#i found her meowing outside the van!!
wilburgersoot · 2 years
Hello Reddit!
Please join me in welcoming our newest member to the Paradise Burgers (tm) family
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Her name is Polly (short for Police Abolitionism) 
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silent-stories · 1 year
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Pairing: Eddie x F!Reader
Summary: Your house is full of people but you are still waiting for him.
Part 3
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There were too many people and they were definitely too loud. Your house was full of groups of people scattered in different rooms dancing to some terrible music they had put on, laughing, joking and drinking and the only person you really wanted to be there with you was not there.
At least not yet.
"My room is off limits to all of you!" You yelled as you made your way through the sea of ​​people. "Try to enter and you'll see!"
You weren't sure anyone heard you, though.
You dropped onto the couch in the corner of your livingroom with a sigh as your gaze fell on Aaron talking to Jason across the room.
It came natural to you rolling your eyes at the sight of them; Aaron's smile bothered you more and more every time you saw him and Jason had drunk a disgusting amount of whiskey.
You really wished Robin had come but she told you her mom didn't let her out so late.
At least no one was using the pool outside.
"Hey, Y/N!" Aaron raised a hand to get your attention, yelling to be heard over the loud music. "Aren't you coming to dance with us?"
"No thanks! I'm fine sitting here." You answered quickly.
If you ever danced with anyone, they were the last people in the world you wanted to dance with.
You couldn't wait for that stupid party to be over and everyone to go back to their homes but since they had started arriving around 11pm you were sure they wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.
You found yourself looking out the window, scanning your garden where some guys were smoking and talking to each other, looking for him.
Because you were still hoping Eddie would show up.
You knew he'd said "maybe" and that didn't mean he'd come but you couldn't help but keep hoping because that hope was the only thing you were holding on to endure that night.
You weren't stupid, you knew he had said he wasn't sure if he would be there or not because of all the other people at the party, like Jason who didn't spend a single day of his life yelling "freak" at him when he saw him in the hallway and everyone who laughed when he did that.
And you wouldn't have been mad at Eddie or disappointed if he didn't show up because you knew his situation but part of you hoped that he trusted you enough to know that you weren't going to let anyone say something bad about him inside your house, that you would always protect him.
At that moment, you saw your cat walking between people's feet and when Aaron almost ran over her as he went to get a bottle of beer from the fridge without even worrying about it, you got up and quickly reached her, taking her in your arms and carrying her to the couch with you.
"I don't like this party either." You said as you put her back down after petting her head, receiving a "meow" in response, and your gaze returned to the window.
This time however there was something different.
A van you knew too well was parked across the road from your house, slightly hidden by a tree.
But it was there.
And it was Eddie's van.
You suddenly stood up as if something had stung you and you headed for the door of your house.
You felt the cool night air on your bare skin as you went outside and you saw the heads of the guys who were still out there turning in your direction, probably wondering if you were leaving your own party.
But you didn't mind about them, because Eddie was there now.
When you reached his van, you circled around it, to find him leaning against its side, facing your neighbors house so no one at the party could see him yet.
"Hey." You smiled.
He raised his head and a shy smile appeared on his lips when he saw you too. "Hi."
You always liked his smile but that one time it wasn't the same as always and you noticed it right away.
"You don't know how glad I am you came." You positioned yourself in front of him and from his expression you understood that something was wrong.
"I can't." He said as he began to play with the silver rings on his fingers.
"You can't do what?"
"I can't come in and you know it." He muttered.
"You're you. And I'm me. And there's a lot of people in there. And I'm sorry Y/N, I'm so sorry because I really want to spend more time with you but I can't. I can't if they're there too." He lifted his head and looked at you with his big chocolate brown eyes, reminding you so much of a scared puppy at the side of the road.
"It's okay." You whispered. You didn't know why you felt the need to say it, you just wanted that expression on his face to disappear, that broken look in his eyes to leave, and his usual smile that you liked so much to return.
"Don't be mad at me, please. I just came to tell you how things are. To tell you I really want to, but I can't."
"I could never be mad at you, Eddie."
He gave you that look again and you wanted so much to hug him, hold him close and tell him everything was going to be fine.
"I have an idea." You said instead.
"What?" He frowned.
"I have an idea." You repeated. "We'll only have to go inside for a second."
His eyes were still saying "I can't".
"Please." You reached out a hand to him. "It will be just a moment, I promise." Your voice was tender.
Eddie stared at it like a hesitant animal scared that someone might hurt him.
"Do you trust me?" You asked.
He nodded.
You smiled.
Then he grabbed your hand.
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As you guided him to the door of your house, speeding through your garden, Eddie felt like a lamb getting closer and closer to the slaughter, he felt like it was a trap.
He knew you would never do that, that you wouldn't let him in the house just so people could laugh at him but he couldn't shake that feeling that was telling him to turn and run away.
He squeezed your hand tighter and took a deep breath as he crossed the threshold of the door, entering the house.
He quickly noticed some people he'd seen before at school, some cheerleaders, some members of the basketball team from their fifth grade, Aaron and Jason.
Their eyes were all on him.
Suddenly Eddie felt like he was seven years old again, when the kids of his class invited him to a party and he only found out that it had been cancelled when he showed up.
Or maybe there had never been any party.
The only difference was that this time the party was real and everyone was watching him. Holding your hand.
Eddie wondered if you knew what you were getting yourself into, what stupid way you had decided to doom yourself.
You led Eddie through the flood of people seemingly heading to the other side of the house where a corridor led to the other rooms, still holding his hand in yours, giving him just that little bit of security he badly needed at that moment.
A hand on your shoulder suddenly made you turn around.
"What's the freak doing here?" Spat Jason, now in front of you, Eddie could smell the alcohol on his breath even from his position.
The voice in his head kept repeating the word "trap".
"It's my party. So I invite whoever I want. Who invited you, instead? Because I certainly didn't fucking do it."
Jason stared at you with his bloodshot eyes, opened his mouth to say something and then closed it, finding nothing to argue with.
"Exactly." You said before walking past him, not forgetting to bump your shoulder into his as you passed him and pulled Eddie with you, away from the music, the crowd and their prying eyes.
The last thing you saw before leaving the room was Aaron's gaze, cold and fixed on you, as if he was the one of the two who was mad.
He looked like a predator waiting in the shadows for its prey to approach or get distracted to spring forward and attack. For a moment you even thought that he would, that he would go after you.
But he didn't.
You only left Eddie's hand when you opened a door and softly pushed him inside and he immediately began to miss the feeling of safety he only felt when your hand was in his. He glimpsed a cat darting between your legs and sneaking into the room with you before I closed the door.
"It's a little messy but we'll make it right." You said as you sat on the edge of the bed in the room.
That was the moment Eddie realized he was in your bedroom.
It wasn't very big but it certainly was compared to Eddie's room in his trailer, and the walls were covered in posters and drawings.
It wasn't perfect but it was so you.
And maybe for that very reason, in a certain way it was perfect.
"Why did you bring me here?" He asked again looking around, realizing that finally he didn't need to scream anymore to hear his voice since in that part of the house the music was distant and muffled.
"You said you wanted to spend more time with me, didn't you?" You took off your boots and left them at the foot of the bed, then settled yourself with your back against the wooden headboard. "I have plenty of movies that we can see and we have all night since the others don't seem to want to leave." You added by pointing at the small tv in your room.
He liked how you referred to the people at the party as "the others," almost as if it was just you two and "the others" in the world.
Eddie thought that if a month earlier someone had told him that that day he would have been in your room, and you would have offered him to watch movies with you all night while in your own house there was a party going on, he would never have believed it.
"Are you gonna sit or not?" You exclaimed, reaching towards him who was still standing, grabbing his arm and making him fall on the bed next to you.
And Eddie laughed, really laughed for the first time that night.
He laughed because he was grateful that you brought him there with you, that you didn’t leave him with the people at the party and he was simply grateful that you were a part of his life.
At that moment, the cat who had entered the room with you jumped onto the bed and walked slowly towards Eddie, her little paws sinking into the mattress.
The cat sniffed Eddie's hand and he giggled, then ran his ringed fingers through her fur as she began to purr.
You laughed. "Her name is Bones."
"What kind of name is Bones?"
"I found her in the trash can behind my house, some kind of monster had left her there. And she was just skin and bones when I took her home with me, that's where the name comes from." You explained as the cat curled up on Eddie's lap.
"Hi bones." Eddie said as he stroked the space between the cat's little ears. "I like her."
But I like you better.
"She likes you too." You smiled.
Eddie for a moment almost thought you were talking about someone else.
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You spent all night watching movies next to him, your shounders touching, going from horror to adventure to fantasy.
You didn't tell him how glad you were that he was there, that he trusted you when he grabbed your hand and that you would have happily spent the rest of your life in your room with him, watching movies and listening to the stupid but funny comments he made from time to time.
You hoped he knew.
You liked the way he interacted with Bones, how he spoke to her in a soft, calm tone of voice and how he gently petted her fur.
When you saw moments like that one, you wondered how people could think he was the leader of a satanic cult, how they could still call him "freak" even though Eddie was the complete opposite.
Sometimes you turned to him, finding the colored lights from the TV reflecting off his face and always the same thought would appear in your head.
He's pretty.
He wasn't in the same way that Aaron was, with his blond hair and green eyes, he was in an unconventional way, in a way that made you want to run your hands through his dark curls and look into his puppy eyes for hours.
It was after three in the morning when you and Eddie realized that there were no more voices, laughter and music.
You both walked out of your room, looking around and finding your house empty and in a complete mess.
Bottles and glasses were scattered everywhere, some even broken into pieces. Crumbs and spilled alcohol covered the floor. There were also some feathers lying around the room so probably someone had had a pillow fight.
"Great. Really great." You commented, already thinking that you would have kept cleaning everything until morning.
You were about to tell Eddie he could go home but he spoke first.
"Where do we start from?" He asked, walking over to the cushions on the floor and picking them up.
Of course Eddie wasn't going to leave you alone.
You couldn't help but smile.
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Part 5
Tags: @jacklesdeanvessel @morning-sky7 @pipsqueakkitten @navs-bhat
Love you from afar tags: @capitanostella @enam3l @saramelaniemoon @ang3lb44by @einkitty @themorriganisamonster @esme-viridian @daisyridleyyyy @whenshelanded @eggo-segual @comfortcharactercraze @callmeyn @expiredcum21 @unholyyylita @squidscottjeans @twilight-love-nochu-main @idkatee @bakugouswh0r3 @amira0303 @greatpizzascissorstaco @ebonybloom @emxxblog @lunaryasha @cherryobx @jasminelafleur @magicalchocolatecheesecake @tracymbcm @harrypotter-imaginees @eli-flower @mrsjellymunson @tttttttttttts-things @miabiar @wayfaring----stranger @princess-eddie @omgshesinsane @littlestarfighter03 @zoeymunson @tanyaherondale @bl4ckt00thgr1n @thebook-hobbit @eris-rose-86 @ly17 @jenuhlyn @ximi1315 @avocadotoastwithegg @lomljigg
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aroaceweirdos101 · 4 months
Since everyone's been showing off their Hello Puppets! OCs lately, I might aswell show mine!
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"Nick's friendly feline! Angel is a sassy but curious cat, mostly seen in Nick's arts studio. Ironically she's bestfriends with Riley's good boy, Rosco."
In the show:
She was a stray kitten Nick found in an alleyway near his local supermarket, he ended up adopting the feline when she suddenly climbed onto his leg and wouldnt let go.
Outside of the show:
She was one of Jake's 2 pet cats, one day he brought them to work after a vet visit because he couldnt find a cat sitter(and also because Owen was very strict with the work schedule). Somehow she escaped her carrier and endep up walking onto the set, while they were filming! Luckily, Jake was able to improvise the whole scene, saving the crew alot of time. The feline even played along, acting as if she was always planned to be there.
Owen was not happy with the sudden intervention, but after hearing some feedback from the fans, he decided to let the incident slide and eventually added Angel to the show.
Relationship with the Handeemen(Show counterparts):
- Rosco: As said before, she is best friends with the good boi! They're always seen playing or even cuddling with eachother.
The writing team thought it would be pretty ironic for the main cat and dog of the show to not act like cats and dogs(its also so they contrast their owners), another reason was because she was the only cat who wasnt afraid of the Rosco suit, infact, she was fond of it.
- Nick: She is very fond of him(considering he adopted her and all), however she can get abit annoyed at his dramaticness(on some episodes she's his meow of reason).
Nick sees her as his sassy daughter, he likes to dress her up and put her on mini fashion shows(Angel doesnt mind, as long as she gets a treat later). He also taught her how to paw paint ever since she had showned an interest in it(with pet safe paint of course).
- Riley: She's pretty neutral with the scientist, tho she does dislike the loud fights she and Nick would cause. Sometimes, both her and Rosco would try to break them up, and in some cases, they would succeed(only for them to start arguing again a few minutes later).
The feeling is mostly mutual, with Riley having a slight dislike towards the feline. The reason being how Angel(like every other cat), would purposely knock over random stuff off of high places, which annoys the scientist greatly.
This behavior led to a small(and thankfully harmless) explosion to happen, which also led to the feline getting banned from the Ruckus Lab™
- Daisy: While she can get abit uncomfortable with the baker's constant smothering, she enjoys spending time with her(mostly because she knows Daisy wont hesitate to give her free treats).
Daisy absolutely adores Angel and would often make homemade treats for her(the feline reminds her alot of an old family cat Daisy used to have when she was still living in the country side), however she does wish that Angel would shed less she would also knit sweaters for her and help make cat clothes for Nick's mini fashion show.
- Mortimer: Angel is pretty friendly with the old man, she's usually seen sitting on his lap while he's drinking tea or reading a book(sometimes he'll even read one to her).
Its the same with Mortimer, he considers the feline as a great practice audience for his magic shows and storytelling.
More Info about her:
- The B stands for Beatrice(which was named after Nick's dead mother).
- Her real name is actually Cookie(Owen thought it wasn't a name Nick would pick, so he changed it to Angel), her brother's name was Cream(he was a a turkish van cat with heterochromia).
- Sometimes her brother would make a cameo in the show as a backrgound character, tho they couldnt make him Nick's second cat. Mostly because, unlike his sister, Cream was terrified of the puppets(especially Mortimer).
Feel free to ask some questions about her!
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weemsfreak · 10 months
Fic request: Larissa with a kitty friend, please
Your wish is my command. How about a few kitty friends?
Thank you for this request! I am slowly making progress on works that are not my usual genre and this was a good break :) ~2.4k words
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November…the month of sunny, windy and crisp days. A harsh breeze sent a chill down Larissa's back as she made her way to the Weathervane. As soon as her heels clacked against the hard floor, the smell of coffee beans and warmth engulfed her. It's not that her coat wasn't warm, after all it was wool, she was just easily susceptible to the cold.
After ordering a hot chocolate to go, Larissa reluctantly stepped back out into the town square. She started toward the Nevermore van which was parked outside of the therapists office. Lost in thought in an attempt to distract herself from the chill, she almost didn't hear the distant meowing coming from behind her. She stopped in her tracks, did she hear something?
Larissa knit her brows as she spun around and found her gaze on the ground. There was a skinny black cat with fangs and shiny yet scruffy fur, sitting on the sidewalk, looking expectantly at her.
Larissa looked around for who's cat it could've been before concluding that it must be a stray. The cat's large green eyes and Larissa's bright blue's focused on each other, as if they were having a staring contest, before Larissa lost. She blinked.
Larissa sighed and crouched down, making a psspss sound and holding out her hand. The black cat cautiously walked closer, sniffing her glove lightly. Larissa pat it softly on the head until the cat got comfortable and smacked its face into her palm, deciding to use her hand as a scratching post.
"Mrrrrah" the cat purred. Larissa chuckled.
When she realized how long she had been out in the cold, she stood. The cat stared up at her once again before it took to walking circles around her feet, tail swaying elegantly. Larissa noticed the cats prominent back bones and realized that it must be hungry. She debated running to the store and buying some cat food, but as she looked toward the therapists office, her student was exiting the building.
"Sorry little one, I have to go" and she left.
One day after school the next week, Larissa ventured to the liquor store. She had to park on a rather grungy road, as it was oddly busy today. She walked past an old abandoned church and  noticed a hole in the base that lead to underneath. 'This is an eyesore' she thought, shaking her head and continuing on.
As she carried her wine back to her rather far away car, she took note of a cat wandering around the sidewalk. It looked just like the black cat from last week, but it didn't seem too friendly with others. She watched a few people try to shoo it away, even though it wasn't close, it actually seemed to be wary of them. A couple of teenagers eyed it and let out disgusted gags, and Larissa winced as one spooked the cat by running at it. She shook her head in dismay.
Larissa knew that black cats were often associated with witchery or thought of as omens of bad luck, but what was wrong with that? They were just precious little animals, and she actually really liked them. She thought that someone or something who could be described as an 'outcast' or the 'odd one out' was enticing, they were usually interesting, usually pure souls. As she got to her car and placed the drinks in her trunk, she heard a familiar sound coming from beside her.
The black cat didn't hesitate to run up to her, purring as it rubbed against her ankles.
A smile lit up her face. "Hi darling" she said joyfully, crouching down to pet the cat.
