#i also got her cat ice cream but it didn’t melt yet so i’ll give it to her tomorrow
fiveminuterice · 10 months
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say happy gotcha day to my cat !!!
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My shy little boy.
summary: y/n's son is too shy to play with other kids at anne's house.
word count: 2.3k
a/n: we all love some dad!harry. I might use this story again for some more blurbs in the future, if you wanna suggest anything i’d be happy to do it! might write something about the first time artemis met anne and gemma...
you can find more of my shy little boy here
Y/N wasn't entirely sure about this.
At first, she was excited Harry invited her and her son to his mum's birthday, but then he mentioned all his family would be there and she grew nervous.
One thing was Anne and Gemma, two people Y/N and her son had previously met and loved. Artemis was a very shy boy, and it took him a little bit to bond with Harry's mum and sister, but at the end he did. I mean, how could he not? Anne was completely in awe at him, and treated him like a proper grandchild and Gemma often had lunch with Y/N and Artemis in London and bought him ice cream, it was only fair the little boy warmed up to them.
Now in the other hand, she has never met Harry's extended family before. And while she was not ashamed of being a mother whatsoever, she still wanted the approval of his family, and she didn't know what they would think of Harry dating someone with a child.
The party was holding place in Anne's home, which meant they had to make the three hours ride to Harry's hometown in order to get there. Y/N didn't mind at all, and neither did Artemis.
For being a five year old, he was very calm. Y/N blamed it on his shy personality, and although she loved her shy boy, she couldn't help but worry about him being so reserved.
Harry arrived early at Y/N’s home. She was still running around getting both hers and Artemis’ overnight bags, they planned on staying the weekend with Anne as they haven’t seen her in quite some time. Harry stayed with Artemis, who was coloring a book in the living room.
“That’s quite an impressive robot, mate” he said, sitting down on the floor beside the five year old.
“Thank you, Harry” Always so polite, he was.
“Did your mum told you where we’re going?”
“Yes, we’re going to your mum’s house” Artemis finished the robot he was coloring, putting down the crayon. “I bought her a gift!” he said, standing on his feet to be in Harry’s eye level.
“Did ya?” Harry raised his eyebrows. “What did you bought her?”
“It’s a surprise, for her birthday” he said, blushing. Artemis took one step closer to Harry and wrapped his little arms around his neck. “Sorry I took so long to hug you, I was finishing my robot!”
Harry felt how his heart melted for the little boy in front of him. He hugged him back, wrapping his tattooed arms carefully around him. “It’s okay, buddy”
Before either of them could say anything else, Y/N came into the living room carrying a duffel bag with what Harry supposed was their clothes and toiletries. She also had a ‘my neighbor totoro’ backpack that belonged to Artemis. “I think we’re good to go”
“I’ll put this in the car, love” Harry grabbed the bags she was carrying and made his way out of the house.
They walked out of the house and Artemis waited patiently for Y/N to lock the front door then walked towards the backseat of Harry’s SUV so she could put her son in his car seat.
Ever since Harry and Y/N started dating and he became a permanent thing in the little boy’s life, a car seat on his own car was a must for Harry. He had bought it six months into the relationship, claiming it was tiring to carry the car seat from one car to another every time they wanted to go out, when in reality it was his way to tell Y/N he wasn’t planning on going anywhere and he wanted to be as committed to Artemis as he was with her.
“We’ve got a long trip ahead, mate. Are you ready?” Harry asked once they were all in the car.
“Yes. When we arrive, can I please give Anne her gift?” Artemis asked looking at Y/N.
“Of course, you’ll be the one to deliver the present. You picked it and wrapped it for Anne after all, didn’t you?”
The boy nodded excitingly from the backseat, kicking his little legs back and forth. Harry smiled as he looked at Artemis from the rear-view mirror, loving how much effort he put into choosing a gift for his own mum. He found himself wishing he would call Anne ‘nan’, but he understood they haven’t quite gotten there yet.
As he pulled from the drive way he remembered when he first introduced Artemis to Anne and Gemma, the little boy would call the first Mrs. Twist and the second Miss. He thought it was the cutest thing in the world, and Artemis continued to do it a couple more times before Anne convinced him it was okay to call her by her name.
He couldn’t help but smile at the memory, it felt like a lifetime ago when in reality it has only been a year and a half since he started dating Y/N.
“What are you smiling about?” she said, a smile on her own starting to form in her face.
“Do you remember what little monkey here used to call mum?” his accent grew ticker, making Y/N go heart eyes with the way her son’s personal nickname from him rolled out of his tongue.
“Mhm, Mrs. Twist” she giggled, looking back at Artemis who was now watching a movie on Y/N phone. He was wearing some wireless headphones on his head, preventing him from listening to the couple’s conversation. “Took him a while to make him call her Anne”
“Mum’s really excited to see you two” Harry said. “So is Gemma and everyone else”
“The rest of your family knows we’re dating?”
“Well, they have internet, my love” he chuckled. “Also, mum doesn’t stop talking about the lovely lady i’m with”
“You’re right, I am lovely” she smiled innocently at him. Harry rolled his eyes playfully before grabbing one of her hand to place a kiss on her knuckles.
The rest of the ride went smoothly. They only had to make a quick stop because Artemis needed to go to the bathroom, but they still made it to Holmes Chapel in time. As soon as Harry parked the car, he went out of it and went to get Artemis.
“We’re here, monkey” He said, getting him out of the car seat and scooping him in his arms. “I’ll come get the bags later, love” he said to Y/N, who was getting Artemis’ backpack out of the car along with her own purse and Anne’s gift.
“They’ll be some more people aside from Anne and Gemma, baby. Remember that we need to be polite” Y/N said as they walked towards Anne’s doorway.
“Yes, mummy” The five year old nodded, pushing his little glasses up his nose. Harry squeezed him to his chest, knowing the confidence he now had with just being with her mum and him was going to pretty much disappear when they crossed the door and people who he didn’t know were going to look at him.
“And who do we have here?” Gemma opened the door, offering them a big smile. “I’m so glad you made it, guys”
As they stepped in the house, Gemma embraced the two adults quickly before taking the little boy from Harry’s arms and into hers. “I missed you loads, Artemis”
“I missed you too, Gemma. I bought a gift for your mum” he said, giving her a toothy smile.
“She’s gonna love it” she turned to Y/N and Harry. “Everyone’s outside, mum’s at-”
“The birthday girl!” Harry exclaimed as his mum exited the kitchen. He took her in his arms, hugging her tightly before placing a kiss on her head. “Happy birthday, mum”
“Oh, thank you so much, my dear” Anne kissed his cheek.
“Anne!” Artemis asked Gemma to put him down then ran towards the older woman. “Happy birthday!” he said, hugging her legs.
“Goodness, every time I see you, you only get bigger and bigger” she gasped.
“I bought you a gift!” He said, the same sentence he’s been telling over and over again. You see, he was really excited for it. “Mummy, can I give Anne her gift?”
“There you go, baby” Y/N handed him the carefully wrapped gift, stepping closer to where they were standing to greet Anne as well.
“It’s so good to see you, dear” Anne said.
Artemis handed Anne her gift, placing his hands behind his back once she took it, a sign he was nervous. Anne sensed how badly he wanted her to open the box, so she did so. It was a beautiful bracelet with four charms on it.
“It has four cats because you have four cats” he explained shyly.
“Oh my god, I love it so much!” she said, bending down to his level to give him another hug. “Thank you so much”
Their little bubble was broken when one of Harry’s relatives entered the house, calling for Anne. They decided to step out of the house and into the backyard where everyone else was having fun.
There were a couple of kids running around, and Artemis held onto Y/N’s hand as they walked. Harry introduced them to a couple of his cousins and aunts, and Y/N tried to hold the conversation while the little boy was hiding behind her legs.
“He’s a little shy” she would say, caressing his soft hair with one hand.
Someone called Harry and asked him to help grilling lunch, and that’s how Y/N ended sitting beside Gemma in a table with a couple of more people and Artemis on her lap.
“You don’t wanna go play with the kids, kiddo?” Gemma asked him after a while. Artemis looked over the other kids and noticed they were older than him.
“No, thank you. I wanna stay with mummy”
One woman was asking Y/N how Harry and she met and how long they’ve been together, and that’s how she found herself in a conversation with the elder women in the table, occasionally looking at Harry from the corner of her eye. He looked so cute over there; he had rolled up the sleeves of her button-up shirt and was laughing at something one of the other men had said.
“Mummy, can I go with Harry?” Artemis whispered at his mother after some other time.
“Yeah, want me to go too?” he shook his head, jumping off of her lap. Y/N observed him walk towards Harry.
He tugged his slacks, getting his attention. “Hello there, monkey. Got bored?”
Artemis shook his head again. “Wanted to see what you’re doing” Harry took him in his arms again, holding him with one arm and continue cooking the food with the other.
“I’m cooking the sausages and the beef so everybody can eat. Are you hungry? Do you want to eat?”
“A little and yes, please”
“Mm’kay… what do you want? A hotdog? A burger?”
“Can I have just the sausage?” Harry raised an eyebrow at him.
“Just that?” He received a nod from the boy in his arms. “I’ll give you two, if you’re still hungry you can always come back to me, alright?”
Putting Artemis back on the floor, he plated two sausages for him then added some mustard on the side, knowing he does not like ketchup.
“Aiden, can you take over for me? My kid’s hungry” he didn’t notice as those words rolled out of his tongue, too busy walking back to the table Y/N was.
“You’re back” she said, watching how Harry took a seat next to her and placed Artemis on his lap.
“Lad was hungry” he said, giving her a quick peck on the lips. “Are you? I can make us some food”
“I’m good right now, thank you baby” Harry handed her the plate so she could cut Artemis’ food, blowing at it a little so it would cool off faster.
Y/N placed her head on Harry’s shoulder as they watched him eat. After he finished, Harry thought he would hop off his lap and go run around with the rest, but he stayed right there.
It was pointless to ask him to go on his own to play with kids he didn’t know, but Harry did not want him to stay sit all afternoon. “Hey, wanna play with me?”
Artemis nodded shyly and off they went. They started playing tag in alone, Harry purposefully running slower so Artemis could catch him every time. They were having fun, the two of them were giggling and running around. Ten minutes later, two girls approached them and asked them if they could play too.
“He’s so good with him” one of Harry’s aunt said to Y/N.
“He’s the best”
Harry put a hand on Artemis’ shoulder, introducing him to his two young cousins and explaining he was a little shy but would love to play with them. And that’s how Harry ended chasing around the entire group of kids for a solid hour. Artemis seemed more relaxed and even started talking with the first two girls who joined them.
Harry was happy he was able to help overcome his shyness, even if it was just a little bit.
At the end of the day Artemis was tired and wanted to sleep, but Y/N couldn’t be happier he had fun and played with other kids. As they were walking upstairs with the sleeping boy in Y/N’s arms, she looked at Harry and smiled at him.
“Thank you for today”
“For what?”
“For helping him make friends”
He shook his head. “No need. I know he’s social, he just needs a little push” he shrugged. They changed and went to bed, Artemis squeezed between them.
“Called him my kid, today” he said, almost afraid. He was laying on his side, facing Y/N. “Wish he was mine, Y/N” he confessed, voice barely above a whisper.
She smiled at him lovingly, extending one of her arms so she could touch his cheek. Harry leaned into his touch, moving his face to kiss her palm. She felt like she would cry of happiness right there.
“Baby, he’s already yours”
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i CANNOT believe we haven’t talked about the moment yet what is happening please tell me the things you need to get off your chest like how ‘i’ll see you in the morning’ haunts you
HOW have we not talked about this yet?!?! Oh my gosh there’s so much. I have so many feelings about this conversation.
Uh oh, this needs a cut. Didn’t mean to turn this into an entire analysis of that conversation, but apparently I had a lot I needed to get off my chest.
How are YOU holding up with all this?!?!
I was really worried about you... when you fell. ... This suddenly feels far more serious than I thought it might be.
UMMMMM. His voice?! This whole time. His voice is like... unsteady and rough and he’s quiet the entire time. Fjord tends to be pretty subtle anyway, so quiet isn’t exactly rare for him, but this actually shook him to his core AND YOU COULD HEAR IT. It messed him up so bad that he threw all of his plans to wait out of the window?!
It felt like hell. It felt like torment.
And we have to stop it, right?
I’m emotional about THIS because JESTER?! She lost FIVE YEARS. Not only did she have to see this again, feel it, but she lost five years. And it’s clearly hurting her, but she’s not letting herself worry about it, because there are bigger things to worry about. It’s just the way both of them push their own emotions to the side to be dealt with later in favor of the larger problems at hand. It’s so admirable.
AND HE’S NOT EVEN... okay wait.
I... I may have a... a... a problem.
And JESTER. What is it? So fast! She’s so worried! She probably thinks it’s Uk’otoa or Kotho contacted Fjord about Sabian again or something.
I saw you standing on that pillar. It was the first time where I kept myself from... trying to... stop something that was happening TO you and... I didn’t do anything and it’s bothered me.
He has a problem. His problem is that he can’t focus past the fact that something might happen to Jester. THE THING HERE. IS THE EMPHASIS ON THE WORD ‘TO’. “Stop something that was happening TO you”. Like, all of the times throughout this campaign that we weren’t overanalyzing. We’ve made the list a thousand times and I don’t need to repeat them. here
ALSO. Think about how many things in Fjord’s life have happened TO him. He doesn’t WANT that to happen to anyone else. Especially not Jester.
But wait. Like. He didn’t say it, but he really CAN’T focus past the idea that Jester specifically might not make it out of this. The guilt he’s been carrying after the Iron Shepherds. He took all the responsibility of that onto his shoulders and I don’t think anyone realizes that he’s still hanging onto that.
It seems to have exacted a pretty serious toll.
It’s just... his voice! And the way Jester’s face falls!! I’ve been pretty worried about how Jester still seems to be putting up the ‘happy’ facade for everyone and you can truly see in this moment how much it bothers her that she’s lost time.
I want to come out of this and be able to go back to the sea and go back to Nicodranas and go back to where it’s warm and not fucking freezing and...
Me too.
They miss HOME. The poor Coast Kids miss their home. They’re both so sad. But okay. The hilarious thing here? Is that Fjord? Is talking about how he wants to go back. To THEIR home. With HER. And it hasn’t HIT HER yet, because she’s distracted! She has no idea what’s about to happen.
I just don’t know if that’s... I don’t feel as optimistic now.
Me neither. But... I’ll try to be safe. And you should, too. But if it comes down to it, if it means stopping that thing? I want to stop that thing.
AND HERE. What was it he said to her at Travelercon? And you care about people you know, about people you don't know. You cause chaos, but in the end, you don't want to hurt people. You care. This is something that he LOVES about her, but right now, it’s just... okay I’m trying to put this into the right words.
*sharp inhale* I told your mother I would look after you.
Yeah. I’ll be fine, Fjord. We always are.
Continued from the previous thought. HERE’S THE DEAL. Fjord knows he can’t protect Jester from this, no matter how much he wants to. His voice is breaking over that. And Jester’s is, too. They’re saying all these words here, but they’re also NOT. I don’t know. I’m watching the video again while I’m typing this, so this moment is breaking my heart in slow motion.
It’s not even just on Fjord’s side. Jester’s doing that thing right now where she deflects, because that’s what she does and trying to reassure Fjord because he’s never been so worried about her and she doesn’t know what else do to while Fjord is sitting here like we’re running out of time we’re running out of time we’re running out of time. Like, that’s the whole thing. He can see that they’re running out of time on Jester’s face. Literally. It was one thing for him to wait to tell her until after he sorted out his life when they felt invincible. But... out of all the danger they’ve been in before, he’s always been able to follow her. She’s never had to be alone in it, because he was one step behind her. And this time? There was literally nothing to do. He was powerless. He is powerless.
This part of the exchange is so loaded. You can FEEL Fjord about to break. It is tangible on the screen because his voice keeps shaking and he takes that huge breath.
IT’S JUST. He’s trying SO HARD. I always talk about this, but this one specific  time Travis was on Talks lives in my head rent free. The time when he talks about how much Jester’s unconditional and unrelenting support has meant to Fjord and how much Fjord wants to be able to return that. ALL he wants to do is be there for her and she’s still not opening up to him and he has NO IDEA if what he’s about to do is going to work. He has no idea if she’s going to be okay with what he’s about to tell her.
I care very much for you.
I’m melting over this moment.
*huge sigh*
Is it because I have chiseled cheekbones now?
It’s the longer horns.
Yeah, it really does it, doesn’t it?
Yeah. It gives you an intimidating look.
YOU KNOW WHAT I LOVE ABOUT THIS?! Jester saw that Fjord was nervous and she immediately tries to defuse the tension with a joke. And he jokes back. Because that’s what they do together. They’re goofy and silly and they comfort each other and Fjord LIKES that she’s strong.
Listen I’ve got clips saved up from my last rewatch because I want to make a gifset of the times Fjord has been openly appreciative of strong Jester and one day I’m gonna do it.
I mean they’re joking around, but Fjord is like, super attracted to Jester and I really love that for her. But it’s MORE than that, because he’s attracted to her, but the thing that won him over was who she is so every time he talks about how attractive he finds her, it’s just icing on the cake. He doesn’t just want to see her, he wants to know her and I don’t know how I got to this point from this section but here I am, I’m not going back.
I’m gonna hyperventilate again for a sec.
Kissing is a lot more fun when you’re not dying.
Jester!!! She brought up the kiss! THEY SMILE AT EACH OTHER AFTER THIS. LIKE. They both acknowledge the “kiss that wasn’t a kiss” AS A KISS. I never thought we’d hear about this again! But Jester’s been thinking about it THIS WHOLE TIME!!!
I love this though. The first time, he kisses her to save her life so she can get them out of that temple. This time, he kisses her, because he can’t stand the idea of losing her.
BUT ALSO. KISSING IS FUN. Jester!!! Liked!! Being kissed! By Fjord!!!
I want them to have downtime so bad. I want them to be able to spend time walking around Nicodranas and kissing and going on little dates and eating ice cream at the Lavish Chateau and hanging out at the beach with Luc. I WANT THEM TO HAVE QUIET MOMENTS.
I don’t know what to do with myself anymore.
This was so cute! This last part might be my favorite part of the conversation. Because Jester got all flustered and FOR ONCE Fjord didn’t get awkward! He was just so RELIEVED to have told her! And she was so HAPPY?! The CUTEST grin on her face! EVER.
JESTER’S GIGGLE HERE!!!!!!!!!!! I love this for her so much. I just do. She’s been SO into him for SO long and she didn’t think he liked her back and here he is TELLING HER HE’S WANTED TO KISS HER FOR A WHILE. Her giddiness is contagious!
And FJORD! How LONG have you wanted to kiss her?! For some reason, this isn’t something I’ve considered when trying to figure out the timeline of Fjord’s feelings. When is the first time he wanted to kiss her? I think I need to go watch all their big conversations again to see if I think it’s any of them. For some reason, I feel like it’s going to be in one of those silly little moments they have together and I’m going to miss it. Do I rewatch the entire campaign for a third time???? Is that what I have to do?
I’m kind of a big coward.
No, Fjord, you’re very brave.
I am very brave, aren’t I?
You are.
Jester FULLY believes this. She’s just smiling over at him this whole time. But he looks down. Because he still doesn’t think he’s brave. Or he’s brave enough for most things, but there’s ONE THING he knows he can’t do and that’s let her go and I’M. 
Is this all just speculation and guessing and me making stuff up? Yes. Do I care? No. That’s what his face says to me in that moment.
ALL WHILE JESTER IS JUST SO HAPPY. She DOES think he’s brave and she thinks he’s amazing and he just kissed her and it’s not how she thought it would happen, but IT DID and it was so meaningful.
We could get cats and just flee.
I need to get the whole dialogue for this, but I’m tired tbh and I need to sleep, so I’m gonna focus on this last part. How they’re talking over each other to joke around, but it’s really smooth and flows really well between them. But right before this you can still see how heavily the upcoming trials are weighing on them. They feel a little better about EACH OTHER, but there’s a very real possibility that they’re about to lose each other, but they can take this ONE moment of hope?!
And I just love it when they joke around with each other to try to make each other feel better. They’re so good to each other. 
I’ll see you in the morning.
God, the way his voice is just ROUGH and small and quiet and he DOESN’T WANT TO LEAVE and they just SMILE AT EACH OTHER and they’re scared of what’s coming but THEY KNOW THEY LIKE EACH OTHER and they’re SO HAPPY FOR THIS MOMENT. 
And the soft way they say goodnight to each other!!!
THEY!!!!!!!!! make me want to walk into the ocean. In a good way. I SWEAR I CAN’T WITH THIS.
And then the way Jester sighed and giggled after Fjord left! And I can see her leaning back against her door and sighing and looking up at the ceiling and just..... SO. HAPPY.
She doesn’t even ask for a cat cuddle pile!!!! She just stares at her unicorn until she falls asleep. SHE DOESN’T ASK FOR A CAT CUDDLE PILE! 
And then there’s Fjord! Who doesn’t sleep much!
That part makes me a little more angsty. There’s lots of reasons he might be awake most of the night. There are some really cute ones. Like he’s thinking holy shit I just kissed Jester and she kissed me back and she said it was fun that’s good right? And then there are the angsty ones where he could have been laying there thinking about how he doesn’t have any control over the situation and how scared he is. But he did something and he made her smile and that’s all he ever really wants to do. Is make Jester happy. And maybe he made Jester happy in this moment where she was trying to hide that she’s sad. AND THE THING IS THAT HE DID! 
And I’ll leave you with a very short list of random things I expect them to say to one another at one point with no context:
I can’t stand the thought of losing you.
Are you sure you don’t miss the longer horns?
You don’t always have to be fine.
Get ready for casual intimacy. I’m ready for hand holding. Shoulder touching. brushing someone’s hair out of their face. GET READY BECAUSE IT’S GONNA HAPPEN.
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agentdouble0 · 4 years
So I reblogged a post on my other blog about Bobby totally giving Buck a clipboard saying, “Here, go play”  And an idea popped up in my head. Now that I know that Bobby is secretly a child at heart: like the incident with Michael and the guy on the roof. It’s in my head that he likes to play jokes, gets excited about things and tries so hard to be the Captain. But he realizes sometimes it’s okay to let go and have fun.  Anyway, hands a clipboard to Buck and says, “here, go play”  I mean, you can’t tell me that at some point the list is something that totally isn’t fire station related.  It has been a long while since I’ve written. And this will be my first time writing a 911 Fox Fic and a Buck/Eddie one at that. Though there really isn’t a lot of Buddie in it. It wasn’t going to be, but I integrated them in the fic just ‘cause.   Anyway, read below the cut! 
      Clip Board Shenanigans                    It did not mean to turn into a joke or something for fun, at first it was the real deal but in Bobby’s defense Buck was a good influence, sort of. Bobby began delegating restocking responsibilities to Buck. He was very diligent in making sure the truck and the ambulance got what they needed for their next call. So, when the time for a total restock came up, he hands Buck the clipboard, and Buck yells a loud “Yes!” before he speeds off.  
               The only ones who didn’t seem to enjoy it as much were Chim, Hen, and Eddie, though Bobby suspects that Eddie doesn’t mind at all. The man can’t stop grinning like a fool anytime Buck says, “I’m sorry, it’s not yes, it’s check, get with it, Eddie.” The statement is usually followed with Eddie saying, “Dork” before kissing Buck on the cheek.
               He upgrades Buck to the storage closet when he sees the man’s sad face the day, he gave the clipboard to Hen instead of him. He sulked for thirty minutes but eventually moved on when Hen called to him for help. She was not as annoyed as she sought out to be. 
                “You spoil him,” Hen tells Bobby when he hands him the clipboard the next time the storage closet needs to be checked, only shrugs in response. It’s not his fault, Buck and Bobby have always walked that thin line of Bobby being a father figure to Buck. If he spoils his “son” no one needs to know. He can just say that Buck takes the job very seriously.  
             The next time the ambulance and engine need to be checked, Eddie ducks and hides. He usually loves helping Buck, but he heard Bobby tell him, “here, have fun.” Yeah, that was not happening. Buck pulls Chimney along with him towards the fire truck and ambulance. “No, wait!” Chimney says, “I don’t want-“ 
                Eddie waits till Chimney’s protest fade away and he can hear the clonking of footsteps on the stairs before he pops up behind the counter. “Nice one,” Hen, says from her spot on the couch, “although should I be concerned that you’re hiding from your boyfriend.” 
                “I wasn’t hiding,” Eddie protests, “I dropped something…” 
                “Sure,” Hen says, “what was it?”
                 “Look, I love him I do, but he takes that clipboard too damn seriously, if don’t say check he won’t let us move on,” Eddie answers, “And besides! I heard Bobby tell him, ‘here have fun!”  
                “He likes doing it-“Bobby doesn’t get to finish because there’s a loud yell downstairs from Chimney. Bobby smirks to himself, they must have gotten to the random part on the list. This was going to be great. Eddie and Hen rush over to the railing and peer down below to Chim waving his hands wildly and Buck smacking the clipboard with the back of his hand. “But it says it on the list Chim!”
             “Why the hell do we need granola bars in the truck!”
             “I don’t know, I’m just reading the list and it says it here on the clipboard.”
                “Give me the damn thing,” Chimney says as he grabs the clipboard from Buck’s hand, “I’m sure it…well I’ll be damn.”
                “See!” Buck exclaims reclaiming the list back, “Now, I’ll say it again granola bars?”
                Chimney mutters to himself as he stomps up the stairs and Eddie realizes too late that he should hide because Chimney spots him. “Diaz,” he growls, “go help your boyfriend before I kill him.”
                Eddie sighs as he grabs a box of granola bars before joining Buck downstairs. Hen eyes Bobby, who was not doing a particularly good job at hiding his laughter, because now Eddie is the one yelling. The next thing on the list was a cooler full of juice boxes.
                 It becomes a thing and Bobby is enjoying himself. Buck hasn’t caught on just yet because he keeps it small, and he doesn’t do it all the time, it would raise more suspicions amongst the other firefighters. Buck begins to suspect something is up when Bobby adds, bells and bay leaves to the list. Bobby has an excuse though after someone else had let slipped the Q word, it wouldn’t hurt to try it the next time they were jinxed. 
