics are art. 
Additionally, Huffington Post compiled a list of 101 Female Artists to know about. Which is great. But when I browsed the list, I didn’t connect with a lot of the work. It was a bit too abstract or avant garde for me. I love artwork with figure drawing, illustration, women’s faces, watercolors, beauty, humor, and color. 
So I thought I’d compile some of my favorite female artists. Not necessarily the artists my liberal arts professors would laud, but people who create BEAUTIFUL work, that inspires me everyday to keep working. 
Trina Schart Hyman--Illustrator
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Trina Schart Hyman is the best. Simply the best. I first fell in love with her artwork on the Patrica C Wrede Enchanted Chronicles book covers (pictures above). She has illustrated countless picture books too. My favorite is The Fortune-Teller, with St. George and the Dragon as a close second. Also Bearskin (a multi-racial fairy tale!) Go find her work at your local library. it’s worth it. Her line sensitivity... the organic and fluid postures of her figures....her attention to background details....it’s all tip-top.
K.Y. Craft  (Kinuko Craft) --Illustrator (http://www.kycraft.com/)
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I first fell in love with K.Y. Craft from her book Cupid and Psyche. As I got older, I started recognizing her style everywhere. Her work is incredibly delicate and detailed. You’ve seen her work on the covers of The Cry of the Icemark, Wildwood Dancing, and her various illustrated fairy tales. The detail and beauty simply astound me. How can someone focus to put that many fine details into one piece?
Lora Zombie --Pop/Grunge Art/ Illustrator --(http://lorazombie.com/2017/ )
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Lora Zombie does a delightful mix of pop art and illustration. Many of her images feature animals (especially pandas) wearing hats, children with guns or blue hair, blue birds and text. Her work flow is relatively fast, and she just lets the pigment go where the water goes. The above picture is my favorite of her works. 
Carol Carter --Watercolor (http://www.carol-carter.com/)
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This entry actually breaks my rule, because I did have a college professor show us Carol Carter’s work. But I knew about her before that, so I’m putting her on the list. Her control of the blend between pigment and water is amazing. Her subjects include figure, plants, and animals. Her colors are always beautifully saturated. 
Lois H  -- Digital Art (http://loish.deviantart.com/)
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If you don’t know loish then you don’t visit Deviant Art. Her work includes both beautiful creative landscapes like the one above, and illustrations of women. The use of lighting in her work is always breathtaking.  She always creates different face shapes in her women. Long faces, short faces, big eyes, small eyes. It’s not just the traditional “beautiful women” art. 
Charlie Bowater--Digital Art  (http://charlie-bowater.deviantart.com/)
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Charlie Bowater creates beautiful illustrations. Her figures, textures, proportions, perspectives are always on point. She brings her characters and scenes to life.  Given how much I love her, I feel like I’m not writing enough about her work....I guess when I think of Charlie Bowater’s work, I think it’s synonymous with “beauty.” And that alone should make you go look through her whole entire gallery.  
Stephanie Pui-Mun Law-- Watercolor/ Illustration (http://www.shadowscapes.com/)
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I first fell in love with Stephanie Pui-Mun Law’s art when she illustrated the covers for Catherine Asaro’s The Lost Continent series (The Misted Cliffs’ cover is seen above). Her very delicate water color textures are distinctive to her, and feel especially magical. 
Alice X. Zhang --Digital Art (http://alicexz.deviantart.com/)
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You might recognize Alice Zhang’s name from her official Dr. Who and Sherlock fan art. The art was so fabulous that the BBC commissioned her to do more. She uses saturated colors, beautiful textures and brushes to create a distinct style of work. While creatively using textures and color, she still manages to capture amazing likenesses of the actors she draws. 
Danielle Corsetto --Comics! / Illustration  (http://www.girlswithslingshots.com/)
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Danielle Corsetto wrote the first webcomic that I read, and Girls with Slingshots will always have a soft spot in my heart. Danielle is currently making new comics on her Patreon and posts her figure drawings on instagram. Her work captures so many different unique faces and figures. Every character is a distinct, recognizable individual. And her comic is hilarious. 
Erica Moen --Comics/Illustration  (http://www.erikamoen.com/)
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Erica Moen currently writes the comic Oh Joy Sex Toy, an often smutty educational/review site for all things sex and reproduction. I’ve learned A TON from reading her weekly comics. I love her commitment to showcasing a huge variety of skin tones, body types, genders, and abilities. Additionally, her figures feel like they’re always moving. Her work quite often features nudity and sex. Google away from your mothers.
Ryan Ashley --Tattoo art  (https://ryan-ashley-malarkey.format.com/)
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Ryan Ashley specialized in “fine line black and grey” tattoos. I first encountered her on the show Ink Master (which she won!) The way her designs merge geometric patterns, jewels, and hair/feathers/leaves/flowers is beautiful. The precision of her values and lines is hard to achieve on paper, much less on human skin. 
Teresa Sharpe --Tattoo art/ Illustration (http://teresasharpeart.com/)
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I first encountered Teresa’s art on the show Best Ink (which she won). Her fine art is amazing (as seen on her website and Instagram). But her tattoos feature beautiful colors, amazing lines and textures. She fits her images to the human body and beautifully blends the elements that the client asks for. 
Anna Dittmann --Digital Art  (http://escume.deviantart.com/)
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Anna Dittmann’s work often blends botanicals or feathers with women’s faces. She merges the two beautifully. I live for it. 
Elena Berezina -- Digital Illustrator (http://sharandula.deviantart.com/)
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There are just many images I could have posted. Elena Berezina is working on a book called Silence is Golden, though it looks like it will be in Russian. She creates both really smooth blends and glorious texture. She also does very expressive cartoons of all her characters. 
Claire Hummel--Digital Art (http://shoomlah.deviantart.com/)
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I first encountered Claire Hummel’s art first in her Historically accurate Disney Princesses series. Above is one of her Hamilton fan art pieces. Her art features precise lining, immaculate costume detailing, and great design. 
Jan Brett-- Illustration  (http://www.janbrett.com/index.html)
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Fritz the Beautiful Pony, The Hat, The Mitten, Beauty and the Beast, go borrow them all from your local library. Jan Brett does beautiful detailing in the frames around her pictures. And she adds great life and humor into animal’s faces while keeping their proportions realistic. 
Susan Jeffers --Illustration (http://susanjeffersart.com/BioFrameset.html)
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Susan Jeffers’ beautiful illustrations are also a staple of my childhood. Look at the lines in those plants! She uses color lines to create value, texture, movement, and dimension. 
Diane Goode --Illustration (http://www.dianegoode.com/works.htm)
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I live for this woman’s illustrations of Charles Perrault's Cinderella. Literally my favorite book as a child. I (as a 7 year old) made sculptures in homage to dress above. She has these sassy little expressions, FABULOUS hair and clothing, and limited color palettes. 
Patricia Polacco --Author and Illustrator (http://www.patriciapolacco.com/#books)
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Author of Just Plain Fancy, Thunder Cake, and so many more. Polacco’s illustrations capture the sweetness of human’s relationships. She draws a diversity of people: old, young, black, white, and many more. Her stories are always sweet.
