#i feel like they/wu chang/ would pick a few of the flowers from the spot you guys hung out and keep them
l0pp0 · 4 years
Back again, hah! Could you write a Wu Chang imagine with a hunter S/O? Maybe a fic where they chill in the forest? You're writing is really good and I really love Wu Chang pft.. <333
Henlo !! It’s been forever since I’ve written something, hope this is alright !
TW: none Word Count: 1.3 k
Monotone Colors
Wu Chang x Reader
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Monotone colors are so dull.
Every week over and over scheduled matches take place. Every day, you’d use your abilities to chase down survivors until one of you won. A scoff of a survivors taunt, the draw of an oh so close win. Hands and back stiff from the countless days spent swinging at mice of survivors. The maps would change, the survivors faces would differ. But every single day, is just more and more repetitive. It’s all just dull, grey tones with little to no life. The maps all slur into a frenzy of black to white, eventually mixing into a pot of hit, chase, balloon, hit, chase, balloon , hit, chase, balloon-
The one thing though, the one thing that shone so bright like the luminous stars were their faces. Xie Bi’an, the white guard, a man who knows the world of serene and logical pathways to solutions. Fan Wuiju, the black guard, Bi’an’s counterpart and partner in crime. As the black guard covers the terrain of straight-to-the-point mentality and blunt truth. Two men that somehow let you see a glimpse of warmth, despite your shared cold environment that is the manor.
The sheets of your bed swarm you like the oceans wave. The comfort of your ivory white blankets drown you where the aches of your hands only can reach oh so much. A polite knock at your oak door interrupts the beckons of sleep. Everything was so bright but now in a hell of a life, it’s all mundane. With a foot dragged against the ice cold floor, you face the wooden door. With a twist of your wrist on the golden doorknob, reveals the faces of two men you knew well.
“Wu Chang” both stood at your door with a glow in their presence. You didn’t dislike anyone from the manor, no one in particular. A few survivors stood and remain irritating for you yet they’re apart of this hell too. The fellow hunters however, it ranged. On some days it was fine to socialize, on the others you’d remain to stay out in your living quarters. As everyone understood that everyone needs a bit of space.
Yet with the two tall men standing proud at your door, nothing but the expression of confusion could be displayed on your fave. Why were they here? You’d admit they peak your interest with their pursuits in your affection. As they both use their own methods to sway your love. It was entertaining and their presence is always a comfort. Today however, a cheeky smile from Wuiju and a smirk from Bi’an, caught you puzzled.
Bi’an, with a speck of a whisper in your ear, tells you to follow the both of them. What more is there to do? You were done with your matches for the day, and you’d could use the excitement. Wujiu’s hand is reached out far in  front of you. The open palm beckoning you to take it, and accept their offer. The chance to get outside the manor, even just for a moment. And take a break from the full life that is enslaved inside the walls of matches. A reluctant sign escapes the part between your lips and you grab the hand of the black guard.
With a flick between blinks showed the sensation of soft dirt under your feet. Dart around your eyes in a desperation to take it all in. A tree? No... Multiple. A forest, a forest surrounds you. Talk, leafy green spring woods encase you like a jail cell with bars bug enough to slip through. Moss covers dark grey rocks like a parasite, the smell of earth almost overbearing you. Rocks and twigs scatter beneath your feet, but no dirt path to be found. Pure nature screams as birds sing to each other in sweet melody. The large trees range so high that their tops are to be ascended with the clouds.
A soft snicker is heard behind you, only to see that the black guard is the culprit of such crime. A slight wind enraptures the long braids of the pair, their hair moving like snakes against the current. Bi’an remains a smile so soft, it would almost be unnoticeable. As the smell of flowers attacks you, Wujiu approaches you with his remaining laugh.
Wuiju, eyes purple and prominent, opens his arms wife’s and gestures to the life around you. It’s all so refreshing, a break from the cumbersome schedule of the manor. You know you’ll be placed in that hell for as long as you can guess, but some company wouldn't hurt. The white guard creeps behind you whilst the black guard entertains you with facts about the land. Suddenly, two long sleeves of white take hold of your midsection.
With a fling and a pump of strength, your body gets placed in the Princess carry of Bi’an. Wuiju grows playfully upset at this, bothering Bi’an that he wished to hold you in his arms. With a roll of golden yellow eyes and a light remark back, you remained his Bian’s arms.
This time, nothing was a blur of the same colors over and over. So many hues presented themselves in front of your eyes, it was almost overwhelming. The sound of twigs crunching under their feet was so loud, yet the chatter of their voices drowned out the noise. Now it was only you three existing at the same time in the mystical forest. In such a grey life, would it hurt to allow yourself to see some color?
The harsh kiss of the bright sun attack your skin, the amber orb peering down at you 3. The trees shook once more, releasing a plethora of leaves in shades of green you haven’t seen in so long. Gingerly you were put down from the embrace of the white guard. The black guard quickly wraps your left hand around his, as white mirrors the action with your right.
You thought the breath of the forest would conclude at that, yet to your eyes appears pigments unknowns to your mind. Under the shade of the colossal trees lies you and Wu Chang. The variations of flowers to mushrooms steaks your attention.
The conversations flow like river water down the stream of a mountain. Effortless, easy, and in perfection. One word spilled after another, and soon it was clear it was a rare occasion where you were this comfortable. And they took pride in that fact. A soft breeze sweeps you, as the small flower dances in rhythm. The feeling of layered moss cushioned your seat under the trees protection of the aggressive sun.
Bi’an listened to all your issues and anything that came to your mind. As Wuiju picked beautiful flowers that reminded him of your features. Bi’an noticed Wuiju’s persistent picking of the florescent buds and got to work picking bright flowers. No words needed to be dispersed as the company of the two men and the chime of the forest was all audio needed. You’re back faced the two men, as you peered out into the maze that is the large trees.
The sound of repetitive snapping crowd behind you. With a twist of your head reveals the two guards bending over a... wreath? No much too small for such item, need it not be since it’s months from winter... A triumphant shout escaped from Wuiju’s throat and Bi’an smiled with his teeth. Soon they take both their hands to take the mysterious item and present to you.
With closer inspection reveals a flower crown. Leaves adorned in bright shades of green and flowers varying in shades of all pigments. A crown perfectly fitted for the top of your head, truly pronouncing the true royalty you are. As sun started to lower, the two men took in your hands once more with a confess of their shared love for you. Suddenly the world no longer kept the true color of things from you, and now nothing felt empty. Nothing felt as if you were longing for the release of some pressure, no longer was the world in shades of black white and grey.
A heated blush spread bright red and a smile unable to remove form your cheeks, you accept their affections. As you all headed back to the manor, both your hands held the palm of someone you could call your own.
Maybe, just maybe, the world isn’t so dull.
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curiosity-killed · 3 years
warm and real and bright
hualian pre-relationship, hualian & lang ying
word count: 3014
on ao3
“Here, gege, let me.”
Before Xie Lian can say a word, Hua Cheng has folded himself down in one elegant motion to kneel at the bottom of the steps. Something about the gesture brushes the back of Xie Lian’s mind, tugs at the corner of the veil shrouding memories from centuries ago—but he can’t place it and brushes it aside as disorientation from seeing Hua Cheng kneel to anyone. Releasing his wrist, Xie Lian smiles and waves his hand to shoo away Hua Cheng’s concern.
“No need, no need,” he says. “It’s only a little sore, it’ll be all better by morning.”
Hua Cheng hums, lips briefly thinning, and then he reaches out to draw Xie Lian’s wrist into his hands. His slender palms cradle Xie Lian’s wrist like something delicate and precious, a flowering branch or a fine blade. They’re cool where they cup the back of his arm, chilly enough to make his skin pebble up in goose flesh despite the hot spring day. His thumbs, when he presses them into the meat of Xie Lian’s arm, however, are firm and sure. A little gasp escapes Xie Lian.
“Oh,” he says.
