#i got tired of domestic life okay maybe i just want a silly little save
neishroom · 1 year
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rushali singh’s parents think she’s at foxbury pursuing her education...but rushali dropped out to be a globetrotter :]
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Wrong Number, Asshole - A Bakugou Katsuki Soulmate AU
All Parts
Part 25:
You blinked blearily, rubbing the sleep away from your eyes.
For a minute you were disoriented, head spinning in confusion until you pieced together where you were. Who’s apartment you were in. Who was currently still fast asleep in your lap.
You flushed, still just as affected by his proximity as you were earlier. Except- it was slightly different now. Those little kitten snores? The ones you’d previously only heard over the phone? Well, now they were falling from his mouth in real time- in real life. In front of you. He was so close and warm and soft and uncharacteristically quiet and all you wanted to do was kiss him. 
The past few days, you’d been so focused on how he’d lied and his injuries that you’d almost forgotten just how much you liked him. You couldn’t forget now. Not with the way he had a hand under his cheek, fingers just barely curling your sweatshirt in his sleepy grip.
Your fingers itched with the need to touch him- to somehow expel all that rolling fondness and affection that was boiling over in you. You couldn’t help yourself, your fingers beginning to once again move lightly through his hair, scratching idly at his scalp as you went. 
You knew he’d be mad at your actions if he was awake- or flustered and embarrassed at the very least. But you just wanted to be nice to him. To show him how much you cared about him, and you were determined to do that- even if he seemed absolutely allergic to it. 
So you sat and stared shamelessly and soaked up the proximity and warmth radiating off his body. And it was perfect and serene and so sugary sweet for a while- until you realized how much your legs hurt.
They hurt and ached and were sore because Katsuki was heavy.
Absurdly heavy.
And the thing about him was, you were only supporting his head and his shoulders! On your legs too- not even your arms! Even so though, the honest to god weight of him was just ridiculous. He was a solid mass of nothing but strength and power and, quite frankly, ludicrous musculature. And if he wasn’t murdering your legs right now, and not in the fun way, you’re absolutely sure you’d be much more thrilled about these facts.
As it stands now though, nothing but an escape plan was on your mind. Even if the rest of you was only screaming to pull him closer.
“Katsuki.” You tried once more, prodding at his cheek lightly. “Katsuki, c’mon-time to get up.”
He had no reaction. Not even an eye twitch when you ghosted your hands over his face. In all honesty it seemed like he was dead. His breathing was so deep and slow it was almost non-existant and when you called him name, no matter how many times you said it, there wasn’t even a mumble- now whether that was effect of the pain meds or just him ignoring you, you had no idea.
Sighing with finality, and a genuine apology, you lifted his head. It was a struggle, and his unresponsiveness surely didn’t help, but eventually you escaped. You slipped a pillow under his head, patted his cheek fondly, and left towards his kitchen.
Now, was the easy part. Or was supposed to be the easy part- but considering this was Katsuki you should’ve known better.
His fridge was packed to the brim, overflowing with ingredients, but they were all ridiculous health foods. You wanted familiarity and comfort and grease- not green. Not the terrible, bitter, dark green vegetables that seemed to be the only thing he had.
What kind of guy doesn’t have junk food? You thought, shaking your head in utter disbelief. And he tells me I’m the weird one?
With a sigh, you begin rifling through the drawers for something at least a bit fattening, and you can’t kid yourself, it does soothe that itch from earlier. That weird, tingling, constant itch to pick apart every little detail and mix and match them together until you knew every possible thing about Bakugou there was to know. Until you knew things about him that no one else did- until you knew him better than he even knew himself.
And maybe that was selfish, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care all that much. If talking to him, knowing him was intoxicating before, just over the phone, than it was an addiction now. Here in this apartment, surrounded entirely by pieces of him, Katsuki felt real. He felt tangible and honest and complete, and you’d never be satisfied with just texts and phone calls again.
