#i feel strongly about theories xD
callmegaith · 8 months
what's your opinion on the theory that Dale might be the reincarnation of Albert Vanderboom or Nicholas Eilander? They all share deer imagery
1) good God I fucking HOPE NOT. Dale is so far from what Albert is like please 😭😭😭
2) well... That would make my Jackalope art pretty weird wouldn't it 😂 we said David has Dadeer issues but that's too far.
Fr tho aside from them sharing the deer mask, there's nothing connecting them. I do think Dale could be a reincarnation of SOMEONE, most likely a Vanderboom, but just don't know who.
Then sharing a mask could mean nothing. It's most likely symbolic more than anything. Tho what DEER is in the context of Rusty Lake is? Hard to tell. I mean I can see the Rabbit for David, sure. They symbolize youth and resurrection so it makes sense. But idk exactly what Deers could symbolize
I read that it might represent "evil" cuz Nicholas and Albert were both evil, which means Dale most likely will do something evil in the future. But I don't see this being true.
I also want to note a few things. Albert never wears a deer mask. He wears a deer skull. Not in the same way that Nicholas and Dale wear their masks
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Which is probably symbolic for a whole different thing on its own. You know who also wore a deer skull?
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Now THAT could symbolize evil, cuz obviously Dale views David as evil.
I dont think Albert represents the deer the way Nicholas and Dale do
And even then, their masks look different
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I don't think there's a connection between the three of them. They might just represent different aspects of the deer symbolism so I don't buy the theory for either.
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bleue-flora · 2 months
if it makes that anon feel better. I am audhd diagnosed and I believe c!tommy is neurodivergent. I think he's on the opposite end of audhd to what c!dream has. But that reminds me a lot of my enemies were on the spectrum but their triggers and adhd and autistic traits were displayed differently to me like someone with RSD/ abandonment issues could either push people away out of fear of abandonment, or constantly seek to talk to people out of fear of abandonment or sabotage people out of fear of abandonment ect. both are sourced from the same place, but shown differently. Though, im not saying that the character is neurodivergent as a way excuse his actions. I just think he is.
I mean… prove it?… or not. But like look I’m not saying that neurodivergents can’t hate each other, but it’s the misunderstanding that I think is key. The way in which Dream and Tommy can both say and listen to each other and yet not understand each other and it’s only once Tommy literally experiences what it’s like in Dream’s head that he can understand.
In regards to RSD (rejection sensitivity disorder) and abandonment issues, those are symptoms and emotional responses often connected with other diagnoses. In other words, that is almost like saying that because people who stim differently - I might tap my foot quietly and get annoyed when someone else repeatedly clicks a pen - that means that Tommy could be autistic despite having opposite reactions to things. And of course your going to change how you act if you are struggling with fear of rejection of abandonment because as you experiences different examples of it you develop different strategies or even like I used to be very clingy and social but when it’s my time of the month and my hormones are screwy I push people away and don’t want to talk to people. After being rejected enough times then sometimes you may decide ya know what, it hurts less to never start the process of relationships to begin with and just be your own best friend. I mean wanna talk about opposite reactions I often push people away when I’m upset because I don’t want to burden or annoy them but secretly what I really want is for them to come help or comfort me anyways. Talk about counterproductive… also, how can someone be on the opposite side of the spectrum? It’s not a yes or no, the spectrum is related to how severe and how well someone functions in neurotypical society...
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sevi007 · 3 months
Tales of the abyss, part 17
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Gwah, I thought we will travel easy for a whole but anime cutscene means trouble yea? Epicness at least!
I will hurriedly put this under a read more because I think starting now there is CERTAINLY going to be spoilers!
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Aha! Same face syndrom! Meaning there either IS a twin or, what I‘m more inclined to, clones!
If it is a clone, you messed up the haircolor *whisper*
So, I'm sticking with the clone theory for now, since I am certain hiding the fact that TWINS were kidnapped and only one came back is too complicated. Replacing someone is easier, yes.
But then, which one is the clone? Luke or Asch? So personally, I will go with Luke. He is the one with the memory loss (which in this case would mean he is a clone created "empty", read, no memories there - so rather than losing his memories, he never had any to begin with.) This would also add to the drama of Luke already having bad self-worth (his attitude is mostly posturing imo) and the truth will then hit it hard. While on the other hand, Asch's hatred against Luke would be explained, seeing as he was replaced by Luke.
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Okay Jade suspected or knew this already
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Ouch Luke’s face here. Poor kid.
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Hey, hello? Are we like, not stopping for a bit so Luke can throw up and discuss what we just saw? I mean yea, saving Ion, but surely we have a few minutes? Is anybody giong to make sure he is alright, or going to discuss what just happened?
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Ah, there it is. BUT. Note how Luke is not here to hear this. The party is leaving him in the dark AGAIN. Not to mention that Jade at least has a theory and is not saying anything about it.
Haaaah. This will not help in the long run. I feel like rather than acknowledge Luke's troubles (which, why he does not talk about, he still strongly projects outwards) the party is just always too focused on the next goal, and more like drags him after them. This will further stir up his ire, and make him mullish, and drive him towards Van.
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Oh okay the link-thingy is getting more frequent.
So Asch is helping us now? Hm. Considering that Van and the God-Generals pointed out that Asch was acting against Van's orders, I assume Asch is not agreeable with whatever Van's goal is, and is working to stop Luke from blindly following everything Van says. He could then claim that not HE was acting against Van's orders, but rather Luke kept interferring.
I'm cutting the whole trip through the desert and the ruins, there's not much to say to that - oh, except I like that Mieu actually gets new abilities! It's kind of funny to imagine him breaking rocks tbh XD
Reaching the bottom of the ruins:
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That looks like a door? *squint* I can't remember if anything in all this exposion said something about doors tbh.
The boss fight was pretty hard - took me three tries and figuring out which party works - so I was a bit depressed to hear this from Asch:
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Rude man!
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This was cool though. Does that mean they both had the same teacher? - My clone theory is going STRONG man.
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??? Wait what's that reaction? Because she is the princess, or...?
(I tell you guys, everyone here has hidden agendas!)
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Stop teasing me, game, I want to know if that means "twin" or "clone"! XD
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You know... I like the characters, I really do.
But GOD do I wish they would TALK with each other. So Jade knows more than we do, Ion knows more than we do, Tear does - and now Guy too, and NOBODY is sharing stuff with ANYBODY.
If this goes all flying off the handle, I'm not blaming one person, no matter what everyone else says, I'm blaming everyone. You fucked this up in a group effort by being secretive as hell.
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jarognieva · 7 months
What are your thoughts on Archibald working for School of Mensis? This is implied quite strongly! Did Archibald have no choice, or School of Mensis simply offered more opportunities and freedom for his "weird" research, or he genuinely thought Micolash was better leader in general? Or was it Micolash himself that bribed Archibald to work with him instead, since his research provided weapons extremely effective against those blue Choir toddlers? Or maybe School of Mensis simply vulture'd his weapons and inventions for themselves after Archibald was gone?