Judy Schachner --Author and Illustrator (http://www.judithbyronschachner.com/books/)
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Judy Schacherner’s Skippyjon Jones series of book is delightfully weird. Her illustrations use colorful chalk pastel, and her book uses a bizarre blend of Spanish and rhyming. The kitten Skippyjon Jones is always getting in trouble, being sent to his room, imagining he’s a Chihuahua, and dreaming up wild adventures with his band of imaginary dog friends. It’s as trippy as it sounds. Her latest book, Dewey Bob, is about a raccoon. The illustration are a really cool mix of collage and pastel.
Mary Cassatt (Classic Impressionism)
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Mary Cassatt rejected doing portraits of nicely dressed women on dark backgrounds. She focused on scenes from life, particular on mothers and children. She used bright colors, expressive brush strokes, and was interested in light. 
Note: Most of these female artists are white women. At least two have publicly queer identities, and at least two are non-white. Since this list is for Women’s History Month, I wanted to acknowledge that this list doesn’t meet standards for intersectional feminism. If you want to add on more diverse female artists, feel free. 
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Immortal WIP
Beginning of the opening: Starts as an ancient times looking costume and dress, traditionally meant for funerals, and then the passage of time is displayed by the change in dress to more traditional funeral arrangements and dress rapidly while MC does not change position. People pass in front of him and the people around him change just as rapidly as his clothing does. Once we get to present times, he shakes himself and turns away and there stands M2.  
 If this were an anime the opening would look like the beginning, in which he changes clothes but he’s walking through what looks like an art gallery that is filled with little time stamps from his life and at some point M2’s life starts to intrude and their lives mix and the opening ends with them meeting and holding hands.
Main plot: MC is an immortal who keeps encountering M2 throughout his life and assumes that M2 is his eternal soulmate and keeps getting reincarnated every about 30 years. They sometimes may only meet for one year at a time or for ten years at a time. There are sometimes where MC cannot bare to leave until the townspeople around them begin to figure out, he doesn’t age. Since he knows it’ll be a while until he can see him again.
MC has attended all of M2’s funerals. And has mourned for him more than he can count considering all the years he’s been alive.  
The main point of this story is to show the importance of time, and pining. Time apart does make the heart grow fonder and we mustn’t give in to our own desires. MC deals with issues of depression, anxiety, and moving past what he was taught even though he’s over 2000 years old.
Halfway through his current life, so about 1020 AD he accidentally starts an orphanage, the first child he picked up from the street, since that particular year had been hard on him with deaths of people around him. MC has always been known to be kind, if quiet by those around him, and will gladly help anyone. So, once he sees this poor child on the street, with seemingly no one else either, he cannot help himself and feels the intense need to help him. From there on he accidentally starts an orphanage. He needs help, and this also happens to be a year where he runs into M2. After owning the orphanage for ten years, MC has felt as though he’s left his roots in this town and is sad to see it go, but people are starting to catch on. They have to dismantle the orphanage, and so MC and M2 decide to help get their children that they have been raising for the past nine years adopted. By their deadline, they are left with two children. Their first child, the one who looks up to MC the most, and their latest child who is still riddled with sickness. M2 decides to take care of the sickly child, and says he feels like it’s his duty since he was the one who wanted the child to come into their care in the first place. MC decides to look over the first child he adopted, and they part ways once again.
The child becomes the first of many people to help MC throughout his life, helping him assimilate, and being a cover for MC so it is less likely for him to be caught as an immortal.
MC and M2 have been arrested together. M2 is a strong believer in ACAB and speaks up about it now. MC is a history professor, and knows more than expected for someone only in his 30’s.
MC and M2 took part in the Stonewall Riots on June 28th, 1967.
 When MC and M2 finally confess their feelings: “I love you.” “You don’t know everything about me! How can you love me?” “I know enough. I feel as though I know two-thousand years of information about you.” “You don’t even know the most important thing.” “And what could that be?” “That I’m immortal.” *intense pause*
MC and M2 have gotten married to each other numerous times. There are records dating back to ancient Greece. Majority of the time it was on accident. But here they are. One time it was before MC had realized M2 was around him, and when gay marriage was legalized in the country they were living in. Both went to the bars to celebrate, and M2 woke up married to MC, and took off. So. Many. Shotgun. Weddings.  
There is most definitely a minor god in Greek and Roman mythology based off of MC and M2.
Present time: The person in charge of helping MC assimilate is his pick between a snarky female teen, who teaches him about Tiktok, or a real tired of this family business uncle who is having the time of his life reminding MC that technically, in the eyes of everyone else, MC is younger than him. The uncle has his own business that is also a part of the family business, and he has been teaching the teen how to run it her entire life. This family has a bad history of fathers leaving, so MC has always been the one to fill that role for them. He’s stepped up, especially if the leaving of the father is due to him. When M2 and MC begin to travel together after confessing their feelings for each other, the teen finds out that the girl at her school that she has a crush on is actually a family member of M2.
MC and M2 have both been known by different names all of their lives. Each has a statue in their names, M2 has one bc MC convinced a whole town that he was magic. In current times, they’ve been going around and visiting each of the statues. The teen can’t help but post them since they have such a close resemblance and in the current timeline there’s a conspiracy reached by only few on the internet that MC and M2 are immortal. MC lectures about times he’s lived through in class, and has written many books, but he still surprises the teen every chance he gets by throwing out fun facts about the life he’s lived.
MC’s favorite life he’s lived was living in Iceland for twenty years. His longest stay by far, and the people in his village took him as their savior. Never batted an eye at the lonely fisherman who tends to his garden every time he comes home, and never ages. He felt at peace there, and goes back once a year to fulfill his promise to the townspeople that he would never abandon them.
Sometimes MC just. Gets lost in the woods for a couple of years, and accidentally starts towns and villages. The people there remember the Old God, and still pray to him, so once every ten to twenty years he goes back to see if anyone remembers. MC donates all of his money and is a tax evader bc he remembers when he didn’t have to pay taxes for everything. M2 was a part of the Boston Tea Party, but never lived in America until the 1960’s.
M2 was friends with the great philosophers in 370 BC, during the golden age of Athens. MC has visited the Library of Alexandria. May have accidentally been the one to burn it down.
MC- Does not remember his family that he began his life with. His mother knew of his secret, and sometimes he has nightmares of burning houses and when he wakes up, he shouts out mom in a foreign language, even to him. Has depression. Sometimes gets lost in the woods for five years and comes out as a savior to a whole new group of people? TERRIBLE WITH DIRECTIONS. It’s why he keeps getting lost in the woods. Would never tell anyone, embarrassed. Has three tattoos. One being the name of M2 when he first falls in love with him.
M2- Has the odd ability to die in the most unusual ways. Security guard currently but hates the cops. As far as the readers know, he remembers his past lives and has hated them far before when he was arrested with MC in 1967. Used to believe in getting rid of the monarchy in Britain, but he loves the current Queen Elizabeth “come on MC, look at her! She’s such an icon”. Goes feral every time someone mentions Betty White being in jail for tax fraud. Loves his family. At least one of his reincarnations was in the mafia/gang and MC accidentally helps him out of it by being at the wrong place at the right time. Knits. Tagged buildings with Kilroy during WW2.