Larissa noticed suddenly that there was a dead mouse on the sidewalk in front of the cat, which was now right in front of her.
"Oh, god" she said, turning her head away and scrunching up her face. Larissa decided she would buy the cat some food, she was going to the grocery store anyway.
The store had many flavours and brands of cat food, and Larissa hadn't owned a pet before. After searching the internet for the best brand of cat food, she bought a few cans of chicken, did her shopping, and left.
Larissa pulled a can of food out of the bag and walked around the town square, searching for the black cat. It wasn't at the Weathervane, it wasn't at Uriah's heap, and it wasn't at the flower shop. She walked around every which way, sure she had covered most of the streets by now. As a particularly cold wind hit her legs and made her shiver so hard that she dropped the can of food, she thought about how stupid this was, searching in the cold for a stray cat. 
She had ventured down a dead end street, and just as she turned around to walk back up, the black cat was running towards her.
The annoyance Larissa felt disappeared instantly, and she opened the can of food and placed it on the sidewalk.
"Here you go, love" she whispered, pushing it towards the cat.
It sniffed the food, walked a circle as if searching for something, and then started licking the contents of the can. The cat only ate for a few seconds though, before it looked at Larissa wide eyed.
It then turned and trotted away.
Larissa was confused, was it not hungry? Surely it had to be, it was skin and bones. She watched the cat as it turned a corner and she picked up the can, deciding to follow close behind.
The black cat led her down two streets, the second familiar to her. It was the grungy street she had never been on before, not until she parked here earlier today. Larissa watched the black cat as it crouched down and made it's way underneath the abandoned church. Larissa's face fell in disgust but also in remorse. No wonder the poor cat took shelter in there, it was chilly out, and it would soon be terribly cold.
With reluctance, Larissa moved closer to the hole in the wall and turned on her phone flashlight. When she bent down and peered into the hole, eight bright eyes were staring back at her.
"Oh!" she exclaimed, pulling away.
The abundance of eyes caught her off guard, and she dropped her phone on the sidewalk. As she went to pick it up, the black cat emerged from underneath the church and licked her gloved hand with its rough tongue. She turned her flashlight back on and shone it into the hole, three kittens were nervously staring back, eyes big. Surprised and saddened, Larissa's lip quivered. The black cat must've been hunting earlier to feed her babies. She felt incredibly guilty that they were stuck out in the cold with nowhere to go.
"You’re a mom" she said in acknowledgement, turning her attention to the black cat.
Larissa placed the can of food into the hole, careful not to startle the kittens. She sat up onto her knees and scratched the black cat behind the ear. Larissa smiled in knowing.
"So am I."
As the weather grew colder, Larissa visited the black cat whenever she was in town. She had fed the kittens and gave them water on multiple occasions, as she knew that any water they'd find would surely be frozen. She had become attached to the black cat, often thinking of her and the kittens throughout her work days at Nevermore. The poor cat was strong and brave, she was inspiring. Larissa knew she'd do anything for her kittens, just as she would for her students. She hoped that they would be alright during the winter, she prayed that they wouldn't freeze or starve.
Larissa hadn't owned a pet throughout her lifetime. She loved animals dearly, but her parents  never allowed her to have a companion. When she moved out, she didn't have time to take care of an animal, as she was always on the run.
She couldn't get the black cat or the kittens out of her mind, no matter how hard she tried. She couldn't help but think that they'd be safer at Nevermore with her, they would be healthier, warmer, and happier. Right?
Larissa set out to the town one December day, deliberately walking past the abandoned church. The snow that had fallen stood a foot high, and frost was evident in the places where the snow had been removed. She felt helpless knowing that there were stray cats and kittens, her stray cat and her kittens, stuck out in this weather. She dug out her phone and turned on the flashlight as her hands shook, shining it into the hole in the wall.
The black cat was huddled up with her three kittens, licking them to get their blood flowing and keep them warm.
"Oh, my darlings" she murmured. She couldn't bare to see them like that, obviously frozen and tortured. The beautiful black cat taking care of her babies warmed her heart, but she deserved to be taken care of as well.
The next day, two Nevermore employees arrived at the abandoned church in a van. Unsure, they stepped onto the sidewalk, easily finding the hole in the base of the church. They looked at each other in confirmation before one of them crouched down, finding the black cat and three kittens in the hole.
"Aw, they must be cold" he said. He then stretched his arm out toward the mother cat, but she flashed her teeth as she hissed at him.
"Shit!" the man nervously spat, pulling away.
The other man tried to reach the black cat, but she carefully moved herself and her babies out of his proximity when he stuck his hand in the hole.
After a good twenty minutes, the men decided that it was no use.
"I guess we should call principal Weems."  "Yeah."
The principal was a bit fed up that she had to go into town today. She had an incredibly busy schedule, how hard was it to capture a cat and her kittens anyway? As she pulled up behind the Nevermore van, the two men were staring down at the hole in the wall. "What's this, now?" she questioned.
After the men explained the situation, Larissa scoffed and kneeled down onto the sidewalk. The black cat immediately recognized her and emerged, rubbing itself against her jacket in delight. The men were surprised, and they placed a crate down onto the sidewalk. Larissa slowly picked the black cat up and took it into her arms.
"I'm going to save you, darling" she whispered. "I'm going to help you and your family."
When Larissa saw no resistance from the cat, she placed her back onto the sidewalk. She then carefully reached in and picked up the kittens one by one, placing them in the crate. The mother cat was the last to go in with her children.
Larissa smiled in success as she admired the black cat and her babies. She wasn't allowed to have animals inside Nevermore, but she did have an old shed. She had built a tall pen for them to roam around in, and a small shelter insulated with Styrofoam and straw. They had an abundance of food and water, and a heat source outside of their enclosure to ensure that they would never be cold. She had the absolute most fun picking out toys for them, she even bought them treats. They all got medicated baths, so that Larissa could cuddle them knowing that they were healthy.
The most brave kitten was all black, a little boy. There was a black and white mixed cutie who was a shy boy, and an all white fluffy demanding female. Her heart beat with joy and excitement as she watched the kittens play, and she finally felt content having something so special to her.
One day, Larissa was in her office typing up a report when she heard a small thump against a door. She turned to her balcony doors and found the black cat, paws against the glass.
Larissa stood in shock, how did she get out of the shed? She quickly and nervously opened the balcony doors and scooped the cat up, bringing her inside.
"How did you find me little one? Did anyone see you?" she asked, placing the cat in her lap and sitting by the fire. The black cat revelled in the warmth as it nuzzled into Larissa, and she relaxed into the comfort the cat brought her. She purred against Larissa, but as much as she wanted to stay and take in the warmth, she had found Larissa for a reason.
The cat suddenly let out a loud meow, to which Larissa gasped and prayed that nobody heard. The cat jumped off of her lap and ran to the balcony doors, scratching to be let out. Larissa wracked her brain around how she would get the cat back to the shed without anyone seeing, so she decided to let her out and follow her.
Larissa walked quickly outside, finding the cat waiting for her underneath her balcony. As she went to pick her up, the cat ran away from her reach.
"Darling, come here" Larissa said nervously, beginning to walk faster.
The cat eventually started running, but Larissa's panic faded when she realized she was running towards the shed. Larissa found the door to the shed slightly ajar, which was odd, she had locked it. The black cat entered and ran right over to her kittens.
It took Larissa a second to notice that one of the kittens was tangled in thread, it's paw stuck to a unicorn plush.
"Oh baby" Larissa murmured, picking up the white kitten and untangling it gently.
Larissa giggled at the kittens mewls, they made the cutest sounds that she's ever heard. She placed the kitten back down in the pen with her bothers, and took note of the toy. It seemed that someone had broken in, left the door open, and offered the kittens a new plush. She sighed in relief, at least the culprit wasn't someone with bad intentions, Enid must've really wanted to play with the kittens.
The black cat caught Larissa's attention as it rested it's head on her foot.
Larissa chuckled and reached her arms out, scooping the cat up and hugging it close to her chest.
"Who's my brave mom?" Larissa beamed, kissing the black cat on the top of the head.
"That's right, Cairo, you are."
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jadeseadragon · 10 months
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I found a stray kitten tonight. (top) She's too thin, has an eye infection and a hoarse meow. She was yowling outside for her mother for about 5 minutes under my van. I don't think she was even weaned yet. We named her Sylvie. Our boys don't like her yet. They're still hissing when they see her. They're about a 1½-2 months older than she is, I'm guessing.
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mysteryideasgroup · 2 years
MSA X Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island Chapter 11: Dinner room and they are going to outside foods and drinks/Diving going to the forest woods in foods and drinks
Everyone gathered at the dining room where we saw a table filled with delicious entrees and side dishes, Lena had prepared. A pot is full of sweet gumbo, fluffy biscuits, crawfish, and potato casserole. Simone was looking forward to eat with her guests but not when Scooby, the Rovers, and I were at the table.
Daphne: Your dinning room is beautiful Simone and Icy
Simone: Thank you, Daphne. But I'm afraid your animal friends will have to eat in the kitchen
Icy: Animal friends are in the kitchen
Ava: Do we have too?
Simone: Yes. I think it's the proper place for pets to eat
Shaggy: Like come on guys will chow down in the kitchen
Shaggy as he lead us to the kitchen.
Fred and Marco seemed to enjoy all the tasty things that Lena and Mima made and he's very impressed, but that made Daphne and Starla jealous.
Fred: This gumbo is delicious! And these biscuits light as a feather
Marco: Good delicious
A white cat jumped onto Simone's lap
A dog sitting next to Icy
Daphne: Where are Beau and Ralph?
Simone: They usually has dinner in their room above the carriage house
Lena: I brought him some food. But he wasn't there
Fred: Figures
Fred eating a biscuit.
Down at the kitchen, more of Simone's cats are eating in their bowls
Scooby: Rats!
They growled angrily and attempted to go after them once again. Shaggy struggled to keep Scooby from chasing any more cats, but that didn't work
Shaggy and Josh: Scooby-Doo! Jaxson!
Velma: Exactly, how long has Beau been working for you, Miss Lenoir?
Ava: Several months. And it's Simone, Velma
Fred" Well, I think this guy is pretty suspicious
Fred eating the gumbo
Fred: He had excellent references--
The conversation was interrupted when Shaggy, Scooby, Josh, Jaxson, and John entered the dining room with some cat food on our heads.
Shaggy: Like, I don't think eating in the kitchen was such a good idea, you know, cats
Josh: You know, kitsunes
Jaxson: Kitsunes!
Scooby: Rats!
Two Dogs growled when they saw Simone holding the white cat. The cat growled back at him in defence. Icy holding the dog growled back at him in defence
Shaggy tried to calm Scooby down by pulling his collar. "Zoinks!" he said.
Josh tried to calm Jaxson down by pulling his collar
Josh: Oh my God!
Simone: This is quite enough! The animals will have to eat outside.
Icy: Better go to outside
Scooby: Routside? Ruh-uh!
Shaggy: Like, there's a dead guy out there
Shaggy pointed out
John: What if he comes back?!?
Lena: May I make a suggestion?
Lena got up from her chair to explain the idea
Shaggy, Scooby, Josh, Jaxson, and John ate inside the Mystery Van with the extra food that Lena provided in case the guest call for seconds. The boys were enjoying themselves eating off the biscuits and crawfish.
Shaggy: Like this is a lot quieter guys and Lena even made us a special dish to go. Nothing like a good old fashion crawfish boil
Scooby: Rawfish
Josh: These crawfish sure are tasty
Scooby even sneaked the crawfish meat out of Shaggy's hand and stuffs himself a half a batch of crayfish in his mouth. After he ate all the meat, he spits out the shells like a machine gun then licked his paw.
Shaggy: Here buddy have a biscuit
Scooby: Ranks
Scooby then ate up the whole plate.
Shaggy: Something tells me you're getting the best of this meal
Suddenly, we heard cats meowing outside. We found them hanging on the tree, just staring at us eating, so to spite Scooby
Scooby: Ruh-Roh
Shaggy: Like it's hard to enjoy a meal with a bunch of eyes staring at you
He then decided to drive the van someplace where the cats wouldn't bother us.
Shaggy: Like sit tight guys. I'll find us a peaceful place to eat
But wed even saw a lot more cats from the roof of the van. Shaggy started the van and drove away, driving the cats off the roof. Scooby raspberried at them and we drove away in the distance
For @laurasanchez36
All belongs to my Msa ocs sonas and new Msa ocs sonas Teams/Groups/Gangs/Squads/Crews and Team/Group/Gang/Squad/Crew
All belongs to her Msa ocs sonas and new Msa ocs sonas Teams/Groups/Gangs/Squads/Crews and Team/Group/Gang/Squad/Crew
Scooby-Doo belongs to WB (Warner Bros) Animated Movies
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Felix with a mate who’s an Immortal witch
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I don’t own any of the characters/plots from Twilight, that all belongs to Stephenie Meyer & Summit Entertainment
You had been around for a long time. A few centuries, give or take yet you still physically looked early mid to late 20s, always wearing an amber amulet around your neck that was the source of you power. As one of the last of your kind in the world, you kept to yourself in a secluded area away from the eyes of others. Of course, that freedom would be diminished when a power chasing vampire found you and blackmailed you into helping him. 
Felix met you in the 80s having been sent on a mission to destroy a vampire who Aro was threatened of. Aro had learned this vampire was keeping a secret, that secret being you, and knew as long as this vampire had you in his grasp then there would always be the risk to the Volturi. So, Aro sent out his most trusted team of the guard and tasked them with destroying the man and bringing you to him. 
They located you first in a rural area outside London, a small cottage surrounded by trees and lanterns with a small garden and vegetable patch. Two cats were on the porch, a black one and grey one watching with curious eyes and meowing softly when they approached. The door swung open before they even had the chance to knock, stunned when you simply looked them over, smirked and gestured your head for them to follow you inside.
 Alec went straight to the point. You listened to him while you poured yourself tea and couldn’t help the laugh that escaped when he finished by saying you were ordered to report back with them to Volterra. “Wow, here I am being blackmailed by one of your kind and now the only way to be free of him is to become your masters little puppet. Tell me, vampire, is that really freedom?”
You had barely even looked at them during the ordeal, so when you finally made eye contact with the largest of the four you felt a sensation run through you before snapping your eyes away. Felix felt the sensation too, his entire world becoming enamored with you and it was then he realized what you were to him. 
Jane and Alec did most of the talking, telling you it was wise to give up the vampire and come with them, or face the consequences of death if you didn’t. However you knew they were bluffing about killing you, you were needed of Aro and they were aware of the trouble they would be in if you were dead. You made your knowledge of that aware, but didn’t sound too arrogant because they could always harm you if they felt like it. 
So you did the simplest thing, even though it felt more of a burden in the long run and told them were to locate the vampire, who conveniently was not that far from where you resided. They watched curiously while you performed a tracking spell, a little skeptical at first that it was the location so Jane stayed with you to make sure you didn’t trick them while the three men went to destroy the vampire.
When they returned, pleased to have ½ of the mission done you were instructed to pack the things you needed and come with them. You said you would only go if you could bring your cats. The twins were adamant about it, initially refusing, but Felix was the one who voiced reason saying Aro needs her to come and if bringing the cats mean you will then they should allow it. 
The entire journey to Volterra was…..interesting to say the least. I mean aside from the fact you were traveling to Italy with four vampire cops and two cats in a dark tinted van, they had to take into consideration that all though you had lived centuries you were still somewhat mortal with human-like needs. This meant you had to eat, drink, sleep, bathroom, shower every often, the works so it made for lots of pit stops along the way.
During the nights in hotels when you asked to freshen up before the next day of traveling, one of the vampires watched over you while the rest hunted in the area. Felix would always offer to watch you, saying he didn’t need to feed and could wait longer, but in reality the man wanted to be close and get to know you. 
He was surprised when you confronted him about it when you all were about three days from reaching Volterra, saying you were not a fool and knew what you were to him. Even when he tried to deny it at first you said, “I’ve been alive for a very long time, Felix. I know how it is rare for your kind to get that once in a lifetime chance of finding their other half, and I know I am that to you. I see it in the way you look at me, I felt it the moment you walked through my door.”
Of course, you were as drawn to him as he was to you. Although you may not have felt it to the extent he was, it was there. He was undeniably attractive, and his smirk could have you weak in the knees. Felix was the least stoic of the four, and he was able to make you laugh during the duration of the journey to Italy. How could you possibly deny the bond you two are destined to share?
The night ended with you planting a kiss to his cheek, saying that if he wanted to have a future with you then it must be taken slow as you were still a little upset by having to join the Volturi against your will and made it known you would not be Aro’s biggest fan. He understood, grateful you would give him a chance and promised to not pressure you into doing anything you didn’t want to. 
By the time you reached the Volterra and got situated to your new life as a the Volturi’s prized witch, you were a little more at ease than before knowing you had someone there to confide in and make a life with. Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad. And Felix? Well let’s just say he was eternally grateful Aro sent him on that mission, because it led him to you.
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What Do You Think?
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Part 4 of the Boys with Luv series
Pairing: Yoongi x reader, Yoongi x Jimin
Summary: Yoongi goes to the fansign without Y/N as she feels that she is going to be shunned and hated by the rest of the members. There, he realises that they aren’t all angry with him.
