#it deleted all my csp brushes
silvermizuki · 7 months
So uh. Copy and save your files to your actual hard drive before you delete things off onedrive.
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mahikamihan · 10 months
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aloe-verarer · 1 year
awakens from my deep slumber to post a celebratory shirtless dedan doldle
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yumenosakiacademy · 3 months
fun fact ive drawn scar several times n actually almost completed 1 of said drawings (like... digitally lining it after the pencil doodle) but alas.
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mayskalih · 7 months
hey, i see you have been answering!! so i just wanted to say i LOVE your art, i just love how effortlessly swift your lines look + i enjoy the colors you use.
i was wondering if you had a specific process when rendering the artwork cuz i would be interested&honored to see/know!!!
much love and have a nice day!
Hi anon and thank you!
Here's the general workflow of how I colour in CSP. I usually spend most of my time on lineart, as I enjoy it most, so I keep my rendering simple. Sometimes I skip some of the steps below :)
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Step 1: flats. I add a 'Multiply' layer on top at 10-20% opacity and fill with single colour, usually peach-y one since I like my colours to be warm.
Step 2: gradients. Here I add some variation to the flat colours. I use airbrush for this, or sometimes low-opacity brush that allows colour mixing (Magda). I add blush and gradients to hair and clothing using similar but darker colours.
Step 3: shadows. I use solid round brush (G-pen) and just block in shadow areas on a separate layer set at 'Multiply'. Sometimes I use different colour for skin/clothing/hair.
Step 4: smooth parts of shadow where needed. Not all shadows are sharp and I use Blend tool to soften some areas.
Step 5: adding colour variety. Essentially, I improvise and play with adding different colours until I like it (or hate it and delete everything). I use 'Soft light' and 'Hard lights-out add different colours, usually with airbrush. And add accents (reflections) on 'Overlay' layer.
Hope it helps! Here's the time-lapse:
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Alastor Painting Experiment :3
(Timelapse and other stuff under the cut)
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I'm really happy with this, all things considered! I gave myself a couple of little challenges when it came to this painting:
Try to make something unsettling! I usually go for - heh - less unsettling and more fluff (?) in my art (even my Radiosilence comic that is - not strictly... pleasant lmao - is still just more angst than creepy, yk?)
I wanted to keep things really loose! Focus more on vibes than 'rules'. Not worrying about if it has an internal 'logic' as to how i painted it (as opposed to sketch -> cleanup/lineart -> color)
To play more with non-traditional lighting like glowing eyes, teeth, and stitches; glitchy bg that doesn't contribute to the lighting on Al but still 'works' aesthetically, etc.
No deleting lines. I could paint over things, but I couldn't sit there finessing everything within an inch of its life. (This goes back to the keeping it loose thing)
I wanted this piece to be really experimental and outside of my usual process. I really like what I've been making lately, but especially towards the end of making my mini comic I felt so stiff. Moreso mentally than anything else. Trying to keep things that consistent was really hard for me XD Not to mention I feel like the best way I've found to improve, is fighting through the discomfort of new-ness and moving past the fear of something 'not turning out good' to just see what happens. That's something I've been embracing a lot this year, and I've seen more of an improvement in my art over the last six months than the six YEARS before that.
I'm not usually a horror fan (I like my horror Buffy-ified, pls and thank you! XD) (AKA: Mixed with other genres and not too graphic (for those who havent seen BtVS)) but something about how fucking unsettling Al is - is like... weirdly cathartic???? This whole fucking show is cathartic. I - yeah. Anyway Al's magic looks cool and I wanted to make art about it again bc I didn't get to play with it as much as I would have liked to in my comic bc I was so pressed for time.
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Here's a closeup of the face bc I LOVE the details and textures here. I switched to CSP right before starting this tumblr, and I'm still just so blown away by how great the brushes are???? I had to fight so fucking hard to get anything to look good in Photoshop. These just??? Work as intended??? Like its intuitive????? Fucking lovely lmao
Anyways, here's the speedpaint! Mwah <3
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codemiracle · 8 months
On a serious note, I really do love it! Everytime you post with a drawing I unconciously zoom in on every part, trying to analyze it. How do you make everyone look so handsome???