Grinning widely, you grabbed the blocks of cheese, and a few different freshly-cut herbs. Inspiration had struck, and within the weirdly hearty contents of his refridgerator lied your saving grace.
Grilled cheese- because at the end of the day, you were a child through and through.
Gathering the rest of the ingredients, and searching for a pan, you couldn’t contain the warmth in your chest. Not only were you going to be eating good food, but you were sharing it. With your soulmate. It was a weird little bit of domesticity, preparing a meal for him, but you couldn’t say you hated it.
Apparently, you’d made too much noise with the pan, because suddenly you hear shuffling. Glancing behind you, Katsuki is grumbling under his breath as he clambers into the kitchen. He’s all loose limbs and sleepy grunts, grumpily throwing himself down into a seat at the counter, just a few feet away from you.
“Jesus fuckin’ christ, sunshine, could you be any goddamn louder?”
You’re not sure if it’s the combination of the nickname and his crackling sleep-laden voice, or maybe it’s the way his cheeks are stil warmed from sleep, but you melt. Practically dissolve into the floor beneath you. That feeling- that aching one from earlier where all you wanted to do was kiss him silly? Yeah, it’s back now. Back in full-force and unleashing a hellish barrage of butterflies in your stomach.
“Nothin’ to say? Yeah. Thought so. Idiot.” He barks.
“Not a morning person?” You recover, quickly turning back to the stove. Hopefully it’ll cover up the absolute hearts you currently had for eyes.
“It’s 8 PM.”
“It was a joke, angry man.” You laugh. Turning back, you sneak a glance at him, completely unable to help yourself. “Don’t be so grumpy.”
“I’m not fuckin’ grumpy.”
Bakugou mumbles it so quietly and petulantly that you almost can’t hold back your squeal. There he is, just feet away, currently holding the title for World’s Most Adorable Pout and you couldn’t do anything!
Well, maybe you could- if you were bolder and stronger. But you weren’t. Right now you felt weak.
“You could just go back to sleep, you know.” You finally say.
“And let ya fuck up my kitchen unsupervised?” He yawns widely, rubbing at his eyes. “No fuckin’ thanks.”
“It’s only grilled cheese, I think I’ll manage.”
“Grilled cheese? Am I five or some shit?”
“No- but I am. And it’s what I’m making.” You supplied, an easy smile gracing your lips. “So it’s either you have one too, or you starve to death. Your choice, Katsuki dear.”
He blushes when you look at him, hiding it behind his hand. “Yeah. Whatever. Just make sure it’s fucking edible.”
“That’s a tall order, angry man. I might not be able to do it.” You say teasingly, terribly high on a mixture of him and your own fuzzy feelings. “We’ll see, huh?”
Katsuki just nods, dropping his head into his hands. He still looks tired, his eyes half-lidded and eyebrows drawn low, but he’s fighting sleep. Every time you turn to glance at him, he’s blinking himself awake, and every time you turn away you can feel his eyes on your back. It was sweet- until it wasn’t. Until he ruined it.
“Your knife skills are fuckin’ terrible, idiot.”
“Wow- thanks.” You snort, but your motions don’t cease. You’re steady and sure with your chops, even in the face of his ridiculous criticism. “And to think I went to all this trouble for you.”
“You’re just chopping stupid onions.”
“And caramelizing them!” You defend, adding the diced onions into your pan full of oil. You turn back to him, brandishing your knife playfully. “Which you’d know if you let me get that far!”
“A knife! In my own fuckin’ kitchen? That supposed to be a shitty ass threat or somethin’?”
“No, if I was gonna threaten you, I wouldn’t use a knife. That’s just a bad battle tactic, really”
“Yeah?” He takes the bait, perks up a little bit as an easy smile rolls across his face. “What’d you fuckin’ use then, idiot?”
“Fire extinguisher.”
Katsuki’s amused- you know he is, can see it in the way his eyes shine, but he’s fighting it. He’s pulling his mouth into a half-hearted grimace and scowling at you when he replies.