Warnings: Smut, swearing, Yoongi being a slight dick to Tae
Tags: @calling-dips-on-j-hope, @fic-recs-by-moon, @luvtaeha, @aretha170, @xicanacorpse, @kookieebangtan, @fangirl125reader, @seoul9711, @channiespup​, @lindsayjoy444​ ​​​​​
AN: If any of you would like to be added to the taglist, just let me know and I will add you :)
Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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Taehyung POV:
It was hard to describe what I felt when I was that girl with my boyfriend. My Yoongi. He had his arm wrapped tightly around her way. He called her baby. That was my nickname. I was always his Taebaby. Kookie was his prince, and Jiminie was his pretty boy. 
Yes, I was jealous. Yes, I was angry. I had hoped that none of us would find our soulmates because I didn’t want our dynamic to change. We were fine just the seven of us. We didn’t need anyone else in the equation.
I glared at the pair of them as they checked out. I wasn’t really in the mood to buy new lingerie anymore. The girl turned to look at me, Joonie, and Hobi, and me and her made eye contact. Suddenly, colours flooded into my vision. I stumbled backwards, my back colliding with Hoseok’s chest. He and Namjoon both looked equally surprised.
“Taebaby, you okay?” Namjoon asked, wrapping his arm around my waist to keep me steady. No, this was not okay. I was not okay. This wasn’t possible.
“It doesn’t make sense.” I mumbled. “It’s not possible.” I shook my head. “No, no, it’s not possible.” I repeated. “What just happened? Why can I see colour?”
“I can see it too.” Hoseok admitted quietly.
“And me.” Namjoon agreed. He looked confused. I glanced up at him, silently asking what we should do. He knew my facial expressions. When I got nervous, I sometimes wouldn’t talk so Namjoon had learnt to read my face to know how I was feeling. “I don’t know what we should do, Taebaby.” He looked over to where Yoongi and the girl had been stood, but they were gone now. “We’ll talk to him tomorrow at the fanmeet.”
“Is it possible, hyungie?” I asked, looking at Namjoon.
“I don’t know. It is, but I don’t know why.” Namjoon replied. “Do you want to buy anything or go home?” He asked, looking at me and stroking my hair out of my face.
“I don’t know.” I said looking around. All the lace and silk was tempting me. “I’m not really feeling it at the moment.” 
“Okay, baby, we can go home and cuddle?” Hoseok suggested. I nodded.
“That would be nice, please, hyung.” I said, allowing Hoseok to pull me into a hug and the both of them to lead me out of the store and back to the dorm.
I twisted my fingers around nervously. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go through with the plan anymore. They hated me. It was clear to see. Taehyung was glaring at me. I was sat in the living room, letting all the thoughts cloud my head. Taehyung was never going to like me.
“Baby, dinner’s ready, are you okay?” Yoongi raced to kneel in front of me. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“They hate me!” I said, letting the tears roll down my face. “It’s not going to work!” I sobbed. “Taehyung was glaring at me, and Namjoon looked so disappointed and disgusted!”
“They what?” Yoongi looked pissed. “Okay, baby, look at me.” He took hold of my hands. “They don’t hate you. They are angry because of what happened.”
“But that’s not my fault!”
“I know, jagiya, I know.” Yoongi kissed away my tears. “If you don’t want to, you don’t have to come to the fanmeet tomorrow, okay?” He said. “Not if it’s going to upset you so much.”
“I’m sorry.” I apologised. I didn’t want him to be disappointed with me.
“Don’t you dare apologise.” Yoongi said. “Don’t worry, okay, let’s eat and then we’ll cuddle and watch a movie.” He said, taking hold of my hand and pulling me up with him.
Yoongi POV:
My alarm went off early the morning of the fanmeet. I groaned and sat up, turning it off not wanting to wake up Y/N. I leaned down and pecked her on the lips before leaving her a note and getting dressed. I was out of the door within ten minutes, knowing I would have be at the dorm before the van came to pick us up. 
I made it to the dorm ten minutes later, the cold air biting at my exposed skin on my face above my mask, and my uncovered hands. I shivered, pulling at my beanie as I realised that the van was already waiting outside. I walked over to it and got on. There was no one there yet so I decided to sit right at the back, making sure to put my bag on the empty chair next to me. 
The six of them appeared at the same time. Instantly, the van was filled with awkward tension as none of us knew exactly what to say to each other. I was angry at them, and they were angry at me. My phone buzzed with a message from my princess. I smiled as I read it.
Jagi ❤️️: I love you too, oppa! Don’t get too angry at them today, remember ARMY is always your top priority. Send me a pic of your outfit please! Have fun and don’t be too grumpy!
I chuckled at her message, quickly typing one back. I missed her already.
My lil meow meow ❤️️ 🐱: I’ll try not to be too grumpy, princess, but I’m annoyed at them for how they treated you yesterday. There’s some leftover noodles in the fridge if you want those, or you can order something if you want. There’s money in the drawer by the front door. Be safe!
She sent me back a red heart along with a screenshot of her breakfast order, saying that she was having both. I looked up from my phone, seeing that Jimin had turned around in his seat and was staring at me carefully. It was hard to tell what he was feeling - he was always good at hiding his emotions if he wanted to. We made eye contact and he shot around in his seat, leaning his head on Hoseok’s shoulder, earning a forehead kiss. I felt a pang of sadness shoot through me. Usually Taehyung would be sat next to me, curled up into my side, scrolling through social media and giggling when he found something funny. Now he was sat next to Namjoon, not even bothering to look at me.
My phone buzzed with another message. It was a picture from Y/N showing her breakfast. She had also taken a selfie with the leftover noodles, saying they were the best thing ever. The van stopped, signalling we were here. The others got off first and then I followed, wanting our interaction to be as little as possible.
Hair and makeup sped past and I found myself dressed and ready, waiting to be called out. I was first done, and then it would normally be Taehyung. I sat on my phone after sending Y/N a pre-fansign selfie. The door opened. I looked up and saw Taehyung. I looked back down at my phone, knowing that if I talked to him now, I would explode with anger. 
“Hyung?” Taehyung sat down on the couch beside me, leaving some space to be respectable. “I need to talk to you about something.” He said. 
“About what, Taehyung?” I asked, not even looking at him. He needed to know how annoyed I was. He needed to know what he had done wrong.
“It’s about your soulmate.” He said, making me scoff. Y/N was the one thing I didn’t want to talk to him about. 
“What do you want to tell me this time, Taehyung? That she’s a gold digger? That she’s just using me for money? All of that is a lie, Taehyung! And I am sure of that, okay?” I said, my voice harsh. He flinched at the tone of my voice.
“I wasn’t going to say that, honestly.” He said, his voice small.
“Until you apologise to me for what you said, I honestly don’t want to hear it.” I said, pocketing my phone and standing up. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go and calm down.” I walked out of the room.
I knew I was harsh with him. I waited until the door was properly shut behind me before I slid down the wall, burying my face in my hands. I loved Taehyung with all of my heart, but what he said was wrong. He had to know that Y/N was going to be a part of my life now, whether he liked it or not. 
“Hyungie?” I looked up, seeing my precious little Jimin. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Jimin.” I said, sighing slightly as I sat up, leaning the back of my head against the wall. 
“No, you’re not.” He said, sitting down next to me. “What’s wrong?” He reached over and took hold of my hand, his small fingers wrapping around mine.
“None of this is my fault, Minnie.” I said huskily, knowing that I was on the verge of crying. “I can’t chose when I meet my soulmate or who they are. And nobody understands that!”
“I understand that. I know it’s not your fault.” Jimin said, looking at me, his eyes full of sympathy. “I wanted so badly to come over to your apartment and see you. I really want to meet her. I think we all need to get used to her being around and possibly being a part of our relationship otherwise our dynamic is going to be off.”
When he said this, my heart skipped a beat. At least one of them cared about me still. “Why didn’t you come over?” I asked softly.
“Joonie wouldn’t let me.” Jimin said. “He said we needed to give you time and space, but I knew that was something you didn’t need. I wanted to speak up so badly when he told you to leave but I knew my opinion wouldn’t matter to him.” His eyes searched my face. “I’m sorry.”
“Hey you do not have to apologise. You have done nothing wrong.” I said, stroking his hand. “You tried your best, Chim, and that’s all I’ll ever ask.” He smiled slightly at that. “Tell you what, after the fansign, how about you come home with me and you can meet Y/N.” I suggested.
“Is that her name? It’s beautiful.” He said.
“You’re beautiful, pretty boy.” I said, making him blush. I stood up, pulling him up with me. “I missed you so much.” I pulled him closer, wrapping my arms around his waist.
“I missed you too, hyungie.” He said, kissing me gently on the lips. I groaned slightly, feeling myself go hard.
“Do we have time for a quickie?” I asked, checking the time, seeing that we still had thirty minutes. “Okay, come on, quickly. I need those pretty lips around my cock.” I dragged him into an empty bathroom, pressing him against the door and attacking his neck with my lips, being careful not to leave any marks.
“Yoonie.” He whined, pressing his hips against mine. He was hard against my thigh. 
“Okay, baby, take off your clothes and put them neatly on the counter. I don’t want the stylist noonas to kill us.” I ordered as I undressed myself, folding up my clothes neatly.
“Hyungie please.” Jimin begged, palming himself through his boxers. He looked desperate, his full lips shiny red. His tongue swiped across them as he let out a breathy moan.
“Shh baby.” I said, pushing him down slightly so he would drop to his knees. “Now suck my cock like a good boy and I’ll eat you out after.” He nodded eagerly and pulled down my boxers, freeing my dick from its confines. It sprung up, the head a dark red colour. He stroked it a few times before taking the tip in his mouth and sucking on it like a lollipop. “Fuck Chimmie.” I groaned, having missed the feeling of his mouth. “You feel so good, baby. Gonna make me cum so hard.”
He smiled around my cock and swallowed, deepthroating me. My hands itched to pull at his hair, but I knew it would ruin all the stylist noonas hard work, so I grabbed hold of the counter behind me. He hollowed out his cheeks and moved his head up and down before taking me out of his mouth and licking the prominent vein on the underside of my cock, staring up at me seductively.
“Are you gonna cum for me soon, hyungie?” He asked, taking me back into his mouth and sucking hard. I could feel the knot begin to form in the base of my stomach. His lips were stretched around me as he gagged slightly from the intrusion in his throat.
“Fuck!” I moaned when I felt my tip hit the back of his throat. “Yes baby, I’m gonna cum.” I said, tightening my grip on the counter so my knuckles were white. “Stay still and open your mouth.” I thrusted into his mouth, his hands coming up to rub my hips. His 13 tattoo showed through the bracelets he was wearing on his wrist. “Fuck baby, such a pretty mouth.” He smiled up at me around my cock, swallowing as I entered his throat.
When he did that, the knot in my stomach became impossibly tight. “Baby, I’m going to cum!” I groaned, thrusting a few more times before the knot snapped. “Good boy, take it all.” I crooned as he closed his mouth around me to keep all my cum in his mouth. I pulled out of his mouth. “Swallow.” I ordered. He opened his mouth wide to show me that he had swallowed it. “Such a little slut.”
“I’m hyungie’s slut.” Jimin purred as he pulled down his boxers. I pulled him close to me, thumb brushing over his nevermind tattoo on his chest.
“Want me to eat you out, or finger you kitten?” I asked. He hummed in thought.
“Both please, hyungie.” He requested, bending over so his upper body was resting on the counter.
“You are such a little slut for me, kitten.” I said, running my hands over the globes of his ass. I pulled them apart slightly to expose his hole. I bent down and moved my tongue over it, making him shiver and moan out softly. ched round and pushed my fingers into his mouth. “Suck.” I said. He got to work, swirling his tongue around each individual digit, coating them in saliva. After a few minutes I pulled them out of his mouth before pushing two into him, making him cry out. I use my tongue as well, making the wet muscle lick over and around his hole.
He moaned out as he panted slightly, his legs shaking. “Already close, baby?” I asked, knowing the tell tale signs of him about to cum.
“Yes, hyungie. Ahhhh.” Jimin moaned as I added another finger, moving down to lick at his perineum. “Hyungie yes, right there.” He cried out as I pushed against his prostate. “Can I cum, please, can I cum.” He begged.
“Go ahead baby.” I said, allowing him to splatter his cum on the counter in front of him. “Such a messy boy.” I chuckled, making him whine in embarrassment. 
“Thank you hyungie.” He said, catching his breath. I grabbed some tissue and wiped him down. 
“I love you, Yoongi.” Jimin said, pecking my lips.
“I love you too, pretty boy.” I replied. “Come on, get dressed, they’re going to be looking for us soon.” He nodded and quickly got dressed, putting on some leather pants that clung tightly to his ass and thighs. “I think you just gave me another boner, pretty boy.”
“Oh really?” He smirked, turning around, his chest bare.
“Put your shirt on.” I laughed, making him giggle. It’s strange that you never realise how much you miss someone until you see them again.
Throughout the entire fansign, Jimin stuck by my side, sometimes holding my hand underneath the table or I would have my hand on his thigh. We took selfies together and made each other laugh. It made me realise just how much I missed being around them and also how different things were going to be now, and just how ready I was for it. 
The other members noticed this, and some had small smiles. But Taehyung and Namjoon still looked unsure. It was as if they didn’t trust me anymore, which is something I didn’t want.
Before long, the fansign was over and we were piling back into the minivan to take us back to the dorm. Jimin was tucked up next to me, his legs pulled up and curled to his side. He was scrolling through his weverse, replying to some comments from ARMY. He soon came across the selfie that I posted of me and Y/N, making him smile.
“She’s really pretty.” He said softly as the van pulled off and started driving. 
“She is, but she’s had a really horrible life.” I said, making him nod in understanding. “So just be careful with what you say about here. And don’t, whatever you do, bring up her ex.”
“Why?” Jimin asked, resting his chin on my shoulder.
“Because he abused her a lot. She had run away, which is how I met her. She was going to sleep in the park.” I explained. “He just wasn’t a very nice person, and she was terrified of him. But that’s okay because she has us to protect her.”
“Is she an ARMY?” Jimin asked.
“Yes, she is.” I replied. “She was dancing to ‘Spring Day’ when I found her. She’s a dancer too.”
“Really?” Jimin sounded excited. “That’s so cool. We can do dances together and stuff.” 
“Yes, we can.” I said with a smile, wrapping my arm around him and holding him close. My phone started to ring, making him jump. It was my baby.
“Hey, baby. You okay?” I asked as I answered.
“Yeah, I was just looking at photos from the fansign today. Have you and Jimin made up?” She asked, making me smile knowingly.
“Yes, we have. Is it alright if he comes over? He really wants to meet you.” I said, making her gasp.
“Really?” I knew how insecure she was about meeting them as she thought they all hated her. 
“Yes.” I nodded. Jimin tried to grab the phone from me. “He wants to talk to you.” I said, making her give an okay.
“Hi!” He said excitedly into the phone. I could hear the murmur of her voice as she spoke back to him. He chuckled. “Yeah, it was fun. I got a lot of things from ARMY.” He paused as she spoke. “Really?” He laughed. “Of course. Oh, please order some of that. I’ll tell Yoongi.” I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He mouthed “She’s ordering food for us.” I nodded. “We are almost at the dorm, so see you in about fifteen, twenty minutes. Of course, I can’t wait. See you soon!” He handed the phone back to me.
“Jagi?” I said, seeing if she was still there.
“Yes, oppa.” She replied.
“Are you okay?” I asked. “Feeling any better?”
“Yes, actually. I’m really excited to properly meet Jimin. It sounds like he is really all for me being added to the relationship.” She said, sounding happy. “I’ll see you soon. I’ve ordered pizza for us and we can have a movie night.”
“Sounds good princess. I’ll see you in a bit.” I hung up the phone and turned to Jimin. “Excited to meet your new girlfriend?” I asked, making him nod, a big smile on his face.
“I can’t wait to give her cuddles and lots of kisses.” He said, settling back against my shoulder. “We’re going to watch a movie together tonight. Can I stay over, we have a day off tomorrow?” He looked at me giving me puppy eyes. “Please hyungie?”
“How can I ever say no to this face?” I asked, cupping his cheeks and squishing them together, making him giggle. I pushed his blond hair out of his face as the van pulled up outside of the dorm. “Do you need to grab anything?” I asked.
“Nope. I’ll just steal your clothes.” He said with a small smile. “Come on, come on, come on! Let’s go!” He took hold of my hand and pulled me off the minivan and started dragging me towards my apartment.
“Jiminie, where are you going?” Namjoon shouted after us.
“I’m going to stay at Yoongi hyung’s tonight.” Jimin replied. “If you have a problem with it, I really don’t care.” He turned to me, dragging me again. It was quite sweet seeing him so determined to meet my soulmate. He really did care. Especially since he sassed Joon like that. “Come on, let’s go! The pizza is probably already there!”
“Okay, Jimin, we’re going!” I said with a laugh, allowing him to lead me to my apartment. 
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chubbyreaderchan · 4 years
I Don't Like Cats | Frank Castle x chubby!Reader
Tw: Blood, cat hate, female reader
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Frank glanced around her apartment.
