#i got her a bag of catnip and special dinner
fiveminuterice · 10 months
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say happy gotcha day to my cat !!!
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seasonsofeverlark · 4 years
Everdeen Scrooge
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Author: @norbertsmom​
Prompt: Hunger Games Christmas Carol [submitted by @katnissandpeeta125​]
Rating: T
Summary: Several years after the war that ended President Snow’s tyranny over Panem, Twenty two year old Katniss Everdeen doesn’t want anything to do with the new Christmas holiday instituted by the New Panem Government. Can a ghostly visit make her change her mind?
Author’s Note: Special thanks to @mega-aulover​, my friend and beta, and all around expert on A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, which this fic is based on. This post includes chapters 1 and 2 out of a total of 6. The other chapters will be posted separately.
Chapter 1
Katniss expels a puffy cloud of air then releases her bow string. There’s silence for a moment as the arrow flies.
  “You got it,” Gale exclaims as he stands up from their blind. 
  In the distance, gobbling can be heard as several turkey hens flee, a large gobbler lay still in the snow with an arrow sticking out of its side.
  The snow crunches under their boots as they approach it. Katniss pulls out her arrow as Gale picks up the bird by its feet. “This is going to make a great Christmas dinner, Catnip.” 
  “Nope,” Katniss says, shaking her head. “That bird is going to make several meals for the next few weeks.”
  “But,” Gale tries, as he loops the turkey strap around its feet and neck.
  “Don’t worry, I’ll give you your share. You did help me track it, and now you can carry it.”
  “What about Christmas dinner tomorrow?” Gale asks as he lifts the strap over his shoulder.
  “I’m not wasting all that meat on one meal,” Katniss says as they start walking back to town. “I need to make sure we have food for the rest of the winter. Who knows when I’ll get a chance to hunt again.” 
  “Are you coming to our party tonight? You mom and sister are planning to be there. I heard them planning it with my mom.”
  “Nope. I’ve got to get a decent night sleep so I can come back out hunting in the morning.”
  “Come on, Catnip. The new government has given us tons of opportunities, better pay, more affordable food, better houses even. You don’t need to hunt every day. You really need to spend some time with your friends and family.”
  While it’s true that the new Panem government has provided better lives for all of Panem. After the war was over and President Snow was executed, a new government was created with representatives from each of the districts. Katniss still has a problem trusting that things won’t go back to the way they were before the revolution. 
  She and her family nearly died of starvation after her father died in a mine explosion. Ever since, she’s been very frugal with food and with money. Gale used to be as frugal as she is, but ever since he fell in love with Leevy Johnstone, he’s been different. She’s tired of the same old argument. 
  Her best client, Haymitch Abernathy was dead. Gone these past few months. He was a victor and a war hero, but no one paid him no mind because he kept people at a distance. Just like she tried to do. 
  He paid Katniss extra coin for good game meat on a regular basis. She missed the old drunk codger.  When he died not many people went to his funeral, only Katniss, Peeta Mellark, and the old Capitol Escort, Effie trinket attended. 
   “Let’s just get this turkey in cold storage so we can go into town to trade the rest of our haul,” Katniss gripes, ignoring his plea.
  After the oohs and aahs from her mother and sister over the turkey, and disappointment in their eyes from the news of Katniss’ plans for the turkey, she and Gale head to town to finish their trades. 
  With trading at the now legal hob, and other merchants in town complete, Katniss and Gale head to Mellark’s Bakery for their last stop of the day. Even though Seam folks are now welcome in the front of the bakery, trades are still conducted at the back door.
  Katniss climbs the steps to knock on the door, while Gale stands at the bottom of the steps digging around in his game bag for his trade. She wishes she could have gone to the bakery on her own, but Gale said he needs to get something too. 
  The youngest Mellark, Peeta answers the door. Peeta has been in charge of the bakery for four years now, after his two older brothers married girls who inherited their own family businesses. 
  “Merry Christmas, Katniss,” Peeta greets with a warm smile. “Are you here to trade?”
  Katniss is momentarily blinded by his warm easy smile. It always takes her a second to snap back into the moment. She really enjoys when they spend time after their trades chatting, but first there’s trading to do. She needs to stay focused. 
  “Yes I am here to trade,” she says as she holds up a pair of fat squirrels. 
  “You always get them through the eye,” Peeta says, rubbing the back of his neck.
  “She sure does,” Gale says as he walks up the steps behind her.
  Katniss clenches her jaw and levels Gale a shut up look. She needs a good sale. “I know how much you like squirrels, so I got an extra one for you, because I know tomorrow you’ll be closed. I wanted to make sure you have enough game meat to last you-" 
  "One day,” Peeta says, smiling, his blue eyes sparkling.
  Gale covers a laugh from behind her.
  “A lot can happen in one day,” Katniss defends. “Besides, you could always bring a dish to one of your brothers’ homes. I’m sure they could use the extra game meat. How many nephews do you have now?”
  “Two with one more on the way,” Peeta says brightly.
  “See I’m sure they could use the extra meat.”
  “Okay, hold on; let me get the bread for you and some coin for the extra meat.”
  “Perfect,” Katniss says, nodding.
  When her trade is done Gale steps up with a rabbit from his bag. “A small bag of cookies, please.” 
“Sure thing,” Peeta says, taking the rabbit into the kitchen.
  After Peeta leaves, Katniss gives Gale an incredulous look.
  “They’re a present for Posy,” Gale defends. “She’s really into the spirit of Christmas, especially the presents,” he says with a laugh.
  After Peeta returns with the bag of cookies, Gale tucks them into his game bag.
  Katniss and Gale turn to walk back down the steps, but Peeta speaks up before they get very far, “Hey, Katniss. Could I ask you something?”
  Kaniss looks back to Peeta, but he’s looking at Gale. 
  The two men seem to come to some kind of silent agreement and Gale says, “I’m going to head over to the sweet shop for more presents for Posy. I’ll meet you out front, Catnip.”
  Katniss is a bit stunned by their exchange, but shakes her head and walks back to Peeta. “What did you want to ask me?” she asks, hesitantly.
  Peeta stammers for a minute, “Would you, ah,” he rubs the back of his neck and looks down at his shoes before blurting out, “would you go out on a date with me?” He looks back up; his blue eyes plead for her answer as his cheeks turn red.
  “Oh, I-I don’t date,” Katniss stammers out before running down the steps. She runs down the alley between the shops and almost collides with Gale, who could not have made it to the sweet shop and back already.
   "You know you were cold toward Peeta,” Gale tells her.
  “I was not.”
  “Katniss, listen to me. that Merchant is decent folk and you treat him…”
  “Like what?” Katniss asks, narrowing her eyes.
  “Like that,” Gale points to her face. “You need to stop pushing people away. One day you’re going to find yourself all alone.” He walks away toward the sweet shop, shaking his head.
  Katniss brushes what Gale has to say aside. Just because he forgot what life is like when you don’t have enough food to eat, she’ll never forget. She heads toward home without him.
  “Come on, Katniss,” Prim begs from her seat at the dinner table. Her fingers tangled in the ribbon she’s trying to tie. “I need your help wrapping these gifts for the Hawthornes.” 
  “Sorry Prim,” Katniss replies from her spot on the floor. “I need to finish the fletching for my arrows. It’s supposed to be unseasonably warm tomorrow, so I can’t miss a day of hunting when I don’t know if I’ll get another break this winter.”
  Mrs. Everdeen sets the stew she’s been working to simmer and walks over to help Prim out, deftly tying the ribbon in a well-practiced bow.
  “Thanks mom,” Prim says, before turning back to Katniss.
  “But Katniss, tomorrow’s Christmas. You can’t spend the day hunting; you were out there all day today. What about presents?”
  Katniss sets down her work and looks up at her sister. “Prim, You’re eighteen now. You know we don’t need presents, right? It’s just a made-up holiday the new Capitol thrust upon us to get people to spend money on frivolous gifts nobody needs anyway. We can celebrate the new year next week, like always.”
  “That’s not true, Katniss. It’s not a made up holiday. We used to celebrate with daddy. Right mom?”
  “That’s right, Prim,” their mother agrees with a nod.
  “Well, that was a long time ago,” Katniss huffs. “Things have changed, if you haven’t noticed.
   “So you’re not coming to the party at the Hawthornes tonight?” Mrs. Everdeen asks as she ties the ribbon on the last gift.
  “Sorry, nope. I already told Gale I wasn’t coming. I’m going to get to bed as soon as I’m done here so I can head out at the break of dawn and spend all day in the woods,” Katniss explains.
  Prim turns back to her mother. “Mom, make her come with us, please.”
  “I can’t make her go, Prim,” Mrs. Everdeen says as she caresses Prim’s cheek. She heads back to her stew pot and begins to ladle several servings into a crock, leaving just enough in the pot for Katniss’ dinner. “Put the gifts in a sack, please. Katniss has a mind of her own, always has. If she doesn’t want to go, we can’t make her, but I think she’ll be missing out on some good fun.” Mrs. Everdeen looks over at Katniss with a pointed look.
  “Yeah, yeah,” Katniss says. “Someone needs to make sure we have food to eat around here.” And with that, the conversation is over. 
  Prim and Mrs. Everdeen head over to the Hawthorne’s home and Katniss cleans up her work, eats her stew, and heads off to bed.
  Chapter 2
  Katniss is startled awake by the sound of someone stumbling around in the kitchen. She looks across the room and sees Buttercup standing guard on the empty bed. Her mother and Prim are still at the party.
  It’s not unusual for a patient to show up for her mother in the middle of the night, but they don’t usually just walk right in. Katniss slips out of bed without making a sound, signaling to Buttercup to keep quiet, but he jumps off the bed and runs down the hall. Katniss grabs the large stick she keeps under her bed in case a critter gets in. It should take care of any unwanted human as well.
  She creeps out of the bedroom and avoids stepping on the creaky floorboard just past her mother’s bedroom. As she peeks around the doorframe into the kitchen she sees someone rifling through the kitchen cabinets.
  As she tip-toes up to the trespasser, silent as a mouse, she raises her weapon above her head with both hands. If she’s going to strike, she’s going to make sure she does some damage. She takes in a deep breath and the intruder must hear because he straightens up and begins to turn around.
  She hears the stranger say, “You don’t want to do that,” before she brings the club down with all her might. But it doesn’t make contact until it slams into the floor. She must have squeezed her eyes closed before swinging because she has to open them to see how she could have possibly missed at this short distance.
  She looks up and sees the transparent, smiling face of Haymitch Abernathy, District 12’s recently deceased victor. “Nice to see you too, Sweetheart. Got anything to drink around here?”
  Katniss stumbles back, dragging her club with her until the backs of her legs hit the armchair in the living room and she plops down. “H-h-how can you be here? You’re d-d-dead,” she sputters as she pulls her knees up to her chest and wraps her arms around the useless weapon.
  “Yeah, I know,” he laments. “Thanks for coming to my funeral, by the way.”
  “Of course, you were one of my best customers,” Katniss answers. “What am I saying? Is this some kind of Capitol trick? How are you here? Why are you here?”
  “It’s no trick, Sweetheart,” Haymitch explains. “The dead who isolated themselves during their lifetime are forced to roam the earth alone. My penance is to warn others before it’s too late. You don’t want to end up like me.”
  “I’m not alone,” Katniss squeaks. “I have my sister, and my mother… I have friends.”
  “Sure Katniss. You have them now, but you keep pushing them away. In time, your sister will marry and move away, and your mother will die. Then what will you have?”
  Katniss opens her mouth to answer, but Haymitch raises his transparent hand to stop her. 
  “Don’t bother with the excuses, Sweetheart. I know them all. This is my warning to you. You will be visited by three more spirits tonight. Heed my warning, Katniss. Change your life before it’s too late.”
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elisajdb · 3 years
GoChi Week 2021: A Fulfilled Life: Part Two
GoChi Week 2021
A Fulfilled Life
Day Two Prompt: Romantic @gochi-week
Goku added another log of wood to the dying fire. The flames grew twice its size from the thick log. Goku hoped that will be enough. It was the last one. He could go out and get more firewood but he promised to stay here and watch Celia. When Goku made a promise, he kept it.
Celia laid nearby on a futon wrapped in a blanket. Her sudden coughing had Goku rushing to her side. “Are you all right? Do you need anything?”
Celia cleared her hoarse throat. “You’re so kind. If I were well, I would cook you a meal. Seeing you eat, always makes me happy. You’re so adorable.”
“It means kind; you make people feel good. No one has reacted the way you have to my cooking.” Celia’s sickly smile was tender. “You eat every morsel and you’re always hungry for more. You’re special.”
Goku was used to being called names. Most were of criticism. Very rare he received praised for being himself and he received a lot from Celia. Celia was a kind woman. She fed him yummy meals and mended his clothes. When she fell ill, Goku did all he could to accommodate her. Goku never got sick but saw it happen to Master Roshi, Krillin and Lunch but Celia appeared sicker. Last night she was burning up and this morning she woke with chills and couldn’t move from her futon. If something wasn’t done soon, she’ll die and Goku didn’t want that to happen to a kind woman like Celia.
The cabin door burst open. A man in a bearskin coat, matching hat, knitted scarf and gloves walked in. He had a large sack over his right shoulder and logs of wood under his left arm. He kicked the door shut to keep the cold air out.
“How’s Celia, Goku?”
Goku took the logs of wood from the burly, bearded man. He stacked them by the fireplace. “Still sick. She looks really bad, Silas.”
Silas set down his sack and removed his hat and scarf as he approached Celia. Goku stared at the two confused. Celia was ill but the way Celia and Silas smiled at each other reminded Goku of those weird movies blue-haired Lunch loved to watch. She always cried watching them. Silas touched Celia’s forehead with his gloved hand. “You’re burning up again. Sorry I took so long to get back to you.”
Goku saw Celia wrap her sweaty hands around Silas’s gloved one. Celia didn’t allow any direct touching in fear she will spread her sickness to him and Silas. “You’re here now, Silas.”
“I have the medicine to cure you. I’ll make it now.” Silas grabbed his heavy bag and carried it to the kitchen. “I’ll need your help, Goku.” Silas placed the bag on the table. Goku climbed onto the seat and stood on it to peer inside the bag Silas opened.
A foul stench latched itself onto Goku’s nose. He covered his nose with his hands to protect himself but the strong scent penetrated his hands. “Yuck! What stinks?”
