#i figured it be more of an RP if I didn't have her kiss his cheek right off the bat?
||An Officer's corruption part two||
Hi dears, I think I got another idea but it was something of a sudden idea. I hope you dears like it. :3 If you wanna read the first one, here is the link.
||Drabble summary||
Rust has figured something was up with the prisoner but now it seems he's gotten a lot more curious in the officer. Now, he's effected him differently. How did he do that? Read to find out.
~Heavy NSFW smut is present in this drabble
~Dom and Sub activity is present in this
~Possessive behavior will be present
~Breeding kink is present in this
~Biting with blood is present in this drabble
||Guests in Drabble||
Rust Knight belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths
Davion belongs and is from the hit series: DOTA: Dragon's blood but he's also my muse due to me rping as him.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
Why? Why did this have to happen to him!? HIM of all people. Rust was trying to focus right now due to him being all nervous now after. However, he was distracted due to that night.
'D..damn that dragon. Damn him! What did he d..do to me? I can't stop thinking about that night..or that kiss...I can't......ughhhh I can't focus!' Rust was angry and annoyed right now and yet, ever since he couldn't think clearly.
Ever since that night, Rust has trouble sleeping but it was even worse. He started feeling hot and bothered. Even having wet dreams of him being taken by that monster. He would be asleep at the time tossing and turning even when he was flushed red.
'Haaaaa...st..stop...stop ple..please...please let me go...let m..mmmmm..' he would be talking in his sleep dreaming of him. Though, it's disturbing that it gets hotter and hotter. Until he snaps awake right when he would feel him bite his skin, kiss him, touch him. However, as soon as he sees him about to undo his clothes thinking of what monster cock hides in his prisoner pants he would wake up.
"!!!!" He would be drenched in sweat panting heavily with red blood eyes seen. his heart beating crazy gripping the sheets and his shirt. However, he would feel so wet tightening around nothing till he tries to calm down by pleasuring himself every night.
Every night after his wet dreams, his body aches for him.
His thoughts are full of images of his dreams.
Even feeling empty to wonder what it would feel like.
Rust was doing this over and over every night cumming at the thought of what that criminal could do to him. It was scary yet arousing at the same time. He was strong, built, pretty rough, and he could break him even if he begs him to stop. As he came this night, he whimpers feeling his cum stain the sheets falling back panting.
Right now, he was lost in thought in the main hall of the DBT police head quarters with his friends eating breakfast right now. Though, Ink was already gone with her own job checking and meeting with the six men at her own section. So Navarro was there to help before making sure things were alright.
At this point, Jaron noticed his behavior.
'I will have to be more careful around him tonight and from now on. I can't lose to him like this. I can't!'
"Rust? Hey, you alright?" Jaron asked snapping the knight out of it.
"Huh?! Wha-"
"You were zoning out. You alright?" He asked worried and yet Rust was quiet to sigh, covering his face.
"Yeah..yeah, I'm good Jaron no worries. I just..didn't get enough sleep last night." he didn't want to say why and yet, Jaron sighed to look at his friend.
"I see. Well, maybe something can help you sleep at night. It does with me when I'm on patrol late at night with officer brooks. Though, we work in the other side section so it's nothing of a big deal." he said but Rust knew. She was Jaron's partner so they work together a lot.
"Hmmm, well I just wanna be sure your good man. I know this is a lot even with a new prisoner to take in. However, you shouldn't worry. I'm sure things will work out. I mean, seems Sai is doing well with his own prisoner too. I heard he went through a lot.." Jaron explains but Rust blinks remembering.
Shdwkyz was busy due to the criminal but he said he was fine and would come back when he had the time. For now, it seems some were gone or already out. In a way, it was fine.
"Even so......"
"Look, just do your best today and tonight. It's fine." he said patting his back that Jaron sees Rust nod to him.
"Right, thanks Jaron. Good luck today on your patrol with Melinda."
"Thanks." he laughed before he drinks some of his orange juice and got up ready to head out getting the keys to his police car. Rust sees him leave before the others were getting ready to head out. For now, Rust was the last before he grips his fork.
'I have to beat him. I can't lose to him....' he thought even if he squirms in his chair, he still felt pretty heated thanks to last night's wet dream. He just hope he has enough strength to make it past this night.
With that said, he got up ready to go on patrol.
~~~~~~Later that afternoon~~~~~~~
"So you been distracted due to that prisoner huh?" Rust sighed hearing his other partner Breezy explain and yet, she was having her arms crossed after they booked a criminal today. He was looking ahead but she was worried.
"In a way..this guy is.. I don't know. Off. Even if he is a dragon demon he is pretty dangerous. I mean, he was a lot more.....flirty and it felt odd that he took a liking to me or whatever the hell it is. It's like he's-"
"Trying to claim what is his. Seems you became his own little..uhhhh special treasure Rust." she said even if he was shocked himself.
"It's true. I mean.....it's a possible choice..." she said but Rust said nothing worried but rubs his arm. Was that even possible. Breezy noticed this but sighed, patting his back.
"Believe me it's true though. Dragon demons are pretty open to what they want. But I hope you will be alright....just stay strong Rust. I know you can. Though, lets not worry about it. I just hope you be careful that's all I ask of you." she said to him but Rust sighed, closing his eyes.
"I'll try Breezy and yet.....didn't you say you have something to tell me besides that?" he asked seeing her think.
"Hmm? Oh, I'm going to be working with Vivi a bit more now due to the crime rise. So this means it's our last patrol for a while but we will be together again my knight." she said to him but Rust didn't know that. Though, theirs been word about some being switched around.
"Yes. I didn't like the idea but Mr. Henderson think that works. Besides, we will cover more of the area in our stations like that. But it won't be forever..I assure you okay?" she smiled to him even kissing his cheek. Rust blinks from that but held his cheek seeing her smile. In a while, patrol was over that Breezy had to head back as she waves good bye to Rust. He waves bye to her as well but as she was disappearing, he was nervous. That means tonight he would be at the prison again with....
Taking a deep breath, he prepares and hopes he can make it through the following nights. Rust did his best to stay calm as he did just working and focus on doing what he did. Making sure Davion had food to eat with something to drink. Making sure she sleeps or at least exercises at night or during the day. He was also given day watches too which was even worse.
Even through all that, Davion didn't like the idea of his knight ignoring him. Even when he got close encounters with him. Brushing his fingers against him and up his spine to hear that sexy shiver. Even almost teasing him showing he already effected him and yet he remains focused on his work.
It really was irritating that his knight was ignoring him. Just like today and later on tonight. As Rust sets his plate of food down, he turns to get the cup of water and walks back to him. As he sets it down....
"Why are you ignoring me, officer? Did I do something wrong?"
Rust heard him speak, knowing his eyes were looking at him now and yet Rust couldn't speak. Davion glares but he only looks to him. "I asked you something officer. Why are you ignoring me? Afraid I'll eat you?"
"....No, No I'm fine and nothing is wrong." Rust said simply to turn away from him. "I just been having trouble resting up because of this job. Though, it's nothing too serious for me. Even when it comes to watching over a threat like you." he said and yet Davion looks to the food then at the other.
"Is that so? If nothing is wrong then you clearly are not doing a good job at it. Something is bugging you my knight. You don't have to hide it from me." he said in his cell and yet, Rust looks away still.
"Again, it's nothing. Now, please eat and try to rest up after your exercises today." he said. "I'm going back to-"
That's when a growl was heard making Rust tense but he didn't turn his head to face him. Was he mad about that?
"Turn around and tell me that......If nothing is wrong, say it to my face." he said but Rust didn't say anything.
"Well?" he said but Rust sighed that he closed his hand into a fist.
"I told you nothing is wrong! So will you stop asking me already!? Just eat your damn food before you do something else!" he barked back at the dragon about to leave but that's when something grabs the back of his uniform and pulls him against the cell bars.
"Ah!" he tries to move but felt a arm around his waist and a hand holding his wrist. "Let go damn it!"
"You really are stubborn aren't you?" Rust heard the deep tone of his voice against his ear that Davion felt his struggling but he didn't let go. "Even so, you say that but you seem to be hiding something..you don't have to hide from me..I won't hurt you if your worried...or..maybe it's something else." he said.
"Theirs nothing wrong you ass h..hole. Now let me go!" he said struggling but Davion keeps holding him close even if it's against the metal bars. As he struggles that's when Rust felt Davion hold his head back.
"Don't. Lie. To. me. I can tell your hiding something..you smell like you are hiding something. Something that's itching deep inside of you, aching...I wonder if my officer has started losing his touch...or is it something else? What could you want?" he whispered that he sees Rust's ear flush red and him feeling the dragon's heated breath against his skin.
'N..No no no! I have to get away from him!' he screams but his body felt weak suddenly as Davion chuckled to quickly turn him around to look at him. He can see Rust's face was flushed red even if he was shaking. His body was reacting on it's own.
"Oh, what a cute expression.....you do want something..you crave for something......don't you?" he whispered pulling him close to lower his hand to squeeze his hip. Rust shook trying to move away from him and yet he was trying to snap out of it.
"But tell me...what could my knight want? What do you crave for right now?" he got more close almost ready to kiss Rust on the lips again as he slips his hand down to squeeze his ass. Feeling that made Rust snap out of it that he quickly shoves him back and rushes out of the cell area slamming the door. Davion sighed but growls annoyed.
'Keep trying to ignore it officer. I can tell what you want..You'll be back....I know it.' he thought but Rust was panting again sliding to the ground on the office but he shook where he sat but he didn't know he felt soaked down there feeling hot.
'N..No, please n..no. I can't submit. I can't...he was so close; way too close. I.....' he was trying to calm down but he looks down feeling hard now but the bangs of his hair was covering one eye with the other showing it being crimson red. The damn wet dreams, they made him like this. Even that damn kiss too.
He felt the need to feel better, to get rid of this feeling and ache. It was almost throbbing all over that he was gripping his uniform. He was looking down but as Rust tries to move, he tenses feeling something wet.
He felt some wetness staining his pants that his eyes widen. Did..did he cum just from that?!? Looking silent, he only calms down again.
"C..calm down...hhhaa please c..calm down..." he said to himself but he knew it was not going to work. For now, he'll have to take care of it soon. For now, Davion was growling knowing he was right and yet he looks to where the officer stood seeing a wet spot there. He must have came from being touched. Even now, the Dragon might have had a idea..but he'll wait later tonight. However, he claws the wall showing talon nails. He will claim what he desires tonight.
And it was later that night, Rust did leave to calm down after taking care of it before hand. He was alright but he was nervous now. He didn't know what that dragon will do but he will have to be sure he stays calm tonight. Seeing the building he only grips his bag while heading inside.
He goes in to see that everything was quiet. Was the prisoner asleep? If he was, maybe he will have a calm night. Rust closes the door and walks inside setting the bag down on the desk but he looks to the door knowing he was there. Should he check on him or wait? He felt so nervous going in after what happened today but he should be able to see him this time. Gulping softly, Rust walks over to grip the door handle and open the door. He looks inside seeing the dragon right there. He seems to be laying down so maybe he's asleep?
"........" He carefully walks inside to head to the cell to look making sure. Davion was facing the wall as he rests so maybe he was indeed safe.
'This is unlike him. He normally would be awake. What if this is a trap?....No, I still have to ensure he's alright...r..right?' he thought seeing him. He knew it was risky but he takes the keys on his belt to slowly insert his key to unlock it. Rust opens the door with the hearing of a creak to look inside. The dragon didn't move as he slowly walks over to him. He can see Davion not move a inch but the soft breathing is hear.
"....I guess he was tired after today....oh thank god. Maybe I'll get a break this time....."
'He really is asleep....but....I shouldn't be in here. I checked and he's fine. I should leave before I wake him up.' he thought, turning to head out of the cell. As Rust gets to the cell door.
"Or maybe you just made it worse by leaving me like this."
"!?" His body froze hearing a voice but he quickly turns to get grabbed by a pair of hands and pinned against the wall on the cell bed. Rust struggles but he felt a strong body pressed up against him to look seeing it was Davion.
"Y..You!? I thought you were-"
"Asleep? No, you really should do better keeping a eye on your prisoner. Or tell the difference if he's asleep.." he said but Rust struggles only for him to wince feeling Davion keeping him right where he was.
"Let me go d..damn it! Let go!"
"Oh no, I think not. I'm not letting you go..not this time officer knight." he deeply growls that Rust was shaking in his hold. This shouldn't be happening right now but he saw even from the dim light that this guy was way bigger up close.
"You left a teaser for me after you ran out today. That's not fair. You seem out of it now...after you came near my cell floor."
'Wait, how did he.....'
"I..I don't know what your talking about.." Rust said but Davion looks to him but he tilts his head.
"Yes you do, when I had you trapped against my cell door, you twitched. I felt something hot and warm running down your leg. it told me you were wet as you came....you must have been thinking about me...slutty knight." he teased even if Rust glares his face was still red.
"S..shut up, I haven't..Nugh!" that's when he felt Davion grinding against him but he was shaking feeling something hot and heavy down there. "W..what are you doing!?"
"As I said..you teased me today..so you need to either fix what you started..or I'll lose it and end up breaking out. Your the one that got me all bothered now being so fucking cute. Though, I bet even now your hot and wanting something..you..need..pleasure don't you?" he moves one hand down to touch him.
A weak shiver like whimper leaves the knight's lips that Davion sees him turn his head. He can't be losing like this! Not like this under this criminal. All Davion did was chuckle to look at him. "Oh? Am I right?"
"N..No.....f..fuck you.." he hissed but Davion growls to lower down now pinning him on the bed his wrists were in the dragon's hand as he looks down at his prize.
"Oh believe me, I will. I'll enjoy breaking my new treasure this night.....even if your wanting of me...you'll love it." he said that Rust shook under him with his eyes now red glaring at him. However, his body ached for it.
"So then......" Davion reaches to look at him with glowing amber dragon eyes. "Lets play~"
The night passes on with no worry, but weak moans and groans were heard in the cell. Davion was laying on his back, pushing fingers into a really wet hole as he groans feeling Rust trying to move only to get more excited.
"Ahhhhh...ahhhhh..st..stop..p..please stop your d..damn mmmm f..fingers..." he begs drooling from them pushing in and opening him up. However, Davion ignores him still pushing them in deeper.
"Why though? You seem to like it. Your dripping all over and leaving a mess. So why not be quiet and savor this? "he teased.
"B..because your a criminal. I shouldn't b..be mmmmmm doing this now let me goo-oohaaaa!!!! he felt his fingers quickening now that Rust cries out drooling.
