#i fuckimg hate being poor
asbestieos · 7 months
Kt has been one hohr and durimg this oje hour span ive washed the dishes, taken out trash and recycling, and shoved allllll of our stray clothes laundry shoes etc into the places they should go/areas where i can sort them out later. Its 330 am. I,m. Gonna ride out this momentum and then. I domt know i dont wanna sleep but ive been keeping up a good 8 hr sleep time lately for the sake of my health. Its atrocious out here. I want to relapse so bad but im so depressed im like no it would hurt,,,,,.. and yeah im right it would h7rt andいまぃっtぇsorryabdi am a little wuss wuss anout pain. Btw this cleaning spree was inspired because i saw the biggest fucking roach ivr ever seen crawling around my rotten left over ramen bowl and. I WANT TO CRYYYYYYYYY ARUGGGHHHHH AAHGGHHHHHH IM IN PAINN AAHHHH AHHHHHH AAAAHHHHHHH i cant keep doing this alone anymore but i dont want to cry about itim trying to be strong for myself here. Im trying to do thinges for me now. Ipthats the whole point i moved out wnyway i should fucking care more about myeself i have 5o do that selfcare shit. DO NOT FUCKING THIMK AHOUT YOUR FAMILY OR YOU 2ILL HAVE A MENTAL BREAKDOWN. YOU CAN 5HIMK AH9UT THEM LATER!!!!!! anyway. After my cleaning mania is over Ill probably stay up as late as i possibly can drawing gay sex until i grow too tired to draw
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otterplusharchive · 5 years
it’s so frustrating how rich people think everyone can just work from home. I have chronic fatigue & I’ve been searching for wfh jobs that I can do for years with no luck. They’re Very limited & many require certain skills or degrees that most people don’t have. & it’s literally impossible for everyone to work from home our society would collapse because there’s no one to run the most common industries. I just wish us poor folks who are forced to work would get a little more appreciation :(
its so enfuriating and im so sorry i fuckimg hate rich people and im really proud of you for being here and being alive please stay safe
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radxfem-blog · 8 years
Hey why do y'all hate vegans so much lol like literally someone is like “here’s some suggestions for how you can go vegan/at least cut out some animal products even if you think you can’t and here’s why it’s helpful to animals, the environment, and yourself” and everyone’s just like “stop pushing ur agenda stop trying to make me aware of something that is having a huge impact on the environment stop trying to make me think about the consequences of my lifestyle choices and see how I can change them omg ur so annoying!!!!”
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littlefurpants · 3 years
I feel like this is going to be a big anti Christmas year from me. I should just vow off Instagram til Jan. This starting Xmas on Nov 1st thing... ugh it grates my cheese. I'm not ready. Xmas is too much. The capitalism. The forced cheer. The focus on family which is so hard for so many people. Holidays for me means spending time with fatphobic, sexist, racist relatives and being constantly misgendered. It's very stressful. Plus I am poor and everything starting Nov 1st is BUY BUY BUY buy fucking expensive gifts for everyone you know and every year I have to live with the shame of not being able to afford presents for my siblings. This is the time of year I feel like a loser. I feel alone and depressed. It is the darkest time of the year for a lot of people with mental illness. Plus I just kind of... hate it. I hate red white and green. I hate matching jammies for the whole family. I hate salvation army bell ringers. Maybe I will check out this year. I'm not even a Christian and thus begins the season of fucking "merry christmas"... fuckimg happy yule, people! Maybe I will get really into yule this year. Maybe I need my own traditions. Maybe this will kick off a new start of pagan holidays. I do reject the idea that christianity is the norm and recognize that this is a tough time of year for people of different faiths, or no faith. Maybe we need to act in solidarity this year and push back against the Christian capitalist machine. I might even have someone I can celebrate the winter solstice with this year. *off to research yule*
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starlitslumbers · 7 years
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thetaylorfiles · 4 years
Hi! It's been over a year that I habitually come to your blog to see what you're up to & it's comforting. I hope you're doing well. Anything fun or new happen recently? I've never tried Hinge-- I'll check it out!! Honestly, my roommate and I have been struggling with quarantining, knowing some peers have been going out. We are on the same page about it, tho! And healthwise we're good! Everything else has been ok! I've been writing creatively more, and it feels good. Maybe Taylor inspired me!