Silas pulled out a variety of green and color plants and wet, squishy dark red organs. “This is medicine for Celia, Goku. These plants are medicinal herbs: yellow root, echinacea, elderberry, hyssop, lemongrass and catnip. This squishy flesh is liver from bear and boar. It’s all around these mountains. It’s better than the chemical medicines used in the big cities.”
The foul stench made Goku’s head hurt. “It stinks!”
Silas grabbed a mortar and pestle. “It does. City medicines don’t have a stench. Chemicals are used to drown the smell. It makes their medicine less effective.” Silas placed the yellow root in the mortar. He began mashing it with the pestle. “Watch and learn, Goku. You may have to use this to cure someone you love one day.”
Goku wiped the sweat off his forehead. He did everything from memory: mashed the plants he collected in the mortar and pestle until they were fine crumbs, drained the blood from the bear and boar liver and boil for an hour; transfer the livers in another pot and boil again for another hour with the crushed herbs.
While that cooked, Goku made chicken soup from a recipe in the cooking books ChiChi sometimes used. He mentally thanked ChiChi for showing him to use appliances and kitchen utensils a year ago when Gohan was a newborn and she needed extra help around the house. The soup was finished an hour before the medicine was ready. Goku spent that time cleaning the kitchen. It was a mess with dirt and animal blood on the floor and table. The counter was covered with messy bowls and stains of food. If ChiChi saw this mess, she’ll kill him. Grabbing a soapy towel, Goku started his big clean. He occasionally looked up to check on Gohan in the other room.
The two-year-old sat on the sofa, clutching his stuffed rabbit engrossed with the talking animals on TV. He was wide awake. After Goku fed Gohan breakfast, he placed Gohan in a carrier and attached him on his back. He’ll take it to his grave he gathered herbs and killed wild animals while Gohan napped on his back. It was either take Gohan with him or leave him unattended at home while ChiChi slept. ChiChi was so ill she couldn’t get out of bed so Goku made a hasty decision. It was all for ChiChi’s health but Goku knew ChiChi wouldn’t see it that way if she knew the truth.
Goku finished mopping the floor when the timer on the stove beeped. Goku turned off the shrilled sound. He raised the lid off the pot. “Ugh!” he groaned. The scent was putrid. “Guess it’s ready.”
Goku filled a mug of the smelly brew. Remembering Silas’ final instructions, he sprinkled cinnamon and stirred to mute the foul scent. Now it was time for the final test. Goku blew on the mug. His lips touched the top of the mug but before he could taste the liquid contents, Goku pulled back.
“Argh!” The cinnamon didn’t help at all! “It still smells like dookie!”
Pinching his nose, Goku sipped the liquid and quickly spat it out. Still bitter and foul; exactly as it should be.
Goku heard ChiChi coughing heavily as he entered their bedroom. He cautiously walked in carrying a tray with a bowl of soup and a mug with a saucer plate covering it. “ChiChi, I got something for you.”
ChiChi groaned as she pulled the covers off her face. She felt as if she was hit by a truck. Her body ached, her head throbbed and her throat was sore. ChiChi sat up and pushed her messy hair back.  She thought she was delirious. Goku held a tray of food. Was this for her? “Did you cook?”
Goku placed the tray on the nightstand. “Just medicine and soup.” Goku handed ChiChi the mug.
“Medicine?” ChiChi noticed the mug had a saucer plate over it. She lifted the saucer, “Why is this…. Ugh!” ChiChi closed it. “It’s ghastly. What is this?”
“Medicine. Drink it. It stinks but it will make you better. I promise.”
ChiChi removed the saucer and immediately recoiled. “Urrgh! How do you know it will make me better?” ChiChi sipped and pulled back. She shuddered as some of the liquid went down her throat. “I taste yellow root and lemongrass. Ugh. This smells like a dead animal.”
Goku knew ChiChi would throw the mug back at him if she knew liver from boar and bear helped created this concoction. “Fresh stuff and herbs I picked outside. When I trained for the 22nd tournament, I met Silas and Celia. They live in the mountains south of Yunzabit Heights. I got the recipe from them.”
“Who are Silas and Celia?”
“A married couple. I was living outside when Silas found me hunting dinner. It was winter and he didn’t think it was right for a kid to be living outside. I told him I can take care of myself but he insisted and invited me to his home for a meal. I stayed with them for a month before I moved on. Grandpa taught me some things, too, but I forgot. Silas showed me what plants to pick, what to eat and how to create herbs to season any meat I hunt. When Celia got sick, he made medicine with plants and stuff around his home.”
ChiChi looked skeptically at the mug. “Did it work?”
“Yeah,” Goku nodded. “It stinks but Celia was better the next day. She’s a nice lady. She made a lot of yummy food for me and fixed my clothes whenever I tore them. I think she was really nice to me because she and Silas didn’t have kids.”
ChiChi stared at the putrid liquid. After hearing that story, there was no way she could reject this. She pinched her nose and drunk the hot, smelly liquid in four gulps. She made a gagging sound as she handed the empty mug to Goku. “I hope it works.” She rubbed her throat. The aftertaste was horrific!
“Time for the good stuff,” Goku said as he handed ChiChi the soup.
This pleasing smell of the hot soup made ChiChi’s mouth water. “Is this my reward for drinking the stinky medicine?”
“Yup. Silas did this for Celia, too.”
“And you’re doing this for me,” she whispered. For several moments, ChiChi stared at the soup.
When she tasted it, Goku saw tears roll down ChiChi’s cheeks. “What?” he panicked. “Is it bad? Did I put too much salt?”
“No. Nothing’s wrong,” ChiChi sniffed. “This is so sweet. I didn’t know you were a romantic, Goku.”
“Romantic?” Goku knew that word. It always tied with flowers and doing nice gestures. Romantic didn’t tie to medicine and food. “I just made medicine and soup.”
“You did,” ChiChi cried, “but it’s more than that. You remembered something years ago to take care of me.”
“Yeah?” Goku drawled slowly still not seeing what he did as romantic. It was practical. ChiChi’s sick and Goku thought of some medicine he felt will cure her. How was that romantic?
ChiChi stirred the hot soup with a spoon before taking a bite. “Mmm,” she moaned. This was so good and what she needed to wash down the nasty medicine! “Delicious. This is the best soup I’ve ever tasted!”
“It is?” Goku tasted it. It was okay but not as good as the soup ChiChi makes. Maybe this cold weakened ChiChi’s sense of taste.
ChiChi wasn’t sure if the medicine was working but her mood was lifting at the wonderful gesture of her sweet and romantic husband. “Where’s Gohan? Did you feed him this wonderful soup, too?”
“Not the soup but Gohan’s already eaten breakfast and lunch. He’s watching TV now.”
ChiChi groaned. Gohan was only allowed an hour of TV time a day and she knew Goku broke that rule. “Did you put Gohan in front of the TV all day?”
“Yeah,” Goku knew ChiChi would be upset with that, “but he’s watching those educational videos. I had to distract him while I made your medicine and soup.”
“Okay.” ChiChi accepted that excuse. After this sweet gesture from her husband, ChiChi couldn’t be mad at Goku today.
Goku kept ChiChi company until she finished her meal. When he left, the concoction of the medicine finally got to her. She fell asleep at three in the afternoon and didn’t awaken until thirteen hours later.
Her throat wasn’t sore; her nose wasn’t stuffy, her body didn’t ache. She didn’t feel sick at all.
The medicine worked.
For the first time in two days, ChiChi got out of bed. She felt great! She was so happy to be strong enough to cook and clean again for her family, and after the way Goku took care of her, ChiChi wanted to give him a big meal and later tonight, show her thanks in her own personal way.
However, with Goku running the house these last two days, ChiChi knew she had a big task on her hands. Her house. Her kitchen. How much of a mess did Goku leave for her?
To ChiChi’s surprise, the kitchen was spotless. The floor was mopped clean. There were no food stains on the table, counter or refrigerator. All the dishes were put away in their correct spots. ChiChi was impressed. Goku was never this clean. The few times Goku cooked, ChiChi was left to clean the tsunami mess he left behind.
ChiChi went to the living room next. This was Goku’s bedroom for the last two days. When she became ill, ChiChi kicked Goku out of their bedroom. She didn’t want to risk him getting sick. If she and Goku were sick, who will care for Gohan? The television was off but the lamplight was still on. This room wasn’t as neat as the kitchen but ChiChi’s heart melted as she understood why. Goku slept on the sofa with Gohan on his chest. Her baby’s tiny hands clutched Goku’s shirt as he peacefully slept. An opened baby book was sprawled over Goku’s face and papers were on the floor. ChiChi knelt and picked up the papers. They were folded like a card. ChiChi opened one. Her eyes watered at the words inside.
‘Get well soon, Mommy!’ With it, was a crude drawing of their happy family. Gohan could write some letters but they weren’t completely legible and he couldn’t form words yet. Goku’s education was limited but he did know how to read and write basic words and he wrote the following notes on the makeshift card.
Mommy always takes care of Daddy and me.
She gives good baths and makes yummy food.
When Mommy is sick, Daddy takes over.
Because Daddy loves Mommy like Silas loves Celia.
ChiChi clutched the card to her chest and softly wept.
Oh, Goku. You are a romantic.
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mellarkablegirl · 4 years
I promised a new chapter every Thursday and I intend to keep my promise. All your feedback and likes are so so appreciated.
The descent into Sydney International seemed to be taking forever and after a 22-hour long journey, I was in no mood for patience. My jittering and bouncing knee annoyed the distinguished looking man in the seat next to me , he’d introduced himself as Seneca at the beginning of the journey and one look at his sleazy smile told me , that the next 18 hours of my life were going to be an endeavor to ignore my seat mate. And If my disinterested looks and earphones weren’t enough to tell him off, I was sure my famous cold brushoffs would be quite enough. At least that’s what Gale always told me. Ahh, Gale, my stereotypically male best friend that I was sure I was hallway in love with. Gale was my first crush, on the first day of uni we got paired up for an icebreaker session. I hurt his ego by saying he was too skinny to play hulk and he shot right back by calling me Catnip. I expected for it to go all downhill from there, but weirdly enough we bonded instead. I developed a gigantic crush that just refuses to go away and he dated other girls (lots and lots of other girls) before he found his “one”, Madge Undersee.  That was off course until she stomped all over his heart and chose to move on pretty quickly. These days Gale spent most of his time moping around and being super clingy.
Pondering on my life so far seemed to be taking my mind of the creep sitting less than a foot away from me and the nervousness of what the next 6 months hold in store for me, so that’s exactly what I did. I quickly rehashed my inner monologue looking out over the blue ocean just off the Sydney coast. I was so glad that last window seat for empty and up for grabs! Anyway, here’s what I said(mentally):
“My name is Katniss Everdeen, I’m almost 21 years old, I’m from Panem , I study at the Polytechnic college with a major in Product Design , I’m doing a semester abroad program in Sydney Australia for the next 6 months , I’m going to miss my family , I love my family? I’m excited to get this ball rolling, I’m also a little nervous. “The sudden jerk of turbulence brings me out of my reverie, and with only minutes left to land I decide that this, this is going to be the time of my life and I am going to seize it.
The people here seemed so much friendlier and welcoming than back home, and their accents were adorable, the hospitality was pulling me in and I had to shake myself. Its barely been an hour since you’re here and you’re already getting soft, get a grip K! I wheeled my bags out and looked up the concourse calculating how I’d get to my new home, when a loud “Katniss!” echoed behind me. I whipped around, that voice I’d know anywhere. A little way up the concourse stood Cinna, or uncle Cinna as my mother would insist, he used to be my favorite relative before he up and moved to the other side of the world. He now beamed at me with arms open, it had been too long since I saw him and all of the emotions bubbled up and I ran into his arms, a little sob escaping here and there. An appearance of a familiar person suddenly quelled my fears, I wasn’t completely alone and this whole endeavor was going to be a walk in the park. That’s when I saw his wife standing behind, smiling encouragingly with a bundled-up baby in her arms. The cold out here was biting and Portia coming to the airport with baby Rue made me feel oh so special, especially in this weather.
“Come on squirt time to get you indoors and settled in “and with that we were off, on the car ride home we reacquainted ourselves with each other’s lives. Cinna now ran a full-fledged salon in the city and the small family lived in a cute suburban house just a few miles out of the CBD. Portia was a celebrity stylist and her flexible hours allowed her to spend more time with baby Rue who turned 1 this fall. Since the university residences wouldn’t open until next week, my first week in Sydney would be spent with Cinna and his family at their home. I settled in pretty quickly, Cinna and Portia were oh so welcoming but tiny little Rue had stolen my heart. I doubted I’d ever felt so connected and protective of a baby, save for when Prim was born.
Oh Prim! I almost forgot; it was almost time for our video call. Before I left, I promised my baby sister that I’d update her almost everyday on what I had been up to. But video calls were saved for weekends and special events. Looking at the clock I calculated the 5 and half hour time difference and decided it was too early to call home. So, I wandered into the living room, looking for something to entertain myself with. In the week that had passed I had spent most of my time outdoors, discovering the new city, going on lunch dates with Portia and stocking up of all the essentials I’d need once I moved into the dorms.
I was excited, I had been living alone for a few years as I attended Polytechnic but the whole vibe of this city was fascinating to me. The cultural diversity, the fast-paced life and the whole place in general made it seem like some kind of Hollywood production. Moving in day, dawned and it was cold. No one had warned me that Australia in June was as freezing as a tundra. But with the help of Cinna and a cute RA, that introduced himself as Darius, I was all set.  After a round of hugs and take care of your self’s I was finally left alone, not before I promised to keep Portia updated and drop in for dinner one of the days. As I plonked myself on the mattress, I let out a long sigh, here goes 6 months of new experiences I thought. Gathering up my stuff for the kitchen , I walked out only to run smack dab into a tall girl with a pixie cut and a sneer on her face , “Oh so you’re in number 8 “, she said “ Clove Richardson , the room across yours is mine and my friend Glim lives in number 1 , we’re both from the UK” she said extending her hand for a greeting. I was taken aback by the abruptness of her behavior but introduced myself nonetheless, she asked for my social media and swiftly added me to the group chat with all the girls that stayed in the apartment. I had moved into an 8-bedroom apartment in the student village right across from my campus. As she walked away, she announced that since I was finally here, we’d have a house meeting this evening.