“You’re not fuckin’ funny. That wasn’t funny.”
“I am and it was, but that’s okay.” You shrug, going back to carmelizing the onions. They’re nearly done now, and you add a few spices and a dash more oil in with them. “Can’t win ‘em all, I guess.”
“You’re talking like you can win any.”
“Hey! I’d be careful there, angry man. I know where you live, you know.”
That does elicit a snort from him, and you can hear the smile in his voice when he speaks. “You plannin’ to kill me in my sleep?”
“Now if I told you that wouldn’t very much of a plan, would it?”
“No. Guess even a dumbass like you can understand that much.”
“Katsuki,” You sigh dreamily, turning your head to bat your eyelashes at him dramatically. “You have such a way with words! Makes a girl feel so special.”
He seems stunned for a moment, before he blushes and averts his eyes. Recovery for him takes a second- but only just a second.
“Yeah, yeah. You’re so fuckin’ funny.” He grumbles, mouth drawn into a thin line. “What’s got you so goddamn cheery anyway?”
“Took a nap. Feelin’ energized.”
“When you took one?” You say, idly stirring the ingredients in the pan. “What- you thought I was awake the whole time? That I did nothing but just pet your hair and watch you sleep? For hours?”
He doesn’t say anything, and that seals it for you.
Katsuki had to be the cutest thing on Earth. Just the most adorable little rabid thing who you wanted to keep forever and hug super close and maybe kiss all over. He was precious, and when you looked over to see that he was indeed blushing- well, those feelings only multiplied 1000x over.
“N-no! I didn’t! Fuck no! Don’t be fucking stupid!” He defends, all sleep now gone from his features. “I didn’t! I didn’t and I don’t so shut the fuck up about it!”
You’re not sure if it was the nap or his flustered state that gives you strength, but you’re crossing the room before you can help it. Standing just on the other side of the counter, you lean across it on your elbows, catching his gaze. There’s feelings fluttering wildy in your chest- warm, blistering, uncontainable feelings threatening to burst through your skin and you find you just can’t help yourself.
“Would you like me to pet your hair and watch you sleep for hours? Huh? Katsuki?”
He damn near jolts in his seat- back ridgid and jaw set and eyes so very, very, alive. Flushing, red gathers around his cheeks and his neck and the tips of his ears. Your ears ring prematurely in anticipation, in pure sympathy for the way your ear drums are seconds away from being burst entirely.
“Why the fuck- I didn’t! Why the fuck would you even say that?” He screams, voice tearing from his throat with a feral growl. “You think your funny or some shit? Asking weird shit and being fucking weird in my goddamn kitchen? Tryna start a fuckin’ fight with me? I’ll start a fuckin’ fight!”
Bakugou square his shoulders, mouth set into a determined line through his harsh words. He’s pushing away from the counter, just barely swinging his legs over the chair when you reach him.
“Sit back down, angry man.” You laugh, the sound uncontrollable as it tumbles from your mouth. You push at his rising shoulders until he relents. Watching as he sinks back into his seat, you smile widely. “No fight! I was joking!”
“Well I don’t think your jokes are very fuckin’ funny!”
“Mhm, I know.” You say indulgently, unable to keep the fondness from your tone. “But don’t worry, grumpy, I think that’s all I have. No more jokes for tonight.”
“Now you’re just fuckin’ lying to me.” He barks, but even through the bite you can hear his smile. “You really are askin’ for a fight, aren’t ya?”
“No, I’m not. Seriously.” You soothe.
He doesn’t say anything, just goes back to watching you cook. You’re dropping bread into the pan, watching it brown and adding cheese. Some of the shredded cheese hits the pan, burns quickly- makes a popping sound.
The smile captures your face before you can stop it. Again, you find that you really just can’t help yourself around him.
“And even if I was starting a fight,” You start again, laughing lightly with your back turned to him. “I wouldn’t get very far now, would I? You’d blow me up in a second, huh, angry man?”