Teen of MC- Snarky, TikTok queen. Believes in ACAB. Has to hang out with MC constantly or gets reprimanded by her parents since he Is Not To Be Trusted Alone With M2. At one point leaves MC and M2 alone to go hang out with teen of M2, and when her parents find out, they make her work part time at the family’s coffee shop. She works there when MC is teaching and gets off before he gets out of his lecture so she can meet him on time. One of her ancestors went through the different notes left behind by the First Child of MC and his children and grandchildren and created a comprehensive list of all the places and people MC has helped. For a gift, to celebrate his 2000 and something birthday, she gives him a map filled with names of descendants of people he’s helped, and has where he has a statue, and this is the map MC and M2 follow to go and visit the people whose lives MC has touched.
Uncle of MC- Tired. Wants to catch a break. In charge of their antiques shop, which is filled with different trinkets MC has picked up on his many travels.
Teen of M2- Think cottagecore to the max. Helps with her family’s flower shop business. They also own restaurants in the area and are one of the most recognized families in their town. Has a crush on the teen of MC, but is Nervous. Gifts the teen of MC a rose at some point, but the teen of MC thinks it’s from the guy who always stares at her in class so she throws it away.
TA of MC- confused. On to MC being an immortal. Tired. Has contributed to the threads about MC being an immortal online. Runs the MC is immortal joke on campus. Accidentally finds out the truth one day, and is now also indebted to MC.
First Child of MC- Lonely. Sick. Becomes attached to MC immediately. MC would tell him bed time stories of the man who loved the library (meaning the library of Alexandria) and other such tales, and the child begins to catch on to the fact that the MC is an immortal. Once he learns of this fact, he asks to learn how to write and read. MC and M2 teach him different languages, and once he learns, he begins to write down the different stories of MC and M2 and their crazy adventures. He wants to make sure MC remembers all that he has lived for and the people he’s helped save. After he has his first child, he raises them on MC’s stories and has the child take over from where he left off once he’s done learning to write and read. Once cameras come around, the descendants take as many pictures as possible.
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lucyt0601 · 5 years
Research Paper Draft #1
Katie Paterson and the Concept of Memory 
The purpose of my research is to study the work and practice of the artist Katie Paterson and to see how her work relates to the concept of memory- how she replicated her memories into her art works and takes what is inside of her to create her visible mediums, which include texts, monographs, videos, sculptures, images, numbers, etc. She used light and dark colors together and separately, how she employed simplicity and a clean style. According to Ollivier Dyens in his article The Sadness of the Machine, “Memories of pleasure, pain, sadness and joy, are the common thread that unites all human beings. Memories are our existence, and art is their system of replication” (Dyens 2001, 77).
Basic biographical information/identity as an artist and a person:  
Born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1981, one of the leading artists in her generation. Received her BA from Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh, United Kingdom in 2004 and her MFA from the Slade School of Fine Art in London, United Kingdom in 2007. She has since been the subject of solo exhibitions at institutions, recipient of the John Florent Stone Fellowship at Edinburgh College of Art, and was the Leverhulme Artist in Residence in the Astrophysics Group at the University College London in 2010-2011. In collaboration with scientists and researchers from around the world, her projects consider the place of humans on planet Earth in the context of geological time and change. Her words utilize advanced technologies and expertise to display the engagements between people and the natural environment. Approach is Romantic and research-based, rigorous conceptualism and minimalist, shortens the distance between the viewer and the edges of time and the cosmos. She has broadcast the sounds of a melting glacier live, mapped dead stars, compiled a slide archive of darkness from the depths of the Universe, created a light bulb to simulate the experience of moonlight, and sent a recast meteorite back into space. “Eliciting feelings of humility, wonder and melancholy akin to the experience of the Romantic sublime, Paterson's work is at once understated in gesture and yet monumental in scope.” Paterson has exhibited internationally, from London to New York, Berlin to Seoul, and her works have been included in major exhibitions including Hayward Gallery, Tate Britain, Kunsthalle Wien, MCA Sydney, Guggenheim Museum, New York, and The Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh. She was the winner of the Visual Arts category of the 2014 South Bank Awards, and is an Honorary Fellow of Edinburgh University. Her poetic installations have been the result of intensive research and collaboration with specialists as diverse as astronomers, geneticists, nanotechnologists, jewelers and firework manufacturers. As Erica Burton, curator at Modern Art Oxford, wrote at a solo exhibition in 2008, “Katie Paterson’s work engages with the landscape, as a physical entity and as an idea. Drawing on our experience of the natural world, she creates an expanded sense of reality beyond the purely visible.”
Her artistic creations:
Among recent works are: Totality (2016), a mirrorball reflecting every solar eclipse seen from earth; Hollow (2016), a commission for University of Bristol, made in collaboration with architects Zeller & Moye, permanently installed in the historic Royal Fort Gardens: a miniature forest of all the world’s forests, including over 10,000 unique tree species spanning millions of years telling the history of the planet through the immensity of tree specimens in microcosm; Fossil Necklace (2013), a necklace comprised of 170 carved, rounded fossils, spanning geological time; Second Moon (2013), a work that tracks the cyclical journey of a fragment of the moon as it circles the Earth, via airfreight courier, on a man-made year-long commercial orbit; All the Dead Stars (2009), a large map documenting the locations of 27,000 dead stars known to humanity; Light bulb to Simulate Moonlight (2009), an incandescent bulb designed to transmit wavelength properties identical to those of moonlight; and History of Darkness (ongoing), a slide archive of darkness captured at different times and places throughout the universe and spanning billions of years.
“Paterson created Earth-Moon-Earth (Moonlight Sonata Reflected from the Surface of the Moon) (2007). With the assistance of radio operators Peter Blair in Southampton, England, and Peter Sundberg in Lulea, Sweden, Paterson bounced Morse code Signals of the score of the first movement of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata off the moon and then transcribed the echoed information back into notation, which was then played back in exhibition on a player piano” (204). 
“Paterson employs a novel subtractive sonification based on ever-present loss. Regular radar scans of the surface would employ much higher power and include repetitions to override error producing a refined data set that a conventional sonification strategy would then transform into music or another art of sound. Paterson’s approach is different. Just as one hears the Pacific Ocean leak into the off-timings of Nam June Paik’s version of Bach, in Earth-Moon-Earth you hear the moon in what Beethoven does not sound like” (208). 
Musicalization of dead silences- Sound recordings of three Icelandic glaciers on records made of frozen meltwater from these glaciers are played until the records melt, mimicking the loss and silencing of their source.
History of Darkness, 2010: “...essays a cosmically laconic take on astro physical discovery of the protocols of its recording. For the Dying Star Letters, Paterson is sent an email each time scientists note a star has been expired; she then writes a letter of condolence” (31). 