I just think that he is the underrated Mensis Squad's fourth girl fsdfdds
These are more my thoughts and headcanons than serious theories:
1. My first thoughts were that Archie was imprisoned from start to finish, was there and had to create weapons against his will. He finally dug a tunnel to escape from prison. He encountered the closed gate of Old Yharnam, and there was no one to open it for it was already a dead city. Archie transformed into Dark Beast.
This theory also assumes that Archie and Paarl are the same person. But on the other hand, if Archie and Paarl are the same person, why are they two different names? Even if he didn't turn into this particular beast, it's still possible that he ended up as a beast, because that's what the cut dialogue suggests.
2. It is possible that he came to Yahar'gul because Mico encouraged him with his freedom of action. And everything was fine until some conflict occurred between them. That's why he was imprisoned.
3. I like to think that Archie is the evil version of Nikola Tesla :D After all, he is described as "infamous". Btw, Tonitrus is similar to a Tesla transformer! And fun fact, tonitrus means lightning in Latin. Archie was a foreigner (according to the cut dialogue) and of course a madman doing crazy and dangerous experiments with electricity. First he experimented on darkbeasts, then he learned to generate electricity himself. Both were extremely dangerous.
In this version of my theories, Archibald was never imprisoned, but Paarl, the escaped experiment subject, was imprisoned and eventually escaped.
The hunters were afraid of both electricity and Archie. He was madman and eccentric and they were never sure if he was going to do something dangerous around them. He even looked strange and suspicious. He looked as if he had just been electrocuted. All his hair was sticking out in a different direction and on top of that his strange, creepy smile made people around him (except Mico xD) feel uncomfortable.
Mico allowed him to work without restrictions in exchange for weapons. I like to think they worked very well together. They understood each other well as madmen :D Although they argued sometimes. Archie had some ideas that seemed useless to the School. He wanted to create certain inventions, such as an engine or a radio, but in such a rotten city as Yharnam, only blood and religious fanaticism mattered (and cosmic shit if we're talking about School of Mensis and Choir), not civilization progress (in the technical sense). Mico was only interested in weapons that could effectively harm the Choir. To be honest, Archibald didn't care about civilization progress either. He was simply very curious which of his ideas and inventions would work. That's why Mico had to remind him every now and then "hey, you were supposed to do something else!"
I like to think that Archie died in some pathetic way, e.g. he was eaten by some beast or electrocuted to death xD Or some experimental subject escaped and mortally wounded him as revenge. Anyway, I imagine how the scholars found Archie's corpse:
Micolash: Yeah, that's sad. Anyway...
Damian: Heaven gained another angel today 😭💔
Archibald in hell: WHERE'S LAURENCE
So yes, I can say he's Mensis Squad fourth girl xD
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I really think that both solo projects, Jimin's album, JK's single and his album, are really one and the same project. With all individual characteristics, individual experiences and everything that Jimin makes Jimin and JK makes JK. I made a bet with someone a long time ago that Jikook would come out of the closet in two years. Perhaps not quite openly, but certainly enough that you would have to really stretch yourself to deny it. Not that you don't have to now, because you do, but that's a different matter. I just know I'm going to win this bet. Coming back. JK has never given us a reason not to believe in what he's going to do. He's consistent in his treatment of Jimin and the other way around is exactly the same. There is not the slightest reason to believe that even terrorized by labels, he would do anything against Jimin's feelings. What makes me think that this is one and the same project is the way it was carried out. Gross injustice to Jimin? Seriously, what label puts itself through such losses for no particular reason? It does not make sense. On the other hand? How can you assume that JK agreed to treat others like this and openly favor him if it wasn't discussed in some way and ALL came to a compromise? Jimin in his lyrics talks about his past, closes a chapter of his life. JK, on ​​the other hand, by going strongly to the western market, opens a chapter. They combined their projects. It's the same road they walk together. Is this to show that they will be a duo? I rather doubt. I think it has more symbolic meaning if I'm somewhat right. I wish I had. If I wrote in Polish, I could probably write a whole book about the theory I have about this era of BTS. But I'm writing in English, and it's obviously not working for me. xD
What I wanted to ask, because I already signed up. Why do we assume something went wrong? BTS is great, but it's not great just because they're talented. It is the sum of the work of many people. They know what they're doing. They are specialists. In reality, not everyone in BTS has a chance for a career in the Western. Jikook has and actually, with my huge bias towards Hoseok and Yoongi, just the two of them. It all looks like preparation. I'm even inclined to assume that Face wasn't even supposed to be a final project, just an introduction to what Jimin really wants to come out to people with, but to do it well and with a bang, he needs someone who will punch a hole in his ceiling and the company "founded" that it will be Jungkook. They weren't prepared for him to be able to do it alone. And no dynamic decisions? If that's not what Jimin really wanted to show, if he needed closure, I wouldn't want to be supported with something like that if I were him. I am an artist myself and if projects are supported that are not what I want, it's hard for me to enjoy even my own successes.
Anon u made alot of sense I'm afraid. I cannot speak on this topic much because I am not smart enough to tackle this topic but I am inclined to agree with u, actually.
I also heavily wanna advocate for patience. We need to exercise more chilling and waiting to find out shit. Wait for the seven MV. Wait to see if the song actually gets spins. Wait to see Jimin's reaction to the similar concepts... just, wait. Assumptions just drive people mad.
Anon I can't add anything to what u just said, but I like this ask 😘
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raphaelesbian · 3 months
ok, since you asked (and I GET the "I wanted to write, but didn't") ....ummmm..... would Shini try to sneak Raph into a concert?
Also, if it's not too spoiler-y, what are all three boys' currently theories on where Raph got the alcohol?
Oh I definitely think that would be on-brand for her. One because she definitely is a concert kind of girl and she loves breaking the rules, but also just because, like. Her goal is to stabilize them, basically. She's a little wild, but (mostly) in a "teenage girl" kind of way, while they're very much Losing It. So things like a little makeover montage, or listening to music, or watching silly YouTube videos, and TOTALLY going to a concert, are all things she would think of to try and... "distract them" isn't quite right, but it's close. To break them out of their spiral, kind of.
Anyways fhkdsahglk I think she'd get him all dressed up and probably watch from the rafters or smth a la Bayverse. She'd probably try to convince him to actually go down with the people, because it's dark! no one is paying attention! you'll be fine! but he'd push back on that pretty hard. Poor 12 boys would NOT thrive in a crowd XD Maybe someday in the future she could change his mind though.
Oooh okay that actually is a very helpful question bc I haven't even really thought about it that much 🤔 and I need to!
I think, after Raph stormed off at the end of the last chapter, there was probably some off-screen discussion between them all. For sure they briefly grilled Casey on potentially introducing him to the idea, but he strongly denied the allegations. I think Casey is more of a weed guy anyways lmao. I think, as a group, their mostly likely assumption is just that he's stealing it. He's a ninja, he's never cared much about human society/rules so he wouldn't feel bad about it, and it's the easiest answer. BUT:
Why would he not tell Casey if that was the case? It isn't something Casey would be likely to snitch on; he wouldn't care and would probably join in. So they know there has to be more to it, even if they're correct.
