#i get it now zak I GET IT
dirchristophernolan · 11 months
not oscar saying that's not a podium bc that's a sort of race
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triysn · 9 months
Thinking about celebrity trio again.
Random thoughts about how different Rex’s world is from the others, bc while both Zak and Ben’s world is fairly ‘normal’ in that attacks and disasters are still considered a break from the norm (at least in the earlier series for Ben), Rex’s world is in it. They are actively having the worst half-decade in human history, apocalypse and all. Plus, while the others’ threats are external (ie aliens and cryptids, mostly), Rex’s world’s fire is coming from inside the house.
That really affects the tone of each show, obviously, but i was thinking about how this would appear in each protagonist.
For example, I think that Rex would be really good at crowd control and comforting civilians. He's used to living in a climate of fear and suspicion, and he usually has an active hand in resolving whatever EVO-related disaster is going on. We've already seen a little of this in the show, but it would really show as Rex matures and slows down a little, rather than just focusing on the action and curing part of it. People in his world are terrified, and the EVOs he cures are someone's family or friends, if not just a living, breathing, feeling person/animal. With how much he cares about people in general, I think he'd be naturally given to try and comfort them in any sort of crisis. Plus, he's pretty dependable when he isn't goofing off. People in his world already know him as the Cure, so that helps.
Ben, on the other hand, is flashier and more defeat-the-villain kinda guy, which makes sense because his villain attacks don't directly involve civilians unless they're being actively targeted (if that makes sense). He clearly has a name for property damage etc., even if he does get the job done in the end. I think people in his world would see him more as a celebrity-type hero that's better to look at from afar. He would find it easier to make friends with civilians, or give out autographs, than comfort them probably.
Zak is a whole other story because he doesn't even interact with civilians most of the time lol. It's in his job description to avoid them. But if they get involved in some cryptid-related stuff, like that one episode with the eye-stealing monkey, he'd be able to manage if he focused on the cryptid aspect of it and probably come off as someone who knows what they were doing and still put people at ease. He's pretty good at being friendly in general because of the variety of people he meets while travelling, but in terms of civilian crisis management, he doesn't have much experience.
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rickybaby · 6 months
Nate on the ESPN Unlapped podcast: “He’s got that goal, he’s got that hunger back. He’s back in a team that ultimately he feels that is home for him. You know, we talk about Charles and how close he feels to Ferrari and Lewis with Mercedes. I think for Ricciardo, it’s the same with Red Bull. He feels that’s his home.”
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lansgf · 8 days
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ZAK RLLY DID IT LMAO 😭 kinda want that tattoo myself now that I'm thinking actually ✨
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defnotjarlaxle · 7 months
"You look exactly like him." It was true enough. Other than the red hue of his eyes and the fact that he wore his hair short, this man introduced as Zaknafein bore an uncanny resemblance to Drizzt, with the same facial features, less angular than most drow's, and the same physique.
[Timeless, R.A. Salvatore]
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floridazcrazy · 8 months
Shout-out to Bianca Bustamante for signing with Mclaren for their drivers development program!! Can't wait to see where the other f1 academy drivers signed to.
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impicciche · 1 year
i love watching people genuinely ghost hunt unedited and get wild evidence that i fully believe because i have faith in the people doing the hunt and then watching comparing them to ryan and shane because like. i am a full believer but i just cannot see these guys EVER getting evidence. it’s not even some weird (but hilarious) theory like ghosts are in mutual agreement to not mess with them, i just think that if they ever did get evidence they would be too busy making poop jokes to notice. every time there’s a piece of evidence in either of the shows that i want to unpack i immediately forget about it because we’re already in the next room making fun of the weird design choices that were made. and you know what? i love it so much
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killa-trav · 1 year
do you ever just think about how lando was too shy to ask seb for a photo at the autosport awards many moons ago and then on seb’s last ever gp weekend, was in the middle of the paddock with seb on sunday singing sweet caroline
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zakubabbles · 8 months
Also also, Weird Barbie made me sad. I remember my weird Barbie. She was my first Barbie doll, but I guess I was gifted her before I had solid memories. She was there as far back as I remember and she had always been grungy, chewed up, and with frazzled hair. No idea who she originally was. We always used her as the mom, grandma, or sometimes villain in our stories.