You hear him shift in the chair, hear his sharp exhale and his arms hitting the counter. You expect an angry retort, hell, maybe even a cocky one- but that’s not what you get when you turn to face him.
“I would never blow you up.”
His eyes widen, shoulders tensing immediately. You weren’t fairing any better- just as surprised by his quick statement as he was.
In all your life, in all your soulmate fantasies, you had never imagined the words “I would never blow you up” to be the tipping point for you. You never imagined that those words would be what sent you over- what broke the weird dam of feelings that had been welling in you since the day you texted him. But it was.
You were crossing the kitchen before you knew it, careful, sure, strides carrying you to his side. You hands fell around his cheeks, tilting his head up to meet your eyes, and suddenly, all at once, it hit you.
“I like you.” You admit breathlessly, your fond laugh erupting from your chest and raw and unfettered and real. “I- I like you so much, you asshole. You know that? Right?”
He looks winded, his eyes widening as you draw slow circles with your thumbs on his cheeks. You can just barely see it, he only just hardly lets you, but you watch the way he leans into your touch. Just the barest bit of extra weight in your hands, only for a moment, before he pulls back just a bit, smirking up at you.
“Fuckin’ said that already, dumbass.”
“Katsuki!”You whine in protest, rolling your eyes as you let go of his cheeks. “I was being nice!”
You had planned to retreat after that, but the way he suddenly smiles keeps you rooted where you stand. It’s confident little smirk, sitting just at the edge of his mouth- it’s so coy and immature and playful and so very much him that it pulls you in. You’re stepping closer, just a little, and that only makes him, as if he understands, smirk a little more.
He’s like a magnet, you realize, blushing wildly. A dangerous magnet- and I’m an idiot for letting myself get this close.
“I was bein’ nice.” He finally says, grin absolutely shit-eating at this point. “What the hell are you complain’ about, woman- that was nice. You don’t like me bein’ nice to you?”
“That was not nice!”
“I think it was.” He shrugs, so very self-assured and taking the piss. “Think maybe you’re just too fuckin’ sensitive? Hah?”
It’s the way he says it- so cooly and calmly and almost smugly. Like he’s got you backed into a corner and just waiting under his finger. And, truthfully, he does, but you’re much too competitive to just accept that. Much too familiar with the way he’ll blush and scream and fluster at even a hint of pushback. So even with shaky breaths, and a heart fluttering out of control, you challenge him.
“Out of the two of us,” You start, a shaky hand ghosting feather-light under his chin, just barely tilting his face up. “I’m not the sensitive one.”
He takes the bait, just as you knew he would, and rises to it. Even blushing as he was, Katsuki only inches closer in challenge, catching your gaze in full. “Big fuckin’ words, sunshine. Be careful.”
The nickname was playing dirty, and he knew it. You could see it in the careful set of his jaw, the way that incredibly irritating smirk was still sitting unbidden across his stupid beautiful face. You couldn’t let him win. You just couldn’t. 
“Yeah, you’re so angry, aren’t you? So scary, pop rocks.” You tease, desperately trying to move past your breathlessness. Your hand moves on it’s own, threading carefully through his hair. “But not around me.”
“Fuck’s that supposed to mean?”
“Means you’ve gone soft, Katsuki.”
His hackles raise at that, and he clenches his jaw, eyes raging like wildfires. Bakugou doesn’t move away though, only gets closer, his hot breath hitting your face. “I’m. Not. Fuckin’. Soft!”
He nods, so very determined and offended and focused that you laugh. Your giggle makes him angry, you can see it in his eyes, but that only draws you closer. Only a few inches separate the two of you, but it’s like you can’t get close enough. It’s his magnetism, the way he’s still provoking you -despite being so red- that has your hands dropping from his head, crossing together behind his shoulders. You giggle again, warm, happy, heat flooding you at the proximity.
“Prove it then, Katsuki.”