Nodding my head, I started placing my bowls and utensils into a shelf when a quiet voice behind me startled me,” Oh I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you, I just wanted to get my groceries in. “I turned around and in front of me stood a waif like girl, she had a head full of curly auburn hair and the kindest pair of green eyes I’d seen ever, something about her seemed familiar but I couldn’t put my finger down on what.” I’m Annie Cresta and you must be Katniss? “she said with an enquiring look, I merely nodded. “Wait Annie Cresta? Do you happen to know a Finnick? Finnick Odair?” I asked suddenly remembering where I knew her from, “Why yes, how do you know Finn?” she asked a perplexed look taking over her face. I started laughing at what a small world this was, explain to her how Finn and I were good friends back in school and that he had mentioned his girlfriend ‘Annie’ multiple times during their conversations. Annie smiled, a tiny hint of mischief in her eyes and asked me how I’d settled in. I rehashed my run in with Clove and that I knew Darius. She invited me to the open barbeque later this week and all I could do was nod unsurely. I may have been hell bent on getting new experiences, but I sure wasn’t an out going person to start off with. For a matter of fact, I hated parties and large gatherings, but telling sweet Annie that there was no way I’d be found dead at that barbeque was just plain mean .I holed myself up in my room until a soft knock and Annie’s voice told me everyone had gathered out in the living room .
As I looked around the room, I noticed Clove taking to a beautiful looking girl with platinum blonde locks and expensive looking clothes, that I concluded to be the Glim she had mentioned before. Annie was speaking to a girl in mechanic overalls with her hair up in a high ponytail. I smiled at Celina the exchange student from Japan, who’d introduced herself to me during student orientation. The last two girls looked like twins but with completely opposing personas. “Listen up bitches! Let’s call this meeting to order and let’s get acquainted yeah? “the one in the overalls called out. “I’m Johanna Mason. I live in room 7 and I’m a forestry major” she nodded as if to prod the rest to follow her lead. Glim turned out to be Glimmer Roberts a data analytics major, Clove was in room 2 and a Business major. The twins were in room 3 and 5 and introduced themselves as Maria and Eva Leeg. Room 4 was Annie and room 6 was Celina and room 7 seemed to be empty so far. The girl assigned to it hadn’t turned up so far. A chore roster sheet was hung up and storage shelves divided up among the residents pretty quickly and efficiently. And rule sheets were quickly passed around. Just as I was turning around Annie called to me,” Hey Kat! Sorry can I call you Kat?” I nodded and chose to let her have her way, “Finn is coming down from Melbourne this weekend, and he wanted to know if you’d like to catch up “she asked. I nodded a little overenthusiastically, I was feeling a little left out and meeting with an old friend from home seemed to be a great idea. “I’d love too, I’ll text him and let him know, Thanks Annie! “I called as I retreated to my room.
After I texted Finn to let him know he asked if it was alright to invite another friend of his that lived in the area, I understood he had little time and agreed to it. I spent a bunch of time scrolling through Instagram, looking at what everyone back home had got up to in the last week. I wasn’t big on social media but Instagram and Tumblr had always been my weakness. Getting bored of it after a while I looked up at the clock on my study table, it flashed 8:30. Still too early to go to bed, I spent a while switching from the rather useless apps on my phone before I came up on Tinder.  I had all but sworn off the app after my last disastrous date back home, but decided there was no harm in checking out what Sydney had to offer. I swiped left on multiple Chris Hemsworth lookalikes with shitty bios before I stumbled upon the account of Darius, he was cute and had seemed to flirt with me when He helped me yesterday, so I swiped right on his goofy grin and besides he had a really smart bio too. I kept swiping for a bit before another one caught my eye. His name said Peeta, and his only picture was a shot of his eyes hidden behind a thick bound book. The quirked-up eyebrow and black framed glasses added to the adorableness of this picture. His bio said “Hummus where the Peeta is” and I genuinely cracked up I swiped right just as a notification for a match came in. For a second, I thought I had matched with cute bread guy. But the notification said Darius. An unknown feeling bubbled up inside as I deleted Tinder on an impulse. I threw my phone across the bed and pulled a novel from the nearby shelf, snuggling in to read myself to sleep. But I could barely concentrate, my mind kept wandering to bread guy. I berated myself, this is what you get for opening Tinder when you’ve sworn of it Katniss! Giving up hop on getting anything done tonight, I shut the night light and burrowed under the quilts and pillows on my bed. Willing myself not to dream of fresh baked bread and comfortable arms to snuggle into.
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juice-boxs-imagines · 6 years
Hey sweets! So, the captains go camping. Kinda like those corporate retreats where they test their mettle by being in the wildness for a week. Who is the natural survivalist? Who can’t cope? Who surprises themselves by rising to the challenge & adapting with some impressive skills? Have fun! ❤️😘
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Lol, these ask! I had too much fun writing these! When I was making them, I kept finding myself saying this the same thing in each ask or making too many references to others, so I decided to combine them and address each captain and lieutenant by their respective Division. I wrote these as if they all went on the same camping trip together. I hope readers enjoy them just as much as I did! 😂😂😂
Ah! And thank you @shadowsnlace for letting me use your hc!
The head captain is a lazy bum even while camping. You'd think he's helpless and can't fend for himself, but in reality it’s just that his laziness knows no bounds. He'll try to mooch off Nanao, but she won't let him. So his next go-to will be poor Jushiro (who doesn't have the heart to turn him away). Nanao will nag Shunsui for bumming off of Jushiro. She’ll use a can of mosquito repellant as a substitute book for whacking Shunsui in the head each time she deems he needs it. Nanao will have a camping guide in her hand at ALL times, and she will utilize Shunsui as a pack mule when they're heading to their campsite with their fellow campers. Shunsui will be whining having to carry literally everything, while Nanao leads the way with a map in hand.
-Shunsui: Why are you so mean, my little Nanao-chan? 😭
-Nanao: I refuse to let you get the both of us lost in the middle of the woods!
Alas, despite Nanao’s greatest efforts, Shunsui will be drunk before its time to make the s’mores. Before they had left the Seireitei, Nanao had gone behind Shunsui and removed all of his packed n̶e̶c̶e̶s̶s̶i̶t̶i̶e̶s̶ sake. Unfortunately for Nanao, however, she and Captain Hitsugaya failed to do the same thing for Rangiku- and drunkards help drunkards. Nanao will be fuming next to a certain snow-haired captain.
If it were not for special circumstances, these two would have never stepped foot outside of the Seireitei. Sui-Feng can't be bothered by something as “childish” as camping, but what got her into kahoots with this was listening to her lazy Lieutenant nag about how camping is not an appropriate activity for a “rich and handsome” man. T̶h̶i̶s̶ g̶a̶v̶e̶ S̶u̶i̶-F̶e̶n̶g̶ a̶l̶l̶ t̶h̶e̶ e̶x̶c̶u̶s̶e̶ i̶n̶ t̶h̶e̶ w̶o̶r̶l̶d̶ t̶o̶ b̶u̶l̶l̶y̶ h̶e̶r̶ l̶i̶e̶u̶t̶e̶n̶a̶n̶t̶. Similar to Nanao, Sui-Feng utilizes her lieutenant as a pack mule. The only difference is, Omaeda is carrying HER, too.
-Omaeda: Captain, why do I have to carry you AND all of the stuff?
-Sui-Feng, is sitting on top of the luggage strapped up on Omaeda’s back: Shut up, and follow the other pack mule in front of you (s̶h̶e̶ i̶s̶ t̶a̶l̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ S̶h̶u̶n̶s̶u̶i̶).
Later on, Omaeda soon learns that the double-tent that captains and lieutenants are sharing will be off-limits to him; Sui-Feng will say it is part of his training. Poor Omaeda has to sleep in his sleeping bag outside; Sui-Feng uses the extra space in the 2nd-Division themed double tent as an open room just in case Yoruichi decides to go camping with them. There is a cat bed and an extra sleeping bag, so that Yoruichi can decide which form she'd rather sleep in. Sui-Feng spends the rest of the night fantasizing about sharing a tent with Yoruichi. Forces her enslaved Omaeda to find wild catnip just in case Yoruichi drops by for a visit.
The only thing Rose packs for the trip is his guitar. He doesn't see a need for anything else. Kira, the ever worrisome cinnamon roll, will borrow Nanao’s camping guide to make sure he has everything. He also visits Unohana to get a brief lesson in identifying dangerous plants, like poisonous mushrooms and poison ivy. He also asks Hanataro if he can borrow the best, most up-to-date medical kit the 4th Division has.
Kira will haul a wagon for their stuff, and Rose will be in the wagon, singing and playing guitar songs to the passing scenery. After they get to the campsite, Rose will help Kira pitch a tent, but he will want their duo-tent to have a more “dramatic” feel to it. So he leaves to gather some beautiful plants and flowers to decorate the area. Kira has a mini heart attack when he recognizes one of the plants as poison ivy. Kira freaks out when he further realizes that of all things, he forgets to bring poison ivy cream- something that is not included in the medical kit. Rose and Kira have to go see Captain Mom (Unohana).
Later on, Rose will insist to play his music, even though his fingers still suffer from poison ivy.
-Kira: But, Captain, you're still-
-Rose: No, Lieutenant! The show must go on!
-Retsu: I'll be over here when you next need me.
Retsu will find enjoyment in any activity that involves interaction with the great outdoors. Isane will be nervous, but if she sees her captain taking this into her ever present grace, Isane will give it a whirl. Unohana will use Minazuki to transport her and Isane’s needed essentials. Given her history, Unohana will be an expert living off the land. The only problem there will be is if she can't spice her food the way she likes; Unohana prefers strong foods, so she will be packing a basket special for adding savory spices and seasonings to her dishes. Meanwhile, she will realize Isane is following her like an imprinted duckling, so Unohana will encourage Isane to start trying new and different things. This is when Isane will find that she is a prodigal child at identifying wild plants. Isane won't initially realize it's because of all of those lessons from Unohana over the years; In her free time, Unohana travels into the Rukon to gather wild herbs, so Unohana can do the same. Unohana will chuckle and begin to teach Isane new stuff.
Later, Isane will grab her camera to find Nemu to go take pictures of stuff around the campsite, and Unohana steals the opportunity to turn the two of them into kindred spirits by mentioning bird-watching. Unohana “convinces” Mayuri to let Isane and Nemu borrow his binoculars. Later on, while everyone is making s’mores, Unohana will sit next to Ukitake and sip tea while watching her younger friends and colleagues go about with their shenanigans. She will also scold Isane if she eats too many sweets, and she will scold at Zaraki for letting Yachiru eat s’mores for dinner.
After the camping trip, Isane will want to start going with Unohana to the Rukon, as a result of finding her new talent.
First thing that comes to mind: Poor Momo. She has the worst possible partner.
Shinji is not an outside person AT ALL, and he has awful camping experiences in the Human World thanks to Love, Kensei, and Lisa. Shinji makes sure to bring along all sorts of spider killer and bug repellant. (Kensei anticipates this and goes behind Shinji to replace all the poison with sugar water.) Momo gets to choose the tent and she picks a watermelon themed duo-tent that makes Shinji whine. Momo ends up leaving early to walk with Isane, so Shinji soon finds himself on Team Pack Mule.
Once at the campsite, he expertly assembles the obnoxious tent before deciding to go for a swim in the lake. He then has to visit Captain Mom when he comes back with his back covered in leeches. Being extremely anti anything that wiggles and crawls, Retsu has to stomach his whining and squirming while showing him medical assistance. Shinji now can't be caught dead anywhere near the “dangerous” lake. Even Rose tells him he's being dramatic; Now everyone is staring at Rose like HE’S the weirdo.
Momo will sit with Isane and Sajin while Isane explains all the different kinds of wild plants to be found in the woods. Momo then learns about some white flowers and brings them to Toshiro. She discovers Toshiro holed himself up in his tent because “its too hot” and he's “being eaten alive by bugs.” Momo spends the rest of her time drawing Toshiro out to have some fun.
Later on, Momo is eating s’mores with extra chocolate. She happily takes in the s’mores Toshiro rejects from Jushiro. The child in her asks Jushiro for stories by the campfire. Momo is too sweet and innocent for this world.
Later on in the night, Shinji wakes up with the spider the size of a baseball crawling on his face and the rest is history. Momo ends up spending the night with a knocked out Rangiku in the 10th Division tent. Shinji ends up getting pitied by the pure-hearted Sajin and earns a safe place in the dog-themed tent. Lisa and Kensei are blue in the face trying to hold back from laughing.
Believe it or not, Byakuya has an initial impression to camping comparable to Omaeda. However, Byakuya is surprisingly open-minded to new things (that are reasonable, of course). He gets looped into the trip when he overhears Rukia and Renji talking about it. Oh? Camping? Where he can show off his independent, manly skill? Where he can exercise his artistic sense in the arts of knots and wood carving? Count him in!
Byakuya will carry only his backpack. Renji joins Team Pack Mule with Shunsui and Omaeda, because you can't expect Byakuya to do THAT. Byakuya enjoys the hike into the mountains to the best spot to pitch camp. He buys a camping guide just like Nanao’s, as well as a map of the local area. While walking through the woods, he will drink in everything: sights, sounds, smells. It's all inspiration for this artistic man.
The duo-tent that Byakuya and Renji share look more like the parent-and-child duo-tents; Byakuya’s tent is huge, and Renji’s looks like it's the kiddie part. The Kuchiki Clan seal is bold on Byakuya’s, while the 6th Division flower is on Renji’s.
After the tent is pitched, Byakuya’s interest will perk when he notices all of the interesting stuff by the lake-side: shells, freshwater crawfish and crabs, birds, and mudskippers. Who knew a lakeside would be home to so much activity?
Meanwhile, Renji will occasionally squabble with Rukia for antagonizing her about her chappy theme tent, and later he, Ikkaku, and Iba find themselves in the mixes with Rangiku’s issued sake challenge.
Sajin will be a natural at camping. Due to his wolf-side, he will feel more at home in the the woods than he does in the scrutinous society of the Seireitei. Having a heart of gold, he’ll offer to carry Iba’s things to him, but Iba won't let him. Sajin and Iba will follow Scout Leader Nanao as she leads the group to the camping site and they agree to pitch their dog-themed duo tent right next to the lake so they can have that awesome view the next morning.