Oof, them turtles are hard to characterize!! This is an excellent question ty for forcing me to contemplate it fhklsdahklg. Donnie is smart, but he's also not the best when it comes to reading people. I think he'd just go down the decision tree of most likely explanations and say "yeah he's stealing it and getting drunk in an alleyway somewhere. god he's annoying (/said with love and frustration)"
mikey is always difficult for me lmao, I love him and I love his relationship with raph, but he's such an erratic character. he's very, like, instinctual (see: monkey brains episode), so I think he disagrees with the consensus, but doesn't have much of an alternative. he doesn't know WHERE raph is getting it, or what he's doing, but he knows that can't be it. which probably makes donnie double down harder on his theory, because mikey has no DATA.
leo has been the one the MOST in the know, even if he's still very much left in the dark. he'd be putting some of those pieces together: that time Raph came back injured and said he was jumped, how tired and withdrawn he's been, the bracelet, perhaps the hint of makeup you can barely see beneath his lopsided mask. he would think that maybe there's someone else, someone he's hanging out with that either is providing alcohol or they're getting it together, but then he hits a wall.
I even think that karai crosses his mind, but between their INCREDIBLY antagonistic relationship during the brainworm incident, and the fact that they just. never liked each other, and raph was always telling LEO to stop trusting her. so he would write that off. but it's there, in the back of his head.
I'm definitely going to continue thinking on this fhdlsdahklg but having to go through that thought process in my head and put it into words was a good exercise I think XD ty so much for asking!!! I hope some of that was interesting lol
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theophagie-remade · 1 year
I know we're supposed to wait for the officials and see more stuff coming out, so i won't judge too much.
So Idk how to explain exactly the way i see it, but i had the same reaction when Deku was mentioned. I went from "oh noooo" to "HELLO???" really fast i almost had a stroke lmao
But i guess it has to with how Uraraka compared something she admire abt Deku, a hero friend in common with Toga and applied that to forward how strongly she felt abt Toga and that caused her to make that gay ass confession and commit to Toga in a deeper way and so on.
It's all a jambled mess of thoughts and words, bc, well emotions still running high lol. I hope i can come up with something better bc i really wanna talk abt it
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I don't know, I'm super torn 😵‍💫 I haven't seen images of this one scene yet, so this is all based on what the leaker said, but to me Uraraka thinking about Deku and then saying that she wants to be like Toga automatically read as "oh, I want to be upfront about my feelings too", that's why I'm... annoyed/frustrated with it, like girrrrl you were doing so well, and then you had to bring mr brocoli into it (+ I think it's kind of dumb to put an ordinary crush on a boy on the same level as Toga's feelings, even if it is to validate them/show that there's nothing wrong with them, that there's something admirable in the way they're expressed)
I mean, I was an absolute doomerist for this arc (with some of my old posts as proof askxkgk), so what happened has wildly surpassed my expectations as it is, and Uraraka will always be gay-in-love with Toga in my heart no matter what 🫶🙏 to me it's one of those classical shonen cases where In Theory there's a couple we should pay attention to and look forward to seeing (izu//ocha), but In Practice the members of that couple have waaaaay more interesting things going on with someone else (LIKE "DRINK MY BLOOD, FOREVER" HELLO ?????), but with girls too for once lol. Idk, patiently waiting for @/pikahlua's translations in meantime to have a clearer idea of what's going on 🫡
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littlemisssquiggles · 2 years
So...about The Owl House Season 3: Episode 1---"Thanks To Them"....
..So...I woke up to watching this special this fine morning and...my God, there is so much to unpack and digest from it that I don't think I'll be able to get through in just one musing post.
So for now, this squiggle meister is simply just going to focus on the one major element of this special that got me the most out of all the great that was featured in it.
In case some of you don't know, Hunter is pretty much my favourite character in the entire series (second to Willow, of course).
So obviously, if I'm gonna discuss this special, I just HAVE to talk about all that went down with him.
Firstly, to everyone who said that the Owl House leaks were fakes fabricated by Dana and the TOH team…well, ya'll must be feeling mighty silly right now because, it's one thing to be bamboozled once and another to be tricked twice.
Turns out, the leaks that were said to be fake…weren't fake at all. All the imagery that was shown in the leaks---from Hunter being possessed by Belos, to Luz rocking an Azura cosplay costume…it ALL happened in the episode so…there's that, I guess?
I mean it doesn't change how genuinely GOOD this episode was as whole but, still, there was that lil scare that happened in the fandom community.
That being said, yes, you did hear me right---Hunter got possessed by Belos in this episode!
Turns out all of us who theorized that would happened; myself included, were indeed right on the money. It happened folks and boy oh boy, was that a scene!
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(Side Note: I love how Hunter's trademark lil front hair curl returned even after he got rid of it at the start of the episode. I find that detail a lil funny given all the comics and memes that were made after he got rid of it XD)
Secondly, rest in peace Flapjack! You were the true MVP of this episode in my eyes. I'm really going to miss this brave little bird, man.
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Flapjack sacrificing himself to revive Hunter who died (albeit, temporarily because of Belos) was easily my favourite moment from this episode.
After everything that Hunter and Flapjack have been through together over the course of the second season and after all the times that we've seen Flapjack actively help and at times, even saved Hunter, it was so great that this little bird went out doing what he's always done---protecting his partner. Protecting Hunter.
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Ah man, at least he went out knowing that Hunter loved him and he in turn, loved Hunter. I just…ah man, I'll need a minute with this moment because them feels.
Really hitting my heartstrings, man! It's gonna be a tear-jerker revisiting all those old tender moments between Hunter and Flapback from previous episodes, especially those from Hollow Mind.
That being said, Flapjack's death and sacrifice did get me thinking more about palismen in the general and what they actually are.
I strongly believe there was more to be learnt from the way palismans are born from viewing this special. Like it was already established through previous episodes that palismen are infact living creatures---they do possess souls which can infact be used to prolong the life of others as we saw with Belos/Phillip using palismen to keep himself alive for so long.
In respect to that, this does make me curious about one thing:
Is Hunter no longer a Grimwalker and can now be considered fully human now as of Flapjack's sacrifice?
In the episode intro, when we caught a glimpse of Caleb, we saw that his eyes were brown.
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Hunter's eyes are red and as I just noticed, Flapjack's eyes are brown as well, like Caleb's. And after Flapjack revived Hunter, his eyes turned from red to brown.
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So now this pegs the question, did Hunter's eyes change colour to reflect him becoming fully human as his brown eyes now match that of his predecessor or…did it turn brown to symbolize a part of Flapjack becoming a part of Hunter moving forward as a representation of their friendship and strong bond which has transcended two lifetimes?
And herein lies another curious theory that I have.
Imagine if…Flapjack WAS Caleb? Like imagine if…palismen work like the Chirithy from Kingdom Hearts?
In Kingdom Hearts lore, when the original keyblade wielders of the first Keyblade War "died", they were given options for their afterlife---either they reincarnate or their hearts goes to sleep and their partner Chirithy bonds with their wielder to protect their sleeping heart; becoming a Dreameater Spirit in the process.
So putting my KH nerd hat on for a hot minute, imagine if…palismen work like the Chirithy and when their witch partner dies, a piece of their soul becomes a part of their palismen?
Like when a witch dies, they impart a piece of their souls in their palismen so they can keep living on without them? Or something like that.