If it's allowed, would it be okay for me to ask on your drawing process? And I guessed your pen was the su cream on csp or at least something pencil like. And maybe you color with something similar to the round brush from procreate..? High chance I'm wrong though!
Again, sorry if the ask is too personal! It's okay if you don't want to answer, I just want you to know that your drawing is VERY cool!
Aww, you're too nice! Don't worry about it's not personal at all. Thank you for the kind words <3 It flatters me that you take your time to appreciate the details of my drawings :3 My drawing process it's really simple actually (bc I'm lazy lol). I usually don't... make lineart? I just use the sketch as my lineart lol, even in big, detailed drawings, I like the messy lines better. Next time if i have a step-by-step process I'll share it for sure! You were pretty close with your guesses actually, i use Clip Studio Paint and my lineart brush is this one:
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Sadly, my coloring brushes have been deleted from the store since i downloaded them so I don't think I can share them with you, but you can just find any watercolor textured brush and that'll be fine! Hope this helps you hehe, thank you for asking so kindly! Have a great day <3
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lanshappycorner · 10 months
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I tested out my friend @/ poritora's new brush by drawing alcryst 😳
OH ALSO idk if anyone will have trouble with this bc the brush doesnt immediately go into ur assets but just in case:
go to your downloads
right click and press extract all on the torapaint zip file
go to CSP and right click any brush (it doesn't affect/delete the brush dw)
click import sub tool
select the torapaint brush and there you have it !
you can drag the torapaint brush from your uploaded brushes into your CSP downloaded assets too if you want
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transactinides · 16 days
finally clearing out my downloaded brushes on csp. why did i even need five billion chains and beads brushes at this point deleting them all probably took as much time as initially downloading
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s0fti3w1tch · 1 year
give me your brushes
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My main line-art brush is an edited version of the default Turnip Pen! (settings shown are for brush size)
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...Okay, 3 of my main brushes are all that that but at varying base brush sizes and stabilization. It's the same brush 3 times. "dtaw" because I misspelled and couldn't be bothered to fix it.
1 & 3 are usually lineart, 2 is usually sketch and color and small details.
The rest is the default airbrush/soft pen and a bunch of halftone brushes (and bg texture brushes that... always change)
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But I also use this spray brush a lot. Like. A lot.
And a speed blur pen that has since been deleted/taken down from the CSP store :(( (there is a copy of the Speed Blur someone made tho)
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sketch to final that's basically it! Hope this helps :D
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myrmica · 1 month
1, 3, 9, 23 - and as for 23 I already know the insane way you approach layers but I'm basically asking you to share with the class
1. Art programs you have but don't use
well as of (checks watch) 19 hours ago i have blender and no ideaaaaaaaaa what to do with that thing. i'm interested in it for grease pencil/2d animation though... speaking of animation, i tried to pirate tvpaint a long time ago because on paper it seems like it might suit me better than storyboard pro/harmony does but i can't figure out how to get it to do anything. i also couldn't find the version of tvpaint i actually wanted anywhere. animation programs are such a struggle i don't enjoy working in toonboom all that much, if i could i would animate entirely in storyboard pro because it's simpler/more intuitive but i inevitably have to move to harmony to do certain things -_-
otherwise... like, blockbench, modelbench, mine-imator, all of which i haven't touched in a couple years. for drawing i switch between sai and csp pretty regularly but csp is my default now, i feel like i'm slowly phasing out sai like a cat switching to wet food or something. but i still like sai better for painting (i'm attached to my custom brush in there)
3. What ideas come from when you were little
i have no idea actually. i don't really have any long term characters or story ideas that have endured the test of time, i draw entirely different things now, erm... well here's some minecraft art i drew at age 11 some things never change
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9. What are your file name conventions
bad. well no it could be worse for the most part it's just 3000 numbered iterations of the same file. i'm too stuck in my ways to change it at this point but i do wish it was more orderly
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and i organize my art more generally in folders by subject matter. which is funny because then you can get stats
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^ lifesteal has surpassed the competition (although the file sizes are biased by having deleted all of the iterative working files for older stuff)
23. Do you use different layer modes
okay well in my defense it's BETTER than it USED TO BE. i think i've talked about my whole layer situation before actually but the tldr is i have a problem. i think my average layer count these days for something relatively complicated is in the 200s but once upon a time it could get up to the thousands
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welcome to my twisted mind
all that aside i use multiply layers and such pretty often these days. i remember years ago i really hated using them because i didn't like there to be anywhere in an image where you could tell color was layered transparently, if that makes sense? but now i like them to help unify colors
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scribz-ag24 · 2 months
Do you have a set process for coloring and rendering / adding texture to your art? If so, would it be alright for me to ask what goes into that process? I'd love to learn how an artist I admire goes about their work!