Paterson praises the book,“Stone Mattress,” by Margaret Atwood, our first author for “Future Library.” (Paterson herself says) I love her work because she can speak through generations and time. I’m also reading “Invisible Cities,” by Italo Calvino, which is a collection of texts that imagines cities of all varieties made of bizarre materials. And “The Blue Fox,” by the Icelandic author Sjon. You follow a blue fox through a hunted journey. It’s like a fairy tale. All three books travel through time and space. And they all have very poetic language as well.
Paterson addresses her political standpoint by saying, “I was following the Scottish referendum on BBC Scotland, Yes Scotland and the Wee Blue Book Mobile Edition. I submitted my vote: Yes for an independent Scotland. I think we will see positive results from the referendum, even though the result is not what I had hoped for.” 
Her experience living in Iceland felt like living on another planet- traveling to drastically different places feels like going to different planets, which is what sparked her fascination with outer space and the cosmos. 
Reputation as an artist:  
She is fascinated by science and is known for her multidisciplinary and conceptually-driven work with an emphasis on nature, ecology, geology and cosmology. Her conceptual art finds everyday analogies for profound cosmological themes, is consistent in exploring scientific themes through contemporary art: her works have ranged from sending a "second moon" around the earth by courier service, to playing a record at the speed of the earth's rotation. Institutions approve of  her art because it fits some deep need they have for art that is conceptual and intellectual. That combination allows museums and respectable prize givers to feel they are “down with the kids,” while also furthering their liberal mission to educate the public.“The Works of Katie Paterson go sailing off the scale of civilization. Using technologies normally applied to the speed and scope of human experience, the Scottish artist zooms out or tunnels in to other, more alien dimensions, reframing natural and cosmic phenomena… anthropocentric worldviews are dissipated in favor of a different kind of consciousness, one keyed to evolutionary systems and rooted in contact with igneous chaos.”
Working and collaborating with others:
"You, at least, believe that the human race will still be around in a hundred years!" enthused the acclaimed writer and environmental activist Margaret Atwood when she was asked to be the first contributor to Paterson's centennial project, Future Library, 2014-2114, a work of art that is essentially a form of time travel.” 
Focusing on a single work and how it ties to our FSEM/memory: 
Fossil Necklace, a giant circular string displaying the development of life on Earth. It is made of 170 carved fossil beads representing the Earth’s memory of a major occurrence in evolution through geological time. According to Paterson, “Fossil hunting is a new hobby of mine. It happened because I made a necklace of 170 beads carved from fossils and it charts all of geological time on Earth. The first bead is 3 1/2 billion years old and contains the first cellular life on earth and it goes on from there. I had no experience in paleontology and it took ages to work out what I was looking for. Scotland has got an amazing coast where you can find fossils just on the beach. I didn’t know this at all. I also got fossils from fairs, eBay and auctions.” 
Campo del Cielo, Field of the Sky, 2012- may work with memory concept better (see video on James Cohan site). 
Suggestions from the writing fellow: I met with Emma Consoli this past Sunday and 5pm. I had a positive experience in the CTL with her because she liked the way I outlined my first draft, but she did tell me to cut down on the raw quotations and use more of my own voice. She had me change my wording of phrases here and there and pointed out some grammatical errors from when I first typed out the draft. 
Murphy, Kate. "Katie Paterson." The New York Times Sunday Review. Last modified September 20, 2014. Accessed October 20, 2019. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/ 09/21/opinion/sunday/katie-paterson.html?searchResultPosition=1. 
Larsen, Lars Bang. 2014. 1000 WORDS: Katie paterson and margaret atwood. Artforum International. 11, https://ezproxy.hws.edu/login?url=https://search.proquest.com/docview/1625101398?accountid=27680 (accessed October 16, 2019).
McKinnon, Dugal. "Dead Silence: Ecological Silencing and Environmentally Engaged Sound Art." Leonardo Music Journal 23 (2013): 71-74. http://www.jstor.org/stable/43832509.
Dillon, Brian. "Attention! Photography and Sidelong Discovery." In Aperture, No.
     211, Curiosity (Summer 2013), pp. 25-31. Published in JSTOR.
     Accessed October 29, 2019. https://www.jstor.org/stable/24473799. 
Kahn, Douglas. Earth Sound Earth Signal : Energies and Earth Magnitude in the Arts. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013. Accessed October 29, 2019. ProQuest Ebook Central.
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limejuicer1862 · 5 years
Wombwell Rainbow Interviews
I am honoured and privileged that the following writers local, national and international have agreed to be interviewed by me. I gave the writers two options: an emailed list of questions or a more fluid interview via messenger.
The usual ground is covered about motivation, daily routines and work ethic, but some surprises too. Some of these poets you may know, others may be new to you. I hope you enjoy the experience as much as I do.
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Thursday Simpson
lives between Peoria, Illinois and Iowa City, Iowa. She is a writer, musician and cook. Her work has recently been anthologized in Nasty! Volume 2, Hexing the Patriarchy and Satan Speaks!. She believes in garlic, onions and Feline Satan. Her twitter is @JeanBava and her full publication history can be found at www.thursdaysimpson.com
The Interview
1. When and why did you start writing poetry?
When I was a kid and throughout highschool I always wanted to write. Mostly back then I would listen to Opeth’s album Damnation or Tiamat’s album Prey and try to come up with my own poetry but it never really happened. But eventually in 2008 I was enrolled in community college and playing in about 10 different bands. I wasn’t really happy playing music so I started thinking about writing again. One of the nice things about writing as opposed to film making or playing music is that there is no recording or filming process. It’s like pure expression, no strings, no tuning, no effects or cables. Sure, you need a laptop and there is always so much revision and study involved. And writing is such a more long term thing than music. A manuscript might take more than five years to go from draft number one to publication as opposed to an album getting written, recorded, mixed and released in a year or two. It’s not that one medium involves more or less work, they’re just different. And the process involved with writing really kind of seemed attractive to me back then. I could sit and read and then write on my computer and email my work to publications instead of constantly practicing and trying to get my riffs recorded on good audio and find a label’s mailing address and trying to get their attention and going on the road and all of that.
2. Who introduced you to poetry?
There are several things that do come to mind, though. Growing up in Galesburg, Illinois one hears a lot about Carl Sandburg. He was born here and a lot of things are named after him. I actually won a poetry contest in the 7th grade put on by his estate and his daughter gave me the prize at a ceremony held at his birthplace.
I think also in the 7th grade our class did a poetry unit where we read poets like Nikki Giovanni and Langston Hughes and Lewis Carroll and Edgar Allan Poe. Looking back on that now, it’s so weird. It was a Catholic school, so we were getting all of this militant right wing anti abortion politics, books like Harry Potter were banned.But we also read poets like Nikki Giovanni and learned about Oscar Romero.
Then once I was in public highschool, I think I started to hear people talk about poetry as something one did to express themselves. Or as a valid art form unto itself. Some people from my highschool used to get together both in person and online and workshop eachother’s poetry. They were who told me about Sylvia Plath and poets like that.