Lifting his gaze, Hua Cheng peers up at him under his lashes but doesn’t still his hands.
“That feels good, San Lang. Thank you,” Xie Lian says with a smile.
Hua Cheng’s lips quirk up at the corners, as if pleased, even as he ducks his head to focus on the methodical massage.
“It’s just something I picked up,” he says nonchalantly, and Xie Lian puffs out a breath of amusement.
The skills Hua Cheng just happens to have picked up are so numerous and varied that it seems little wonder he could trounce those thirty-three gods. For a moment, Xie Lian wonders if Hua Cheng knows even as much as Jun Wu. A flash of guilt has him quickly shoving away the thought, shamed at thinking so little of his benefactor.
“Ah San Lang must be most popular in Ghost City,” Xie Lian teases instead, “giving massages to anyone he likes.”
“I only like this gege,” Hua Cheng replies with a grin.
That silences Xie Lian. He’s used to being desired or respected or wanted. In his first life, he had dozens of marriage proposals his parents tried to broker, and in the intervening centuries, he’s had a hundred propositions from strangers and acquaintances. He’s good at shrugging them off with a bland smile and polite word. He’s not used to being liked. He’s not used to the shameless, sincere way Hua Cheng will say such things—as if he really does just enjoy spending time with Xie Lian, whether it’s crossing the desert to unravel a conspiracy in the Heavenly Court or helping an old grandma make her way home in Puqi Village.
He’s not sure what to do with it, this easy and abundant affection. Replying in the same fashion, saying “this gege likes San Lang, too” makes his cheeks heat up in embarrassment and his ears burn. His stomach squirms. He can’t even scold Hua Cheng for being insincere, because then he’ll turn that smile up at him again and say something like he had that first night after Banyue, saying he was the most sincere person Xie Lian would ever meet.
“Ah Lang Ying should be home soon,” he says instead, seizing the first thought to cross his mind.
Hua Cheng stiffens, his thumb pressing into the meat of Xie Lian’s arm. His lips thin, and Xie Lian has to suppress a bubble of amusement. Lang Ying has tight-lipped about his feelings toward Hua Cheng, but the two of them resemble nothing so much as two tigers whose territories intersect when they are left in the same space. When he spies them in one of their wary silences, Xie Lian never knows whether to laugh or cry.
“Ah, do you really dislike him so much, San Lang?” he asks. “I know he’s very quiet, but it’s really only because of how he’s been bullied and not out of any kind of conspiracy. He really is a good kid, I promise.”
“Gege is too generous,” Hua Cheng mutters, but he puffs out a breath through pursed lips as he switches to Xie Lian’s other arm. “If it troubles gege so much, this one will do better.”
Huffing out a laugh, Xie Lian shakes his head. He doesn’t understand why Hua Cheng so willingly gives himself over to Xie Lian’s unworthy hands. It makes his heart seize both with awe and fear, like he might trip and shatter such precious trust. He reaches over now to poke Hua Cheng in the middle of his forehead with his free hand.
“San Lang,” he scolds. “You don’t have to agree with me one everything. You wouldn’t start liking Mu Qing just because I asked, would you?”
As expected, Hua Cheng’s expression darkens and his brows furrow.
“The Sweeping General can go fu—”
He stops abruptly, pauses, and clears his throat.
“No,” he says simply, and Xie Lian bursts into laughter.
He’d been so fierce, expression so stormy, before he caught himself. Hua Cheng normally carries himself with such elegance and composure, looking as graceful as a painting even when he’s sweating out in the yard. Hearing a slip into more crass language doesn’t take away from his image only fills Xie Lian with overwhelming endearment.
“To be fair,” Xie Lian says wryly, “unless he’s changed his cultivation path, Mu Qing really can’t go fuck much of anything.”
Hua Cheng looks up, eyes wide and mouth parted slightly in surprise.
“Gege,” he says, a little squeaky.
Lifting his sleeve to hide his mouth, Xie Lian sniggers at the shocked look even as Hua Cheng’s eyes narrow and lips quirk up. He so rarely surprises Hua Cheng; it’s a funny victory when he succeeds.
“Sorry, sorry,” he giggles. “I couldn’t resist.”
“Gege just likes to tease this one,” Hua Cheng sniffs, but the smile still lighting his eyes soothes any worry Xie Lian might have had about really bothering him.
Grinning, Xie Lian tucks his hands into his sleeves and leans against his thighs. Still kneeling at the foot of the stairs, Hua Cheng is the same height as him for once, and so when Hua Cheng looks at him, Xie Lian is hit with the full force of the fondness and delight in Hua Cheng’s eyes. His stomach gives a funny flip, something fizzy and unnamed sparking down his arms.
“I would never dream of teasing the renowned Hua Chengzhu,” Xie Lian replies, mostly for the way Hua Cheng wrinkles his nose.
“Hm,” Hua Cheng says, narrowing his eyes.
Xie Lian grins back at him. The sparks along his skin have settled into something heady and golden in his chest as Hua Cheng makes no sign of moving from this spot, kneeling before Xie Lian and looking at him with all his remarkable attention. For centuries, Xie Lian has shied away from being the center of attention, to being highlighted on any stage—but under Hua Cheng’s warm regard, he finds himself holding still, tentatively unfurling in its light.
“I thought gege’s cultivation prohibited all thoughts of such things,” Hua Cheng says.
Xie Lian shrugs.
“Impure thoughts are discouraged,” he says, “but thoughts are not actions. The only risk to one’s cultivation would arise from fixation on such thoughts that they disturbed one’s mind.”
He pauses and casts a sidelong look at Hua Cheng, amused.
“Saying ‘fuck’ won’t affect my cultivation,” he clarifies.
Shifting to lean back on the steps, Hua Cheng puffs out a breath.
“It might affect mine,” he mutters, but it’s quiet enough that Xie Lian isn’t sure he was meant to hear.
For a few moments, they sit there in comfortable quiet, watching as the setting sun dyes the shrine’s courtyard gold and amber. Contentment is a warm weight through Xie Lian’s chest, like a heavy quilt draped across his shoulders. Leaning forward with his arms pressed to his thighs, he’s close enough to feel Hua Cheng’s hair lift with the breeze and brush against his arm. It’s shorter than in his true form and mostly pulled up in a high bun, but tendrils have escaped and flutter in the evening wind.
On impulse, Xie Lian slips one of his hands out of his sleeve to reach over and tuck a piece behind Hua Cheng’s ear. Hua Cheng looks up in surprise, turning toward Xie Lian as if his name had been called. Xie Lian can’t help smiling as he tucks his hand back into his sleeve.
“I don’t think San Lang has worn this skin around me before,” he comments.
Hua Cheng hums and looks down at himself as if he hadn’t noticed which body he wore today. The thought causes a flicker of amusement to catch behind Xie Lian’s ribs. This one isn’t so different from his skin as San Lang, but it’s a little older, with sharper cheekbones and a shorter chin.
“It’s new,” Hua Cheng admits. “If gege prefers another, I can change.”
Closing his eyes to enjoy the warmth of the sun, Xie Lian shakes his head. A smile still curves his lips.
“I like all San Lang’s forms,” he says peaceably.
In truth, his favorite is Hua Cheng’s true form, but as he once told Hua Cheng, that has little to do with what he actually looks like and more with the fact that he’s willing to trust Xie Lian with it. For nearly the same reason, a bubble of pleasure rises in Xie Lian’s chest at the thought that he’s the first to see this skin.
He opens his eyes, frowning in thought. Casting a sidelong look at Hua Cheng, he hesitates and bites his bottom lip.
“Ah San Lang, could I ask a question?” he asks. “If it’s too personal, of course you don’t have to answer.”
Hua Cheng tilts his head back, leaning so that he can smile up at Xie Lian reassuringly.
“Gege can ask this one anything,” he says.