                No one else wants to help Buck after he reads off, fruit snacks the next time the truck needs to be restocked. Because they had to go to the store to buy them, and they had to go back again when they got the wrong brand. So, Bobby has to assign Eddie the job and he quite enjoys the fond look that he gives to Buck every time.  
               “Buck,” Eddie says, “I don’t think we need a cooler full of ice cream sandwiches.”
              “I thought the same thing, but it's on the list.”
              “Okay, even if we put it in a cooler, it will melt.”
              “Hey, food is food, I’ll still eat ‘em!” 
              “Oh dios mio” Eddie mutters
              “Don’t oh my god me,” Bucks says, and he taps the clipboard, “Chop, chop babe!”
              “Fine, I’ll be back.”
              It comes to a head and Bobby’s joke is revealed when he hands Buck the clipboard on a particular ‘Q’ word day. Buck grabs it, pen already in hand as the captain tells him, “Here, go play.”
             “I’m sorry what?”
             “Go Buck,” Bobby says 
             Eddie is already eyeing him warily, “Bobby” 
            “Go, Eddie”
           Buck ignores him as begins walking towards the staircase, flipping through the list. He knows that Buck has found the page of reward stickers when he hears Buck yell, “Oh my god! This is going to be awesome!”
          “Bobby,” Eddie says again, not liking how Buck stops at the top of the stairs case, with a big grin on his face.
        “Eddie! Buck calls, “Come on! Let’s go!”
         “Bye Eddie,” Bobby says
        Eddie isn’t amused at all as Buck goes around the station placing gold stars on everyone’s lockers. But mutters check after the deed is done, and he has no idea what this list even is when they go and check out the fire extinguishers. Because really, they just did that last week. They also already checked the batteries in the smoke detectors. He isn’t amused when they are back at the lockers again when Buck is placing a silver stark on the locker that he owns. Though he begins laughing his ass off when Buck happily places a sticker on Chim’s forehead saying, “Place the ‘Thumb’s Up” Sticker with the cow On Chimney’s forehead.”
      “Check!” Eddie laughs 
                He continues following Buck and is even more amused when he places a sticker on Hen’s arm. The word ‘brilliant’ on it with a cartoon bee. He’s no longer amused when five items later, Buck is placing a sticker on his chest with the words, ‘Nailed It!’ with a cartoon cat.
              “Yeah, no,” Eddie says.
             “No, the word is check,” Buck says big grin on his face, “See, I placed the Nailed it Sticker with the cartoon cat on Eddie’s chest.”
              Eddie groans but then Buck is in his space, tilting his head down and resting their foreheads together. And Eddie can’t even be upset at the sticker because Buck just feels so damn happy. Now he understands why Bobby did what he did. They had a rough call a couple of days and it was so nice to see Buck happy rather than sad and forced smiles. He inhales deeply and sighs dramatically, “Fine, check”
                Then Buck is skipping away and Eddie follows after him, because while he is enjoying whatever they’ve been doing all afternoon. He’s not sure how the rest of the team will react when he places the remaining stickers on their person. Turns out everyone else enjoys the stickers as well. Looks like they all needed a pick me up.
         Later when they are getting ready to get off their shift, Eddie produces a sticker from his back pocket and places it on Buck’s chest. Buck pulls at his shirt and looks down, “This made me smile,” he reads aloud, his face beaming as looks at Eddie.
         Eddie then leans in and places a gentle kiss on Buck’s lips, “Cheering Buck up, check.”
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li-karina · 4 years
The Girl in the Bakery (Part 1)
It was another one of those days where Adrien Agreste just wanted to be someone else. Even with the glamorous lifestyle that came with his last name, there wasn’t anything that could outweigh Adrien’s craving of freedom. His entire life had been presented to him on a silver platter, except for the fateful day he received a black and red box. With Chat Noir, his superhero alter-ego, nothing stood in the way of being able to go wherever he wanted.
Maybe with the exception of Ladybug—not that he minded the hold that his partner-in-crime had on him. It was hard not to follow Ladybug anywhere she went, as her confident energy and natural leadership made her addicting to be around. 
She truly was the perfect woman in Adrien’s eyes. Beautiful, courageous, selfless, determined, yet stubborn, strict, and utterly irresistible. Ladybug was also a good kisser, not that Adrien would remember. The heroine in red had completely captured the heart of Paris, as well as her second in command. 
Rarely had Adrien been let out of the prison he called his home; however, with the powers of his miraculous, it was easy for him to escape out his window and into the world. He didn’t enjoy having to transform anytime he wanted fresh air, but it was the only way he wasn’t followed by his bodyguard or his father’s assistant, Nathalie. All he had to do was leave the record player on, echoing out the sound of Chopin or Beethoven, and he would get away with a few hours of free time. 
Usually, once Chat Noir’s feet hit the concrete of a deserted alleyway, he would turn back into Adrien and carry on his merry way--maybe take a walk through the park, get some ice cream, and avoid paparazzi as much as he could. But on this particular day, his leather suited counterpart seemed more appealing. Perhaps he was hoping to catch Ladybug on a daytime patrol or wanted to scale the Eiffel Tower, but something about staying Chat Noir just felt right.
He launched himself from roof to roof, occasionally waving at those who spotted him. His black ensemble made it harder for him to be seen due to the sky growing dark, but his green eyes and small yelps of joy made it very obvious to citizens which hero was out. Perched on the Louvre, Chat Noir hummed softly to himself. “Little kitty on the roof, all alone without his lady…”
“Chaton?” a voice spoke, ringing into the air with a sweet tone. Chat’s eyes darted up, settling on the blue eyed beauty standing behind him. A genuine grin stretched across his face, before replacing it with a smirk. Standing up quickly, Chat’s hand engulfed Ladybug’s and he pressed his lips to her knuckles in a playful kiss.
“Good evening Bugaboo,” Chat said, bowing slightly in a joking manner. “Nice of you to join me on this beautiful night.”
Ladybug rolled her eyes before taking a seat and gesturing for Chat to sit back down next to her. “It’s nice to see you too, kitty. But I can’t stay for long.”
Chat Noir’s smile fell before plopping himself next to his lady and clearing his throat. “Are you busy tonight?” he asked, realizing the disappointment in his voice. “Not that I can’t handle patrol by myself! And if there’s something you need to do, you can totally go do that.”
A light-hearted giggled escaped Ladybug’s mouth. “As much as I appreciate your concern, you know I can’t tell you to pro-”
“-tect our identities. I know. But you know that I care about you even without the mask. Whoever’s behind there, I still lo-” he cut himself off. “All I’m trying to say is that it’s not the end of the world if I know one detail about you. The real you.”
Ladybug stared at Chat for a few silent seconds, her lips pressed together in contemplation. She sighed, choosing her words carefully. Even though she knew it was a bad idea, something about his tone made her give in. “You know the bakery over on 12 Rue Gotlib?”
Chat nodded. His mom used to love their stuff. It was a rare treat he received, usually after more draining photoshoots, coming home to a box of chocolate croissants from Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie. After his mother’s passing, he hadn’t even thought of the small business. A sudden craving for sweets came over him.
“Well, sometimes I help out over there. I’m not an employee or anything, but the owners let me take care of the smaller tasks. Like delivering cakes or working the register,” she said, her voice turning less professional and more care-free. A soft expression blossomed on her face, making Chat’s heart melt. 
Finally. He knew something about the woman he was so helplessly in love with. It wasn’t much, but it was a start. It was enough. Chat smiled. “Thank you for telling me. You can go if you need. I can handle it if Mr.Pigeon gets akumatized again.”
Ladybug laughed. He loved her laugh. “See you later kitty! Bug out!” And then she was gone.
Chat found himself staring after her with a lovesick smile. “Bye m’lady.” 
Clearing his throat, Chat turned around and once again started jumping from roof to roof. Landing on top of his own manor, he was about to swing back into his room, but a sudden hunger stopped him. He knew Nathalie would call him to supper soon, but if he was going to end up eating alone, he was at least going to eat something he wanted. 
Not that he disliked the meals provided to him by his chef, but the diets and cleanses got a little overwhelming at times. And he’d be lying if he said he didn’t miss the taste of a certain flaky, delicious pastry. 
Before he could even process what he was doing, Chat felt himself making his way to 12 Rue Gotlib. Staring at the lit up windows and catching a whiff of the sweet aroma, he suddenly dropped down and was standing in front of the cute building. Peeking inside through the glass door, Chat caught a glimpse of a girl sitting at the counter, idly doodling in a notebook. 
Something about her--her eyes, her dreamy intensity she had aimed at whatever she was drawing, or the way she looked like she needed someone to talk to-- drew him in. Chat’s breath got caught in his throat as she glanced up, causing him to dart into the dark shadows beside the building. He thought for a moment.
“Plagg, claws in.”
The small kwami that was just in his ring shot out. “Adrien? What are you doing?” 
“I just wanted to go in for something to eat. I promise I’ll be quick,” Adrien entreated, looking at his supernatural friend with pleading eyes.
Plagg sighed. “Fine. But once we get home, I want cheese,” he said before going to hide in Adrien’s overshirt.
Adrien took a deep breath and smiled--and in he went. 
The girl in the bakery looked up from her notebook, immediately closing the book in front of her and smiling politely. “Hi! How can I help you?” Her voice was as sweet as the atmosphere around them. The way her eyes sparkled made it impossible to look away. She was gorgeous.
Adrien smiled back at her, taking extra careful steps. She looked so delicate that the blond couldn’t help but put extra effort into being as gentle with every movement. “Hello,” he finally said. His tone was soft, and made his voice sound more silky.
Adrien’s eyes wandered around the small bakery, everything looking delectable. His mouth watered with every new item he noticed.Then he saw the chocolate croissants. His finger pressed against the glass directly in front of them. “Two please.”
The girl nodded. She grabbed a box and a bag and began packing Adrien’s order. Meanwhile, Adrien racked his brain trying to think of something to say. But before he could even come up with a coherent thought, the girl was already handing him the bag. “It’s on me. You look like you’ve had a rough day. I hope it gets better.”
Adrien stared wordlessly at her. “Oh, thank you. I just haven’t been here in years, so it’s a little strange being back.”
The girl hummed in response before speaking. “Why’d you stop coming?”
“My mom died.”
Adrien mentally slapped himself in the face. The slightly taken back expression on the girl made him feel even worse.
But then she returned to the kind smile she had before. “I’m sorry for your loss. Feel free to come in anytime, okay? I’ll have a warm croissant ready for you every time.”
He stared at her. “I...never got your name.”
“Marinette. Yours?” She looked back at him expectedly.
“Adrien. Adrien Agreste,” he replied a smile finally painting itself back on his face. 
“Adrien? Like from that one ad?” she asked, giggling.
Adrien laughed along with her. “Yeah, exactly like the one from the ad.”
Then a woman walked in from the other room, looking like an older version of Marinette. Probably her mother, Adrien thought.
“Well, it was nice to meet you Adrien. Hopefully I’ll see you again, goodnight.” Marinette waved, before disappearing behind the wall guarding what seemed to be the kitchen. Adrien waved back, not that she could see him do so. Without another word, Adrien left.
He walked back to his home while the sun set behind him. Plagg floated alongside his companion with a knowing smile. He knew who Adrien just met, and it killed Plag that he couldn’t tell anyone.
 It was maybe 7 P.M. and Adrien knew someone would probably check on him soon. The bag of boxed croissants hung around his wrist, tempting him to eat one right there. But he waited.
“Plagg, claws out.” 
The small black cat had a look of dread before he was sucked back into the silver ring. Once Adrien was back as Chat noir, he jumped to his room just in time to hear a knock on his bedroom door. “Adrien? Time for dinner.”
“I’ll be right out!” he yelled before transforming back and heaving out a held breath. The croissants were set on his desk and he readjusted himself. Plagg flew out, his intentioned set on the mini-fridge filled with camembert.
Well he’s all set, Adrien thought as he opened his door and started downstairs. His thoughts were filled with celebrations. Today was a good day.
(Quick Author’s Note: Hi! Okay, this took me hours to write but I think I;m okay with it. Sorry for no Marichat in this part, but I wanted to set up a relationship between Marinette and Adrien first so he has a reason to visit her in the first place. Hope you enjoyed!)
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manatehispants · 4 years
Entertain Me!
“Okay. You can stop now. Like right now.”
Harley kept her arms wrapped tightly around Floyd who despite his words was doing very little to actually make her stop. The wild card blonde acted like she didn’t hear a word the assassin said. She continued to rub her pale skinned face against his cheek like an affectionate cat who had just got done hitting the cat nip. Lawton rolled his eyes. He gave it two more minutes before he attempted another protest.
“I ain’t playing around, Harley. Let go or I’mma shot you right in the face. Last warning about this.”
This time he did try to push her away from him although there was no real force to it. He’d never say it out loud, but he liked the crazy jester. Somewhere along the line she had become meaningful to him. Harley knew it too. She knew Deadshot wasn’t going to ever say he liked her let alone cared for her, but his actions showed it in his own way. And this time it wasn’t all in her head either like it had been with Joker. Nope! This was real. Harley faked a pout, but finally she disentangle herself from the man. She leaned back on the hotel couch laying her head onto Deadshot’s shot and swinging her legs over the other side. Her platinum blonde pigtails dangled just off of Lawton’s lap. He let out a small grunt and wondered why she always did that with such force. He also wondered for the zillionth time why she stuck around him. Was she really so fucked up from her time with Joker that she thought Lawton was as good as it got? He glanced down at Harley, a cigarette dangling from his lips. His heart quickened when his eyes locked onto her’s. They were full of something he knew he didn’t deserve, love and adoration. Laughing Harley winked at him almost as if she knew what he was thinking. Maybe she did. Maybe she knew far more than Lawton credited her for.
“We should go see that Taylor Swift concert the one that is in town tomorrow! I have the perfect outfit! Oh! We could get matching outfits! It will be so fun! I’ll post all the pictures up on Instagram! Eat your heart out Bats and Robin, there’s a new dynamic duo in town!”
Where the Hell had this damn idea come from!? Lawton pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. Nope! He didn’t even want to get into that aspect of it with her. It would only give him a headache.
“We ain’t doing that. I told you already I am in town for work. That’s it. And never ever compare us to Batman and his kid sidekick again. Better don’t pretend there is an us cause there ain’t.”
“But I am bored. Come on. Entertain me! Pretty, pretty, please? With a big fat cherry on top? Oh! And sprinkles. We can’t forget those. Great! Now I want ice cream.”
Pouting again Harley sat back up and leaned herself onto the assassin’s muscular body. She ran one hand down his chest her hand stopping to rest on his stomach. Floyd’s body reacted by tensing. It usually wasn’t good when someone touched him in such a vulnerable spot. As much as he wanted to trust Harley.....She was still crazy and crazy people do well, crazy things. He forced himself to relax by inhaling deeply onto his cigarette. He leaned his head back and stared at the ceiling as he let out a perfect ring of grey-blue smoke. He watched as it slowly rose up. One more was blown out before he bothered to answered her.
“Nobody asked you asked you to stalk me out and break into the hotel room. Which you still haven’t explained why you did.”
He should be pissed with her for that, but he wasn’t. He was actually sort of glad she was her or at least he was when she was making off the wall comments and crushing his balls with her head. Really who the Hell “rested” their head down with that much force? Harley’s darkly painted lips vibrated together as she waved off Lawton’s words.
“Stalking and breaking in are such strong words ta’ be throwin’ around! What I did is more like enthusiastic followin’ against ya wishes with a surprise stop by!”
Floyd gave Joker’s ex girlfriend a blank stare. Harley rolled her eyes and dramatically collapsed herself onto his shoulder. Locks of her shocking blond hair pouring onto him. Like he had done so many times today he again rolled his eyes at her giving off the impression of being put out by this. But both knew the truth, he loved it. He liked having someone in his life who was crazy enough to not only accept all parts of who he was, but to embrace them. Unlike others, Harley understood what the dangers of his work entailed. Sure she liked playing house, but she wasn’t going to force Deadshot to be someone he was not. Just as he would never change her into someone she wasn’t. He didn’t write her off as by product of Joker or see her as a tragic warning story about loving the wrong man. When he looked at Harley that’s what he was looking at.....Harley. There was so few in her life who did this. Sure, there was Ivy and Harley loved the woman to death. But with Ivy it wasn’t that simple. Ivy meant well, but she always wanted to fix Harley. She wanted to take Joker and all parts of him away from her. She didn’t understand that no matter the Clown Prince of Crime would forever be a part of Harley. To be with Ivy meant she would have to give up part of herself, and selfishly Harley wasn’t willing to do that. Maybe there would come a day when she could, but right now she couldn’t. She couldn’t be whatever it was others wanted her to be. She needed a chance to be her own person. Free of Joker, free of being named a sidekick. Ivy always said and did treat her as an equal. This was true, but with Ivy everyone still viewed Harley as a sidekick. They saw Ivy as her Joker replacement. The Harlequin of Love buried her face against Floyd’s shoulder. It was so very child like that for a moment Lawton thought of his daughter.
Outside Harley that was the only person who truly cared for him and who he too cared for. She was why he continued down this path. She was why he would never retire from this work. It was her face that haunted his mind any time he considered turning his gun his next target and onto himself. Lawton finished the last drag of his cancer causing stick and tossed the bud to the floor. Suddenly his heart ached for the one he could never be near and for the life he discovered he would never be able to have. Carefully as if she was made from glass Floyd touched the back Harley’s head. Smiling against his shoulder the wild card nuzzled his shoulder and then looked up at him. God damn her and the things she made him feel. He didn’t want to feel anything! Right now he only wanted the world to be shut out. Maybe he could get to help with that. He cupped Quinn’s face in the palm of one hand, and like clockwork she did as was expected. She understood what was happening. Floy was connecting with her the only way he knew how to be affectionate with another person through sex. She leaned her face into his hand nuzzling against. Her perfectly painted lips laid a soft kiss against his palm. Moving his hand so that part of his palm was now under the infamous bombshell’s chin, Lawton tilted her head up to him and leaned forward kissing her upon the lips. His free arm went around her slender frame pulling her near him. Instantly Harley had both her arms wrapped around him. She needed this as badly as he did. Her body melted against his and her lips felt perfectly at him on his. The taste of cheap beer and cigarettes danced onto her taste buds as she deepened their kiss, pushing him for more.
Almost roughly he tugged her closer now to him. His tongue dipping into her welcoming mouth. Exploring every inch of it as if it was there first time together. Her mouth was sweet. She tasted of cotton cotton candy and cherries.....A mask of innocence. It was as intoxicating as the liquor he had been drinking away all night. Her love is a crazy deadly one and in the end Lawton knows she’s going to fuck him over somehow. She always did, but she also always came back to him. Joker will come calling or someone more attractive will show themselves to her, but for moment in time she belongs to him. It’s thrilling and he’s always been a sucker for a head rush. The jester’s tongue dances into his mouth and soon their tongues entangled with another fighting for dominance. The soft moan that escaped her was quickly making Floyd realize his pants were far too tightly. He pulls his mouth away off her’s. Quinn is staring at him her sapphire eyes clouded with lust. Harley runs her black painted nails down his back and Lawton feels his desire for her.....For what comes next growing. A shiver of pain mixed with pleasure goes down his entire spine.
“Ya gunna be my Prince Charming, sweep me off my feet and take me ta’ bed now or not?”
He shouldn’t do it. Harley shouldn’t be encouraged. He’s going to get burned by her. It’s only a matter time. But fuck it, you’re only going to live once, right? Or that’s what he keeps hearing. He might as well get his rocks off while he still can. He swoops the ex gymnast expert up off the couch and into his arms. Instantly her arms around looped around his neck. Her lips are crashing into his in what will surely be a bruising kiss for the both of them. Not that either care. The small sting of it only adds to the pleasure they are both becoming overwhelmed with as Lawton carries Gotham’s infamous wild card to bed. Tomorrow he has a job that needs to be done. Tomorrow he will be back to being the professional he prides himself on when it comes to work. Tomorrow Harley will be off on yet another on of her crazy adventures proving herself to the word, but mostly proving to herself she can be a solo act. But that’s all stuff of the future. For now the two are more than a little content for what the presence holds for them between the sheets. They will make the most of the night and for awhile neither will worry about that aching loneliness that eats away at them.
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jubilantwriter · 4 years
Jaspvid Week 2020: Day 3 - Summer
fuck it at this rate i’m just gonna be posting late never get a night shift job y’all
(AO3)   @jaspvid-week​
You Can't be Traumatized if You Don't Go to Summer Camp
Summary:  They met by an ice cream truck as children.  And since then, it’s been a tradition for them to meet up and buy ice cream together.
Word Count: 5088
Jasper loves summer.  Summer means no school, no homework, and no teachers to be bummed out by!  Since he's eleven now, he thinks that maybe his mom will let him go to the community pool more often, since he can totally swim by himself without her worrying that he'll go to the deep end and drown.  
He's too rad for that anyways!  And since summer vacation started, he's been having fun watching the Saturday morning cartoons and hanging out with his friends whenever they want to come over and play.  With the heat bringing it's A game this year though, more and more of his time is spent just lounging inside his house, trying to beat the heat with his mom's rotating fan.
In fact, here he sits, mouth wide open as he makes a long "ahhhh" sound at it, giggling as the fan messes with his voice.  Although summer isn't always about having fun and playing with his mom's fan and going swimming at the pool.  He keeps his ears perked as he waits for a special kind of song to start making its rounds around the block.
And sure enough, the musical notes of a familiar tune rings throughout the neighborhood, and Jasper is already making a mad dash to his mom for some sweet, sweet cash.
"Mom!"  He waves his hands back and forth to get her attention.  "Mom, the ice cream truck!"
His mom smiles, having already heard the tune and pulling her wallet out of her purse.  "Alright, hold on."  A few dollars bills are handed over as Jasper grabs them eagerly.
"But only buy one, okay?  Dinner's coming up soon."
"Okay!"  He dashes out the door just in time to see the ice cream turn the corner onto his street.  "Hey!"  He waves his hand in the air, flagging down the ice cream truck as it continues past his house.  It slows to a stop as he chases after it when he notices another kid peek his head out.
Red hair.
Green eyes.
And the scariest frown he's seen.
He smiles as he waves at his neighbor.
"Hi, Davey!"
"Don't call me that!"  David yells as he slams his front door shut, disappearing back into his house.
"Jeepers, man."  Normally, all the other kids would feel put out by having their neighbor slam a door shut at them, but Jasper was used to it.  It was pretty rude yeah, but as long as Jasper kept his distance, David wouldn't start throwing rocks at him!  It's a good thing Jasper is a quick learner, otherwise there would have been a lot more rocks in his future.
"Hey, kid."  A man with a scraggly looking face rolls down the window.  The ice cream man!  "You wanted somethin'?"
"Sure do, mister!"  Jasper looks over the ice cream choices on the side of the truck.  There were ice cream sandwiches, drumsticks, those push pop thingies, the faces with bubblegum eyes, that frozen lemonade stuff in a cup that tastes okay he supposes, and-  "One bomb pop!  Please!"
"Sure, which flavor?"
"The one that looks like a rocket!"
"Red, white, and blue, comin' up."  Jasper waits patiently as the ice cream man disappears for a minute before reappearing with the cold treat.  "Here ya go.  One American ice cream."
"Is it really called that?"
"Nah.  That's a dollar."  Jasper hands over the dollar and grabs the frosty treat from the man as he sits on the sidewalk.  As he unwraps the popsicle, the ice cream man grunts in surprise.
"You want somethin' too?"  Jasper looks up and sees David standing not too far from him.  He's biting his lip, fists buried deep in his pockets as he glares at the ice cream on the truck.  "Gotta pay up, kid."
"...Not if I take it first!"  Jasper watches as David runs and leaps at the truck's window, grabbing onto the ledge as the ice cream man looks unimpressed.
"Nice try, kid."  He flicks off every single one of his tiny fingers, making David land on the ground with a soft "oof!".  "Maybe come back with a dollar, and I'll give ya what your bratty heart so desires."
"Whatever!"  David stands up quickly and stomps his foot.  "Ice cream is for squares anyways!"  As the ginger stomps off, Jasper wonders how many times David's tried to pull that off.  He gets up and walks back to the truck.
"Hey, mister?"
"Whatcha want, kid?"  The ice cream man eyes him from the window.  "You better eat that quick 'fore the sun melts it."  
"Oh I will!  It's just, um," he digs around in his pocket and pulls out another dollar, "can I have another one?"
The ice cream man takes it slowly, looking between Jasper and a door that slams shut yet again.
"You sure?"
"Yeah."  Technically, Jasper wasn't breaking any rules.  He grins up at the man brightly.  "Umm, can I have..."
Actually, which one WOULD he like?  It's not like Jasper knows enough about David to make a good guess.  All he knows is that David is grumpy, hates people, sasses adults, and is an overall menace to everyone around him.
But he's also seen David out in the rain, with no umbrella or raincoat to speak of, just picking worms off the sidewalk and tossing them into the grass.  He's seen David yell at bullies, aim only for the legs in dodgeball, and even sit next to a crying kid silently just so he wouldn't be alone.  
Jasper points at the vanilla bar with the hard outside.
"Can I have that one?"
"Sure, kid."  The ice cream man disappears and comes back with the wrapped treat, but he looks hesitant to give it to him.  "Are ya sure...?"
"Totally man!  My mom says that if I treat people the way I wanna be treated, I can make friends way faster like that!"
"That's one way to do it, I guess."  The ice cream man shrugs as he hands over the treat.  "Better give it to him before it melts then."
"Will do!  Thanks, mister!"
The ice cream man waves as Jasper runs to David's house, sticking his melting popsicle in his mouth as he knocks on the door.  The door creaks open slowly, a single green eye peeking out suspiciously before he spies Jasper standing on his doorstep.  Jasper pops his popsicle out and grins.
"Heya, broski!"
"Oh, it's you."  Ouch.  "What do you want?"  Jasper waves the wrapped treat in front of David.
"I did something totally wack and got an extra by accident!  And I'm only supposed to have one ice cream before dinner or else my mom will totally wig out, so I thought maybe you'd like it?"  David stares at the ice cream with a suspicious squint.
"...Why are you giving it to me?"
"Because you're the only kid I know in this neighborhood!"
"Okay, maybe I know a few other kids, but you were closer!"
"What's the catch?"  David glares at Jasper, holding onto his door tight.  "I take the ice cream and then what?  I gotta give you my allowance?  Beat the snot outta someone?  Be your friend because you're a weird loner?"  