But it was really more professors at my community college that made it start to click for me. One guy was an eldergoth from the 80’s and also used to play music before he became a writer. He really helped me take poetry as something I wanted to do and turn it into something that I did. He taught, “America,” by Allen Ginsberg in class one day and I went out and got a copy of Howl. The title poem, Howl, really fucking blew me away. I think that’s the poem that really made me fall in love with poetry.
3. How aware are and were you of the dominating presence of older poets traditional and contemporary?
At first, very much so. That’s all we were taught in community college. The only non intro lit course was a two part Fall-Spring British Lit survey. I really didn’t like Beowulf or Canterbury Tales or the The Faerie Queene. I loved Shakespeare but didn’t really like Donne and Marvel and etc etc.
And after a month or two of the Enlightenment guys, I really fell for Wordsworth and Coleridge and Byron and the Shelley’s. I read their stuff for the better part of Spring 2010. Then a friend of mine that recently graduated from Western Illinois University asked me to help her run a local writing workshop. And while we were hanging out and planning it she showed me all of the texts they worked on at Western and let me borrow Richard Siken’s book, Crush. And after reading him I fell in love with poetry all over again.
Then once I transferred to the University of Iowa to finish my BA I chose a poetry writing course based on the instructor teaching Siken and Frank O’Hara. The Writers Workshop offers a series of creative writing courses for undergrads that anyone can take. And the instructors are all graduate students currently enrolled in the Workshop. We also studied Jeffrey McDaniel and the Dickman Twins and people like that. She also directed me to poets like Sharon Olds, James Wright, Franz Wright.
In other classes in the English literature department we read people like James Baldwin and Marilynne Robinson and Mary Swander and Raymond Carver and Jane Smiley.
During my last Semester there, Spring 2013, I started reading Maggie Nelson. She was around Iowa City for a bit in 2010 or 2011, guest lecturing and things like that, while she was publishing her book, Women, the New York School, and Other True Abstractions, through University of Iowa Press. So by 2013 everyone in Iowa City was reading Bluets. That book really changed my life. I read everything else Maggie Nelson wrote and then read every author she cited in her work, Simone Weil, Eileen Myles, Cookie Mueller.
Then after reading authors like Dodie Bellamy and Kathy Acker and Chris Kraus I started making friends that shared a love for similar writers. And then I more or less started getting plugged into communities of actual contemporary writers my own age doing the coolest fucking shit.
4. What is your daily writing routine?
It varies! I hate doing the same thing every day. But, I do prefer to write in the morning, first thing. I always hydrate first thing every morning. I’m obsessed with drinking water. Then I either make breakfast and a pot of tea or coffee or just start in on whatever project I’m working on. The longer each day goes on the more shit comes up. And I really need to focus when I write. So I like to get it out of the way first thing. Then it always isn’t in the back of my mind as I do everything else during the day.
In general I try to pattern my work ethic after my favorite athletes. Interviews with Kevin Durant or DeMarcus Cousins or Nyla Rose have taught me so much about what it takes and what it looks like to pursue greatness.
5. What motivates you to write?
I think it’s almost always been work that I admire. Sometimes it’s an interpersonal thing, a breakup or a great hookup or whatever. But almost always it’s because I’ve seen a great film or read a great book or watched a great professional wrestling match or athletic contest.
I really like raw, physically immediate work that takes real risks. That’s why I love pro wrestling so much. It’s such a physical, emotional form of storytelling. A great match from Mitsuharu Misawa in a lot of ways reminds me of a novel like The Orange Eats Creeps by Grace Krilanovich or Like Being Killed by Ellen Miller. Or more recently, Tessa Blanchard’s match with Sami Callihan. Tessa really connects with the audience with her tears and really honest cries of pain throughout that contest. That same feeling and emotion is present in Colt Cabana’s recent title defense against James Storm or in just about anything that Pentagón Jr. and his brother, Fénix do in the ring.
Same with the New Day, Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods and Big E. I think they’re just about the most talented artists working in professional wrestling throughout this entire decade. There is so much artistic brilliance in their matches with the Uso’s or in Kofi Kingston’s main event work in 2019.
Besides wrestling, films like Night of the Living Dead by George Romero or Living Dead Girl by Jean Rollin really direct my artistic goals. Something raw, real, honest and immediate and emotionally and psychically potent. That’s what I’m always trying to chase and pursue in my own work.
6. How do the writers you read when you were young influence you today?
I think my passion for literature and video games and athletics and film have always been more or less intertwined. When I was about 5 or 6 I started watching the Universal Monster Collection on VHS and got obsessed with horror. I read all of the Goosebumps and Fear Street books from the Galesburg Public Library. I watched the Star Wars films on VHS and then read all of the Star Wars books at the public library. I watched Tales from the Cryptkeeper and Are You Afraid of the Dark and read all of the affiliated franchise novels that the library had.
I first became aware of professional wrestling after renting WWF Royal Rumble on the Sega Genesis. In 1993, 1994 and 1995 the only way to watch wrestling for me was from renting VHS tapes. So anytime I got any money I would rent as many wrestling tapes and horror films as I could afford and watch them over and over.
I didn’t have a computer or access to the Internet until 1999. So mostly every second of my free time was either spent at the library researching films and books or at rental stores reading the VHS boxes.
Crying is a really important spiritual activity for me. Victor Wooten defines crying as something we do when we aren’t able to express our emotions through language. I’ve always cried a lot, regardless of age. My favorite thing to do on my days off is to make a pot of coffee and listen to music or watch a film or listen to an audiobook and cry my fucking eyes out.
The video game Final Fantasy 7 really changed me. I played it fairly soon after it came out in 1997. I became so obsessed with the game. I cried when I played it and I cried thinking about it when I wasn’t playing it. The way it combines such lyrical music with so many incredible greens and blues in the color pallet just really connected with me. I read the strategy guide cover to cover so many times. Video game strategy guides were actually one of my favorite literary genres as a kid. I never owned too many games, but I could afford the strategy guides. So I just read them cover to cover, over and over.
So much of what I do now is born directly out of my obsessions from when I was a child. An interest in Universal Horror led to an interest in the 80’s slasher franchises, that fed into an interest in George Romero’s body of work and so on. Then once I was in college and started to learn about politics and theory and history, horror was such a perfect exploration ground. George Romero’s 1978 film Dawn of the Dead became a renewed obsession. I started thinking of 80’s slasher films as Reagan morality tales.
Coming out of the closet and living publicly as queer and trans for me was very much tied to learning about AIDS in the 1980’s. Reagan’s policies really effected my family in a lot of negative ways. Rick Perlstein wrote a really great two volume work that traces changes in right wing politics from Eisenhower through the 1976 Republican Convention. Those books were such great companions to The Letters of Mina Harker by Dodie Bellamy or I Love Dick by Chris Kraus and In One Person by John Irving. Artists like David Wojnarowicz tie so many things together. My mind has always worked in a language of synchronicity and probability and chance and myth. Things like Baseball statistics have always been incredibly meaningful to me. And the way David Wojnarowicz ties things like country music to masculine queerness really made me feel validated as a thinker for the first time in my life.