“Ah it’s just…your other forms have both eyes but your true form,” Xie Lian starts before embarrassment flushes his face with heat. What is he thinking, asking such a prying question? He really has become a nosey old man! “Ah forget it, forget it, I’m sorry. You don’t have to answer, really.”
Hua Cheng snorts, and when Xie Lian peeks through the fingers he’s clapped over his face, Hua Cheng is grinning. His sharp little canines peek out, and his eyes narrow in laughter. Xie Lian groans and covers his face back up.
“Can I see with both eyes?” Hua Cheng guesses. He gives another quiet laugh. “No, it’s just an illusion.”
Peeling his fingers away from his face, Xie Lian looks down at him curiously. He’d guessed as much—Hua Cheng tends to stick to his right side, keeping his left eye nearer Xie Lian, and in his true form, his eyepatch covered his right—but he can’t quell the curiosity that rises in him at having it confirmed.
“It’s less ugly than the real thing,” Hua Cheng says casually, as if guessing the question that Xie Lian doesn’t quite have the face to ask. “Better for going out.”
Xie Lian can’t help frowning at that, bothered by the implication that anyone would insult or make a fuss about Hua Cheng’s true form. No matter what skin he wears, he is charming and handsome, and Xie Lian would like to have a conversation with anyone who might say otherwise.
“San Lang is never ugly,” he mutters since he can’t go interrogate strangers over Hua Cheng’s appearance.
A smile slips over Hua Cheng’s face, more genuine than the look he’d worn a moment ago. It’s softer, more in his eyes than his lips.
“Gege is too generous,” he says, but it’s gentler than when he said it earlier, less mutinous. Stretching his arms behind his head, he hitches his shoulders in a little shrug. “As long as it doesn’t trouble gege, I don’t mind.”
“Hm,” Xie Lian says, gaze catching on the slender column of Hua Cheng’s throat.
He swallows and drags his eyes away. Hua Cheng really is too handsome to think so lowly of himself. Xie Lian can’t imagine anyone looking at him and seeing anything other than beauty.
The gate creaks open, and Lang Ying’s skinny frame slinks in through the opening. Smiling, Xie Lian pulls his hand from his sleeve to wave a greeting. Lang Ying’s gaze skitters toward Hua Cheng before returning to Xie Lian. He gives a little wave and hunches in on himself as he walks toward the shrine.
“Welcome home, Lang Ying,” Xie Lian says.
Lang Ying makes a little noise, ducking his head.
“Hi, Xie-daozhang,” he mumbles, “and Hua Chengzhu.”
Hua Cheng hums in answer. When Xie Lian glances over, he’s still reclined against the stairs, but his shoulders have tightened and lips thinned. Suppressing a laugh, Xie Lian reminds himself that he did say Hua Cheng doesn’t need to worry about changing his mind about Lang Ying. Maybe it’s just a ghost thing.
“Liu-furen sent this for you, daozhang,” Lang Ying says, pulling a box from his sleeve.
Inside is a little circle of buns, pinched into tidy twists and still warm. The sight warms Xie Lian, and he takes the box with a little ‘oh’ of surprise.  
“Oh that was too generous,” he says. “Here, wait right here and I’ll get chopsticks.”
He presses the box back into Lang Ying’s hands and hurries to grab chopsticks for each of them. When he returns, Hua Cheng has shifted to sit up and make room on the steps, and Lang Ying has perched on the very edge of the second step. They don’t seem to be speaking, but there’s less of the taut wariness that usually fills the space between them. Hiding a smile, Xie Lian folds himself down on the top step and offers them each a pair of sticks.
“Thanks, gege,” Hua Cheng says with a grin.
“Thank you, daozhang,” Lang Ying mumbles.
Snorting, Xie Lian waves his hand and gestures for Lang Ying to open the box.
“I haven’t done anything,” he laughs. “Now come, come, eat up before they go cold.”
There are four baozi in the box, pale and fat against the slatted bottom. Xie Lian can’t help sighing in pleasure as he takes a bite, the ginger stinging his tongue. Lang Ying nearly drops his, only saving it by squeezing it tight between his chopsticks. Over the months he’s spent with Xie Lian, he’s gotten a little better at holding them, but it’s clear he went years without practice.
Before Xie Lian can say anything, Hua Cheng gives a little noise of annoyance and reaches out.
“You’re holding them too far apart,” he says. “Like this, see?”
He holds up his own hand to demonstrate. Lang Ying’s eyes flicker up to his face briefly, wide-eyed with surprise, but he swallows and gives a little nod as he readjusts his hand. After a moment’s fidgeting, he picks his bun back up carefully, and Hua Cheng gives a little grunt of approval at the improved grip. Xie Lian hides his smile behind a bite of bun.
They eat in quiet until they’ve each finished. Before he can offer the last to either of them, Hua Cheng folds his chopsticks together and nudges the box toward Xie Lian.
“All yours, gege,” he says.
“Oh no,” Xie Lian says, waving his left hand. “You both worked so hard today, one of you should have it.”
Lang Ying blinks, pressing his lips together.
“Daozhang,” he says slowly, “we’re dead.”
Surprise has a bubble of noise breaking across Xie Lian’s lips, and Hua Cheng gives Lang Ying a long look before tilting his head to grin carelessly up at Xie Lian.
“He has a point, gege,” he says. “Now eat up before it gets cold.”
Huffing out a breath, Xie Lian lets them push the box back to him. He doesn’t bother protesting that he’s gone months with less to eat. Somehow, he has a feeling neither of them would be won over by that argument and that it might just make Hua Cheng’s brow furrow instead.
Neither of them make a move to get up while he nibbles through the last bun. Hua Cheng still leans back on the step, watching as Lang Ying fiddles with his chopsticks as if practicing how to hold them. Pausing with the last bite hovering before his lips, Xie Lian can’t help smiling at the two of them. Gods are supposed to be impartial and beyond worldly tethers, but sitting here with a full belly and sun warming his skin, he lets himself admit that they’re his favorite ghosts.
Lang Ying lifts his hand, frowning down at it, and Xie Lian can’t help himself. Popping the last bite into his mouth, he reaches out to ruffle Lang Ying’s hair.
“Look at you, you’re just about ready to dine in a royal court now,” Xie Lian praises.
Ghosts can’t blush, but Lang Ying ducks his head in embarrassment anyway. Xie Lian laughs, covering his mouth with his sleeve.
“Gege’s home is better than any court,” Hua Cheng says. At that, Lang Ying nods vehemently before stopping short, as if startled by agreeing with Hua Cheng. Xie Lian laughs. He’s not sure what reference Lang Ying has for such an assertion, but he’s oddly touched by his loyalty anyway.
“Ah well,” he says, breathing out a laugh. “I’d rather share with you two than any royal court.”
Hua Cheng’s eyes narrow in pleasure like a cat stroked over its nose, and Lang Ying ducks his head. It’s not quite fast enough to hide the little smile that plays at his lips. Curling his arms around the empty box on his lap, Xie Lian smiles. A ghost king, a fallen god, and an eternal fourteen-year-old—they’re not much by any outer measure, but with them beside him, he feels richer than any king.
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toddperrys · 4 years
With Love
After a game of fetch gone wrong, Korra ends up in the hospital and meets a nurse who cures her head and her heart.
Dear followers, today I offer you Korrasami. Tomorrow? Who knows. Set in a modern AU where Asami is a nurse and Korra is an idiot who always hurts herself. Requests are open!
Read it on AO3 Here
Korra woke to blinding lights and the piercing smell of latex and hand sanitizer. Her head was pounding and there was a high pitched ringing in her ears. She was laying in a bed of some sort; she could feel herself sinking into the mattress and make out guardrails on either side. 
“I think she’s waking up,” said a strange voice. Korra moved to find the source, but froze  when she was answered with a shooting pain in her shoulder. 
“Don’t move!” the voice said. A warm pair of hands guided her head back into place. “You need to stay still and rest, you took a pretty bad hit out there.”