She was the only person he could think of as he escaped the war scene he had just left.
(Y/n) was special. Very special.
Frank knew where she lived a long time ago but this was the first time he's ever been inside. And here he was bleeding all over the carpet.
Instead of being pissed, she made a joke about how she wasn't expecting to see her deposit back anyways. Then off she went to help clean him up.
Strange how he went from almost hitting her with his van to being one of the few people he could trust.
He froze when he heard a soft mewing from beside him. A gray cat was at his boots and meowed again to gain his attention before trotting to the kitchen. The cat stood in front of a pink and white bowl, meowing again. This time it was a long and drawn out one.
"Wisp, Frank isn't going to feed you," she said softly scratching the cat's ear.
Without a word she gently grabbed Frank's hand pulling him further into her kitchen. He winced as the pain in his very bruised knuckles throbbed but he ignored it, enjoying her warm skin on his.
"Do you have a place to stay tonight?" She asked gently, helping as best as she could to clean the blood off of open wounds before stitching them shut.
The stitches were quite even, at least for someone who doesn't stitch skin often. It must be due to the crafts that he noticed here and there around the apartment. "No, not anymore." He grumbled.
Her eyes looked him over, thoughts of kissing Frank flooded her mind but she knew that wasn't something that would be okay.
He was thinking the same thing.
"You can stay here. If you don't mind my cats"
"Cats?" He glanced up. "I only saw the one."
"Willow is a bit scared of strangers. She is probably under my bed," (Y/n) smiled. Without a thought she tugged on his black shirt, he lifted his arms in response wincing as the blood made his shirt stick slightly in a disgusting way. A large gash ran down his left side from under his arm and down towards his ab. It wasn't as deep as the ones on his arms. The stitches took a bit of time still and they sat in silence as she worked.
"I'm not a big fan of cats... I prefer dogs," Frank said, the cat was now staring him down. "You should get a dog. Especially in a city like this one."
Her eyes looked up into his dark ones, damn was she beautiful. Frank wanted to kiss her but something told him it might hurt Maria. Or hurt her memory.
Would Maria want him to move on?
Could he move on?
"Unlike most people. I actually like most animals... Cats. Dogs. Mice. It doesn't matter," she admitted cleaning the wound one last time. "So a dog could be in the future if I can find one who likes cats."
Goddamn it.
Damn it all. It wouldn't be safe to be with her but he was falling, descending down like a bomb on her life.
He couldn't escape the war. Inside or outside always at war. If it wasn't Maria, it was the lifestyle. He couldn't watch another person he cared for get hurt. Then a voice told him in his head that he already has her at risk by just knowing him. Curses flew through his mind rapidly.
"I have some clothes..."
"Boyfriend?" He asked, suddenly feeling a heart pull.
"No, it was from an shipping mix up. I got the refund and they said to just keep the clothes..." She shrugged. "Go ahead and shower. I'll get the towel and clothes for you."
Frank couldn't help but smile as he watched her full figure disappear down the hallway and into a bed room. The marine stood up, following her.
"Oh! The bathroom is at the end of the hall!" She called through the door.
"Thanks," he responded stepping heavily.
Frank stepped into the bathroom closing the door before stripping his clothing. The shower curtain made a soft noise as it was open and Frank almost went into Punisher mode when he saw a black cat laying in the tub. Her eyes were wide upon seeing him, she darted past him like a jet clawing at the door for freedom.
He laughed. Cats. Frank opened the door just enough for her to make her escape. He turned his attention back to the shower. The water came out in a typical weak fashion for an older apartment, but he couldn't complain. His muscles relaxed under the heat, letting the blood run off.
The air got slightly cooler as (Y/n) opened the bathroom door. She placed the clothes down, trying her best to not take a peak at the shadow against the curtain. It was a fight with her perverted interest and respect for the man. "I uh... Also brought a loofa if you need to scrub the blood off..."
"Yeah, uh can you hand it to me?" His deep voice vibrated off the bathroom walls. Her hand poked in on the other side of the curtain, keeping her vision at her feet. Then he noticed the grey cat poking his head in the shower at the same time. "Thanks."
Their fingers brushed slightly as she passed it off.
"Come on Wisp. Let's get you fed," her voice was so gentle.
Then she was gone again, Frank was left with the battle in his head. She was so good. He couldn't be so selfish.
His large beat up hands gripped a purple bottle of shampoo and he took a whiff. It was sweet yet floral with no real scent he could name except for (Y/n). His lungs inflated again, despite his ribs aching from the fight earlier as he washed himself in her smell.
It was so good.
Frank stepped out, dried off and pulled in the soft clothing on. A black shirt that wouldn't fit her and a pair of grey sweats. Warm. Comfortable. Clean.
He found her sitting on the couch, watching some YouTube Unsolved show. Talking about some Peter Quill missing and aliens. He gently sat next to her, the black cat was on her lap asleep. Then the grey one, no, Wisp follow Frank's movements and plopped down in his lap.
"You can sleep in my bed," she held up a blue bowl filled with popcorn to him. "I'll sleep on the couch,"
"Call me old fashioned, but I'll sleep on the couch," he took the popcorn. It almost felt...normal. He remembered nights like this.
"The bed would be more comfortable for your injuries," (Y/n) looked at him, noticing his free hand absently petting the cat in his lap.
"I don't want to put you out more, (Y/n)"
The plump woman turned more, stirring her cat awake. This time she didn't run. "Frank I wouldn't have let you in my apartment if I felt that way,"
She bit her bottom lip and sighed. "I care about you and I don't want you feeling uncomfortable,"
"I'm not going to argue this. I'll sleep on the couch," he was firm. "If someone came through that door for me, I'd be the first one they'd see."
He sighed. "It's safer."
The look on her face was heart breaking. The urge to kiss her was to strong. He placed his hands on her lightly plump cheeks and pressed his lips to hers. Coffee, blood, and him flooded her senses. There was no stopping him on either side, save for the air that they were running out of.
"I can't..." He paused. "I can't lose you. I can't handle that,"
She sighed. "Fine. One night. Then we'll share my bed, okay?"
She was inviting him to stay longer? Really?
The night went on without incident until she began to fall asleep on his arm after setting up sheets and pillows for him. He helped her to bed before laying down himself.
The sleep was dreamless. A rare occurrence for him. A full right hours of sleep, only to be stirred by morning coffee.
His eyes opened slowly, noticing two weights on his body. Both cats were fast asleep on his chest, purring.
(Y/n) came in with coffee for them both, a smile on her beautiful face.
"You know cats lay on their family members who are sick or injured and purr to help heal them." She sat in a kitchen chair not to far away.
"Yeah, well I still don't like cats."
"Well, they sure like you."
What the hell did Frank start?
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mascwhump · 3 years
Chapter 21 - Game of War
TW: guns, minor character death, recapture, bound and gagged
Tag list: @whatwasmyprevioususername @milk-carton-whump @whumpasaurus101 @whatwhumpcomments @mnmlover2002 @ashintheairlikesnow
One particularly large raindrop hit Charlie’s window, making a loud enough smack to wake him. His eyes opened to see Sasha, who began nibbling at his nose.
“Good morning, sweet girl,” He greeted softly. She let out a tiny meow, as if she was returning the sentiment. Charlie pet her for a little while before sitting up and stretching.
The bones in his legs cracked as he stood from his bed. He opened the bag of cat food and shoveled a scoop into Sasha’s bowl. He realized he hadn’t given her any water, and apologized to her before heading out to the kitchen. Nobody was in the kitchen nor the living room, and Charlie was almost grateful. He filled a small bowl with water and took it back into his room, setting it on the floor for Sasha.
He went back out to make himself something to eat, and decided on cereal. He had a dull headache, most likely from all the crying he had done the night before. Ethan emerged from his room as Charlie sat down at the table with his cereal.
“Hey,” Charlie said.
“Morning. How do you feel?” Ethan asked.
“I’m fine,” Charlie replied.
Ethan made himself a bagel before sitting at the table. Charlie scrolled through Instagram mindlessly, bored of seeing the same shit from high school “friends”.
“Wanna talk about what happened last night?” Ethan asked.
“Not really,” Charlie replied, not looking up from his phone.
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, he’s not mad at you anymore. I explained to him that you have Stockholm Syndrome, and he felt like an arse.”
Charlie dropped his spoon.
“The fuck is that?”
“You haven’t heard of it? It’s when somebody bonds with their captor. There’s even been cases of hostages falling in love with their captors,” Ethan explained.
“Okay, wait. I’m not in love with him,” Charlie said.
“I didn’t say you were.”
“I don’t think it’s that, Ethan. I feel guilty about it.”
“Well, it’s a complex thing. There hasn’t been much research, unfortunately. Either way, Crow isn’t upset anymore, and that means we can focus on figuring out what the hell we’re going to do.”
They finished eating, and Ethan decided to go for a jog. Charlie had the house to himself. He wasn’t sure where the others had gone, but it wasn’t uncommon for them to go into town for any number of errands. He raided the medicine cabinet for ibuprofen, then tried to make himself useful by tidying up. He swept the floors, wiped down the kitchen, and cleaned the windows.
As he finished shining the last window, he saw the Jeep pull up to the house. Crow, Deke, and Adrian walked in with a few shopping bags. Crow motioned for Charlie to follow him outside. They went into the yard, and Crow offered him a cigarette.
“I just wanted to apologize,” Crow said, “I was drunk and angry, which isn’t an excuse for my actions, but I would never have done that if I was sober.”
“I forgive you. I think you have the right to be upset with me,” Charlie replied.
“No, I don’t. You’re… hurt. I don’t know all that you’ve been though, and I should have been more understanding.”
“It’s okay.”
They stood silently, taking drags off of their cigarettes. The tension seemed to melt away, and Charlie was glad that this hadn’t ended up a lasting conflict.
“I finally got command to talk,” Crow finally spoke.
“What’d they say?” Charlie asked.
“They want us to let him go. The whole conversation just felt off, and I can’t help but shake the feeling that Mallory is telling the truth. I don’t know about the assassination part of it, but they want this dropped.”
Charlie threw his cigarette on the ground and snuffed it out with his shoe.
“So they’re just going to let him get away with all this?”
“That’s what it sounds like. But, if we let him go, you know as well as I do that he’s not going to leave us alone.”
Crow dropped his cigarette and they went back inside. Ethan was back from his jog, making a smoothie in the kitchen. After he was done with the blender, Crow called for everyone to gather at the dining table.
“I’m going to attempt to get more information from him about this conspiracy,” he said, “I don’t need all of you down there, but I want you to listen from the door, at least.”
He, Charlie, and Adrian went downstairs, while Ethan and Deke waited by the door. Mallory looked paler than usual, probably due to the lack of sustenance.
“Tell us more about this supposedly partnership you have with the government,” Crow said.
“Why? Do you finally believe me?” Mallory asked.
“Not sure yet. Talk.”
“I guarantee you that you’ll all be dead within a week if you don’t do anything. Not that I care,” Mallory said.
Crow glanced at Adrian and Charlie before responding.
“Why?” He questioned.
“Like I said, I was supposed to kill you. It was my way of telling them that they could trust me, by giving them an alibi,” Mallory said.
“Why didn’t you kill us, then?” Adrian asked.
“They didn’t say I couldn’t have a little fun first,” Mallory replied.
Suddenly, Ethan and Deke began to yell, and unfamiliar voices joined in the cacophony. Crow ran to the gun closet, fumbling with the two padlocks for a moment before getting the door open. He threw pistols to Charlie and Adrian, before arming himself and aiming upstairs.
Rudy appeared in the doorway with his gun pointed at Ethan’s head, using him as a shield.
“Drop your weapons and back away, or this twink gets his head blown off,” he threatened.
Charlie backed into the corner where he couldn’t be seen. Crow and Adrian dropped their guns once they realized Charlie’s plan. Rudy threw Ethan to the side and started down the steps, his gun locked on the pair. Mallory kept silent.
When Rudy came into his sights, Charlie fired his gun until it was empty. Five or six men flooded into the basement screaming, rifles at the ready. They were left with no choice but to drop to their knees and surrender. As their wrists were being bound, Mallory was freed.
They were forced up the stairs at gunpoint. Ethan and Deke were already bound. Mallory took an apple from the kitchen and ate it while he paced around.
“Get them loaded up,” he said.
They were filed out the door to four black vans parked in front of the house. Crow and Deke were put into one, Ethan and Adrian into another, and Charlie was alone in the last one. He assumed the other one was for the remaining soldiers.
After a few minutes, Mallory climbed into the passenger seat. He threw a duffel bag next to Charlie. Sasha climbed up onto his shoulder.
“Thanks for taking care of her, love,” he said.
Charlie didn’t say a word. His mind was blank, and he found himself dissociating.
“And thanks for taking care of Rudy. Never thought I’d get rid of that fool.”
Mallory didn’t speak to him again for the rest of the drive, besides threatening him whenever they stopped for fuel. Charlie had somehow managed to doze off, and only woke up when the rear doors were opened. He found himself at the compound again. Only, he wasn’t lead inside. He was walked to the runway, where a cargo plane was waiting, along with the rest of his team. A blindfold and a gag later, they were loaded into the plane.
Being in the same position for seventeen hours wasn’t comfortable, to say the least. The cloth dug into the corner’s of Charlie’s mouth, and he wanted a drink of water more than anything. His legs had forgotten how to work after being stuck for so long. He stumbled as he was lead off the plane, and the first thing he noticed was how much warmer it was wherever they were.
It was a long walk until the relief of air conditioning hit him in the face. A few doors opened, until he heard some keys jingle, and he was lead through one final door. His hands were freed, and the door was shut. He ripped off the blindfold and the gag, and was confused to find himself somewhere that resembled a cheap hotel room. There was no window, and the furniture consisted of a twin bed with no sheets, dresser, desk and chair, and a small lamp. There was a tiny bathroom at the front of the room, which he immediately utilized.
Charlie then tried the door, which was of course locked. Not knowing what else to do, he lied on the bed, and tried to make sense of this new situation.
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Devil’s Backbone
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Devil’s Backbone
Chapter 5 
Story Rating: Explicit, 18+
Warnings: Smut, violence, past flashbacks of sexual assault, descriptions o torture, racial hate and forced abortion. Not Tony Stark friendly.
Relationships: Bucky/OC, Steve/Natasha, Billy/Wanda/Grant, past Clint/Laura, eventual Clint/Yelena and Frank/Karen.
Summary: In the aftermath of the Blip, Bucky struggled to find his place among the world and the Avengers. However, when he is sent on a mission to Madripoor to investigate a young woman, he starts to realize that maybe his past isn’t too far behind him. Co-Written with WalkingPotterGirl14
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Nat was acting weird. Clint usually was a very noticeable guy. He may be the man that never misses, but he was also the man that could read people like a book. And right now, Nat was acting very much not like herself, even with her usual stoic face.
He felt like she was hiding something from him and Laura, which made him conflicted. He knew Natasha's past with the Red Room was horrific, but she was keeping something secret, and had been on the phone to a woman last night. She usually never went on calls late at night. Sighing, he texted Laura to let her know that he was alright and that the kids were settling into school. After Tony had exposed their location to Thaddeus Ross, he'd had to move them to the outskirts of New York. He frowned when he saw Natasha in the conference room, running the facial recognition software. The tech had been created by Pym Industries and X-Con Security Consultants, as Stark Industries' facial recognition software was for more expensive and didn't always work. "What are you doing, Nat?" he asked quietly. Natasha ignored him as he entered the room. She was reading a file that was in Russian. "Trying to find out who this mysterious woman is, Clint. Steve isn't exactly talking to me right now, so I have to do this on my own," she answered harshly, causing him to grimace at her answer. Steve and Natasha's relationship had become strained after she had survived Voromir and revealed that she had been pregnant. Then she had suddenly broken up with Steve, devastating the man. He knew how much Steve loved Natasha. He'd been a shell of himself after Natasha had supposedly died. The man was far more guarded now and simply kept things civil with Natasha. "You should have told him, Nat. He loves you and it clearly shows in the way that he looks at you," he argued firmly, trying to understand why Natasha was acting this way. Natasha refused to acknowledge Clint's words. She knew Steve loved her, but she just didn't feel like she wanted children. She was upset that she had miscarried, but she hadn't been sad in the same manner as Steve had been.
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Ana had gotten ready for Sharon's art gallery. She had decided to wear a red dress for tonight made with red satin and had a V-neck. It would partially show the faded burns on her chest, but no one would hardly notice them. She didn't like thinking about the burns, or the agony they had caused. It was better to just forget about it. She finished applying her makeup, adding some eyeliner and grabbed her handbag. She had put a knife in there, along with her cell phone and lipstick, before heading out. The car was waiting for her outside the building, and with a quiet smile, it drove her across High Town to where Sharon lived.
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Bucky had left Sharon’s after a little but to head back and get ready for the real art show tonight. While he did, he had memorized everything for the mission, including his backstory and the reason as to why he was in Madripoor, looking at himself in the mirror. He'd showered, and let some slight stubble grow on his face for tonight. He was wearing a black blazer, black trousers, and a black shirt. He nodded to himself as he left the bedroom and said goodbye to Alpine. The cat meowed at him affectionately, before going to sit on the bottom of the cat bed. He'd made sure that no one would be able to break into the house, using the security system to its best advantage for heading out. He left his place after making sure he had everything that he needed, including his gun, a knife, and keys. He walked to the motorcycle, getting on, and quietly drove to Sharon's house.