Well, Jasper's not exactly a loner, but he wouldn't mind being friends with David if he'd just stop being mean for a second.
"It's just ice cream, dude.  Take it or leave it."
David swipes the bar from his hand and slams the door in Jasper's face.
"Nice!"  The ice cream man calls, laughing as Jasper walks away with a huff.
At least he took the dang thing. 
The ice cream truck comes again, and this time, the man grins as Jasper points at an ice cream sandwich.
"Gonna get a second one too while you're at it?"  He points to a door cracking open, and a familiar tuft of red hair peeking out.
"...I dunno, maybe."  Last time didn't work out so hot.  Maybe David just doesn't want friends.  Maybe he's the loner.
And Jasper's fine with that.  It's not like he has to be friends with David anyways.
"Who knows, kid?  Maybe he's like a stray cat.  Gotta be nice to 'im and bait 'im 'til he comes out."
"You just want my mom's money."
"Absolutely, now are you gonna buy another one or not?"
"I said I dunno."  Jasper huffs as he waits for the ice cream man to give him his sandwich.  As he takes it, he hears the door shut and he turns to find David no longer hiding by his door.
"Looks like the runt went back into hiding."  The ice cream man hums to himself as Jasper unwraps his treat and starts to munch away.  A bright look comes across the man's face as he ducks into his truck as Jasper watches curiously.  When the ice cream man resurfaces from his searching, a yellowish cup is held in his hand as he shoves it at Jasper's face.  "Here, kid."
Jasper scrunches up his face.
"I don't want it."
"Nah, kid, it's free."
"I still don't want it."
"Look, I got a whole bunch of these laying around 'cause kids don't want 'em as much as the other stuff I got.  So why not throw it at that kid's face so you're not wasting your ma's money and I'm gettin' rida stock I don't need?"
"I don't want him to hate me more than he already does!"
"Can't get any lower than rock bottom, kid."
Oh, he'd beg to differ.
But the ice cream man tosses him what was essentially frozen lemonade, but not like, the good lemonade, but the lemonade that was just pure lemon juice with some water, maybe even too much water, mixed in, and then they put it in the freezer, and then put that ice block into a blender, turned it on high, and poured the goop into a cup to be sold to children who actually knew what good lemonade tasted like.
And this was not good lemonade.
Jasper barely manages to catch it as it smacks into his chest.
"Good luck, kid!"  The ice cream man salutes him before rushing off into the driver's seat to drive away.
"But I said I didn't want it!"  Fruitlessly, he yells at the disappearing ice cream truck, groaning loudly as he clutches this awful excuse for a lemony treat.  What was he supposed to do with it?  
Well, he could actually give it to David.
Maybe he was into this sort of stuff.
Frozen, bad lemonade.  That was kind of like shaved ice, but not really.  The outside of the cup sweats in his hand, reminding him of the hot temperature.
Maybe he wouldn't care?  Maybe he'll take it because it's so hot out and use it as a, like, ice pack or something.
His feet are already walking him to David's door, and after cramming the ice cream sandwich in his mouth, he once again knocks on the door, but with less enthusiasm this time.  David opens the door, but he looks only a little surprised.
"What do you want, Jasper?"
Oh, he knows his name?  
"Uh, here."  His words are muffled around the sandwich, but David takes the cup regardless.
And scrunches up his face when he sees it.
"Ugh!  I don't want this!"
"Me neither!"
"It sucks!"
"I know!"
David blinks, as if registering that Jasper was actually agreeing with him.
"So why are you giving this to me?"  Jasper swallows a bite of his sandwich and shrugs.
"I dunno, maybe you can like, use it as an ice pack?"
"Pfft."  David snorts, which makes Jasper perk up a bit.  "As if.  This thing'll only last for a few minutes."  
"What are you gonna do then?"  Jasper watches as David wipes the sweat from his brow, frowning as he stares down at the cup.
And sighs dramatically.
"Guess I'll eat the dang thing."
"...You sure?"
"Well it's not like I have a choice."  Jasper expects more bite to his words, but the ginger merely says it with a tired reluctance he doesn't expect.  "Thanks, though."
"Oh uh, sure, duderino."  He expects David to slam the door in his face but the boy just... keeps it open.  "Guess I'll see you around?"
"Whatever."  David shrugs as he pops the lid open.  "See ya."  
He walks away from David's house and doesn't hear the door close.  When he makes it to his own house, he looks over to where David's house is and sees the boy sitting there.  Quietly eating his treat in the open doorway.
And Jasper swears.
He's eating it with a smile.
When Jasper approaches the familiar ice cream truck, he can hear two voices yelling at each other near the truck's window.
"You tellin' me this is all two dollars?!"
"I said count 'em, you gigantic square!"
"Uhh...?"  Jasper walks up to find David gripping the edge of the window from where he hangs with a snarl.  The ice cream man glares back down at David as he holds a fist full of coins.  Oh.
"It's two dollars!"
"Quit jerkin' my chain!  As if I'd believe you!"
"Can I count?"  The two of them turn their heads to Jasper as he sheepishly rubs his arm.  "I mean, if I count them in front of you, it'd save you the trouble and prove Dave- David's telling the truth."  The ice cream man rolls his eyes but hands the change over to Jasper regardless.  And so the brunette carefully sorts out the assortment of change, and holy cow, he can see why the ice cream man was angry at first.  It's a big mess of nickels and pennies and dimes, with maybe one quarter in the mix, but he counts out the change dutifully, carefully, and out loud so that the ice cream man can see his work.
"...and two dollars."  He gathers up the change and holds it up to the ice cream man.  "David was telling the truth."
"I told you, you big doofus."
"Watch it, kid, or else I'm taking your money and drivin' away."
"That's stealing!"
"As if you haven't tried stealin' from me before."  But the ice cream man disappears and comes back with two drumsticks.  "Here, your ice cream."
"Yessss!"  David takes them both, before turning to Jasper and handing him a stick.
"Here."  He shoves it into Jasper's hand and looks away.  "For the other times you got me ice cream."
"Oh!  You didn't have to-"
"Later, nerd!"  David runs off and into his house, slamming the door shut as he leaves Jasper in the dust.
"...Are you two friends now?"
"Uhh."  Jasper looks down at the drumstick in his hand.  It's the usual kind - vanilla, coated with chocolate and nuts.  He unwraps it and gnaws on the outer shell.
"Huh."  The ice cream man sounds amused as he reclines against his window.  "That was quick."
It becomes a routine.
Everyday, the ice cream man comes.  Sometimes it'll be Jasper who meets him first.  And sometimes it's David.
But there's an unspoken rule between them.
They have to wait until the other shows up before leaving.
It's like a meeting place, but with a guy who brings the meeting place to them.
Normally, they just buy the ice cream and part ways back to their houses.  
But sometimes...
"Doesn't it hurt?"
Jasper and David sit on the curb, the ice cream man already driving away as they eat.  It's too hot to stay indoors, so they find themselves having a rare moment outside in the sun.  Jasper wouldn't mind staying quiet, if only for the fact that David bites down on the bomb pop like it's candy and crunching away at it in his mouth.
Just watching him eat it makes Jasper's teeth ache.
"Biting down on it!"
"No it doesn't."  David chomps down on it again, making Jasper cringe. 
"My mom says that biting ice cream like that can hurt your teeth."
David snorts.
"You're just a chicken."
"Am not!"
"Then do it, chicken."
Jasper looks at his own popsicle.  He doesn't want to hurt his teeth, but he also doesn't want to be called a chicken.  David grins slyly as he nudges Jasper.
"Chiiiickeeeeen," he goads.
"I'm not a chicken!"  Without a second thought, Jasper bites down on his popsicle and crunches down on the block of flavored ice.  It feels as though the ice is freezing his teeth all the way down to his gums, and it sort of hurts, and sort of doesn't.
It's still not pleasant though, so he chews through it quickly.
"See?"  David nudges him again with a lighter grin as he goes back to polishing off the popsicle.  "It's not that bad."
"Ugh."  He determines not to do that again.  "I think I'll pass on eating popsicles like that ever again."
David snickers but doesn't push him.  Instead, they both kick at the asphalt beneath their feet and take in the rays.
Summer comes, and summer goes.  They go back to school, pretend they don't know each other asides from a neighborly nod, before continuing on with their lives.
But when summer returns, they find themselves meeting up back at the ice cream truck.
"Wanna try these ones?!"  Jasper excitedly points at the pastel-looking ice cream bars on the truck.
"Are you getting it only for the colors?"
"Why not!"  
"That's dumb.  You're dumb."  
"You just don't wanna admit you wanna try the cotton candy one."  Jasper teases the ginger as David rolls his eyes.
"Whatever.  I'll just take the watermelon one."  
"Well, I'm taking the cotton candy one, 'cause I'm not a chicken."
"You take that back."
"Are you kids gonna pay or what?"
"Here you go, mister!"  As the ice cream man hands them their treats, the two of them sit back on the curb, kicking at the asphalt as they get used to each other yet again.
"You think his menu ever changes?"
"Nah, he seems too lazy to do that."
"But what if something new comes out?  Like a tubular kind of ice cream."
"He already has a tube-y ice cream."
"No, like tubular!  Like wicked?  Gnarly?"
"...I hate you so much.  Just speak like a human!"
"But I am??"  David yells as Jasper laughs.  "Take a chill pill, man!  It's how everyone speaks nowadays!"
"That's a lie.  A big, dumb lie that only a square would make."
"Calling people a square is sooo outdated, Davey."  The nickname slips out before Jasper can stop himself, and he slaps his hand over his mouth in shock.  "Oh, no, I'm sorry!  I didn't mean to-"
"It's fine."
And he blinks.
"I said it's fine."  David kicks at the asphalt, keeping his eyes away from Jasper's as he bites into his ice cream.  "...I'm okay with you calling me 'Davey'."
"Are.  Are you sure?"
"Yeah."  David shrugs before turning to face Jasper.  He looks uncertain, nervous even as he twirls the melting treating between his fingers.  "I mean, we're friends, right?"
And he blinks again.
Mouth slightly agape. 
He must have taken too long to respond because suddenly David's ears are bright red as he stands up abruptly.  "Wh-whatever!  If we're not friends, just say it-!"
"We are!"  Jasper stands up just as quickly, a giddy grin making it onto his face as he makes to hug David, only to remember the sticky ice cream in their hands.  "We're friends!"
It's David's turn to blink as he registers the words Jasper says.  And then.
He smiles.
A real, genuine smile.
And when summer inevitably ends, he hopes he'll get more than a nod from David as they pass each other in the halls.
Summers come, and summers go.  As they pass each other in the halls, Jasper goes for a high-five that David avoids, only to punch Jasper (lightly) in the arm later.
They sit next to each other at lunch, Jasper sharing his snacks with David as the latter pours over Jasper's homework as Jasper explains each problem to him.
They become an odd pair, the two of them.  David's bristly exterior is immediately softened when Jasper is nearby, and Jasper's mood lightens considerably no matter the problem he has to face as long as David is there with him.
People often ask him if he hopes to make David a more cheery person by sticking with him.  After all, Jasper is all smiles and bright colors.  But Jasper just shrugs, saying he likes David the way he is.
If David changes, then he'll still like him.
Because David is David.
Just like how Jasper is Jasper.
Some things about them will change, Jasper knows that's inevitable.  Habits change, opinions change, outlooks change.
But some routines never change.
They're fourteen as they wait for the ice cream truck together, sitting on Jasper's front lawn as the cool grass stains their shorts.
"Aren't we too old for ice cream trucks?"  David is lying down besides Jasper, his eyes closed as Jasper drops torn up grass onto his face.  Jasper giggles as David swats halfheartedly at his hand.
"We could be doing something else.  Like playing games.  Or eating ice."
"Only you would eat ice."
"Yeah well, maybe if you didn't think your teeth were so fragile-"
Jasper rolls David over, the other boy squeaking indignantly as his words are muffled by the dirt and grass. 
"UGH!  JASP-"  And then a familiar jingle rounds the corner.
"Oh it's Mr. Kevin!"  Jasper bounces to his feet and dashes away to meet the familiar driver.  "What's up-!"
David comes up from behind Jasper and grabs him in a headlock, already yelling at the amused man as he pulls out a few bills.
"Whatever my loyal customers want."
A few more summers come and go.  Puberty is wack.  High school is wack.  Preparing for college is super bogus wack.  But David isn't wack.
If time could stop for just a moment, just so Jasper could have more seconds in the day to relish those moments of happiness that escape them more often than not, then maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't feel as though everything was falling through his fingers so quickly.
Things change too quickly.
Times change too quickly.
Even old routines, that one routine he'd grown to depend on every summer.
That began to change too.
As the two of them wait for the ice cream man, a man who has slowly begun to fade from their lives as the times change, Jasper finds himself clutching desperately to the past as his feet tap nervously against the grass.  He can feel David's eyes on him, watching as his best friend slowly unravels before him.  With a sigh, David leans against him, forcing Jasper to a halt as he forces the teen to lay down in the grass.
Up above them, the clouds roll by peacefully, completely unbothered and untethered to any sorts of worries.
"...You think he's gonna come by?"
"I don't think he's got enough customers to justify it, Jasp."
They continue to watch the clouds for a while, Jasper's disappointment settling on his face as he wonders if he took his childhood for granted yet again.  A finger prods his cheek, and he turns to see David's green eyes.  Calm.  Relaxed, even.  He's mellowed out throughout the years, but he still wears a frown most days.  He's grown up a lot since he was that mean, bratty kid next door.
"You want ice cream that bad?"
"It's not that."  Jasper bites his lip.  He's kind of embarrassed actually, wanting to stick to this routine for so long.  David's probably long since gotten tired of waiting for the ice cream truck, especially during these recent years as the man showed up less and less.  But he never complains or goes against Jasper's wants, and instead plays along patiently as Jasper continues to cling.  
"Then what is it?"
Is it hard to explain?  Or is it just embarrassing to say?  He looks over to David, and there's understanding in his eyes as he props himself up, waiting for Jasper to choose his words without any rush.
How lucky was he to keep a friend like David for so long?
"We stuck together because of the ice cream truck."  David's eyes widen as the words sink in.  Jasper laughs, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck as he looks away.  "I dunno it just- I'm probably just tripping over this for no reason, dude, sorry-"
"It's important to you."  Jasper feels David lean against him as he thinks out loud.  "I don't think it's wrong that you're upset about it."
"...But it's a dumb thing to cling to."
"Not really.  We became friends because we kept buying ice cream together.  I think that's pretty meaningful."  David rests his chin on Jasper's shoulder as they continue to sit, waiting for nothing to arrive. 
"Is it bad that I miss it?"
The breeze ruffles their hair.
"...What do you think Kevin is up to?"
"Probably selling drugs."
"What?"  The ginger laughs, puffs of warm brushing against Jasper's neck as he gradually calms down.  "I'm right."
"You don't know that."
Jasper closes his eyes.  It's hot out, but he doesn't mind David sticking so close by.  It's comforting, actually, feeling his warmth like this.  Like, no matter what, even if the ice cream truck doesn't come by anymore, David doesn't really need a reason to just come by and sit next to Jasper and do nothing together.
At least that won't change.
"Let's do something next year."
"Like what?"
"Something new."  David turns his attention back to the sky and reaches out towards it.  He tries to grab a cloud, but it floats away from his hand.  "I've always wanted to go camping."
"But we don't know anything about camping."
"We can practice."  David pulls back just enough to look Jasper in the eye, bright eyed at the prospect.  "We got a whole year to prepare, and we'll be graduating soon anyways.  Why not do something special for that summer?"
No more ice cream trucks.  No more sitting around.  But something new to fill in the void.
It couldn't hurt, right?
"Yeah."  He smiles as David returns with his own grin.  "Let's try that out."
Summers come as they are wont to do.  And they leave as they tend to do.  The ice cream truck never comes back.
But that's okay.
David brightens up significantly as they begin camping, and Jasper wonders if he'd been holding his friend back for so long, making him wait for trucks to come when it was clear they needed to move on.
And yet.
He stood by him the entire time, waiting until Jasper was ready to let go.
An unspoken trust.  With unwavering understanding.
Camping is alright, he supposes, but David loves how the trees surround them, how the birds sing above them, the way they come across streams and rivers as though they were new discoveries.
Camping is alright.  But David's happiness is worth so much more.
"Jasp!"  David pulls him along to the nearby clearing, their campfire crackling softly as he points up to the sky.  "You don't get to see stars like this often!"
"...Yeah."  He watches as David stares up at the night sky, so unlike the boy he grew up with.  It's a side of him he's rarely seen before.
And he thinks that it's a shame that they never got to explore this side of him sooner.
Wouldn't that have made David happier?
David turns to Jasper, head tilted to the side as he catches his friend staring.
"What are you thinking about?"
"Oh, uh, nothing."  He looks away with a blush, scratching at his cheek as he looks for something to distract David with.  "Oh yeah, we should make sure the campfire doesn't burn down anything, right?"
"Oh- yeah!"  David rushes back, already worried as Jasper laughs.
This is different.
But it's a good kind of different.
"Huh?"  David looks up from where he sits by the fire, watching as Jasper plops down besides him.
"Why do you like camping so much?"
"...I dunno it just."  He shrugs, smiling wistfully as he watches the fire.  "I mean, I used to camp a lot with my dad.  Before he left."  
Ah, right.
"Wouldn't you hate camping then?"
"I mean, I did.  For a long time, I did."  David laughs, a light blush dusting his cheeks as he talks.  "But then, you became my friend.  And we grew closer and.  I just wanted to do something with you.  Something that we could claim as our own.  Sure, there was that whole ice cream thing but.  That could only last for so long, and when it ran its course, I saw how you were struggling to just.  Wrap your mind around losing something that was so us.  And I wanted to do something.  Make a new something.  And.  Camping was the only thing I could think of."  He shrugs as he turns to face Jasper, the brunette wide eyed as the ginger grins.  "It just felt... right, you know?"
"...God."  Jasper shakes his head, laughing as he does so.  "You're amazing, you know that?"
"Only because you stuck by long enough for me to be amazing."  David nudges his shoulder playfully.  "...Hey."
"Thanks.  For actually, um.  Being my friend."  David looks down as he speaks.  "It couldn't have been easy."
"...Nah, thanks for letting me stick to that ice cream schtick for so long."  Jasper bonks his head gently against David's.  "That couldn't have been easy."
"It's whatever."  David bonks back with a smile.  "I mean, as long as I got to spend time with you, it was worth it."
It was, wasn't it?
He smiles as their fingers brush together.
Yeah, maybe camping was just alright.  If it'd been with anyone else, he'd be pretty indifferent and distant throughout the whole affair.
With David?
Like when they were waiting for the ice cream truck together, the sun beaming down above them, feet kicking playfully at asphalt as they listened to the sounds of the birds chirping in the distance.
Sitting here, by an open fire, underneath the stars and listening to the songs of the crickets and the hoots of the owls.
Just like then.
Just.  Existing next to each other.
It just.
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labyrinth-runner · 4 years
what’s you and your bf cute story?! (If you want to share you don’t have to)
AH! I will always gush.
Okay so. 2016 was a big year for me. I graduated high school and moved into college, (A small private college in my hometown that no one I went to school with went to, so it was nice), and the same day I moved into college, my parents moved multiple states away. Thanksgiving break, that wasn’t a huge issue, Christmas break made it more pronounced that I had no friends and knew no one, and by the time summer break rolled around, I was bored and had nowhere to go because I didn't have a car or keys to get back into the apartment building (limited key fobs were given to the residents. I didn’t have a car so whenever I wanted to leave I had to take the garage door opener from my dad’s car if he was home or hope someone would be home when I got back.)
I talked to my cat so often I understood her meows. So.... I downloaded tinder. Not to date, just to talk to people. Seriously. I cannot stress this enough. I just wanted to talk.
I end up getting a job as the first month goes on, I match with a bunch of people and have interesting conversations. Then one day, I match with a “Josh” and our first messages were these (Before I deleted tinder, I downloaded all our convos to my laptop so I could keep them):
Choose your own Tinder Adventure!
A:Cheesy pickup line
B:Dirty pickup line
C:Genuine compliment
D:Polite conversation
E:Lemme smash
F:Random bird fact
Can I pick two or just one?
You're pretty cute, so I'll give you two.
Lol well thanks. I'm going to go with A and D
Dang girl, if you were a fruit you'd be a fineapple, 
lmao wow xD
Thank you, thank you. So what do you want to chat about? Movies, music, hopes and dreams, the fact that bees are dying at an alarming rate?
Anything and everything. You pick. This doesn't just have to be my tinder adventure
SO. We start talking. And one day I forgot to hit send and we didn’t talk for a day or two and he actually reached out to make sure I was okay because he hadn’t heard from me. And I was like. omg. I was stupid and didn’t press send. We progressed to Snapchat and eventually to texting.
Over the course of these convos, the boy asked me out three times. The first time I was like “I didn’t have my schedule yet, I’ll get back to you when I do” and just never brought it up again because. Ew. Tinder. And then he asked me out again, but I actually did have plans. And the third time I actually asked him out and here’s why:
We had been talking after I got out of work and I had stopped to pick up pizza from a place near our apartment complex. He asked what place, I told him. He said that was near where he works. I asked where he worked and he described the area around where I worked (which was literally down the street from my house. Literally 5 min commute) and then I was like. “Lol you know this shopping complex? The apartments behind it?” and he said yes. And that was when I learned he worked across the street from my house. Like, I look out on the balcony and can see the building. So, I thought, shit. I told him where I live, have to go out with him now. 
So, we set up a date. He takes me to the Melting Pot, which if you haven't been, its amazing, but also hella expensive. As someone who’s dating experience had been super lame dates to the Newport Creamery or walks around town, this was blowing it out of the park. We talk so long that we missed the first showing of Spiderman: Homecoming that we were going to, so we decide to catch a later showing and end up walking around a bit to kill time. We get to the movies, watch the movie, and we go to drive home. On the way home, this song that I had sent him weeks ago comes on his spotify and we both sing along. We get to my door, I end up giving him a hug, and I go back upstairs to get my ass yelled at for getting home at one am and not telling my parents I’d be home late after going out with a stranger.
Fast forward to the next week, date 2. We go to a sushi restaurant that I’d always wanted to try, and then we go to this Farmer’s Fair in his area and he makes a bet that if there’s a car with an American flag we hold hands. No flag, I won the bet, he still held my hand and bought me a lil fake flower (we go back to this fair every year and he gets me a new one. I have a collection growing) and he takes me to this tent full of blue ribbon bunnies because I have four bunnies at home. We have some fun, it gets super fucking hot outside because its July. Then, we go to the other part of our date, mini golfing. I somehow got multiple holes in one, to the point where he asked if I was hustling him. And then we were waiting on the bench for a hole to free up and I asked him how serious he was about this and he told me “Serious enough to ask when you go back to school and if I can visit while you’re there.” My heart does a skippy-skip and we finish the game and get some ice cream. While we’re sitting, we talk a bit more, we make it facebook official, and then when we get back to my apartment that night, we kissed. Only after all of this is over does the boy tell me I was his first date ever and his first kiss ever. 
But, the rest, as they say, is history. We’ll be starting year four next month, and he’s been with me through my mood swings, moving to and from college, moving houses, my dad dying, and just... a lot. He’s honestly one of the best things to walk into my life, and you all know I’m not super religious (I joke about joining the religion of the Jedi), but I pray to God I never fuck this up. 
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sodalitefully · 4 years
1-30 hehehe
Anon you’re a ballsy motherfucker and I love you.  BUT you didn’t choose a fic for 24-28, or a word for 29!
What was the first fandom and/or pairing that you wrote fic for? Uh, probably Danny Phantom when I was like twelve 😂
Do you participate in any writing events or challenges throughout the year? If so, what do you like about them? Nope bc this is a small fandom and we don’t do many of those.
Do you write fics from start or finish, or jump around? I usually start at the start and then when I get stuck I’ll just skip that part, keep going, and come back to it later.  If I have an idea and I’m afraid I’ll forget it, I might also skip ahead and write it.
Do you outline before you start writing? If so, how far do you stray from that outline? I love outlining more that actually writing lmao, the longer the fic the more I outline.  I usually stick to it pretty closely, which isn’t aways good for my writing...
What is the perfect environment for you to write in? Quiet and private.  Other than that I haven’t figured out the tricks to getting myself to focus :(
If you’re really concentrating, how many words can you write in a day? Occasionally when I’m really inspired I’ll write like 1000, but more often I just write a paragraph or two.
Which part of writing do you struggle with most? Too many ideas, too little actual writing capacity.  It’s hard to focus on finishing fics bc I get too distracted by my other ideas, and I rarely write sequels bc there’s so much I haven’t gotten to share yet.
Do you listen to music while you write? If so, share a song that’s been inspiring you lately. Nope, can’t write with music, I get too distracted.  
Do you prefer to write AUs, canon divergence, or canon-compliant fic? AUs!!!
Do you enjoy writing dialogue, exposition, or plot the most? Probably dialogue? Exposition is great bc I get to explain the AU, but It’s not good for the flow of the fic.  Dialogue can be really satisfying to write when you get in a groove with it.
If you could only write angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your life, which would it be? Fluff!
Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to? Oh god so many.  I have notes on tons of tropes I’d like to write... I’d like to do a college AU (and I meant to do it while I was actually in college but oops).  I posted a soulmate AU once but I’d like to do another.  Oh and I have lots of ideas for crossover AUs and I’m still deciding how to handle those.
Is there a trope you wouldn’t write if it was the last trope on earth? Honestly probably not.  I’m not huge on character death, genderbends, or reader inserts, for example, but I have ideas for fics involving all of those. 
If you were stuck on a desert island with only two characters, which would you pick? No one from gnr that’s for sure, that’d be a disaster.  How about... Percy Jackson and idk Wonder Woman?
A Hollywood producer tells you that they want to film just one of your fics. Which fic would you want it to be? Hmm out of the fics that I’ve posted... maybe Sumthin’ for Nuthin’ actually? I abandoned that poor fic but I still really like the plot.  And there’s plenty of longer, more plot-heavy fics I have outlined that would be cool to see as films.  In general I often imagine concepts visually instead of with words.
What is your most underrated fic? Saving Grace didn’t get a lot of notes and I get why – it’s kinda niche and there’s no actual romance.  But I think it’s well-written and I’m proud of it.