Korra blinked against the light and her vision began to clear. Two nurses hovered above her, both in blue scrubs. The first was tall and slender, with cropped red hair and a ski-slope nose that reminded Korra of a cartoon poodle. The other had warm, forest-green eyes and dark waves tied back into a low ponytail. 
“What happened?” Korra asked. 
Even though the lower half of her face was covered by a mask, Korra could tell the dark-haired nurse was smiling by the twinkle in her eyes. “Your friends called us after you fell head-first into a rock.”
So that’s the voice I heard, Korra thought as she watched the nurse gather a stack of guaze from the steel cart beside her bed. 
“What friends called you?” she asked. 
The nurse came to Korra’s side and propped her up against the pillows. Korra winced in pain, but didn’t say anything. “Two guys, they seemed pretty worried about you,” she answered. 
All at once, Korra’s memory came flooding back. She, Mako, and Bolin had taken Naga to the park. Bolin brought a tub of tennis balls he’d originally bought for Pabu, who, to no one’s surprise, didn’t take to fetch. After a few turns of Naga chasing balls and returning them to Korra’s hand, she had an idea. 
“Why don’t you guys throw the balls and I’ll try and beat Naga to them?” Korra said. 
Mako raised an eyebrow, “You’re going to fetch?”
“Sure, it’s good exercise for Naga,” she replied, shrugging. Naga barked in agreement. 
“Okay then,” Mako sighed. He pulled a tennis ball from the bucket at Bolin’s feet and hurled it. “Go get it!”
Naga bolted ahead, Korra hot on her heels. She sped up, hoping to usurp Naga, but her enormous strides ensured her lead. The ball came into view, resting just fifteen yards ahead. With a sudden burst of energy, Korra plowed forward, passing Naga, but just as she was about to reach the ball, Naga launched herself forward. Korra felt an enormous weight collide with her side. Pain exploded at her temple as she hit the ground, and everything went dark. 
She was brought back to reality by a stinging sensation. 
“I’m changing your bandages,” the nurse explained. She turned to the redhead, who observed from the foot of the bed. “You can go ahead, Ginger, I got this one.”
With a silent nod, she exited the room, leaving Korra and the nurse alone. 
“I was racing my dog,” Korra said. 
The nurse hummed as she pulled a bloody rag soaked in alcohol from Korra’s forehead. “The guys that brought you in mentioned something about that,” she said. 
“They’re my roommates,” Korra corrected. “Mako is the tall one that sighs a lot and Bolin is his brother.”
“Ah,” the nurse answered. She lifted a gauze pad from a tray beside the bed and leaned towards Korra. “They are good friends for bringing you in. Bolin seemed pretty freaked out, I’m pretty sure he thought you were dead.”
Korra snorted and rolled her eyes, “Sounds like Bolin.”
The nurse smiled and fastened the pad just above Korra’s eye. “You should be taken care of,” she said, standing up from the bed. “I’ll be here if you need anything. Just ask for Asami, okay?”
Korra watched as Asami moved towards the door. Her inky hair shone blue under the fluorescents. “I’ll be sure to do that,” Korra said. 
Her eyes twinkled once more, and Korra drifted off to sleep at the sound of the door closing.
Asami returned several hours later carrying a tray of food. “I thought you might be hungry,” she said, sliding it onto Korra’s lap and pulling up a chair. A nurse had dropped by while Korra was sleeping and turned off the lights, bathing the room in darkness. 
“Thanks,” Korra answered. She took a bite only to be greeted by the mushy, bland taste of hospital meals.
Asami smiled apologetically, “It’s not great but it’s what we have.”
“I’ve had worse,” Korra assured her. 
They sat in silence for a few minutes as she devoured her dinner and Asami stared at her wound. 
“Do they need to be replaced again?” Korra asked when she noticed Asami’s gaze. 
“I think they’ll be okay for now,” Asami replied. She took the empty tray from Korra and set it aside. “How are you feeling?” she asked when she returned to her seat. 
Korra shrugged, “Alright. My head doesn’t hurt as much. It’s kind of gloomy in here, though.”
“It would probably help if you let some light in,” Asami said. She approached the window at the far side of the room and pushed the curtains aside. The sky beyond was bathed in a riot of purples and oranges overlaid with wispy, pink clouds. Asami’s face was cast in a soft, golden glow, illuminating her emerald eyes and tracing the lines of her features. Korra couldn’t take her eyes off her. 
“That’s much better,” she said, returning to her place beside Korra’s bed. 
Korra worried the bedsheets in her fingers. “Thanks for that. I can’t open them on my own.”
“You could’ve asked me to come get them for you,” Asami reminded her. 
“Right, I just forgot I guess,” Korra said. She let out a nervous laugh and felt her face heat up. 
The two went quiet. Korra finally lifted her eyes and found Asami gazing at her. Her eyes were gentle and inviting, and with a mere look Korra felt enveloped by warmth and comfort. It was as if the world’s roar came to a grinding halt, and it was just her and Asami, the only beings left on a kinder, quieter Earth. 
“You should be able to leave in the morning,” Asami said softly, breaking the silence. 
Suddenly, Korra was back in the gray-tinged scene of the hospital room. Outside, the sun was sinking below the horizon, and the brilliant array of colors was disappating into darkness. “Oh, right, leaving,” she replied. Her heart felt heavy at the words. 
“Do you have someone to pick you up?” Asami asked. 
“I can text Mako and Bolin to come,” Korra assured her. 
Asami smiled and rose from her chair, “Good. I have some more patients to check on, but I’ll visit you on my way out once my shift ends.”
Korra smiled weakly, “Sounds like a plan.”
In the wee hours of the morning, Korra woke up to the door creaking open. Her eyes were bleary, and she couldn’t quite find the energy to sit up, but she could make out a dark haired-figure moving towards her. 
Asami, her brain supplied. 
Sure enough, as the figure came closer she could make out a pair of luminous green eyes in the darkness. Asami had changed out of her scrubs and mask, and instead wore a pair of black leggings and a faded Taylor Swift t-shirt. Her hair was undone and fell in loose waves down her shoulders. 
“Asami…” Korra murmured, still half-subdued by sleep. 
Asami shushed her and tugged a blanket over her chest. “You need to rest,” she whispered. “I’ll be back in the morning.” 
Korra watched as Asami placed something on her bedside table, but before she could figure out what it was, she was pulled into sleep once more.
Korra woke to a bouquet of flowers and a card on her bedside table. She sat up and examined the flowers--white carnations complimented by pink roses--while her mind scrambled to figure out where they came from. Suddenly, she recalled a dark figure moving across the room, her mind foggy with sleep as she watched them place something beside her bed. 
“Asami,” Korra said to herself. 
As if on command, the door swung open. Korra sat up, her heart fluttering in her chest, but to her disappointment, the other nurse--Ginger--walked in.
“Where’s Asami?” Korra asked. 
Ginger placed a tray of pancakes and fruit beside her. “Her shift doesn’t start until later,” she said. 
Korra’s heart dropped, “Oh.”
“You need something?” Ginger asked. 
“Uh, I just had a question for her. You know, since I’m leaving today and she’s been taking care of me,” Korra replied. 
“I could take a message,” Ginger offered.
Korra shook her head, “Don’t worry about it.”
Ginger shrugged, “Suit yourself I guess.” 
Mako and Bolin’s faces lit up when Korra rolled out of the hospital. 
“You’re okay!” Bolin cried, throwing his arms around her and nearly toppling her wheelchair. 
Korra laughed, “The nurses said you thought I was dead.”
“You looked dead to me!” Bolin retorted. “Your face was covered in blood!”
“I’m fine, Bo,” Korra said, grinning. “You don’t need to worry about me.” She passed him Asami’s flowers. 
Mako stepped forward, his face impassive as usual and his hands folded into his pockets. “How are you feeling?” 
“Been better, been worse,” Korra replied. 
Mako nodded, “Good, we were worried.”
She looked towards the curb but didn’t spot Mako’s battered station wagon. “Where’s the car?” she asked. 