Omg I'm so flattered, I'll try my best to explain it!! ^^
Tho, okayyy, I apologize beforehand for how incoherent this might be, since I don't really have a set process at all and mostly I fake it 'til i make it haha. I'm the first to admit that I don't have a ver consistent method and that shows in how irregular in quality my art can look, even inside the general sketchy look.
(Btw sorry if some of the fanart i use for example doesn't make you comfortable but I've tried to find the best examples for each type of coloring haha)
I'll start with the brushes I rely on the most, tho I admit i made the mistake of downloading too many brushes and textures so I might use others on rare occassions xddd
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These are basically the brushes I use the most. The "mezclador redondo" is just CSP's default paintbrush and I only tweaked it to find sth I liked and felt comfortable with for both lining and painting
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As you can see here I only used one layer for lines and other three for each of the guys' colors. I colored it all with the default brush (tho unfortunately I lost the settings I used for this drawing in particular and haven't found them again rip). In drawings like this I just do a sketch, clean the lines (no lineart) and then paint it. After the base color I start laying out different hues to make the coloring more interesting.
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This one was the same. One layer for coloring, manually adding lighter hues (see the more light and yellowish color on grovyle's left leg compared to the shadow) or darker tones. I try to add color to the shadows as well to make them feel less flat, and an airbrush in overlay tends to help with that (tho here I just used a brush).
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Here you can see that I often paint over the lines on another layer to correct mistakes in the "lineart" lol. I also applied an airbrush (layer mode overlay) over celebi to make her more bright. I wanted to put this one to show that coloring doesn't have to be detailed to look nice enough. Here Celebi basically has no shadows at all but the tone of the drawing makes her look cute anyways imo ^^
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In these two you can see adjustements over the full image again (yellow layer), but I also wanted to show that I don't have a set number of layers either, it depends on how many I feel like using. Again, sorry for the lack of consistency but im too lazy to have a proper method lmao
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I will also use harder brushes and tone changes sometimes, instead of blending them with less dense brushes. I am also fond of adding hard lighting in some drawings. You can experiments with it on a top layer and delete it if it doesn't fit, so it's always worth a try.
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Another thing I recommend is studying and copying artists you admire or like. Add things from their styles into yours, see how they work with proportions and try to use that in your own art. It has helped me a lot and, without looking to fully copy anyone's style, it does give you some ideas of how you wish your drawing would look, which motivates me (when it doesn't depress me lol)
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Finally, the texturing isn't consistent either. I use one of CSP's/Downloaded texture packs, put a grainy texture on the canvas, set it to overlay and adjust the opacity until I'm satisfied. In these two images you can see I am not consistent in coloring even in the same comic lmao. But we are doing this for fun, so I think experimentation is always sth worth exploring ^^
And I think that's all I have to say. I don't control color theory at all, so I can't really explain how I choose colors. I look up some tutorials on youtube and pretend I understand lol. Ig the one thing I tend to do a lot is changing hues in a base color to make it look less flat, the same as with shadows.