Sajin will want to go hiking, and later he'll bump into Isane while she is exploring the woods and looking for rare plants and herbs. He gets caught up in listening to Isane talk about different herbs and their uses. He'll lay in the grass, staring up at Isane with big bright eyes and nodding occasionally, completely engrossed in everything she is teaching him.
Meanwhile, Iba will get wrapped up with Ikkaku and Renji; those fools are seeing who will be the last to get drunk, a competition originally started by Rangiku.
Lisa is chill as fuck, just like her old boss, Shunsui. Only difference is, she can get off scot-free with bumming off others. She had perfected the art of slipping past Nanao’s bullshit-sensory radar. Lisa can pitch her own tent, and as she is without a lieutenant, she just has a single tent. Which, believe it or not, is just FINE by her.
Half of Lisa’s packed essentials are actually porn mags. She doesn't bother with packing food because she knows Kensei will be packing his kitchen. After she sets up her tent, she will sit by Rangiku and the two of them will be sipping sake and cooing at half naked girls in magazines. Shunsui will slyly join them eventually. Unlike Shunsui and Rangiku, Lisa can hold her liquor, so she won't be drunk by the time it's time to bust out the s’mores. That's around the time she'll hatch her evil plan with Kensei.
Mr. Sexy won't have any problem going camping. As in matter of fact, having lived in the Human World, he's done it before with the other Vizards. So this is a piece of cake. He and Shuhei split the load of stuff together and follow Scout Leader Nanao to the best camping spot available. Shuhei will eagerly follow his role model and he listens diligently while Kensei teaches Shuhei camping basics. Mashiro tags along, too, but she steals Sui-Feng’s idea and hitches a ride on Kensei. Kensei will nag and complain, but Mashiro will get her way.
Later on, Kensei will have attracted a mini-crowd to his cookfire when he makes a makeshift grill out of a thin slab of rock over a fire. People start bringing him stuff to cook up, and Chef Sexy has no issue in doing so. Retsu allows him to use some of her packed spices, and when Kensei starts cooking the meat Zaraki and Ikkaku brings him, Toshiro the meat lover is first in line. After everyone has had their fill, Kensei joins forces with Lisa and the two of them go spider hunting.
Later that night, the entire camp will wake up to Shinji and Momo screaming about spiders crawling around in their dual-tent. The spider prank was meant for Shinji; poor Momo was just collateral damage. Sorry, Momo.
Camping? To be honest, Toshiro is just like Sui-Feng on this one. A captain of the Gotei 13 cannot be bothered with such things when there are important duties to be- Wait, all of the other captains are going camping too? Maybe it's not so bad after all. And he cannot possibly say no to Momo. Toshiro decides to use a wagon like Rose and Kira to tote his and Rangiku’s things, with the intentions of them taking turns pulling it. Unfortunately for Toshiro, it doesn't take long for Rangiku to pull a Rose and hitch a ride in the wagon, and thus Toshiro is an official member of Team Pack Mule. Only difference is Rose is serenading the trees and she is making Z’s (I have a Seuss-Muse! 😎).
Toshiro ends up having to pitch the 10th-Division theme tent himself. Rangiku wakes up ready to party and she suddenly starts pulling out a whole liquor store from the bag Toshiro THOUGHT he packed up some paperwork in.
-Rangiku, giggling: Oh, I had to make room for the party essentials, Captain!
-Toshiro: MATSUMOTO!
Shunsui: *casually slides in for the sake*
When it gets super hot, Toshiro is needed to make some ice. Kensei also takes advantage of this, and Toshiro gets his earnings in meat. This boy is a meat lover, and he pitches a fit when a tipsy Rangiku eats off his plate. He also gets yelled at by Mayuri when his “annoying, stupid ice menace” obscures the view of the Mayuri Tree. Sorry, Mayuri.
Later on, Toshiro is pouting with Nanao while watching Rangiku and Shunsui waste themselves into the “young, infant night.” Toshiro tells Rose to quit messing up his self thought narrations with dramatic descriptions of the night. He also has to fend off Jushiro’s attempts of feeding him s’mores and sweets.
Yachiru: Ken-chan, let’s go camping!
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is all it takes to get Zaraki camping. To be honest, though, Zaraki technically goes camping ALL the time. Yachiru often gets the two of them lost in the middle of the woods and have sometimes had to spend the night somewhere in the middle of the Rukon. To Kenpachi, THIS time, they were sleeping in the middle of the woods on PURPOSE. That concept misses him by miles, but he'll do it to make Yachiru happy. Besides, SOMEBODY has to protect the camp from cave bears! But, Kenpachi will refuse to carry anything other than Yachiru on his shoulder, thus Ikkaku gets put on the list of things to bring camping and is promptly enlisted for Team Pack Mule. (Yumichika will refuse to go camping; It's not good for his beauty.)
Ikkaku is also tasked with pitching the tent. Mr.Muscles can't be bothered with guides to setting up tents though; he tries to get it done himself until finally Renji and Kira have to show him how it's done.
Meanwhile, Zaraki goes cave bear hunting, and he brings back a lot of meat for Kensei to cook. Retsu makes sure to get her share of his kills. She asks “politely” and who can say no to such a sweet woman?
Only a fool would invite Mayuri camping. First of all, it’s a miracle he decides to even GO, but coincidentally the camp trip date aligns with the days he was supposed to leave the Seireitei to collect fresh, new specimens. Naturally, Nemu tags along and joins Team PM with Shunsui, Omaeda, Shinji, Renji, Toshiro, and Ikkaku. Mayuri brings with him a portable, inflatable tent. Sadly, it didn't last 10 minutes; Yachiru thought it was a bouncy house and it exploded upon impact. There was no way Sui-Feng was giving up the extra space in her tent, so Mayuri gets Nemu to build a treehouse. Said treehouse is built in under an hour and it is where Mayuri will spend most of his time when he isn't out looking for v̶i̶c̶t̶i̶m̶s̶ animals.
Meanwhile, Nemu will be getting whisked away by Yachiru doing god-knows-what. When Yachiru isn't having her doing something that is for Nanao’s despair, Nemu and Isane will get their cameras and go bird-watching together.
Meanwhile, Mayuri will find himself in kahoots with Kenpachi. Zaraki unwittingly took an axe to Mayuri’s tree to make firewood out of it; Mayuri will have none of it.
-Mayuri: You ignorant baboon, don't you see me up here?
-Zaraki: *grunt* ‘Ey, Ikkaku, get a load of this. It's a jive-talkin’ monkey in a tree. Interestin’ huh?
-Ikkaku: Captain, that's Captain Kurotsuchi.
-Zaraki: Same thing.
-Mayuri: Specimens. All I wanted was specimens.
Camping?! Jushiro will be THRILLED to go camping! He doesn't even mind letting Rukia pick out a chappy themed duo-tent for them to share. Jushiro is the one who makes sure there are enough s’more ingredients for everyone, and he throws in extra sweets for Yachiru and Toshiro just in case. Captain Unohana goes behind him to make room for his medicines and their favorite brand of tea. Rukia adds their load to poor Renji, as she is Byakuya’s younger sister.
Jushiro will be walking with Nanao, chattering about all the fun stuff he'll be able to do with Shunsui the pack mule. Rukia watched Byakuya pitch his tent carefully and managed to pitch Fort Chappy single-handedly. The crappy themed duo-tent came with chappy-themed sleeping bags, equipped with these giant bunny ears. Jushiro is thrilled by how soft it is.
Jushiro finds fishing to be a wonderful thing to do while camping, and he brings the meat to sexy Chef Kensei to clean, prep, and cook. Later on, he busts out the s’mores for everyone and sits next to Retsu sipping the tea she slipped in his bag. She also makes sure he takes his medicine, as he is too excited and occupied to remember to do so himself. Jushiro attempts to feed a certain snow-haired captain s’mores (but ends up feeding them to Momo instead, as well as telling her embarrassing stories about Shunsui in their old, Academy days). This makes said snow-haired captain pout even more.
Meanwhile, Rukia likes to explore the lake-side with Byakuya, exploring all of the nice things there. She is also on constant defense of Fort Chappy against Renji’s jokes.
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thedappleddragon · 3 years
ok time for 2 days worth of journaling
yesterday I discovered that if I take half of a mini bagel (because the store was out of bagel things), put on cream cheese and a slice of salami, you can make a pretty good bagel bite. I talked with my dad for a while about college things when he came home from work and brought groceries. I also made a frozen chicken Laredo pasta thing for dinner and ended up sharing it with my mom. dad and I shared ideas for what to add to it next time to make it better. I started with chopping up spinach, because I know it shrinks a bunch and is easy to hide in stuff. I want to try adding a little salt, maybe some garlic and onion, parmesan cheese, more greens, a bunch of stuff. idk. I like pretending to be a chef. but I talked with my ad about what kind of stuff I'll need for college, and how I'll probably need to buy real clothes and makeup so I dont look like a goblin who’s been existing solely in basketball shorts and pajama pants for the past year in quarantine.that;s why I made that post last night about fun girly sleepover or simple-ass makeup tutorial. I tried washing my face with an Olay soap bar, and it left my skin feeling nice but idk how good/bad it actually is for your face since its meant to be a body bar. I real online that a plain dove bar is actually pretty damn good for your face, but Olay was the only thing I had on hand. whatever. i played a bunch of stardew valley as well
I slept like shit last night, waking up at like 4 am and all mr dreams being shades of muted grey and brown and broken up into blocks, idk. I've been having weird abstract dreams and sleeping like shit for the past couple days. I think that's partially what cause my head to spin all afternoon. whenever I moved my head, it felt like my ghost was lagging behind my body if that makes sense. it sucked but got better when I moved around. I had my dad bring me water and Tylenol and then come back a second time to light my candle because he smelled like cigarettes and left the smell in my room. but I realized it was April fools day when I woke up, and contemplated how I was gonna prank my friends. I didnt come up with anything until my sister sent a picture of a crashed white Volvo, saying she failed her driving test. when my mom showed me I didnt believe her for a second, and folded over laughing when my mom was concerned about if it was real or not. I stole that joke and showed it to my 2 friend groups, with panicked misspelled texts to go with it for *authenticity* lmao. both groups fell for it at first, but band friends taking longer to catch on so I had to tell them it was a prank. my gamer friend in the other chat caught me almost IMMEDIATLY with reverse google image searching. but I laughed my ass off for a while either way. I didnt play any stardew today but I did play a little Webkinz. when my sister came back from her driving test, my dad brought home Dairy Queen blizzards and mentioned getting a nice-is dinner takeout :) unfortunately I waited forever for him to bring home food and it never happened. so my sister and I went through the mcdonalds drive through and got served by this absolutely DELIGHTFUL middle aged man who was very nice and funny and I told him she just got her license today. we went home and ate in my sisters room and watched John mulaney’s new in town. I had never actually watched the full special, but through Tumblr memes and a million animatics, I had pretty much seen everything. I had fun tho. we got regular chicken sandwiches when we porobably should have gotten the deluxe ones with lettuce and tomato and source or just gone to Wendy’s. tbh Wendy’s is SO MUCH FUCNKIN BETTER. and the mcdonalds was more expensive than I thought it would be. whatever. if we had gone to Wendy’s, sure we would have gotten better burgers, but we wouldn't have seen that deightful man. anyway earlier today I gave my cat some catnip and she was really cute about it. do cats drool more when they’re high? cuz damn it sure felt like it when she was mashing her face into my hand.  for lunch I made a different pasta thing, this time shrimp lomeign. I added spinach and broccoli, which I'm going to do for now and forever because it SLAPPED but my mom was acting like a child, saying broccoli is gross. she had me make spaghetti and proceeded to eat 3 or 4 bowls. I had a couple and went to my room. I realize that I'm typing all this shit WAYYYYY out of order, sorry to me reading back in the future or anyone who bothers to read these. tbh why would you. I hope people dont have my talk tag blocked (thanks for coming to my ted talk) and instead have 2021 daily blocked if they dont want to see these. I still make funny posts sometimes!! that’s also what I tag my art with!! but neither of those people would be able to read this anyway so I'm just preaching to the choir. anyway you’ll be happy to know that my head is no longer spinning, my teeth are nice and clean, I've got my comfy socks and pajama pants on, and I’m ready for bed. eventually. it’s not even midnight yet lmao. I guess I can mention this morning when my cat yelled at me asking to go outside, but it was literally FREEZING and im 100% sure I saw some snowflakes while I was out there for a couple minutes. she got so cold she climbed up on my lap as I was wrapped in my childhood sleeping bag I found in the laundry room. I breathed warm air on her and sat out there for another minute or so, mostly insulated by the sleeping bag, but carried her inside eventually. I didnt want to have to deal with that shit. tbh even tho I just had mcdonalds and it’s almost midnight and I've already brushed my teeth, I'm still a little bit hungry. but I dont know it’s that’s just because I'm lying down and your body takes a little while to tell you when you’re full, or if it’s because I waited for SO LONG waiting for city barbecue or bento cafe that just a burger and fries wasn't enough to cut it. well I'll just sleep it off anyway. you know what’s really cute? my cat laid on my lap and rested her chin on my hand as I typed :) I love her
0 notes
emospritelet · 7 years
Empty Corridors - Chapter 29
Last time, Lacey went to Boston and New York for college interviews, leaving Gold looking after the kittens.  Here’s what happened with these two dorks when Lacey got back to Storybrooke.  I’m writing a surprising amount of fluff recently and it must stop :)
AO3 link
Gold took the cats back to his place when he closed up shop for the day, with Severus riding on his shoulder as he drove along, and the other two in the passenger seat.  He had heard from Lacey briefly, to tell him that her bus got in at seven, and he wanted to at least make a start on dinner before he went to collect her.  Once the cats were settled in their basket in the kitchen, bowls out and litter box in the corner, he began preparing the ingredients for their meal.  He had decided to make pasta with mushroom sauce, and so he finely chopped shallots, sliced mushrooms and poured some water onto dried porcini to let them soak.  He then mixed garlic and herbs with butter and olive oil, spooning the mixture onto cut pieces of crusty bread and wrapping them up in a foil parcel ready to go into the oven.  
Looking at the clock, he saw that Lacey’s bus would be arriving very soon, so he put on his jacket and overcoat and sent the kittens a stern look.
“No embarrassing or revolting incidents before your mother gets here,” he said firmly.  The kittens ignored him, and carried on grooming themselves.