“Wu’s bringing it around,” Mako answered. The corner of his mouth quirked upward, which Korra knew was equivalent to most people jumping for joy. 
“Leaving already?” a familiar voice called. 
Korra whipped around to find Asami standing behind her, freshly dressed in a set of hot pink scrubs. 
Korra beamed, “Asami!” 
She smiled and helped Korra out of her wheelchair, “I just got here for my shift, I’m glad I didn’t miss you.”
Korra flushed, “I’m glad you didn’t miss me either.” She remembered Bolin and Mako, who stood a few feet away, their eyes darting between the two women. 
“These are my friends I told you about, Bolin and Mako,” Korra said. 
Asami approached them and extended her hand, “I’m Asami, Korra’s nurse, nice to meet you.”
“Thanks for helping Korra out,” Mako said, taking her hand. 
“I’d be fired if I didn’t,” Asami replied, chuckling. 
Just then, Wu pulled up to the curb. He sounded the horn and waved to Mako.
“That’s our ride,” Bolin said. He approached the car and loaded Korra’s flowers into the backseat. 
Korra’s heart sunk. She turned to Asami, “Hey, I know this might be a longshot--”
“I’m going to stop you right there,” Asami interrupted. “Did you read my card?”
Korra paused, “I was saving it for when I got home.”
“Read it now.”
Korra turned the card over in her hands and opened it. It was empty, save for a phone number. Her mouth fell open and she looked back to Asami. 
“Call me okay?” Asami said. 
Korra was too dumbfounded to speak and simply nodded along. 
With one last smile, Asami turned on her heel and headed through the hospital doors. “See you later, Korra.”
Korra stared after her, heart leaping in her chest. She brushed her fingers over the numbers, “See you, Asami.”
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shijiujun · 4 years
[3/14/20] History2: Crossing the Line | Right or Wrong - White Day Extras
So it was White Day yesterday and Lin Peiyu, the screenwriter for CTL and Right or Wrong, released some scenes she wrote in the past for both on her Facebook page. I translated it quickly (even though I’m not really in the CTL fandom BUT!!!) so enjoy guys!!!
Her message: “I suddenly realised it was White Day today, so here’s a small little gift~ This is a small little epilogue I wrote a long, long time ago.”
Read below for more goodness on Yu Hao/Zi Xuan, Yi Jie/Sheng Zhe, and even Zhen Wen/Zhen Wu *screams*
A season of blooming phoenix flowers - To the boys in their youthful days
It’s the peak of summer in June when phoenix flowers bloom, and the bright rays of sun light are as vibrant as the flowers, heating up the air. This cannot, however, hide the passion of those attending the graduation ceremony.
On this day, some people are here but have other motives in mind, and to be frank, these people are here simply to create trouble. One such person is Shi Yi Jie, who has grown into a middle-aged, jealous man.
“I already told you that it was my junior’s graduation ceremony…”
“I know, he just wanted to thank you for taking care of him during your school years.”
“I did spend a bit more effort on him…”
“Xiao Fei xuezhang!*” He Cheng En’s voice interrupts their conversation.
The both of them look towards the person speaking just in time to see a man with a buzz cut and a sunny disposition running towards them, an expression of warmth on his face.
Shi Yi Jie appraises the other subtly with a few looks, then secretly clenches his fist in victory. He wins! As to what he won… that’s something that probably only he knows.
This is the first time in a long while the two are meeting, and the first thing that Fei Sheng Zhe says when he sees He Cheng En is: “Why is your second button missing?”
“Of course I have to reserve such an important thing and make a booking** for my girlfriend,” He Cheng En says, smug.
“Booking? Why’s that?”
“Xuezhang~ If you’re this unromantic, how are you going to live the rest of your life?”
This young man has a bright future ahead of him, Shi Yi Jie thinks. He looks at his young lover and says, “Did you hear that?”
Fei Sheng Zhe rolls his eyes at him.
He Cheng En doesn’t see their interaction and little moves, and instead points at the spot where his second button should be, that is now empty and left only with some thread.
“The second button has to be given to someone you like!”
“Why is it the second button?” Shi Yi Jie asks, curious.
Unlike Fei Sheng Zhe who just can’t be bothered with traditions like this, Shi Yi Jie is an old man who simply doesn’t understand the teeming world of the youth and the small little romantic gestures that come in these budding relationships.
“It’s nearest to the heart, what did you think it was for?”
“I see…”
Shi Yi Jie, with a stoic expression, looks idly towards Fei Sheng Zhe who’s standing next to him, and zooms in on the buttons on his light blue shirt without saying another word.
Outside the assembly hall, Xia Yu Hao jogs over, his eyes scanning through the mass of people leaving the hall as  he looks for the person he loves.
“Qiu Zi Xuan!” Xia Yu Hao finds his target and speeds towards Qiu Zi Xuan, who has his back faced towards him, “Give me your second button…”
At the last three words, he turns Qiu Zi Xuan over, and the moment they’re facing each other, Xia Yu Hao shouts and accuses, “Where’s the button!”
He glares at a uniform-clad Qiu Zi Xuan in disbelief, because on his white shirt, there’s not even a single button left!
Qiu Zi Xuan’s handsome face flushes pink, as if someone has done something to him***.
“You… your shirt…”
Before Qiu Zi Xuan can even say anything, the girls and boys surrounding them help him to answer.
“I’ll treasure your button, I love you~”
“Thank you for your lucky button~”
“Xuezhang, I’ll take your button and bring it to the finals! Wait for me!”
Xia Yu Hao glares at the bunch of robbers running off with their prizes, and inside he hears voices mocking him, continuously spitting at him.
Fuck- Xia Yu Hao is pissed, jealousy burning through his mind when he usually doesn’t have much rationality left, and he moves to go after what belongs to him.
“Don’t cause any trouble,” Qiu Zi Xuan finally speaks, and these simple four words are just like tight reins, keeping his junior rooted to the spot.
“They snatched away what belongs to me!”
Qiu Zi Xuan frowns, “Those belong to me.”
“They stole your things!” Xia Yu Hao obediently corrects.
“Those are just buttons.”
“Those are your graduation buttons!”
Xia Yu Hao angrily bites are his lips, he knows that Qiu Zi Xuan doesn’t have any penchant for romantic gestures, but he does! The second graduation button should be left for the person you like! He’s pissed!
Qiu Zi Xuan considers Xia Yu Hao’s furious expression, sighs, then caresses at his junior’s hair (which is a little hard), and in the end, he cannot bear to tease him for too long. “Here.”
As he says that, he pulls Xia Yu Hao’s hand to him, “The second one.”
A small white button is placed into Xia Yu Hao’s palm that is flushed red from anger.
Xia Yu Hao freezes, staring at the button in his palm incredulously, then looks at Qiu Zi Xuan.
Qiu Zi Xuan pushes at his glasses, a little uncomfortable with all the staring, and lies, “My sister wanted me to take it down first.”
“You…. sister complex!”
Qiu Zi Xuan frowns, “Is that a problem, you mommy’s boy!”
The both of them glare at each other and can’t hep but recall that day in the infirmary. There was a time long ago when they would insult each other like this, and then they walked into each other’s worlds, and after… they crossed that invisible line between them.
The wind gently rustles the leaves of the phoenix flower tree. The both of them smile, as if they are the only ones left in the whole world.
Somewhere not far away from the hall, Wang Zhen Wen looks at the crowd milling about and changes his mind on joining in the fun and cheer.
Turning around, he says to Wang Zhen Wu, “We should go back to the club and wait for them.”
“Hnn,” Wang Zhen Wu nods in reply.
“Today the xuezhangs are graduating, later during the celebration remember that you have to say something.”
“Say what?” Wang Zhen Wu questions, confused.
“Just things like… they’ve got a bright future ahead of them, that they’ve got limitless possibilities in their futures, that kind of thing.”
“Then… congratulations on graduating?”