Or perhaps...palismen have souls so that in the event of their partners dying, they can sacrifice themselves to revive them as a failsafe? Y'know something like that?
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I just like the concept of Caleb's soul taking refuge inside of Flapjack after he died due to their magical bond?
Like despite Belos/Phillip desecrating his body for so many years with the creation of Grimwalkers, I like the thought of Flapjack keeping the last piece of Caleb---his soul---safe within him for many years until he was finally able to "return" it to Caleb by reviving Hunter, making him whole again and giving him a second chance at life.
Perhaps... this was a sign of Flapjack finally fulfilling a last dying wish for a former friend?
Alright, really hear me out on this one:
What if…we've been wrong all along and Flapjack was never Caleb's palisman to begin with and was in fact, the former palisman of the witch who invited Caleb Wittebane to the Boiling Isles in the first place---Evelyn.
"...Goodbye Evelyn..."
I find it interesting that Belos said this line before killing Flapjack.
Makes me wonder if to Belos, Flapjack was synonymous with Evelyn because he was probably her palisman before?
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Maybe Flapjack was Evelyn's partner before she was killed by Belos and because Flapjack knew how important Caleb was to Evelyn as his former partner and creator, that factor also contributed to why he choose Hunter in the end?
We still don't know the full details about what truly happened between the Wittebane Brothers and the witch Evelyn (who is obviously going to turn out to be a Clawthorne ancestor of Eda. There's no doubt about it).
For all, we know, Phillip may have killed her too along with Caleb and that's when and why he became trapped on the Boiling Isles?
Perhaps…Evelyn got hurt trying to protect Caleb and then Caleb got killed in the crossfires of Phillip attempting to finish the job?
And even after escaping, Evelyn ended up succumbing to her injuries and died, leaving Flapjack with the duty of watching over/protecting Caleb in her place?
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As I said, what if…Evelyn was mortally wounded by Belos during their scuffle and although Flapjack was willing to give his life to save her, instead Eve made the little bird promise to save Caleb instead since Caleb was important to Eve.
But before Flapjack could get a chance to save Caleb, it was too late and Philip had already gotten to him---thus beginning his vicious cycle of Grimwalkers and his many, many attempts at trying to "save Caleb" since he failed so hard the first time.
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There is still so much to learn!
And I know for the most part that all of what I'm theorizing right now on the spot probably sounds a little bit farfetched to become canon but nonetheless, for now they're just curious thoughts that I'm more than happy to share and still wanted to toss onto the table of possibility.
Either way, as I'll say once more, there is still so much more to be gaged from the backstory of Belos/Philip with his brother and that's why I loved this part of the special so much.
Hunter's part of the story with Belos isn't over and for that, I'm excited to learn what's next for the two of them.
I also really liked how this special reinforced that Belos/Phillip Wittebane is still meant to be the final big bad of The Owl House.
"...This is for the good of your souls. You'll thank me later..."
I wonder if he used that same line on his brother before killing him (by accident). But yeah, Big Boi Baddie Belos is still the penultimate villain of the series, it seems, which is super fantastic for me since admittedly, I genuinely love Belos as both a character and a villain.
He's just so fascinating to analyze and discuss and each new revelation regarding his backstory and his former motives, especially regarding his whole history and relationship with his brother just makes even more intriguing to me.
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What's even weirder to me is that I've been seeing some comments that paint KC a.k.a The Kid Collector as the key central "villain" of The Owl House.
Listen…just because the little god child took over an entire island of innocent civilians just so he could play with them does NOT make him the final boss of the game, dagnabbit.
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Nevermind that I also really, really love the Collector as a favourite character too. He is not the main big bad---at least not in the conventional sense and I'll explain why.
All things considered, I still wish to believe that KC is a very misunderstood being.
Just a cosmic star child with more knowledge and power than he can probably comprehend who was manipulated by a resentful old man hellbent on causing the genocide of an entire society of magical people all because he held one of them responsible for "taking his beloved brother away him".
Thus this makes me more worried for the fate of KC moving forward towards the second special because the writing on the wall is enough to kind of guess what's probably going to go down.
As established in this special, Belos is now able to possess other living things and basically steal their life force to keep him alive.
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Even prior to possessing Hunter, we saw him possess and consume other leaving creatures in the human world such as forest animals like the deer and rabbit.
We saw Belos almost consume Hunter fully if it weren't for him fighting back.
That being said, if Belos can possess living beings then what's stopping him from possessing the Kid Collector next?
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I feel like KC is in danger of becoming Belos' next target for possession---y'know as a little payback for taking him out in season two finale?
Belos almost destroyed the Boiling Isles by manipulating KC. Who's to say he won't try to do it again, only this time instead of manipulating the god child, he can simply take control of him and gain all of his godly abilities.
Now I know what you might be thinking that---that KC is way too powerful to be tricked or even overpowered by Belos that easily, right?
But I dunno…look at how easily Belos took over Hunter? Belos was able to possess Hunter by him simply touching a little tiny drop of his goop.
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What's to say he won't do the same to KC? Make him believe he's destroyed him only to be blindsided and hit with the goop?
I tell ya---I really feel like Belos may try to possess KC next and once he has the power of a God, he can literally do whatever he wants with his powers.
I mean…technically, the Day of Unity isn't over.
The Collector didn't really stop it. He just nudged the planets apart with a tiny boop. But they're still pretty much there in the sky above the isles.
So if Belos possesses KC, he can just as easily use him to jumpstart the draining spell once more.
But... then again, I doubt Belos would want to do that without killing himself in the process since Luz did brand him with a sigil so if he jumpstarts the draining spell then… he'll die along with the Boiling Isle citizens too?
Unless…that's also what Belos wants?
Like he decides to pull the sacrificial hero card.
Killing the entire Boiling Isles even at the expense of his own life (and probably KC's too if he takes over his body), all in the name of the "greater good" and his cause or what not?
I mean this is all just theory for now and I could be wrong in all of this. However; I was right on the money about Belos taking control of Hunter so... who knows? I guess we'll see how things shape up in the second episode special.
In conclusion...
This first special gave me a lot to process but overall, I really enjoyed it!
There was so much really good and great from it especially in regards to the terrific development it gave for characters such as Luz, Hunter and even Camila (surprisingly enough). I focused so much on Hunter that I forgot to say how much I loved how great of a supportive mom Camila was to Luz in this episode.
I am SO looking forward to seeing her side of things for the second part.
While I'm not expecting her to "la chancla" the Kid Collector or anything like that, I am expecting her to be a total badass momma all the same.
"Thanks to Them" was a fantastic start to the series' finale season of The Owl House and naturally, as to be expected, I cannot wait for the next one.
In the meantime, I'll probably share some more squiggly thoughts and musings from this first special because I don't think I'll be done gushing about it for some time (at least until The Dragon Prince returns next month).
~LMS (2022)
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desultory-novice · 2 years
Does MariPav Magolor still have horns? I'm wondering because of the Magolor Epilogue shows his ear.
(Tbh, I still think the little cones on his head are horns. XD I always imagined them looking the way they were revealed to look in game, and I never stopped thinking of them as horns even after they were shown to move. Heck, they move in the opening cutscene! But I'm not going to say anymore because I don't want to bring the debate back up. Regardless of what everyone else sees him as, I, personally, would like to be allowed to continue to see them as horns. With that out of the way...!)