"Stop stop stop!!"
"Heh, so wet and your getting tight too...already hungry for me aren't you?" he chuckled as Rust was panting and lowering his head. He opens his eyes showing them blue hazel again but claws the bed trying to get away.
'This isn't happening. My body won't move..it's just...letting him touch me like this. My hole..it feels weird..s..so weird.....' It was pretty big but he was shaking already feeling pre-cum from the tip. Rust was whimpering even when trying to move, Davion wouldn't let him. He even gets a smack to his ass getting a yelp from the officer.
"Stay still..it'll feel more good if I find something better. Now behave and let me enjoy my feast." he warns.
"You crazy dragon. The hell are you oooooo t..talking about?" he moans shaking now as he felt a lot more loose but Davion keeps going.
"I'm trying to find something that will make you feel even better..I just need a good angle." he said.
"W..wait..what are you talking about? What do you mean a good angle-AHHHH!!" As soon as he speaks, Davion rubs against something making Rust jolt and cum a little on the bed. He shook with eyes wide drooling more.
'W..what the hell?!? What was that! What did h..he touch!?' he thought feeling his body throbbing worse but Davion grins to noticed.
"Found it..." he chuckled now rubbing and pressing his fingers into that spot. Right away, Rust moans out throwing his head back gripping the sheets on this cell prison bed.
"Ahhhhhh!! N..not there! Not there! Feels so weird when you t..touch me t..there!" he moans bucking back against his fingers making Davion lick his lips.
"Oh? But your bucking your hips against my fingers...you must love when I rub here. Lets keep teasing it.." he said now thrusting his fingers into it as he screams clawing the wall. His bangs were covering his eyes as he moans out lustfully in the cell. It felt weird but so fucking good. Rust might lose his mind if this criminal keeps this up. Though, his body was weakening while taking in the fingers more and more.
'Ohhh fuck it...my body..my body is reacting on it's own the more he rubs r..right there. It f..feels weird but...damn it, this f..feels good. it feels so good!!' he thought looking out of it as Davion kept thrusting his fingers as he sees pre-cum dripping from Rust's cock but this got Davion's own hard wanting to breed him. But he held back only to quicken his fingers.
"AHHH!!! W..WAIT NO NO NO!!!! PLEASE G..GONNA CUM S..SOMETHING IS CUMMING!!" he moans looking at the ceiling that Davion chuckled.
"It's fine..go ahead and cum for me......I wanna see you cum." he growls going faster and harder as Rust was trying to stop his hips but he was drooling from his chin loving it.
'I can't..I can't stop my body..it burns, it aches..I..I can't stop this feeling..this pleasure. I'm gonna cum..I'm going to cum....Cumming cumming cumming!!!!!'
"I'M GONNA CUM!!!" He moans only to violently cum right on the bed twitching as he clams down on Davion's fingers seeing him cumming hard on the bed gasping out. Tears of pleasure runs down his cheeks having a strong orgasm that Davion only keeps his fingers in to tease it a little more.
"Haaaa...hhaaaaaa......ananhhhhh..." shaking now, he falls on the bed panting as his hands grip the bed moaning as he falls on the side looking out of it. However, Davion was aroused seeing such a erotic scene. His precious little knight was hot.
"Heh, good boy...you really are something else aren't you.." he teased but begins undoing the zipper of his prisoner uniform. He begins to undress as Rust tries to gather his thoughts but he feels them fall now bare for him. He walks over near Rust but stands near the edge of the bed to grab his arm pulling him up gently.
"Hey, don't pass out yet..were not done.." he said but that's when Rust slowly opens his eyes before they widen to see he was naked. Though, he saw a thick throbbing cock against his ass threatening to go inside of him.
'N..No way, he's huge! That won't..f..fit. I'll be ripped apart from that!' he thought shaking as he looks to Davion with nervous yet suggestive eyes.
"W...wait..y..you won't fit t..that inside...t..too big. Your too b..big.." he whimpers and yet Davion grinds against him hearing the wet slick noises from his hole wanting it.
"You say that but your begging for it. You don't have to run my little knight. I'll make it fit." he said grinding a little more against him till he stops. Rust panted feeling this but he tries to move only for Davion to get on the bed on his knees to trap him against the wall.
"P..Please..please don't....." he said in a daze.
"You will be fine. Your slick enough." Davion said but was holding his hips. "I've waited way too damn long for this..so I'm going to have what I want......." he said but Rust shook.
"But you won't ...f..fit. You won't-" As Rust tries to warn him, Davion stops only to have the tip poke against him before snapping his hips in a big thrust inside of him. Rust screams throwing his head back but his eyes changed to blood red tightening around his thick girth inside of him. Davion growls feeling how hot and tight he was as Rust shook against the wall.
'F..fuck s..so big. He's so big inside...I..I can't breath....but he's so hot......' he thought shaking but Davion only panted to move his hands up from his hips and pin his hands to the wall.
"Fuck, so tight.....heh, what a perfect fit for me. Now your mine....." he said to pull his hips back slowly hearing how it slips out and Rust shivering before he thrusts forward. A weak moan leaves him as Davion goes at a slow pace thrusting into him deep with the smack of their skin.
"Ah! Ha! Gahh! ahhhhh.....nuggghhhhh...."
"Mmmmmmm....." Davion loved this heated feeling, even if this officer was a tease, he will enjoy this for as long as he could. "Such a good knight...a very good good knight.....your taking me in so nicely and all the way. I bet it feels good don't it? "he panted while Rust's upper face was hidden moaning out loudly as he feels the dragon take him.
"Ohhhh..oohhh..ohhh f..f..fuck..f...fuc...nuggnmmmmm...."
'It don't f..feel good. It can't feel good. I know I used toys and stuff back home but t..this is different from them. It feels way different. W..what's happening to my mind? My body? What has he d..done to me?!' Rust thought as he couldn't stop the moans that slip out even if Davion was thrusting deeper into him that Rust's fingers shake.
"Mmmmm..so what do you say now, my officer? Finally give to me?" he teased but Rust was shaking looking up but Davion knew he was out of it. Lost to the heat of desire.
"Hahhhh ahhhhh nmmmmm mmmm!!!" he feels him thrusting a little faster with his fingers touching his chest and teasing the nipples. He even pulls them making Rust gasp out shaking.
"Answer me. Do you give? Do you feel good?"
"Ahhhh...ahhhhhh.." 'I have to lie..I can't feel g..good...ohhh god I can't f..feel..I.....I....' he wanted to lie to say he hated this but thanks to the wet dreams, the teasing, self pleasuring..he was losing it.
That's when he quickly snaps his hips forward, making Rust scream out gripping his arm to claw at it with his talon nails. Davion chuckled but he started ramming into his spots again, Rust couldn't stop moaning.
'N..Not again, not there again! He's hitting my spots again..he's going to e..eat me!!' he screams even if he was shaking, Davion kept going only to grip his his hips slamming into him but he was shaking while crying out.
"Not there! Oh god not there!!!!" he begs but Davion kept going ignore his pleas.
"Say it! Say it feels good or I'll be sure you get punished!" he growls quickening his hips as Rust was moaning ripping the sheets but his body only bucks back into him while twitching.
'Lie..d....damn it, Lie! Say a lie! Please..d..don't say how good it feels. Don't say you want more. Don't s..say it. Don't say it!!!!' he screams at his mind wanting to fight but Rust was screaming, moaning and whimpering that he feels Davion quickening faster.
"Ahhhhhhhhh f..fuck!!!!!"
"Say it, say it or I'll stop!" he said to Rust but after thinking about it Davion was jackhammering into him as Rust shook. "!?"
"N..No NO NO NO SLOW DOWN! PLEASE SLOW DOWN!!!" he begs but Davion keeps going that Rust was only feeling more hungry.
"Never. I'm not going to slow down in fact if you won't tell me..I'll make your body tell me! Besides, your clamping around me so good grrrrr you want me to cum inside and fill you up with my heat...admit it. You wanted me. You hunger for me...you. want. me." he said but Rust was shaking aching for it as he felt the girth throbbing inside.
"But if you won't tell me..I'll fill you till you do...I'm already close. I'm going to fill you up.." he warns.
'I..Is he close? He's going to cum inside of me!? I..I have to make him stop..I won't s...snap to him but..it feels to damn good...it's too good..I'm going to break..I'm going to break!!!!' he screams looking up with his tongue seen a little.
'Your mine as I said...so accept that and just take my heat you dirty officer!' Davion roars in his thoughts before snapping his hips faster and faster with Rust gasping out till he screams tightening around him.
'H..he's gonna cum! He's gonna cum inside! I have to stop him before he-!?'
"Grrrrrr..I'm going to cum....you better swallow it up.."he said.
"W..wait don't!" As Rust tries to speak, Davion roars out snapping his hips forward to pin Rust there. He panted heavily cumming hard inside of Rust as the knight twitch shaking as something hot fills him up. His eyes rolling in the back of his head as this criminal came hard inside of him.
'S..shit..shit shit shit h..he came. Why is it so hot? His c..cum is hot..' he moans twitching against the wall as Rust came too not able to say a word as Davion was panting drooling from how good it felt to finally cum after so long. He didn't let Rust go but he only saw how dazed he was. Even if his eyes were red he only panted still aroused.
That's when he moves Rust from the wall and lays him down and held him down by his wrists. Rust gasped to feel trapped but his eyes looks up to the hungry dragon that they were wide. His appearance changed. He had red and black dragon scales on him, his teeth were sharp, a tail seen behind that wraps around Rust's waist. However, he breaths smoke growling hungry at the shaking knight under him.
His heart was beating like crazy seeing this but he was aroused seeing this. Davion growls to lick his lips, bucking his hips slowly making Rust feel it as he whimpers shaking.
"You really are a tasty treat. My prey shaking under me. I want to eat you up all night long and fuck you till I break you. Over..and over.."he said bucking his hips hearing a moan from him.
"Though, lucky for us...we have a lot of time to play. So I Hope you feel me well...my officer." he said even if Rust was shaking he was paralyzed in both excitement, fear, and desire.
Even from that night, Davion did take him over and over again. Filling him up with cum. Making him cum hard each time he teased his spots. They went with different positions that he now thrusting up into Rust as he was moaning clawing his scaly back moaning out. His own skin was coated in bite marks, claw marks, even hand prints but he didn't stop.
"Ahhhhhh D..davion m..more!! Please f..fuck me more I want it..I want more!!" he begs even with some blood from his chin after biting the dragon this got Davion excited still fucking him.
"Greedy little knight..I said we have all night." he teased but makes Rust lay down pounding away as Rust screams mixed with his moans.
"I'll not stop till we are both spent but now..thanks to this..your mine. Your all mine. I'll make you feel good no matter what......." he teased but Rust was still clawing his back but his mind was lost to the pleasure.
"Y..Yes just d..don't stop!! Mmmm I'm yours! I'm all yours! Just don't stop taking me! Make me yours!!" he begs as Davion growls now biting his neck and lapping up the blood.
Even if Rust tried he was already moaning out looking out of it. Seems even he was not strong but his body had given to the criminal.
'I..I can't live without this feeling this heat...I lost b..but.....I don't care..I need him to breed me more. I want him to breed me!' he thought before screaming feeling Davion cum again twitching as Davion chuckled now holding him to the side and thrusts again hearing Rust moan again and clawing the ripped pillow.
"Y..Yessss fuck yes please fuck me! Fuck me harder, deeper, faster just give me more please!" he begs him bucking his hips back that Davion chuckled loving this.
'Ohhhh, I'm going to enjoy my little knight..you. are. mine.' Davion thought while claiming him then kisses him deeply hearing a weak purr from Rust. From that prison building, loud moans were heard but no one was near to hear as the dragon calms his prize.
Though, who else will fall under the waves of desire? You'll have to wait and see.
13 notes · View notes
ask-ikevamp-faust · 1 month
I’m so glad you know my heart and soul only sing for you, my love. You truly have nothing to worry about… besides the fact that I’m not going to go easy on you now that you’ve responded so deliciously to my teasing. Perhaps I’ll slip you a scandalous note over breakfast, sit on your lap, or even sneak some heated kisses throughout the day, only to pull away when you begin to respond. I’m relatively small and fast, so even if you chased after me I’m sure I could try to slip away. You seem like you'd enjoy the thrill of hunting after me anyways.
For the collection sets, I was mostly looking at the Navy collection, as it matches your dark blue and rose gold preferences. However, I completely agree with your desire to expand our horizons. That being the case, I also love the aesthetics of the French Raw Silk, Rose Gold Classics, Sage Green and/or Scarlet Princess collections. What do you think of those?
Hearing about pet play from you is very interesting. As I've mentioned before, our pasts are tragically similar in some ways. I've had to be fully responsible and completely in control of myself from a very young age. So, for me, submission is a very pleasurable but highly conditional thing; I could act as a dominant figure for anyone, but I'm only able to submit to someone I fully trust and respect. The list of people that meet the criteria is not long, but you happen to be on it.
I agree that the cage and the bowl would be a bit much, but I’d be lying if I said your interest and description of this kink didn't intrigue me. I'm happy to explore it more with you and I’d certainly wear the accessories, even if it was just to dress up for you. Funnily enough, my friends have described me as a rather cat-like person, so that would be a rather fitting choice. I can be very aloof and analytical around strangers or enemies, but I’m warm, cuddly, and curious around those close to me. However, even if it isn’t tied to pet play, I definitely do have a breeding kink….
Master is a wonderful choice, and I do love the description of the fantasy. It’s not silly at all; it’s actually almost exactly what I had pictured. The other that I had in mind fits more closely with a classic scene from literature, except, of course, you’d have my full consent beforehand.
On a moonlight night, the vampire creeps through the window to sink his fangs into the tender neck of the maiden who has caught his eye, rousing her from the depths of slumber into his wicked embrace….
If it piques your interest, I can always describe it more in depth. How does that sound, my soul?
- L
(Before I shove my foot directly into my mouth, for “things I’d like to include” are you asking which kinks I plan to touch on? Or just general plot things? Either way, I can absolutely let you know. I’m genuinely enjoying the rp, thank you 🌙admin! 💜)
(Questions to recipient from admin)
Before I continue the in-character response there is something I want to discuss.