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The party was in full swing when Ana arrived at the house. She smiled at Conrad, who had already arrived and was with his girlfriend. He raised a glass to her from the corner as she approached. Sharon was showing a client some beautiful paintings as she wandered around, admiring the art gallery. She was about to ask Sharon about a Van Gough painting when a strange silence fell over the room as most eyes headed towards the door. Curiously, she turned around to see a young man with short dark brown hair, dressed in clothes that made it clear he was part of the Russian Mafia. Her brow raises in surprise. His eyes though were what caught her attention. They were a dark grey, like a wolf's eyes. She couldn't shake off the feeling…that they had met before but where? No, no way. She hadn't met anyone like that. Or at least…her memory sucked. "Everyone, this is one of my clients who has come from Moscow, Russian. His name is Yakov Surkov," Sharon said calmly, introducing the man, who nods. Ana got the sense that this man was dangerous. "He's a Russian mobster," Conrad whispers to her discreetly as they turned back around. "He doesn't do the usual Mafia stuff, but he sells weapons to resistance groups who fight dictators." She raised an eyebrow at his words, watching the man intently as he walked up to the bar to get a drink. She wasn't surprised when he ordered a Ruskova vodka to drink. The party returned to normal quickly after, with many people returning to what they had been doing. She excused herself from Conrad, whispering that one of the paintings he was looking at would be hers to which he laughed, and sat at the bar contently. She enjoys her glass of red wine, when she got the sense that someone was watching her. She glances up and feels herself smile when her eyes dance across the room at Yakov, who had been looking directly at her. Without breaking contact, he downs his drink before standing, walking over to her. Ah, a man of confidence, she could see. However, as he moved closer, a weird sense of peace settled over her. Conrad had told her who he was, what he did, but coming over to her, she didn't feel fear. In fact, his eyes almost felt familiar. It was such a strange sensation. But even so, she didn't let it show on her face. "You came over her nice and quick," she remarks, her brow raising. "Almost like you're on a mission." "What can I say? When I see something, I like, I know what I want." Okay, now that brought some colour to her cheeks. He was smooth. "For a Russian man, your English is very good." "I've been around them enough in the past for me to know. Takes some practice but you learn to work with it well." He reaches out and holds her hand, bringing it to his lips in a kiss. "Yakov Survok." Oof, he was pulling out all the stops. She couldn't remember the last time she had been treated with such respect from a single man. Surely not of this year, that's for sure. However, she still had her smarts ahead of her, and knew that it wouldn't be too brilliant if she gave out her regular name. So, she instead smiles and states back another name. "Maria Kapitonova. It's a pleasure to meet you." He lowers her hand again, smiling. "A pleasure to meet you as well." He glances around and gestures to this. "You been going to this for some time? I've never seen you around." "You've been here before?" "Couple of occasions," Yakov states quietly. "Usually for business reasons, but I've been to Sharon's a couple of times, trying to find the right piece for back home. However, I recently decided to move here all together." Ah, so he was in the area? Good to know. "To be honest, I haven't been here that often," she states lightly. "I only just recently showed up in the city…had some high friends in some good places so they got me into this big shindig. Sharon is a nice woman…smart one too." "That she is," he agrees before raising an eyebrow at her. "So, you're new to Madripoor?" "I am, yes." "Well, obviously you do know the city…isn't necessarily safe." Ana chuckles a bit. "Trust me, I know. But I think it was exactly what I needed. A change of scenery. Last place I was in was far too cold." The man snickers a bit. "I've heard that the summers in Madripoor are beautiful. I look forward to it." She looks back at him. "Then why did you move here?"
"As you said. A change of scenery," he agrees lightly. "It can be quite cold in Russia too." Ana smiles a bit and nods. "That is true…I've been there as well. All over the world. It's almost like people, in a way." At his furrowed brow, she continues. "Every person has warm and cold parts in a way. When you're close to someone, you get to see their warm parts, but if you anger them, the cold parts emerge, as vicious as ever. But even in the cold you can find warmth sometimes, and coldness withing the warmth – if that makes any sense." She found herself chuckling at the end. "I'm sorry. Maybe the wine is getting to me." Yakov chuckles before shaking his head. "No, I…I get it, really." He glances at the ground. "God knows I've had my fair share encounter with warm and cold places within me." Ana could see a bit of a fight in his eyes, glancing at the ground. He clearly had some sort of past, and for a moment, she forgets that they were practically strangers and reaches out, squeezing his arm. It causes him to look up. "We all do. That's the beauty of people. They're complex and wonderful in every way. If you're not willing to accept all parts of someone, then why even try?" That causes him to smile as well, although this one was smaller. "That is true…a beautiful statement for a beautiful woman." Ana rolls her eyes. "Now you're just saying that." "I mean it," he argues back, but there was a certain twinkling in his eyes that had her smiling. She takes the last sip of her wine, standing. "Well…thank you, Yakov." She clears her throat, remembering that she wasn't here to flirt with men. She needed to focus on actually getting the art she needed. "I have to use the restroom, but after that I plan to peruse the art here. Do you want to join me?" "I'd love to," he answers back with a smile. "Good," she responds back, offering her own grin before turning around, grabbing her purse, and heading to the restroom. Jeez, she hadn't felt something like that in…God knows how long. She wondered what Yakov had to offer her. Maybe being friends with a mafia man would benefit her greatly.
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God-fucking-damn, she was gorgeous. As soon as Bucky had arrived back at Sharon's place for this whole party she was throwing for the art, she had directed him directly to where the mystery woman she knew was sitting at the bar. And while Bucky of course followed up on her and began to talk to her, trying to learn her name – Maria, of all things, but he knew that was most likely a front – and all about her for his own case, he couldn't deny the beauty that she had.
She had the most beautiful eyes that he had ever seen, a light grey that he compared to opals. She had wavy dark brown hair that was almost black but had a mahogany colour. She was tall, but barely reached his height. The red silk dress flattered her figure and emphasized the curves she had. He noticed a few men were watching her as she left for the restroom, her hair glowing in the disco lights. She was most certainly a looker, that was for sure. "Enjoying the party, Yakov?" a voice asked with amusement. He turned around to see Sharon had come over to the bar, and had ordered herself a Piña colada, eying the drink that he was drinking. "It's enjoyable, Miss Carter. And I just met the delightful Maria Kapitonova. She's a charming young woman," he answered smoothly as he saw a young woman with blonde curly hair enter the art gallery and go to the restroom. "That she is. She's friendly with Conrad Mack, the Smiling Tiger, Melissa Gold who is known as Songbird and two hackers called Polina Astakhova and Evan Drake. She's making a name for herself in this city - plus she's laid down some ground rules for everyone," Sharon said impressed. After a moment however, she turns him around, looking at him carefully. "Be careful, Bucky. She's not like most of the people who live here but she's dangerous. She's killed at least three folks who didn't abide by the new rules," she said warningly. Before he could reply, Maria returned from the restroom, her bag in her hands. "I'd love to see the new art collection you've acquired. Sharon, I heard from Conrad and Melissa that you have some art nouveau pieces?" Maria asked curiously. She'd loved the art nouveau art and architecture. Bucky takes her up on that. "I'd like to see this art collection as well, Sharon. I have a deep fondness for Art Deco, and Art Nouveau style," Bucky added, genuinely interested. Sharon smiled, as she showed them the collection upstairs, moving along gracefully through the halls until they arrived where it was. Bucky admired the paintings on the wall, knowing fully well that these paintings and sculptures were the real deal. Most of the paintings and sculptures in the museums and art galleries, including the Louvre, were elaborate fakes. "I'll take those and some of your Asian Art collection as well, Sharon," he answered smoothly, handing her a wad of cash in Russian ruble. She smiled at him as she took it. "You have great taste," she mutters to him, to which he chuckles. Both of them saw Maria admiring the one of the paintings on the wall, before she turns to Sharon. "I'd like to buy this and a few other pieces," she said softly. Sharon smiled and arranged to have them sent to her house, as well as Bucky's place.
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The party continued going on in their absence. Bucky noticed that some people were smoking marijuana. He didn't have a problem with people taking it. He knew Leah smoked the painkiller to help relive her back pain she'd gotten from a car accident during the Decimation. It had nearly paralyzed her. He glanced up at the grandfather clock to see the time and was astonished to see it was 2:30 AM in the morning. He saw a young woman with silver hair that had pink highlights at the front, and she came over to greet Maria. So she was using an alias to keep her real identity a secret? On that he didn't blame her. If Thaddeus Ross found out that there was another survivor of the Red Room aside from Natasha and Yelena, then things would get ugly. He would check in with Steve, Sam, and Wanda along with the others tomorrow. He went to say goodbye to Sharon and Maria, and found them talking to Conrad Mack, his girlfriend Jeannette and Melissa. "You heading off, Yakov?" Conrad asked amused. The Russian mobster had a cat that he was fiercely protective of. God help the idiot who tried to hurt it. They'd have the White Wolf hunting them down, like John Wick. "Tired from the flight. The party was wonderful Sharon. And it was lovely to meet you, Maria," he said smoothly, kissing Sharon on the left cheek. She flushed, chuckling a bit. Deep down Bucky hoped Sam wouldn't get upset about that. He knew there was something brewing between the two. He smiled at Maria, shaking her hand. He could smell her perfume from where he was. It smelt of lilies, red roses, and cherry blossoms. "I hope to see you again, Yakov," Maria said softly. He smiled at her as he watched her go inside and got onto his bike before taking off.
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Steve, Sam, Wanda, Clint and T'Challa were in the conference room with Fury looking over the photos. They had been taken by Bucky when he had been at Sharon's art gallery. "Ok, so I've identified most of the guests at the party. Conrad Mack also known as the Smiling Tiger, was there with his fiancé, Jeanette Deveraux. Now, believe it or not, his criminal record isn't that bad. He sells marijuana to people on low incomes, and he is an arms dealer, but he sells weapons to Algeria, where there is a civil war going on due to the former prime minister coming back and trying to make a dictatorship," Amy explained patiently. "What about the chick with the gorgeous breasts and pink highlights? Did our Manchurian Candidate I.D. her as well?" Tony asked rudely, causing most of the team to stare at him in disgust at his cruel jibe towards Bucky. "Stark, don't call Bucky that. It's insensitive and unkind," Sam said firmly, before Steve could speak in defense of his friend. Tony had becoming very unkind towards Bucky since he had joined the Avengers. Tony started laughing at Sam's words, an expression of disbelief, contempt and disgust on his face. "Oh I'm sorry, Wilson - or wait is it Captain America? You think I shouldn't be unkind and insensitive to the bastard who strangled my mother to death and is the reason the team broke up?!" he shouted angrily, slamming his fist on the table. The piece of furniture rattled violently, and Peter squirmed uncomfortably in his seat. "It wasn't Bucky's fault, Mr. Stark. He is as much as a victim of HYDRA as were your parents," T'Challa said compassionately, but firmly to the man. "I don't care. He killed my goddamn mother! Because of Barnes and the man who I call father, I lost my mother, and Rogers had the nerve not to tell me!" Tony raged, his face turning red with anger. "When could I tell you, Tony?" Steve asks. "I didn't know if Zola was telling the truth at the bunker, and everything was a mess. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, sooner. Truly, I am. But you wouldn't answer my calls after retiring from the Avengers and the Accords happened," he reasoned calmly, trying to keep his temper. "Barnes should be rotting in the Raft or be fucking dead. He's a murdering, sociopathic bastard who ruined my life! He's the reason why Morgan doesn't have a grandmother!" Steve's hands turn to fists, but he refuses to yell. He wouldn't stoop so low as to lose his temper. So instead, he stands, aiming at him. "You don't think that Bucky feels that every day? You don't think he hasn't apologized and tried to make amends with every damn person he's hurt in the past? If anything, you don't even have the right to talk, because you've had so many people that you have hurt in the past as well. Do you deserve to be rotting away?" "You want to know everything I've done for this organization? For this country? I know that we've hurt others and we've tried to redeem that by singing the Accords and trying to make things right! Barnes was a literal psychopath that, just because we choose to believe what the Wakandans did, he's out there right now just living when he could snap at any moment!" T'Challa raises an eyebrow. "Are you questioning the power of Wakandan technology?"
Tony sighs and raises a hand to T'Challa. "I have nothing against you or your power, your highness. Your tech is great. My issue is with the current former assassin that is on the streets!"
"Will you two sit down!" Fury snaps angrily, causing the two of them to let out a puff of anger before doing so. "I know that you two don't get along but for the love of God get your damn selves together, because if don't figure out what is going on, then we might have another fucking breach." He angrily waves his hand. "Tony, the rest of your team head out and do a bit more research on Madripoor. Steve, called up Barnes and get more info. And when we get back, you two act like fucking adults."
"Yes, sir," was a collective muttered response.
Steve saw Tony glare at him before getting up, heading out with the others. Steve goes to talk to him but feels someone reach out to him, and he turns to see Wanda, shaking her head.
"It's not worth it," she says softly.
Steve sighs before running a hand along the back of his head, and turning around. "You're right." He looks to Sam and Wanda, who then he nods towards the meeting room. "Let's go call up Bucky."
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serendipitystation · 3 years
Wesper with cats
They would climb them both but especially Jesper n they would eat wylans hair. The cats take Jespers spot on the bed beside wylan it’s very funny
"Why is there a cat in here?" Jesper looks up at a confused Wylan while the tabby cat in question paws at Jesper's lazing hand. The sharpshooter sits on the floor of the Van Eck residence, his gangly legs stretched out the door to the back garden and looking entirely unfazed by the situation.
"That is a great question, one I actually posed to the cat himself," Jesper says cheerfully. "Unfortunately, he doesn't speak Kerch."
"I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when the cat appeared. He must be a stray- he's got no collar and he's pretty skinny." As Jesper pets the cat, he mocks sticking his nose in the air. "I can't help that I have natural magnetism." Wylan rolls his eyes.
"Just make sure he doesn't stay. We don't need a cat," Wylan says. It's no lie, either- with the pair's comings and goings for the Dregs and Marya in no state to care for an animal, having a cat would be a hindrance. Jesper frowns.
"But we can't just leave him outside. This isn't like the Slat- we have food and shelter enough for a small army. Besides, cats are self-sufficient, like us crows." Jesper picks up the cat and holds him at eye level. The cat meows in response and Jesper turns to Wylan with a pout.
"See? He wants to stay- he just said so." At this, Wylan crosses his arms.
"I thought he didn't speak Kerch," says Wylan accusingly. Jesper just shrugs.
"He knows a few words."
Evenings in the Van Eck household are when the stuffy house is most alive. It feels emptier these days without Inej, who's off on the high seas, but, between Jesper's antics, Wylan's music, and the gentle bustle of the housestaff, there's plenty of energy to go around. Their new housemate, however, might just best both of their efforts.
"What in the- ouch!" Wylan grimaces as the tabby digs into his shoulder with a yowl, seeking higher ground atop Wylan's armchair. Upon reaching the top, the cat meows and spreads out. Wylan doesn't mind animals, cats included and Alys's terrier excluded. He's fed scraps to strays before and stopped to pet the muzzle of many a friendly dog. But he's never owned a pet. Now, he knows he was right not to. Were it not for the look on Jesper's face, Wylan would have long found another home for the tabby currently batting at his curls.
"Are you being mean to Olivier again?" Jesper's voice pipes up from the kitchen.
"I thought we agreed to pick a name we both liked," says Wylan with a frown, trying to focus again on his book. The tickling of the paws was making things difficult.
"You said you didn't mind Olivier," Jesper says as he comes around the corner.
"It was supposed to be a joint decision."
"Well, what did you want to name him?"
"I liked the name Jak."
"Jak? That sounds like too roguish. Our son will not grow up sounding like a criminal," Jesper says firmly. Wylan's head shoots up.
"Our son?" He asks incredulously. He rolls the word around in his mind. Even only in reference to a pet, the word feels odd. Jesper quirks his eyebrow.
"Well, what else is he? "Roommate" and "pet" are too formal," Jesper says. Begrudgingly, Wylan has to admit that he has a point...but only kind of. He's still not as fond of the cat as Jesper is. As if on cue, the creature under discussion nips at Wylan's head. Wylan yelps and turns to glare at the cat.
"If he's our son, then he has your strange appetite," Wylan mutters, rubbing his head.
"He doesn't eat that much," Jesper replies. He frowns, eyeing the cat for a moment. "Come to think of it, he has gained a lot of weight." Jesper reaches past Wylan and picks up the cat. The sight of him holding out the cat as if in interrogation is amusing. Wylan watches as Jesper mulls things over. Then, out of nowhere, his mouth gapes.
"Are you an Oliviera?!"
"How in the world did we miss it?" Wylan scratches his head. The afternoon sun sends their shadows stretching like giants on the cobblestones of the government district as he and Jesper walk home after a day's work. "We should have guessed when we realized how possessive she gets when she takes up residence on the bed."
"Didn't you study biology at one point? Like animals and such?"
"Not cats. What about you- you're the one who grew up on a farm."