Yes, Halcandrans in MariPav still have horns! Fun fact, I've changed exactly ONE line in the script since beating the remake, and it was a very small one.
I may work some additional things in, as I worked some FL lore in after that game came out, but the story will remain essentially unchanged. ...Even if it feels a little stuck in the Star Allies-era of Kirby speculation! ^^
(Some day, I'd like to make a list of what things from the remake I actually predicted in MariPav. Because for all that it jossed a good chunk of my story, it made me feel pretty good about a lot of my theories/choices too!)
But while we're talking about Magolor's horns... I might as well turn this into the "Extras" post for Chapter 4, which is long overdue! Enjoy!
(MariPav Lore + Sketch Below)
[Magolor - Unhooded]
The "horns" of the Halcandran species are actually a type of growth combining horn and ossicone (furry "horns") that emerge from the scalp but never fully fuse with the skull underneath; this allows a range of movement, giving them an additional biological function in displaying mood, ala animal ears; Magolor's "irises" are a liquid gold, the brightness/darkness of the color acting similar to how the pupil of our own eyes works; they are bright in response to heightened emotions, such as anger, excitement, or pain. They darken in response to lowered emotions such as confusion, sadness, and fear, and will even begin to break apart and (supposedly) warp into unusual shapes...in cases of strongly conflicting emotions...
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Magolor's "eyeliner" is also 100% biological.
One of the truly -evil- things in MariPav is that Magolor is meant to be unfairly gorgeous when his hood and mask are down. Aka, you almost never get to see him that way!!
...Almost never. ^_-
This is in amusing contrast to Marx, who... well, you'll see. (Though the side story already gives you a good hint that Marx's "perfectly" adorable looks aren't skin deep.)
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Everyone's support of each other... <3
Absolutely love the Scott, Stiles, Kira dynamic. I adore the fact that all three of them are on the lacrosse team together and can work together to keep Liam and each other safe.
That said, I feel really bad that Kira was benched, and I feel like that was kind of unfair of Coach. If it were a real game setting, he would've been really happy about that goal. It also makes me wonder, would he have been upset about said goal if Scott or Stiles (or even Liam) had made the shot instead (though, as a very quick aside, I do appreciate Stiles's banter with the dude on the other team and how well it distracted him so he could pass to Kira lol)? Don't start getting all anti-Kira on me here, Coach. You wanted her on the team....
Anyways I really love those three together, and her excitement was adorable, and Scott was so proud of her, and I hope Coach gives her another chance, because she totally deserves it.
I also absolutely love Noah and his support of Lydia (also love that Malia is still attached at her hip...so sweet <3). The fact that he called her right away, and is going against all sorts of laws and such to make sure that she can get what she needs, and then the way she was just so close to breaking down and he just pulled her up and in and tried to calm her down I just...
I also love the fact that he's starting to bring Parrish into the fold more and more. Like, Parrish is seriously such a good guy, and he clearly keeps such an open mind, and I kind of hope we get to actually tell him all about the supernatural soon, because I really feel like he'd be another good resource for us to have.
I love Scott and Stiles immediately rushing to help Liam up, and I love Scott fixing Liam's arm, and I love Scott's absolutely utter concern that Liam could've gotten cut, and I love that Liam did not get cut and is now more or less fine.
I don't think Garrett missed.
He does not look the LEAST bit concerned, and Brett sounds like he's a LOT more hurt and in a LOT more pain than he should be if he's the one that ran into Liam.
How much do you wanna bet that Brett is ALSO a werewolf, and that Brett is the one they were after the whole time?
I mean...
Okay, I do strongly believe, as much as I hate to admit it, that Liam is probably on the list, and he's probably gonna be a target pretty freaking soon, but...I don't think he was the target TONIGHT.
I think Garrett (and Violet) did EXACTLY what they were planning to do.
I wish Scott and Stiles weren't so focused on Liam and could see that.
But also, I don't blame them.
But I guarantee you I'm right.
And I hate that.
I hope our boys figure it out ASAP so that we can hopefully save him (can we even save him?? Violet said very rare and very powerful or something like that...god I hope we can save him. Just because he was a jerk to Liam doesn't mean he deserves to die...).
Scilera (that's my creation of the trio that is Scott, Stiles, and Kira lol) gif because I love them. <3
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(Seriously I can't believe no one else has come up with that! It rolls off the tongue so smoothly! XD <3)
Update: I F*CKING CALLED IT!! BRETT'S NAME IS ON THE LIST!! Also WAY TO GO MALIA! I am so digging this Malydia team-up on sooo many levels. <3 <3
Update Part 2: I KNEW PARRISH WAS SOMETHING!! I F*CKING CALLED THAT TOO!!! Bro is so nice and so amazing, but he was also SOOO hiding something and WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT HE IS!!! HIS NAME IS ON THE LIST!!! Also that theory was only further confirmed when he told the Sheriff that something drew him to Beacon Hills like... That said, despite his apparent supernatural-ness, I hope he's still a good person, because he really has been so nice and such a great resource and I hope that's not an act, because I love him (also also, he and Lydia really DO have chemistry, sorry not sorry.)
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saiikavon · 2 years
Every time I try to write babyfic I always wind up asking the question “But are they really ready to have a baby in this accidental pregnancy fic?” And the answer to that is in the question, so I never wind up writing it.
Much as I like the ‘accidental’ scenario in theory, I apparently feel too strongly about the matter to actually create it. XD
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mihidecet · 11 months
I am experiencing many thoughts head full. I will try to put them in words - consider them observations, theories and like ... plot points? All of this is based on what I have understood and interpreted, so if anything I say is wrong or sounds wrong, please do feel free to correct me.
So, Purgatory day one.
An important prelude is that I was watching Philza, so my POV was of Red team.
I did not get to see it till the end, but I did catch some clips - including the one where he gets killed by Fit while surrounded by others and not even fighting back.
And the cognitive dissonance of seeing Charlie screaming while everyone else was silent was so strong?? I had almost forgotten they all went into separate discord channels.
And like - they never do, at least not that I remember? Even when they were split in teams in past events, they used proximity chat still, right? So they could still hear others.
And the whole thing about collaboration and communication being thrown out the window?
I assume that this is part of the Federation's plan and it is working TOO WELL. Telling them their kids lives are on the line was perfect.
[Potential spoiler if you haven't seen Quackity's stream]
Q was even told he'd be sowing discord between them and such, but like ???? he doesn't even have to do anything.
HOWEVER as I mentioned yesterday (in tags, I was in a hurry) I feel like there is a pretty clear way to approach this situation - and that is collaboration.
Why would they go through all the effort of killing each other and compete when they could simply help eachother? it's not like they're strangers to each other. it's not like they can't communicate.
I'd wager it would potentially be much more easy to complete the tasks if they helped eachother. And from what I remember, the recording did not say anything about not helping eachother.
Furthermore, it would be extremely useful to not have a losing team. And that, to me, is quite obvious since the losing team risks losing their eggs.
And except for BBH and Fit, every parenting group is split between the teams, right?