Truly the matriarch of my toys.
Should have kept her.
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httpiastri · 8 months
i swear my day couldnt get better forst arvid to f3 and now zak to f2 like what❤️❤️❤️👏
🥺🥺 we’re so lucky!!! thankful for the announcements, pls keep them coming 🤭
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masonsystem · 1 month
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still in disbelief over this post i saw cuz how do u play 4 whole games of ace attorney maybe more and not see the problem with the concept of "decisive evidence"........
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solvicrafts · 2 months
🎊 I'm pleased to announce that The Felted Dragon will be re-opening May 7th! I'll also be releasing new stock throughout the month following.
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doyoueverjustwomen · 4 months
playing through the last case of aa4 right now and OMG…….WHATTTT THIS HAS SURPASSED MY EXPECTATIONS COMPLETELY
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edgybutnotveryedgy · 1 year
Just finished power players. Very good actually. Like surprisingly good. I wouldn't put it on the same level as miraculous or zak storm, but its just so campy and fun. I feel like it really captures what it's like to be a kid. Watching it i couldn't help but think of the games i came up with when i played with my own toys. It also has some really wholesome vibes, and there's a found family theme in it which i am definitely biased to.
That being said, i have so many questions that im not sure will ever be answered. Maybe one day zag will make another season? It is more recent then zak storm, so id say there may be hope for it?. Idk.
It really sucks though, because as much as i like miraculous, zag has some other shows that are overshadowed by its popularity. The worst case is Zak Storm, which is by all means a better show in most aspects than Miraculous, but i guess miraculous ended up being more marketable? From what i can tell, the networks that aired both zak storm and power players are not doing those shows any favors.
I believe zak storm aired on discovery kids or something? Which is a channel that i didn't even know existed. Then power players did play on cartoon network, but it looks like it was a show on their website, so it may not have even seen airtime on television. And if it did, it was probably aired early morning where cartoon network airs all the shows it doesn't care about.
As for ghost force, i have to say it is the weakest show from zag. That's not to say it's bad or that i don't like it, but it just has really weak writing at times, and the episode pacing is worse then miraculous. This would be understandable seeing as it is made to fit into the 11 minute segment whereas miraculous fits the 30 minute segment, but power players is also 11 minute episodes, and the pacing is far better. And by all means, even though power players does get repetitive in its episode formula, it feels far more inventive then ghost force.
I feel like the biggest problem that ghost force has though is that it is trying to be like miraculous. Like as different as the shows are, there are way more similarities then zak storm or power players have to miraculous. For goodness sake ghost force even has a food vendor character, and even though there are 2 other main leads the focus goes on the main girl (i do enjoy liv, but I'd like to see more from mike and andy), or should i mention how one of the main leads is rich and has a strained relationship with his single rich father?
I do think that one good thing going for ghost force is that since it is airing on disney channel, i believe it will get more eyes on it, which will give it plenty of room to grow into its own. Like there is a lot of potential there. So many of the story ideas and characters are interesting, and there are some interesting mysteries that I'd like to see solved. At the same time, it just really sucks that zak storm will probably never get the 2nd season it was renewed for.
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samsspambox · 1 year
i just got the DoC artem card in the rerun (at fULL PITY THANKS TO LUKE PEARCE WHO KEPT COMING IN) and the story is so sweet but it got me thinking
artem wing being shit at pictures is so endearing to me. like, him being told to look at something beyond the camera is advice that i also follow bc surprise, somehow that man is incredibly relatable to me LMAO
anyway it makes the bobble head pictures (the ones where they have the big head, future MR cards) so much funnier to me bc those are obviously ones that they had to have a photo shoot for. and that means that in order to get that shot of artem, he essentially had to be pss pss pss–ed to look into the camera.
it's also incredibly funny bc what does his picture on the themis law firm website look like? does it also look slightly off? what about his passport? i Must Know.
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crashcoursemaster · 8 months
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still cant believe ive had these versions of my bois for almost 5 years now...my pose redraws are becoming more accidental
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