#i fucking hate Microsoft
thejokig23 · 5 months
Every single god damn fucking time I go to play Minecraft some bullshit has happened with my account
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What the fuck is going on with Word? I've turned off most of the "corrective" and "helpful suggestions" functions because they're usually inappropriate or unhelpful - plus early modern grammar is a nightmare for spell checking. However, Word seems to want them on and keeps giving me these bullshit "tips", such as:
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I'm still editing this sentence but I very much DO want to say "Isham wrote her Book of Remembrance", not authored or drafted! Who the fuck uses one of these in this context?! "Isham authored her Book" sounds like something a first year who has just found the thesaurus function would write.
So, Word, kindly FUCK OFF!
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unpretty · 2 years
absolutely wildest part of my job on an emotional level has to be making forms. it feels wrong. forms are important. someone else should be making this, who knows things about form law. these should be special ordered from a company that does nothing but make forms with the help of their legal team that does nothing but confirm that the forms are correct. every time i throw a form together in word and it becomes our new official form, it feels deeply wrong somehow. this is too much power.
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cricketcat9 · 1 month
I CAN'T post photos on FB, from a macbook? I CAN'T attach a photo to an email unless I use your "mail", no such thing for Gmail (which I have to ditch anyway), or protonmail, or anything?
My ancient, asthmatic macbook with a heart condition, performing 4 operations per minute, can do it, but the Sonoma OS can't? What is this fuckery, and what's coming next?
YOU ARE FUCKING EVIL and I regret I got ever involved with you, APPLE. FUCK YOU.
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zoobus · 8 days
I switched to Linux Mint. It's not as bad as I thought it would be, excluding searching for answers from Linux users, which is exactly as bad as I thought it would be
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silvermizuki · 7 months
So uh. Copy and save your files to your actual hard drive before you delete things off onedrive.
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meirimerens · 3 months
haiii sorry if you've answered this b4 but what program do you use to organise your writing ?
"organize" is a big word my shit is all over the place it's just a bunch of files in my folders truly. if you mean what i use to write however comma
depending on the fic i'm either working on google docs (pros: accessible everywhere and you can work on it regardless of device, cons: this "everywhere" gotta have internet. also it's google) or, & that's what i'm currently using for ASEFSW, LibreOffice Writer (it's the equivalent of microsoft office's Word but it's open source and free regardless of who you are lol. basically the LibreOffice suite is like the Microsoft suite but free and open source). pros: free, open source, It's Not Google, you can use it without internet, etc; cons: since it's not synced to a cloud you can't edit your files from anywhere + no mobile support from what i know)
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hawaiiparty2 · 7 months
I hope you enjoy watching stella getting cucked @turttheturtle777, i hope you like it little bastard/j
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sporesucker · 5 months
tf2 on xbox is fucking wild. the game itself is stuck in 2008, the only way you can purchase it today is by buying a physical disc, said disc actually has multiple games bc you cant by tf2 separately, and youre rawdogging it with no chat function or voice commands other than calling for medic. also the breakdowns i had over trying to get my hands on this bitch were oddly similar to when jerma was trying to buy red dead redemption.
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starlightkun · 4 months
if soulmate factory is two parts do yall pinky promise to read both parts 🥺 there is literally no way for me to get this under tumblr's 1000 block limit for one post and i dont WANT it to be two parts that absolutely RUINS it but 😭😭😭 it's either that or don't post it here at all
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essektheylyss · 1 year
I know it's old news at this point but good god, Outlook is such a shitty platform.
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amomentwiser · 7 months
God why don't they teach taxes and finance in school. I'm 22 and my search history looks like: "Investing for beginners dummies absolute noobs dweebs 5 year old baby." If anyone uses the word equity I will throw up
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bibleofficial · 7 months
i fucking HATE microsoft i HATE apple i HATE emails i HATE technology if u want me to see something important send me a fucking LETTER otherwise DIE
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takamoris · 4 hours
Heartwarming! This girl who was neutral on the Microsoft Corporation, and actually enjoyed many of their products throughout her childhood got a job working with them. Two years later, she hates the company, and longs to see them go bankrupt!
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jusiri · 8 months
Fun fact for those of you who might not know, if you have windows 10 and you hate that Search shows search results from the Internet instead of just whats on your computer, you can turn that setting off
Its through the registry keys, so if you can't or don't wanna touch that, this wont work for you lol
i also cannot guarantee this is *safe* exactly
im a chronic messer arounder, and ill dick around with shit on my computer frequently, but i have 0 actual computer knowledge ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
all i can say is that it works and so far ive noticed nothing bad
Which i fucking despised that search would constantly bring up bing results instead of how it used to be so
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phantomtrax · 2 days
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I just opened my laptop and it was a black screen for a while which iwcouldnt do anything about (strangely common phenomenon) and when i opened it for a second time this happened. I can't take this fucking machine
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