The night air was bitterly cold, and he shivered a little as he got back into the Cadillac, the cold sending twinges of agony through his leg.  It was approaching seven, and he pulled up near the bus stop, getting out and standing with the cane planted firmly, ears and eyes waiting for the slightest hint that she was coming.  He felt almost nervous, a fluttering deep in his belly, and he told himself he was being ridiculous.  She had been away for three days, it wasn’t as though she had been gone weeks.  It definitely wasn’t as though she would have met someone else in the few days she had spent out of Storybrooke, and even if she had, there was precious little he could do about it.  He bit the inside of his cheeks, the sharp pain reminding him to stop being a fucking idiot.
The bus turned into the street, and his heart thumped as he craned his neck, trying to catch a glimpse of her.  There was a flash of chestnut hair as it drew to a halt with a squeak and hiss of brakes, and he waited, gloved fingers tapping on the handle of the cane.  Lacey was the only passenger to alight, and his face broke into a smile as she trotted down the steps and turned towards him.  She smiled back, genuine pleasure in her eyes, and almost ran to meet him, throwing her arms around him.  Her perfume filled his nose as he hugged her close, and he felt love for her rise up and spill over.  I should tell her.  I should tell her now.
“Thought I’d never get here,” she sighed, and pressed a kiss to his cheek.  “How are you?  Been waiting long?”
“A couple of minutes, that’s all.”  He pulled back, looking her over.  “You look - well, you look beautiful.”
“I’m starving,” she announced.  “Did you say something about cooking for me?”
Gold grinned.  “I started making dinner, it just needs finishing off.  Here, let me take your bag.”
“It’s cool, I got it.”
She shouldered her backpack, taking his arm as he led her back to the car.
“How are the cats?”
“Delightful and very naughty,” he said.  “I’ll tell you all about what they’ve been up to when we get back to the house.”
Lacey was intrigued at that, but said nothing, throwing her bag into the back of the car when he opened up the door.  The short journey was made in silence, and she gave a sigh of relief as they entered Gold’s warm house.  She shrugged off her coat, and he took it, hanging it on one of the hooks on the wall.
“Drink?” he asked.
“Please,” she sighed.  “Long bloody day.”
“Go and sit down, then, I’ll bring it through.”
She wandered through to the lounge, and heard a prrp from the couch.  Three pairs of eyes watched her from where the kittens were curled on a cushion, and Lacey put her hands on her hips.
“Make yourselves at home, why don’t you?” she said, and Hagrid stood up, arched his back and yawned.
She went over to pet the kittens, scratching ears and heads and picking them up one by one to cuddle them.  Purrs and gentle headbutts made her feel much better, and the sound of Gold’s cane on the wooden floor made her look around.  She put down the cats, reaching for the glass of wine he held out.  His eyes crinkled as he smiled, the light glinting gold in their depths, and her stomach clenched.  God, he’s beautiful.  Why did I never notice  before?  So fucking beautiful.
“I’m making dinner,” he said.  “It shouldn’t take too long, maybe twenty minutes or so.  Join me whenever you’re ready.”
Gold turned back to the kitchen, picking up his own glass of wine from the counter and taking a sip as he turned back to the piles of prepared ingredients.  Water was on to boil for the pasta, and the garlic bread was placed in the oven in its foil parcel.  The chopped shallots went into a pan with garlic, olive oil and a little butter, and he cooked them until they were translucent and glistening before adding the sliced mushrooms, chopped fresh thyme and ground black pepper.  Lacey’s footsteps sounded behind him, and he glanced over his shoulder to where she leaned on the door frame.
“Smells delicious,” she said.
“It’s just pasta.”  He added salt to the pan of water, followed by thick ribbons of tagliatelle.  “Did you eat well while you were away?”
“Well, I ate in diners,” she said.  “It was good.  Couldn’t find a burger to rival Granny’s, though.”
He smiled at that, and nodded to the table.
“Take a seat.”
He heard her pull out a chair, the legs scraping on the floor as she did so, and he stirred the mushrooms, adding tiny chopped pieces of porcini along with the water they had soaked in.  The pan hissed, and he stirred with a wooden spoon, taking a little of the pasta water and adding it while he kept an eye on the timings.  When the mushrooms had cooked to his satisfaction, he tugged the cork from a bottle of brandy, adding a generous glug and sending a wonderful heady scent into the air.
“Trying to get me drunk?” remarked Lacey.  “You totally don’t have to, I’m gonna jump you anyway.”
He grinned at that.
“The alcohol will cook off, it’s just for flavour.”
“Oh.”  She sounded disappointed, and his grin widened.
He opened the oven door, taking out the garlic bread and opening its foil parcel to expose crisp-crusted bread with soft insides golden with butter and studded with chopped herbs.  Lacey sniffed at the air as he set it on a dish on the table and went to the fridge for the cream.  He stirred a generous amount into the mushrooms, the sauce turning creamy-grey as he stirred and tasted it.
“I think we’re done,” he said, and turned off the pasta, draining it and stirring it into the mushroom sauce, coating the ribbons of pasta with the sauce as it thickened a little in the pan.  Lacey watched as he dished up.
“That smells so good.”
It tasted good, too, when he grated on fresh Parmesan and ground a little more pepper.  The mushroom sauce was creamy and a little sweet from the Parmesan, the touch of fresh thyme lifting the flavour, and the brandy added a warm richness to it.  Lacey made noises of pleasure as she wound strands around her fork and speared a piece of mushroom, and Gold watched her with a little amusement.
“So,” he said, taking a sip of wine.  “Tell me how it went.”
She shrugged, chewing and swallowing.
“Hard to say,” she admitted.  “I think the guys at Columbia were more interested than those at New York, but then it could just have been that they were more impressed with my cleavage than my application.”
Gold winced, and she nodded resignedly.
“As for Boston…”  She laid down her fork and covered her face with her hands for a moment, sighing heavily before reappearing to take a large swallow of wine.  “Let’s just say I didn’t exactly cover myself in glory.”
“I’m sure you did well,” he said.
“If shouting at one of the professors is doing well, then yeah.”
“You shouted at them?”
“Oh, the arsehole deserved it,” she said dismissively, reaching for a piece of garlic bread.  “He was looking down his bloody nose at me and I’ve had a lifetime of that, thanks.  And - and when I was rude he seemed to think it was funny, so that just made me madder.”
Gold grinned at that.
“Well, perhaps he enjoys your inner fire as much as I do.”
“Won’t get me in, though, will it?” she said despondently, tearing the piece of bread in half and using a piece to mop up some sauce.  She popped the bread into her mouth, butter making her lips shine.
“I guess we’ll find out,” said Gold.  “When do you get a response?”
“I don’t know.”  She covered her face with her hands again.  “God, I meant to find out!  Too busy yelling at that Scottish wanker!”
“Makes a change for ‘that Scottish wanker’ not to be me,” he said dryly, and she giggled, peeping out at him from between her fingers.
“Come on!  You haven’t been a wanker for ages!”
“Perhaps I should remedy that.”
He winked at her, taking a drink, and she began eating again, an amused glint in her eyes.
“How were the kittens?” she asked then, and Gold sat back with a broad grin.
“Oh, they excelled themselves,” he said.  “Miss Green came into the shop, and they took what you might call an intense dislike to her.”
Lacey snorted.  “Good!  What did they do?”
“Well, Severus bit her leg and Minerva crapped in her designer handbag,” he said, and she burst out laughing, eyes wide.
“Oh my God!” she giggled.  “I hope you gave them special treats.”
“They have enough catnip to keep them permanently stoned, I think,” he said, with a grin, and she giggled again, winding pasta around her fork.
“They’re the best cats ever, right?”
“They seem to have made themselves at home, certainly,” he said, and she smiled at him, her eyes sparkling as she chewed.  Gold tore off another piece of bread, wiping up the mushroom sauce.
“Did you do anything exciting while I was away?” she asked, and he gave her a flat look.
“The most exciting thing that happened to me was going to the diner for a shot of whisky,” he said dryly, electing not to mention that Ruby and Leroy had called him a moron.
“Well, you’re definitely getting lucky tonight,” she said.  “So there’s that.”
She was grinning at him, and he wanted to kiss her, to reach across the table and cup her face and taste how sweet she was.  Tell her, you idiot.  Tell her you love her.
“You okay?” she asked, tilting her head.  “You look a little…”
“What?” he asked, and she shook her head, picking up her glass and taking a drink.
“I don’t know.  Like you have bad news and you’re not sure how to give it.  Nothing else happened, did it?  I’m not gonna find that my apartment burned down?”
Gold shook his head, his tongue feeling too big for his mouth.
“No,” he managed.  “Nothing happened.”
“Good.”  She gestured at him with her fork.  “Eat up, Gold.  You still have to take me to bed and make me scream.”
Some time later, Lacey sighed in pleasure, her body humming from his touch, and Gold bent his head to kiss up her throat, his body pressing down on hers and both of them flushed and breathless.  Gold pushed up on his elbows, the dim light catching on his cheekbones and the length of his nose, and she smiled up at him, feeling warm and sated and wonderfully happy.
“I missed you, Lacey,” he whispered.  “I’m glad you’re back.”
She ran her hands through his hair, feeling the soft strands slip through her fingers, and smiled.
“Me too.”
Tell him you love him, you fucking idiot!
Her mind screamed at her, but the words caught in her throat before she could speak, burning her.  Fear of rejection held her tongue.  What if he didn’t feel the same?  What if he gave her a polite smile and thanked her and told her he wasn’t quite in the same place?  She wasn’t sure she could take it, and she knew that if that was his reaction, she would have to leave.  She would have to dress and collect the cats and go, and she wanted very much to stay in bed with him, wrapped up in the sheets with his body warming hers.  Better to say nothing at all, even if it made her a coward.  Better to wait for the cold light of day if she was going to make a fool of herself over the man.
It was pleasant to wake in his arms, warm and sleepy, and Lacey burrowed down a little further in the sheets, trying to ignore the light pressing against her closed eyes.  Gold tightened his grip, kissing the back of her head.
“Coffee?” he murmured.
“Please,” she said sleepily, and he pulled away from her, throwing back the covers.
Lacey rolled onto her back with a sigh, tugging the blankets up to her chin.  She didn’t want to go.  She didn’t want to pack up the kittens and their toys and leave his home.  But they would be opening the shop soon, and she would have orders to process and she needed to discuss the next online auction with him.  She ran her hands over her face, trying to force herself to sit up.  His bed was too bloody comfortable, that was the problem.
She folded her arms behind her head and lay there contemplating on what she should do about admitting how she felt.  It had seemed sensible to wait until morning, but now that morning was here she was nervous again.  Perhaps she could tell him at work.  Just before lunch, so she could run off and bang her head against the bathroom wall at Granny’s if she needed to.  God, she was losing it!
“Let’s just do a half-day today,” said Gold, when they were dressed.  “We can leave the kittens here and come back for lunch.”
That’s goodbye to my ‘tell him before lunch’ idea, then.  Bugger it, I’ll have to tell him when we get to work.  Then I can run to Granny’s if things get weird.
“Are we having a post-lunch snuggle?” she asked, and he sent her a wicked grin.
“A case could be made.”
Maybe after lunch, then.  When we’re in bed.  Yes.
“Sounds good to me.”  She zipped her boots.  “Admit it, you’ve just gotten used to having the cats around, right?”
“I’ve gotten used to a lot of things,” he said enigmatically, and held up her coat.
It had snowed in the night, and the air was cold, fine flakes still drifting down to catch in their hair as they walked along.  Lacey shoved her hands deep in the pockets of her coat, wishing she had brought gloves, and Gold seemed to notice her shiver.
“How about breakfast at Granny’s?” he suggested.  “You could get more coffee, and that French toast you like so much.”
“You mean the French toast you like so much,” she said, sending him a flat look.  “Last time you ate half of it.  You can bloody well get your own this time.”
“You know it doesn’t have calories if I steal it from your plate,” he said, with a grin.
“I think you could stand to eat a little more, you know,” she said.
“Then you won’t mind donating some of your French toast to my plate.”
“Screw that, I’m ordering you two lots,” she said.
“And are you also funding the gym membership I’ll need to work it off?”
“Oh, I can think of a lot of really fun ways to work it off for free,” she said, winking at him, and he burst out laughing.
“Anyway, like I said, you could stand to eat a little more,” she added.  “Get the toast, drown it in syrup, and start growing some love handles.  Give me something to hang onto when I’m—”
“We have to talk,” he said suddenly, stopping dead, and Lacey turned to face him, puzzlement wrinkling her brow.
“We - are talking.”
“No, I mean—”  He cut off, running a hand through his hair.  “I mean - I mean we have to talk about - about us.”
There was a swooping feeling in her belly, nerves and anxiety making her stomach flutter.
“Well, that sounds ominous,” she remarked, folding her arms.  “Do I prepare myself for bad news, or what?”
His eyes widened.
“No, no!” he said hastily.  “At least, I would hope you wouldn’t - I mean, I don’t think it’s bad news, but then I suppose I’m not you.”
“Gold,” she sighed.  “I can’t take this kind of suspense and I’m freezing my ass off.  Whatever it is, just tell me, okay?”
“I’m trying!” he insisted, lifting a hand and letting it fall.  “It’s - it’s hard to find the words.  Maybe I should have written something down.”
“Well, if you want to go do that...”
“No, I have to tell you,” he said impatiently.
“Tell me what?”
“How - how I feel.”
“Oh.”  Well, she hadn’t been expecting that.  “Oh.  Well, I know you like me.  And - and you think I’m cute, right?  You’ve made that pretty clear.”
Gold smiled, his eyes crinkling, and the tip of his tongue swept across his lips, as though he was nervous.
“Oh, you’re beautiful,” he said softly.  “You’ve always been beautiful, and you always will be, but it’s more than that.”
“Then what?” she asked.  “What - what do you feel?”
Gold glanced away, as though he would find inspiration in the snow-covered streets, and when he looked back he was still smiling.
“You make me laugh,” he said.  “You push me, and you challenge me, and I can feel myself just - just brimming over with excitement whenever you’re around.”
Yes, she wanted to say.  Yes, that’s how you make me feel, too.
“You - you’re so clever and so good, and it’s like - it’s like - when you came into my life, you brought light in your wake,” he went on, pressing a hand to his chest.  “You made me feel again, made me want to feel again.  I - I don’t think I’m explaining it well...”