So why wouldn't, say, all the brazilians want to make sure none of them lost? if any of them did, they'd be risking Richa's life!
With all of this (kinda little and silly) reasoning, what I'm thinking of right now is: if this were to happen (aka if somebody were to try and spark collaboration between teams), who would it be?
The first trio that I thought would do this were Jaiden, Bad and Foolish, since they used to be pretty close in canon - but Jaiden and Foolish are on the same team, and BBH killed Charlie which was in my opinion one of the first pushes to the downfall of team red into chaos and despair (I wish I was exaggerating).
Tina and Foolish, or Phil and Etoiles, are also some people that come to mind as people that bonded really strongly and are not currently on the same team.
Then there's the canon/fanon ships.
I have to admit that I don't know if Cellbit and Roier fought yesterday - and if they did, I don't know how it went.
But after Pac put up posters to keep away Cell and Fit promised to keep him safe ... I cannot imagine Pac would be too thrilled to see Fit looming over him ready to kill.
And like so many others but my brain is not collaborating atm.
The only thing that I think won't happen is any attempt at collaboration coming from red team - they're the underdogs and they got burnt real bad yesterday, so I feel like they'd be extra suspicious of anyone not part of their team. Which is a shame, since they're also some of the most rp heavy players.
Don't really know where I was going with all of this.
I think overall I just hope to see them all together again - yesterday stream was fun but also kinda stressful xD
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glassessence · 3 years
Elriel Hint and Analysis - includes analysis of Feysand & Nessian (ACOSF Spoilers)
I’m pretty new to the fandom, but I am currently obsessed with Elriel. This is my ship and I will go down with it until the day I die. As a fairly casual reader, I honestly had zero doubts the next book would be Elain’s and that the couple would be Elriel. 
Then I discovered the existence of the extra POV chapters and Azriel’s threw me in for a bit of a loop. Especially with the ending (which I genuinely believe is a red herring. I lean very heavily into the lightsinger Gwyn theory).
However, stalking Tumblr made me come across this again: 
Life and death and rebirth
Sun and moon and dark
Rot and bloom and bones
Hello, sweet thing. Hello, lady of night, princess of decay. Hello, fanged beast and trembling fawn. 
Love me, touch me, sing me.
And then my brain accidentally vomited an essay on the symbolism in each sister’s journey... 
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Life and death and rebirth so clearly symbolise Feysand’s journey. Feyre leaves behind her life of poverty for a brand new one with Tamlin. She journeys Under the Mountain for love of him and ultimately succeeds in saving not just him, but all of them. In the process, she dies. Not just in the physical sense, but spiritually too. Feyre the human perishes, giving rise to Feyre the High Fae. In a purely physical sense, this is definitely a rebirth. But it’s stilted, incomplete. She’s the newly born phoenix - young, fragile and yet covered in the ashes of its fiery death. Her spiritual rebirth lags behind her newly changed body. Like a bird in a cage, she is trapped in Tamlin’s realm, unable to finish developing, to spread wings and fly. 
That all changes when she is whisked away to the Night Court. She learns to read and some of the ash falls from her body. She makes friends and some more ash is brushed away by the Inner Circle. The final remnants of ash are blown away by the taste of freedom and the kiss of wind, and Feyre’s rebirth is finally complete. Spiritually and physically, she is changed. She becomes Feyre the High Lady. From life back to life, she is returned through the power of love. Take note that while love is important in all the sisters’ journeys, it is the focal point and highlight of Feyre’s. She is someone who has never been loved in that wholesome, selfless way Rhysand loves her. Tamlin was possessive and abusive; Nesta was barbed and sharp. Elain was fragile and ethereal. Love was something she had never really known and consequently something she desperately, desperately needed. That’s why the phrase that symbolises her is love me.
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Sun and moon and dark refers very much to Nessian. Nesta is the sun and she is burning. Has been burning for a long, long time. She is aflame, nothing but ashes inside, and her words are fire. She scalds anyone who dares approach, just as everything melts before the sun. Like Feyre, she has had her physical rebirth, but not her spiritual one. She is trapped in her own head, locked behind her own self-hatred, her own raging inferno that yields to no one. Like Feyre, she is also a phoenix, but one whose fire never stopped. In that sense, she has never died. Her spiritual rebirth is not simply incomplete; it has never happened.
Until she starts training with Cassian. Until she starts befriending Emerie and Gwyn. This is what marks the death of Nesta the human and the emergence of Nesta the High Fae. (I use the term ‘human’ loosely here, mostly as a way of conveying my point about her spiritual journey rather than the state of her physical being). She loses her solar flare, that inner blaze that was killing her and blackening her soul. She mellows from unapproachable sun to a softer moon. It’s here that she stays a while, seeming to progress and regress in her healing journey as the moon waxes and wanes. It’s not until the hiking scene that she finally breaks. She weeps despite Cassian’s expectations to the contrary. Through her tears, she finally extinguishes the long-raging fire and hatred that has been destroying her. No more blazing sun, no more wavering moon. Only darkness to cradle her, and acceptance. Through Cassian’s ceaseless efforts and her friends, her journey reaches its apex. She finally becomes Nesta the Valkyrie. 
Her journey hinges heavily upon the fact that nobody could reach her through the flames. Nobody had kept trying after getting burned again and again. Nobody except Cassian. He reaches out, time after time, even when she hurts him. Even when she burns him. Until he succeeds and touches her soul. That’s why the phrase that symbolises her is touch me.
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Of course that leaves only the last line: rot and bloom and bones. I wonder who this could symbolise! Surely not the Archeron sister who is associated with roses and has a complicated romance dilemma with someone from the Autumn Court (rot) and someone else from the Night Court (bones)! Surely not!
Jokes aside, I strongly believe this line reveals Elain’s journey. If we continue thinking of the words as a progression, I think it makes a lot of sense. Keeping in mind the theme of life, death and rebirth, this is how I think of it: 
Life / Rot / stagnation, the start of the journey
Death / Bloom / change, the start of healing
Rebirth / Bones / ascendance and acceptance, the start of the future
There are several interesting things to note about the sentence: 
The word bloom is nestled among rot and bones
Elain’s two potential love interests both have strong associations with those words
I’ll address each point as we delve into Elain’s analysis. 
Let’s start with Elain the human. As previously established, this is when the character is at their worst, blind in the dark before the dawn. I see this as Elain’s forced transformation by the Cauldron. Everything she knows is ripped away from her and her marriage crumbled to dust. She is thrust into a world both unknown and at war. She emerges changed and cursed with powers she cannot control and does not understand. Her life, once a slow-blooming flower, has just rotted into nothing. She is lost, confused and deeply depressed. Her physical rebirth may be complete, but her spiritual rebirth cannot begin until she gathers the shattered pieces of herself back together.
This happens slowly. So slowly, in fact, that it’s hard to notice and easy to dismiss. She befriends Nuala and Cerridwen. Begins gardening again. Talks to the Inner Circle and buys them gifts for Solstice. Slowly, so very slowly, she is starting to piece herself back together. Off-page, she quietly unravels Elain the human and emerges from her cocoon as Elain the High Fae. Like a wilted flower that has dropped its petals, a new season has come, bringing with it new buds. She is blooming, opening herself to new possibilities for companionship, love and for a new self to rise to the surface. But blooms are fragile, newly born things. Elain hasn’t dealt with the full force of her trauma, of her lifelong lack of choice (I’m not going to delve into this as there are so many amazing analyses out there!). She is a trembling fawn, still trying to learn how to walk.