"It's a jurda farm. Not much by way of cats."
"What are we gonna do about all the kittens?" Wylan says with a sigh. As much as it would delight Jesper to have a house full of creatures with as much energy as himself, it's not practical. Then again, not much about their life up until now could be framed as such.
"We could sell them- rich people love purebred pets." Jesper suggests.
"As much as I'd love to do more illegal things than usual, I'd prefer not to hoodwink our neighbours." At this, Jesper gives a nonchalant wave of the hand.
"Fine, fine, nothing illegal. Do people even have pet stores in Ketterdam?"
"I think so. I'll ask the staff to look into it." Wylan says as they exit an alleyway and the familiar house comes into view. It's a good feeling to see the house and know that it's been put to better use than it ever has been before. Were his mother recovering faster, Wylan thinks she would agree. Beside him, Jesper muses in silence.
"Y'know, there's room in the house for more than us." His voice is light, teasing- it matches the mischief in his eyes. Wylan laughs as he reaches the front door.
"There's only so many times you can get your way, Jes," he says as he lets them into the front hall.
"Mmmm, don't speak too soon." Jesper winks. Before he can see Wylan blush, he turns and heads for the stairs. Wylan barely gets to the living room before he hears Jesper's voice from the bedroom.
"Oh, so now that's your side of the bed, Olive? Great."
"Absolutely not."
"A cat could be very useful, Dirtyhands. Keeps away all the rats."
"Not the ones that do real damage."
"With Inej gone, surely you need something to cuddle with-"
"I will cut out your tongue if you say one more word, Jesper."
"You can say it, it's okay," Wylan can hear the smile in Jesper's voice. "'The cat was a good idea, Jesper.' Just a few words, but plenty of gratitude."
Wylan peers in his mother's bedroom, watching the smoke-colored kitten cuddle in his mother's lap. Marya strokes it contentedly, her face dreamily calm. Wylan signs in assent.
"It seems promising," Wylan admits.
"And you said you didn't want a cat," Jesper teases. Wylan just smiles.
"At least Jak is quieter than his mother."
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lu-undy · 3 years
Chapter 105 - SBT
Here it is!
"Mundy? Mundy, wake up, mon amour, Mundy?" 
Lucien was patting Mundy's shoulder repeatedly.
"Uh? Huh…? W-what's wrong?" Mundy opened one eye and frowned. 
"It's Perle, I can't find her, please, help me, I-I don't know what to do…!" 
Mundy opened his other eye in a flash and blinked repeatedly. Both him and Lucien got out of bed. 
"Have you looked everywhere in the house?" 
"Oui, I-I cannot find her or Soot… I am terrified, Mundy…!" Lucien's breath was short and fast. 
"Alright, let's look together, switch the lights on everywhere. You go and take downstairs, I stay here upstairs, now go…" 
Lucien obeyed without a second thought and hurtled down the stairs. In a few seconds, all the house was lit up and as Mundy looked at the alarm clock in their room, he realised it was a few minutes past three in the morning. 
"Pearl? Pearl, baby? Sooty boy?" He looked in the room, the cupboards, the bathroom, the cat's room…
"Perle? Perle, ma chérie? Mon bébé? Soot? Où êtes-vous tous les deux?"
[Perle? Perle, my darling? My baby? Soot? Where are you, the both of you?]
Mundy came downstairs to help his lover and found Lucien running from one room to the next. All the cupboards in the kitchen were open and the living-room looked as if it had just been burgled. 
"Babies? Where are you…?" 
"I cannot find them anywhere, Mundy? Did they leave? Did they just go? But why? And where to?"
Mundy took his lover by the hand and pulled him closer to hug him and comfort him. 
"Pearl can't have gone far, she's big and slow…" He frowned to think when-
Both Lucien and Mundy's head swooshed to the direction the meow had come from. It was a windowsill. The window was open and Soot slithered inside. 
"Soot!" Lucien leapt at the cat. "Where is Perle? Is she alright?"
The black cat slithered away and upstairs. 
"Soot! Soot, wait!" 
Both men rushed after the cat who darted to the bedroom. He bit into one of Lucien's shirts and ran back downstairs, slithering like a shadow. 
Both men ran back downstairs and caught a glimpse of the cat leaping outside, through the open window. 
"Let's go, Lu'!" 
Mundy unlocked the door and both him and Lucien ran in the dead of night, barefoot in the street and hand in hand. Lucien was in his pyjamas while Mundy was still in a tank top and pair of boxer shorts. 
They didn't have to run for long as Soot slipped under the van with the shirt that he had stolen. Lucien and Mundy went on all four and looked underneath the van. 
"It's dark as all hell… Wait…" 
Mundy ran back home and came back with the van's keys. He unlocked the back door and slipped in. Not a second later, he emerged and lit a flashlight.
"Oh, bugger, baby!"
Perle was restless under the van, walking in circles in a slow and heavy gait. When she saw Papa and Dad, she pushed herself out of her hiding and meowed long and painful. 
"We're here, baby… Lu', it's happenin', oh shit, she's lickin' herself now… Let me carry her to the van." Mundy gently carried her inside. "Quick, Lu', get some towels from the cupboard, now lay them down, perfect, here we go…" 
Mundy went to his knees and lowered Perle on the towels that Lucien had placed on the floor. 
"Oh, mon Dieu…" Lucien was restless too and on his knees, he was shaking from teeth to toes, "W-what can I do? Perle? Perle, dis-moi, mon bébé…"
[Perle? Perle, tell me, my baby…]
Soot gently put the shirt next to Perle who was laying down and licking her nether regions repeatedly. 
"Alright, Lu', listen here, there isn't much we can do. When the babies get born, don't touch them before she does, ok? It'll be messy but she needs to clean them herself, alright?" 
Lucien was still shaking, and his teeth were chattering. Mundy switched the light on in the van and closed the door. He came back to sit on the floor, next to Lucien, and pulled him into a comforting hug. 
"Why is she licking herself there? Is she hurt? Do we need to take her to the veterinarian? Sh-should we drive her there?" 
"No, sshhh… Lu'..." Mundy gently rocked his lover left and right. "Stop worryin', it's not helping her to feel so much tension in you."
"Will she be fine?" Lucien started biting his nails.
"Yeah, have you not been readin' that book of yours?" 
"Oui, I have but… I-I don't feel so ready now." Lucien shamefully admitted. 
"It's alright, it doesn't matter." Mundy gently brushed Lucien's hair. "Want me to talk you through it?"
"Oui, please." Lucien clawed on his lover's sides and leaned his head on his shoulder, but his eyes never left Perle. 
"See how she's lickin' herself?" 
"She isn't hurt, she's feelin' it coming. Any second now she - oh, here she is, her water broke. That's why I had you get the towels."
"Can Soot or us help her in any way?" 
"Nah. See how even he's keeping his distance?"
"Then we should do the same. Just be here for her, encourage her, but don't disturb anythin'." 
"Why did he take one of my shirts?"
Mundy smiled. 
"Because that's what brings them comfort, the smell of you. While you were supposedly dead, they slept every night with your jacket and your perfume on it…" He kissed Lucien's head and continued to gently rock him left and right, to comfort him. "And look now, can you see through the fluff there…?" 
"Where?" Lucien pulled his neck to see better while keeping his distance with Perle.
"Look there." Mundy pointed. 
"Is that…?"
"Yeah, it's the first baby." 
"Oh, mon Dieu!" Lucien escaped his lover's arms and looked at Perle, addressing her directly. "Mon bébé, tu peux le faire, allez ma chérie, un petit effort, on peut voir le petit, vas-y ma petite…"
[My baby, you can do it, go on, my darling, a bit more effort, we can see the little one, go on, my baby…]
Mundy put a hand on Lucien's back and brushed him gently. 
"Mundy, are you sure I cannot touch her? I would like to hold her hand."
"I'm sure, love, leave her alone." 
"Look, here, baby." Mundy pulled his lover back in his arms and pointed at the first kitten. 
"Oh! It's white! It's white like his mother!" Lucien excitedly announced. 
"Yeah, but look at the paws…"
Lucien squinted. 
"Grand Dieu! It's white with black paws!" Lucien turned to Mundy and hugged him. 
"Yeah, and the first one is out now. Great job Pearl, breathe and go for number two, yeah?" 
"Mundy, listen…!" 
The kitten squeaked. 
"Is it hurt? Is it alright?" Lucien asked, worried. 
"No, luv', it's normal. Babies squeal and mewl to attract mummy's attention. But see how its eyes are closed?"
Lucien leaned closer. 
"Ah, oui, you are right… Is that normal?"
"Yeah, their eyes and ears stay shut for a few days."
"They cannot hear or see anything for days?" Lucien asked.
"Poor them…" 
"And they're very bad at regulatin' their body temperature, that's why they pile up in a mass of fluff, or they stay stuck to their Mum."
It lasted hours of Lucien going through a roller-coaster of emotions. He would explode in joy whenever a kitten made it entirely out and would worry to the bone through the entire process, when the kitten is half in and half out. 
"This is it! Four of them!" Lucien chimed, trying again to escape his lover's arms, but Mundy held him back, seeing how much the Frenchman wanted to touch either mother or newborns. 
"Yeah, so we got a white one with black paws, a white one with a bit of off-white-ish, a completely black one and a white one with a black tip of the tail." 
"They look so… defenseless…! Mon amour… Can we do anything for them or not yet?" 
"Not yet, see how Pearl is still bathing them?" 
"That means they're not ready for us yet. But y'know what?" 
"Come with me, we'll go and get some water and food for Pearl and Soot." 
"May I say something to her first?" 
"O'course. D'you want me to leave you alone with her?" 
"Non, please." Lucien tightened his hand on Mundy's. He turned to Perle. "Ma chérie, je suis fière de toi. Papa et Dad sont très fiers de toi. Donne-nous une petite minute, on revient tout de suite. Soot, s'il te plaît, veille sur elle." 
[My darling, I am proud of you. Papa and Dad are very proud of you. Give us a little minute, we will be back in a second. Soot, please, take care of her.]
Both men exited the van and went back home. Mundy headed straight for the kitchen and Lucien let go of his hand, parting ways in the corridor. He didn't think much of it, he assumed Lucien needed to use the bathroom. 
When Mundy finished preparing some food and water for the cats, Lucien appeared at the door. 
"Let us go back, shall we?" 
"What are you doin' with all that?"
"It's pillows and a blanket. You don't think I will sleep here while Perle is there all alone?" Lucien answered. "Come on, she is waiting…!" 
Mundy smiled and followed his lover. A minute later, they were back in the van and Perle had stopped bathing her little ones. 
"Here, Pearl, some food and water. Y'need to drink plenty with all that water you lost, eh?" 
"Why does she sound so sad?" Lucien sat on the floor next to her. 
"She isn't sad, baby, she's tired."
"Oh, that I can understand. May I touch her now?" 
"Let's see if she's ok with that…" Mundy approached his hand to Perle slowly. She smelt his fingers and leaned her head to them. "Yeah, she seems alright, luv'. Just try and not tire her more, eh?" 
"Oh, non, of course not." Lucien approached his fingers to her, and Perle looked up at him.
"Oui, mon bébé?"
[Yes, my baby.]
Perle purred when Lucien scratched her head and her jaw. The Frenchman showered her in words of praise and affection while Mundy switched on the small electric heater before sitting next to them. 
"So, Lu'..."
"We need names for the babies." 
"Oh, oui, we do." 
"Any ideas?" 
"Do we even know if they are male or female?" Lucien asked. 
"Let me check… Pearl, is that ok if I have a look, baby?" Perle laid her head in Lucien's hand and closed her eyes for a moment. "Right, so let's start with the white one with black paws… It's a boy."
"He looks like Glovy but with inverted colours." Lucien said. 
"Then why not Glovy?" 
"Again?" Lucien asked. 
"Yeah, but like uh… Glovy the Second?"
"The long dynasty of the Glovies, hm?" Lucien asked with a smile.
"Yeah, why not?"
"Fine, he is now Glovy the Second. Check the next one."
"This white one with slightly off-white patches is a girl." 
"Oh, a lady… By the way, isn't it strange that the patches she has are not black?"
"Nah, Pearl and Soot could've had plain ginger cats."
"Yeah, so it's not too surprisin' and no, don't look at her like that, it doesn't mean she did her business with another cat."
"She certainly did not." Lucien answered. "We heard her when they… uhm… conceived those babies." 
"Exactly. But yeah, what name shall we go for this one?"
"Any ideas?" Lucien asked. 
"Really?" Lucien asked, unconvinced. 
"She looks like Perle but a bit more uh… cooked? Right, maybe it isn't the best name…"
"What is white and you can toast like that?" Lucien wondered out loud. 
"Marshmallow?" Mundy answered and both men locked eyes. "Sounds nice, yeah?" 
Lucien smiled and nodded, leaning on Mundy's side. The Aussie wrapped an arm around him and pulled him close. 
"Next one, this black one here… He's a boy."
"Look they are starting to dry off. This one is drying fast, he looks quite fuzzy." 
"Yeah, he's a lil' ball of black fuzz." 
"I know what we will call him." The Frenchman raised his head to his lover and smirked. 
"Alright, what then?" 
Lucien raised his index finger and tapped the tip of Mundy's nose. 
"Look at how he squeals, and looks for comfort in his mother. He is exactly like you, only he is a cat. The Bushman, in cat form."
"Bushcat." Lucien confirmed. 
"Right then." Mundy kissed his lover's brow. "So we've got Glovy, Marshmallow and Bushkitty. Now, for this last one… It's a she, she's white with a black tip of her tail."
"She looks like she dipped the tip of her tail in ink." Lucien said. 
"Inky, then?"
"Oui, Inky." 
"So we got Glovy the second, Marshmallow, Bushcat and Inky, right?" 
"Oui, I think so." Lucien took Mundy's arm and held on to it like he would a teddy bear. The Aussie smiled and kissed Lucien's hair, on his brow. 
"So, we're sleepin' here?" Mundy asked. 
"I will but I don't want to force you if you would rather sleep at home."
"What nonsense are you blabberin' about, baby doll…?" Mundy chuckled. "You think I'll leave you alone to sleep in my own van with the rest of the family while I sleep alone in the house? Pfff, c'mon…" 
They exchanged a chuckle and a quick peck. 
"I'll prepare the bed, you keep an eye on the babies, yeah?" 
"Yeah, baby?" 
"Thank you." 
"For what?"
"Staying with me here, with us."
"You almost sound like I wouldn't." Mundy said with a hint of disappointment in his voice. 
"Non, I just want to make sure that you don't feel compelled to." 
"Of course not." Mundy answered. "Wanna sleep in the bed or on the floor next to her?"
"We can?"
"Well, I'll have to spoon ya, we don't have much space, but if you feel better that way, yeah, sure. Let's put some blankets on the floor first… There… Put the pillows, yeah? Great, now we can lie down, c'mere, you old baby." 
Lucien snuggled against Mundy and the Aussie threw a blanket over both of them before lacing an arm around Lucien and pulling him close. 
"Thank God for the blanket…" The Aussie said, burying his nose in Lucien's hair. He started closing his eyes.
"Are you feeling cold?" 
Mundy gently nodded. 
"Oh, viens ici…" 
[Oh, come here…]
Lucien rolled to face his lover and pulled him such that Mundy's head was against his chest. The long locks of Lucien's hair softly fell on Mundy's head and face, bringing him an additional source of warmth. The Aussie buried his head there and wrapped his arms around Lucien, pulling him impossibly closer. The Frenchman hooked a leg over his back.
"Are you alright?" He asked. 
"Yeah, I just… I'm happy to be with you for this." 
Lucien heard the muffled sounds of kisses on his chest and smiled. 
"So am I, mon loup." 
"Remember the first time we slept here?"
"Of course, it was the night I confessed my feelings for you." Lucien gently scratched Mundy's head as he hugged it. 
"Yeah… It was… It was somethin'. I mean, did you really cling to the ladder at the back when I left you?"
"And did you really leave me in the middle of nowhere to be eaten by the coyotes?" Lucien answered. 
"Y'know, right before you joined me in bed and gave me a good scare, I was actually regrettin' it."
"Ah, I feel better." Lucien answered with irony. 
"No, seriously, Lu'. I was thinkin' that I'd gone too far and I shouldn't have left you." 
"But then I felt somethin' on the bed, I turned and boom. There you were." Lucien smiled, still gently massaging Mundy's scalp. "You were there and I just… Gosh, and you knew I loved you!" 
"And you loved me too?" 
"Had you been lovin' me for long or…?"
"Quite a while, oui." 
"And you knew I loved you but you didn't do anythin'?" 
"Non, I didn't."
"You're more shy than I thought." Mundy said. 
"Non, I wasn't being timid, I was being realistic. I was convinced that you deserved to be happy, and I would have given a lot to see you feel whole with me, but I was on a job that would surely end up in my death, and of course, I did not want to involve you in that." 
"Yeah, I understand… Still, I'm glad we ended up together anyway."
"I did give away a year of my life again, to pay that price." Lucien said. "And I am not getting younger, not at all." 