What fic are you most proud of? Maybe the whole cat!slash universe?  I don’t think it’s my best writing per se, but I’m still really attached to the concept and it was a pleasant surprise that other people seemed to like it too.
What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene. I’ve always been partial to the paragraph in Sweetness that ends with “Their coffee has long gone cold (and so has Duff’s spine - snakes give him the heebie-jeebies), but Slash’s enthusiasm is sweeter than the Duff’s half-eaten bowl of melted ice cream, and Duff is eating it up with a spoon.”  Just... the coffee is cold and so is Duff’s spine, Slash is sweet and so is the ice cream, and using “eating it up with a spoon” idiomatically while it’s also thematically relevant to a sentence about dessert... I really like to layer meaning when I can.
Who is the easiest/hardest character for you to write about? Why? Slash tends to be the center in most of my writing, but actually I think it’s easier to write from Duff’s pov.  Maybe bc when I’m writing sluff I can just channel my crush on Slash through Duff lmao.  Interesting tho bc when it comes to the real people, I find Slash much more relatable than Duff or the others.
What’s your favorite minor character you’ve written? Hah maybe Slash in the funeral home AU, it’s a duzzy ficlet so he’s just a side character but I got a kick out of writing his and Steven’s background antics.
What is the one fic that got away? Well, I really wish I’d finished Sumthin’ for Nuthin’ before I kinda lost interest in Motley Crue, that fic was gonna get more dramatic from there.  Would it be worth it to just post the outline?  Plus there’s a few potential longfic ideas that I’ve put a lot of love into, but I doubt they’ll ever be posted or completed considering the way I can’t seem to focus on one idea long enough to write more than a one-shot :( But hey I guess you never know.
Have you cried while writing a fic? Nope.  I do have some angsty ideas though, hopefully they’ll surface someday.
If you had to remix one of your own fics, which would it be and how would you remix it? Someday I’d like to rewrite the cat!Slash fic from the beginning, make it a real multichap or at least a proper series of vignettes.  Id also be interesting in a darker version of that AU, since there’s definitely potential for that in the concept.  But I’m pretty attached to the fluffy little universe I made, so I’d probably prefer to explore those darker themes in a different (but maybe similar) universe – I have a few ideas.
How did you come up with title for [x fic]? Most of my fics have self-explanatory titles or none at all, the only one I have much to say about is Saving Grace.  Duff needed a miracle to get out of his situation, Slash was his saving grace.  But also, Grace is the name of Duff’s oldest daughter, and Duff’s motive in the story is trying to “save” her.  Despite the double meaning in the title, I avoided referring to the child by name or as Duff’s “daughter”/explaining how they ended up together.  I wanted to maintain some of the mystery of the apocalyptic genre: characters with mysterious origins, found families, aliases, etc.  That’s definitely one of the ways that Mad Max and DOOM influenced this fic.  (Oh, also Serpentine is a dick joke via a wttj reference: “My serpentine.”  That’s it tho, the rest are pretty straightforward.)
Which idea came to you first in [x fic]? Feel free to send a fic for any/all of the next few questions! Generally speaking, my ideas are character driven, I want to portray a character or relationship a certain way and I build a world that allows me to do that.
Which part of [x fic] was the hardest to write?  Always the end.
If you were ever to do a sequel to [x fic], what do you think might happen in it? Whichever fic you have in mind, there’s a very high chance I have ideas.
In [x fic], what is a happy, post-fic headcanon you have about [pairing]? Same as above!
Send me a word. If it’s in your WIPs, include the sentence and a short summary of the fic. – Send me a word anon!
Tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future. Ok, so I have three main longfic ideas, but the easiest one to explain is an AU set in a version of the 1980s where ancient greek deities exist, Axl’s life is parallel to that of Perseus, and Slash is cursed like Medusa.   Lots of drama, lots of influence from greek theater, untrustworthy gods, unrequited feelings, dramatic irony... fuck I hope I write it someday.  
Alright mad respect for anyone who got through all that!  Thanks for the ask, and feel free specify a fic for those last few questions if you wanna
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ayurileopardsdream · 5 years
If you had told me sooner - Chapter 1
Description: What should have happened in the Fortress of Solitude when Lena told Kara she knew the Supergirl secret, Season 5 Episode 7. And then it immediately just gets off track. And then it turns into a musical. And then it finally gets gay.
Author’s note: This story is also posted on AO3. Only my discord friends saw this coming ahahahaha~
[Supergirl Season 5 episode 7 - when they’re fighting in the fortress of Solitude]
After Mxy happened with It’s a Super Life. Kara went back to that part, had to relive that horrible time all over again. The whole “If you forgive me, I’ll be there for you. If you work with Lex, I’ll stop you just as I would any other villain.” Yeah that? No. Don’t like that, didn’t happen. So onward with the gay.
Rating: T
Words: 5,550
Series: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Characters / Pairing: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Genre: romance, hurt & comfort, fluff, angst.
Link to the AO3 copy: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22971949/chapters/54915007
The universe says that some things cannot be fixed with hugs. Kara Zor-El Danvers believes otherwise. Standing there while Lena yelled at her and holding that bomb Myriad thing, all Kara did was contemplate her entire life, her entire friendship. You see when mxy was sending Kara back in time to try and find a point to properly confess to Lena, Kara realized that when everything went to hell, there is no better way to fix a fight than with a hug.
Lena was yelling that she wasn't a villain. That Kara should have told her and not deceived her like everyone else. That she thought they were best friends, Kara should have trusted her.
Kara knew what she had to do even if Lena didn't trust her or like her or care for her anymore.
Kara flew at Lena, knocking the Myriad bomb out of her hands, hugging her tightly but safely for her strength.
"Kara what- What are you doing?! Get off of me!" Lena yelled struggling to no avail to get the kryptonian off of her.
"No!" Kara yelled, surprising the upset Luthor.
"I know I hurt you! That I betrayed you, that I deceived you. I should have told you and I didn't! I didn't want to put you in harm's way and I couldn't find the right time! Don't you know how hard it is to not tell you things? The number one villain rule is to target the loved ones of a superhero! Someone could have, would have come after you and I know you can handle yourself but I couldn't risk it! Damnit Lena! I love you! More than a friend, than a best friend! You're the most important person in my whole life! I know you're upset but I'm not about to deceive you like everyone else in your life has! I'm sorry Lex told you first, but he told you to get between us, to ruin us and it worked! He's a villain! Taking my loved ones away!"
Pulling away, Kara was shaking, sniffling, crumbling. It was.. really sad.
"If you hate me... then fine. I can't change your mind. I'm so so sorry Lena... I won't ever bother you ever again." And with that, Kara turned to leave, too depressed to fly. She was literally walking out of the fortress of solitude. Leaving Lena there to stare in shock and disbelief at what she'd heard. Kara... loved her... and watching her leave like that, then looking at Myriad on the floor... something ached in her chest and it wasn't hate.
"Kara wait!"
This was ridiculous. Love? Kara? With her ? Lena Luthor. Lena Luthor . A super in love with a Luthor. 
Lena’s over-intelligent brain was going through everything, every little thing. Since they’d got here, no, their entire friendship. She was more than sane enough to go through their.. 2, 3 years of friendship, over-analyzing everything. And then, watching Kara’s sad, shaking, hunched form as she walked out of the Fortress of Solitude, and Lena’s cold, frozen, stone, locked iron heart unlocked, melted again. She could almost cry again, but for another reason. Guilt? Apology? At times like this, before... everything... she wanted to comfort Kara, hold her, rub her back, hug her, tell her it was okay, that everything was okay. But… she couldn’t. Not like this.
A few minutes of more thinking, honestly, regretfully, Lena put Myriad back where it belonged. She sighed with a clench of her fists, before finally turning and making her way out of the Fortress of Solitude, finding Kara actually sitting on the ground, well, ice, knees to her chest, crying. It broke Lena’s heart, but then she remembered everything else. Killing Lex Luthor for her. The secret she’d learned from the enemy. She couldn’t shake that. Regardless of Kara’s reasons.
She was broken from her thoughts with Kara looking up at her, tears streaming down her cheeks, eyes risen sadly but a little hopeful. Wanting to apologize again, but Lena held up a hand.
“I think we should be apart for some time. I really need to think about things.” She said in her serious Luthor voice, the one usually reserved for depressing, frustrating, irritation business matters.
Kara broke Lena’s heart yet again when she sniffled and nodded her head, crumpling her form if she could do so anymore. 
Giving an almost sympathetic sigh, Lena called for a pickup from her very discreet security, one of the few, very few good things that came from Lex. She would wipe the pilot’s mind of this place later from the mind control technology she'd gotten with that Martian's evil brother. Surprisingly enough, as the jet appeared, Lena went towards it, and upon ascending, in a soft voice she knew only Kara could hear, she looked back, not looking at her directly, and spoke.
“Kara, I’ll call you when I’m ready to talk.” And like that, the Luthor was gone, out of sight, headed back to her safe spaces in L-Corp, National City.
And another surprising thing, Kara watched her leave, disappear, and as the paragon she was...
Kara actually had a little hope.
It had been 4 days so far. Just 4 days.
Kara’s POV.
The first, Kara sad and moping, too depressed to move, watch tv, even touch her favorite ice cream, Alex and Nia came over to comfort her and make her feel better, practically having to shove Kara’s favorite potstickers down her throat because Kara refused to eat. Get out of bed. She was super deadweight and even though the women wanted to complain, they knew Kara was hurting badly, and they had to give her sympathy. Eyes droopy, down to the floor, they were surprised Kara kept her breathing up, she’d forgotten to breathe before. Unfortunately they had work so they couldn’t care for Kara long. Kara’s friends made the rounds, each visiting her, taking care of her. 
The second day Kara got around to caring for herself, just doing little things. Her heart, her whole body ached with sadness and her brain never quit once to torture her of the previous events. But at least she was mobile again. She managed to get a bit of food and water into her system without extra hands, but still, her body ached at the emotional loss of her bestest friend.
The third day, the world started to panic ridiculously, as it always did. Where was Supergirl? Why had she been missing? She was always seen around National City at least twice a day by someone, so where had the heroine gone? Of course the news started getting around. CatCo denied and refused anything about it, not having an opinion. Everyone there also knew of Kara’s absence, the excuse being she had a really bad cold and would miss a while, using her saved sick days even when working for Cat Grant. But alas, James, Winn, Lena… knew the truth about the situation, but they didn’t say anything. The guys didn’t speak a word to Lena about it, as it wasn’t their place.
The fourth day, Kara would joke to say the city was on fire because Supergirl didn’t come to put out the flames. At least the city’s fire and police departments were getting their exercise. Who cares! Supergirl deserved some time off. But trying to turn her super hearing off, Kara stared out the windows of her apartment, sighing sadly, wishing and waiting for the phone call she hoped for every day. But it didn’t come. She practically had her phone on full blast, scaring the daylights out of herself if someone else called her. But she swore it was worth it...
Lena’s POV
The dumbest 4 days of her life.
Burying herself in L-Corp work she’d put off with all the.. cringe.. Superhero work. Well, now was a good time as any to get caught up. She awkwardly remembered she was a lawyer before all cape-wearing hell broke loose. Oh well. 
Unlike Kara, Lena didn’t have too many friends... She got Brainy as a part-time assistant since her prized tech had sacrificed itself, and with that her original assistant too. Well... she should really get around to making friends at some point.
Her first day was quiet, lonely. Barely ate, kept up her hydration with a mix of water and alcohol. Which wasn’t too good either. But she was getting through paperwork. It was calm.
Day 2 was less so. More work, finally getting food since her stomach was torturing her. But alas, quiet again. She was determined to be busy, to not think too much. It had only been 2 days.
And then it were 3.
Day 3, she was more lax. Work pretty much done, Brainy being ordered by the very much alive Lex Luthor to keep his sister alive while she secluded herself with the disappointing contemplation of “pitiful friendships with worthless people, especially supers” Lex had said.
Lena decided to watch some tv after finishing her work, grumbling when it meant she didn’t have much to do now. Upon seeing the news, the regular channel her tv usually stayed on, there were worried reports about a “missing Supergirl.” Lena sighed, knowing it was probably because of their... fight. Knowing the Kara side of things, the blonde was probably holed up in her loft, crying and either only eating comfort foods, or nothing at all. The small part of humanity, Lena believed, almost felt bad. But no. Kara had betrayed her. Lied to her, deceived her for so long. She wouldn’t be changed. She was hurt. So she rolled her eyes at the tv, and the rest of the day she caught up on some Netflix, getting as comfortable as she could in the big modern office.
And Day 4 for Lena, she was bored. Still hurt. But now, because of her copious amounts of free time, she decided to see from a 3rd point of view, her memories. And thankfully she could remember each and every one clearly.
The longer she stayed in her head, reviewing everything, the more her heart sank. All the lies, all the secrets from Kara... all the nice things Kara did for her, the way Kara looked at her when she thought Lena wasn’t looking... A pit began to form in her stomach, slightly guilty. And because the contacts allowed her to morph imagination into reality... her mind went faster than she intended it to, because when she suddenly found herself pinning a certain superhero to her desk, both faces flush, Kara’s stomach against the cool glass and metal, and Lena leaned right up against her curves, gripping her hair and whispering something she couldn’t make out into the shell of the blonde’s ear, well... 
Lena immediately turned the contacts off, gasping for air with hands tightly gripping the chair’s arms. What the hell was that? Was she... with Kara... and they were... She shook her head dramatically, opting not to do that again. Damnit, now she felt cool under her dress. What the hell. Damnit. It was probably just an accident in her head, mind wandering a little too far being cooped up in this place for half a week. So she decided to go out, go home, get some sleep. And not have weird sexy dreams of mounting National City’s finest.
The days after that were long and dry. Supergirl eventually got back out, flying, helping, saving. She was on the news yet again and when reporters asked what happened to her, she said honestly, into the camera “I really hurt a friend. I didn’t mean to, but I did. So I’ve been trying to put things behind me, accept the fact that this probably broke our friendship, and if there was even a chance of anything more, that’s gone too. Sometimes things happen, and... you can’t fix it. You can apologize as much as you’d like, but in the end, the one who was hurt the most, it’s up to them. If they want to forgive you, or forget you. Whatever she chooses… I accept.” And then, as one super did, she took off to the next objective.
Lena occasionally saw a blue and red blur through the sky when she looked up, making her sigh, roll her eyes and look away. And upon turning on the news again, watching the interview, Lena grumbled, trying to rub the pink out of her face. Why was her heart racing. Why did her chest ache? She didn’t love Kara. Not like that. Jesus, get it together Lena. You were stone cold, an icy glacier.
So why.. Was stupid Kara Danvers… suddenly melting her heart?
“... And I don’t know why I keep having..” She paused, looking around the little restaurant her and Sam were at, as if feeling she was being watched because of course she was, but Lena sighed and rubbed her temples. “ Odd dreams of her.”
“Odd as in?”
“You know what I mean, do not make me say it out loud.” Lena growled, squinting her eyes as she tapped on the menu book in frustration.
“Have you maybe considered that you li-”
“No. I already told you what she did.”
“Lena.” Sam called, having serious eyes and hands on the other’s. “I know she hurt you, I’d be hurt too but you have to understand that when people have… abilities, they become a symbol. A big huge beacon that everyone can see, can follow, like a lighthouse. But sometimes, people get offended, threatened by such a beacon. It’s too bright, too helpful, too kind, whatever. They want to tear it down, hurt it. Destroy it. And if this beacon has anything it cares about, finding that care and tearing it down too, can ruin the lighthouse that much faster. She did it to really protect you. She wanted to tell you, and she just couldn’t find the right time, because what with your mother, and Lex, and Crisis, and even my.. Crazy super side... when was there a real opportunity to sit down, take a deep breath, and unbox another massive thing alongside all of that?”
Listening carefully, staring into Sam’s eyes, once Lena completely understood, she looked incredibly pissed off, which made Sam laugh right away.
“You know I hate it when you’re right.”
“Oh I know, and it’s hilarious. So what are you going to do?”
“Well first I’m going to drink a lot of red wine, get something to eat… and figure out how I feel about her.”
Giving another laugh, Sam patted Lena’s hands before pulling away. “So, you forgive her?”
“I... I guess. I’ll have to have a long, long talk with her.”
“So that’s an indefinite yes.”
Sigh. “I haven’t dated as much as everyone else, alright. I don’t even know how I’d approach this.”
Sam contemplated, while waving a waiter over, taking their orders and then going off. “Why don’t you call up a bunch of Kara’s friends, to get advice not just on her, but dating women in general. From what I hear, a lot of Kara’s friends are queer.”
Lena blinked, before groaning. Gosh. She would have, what, 4, 5 women making fun of her for being a grumpy Luthor with a crush on a super rather than a grudge. This was going to be great.
“We’re gonna need a whole bottle tonight, Sam.”
And so, the sun was in the middle of the sky, as 6 women sat in park benches all around. It was almost mortifying for Lena. Alex, Kara’s sister. Nia Noll, Kara’s super friend and ally within the not-so-newly-shapen CatCo. Then Sam, Lena’s one real friend, surprisingly enough. Then the worst of them. Well, worst for Lena’s conflicted mood. Alex had suggested and then carried through calling some more super friends for Lena to really get a good view and grip on the thoughts, lifestyle and feelings of actual queer women. Not that Alex wasn’t up to it, she just needed some more help. Sara Lance, and her adoring partner Ava Sharpe. Upon dating a super, Ava knew all about… everything. The two never kept secrets, so everyone was brought up to speed about the situation. 
“So, yes… I guess.. I’ve come around to put an end to the anger I have for Kara, but I just wanted some outside opinions on-” Lena began, before being cut off.
“Dating women.” Sara interrupted, with that little gay smirk.
Lena snapped her head with embarrassed fury towards Sara, before fixing her skirt as she did and huffing.
“I don’t love her. I just wanted some… advice on how to deal with her feelings.” Lena said matter-of-factly.
“Because you want to return them.” Sara said again, having a shit-eating grin on her face. Ava gave a little laugh, patting her lover’s arm, hand and shoulder.
“Lena it’s completely normal and natural to feel this way.” Ava assured her, and everyone gave cute little nods together.
“Yeah besides, with how much Kara talks about you, I’m surprised this is only happening now and not ages ago.” Nia added, with Alex giving a knowing smile.
“Gosh, how my sister finally accepted her feelings and would just drone on and on about how much she cared about you. It might come as a shock but she was really stressed out all the time, wanting to tell you her secret but knowing you were too busy with the Luthor stuff so she kept quiet, not wanting to bother you.”
Oh… wow. Lena swallowed, trying to ignore the continued growing guilt in her gut. Kara was so upset, so stressed out, about her secret, her own problems and life but she shoved it all down for Lena. For Lena… because Kara loved Lena, not just platonically, but romantically. Maybe even…
“No!” Lena shouted, standing from her bench, startling all the other women.
Then she sighed, releasing some of the tension that had been built in her system. 
“Gods... what’s the matter with me? You’d think a girl would learn...” 
Suddenly she started singing as the sun began to set, and all the other women looked at each other, smirking at themselves and then Lena.
“If there’s a prize for rotten judgement, I guess I’ve already won that..”
The brunette picked up a flower, twirling it in her fingers before tossing it away.
“No person’s worth the aggravation… that’s ancient history been there, done that.
The women began to stand, all in a row next to each other before they too began to sing at the forlorn Lena Luthor.
“Who’d you think you’re kidding? She’s the Earth and Heaven to you, try to keep it hidden, honey we can see right through ya,”
“Oh nooo!”
“Girl you can’t conceal it, we know how you’re feelin’, who you’re thinking of!” Sam picked up the flower Lena had tossed, eagerly waving it within Lena’s view but she swatted it away with her hand, pacing away slowly, eyes half-lidded before she continued singing.
“Ohhhh, no chance, no way, I won’t say it no no.”
“You swoon, you sigh, why deny it oh-oh.” The women sang, crowding Lena with big grins, but again the Luthor waved them off.
“It’s too cliche, I won’t say I’m in love.” She means, really? A Luthor and a Super? No way. It was impossible. Their kinds were enemies. There was no way she was in love with Kara. Regardless of how the other felt.
The other woman cooed and sung in the background, following Lena as the gorgeous sunset brushed her face. They moved through National City Park, Lena unconsciously moving to the city’s large hero statue. The women all smirked even more if they could, they knew better and would continue to argue.
“I thought my heart had learned its lesson” (from loving and trusting people close to her, that it was a mistake) “it feels so good when you start out... My head is screaming ‘Get a grip, girl!’ unless you’re dying to cry your heart out, ohhhh oh!” Lena sang out, even putting a hand on her chest with the other extended, spinning herself and twirling as she belted out the tune.
“You keep on denyin’ who you are and how you’re feelin’, and baby we’re not buying, hun we saw you hit the ceiling! Face it like a grownup, when’re you gonna own up that you’ve-”
“Got!” Sara sang out.
“Got,” Added Nia.
“Got it ba-ad!” They sang in unison, all facing Lena with pointed fingers at her.
Lena stared with a startled look, before sighing, turning away and running a hand through her head. “Woahhhhh.”
“No chance, no way, I won’t say it, no no.”
“Give up, give in-” they sang, as Lena suddenly found herself up against the large stone statue of National City’s own Supergirl, making a power pose. A goofy lovestruck grin was plastered on her face, imagining those strong arms embracing her, holding her with love like nothing else mattered.
“Check the grin, you’re in loooove.” Sam called out to her with a snarky smile, insisting in song that Lena was beyond head-over-heels for Kara Zor-El. 
Upon hearing such a call-out, her grin disappeared, she hopped down from the statue, and shook her arms away from her in an “Absolutely not!” fashion.
“This scene, won’t play. I won’t say I’m in loooooooooove-”
“You’re doing flips! Read our lips, YOU’RE IN LOVE!!”
“You’re way off base, I won’t say it,”
Almost giving into Lena’s boasting, they sang a line of agreement, shaking their heads in unison while Lena sang her line. “She won’t say in love..”
“Get off my case, I won’t say it!” Lena half-sang/half-growled, glaring at the background singers with eyes ablaze with… denial.
Then the group grinned and moved to sit Lena down on what felt like the lap of a second stone statue. Lena instinctively wrapping her arms around the neck of the oddly smaller stone superhero statue with her eyes closed, before glaring at the group again.
“Girl don’t be proud, it’s okay, you’re in loooove.” They sang again, Ava giving Lena the flower she’d previously picked and discarded, before all of them shrugging, waving goodbye, and walking together out of the park as they finished their background singing.
“Ohhhhh.... at least out loud…” Lena began, curling close to the statue, holding the flower against the statue’s neck, not realizing one of the arms had gone under her legs, and was lifting her into the air, 
“I won’t say I’m in.... loooooove…”
“Sha-la-la-la-la-la, hahhhh…” The women sighed and swooned as they left the scene, and once the song was over, Lena opened her eyes to get a grip on herself, before screaming in surprise more than terror upon seeing she was way in the air over the park, in the arms of none other than her supposed nemesis, Kara Zor-El.
“I suppose we should talk about things, huh…” She laughed awkwardly.
Lena insisted they go to Lena’s penthouse, the apartment building closest to L-Corp while still being away enough to separate Lena’s work from her private life, if she even had one.
Her place was so white, so pristine, so modern. Kara, in her Supergirl outfit, landed on Lena’s balcony, gently putting her down.
“Were you following me? Did you know I’d be out there?” Lena asked right away, crossing her arms from leaning against the doorframe, blocking Kara from really entering her home.
“No! I wasn’t! Alex texted me during your uh,”
“Musical escapades,” Lena offered, rolling her eyes.
“Right, uh, yeah she told me to come down, said it was a good time to talk to you.”
Jeez, the Danvers sure were a team.
“Your song was really lovely. I didn’t know you could sing so well.”
Lena gave a playful smirk, with those mischievous eyes. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Supergirl.” She teased, before her face went serious, and she turned away, chucking her head a little to the side to silently invite Kara in.
“Do you have spare clothes? It.. feels a bit weird seeing you like this.” Lena murmured, hugging her arms to her chest as she sat down on the white couch.
“Oh! Uh, I’ll get changed hold on-” Kara flew to her place as fast as she could, changed, and flew back in a simple light blue blouse and dark blue jeans. Lena offered her one of the comfy white chairs across from the couch. Awkwardly Kara sat down, wringing her hands or fiddling with her glasses as she did when she was nervous. Lena almost felt bad. Maybe just a bit.
With a sigh, Lena got comfy before looking at Kara, then she sighed a little again. Gosh... Kara was so beautiful. Wait hold on. They were here to talk. That was all.
“So.. Kara. If that's even your real name?”
Kara looked incredibly offended, her face painted with hurt at such a first question, but she answered kind of angry. “Really?” Kara pouted, crossing her arms.
Lena shrugged with a smile, one Kara loved so much. Upon seeing a smile growing on Kara’s face, she looked away before making eye-contact. The seriousness was going to come by.
“Tell me. Why didn’t you tell me?”
Kara looked guilty, looking down, giving that whole vibe as if someone kicked a puppy. “I... I don’t know… I just.. I could never find the right moment, and then..”
“And then I found out by myself.”
“Because I was busy with all my stress, and the labs, and Lex.”
Kara visibly cringed.
“Being a Luthor, and my mother, the office, having CatCo at one point..”
Kara nodded, eyes full of guilt, sorrow, as she kept agreeing. Whether it was just to acknowledge or she really was agreeing with everything, nobody really knew.
Lena sighed again, running her hands against her temples, this time her sigh felt guilty and Kara actually lifted her head when she felt it. “I was so busy with everything, stressed out, with all the drama and the danger, you were always there for me when you could be. When you weren’t saving the world, when you weren’t helping other people, when you weren’t being Supergirl.”
Kara winced again, as if taking a kick to her actual form. She tried her hardest not to tear up because she felt so bad. But then suddenly there was a shadow over her face, and felt something on her cheek, it wasn’t just the tear that ran down… there… was something else. She looked up a little to see a thumb, then a hand, then an arm, and… Lena was standing over her, looking sad. Sympathetic.
Lena knelt down to be a little lower in height then Kara because of the chair, but then she painfully dragged the glass table over and sat on it to sit directly in front of Kara, doing her best to have her hand sit on Kara’s face the whole time. Once she was sitting, her other hand went on the left armrest. She wiped at Kara’s face with her thumb, stroking her cheek, and looking into those big sad blue puppy eyes, she nodded, and was almost relieved to give Kara permission to give her pale hand soft kisses to the muscle below the thumb, and her palm.
