#i finished the fic anyways and it was the best thing I've read istg it has a special place in my heart
cryiling · 1 year
heartbreaking: girl starts reading a completed fic only to get halfway in and realize it's not completed, but abandoned and marked as complete
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sugarpasteltmnt · 7 months
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I've been compleatly OBSSESED with neon void so far!!! It's by far my favorite fic of any I've read!! After every chapter I have to take a second to do the happy stimmies because you write all of the scenes so well. Whenever I see a new update I clear the next hour for reading it and the subsequent geek out sesion for how AMAZING it always is. You write extremely well, you convey the characters so acurately, the fight scenes are creative, the way you write Leo's perspective is AMAZING, love the font changes, the angst PALPABLE, and just over all I love everything you're able to do with this concept. The way you can see Leo's mental state deteriorating through out the fic is just *chefs kiss*. There's so much I love about the fic that I can't possibly list everything.
Also the established difference between teleporting and portaling is so great, it adds to the pure panic that void causes for the boys aside from, y'know, crazy dude capable of beating Big Mama within an inch of her life and STRAIGHT UP OFFING a buch of other yokai. It does wonders for establishing him as a threat even though he technically isn't for the turtles. Plus I'm sure that once they find out who Void really is, it will add a bunch of tension since they'll need to stop Leo from literally SCATTERING HIS ATOMS ACROSS SPACE.
AND THE CHAPTER PREVIEW ISTG I've never gotten so much serotonin from being in this much pain ;0; The gif is perfect to set the mood, I can't wait to see what happens. You're ablility to choose just the right thing to stab so many people directly through the heart is nothing short of super-natural. BUT PLEASE give the boi some happiness, if not for his sake, for mine-
ANYWAYS this is all a VERY long way of saying, I absolutely love this and I had to draw the silly boi being the silly boi. I needed to draw him happy for the health of my heart ;-; (don't worry though, I'm working on some tasty angst right now)
Can't wait to see where everything goes, GOOD LUCK TO CASEY but there only six chapters left so we're getting to the end game now >:D
Please have a wonderful rest of your week :D
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THANK U SO MUCH ;w; I’m so so happy that my fight scenes are followable/enjoyable, and tho they are a binch to code I’m so happy you enjoy the funky fonts and formatting ;w; i know reading blocks of text can be intimidating/tiring for readers, so i try to break it up to help with the pacing and sprinkle in some fun, spooky fonts as treats 🩵
Something i really, REALLY loved about Rise was the fights. Not only was the animation amazing, but it was always so creative. I try my best to make the fight scenes as silly as the boys can be, while utilizing their adaptive skills to use their surroundings to their advantage.
And bruh trying to balance Leo’s insanity in a believable way has been such a (fun) challenge so it makes me so happy to hear you like it 😭🥺 and I’m so glad people seem to like the ‘teleportation’ gimmick I’ve got going on (and that it hopefully makes sense omg)
(And i will admit I’m a little proud of my chapter previews because they are so fun to write, and i like to reassure readers that 1) i have a plan and 2) I’m keeping myself accountable to finish LOL)
Also aksdlaskdhaksdh thank u for this art this part especially is SENDING ME WHEEZE 🤣🩵❗️
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sailoryooons · 3 days
Hi lovely! 💞 so months back I first read your work 'gods of the dark' and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! I think I told you this back then too 😅 But anyway the thing is that it's been almost a year and I still can't forget those first two chapters you wrote. Istg that fic is always in the back of my mind. It's my roman empire fr. I still think about it after all this time. So I'm really curious if you will update it? And if yes then how is the progress going? (Pls don't feel any pressure, take your time, I'm just curious that's all 🫂🫶) I just can't wait for a possible next update. Love you and take care! ❣️
Hiiiiii first of all - thank you sOOOO much for loving GotD so much! I am so glad that you like it enough to come back and re-read what is written and to tell me how much you love it - that literally makes me smile so big.
My answer is always I hope so and intend so in regard to updates. I started writing GotD (and the update is legit half written already) and right around that time my work-life balance became absolutely unhinged and I was struggling so much with my series that I just flat out abandoned them because they became so overwhelming.