“…. that works too,” Wang Zhen Wen suddenly thinks of something, and looks at him, serious. “You should really practice saying more. You’re so awkward like this, not talking much… Dad is very concerned.”
He brings his hand up to his face, and dramatically tries to wipe at his tearless eyes. However, Wang Zhen Wu catches his hand and says, “You’re my younger brother, not my dad!”
“… I was just joking.”
The brothers descend into awkward silence at their lack of chemistry.
Wang Zhen Wu caresses gently at the hand gripped in his palm and says, “Not funny.”
Wang Zhen Wen shivers slightly at the feeling of being soothed, and says, “Ge…”****
The moment is interrupted by some female students giggling as they walk past them, “You got his second button?”
“He must like you then, otherwise why would he give it to you?”
“Do you think so too?”
“Yeah, the second button has to be given to the person you like…”
Their laughter fades as they leave, but their conversation piques Wang Zhen Wen’s interest and his eyes follow the two girls as they move away. Suddenly, his jaw throbs in pain as Wang Zhen Wu turns his face back to look at him.
“What?” He looks at Wang Zhen Wu in confusion, and in the next moment, his eyes widen in shock, “You… What are you doing?”
Wang Zhen Wu is picking Wang Zhen Wen’s shirt buttons off like he would grapes.
Wang Zhen Wen quickly presses at his hand, “We’ve still got another year to graduation!”
Isn’t he too impatient? Wang Zhen Wu then locks both of Wang Zhen Wen’s hands behind him, and with his free hand, he continues to pluck off Wang Zhen Wen’s shirt buttons.
“First come first serve,” Wang Zhen Wu says evenly with determination, his hand movements not stopping.
“The second button is enough-“
He’s interrupted again as Wang Zhen Wu takes off all his buttons, and looks at Wang Zhen Wen, “Mine. They’re all mine.”
Wang Zheng Wen looks at him in astonishment, and a moment later, the ends of his lips curve, and he ends up laughing loudly. Wang Zhen Wu frowns, not understanding why his younger brother is laughing. He’s very frustrated, very angry now, can’t his brother tell?
Fei Sheng Zhe serves the last dish and shouts in the direction of the living room and bedroom, “You You, Shi Yi Jie, it’s time for dinner~”
“I’m here!” You You jumps onto the her chair happily, and when she doesn’t see Shi Yi Jie, she shouts towards the bedroom, “Daddy! It’s time for dinner!”
“You guys eat first,” comes Shi Yi Jie’s muffled reply from the room.
Fei Sheng Zhe doesn’t understand why this man has been stuck in the bedroom looking for something ever since they both returned from his junior’s graduation ceremony. Unable to resist, Fei Sheng Zhe reminds You You not to be fussy about her food, then walks into the room, only to see Shi Yi Jie messing up the closet.
“What are you looking for?”
“Nothing, you eat first.”
“I can help you…”
Before he can finish his sentence, Fei Sheng Zhe is interrupted by a kiss.
“You go eat first, be good,” Shi Yi Jie lightly caresses at his sensitive ears, “Unless… you want to eat me first?”
“… I’m going to eat dinner.”
Fei Sheng Zhe is a bit more experienced now, but he still cannot compare to a seasoned flirter like Shi Yi Jie, and so he decides to follow what he saw in the Battle of Dunkirk, and retreats.
Shi Yi Jie heaves a sigh of relief, and now that he’s dealt with his lover, he suddenly thinks of something. He closes the door and takes his phone out, making a call.
“Juan-jie, did you happen to keep Sheng Zhe’s high school uniform?”
“Not only high school, but elementary, middle schools and even kindergarten uniforms I still have, they’re all memories…” Juan-jie’s voice is gentle and warm as she reminisces on how cute her son was when he was younger, then she squints, and asks with suspicion, “Why’re you asking this?”
“Nothing… this weekend we’ll go over, You You misses you,” Shi Yi Jie says, his expression like that of a predator seeing his prey, revealing the edge of someone who’s determined to get what he wants.
*xuezhang - senior **booking - she used the word her in english, and it’s kind of like a chinese/english way of saying ‘reserve’ ***this is literally translated, i myself have no idea what she means by someone did something to him but i suppose it’s in idk a flirty way ****ge - older brother
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aweebwrites · 5 years
A Day in the Rain (H&F AU)
Hooves and Fins (pt1)
Fire and Lightning (pt2)
Parents (Pt3)
The sky was overcast with rain pouring down heavily in the fjord formed from the last ice age a hundred years back and the lands surrounding it. The water holding ice on one side and kelp on the other rolled shallowly thanks to the winds from the storm disturbing the surface. The high cliffs around most of the mass of water bore a large forest of tall spruce trees that thinned at the drastic slope between where both cliffs met, leading down to the water. In the shallows of the water, close to the slope sat two figures.
"Come on Zane, this is our chance. Nya and Jay worked hard on this storm for us." Cole says, holding the cold hands of the merman he mated.
Said merman looked anxious and worried.
"I-I'm not so sure anymore Cole. I mean… Leaving the water sounded so amazing talking about it but…" Zane looked aside. "What if something happens? What if it stops raining? What if I fall off and get stranded?! What if-"
"What if none of that happens and you enjoy yourself?" Cole says, cutting him off and Zane blinked up at him, at his sure smile as his hair clung to his face and shoulders. "Do you really think I'd let any of that happen to you though?" He continued, cupping the mer's cheek, smiling as he purred, leaning into his touch more.
"Come on Zane. I know you'll regret it if the moment passes. The forest is even more beautiful in the rain. Let me carry you. Let me show you it all." Cole whispered to him, pressing a soft kiss to his pale blue lips.
Zane fluttered platinum blond lashes up to look into Cole's glowing green eyes then sighed softly.
"Ok." He caved and Cole grinned then kissed him deep, humming as the vibration from his purrs flowed into him.
"You'll love it, I promise." Cole whispered against his lips and Zane smiled, lovestruck.
"I know I will." He whispered to his Kelpie.
He then slithered himself back and swam into deeper waters, Cole following right after.
'Get on and hold on.' He told Zane, turning his back to him.
Zane nodded then swam over, taking a seated position on Cole's back, wrapping his arms under his, blue blooming across his face as he splayed webbed fingers against Cole's chest.
'Hold on tight. You'll feel pretty heavy out of water but you'll get used to it.' Cole warned and Zane nods again, clinging to him tightly as he started to walk out of the water.
Once they broke the surface, Zane slid his secondary eyelids back then closed his gills, taking a deep breath of air through his nose. He clutched Cole tighter as gravity set in, making it feel as if he was about to fall off.
"Easy. You're fine." Cole cooed, walking out on the bank, Zane still clutching him tightly. "See? We're out of the water now. You're ok." He says and Zane nodded, taking deep, slow breaths.
"Now how about we go explore for a while?" He says, looking over his shoulder at Zane with a grin.
Zane smiled back.
"Yeah. Let's go." He says, relaxing against Cole's back.
With that, Cole took off with a light trot, into the forest that awaited them. Nya popped up with Skylor then, chuckling at the two.
"They're really something, aren't they?" Nya says, amused and Skylor nods, flicking her tail.
"They are. Who knows. Maybe Cole will be able to take you out too." She says, watching her closely.
Nya laughed then looked to Skylor with a smile on her face.
"No way. I'm fine thanks. I've had enough of the land. Kai and our dad used to take me out when we were kids so I know enough. The water's just fine for me." She says and Skylor nodded, brushing her hair that was clinging to her face back. "Let's give them their privacy. We still have to collect the last of the kelp and store it for winter." She reminded.
"Right." Skylor nodded before they both ducked back under water.
Zane looked around in awe, at the trees high above, the very tips of them lost in the clouds. He blinked away the rain as they fell in his eyes, unbothered by it. Cole continued his slow walk, his only regret is being unable to see Zane's reactions to the world outside the water. Though, he supposed, hearing it was enough. The little gasps of wonder and his soft 'wow's filled his heart. He smiled, looking around before changing directions to a spot he knew well. He approached the growling spruce tree from where the original tree had fallen over and reached out to touch it.