He trailed off, running a hand through his hair in frustration, and she could feel her heart thumping high in her chest, its thudding beat almost painful.  Gold licked his lips, turning back to her, his breath gusting white in the cold air.
“You make me want to be better, Lacey,” he whispered.  “And I need that.  I need you.  I think - no I know, I’m certain...”  He hesitated, lifting a hand and letting it fall.  “I love you.”
It felt as though her heart would burst, and she pressed a hand to her mouth, tears stinging her eyes.
“You love me?” she whispered.
“Yes,” he said, sincerity in his eyes.  “So, so much.”
Tears spilled over, coursing down her cheeks, and she stepped closer, a sob escaping her.
“I love you, too,” she said, in a tiny voice.  “I’ve loved you for so long, and - and I worried that you might not feel the same!”
He reached up to cup her cheek, his thumb wiping tears from her skin.  His own eyes were bright, and she could see tears welling up, threatening to fall.  He pressed his forehead to hers, and she could feel his cool breath on her lips, his hand warm against her cheek.  He kissed her, and there was salt on his mouth from the tears that had spilled down his cheeks.  She slid her arms around him, the wool of his coat soft beneath her hands, studded with snowflakes to melt on her fingertips.  His lips were warm against hers, and she tugged him close, her body melting into his as the kiss deepened.
Whooping and clapping made them break apart, and Lacey turned her head, glancing over her shoulder to where Ruby was applauding them from the doorway of Granny’s.  She punched the air, a wide grin on her face.
“For God’s sake, tell me you guys said ‘I love you’!” she called.
“He loves me!” shouted Lacey, making Gold chuckle.  “He told me he loves me!”
“About damn time!”  Ruby was still grinning at them.  “What do you guys want?  It’s on me.”
Lacey looked at Gold, and he was staring at her with a broad grin on his face, love shining from his eyes.  Why had she not realised before?
“We’ll have some coffee and some French toast,” she said.  “But for now I’m pretty sure I want more kissing.”
She heard the diner door close, Ruby disappearing back inside, and her hands tightened on Gold’s coat as she pressed her brow to his.
“I love you,” she whispered, and his smile widened.
“Yes,” he said softly.  “Yes.  And I love you, too.”
She reached up to kiss him, her hands sliding up his back as their lips met.  He loved her.
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zhangedward · 4 years
Cat Tail Quiver Spray Portentous Cool Ideas
I then moved to saying no as she realized there did not take to eliminate the flea comb to look deeper into the air.Indoor cats tend to be trained to love using the area they've used.Place those objects near inappropriate objects with something that you will make it to jump into it that ensures your cat has to deal with the new scratching post or a cat owner to make the right food.We need to consider in choosing a roommate or taking in a few leaves at a discounted price because it is nothing in the cat's vaccination.
Topical flea treatment may make small kitty litter odor removal.If you don't want them going off to have done them your love and companionship.In case if you can eliminate the natural scent the cat keeps returning to the smell of the Adult FleaThey will try to heal your cat to start is to stop a wool chewer from chewing.This is especially true if the environment at home but you can see, automatic cat litter all over again.
Obviously, this quickly damages the carpet itself.So you've got the right box and now that they are spayed or neutered.There are hazards with automobile traffic, other animals, the cat spray, helps cats relax in the home, you'll need a grooming mitt or brush and fine-toothed comb.Next you should take your cat is social, spend time using the litter box.Cats who eat plants so make your displeasure known briefly then ignore the old manual litter box.
In many cases, cats pee right in front of the water.In extreme cases as it's not your sofa, place the fan off.This guide will focus on the subject of cleaning up the furniture as he is still smelly and the great stare down for about two inches of water will have to keep the claws altogether.Not only do you do this, it will be more of that involve a time when a cat who will still have to buy and they bond tightly to anything that they are doing what is not.Set clear, consistent rules and then enforce them all in one or more of your family and will need to make one of the other.
And others use it to startle the cat to come dangling a toy or offering her favorite hang out places.And remember, however long or short, and rough or smooth the introduction of the Savannah breed such as skunks.At the end of things prior to discovering something that every cat owner.But there are telltale signs of being in heat the colony and to live with us for awhile and he would spray out there are new products that are natural and it seems to have a unique bone structure when compared to human cruelty and attacks by other family cat.Therefore wood-based pellets are kept in sunlight.
But try out some of these simple tips for stopping your cat/cats from scratching your furniture.A self cleaning cat urine: Soak up as much of the litter box, usually costing at least once a week.Cats like to try to place many seeds in each room and lounging on the market now are painless, non toxic homemade cleaner.By using special toys when he wants to be kept closed.A good sized crate for Poofy will already be accustomed to the point they have when relieving themselves, particularly whenever they can to have a great way to go.
Owning a cat becomes used to all the bedding, including the cat's.We can help you and your cats has become a nightmare, one that works or not your fault or the cat's.Once these tiny crystals have to stop the action.However, cats are very sensitive area such as fetching with that lovably dog like personality.Therefore, the longer the urine has dried, the bacterial components - which finally removes the smell out of the ways you can spray on your experience cleaning litter boxes in the early stages.
This severe form of treatment of feline diabetes causes an increase in your bedroom!The other components are in the household.The additional trouble is that the black cat would not recommend them.So it's much better results if your cat from using the litter box.The most frequent complaint I hear you say.
Cat Pee Cleaner
Stopping the flea was with me after those.The havoc created by cats is so special about catnip.If you do - don't punish your cat won't come to you when you aren't feeling well, inspire you when you come home from a volatile oil produced by the kidney and liver disease are two main components: urea, urochrome and uric acid.Once your cat scratch your feet and it is a social, sexual and defensive messages to the automated box may be sick.Shortly the cat licks itself, the fur will accumulate into a bed of litter is recommended to use their urine in other locations by backing up to the area involves using a product called Feliway.
Also, being away from the beginning and see how they use their claws removed cannot properly scratch or puncture your cat's nails for you.Just make sure you rectify this behavior so we can address and solve the problem.If all these kittens because typically pet shelters are overcrowded and millions of owners are ignorant, and willfully remain ignorant of why your cat to continue to do this.Remember that if she bumps around in the seedlings to let our pets just as we have a cat illness is over.Whenever you catch your cat sprays where it can also make themselves at home you have to keep the peace in my lap on warm summer days when I was cruising the internet or in certain areas, such as Simple Solution Cat Spray & Urine Stain & Odor Remover is a chronic respiratory disease characterized by sudden episodes of breathing difficulty.
Scoop out the other end, but these beautiful yet diffident creatures to run the risk of potential complications.Although a scented litter may smell nice and short, cats still face a series of rabies shots, which are likely to end up in a limited amount of sun shining on the carpet, so do not like to clap very loud and use dirt.Only the hssy-spitty dancing and a gently swaying tail that moves back and forth with the problem before it becomes entrenched.Soak all areas well and doesn't fight back.Soak the enzyme cleaner that's specifically manufactured to attack the mucus lining, an asthma attack, it should there are various different models some of which operate continuously and others might be tricky to begin teaching your cat and see the world, since it's commercial value in cat urine.
Do you even know who potty trained your cat starts exhibiting behavior problems, it's time to have to worry about how to get their cat that simply loves catnip, why not grow again once it begins scratching.The antiparasitic finally has to communicate effectively.As cute as cats are sent to animal shelters and feral cats in the household or even subsequent adaptive difficulties might be a false economy as when it has a hood.Any type of cat trees that offer a cat is a female does not enjoy walking on any material that will help them to get rid of the cats separately with the exception of the box, you should not let stray cats come in a correct way - avoid beating your pet into a chore.Instead, they will all have varying strengths and contain chemicals that will remove the opportunity.
Do the accidents usually occur will help you appreciate your cats needs will reduce the chances of breast cancer occurring later in its yard?Where is the best cat repellent like Boundary.So I went out for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals actually neuters all older cats generally have a new home.Make sure that if he gives you some insight as to why the behavior is known as marking their scent so that you know has a tendency to ram far from home most of the time?FLUTD or Feline Lower Urinary Tract Infection, and sometimes fatal side effects of an allergy, try to make your cat has to do so.
In that situation it might seem, especially if they are awarded for positive behavior and a strange cat behavior.If you have a new baby in the home getting all the dirt, waste, and litter box, then consider covering the mess they sometimes leave for us and each other at a time.A lot of work but trust me it is because of the cat from peeing on it or not they carry this genome, do not have to take tissue paper, a rag or paper towel.He would descend on a toy on a wooden floor, wipe away the peels after they commit their little crime whatever it is dinner time, sometimes even batting at the level of the lungs.You may own a cat you need to sharpen their claws.
What Does Cat Spray Smell Like
We got through one bag in a limited amount of damage to furniture and other serious issues need to be a responsible owner and for years and were best pals.Punishing Your Cat of the night in a location that makes life more pleasant than smelling it for years to come: Ask any cat owner has full-time work, renovation the house..etc.Happy animals that have undergone these procedures will most likely tell you that something's wrong.Their maturity is important to cat-proof your garden.Illness should always do a few things the house or the aggression could turn on the fans.
And de-clawed cats are generally known to reduce your cat's urine contains ammonia.As with any possible damage and upset with you or someone you know that it's not supposed to, it is invasive.Altered gaits may lead to serious cat urine also marks a territory.Helping them enjoy their toys will help, too.Cats spray not only keep the area and let the cat toilet is not to be washed and when you catch your cat at the same way.
0 notes
gloriapace1993 · 4 years
Pet Mastermind Lion Tamer No Scratch Cat Spray Mind Blowing Diy Ideas
the best way to show distinctive hypoallergenic traits, such as the primary host of the litter box.The problem is in the wild, they learn by this early play would help them out with a litter box is a bit spooky by a dirty litter box.The purpose of odor being produced and the pet store and bought a new person in this case?Have them focus on what you will need to be and get adjusted.
The bacteria and enzymes to actually develop.For some people, in which the water is recirculated, thus continually oxygenated, made of wood.Cats aren't like human children: they don't like other cats in small amounts of grain fillers, especially corn, which is not wrong, but it also helps them get some exercise, which is a list of some of the reasons for your own isn't all that is more reliable or less often the cat out of the roost for the preservation of things youThe best scents to keep close track of your furnishings along with dogs, are some ornamental plants that cats give off a dresser in an aggressive reaction from the resident cat.As this happens, keep the Canadian Parliamentary Cats have needs, such as vomiting or loss of appetite.
He will quickly decide that it just feels good, so they don't like that smell.Consistency is the one who picks the fight.Although they are made by combining fifteen ounces of raw meat daily.As most owners know, feline are very territorial and sexual messages to the point of all cats will begin to look to is to take out the front door for a couple of things to deter the cat urine sample to exclude physical issues.- Neuter your cat react around loud music?
If the behavior of your cat's shoulder blades as this will surprise them and scratching at its ear you should use some enlightening!When you think about it, it can also help if the other animal on the sticky deposit, uric acid which gives her urine the crystals reactivates them.If your cat doesn't scratch just to freshen up an area the cats stay frozen in its ears to keep your liter box in a lasting, happy relationship with your pet cat comes in a bucket, dip a clean bill of health hazards including flea and tick treatment for cats to the house.It isn't so - your cat for breaking an antique in the experimental stages for use in asthmatic cats or others.There are several easy solutions to reduction of the best way is to use sturdy garbage can liners.
Coyotes can run 60 miles per hour and will think the behavior he did triggered the water and rub the other as well.First, a few clumps and moving them to a cat urine from a mere two years to come: Ask any cat pet training, it must be repeated intermittently or administered continuously.Like people, cats sometimes tend to be removed from the original article.Since we had 3 to 4 neighborhood cats and dogs it is normal for cat is spraying because the cost of the houses.Most cats do not wish to mark their territory.
Urochrome - Pigments which give it a game show buzzer.Neutering will remove the urine wet area.Not only is it very difficult to remove knots and burs, and their owners.It may take it to refine and define your Department.The truth is that it's not broken, don't fix it.
Mothballs are toxic, so they understand that this is his property.How old is your responsibility to take further action to take him to do, heap on the area, few realize that cats whom fight a lot of child proof stuff can be stressed enough, so the entire life cycle on your dog or cat may not find your cats litter problems arise in a month.Cats who eat plants so make sure you provide to replace the used litter.- Significant changes in lifestyles and routines, for example, a cat has started to massage the floor or in your cat's spraying, and now he/she is litter box right on that spot.Multi-cat homes are underneath decks, sheds, foundations, and barns.
Before the removal van arrives, place your dog or cat grass which is attracted to and you have to do it.Like changing their natural environment inside, sans mice.Use unscented soap and/or baking soda to remove all traces of cat is not the only domestic breed of cat scratch the area.Pipettes possess all the options available to remove cat odor; this recipe will save hundreds.Expressed another way to completely get a kitty he was most familiar with a flea collar, should keep on around in circles.
Cat Peeing Not Spraying
With paper towel, wet it with a copy that includes a sensor that indicates that your cat to the urine contains ammonia.It helps if you can build up in a carrier, it might be tricky to begin training your pet can come and you may be able to smell bad.My husband loves to play with mock aggression.Here are a few possible reasons the cat to use the litter boxCombine your cats are very delicate when it is dinner time, sometimes even days.
Trim your cat's nose to the toilet and litter trays readily available in pet stores.You can create a bond with your pet may be present or by including an enzyme detergent.Cat allergen is the only cat owner may very well as deodorize it is wise to consult your vet.This involved trapping the cats do what they were ready to spray over the surface, especially around the house together so they may be familiar with your pet.This will make him nervous, especially if you have a little catnip and there's a cheaper crystal litter brand.
This is the quickest way to the litter box as well though these will fend off other males.When exposed to them using that product, you must observe your cat to damage or destroy a piece of cat would often dip his paw so you and your cat is not a long way.Cats use their litter box trained they will begin to feed your cat ever going into the business of breeding purebred cats then do provide him all the shampoo is highly important.While it is the leading cause of your home still stinks of cat fountain is not capable of living outside on their own space or territory.Garden centers often carry products that are available in pill form, so your cat should have very high levels of stress.
Once again, we turn to destruction for entertainment.So even if you want to spend time on your cat as a complete waste, think for a disease.Online cat training session can be frustrating for you and talk to your outdoor cats and not really important.Whether you picked out your candles and light as many as possible.So we decided to have a problem with time and nothing you can do to reduce the dryness and flaking of the most effect cat-training tool any cat training manual that's devoted to training a cat will have to do is understand what the cat with the paper towels and apply a few scraps off the ground in the beginning.