And during times when I really thought my writing was over and out, especially in late 2012 and late 2013, watching Are You Afraid of the Dark and some of John Carpenter’s films like They Live and Prince of Darkness really helped get my mind and heart together again. The same with 1931’s Frankenstein. I watched that film over and over as a child. But when I watched it during the fall of 2014 it was like seeing it for the first time. Boris Karloff’s performance is just something special. His unhinged screams during the fire at the end of the film really effected me in a profound way. You can watch that film alongside reading Chris Kraus’ novel, Summer of Hate, and learn a lot about violence in our society.
So yeah, the obsessions and concerns in my work now are very much reflected in my obsessions and concerns as a five year old.
8. Who of today’s writers do you admire the most and why?
There are so many! I think more than anyone, my favorite contemporary writers are Ariel Gore, Tiffany Scandal, Erika T. Wurth, Juliet Cook, Leza Cantoral, Christine M. Hopkins, Kristen J. Sollee, Joanna C. Valente, Nadia Gerassimenko, Juliet Escoria, Ingrid M. Calderon-Collins, Monqiue Quintana, I could go on forever.
Helen Oyeyemi is a genius. Sybil Lamb is a genius. Patrisse Khan-Cullors is a genius.
I also like Koji Suzuki’s novels. Edward Frenkel is another favorite. Karyn Crisis is writing and publishing a series on traditional Italian witchcraft that is excellent. And I do enjoy Haruki Murakami as well. Marisha Pessl is another favorite.
More than anything, I love how publishing is changing. Ebooks and audiobooks and the Internet are opening up so much to so many people. You no longer need to live in New York City or go to college to have access to a life in literature.
Technology is making literature accessible and possible for disabled persons as well. You don’t need a ton of shelving and space to store your books, you can read / listen while you cook or work or whatever. An average SD card can hold about 5 public libraries worth of books.
In general I just love where contemporary literature is right now and hopefully where it’s heading. Art seems more accessible than it’s ever been.
8.1. Why are they genius?
Helen Oyeyemi’s book, “White is For Witching”, is a novel that is as expertly written as it is affecting. I love books that aren’t fixed. Those Comp 101 tropes of, “Reliable narrator, unreliable narrator,” or, “Now class, to write well, we must first prepare an introductory paragraph with our thesis statement,”
Just turn me off.
I love it when an author jumps deep into the psychic mass of human bodies. The psychic and physical realities of humans don’t correspond at all to those 101 concepts.
And Oyeyemi’s, “White is For Witching,” to me is just about the perfect book. Everything in the narrative is always changing. Every sentence just feels so profound and impactful. It really challenges the reader to kind of move beyond the literal text and engage with the narrative more with one’s psychic senses or within one’s innermost being.
Sybil Lamb’s book, “I’ve Got a Timebomb”, is a novel that, to me, recalls Kathy Acker’s non-linear style. But Sybil’s novel specifically frames Acker’s queer, disjointed virtuosity within a transgender, W. Bush era framework.
As with Oyeyemi’s, “White is For Witching,” its rather difficult to get a sense of what’s happening, sentence to sentence. And that forces the reader to both rely on the depth of the language itself and also on their own psychic ability to sense what is happening. And as the novels continue, they each create such a powerful impact and resonance within the reader. Or at least they did with me. They changed my fucking life.
And Patrisse Khan-Cullors book, “When They Call You a Terrorist,” is one of the most profound works I’ve ever read. It’s in part memoir and part contemporary history. I think if someone was only going to read one book published in the 2010’s, “When They Call You a Terrorist,” is a book that person should choose.
I think for a lot of white people in the United States, we really ignore what’s going on around us. We don’t confront our white privilege. We don’t confront that our white privilege is sustained by institutional racism. We don’t confront that horrific violence is forced on people of color.
Throughout her book, Patrisse Khan-Cullors candidly talks about her life and the lives of those around her. And through her writing, she almost kind of gives the reader a choice. By describing the horror and violence of racism, the reader can either choose to be horrified and repent and commit to change or they can continue to block it out.
The narrative also is about the author’s journey as a queer person. She talks about the realities of being queer in highschool and being queer as an adult.
I think, “When They Call You a Terrorist,” is a book that has incredible power. If anyone doubts the ability of literature and narratives to change lives, “When They Call You a Terrorist,” can shake them from that complacency.
9. Why do you write, as opposed to doing anything else?
So, I think for me writing is the most accessible art form. You can do it alone, you don’t have to have a lot of friends or a lot of gear and money and things like that. You don’t have to go buy a guitar and learn how to tune it and replace your strings or learn about what a sine wave and a square wave are and etc etc.
You can go out and read books from your library or find ebooks and audiobooks online and dive in and start getting inspired. Also, libraries carry a ton of ebooks and audiobooks besides physical books. And if there’s something you want that they don’t have, they can almost certainly get it for you.
There’s no equivalent with guitars and drum machines and synthesizers. You kind of have to buy them or maybe at best rent them from a music store. And renting in that context costs money.
But libraries also have laptops you can rent for free and write on. You could base your entire writing career out of a public library if you couldn’t afford books, an internet connection or a computer.
You can just start reading and see what inspires you and go pursue it.
The Internet really helps one connect to other readers and writers and is such an excellent way to find and build communities.
Though, I don’t mean to act like writing is high up on the platonic list of ideal art forms. I live a fairly monastic life and I enjoy that way of living. Writing is a long term game. It takes months and more often than not years to write and draft and edit and revise and get rejected and get rejected and write and revise. It appeals to my temperaments.
And revising is as simple as reading and re-reading, deleting, re-framing, re-stating, seeking clarity and things like that. You don’t have to listen to abunch of audio on abunch of expensive equipment and twist and turn abunch of knobs and worry about re-recording a part or how something’s mixed or anything like that.
10. What would you say to someone who asked you “How do you become a writer?”
More than anything else, one becomes a writer by first reading and then writing and then going back and editing what one has written. The hardest parts about being a writer have more to do with time, money, stress management, real life shit.
When I was living in Iowa City, some of the best advice I got came from reading the memoirs of writers and artists that I admire. Especially Jeanette Winterson and David Lynch and Ann Patchett.
It’s easy to see ourselves as these nobodies and our heroes as deities. But just to share a small part of Jeanette’s story. After she was kicked out of her parents house for being gay, she used to go to the library every day and get books to read. Back then she thought it was required to read every text in alphabetical order, so she started with the first book in the A section and started working her way down the lines.
Eventually a librarian noticed her habits and told her that she can read any book she likes at anytime. That no one is required to only read books in alphabetical order.
I bring this story up because our crisis’ really hurt. When we lose a job, we feel like it’s the end of the world. When we go through a breakup we feel like it’s the end of the world.
And we feel like that because things really fucking hurt.
But one thing we don’t realize sometimes is that our heroes, the pillars of art, have gone through the same things we’ve gone through. David Lynch had to put Eraserhead on hold for more than five years because he was broke. He talks in his memoir, Catching the Big Fish, about going every day to the local Big Boy and drinking a milkshake while he thought about his ideas.
You have to imagine David Lynch not as the creator of Twin Peaks, but as a broke twenty something loser hanging out at the fast food restaurant every afternoon, starring off into space, dreaming about someday making movies.