Anyways I hope this was helpful or that it at least waas what you asked for haha. Thank you for the interest!! :DD
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artfromsaturn · 10 months
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Download these brushes & color sets here
This is a folder of stuff I have on my computer MADE BY OTHER PEOPLE that was deleted from Clip Studio Paint for whatever reason, usually because the brush was deleted for violating the CSP guidelines.
If you see your brush here and you ACTUALLY want it deleted, message me & let me know. Sadly, I don't have a record of who made what, I just have the brush itself. Message me if you already reposted it & I'll link that instead.
If you're wondering how to keep your material from being deleted from CSP, here's a guide:
You CANNOT Use any default material aside from the round pen, and you CANNOT use any material belonging to someone else, even if it's public domain.
No kidding:
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If I were to guess, it is because CSP doesn't want the same 5 material flooding into the CSP asset store and doesn't want to deal with copyright claims. Something may be public domain in one country, but not in another. It's a headache all around.
As CSP said, this only applies to their asset store. If you're deleted but still want to share, feel free to just repost on gumroad, deviantart, etc. for free. Here's one I love:
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You can also post material using the basic material CSP comes with & sell it elsewhere. You can make some great brushes, but you have to distribute or sell them off the CSAssets store.
You cannot use real people as your brushes.
Even if you or your friend says "Yes, you can use me as a brush!", Clip Studio Paint doesn't have a system in place that verifies that you are you. Someone could upload a photo of their ex, claim that the photo is them, and then the ex wouldn't realize it until they saw their face randomly somewhere and that'd just give everyone a headache.
I know you can post parts like eyes, just don't do photographs of whole faces.
You cannot use fanart in your preview images
The only way to get away with this is to pick something super obscure to the moderators & other users. It can be whatever you want as a preview, from a dog to your OC to a flower to a doodle/painting of someone you know, just nothing that is owned by others.
Thanks, have a good day, enjoy brushes & sharing material. Let me know if I accidentally uploaded something you want off.
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0046incognito · 3 months
how do you do lining so nice? i don't know how to describe it.. what pen do you use? :D your work is so nice btw
thank you!! i love doing lineart it's one of my favorite aspects of drawing [it's why i'm so relieved to finally be on my cleanpass for this student film cuz all i really have to do now is lineart+color^_^] but geez all these questions out of nowhere lately about how i do art is almost gonna make me paranoid someone's trying to impersonate me LOL
OK basically i just use a modified version of clipstudiopaint's default lineart pen? i don't even remember the exact changes i made plus i don't know/don't want to bother with exporting a brush to put on the CSP asset store but here are the most most important:
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plus i always do all my lineart on a vector layer cuz i have weak+shaky hands so the additional Ease Of Correction is nice^_^ i don't Exactly have a concise rule for brush sizes, but i always set the number to a multiple of eight, and generally use the thickest brush for the outline with the lightest weight going inwards, then all the details are a size About four times thinner. do not use the same brush size for detail as you do thick outlines, i used to do this when i was younger because i didn't get that thick lineart looks best when it's CONTRASTED by thinner lines
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in toonboom though for animation since it's a different software i gotta use a totally different brush, and toonboom's brush settings are pretty good though not As robust as i'd like for example solid vector brushes are locked off from any of the textured brush settings, and what they Call "textured vector" actually seems to just be a raster brush because it's all pixelated and sucks. anyway here's my toonboom settings
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my advice for good lineart is generally:
B) if your software also has an option for vectors that lets you easily modify control points, USE IT! CSP;s vector layers also let you set it so that any line you erase you just have to swipe across a line Once and it'll delete the whole thing up to where it intersects, it makes illustration Way more efficient cuz otherwise i start to obsess over erasing imperfectly pixel by pixel
C) have a zen-like patience about it you gotta treat it as a relaxing meditative thing it's probably The most boring and tedious part of the art process because the focus [for me at least] is making it Clean and Sharp without any rough edges, i REALLY like excessively clean weighted thick lineart such as in 90s rave flyers like this:
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and since i have such shaky hands that is near Impossible to achieve without the help of a heavy stabilizer, which REALLY slows the process down, so you gotta enjoy it, listen to something that'll occupy 80% of your brain in the background and only use the other 20% for cautiously tracing over your sketch
D) you also kinda gotta get Really good at manipulating pen pressure cuz i only do everything in mostly just a single stroke, i don't like going over shit again to thicken it or fix the weight, i prefer starting the line where it's gonna be the thinnest, with the lightest pressure my hand can manage, and then pressing down harder the thicker it should be
OK happy lining^_^ [<-says guy who intended to start lining this shot an hour ago but got Mega distracted]
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dot-png · 2 months
What brushes do you use… on csp, dot png….?