"Neither am I. But if I had to make the choice that you did, basically if I had to choose between losing you for one year but gettin' you in the end, and losin' you forever? Yeah, I'd have chosen the same. I want to live with you, do stuff with you, see stuff with you… I don't know, I just… I feel like things make sense with you, and I can be myself. I don't need to change myself for you to like me or not find me weird."
"Of course not. Playing a role you can do for short periods of time. But pretending to be someone else for a long period of time will affect you, badly so." 
"Is that the ex-Spook talkin'?"
"Oui, it is."
"Right." Mundy looked up and Lucien met his eyes. "Professor Ski."
Lucien chuckled and laced his legs between Mundy's. 
"It's been a long time since I heard this name." 
"And it turned out to be quite good, you are teachin' in the end, yeah?" 
"Oui, it is true, although what I teach has nothing to do with skiing."
"Well, can't be that good at predictin' the future. It's like the weather forecast." Mundy chuckled. 
"So, if you can see in the future, what do you see for us?" Lucien asked. 
Both had their eyes closed and their limbs intertwined with one another. 
"That you and I are gonna fall asleep very soon, Lu'." 
"Even I could have made that prediction." 
"You didn't ask for somethin' that you couldn't predict." 
"And what if I do?" Lucien asked. 
"Well then, I guess I gotta tell you what I'm gonna do now."
"Pray tell." 
"C'mere… I'm gonna hold you close… Like this… And I'm gonna kiss your forehead… Mh, like this, and I'm gonna wish you a good night, baby doll." 
"Good night to you too, mon loup." 
They both closed their eyes and the squeals of the kittens dissolved in the air as they too fell asleep.
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Grass is Greener // Sibling Shenanigans 1/3
“I might be getting a divorce!” The signs of truth were there. Kairi had a cat carrier in each hand, Astrophe, the princess too good for a carrier, laid across her chest with claws dug into her shoulder, and the long strap of a duffel bag crossing her chest at a slant with the bag itself balanced against a cocked hip. Kairi’s shadow and liner were smudged and eyes too bright. Her smile was forced. Her hair was coiled in a complicated knot, but with several strands fallen out and curling slightly with damp and stuck to her face and neck,  and she was wearing a short black sequined dress with tennis shoes and no socks. She was a definite picture. 
However, her lines were delivered with the air of someone announcing that they had won an all expenses paid trip to Port Royal, and not that the life they had built was crumbling around them, so Axel thought he could be excused when it was with an exasperated sigh and a, “What happened this time?” that he welcomed his little sister through his front door and not a sympathetic and concerned, “Tell me what happened.”
“You know how Vanitas was supposed to be gone this weekend?” The carriers were already on the floor and Kairi and Vanitas’s manx, Ali, had, by all evidence Axel could see, turned to smoke and reformed outside the wire barred door as soon as it was set on the ground before Kairi had even bent to unlatch it, Astrophe running after his sister. “Is Stuffing shut in the bedroom?” All of Kairi’s cats knew Turkey was monarch of the realm, and they were proud aunts and uncles to the litter (Pumpkin, Gravy, Cranberry, Potato, and Biscuit, all of whom were supposed to have gone on to new homes by now, but Kairi suspected were to become permanent fixtures since Axel had not been able to “find the time” to secure appropriate homes so far since “They can’t just go to anyone, Kairi, and I’m not sending them to your broken home either!”) but Kairi’s old wirehair cat, Tillac, who Axel assumed was in the other carrier, and Stuffing had a rivalry that stretched back years. 
Axel didn’t even bother to nod, opting instead to ask, “Is Xion okay?” as he closed the door and then addressed his sister’s other question while bending to pick up the shoes she’d already kicked off so he could place them on the shoe rack by the door which she never remembered to do.  “No, I don’t keep Stuffing shut up unless I’m expecting Tilly, which I wasn’t.” The last was said with a pointed look. “I see you had your hands full, but would it have killed you to call?”
Kairi gaped at him. “Axel, I just took the kids and left my husband, and you manage to take his side by implying the only reason we could have argued is if I had planned something untoward in his absence, insult one of my dearest friends, imply you care more about Xion than your own sister, and whine about how my showing up is going to impact the plans I know you don’t have all in the space of seconds? Axel, your baby sister is distraught!” 
“Yeah, but is Xion okay?” Axel repeated without pause. “She’s sensitive.” He dropped the shoes in their proper place and let out a belated snort. “Untoward? Are you using a word of the day calendar so you can impress the hubby’s friends?”
Kairi released Tillac to go harass Stuffing until Turkey put her in her place, stood up, and tugged the hem of her dress down and readjusted the bodice to try and wrangle everything into a more presentable place. “Not all of us spend our days communicating only in grunts, brother dear.”
“Hey!” Axel gasped in mock offense. “I’m trying my best to teach Demyx human speech, but sometimes I have to meet him halfway.” He opened up his arms and gestured with his hands for Kairi to come hug him, an olive branch she immediately accepted, tripping over the cat carriers to throw herself in his arms. “Now tell me what happened and we can get drunk, or I’ll go threaten the bastard with a weed whacker or something.”  He kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back. There wasn’t enough information yet to establish whether this was a you’ll work it out moment or a you really shouldn’t go back this time with a side of you could do so much better, so he left no follow up.
“It’s really not that bad,” were Kairi’s first words and Axel could have provided commentary, but led her over the couch instead. Presumably, that meant Xion was fine. “It’s my fault. I picked a fight.”
He waited a second for more details, and, when none came, he urged her along. “Atta girl. Knock some teeth out? He has too many.”
“Axel, please.”
“Didja, blacken one of those creepy gold eyes?” Axel forced an exaggerated shudder to go with his words. He didn’t have to do much to make it happen. He’d found Vanitas unnerving ever since Kairi introduced them (or, rather, failed to, since “Guess who got married in Vegas?” did not an introduction make).
“His eyes are hazel and they are gorgeous.” Kairi sighed, picking up a wandering kitten from the arm of the couch and sitting them on her lap to cuddle (Pumpkin or Cranberry, but with Kairi’s hand covering the the top of their head while she scritched their scalp, there was no way to check the marking).
“Sure, if you’re a hawk. I bet all the lady hawks go crazy.”
“That’s my husband,” Kairi warned.
“Yeah, but for how much longer?” Axel scoffed, brushing his sister’s fight with husband off again, something he still wasn’t sure he wouldn’t regret later, though Kairi’s glare was weak enough he was confident that he would be called to post bail because Kairi and Vanitas were picked up for indecent acts in the back seat of a convertible in the middle of a car show by next week. It wasn’t like this was the first time Kairi had shown up on his door, claiming things might be over. There was a bit of a girl who cried wolf situation at this stage. He picked up his half finished beer from the coffee table and took a swig. “And I’m just saying you have bad taste. Xion excluded. Do you want to put your duffel  and the carriers in the guest room?”
“I don’t have bad taste. You have bad taste,” Kairi fired back and Axel couldn’t help but picture her at eight years old with a missing tooth and a haircut she’d given herself because he had dared her. “Your last boyfriend was literally a serial killer.”
“You have to kill three people before its serial and he was only convicted of manslaughter. Honestly, it’s like you never had a bad relationship before.” Axel’s easygoing reply of the standard line didn’t match the sudden flicker out and fade of amusement from his eyes.
“You do better with bored housewives.” Kairi patted his arm, and it was almost like an apology. “I’ll get the luggage in a minute.”
“I do fantastic with bored housewives,” Axel corrected, “but I’m usually only interested in their husbands.”
“Oh! Speaking of,” Kairi tucked her legs beneath her and sat up straighter, predatory look entering her eyes, “You started work for Xion’s brother-in-law today, right?”
Kairi smiled suddenly with too many teeth--maybe she was well suited to her husband after all--and Axel found it took all his focus to swallow his beer without choking. It occurred to him that the thermostat might have been broken, because the room was getting humid but the air hadn’t kicked on. “Weren’t you distraught?” He furrowed his brow like a good concerned big brother. “Didn’t you have a fight with your husband? You may be getting divorced. I know we don’t talk about things that bother us like a normal family, thanks Dad, but that’s upsetting news! I’m distraught! My ears are wide open.” He took one of Kairi’s hands in both of his and there was a meow of protest from Pumpkin. “I’m listening.”
Kairi pulled away and resumed important kitten petting duties. Unlike before, where her petulance was for Axel  taking things too lightly, her frustration now seemed to be at internal sources. “Sora invited me away for the weekend. Most of that duffel was already packed.”
“What about Xion?” Axel whined his bias. “She was in…” Axel made an okay symbol with his thumb and index finger and whistled between his teeth for effect, “fine form when I saw her earlier. She was wearing this petal pink bodycon number so short I saw that starfish you’re always talking about, and I think she cut her hair again, or at least did some different product. She was wearing that perfume you got her too. I thought you guys had something planned tonight.”
“Maybe she was going out with Ventus.” Kairi was dismissive enough in tone, but her lips pursed when they were done with the words and Pumpkin made a complaining noise like he’d been squeezed. 
“Who?” Axel oozed false innocence and confusion.
“Her husband...fiancé...boyfriend...whatever,” Kairi waved vaguely, more obviously disgruntled by the moment.
“Not whatever. Just because you skipped a few steps with ol’ Vani the Vain, doesn’t mean there is a distinct difference between those three things, typically one that matters to most people.”
“Just those in the relationship,” Kairi countered.
“And those with...what’s the word?” Axel pretended to think as Pumpkin abandoned Kairi in favor of him, and two more cats came bolting into the room as if summoned, sensing Dad was handing out love. “Morals? Boundaries? Restraint?”
“Van and I do have restraints…” Kairi hummed,  trailing off once the joke was made and clicking her tongue to lure Potatoes to her.
Axel howled protest and screwed up his face, playing along, glad Kairi was distracted again before she could get sad. “ Too much information even for us!”  When Kairi giggled--with grateful eyes that said she wasn’t really that amused, but was trying because she saw he was working hard to keep things light from the moment she’d walked in the door--Axel declared that part of his job done and reoriented back to allowing Kairi to tell her story. “So Vanitas was supposed to be gone so you made plans with Sora, and you were just going to leave the cats? “
“Xion was going to check in on the cats,” Kairi clarified the important part.
“You were going to have Xion catsit while you went traipsing off with the flavor of the month?” Axel stretched his mouth and widened his eyes, daring his face to stick in the clowning expression. “You’ll never get her to leave Airvent and marry you instead that way!”
“I’m already married...for now,” Kairi tokenly defended her marriage.
“Doesn’t count. He didn’t get my blessing...and he never will.” Axel was quick on both parts of the rejoinder.
Kairi ignored him as he expected her to and started to confess in a rush, “So Vanitas announces that he’s not going to the conference anymore; something about him finding out some of the last second substitutions in presenters and articles being presented when his was declined in the peer review stage...He was still published, but it’s a whole political thing with being featured in the conference. Anyway, he had to boycott on principle, so he’s home, and he told me to get ready because we were going out to dinner and we were going to order multiple bottles of wine and get kicked out of our favorite restaurant because he’s already a disgrace…his words. He gave me the opening, and I took it, because I’m panicked Sora is going to show up at the door.”
Axel raised his hand like an obedient child in a classroom to be called on, but just went ahead and interrupted even when he was ignored. “Isn’t Sora the yoga guy? Couldn’t he defeat Vani Vain with the power of friendship and love?” He hadn’t met Sora. Kairi was quite adamant that he wasn’t allowed to after he’d been a little more than politely amused at her stories. It was a fair ask since Kairi had, rightly, assumed that the only reasons Axel wanted to meet Sora were to see if he could make him cry for the fun of it, warn him off his sister, or, if he proved to be as attractive as Kairi said, sleep with him himself.
Kairi continued as if the interruption hadn’t happened. “I don’t take it right away. I get dressed, start to do my hair, and then I start throwing things from the vanity and yelling about how he can’t just order me to doll up like that’s all I am, his doll, waiting pretty on a shelf, ready to play with when he remembers I’m there. I point out he never asked me to come to the convention with him, and after we had such fun at last years’.” Axel snorted, knowing that story, and the pattern of being blocked out continued,  “And I know how many spouses come along now. I think I accused him of having an affair. I really don’t know. I half blacked out. A spirit took over, and when I came to, I was packing a bag and insulting his paper because he still wasn’t getting angry enough fast enough to justify me leaving.”
“It sounds like you handled the situation brilliantly,” Axel complimented. “So did you call Sora and tell him to pick you up here, or is the weekend off? Am I on catsitting and husband deflection duty?” He wasn’t seeing a problem yet, not even something that warranted Kairi’s overdramatic divorce line, though a troubling thought did occur to him. “If he smacked you, shoved you, laid a hand on you in any way when you started yelling at him, I will do more than threaten him with the chainsaw. He’s dead. Demyx will help me hide the body. He knows a guy, and he owes me. They both owe me. Plus, I learned some tricks from my ex.” He softened his concern and threats he was prepared to follow through with in jokes. 
“Stop thinking the worst of him at every opportunity,” Kairi snapped, and Potatoes rubbed his head against her stomach to calm her. “He just...took some low blows of his own and things escalated more quickly than I wanted them to.” She shifted uncomfortably.
“Like what?” Axel responded carefully, not wanting to supply guesses when it was a losing game, even if he came from the angle of listing reasons anything Vanitas could have said was untrue.
“It doesn’t matter,” Kairi insisted, which was a prime sign that it did. “I just might be here a few days for real after Sora and I get back. He’s coming to pick me up in an hour.”
Axel was silent a moment, assessing whether he should push Kairi to talk or hope the weekend healed the wounds, then nodded and gently lifted all cats away from his body. “An hour doesn’t give us much time. Go sit at the dining room table. Go!” He shooed her.
Kairi complied without asking for explanation and Axel went into the kitchen, grabbing two wine glasses down from the cabinet and an open half a red from the fridge. On impulse, he grabbed a few empty beer bottles from his recycling pile as well and stuck them under his arms. He continued their conversation as he rejoined his sister. “Do I get to meet Sora or is he supposed to stay outside and honk? Put your head down on the table and look listless.” He poured the barest hint of wine in the bottom of the glass he put in front of Kairi, and did the same for the one he put in his spot at the table. He arranged the empty beer bottles with the eye of an artist. “Let me go get my phone. Look sadder, but not so sad it’s unbelievable.” 
“If you want to meet Sora, take one of his classes.”
Axel snapped a series of pictures to choose from, talking to himself, “She’s doing fine, Vanitas. We spent the evening talking. Of course. I’ll send you a picture.” Raising his voice a few decibels, he gestured back to the living room. “Go lie down on the couch, cover yourself with the fleece from the armchair,  put a cat or two on your chest, and close your eyes. We’ll shoot, ‘don’t come over now, Van, she’s sleeping,’ next and then you can change into sweats and grab some board games from the closet. I’m assuming you’ll be too mad to answer phone calls from him anyway, but do you want to take your hair down and get it wet in the sink for some, ‘No, she just got out of the shower, why are you so creepy needing evidence?’ safety shots?”
“You’re seriously the best brother ever,” Kairi leaned up on tiptoes and pecked Axel’s cheek on her way into the living room.
“Tell me something I don’t know.”
“Roxas was watching you today from the upstairs window,” Kairi tossed out nonchalantly. “Xion texted me about it. He wants to smell your hair and cook you dinner.”
“He what?” Axel stuttered and nearly fumbled his phone. So much for a steady hand and unflappable cool. The Howe he hadn’t met yet, having spoken with Isa Howe during his initial looks around and estimates for the yard, had come outside after Xion had left, and all but admitted to watching him at least as long as to comment on Xion detouring to chat with him a minute before she went to her car, and, sure, Axel had purposefully peeled off his shirt and rolled down his overalls to his waist after Roxas had went inside, hoping he was still watching, but he hadn’t seen any proof, and their brief conversation had spent a moment on shock of shared acquaintances (“You know Xion? I knew you were Kairi’s brother--she recommended you--so it makes sense since they’re close, but that’s wild. Small world.”)  and then stayed in the professional (apparently Roxas had been the one who had done the sketches Isa had shown Axel of what the garden in the backyard was supposed to look like when he was done). Maybe Axel had noticed that Roxas had eyes the exact color blue as the delphinium hybrid he had presented at his last flower show (had to keep up the street cred that he was more than just a lawn service guy and a tree and hedge trimmer somehow--even if that sort of thing was his bread and butter), and that he was pretty cut since he hadn’t bothered with a shirt when he ran outside. And perhaps, when the sun caught his hair he looked like an angel out of a renaissance painting. None of that meant anything though.
“He wants to cook you dinner,”Kairi repeated, cavalier. “Be gentle with him. I think it would be his first time out of the box in awhile.”
“I’m not…” Axel pinched the bridge of his nose, counting to keep from getting angry and only managing to count the problems he had with what Kairi was suggesting. “Is this why you recommended me to your friend? Are you my pimp now?”
“He needs a fling.” Kairi had the nerve to shrug. “You are an accomplished flinger. The only person you’re seeing right now is Demyx, and he’s just a friend sleeping in one of your spare rooms….He is still just a friend sleeping in one of your spare rooms, right?”
“Most nights.” Axel left it ambiguous whether Demyx spent the odd night elsewhere or whether the friend lines sometimes blurred. “And my best tree trimmer.”