I realize there’s probably reasons you’d like to remain anonymous, I respect that. However, if the contents of the exchange go deeper into the NSFW topic, I begin to have a concern about age. Mainly that because it has been anonymous, I can’t verify anything. Seeing an age in someone’s bio/pinned post is the most I can do to verify age. I don’t want you to reveal yourself in a public way, especially if that’s not something you’re comfortable with. It’s also not something important to anyone else except to me as admin, so I am requesting a private DM in order to see your bio/pinned post. It would honestly stop my overthinking and give me peace of mind.
I’m sure you saw, I’m currently working on a detailed “NSFW rules” specific post. Until I finish that I’ll have to address things individually but this is the way I’m going to approach NSFW content with anons moving forward if they desire content further than suggestive/flirty. I hope you can understand my perspective and that this doesn’t discourage you from sending anything else.
Thank you 🌙💙
PS: To answer your questions, both things actually. A list of kinks would be great! And then I’d appreciate it if you could give me an overview on how detailed you’d like the NSFW rp to go. On a spectrum, I guess the lightest would be just discussing kink interest and sharing ideas, on the other end however it’s a more detailed exchange on the sexual encounters between the parties involved. If it’s easier, you can just respond to this in DM as well.
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lucifersresources · 2 years
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taylor swift self titled album rp meme.
edit/alter/change pronouns etc as you see fit!  
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tim mcgraw.
that's a lie.
i was right there beside him all summer long.
the moon like a spotlight on the lake.
when you think happiness, i hope you think of me.
i hope you think of me.
think of my head on your chest.
september saw a month of tears.
i'm thanking god that you weren't here to see me like that.
it's hard not to find it all a little bittersweet.
i'm back for the first time since then.
picture to burn.
i didn't get my perfect fantasy.
you love yourself more than you could ever love me.
watch me strike a match on all my wasted time.
you're just another picture to burn.
there's no time for tears.
i'm just sitting here planning my revenge.
if you're missing me you'd better keep it to yourself.
coming back around here would be bad for your health.
teardrops on my guitar.
i fake a smile so he won't see.
she's got everything that i have to live without.
i can't even see anyone when he's with me.
he says he's so in love.
i wonder if he knows he's all i think about at night.
he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar.
he's the only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star.
can he tell that i can't breathe?
there he goes, so perfectly.
the kind of flawless i wish i could be.
she better hold him tight.
i drive home alone.
i'll put his picture down.
a place in this world.
i don't know what i want.
i'm still trying to figure it out.
i'm alone, on my own.
life goes on.
just trying to find a place in this world.
i'm wearing my heart on my sleeve.
tomorrow's just a mystery.
cold as you.
you take the very best of me.
i start a fight coz i need to feel something.
i'm not what you wanted.
what a shame.
just walk away.
i've never been anywhere cold as you.
you put up walls.
i stood there loving you.
you come away with a great little story of a mess of a dreamer, with the nerve to adore you.
every smile you fake is so condescending.
counting all the scars your made.
the outside.
i know i didn't read between the lines.
nothing seems to work the first few times.
nobody ever lets me in.
i've been a lot of lonely places.
i would give it all up.
no one notices until it's too late.
tied together with a smile.
seems the only one who doesn't see your beauty is the face in the mirror looking back at you.
hold on, baby.
you don't tell anyone that you might not be the golden one.
you're tied together with a smile, but you're coming undone.
love was all you wanted.
stay beautiful.
will you ever know?
you're beautiful, every little piece.
you're really gonna be someone.
i hope your life leads you back to my door.
stay beautiful.
i'm taking pictures in my mind.
it's hard to make a conversation when he's taking my breath away.
you and i are a story that never gets told.
what you are is a daydream.
should've said no.
everything is gone.
just looking at you feels wrong.
it was a moment of weakness.
you should've said no.
i should've been there in the back of your mind.
you shouldn't be begging for forgiveness at my feet.
you can see that i've been crying.
you know all the right things to say.
do you honestly expect me to believe we could be the same?
the past is the past.
was it worth it?
mary's song (oh my my my)
i looked at you like the stars that shined.
our daddies used to joke about the two of us growing up and falling in love.
take me back when our world was one block wide.
i dared you to kiss me.
your eyes still shined.
all i need is you next to me.
you stayed outside till the morning light.
after all this time, you and i.
our song.
we don't have a song.
our song is the way you laugh.
i didn't kiss her and i should have.
i'm only me when i'm with you.
you and i are painting pictures in the sky.
we don't say a thing.
everything i need is right here by my side.
i know everything about you.
i don't wanna live without you.
i'm only up when you're not down.
don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground.
you drive me crazy.
i'm only me when i'm with you.
just a small town boy and girl, living in a crazy world.
i don't try to hide my tears.
i don't try to hide my tears, my secrets or my deepest fears.
through it all nobody gets me like you do.
when i'm with anybody else, it's so hard to be myself.
i'm only me, who i wanna be, when i'm with you.
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cljordan-imperium · 1 year
I was tagged a while ago by - @winterandwords
I'm tagging @saltysupercomputer @writingpotato07 @ceph-the-ghost-writer and @late-to-the-fandom
Your words are - clip, light, box, and basket
My words were - read, write, listen, and hear
“Now, Sor, you know me better than that.” Whatever he had done to make Div happy, he was thankful for it, because he was obviously being blessed.  Never in the history of millennias’ worth of first dates had he had one start off this easy, not even a second date. Then again, this was Sorina, and this, he hoped, would be his last first one.  “But I do believe my lady said something about wanting to take an overnight bag?”  An eyebrow rose as he looked down at her beautiful face.  “I also assume that you’re going to want a change of shoes for the garden.”  He pulled her tighter against him.  “I can keep you from getting cold, but not from heels sinking in dirt.  I’m liking those heels though, a lot.” There was no misreading the grin and wink he gave her, which got him a laugh and a quick kiss from her.
WRITE - Do not have - so information on the other writing projects of the author goddess
This is not the only major story I write.  I have a human I write as well that is not on the internet.  She is the daughter of Marie LaVeau and a powerful Creole family in New Orleans area.  When I wrote her as an RP character at the same time Abriella was an RP character, they were friends and I would do crossovers between them.  The faceclaim for Dartan actually is also the faceclaim for Melania’s older brother Francois.  Arch’s faceclaim is also in one of her stories as well.  Yes, some of my characters share faces, it’s odd, but it happens.  I actually have two stories for Melania.  One set in her past and one in the present. The one in the past has around 20 chapters and was started more recently, while the one set in the past was started in 2019 and has around 100.  I’ve considered bringing them here, but am not sure.
"If you are ready to get some rest, a room has been prepared for you.  I suggested a cell in the dungeon but apparently Cruz didn't want to bother any of our current prisoners from the skirmish with Belphegor." Raguel's voice came from the doorway and Dartan scowled over at him.  "Listen asshole, the only reason you're being allowed to stay is so we know where your ass is if we figure out how to undo the spell.  No one, and I do mean NO ONE wants you here."  
“I’m on one side and Chaos there is on the other, there’s pocket doors on each side of the living rooms and bedrooms there, so we can make it so it’s one huge six room apartment if we want.  And there’s three bathrooms, so ya don’t have to deal with men’s shit….literally or figuratively.”  Dez winked at her and tickled her some too.  When he’d heard her laugh from Thinius doing it, he’d loved it.  It was melodic and made his heart do a strange rhythm he liked.  
THE IMPERIUM CHRONICLES TAG LIST - @ceph-the-ghost-writer @kjscottwrites @writingpotato07 @saltysupercomputer @careful-pyromancer @late-to-the-fandom @autumnalwalker @perasperaadastrawriting @fearofahumanplanet @jessica-writes22 @dogmomwrites @mjjune @verba-writing @blind-the-winds @shipping-through-eternity @outpost51 @inkspellangel @blind-the-winds @sunset-a-story @writingmaidenwarrior @clairelsonao3
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ladyimperatcr · 2 years
// I just needed to share this. This basically is a snippet of an rp I did with @otiumanima a long while ago about Kels and Copia's first date and it just...so sweet. And thus it's become canon. If ya wanna know what his and Kels' dynamic are, here it is: dorks who are very soft. This is slightly edited to fit the context //
It was a shock to hear that he of all people felt the same way towards her. *Her? Of all people?*
It took every ounce of strength Kelsey had not to have her mouth drop to the floor as he expressed his feelings. Cardinal Copia thought she was beautiful.
The poor dear was in disbelief. She had struggled with her self image for years, crying herself to sleep most nights because of having her chubby figure. She wished she was skinny, she wished she got out more, she wished she wasn't hard on herself, she wished...
How could this man who was on top of the world, had everything going for him....How could he think she was breathtaking?
She didn't know what to say for the longest time. Noises came out, but no words.
"I...Y-You think I'm..."
She couldn't find any other beautiful word to describe her body so she simply repeated "b-breathtaking? *Me?*"
Then she probably broke his heart when she quietly said it.
Copia arched an eyebrow as Kelsey fell into silence, and then his face shifted into that of concern.
Copia leaned over the table and took her hands into his own once more, gripping onto them he brought them up and placed a kiss on her knuckles before he spoke.
Seeing the way her face changed, and no doubt the way her brain was trying to make it all sound as if she didn't deserve it made his heart break.
He knew that look. he had seen it on his face all too much.
"Why? There are many reasons why! Just from this time with you I can tell you are a very genuine person, you have lived thinking otherwise but I see in you a beauty that shines through in your kindness, and personality."
"You have a ..excuse me for being forward but an *amazing* figure. I admit ...with a bit of shame, that i look at you with much joy. You have such an authentic personality and I yearn to get ot know more about you, and ...Goodness you just...I want to know everything and more about you. Really."
The drinks came, then the pie with ice cream beside it. Although the two didn't touch what was brought to them when the conversation kept them distracted.
She tried to hide her breath becoming shaky, trying to gulp down her tears as Copia kissed her hands and said such sweet things to her. Her emotional response was both trying to let those beautiful words remain true in her head while at the same time pushing them away. Family and friends had told her similar things but that never penetrated her mind. Her mind wouldn't let it. But the man who sang to her through her stereo speakers at ten at night and the one who held her hand to sing directly into her soul, made her mind finally let her mind accept those compliments.
"Y-You do?" she sniffled, "I've...I've never had anyone say so many nice things to me. Ever."
She gulped down as much of the crying as she wanted to spill out, "Nobody's ever wanted to ask me out, either- if this is an actual date, like a real date. Never had one."
With her tears started to go back down into the rear ducts of her eyes and her lungs slowly recovering from the burning sensation of keeping her crying internal, the young woman took off her glasses to wipe the rest of the waterworks away.
"I'm so sorry. Seeing me like this. I'm all tears and probably will get my sleeve in melting ice cream if I keep this up."
Copia pushed her pie closer, and moved his hand to wipe any tears that may have escaped. He gives her a warm, gentle smile as his thumb stroked over the hand he still help with his right hand.
"Don't cry, caro mio, I am playing no trick on you." Copia reassured her. "I mean every word that I said and more. Do not apologise for emotions."
"They are human and they are beautiful." Copia had a goofy smile on his face as he looked into her eyes.
"Yes, I would..I would confidently call this a date, a ..real date. I've never been on one of these before, you know?" Copia laughed to ease his own awkwardness. "I..I don't get out much when it comes to dating. I'm always in the library pouring over..latin books." He shrugged, "Not very interesting I imagine."
"Come come, we should eat this before it goes cold." He pushed her plate forward a little more. he laughed a little not once letting go of her right hand. "I hope you wont need this one." he said, giving her right hand a squeeze.
The gentle gestures mixed with his voice soothed her from feeling embarrassed, making her heartbeat start to slow, as well as her smile returning instinctively.
"A-Alright. Then I won't. I won't."
And when he smiled all goofy and silly, the tension from the tears made her laugh even more sweeter. "You've never either? With all these people swooning for you at every turn? *Never?* Honestly that's kind of hard to believe coming from someone that becomes a heartthrob every performance. But I get it. I'm that way too. I'm asexual and absorbed in my interests more. And my interests never included looking for someone. Not to say anything bad about right now, this is...this is wonderful. But I just never thought I'd be on one with someone that actually would...I don't know...*care.*"
Her left hand, the one that wasn't being rubbed by Copia's gloved one, picked up her spoon and took a bit of pie and then a bit of ice cream. A finger or the from her right hand even massaged back gently, comfortingly, giving back the gesture.
Then, Kelsey ate and hummed, "Now *that* is how I like it. Tell me it's not one of the best things you've ever had. Baked fresh. Gosh that's amazing." Looking over at Copia, she smiled, hoping that he'd think the same thing.
Copia laughed and shook his head,
"Really, never. I suppose i...well I never had a reason to go dating. I have wanted to of course but..my *upbringing* wouldn't allow me much tie for, eh, dating." Copia began to eat at his own food, humming with his first bite.
"This *is* good, wow. I have to admit, I'm very impressed! Flakey, and very delicious!"
He took a drink of his coffee before he continued speaking.
"I myself am, eh, active, I think. Not that I get much time for those sort of thigns now a day. Always too busy with tour things, or work at the church. Not to say the church isn't ripe for the sin of lust, its a bit over ripe with it. But still, I find ...I'm simply too *busy*. Many have tried and non have succeeded haha."
He chuckled as she stuttered over her words,
"Don't worry, I will ensure you receive plenty of care. I have..much to give. I have often described myself as a bit of a hopeless romantic."
"Mhm. Honestly if balance of food wasn't a thing, I'd have a bit of pie for breakfast any chance I could."
Taking a sip of her warm hot cocoa, relishing in the warm feeling it gave her, she listened to what he had to say. He was extremely busy, she understood completely. Not only was he raised with his work cut out for him, now he had to prove himself a worthy candidate for becoming Papa someday.
"Yeah, I understand that. With me, being ace mixed with keeping to myself kinda kept me out of any dating. Also the fact that seeing kids in school having dates or partners, I had a destain for them. Like yeah it's sweet, but since I was alone, I guess I kind of got jealous. But my friends were the best of me then. Also being in a relationship shouldn't mean that it should make you whole. A relationship should be supplementary. *Says the girl who's never been in a relationship*..."
A small laugh escaped her as she finished her ice cream first because it was melting fast, "Well I guess you could maybe say I succeeded."
And when he mentioned that she would be cared for? Her heart fluttered.
"Thank you, Copia. I appreciate that. Even though I've only known you personally for such a short time, I know that you're not only a hard worker that busts his ass, but...you're extremely sweet. Again, I never thought I'd ever be in this position. But it feels nice. I can't say I'm a hopeless romantic, but...I'm *something*."