But her spiritual rebirth will remake her. Bones. It’s so different from the previous two words that it really leaves an impact. Blooms rot and fade. Flesh breaks and dies. But bones are strong, the frame that holds up our entire beings. Bones are unyielding and solid, taking no other shape like blood nor bruising like flesh. I see this as Elain standing up for herself, unswayed by external forces that have always governed her life and breaking away from the fragile flower people have always thought she was. By cutting away the rotting flesh, she will reveal the backbone beneath and ascend as Elain the Kingslayer/Seer. 
Of course, closely tied to each sister’s personal growth arc is her love interest. For me, I don’t see it going any other way than Azriel. 
SJM chose rot not only to represent the ‘life’ section of Elain’s personal journey, but also to represent Lucien. He has connections to the Autumn Court, a season that is often associated with decay and rot, but also with harvest and bounty. Highlighting the negative aspects of autumn invokes a strong sense of wrongness. Lucien is not right for her. Not to say anything bad about his character; he’s just not right for Elain. His presence in the books eats away at her newfound boldness; he rots away the path she is trying to carve for herself. 
On the other hand, Azriel is closely tied with death, with blood and bones and shadow. He’s not only Rhys’ spymaster, he’s also his torturer. His association is with bones, a word that invokes a sense of everlasting, of persevering beyond death. Bones is also used to describe the ‘rebirth’ section of Elain’s personal growth arc, the final aspect that leads to ascendance, and acceptance of one’s past and present. Meanwhile, bloom represents Elain herself and the ‘death’ portion of her story, the aspect that heralds change and healing. 
Rot, bloom and bones represent both her personal journey and her love interests. It’s all intrinsically linked. Lucien is ‘life’ and stagnation, Elain is ‘death’ and change, and Azriel is ‘rebirth’ and acceptance. As a progression, this is how I interpret the sentence: 
By rejecting the bond with Lucien, she is stepping into herself and forging something everlasting with Azriel.
Lastly, let’s not forget that the phrase symbolising her is sing me. This didn’t make much sense to me until I read Azriel’s bonus POV. In it, he confesses to Gwyn that he does sing. Why include this if it’s not a subtle callback to this prophetic paragraph in ACOMAF? It feels like a treat to hardcore fans who like finding all the little connections (since they’re the ones most likely to have read the bonus chapters). The fact that Gwyn also sings signals to me there’s an important plot point regarding song. Maybe homegirl Elain will be forced to throw a hardcore metal concert to save Az XD Wouldn’t that be a plot twist HAHAHA. 
I don’t know when SJM started planting seeds for Elriel in any serious capacity, so perhaps I am reading WAY too much into this. Either way, I am super keen for the next book!
Please feel free to comment and let me know your thoughts! I am desperate for Elriel right now hahaha. Thanks for reading! 
The greetings are really interesting. Sweet thing obviously refers to Feyre. Lady of night and princess of decay are clearly meant for Nesta. 
Fanged beast and trembling fawn are left for Elain. It’s easy to write this off as being about her LI and herself, respectively, but I don’t know. The sentences build upon each other. A single moniker grows to two - the first separated by a comma, the second expanding to use an and. It’s something you see a lot in poetry, generally used to emphasise a point. I’m not entirely sure what the point is; it might just be a nice writing flourish, but wouldn’t it be interesting if both those statements were referring to Elain herself? Wouldn’t it just be juicy? 
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braceletofteeth · 2 years
Hey,I just finished watching Strangers from hell and I have SO MANY questions. Also I strongly believes Moonjo didn't die for so many reasons. I also this theory that maybe the entire thing was Jongwoo's novel?Will there be any other season with all the explanations?I really loved this series, so much to the point that I'm sending asks based on it on tumblr lol :P I never did that. Another thing is which episode did Kihyuk talked about Jongwoo to Moonjo? I saw your post on that but can't linkit
Hello~ I hope you're doing well!
First, let me welcome you! It's always nice to meet someone who liked the drama so much that after watching it they still have questions and are creating theories of their own (this is how they get you, and make you stay in this fandom forever XD). I would love to hear your theories about how/why Moonjo survived, by the way, if you ever feel like sharing them (I'm with you in this one! Moonjo is definitely still alive, and the proof is in the drama, for all that look for it to find).
About the idea of the entire thing being Jongwoo's novel, I think it's plausible to imagine that, since Jongwoo could have written it at any point after Eden (a lot of people believe that it's the story he's writing in his laptop at the end of episode 10). Jongwoo could be manipulating the narrative and, naturally, the audience, since he's unreliable (*cough* a liar *cough*).
I don't know about explanations, but, the channel that produced the drama, OCN, announced that there was another season (a prequel) and a movie in their plans (**however, it has been almost a year without any news from them, so we're starting to think of it as a dream/collective hallucination we had once).
To be frank, the sole reason my blog was created in the first place was because I had many thoughts about Strangers From Hell, that I just couldn't keep to myself anymore, so I understand on a personal level what is coming here to do things you never did before watching this drama (actually, the first time I ever received an ask was because of it! I didn't even know I needed to enable the option to receive them in the blogs I had in the past 😅 I learned and did a lot by being part of this fandom. The people here are really nice and have many interesting ideas; I'm certain you'll have a good time if you stick around!).
About Kihyuk talking to Moonjo about Jongwoo... That never happened. I was actually not sure about what you could be referring to, until I remembered the AU I made—not part of canon, just me playing with what ifs and alternative realities. I signalled it in the caption of the gifset, but I understand it could have caused a misunderstanding. I'm sorry that it happened (it would be cool if it was true, though, wouldn't it? ☺).
Well, now... If you have any more questions, wants to ramble about something, or need anything, anything at all, you know where to find me! Know that I'm thrilled to receive you in the family and will fully support you <3
See ya! o/
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samshogwarts · 2 years
👀 These questions are so interesting
can I have 5,7,9 and 12 for Phil and Gisela?
Uuuuuhhhh! Glad you like them!!! And of course you are welcome!
5. Is there any of your OCs who wouldn't like you?
YES!!! I am pretty sure Hel, Frey and Shea O'Brien wouldn't like me. And Angela, but she don't really count because she likes no one beside Jack and Claire.
But yes. Hel and Shea wouldn't like me. Especially because of my Laziness and fashion "taste". Also because I am human, I would probably ending up as a snack for Shea and Frey.
And.... Gisela. She wouldn't hate me, but she wouldn't like me either.
7. What was the most difficult thing about this OC?
Phil: The Motivation and Backround Story! I wanted to make an OC without big Drama Backround Story and a pretty "normal" Dude with no special skill. (If you can call Phil any normal!) So in my opinion Phil doesn't have really Main Character vibes, since in a Story he has not the biggest Motivation to investigate a mystery, beside his friends invt him. I see him as a lovley side character ppl really like.