Kara was almost overjoyed at the touching, Lena’s sad eyes meant something. She put a hand over Lena’s, placing very light kisses upon the thumb’s base, and the palm, sliding it a little off her face to kiss the center of her hand but just as soon put the hand back on her face, taking a deep breath with a laugh when she heard Lena chuckle. This hand was practically her lifeline right now.
Lena smiled through sad eyes, but then frowned and Kara looked horrified like she’d just run over Lena’s dog. Oh Rao, what had she done to upset Lena now?!
“So… you kept the secret from me to protect me. That’s the truth, right?”
Kara nodded frantically, still holding the hand but even more delicately like if she really held onto it, it might break or turn to dust.
“You were keeping me safe from the possibility that someone might realize you have someone you care about, they’ll try to use that care against you. Right?”
Again Kara nodded, this time tears began to pool in her eyes and she did her best to be quiet, keep them in, not make a sound despite how much a whimper wanted to escape.
“You wanted to keep me safe. You couldn’t tell me your secret because you were too worried about all the other stress I had going on, you knew that this secret would just add to the load. You wanted to, as my best friend, but just couldn’t find the time? You absolutely wanted to but it just never found a time to come up. That’s the most part, right?” Lena was putting it into much better words than Kara ever could, not just because she couldn’t form a single word through the shaky sobs right now.
Then suddenly Lena stood, taking her hand with her. She moved the table back to its original spot. She moved away from Kara, back to the sofa on the other side of the table. Kara looked horrified. She’d done it. She’d ruined everything. Their friendship was over. Lena was going to kick her out, work with Lex, become her enemy. Kara morphed her face into the saddest thing ever possible, then she put her glasses onto the table to cover her eyes and face with her hands as she still tried hard, but the sobs, the whimpers were causing her to shake, almost violently, until-
“Come here Kara.”
Her sobs, her whimpers, her crying froze, and she looked up at Lena, who still had half-lidded eyes, but a small smile on her face. With knees to her chest, one arm on the closest arm rest, the other arm was extended out, patting the seat next to her. C’mere, girl.
Kara hesitated, as if this was a trick, a trap. In case Lena didn’t mean it, that this was how it ended, but then-
“Kara, please come here.”
With superspeed, Kara sat next to Lena, causing a slightly powerful gust of wind to go through but not enough to topple or damage anything. She sat on the couch with her back straight, legs pressed together, hands on her lap like the good girl she was, until Lena put her own legs on the floor, and reached over to drag Kara onto her lap. Kara was confused but she didn’t dare resist. Lena pulled Kara onto her lap, and with a grunt she moved herself and Kara to the middle of the couch so Kara could actually sit on Lena’s lap and also stretch her legs. Then Lena pulled Kara to her chest, wrapped Kara’s arms around Lena’s sides, and kind of gently forced them into a slightly awkward hugging position. Once Kara understood, she moved around a bit to make herself more comfortable, and as soon as Lena spoke again, giving her permission, Kara did exactly as she was told.
“It’s okay Kara. I forgive you. Let it all out. ”
And Kara did. She hugged Lena tight, not to hurt her, but a real genuine hug, and let out all her sobs onto Lena’s shirt. The brunette rolled her eyes but chuckled, rubbing Kara’s back and holding her close.
It was maybe an hour or two later. Poor puppy Kara had literally cried herself to sleep. And Lena seeing Kara without her glasses, she was definitely Supergirl. But wow had she cried a lot. And... wow... was she beautiful... Lena gently tucked a stray hair from Kara’s sleeping face, then leaned over to the table to get some very soft tissues, stroking them along Kara’s face, pressing a little roughly to wipe the dry tear streams, and any left over near her eyes. Then her stomach grumbled. She missed lunch and dinner. Thankfully she still had her phone on her so she ordered some food, enough for both of them if Kara woke up. And enough for breakfast. Thankfully she didn’t really need anything else till the delivery person arrived. And now back to Kara. Wow... she was so... so gorgeous... the gay in her wanted to place a kiss upon Kara’s sweet sleeping forehead… but the mature side of her knew she had to do something else.
Very carefully, Lena slid Kara’s slightly heavy body off of her to the other side of the couch, making her as comfy as Lena could. Giving her a pillow, covering her with a light blanket. Then… she did it. Lena leaned down, placing a soft kiss upon Kara’s forehead. Then admiring her sleeping face… wow. She would have and could have spent eternity watching that sleeping face, but thankfully, pizza was there. Lena went to pay, had a few slices as she put the boxes in her kitchen, and then watched a little bit of tv from her couch before wishing Kara a good night. Unbeknownst to them all, Kara smiled in her exhausted sleep. Finally, things were looking up for the most unpredictable pair of people.
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hobiheavenly · 6 years
“You’re still the one I love” (JHS)
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✧ Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Reader
✧ One shot, Domestic AU, Fluff, Smut 
✧ Warnings: fingering, sir kink, praise kink, penetration, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, spanking, dirty talk
✧ Word Count: 6.5K
✧ Summary: Living a peaceful life with your husband and daughter is truly your source of happiness. But even with a happy life you start wonder if he ever regrets how his life turned out because of you. What would have happened if you had not gotten pregnant when you were both still in college? does he even truly love his present life? 
✧ A/N: you know for a hoseok stan i never really got into making a story for him. I wanted to give myslef the indulgence of writing about my bias in the sweetest way possible. when I say I went soft while writing this fic I MEAN SOFT AS A FLUFF BALL! i truly hope you all like it (●´ω`●)
Happiness comes in many forms and through different ways. Some find happiness in having a lot of money or buying different things, others preferring small details that made life better like singing in your car when your favorite song is playing or walking on a sunny breezy day. For you it was your family. Nothing beats having your 4 year old daughter Seohyun and your husband, Hoseok, together with you thinking of silly ways to make you smile.
Seohyun was the quirky little goblin that filled your days with smiles and would always have a new word of the week. She had her fathers playful eyes, her mother's plush lips, and according to your brother Yoongi, a small kitty cat nose. She looked like a cute doll but contrary to a doll she was incredibly hyperactive.
For you happiness came in the form of Saturday morning pancakes where your daughter would always help by adding things to the mixing bowl or decorating the pancakes with fruit or powder sugar, all while trying to avoid getting Hoseok to eat all the chocolate chips.
“Look they’re saying something” he put the chocolate bag close to his ears, “what’s that, chocolate chips-ssi? You want me to eat you? That you want to be together in my tummy?”
“Papa, chocolate can't talk!!” The child pouts, “if you eat them all there won’t be enough for all of us!”
“Ahh alright! But I might starve and end up so skinny that the wind will blow me away all because you didn’t give me chocolate” Hoseok teased the infant to make her more angry but instead her reaction came in the form of a wail as tears ran through her face and she went to hug him.
It was adorable to see the tall lean man carry the child in his arms. Gone was the Hoseok you met in college who would dye his hair every 3 months and party every night without a care in the world. In his place stood a brown haired man who looked more formal but the childish spark was still there. He was now a responsible family man who was desperately trying to console his daughter to stop crying. In your eyes they were both the sunshine of your life. You set the last pancake on the plate and turn to where your family was.
“Hobi, stop that! You’re scaring her!!” You slapped his arm lightly and turned to your daughter, “Papa won’t leave because I keep him well fed and also he is filled with lots of love so can’t ever fly away. Plus I can always tie him down with a string if that happens”
You wrap your arms around your husband’s waist and send a wink to your daughter. Seohyun’s face lights up instantly, her emotions always so easily changing and so expressive, “Like a balloon!” She laughs as she gets down from her dad’s arms to continue her decorating job, “a Papa Balloon!”
“Tie me down?” Hoseok whispers into your ear hugging you back firmly, “Like bondage? Now that’s something I’d like to see you try” the comment making you roll your eyes but your smile was still on your face. As Seohyun concentrated on continuing the decorations for the pancakes, Hoseok spun you around catching your face “do you still remember the time we made pancakes the first time after buying the house? We truly christened the place”
He winked devilishly, his hands sliding to your sides as he pulled close to him. Even after 5 years of marriage your husband was still the king of wanting to get you hot and bothered in the most inconvenient of places. He knew you would blush just like you are right now and loved seeing you react so coily in front of others because he knew that if you were alone your reaction would be different.
“How about we don’t traumatize our daughter first thing in morning?” You smile playfully at your husband spanking his butt in the process.
Hoseok kisses you lightly at first but his kisses quickly deepen in a span of a second. Five years together and he still had the ability to make you melt like ice cream on a hot summer day with just one kiss.
“EWWWW GWOSS!” Seohyun interrupted the kiss by sticking her tongue out making a gagging sound at her parents, “can you not be so kissy kissy! I haven’t had breakfast yet!”
Someone was spending too much time with uncle Yoongi. That’s exactly the type of reaction he would give whenever you and Hoseok would display affection towards one another, the only difference being Yoongi was less adorable when he said that.
The three of you sat in the floor using the small table in the living room to eat your breakfast and Seohyun would turn on the tv for her morning cartoons. Most of the time you would watch along with her and enjoy the show, laughing at the figures in the screen or having Hoseok trying to imitate the funny voices as you laugh at his terrible impersonations. It was the moments together, the little details, the laughter, and company that made everything so worthwhile.
“Seo, we gotta start getting ready for when Yoongi gets here so we can all go to the dance studio” You called out the child once you finished breakfast, only to be met with deaf ears. Your daughter too busy watching cartoons about magical girls saving the day to even notice your calling.
“Let her enjoy the show it’s almost over anyways. Let’s get everything ready” Hoseok took the plates and left them in the sink while you followed behind after cleaning the table. Just as you prepared to wash the dishes, suddenly you felt your husband’s arms surround your waist, head resting on your shoulder as you scrubbed away. “Mrs. Jung, we didn’t finish the discussion we had earlier about bondage”
Hoseok loved saying your married surname when you were intimate, because to him the fact that you were even married was always a blessing in his mind. Sure a cute nickname would be the obvious choice for anyone but for him, as ridiculous as it sounded, he liked something out of the ordinary and a name that defined you as his. Because from the moment you met in that frat party his friends were throwing, the moment you locked eyes, he knew he was done for. You had to be his. He would move sky, heaven, and earth to make you his own. And the moment you reciprocate his feelings and then some, he was locked forever to your life. To him you were perfect.
“Mr. Jung, need I remind you our daughter is in the living room…” you whispered softly, not letting him see how his words affected you as you continued cleaning the dishes.
Hoseok gave a half smile, “If that’s the case we can always go upstairs...I might need your help to get into my athletic clothing”
He kissed the crook of your neck and slowly pecked small kisses leading a trail to your nape as he used his index to stroke gently the outline of your spine. The chill of excitement was automatic. Your husband knew your buttons and loved pushing them to the limit, knowing you would be the voice of reason who would always shut him down. But he always loved seeing just how much you were willing to cave in for him. He did this almost routinely. Anything he could do to get you to blush or be all hot and bothered was his favorite thing.
Normally you were quick to shut him down, being the voice of reason in this family meant also having to tell your husband to stop trying to seduce you so early in the morning. But this time you were in a playful mood, maybe it was the kiss he just gave you earlier or maybe the perfect morning that had you in a good mood. You shut off the water, turning your head slightly you look at him with darkened eyes, “I’ll meet you in the room in a minute” your voice dropped as low as you pressed your ass to his crotch, “you better make it good because we don’t have much time.”
“Have I ever let you down?” He had not ever in his time with you ever let you down. One of the 10,469 reasons why you love Hoseok: his sexual appetite and prowess never leave your unsatisfied.
Once you finished with the dishes, rushing more than usual, you headed to the master bedroom and closed the door locking it. Living with a 4 year old meant that she could burst through the door at any moment. Not that Seohyun was gonna stop watching her show anytime soon. While closing, Hoseok pulled you from behind close to him near the bed as he pulled down your pijamada shorts and underwear so fast it didn’t give you much time to react.
“You may have been acting cold and collected downstairs but I know your slutty little pussy has been hot and wet for me” once again he was correct, not that you ever admitted it openly. His middle finger was quick to find your core, slipping inside, and tracing circles on your clit. Your cunt clenching him in its moistened entrance.
“Take responsibility then” you smirked teasing him to try. Challenge accepted. The pace of his fingers quickened on the spot shortening your breathing. His digits start pumping inside you so rhythmically quickly making you lose your mind. It was easy to drown in his scent, in the sound of both your breathing, and the smell of sex emanating from your needy cunt.
“Break down for me. Show me how much you love feeling me” Hoseok urges you. You arch your back, feeling his hardened dick pressing against your ass again and you bite your lip fighting back the urge to moan the pleasure you were feeling.
Big mistake. He wanted you to let yourself go, moan his name and have you begging for more, and he knew the exact way to do it. With the hand he had free, he moistens the thumb and the places it on your breast as he flicks your nipple and ocasionally pinches it. In the position you were both in he couldn’t suckle your breast but feeling the wet feeling of his finger  were enough to have your nipples harden quickly. And to add the heat he licked your spine tasting your skin of your back. 
Even when the gesture was simple, it felt like you were being touched by a torch, your body getting hotter and hotter. You exhaled a long restrained moan, hoping not to make too much noise. His fingers easily finding your sweet spot, the endless torture causing your pussy to clench at the feeling of Hoseok’s fingers inside you. “Hobi….I’m so close” the waves of orgasm were getting higher, you could feel one coming. You cover your mouth letting out a muffled scream as the orgasm hits you, legs trembling like a baby deer. Had it not been because he was holding you, you could have fallen out of the weakness you felt.
Suddenly the doorbell interrupted the both of you causing Hoseok to actually jump in his place and pull his hand away. You could hear Seohyun run fast to get the door, greeting the new visitors with a happy squeal. “UNCLE YOONGI! UNCLE JIMIN!”
“There’s my little kitten!” You heard Yoongi’s voice in the entrance. The both of you exhale deeply,  accustomed to interruptions in your sexual activities at this point. Hoseok cleaned your cum with his finger and sucked on it tasting your flavor as he winked with a sparkle in his eye as if to say, “we’ll finish this later”. You both quickly change clothes and go downstairs to greet your brother who was accompanied by his boyfriend, Park Jimin. But just as you see him he greets you with a stern look on his face, “I hope your face is red because you were running”
Your eyes widened at the comment. As you look into the mirror in the hall you see your brother is right, your face was red from blushing so much all thanks to your naughty little husband who was giggling in the background. “What can I say I still have that effect on her” Hoseok shrugs smugly causing you to punch him in the arm.
“Ew gross, stop talking about my sister like that”
“Yoongi, they’ve literally been married for 5 years now” Jimin laughed behind him, “When are you ever gonna get used to that?”
“When hell freezes, I still don’t see what she sees in you but apparently you make her happy” Yoongi shrugs but quickly decides to ignore everyone else in favor of Seohyun who was tugging at his shirt and lifting her arms in sign that she wanted to be carried, “Seohyunnie! have you been a good girl?”
The child nodded her head vehemently as Yoongi started spreading kisses all over her face making her giggle. To say that Seohyun loved her uncle was an understatement of the century. As much as she loved her mom and dad to the Moon and back, she adored Yoongi to Pluto and back. And he in turn adored the munchkin to the point of spoiling her, something that you sometimes disapproved of but in the end you knew Seohyun always had her way.
You turn to your daughter who was now filling your brother’s face with little kisses “Are you ready to go out with Uncle Yoongi? Do you have everything ready in your bag? Look at you you haven’t even changed out of your pjs!”
Seohyun looks at you smugly, “Mama, I’m a big girl now! I so can take care of myself!”
Hoseok smiles as he interjects, “oh yeah, big girl? What’s 4340 times 13?” Seohyun gives a prolonged “uhh” as if she were ever to know the answer to that question at such a young age. “See that’s what I thought. Until you are able to answer that question you are still our baby and as such you have to follow what Mama says”
The child pouts as she hugs her uncle, hiding her face in the crook if his neck while making her trademark pout she always made when things didn’t go her way. “Come on Kitten, lets get your stuff ready. It’s best we get a move on quick. The rest of the guys are at the studio waiting for us and we still gotta create the choreography for Jimin’s new presentation”
The three men knew each other from their high school days, the three of them had always had an interest in the art of music and dance. Though time has passed since all of them finished college, every weekend they would get together and help each other out. Even when Hoseok didn’t professionally dance anymore, he was still one to help out when needed.
“After this you better pay me for my services Jimin! I may be your friend but I have a family to feed” Hoseok teased his friend.
“Yes, hyung, as soon as I win the competition and get the prize money I’ll give you your share I promise” Jimin smiled seeing the two men go up the stairs to change leaving the two of you alone. “I hope we didn’t interrupt your morning, I’m just super pumped to have Hyung teach me the new dance choreo”
“Oh, not really, we were already done with breakfast. But thank you so much for letting Seohyun join you guys for dance practice. Right now she’s in her ballerina phase so she’s been wanting to dance all over the place” You laughed remembering the little twirls and dance movements she would do around the house. Hoseok was very happy with this considering that dance was his major. Unfortunately the new hobby had cost them quite a few decorations around the house to be broken because Seohyun would lose her balance and knock things down.  
“No trouble at all! We love having her around she’s really cheerful and energetic like hyung but has the same smart mouth as you and her uncle” Jimin smiled his characteristing sweet smile “I’m always so impressed to see him act like such an adult! I mean if you wouldn’t have gotten pregnant so soon I bet he would still be living the party life like we did in college and he would be dancing professionally but truly married life has brought him down to become a loving father” Jimin laughed at his own comment but you didn’t return the favor. Even when Jimin didn’t mean ill when he said those words but it still carried something that hurt you deep inside.
It was true what he said. You got pregnant while in college, both of you having to quit all your dreams of travel and exploring like you once wished and instead did everything you could to get a job and obtain a house for your family. There was a time Hoseok even had to do two jobs to save enough money for baby supplies and expenses. Certain times you felt guilty for taking away Hoseok’s chance at dancing professionally and pursuing his dreams all because you got pregnant.
Hoseok never really held it against you though. By all means he was mature enough to take responsibility from the beginning and wipe away your insecurities. You remember how much you cried thinking that he was bound to leave you at the moment you told him. He had never mentioned making family to you so you were safe to assume that he didn’t want any.
“You thought I was gonna leave you like this?” He had said when you told him the news, “I would never be that cowardly! I love you and sure we probably skipped a couple of steps in the process of our relationship but I’m sure we can manage just fine. It’s you and me against the world, babe!” He placed a hand gently into your flat belly and cooed, “and other babe!”
Even when you faced hardships and criticism from many including your own families, you both stayed together through thick and thin. The pregnancy came with a cost. You ended up finishing college earlier in favor of a 9-5 job, Hoseok went into a store business in which later time he would become associate and earned good money and you went into the customer service world only to later discontinue that job once the pregnancy became so huge it was hurting your body to even do simple things. Your husband decided to take the ropes of the situation and was able to manage the income himself. “at least till the baby is born” he said. You felt guilty that you had to see him juggle two jobs because your feet were so swollen you couldn’t handle even standing for long periods of time. But once Seohyun was born that fateful spring day, everything seemed to show that all your hard efforts had been worth it.
The sound of your family coming down the stairs broke your thoughts and returned you to the present reality. The trip down memory lane was a bittersweet one that still left you with a sad feeling in the pit of your stomach.
Your husband who now dressed in loose comfortable clothing of a white shirt and cargo pants carried Seohyun in his back. Your daughter being the creative little flamingo she was opted for a very colorful ensemble of pink leggins, white shirt, and an adorable baby pink tutu as she held her favorite My Neighbor Totoro plushie in her hand that was given to her by her uncle Yoongi (he had introduced Seohyun to Ghibli movies since she was able to speak and at this point could quote Totoro entirely). Hoseok came close to you and pecked your lips while your daughter pecked your forehead at the same time, the action causing a small smile to peak from your lips. “Come on Babe, let’s pop, lock and roll outta here”
———— * ————* ————* ————* ————* 
“J-HOOOOOOPE!” The roaring wave from the whole group of men and women in the dance studio welcomed you as you came in. Everyone knew Hoseok, shook his hand, and hugged him. He was in his world being the center of attention and getting everyone in line to start practice. You sat down next to Yoongi who was busy with his laptop doing some edits at the side of the room observing everything.
Your husband started the lesson and his second in command, little baby Seohyun in a pink tutu stood right next to him but at the other end of the room ready to get into the dance on her own. It was adorable seeing her try to imitate Hoseok and the others while adding so many more different movements that didn’t even belong in the choreography. Just like her father, she loved improv dancing.
When Hoseok danced it was like art in motions. His movements were smooth and rhythmic movements so natural like a flowing river. The man transformed into another being when he danced, it wasn’t Hobi or Hoseok, this was J-Hope the artist and dancer.
“Okay everyone let’s take a 5 minute break! Jimin I need you to push more at the second quarter ok? We can’t have you stepping on Sebin again!” Everyone dispersed to drink water and stretched as Hoseok stayed behind with Jimin guiding the steps slowly and your daughter followed along.
Two of the women stood came to get their water bottles that were next to where you were sitting, both looking so young and beautiful.
“He is such an amazing dancer! I can’t believe he hasn’t gone pro!” One of them said.
“Didn’t you know? The guy was at the brink of going into a multi famous company. But his college sweetheart got knocked up and he had to drop his dreams for her” the other responded.
“Oh damn that sounds so bad! Poor J-Hope! That bitch really destroyed his dream”
The was just the last thing to break you. Their words easily hurting you deep inside because you felt those words to be true. You truly had destroyed his dreams, you were responsible for holding him back. The tears formed immediately even when you pushed so hard to fight them back.
“OI! How about you shut the fuck up when you don’t know damn squat about his life” Yoongi growled at the girls who leave whispering amongst themselves. he looked back at you, eyes filled with compassion. “Don’t listen to them ___, those ignorant bitches don’t know shit”
“I gotta go to the bathroom, keep an eye on Seohyun please” you cleaned your tears and quickly ran out of the room.
Hoseok immediately noticed something was off about your attitude. Normally you would be smiling widely or giving a long lecture about how Seohyun should be careful about doing warm ups or telling her to not inconvenience anyone, but this time you were suddenly so serious and lost in thought.
“Yoongi, did you notice ___ has been acting rather oddly since we left the house? Like she was deep in thought but she was just really down. I didn’t want to make much of it but now that I saw her leave just now I can’t stop worrying about it”
“She’s a little on the sensitive side right now. Two of the trainees forgot their boundaries and were gossiping about your past which upset her. They called her a bitch for making you quit dancing for her. I swear some people are alive because it’s illegal to kill them”
A small growl came from Hoseok’s lips. People could talk shit about him but never about his wife or daughter. “But that still doesn’t explain why she was feeling the same since earlier…”
“Did you guys fight?”
“Not that I remember we were really happy this morning when I was fing…..finishing the pancakes she made for me” he scratched his head trying to look innocent.
Yoongi glares at his friend knowing well what he was trying to imply, “So then what could be ___’s problem? Before we went to get your stuff we left her alone with Jimin”
As if summoned by name, Jimin appears jugging his water irradiating his usual angelical glow, accompanied by Seohyun who immediately went to Yoongi to hug him, “Is there something wrong with ___?”
“Jimin did you notice anything wrong with her? did you guys talk about anything?
“Not really. I just told her i was excited to have you show me the new choreo and i told her it was weird to see you acting like a dad considering how much you used to party and dance….what”
Yoongi groaned, “Jimin, I love you, but you’re such a blunt idiot”
The younger man blinks in confusion, “what do you mean?”
“___ has an odd complex over the fact that Hoseok chose to quit dance over her. It didn’t help the fact that to bih….ladies mentioned that in front of her causing her to be upset” Yoongi explained
After his boyfriend explains the situation to hin, Jimin instantly felt bad and profusely apologized. “It was never my intention for her to feel that way. I was just really proud of Hyung for being so responsible.” he said sweating nervously, “I think it’s best you talk it over with her. Just give her some peace of mind about it. Yoongi and I can always take care of Seohyunnie for you so don’t worry about it.”
“Daddy does this mean I can stay with Uncle Yoongi and Uncle Jimin?? PWEATY PWEATY PLEEEEAASSEEE!!?! promise I’ll be good!”
He looked at the child with hesitation, normally you were the one to give the permissions in the family. But just as he was about to respond Yoongi pats his shoulder, “Look it’s okay, go help ___ out. We’ll watch over Sehyunnie tonight”
“CAN WE WATCH GIBWY MOOVIES LIKE LAST TIME?!” She jumped up and down. The mere question made Yoongi almost cry with pride.
Hoseok decided to end the practice early, claiming a family emergency and apologizing to the crew. Just as everyone left, you come out of the bathroom and see your husband packing his things.
“Hobi? Done early? I thought for sure you would take some more time with the practice” you said rubbing your eyes. Hoseok could tell by the puffiness of your eyes that you had been crying. “Where’s Seohyun?”
“She’s staying with Yoongi and Jimin, they are gonna have a ghibli marathon so she’s covered. In the mean time we can just enjoy the night amonst ourselves, okay?” You nodded silently at your husbands question, helping him gather his things to go back home.
The ride home was a silent one. Both of you too nervous to face each other and acknowledge the elephant in the room. But Hoseok was never the avid fan of awkward silences. The moment you arrive to your house just as you unlock the door he turns you around to face him, cornering back against the door so there’s no escape, “So are you going to tell me what’s going on?”
“What do you mean?” You ask nervously.
“You’ve barely talked on the way here, we are alone together after the longest time, and ever since we left home this morning you seemed lost. Are you going to tell me or do I have to do this the hard way?”
His face was so close to you, your husbands masculine facial features becoming more fierce under the moonlight. How is it he was the most tender and loving man but in a quick second could steal your breath with just a glare? “It’s nothing. Just in a mood. Plus it’s ridiculous to think about it now so let’s just rest and…”
“Yoongi told me what those girls said about me losing my career opportunity.” You curse under your breath. Your brother can be such a tattletale sometimes it’s annoying. “What concerns me the most is that this comment affected you to the point of crying so I am to suppose you believe what they say is true.” You try to deny this but you are shushed in an instant “Babe I know you the best out of anyone. I know how your brain works which is why I love playing around with your mind. Since when has this been bothering you?”