Copia smiled fondly, face flushed a bright read. It went down his neck and painted the tips of his ..pointed eats red. He took another few bites of his pie and finished off his coffee, it was a pretty small cup and only took a couple drinks before it was done.
"I didn't have many friends in school." He took another bite of pie, finishing it before he continued to speak.
"A loner myself, I found friends in books. Mostly old holy texts and well, ironically enough, the bible."
He chuckled, shaking his head, "I used to be a rather fierce believer you know? I went to great lengths for that book, and for the church, before I left it."
He hummed in thought, before he shooed it off with a wave of his hand and a twist of his face.
"Such times are long past me now. I have moved on from the influence of the Catholic Church many many years ago."
He looked.. angry. He muttered a short, "After they left me to *rot*", under his breath before finished off his pie.
"I ..I can't wait to find out what kind of romantic you are, haha. A journey for us both, si? I'm ..I'm very excited to try out dating. And...none other has been as sweet at you. I think we will do well.." He kissed the back of Kelsey's hand once more, offering her a small, sincere smile.
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gryphonanon · 4 months
“███, ███, ███, I got it, I got it!”
██████ startled awake from his nap, and blinked up at Cerys. “Got what?” he slurred sleepily.
Cerys smiled down at him before plopping down on the sofa, snuggling under the knitted blanket and ██████’s arm.
“The job, they said they were very impressed with my work, especially considering how fresh out of uni I am.”
“Oh! Oh, Cerys, that’s wonderful! I’m so proud of you!”
███ pressed a soft kiss to her lips, and Cerys deepened it, a hand going to his cheek. When she finally pulled away it was only a fraction, her forehead resting against his.
“There’s some… I wouldn’t call it bad news, just… difficult? Yeah, difficult news.”
███ hummed for her to continue.
“Well, it won't be remote work. We’re going to have to move to be close to the office.”
“London? There’s a branch there, right? Be a bit of a trek but I think I could manage that.”
Cerys laughed nervously, “No, they want me at one of the main offices. In America.”
██████ blinked, “America? Really?” He sat up, leaning forward, his elbows on his knees. Cerys followed, placing a hand on his back.
“I could turn it down. If it’s too much of a change for you.”
He looked out the window, at the rolling green mountains dotted with sheep, the gray skies threatening a downpour. He’d miss it. But it wasn’t home. Home was wherever Cerys was.
“No, you’ve been working so hard for this. I can’t let you waste all of that effort.”
“███. You’ve got to think about yourself too.”
He opened his mouth to respond, and was cut off by a ringtone that he always hated to hear, and he stood with a soft groan. “Duty calls. Talk about it when I get back, yeah?”
Cerys straightened his uniform. “Mhm, I’ll have dinner ready for you too. Drive safe.”
“I always do. See you later, love.” He kissed her again, picked up his emergency response kit, and left.
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[I was figuring out some details with Grif's backstory and felt the urge to write a scene.
This was a critical moment for Grif, though he didn't know it at the time. Stay or go? One choice would lead to a happy ever after, the other would lead to trauma and pain. Grif makes the wrong choice.
Also blacked out Grif's human name, since I think revealing it through an RP moment would be more fun.]
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A Goodbye for now
(Please note that I will not be taking anymore rp starters for the Mystery Orphans Club as I am getting things ready for Season 2. And this isn't a event or rp starter)
You met with the club at the port to say goodbye to Tetsuko. She said goodbye to her beast Monokuma and left a siren Monokuma to be in charge of her store's safety. Buttercup hugged Tetsuko one more time before going letting the mechanic go.
Tetsuko smiled widely, showing off her sharp teeth. She grabbed her bags and got onto the boat. She looked over at you and waved goodbye. She didn't have much time to say goodbye as the boat started to go.
Then, everyone else started to leave one by one. Vehol comforting Buttercup, who didn't want to see her grandparents again after the fight. She bowed and said her goodbye before getting onto a private plane.
Shinpi kissed Ash goodbye before doing the same to their girlfriend. Jupiter hugged Cloud before getting a kiss from Azul. Both Shinpi and Jupiter grabbed their bags before going onto their plane to the UK.
Someone came to pick up Ash, gilding him to a privet jet that was set to go to Canada. What school program did he signed up for? Was he lying about the school program part? Ash just said goodbye before you could ask any questions or even say goodbye yourself.
Cloud kissed Muri and said goodbye to the group before getting her bags. She left to get onto her plane. Leaving only four more to leave.
A.I said his goodbyes quickly as his plane as was about to leave. He kissed his girlfriend on the cheek before running off to catch his plane. The bear deer demon tried to follow in order to posses the writer, but said writer was one step ahead and threw a bible at it.
Vehol said goodbye as well, waving bye as he grabbed his spell book. Azul's plane was getting ready to leave at the same time so he said his goodbyes as well. Azul met up with his crew, ready for a competition his theater was in. Now, only one remains.
She said she had time to spear and you spent it talking. She mentioned that something was wrong about graves of the demon's victims but couldn't really figure out why? Did someone messed with the graves without them knowing? She wasn't sure. She wanted to investigate but she didn't have enough time to investigate. A few hours later, she said her goodbye. She bowed and wished you good health before getting onto the car. Unlike the others, you could always visit her as she was only a few towns away.
As Muri was on her way to the Shinto Shrine that she would be working and training at, she caught a glimpse of her father in the rearview mirror. He just stood there, face covered by a dark shadow. He was perfectly still before fog appeared. The driver couldn't seen and crashed into a tree. Muri closed her eyes on impacted, but when she opened them again to look at the rearview mirror, her father wasn't there. He vanished from thin air, along with the fog.
"What in the gods names? Father?"
She had to turned her body around to check but she heard a ear piercing scream. She got out of the car immediately, ignoring the Driver's protest. She ran to the source as fast as she could. She ignored the sharp pains in her legs, her sweaty palms, and the fear that built up in her heart.
She arrived to the score. A dead female body that looked a lot like her own mother. The woman was bashed in the head and body so hard that her bones shattered. Someone used a bone from the arm as a knife and stabbed the woman 50 times in the heart. The heart was ripped out too and on the women's caved in head. On the top of what once was the women's crown, was the bloody crystal ball that once belonged to her late father.
The fear hung heavy as she heard a twig snapped, right behind her.
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inevitableshott-aa · 5 years
@cvpidgalore asked: [ kisses cheek ] Send for your muse to do one of the following to mine. x (accepting)
      “Your coffee, ma’am.” posh tone never suited him, acting so prim with head turned up. The coffee was as she requested but presented on a nice little plate as if Mista was her humble servant. 
      Miss Angel was a normal acquaintance to most but to him, she was indeed like her namesake at a glance. It was part of her appeal, Mista mused. To look so angelic only to deck a bastard right in his teeth. Not to mention she could move money like a boss which is why he assumed Passione scooped her up in the first place. 
      What brought her here, to Mista's knowledge, was just to double-check finances. Make sure their group wasn’t doing any suspicious spending, that money was flowing where it needed to, and that any investments for Passione’s protection were in line with the group's guidelines. Ya know, no fake euro flying around. That’s as much Mita understood of what she did and frankly, it wasn’t something he wanted to spend much thought on. It was her job after all not his.
      In the time he’s met with Angel, he’s discovered she’s actually fun to talk to. The best time to catch her was during the middle when she clearly needed a break. He has passed by her table when she requested a drink. Could have just gotten her a soda or water, something basic, but judging from her posture and the mounds of paperwork surround her Mista made an executive decision. 
      He hoped, placing it down keeping up the current persona, that he got it at least close to how she liked it. Straightening his posture was temporary because that whole act was over and done with. Shoulders slouched, hands slipped in his pockets. “I don’t know how you do it.” he started, peering a gaze down in her direction, “All these numbers all over the place, hell, I’d need at least a couple cups just to keep my eyes straight.”
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lokifantasies · 3 years
The Winter Goddess - 2
Summary: Bucky and Jade take a major step in their relationship.
Things to expect: smut, oral sex, daddy kink, coarse language
Also, the roleplay for this series is exclusively the Discord server! The RP has MAJOR impacts on the storyline. Let me know if you'd like to be invited!
Let me know if anyone would like to be added to a taglist!
Every like, comment, and reblog is greatly appreciated! ❄️
@the-winter-goddess @twg-bucky
"Oh my God, Bucky!" Jade squealed as she walked through the front door of his small home. There to meet her was a small Rottweiler puppy. Bucky took the goddess's backpack off and placed it by the front door, smiling at her excitement. Jade picked up the puppy, a girl, and carried her to the sofa – giggling as she licked her new mom's face. "Bucky, why'd you get a puppy?"
"Well," the soldier sighed – sitting down next to Jade on the sofa and resting his left arm on the back of it. "I wanted to get you a puppy, but I know you have Stripes and Bobbert at home, so I didn't think your parents would want another one."
Jade smiled and leaned in for a deep kiss. "But why did you wanna get me one in the first place?" she questioned – her eyebrow raised in confusion. "I mean...not that I'm complaining," she chuckled – petting the puppy and kissing her soft head.
"Well," Bucky began with a sigh, "I've always wanted a Rottweiler, and I know you love dogs, so I figured she could be our dog."
Jade had tears in her eyes as she listened to Bucky explain why he got the puppy.
"You're so sweet," she smiled – kissing his lips once more. "What do you say we...go play?"
Bucky bit his lower lip and wiggled his eyebrows – standing up from the sofa and holding his hand out for Jade to grab. She put the puppy on the floor and watched as she went to play with her toys. When the goddess reached up and grabbed the soldier's hand – he pulled her to his chest and kissed her deeply – spinning her around and walking her backwards to his bedroom. As the back of her knees hit the mattress, Jade chuckled and fell back – wrapping her arms around Bucky's neck while he continued to kiss her – holding himself above her with his elbows – his hands tangling in her long, black hair. When the two broke apart for a breath – Jade immediately pulled Bucky's shirt off and threw it to the floor.
"You're so damn hot," Jade purred – running her hands all over his chest and planting small kisses as she went. She grabbed the skin on his right pectoral – sucking and biting hard enough to leave a gorgeous, large hickey – marking him as hers.
"Oh, fuck," Bucky moaned at the feeling – pushing her further up on the bed. "Are you sure?"
"Yes, sir," Jade chuckled – reaching down to undo his belt buckle. At the same time, Bucky slid Jade's shirt off her – unhooking her bra to expose her breasts. "Mark me."
"Yes, ma'am," Bucky smiled – biting the side of Jade's breast and forming a hickey of his own on her. "Who owns you?" the soldier purred – planting open-mouthed kisses on the goddess's neck.
"You, baby," she moaned – the wetness between her legs starting to grow.
With his belt unbuckled but his pants still on, Bucky went down to his knees – sliding Jade's jeans and panties down her legs to expose her soaked and aching core. "Please," she sighed – spreading her thighs for him to begin devouring her.
"Please, what?" Bucky teased – beginning to trail kisses from her feet to her hips – never going near where she needed him. "What does my baby want?"
Hearing his words, Jade slipped into her submissive role, her desire quickly growing to a higher level.
"Eat me, daddy," Jade pleaded.
The Winter Soldier chuckled darkly – wrapping his arms under her thighs to keep them as wide as possible. He teased her – peppering her sex with kisses and nibbles but never going to her apex. "Please, daddy," she begged once more – trying to grind her hips against his face. Bucky took his lips off her skin and hummed – diving into her pussy before she had time to react. "Fuck!" Jade moaned – throwing her head back and grabbing for Bucky's long hair. "Shit, right there!"
Bucky chuckled – wrapping his lips around her clit – sucking and biting it gently while his metal index finger began to enter her cunt.
"My doll okay?" he asked – waiting for a nod before curling the cold metal against her g-spot. Jade instantly bucked her hips – grinding against his mouth and finger for more friction. "My baby girl like that?" he asked – the sound of his mouth against her cunt absolutely sinful as he made the actions as loud as possible. He was truly eating her like a starved man – a man who hadn't seen food in a year, and had suddenly found a peach. She was juicy – her pussy the best he had ever had.
"I'm gonna cum," Jade cried out – riding Bucky's face and finger - moving as fast and hard as possible – her fingers tightening their grip on his brown locks.
"Cum for daddy, baby," Bucky encouraged – his words quickly sending her over the edge as her coil snapped. She let out her cry – the extreme pleasure blinding her as she rode her orgasm out on his tongue.
"Oh my God, Buck," she panted – feeling herself move to the center of the bed as she came back down from her high.
Bucky had lifted her onto the bed – placing her in the center, and letting her head rest against the soft pillows. "You make me feel so amazing," Jade said – her eyes still hooded while she tried to catch her breath.
"You are so amazing," he chuckled – holding himself above her, brushing her hair out of her face, and gently holding her cheeks. He bent down and placed a deep kiss on her lips – waiting for her to come completely back down before they went any further.
"Buck...," Jade spoke softly – her finger circling the mark she had made earlier. "I'm...I'm ready."
"For?" the soldier asked with a smile – knowing what she meant but still wanting to hear it from her mouth.
"For...you to...take it," Jade said shyly. "I'm ready for you to take my virginity."
Bucky smiled proudly down at her – his blue eyes getting lost in her.
"You're certain?" he asked – wanting to make sure.
"Yes," she nodded – her hands reaching for the button of his pants.
He let her unbutton and unzip his pants, and he slid them off his body – letting her slide his underwear down as well. "W-Will you hurt me?" she asked nervously – looking at him and remembering how large he was.
The soldier gently grabbed her face – looking into her scared eyes. "No, baby doll," he assured her. "It'll be a little uncomfortable at first, but daddy will make sure it doesn't last, alright? Just keep your eyes on me."
"Okay...," she exhaled – nodding her head and lying her head back. "It's just...when Evan did i-,"
"I'm not that piece of shit, alright?" Bucky reminded her instantly – understanding where her hesitation was coming from. "I actually love you..."
The words came off his tongue before he had time to think about them, and Jade's eyes began to tear up.
"Wha-What?" she asked in disbelief – a tear rolling down her cheek. "You...you love me?"
Bucky licked his lips and bit his bottom one before smiling at her. "I love you, Jade Pandora Lokisdottir...more than words and puppies can say."
Jade full-on laughed – finding his declaration adorable.
"I love you too," she responded softly – wrapping her arms back around his neck and playing with his soft hairs on the back of his head. "More than words and puppies can say," she added with a giggle – his lips crashing down on hers.
"Are you ready?" Bucky asked seriously as he spread her legs apart and started to position himself at her soaked entrance. Jade took a deep breath and exhaled shakily – tightening her grip around his neck and nodding. "What's your word?"