Your defiance only seems to make him angrier. To make him boil because then he’s snarling, eyebrows creasing sharply, and he’s surging upwards, pressing his lips to yours. There’s no grace to it, no soft romance, just brutal pressure and his sharp teeth and his rough hands on your face. All things considered, it was the most aggressive kiss you’d ever recieved, but maybe you should’ve expected that. Still, it takes your breath away, nearly knocks your feet out from under you.
“Still think I’m fuckin’ soft?” Bakugou pulls away, so red he’s about to explode, but he’s still sitting there smirking like he’s won. “Hah?”
You can’t help it- you’d never heard his voice, felt it against your skin this close before. You shiver. That only seems to amuse him more, but then he’s looking past you. 
“Bread’s gonna fuckin’ burn.”
“Y-yeah!” You’re shocked out of whatever hold he had you in, shoulders straightening as you backed away. “Yeah. I know. I got it.” 
You felt winded, nearly weightless and fuzzy and flying as you turned back to the food. Your lips still tingled, fire sitting unrelenting in your cheeks as you finished. Part of you wondered where the hell that Katsuki came from, but then again, you figured that was part of him all along. He wouldn’t lose to anybody- and definitely not to you. 
You plate up the food, and when you turn around he’s still smirking. You want to kiss the smugness right off his idiotic gorgeous lips and you promise yourself you will. Later. 
“It’s hot, so be careful.” You say, sliding his plate across the counter to him.
“Obviously, dumbass. You think I’m that fuckin’ stupid?”
“No, but I’d hate for you to burn your taste buds off before you could really eat.” You smile, rounding the counter with your own food and taking a seat next him. “You’d really be missing out!” 
“What- you make it special or some shit?”
“Mhm. Just for you, angry man!” You laugh. “Figured you deserved something good after all your hard work and heroics.”
Bakugou’s eyes widen, so comically large and bright as he blushes and bites his knuckle. He turns away so quick, nearly cracking his neck with how fast he averts his eyes. “D-don’t just say that shit to me. Fucking weirdo.”
You took a deep breath, physically willing yourself not to turn away and squeal as loud as you could. He just had no right to be that adorable. Katsuki had fully kissed you, hands on your face and biting pressure, but he drew the line at being served food? At being served kind words? 
Oh- oh. You realized. It was words for him- affirmation. That was his real weakness. You filed it away, incredibly excited for the next time you got to test that little theory out on him. 
Dinner was an interesting affair- it was quiet and relatively calm, at least for everyone but the poor grilled cheese you’d served to him. He’d torn into it the second it was cool enough, nearly demolishing it in his sharp teeth. You figured you should’ve guessed that, that he’d eat the way he did everything else- aggressively.  
“You want anything else?” You ask, gathering the plates and cleaning up the counter.
“No. I’m good.” He grunts. “Thank you for the food, but if I want anything else I’ll get it my fuckin’ self.” 
“A simpler thank you would’ve worked just as well.”
“It’s- I’m not,” He grumbles, stubborn as ever. “The food was good. Thank you. I’m just saying you didn’t have to go to all the fuckin’ trouble. If I need somethin’ I’ll get it. I’m not a fuckin’ invalid who can’t do anything.”
“Oh my god.” You mumble under your breath, spinning around to face him. “Will you please just let me help you?”
“I don’t fuckin’ need it.”
“Katsuki- c’mon, just let me take care of you. Help you. Please.”
He looks stunned, maybe even vulnerable, as you near. You take one of his hands in yours.
“Don’t be so stubborn, angry man. I just want to take care of you.” You plead, not letting him look away. “Somebody’s gotta right? Especially since you’re still sore.”
“‘M-’m not that sore. I’ll be fuckin’ fine. Done it before.”
“Yeah, maybe, you have, and I’m sure you still could. I know you’re strong.” You supply. “So strong- but you don’t always have to be strong all by yourself anymore. We can be strong together. I’m here for you, you know?”
Something in his eyes seems so tiny and small and unsure at your words, and it breaks your heart. There aren’t enough words in the world for all you want to say in that moment, so you just take his head in your hands, kiss him with every bit of care and concern you hold for him.