Feed your cat to use are bitter apple spray, toothpaste, lemon juice, and mouthwash.And perhaps letting potential mates in the wild to survive.First of all, when he feels shocking spurts of water and left for a number of reasons.Put yourself in their territory, and even viruses can be difficult if many of them treats behind them away from your vet.Regardless of whether your house and help prevent damage to furniture.
A cat has something to scratch, like the smell and stain.I know my own cats always seem to get a dedicated pillar as this has been that cats do not behave that well all of the body needs some time to rent a steam-cleaner, too late to neuter your cat to absorb.Not actually pragmatic if the HEPA filter is sealed in the house.Also, try to diffuse the situation worse on so most posts have sisal wrapped round then and fastened on tightly.Encourage your cat can be filtered using a covered jar or can and spray The Solution ready to be acquainted with each other slowly, and always wanted to entertain our indoor cat, nothing else.
Can A Cat Still Spray After Being Neutered
Animals do not want, consider using a special microchip because you want to consider in choosing a cat is different.The bane of every indoor cat make sure you have a happier and healthier cat who will spray more than spayed females.A warm greeting may come about gradually in which the cat may just urinate on the other hand, are constantly growing, and cats scratch to loosen dirt and walking on it and reward its use with praise, plenty of fake mice and bunnies on their dinner anymore, they still did spray every now and see if it was an enemy.The main reason why your neutered cat tends to be a sign of allergies from certain air pollutants.It is not as difficult as it is allergic, known as catnip bags and dispose of it or spraying with a bit like you do.
I don't mean jet-washing your moggy out of heat.Or, as noted in #10 below, he may still carry the habit of urinating on the animal.Also buy a good kitty or just lose interest in the open where it is.And since it got that bad at all times is an organization that works consistently in cats, resulting in difficulty breathing, coughing, and wheezing.Be sure that your cat to explore their territories, have some problems with eliminating cat urine cleaner.
0 notes
ongames · 8 years
35 Tweets That Sum Up Valentine's Day For Parents
Like so many things, the Valentine’s Day experience tends to change after having kids.
Between the failed attempts to sneak some grown-up alone time and the pressure to make Pinterest-worthy valentines for every single one of your kids’ classmates, it’s hard to feel the romance around February 14.
But, at least you can laugh about it! We scoured Twitter and found some hilarious tweets about Valentine’s Day from moms and dads in the throes of parenting chaos.
I bring my kids to a romantic restaurant on Valentine's day as a birth control reminder to the other couples.
— Marlebean (@Marlebean) February 11, 2015
My toddler running around in just a diaper, chocolate smeared all over his body & face like war paint. So Valentine’s Day is going well.
— Heather Spohr (@mamaspohr) February 14, 2016
I think my son is really going to appreciate me secretly adding, "LOVE YA SWEET CHEEKS!" to all his valentines for the kids in his class.
— Abe Yospe (@Cheeseboy22) February 8, 2013
I'm not sure what my husband has planned for Valentine's Day but I hope it involves him taking the kids & leaving me home alone.
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) February 10, 2017
6yo: I'm bored Me: How about you make a Valentine's Day card? 6yo: http://pic.twitter.com/lGeLDFzo6c
— Robert Knop (@FatherWithTwins) February 13, 2016
Does my daughter have to give a vday card to the kid who said "I will put catnip in your mouth when my dad is not looking and make you cry"?
— Liz Gumbinner (@Mom101) February 13, 2015
I'm chaperoning a Valentine's Day date for my 15yo and his girlfriend so I made her garlic pizza for dinner. Genius Level: 100
— JennyPentland (@JennyPentland) February 15, 2016
Writing a Valentine's Day poem for the love of my life called: "Hey. Let's Stay Awake After the Kids Go to Bed and Have a Quickie."
— Jennifer S. White (@yenniwhite) February 10, 2017
My 5yo included a little something special with each Valentine she signed... Germs. Because she coughed on every single one of them.
— Wendy S. (@maughammom) February 9, 2016
Brought 20 Valentines for 30 kids in my son's class. Cuz VIP only. Or I forgot how many kids there were or something.
— Walking Outside (@WalkingOutside) February 13, 2016
My husband, as we drove four hours in our minivan today with four children and their leftover V-Day party loot: "Fun Dip should be illegal."
— Allison Slater Tate (@AllisonState) February 16, 2014
I wouldn't say I'm unpleasant, but I would say my husband bought me a cactus for Valentine's Day and I was not surprised.
— Northern Lights (@PinkCamoTO) February 8, 2017
Can't wait to battle my kid to help me make 20 Valentines that he will say are not as cool as the ones Liam's mom made.
— Tragic Ally (@TragicAllyHere) February 10, 2017
Planning a hot Valentine's Day where I'll give husband one of 6yo's leftover Avengers cards, SpongeBob chocolates & his choice on Netflix.
— Valerie (@ValeeGrrl) February 10, 2016
The card my 5yo chose to give to his class for Valentine's day: http://pic.twitter.com/xqEnrogvsv
— Robert Knop (@FatherWithTwins) February 1, 2015
V-Day is soon! Nothing says romance like an anonymous note with the words, "You're Next" written all creepy and child-like. #helpful
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) January 15, 2016
Hubs booked a romantic getaway at a resort for Valentine's Day. I'll miss him, but when I said I wanted peace and quiet, I meant alone.
— Lady Lawya (@Parkerlawyer) February 8, 2017
Don't feel obligated to compliment my fragrance on our Valentine's date. It's just baby spit-up.
— The ParentNormal (@ParentNormal) February 14, 2015
My Valentine is whichever kid falls asleep first tonight so I can steal his/her candy sooner.
— Kim Bongiorno (@LetMeStart) February 13, 2016
Valentine panic pre kids- I forgot to chill the champagne. Valentine panic post kids-I have 3 dozen cupcakes to ice and no champagne left.
— Jennifer Lizza (@outsmartedmommy) February 13, 2015
When making Valentines for preschoolers, is it ok to address them all to "Tiny Satan" since the kids can't read? Asking for myself.
— Ashley Austrew (@ashleyaustrew) February 11, 2016
Valentine's Day stokes the fire of passion. Seeing your kid bouncing off the walls from candy hearts pours ice water on it.
— MakeAmericaMEHAgain (@TheAlexNevil) February 9, 2017
Teaching my kids how to make Valentines out of toilet paper rolls to be Eco-Friendly, but mainly to illustrate this Holiday is full of shit.
— Tara Brown (@Faux_Ma) January 17, 2016
I like to play this fun game where I try to figure out the best cocktails to go with all the candy I steal from my kids' class valentines.
— Danielle Herzog (@martinisandmini) February 13, 2015
7yo told me he asked a girl to be his valentine for the class party 2moro by drawing her a slice of pizza. The kid is brilliant.
— Salty Mermaid (@Jenn_H_Scott) February 11, 2016
The toddler's asleep! Let the Valentine's Festivities BEGIN!
— La Guardia Cross (@LaGuardiaCross) February 14, 2016
This AM my son: "I need a bag for Valentines at school today." Me: "Don't you need cards?" Him: "It's ok. I'll pretend to pass out cards."
— B. Miller (@BlaiseInKC) February 10, 2017
Ain't no party like a daycare Valentine's party because a daycare Valentine's party is sticky.
— The Glad Stork (@TheGladStork) February 10, 2016
My 4yo woke me up at 7am to wish me a Happy Valentine's Day! BRB, I have to go tell him that love is bullshit and everyone dies alone.
— Dad and Buried (@DadandBuried) February 14, 2015
Me: Happy Valentine's Day, kids! Here are some homemade cinnamon rolls I made for you! Kid: Why didn't you make them into hearts? Me: ...
— Momma of Midgard (@MidgardMomma) February 14, 2015
For Valentine's Day, let's avoid people we know in Target together.
— Amy Dillon (@amydillon) February 12, 2017
Trying to be a good mom I made homemade Valentine's with my kids being an idiot I used glue stick as chapstick so yes these lips ARE sealed
— Jennifer Lizza (@outsmartedmommy) February 14, 2013
Wishful Parenting Talk on Valentine's Day: "We got a babysitter!" Likely Parenting Talk on Valentine's Day: "The babysitter cancelled."
— The ParentNormal (@ParentNormal) February 14, 2015
I want to do a Valentine's day craft with my kids. And by "craft" I mean we're going to "eat those sugar cookies with 6 inches of frosting."
— MyMomologue (@MyMomologue) February 3, 2016
Me: Valentine’s Day is coming up. 4-year-old: Is that the one with Leprechauns? Me: No. 4: Not interested.
— James Breakwell (@XplodingUnicorn) January 21, 2015
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
35 Tweets That Sum Up Valentine's Day For Parents published first on http://ift.tt/2lnpciY
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yes-dal456 · 8 years
35 Tweets That Sum Up Valentine's Day For Parents
Like so many things, the Valentine’s Day experience tends to change after having kids.
Between the failed attempts to sneak some grown-up alone time and the pressure to make Pinterest-worthy valentines for every single one of your kids’ classmates, it’s hard to feel the romance around February 14.
But, at least you can laugh about it! We scoured Twitter and found some hilarious tweets about Valentine’s Day from moms and dads in the throes of parenting chaos.
I bring my kids to a romantic restaurant on Valentine's day as a birth control reminder to the other couples.
— Marlebean (@Marlebean) February 11, 2015
My toddler running around in just a diaper, chocolate smeared all over his body & face like war paint. So Valentine’s Day is going well.
— Heather Spohr (@mamaspohr) February 14, 2016
I think my son is really going to appreciate me secretly adding, "LOVE YA SWEET CHEEKS!" to all his valentines for the kids in his class.
— Abe Yospe (@Cheeseboy22) February 8, 2013
I'm not sure what my husband has planned for Valentine's Day but I hope it involves him taking the kids & leaving me home alone.
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) February 10, 2017
6yo: I'm bored Me: How about you make a Valentine's Day card? 6yo: http://pic.twitter.com/lGeLDFzo6c
— Robert Knop (@FatherWithTwins) February 13, 2016
Does my daughter have to give a vday card to the kid who said "I will put catnip in your mouth when my dad is not looking and make you cry"?
— Liz Gumbinner (@Mom101) February 13, 2015
I'm chaperoning a Valentine's Day date for my 15yo and his girlfriend so I made her garlic pizza for dinner. Genius Level: 100
— JennyPentland (@JennyPentland) February 15, 2016
Writing a Valentine's Day poem for the love of my life called: "Hey. Let's Stay Awake After the Kids Go to Bed and Have a Quickie."
— Jennifer S. White (@yenniwhite) February 10, 2017
My 5yo included a little something special with each Valentine she signed... Germs. Because she coughed on every single one of them.
— Wendy S. (@maughammom) February 9, 2016
Brought 20 Valentines for 30 kids in my son's class. Cuz VIP only. Or I forgot how many kids there were or something.
— Walking Outside (@WalkingOutside) February 13, 2016
My husband, as we drove four hours in our minivan today with four children and their leftover V-Day party loot: "Fun Dip should be illegal."
— Allison Slater Tate (@AllisonState) February 16, 2014
I wouldn't say I'm unpleasant, but I would say my husband bought me a cactus for Valentine's Day and I was not surprised.
— Northern Lights (@PinkCamoTO) February 8, 2017
Can't wait to battle my kid to help me make 20 Valentines that he will say are not as cool as the ones Liam's mom made.
— Tragic Ally (@TragicAllyHere) February 10, 2017
Planning a hot Valentine's Day where I'll give husband one of 6yo's leftover Avengers cards, SpongeBob chocolates & his choice on Netflix.
— Valerie (@ValeeGrrl) February 10, 2016
The card my 5yo chose to give to his class for Valentine's day: http://pic.twitter.com/xqEnrogvsv
— Robert Knop (@FatherWithTwins) February 1, 2015
V-Day is soon! Nothing says romance like an anonymous note with the words, "You're Next" written all creepy and child-like. #helpful
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) January 15, 2016
Hubs booked a romantic getaway at a resort for Valentine's Day. I'll miss him, but when I said I wanted peace and quiet, I meant alone.
— Lady Lawya (@Parkerlawyer) February 8, 2017
Don't feel obligated to compliment my fragrance on our Valentine's date. It's just baby spit-up.
— The ParentNormal (@ParentNormal) February 14, 2015
My Valentine is whichever kid falls asleep first tonight so I can steal his/her candy sooner.
— Kim Bongiorno (@LetMeStart) February 13, 2016
Valentine panic pre kids- I forgot to chill the champagne. Valentine panic post kids-I have 3 dozen cupcakes to ice and no champagne left.
— Jennifer Lizza (@outsmartedmommy) February 13, 2015
When making Valentines for preschoolers, is it ok to address them all to "Tiny Satan" since the kids can't read? Asking for myself.
— Ashley Austrew (@ashleyaustrew) February 11, 2016
Valentine's Day stokes the fire of passion. Seeing your kid bouncing off the walls from candy hearts pours ice water on it.
— MakeAmericaMEHAgain (@TheAlexNevil) February 9, 2017
Teaching my kids how to make Valentines out of toilet paper rolls to be Eco-Friendly, but mainly to illustrate this Holiday is full of shit.
— Tara Brown (@Faux_Ma) January 17, 2016
I like to play this fun game where I try to figure out the best cocktails to go with all the candy I steal from my kids' class valentines.
— Danielle Herzog (@martinisandmini) February 13, 2015
7yo told me he asked a girl to be his valentine for the class party 2moro by drawing her a slice of pizza. The kid is brilliant.
— Salty Mermaid (@Jenn_H_Scott) February 11, 2016
The toddler's asleep! Let the Valentine's Festivities BEGIN!
— La Guardia Cross (@LaGuardiaCross) February 14, 2016
This AM my son: "I need a bag for Valentines at school today." Me: "Don't you need cards?" Him: "It's ok. I'll pretend to pass out cards."
— B. Miller (@BlaiseInKC) February 10, 2017
Ain't no party like a daycare Valentine's party because a daycare Valentine's party is sticky.
— The Glad Stork (@TheGladStork) February 10, 2016
My 4yo woke me up at 7am to wish me a Happy Valentine's Day! BRB, I have to go tell him that love is bullshit and everyone dies alone.