"Puppy," she stated almost immediately with a chuckle while Bucky took a condom out of his nightstand and put it on quickly – lathering it with lube to make sure he would be able to get in her without much resistance.
"Puppy," he confirmed with a seductive chuckle, "got it." His flesh hand went down to make sure she was still soaked and to wipe the leftover lube off his hand onto her cunt. "Ooh, you're soaked for daddy," he moaned – the tip of his cock tapping against her swollen clit – causing her to jump. "Good?" Jade nodded – keeping her breaths even and clutching onto him even tighter. With his metal hand, Bucky spread her lower lips apart – spreading her thighs even wider to have her completely exposed for him. "Okay, love...you just hang in there with me, alright?"
"Okay," she nodded – taking a deep breath as he lined his cock up with her dripping hole.
Very slowly, Bucky began to enter her tight body – the head of his cock already stretching her. "Ow," she gasped – causing Bucky to stop.
"Need me to stop, baby doll?" he asked with concern.
Jade shook her head – readjusting her hold on him. "No...keep going."
Continuing at the same pace, he finally got the head of his cock inside – stopping for a moment to let her adjust to the feeling before he continued. As he held himself still – trying to get her to adjust – tears began rolling down her cheeks – immediately worrying the soldier.
"Baby...baby, what's wrong?" he asked softly – wiping the tears from her cheeks. "Do we need to stop?"
"No," she shook her head. "I just...hi-him...you-you're not him."
Bucky looked at her with sympathy. "No, my darling...I'm not him. If we need to stop, just tell me."
Jade sniffled – catching her breath and trying to slow her thoughts. "No, Buck...I wanna give this to you."
"Hey, look at me," he spoke softly – stroking her cheek gently. "I love you, Jade," Bucky swore when her blue eyes finally looked back to his.
"I-I love you," she repeated – her breathing still short. "Keep going."
Without another word, Bucky slid himself in a little more – his heart aching at the sight of her being uncomfortable.
"You're okay, my love," he assured her – stopping once more after another inch or so was in. He could tell that she was becoming embarrassed by her inability to handle him. "Hey, we'll get there...there's no rush."
"Right," Jade nodded – trying to keep her breathing under control. "Please, Buck...don't stop, alright? I'll say our word if I need you to, okay?"
Bucky leaned down and kissed her lips gently. "Are you completely sure about this?"
"Yes," she whispered. "I wanna feel you in me."
Pulling himself out completely to add more lube to the condom, Bucky's eyes glanced down to Jade tight pussy – the way it was already turning red from the stretching. Once more, he lined himself up, and slowly breached her. Holding himself up on his left elbow, his right arm held her head close to his chest – the soldier planting kisses on her head and whispering sweet things.
"Almost there," Bucky informed Jade.
Jade shook her head – screwing her eyes closed in pain. "Buck...pause."
Halfway inside, Bucky stopped his movement and wiped a tear from Jade's cheek. "Okay," she nodded. "Just...just go."
Bucky held Jade closer to his chest – his heart aching at her whimpering, but finally, his member was fully sheathed inside her.
"Look, baby," Bucky said softly – prompting Jade to open her eyes. "I'm in...see?" He grabbed Jade's hand and guided it to where their bodies were one, and the goddess instantly began to smile – the tears of fear and pain subsiding. "How're you feeling?"
"Hurts," Jade admitted – letting her tight tunnel adjust to the intrusion. "I can't believe we did this," she chuckled – her hand clasped over her mouth to stop laughing.
"I love you," Bucky said lovingly – kissing her forehead tenderly. "Let me know when you're ready for me to move."
Jade and Bucky let their tongues dance for a few minutes before Jade finally gave Bucky the okay to begin thrusting. The soldier started slowly – sliding out almost completely and slowly going back in – the goddess's breath being knocked from her lungs. She grabbed his shoulders – her nails leaving scratch marks on his flesh arm. With each thrust, he sped up, eventually settling on a slow but deep rhythm.
"Oh my God, Buck..," Jade began to moan – the pain beginning to fade and being replaced with pleasure. His cock made her feel full, and she was pretty sure he was pressing against her cervix. "Holy shit, right there," she groaned – her fingers tangling in his long hair and kissing him deeply.
Bucky moaned against the goddess's mouth – feeling her soaked, tight cunt beginning to clench around him.
"Oh, baby doll," Bucky groaned – wanting to send Jade into her climax before he let himself go. "Come on, baby...let your little pussy squeeze me," he began to talk lowly – planting kisses on her neck and nibbling at her earlobe. Quickly, he reached for her legs and tossed them over his shoulders – the new angle driving a scream from Jade. "My girl like that, huh?"
"Fuck...Bucky...oh my God, I'm about to -,"
"Milk me, doll," Bucky ordered – the seductiveness in his voice pushing Jade over the edge. "Ah, fuck yes," he groaned.
As Jade's pussy clenched and throbbed around Bucky's member, she let out a scream of pleasure – her eyesight going blank, and her back arching off the bed. Through her orgasm, however, she felt Bucky's thrusting get sloppy before he stilled in her – a sinful moan in her ear as he finally let himself cum.
"I love you," Jade softly spoke – kissing him on the nose.
Bucky chuckled before returning the cute act. "I love you, my goddess."
Once he softened, Bucky pulled out of Jade – taking the condom off and checking to make sure there were no little rips or tears. Flushing it down the toilet in the adjoining bathroom, Bucky grabbed a warm rag – bringing it to Jade and gently cleaning up her aching pussy.
"So," Jade said breathlessly – getting his attention. "Round two?"
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rpmemesbyarat · 4 years
RP Meme Lines from "AHS: Coven" Episode 13: "The Seven Wonders"
I've chosen caviar from the Caspian Sea served on blinis along with champagne as fitting stand-ins as we partake of our own last supper.
When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I understood like a child, I thought like a child. But when I became a woman, I put aside childish things.
Put aside fears, reservations and petty things.
Kick ass tomorrow.
What if I can't do it?
Almost sounds like you want it.
Commonly only known to the public as mind control. It's a tricky little craft. When properly exercised, can bend the strongest of wills to your desire.
Nobody controls my mind but me.
Knock it off!
Ow! Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
Well done.
I'm not done.
Now, lick it.
That's enough. Let's move on.
Having fun yet?
If your soul hasn't returned to your body by sunup, you'll die.
You're the first to return.
It was horrible. I was stuck on a network musical. It was a live version of The Sound of Music. I wasn't even the lead.
I'm right here, it's okay.
Freak. You're a freak.
No, I don't wanna kill a living thing.
No, you can't make me kill a living thing.
We have to help her.
There's nothing we can do.
Follow my voice.
You're a stone-cold bitch.
When you play with fire, you get burned.
Tag, you're it.
Gotcha. No tag-backs.
Can't we just have a little fun?
Suck it. Ha-ha-ha!
Nothing's happening.
What's "deserve" got to do with any of this?
So either crown me or kiss my ass.
I can feel all their eyes on me.
Maybe we deserve to die out.
Why did you leave me? You said you'd never leave me
My mother was always right.
How true is it that a prophet is never recognized in his own country?
Well, I guess it's different when it's your own family.
You have royal blood in your veins.
I was a fool not to have realized it earlier, seeking all this time in the dust for that which may have been right before us all along.
You must let it out.
I'd stake your life on it.
I'm not stupid.
Are you ready?
What did you see?
This thing started as a competition. I say we end it like one.
Divination. Let's rock.
This is stupid. I'm not doing it.
Let me show you real power.
Divination first.
We're doing this by the book.
I'm sick of your book.
I have so many powers, I could tear this room apart until there's nothing left but your little trinkets, but, no, I have to do this bullshit.
There's something in the thing.
Because the game is rigged, [NAME]. Wake up.
You would accuse us of chicanery?
I didn't even wanna come here.
I'm going back to Hollywood where people are normal.
I suggest you change the locks, because when I tell TMZ everything it won't be long before torches, pitchforks, and Molotov cocktails become a real big part of your day.
Peace out!
What do you want, dumb-ass?
You let her die.
Why did you let her die?
You know that dark place! We've both been there!
I did it for us.
You're not that good an actress.
No one will wonder where the body went once we bury her.
Since your extraordinary public statement last month there has been quite a bit of fanfare.
We are not a cult. We don't proselytize. We have no agenda. We're not recruiting.
Women who identify as witches are born as such and their abilities, which we call powers are part of who they are, part of their DNA, if you will.
So in fact, you're saying that it's not a choice, being a witch.
There are so many young witches who have resisted their calling because they're afraid of how they may be perceived, or what's expected of them.
But you know, when you hide in the shadows, you are less visible, you have less protection.
We'll always be targets for the ignorant. It is what it is.
There is a home and a family waiting for you.
I'm so proud of you.
Start by telling them that being an authority figure requires you to make hard, unpopular decisions for the greater good.
Your tasteful modesty is out of fashion, so knock it off.
Thanks to you, we're entering a new era.
You've planted the seeds but in order to reap their harvest, you have to clear the rot of the past.
I love your metaphors, but I have no idea what you're talking about.
I'm not suggesting. I'm insisting.
You want to be burned at the stake?
At the start of your glorious reign the last thing you need is an ABSCAM or Watergate.
I killed and I must pay for it.
I didn't hear this.
I've made many painful mistakes in my life. I want my death to have some meaning.
Stiff upper lip, my dear.
You cannot be a hypocrite. I won't stand for it.
Any last words?
I'm excited. I wanna get in there and show what I can do.
You gotta check this shit out. Line's around the block.
We'll buy more houses if we have to.
I got your back.
Should we open the doors now?
There's just one more thing I need to deal with.
I saw you die.
You men, with your fragile egos.
We still have a deal, babe.
I'm going to Paris for just a couple days.
Why? Why would she decide to do that?
I mean, it won't be pleasant for you. But if you do it right, I promise you the world.
I'm gonna put something inside you.
What happens when I wake up from this vision?
If you're gonna offer me your spit, I'll take it straight from the spigot.
I ruined a perfectly good pair of Jimmy Chaos.
I knew you'd get rid of him for me, once he served his purpose.
Whose blood was it?
I never killed anybody. Not yet.
That was the plan. Let you do the dirty work.
You didn't come here to kill me.
You were hoping I'd put you out of your misery, but I don't need to. You're close. I doubt you'll make it through the night.
Is that why you were always so awful to me? Because you knew I was going to take your power some day?
A woman becomes a mother, she can't help but see her mortality in that cherubic little face.
Every time I looked at you, I saw my own death.
You were a constant reminder of my worst fears.
Oh, and all this time, I thought you just didn't like me.
It was nothing personal, darling.
I loved you plenty, though. Just my own way. Which, I'll admit, had its limitations.
I can feel the power vibrating off of you.
It feels good, doesn't it?
I have to die for you to truly live.
I'm not crying over you. I'm crying for me.
You were the monster in every one of my closets.
A lifetime spent either trying to prove myself to you, get close to you, or get away from you.
God knows you'll do a better job of it than I ever did though you won't look half as good doing it.
For God's sake, have mercy on me. Put me out of my misery. I hurt everywhere.
You're scared, maybe for the first time in your life.
You have to do this alone. And the only way out is through. So feel the fear and the pain. Let it all in and then let it all go.
I don't think we ever hugged.
You're up. I hope you're hungry.
Oh, get those goddamn things out of my face.
Why you always gotta be like this?
I'm tired of fighting.
How long have we been here?
If you want a stiff one, come over here.
Don't be vulgar.
Maybe you ought to lay off the sauce for a while.
Drink in the fresh air.
I can't spend eternity here.
This place it reeks of fish and cat piss.
I'm in heaven.
All right, let's open the doors.
We survived. Up until now, that's all we've done.
I know together we can do more than survive. It's our time to thrive.
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koi-has-joy · 4 years
Shinso’s Damn Happy Trail
Warnings: 18+, dd/lg dynamics, swearing, smut, etc.
          A/N: Alright! So- This has been in the works for about a month (?) and it’s something I think about daily. This all stemmed from glorious fanart of Shinso (posted at the end) and a fun and very long conversation with one of my lovely muses, Allie ( @queensynderella ).
Allie wrote the parts pertaining to the reader(fem) we traded off in a sort of conversation like writing. This started as RP and became a whole fic. It was really fun to write as a collab and I really appreciate her patience with me as I was learning and doing my best to keep the story flowing and entertaining. I wrote the Hitoshi parts and we both picked out the gif.
     I’m very happy to finally be able to post this in its completion! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I do. Enjoy!
Word Count: 3,738
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     *shinso walks out of the shower like that and into the hallway* jaw slack, eyes bulging and visibly licking every part of him. "You gonna just stare or?" He snaps in front of your face. "U-uh sorry," you scratched the back of your neck as you averted your eyes "nice urhm package." You tumble over your words. He rests his hand on your shoulder bowing his head so his breath tickles your ear. "Yeah, it would look better without briefs… or with you on top of it." Hot breath fanning across your neck as he softly presses his lips against it. Knees growing weak you shriveled away from him slightly. Standing up straight he gave you a lazy smirk before giving you a once over, biting his lip and walking away. 
      Emitting a heavy sigh you felt your face burn and you looked over your shoulder slightly to watch as his muscles contracted as he walked away. Snapping your face forward you took a deep, shaky breath. Shaking your head you walked into the locker room and prepared to shower. The image of his violet happy trail not leaving the forefront of your mind, even as the water rushed down your body. Gliding your hands along your body you stopped to note the slick that coated your inner thigh, along with the warm water. "Fuck." You muttered to yourself. Looking around the room for any sign of people you delved your hand between your folds gathering some of the slick, at the feeling you began to nod your head back in relaxation and pleasure. Until a large hand grabbed your wrist and stilled your movements. 
"Ah ah ah, what a naughty little kitten."
      Yes sir, I certainly am please punish me. - Allie said this out of character but I wanted to keep it word for word in fic as it was in chat. 
"Eager to take what I give you, kitten?" 
"Daddy doesn't like it when you pout, kitten." 
      "I uhm, Daddy?! The hell are you on about Shin? And uh, this is the um showers and uh…."
"So? Did I say you could touch yourself?"
      "No? It's not my fault, ya know if you didn't strut around like… that!"
"Like what?"
      "Like… some kinda Greek god with your whole self on display and that stupid sexy happy trail… It's a hazard." 
      "A hazard? Just because you don't know how to behave yourself, I'm a hazard? Now kitten, that's silly."
      "I am behaving and can I have my hand back please? I'd like to finish… showering, I yeah." 