Well you pull back, he won’t look at you, his cheeks gone nearly as red as his vulnerable eyes. His shoulders shake, and he takes a deep breath, turning his head to place a tiny little kiss into the palm of your hand. He doesn’t say anything, but the tiny action communicates almost everything you need to know.
“I saw that fall, alright?” You soothe, thumbs rubbing over his cheeks. “It was pretty nasty, and you’ve gotta be feeling shitty right now. I get it, and I don’t think less of you for it, and I’m not taking ‘pity’ on you or whatever you’re thinking so much about- I really just want to help you feel better. Because I care about you, and I’m so proud of you of saving that kid, and you deserve so many nice things. You gotta let someone help you, okay?”
He nods slowly, but you can see the resistance in the grimace of his mouth. It wasn’t easy for him- accepting help and admitting to any sort of fragility. You’d knew he’d fight you every step of the way- but that was okay. You’d never backed down from one of his challenges before.
“Now, I’m gonna ask you again, and I want you to just listen. Just listen and answer.” You tap a finger against his cheek. “What can I do to help you right now?”
“I-I fuckin’- I can’t.” He breathes, stuttered and anxious, frustrated eyes flitting between every object in the room. “Embarrassing- you’re fuckin’ tryin’ to- I don’t need stupid special treatment! I’m not weak!”
“I know. I know. I’m not saying you are.” You close the distance, pressing a light kiss into his hairline. “Being hurt isn’t the same thing as being weak. Being injured doesn’t mean you’re weak- and accepting help due to those injuries doesn’t make you weak either. You survived that fall because you’re strong, but you don’t have to be right now. Not unless that’s what you really want- not unless being alone right now is really what would help you best.”
He doesn’t say anything, just stares up at you with eyes so guarded that it makes you want to cry.
“Is it? Is that what you want?” You ask tenatively. “If you’re really not feeling up to it, just want to shut down and sleep instead, I don’t have to be here. I want to, because I care about you, but I won’t force you. I can leave if-“
Bakugou suddenly grasps at your wrist, fingers twitching on your skin. His eyes are closed and his eyebrows are pinched, but he presses your hand into his burning cheeks.
“Yeah. Okay.” You whisper, the fondness and affection dripping from your words, thick and heavy as they leave your mouth. “I get it. I understand- you don’t have to say it.”
He just nods tightly, eyes still closed.
You stay there for a moment, just breathing in the rare vulnerability that was rolling off of him. Then you find it’s not enough- that you need more contact. You’re surging forward, tucking his head into your neck as you wind feather-light arms around him, careful to avoid his injuries.
Bakugou fights it, going rigid and stiff and resitant at first. He hardly looks at you, just barely, but you catch his gaze and nod. It’s all it takes before he’s allowing himself to sink into you, his arms pulling you closer.
It’s hesitancy, than acceptance and than desperation, and suddenly he’s holding you so tightly, clutching at you like you’re gonna fade. Like you’ll slip through his calloused fingers. It makes you ache. Sends volts of throbbing pain through your chest that have you squeezing him tighter.
It makes you want to sob- the way he seemed so resistant to softness despite being so obviously starved for it. You wondered if anyone else had stuck around this long; if anyone else had noticed just how desperate he was for someone to finally hear him.
It was alright now, you figured. He had you now and you’d listen for as long as he allowed you to.
“You don’t have to say anything,” You start, voice quiet, turning your head to whisper against his hair. “But I want you to know that I think you’re good. That I think that you’re so strong, the absolute bravest, and that you did a really good thing saving that kid. I believe you- when you said that you were working on it. You’re not so angry anymore and I get it. I know I haven’t know you that long, but still, I’m so proud of you for it.”
He just melts into you further, a shuddering breath against your neck. You think you can feel a smile- just the tiniest little twitch of his lips. A hesitant, honest, thing that has unbridled fondess tearing through your chest.