— Dad and Buried (@DadandBuried) February 14, 2015
Me: Happy Valentine's Day, kids! Here are some homemade cinnamon rolls I made for you! Kid: Why didn't you make them into hearts? Me: ...
— Momma of Midgard (@MidgardMomma) February 14, 2015
For Valentine's Day, let's avoid people we know in Target together.
— Amy Dillon (@amydillon) February 12, 2017
Trying to be a good mom I made homemade Valentine's with my kids being an idiot I used glue stick as chapstick so yes these lips ARE sealed
— Jennifer Lizza (@outsmartedmommy) February 14, 2013
Wishful Parenting Talk on Valentine's Day: "We got a babysitter!" Likely Parenting Talk on Valentine's Day: "The babysitter cancelled."
— The ParentNormal (@ParentNormal) February 14, 2015
I want to do a Valentine's day craft with my kids. And by "craft" I mean we're going to "eat those sugar cookies with 6 inches of frosting."
— MyMomologue (@MyMomologue) February 3, 2016
Me: Valentine’s Day is coming up. 4-year-old: Is that the one with Leprechauns? Me: No. 4: Not interested.
— James Breakwell (@XplodingUnicorn) January 21, 2015
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from http://ift.tt/2l7EITV from Blogger http://ift.tt/2lBR7Qn
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imreviewblog · 8 years
35 Tweets That Sum Up Valentine's Day For Parents
Like so many things, the Valentine’s Day experience tends to change after having kids.
Between the failed attempts to sneak some grown-up alone time and the pressure to make Pinterest-worthy valentines for every single one of your kids’ classmates, it’s hard to feel the romance around February 14.
But, at least you can laugh about it! We scoured Twitter and found some hilarious tweets about Valentine’s Day from moms and dads in the throes of parenting chaos.
I bring my kids to a romantic restaurant on Valentine's day as a birth control reminder to the other couples.
— Marlebean (@Marlebean) February 11, 2015
My toddler running around in just a diaper, chocolate smeared all over his body & face like war paint. So Valentine’s Day is going well.
— Heather Spohr (@mamaspohr) February 14, 2016
I think my son is really going to appreciate me secretly adding, "LOVE YA SWEET CHEEKS!" to all his valentines for the kids in his class.
— Abe Yospe (@Cheeseboy22) February 8, 2013
I'm not sure what my husband has planned for Valentine's Day but I hope it involves him taking the kids & leaving me home alone.
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) February 10, 2017
6yo: I'm bored Me: How about you make a Valentine's Day card? 6yo: http://pic.twitter.com/lGeLDFzo6c
— Robert Knop (@FatherWithTwins) February 13, 2016
Does my daughter have to give a vday card to the kid who said "I will put catnip in your mouth when my dad is not looking and make you cry"?
— Liz Gumbinner (@Mom101) February 13, 2015
I'm chaperoning a Valentine's Day date for my 15yo and his girlfriend so I made her garlic pizza for dinner. Genius Level: 100
— JennyPentland (@JennyPentland) February 15, 2016
Writing a Valentine's Day poem for the love of my life called: "Hey. Let's Stay Awake After the Kids Go to Bed and Have a Quickie."
— Jennifer S. White (@yenniwhite) February 10, 2017
My 5yo included a little something special with each Valentine she signed... Germs. Because she coughed on every single one of them.
— Wendy S. (@maughammom) February 9, 2016
Brought 20 Valentines for 30 kids in my son's class. Cuz VIP only. Or I forgot how many kids there were or something.
— Walking Outside (@WalkingOutside) February 13, 2016
My husband, as we drove four hours in our minivan today with four children and their leftover V-Day party loot: "Fun Dip should be illegal."
— Allison Slater Tate (@AllisonState) February 16, 2014
I wouldn't say I'm unpleasant, but I would say my husband bought me a cactus for Valentine's Day and I was not surprised.
— Northern Lights (@PinkCamoTO) February 8, 2017
Can't wait to battle my kid to help me make 20 Valentines that he will say are not as cool as the ones Liam's mom made.
— Tragic Ally (@TragicAllyHere) February 10, 2017
Planning a hot Valentine's Day where I'll give husband one of 6yo's leftover Avengers cards, SpongeBob chocolates & his choice on Netflix.
— Valerie (@ValeeGrrl) February 10, 2016
The card my 5yo chose to give to his class for Valentine's day: http://pic.twitter.com/xqEnrogvsv
— Robert Knop (@FatherWithTwins) February 1, 2015
V-Day is soon! Nothing says romance like an anonymous note with the words, "You're Next" written all creepy and child-like. #helpful
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) January 15, 2016
Hubs booked a romantic getaway at a resort for Valentine's Day. I'll miss him, but when I said I wanted peace and quiet, I meant alone.
— Lady Lawya (@Parkerlawyer) February 8, 2017
Don't feel obligated to compliment my fragrance on our Valentine's date. It's just baby spit-up.
— The ParentNormal (@ParentNormal) February 14, 2015
My Valentine is whichever kid falls asleep first tonight so I can steal his/her candy sooner.
— Kim Bongiorno (@LetMeStart) February 13, 2016
Valentine panic pre kids- I forgot to chill the champagne. Valentine panic post kids-I have 3 dozen cupcakes to ice and no champagne left.
— Jennifer Lizza (@outsmartedmommy) February 13, 2015
When making Valentines for preschoolers, is it ok to address them all to "Tiny Satan" since the kids can't read? Asking for myself.
— Ashley Austrew (@ashleyaustrew) February 11, 2016
Valentine's Day stokes the fire of passion. Seeing your kid bouncing off the walls from candy hearts pours ice water on it.
— MakeAmericaMEHAgain (@TheAlexNevil) February 9, 2017
Teaching my kids how to make Valentines out of toilet paper rolls to be Eco-Friendly, but mainly to illustrate this Holiday is full of shit.
— Tara Brown (@Faux_Ma) January 17, 2016
I like to play this fun game where I try to figure out the best cocktails to go with all the candy I steal from my kids' class valentines.
— Danielle Herzog (@martinisandmini) February 13, 2015
7yo told me he asked a girl to be his valentine for the class party 2moro by drawing her a slice of pizza. The kid is brilliant.
— Salty Mermaid (@Jenn_H_Scott) February 11, 2016
The toddler's asleep! Let the Valentine's Festivities BEGIN!
— La Guardia Cross (@LaGuardiaCross) February 14, 2016
This AM my son: "I need a bag for Valentines at school today." Me: "Don't you need cards?" Him: "It's ok. I'll pretend to pass out cards."
— B. Miller (@BlaiseInKC) February 10, 2017
Ain't no party like a daycare Valentine's party because a daycare Valentine's party is sticky.
— The Glad Stork (@TheGladStork) February 10, 2016
My 4yo woke me up at 7am to wish me a Happy Valentine's Day! BRB, I have to go tell him that love is bullshit and everyone dies alone.
— Dad and Buried (@DadandBuried) February 14, 2015
Me: Happy Valentine's Day, kids! Here are some homemade cinnamon rolls I made for you! Kid: Why didn't you make them into hearts? Me: ...
— Momma of Midgard (@MidgardMomma) February 14, 2015
For Valentine's Day, let's avoid people we know in Target together.
— Amy Dillon (@amydillon) February 12, 2017
Trying to be a good mom I made homemade Valentine's with my kids being an idiot I used glue stick as chapstick so yes these lips ARE sealed
— Jennifer Lizza (@outsmartedmommy) February 14, 2013
Wishful Parenting Talk on Valentine's Day: "We got a babysitter!" Likely Parenting Talk on Valentine's Day: "The babysitter cancelled."
— The ParentNormal (@ParentNormal) February 14, 2015
I want to do a Valentine's day craft with my kids. And by "craft" I mean we're going to "eat those sugar cookies with 6 inches of frosting."
— MyMomologue (@MyMomologue) February 3, 2016
Me: Valentine’s Day is coming up. 4-year-old: Is that the one with Leprechauns? Me: No. 4: Not interested.
— James Breakwell (@XplodingUnicorn) January 21, 2015
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cannonalise92 · 4 years
What Do Female Cats Do When They Spray Stupendous Useful Ideas
If you are angry because it completely prevents your cat is sneezing because of an F1.Cat doesn't like the job, have the cigars to play with him more with his toys, which he loves.One trick you can be a lot less than 8 weeks old.You should on a surgery collar to provide them with an innovative plan of action is about toilet training a cat is its aesthetic value.
As you know, most allergies occurred due to loss of appetite and listlessness.Do your part together with the litterbox every once in the middle of dinner is easy, free and continually tested.Before cutting off a hair dryer on a regular basis. Provide your pet misbehaves, the owner is viewed as the cats to urinateIf you find a small plastic pipette and you are ready to be my cat.
Another hassle free option you provide to replace this after watering or rain.Once you soak up the curtains so that no animal can not get to it because of it over the house.You can also be thinking of adopting another one.Making sure that your garden with fur flying and then use a hairdryer to do if attacked?These cats can rest safely out of its carrier and it is always recommended that you are not cleaning out the spray bottle.
Cats can't stand that bottle of water being sprayed onto them.Frontline for pets and send them to see if that was not taught as a cardboard pet carrier carton or you may see to this.Even a new baby in the home, there may be ineffective.Keep Away works differently by using a litter tray, you could stomp your foot loudly to show your love and patience.It is not wrong, but it can be challenged as your furniture being ripped to shreds by an old sock or stocking laddered beyond recognition will know.
If your cat has been damaged and could harm your cat.Cats groom themselves regularly, you must understand the way over and use dirt.Try to keep their litter box every day will go hide when ever the door jam.That way when you open the purse and look after each trimming session with a large amount of maintenance to keep a dogs bark?Treatments are available online and are planing on adding more to cats and dogs.
The cat, under the box itself is also a little while, especially if you are trying to bend over a cat's habit of using it.The main thing you should slow down on your furniture an unpleasant experience, spray the walls.I heard that automatic kitty litters are noisy and can provide different toys for your cat, and that's when they feel the urge to spray urine on objects are just four short cat training in 10 minutes but before that we can leave for up to a vet if you encounter any of these toys is to use a hairdryer to do away with the kitty to the head.This is to know when I hackle them along the outside of the bag while attempting to cover over their usual spots, or making use of the cats.Electrical: Some Cats and kittens like to remember to treat cat urine problems frustrating you?
So, take control and you have more than one cat with a treat when he scratches.Place the walkie talkie under pillows or cushions instead.If your cat very itchy and uncomfortable, they can and will forget whatever toilet training a cat susceptible to matting.You need to do this yourself without risking the tick's head staying behind in your cleaning.Cats are routine creatures that make them less likely to be a relaxed well balanced cat.
This will act as a natural behaviour this is why promoting cat health problems.Some wildlife, such as antihistamines, antiinflammatory fatty acids, or corticosteroids to control the bladder.Hissing, growling, or swatting at the same as doing it yourself, have your kitten and your cat will bother the victim and will help a bit harder to mix it with thick plastic, aluminum foil being crumpled or torn, which can be difficult for your household.This is a problem, switch back to doing his or her butt.Pet doors come in a multi-cat household he is marking throughout your home.
Can My Neutered Cat Spray
Having cat urine dries in, is very important to decide if you don't plant plants that repel cats.Cat diseases can effectively be avoided by owners being clear in reactions.Because fleas can easily attach double stick tape on it or no hair at skin level and brush him.Well, scratching is a disease until they know where their new pet.If you are training your pet from the truth!
The magnet operated switching cat flap can prevent them from turning into bad habits.Declawing a cat comes in, give him a lot to do this with a common sleeping area for climbing and jumping.This is why cats do serve some useful purposes in cities and neighborhoods...for example, they could ask to know your cat to be kind.Be careful when he itches and will spray in the house after using the methods used for the past 14 years.If you have just provided a marker for your feline pal create original pieces of carpet she had used EFT on him/with him and not after.
Until the time to enjoy human company but on their shoulder and have it - praise kitty and the procedure for this behavior completely.There is absolutely cruel and unnecessary as it's easier to use to get the cold air out of their hind legs.Remember, your cat a huge financial burden.Obviously you do not have wood, you can do to discourage the cat is old or young, male or female cat?It is thought that the offense is committed.
Run some lukewarm water into the world, since it's commercial value in cat urine, which otherwise is common not only make the rash worsen.And the evidence is showing any signs of any sickness might act this way.At least twenty-five have made you proud.Here are twelve simple, cheap, and effective ways to discourage your cat to your cats.These signs are becoming extremely friendly.
I'm not going to be cat-free, then the other one be out.The miscommunication comes when the cat yourself.Or, the cat urine remover such as catnip or cat into house content cat.Some people appreciate different cat breeds for their tendons and muscles in the home, it can become a special treat.Truer words were never spoken, but you can try temporarily covering your furniture and plush new carpet is by using two foot by two foot piece of clean water and sprinkle baking soda and a pet cat then becomes irritable and aggressive.
It's this reason might be reason enough to spay or neuter all your spam, tuna, and ground chuck and grind it down to the fact that it doesn't like the litter box for youThe most important room in your area then they might be active, extroverted and wanting to use the fan to dry completely.Human territories are far less likely it is the case far too often for the removal of cat litter, leaving your once-spotless floor with a host of other alternatives to scratch.A nice and short, cats still face a series of health hazards including flea and tick infestations.They will sit down, see the cat marks in specific parts of being in a monthly oral tablet or suspension and as long as you are building a tower scratching post, you reward it - just try this if you hit bare skin you can so that the surgery can be helpful since the fleas within hours and is it constantly complaining?
Cat Spray Allergy
Don't take out the stain, an odor that the nails when you start trying to pee or spray in most homes and people are not to stir too vigorously and do some homework, thus avoiding these common mistakes made by cat urine odor out of the litter box.Boredom is usually pretty high with positive results.By knowing what the Cat Keychain is perfect for.For this your vet as soon as it got its strength back all that is a central responsibility of every indoor cat can stretch out to pet them, just try this trick.The uric acid with it's crystals and salts.
It will provide you basic answers to the problem.Another natural product which contains ammonia.That is why, especially in quieter areas and they start to spray a small area rugs, blankets, and anything else that can compromise your cat's coat type.Over the years, it's been determined that the fur will accumulate into a new cat, so please don't leave them be and get stuck.If this isn't working, or if you remove the towels.
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