You released a long sigh bracing yourself for the truth you begin to spew, “I always have the thought in the back of my mind. You are the happiest when you’re dancing and it just flows from you so naturally. It’s just it leaves you wondering what would have been of our lives had I not made the mistake of getting pregnant?” You turn your eyes away from him quickly wiping the tear that was forming in the corner of your eye, “I know it’s dumb to think this way…”
Hoseok interrupts your chain of thought by pulling you near, kissing your lips so softly and carefully almost as if you were the most delicate thing in the world. “Never think that your insecurities are too dumb to express. True, we didn’t plan having a family so soon but in no moment did I ever think it was a mistake. We conceived together, it wasn’t just you who did this”
“But your career was....”
“I chose to go a different path on my own. I knew there were more risks involved working in the dance world than a regular job. Besides, I can always go back to it at any time but Seohyun and you are my life, my happyness and joy. I wouldn’t trade that for all the money in the world.”
“Why are you so good to me?” you smile candidly stroking his cheek with your thumb.
“Because I promised to make you happy and to be there for you for better or worse. What type of a deadbeat husband would I be if I let my wife have misconceptions that are affecting her emotions? When I asked you to marry me it wasn’t because you were carrying Seohyun in your belly. It was because I love you too much to leave you. I wanted you to be mine the moment we met”
You kiss him back passionately, your doubts and insecurities just melting with each kiss. The feeling of happiness and love just bursted in your chest as you surround his neck with your arms and deepen the kiss even more. You felt incredibly lucky to be married to the man of your dreams, a man who supported you and continues to show you how much he loves you even after all this time.
“I’m already yours, you big baby!” You giggle against his lips, “always and forever”
Suddenly, your husband lifts you up and carries you bridal style inside of the house causing you to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation. “Just like when we first got married” he winked as he carried you to your room where the place still had a lingering smell of sex from your morning escapade.
“How about we continue where we left off?” Hoseok said as he let you down on the bed and took off his his shirt “it was my turn remember?”
“What would like me to do Mr. Jung?” You ask, smirking against his lips as he tries to get your clothes off. The mere touch of his lips on your skin sends sparks all over, igniting a fire in your core.
“I want you spread for me. Touch yourself and wait for me to touch you” his voice dropping a couple of octaves sending a shiver down your spine.
It was a simple request but it was enough to have you trembling in anticipation. Hoseok loves teasing you, exploring every corner and taking his time with you. Reason number 9,837 why you love him: his foreplay drove you mad. To the point where he would test how long you could resist without begging for his cock.
You lay naked on the bed as your husband stands tall in front of you watching as you begin fingering yourself with one hand and caressing your breast with another. Your finger flicked your already hardened clit, your pussy already incredibly wet making it easy for you to mastrubate.
“Mrs. Jung what should I do to you? You look like you’re hungry for my cock to fill you up” Hoseok’s body was glistening in the moonlight slowly taking off his pants and underwear and  stood there naked with his dick hard and ready. The head was red, precum slowly spreading on top. Your mouth watered at the sight of his cock, knowing it was ready to spring into action.
“Hobi…. I need you so bad...I want you in me…”
Hoseok tisked as his had spanked your pussy causing you to jolt and leaving a delightful sting “You know how to ask for it...say it”
“Would you like to try my messy little pussy sir?” You jerk your hips against your own hand. Your other hand pinching your nipples to increase the pleasure. “Look how wet and hot it’s gotten for you. Hnnnng….I just wanna feel you all over me!”
There it was, the other side of you he enjoyed exploring. It filled him with pride and lust knowing only he was able to see this side of you and that it was provoked by him alone.
“Well since you ask so nicely” your husband smiled devilishly taking your hand out of your the way and grabbing them to the side as he slides his tongue over your moistened slit, the action causing you to clench to nothing in anticipation for more.
The instant he found your clit with his tongue, your hands start grabbing his hair and shouting out curse words like a sailor. If this is how you got over his tongue, the feeling of his member inside you was bound to get you crazy. He knew this and relished in the thought as he tortured you slowly to pleasure.
“So delicious….” he whispered against your cunt, looking up at your naked body as you saw him. The sight of you panting in pleasure, biting your lip, being so needy, and craving to be filled was enough for his dick to twitch in delight. “my sweet goddess”
His comment made you a little self conscious. Your body is far from perfect. Especially after childbirth your tummy had stretch marks and you could still see some scars from the c-section. You try to cover them with your hand but he swats it away. “Don’t even think about it. I love your battle scars. My sweet… sexy… goddess divine”
You couldn’t tell if the tears streaming on your checks were from happiness or from the overwhelming pleasure he was giving you. His words were so sweet and endearing but his actions were completely contradicting. The rhythm of tongue and teeth meshed together creating a sinful melody of sounds coming from his mouth, your mouth, and your pussy.
“Turn around… show me that slutty little ass of yours” you obeyed him, knowing better to disobey him even when you loved to defy him at times. You got on all fours as he lowered down to look at your glistening core, “look at you all creamy for me. Since you’ve been a good girl I’ll reward you. Tell me what you desire and I will do it”
“I want your cock in my needy little pussy, sir!” You slowly swayed hour hips, tempting him to move, “Please...fill me up with your cock, Mr. Jung”
“Your wish is my command” Hoseok said Standing up as he swiftly probed the head of his penis inside your core. The feeling of having him inside you, the stretch of his dick in your walls was enough to send your pending orgasm into overdrive. The wave of pleasure hit you so intensely your cunt convulsed as you were screaming so much while he slowly moved inside you. “Ff..fuck...your pussy is milking me so tightly …”
Your legs trembled in pleasure making it hard for you to stay in that position very long. Hoseok’s pace never lessened at any point, riding you orgasm while he fucked you from behind. The beauty of being in the house by yourselves was that you had free domein to do whatever sounds you wanted. The moans of your pleasure flooded the room causing your husband to almost combust when he heard you moan his name.
“I'm...not gonna last like this...much longer…ahh.. but I want to feel you so deep inside”
Just as swift as he always was he changed the position helping you move on top of him as you were in a reverse cowgirl position. The change made it so he could reach deeper inside you hitting your G-spot so good that both of you groaning in pleasure. He starts to pump into you again and again, cupping your breast and caressing them. He knew you hated the uncomfortable feeling you got after bouncing so long and he wasn’t one to complain over feeling up your tits.
“Touch your clit, Mrs. Jung. I want you to cum all over my balls”
“Your wish is my command sir”
It didn’t take much to send you to your second orgasm, your cunt already over sensitive after the first. Your back arches your whole body trembling as Hoseok continued to pump inside you but at an erratic speed, searching for his own high which didn’t take long to come.
Your husband comes so hard inside you making you scream his name like a mantra as both of your sweaty bodies collapse in the bed. You stay united, catching your breaths as he kissed you nape and whispered sweet praises into your ear.
“I...love you” You breathed into the crook of his neck. You thanked the heavens you had your IUD in place because his hot cum still inside you.
“I...love you...too, ____. Please never doubt that” he said kisses you softly. The contrast of his rough and assertive attitude when you’re having sex to the sweet and always boggled your mind. Yet still you enjoyed the best of all his worlds. He took out his cock from inside you, your heat immediately missing the filling, but he placed you beside you as he hugged you keeping close to him, hearing both of your hearts still racing creating an erratic tempo, a beautiful symphony. “How about I make you some breakfast in the morning? It would be nice to treat my lady every once in a while.”
“Knowing how you almost burned the kitchen last time I’m gonna have to pass” you laughed. Some of your pans still had the reminder of the Mother’s Day disaster he and Seohyun managed to create. “For now, I’m just happy here in your arms” you kissed the crook of his neck basking in the sexual afterglow.
“Nestled in like a pigeon” Hoseok chuckled.
“I guess you could say your arms are my nest. With you, I’m always at home” peaceful bliss invading your hearts as you both held each other into the night. Reason number 1 you love Hoseok: He was always there for you, even after all this time he was still the one you loved.
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hitchell-mope · 5 years
(Film three. After “pirates medley”. The hook sisters have just run into an alleyway near the marketplace)
Harriet: ya shouldna done kiddo
Cj: why not.
Harriet: because it wasn’t a good move
Cj: you might like men drooling all over you but I hate it.
Harriet: you agreed to it.
Cj: I didn’t think they’d try that. So I’d apprecrie you dispensing with the victim blaming if you please.
Harriet: yeah yeah whatever. Lookee o’er there
Cj: aw FUCK!
(They’ve just spotted chadeficent and Ursula some ways away)
Harriet: SEA WITCH!
Ursula: oh god. (Fake smile) Harriet! To what do I owe the
(Cj shoots her in the stomach with a blunderbuss)
The sisters: where is he.
(Ursula straightens up and the bullet flies out of her stomach hitting some poor sap in the head)
Chadeficent: that was Balthazar yes?
The other three: who the hell cares?
Harriet: where is my brother?
Ursula: hmmmmm. Dunno don’t care. That work for you?
(Harriet lunges are the sea witch but Cj holds her back. While this is happening Hadie poofs back in slightly singed and very pissed off)
Hadie: for the record Rodan. I don’t appreciate being sent to Dark Mountain. Chernabog may be insultingly attractive but he’s far too fatherly for my tastes.
Cj: shove off spawn. There’s more important matters at hand
(Hadie chuckles sinisterly. Then force chokes the sisters)
Hadie: oh look at that. Fragile necks and bravado are such an inexplicable combination. And as you will see very soon. Deadly
Harriet: he.. he he mi...dea.
Cj: he...gone
Hadie: what? What’re you talking about?
Chadeficent: oh I think you know
(Hadie’s eyes glow bright grey. He drops the sisters, takes out a silver knife and throws it at Ursula. It slashes her cheek)
Hadie: ever heard of phlegathon tempered steel? It cuts you. Then heals you. But keeps you in burning unbearable pain. Until such time the wielder chooses to release you from it.
(Ursula’s cheek is starting to burn. Steam is curling from the edges of the cut)
Ursula: I was exiled from Atlantica. Whatever petty wound you deal me is of no consequence.
Hadie: yeah but (he sighs) cut you enough and it burns away your very being. So. What’ll it be bitch?
(Ursula growls in irritation and disappears in a torrent of water)
Hadie: now that that’s over oh cripes they’re gone.
(Chadeficent and the girls have left the scene. At the Jolly Roger Hook is waiting on deck)
Hook: GIRLS! What the hell have you been doing. Dukes is dead. And the men say you killed him Cj. If you keep doing this you’ll never land a husband.
Cj: aye. And what of it father?
Harriet: oh god not now.
Cj: yes now. Our brother has been missing for a year now and may as well be dead and all he cares about is his disgusting heterosexual misogynistic bastards of a crew
Harriet (coughing): code red. Code red
Hook: what’re you saying Cj?
Cj: what d’you think I’m saying dad?
Hook: it sounds as though you’re thinking to much like your freak of a brother
Harriet: Harry was bisexual pops
Hook: like I said. A freak. Men are with women. Women are with men. It’s the law of the world. And I expect my children abide by that
Cj: yes and when they don’t you cast them out and they need to take refuge somewhere else. Say a restaurant run by a squid
Hook: if you have something to say then say it.
Cj: ok. I like girls. Always have. Always will. And you cannae change it or me
(Starkey hobbles outside with a tea set. Sees the family feud. Starts to make his way back inside)
Hook: STARKEY! Did you know about Cj’s affliction
Cj: oh here we go
Starkey (diplomatically): uhhhh. I believe that. She. Wanted
Cj: it’s ok uncle Starkey. I told him last year. Considering he was the one that raised me while you were brainswashing Harriet into being Captain Hook 2.0 and Harry was fuck knows were trying to get Tick Tock to chomp his hand off in a vain attempt to get your approval!!!!
Hook: in time this will pass and you’ll be just like your sister
Cj (scoffing): of course. Be like Harriet. The pretty one. The smart one. The obedient one.
Harriet (for once very sheepish): Ceej. Could ya please lemme outta this?
Cj: no. He’s always wanted me to be like you. But guess what. I’m never gonna be who you want me to be
(This is when “sit still look pretty” happens. After the song Cj storms off)
Hook: and do you have any oddities you’d like to share Harriet? Because if so nows the time
Harriet: yes. As a matter of fact I do. For the past seven years I’ve been in uh heh “cahoots” with Gaston junior.
Hook: like the freak and the pansy
Harriet: sort of. Except theirs was more emotional. Ours is. Purely on the physical side. And yes. I’m the boss.
(Hook goes puce)
Harriet: uncle Starkey. I’ll be back presently
(She runs after her sister)
Hook: take me back to my quarters Starkey
Starkey: of course sir.
(He wheels the captain back in side. Harriet catches up with Cj. She finds her in an alleyway surrounded by the felled bodies of ten dogs and one cat)
Harriet: what the hell did you do.
Cj: the one thing I ever got from him, that wasn’t a hand me down from you or Har, was this.
(She holds up a whistle)
Harriet: wow
Cj: yep. Turns out it’s a dog whistle. Which pretty succinctly explains how the bastards could hear it all the way across Neverland when Jane found the treasure
Harriet: and the morbidly obese demon on four legs?
Cj: Tremaine’s moggy
Harriet: right. What you did was incredibly brave you know.
Cj: I don’t like animals.
Harriet: I meant what happened at home just now
Cj: I know. Like I said. I don’t like animals.
(At the core fours old apartment chadeficent has just arrived. Only to see Jafar watching tv)
Chadeficent: hello worthless. Miss me?
Jafar: who...?
Chadeficent (Maleficent’s voice): this better?
Jafar (exasperated): you couldn’t have taken control of a pretty one?
Chadeficent (Chad’s voice): fuck off you crypt keeper
(Jafar looks taken aback)
Chadeficent: bugs are to be worked out
Jafar: what is it?
Chadeficent: spawn of Cinderella
Jafar: you couldn’t have got the ash girl herself?
Chadeficent: too strong willed (Chad’s indignant voice) hey! (Maleficent’s voice) SILENCE! (Both voices) I am creating a cult. To destroy our children. Ursula is aboard. What say you?
(The next morning. At Evie’s palce)
Mal:...and Ben found them this morning passed out on the couch with like eight tubs of deluxe rocky road ice scattered at round.
Jay: deluxe?
Mal: chocolate marshmallow ice cream instead of chocolate ice cream
Jay (hopefully): Christmas list?
Mal (generating a tin with magic): why wait?
Jay: ooh yay!
Evie: AH! No. Not yet
Jay: awww. I’ve been here for an hour
Mal: let the man eat sis. It’s the least you can do since you are stabbing him with pins when you could just use 🎶🎶magic🎶. By the way. Your hair remarkably black today
Evie (snarling): get outta workshop
(Mal leaves cackling. She goes to the kitchen where Carlos is giving a plate the thousand yard stare)
Mal: hey kiddo. What’s up?
Carlos (softly with a lot of feeling): the cake...it’s gone. An entire macadamia nut chocolate sponge cake. Gone. How? There was enough for fifty people to have two slices each. And it’s all gone. How can it all be gone?
(The twins and Gil come racing pass the room screeching at the top of their lungs with food all around their mouths)
Mal (aside to Carlos): I think I know. (Normal volume). Gil! Could you bring the kids in here please?
(Gil troops back to the kitchen with the twins trailing behind. All three look terrified. Carlos and Mal lift the twins up onto the counter)
Mal (“mom” voice in full effect): now boys. Did you ask your papa to get the cake from the fridge?
Twins: uhhhh...
Mal: it’s ok. I’m not mad. I just wanna. If it was you then that’s ok. If it was Dude then we need to get him to a veterinarian.
Carlos: WHAT?!?!
Mal: oh shit. Sorry honey.
Carlos: listen to me you rotten little————(the twins look at him with the epitome of puppy eyed innocence) 🎶dad. Where are you. You’re good with this type of stuff🎶
Mal: paperwork
Carlos: fuck
Gil: it was us. Squeaky wanted a snack and I couldn’t find anything in the fridge but the cake. We only meant to share a corner but Celia oh crap
Mal: 🎶oh Celia🎶
(The girl melts out from the shadows clutching her stomach)
Mal: did you help Gil and the twins eat the entirety of Jane’s birthday cake?
Celia: if I says yes what would you do.
Mal: give you an antacid and advise you to take it easy with the party food.
Celia: then yes. I helped.
Mal: come on then.
(They head to the bathroom. But Mal’s phone starts ringing)
Mal: it’s Ben. Do you know how to get to the bathroom?
Celia: Dizzy sent me a schematic last night
Mal: good. That’s good. If evo finds out I will plead the fifth. You do know that don’t you?
Celia: wouldn’t expect anything less. See ya
(She runs off)
Mal (answering her cell phone): hello your majesty. Any idea on your eta or should I send your apologies to Jane?
Ben: I wish I was close to being done. But there are so many papers to get through and there’s no use in denying it. People are terrified at what ever killed the guards.
Mal: I could come and help you?
Ben: no. Definitely not. Go have fun. Do the routine.
Mal: but you’ll miss it. Though a private rendition for your eyes only could also be very interes-
Cogsworth: ahem hello my lady
Mal (trying not to laugh): sorry Carlton.
Cogsworth: that’s quite alright dear. I’ll just uh go ahem away
(He leaves and bal bursts into laughter)
Mal: oh that was oh god that
Ben: I I’m so sorry
Mal: don’t be. Just sorted a domestic so a I needed a laugh
(As they’re talking Mal’s walking outside)
Mal: what on the office menu today
Ben: chargrilled Damon foie gras and quinoa
Mal: what no pizza?
Ben: fraid not
Mal: I can always zap you some sausage rolls and mac and cheese cupcakes from the party
Ben: please and thank you?
Mal: and the new cake
Ben: Celia?
Mal: along with your brother and nephews. Carlos was not happy
Ben: of course.
Mal: hey, was chad supposed to meet us at Evie’s?
Ben: I don’t think so. Is he there?
Mal: yeah. Looking like the shalka Doctor.
Ben: oh.
Mal: I’ll go see what he wants
Ben: be careful. Love ya
Mal: always am. Love you too.
(She hangs up)
Mal: hey chad. Whatcha doing
(Chadeficent turns to look at her. Their eyes glow black. And Mal enacts the safety protocols on the house keeping everyone else inside and safe)
Mal: what did you do?
Chadeficent (Maleficent’s voice): oh it’s not chad. Hello my sweet
Mal (breathing heavily): Maleficent?
Chadeficent: mhmm. Now give me my sceptre
Mal: what did you do to him?
Chadeficent: he is simply a mindless hormone driven teenage boy
Mal: yeah, I know, he’s an dickhead. Nobody likes him. At all
Chadeficent (Chad’s voice, very, very hurt): they don’t?
Mal: yeah. You’re insufferable.
Chadeficent (Maleficent’s voice): ENOUGH! Give me the sceptre
Mal: you stole the wand didn’t you. And the staff and the mirror. So why do you need the sceptre.
Chadeficent: I want everything of importance (Chad’s voice) I wanna be king (Maleficent’s voice) I want my daughter back
Mal: I’m not your daughter. And chad you hate magic. Why would you use it to be king?
Chadeficent (Chad’s voice): I uh I dunno (Maleficent’s voice) he was easily bought with a butter finger and empty promises I have absolutely no intention on fulfilling. Now. The sceptre.
Mal (mind working a mile a minute): h how, how about a story. And I can make you a cup of tea yeah? Or coffeee?
Chadeficent (Chad’s voice): ooh beer (Maleficent’s voice) very well. But be quick about it
Mal: ok. Ok um
(She turns to the drinks table. This is when “she’s so gone” happens. After which Chadeficent picks her up from the splintered table by the neck)
Mal: why...are..you...doing...this?
Chadeficent (Chad’s voice): you don’t deserve this. None of it. You belong on that slag heap. You deserve to rot. To be forgotten. I want you all dead. Don’t you see? You can’t be queen. It’s not right. Audrey should be queen. And I should be king
Mal: but...Ben
Chadeficent (still Chad’s voice): ALL OF YOU WILL DIE. YOU. THE MAGIC PEOPLE THE RUNT THE CHICKS THE TRAIOR THE FREAK OF A DWARF. ALL OF YOU. DEAD (Maleficent’s voice) as for me. I want to break you. For you to see how useless you truly are without me.
Mal (turning purple in the face now): get...bent
(Chadeficent drops her and pulls out the wand)
Chadeficent (Chad’s voice): there’s never been an ugly bitch who’s been queen. Looks are everything. Bibbidi bobbidi boo
(Mal is washed is black light which solidified into a black cloak. The houses doors are blasted off their hinges and jay stands there completely gold and absolutely buzzing with power. Chadeficent cackles as they disappear in black smoke. Jay and the others rush to Mal’s side)
Carlos: oh my god! Mom are you ok?
Mal (voice hoarse thin and cracked): yes ahem yes ye yeah. What the hells wrong with my voice
(Evie takes the hood off of Mal and cackles)
Jay (unimpressed with her behaviour): your mother. When she gave the apple to Doug’s aunt
(Evie stops cackling)
Carlos: what happened
Mal: Chad’s possessed by Maleficent. He wants to kill us all and be king
Carlos: and goat lady?
Mal: wants to break me
Evie: so what do we do
Celia: isn’t it obvious? Hades. Your father.
Evie: he is not
Celia: Mal was right and you know it. So stop pissing about and help me get your sister inside the house so she can get some proper clothes on cause an old lady in a minidress is not a good look. I should know. Cruella used to come to the arcade in the warm days. It’s was horrifying. Thank you Carlos for killing her last year by the way
Carlos: much obliged Ceels.
(Mal’s phone rings again. This time Carlos is the one to answer it)
Carlos: hi yes dad. Ok brace yourself. Chad has the wand. He’s possessed by Maleficent. He wants us all dead. Barricade yourself in your office. Emergency protocols. All that shizz. You have magic so you should be fine. We’re gonna stop them. It’s what we do. Us too (he ends the call) that’s dad sorted. Now how do we fix mom?
Celia: go to the island. Get the ember. Come back here. Kick him in the balls until he’s exorcised
Mal: Gil. You coming with us?
Gil: I would but. My boys
Doug: I’ll stay with them. I have my exosuit. I’ll keep them safe. I promise you I will
Gil: ok
Evie: oh my god!
Doug: our kid is fine. She’s with Lonnie and Jane. You know. A badass and a light fairy.
Evie: oh thank god
Jay: so we all know what we’re doing. Action time?
All the others: action time
Squirmy: AAAAAH
Gil (panicky): what? What is it? What’s wrong
Squirmy: I want to give the pretty lady my present
(He holds up a bouquet of periwinkle blue tulips. Everyone relaxes)
Gil: Jane will love them. But it could be a good idea to keep them here. Just until we’re all back together. Yeah?
Squirmy (unhappily): yeah
Doug: c’mon boys. You can help me bake a new cake.
(They run back in. Evie goes up and embraces Doug)
Evie: we’ll be back soon as possible
Doug: take however long you need. I stabbed someon in the junk last year. I can defend myself
Evie: oh I know that. It’s just that
Doug: Evie sweetie. Look at me. I’ll be fine. I promise. And if I need to reach you there’s our phones the the psychic link you set up.
Evie (voice breaking): I...
Doug (understandingly): me too. Now let’s go
(They all run back into the house except for one)
Mal: uh. Guys
Jay: oh. Right
(He runs back and carries her to the house)
Mal: watch the hip. Watch the hip
Jay: yeah yeah yeah.
Celia: so do we get the the island. The limos?
Evie: no. They’re all the the school garages until next week.
Celia: then we’re screwed?
Mal: not entirely
Jaylos and Evie: THE BIKES
Celia: what?
Mal: how I left last year
(At the cliff site. The six of them are on their bikes. Celia’s hanging on to Gil)
Carlos: go on mom
Mal (voice still croaky): noble steed proud and fair/you shall take us anywhere
(They drive over the magic bridge to the island. Back in Auradon Chadeficent is making their way to Jane’s birthday party)
Chadeficent (Maleficent’s voice): are you sure this shall work? (Chad’s voice) it had better. They all deserve it for hating me
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evakfanficsrecs · 7 years
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Halla! So, as time comes and goes, I’m here with another masterpost of some of my favorite Evak fanfics for you guys. As you can see, I’m trying to be a bit more creative and make these posts look at least somewhat more appealing, so I hope you like this little header I made (even though I suck at Photoshop).
As always, the list is divided into oneshots and chaptered fics. My personal favorites are tagged with a “ ★ ”. Completed chaptered fics are tagged with a “ ✓ ”
Without further ado, all the fanfics can be found under the cut. Enjoy!
the punchline to a very bad joke by clarabelle Summary: “Halloween?” Even inquires softly as he draws patterns on Isak’s bare shoulders. A shiver runs down the length his spine, and not from the cold October breeze.“ Lea asked me to take her. Pappa has to work, and Mamma…” Isak lets out a small sigh. “There’s no one else.” OR: Captain America, Vladimir Putin, and Princess Leia go trick-or-treating.
All Those Little Things by Evakoorhelm Summary: Isak comes home to the apartment that he's shared with Even for two years. To a suprise.
even, isak, and the four-week-old kitten by hippopotamus Summary: “You know how elephants are scared of mice because they have the intelligence to recognise that they might step on them and hurt them?” “I did not know that, Isak, but are you saying you’re scared of this tiny cat?”
Did you hear oxygen and magnesium got together? OMg by sugarbeat24 ★ Summary: Isak and Even are chemistry partners. Fluff and chemistry jokes ensue.
wish i could live in your heart by cynical_optimist Summary: Some mornings, Even will untangle himself from Isak completely, rolling out of bed to make breakfast. More often, he will try, and Isak will hold tight, and Even will stay, chuckling to himself and murmuring about octopi. These are the mornings Isak prefers, the ones where he can stare at Even’s face until he slips back into sleep or curl into him, every part of himself warm and safe.- Or, domestic mornings and being in love.
Accidental Pride by shakespeareandsunshine Summary: Pride!au; Isak lets Even pull him along and show him the sights. Sights that yeah, he could’ve seen on his own, but not like this, not the way Even sees them. Or: The one where Isak goes to Pride. Unintentionally.