Professional, capitalist culture teaches us that such dreams are shameful. We’re all taught to laugh and scoff or at best feel sorry for the girl heading out to LA to become an actress or the person living in their parents basement working on their first demo.
The hardest part about being a writer is learning to not give into all of that shame. A lot of people will talk a lot of shit about you. That will only ever increase in its intensity as you publish and do your thing.
Once, I sent a story to a publication and paid 3 dollars to have the editor give me personalized feedback. And this fucking guy sent me his feedback by gleefully ripping my work to shreds, sentence by sentence.
A couple of weeks later, that exact same piece helped me get accepted into a nationally recognized MFA Program with an offer including full funding.
I didn’t accept the offer because I hate college, but that’s a different story.
The point I’m trying to make is that you just have to never give up. Ever.
Read the books that interest you.
When you get an idea for a piece, write it.
And finish it.
No matter what, finish what you start. No matter how hard it is. You can always edit it later.
Then after you finish writing something, read some more books that interest you. Watch films that interest you. Pursue anything that interests you.
And read books that maybe don’t interest you. And read the books that interest the authors you really like. Read people’s bibliographies. Get the books referenced in their research and read them.
And everytime you get an idea, make a note about it. And when you have time, work on it and do the best job you can.
I think doing one’s best is great advice. Whenever you’re writing, just do the best you can. If you don’t have time to write, just make sure you write when you do have time.
Never give up and always do your best.
That’s where editing really comes in. There isn’t a writer that’s ever lived who doesn’t have to revise their work. In the moment, things seem so impossible. Our sentences always feel so bad.
But one thing you’ll notice, if you don’t give up, is that six months or so after you finish a draft, you’ll come back to it and see what you need to change.
And then six months or so after that, you’ll come back to your piece and see more things that you can improve.
Sometimes that six months only takes a few days or a few weeks. Sometimes it might take a few years. Writing can be a very mysterious process.
That’s why no matter what, you should always just do your best each time you’re sitting down to write. Do your best and let the gods sort out the rest.
If you want to go to college to study literature and writing, go for it. If you don’t want to do that, don’t.
If you like workshopping with other people, do it. If you don’t like it, your editors will let you know what you need to change and how to improve your work.
Some of my favorite writers are highschool dropouts and some of my favorite writers have multiple PhDs. The secret to writing is figuring out your own process and investing in it and devoting yourself to the work of reading and writing and editing and revising. And most importantly, the secret to writing is never giving up. Ever.
When people tell you that your work is shit, just move on. Never delete or destroy your own work. Just file it away and revise and edit it later on.
And I think it’s also important to be open to change. Both changes in your style and changes in your methods and changes in what interests and motivates you.
You might find that you start out writing poetry but want to write more fiction. Or you might start out wanting to write scathing, sexy queer non fiction but end up writing high fantasy novels.
Go with your gut.
11. Tell me about the writing projects you have on at the moment.
I’m in the process of finishing up a novel that’s tentatively called, “Like a Razor.”  It’s mostly about a young, out of work mathematician dealing with the loss of his primary partner in a polyamorous relationship. There is also a lot of professional wrestling & Satanism related esoterica and mystery involved.
I’m also working on putting together a couple poetry collections. And hopefully also a non-fiction collection dedicated more to examining spirituality and strategies for activism.
And hopefully all of these works will have a soundtrack that I’ve composed and recorded myself.
Thank you so much for this opportunity! I very much appreciate it
Wombwell Rainbow Interviews: Thursday Simpson F WORD WARNING Wombwell Rainbow Interviews I am honoured and privileged that the following writers local, national and international have agreed to be interviewed by me.
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sentrava · 5 years
Books a Million, Part XXI: Memoirs, Chick Lit & Growing Up Different
Winter tends to be my favorite time to catch up on my reading. From the week of Thanksgiving until midway through January, everyone in the tourism industry seems to disappear—it���s as if conference season is over, their budgets have been planned for the following year, and they’re taking a very lengthy hiatus. I took the opportunity over the holidays and my birthday trip to Puerto Rico to whittle down my 2019 book list, just a smidge.
Here’s everything I’ve read in the past couple months in case you’re heading on a Spring Break or summer trip of your own soon and looking for a good vacation read of your own.
Man in the (Rearview) Mirror by LaRue Cook
I’m at that point in my career where so many peers and friends are publishing books, and I can barely keep up with reading them all. But when a friend sent me a link to LaRue’s book, I bumped it up the chain and immediately ordered the paperback instead of waiting for the Kindle version to drop. LaRue and I started as writers at the UT paper, The Daily Beacon, on the same day; I was 20, he was 18, halfway through his freshman year. We immediately became journalist friends, and I was soon promoted to features editor, he one of my most reliable writers. He later went on to be the editor of the paper after I graduated.
Our lives ran parallel for years; I worked a stint at Entertainment Weekly, and he took over the same job a year or two later. He and his girlfriend at the time, another of my close college pals, moved to NYC in my final months there before moving to California, so I got to spend some time with them as my neighbors while he was getting his feet wet in sports writing for ESPN. But then, he dropped off my radar. He was never on social media back then, despite being younger than me, and I often lose touch with people I can’t track via Facebook and Instagram. I now know that’s partially because he was going through his version of an existential crisis, and after a decade with ESPN, he quit, moved back to Knoxville and became an Uber driver. While doing this (and driving more than 5,000 passengers around town), he wrote a book—a memoir told through the parallel lives of his passengers. A read that covers so many topics in the span of 234 pages: racial inequality, sexual orientation, faith and religion, his own infidelities. It’s always weird reading a memoir by someone you know, as it feels a bit like your peeling back the layers of their soul. I’d love to write something similar someday, but am not sure I’d ever be able to approach it with such honesty as LaRue did. This is a great book for anyone looking for a non-fiction read that examines how losing your pillar at a young age—in this case, LaRue’s dad at 15—can go on to shape a person’s identity as a young adult.
Hum If You Don’t Know the Words by Bianca Marais
I’m still shook by this book. You know that it’s a powerful read if you’re still thinking about it two months later. I started and finished this book at the beach in less than 24 hours, and man, it was some heavy stuff.
Taking place in an 18-month span during the height of apartheid, Hum chronicles the lives of two very different heroines—a nine-year-old white girl whose parents are slain and a 50-year-old black woman who came to the big city to track down her rebel daughter caught up in the Soweto Uprising—and at the heart of the story, impresses upon the reader how no matter the color of our skin, our sexual orientation, our religion or where we were born, no one is any greater or worse than the next human (and that good people do bad things and bad people do good things). Particularly poignant during the racial inequality happening still today, this book really tugged at my heartstrings and should be on everyone’s must-read list.
All The Missing Girls by Megan Miranda
I love me a good mystery, and All the Missing Girls is in a similar vein to Gone Girl and every Mary Kubica book I’ve ever devoured. It starts off with Nicolette, a 28-year-old teacher who had fled her small Appalachian town after high school to move to the big city, returning home to care for her ailing father—and confronting the ghosts of her past, specifically the disappearance of her best friend. Not long after she arrives, another young girl goes missing, and Nicolette makes it her mission to figure out what happened to her—and if it is indeed linked to the same missing girl from a decade prior.