"Hey Zane." Said mer blinked then looked over Cole's shoulder. "This is what they look like up there. Do you wanna touch it?" He asked and Zane's pupils widened with excitement, looking at the short, seemingly fluffy tree.
Without a word, he lifted one hand off of Cole's chest and touched it, noticing how bumpy and slightly coarse it felt.
"Amazing…" He whispered then picked a small piece, bringing it to his nose to get a smell of it.
It was pleasant, smelled like the rest of the forest did but stronger.
"Cole, this is all so amazing…" Zane whispered into his ear as he rested against the back of his neck, the cold he was emitting sinking deeper into Cole's skin but the Kelpie didn't mind.
The cold doesn't bother him anymore. Not since he became this. A kelpie. It was probably mortifying to think but Cole didn't care: Becoming a Kelpie was the best thing to happen to them. Things would have been so much harder if he was still a regular centaur. He couldn't breathe underwater and he couldn't take the levels of cold that Zane needed to live for long. He would have made it work, of course he would. But this was much easier. His finned tail flicked happily at that.
"Do you think there are still flowers around or is it too far into fall for that?" Zane asked him and Cole smiled.
"There's only one way to know for sure." He hummed then continued even further into the forest.
"And I thought listening to rain underwater sounded nice." Zane says with a smile, curious eyes looking every which way. "It a lot more prominent up here. Clearer. I like it." He comments, ear fins twitching as he kept listening out.
"I'm sure there will be plenty more time to listen to it now that you've experienced it." Cole says lightly then stopped abruptly in his tracks, his own partially finned ears twitching.
Zane was confused.
"What's going on?" He asked in a low voice, not liking how tense Cole was.
"Bear." Cole growled out, taking a defensive stand.
Zane was still confused. What us a 'bear'? He found out when a large black, furry animal walked into view, growling at Cole.
"Oh. That's… A bear." He whispered to himself, the spines on his arms and back flaring threateningly on their own, flashing light blues.
"This guy must be desperate. I ran them all out of our territory. I might have to fight it." Cole says, flexing his claws.
"I'll help you." Zane says then hissed at the odd creature who growled back, pacing itself as if preparing to charge.
"You focus on holding on and not falling off. Leave it to me." Cole says then snorted, dragging his front hooves through the dead pine needles and soil that made up the forest floor.
Zane didn't like the idea of leaving the fighting to Cole alone but nodded. He can still bite while holding on.
"Hold on tight!" Cole warned as the Bea charged towards him.
Zane does so, gripping him tightly as Cole reared up on his back legs, whinnying angrily then dropped forward again, the impact sending rocks jutting up abruptly towards the bear as he used his earth powers. The bare roared, stopping in its tracks and running back out of the way until it all came to a stop, leaving a large rock between them. That wasn't enough for the bear it seems since it walked around it and roared at them. It gave Zane an idea though. He's never used his powers outside of water but maybe it'll work here. He focused, thought of cold and felt it build into his hands. He peered over Cole's shoulder to look down at said hands as he did to. He yelled then threw an icy cold blast at the creature who stumbled back with a roar, just barely missing being hit. The area it hit immediately froze as ice spikes jutted upwards.
"Woah." Cole says in awe as Zane looked at it awed too.
The bear took their momentary distraction to his benefit and launched at them. Cole reared up, surprised but ready to fight- except he didn't need to. A ball of fire shot down just before the bear, startling it.
"Skies above I hate bears." Kai says as he flew in, all fired up, the rain vaporising around the flames engulfing his body.
"This guy's too persistent for fire alone." Jay says, swooping in too then allowed lightning to arc along his feathers, charging before he blasted where the bear was with it, the light bright and forcing them to look away, flinching as thunder echoed.
The persistent bear finally took off, leaving them alone with a limp in his run.
"You two alright?" Kai asked, hovering before them and Cole nodded with a smile of relief.
"I'm good. Zane?" He asked, glancing over his shoulder at his mate.
"Yeah. I'm fine." Zane says, pressing his lightly scaled cheek against Cole's with a purr, making the Kelpie smile.
"That's good. Kai and I will make sure that big lug doesn't make a come back. You two love birds carry on ok?" Jay says with a grin and they blushed.
"See you back at the lake!" Kai says as he went to fly off but paused. "Oh, and there's a few orchards left nearby the river a little further inland." He says then took off with Jay.
"Those nosey birds were listening in on us." Cole huffed, cheeks taking on a darker hue.
"At least we know where to go." Zane pointed out.
"Right. Onwards." Cole says, starting a slow trot.
"Are all bears like that?" Zane asked to fill the silence.
"No. They usually have more life preservation skills than that." Cole says, keeping a keen eye and ear out for any more trouble. "They hibernate like Lloyd, Wu and Garmadon do. Just like them, they have to eat a lot before they sleep through the winter. The problem is, if they don't eat enough, their instincts will make them desperate like that since they have to eat a certain amount to survive the winter. It's just the circle of life." He shrugged.
"Oh." Zane says, processing that as he shifted a little on Cole's back into a more comfortable position, flicking the tip of his overhanging tail a bit. "I don't understand though. Isn't Garmadon a demon? Why does he have to hibernate?" He asked, resting his chin on Cole's shoulder.
"Garmadon is part dragon too. He has way more demon genes but he also inherited the dragon's cold bloodedness and the need to hibernate. I think I spotted a few scales on his shoulders and back before too." Cole says, thinking back.
That or his shoulders and back are oddly shiny.
"Oh. Ok. Hybrids are interesting." Zane hummed, watching the path ahead, already hearing the river further up.
"That they are. But they're still valid. After all, most of everyone we know are hybrids. Kai, Nya, Wu, Garmadon, Lloyd… Even Dareth. Huh. Come to mention, I haven't seen him or Ronin in a while. We should reach out to them. I doubt they know about our new home." Cole says as an afterthought.
"But I thought Dareth was a full werewolf." Zane says, confused.
"He's half were and half human. It's why the most he can do is have the ears, tail and paws." Cole says, spotting the river now.
"I always assumed he was turned. Like how Ronin was turned vampire." Zane says peering ahead curiously. "I just thought he wasn't comfortable with the full shift." He continued as Cole came to a stop by the river.
"Not the case." Cole says, looking around then began walking along the bank.
"Huh." Zane says, mystified then looked into the river. "River stones are so pretty…" He says in awe, looking at the clear water flowing over variously shaped and coloured stones as they walked by.
"We can take some home if you'd like." Cole suggested, already spotting the white flowers standing out against the green of the shrubbery along the river bank.
"Could we?" Zane asked him, keeping his eyes on the fish swimming through the clear water.
He's never had freshwater fish before...
"Of course." Cole says and Zane looked around to smile at him- only to find a flower being slipped behind his ear fin. "White really is a good colour on you." Cole says softly and Zane's entire face went blue before he buried his face into Cole's shoulder with a whine.
Cole only chuckled as he moved on, looking up to guess just how much more rain they would have. He smiled then looked at the platinum blond hair brushing his neck from where Zane was still hiding his face into his shoulder, purring loudly.
They had time for lunch.
Zane flicked his tail in the water from the cozy rock he sat on in the shallows of the wide river as Cole caught lunch. He insisted and since Zane can't breathe in fresh water, he didn't have much of a choice. He took the chance to pick and choose a few rocks. He found a shiny gold rock he was sure is actually gold. If it was… He had plans for it. He looked towards the river when a splash sounded and watched as Cole came back with an arm full of fish and one wriggling fruitlessly in his jaws, no doubt penetrated fatally by Cole's sharp teeth. He walked over then leaned down and Zane smiled before leaning up and taking the fish from his mouth. He then flicked his head back, the swift action throwing the fish up in the air and he unhinged his jaw to make sure he caught it. He then swallowed it whole, knowing his stomach can handle digesting it like that still. After all, up north, you didn't always have the time to chew.