Would You Mind Closing The Bedroom Door? by allyasavedtheday ★ Summary: The boy falters in the threshold, eyes widening when they land on Even. “Oh fuck- sorry! Eva didn’t say anyone was home.” Ah. No wonder she was up late last night. Even can’t really fault her taste – the boy is beautiful. He’s got golden hair mussed and curling over his forehead and cheekbones not even Michelangelo himself could sculpt and the most well-defined cupid’s bow top lip Even’s ever seen. Also he’s shirtless. Did he mention that part? There’s a stunning, shirtless boy in his kitchen with pillow creases still on his cheek and Even can’t do anything about it because he’s Eva’s one night stand. Fuck.
a letter to isak by alltimemarrit ★ Summary: Even is going on a trip for a week and leaves Isak a letter. Or: Even loves Isak a whole lot and is a massive sap.
snuggles by hippopotamus Summary: Even is sick and all he wants is snuggles from his boyfriend.
Afire Love by pressurerin ★ Summary: Isak can't seem to stay out of trouble. A hot firefighter makes trouble seem not that bad.
Before or after? by thekardemomme Summary: Before AND after Even posted to Isak's instagram.
Love As The Stars Went Out by Salambo06 Summary: “In some universe,” Even whispers, lips soft against Isak’s neck, “you are walking back home and I’m on your path, Isak.”
hell yeah, you the shit (that's why you're my equivalent) by colazitron Summary: Even can't keep it in his pants, or his heart. Or: Sometimes your boyfriend proposes and you just really want to sit on his dick.
The Joke is on You by winterpassing Summary: Isak has been dealing with Even and Eskild's pranks for a while now, but the most recent prank has come with an unplanned surprise.
lucky for you (that's what I like) by thekardemomme Summary: Isak is trying to be sexy, and Even is just not having it.
sweet creature (but we're still young) by kittpurrson ★ Summary: summer camp!au; Isak meets seventeen-year-old Even Bech Næsheim at Tyrifjorden on his fifteenth birthday. Or: the one where Isak tries to convince the boy next door to put his hands on him.
don't wake up (i'll be here for centuries) by eatthatup Summary: Even doesn’t find it weird, he’s had lucid dreams before. And it’s normal to dream about people you think you’ve never seen before. It’s all good, until he dreams about the blonde boy again.
Our Steady True North by verlore_poplap Summary: parenthood!au; Five times Isak and Even were amicable; plus one time they just weren't.
Make a spark, break the dark, find a light with me by LostInAdmiration ★ Summary: Isak can't sleep, so spends his nights wandering around the street. Even works the night shift at the store around the corner, and they bond over their mutual insomnia.
walk this town by sweetwines Summary: Isak Valtersen is late for class.
Venus by Skamtrash Summary: Even buys Isak a buttplug and tells him to wear it all day in school. Isak's desperate, he's horny and Even fucks him into oblivion.
now i'm back with the boys again by Rine Summary: So here’s the thing: Sana never intended to be friends with Isak Valtersen. If someone had told her even six months ago that they could be friends, she would’ve laughed and rolled her eyes. But it turns out, he's actually quite easy to get along with. Or, a fic about Sana gradually becoming friends with Isak and Even.
I Love You (Don't Leave Me) by i_once_wrote_a_dream Summary: “Tell me a story?” They do this sometimes. When the real world is too much and all they want is to melt into each other. Isak slides so that only his legs remain in Even’s lap and pulls his man into his chest. It’s awkward but neither want to let go of the other. Alternatively, Even talks about his past, and Isak loves him.
like a willow tree, intertwined by sonhoedesrazao Summary: Isak’s hand is shaking.
Christmas Surprises by bashfulisak Summary: Isak and Even celebrate Christmas together by going to Even's house for dinner.
It's Just a Cough! by bashfulisak Summary: Even comes down with a cold and Isak is determined to take care of him.
a light in your eyes by verlore_poplap Summary: A little oneshot about our boys. Set during sesong 4, episode 5.
Close but never close enough by diamondjacket Summary: “Isak,” Even repeats, quiet and a little awed, like he’s testing it out on his tongue. Sana narrows her eyes at him, trying to work out his angle. She remembers the way he used to fixate and focus, used to throw himself relentlessly into his passions, both old and new. Used to live and love and care with his whole body. But she’s never seen him like this.
before it's all too much by thekardemomme Summary: “It's in the past, Even. You can keep it there if you want to.”  
Yes I'll meet you coming back (but we move forwards) by diamondjacket Summary: There’s nothing left to do but wait for Even to laugh, or yell, or leave. But, remarkably, Even doesn’t do any of that. Or: Isak tells Even about the thing with Jonas. It doesn't go the way he expects.
(kisses on the neck of) best friends by birthmarks, desert_coffin & kittpurrson Summary: Five times Jonas watched Isak and Even, and one time they did something about it.
relax, take it easy by lovedisak Summary: “Actually, my other mom, Therese is the one who loves film. She teaches at the art academy in Oslo, actually, she’s a musician, taught me how to play guitar,” Even smiles fondly. Isak blinks.“What?” he asks. He knows it’s a stupid question, there’s nothing about what Even said that he could ask this to but. What. “What?” Even shoots back, shrugging. Or, Even has two moms. Isak did Not know.
i need a man that makes it right by highpraises Summary: He feels his skin draw tight, his muscles tensing, Even fucks him just like that right up until Isak is just about to come, but then Even’s pulling out and kissing along his jaw, murmuring, “Don’t come yet, baby.”
friday, i'm in love by bbyfruit ★ Summary: Five times over the course of one day that Isak falls in love a little bit more, plus one time he talks about it.
if you have lost a right track then i'll lead you right back by kittenmichael Summary: “Even,” he whispers, as if it’s a secret Norway’s nights shouldn’t hear, “my tongue feels really weird.” Even chuckles at his boyfriend’s antics, before realising that he’s genuinely confused. “Kind of like cotton?” “Yes,” Isak says. “Like cotton.” Or, Isak gets drunk.
The one where Even tells it all by Schedazzle Summary: “Babe?” there was a little cloud from Isak’s breath in the cold air. Even couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t keep this in any longer, but he also couldn’t say it to that concerned look in Isak’s eyes either. Desperately gasping for a bit for air Even dived his head forward. Hiding his face in his favourite place. Pressing his cold nose against the warmth of Isak’s neck and finally getting some oxygen into his lunges. Breathing Isak in.
and i thank god i'm alive by thekardemomme ★ Summary: 5 times Even looks at Isak and 1 time Isak calls him out on it.
Ice Cream Parlor by bashfulisak ★ Summary: AU where Even works at an ice cream parlor as a summer job and Isak really likes the ice cream and he and Even play a game where Even tries to guess Isak's favorite flavor of ice cream but every time he gets it wrong, he gives Isak the ice cream for free.
promises by Isabeauu Summary: Even’s enjoying the wind in his hair and the cold air turning his cheeks red, his favorite song of the moment blasting in his ears when all of a sudden the music stops and his ringtone replaces it. He’s riding his bike, so he can’t see who’s calling but going through all the people he knows, Noora definitely isn’t one of the few he’d expected it to be.
kiss with a fist is better than none by DarkBeauty_890 Summary: “What the fuck,” Isak sighs, and grabs Even’s arm, “I swear I used to be a really good fighter. Have I ever told you about last year with the Yakuza?”“I am so fucking mad at you right now.”
Careful by bashfulisak     Summary: Even rushes Isak to the hospital after the chaos with the boys and the next day Sana visits them.     
Emergencies by bri_ness Summary: Even and Jonas talk in the emergency room. Set immediately after 4x05.
all he wants to do is party with his pretty baby by highpraises Summary: Even and Isak attend Even's very first movie's premiere.
Bright Eyes by boxesofflowers & Eeyoreneedsahug Summary: Isak is a great singer. Several people are surprised. Happy karaoke where nothing hurts and Isak sings to his boyfriend.
Imagine All The People by samclarke0000 Summary: How the boys are feeling as Even performs and their reaction to him freezing - basically Isak worrying about his boyfriend.
We'll Be Okay by Dooka Summary: In which Even is drowning in his own guilt, Isak is boyfriend goals, and Sana gets some proper friends. Or, the aftermath of Episode 5.
Evak texts by Skamtrash Summary: Sexual Evak texts featuring a lot of memes and gifs.
settle down by allyasavedtheday ★ Summary: An archive of canon compliant oneshots. Can be read separately.
firing away as they gay by cosetties ★ Summary: Just because Isak and Even hooked up doesn't mean that Even actually cares about him, no matter how badly the meddling assholes he calls friends want them to be together.
Babysitting by bashfulisak Summary: Isak ends up having to babysit Even's seven-year old sister, Alissa.
Don't Come Easy by evakisgolden Summary: Even's last few loves were ruined by his bipolar disorder. Now he's fighting the aftermaths of a new manic episode, and he's certain that he isn't able to love Isak the way Isak deserves to be loved. He's positive that it will all end like his past relationships. It never comes easy with Even.
how far away the stars seem, and how far is our first kiss, and ah, how old my heart by elspethelf Summary: Isak and Even in the aftermath of the events at the end of 4x05.
No one gets to treat you like that by Gansey44 Summary: After Isak finds out what Mikael did to his boyfriend he decides to take matters into his own hands (literally)- no matter the consequences.
This feels like falling in love by ForEvenAndEver (yuraxchan) Summary: What if Isak had tried Grinder? Or, how Isak meets Even in the bathroom of a bar after a failed attempt at Grindr.
Draw The Line (Need To Know That You're Mine) by thesoulsailor ★ Summary: fake dating!au; Five times Even pretends to be Isak's boyfriend, and one time there's no pretend at all. Or the 5+1 Fake Boyfriend Evak AU we all deserve.
hold me close don’t ever let me go by sonhoedesrazao Summary: Isak is not beyond admitting that he might, on occasion, be a little dramatic.
the city of illusions, the city of yearning by elisewin Summary: The whole point of going on a student exchange program is to meet people from different countries, learn about different cultures and so on. Isak, of course, falls in love with another Norwegian while in Rome.
Behind These Four Walls by Lisa94 ✓ Summary: AU in which Isak's mother is in a mental institution and one day when he goes visit her he sees a beautiful boy painting outside and as he waits for his mother to come join him he approaches the boy to see what is he painting and he sees, it's a painting of him. He sits right next to the boy who presents himself as Even and theycstart talking. Even explains he'd seen him coming to visit every weekend and thought he was the most beautiful boy ever.
Paint Me a Picture (With Your True Colours) by Evenbechbaesheim  ★ Summary: Isak frowns, rolling over to bury his face into the soft pillow beneath his head. Up until that point, he’d still been asleep, Even’s long fingers gently brushing down the curve of his spine, lulling him into a carefree, floating state. There’s something magical about the way Even touches him- Isak swears that there’s some kind of mystical power his boyfriend is hiding. It shouldn’t be normal that every time Even’s skin brushes against his, every electrolyte in his body lights up and starts firing on all cylinders. Even moves his hand away, and Isak feels like he’s going to implode. Or, a collection of moments, told in any order, in Even and Isak's new life together, taking place in and around season 4.
Half Blade and Half Silk by smokeshop ★ ✓ Summary: uni!au; Isak's friends introduce him to an art student at a college party. He won't stop calling Isak baby and Isak's bad at pretending to hate it. College AU where Isak's past is a little more colorful but Even still won't leave him alone.
catch me a catch by Bellakitse Summary: Even and Mikael get kicked out of Bakka for a mysterious stunt and transfer to Nissen in the middle of their 3rd year. Even hates everything about it, except for the cute 1st year he’s seen around the school. Mikael doesn’t hate Nissen and in fact, has taken to amusing himself by spreading wild rumors about why they got kicked out and by the fact that his best friend has a crush on some kid. Still, Even his best buddy and he’s going to help him out. * A story where Even is mooning for Isak from afar, Isak is intimidated by the hot 3rd year everyone at school is whispering about, and who he’s caught staring at him and Mikael is the best the wingman ever.
boom! by ImSoSupernova Summary: Isak just wants a summer job. Eva's trying to figure herself out. But it only takes a bouquet of flowers, some newspapers, and some hot blondes to change both of their lives.
evak & yousana | the hot baristas by WritenStuff Summary: coffee shop!au; When Isak finds perfection works in the local coffee shop, he can't resist dragging Sana there for their biology study date.
Isak by sira89 Summary: Even sees Isak for the first time.
think i know where you belong by CarolineMiller Summary: childhood friends!au; Feeling exhausted, Even took the page out of the sketch book, tearing it and folding it carefully before placing it in the bottom drawer of his desk, along with all the others he had never dared to show Isak. With all the others he desperately wanted to show to Isak. "Another day ..." he murmured to himself, closing his window with resignation. Or, a childhood AU/friends to love in which Isak and Even spent their lives exchanging messages written on sketchbooks through their windows (and keeping many other messages, full of unspoken stuff, in the bottom of their drawers).
Come On, Set the Tone by boxesofflowers & Eeyoreneedsahug ✓ Summary: HateToLove!au; Isak is a recently out popstar who wants to prove that he is not just another pretty face in pop music and has the skills to make his own way in the musical world (just like his newly found idol, Even Bech Naesheim). Even is a self contained, indie singer songwriter who takes shit from nobody - anyone in his cult following will tell you (including a certain popstar). Shortly after a public feud between the two begins, they’re forced together for a nationwide tour. 9 weeks, 50 shows, and countless hours (together) on the tour bus leave Even writing cryptic love songs and Isak wondering if he should leave everything he knows behind. Ft. BL!SS, Balloon Squad, Wireless Problems, Jonas, and the Wobbles.
Oh when you look at me like that, my darling, what did you expect? by Blueskyblack Summary: "You should really stop doing that", Even tried to reason. It was the middle of the night and though his guard was up, as usual when being around Isak, he wasn't in the mood to uphold it much longer. "Doing what exactly?", came the innocent-sounding response. Even raised his eyebrows at that while turning towards the only other person currently being in this kitchen with him. "Don't play dumb with me, Isak." Even sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, leaning against the cabinet opposite the kitchen counter where the sneaky little bastard was sat with his legs dangling in the air, observing every move Even made. Even let his eyes wander, took in the guy in front of him. Sure, there was no denying this guy there on the counter was attractive. Even could admit that, there was nothing wrong with that. Isak was cute. And attractive. Yeah. He just wasn't for Even.
let me count the ways by anathema (azirapha1e) Summary: The worst part, the humiliating part, is that he’d thought he was over all this. He had been. He hasn’t thought about any of it in months – but sometimes life fucks you over, and sometimes a boy you tried to kiss, a boy who pushed you away, shows up to your first-month-of-living-together party unannounced, and sometimes you end up bolting out of your own apartment to have a panic attack where nobody can see you.
as if by magic (thoughts of you are gone) by hippopotamus ✓ Summary: Isak hates being the third wheel to his best friends, until that means he gets to sit next to a handsome stranger on a rollercoaster.
Someone Somewhere Loves You by ReadingDreams07 Summary: uni!au; Even never thought that he would fall in love at first sight and on top of that at his school library. Now he is on a search to find the love of his life again. Too bad that this damn university was so big. But he never gave up and he will make this come true.
Crash Into Me by endlessandinfinite ★ Summary: "One boy who loves with his entire soul. Another boy who barely knows how to love at all. This is what happens when a shattered mind meets a lonely heart." Or: Isak and Even have hella issues but they can't help falling in love no matter what universe they're in. Even saves Isak. And Isak saves him right back. It's not all sunshine and rainbows. It hurts. But it's love.
torches (life's too short) by xxLeviBech ★ Summary: "My mom used to tell me my thoughts would pour out of my ears if I kept thinking too hard." Isak threw back another fry, keeping his gaze down. "That's pretty fucked up, man." Even deadpanned, making Isak snap his head up in a laugh ."Fuck you," He giggled, tossing one of the soggier ones at Even and being decidedly unimpressed when he caught it in his mouth. Or, a canon divergence AU in which Isak's childhood is exponentially more severe -- where he can't remember coming to school without bruises, a bottle of hand-sanitizer, and long sleeves. It's fine, he's fine. It wasn't for his friends, though; and that's how he wound up here, in a fold-up chair every Tuesday and Friday, talking about his experiences with other post-secondary kids diagnosed with some kind of PTSD. It's also where meets a guy whose name starts with the same letters as everything, because that's... exactly what he is.
LUST FOR LIFE. by kosektivet Summary: "In these stolen moments, the world is mine." An AU where Isak is 19 and out of the closet, but he's still pretty bitter. Even is 21 and he never met Sonja, but he's still charming as all hell.
don't wanna fight no more by boxesofflowers & Eeyoreneedsahug ✓ Summary: The events over the hiatus told in short form. Sana and Evak's friendship mostly. Updated daily.
I could fall, or I could fly. by Superflysister342 Summary: Even was nervous. Considering it was his first day at a new school, it shouldn’t have been that much of a surprise. But to Even, it was. This is how it all started... Or, the events of s3 told from Even’s POV.
Picture Perfect by Angelevak Summary: Isak is a semi-professional photographer living in LA, California. On his search for models to take photos of, some of which you wouldn’t see in a normal modeling company, he meets Even, an insecure boy who traveled to LA to become an actor. Even;s career hasn’t taken off yet, but with the help of Isak, can he finally get out there enough to achieve his dreams?
Nothing To Kill Or Die For by i_once_wrote_a_dream ✓ Summary: It’s Isak. His Isak. Bowed over, hands holding his face. Even doesn’t react immediately, but the others are pushing Isak back; yelling, screaming, hitting. Alternatively, Even and his thoughts during and after 4x05.
I'll give you the brightest sunshine by iheartpeterhale ✓ Summary: parenthood!au; It was something that they new would always happen, a life being brought into their lives that would make all the gloomy days into something so bright.
Martini Shot by BraveKate ✓ Summary: It’s not like Even had never spent any substantial one-on-one time with Marianne before. He just wishes Isak had more faith in all three of them. And worried less. Also, so there would be no war or hunger in the world. Simple things.
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sad-trash-writing · 7 years
Who’s The Hero Of Your Story?, Ch. 9
AO3 Link 
“I’m really getting tired of Quake showing up everywhere we go,” Raina whined. The thorns all over her body had shifted away and been replaced by smooth skin and silky hair and Raina was holding an ice pack to her temple. 
“You and me both, sister,” Garrett grumbled. He seemed to still be having some difficulties getting his robotic leg to detach and was angrily jabbing the flickering appendage with a screwdriver and wincing. 
Quinn paced around his office, where they had all gathered to get out of their super villain attire and regroup, with a drink in his hand and scowled out the window. “Just once, it would be nice to not have to worry about getting knocked out of the sky. Helicopter repairs aren’t cheap or discreet, you know.”
Jemma just sat there silently. She had pulled a hoodie and sweatpants on over her bodysuit, just until she could get home and change like she desperately wanted to. 
Raina sighed. “Yes, because that’s the most important take-away here. Not the fact that if Quake managed to capture even one of us and turn us over to the police, they would have reasonable cause to investigate everything we’ve done over the years, no matter how much money you throw at them.”
“I think you underestimate what money can do,” Quinn replied. 
“And I think you overestimate it,” Raina snapped. “Look, we just need to start thinking about solutions. There’s only one superhero in this city and four of us. I may be overstating the rest of your abilities, but I think all of us can come up with something.”
“Well, we could start with her fixation on Bulbasaur over there,” Garrett suggested. 
It took Jemma a few moments of silence to realize Garrett was talking about her. She shot him a glare at the nickname. 
Raina hummed. “That’s true. She does seem to give Simmons more leeway than the rest of us. She can probably tell you’re still fresh out of the gate. No offense.”
“Um…none taken,” Jemma muttered. She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt. She didn’t enjoy the fact that all three sets of eyes in the room were trained on her. 
Raina tossed her melted ice pack on the desk and leaned forward. Even though it was Quinn’s office, she commanded the space like she owned it. 
“Simmons,” she started sweetly, “How would you like to help us with our little superhero problem? Permanently.”
Jemma propped up her head on the coffee shop table and stared at the door. Every time it opened and the little bell dinged she perked up a bit, but when it wasn’t who she was hoping for, she relaxed and let her eyes drift closed. 
She had been spending basically every hour she didn’t have to be in class in the lab growing new plants. Her advisors were starting to push even harder to get results. Since 2.0 shriveled up and died and 1.0 was inseparable from her spinal cord, she had to start from scratch again. At least the most recent ones hadn’t died yet. 
The door dinged again and Jemma cracked open an eye to see just the person she was waiting for. 
Fitz hustled through the throng of people standing in the morning rush line. His hair was standing up on end like he had been running his hands through it for hours, his shirt was wrinkled, and he was already clutching a very large cup of coffee. 
“Morning,” Jemma muttered. 
“You say 'morning' like I slept. I’ve been in the lab since you left last night,” Fitz grumbled, taking a long swig of coffee. 
“I left at 5 this morning.”
“I know. I had to get a design done for class this afternoon that I barely even started on because suddenly, I have to fix Garrett’s leg and design Raina a new outfit,” Fitz complained. 
“I’m sorry, Fitz. I didn’t mean to drag you into this,” Jemma said. 
“It’s fine. I just don’t think your advisors realize the extra stress that they put on us.” Fitz shrugged. “Mostly you, I mean, I just get to sit in the lab and get yelled at about deadlines.”
Jemma sighed. “You don’t know the half of it.”
“I’ve been so busy complaining that I forgot you wanted to talk about something,” Fitz exclaimed. “Though, I’m curious as to why you want to talk here, where there’s a ton of people who could overhear us, instead of the unmonitored lab.”
“I don’t fully trust that it is unmonitored, honestly,” Jemma replied. “There’s always a chance that there’s some listening devices that we haven’t found that lead straight to Raina’s office. Also, I need to show you something first. I can’t be the only one to know.”
Fitz glowered over his coffee. “I have 4 hours to finish the calculations on a cloaking device for class. If you dragged me out of the lab to tell me that your new favorite place has gluten-free biscuits—“
“Caramel latte with soy milk for Jemma,” a familiar voice interrupted. Jemma saw her heading this way, she wasn’t surprised. Watching Fitz choke on his coffee in shock almost made her laugh out loud. 
Daisy stood at the corner of their booth with a coffee in one hand and a plate holding a bagel in the other. Her dark makeup had more hints of blue in it than normal today, but the straight, black wig was still very much the same. Despite the goth-y look and chain jewelry, she had a friendly smile on her face directed towards Jemma. The only evidence of their meeting a few days before was the two, thin scratches trailing down her cheek with small butterfly bandages across them. 
“Thank you, Daisy. I didn’t order the bagel, though,” Jemma replied. 
Daisy just shrugged. “It’s on me. It’s gluten-free and comes with organic cream cheese, since I know you like that kind of stuff.”
Jemma smiled, in spite of knowing Daisy was technically her enemy. “Thank you. You really don’t have to give me free food all the time.”
“It’s not like anyone’s actually buying it,” Daisy smirked.
Daisy lingered for a moment longer, as if she wanted to say something else, but noticed Fitz and stopped herself. Fitz finally got over his initial shock and spoke up. 
“What happened to your face?” he asked, tactfully, gesturing to Daisy’s cheek. 
“Oh—I, uh, was petsitting for a friend whose cat hates me,” she replied nonchalantly. “I should probably get back to work. See you around?”
“See you around,” Jemma agreed.
Fitz gaped at Daisy’s back as she jogged back to the counter. 
“Was that—“ Fitz whispered across the booth.
“And was she—”
“Hitting on me? Yes.”
“Does she—“
“Know that I know? No.”
“Do your advisors—“
“No, and they aren’t going to.”
Fitz leaned back with his eyes wide and took another sip of his coffee. “This is insane.”
“Yes, and what’s more insane is that my advisors want me to kill her,” Jemma hissed across the table. 
Fitz choked on his coffee again. “What?!”
Jemma nodded. “After our…project the other day, they were talking about 'permanent solutions' to getting rid of Quake and because, apparently, she’s nicer to me, it became my job to take care of it.” Jemma flopped her head into her hands and groaned. “What am I going to do?”
“Obviously, you’re not going to kill a person,” Fitz whispered and looked at Jemma like she had grown a second head. 
“How can I not? We’ve established that they don’t have any qualms about murder. I don’t think me refusing to do what they want me to is just going to result in the loss of my scholarships at this point,” Jemma snapped. “But…” She trailed off and glanced the direction where Daisy just walked. 
Fitz paused. “So, what are you planning to do?”
“I have no idea.”
Raina dropped by the lab unexpectedly the next day. Jemma was typing up her report on her latest test subjects, which were doing quite well, when Raina appeared in the doorway. 
“Hope this isn’t a bad time,” she drawled. 
“Raina! No, it’s not really. Um, how can I help you?” Jemma rambled.
“I’m actually here to help you today,” Raina said. “Where’s Fitz?”
“He’s in class.”
“Good. I’d like to keep this between as few people as possible,” Raina replied. “I’m sure you remember our little talk the other day about your next job.”
Jemma nodded. How could she forget?
“I thought of something that might help you accomplish that mission. Our friend Quake and I share a certain…quality that gave us our abilities.”
“What is it?” Jemma asked. 
“That’s not important.” Raina waved her off. “What is important is that there’s a genetic marker involved that needs to be activated to give someone like us powers. My thought is that if you have a sample, you might be able to isolate the genetic component and whip something up to help you solve our problem.”
Raina set herself down in one of the lab chairs, crossed her legs, and held out her arm. “Do your thing, doc.”
Jemma didn’t feel the need to remind her that she wasn’t quite a doctor yet, and fumbled through gathering the necessary supplies. Normally, she would just let her vines do all the reaching and grabbing to save herself a bit of effort. With Raina’s eyes boring into her, she felt too self-conscious and just used her hands like a normal person, while her vines stayed tucked in her sleeves. While Jemma snapped on a tourniquet and searched for a vein to take some blood from, Raina glanced around the office. 
“It looks like you’re having some more success with this batch,” she commented, nodding to the two plants growing on a nearby counter. 
Jemma nodded. “Yes, these are cooperating much more than the last few. I cross-pollinated them with the spores from the one—well, the first experiment—and they’ve fared rather well. I’m almost to the point where I can attach some electrodes and see if any sort of control is possible.”
“Fascinating,” Raina muttered. “I assume we’ll be getting a full report of these developments?”
“Of course.”
“Good.” Jemma finished taking her sample and pressed a cotton ball to the area. “Well, if you have what you need, I’ll be off. Papers to grade, plans to hatch and all that.”
Raina breezed out of the room, leaving Jemma alone with a vial of blood and a thousand more questions. She could stop and consider all the ramifications of the material she was just handed, but her scientific side kicked in instead and she got to work. 
Jemma spent hours staring at samples of Raina’s blood under a microscope. There was something just slightly off in the chemicals flowing through her veins, though otherwise, everything looked human. 