"Mmm, maybe. Depends on how good you taste baby." 
"T-taste? W-what do you mean taste?"
      "While I'd love to clean off those fingers for you, I'd prefer it from the source. Now, be a good girl and stay still." Releasing your hand he gets down on one knee in front of your heat. Caressing your inner thigh he parts your legs further. Hot breath fanning against you, he grabs your leg and puts it over his shoulder. Licking softly at your folds before diving between them. 
      "Source what- oohh fuck." You mumble as you slam one hand to the wall next to you for balance, scared of your shaking leg holding your weight, other hand instinctively weaving into his soft purple hair. "S-s-shin, what're you- mmmn."
      Pulling away from your heat he looked up at you with a devilish grin. "Ah, just as I thought. You taste so. fucking. good." Each word was punctuated with a kiss against your clit. Palming himself through his now soaked briefs he winked at you before removing your leg from his shoulder. Standing up he grabbed your chin and pulled you into a shallow kiss before moving across your jaw and down your neck. 
       "I don't- - can't think…" You mutter as your breaths become soft pants, mind clouding over before his lips met yours. You wanted to say something else but your mind went blank the further his lips traveled and a soft moan escaped, one hand still planted on the wall as the other slid along his wet abs. 
       A low growl vibrated against your skin. Biting down harshly on the side of your neck, he pulled his head back and licked his lips. "As much as I would love to continue this," he ran his hands along your sides before wrapping around to cup your ass. " the water is getting cold and my little kitten still needs to get clean." He squished the soft flesh beneath his fingers, drawing you against him. 
      "Fuck." You moaned slowly at his teeth in your neck, eyes fluttering closed for a beat. Another moan escaping as he grabbed at your ass. Eyes cracking open at his words, making you arch a brow. "I don't think clean is, is what you're thinking about…" You whispered staring up at him, very aware of him being flush against you. 
      Pushing your body against his bulge he presses a quick kiss to your nose before his right hand lands a smack on your ass. Putting distance between you both he tracks his fingernails down your sides once more before abandoning your figure. "Be a good girl and finish your shower kitten. And maybe later we can discover how 'nice' my package looks buried in you." Once again he starts to walk away. Looking over his shoulder he warned, "Oh, and good girls don't touch themselves without Daddy."
       "I- - what?!" You blurt, eyes wide as he pulls away, jaw slightly slacked. You were flustered and in disbelief that he could just stop, like that. "I… what if I don't listen, huh?" You hollered after him, half-smirk on your lips before turning back to the now cold water. 
       “Such a little ugh!” She groaned, scrubbing at her body as it shivered at the cold water she was left with now. Doing her best to get clean and rinsed off as soon as possible while half-tempted to finish what she had started before shin had interrupted. “How would he even know?” She mused as she let the water beat the last of the soap off her skin and she sighed, shaking her head and turning the shower off before grabbing her towel and wrapping up. “Just do it when I get to the room.” She mumbled as she padded that way.
      Finally hearing the soft click of the door opening he groaned. “Welcome kitten” He sat up on his forearms as he watched you step into the room. “Did you behave for me?” He arched a brow. 
      She stopped and stared at him on her bed with wide eyes that trailed along his still wet body and her now soaked bedding. “The hell Hitoshi? My sheets are soaked what’re you-?” She gulped, cutting herself off as she got distracted by the material clinging to his toned ass. “Did I get myself off you mean?”
      “By that cute reaction I’m going to take a guess that you didn’t.” Sitting up fully, he ran a hand through his slick hair, pushing it up to its rightful place. “And yeah. Sorry, not sorry about the sheets” He winked at you as he eyed your figure. 
      “What if I did huh?” She quipped, chewing her lip to keep from groaning at his chiseled body, averting her eyes. “I can see you’re not sorry but how am I supposed to sleep on them now Toshi?” She huffed, turning mid-sentence to catch his wink making her cock her head. “ What is with you tonight?”
      Chuckling at your attempt to play it off he looked up at your ceiling. “Ya know, lying is a sin kitten.” Standing up he came towards you. Towering over your frame he smirked at your words. “You’ll be sleeping with me tonight, obviously” He huffed as if you should have assumed. “Nothing is wrong, just… feeling a bit more mean, so to speak” Raising his hand to your shoulder he grazed his fingers along your skin. 
      “You’re a sin.” She grumbled as she tried not to stare at his still wet boxer-briefs clinging to every curve they were supposed to hide. She stared up at him, arching a brow and shivering slightly at his touch. “I… teasing is more the word I was thinking. And sleeping in what sense Toshi?” She asked, biting her lip and holding her arms tight at her sides to resist reaching out for him. 
      “Isn’t teasing, in some sense, just a form of being mean?” His other hand ghosted along your side as he placed his hand on your hip, pulling you into him. “Now that was cute.” He snickered at your question. “I was hoping in both senses. But hey, you can do what you want. You’re a big girl.” The hand from your shoulder moved to your chin. Pinching your chin between his thumb and pointer finger as he tilted your head up toward his. 
      “What you did in the shower was pretty mean now that you mention it.” She shot back with a hint of a grin on her lips, gasping softly as he pulled her close. She snorted softly at his words, leaning up slightly towards his lips. “I thought I was supposed to be doing what I was told, Daddy?”
      “Ah, so my girl does listen.” Placing a soft peck against your lips he pulled back slightly. “Good. I thought I was going to have to teach you a lesson” He dipped his head down to glide his lips along your jaw. 
     “Teach me a lesson, huh?” She asked as her gaze met his, soft groan slipping out at the feeling of his lips on her jaw. She couldn’t fight the urge to touch him any longer, one hand settling on his chest as the other reached up to lightly tangle in his damp hair. “And what if I behave, do I get a reward instead?”
     “Mmm, that can be arranged.” He hummed as he moved into your touch. Eyes looking down momentarily as your hand met his chest. Kissing across your jaw, toward your chin and down your neck he relished in the way you felt against his rough body. 
     “S-shit Toshi…” She muttered breathily as her eyes fluttered closed, leaning into his kisses further as the one on his chest slowly traced his abs. “Thought you were t-taking me to your room?” 
      Stopping in his tracks he took a step back from you. Already annoyed by the absence of your touch he grabbed your hand, pulling you away from the door as he moved from the hallways he made his way out of your room. Reaching his door he swiftly opened it and pulled you in. “Tsk tsk tsk. So impatient Kitten.”
      She couldn’t help but grin as they snuck through the halls, freehand clutching her towel tight to her chest and a soft giggle escaping once the door was shut. She looked up at his violet eyes and wound her arms loosely around his waist. “Me impatient? You’ve already teased me *Daddy*, I don’t want to wait.” She murmured in a sultry tone. Throwing him a wink to be cheeky. 
      With a sigh he took a step backward, out of your grip. Taking your hands with his he captured one of them. Leading your hand down to his briefs he had you palming his erection. Hissing at the contact “Maybe.. I’m the impatient one.”
     “Oooh god.” She muttered at feeling his hard cock beneath her hand or the first time, eyes wide as she watched it twitch as she palmed it. SHe glanced up at him, studying his face before curiosity got the better of her and she moved to tug his briefs down enough to let his cock spring free as she gulped at the sight. Licking her lips at the bead of pre at his angry tip. 
      “Ah- fuck” He bit his lip as he watched her movements. “Like what you see kitten?” His hand came down to wrap around its base. “You’re nearly drooling.”
     “Yes.” She blurted almost instantly as she glanced back up at him and bit her lip. “C-can I…?” She asked as she moved closer, fingers sliding along his thighs as she kneeled in front of him with her gaze locked on his.
     Taking a deep breath as he peered down at her his pupils had blown wide, lust-filled deviance played across his features. “I thought you’d never ask” He stroked himself very slowly in front of her face before removing his hand from himself in favor of pushing his still wet hair back. His other hand was scratching lightly at his happy trail as he groaned. 
      A smile flashed on her lips, the movement of his hand drawing her attention back down to his cock. She licked her lips before flicking her tongue in kitten licks against his head as he stroked himself, groaning at the taste of his pre on her tongue. As soon as he moved his hand she wrapped hers around him instead. 
     A low groan left the back of his throat as he watched your movements intently. A low hiss erupted as your hand wrapped around him. “Don’t tease me, Kitten.” his voice was low, husky and intimidating. 
      She gulped at his words, shiver running down her spine. She looked up at him through her lashes as she leaned in to wrap her lips around his cockhead, tongue swirling against it as her hand pumped slowly along the rest. Keeping her eyes on his face as she took as much of his length in her mouth as possible before starting a steady pace of bobbing along his length. 
      Intertwining his fingers in her hair he followed her movements eagerly. The feeling of her warm tongue against his cock made him moan. Tilting his head to the side he eyed her seductively. Hands guiding her actions fluidly. “That’s it, good girl” He praised as he eased his hips into meeting her bobbing head. 
       She groaned against his length at the feeling of his hips bucking forward, slightly gagging as his tip grazed into her throat. She sucked a deep inhale through her nose before releasing her hand and pushing herself down on him until her nose brushed against his purple pubes, a much louder gag sounding as she deepthroated him. 
      “That sounds-” He bit his lip to slightly stifle his moan “so fucking sexy” He used the leverage of his hands to hold her there for a few seconds, relishing in the way her throat constricted around him. 
      Her eyes watering slightly as drool slipped from the corner of her mouth freely. She pulled air through her nose to try and stay down like this for him, tongue pressed flat against the vein on the underside of his length. Another gag making her pull off of him with a soft pop as she gasped for air, moving her hand to stroke him instead. 
     “Fuck, kitten-” He hissed through clenched teeth. Tightening his grip in her hair he tilted her head back for her to meet his gaze. “Guess I was teasing you too much, huh? You’re acting like a cat in heat.”
      “Yes you were, Daddy.” She panted out, emphasizing the last word as she did her best to pout up at him. Her eyes clouded with lust as she let slip a needy little whine, hand still lazily pumping his cock. 
     Smirking down at her he released his hold in her hair in favor of overlapping her hand, guiding her strokes while adding pressure. “I’ll be nicer next time.” He winked down at her with his cheshire grin as a breathless chuckle rumbled from deep within his chest. 
      “N-next time?” She asked, her head tilting slightly as she groaned softly at his hand guiding hers. Her eyes briefly flicking to your cock and back. “What about now, Daddy? Have I behaved enough for a reward?” 
      He growled lowly before he softly spoke. “Mmm- That depends on what you want, kitten.” 
      She shivered at the growl, gulping to try and swallow down the saliva pooling in her mouth. “I want you,” she said as she gazed up at you  with pleading eyes, “I n-need you… to fuck me. To feel y-your cock in me.” 
      Cursing beneath his breath he nodded “I can’t deny you when you beg like that” He removed your hand from his length and helped you to your feet, turning your body he pushed you against the nearest wall.
     She grinned lazily at him, following his lead and pressing her cheek against the coolness of the wall. Instinctively arching her back slightly towards him and taunting him a bit with a wiggle of her hips. 
      His hand gripped your hip tightly while the other guided his cock against your folds, gathering the slick there before lining himself up with your entrance. “Don’t tease me like that kitten.” He whispered against your neck as he leaned over you.
      She mewled feeling your cock tease her folds, arching back into you further. She whimpered at your words and hot breath against her neck. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I just want you so fucking bad… please!” She pleaded, bucking her hips against you with a moan. 
      “Your wish is my command” With a sharp, rough thrust he was buried to the hilt in your cunt. Breathing ragged as he tried to control himself. Adjusting his grip on your hip as his other hand weaved into your hair, pulling you back toward him. “Have you been a good girl?” His voice was husky and raw.
      She choked out a moan at being so roughly filled, her hands slipping slightly against the drywall. “F-fuck.” She muttered breathily, another moan escaping as your fist curled into her hair. “I-i think so?” She blurted out, cunt clenching at the words ‘good girl.’
      “From the way you’re clenching around me I’d say you’ve been naughty.” He huffed, dragging himself out from within you almost completely before another sharp thrust sheathed him again. “Such a slutty little kitty.” He licked a stripe along your neck, groaning from his own game, patience already thin. 
      “Maybe I h-have been.” She panted, moaning deeply at the sharp thrust as she bit her lip. “Are you gonna punish your slutty k-kitty Daddy?” She groaned as your tongue met her neck. “S-shit… please, use me Daddy.”
      Sucking harshly on the juncture of your neck he growled against your skin. “My pleasure” His hand came down roughly against your ass before he began a brutal but shallow pace inside you. 
     “F-fuck, Daddy.” She cried out loudly at the smack, whimpering at the rough pace as her clammy hands slipped and pawed at the wall trying to keep herself from bouncing forward too much with each thrust. 
      "that's right kitten, say it louder" the hand in your hair pulling your back against him. He licked the shell of your ear as he landed another smack against your cheek. "Start counting"
      She moaned loudly at the smack, a shudder running through her. “O-one?” She panted out before burying her teeth in her lower lip to try and keep herself focused beyond you pounding into her. 
      He chuckled darkly "Good fucking girl" his voice was just a breathless whisper against your ear. Smacking the same spot again he released his hold in your hair in favor of throwing his arm around to wrap his large hand around your throat, squeezing slightly.
     She couldn’t help the way her cunt clenched again at that phrase, letting out a broken moan. “T-two.” She muttered breathily, groaning at the feeling of your hand around her neck. 
     The wet sounds of him fucking into you began to drive him crazy with lust. Shamelessly moaning into your ear he began to deepen his thrusts, his hand gripping your hip tightly.
      “D-daddy, please…” She whined between moans, fighting the tension building in her abdomen that was being fueled by your moans. “N-need to cum, please c-can I?” She pleaded feeling the knot start to fray more with each rough rut of his hips.  
      The roll of his hips slowing as his thrusts became more harsh, angled at the special spot inside of you. "Yes- fuck, do it" He panted out heavily, groaning at the feeling of your velvety walls. "Cum on my cock kitten"
     “Sh-shit Daddy!” She moaned deeply as you hitting into her g-spot sent her over the edge, her legs shaking as her orgasm crashed through her.
     Hand squeezing the sides of your throat a slew of curses and choked out moans rumbled from deep within his chest as you convulsed beneath him. His hips began to falter as his own release quickly approached.
      “Ngh…” She mumbled, unable to come down from her own high and twitching from the overstimulation and aftershocks as her eyes threatened to roll back. “Are you gonna c-cum Daddy? F-fill me up?”
      "Only if you beg kitten" The words were slurred and frantic. His hips began to piston more swiftly with renewed vigor. 