"Amazing." Cole says awed and Zane chuckled.
"Only you could think something like that is amazing." Zane mused as Cole settled next to him, folding his legs so he could sit.
"I doubt that. Everything about you is amazing." Cole says, setting the dead fish before him, in a shallow pool they wouldn't wash away from.
"Stop." Zane blushed opening his mouth to accept the fish Cole held up for him.
He then chewed it this time, actually tasting the freshwater fish. It certainly did taste fresh… Cole grinned at him then bit the head off of one, silence falling between them as they ate.
"So, how's the surface so far? The bear didn't ruin things, did it?" Cole asked once they were done, a little worried it did. It was supposed to be a normal walk after all.
"No. It's all amazing. The bear didn't ruin anything. It only served to make this place more realistic. Just like the ocean, the land also has its dangers and its downsides." Zane says, fiddling with the clump of gold.
"Oh. Good. Yeah, I guess both land and sea has their faults." Cole shrugs then noticed the gold Zane was fiddling with. "You found gold?" Cole asked with an air of worry.
"Yeah…" Zane says warily. "What's the matter?" He asked him, worried.
"Nothing, it's just…" Cole frowned. "Wherever there's gold, humans are sure to follow." He says with worry then stood.
"Let's hear back for now. We'll let Wu and Garmadon know and they'll handle things." He says, taking all of the stones Zane chose except the gold he held onto.
He then turned around and lowered his back, allowing Zane to shift into his back again, holding on to him tight. Cole stood then and walked out of the water, walking back. Zane laid against his back, watching the forest slowly pass by, the rain keeping most of it shrouded in gray.
"Do you think we can come back sometimes?" Zane asked softly and Cole smiled.
"Of course. Today was amazing with you. I'd love to do it again more often. Maybe we can take turns. I've never been to open sea after all…" Cole says and Zane smiled.
"There's a lot to see… Yeah. We'll do that." He says, nuzzling into Cole's dark hair.
Cole hummed to himself as they made their way back, Zane closing his eyes to listen to his melodic voice. This was the first time he's heard Cole make any musical sound…
He sounded lovely...
Meanwhile, back at the lake at the edge of the water, a dark figure stood quietly, clothed in a dark robe, his hair unmoving against the wind and even the rain but the chill of both wasn't lost to him. He sighed, feeling the sluggish underlying feeling starting in him. It was clear now more than ever that winter was well on its way. Garmadon sighed softly to himself. Hibernation should claim he, his brother and his son by the first fall of snow. It's why their appetite has been so... Voracious, lately. It was a necessity.
Garmadon looked down then prodded his stomach that was now pudgy with all the weight he gained. He just wished it was more... Visually appealing. He sighed but smiled. There was one upside to their need to gain weight before hibernation however. He looked across at his pouting, chubby cheeked son as his chubbier tail flicked back and forth in the sand. He worried this chubbiness to him would have lost its shine after his growth spurt but it thankfully hadn't. In fact, it made him even more adorable.
"Do not be so glum nephew." Wu rumbled not too far away, the rain wetting his white scales. "Not only is it necessary for our survival but hibernation is but a stone's throw away. By the time we reawaken, that excess weight will be long gone." He reminded him.
"Yeah but that doesn't mean I have to like it. Especially not when Nya keeps pinching my cheeks!" He yelled halfway through to gain the warm water mer's attention.
"They're pinchable! Don't blame me!" Nya huffed from the water, grinning at the dragon's red cheeks.
"Don't blame you my tail." Lloyd grumbled under his breath then shook himself the motion shaking off the water on his body that was immediately replaced by the rain still pouring down.
Garmadon chuckled at his son then walked over to him and sat next to his son, running his claws through his hair and scratched behind his pointed, scaled ear. The reaction was instantaneous. Lloyd immediately began purring up a storm, his tail flicking back and forth.
"It's like your uncle says, son. By spring, you'll be back to your old self. You're among friends, among family. No matter how your appearances my change, you'll always be Lloyd. Our Lloyd." Garmadon told him with a low croon in his chest, the tip of his thin, black haired tail flicking as well.
It wasn't far off from a lion's tail, the hair at the tip being the same as the one on his head; midnight black, far darker than his skin tone.
"Yeah dad. I know." Lloyd says with a smile, foot tapping a little in the sand as his father continued to scratch.
They all perked up once approaching footsteps sounded. Going by the amount of steps and how they sounded, it was safe to say it was Cole returning from his walk with Zane. Moments after, the Kelpie walked on the shore then walked over to the family lounging nearby.
"Ah. Cole, Zane. How was the walk?" Garmadon asked, not missing the flower behind the mer's ear fin.
He smiled. It was good to see them reach as far as they have amd be as happy as they are.
"Amazing." Zane sighed, nuzzling Cole's back.
"It was. Aside from the bear everything went well." Cole agrees then walked over to the water. "But Zane found something that makes me worry." Cole says, walking into the water, Zane taking his cue to slip off Cole's back and into the salty water.
"Oh? And what's that?" Wu says, suspicious and worried.
"Gold." Zane says, holding it up so they could see.
Both elders immediately took a look of concern as Lloyd looked confused.
"It's just gold though. We've seen it lots of times before." Lloyd says with a shrug.
"Yes. Gold is not so uncommon to us. The problem lies in it being found so close to our new home." Garmadon told his son who still looked confused.
"The humans are crazy over gold. I've seen them dive into wrecks of their own ships at the bottom of the sea for a few pieces, not caring about the Krakens and Leviathans there." Nya says, swimming over with Skylor to look at the clump of gold that was a little smaller than Zane's hand. "Humans are dangerous when determined and gold, treasures really, make them determined." She says as Zane frowns.
"We found out about it before the humans did at least. We'll get rid of it before winter arrives." Garmadon declared, getting to his feet with some difficulty.
He will never get used to being this chubby.
"Where did you find it?" Wu asked as Garmadon helped his even chubbier son up.
"In the back river." Cole told them as Zane collected his rocks from him, diving under the water to place them in their underwater cave home.
"Looks like everyone is out and about." Kai says from above, gaining everyone's attention.
"Mr. Bear is out of sight and out of mind." Jay says, landing on Wu's head, careful not to slip off the wet, slippery scales there by holding onto his straight horns.
"Nice." Cole says with a grin.
"Hey Wu, why stick to your dragon form?" Skylor asked with a smirk, knowing exactly why.
"Yeah Sensei. Relax a bit." Kai grinned as he smushed a hissing Lloyd's chubby cheeks.
"Come on Sensei. You know we won't make fun of you." Jay says, leaning over so he could look at Wu.
Wu was silent before he began to shift down, Jay hopping off and gliding down to the ground. Short moments later, their Sensei stood, wearing his usual who robe…
With his face that was chubbier than Lloyd's. So much, it was hard to tell of his eyes were open or not.
"See! You're- you're good!" Jay says, visibly holding back his laughter.
"What did I miss?" Zane asked as he resurfaced, brushing his tail lovingly against Cole before wrapping his arms around Cole's waist.
"Nothing much. In fact, you're right on time." Cole says with a snicker, wrapping his arm around his waist, stroking a thumb against his waist.
Zane was confused then looked to their Sensei who was defending his appearance as the others struggled not to laugh.
"Oh! Sensei! Are you alright!?" Zane called out, worried that he may be having a reaction to something he may have eaten.
Eeryone lost it then, laughing so hard they were wheezing, even Cole.
Zane was confused but he smiled. He liked hearing Cole laugh. Wu smiled then chuckled too. He supposes he should also live by his word...
(Tumblr made it unnecessary dofficult to upload this. Anyway, catch me digging through this blog to find and link the other parts to this series. I plan on doung a piece for my Side-Effect Au soon too but for now CI(Celestial Influence)4 awaits! I hope you liked it!)
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