Contrary to what other reviewers have written, I found the pace of this book quick and engaging, and those who like suspense will likely find it entertaining. The only thing I didn’t really care for was the erratic storytelling style in which the author kept jumping a day back in time to set the stage. It made it a bit confusing to piece together the timeline on the reader’s end. Overall, though, I’d read this book again and give it four out of five starts if I were still rating my reads.
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman
We’re never really told what exactly is wrong with Eleanor Oliphant; we just know from the opening lines of the book that she’s different. And that difference takes us through her life in a deadbeat job with no friends or family to call her own, a curious character who becomes overly infatuated with a rockstar she’s never met, to the point where she begins to stalk him, both at gigs and at his own home, and even thinks he’s her boyfriend.
Socially awkward Eleanor is always saying the exact wrong thing, and she’s never even aware she’s the butt of everybody’s jokes in the office. A chance encounter, however, brings her close to a coworker who she previously had written off as uninteresting: She falls into an unexpected friendship with Raymond when they come to the rescue of an older man who has fallen in the street and needs to be taken to the hospital. This book isn’t so much plot-driven, as it is about character development, and Honeyman is a master of that particular trope. Peculiar and uplifting despite its somber undertones—alcoholism, mental illness, child abuse—Eleanor Oliphant was one of the most unexpectedly endearing books I read in the past year. The cadence of Eleanor’s narrating takes a bit of getting used to, but once you insert yourself into her mind, reading in her voice becomes second nature.
The High Season by Judy Blundell
The premise of this book—an artist and gallery curator, Ruthie, dealing with a separation who longs to keep her life in a sleepy Long Island coastal town in one piece when everything around her seems to be falling apart—made me think this was going to be a beach read (or maybe the fact that it was actually set on an island did that). But it was a bit, well, sleepier than that. It took nearly halfway through the book until I even knew what it was really about: Ruthie’s failed marriage, her career crumbling at the hands of her board and coming to grips with everything changing around her, including the loss of her home and her daughter, who is midway through high school. There was a socialite aspect to this book I kind of liked when the Hampton set arrived in the North Fork for the summer; it brought a little Sex and the City edge and scandal to what was dragging on as a mundane novel to that point.
In the end, this book was fine; not great, not terrible. I liked the art gallery aspect of it; the fact that SVV and I are part of so many groups and on various art boards these days made the book a bit more relatable. If I still gave ratings, this one would get two-and-a-half stars: very slow in parts, but enough of a story to hold my interest till the end.
The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillroy
The Wedding Date is, hands down, one of the worst books I have read ever. I am still shocked it got such positive ratings on Good Reads and Amazon—does no one read for content anymore?! I stuck with it kept waiting for the plot to develop and … nothing. In the opening pages of the book, Alexa meets Drew in an elevator, then soon after agrees to be his fake wedding date to his ex-girlfriend’s wedding. The two fall into an on-again, off-again romance, and there’s just no storyline AT ALL.
I never read any of the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy, but I imagine it was a lot like this: heavy on the sex scenes, light on the content. No thanks, not my jam. It’s a shame, too, as this could have been a powerful tale about interracial relationships and the trials faced by both side, but instead it was just plain garbage.
When Life Gives You Lululemons by Lauren Weisberger
If you loved The Devil Wears Prada, you’ll be happy to see that Lauren Weisberger is back many years later with another follow-up tale that chronicles Miranda Priestley’s assistant Emily Charlton as she navigates life’s changes after her time at Runway. (Side note: Somehow I must have missed the second in the series, Revenge Wears Prada? Anyone read it?) Emily is a fixer, an image consultant of sorts for the Hollywood set, and when her career starts to falter, she takes a job in Greenwich, Conn., trying to help a former supermodel navigate a scandal involving her senator husband while also suffering life in the suburbs.
I’ve read every other book of Weisberger’s, and while none can compare to Devil, this one is satisfying for anyone who loved the original.
Crazy, Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan
I’ll admit that I had no desire to read this book until I saw the movie trailer. Then, I immediately signed up for it at my local library, but was approximately 368th on the list, no exaggeration, so it took ages to land in my inbox. And when it finally did, it was worth the wait—nothing at all like I expected.
Rachel Chu is a professor at NYU whose boyfriends Nicky invites her back to Singapore with him for his best friend’s wedding; little does she know, his family is basically Singapore royalty. Despite the fact that she’s Asian-American—she never knew her father, but her mother was a Chinese immigrant—many members of Nick’s snobby family doesn’t give her the time of day, particularly his mom who is out to destroy their relationship. What follows is a fascinating look into how the upper crust, the social-climbers for whom dropping a cool million on a pair of earrings is an everyday occurrence, live—private planes! private clubs! private islands!—in one of the world’s most extravagant, over-the-top cities. One of my dear friends is a Singapore native, and I fact-checked much the book with her—she says it’s very accurate to the 1% there and even knows the families upon whom the book is based.
I then watched the movie on a recent flight and was equally pleased by it. I suppose next up I’ll be reading the second and third installments of this trilogy—please tell me they’re as entertaining as the first?
The Last Mrs. Parrish by Liv Constantine
You know the kind of book you think is going to end one way, then midway through, you’re hit with a whammy and completely left off-guard? That’s The Last Mrs. Parrish to a tee. Amber Patterson is a con-artist who weasels her way into heiress Daphne Parrish’s world of excess by becoming her friend in Single White Female fashion—later going as far as trying to become her, attempting to take over her husband and her home. The book ping-pongs between narrators, both Amber and Daphne, and there’s really no way to tell you anymore of the plot of Amber’s metamorphosis into Daphne without spoiling any of the zingers, of which there are many. Go. Read. This. Book!
I’m really, really hoping The Last Mrs. Parrish gets made into a movie starring (or produced by) Reese Witherspoon.
This Is How It Always Is by Laurie Frankel
Oh my, I LOVED This Is How It Always Is. I didn’t know what it was about in the slightest, but so many people recommended it, that I immediately requested it from the library. Based on Frankel’s own experiences with having a boy who early on began identifying as a girl, this book chronicles a set of five brothers, the youngest of whom always felt different. When this feeling becomes evolves into exploration—wearing dresses, putting on makeup, playing with dolls—his parents begin to realize it’s more than just a phase. So they take steps to letting their son become their daughter by moving across the country and completely resetting their lives.
At the root of this story is the message that all families have issues, all families keep secrets—it’s how they choose to deal with them that sets them apart.
Currently I’m reading The Paris Secret and A Gentleman in Moscow, neither of which have really grabbed my attention, but I’ve also got Bad Blood, Becoming, Pete Buttigieg’s Shortest Way Home and Far Away and Further Back, a memoir by my friend Holly’s dad. I guess it’s a non-fiction kind of reading month over here!
What have you read and loved so far this year?
Books a Million, Part XXI: Memoirs, Chick Lit & Growing Up Different published first on https://medium.com/@OCEANDREAMCHARTERS
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