      “Mmn pl-lease!” She whined out, her own words broken up by choppy moans and heavy pants. “F-fill me up, I n-need it Daddy, puh-lease.”
      Slowing to a near halt his breathing was ragged. Moans slid past his lips as he released inside of you, painting your insides white.
       She groaned softly feeling you cum inside her, eyes clenched shut as she tried to steady both her breathing and her quivering legs. “Holy fuck Toshi….” She muttered, glancing over her shoulder at him.
       Both of his hands softly held and rubbed soft circles into your hips as he rested his forehead on your shoulder, hot breath fanning against your skin. "Fuck..." 
      She chuckled breathily, lazy grin on her lips. “And to think, all because I wanted to take a damn shower tonight and now I’m dirty again.” She teased, groaning softly as she remembered her soaked bed. “You definitely owe me some cuddles in that bed of yours now Toshi.”
      Pulling out of you with a groan he grabbed your shoulder to turn you around, pinching your chin between his fingers to make you look up at him. Mock hurt flashed across his face as he scoffed "What? Dirty? From me? Never." He smiled as he pressed his lips against yours. "All of the cuddles are yours, kitten" he said with a goofy grin. 
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||A bloody kiss oath; a bond between killers||
Hi there everyone. It's time for another addiction but I'm trying to get back into this. In this one, it's involving Willie and his mistress again. So shall we see what this one is about hmm?
||Drabble Summary||
It seems Shrika has finally calm down and was back to normal like everything was alright. However, she's been a lot more possessive of Willie. She has seen many girls trying to either take him away or keep him to their own team. Finding this out, she grew a bit more jealous. Right now, Willie was doing some training and yet, Shrika wanted to find a way to prove that Willie really belongs to her. Now how will she do that? Read to find out.
~Possessive behavior is present in the drabble
~Blood might be present
~Jealousy is present in this drabble
~Killing is spoken of in this drabble
~A first kiss will be seen in this drabble
||Guests in this drabble||
Shrika and members of the Lovely horrors as well with a guest appearance from Jaron in the DBT belong to my best friend and rp partner @lovelyxhorrors who also runs @demon-blood-youths
Willie Watt is From and belongs to the animated serious Batman Beyond. He also belongs to me due to having him as a muse. Melinda is from the cursed vixens and belongs to me.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
Things have gotten more better now with Shrika, seeing not many low life woman getting to what she claimed as hers. She figure the bite mark and the follow of death would keep the harpies away from him. Seeing some would give flustered glances but that changes to fear seeing the cold look in his eyes.
Shrika was happy and the other horrors noticed she was getting better again. So it was all fine for now.
Well, for a little while.
When she was busy or sending him out to get things for her with a small group, it seems other harpies have started trying to flirt with him again! It got her angry knowing this much but even worse, she was hating it. She was told by Matt that just biting or doing something might work but sometimes you have to show proof that one person belongs to you.
Just like him claiming Ryunosuke as his. He heard Sid was having a thought on a certain someone with gravity as his gift to Jason liking another who was just as deadly but she had no gift. Her stealth and power was her strength but he was taking time to find a way to tell her.
All Matt would tell her is that she should prove who he belongs to. Isn't that a little weird? Not at the slightest. If she didn't want another 'harpie' as he calls them to take him away, that might happen. And Shrika didn't like that.
"I'm just speaking the truth Shrika. I know you said Willie is yours and yours alone but you really think some would know that? Proving your point helps so it would make sense." he had his arms crossed looking at her since she killed another harpie a few nights back. She was looking at something while checking her phone.
"I know that. I already tried proving it but even when I do, I get reports from the other followers in my pack that tells me another would find him and try to woo him. HIM! Ughhhh I already hate it and I already have some ideas to thinking on what to do next. I either need to try something else. Maybe putting a collar on him? Or maybe something else to show that?" she grumbled that Matt sighed.
"...I'm sure you can. Maybe you need a more....stronger approach Shrika. Even if you kill and kill who gets near or was around him, what goes will it do? What if you have to prove it better?" he said seeing her stop looking at her phone then to him. What did he mean by that?
"Think about it. We all have someone we might like and wish to keep for ourselves. Like me, I do what I must to keep who I want as mine and as you see..it's helped. No one has gotten close to Ryunosuke and that proves a lot to them he's mine. I've proven that many times and Ryu has shown that to others when it comes to me." That was true, Ryu has done that and is more protective of Matt. She, along with the others in the Lovely horrors seen that.
"All I say is just prove it. If you really want them to see he belongs to you..show it more. Killing others might work but you need to do better." Matt simply said before turning to leave her alone. Shrika said nothing but she only looks to think about it.
'Make him my own. I've been doing that but they still go after him like harpie sluts....tch, maybe I need to try something but what? What else can I even do? I guess spilling their blood won't do as much or maybe pinning their hearts to the wall might do. Hmmmmm...but what would another girl do. That seems like something...' she thought but a sigh leaves her to grip her phone.
"Maybe I'm looking at this wrong."
"I'm telling you I don't know anything. I don't want any trouble.." Melinda brooks was nervous holding some barrier around her, blood seen from her forehead since the HYDE freaks attacked her. Willie was having his arms across his chest but he knew she was like him. A telekinesis user since he glares at her. Melinda didn't know why Willie was trying to attack her, she was just doing some shopping is all!
"That might be true but you are going into a hidden area owned by my mistress. That and the HYDE freaks sense you around here...."
"...M..Mistress? Who-"
"Hmmmm, you don't know? Well, it won't matter to you. I can tell you are a powerful demon even if I'm human, I can still either kill you myself.." He held a hand up but Melinda tense ready to fight but he calms down. "But I won't."
"First, my leader won't like it if I did something and ended up getting in trouble if I hurt another from New York. I already gotten punished by him and I'm trying to behave. So, you are lucky I won't.." he said even if Melinda didn't really believe that.
"Second, I can sense someone else will be very.....worried and upset since you been hurt too many times....but I'm not going to hurt you." He saw the followers hissing at the barrier trying to claw at it even if Melinda looks at them but her silver eyes looks to Willie.
"...L..Look, I don't know what I did to upset you but I'm not trying to cause trouble or anything. I'll leave if that's what you want me to do. I just came to get some things since this area is the only one that has this one thing I need for a recipe I'm making for my-"
"Hmm? A recipe? What are you planning? Were you trying to have your fraction attack?" he asked but he closes his hand seeing cracks in her barrier. Melinda noticed but goes to keep it up but he glares to shatter it but grabs Melinda who winces from it. He was a telekinesis user too.
"I'm not..playing anything. Just let me go already. I was just trying to make a dish for my-"
"Willie, what is going on?" He blinks to look then turns hearing a voice. Melinda blinks to hear only for both to see Shrika there. She didn't look happy right now but her eyes were glaring at Melinda wondering who she was.
'Wait....Mistress? Shrika is his mistress??' Melinda thought but she was looking nervous to see her mad. "Hold on, this isn't what it looks like. I..He found me just walking around this area but I was going to a store here to get something for a recipe I'm making for someone."
"She's right. The followers found her around here but they figured she was going to try something..but she didn't. Seems she was doing some shopping it looks like it." he points to a bag with items inside even food.
"Is that so?" Shrika walks over to look close but her eyes saw Melinda to see. She thinks of where she saw this woman before that Willie only keeps a hold on her as Melinda was trying to push him back but due to him having the same power, they were evenly matched.
She looks over to Melinda still before she snaps her fingers, seeing Willie release her as Melinda gasps coughing a little to see Shrika walk over to look at him. "?????"
"Let me guess; your from that cursed vixens fraction right? Strange that you are here in MY territory to just get some things for food. What if you were trying to go after my Willie. Aren't you with someone or alone?" she didn't seem in a good mood but Melinda was confused.
"What are you talking about?"
"Answer me alright? Why are you really here?" she said tilting her head.
"I'm telling you I only came to do some shopping. I was looking for a food item I need for a home made recipe I'm making for Jaron-"
"Jaron? You mean Jaron Jackal from the DBT?" she saw Melinda nod her head slowly. "..I almost forgot you are with him. It would be sad if his pretty little dragon got into a little accident wouldn't it?" Shrika said aiming something at Melinda's throat but she didn't move with Willie saying nothing.
".....I should either get rid of you myself..or spill your blood here for being in my area. Though, I don't like the fact you were speaking to my Willie." she warns even if Melinda looks at her. Wait, was she jealous of someone even being near or speaking with Willie? She didn't even know what is going on but Melinda didn't want to cause trouble. She was just doing some shopping.
"..........." Melinda keeps her hands down but Shrika looks to her only for her to have the tip of her blade near Melinda's chest where the black scar was. She noticed it to see.
"And what is this? Someone already scarred your pretty little heart too. You really are something else aren't you?"
"Look," Shrika heard Melinda speak slowly. "If this upsets you that much, I'll leave and not come back. I only came to get something for a recipe and I didn't know this was your territory. I will leave just let me go and you won't see me again. I can get the item again from another location......" she said in a calm tone but Shrika looks to her slowly with a cold expression.
"......I know that won't work. You'll come back even so...if you need that one thing to make your so called dish.....I don't get it though, what does that Jackal even see in you?" she hissed.
"What are you talking about-"
"Don't..." she hissed pressing the blade to her skin that Melinda winces trying not to upset her. She saw some blood coating the blade but Shrika didn't kill her. It wouldn't look good but she knew if Matt found out, she would be punished again.
"I asked what he sees in you. You look so......weak. A young woman would be able to prove to the one she likes they are able to fight but you seem to be a pushover....I figure the Jackal is too easy to like but I could be wrong right?" she lowers the blade but cuts Melinda that she winces again but didn't scream.
"What if your like the other harpies that is after another woman's man?" she growls but Melinda looks to her even if she was trapped.
"I'm not like that. My heart only belongs to Jaron and I wouldn't do that. I'm not like that." she said in a serious tone. Even if Shrika looks to her she keeps Melinda against the wall before she chuckled.
"Is that so? Well, you wanna know a secret?" she asked.
"I hate when another female gets near or speaks to my Willie so unless you don't want me to kill you the next time..stay away from him alright? You say that....but I don't trust other women here...even if their from New York." she hissed.
"..........Not all girls are like that you know. I wouldn't betray Jaron like that. The other girls won't dare take what you 'claim' as yours. Though, from the recent reports, I get the nervous feeling you been proving that." she said but Shrika said nothing only to move the blade down cutting Melinda more as she winces in pain seeing blood stain her shirt.
"Don't get sassy with me!" she hissed even if Melinda looks to her. "And don't worry, your a demon, you'll heal." she said in a cold tone.
"Unless you don't want me to hurt you worse, leave. Take your bag and go back home..I'm sure the others are worried about you." she said seeing the HYDE freaks moving back as Melinda looks to see Willie leaving with the others to leave Shrika and Melinda alone. Melinda goes to pick up the bag but she made sure nothing was destroyed from the attack before getting up to leave.
As she leaves Melinda stops but looks ahead. "What is wrong now?" Shrika said.
"......You know, if you did love Willie that badly, I hope you can at least show that to him. Though, being violent like that might not be the way to do it...." she mutters but looks ahead that Shrika said nothing to look at her. "Maybe..you can show another way to prove that you care about him.." Melinda had a feeling that she might like like him but Shrika only grips the throwing knife in her hand.
"I'm just saying but I'm not trying to give you advice or anything. Just a little word. I'm just..hoping things work for you to-" That's when Melinda stops feeling something against her neck seeing the gleam of a blade. She tenses but remains still feeling Shrika behind her.
"I don't need your advice.......but I'll keep it in mind. Now, unless you want me to change my mind..leave." she hissed before moving the blade as Melinda sighs but turns to leave quickly with the things she had. As Shrika watches her leave, she thinks about it before looking seeing Willie waiting for her but.......she was thinking about it.
Later that day, Melinda got back safe even if her team was worried seeing her cloths had blood but the wounds were healed. Even Jaron heard but he was told she was alright.
"Are you sure you are alright?" he asked.
"I'm alright don't worry......" she mutters softly to Jaron even if he was worried wondering what happened. "Besides, I just got into a misunderstanding is all...I was not expecting Shrika to be that angry about-"
"Wait, Shrika?! Did she attack you!" he asked about to stand but Melinda stops him to calm Jaron down.
"Calm down. The HYDE freaks in that area spotted me and thought I was but I explained to them I was just doing some shopping. I guess Shrika and Willie thought I was doing something or me trying to win Willie's heart. But my heart already belongs to you, Jaron.." she mutters but Jaron was unsure who she would think Melinda would do that. However, he sighed to shake his head.
"It's fine but I'm happy that you are safe.." he said but Melinda smiled to relax against him. At least the dish she made was delicious and was sharing it with him.
Shrika was looking at the window but she was thinking about what Matt said and what Melinda said. If she wanted to prove that Willie was hers and hers alone, she wonders about it. Willie was in his own room but she was already seeing that everyone else was enjoying their nights. However, she figured what she could do in order to prove he belongs to her.
"......" In a moment, she sighed only to hear a knock. "???"
"Mistress? I came to check on you. Are you alright in there?" Willie was checking on her again but she didn't look to the window but she stood up.
"Come on in Willie.." she calls out seeing the door open but Willie comes in while looking inside but he was wearing some sweatpants and a t-shirt. As for her, she was wearing something comfy before bed but it was dark out now.
"......Mistress, I hope you are doing alright. I know today has been some crazy adventure but..I just wanted to be sure you were ok." he said.
"...I'm fine Willie don't worry. Just..lost with a few things in my head right now......and thinking of something." she said.
"..I see. Did you wish for me to leave to give you some privacy." he asked.
".....No, I actually wished to speak to you about something." she said but Willie blinks to wonder about that.
"Speak to me about something?" he asked but Shrika looks to the window before she slowly looks to think.
"Yes....I know I've said this to you and you know it: You know your mine right? And you always gave your word to always serve me right?" she asked.
"...Of course. I swore my life to serve you forever after you saved me, Mistress. I owe you my life for rescuing me." Willie knew that and he always kept to his word. Hearing this, Shrika didn't respond only to look ahead again.
"And I am glad that you stick to your word. I know you do...but...I need to hear something else."
"And that is?" he sees her slowly turn to face him now, seeing the glow of the moon over her. She still looks beautiful even if she was a deadly beauty. She sees him quiet but she motions him to come over to her. Willie did as she asked, walking over to him while standing in front of her but she looks to him like her eyes glowed in the dim lit room.