I've had two new jobs since I started writing GotD and moved across the country for the most recent one only a month ago, so I'm hoping that like... I am finally settled and can sort of get back to normalcy I haven't had the last year. My busy season is ending soon and I would love to take the slow season to get back into writing regularly and finishing specifically GotD.
I think a little bit of it is also me needing to re-read the fic and fall back in love with it, if that makes sense? The last year became so difficult for me personally that I really... emotionally divorced myself from so much of my writing in order to not let it overwhelm me and now I'm like ... okay how do I fall back in love with those works and motivate myself? Is that weird? hahaha
ALL THIS TO SAY - thank you so much. I will definitely do my best to complete that story and give everyone who has been really patient and understanding with me an ending they deserve!!
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maplecornia · 3 years
Heya Maple! It's been almost two days since I sent an ask, I'm so sorry for that. It's just that these exams are really stressing me out. I promise you'll see me more often once these exams are over :)
Bestie same here I can't wait to talk to you as moots OMG
Also I'm not always this confident, it's just that these exams are really important and I'm working very hard for them which caused me to be 100% sure of my answer, plus later that evening a news paper article revealed the answer key and fortunately all answers were correct lmao.
BESTIE EVEN THO I'M EXCITED FOR THE FIC PLEASE DON'T STRESS YOURSELF!! The loyal audience can and will wait for you so don't worry, ik the finished fic is gonna be worth the wait.
PLS NI-KI MOST PROBABLY IS TALLER THAN SOOBIN. I mean look at the difference b/w him and Hee now he's growing taller day by day.
I completely agree with you, it's really difficult to manage such relationships and it's scary. Sometimes you have to part ways unwillingly :( But the risk is a part of the relationship itself
Do you believe in astrology? I'm do believe in it but not to an extent that I'll think it can determine my life. The things I believe in are like personality traits on basis of zodiac or tarot readings. They have always been accurate for me and are kinda fun. Once I came across this tarot reading about future spouse and took it out of curiosity. I got wheel of fortune and the description was like "someone who's born rich or owns a family business which causes them to travel a lot". I laughed so hard when I read that but a few days later I shut about it cuz I took two more tarot readings (from different people) and the result was same. Yep that's what stopped me from joking around about astrology lmao
Anyways, have a good day Maple! I apologize in advance if you don't hear from me frequently, I'll still try my best to drop an ask time to time <3
Your secret santa, ☕
Omg hi and welcome back!
It's alright that you haven't been here in a while, I hope that exams are going well and your taking care of yourself! I know these days can be stressful with exams and everything so I completely understand.
But I'm glad that you're working very hard for your exams I'm sure that it must be tough. But that's some SUPREME studying if you got all those answers correct. LMFAO
ALSO THANK YOU FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT 🤧 it's the first idol x male!oc fic I've ever started working on and it took a lot for me to start writing it. It means a lot to me so I hope I can release it soon and bless peoples eyes with the cute adorable FLUFF OVERLOAD.
Actually FUN FACT I at first wasn't sure about doing other pairings except female!oc/reader or ?!oc/reader because I'm not part of the LGBTQ+ community but when I realized that love is love I didn't know what I was holding back from before. I mean love is a universal construct anyone can understand it shouldn't matter the person you experience with.
So now I'm more confident in doing other pairings and sometimes those other pairings are some of my best work ngl.
ANYWAYS IM GLAD YOUR LOOKING FORWARD TO IT when I finally know your identity I'll add you to the taglist ;)
AND YEAH 😭 RIP SOOBIN and that's just scary considering how tall soobin is already 😰
I agree wholeheartedly with that, struggles happen in relationships it's just part of it. But I think if you live the other and are willing to commit yourself to the other enough then it's worth it in the end. But ofc, that's me and my hopeless romanticism 😀
I believe in astrology to a certain extent, and I do think that tarot cards are true to an extent as well. I think that there are multiple paths for our future tho and tarot cards only read the current path you're on based on the way you feel at that moment. However emotions and decisions change so I think tarot cards can be inaccurate if those type of things change. Nothing is set in stone in my opinion and we can change our fate based on our own choices.
However it is fun reading horoscopes and talking about our personalities and stuff LMAO.
I HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY AS WELL! Good luck on your exams ;)
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