Gisela: EVERYTHING!!!! I am honest, the concept of Gisela starte AS A JOKE! I wanted to create a character that is so not like me, so I asked a friend what it totally not me and the first thing she said was "Catholic. You are ginger, left handed and have freckles. You would burn as a witch just because the way you look!" And this was the base of Giselas Character. And as you guys probrably guess now....I am not catholic and not the biggest Fan of the church. So even the character started as joke and I still like the idea, I don't want to offend religious ppl with her. So content with her is always a fine line to walk.
9. Name at least 3 weak points of your OC
Lazy - on some days Phil would just roll on the ground to move forward if he could. And inly because he has to left the bed for every good reasons. He is also a 100% Canditate for over sleeping.
Chaotic - Phil know IN THEORY how to clean stuff. But before he learned to wash his laundry, he learned how a wash mashine was builed. Since some ppl told me Phil is the most "like Flare"-Character of mine, I am pretty sure he has ADHD.
lack of social skills - sometimes..... Phil don't know how to handle situations or how to act in some kind of Situations. So his actings can be a bit akward sometimes, but he always mean it good.
lack of social skills xD - Gisela never learned how to interact with people in her age....in with ppl in any Age. She is even a harder case then Phil, because she is also way more insecure and that kind of girl, that said "sorry" 5 times, after you told her to stopp saying sorry.
Crybaby - no matter if as an Child, Teenager or Adult. Gisela is a cry Baby and a ugly cry Baby. Her crying is loud and it's hard to make her stopp. Sometimes she even cry for no reason and then she cries even more because she cries for no reason and make ppl around her feel uncomftable. It's a devil circle to hell. (Lul)
Picky eater - the list of food Gisela eats is way shorter than the list with stuff she don't eats. And even if you serve her something, she usual like. If it's cooked in a way she doesn’t know, she will not eat it. She is totally afraid of something New, so even a new Ice cream taste could be to much for her.
12. What would this OC say about you?
Phil: I think I would be pretty good buddies with Phil! He and I have a lot in common, so we would play videogames and he could help me with my cosplays, while we watch animes. SonI think he would like me and give me troll nicknames like "Gamer-Granny".
Gisela: Well...I would be pretty annoyed by her in real life and she would be afraid of me. I think I would have quite heated discussions with her about the fundamental meaning of the church in today's society, which I strongly criticize. So yes, we would have some fights where she would start crying and I would be annoyed. XD
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wisehq · 3 years
Mission Debrief: Chapter Forty-Four
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Battle aboard the Princess Lorelei, everybody!
I think I speak for the whole fandom when I say thank you Endo for finally giving us our long overdue Yor chapter! And not only that, but a whole freaking boat arc to boot!! There was so much that happened this week that I honestly had trouble narrowing down the panels to use for this review. There’s a lot to talk about, so let’s get into it!
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First off-!
[rips up all my old reviews]
All of my Shopkeeper theories up until this point have been completely wrong...and I am A-OK with that! I didn’t think we’d actually get to see her this early (I’m assuming it’s a her, but it was never directly stated) and to be honest I’m surprised by her design. She’s unlike any other character we’ve seen till this point; I assume the bags under her eyes to be wrinkles, and she is built very strongly for someone her age. Her gaze has a definite presence, and that hair- good god it’s long! Shopkeeper is certainly intriguing from a design standpoint, which only adds to the mystery of her as we really don’t get to see much of her character despite the panels devoted to her.
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We do get to see that Shopkeeper barely approves of Yor being Mrs. Forger, both in the above exchange and her introduction. It’s obvious she prizes Thorn Princess highly as a valuable Garden assassin, and worries that playing house is making her lose her edge. It’s going to be very interesting to see how this plays out further down the road; I wouldn’t put it past Shopkeeper to start keeping tabs on Loid, just to have something in her back pocket should the time come to convince Yor to leave the family (oh the juicy angst).
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Moving on, Yor’s mission is interesting (for more reasons than one, which we will get into more later). Instead of killing, she’ll be protecting- a mother and her child no less. I’m willing to bet money that Yor’s going to draw parallels between herself and Olka, if only for the fact that they’re both mothers with a young child. I suspect that’ll come into play more as the arc progresses, given that Anya-
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-Is not only a card shark, but also queen of the raffle box!
Ok look, I get it; this was complete bullshit on Endo’s part to finagle a way to get Loid and Anya on the boar with Yor, but dammit if I didn’t love this whole scene regardless. Anya’s determined yet deadpan stare, Loid’s nonchalant attitude about the whole thing, the whole bit about the winning ticket being stuck underneath the lid and Anya using her powers to find it, it was all adorably fun. Plus, it got the Forgers altogether on a boat, so I have no qualms about it!
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Also throwing it out there that I loved Handler getting chewed out for overworking the agents and just being like “sure whatever go on a cruise with your family, have fun.” Endo really could have made her the stick in the mud here, but I guess for the sake of time and also Loid’s sanity he went the easy route and made her the fun mom for a change lol
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The same goes for the soft moment with Yor and Yuri. It’s no secret I’m not a huge fan of the latter, but anytime the Briar siblings are together having genuine conversation I melt like butter. Not only was it nice seeing Yuri behaving like an adult for a change (for the most part) but also for Yor to start coming to terms with the fact that he’s older and doesn’t need her as much anymore. Instead, we see her feelings slowly start to shift towards Anya towards the end of the chapter. Yor muses that perhaps the best thing she could do is give up assassination, and instead focus on her (not-so) fake family. It’s a new layer of drama to an already thick cake, so we’ll see how it all plays out as the arc proceeds.
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I will say that the final panels do give a certain air of tenseness (aside from Loid holding Anya’s hand of course, love it). It certainly sets the scene for something big just on the horizon and given that we know a whole army of assassins is out for blood on a giant cruise ship, you can rest assured it’s going to get messy!
Speaking of, before we wrap up, it’s time to get back to the whole “Yor’s mission is really interesting” thing from earlier. I’d like to highlight what a few people have pointed out already; specifically that this gentleman in Shopkeeper’s briefing-
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-looks remarkably similar to a certain someone from chapter one.
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Arguing for the side that this isn’t the same character, @eldraftsman​ (calling you out dude xD) points out that their faces are slightly different and their hair’s not quite right, which I will agree with. Looking at it from the other side’s perspective though, it’s entirely possible his design has changed slightly since the very first chapter of the manga. Two years is a long time to tweak a design, let alone how fast Endo is at doing it (just look at Fiona’s introduction vs. how she looks now, all in the span of two chapters). Plus, it wouldn’t be the first time Endo has hinted at a future character way before their proper introduction.
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Guy on the right look familiar? Mr. Green in all his glory, all the way back in chapter twenty-seven. For reference, he didn’t show up again until chapter thirty-nine, almost a whole year before he got the spotlight. It’s also clear that this isn’t just him re-using the design; Mr. Green is Eden security, so it would make sense for him to be escorting the mid-term tests. Whether or not the same holds true for our mystery man orchestrating the events of Cruise Ooting Arc (coining it), I guess we’ll just have to wait till the next chapter to find out!
Also, BONUS!
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Anya really said “Give me a boat or I’ll give you felonies”
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