from most used to least used with example drawings where i used each:
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all of these have configs slightly modified
also i was gonna include the brush i use in most of my rendered drawings but it was deleted ???? for some reason ??? but its pretty close to the last and first ones on this list if you mess up with it enough. it's a chalky brush, here's an example where i used it anyway:
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cynopoe · 4 months
heyyy idk if you remember but I once asked u about your inspiration/how you learned anatomy/draw etc. and I wanted to ask if you have answered that already. ofc you don't have to (you don't have to answer this one either, if you don't I'll just assume you didn't) ig you posted stg about not having time etc to reply and again: i love your art
Hey! I distinctly remember something like that although I don’t think I answered. And I can’t find it in my inbox either. Either I responded it and it got lost in the void or I might have deleted the ask when I was cleaning the box from all the porn bots. Either way I’m sorry for losing your ask 🥲
I will answer it now
I started drawing digitally when I was 15 on an old wacom tablet. I didn’t stop doing traditional stuff until I bought an ipad and got lazy with the endless options it offered me. I still use the ipad with procreate and CSP interchangeably. In my experience Procreate has a better coloring tools be it the colors itself or the brushes, the editing tools. Blending modes are, in my opinion, slightly better than CSP. and CSP inspires me to do more sketches and comic style stuff. I recommend them both.
What I will say now will stay between you and me. Alright? I learned doing anatomy from drawing filthy, filthy pornography. I wasn’t any good at it in the beginning, but honestly it is the best way to learn it, in my experience. I developed so fast when I was doing nsfw art. A lot faster than if I had only been drawing normal stuff. Many of those drawings will never see the face of day, but they’re there. And they helped me a lot.
Other than that I also recommend studying real life. Try to understand where body parts start and where they end. Try to study the “line of action”. Try to remind yourself a body is a 3d form. Foreshortening helps, although I’m not the biggest fan of it. Trace photographs- and I’m not saying like go over like by like. Study photographs. There are many reference pictures online. I often find mine on pinterest.
Redrawing one pose over and over again until you can do it with close eyes, helps, and will drive you up a wall. You will want to break your pencil. But it will help. Compare what you draw with the reference picture. Remember to flip the canvas often. Our eyes get used to our art, good parts and the mistakes.
Sleep on a pose if you can’t get it just right. Your eyes will be kinder to you in the next day.
Yeah using references and being very mindful of them will help you a lot. There are some youtube tutorials. This streamer has been my favorite lately.
About finding inspiration… I’m sorry I can’t help you much with this one. You see, I’ve lost mine and I have been looking for it for a year now. Idk. Get unnaturally obsessed with a media? Get into a moderately large fandom? Have some people around you to keep your interest alive? Idk I haven’t been active in any fandom in years. But when I was, I saw that social interaction of it helped me to stay motivated to create.
Keep your mind sharp: read, study, interact with anything out of your comfort zone. In my personal experience, keeping in my walls never really gives me that rush, that eureka of inspiration. I often get this desire to create when my mind is active. I don’t know if it will be the same for you though.
Thank you for this ask! And thank you for being incredibly patient. I’m sorry again for losing your ask before. I hope I could help even a little 🖤 stay creative, friend.
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