"....You tell me you are in dept to me and would do anything for me right? So tell me....just how loyal are you?" she asked. Willie said nothing but he slowly goes down to get on one knee and bows his head to her.
"I will forever be loyal to you, I will always serve you and work beside you. I will do whatever you ask of me, whatever you desire of me. I am always going to follow your word and order my mistress. Nothing will change that. I won't betray the Lovely Horrors, I'll never betray you.....I'll do what it takes to follow you till my death." he said. He was loyal to her. He always was but Shrika looks to him that she slowly crosses one leg over the other that she only sees him not move.
"........Come here Willie." he heard her to look up but he moves to head over to her once more but he was a bit closer to look at her but she sees him bend down again to bow to her and yet, she reaches slowly to rest a hand under his chin to lift his head up to him.
"....You always were so loyal to me, no matter what it was. You would fight for me, kill for me, spill another one's blood for me. It tells me you really are that loyal to stay by my side." she sees him not speak but she pulls him in closer that their eyes looked at one another as she was looking to him.
"If that's the case, the swear to me...swear you'll never leave me. Swear by your heart, blood, and soul you'll stay with me and be mine. You will stay by my side forever...as mine and mine alone." she speaks so softly but he didn't speak till he only looks to her.
"I swear it. I'll never leave you. I swear by my heart, blood, and soul. I'm yours forever Mistress." he whispered but Shrika looks to him only to lean in close almost kissing him.
"You give your word..you swear that to me..your mine.....is that clear?"
"....Yes....I'm yours to do as you see fit."
"........" she said nothing looking to him but she felt a lot more calm now just looking into his eyes.
'You swear to me everything, I won't let another steal you from me, your mine Willie. You'll always be mine.......' she thought to look at him while holding either side of his face but she even if he remains still they said nothing for that moment before she lowers down to hold him still. He remains still and yet, he felt something touching his own lips.
Shrika kissed him! She was kissing him but he only returns the kiss slowly while she didn't let go. He belongs to her, he was hers. No other will prove that. The kiss did last for a bit but she even speaks a bite to his bottom lip drawing blood but he only grips what he could before this kiss showed some blood running down his chin.
In a while, she slowly breaks the kiss seeing blood but Shrika didn't speak only to look at him with her eyes half way open as she looks holding his face. "Then you have sworn to me. You. Are. Mine. Forever. You'll always be mine forever Willie........." she licked the blood from her bottom lip but then did the same to him that he only relaxed now.
"I'm forever yours.....I serve to obey and rule with you Mistress forever..." he said back that they were still in the room alone that night. However, after a while, Shrika was holding Willie or him resting his head on her lap, fingers running through his hair that she only looks to him with a calm expression. He belongs to her now and forever more. Even if she killed another that dares bother him, he was forever hers and nothing will change that.
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linn-zy · 4 years
We'll meet again...
(Part 2) (part 1; https://linn-zy.tumblr.com/post/641461768657551360/well-meet-again )
Tangled RP story
Featuring Rapunzel, Eugene, Varian, Judy(OC of @punkydodd ) , Robert and Emeline (my OC's)
Odette slept while being close to Judy for warmth. The baby-swan opened her eyes for a bit, before she went back to sleep. Then she shot them open and see the ghost in the middle of the room.
She ducked her head and hide behind a sleeping Judy, unsure if she should wake the others to let them know.
Soon another figure emerged from the smoke aswell, a tall handsome dark man, he tapped the woman on the shoulder and she turned to him with a smile.
"It's  been far too long my dear."
He took her to dance to the music.
"Hundred years as always, my love."
They spoke to one another, not seeming to notice anything around them, only being lost to each other.
Odette slowly moved her head up, still a little frightened. But her fear slowly calm down, she watched the two ghost dancing around the room. They didn’t noticed the sleeping group, only focusing on each other like they were in their own world.
Pascal also woke up soon  after, getting out of Rapunzels hair and making a little squeaky sound, watching the couple move around.
Varian stirred a and slowly opened up his and sitting up, causing Ruddiger to slide off his stomach and into his lap, still fast asleep.
“What’s going on? Did my trap work?”
He asked out loud while rubbing his eyes a bit.
"Hrrmm ? Is something happening ?"
Rapunzel yawned and blinked slowly.
The ghostly couple kept dancing, not knowing they were being watched.
"You look marvellous as always my darling..." the male spoke and even though he only spoke to her, it was heard all through the room.
"And you are as handsome as always, Robert..." the woman replied with a gentle smile.
Odette hopped on Judy, who groan in her sleep. “Five more minutes Ma..” she grumbled.
Varian removed his hands from his eyes and blinked a few times, letting out a long gasp at the sight of the ghosts.
“Guys look!”
He whispered and pointed at the scene.
“Wait, why didn’t my trap go off? They should have activated it...”
He mumbled and tapped his chin thoughtfully, did he miscalculate? It wouldn’t be the first time.
"Doesn't  look like your trap worked, Varian..." Rapunzel whispered as she peeked over the edge from their little camp that was slightly above the stairs.
"Shall we go talk to them ?"
Odette then peck at Judy’s face, waking her up. “Huh? What?” She pull herself up. “Did the ghost came?”
She turn her head and saw the two ghost. “They’re..dancing.” She whispered in surprise.
“It should have worked...oh well, guess it was a bust”
Varian shrugged a bit and looked at the ghosts again.
“They don’t look to be hostile...should we wake Eugene?”
"Nah...let him sleep....I'm gonna go closer."
Rapunzel said and stood up, going down the stairs then.
"Uuumm hello? Ghosts ?"
She waved her hand a bit to them and and smiled friendly.
Judy turn her head at the sleeping Eugene, who have his body lean on the wall and snoring softly, along with the other guards.
“Rapunzel wait!”
Varian quickly got up and followed Rapunzel, grabbing her arm.
“We need to think carefully about this. I mean they don’t look hostile but we don’t know what their intentions are”
"Oh Varian...look at them...they're just dancing...how bad can it be ?"
Rapunzel said to him and waved her hand a bit.
Varian bit his lip and sighed.
“Just...be careful, okay?”
He knew Rapunzel was capable of taking care of herself but he still got worried for her safety sometimes.
"Come on..." She pulled at his arm a bit to get him along, extremely excited.
"Hello...excuse me....ghosts ?"
The couple abruptly stopped in their dance, staring back at Rapunzel and Varian, a look of confusion.
"Robert, who are they?"
The woman asked the man.
"I don't know, they shouldn't be here...."
Judy stood up, while Odette hid behind her leg.
“Hello there.” She waved nervously at them with her other hand behind her back.
"Oh...hello there....Who are you ?"
The woman asked with a low whispy voice.
Rapunzel wked closer to them.
"I am Rapunzel....Princess Rapunzel actually...these are my friends, Pascal, Varian, Ruddiger, Judy and Odette....We were told that a ghost would appear in the castle and we wanted to see it...."
Varian was still a little cautious and kept close to Rapunzel, though he had to admit that he was fascinated by the ghosts. He had never seen them up close before, mostly because the first ghosts he saw tried to kill him.
Although being translucent Rapunzel could see the man had dark skin, light brown hair, somewhat lighter than Eugene, deep blue eyes and a little stubble goatee. He had a deep blue shirt, black pants, a thin looking sword at the side, a black cape that hung over one shoulder, attached with a golden brooch.
"Why are you two coming here ?" Rapunzel asked curiously.
The man sighed.
"To relive the last moment of our lifes, dancing together for hours and hours, I've just come back from many years in the war, my darling Emeline was loyaly waiting for my return every day...."
"Robert came back on my 18th birthday, a grand ball was held, no one belived that he had survived, it was a splendid and lovely night...." Emeline contined, getting something dreamingly in her eyes.
“It must be, you two have a wonderful love between.” Judy said, standing by Varian.
“This is fascinating ”
Varian exclaimed, circling the two ghosts to get a better look at them, his curiosity getting the better of him, he was till a little cautious though.
“How long have you been like this?”
He asked curiously, tilting his head to the side.
"Hundreds and hundreds of years I'm afraid." Robert answered politely.
, holding his lovers hand.
"We can only meet once every hundred year..." Emeline said.
"Oh no....that's so sad...." Rapunzel frowned.
“I am terribly sorry.” Judy sadly said. Odette tuck her head down in a sad manner.
Varian hummed.
“Hmm...well there should be a way for you to move on...Rapunzel, didn’t you help a ghost with that?”
He asked, looking to Rapunzel to make sure he remembered right.
“Maybe we can help them somehow?”
"Yes of course, with Ruth it was her wish for wanting to perform that had her stuck here....." Rapunzel said and then looked over to the two.
"What happened to you two ?" She tilted her head a little.
"The castle took fire, it burned to the ground, but me and Robert kept dancing, lost in each other....so every hundred year of that day, we come back and have our dance again until the fire appears and sweeps us away....."
"Hundred years is a long time..." Robert said quietly.
"But at least I get to see my Emeline again..."
“Soooo, if you complete your dance...you’ll find peace?”
Varian asked, a little skeptical.
“Does that mean we have to set fire to the castle?”
"Oh heavens no....The fire will appear just like we do...." Emeline chuckled a little.
"Like a memory playing up the past..." Robert spoke.
"I don't think there is anything you can do about it...."
“I wish there was.” Judy added, rubbing her arm. Odette nodded, agreeing.
“There has to be something, right?”
Varian asked, looking to Rapunzel again. She had more experience with situations like this so she would probably know what to do.
"Hmmm...I don't  kn...."
She didn't even have time to answer before Robert swooped  Emeline around, dancing with her again.
"We only have a few hours, darling. I wish to not waste them..." He said to her.
"Me neither, my love." Emeline replied to him.
Rapunzel  sighed sadly.
"What can we do? There has to be something? Right ?"
Judy place a hand on her shoulder. “We will find a way for them to Rest In Peace.” She said.
“These two doesn’t deserve to be trapped like this forever.”
“Do you think some kind of magic is involved?”
Varian asked Rapunzel, he couldn’t really make sense of the situation and he was pretty sure Alchemy wouldn’t be to much help.
Rapunzel hummed a little.
She tapped her chin a little.
"What do you think happens if we get them out of here before the fire starts ? Or maybe....maybe if they kiss each other before the fire starts? A kiss of true love...."
“Hmm...it’s worth a shot right?”
Varian shrugged a bit and looked over the two dancing ghosts.
���Should we ask them about it? See if they’ve tried anything before?”
“We can try.” Judy said, looking at the couple dancing.
“They didn’t mention anything other than dancing when the fire got them.”
"Uhmm uh...excuse me....Robert...Emeline...?"  Rapunzel tried to get their attention, going around and around but then suddenly her eyes seemed to change, becoming almost dull, she took Judys hand since she was the closest and pulled her around to dance with aswell, now the two was  being  victims of the enchantment aswell.
“Raps?! What are you doi-“ But before she could finished, her eyes turned dullaswell and she danced with Rapunzel.
Odette honked in shock of this and ran to Eugene to wake him up.
“Uhhh...okay, definitely some kind of spell...”
Varian backed up and ran over to Eugene, shaking him a bit.
“Eugene! Wake up! I need your help”
He whisper-yelled, looking back at the group dancing.
Odette peck at Eugene on the nose, which makes him jolted awake and push Odette off him.
“What?! Is that ghost here?!” He look around.
Rapunzel danced around with Judy following the same dance that Robert and Emeline danced.
Twirling and swooping around to the odd music that both filled the room aswell as sounded to be far away, as if in a dream.
“Blondie? Kiddo?” Eugenes jaw dropped. “And, there is another ghost. Wow.” He got up and straighten his back from sleeping near the wall.
Varian chuckled a little, a little panicked since he didn’t know what he should do.
“Yeah...well they seem to be under some kind of spell that makes them dance”
He said and looked at the ghosts again.
“Maybe if we get them to stop dancing, Rapunzel and Judy will too and we can figure out how to break the spell!”
His eyes lit up as he got an idea and ran over to his satchel on the floor, starting to rummage through it.
“Sounds like a good idea Varian.” Eugene said, watching the dancing four.
Meanwhile Pascal ran around, trying to get Rapunzels attention to no avail, instead he was at the risk of getting stepped on, luckily Ruddiger ran in and picked the chameleon up, saving him from getting trampled.
Varian pulled out some chemical balls from his satchel and turned to the ghosts.
“Looks like it’s up to alchemy”
He went the safe route and threw a bath bomb at them, hoping the bubbles would distract them so they could talk.
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(Emeline and Robert art made with Picrew)
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deadpan-dynamic · 6 years
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Well, ain't just disgraceful that I kept on drawing my incubus duo, yet it has been forever since I drew the very OC I grew to identify with and hold dear to life?
This my fellows is Wilson.
Now, the background regarding him was actually quite funny since I made him in elementary when AB was newly released, where I always made it a point to everyone that I didn't want a boyfriend and I didn't have a crush (*hint hint* I still DON'T). Many of my OCs are single by default at that time, but Willy was rather remarkable. This was a time where the only sexual orientations I knew were gay and straight. I always told people that he isn't gay. He just DOESN'T like kissing, dating, going out with girls, etc. I also said he's straight but doesn't fall in love.
He was basically the embodiment of my resentment towards romance at that time, because everyone kept on shipping me with random boys at school. 😐
Then fast forward, I found out about asexuality then aromanticism and no two words ever hit home more than these when it comes to our feelings about romance.
In RPs, there may be a couple of noticable things.
When it comes to being ace, Willy can be as stereotypical as he gets. He's VERY sex-repulsed and can get uncomfortable when he notices that someone is checking him out, let alone try to seduce him, and is practically a prude that would rather see people with their clothes on or at least have their genitals covered.
In the aromantic side of things, he is less stereotypical. He's not emotionally distant. In fact, he's quite the empath and tends to sympathize with others easily. He's not very physically affectionate though. I may point it out that he's NOT romance-repulsed. He doesn't mind it when people ask him out, but he will politely decline. He had a girlfriend once, but they broke it off, because Willy treated her more like a friend than a lover. He wasn't inclined to initiate kissing and stuff either, and the only reason why he said yes to her was because he was afraid to hurt her feelings, especially when his peers complained about the dreaded *le gasp* FRIENDZONE. That experience was why he didn't date Janse (friend's OC); he figured that he'd only be wasting her time and that breaking up was a huge relief for him.
Getting Wilson involved in smut and romantic relationships personally makes me uncomfortable, because he was my first personal representation as an aro ace.
Wilson and Art (c) @deadpan-dynamic
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