“That’s what I heard from Ienzo.” Kairi proved the Emberson comedic timing lived well in her. “So what’s the problem with Xion and I wanting to give Roxas a hot gardener fantasy to brighten up his life? He’s a friend.”
“So many things are wrong with that, Thalassa Shell.” In times so serious, Axel had no choice but to bring out family pet names. 
A beat passed. Kairi didn’t apologize for the idea like she was supposed to. Axel didn’t harp on it more. Another question fought its way out of his throat. “Incidentally though, did he say anything else about me?”
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strayen-fx · 5 years
My Roommate is a Demon | Part II
Genre: Fluff, angst
Wordcount: 1.9k
Warnings: trauma, road accident, mention of death, panic attack
A/N: I've finally finished it! Hope you guys like it 🥺
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"That's your delaying tactic, huh?"
Minho paused from petting Doongie and looked up at me, confusion written on his face. "What?"
I stood beside the TV, my arms across my chest, eyeing the demon who was sitting on my apartment floor. There was a reason why I never looked for a roommate -- I'd rather choose to pay an expensive rent than live with a total stranger that may/may not be a psycho, or worse, a jerk who doesn't know how to segregate biodegradable waste from non-biodegradable.
And yet, here I am: stuck with someone who was literally spawned by hell.
"How long do you intend to stay in my house?"
"Until you've told me your wish," Minho answered with a wide grin. He brought his attention back to Doongie and resumed attacking a bag of chips. "Until then, I'll be leeching off of you like the handsome demon that I am."
That's his third bag of chips for the day. "I already told you my wish," I pointed out. "Wishes, actually. But you never did any of them. So tell me -- are you toying with me? Just so you could stay here and play with my cats all day?" I eyed him suspiciously. "Are you running away from your tasks down in your place or something?"
Minho glared at me. "Your previous wishes wouldn't even count as wishes. You called for a demon, not a genie in a bottle," he scoffed. "You were supposed to ask for evil, injurious, hostile, insidious, destructive stuffs. And you asked me to give you an unlimited supply of pizza?"
"That's not the only wish I've told you," I argued.
Minho rolled his eyes. At this point in time, I am already used to seeing that affectionate gesture. "Right. You asked me to duct-tape Chan's laptop. You also asked me to trip Jisung. And you asked me to steal Changbin's plushie. Right. You have an absolutely terrifying and lethal mind, Y/N."
"Playing with Chan's equipment is evil," I reasoned out. I have actually witnessed Chan going nuts when he thought he lost his hard drive, and I swore to myself I would never want to see him furious again. It was the epitome of danger.
"...Are you for real?" Minho asked flatly. "That's, like, one of the top 100 lamest pranks I have ever heard. We're supposed to do crimes, not petty pranks on your kid neighbor."
"Can I just wish for you to leave?"
"Nope. Next question?"
"What am I supposed to do, then?" I whined. "I can't exactly wish for a random explosion in the streets, can I?"
Minho contemplated the idea for a few seconds. "That's not evil enough. We need something impactful -- I need something gold on my resume."
"Relevant experience, duh. I'm a hardworking employee. I need promotions."
I groaned, totally done and pissed and just generally going crazy about my whole predicament. How am I going to shake off my cat-loving demon roommate?
Minho grinned once more, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Guess that means you'll be spending an eternity with me."
"Can you burn my uni down?"
"That's not even an evil request. That's called service to the student body."
"Can you kill all the bugs in my city?"
"I may be a demon, but I do not intervene with the ecosystem. I'm done with you mortals ruining the planet. It's getting bad for my skin."
I frowned at Minho, who insisted on walking me to campus. He said he wanted to see my uni, but I'm pretty sure he's got some underlying intention he's not telling me. I felt wary for a sudden ambush.
"Can you give my professor the flu?"
"If we're talking about the flu that escalates into world destruction, then I guess we can get down to business--"
Minho suddenly stopped walking. He remained rooted on the road, staring at a middle distance. There was a look of worry in his eyes.
"H-hey, is something wrong?" I asked.
"I-I gotta go," Minho said hurriedly. He then sped off, almost tripping on his own feet. "I'LL SEE YOU AT HOME!" he shouted over his shoulders.
I don't know why, but the way he worded it made me feel a major blush creeping on my cheek. "YOU DON'T NEED TO GO BACK!"
"Where on earth did that demon go?"
My classes have already ended. Chan, Jisung and Changbin were all busy creating new tracks for the upcoming music fest, so I was forced to walk home alone. They were too busy these past few days, I hadn't gotten the chance to update them on the crazy scenarios unfolding in my life. They didn't even know I had a demon for a roommate. They didn't even know I've gotten a roommate, in the first place -- I bet they'd go crazy on their next visit.
That is, if I'd still have a roommate by that time.
"He said he'll see me at home," I mumbled. "Or did he just say that? Did he go back to wherever he came from? Without even informing me?"
As if on cue, I heard rustling of bushes from somewhere in front of me. I initially thought it was a thief. I was prepared to sprint off, but just then, Minho slowly walked into view, holding his hands against his stomach.
"You're here," I said quietly. Was that relief I just felt? Well, I guess I did feel relief knowing there wasn't a thief in front of me (but a demon instead. The irony.)
"Yeah," Minho smiled sheepishly. "I'm, uhh, just about to go home."
I gave him a weird look. "It has been hours since you walked me to school, and you're still here outside? You're just going home?" I noticed a few leaves that got stuck on his hair plus a few scratches along his forearm. My brow shot up. "By any chance... did you... get lost?"
A faint blush formed on the demon's cheeks. "I'm not used to human civilization, okay? I don't know your freak symbols. All the roads look the same -- how am I supposed to know where I am supposed to go?"
I tried to swallow the laughter bubbling in my stomach. "So you did get lost. I thought you're a demon? Can't you track me home with your demon powers or something?"
"I can only track your presence; ever wonder why I'm here in front of you? Your house is another thing. My powers aren't that strong yet." He began striding off to the direction opposite my house. I jogged after him, trying to match his long strides.
"Ya Minho. Are you sure of where you're-- Hey, what's that... thing on your belly?" I pointed at the weird spherical bulge on his stomach. He was wearing a baggy shirt, but the shape was still pretty much evident. It looked like a soft round pillow underneath his clothes. "Are you pregnant?"
"What are y-- I'M NOT PREGNANT, OKAY?" Minho's ears burned red, and he looked absolutely flustered.
"Would you care to explain, then, what--"
"Did you just meow at me, Lee Minho?"
The thing under Minho's shirt suddenly moved, protesting against the hands holding him. Minho was taken by surprise -- he wasn't able to stop the little cat from breaking free from his hiding spot.
"You brought a--"
"Meow~" The cat landed on my feet. He is so small, probably just a month old. He had grey and white fur, and his meow sounded soft and sweet. He looked up at me expectantly, as if assessing the possible danger I held against him. It then brushed its body against my legs, marking me as his human.
"You brought a cat?"
"What do you expect me to do?" Minho whined. "I heared him meowing and crying desperately for help. I can't just leave him alone in the street, he's too young!"
"That's why you scampered off earlier?" I stiffled a laugh. "Are you sure you're a demon? Didn't you send your application to the wrong agency?"
"Shut up. Let's bring Dori home, alright? He's hungry."
"You even named him already."
"I said shut up."
We began walking to my apartment -- the correct direction this time -- while Minho carried Dori in his arms. I had to admit: they looked adorable. Minho looked so soft while cradling the baby cat, and Dori looked comfortable in the hands of his new owner.
And then I thought: Once Minho leaves, who's going to take care of Dori?
Nah, I could definitely take care of another cat at home.
But Minho is the one who found Dori. He is the parent, not you.
Minho has to leave soon -- I can handle Dori on my own.
You're not gonna miss him?
...Of course not.
But Minho--
Shut up.
We were only a couple blocks away from my apartment. We were approaching a pastry shop which sells delicious cheesecake when suddenly, Dori jumped down from Minho's hold. The cat quickly ran off to the shop, carelessly crossing the street with her tiny paws.
"Dori!" Minho immediately ran after him, not even bothering to check the road for approaching vehicles.
A huge van was approaching fast. The driver probably didn't notice that someone was crossing the road -- he wasn't slowing down even one bit. His headlights blared, bright and harsh and ominous.
My brother. His bicycle. Blood. Van. Shattered glass. Smoke. Blood, everywhere. My brother, limp, unmoving. Blood. He was coughing blood. And his eyes... his eyes were blank. He wasn't blinking. He was staring at me with vacant eyes. He was bleeding. He--
The vehicle barely missed Minho by an inch. He successfully retrieved Dori. He looked back at me and smiled reassuringly, his hand held up in a thumbs-up.
My knees felt weak. I fell on the sidewalk, my heart thumping at a hundred beats per second. I couldn't feel my fingers. It felt as if I was dunked head-first into a pool of ice. Tears began welling in my eyes, making my surroundings blurry.
The next thing I knew, Minho was kneeling on my side. He was asking me a lot of questions, but I couldn't understand any of it. My heart was beating crazily in my chest. It was beating in my throat. It was beating in my ears. Dori was standing at my feet, carefully licking at my exposed skin.
"I'm here," he answered.
"Don't leave me. Never leave me."
He fell quiet for a few moments. And then: "You know that wish is against the rules of hell, right?"
I looked at him, trying to read the emotion in his caramel eyes. There was a look of genuine concern in them.
"We are not allowed to stay with humans for a period longer than our mission. Your wish breaks the most important rule for demon interns like me, which means that it's an evil wish." Minho smiled softly. "Is that the wish you are going to ask from your demon?"
I nodded. I pulled him into a tight hug, not even caring about my unflattering appearance on the side of the road. "Stay with me."
"I've heard your wish loud and clear," he declared. Minho carefully patted my head as he tightened his hold on me, lending me warmth from his embrace. I can actually feel him smiling. "We have a 'no return, no exchange' policy. Whether you like it or you like it, you're now stuck with your demon roommate forever."
°°° °°° °°°
A/N: Please stop me from giving this a steamy part three
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exosmuttytalk · 4 years
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Characters: Kim Jongin x Do Kyungsoo 
Genre: AU!Fluff, maybe some smut at the end, but don’t know yet.
Word count: ~1600 words
Summary: Kyungsoo lives with his cat which is more problems than joy. Jongin has just moved into the house next door.
A/N: This is going to be a little series with an still undefined number of chapters to it. If you have read Guardian you probably know where the name Jackie comes from and I like you very much :3
I woke up in the morning getting my toe licked. For many people, this could a promising way of starting the day, but that was not the case. As the night progressed I had slid further down the bed so that my right foot was dangling off the edge of the bed. My annoying cat, who by then had been on a diet for a grand total of eight days, had a very early internal clock and knew when it hit exactly 6 am to come and complain because her breakfast is not on her bowl. I have to give credit to her though; she started off slow, just by licking my toe as a warning, before trying to open-mouth maul it.
“Fuck off, Jackie.” I grunted as my leg recoiled under the duvet and I pulled it up to cover my head.
Her obvious next step was hopping onto the bed and walking all over me. Most of the times, cats waking their owners up videos are cute and adorable, but that was not necessarily the reality.
Jackie came home when my brother moved countries to work and she needed a new, loving home. I wouldn’t say I fit that criteria completely, but maybe like 50% of it. Either way, she took quite a long time to adapt to his new home and at the beginning, I was barely able to convince her to stay indoors. That caused her a lot of stress and, according to the vet, she ended up eating everything edible she could find and hunt outside. Who would’ve thought cats could have mental problems as well. So she had to be put on a diet, the gate from the kitchen had to be removed and she started getting used to waking me up but sitting her whole nine kilo self on top of my belly.
I pushed her off me to the other side of the bed but sat up on the edge of it anyway. The alarm was going off in an hour and a half anyway.
I could feel Jackie’s fur brushing against my back, slyly pushing me off the bed. As I made my way down the stairs to the kitchen, she was almost walking between my legs, so had to jump off the last couple steps to avoid falling.
Her veterinary told me to buy a certain type of food that had to be heated up, so I killed time throwing a ball across the kitchen which Jackie would then lazily fetch around the room but never actually return. Bowl on hand, I tried to command her to sit, but she only looked at me with round eyes and meowed insistently. I sighed and put the plate down after giving a quick stroke along her loin.
After I got dressed and closed everything up so Jackie wouldn’t stand a chance, I went for a quick stroll around my neighborhood. I was fairly new to this place, having moved into a residential area from the business part of the city, but despite that, I had already made friends with the old lady who lived next door and who never seemed to sleep and neighbors on the other side, the young couple with a little kid who actually just moved away last week. I liked them all fairly well, but although houses here have a pretty sizeable lawn and are at a distance from each other, I could hear their cute baby crying during the nights at times. Sun was already rising when I came back home from my walk and saw a moving van parking in front of the unoccupied house.
Six in the morning. Again. I’m wrong, it’s 6:02. Jackie must have enjoyed sleeping in.
After having had a particularly awful meeting at work the previous day, I had come home last night and barely cared to cook, so I ordered a pizza and opened a plain can of tuna for Jackie. This morning, she would be getting a gourmet treat, as I was going to make small croutons out of the leftover pizza crusts and add them to her wet food. She may like the crunch, let’s hope she doesn’t crack a tooth.
I had only bothered hiding the crusts from her before I went to bed the night before, quite late after I stood up watching a rerun of a show from before I was born. Pillows were all over the place and the empty box was still on top of the table next to a couple cans of stuff I chugged yesterday. I decided it would be future Kyungsoo’s problem and groggily walked towards the shower.
Future Kyungsoo sighed so hard when he came back home at 7 pm and saw what the other guy had left for him. Postponing wasn’t really an option anymore, so I decided to go for a full room cleanup instead.
I was surprised when I moved the pillows around and Jackie didn’t come zooming out from whatever corner to fight me for it. Despite having a cushiony bed, despite my attempts at making her not do it, she always managed to steal random pillows and hoard them at different places around the house.
This was quite a big house, she could be hiding at the bedroom pillows instead. Despite that, I went looking around every corner and under every piece of furniture, to no avail. I was starting to feel a bit nervous, I thought she had already adapted to being home? My gaze wondered across the room until it found a window ajar. I had opened a little this morning to let the steam of the shower come out and forgot to close it. And Jackie had probably jumped out through it. Despite her weight, Jackie was still pretty agile, and there was a tree branch reaching out not far from the windowsill.
Shit, shit, shit. I ran downstairs and hurriedly opened the kitchen door that led to the backyard. I turned the lights on but they couldn’t do much against the darkness of late fall evenings. I pulled out my phone to turn the flashlight on and started calling for Jackie. My voice rose as I looked around the bushes and found nothing. I heard movement behind me but it turned out to be nothing but a squirrel that was lucky Jackie wasn’t around.
“Hey!” A voice not higher than a talking tone said from behind the right side fencing. “I think this is may be yours.”
I rushed to the fence and as soon as I glanced over it I saw Jackie delicately sitting down on top of the only cushion on the whole porch swing. That little shit.
The second thing I noticed was the guy who had given me the heads up. He looked to be around my age, had light brown hair, slightly tanned skin and was wearing what seemed to be loungewear in old sweatpants and an oversized, seemingly fluffy dark red jumper.
“I was just here having a beer and her cute head popped up from that hole over there!” The new guy pointed at a hole in the fence that indeed connected both houses.
“Oh. I’ll have to get that repaired…”
“I can do it, don’t worry.”
“I wouldn’t want to waste your time…”
“You’re not. We just moved in and I still need to find a job here, so in the meantime I have plenty of it.” He smiled brightly at me and he seemed so self assured I didn’t want to refuse anymore.
“I’m sorry, she shouldn’t be out, but she sneaked through a window I left open. May I come in and pick her up?”
“Oh, don’t worry, I can do that for you.” Then, as if it was as easy as picking up a flower, he walked up to Jackie and picked her up. With both arms. And she even dared to cuddle up against him.
He then handed her to me over the fence, cupping her butt and tail with his big hand in order to avoid her scratching herself against the wood.
“She never lets anyone pick her up so easily.”
“Ahh, it’s a she! I was calling her a good guy when he was sitting with me. I’m sure she’s liked the food, though.”
“The food? Which food?”
“Well, she was just chilling around the yard, so I went in to take the beer. She was on top of the table and already biting some of the food, so I figured since it was already ruined, it didn’t matter if she ate more,” he shrugged. “She seemed to like it.”
“How can you just go around feeding other people’s pet like that? What if they’re sick or allergic?”
“Oh, mmm… I’m sorry! I didn’t know it was your cat and not just any street cat. Cats can eat all food, right?”
“What did she eat?”
“Almost half a chicken sandwich. Roasted chicken, lettuce, tomato, mayonnaise and cheese,” he recited looking anxious. Roasted chicken and vegetables wasn’t the worst option.
“I tried to feed her a chip as well, but she didn’t take it.”
The look on my face must have been unpleasant enough to make him falter a bit.
“I’m really sorry! Do you think she’s going to be okay? How can I make it up to you?”
 “It’s alright,” I said as I started to make my way back home. “She’ll be fine. I’ll make sure to lock the windows properly next time.”
Jackie II
Other Kaisoo and Ksoo business
Everyday   OC/Fluff/One Shot
Stories of my downfall      Kaisoo/Fluff/Angst/One Shot
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