She isolated Raina’s DNA and ran it through numerous tests to analyze every component she could. At first, she thought that the machines in the new lab weren’t properly calibrated, since she kept getting strange results. Then, she realized it wasn’t the machines: it was the DNA.
Somehow, there were extra molecules interspersed in Raina’s DNA that didn’t appear in normal DNA. In fact, it looked entirely different than any human DNA Jemma had ever seen. It was completely inhuman.
Raina (and apparently Daisy) were practically an entirely different species. Jemma pondered this revelation, while jumping into further tests. 
Eventually, she found an enzyme that appeared to be produced by the extra molecules in the DNA and was able to extract them and mix up a solution that might have some effectiveness for blocking Daisy’s powers. In the back of her mind, Jemma thought it could be just as effective against Raina, if she ever needed it. She shook off that thought and glanced around, as if somehow there was a mind-reader in this room that could tell on her. 
She ran some computer simulations on the compound and they all turned up positive, so Jemma was confident that it would be effective. Having made some progress, Jemma decided to take a break. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Jemma headed to the coffee shop for the fifth time this week. She only could justify coming here so often because she had a bit of expendable income from her weekend exploits. Also, she could consider it 'enemy reconnaissance' if she really had to.
Not surprisingly, Daisy was working today. She had on a red plaid shirt and matching red accents around the black on her eyes. The dark color scheme and the scowl on her face at the guy mansplaining customer service to her made Jemma think that Daisy could make a really good super villain if she wanted to. The man finally got out of her way and Jemma approached the counter. Daisy’s face shifted completely from the annoyed scowl to a bright grin when she saw Jemma. 
“Hey Jemma, what can I get you today?” she asked. 
Jemma perused the menu while also glancing over Daisy. The red in her outfit today brought out the red tones in her brown eyes, which Jemma was having a hard time looking away from. It also brought out the red in the scratches on her cheek that were looking angrier than the day before. 
Jemma frowned. “Your…cat scratches aren’t looking so great. Have you put anything on them?”
Daisy huffed. “I’ve tried everything. Apparently that cat got into some evil stuff before it got to me.”
Jemma suddenly had a thought. “Hm. I might have something that’ll work for that. I can bring it in tomorrow if you’d like?” Jemma offered. She couldn’t have some infection ruining her barista/nemesis’s face.
“If you have something, I’ll definitely try it. Thanks.” Daisy smiled. “Now did you want to order something, or just talk about my face all day?”
Jemma chuckled. She could definitely talk about Daisy’s face all day. “Just one of those gluten-free bagels, please.”
Daisy smirked slightly to herself as she punched in the order. 
When her bagel came up in a small paper bag, Daisy dangled it over the pick-up counter and wiggled it a bit to get Jemma’s attention. 
“Thank you, Daisy. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Jemma called on her way to the door.
  “It’s a date!” was the reply. 
Jemma scurried out the door and back toward her lab. She tried not to think about Daisy’s words. She liked Daisy (and her alter-ego Quake, for that matter), but she didn’t want to encourage her advances. Jemma was completely sure that Daisy wouldn’t approve of Jemma’s side job if she found out. 
Jemma pushed thoughts of Daisy out of her mind as she returned to the lab. She finished typing up her report on her new plants to Raina and sent it off. They had been coming along quite well and had shown some preliminary reactions to electric impulses. Because of this she was able to isolate the exact genetic code in the plant that allowed it to be controlled (which was absent in all other attempts, except the one that was on her back), so she included this information in her report as well. 
Satisfied that her progress would get Raina off her back for at least a few weeks, Jemma grabbed her things and headed back to her apartment for the first time in days.
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you-andthebottlemen · 8 years
15 - Two POV’s
Request: Can you make one where Van moves to an apartment or something and then a girl moves to the same building and they have to share the same balcony. Like at first the girl doesn't know who lives next door and one day she was surprised to see Van on the balcony
‘Your’ POV:
You lay on your bed and pulled the sheet up over yourself as you’d not gotten a duvet yet, the sheets rolling up over the mattress corners and it wasn’t very cosy. The sun began to creep through the window in golden rays and you looked around your new bedroom; the floor was littered with bags and boxes, a  sparse clothes rack stood in the corner and you had a pile of books stacked up on the floor as your ‘bedside table’ with a tea mug resting on top. You sighed. Moving sucked. 
You kicked back the sheets,  pulled on some undies and a large t-shirt over your naked body and went to make another cup of tea. Upon moving in, one of the first things you did was buy a kettle, some tea bags and milk. Not a duvet though, priorities. You wouldn’t stay sane without a good cup of tea to get the day started. While the kettle boiled, you checked my phone for texts; nothing. You had no data and hadn’t had wifi installed yet. There were no unlocked wifi connections either. The only one in range for was called ‘ALREET SERRRN’ - weird. 
Once you made myself a nice, hot, milky tea you took it out to the balcony to have while over a smoke. The balcony was your favourite part of the new flat. Since moving in, you’d come out here every night to wind down and watch the skyline fade to black and every morning to put yourself in a good mood for the day ahead. You leant against the railing looking out, holding the tea cup in one hand against your chest and the cigarette in the other. 
"Do you have a light?" A voice suddenly said from behind you. You jumped in fright and screamed a little, dropping your tea. 
The ceramic mug crashed painfully to the floor in pieces. Your heart was beating rapidly from the shock. You turned to see a boy in a leather jacket standing on the balcony behind you with an unlit cigarette in his hand. 
"Fuck, I'm sorry love," he rushed to pick up the pieces and shooed you away as you didn't have shoes on. Besides, you were too rattled to react fast enough to help.
You put out your cigarette and dashed inside to get something to mop up the tea. Great, what a way to start the day. 
"Have anywhere I can put this?" He asked, looking at his hand full of ceramic shards. 
With a nod you led him inside to the rubbish bin. Once he threw them away and washed his hands, he glanced around your flat briefly. You stood there awkwardly, suddenly realising you had no pants on and no bra. The boy was cute, that was for sure; which only made things worse. You stayed standing behind the kitchen bench so he couldn’t see your bare legs. 
“Sorry I scared you, I’ll replace the mug for ya,” he smiled, ruffling up his hair and leaning against the bench that was behind him.
“It’s fine. Um, so. Why were you on my balcony?” you asked, confused about the whole situation. 
“You’re balcony?” He laughed and raised an eyebrow at you.
“Love, it’s communal,” he said more seriously.
You frowned, unsure of whether or not to believe him. 
“The estate agents didn’t tell me that,” you responded skeptically, crossing your arms flat over your chest, still hoping he wouldn’t notice your lack of a bra. 
“Of course they wouldn’t. They’re corporate monkeys,” he said as if you should have known better. 
"Well, I haven’t seen you around before,” you commented, examining his face.
It was true. You hadn’t seen anyone except the lady who lived on the first floor with the small garden who grew pumpkins and cat that prowled the neighbourhood. As you stared at him, you began to notice details of his face; his skin was ungodly clear, his eyes were a piercing blue and were beautifully framed by his thick eyelashes. He also had kinda wonky teeth but it all just gave him character.
“I only got home this morning. Been away for a bit. I live here, next door, with my best mate Larry. What about you? You’re new,” the boy said with a mischievous look, obviously noticing your gaze. 
“I moved in about a week ago, hence all the mess.” 
You pointed around at the dirty cardboard storage boxes that lined the room instead of furniture. “I’m y/n, also.”
“Well y/n, welcome to the building. I promise I won’t scare ya on the balcony lookin’ for a light again. Talk about bad first impressions,” he laughed and licked his lips casually like a force of habit. 
You laughed and nodded, unsure of what else to say. This was all pretty weird. 
“What’s that?” He asked, pointing at a pile of long flat boxes that lay across the living room floor. 
“It’s some furniture I have to build. Like a table, chairs and a bed frame. My mattress is currently on the floor and I’ve been eating standing up. Can’t seem to find the strength or patience to put it together, I’ll never have any furniture at this rate,” you laughed but with a sense of agony at the thought of all the work you still had to do to make this place feel like a home. 
“I’ll help you?” He offered. Your eyes lit up and you asked him if he was sure.
“Absolutely. I’ll come over later tonight? I’ve got some work stuff I gotta run to but I’ll be back.”
He began to walk back towards the balcony door, you stood still just watching as he went outside. Before walking away completely, he stopped and peeked his head back through the door. 
“I’m Van by the way. And you might wanna think about putting some proper clothes on when you come out here. The other neighbours won’t be as appreciative of your current outfit as I am.”
And with a wink he was gone, leaving you blushing. 
You spent the rest of the day thinking about Van in between all your mundane activities. You grew so curious about him. What did he do for work? What was Larry like? Would they be good neighbours? Also, why was his name Van? You went to the shops and bought a replacement mug. You stood staring at the different patterns for far too long before deciding on a white one with black stripes. You went to walk off but quickly backtracked and picked up a second one; Van still on your mind. 
You were sat on my bedroom floor, sorting through some boxes of clothes, shoes and other miscellaneous items when there was a knock from outside. You went into the living room and saw Van standing at the glass door on your, our, balcony. You grinned and went to unlock the door, your heart starting to beat faster just at the sight of him. He was smiling, still in the same black outfit as earlier and had his arms full of shopping bags. 
“Evening love,” Van said, leaning in to kiss your cheek hello. 
Van’s POV:
I kissed her cheek and felt her freeze slightly at my touch. I walked off with a smirk and placed the bags down on her counter. I’d bought dinner, noticing earlier that her place was stark empty. I also brought various junk foods to keep up our energy while we put all the furniture together. 
“What’s in there?” She asked, peering over my shoulder. 
“Figured I owed you dinner after this morning?” I smiled as I glanced over at her, pulling the sushi rolls out the bag.
“D’you have a fridge?” I asked.
“Um, yes Van. I very clearly have a fridge,” y/n replied sarcastically, stretching her arm out wide and motioning to the big empty space where a fridge was meant to be.
“Right. What’re we gonna do with this ice cream then?” I held up the tub of double choc chip.
“Put it in yours?” She shrugged. 
“I don’t...have a fridge.. either,” my face went blank. She’d just moved in, she was allowed to not have a fridge. I had no excuse.
“What?” She laughed in disbelief.
“Guess we will have to eat it now before it melts,” I said as I ripped the top off and took out two plastic spoons from the bag. 
We sat cross-legged on the empty living space floor with the ice cream tub between us, taking turns scooping out a spoonful. It was weirdly enjoyable. Y/n was fucking hilarious, neither of us could stop laughing or talking. We just clicked, you know what I mean? It was mad. She asked me all about Larry; she was trying to suss us out at neighbours I reckon. I told her about the band, she hadn’t heard of us but said she would come to a show sometime. I promised her a door spot.
“Better start this building business eh? You need a bed frame to sleep on tonight,” I said, standing up.
I began to open the box and looked at the instructions. It honestly looked like another language to me.
“Hey y/n, does this make sense to you?” I asked, handing her the little sheet.
“They’re in Italian Van...” she rolled her eyes at me with a smile. Guess they literally were another language...oops.
She watched me while I unpacked the bits of metal and wood, piling them onto the floor. The last bit out of the box was the little bag of screws and stuff. I didn’t feel nervous about having her eyes on me, but I felt pressure to get the job done right and impress her.
“Wait here,” I said, before dashing out to my flat.
When I came back moments later y/n had cleaned up the ice cream off the floor and was sat there with her arms wrapped around her legs, waiting for me. She looked cosy and content there in her oversized jumper and mismatched socks, despite being surrounded by boxes and nothing that could feel like home. I had run to get Larry’s box of spare tools, I doubted she’d have any. 
“Let’s get this show on the road hey Van?” She said, looking at the tool box in my hand and pulling herself up off the floor.
I made a slight breathy laugh and began carrying the planks into her room. We lifted her mattress together and pushed it against the wall so we had space to build the frame in the middle of the room. I’m glad I was here to help, don’t know how she would have managed alone. That thing was fuckin’ heavy
I got to work on the bed frame, screwing bits together and trying to work out what went where. Also trying really hard to not make a fool of myself and give away the fact I had no idea what to do. I got y/n to help me steady the metal frame as I attached the brackets for the base. I was crouched down on the floor with the screwdriver, fiddling with all the tedious little parts. Y/n had gone out to the kitchen but came back again with a cup of tea for me.
“You bloody angel,” I smiled, stopping for a quick sip. 
“Please don’t make me drop this one, I had to go out and buy these mugs today. The one that smashed was the only one I had,” she responded, before gulping hers down.
“Sorry again y/n. Why’d you buy two then if you only had one before?” I questioned, my eyes probably swimming with cheek. I knew the answer, I just wanted to hear her say it. 
“Umm..well I knew you’d be coming over tonight so I guess I just thought I should have a spare mug here for you,” she said quietly, a little nervous.
I beamed, she was so sweet.
Soon enough, we had a skeleton of a frame in front of us. We actually got it done way quicker than I expected, but I was dead frustrated with the damn thing by the end of it. I’d ripped off my jacket and pushed up my sleeves, starting to break a sweat from lifting all the heavy pieces and mattress into place.
Once the mattress was laid down on the frame, I collapsed backwards onto the bed and groaned.
“I fucking hate doing manly shit like putting furniture together y/n,” I put my palms against my forehead and closed my eyes.
She burst out laughing at me and I felt the bed dip down, I glanced over to see y/n sitting beside me.
“Fancy a smoke?” She asked with a grin, holding up her lighter.
She led me outside and offered me one of her cigarettes. She put it in between her lips and lit it for me before handing it over; something about that was so sexy. 
We were both leaning against the railing, the same spot where I’d first seen her earlier. Admittedly, I didn’t need a light. I just wanted a not awkward excuse to talk to her. I felt bad for scaring her, didn’t mean to do that. I had seen her through my window, all bare legs and messy hair staring out into the sky. She was beautiful. 
“I don’t like that outfit as much as the one you had on earlier,” I teased before I could stop myself, pointing at her body with my cigarette in hand.
She rolled her eyes and blew smoke in my face. Fucking christ, this girl. I felt weak at the knees.
“I come out here every night, it’s calming,” she said and I nodded, taking in the comfortable silence that followed. 
“So unless you wanna be up all night, shall I be over again tomorrow to help build that table?” I suggested, cutting into the quiet.
“I don’t mind being up all night,” she replied, not meeting my eyes. I could tell she was trying to act more confident than she was feeling.
“Yeah?” I answered, blowing out some smoke into the night are and watching it float away.
“But I could think of a better use of our time than just building a table. If we are going to stay up all night I mean,” she looked at me now, her eyes reflecting the fluorescent light behind me. 
Y/n put out her smoke and threw it into the ashtray. We stared at each other for a bit while I finished my cigarette. Flirting without words. My heart was beating like crazy. She twisted around so her back was against the railing and rested one arm on it too. I licked my lips and moved closer to her. I stood centimetres away, her hand brushing against my side.
“What’s a better use of our time then y/n?” I whispered, tucking her hair behind her ear.
As soon as the words left my mouth she grasped my shirt tightly, pulling me closer and went on her tippy toes to reach my face and kiss me. I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist and kissed her back. She took my breath away.
It was a mess of tongues and teeth but we didn’t care. We made our way back inside and she began to reach under my shirt. Once she got her hands on my belt buckle, I gave in and scooped her up in my arms. I carried her into the bedroom, kicking the door shut behind me. We fell down onto her bed and became tangled in the sheets. 
“How did you know I wanted to break in the new bed frame?” She said smugly between kisses.
Guess she won’t mind sharing a balcony after all. 
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immabewriting · 8 years
Five Teachers Walk Into A Bar...  -Chapter 7
       A/N: Boy oh boy! It’s been a month since my last update! I’m sorry but I do have school and I also got hired as a part time research assistant for a friends husband so that’s been exciting. I can’t tell you when the next update will come but I’m working on it as we speak and this update took up seven pages so it’s a pretty nice update all about Sana and Chris. The next chapters I’m planning on adding some backstories and plot for everyone so that should be exciting. Anyway as always read and review, leave a like, tell me what you think! OH! and before I forget some words that are mention that if you don’t speak Hindi or Urdu you won’t understand:
Bewakoof= idiot or dumbass. 
Anyway on with the show!!!
 "No! No! How did you get a date?!" Cavill asks confused. They had just gotten back when Hemsworth announced that Pine had somehow swooned Sana into taking her on a date. All the boys were, well, to say the least, outraged at how only Pine could do that.
"I was apologizing to her and I told her I'd make it up to her in any way possible and she asked me to get her ice cream!" He explains.
"Guys be happy she didn't slap a restraining order on him." Evans says. They all murmur their disbelief but kept quiet after that.
<I have a date -ST>
<Calm down! It's just ice cream -ST>
<With you? It's never just ice cream -MC>
<Okay I'm not talking to you anymore -ST>
<IM KIDDING COME BACK! Who is this guy? -MC>
Against her better judgment Sana told Mahira who it was. The three little dots stared at her for what felt like 30 minutes; in reality it was only two.
<SANA TAHIR -MC> oh god. <You're going on a date with the guy who stalked you!? -MC>  <ARE YOU A BEWAKOOF*?? -MC>
<He's friends with India’s dad! -ST>
<Stalkers can have friends! That's what makes them inconspicuous! -MC>
<Mahi please calm down! I'll text you when I'm leaving and going home and stuff I promise! -ST>  <We're going to cone castle -ST>
The three dots stares at her again for a minute till Mahira sent her a text saying, "Fine. Just don't be too loud when you come home, I have an early day tomorrow." Sana smiled and went back to teaching class. She had a date!
Chris walked into the studio and looked around she had told him to wait ten minutes after class to pick her up because she needed time to get ready. So, Hemsworth and Pine left in separate cars and Pine silently freaked out the entire time.
Okay, relax get it together man! So what if she’s a little younger than you? So what if you haven’t gone on a date in a year? You’ll be fine! Just don’t bring up your ex and you’ll be fine! He told himself. But as soon as he walked into the somewhat empty studio and saw Sana all that went out the window. Her hair was tied up in an elegant ponytail; the t-shirt dress and converse making her look cute yet casual (as she intended). She looks over and smiles at him. He waves as she walks over.
“You ready?” she asks.
“Y-Yea, you look great.” He compliments.
“Thanks I think so too!” she says with a twirl. He smiles and they start walking.
“I’m really sorry about the other night by the way. I shouldn’t have done that.” He apologizes.
“You’re forgiven. Just don’t stalk me or other people in the future.” She tells him.
“Scouts honor.” He says raising his hand. She laughs and he opens her door to the car.
Aw, what a gentleman. It’s going to suck if he tries to kill me. She thought as she got in. He gets in and starts driving to cone castle.
“So, you’re doing Midsummer Nights Dream right?” she asks.
“Yea, its in a few weeks, I oversee all the theatre productions that go on at Harden University.” He tells her.
“Wow, nice.”
“Yea it is, it can be stressful at times but I like it. What about you?” he asks her.
“Um well, I’m a dance teacher, and I am a grad student at UCLA for dance. I really want to be a choreographer, I love ice cream and pizza and kale, and I hate pants.” She tells him.
“You hate… pants?”
“With a passion. I only wear leggings, tights or skirts. And sometimes shorts.”
“Huh, well good to know. So, if you go to UCLA why were you at Harden practicing that late?”
“Oh, my roommate was working late at the research institute so, I decided to use the free dance rooms to practice so we could go home together.”
“What is she doing research on?”
“Well, they found some artifacts of Pakistani descent I guess you could say and she’s helping the head of the institute date them and stuff. His name is Dr. Cho I think?”
“Oh yea I know him, he’s really cool.”
“Yea she seems to like him. Ooh Cone Castle!” She squeals as they park. He smiles and looks at her.
“You really like ice cream.”
“I denied myself ice cream for a long time. I get excited over it.” She says getting out. He follows behind as she runs in. Her ponytail bouncing as she ran. Was this really the same girl who threw a water bottle at her?
She looked over all the flavors carefully, so many to choose from! There was raspberry, cookies and cream, rocky road, SALTED CARAMEL!
“There are so many flavors, I can’t pick one.” She whispers.
“So try them all.” He says. She looks at him, “I dare you.”
She smirks and looks at the guy working behind the counter. He felt so sorry for the guy for what she was about to do.
“Excuse me can I try every flavor of ice cram you have?” she asks. The guy behind the counter looks at her; Chris looks at her. She shrugs, “I’m waiting.” The guy nods and starts giving her samples of all the ice creams. Chris looks at her and then the guy behind the counter. Oh this guy was going to hate him.
“Can I get a sample of every flavor too?” he asks. Sana looks at him and smiles, “Better catch up.” “Oh I intend to.” he quips.
After 16 flavors, deliberations and some glares from the staff, Sana settled on cookie butter and Chris settled on fudge brownie. He paid the $10.25 and tipped the guy 5 dollars for dealing with them.
“Wait!” she shouts pulling out her phone. “We have to take a picture in front of the cone castle!” she walks over to the castle made out of ice cream cones that sat in a glass case in the middle of the store. “Aren’t you going to get in the picture?” she asks him.
“You want me in it?” he asks confused.
“Um duh, you’re my date.” She tells him.
“Oh so this is a date?” he asks cheekily coming closer. She narrows his eyes and scrunches her nose.
“You brought me ice cream and I got dressed up. If I didn’t like you I’d wear sweatpants.”
“I think you’d look cute in sweatpants.”
“I look cute in everything.”
“I’m sure you do, but I thought you hate pants.”
“I wear things I like around people I like.” By now they were practically an inch apart. The space between them practically begging them to kiss… And everyone else in the ice cream shop.
“Our ice cream is melting.” He tells her.
“We should take the picture.” She says. He nods and they pose for the picture and smile. They leave soon after for a walk around the plaza hand in hand…
“Okay okay, um…” she thought as they walked. “Oh! Would you rather have earthworms for eyebrows or every time you yawned you threw up a cat?” she asked. They had been playing would you rather while walking around the strip mall. Chris made a confused, disgusted face.
“Oh god, that was worse than the last one!” He says with a laugh, “Um, I guess earthworms for eyebrows? It would be an interesting conversation piece.” He decides.
“Good way of thinking about it.” She agrees.
“Okay, lets play a different game.” He suggests. She smirks, “Let me guess 20 questions?”
“Or some variation of that. I just, wanna learn more about you.” He explains. She looks at him and smiles a little.
“Shoot,” she replies.
“Favorite color?”
“Red, you?”
“Blue. Favorite food?”
“Ice cream, duh! You?”
“Too many to choose from. Favorite movie?”
“An Indian movie called “Main Hoon Na’ and you?”
“Anything from the 90’s.”
“That doesn’t count!” she protests.
“What do you mean?” he asks.
“You need a specific movie!”
“Agh fine! Um, ‘Oceans 11’ oh shit that’s not from the 90’s.”
“Who cares, it’s a good movie. Oh! If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?”
“Hmm, I’m not sure, honestly probably California.” He decides, “I like being close to the beach and I like in n out. And its familiar.”
“Well I would go to Paris. It’s so beautiful there, and the food is wonderful and to dance in a city like that? Ugh, dream come true.”
He smiles, “Sounds nice.”
“Doesn’t it?” she quips. “Whens your birthday?” she asks.
“August 26th. Yours?”
“March 16th!” she tells him. He stops and looks at her.
“What did you say?” he asks, hoping he heard her wrong.
She looks at him, “My birthday is on March 16th.” Nope. He didn’t hear her wrong. This was a coincidence right?
“Um, nothing just… um, I um know someone else with that birthday.” He quickly spews.
“Oh cool! I like that person already.” She says with a smile. He smiles as best he can and quickly changes the subject.
“So, choreographer huh? Do you not like getting paid?” he quips.
“Haha very funny. You know what they say about teachers?” she says.
“What do they say?”
“Those who can’t do, teach.” She retorts.
“Ooh that’s good. But I’m not a teacher I’m a professor.” He says.
“Oh forgive me I should’ve known,” She apologizes.
“It’s okay, it’s a common mistake.” He tells her. “Certainly won’t stop me from asking you out on a second date.” He teases.
She smiles, “You’re very sure about that.”
“Should I not be?”
“Oh no, you should be. Because next Friday you’re taking me dancing.” She lets him know. He laughs, “I can’t wait.”
He stopped in front of her apartment building and turned off the car. They both look at each other. “Should I walk you up?” he asks her.
“I’d like that,” she says with a smile. He smiles back and they get out, walking up to the apartment. Their fingertips brushing against each others until finally Chris took her hand in his and laced their fingers together.
“Keep that up you just might get yourself a kiss when we get to my door.” She teases.
“You think so?” he asks.
“Oh I know so,” she says. They smile at each other and climb up the stairs to her apartment standing in front of the door. The tension of ending their date perfectly hanging in the air. “I had a good time.” He says.
“Me too! We should do this again.” She suggests.
“Maybe dancing? I would love to see you dancing with out it being creepy.” He tells her. She giggles and comes closer to him, “I would like that.”
“I have to warn you I’m not the best dancer. That would be my friend Tom.”
“Well I should go on a date with him.”
He pulls her flush against him, their faces an inch apart. She squeaks and her hands brace against his shoulders, his very nice toned shoulders. He smiles and tilts her chin up with one hand, the other wrapped around her waist. He whispers in her ear, “He can’t give you what I can give you.”
“And whats that?” she asks quietly, she gasps as his hand slowly trail their way up her back. “Oh I can’t tell you all my tricks now can I?” he whispers, his lips trail down her neck and she shivers.
“Y-You are cruel.” She whimpers. He chuckles low and deep. And her hand tighten on his shoulders.            “I guess I’m going to have to take you on another date.”
“If you. Do not kiss me right n—“ his lips crush hers before she has a chance to finish the sentence and her arms wrap around his neck pulling him closer. His hands rest on her hips to explore more of her body. She moans softly and he slips his tongue in her mouth brushing it against hers. His climbing up her back, her arms. She moves her hands down his chest, tracing the lines of his abs (very nice in her opinion) and he groans low before pulling away slowly. Their eyes meet as they catch their breath. Her pupils were blown wide with desire and wanting and if it wasn’t Sunday night and she didn’t have an early morning class tomorrow she would have told him to stay.
“So, I’ll see you next Saturday?” he asks. She nods quickly. He smiles, “Goodnight Sana.”
“Goodnight Chris,” she says. She watches him walk down the steps of her building and leave before running inside and telling Mahira all about her date.
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