It’s been a long time that I come habitually you my blog too! Hahaha! But Folklore brought me back and I’m so glad it did. I’ve really missed you guys. I absolutely love getting to talk with so many cool people. I feel like some of you are my friends.
And now, more than ever, with so much bullshit misinformation being pushed out there and Fox News brainwashing of people, and actual fuckimg conspiracies happening, this blog feels timely in a way. Conspiracies in the real world right now are actually matters of life and death. Ask Herman Cain. And thousands of other non-famous people.
I see my mother reading bullshit that spins in directions that they should never go to and I worry about her aging, fragile mind and I want to ducking smash the fucking far right and their goddamn conspiracies and lies.
So, yeah. If I can spend time on here, having fun talking about a celebrity that I adore, fighting against one tiny conspiracy (that, thankfully, isn’t that harmful), and having fun, then yeah. I’m good.
So, yeah. Check out Hinge! I told my friend that at the very least or best, you could meet a cute girl that you hit it off with and you could have one of those relationships with that we all had when the internet was new and we met people from all over and thought we were in love from talking all the time over IM and the phone. You may not be able to meet up now (unless you meet The One and take the right precautions), but you could have someone to flirt with and be excited about! That sounds so delicious to me! Seriously.
I think everyone is struggling with quarantining. If you’re not, you’re an anomaly. I think I’ve finally accepted it for the most part. But I’m very lucky. I have my best friend with me and I have my kids. I get breaks and I have my parents to see a few times a week.
However, school starts tomorrow. And not only do I fucking loathe homeschooling and teaching like crazy, but I’ve now got two kids who are really in it in terms of curriculum. Last year my girl was young enough that she didn’t have to do much. And my son is on the autism spectrum. Which, for him, means that he sees school as a place where you do school work. And home is for relaxing. He just CANT separate the two.
The last few months of distance learning last year was a nightmare with him. Constant, bad fighting to get him to do anything. And I hate fighting him. He’s not trying to be bad. His brain just works differently. I got him to do a few assignments a day last year but he didn’t learn shit. I had to beg him or bribe or fight him on it. It was AWFUL. And I hope to god it’s now like this this year.
If I could, I’d say, okay, take a gap year. (Which btw, the schools should be saying that to everyone. Elementary kids (or all) should just get a gap year till we can do in person learning). Don’t do your work and you’ll just start next year at the grade you are now. But then he’d lose all his friends. And do you know how hard it was for him to make friends? He finally has this small group of girls and boys that love and accept him. I can’t take that away.
Plus, my daughter is now in 2nd and she’s got a full day every day. I just don’t know how I’m going to do it.
On top of that, this summer has at least given them their good mental health back. At the end of last school year I was dealing with depressed, anxious, angry children who felt suffocated and untethered. It was scary. Bad mental health for them both. I did what I could this summer to make it better for the both of them. And it worked. But now we’re going back into it and my sunny, happy kids are going to turn depressive. They both have said some alarming things when like this.
Kids just aren’t meant to be kept home, away from everyone.
Sorry. This got way too poor me. Thing is, so many of my friends are dealing with the same thing. Do you know how many 5-7 year olds I know that are now in therapy for deep depression, anxiety and self harm? It’s scary.
But we’ll do our best!! Got some ideas and I’m hopeful. And dear god let Biden win so he can eventually turn this around.
Wow. I’m so sorry to vent like that. Thank you for listening.
Hey. Do you ever want to talk off asks? My DMs don’t work. I can’t get any DMs. But if you send me a private anon, I can answer you privately and I’ll give you my number and we can text. I do it with another friend from here too. Would love to chat more! As long as you’re cool with someone who sometimes takes forever to reply and sometimes replies rapid fire. Hahaha
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