You stay like that for a few minutes, so close and warm and connected, before he’s pushing you away. Just barely pressing away from you until he can look you in the eyes.
“I- uh, I fuckin’ like you too.” He stutters out, so very red and exposed and genuine. He seems to struggle with the eye contact, but he holds it anyway. “And think you’re okay. Or whatever.”
Truthfully, you wanted to tease him. Wanted to giggle and laugh and pick apart the words because he just added a “Or whatever” to the end of his declaration. It was quite possibly the lamest possible phrase to tack onto the end of an emotional statement and you wanted to say something- but now wasn’t the time for that. You didn’t even want to imagine the walls he’d put up if you laughed at him right now.
So you didn’t, you just pulled him close again. Hugged him tight and hid your pleased smile where he couldn’t see it. Bakugou stills then, resting his head against you and shutting his eyes. His anxiety fades from his shoulders and his breathing slows; if you you didn’t know any better you’d swear he was falling asleep.
“You want more pain meds?” You ask after a while. “Think it’s probably about time.”
He just nods. You begin to move away, and he follows you for a second. Just a second though- and then he’s catching himself and fisting his hands tightly shut in his lap, cheeks flushing.
“The nightime ones look pretty intense.” You comment, reading the label on the bottle. You give it a playful shake. “You wanna get high, angry man?”
He’s scoffing and rolling his eyes but he’s smiling too. Katsuki holds a hand out and you toss him the bottle.
“Not a fuckin’ baby.” He grunts, twisting open the bottle. He dry-swallows the pills; you he does it just to prove a point. “I’ll be fine.”
“I don’t know, those pills kinda look like horse tranquilizers. Worringly so.” You refill his glass of water, shoving it towards him before he can protest. “Now drink up. Then you’re spending the rest of the night on the couch, where you should’ve been. The whole time. Resting.”
“Jeez, pushy woman. I get it. Chill out already.”
“How am I supposed to chill out when you keep not listening to me, huh?” You take the empty glass from his hands. “Now, c’mon, go- back to the living room. I know you’re not gonna let me help you, but I swear to god, if I don’t see you hobbling away in a few seconds, I’m gonna be really angry at you.”
Bakugou rolls his eyes, all petulant dramatics and huffy sighs, but gets up anyway- actually listens to you even if it seems like it physically pains him. Actually, knowing him, it probably does.
He collapses into the couch as you bring another water over- just in case. You meant it when you said you didn’t want him getting up again.
“So, I’m thinkin’ you’ve got, max, maybe 30 minutes? Possibly 45?” You say settling in on the other side of the couch. “So pick a movie.”
He looks at you a little weirdly. “Why?”
“Because those meds are gonna knock you the fuck out.” You laugh, unable to hold it in. “And because watching movies is a relaxing activity. And that’s what you’re supposed to be doing right now. Relaxing.”
“So you’ve fuckin’ said. I get it, woman. Put whatever you want on, I don’t care.”
“Really? No preference at all?”
“No.” He puffs out his cheeks, averts his eyes. “Normally don’t have time for that shit.”
You can’t help it- the way you find yourself sidling right up next to him. You’re careful, sure to avoid all his sore limbs, but you take a chance and poke at his chest lightly.
“No time, huh?” You say, catching his eyes. “I’ll find a way to change that.”
His eyes widen and his cheeks redden, and as usual, he doesn’t say anything. Katsuki just hides his face over your head, tucking you into his chest as he huffs.
“Course you fuckin’ would. You’re the most irritating woman I’ve ever met.”
“I’m gonna choose to take that as a complement.”
“You fuckin’ shouldn’t. It’s not.”
“Well, I think I will anyway.” You giggle, sinking into his hold. “Besides, I’m pretty sure you like me- you did kiss me first, you know.”
Bakugou goes ridgid at that, face heating as he forcibly shucks you from him. He looks appalled, absolute disbelief covering his features.
“T-that’s not! I fuckin’- I did that shit to win! Because you said I was soft! I’m not fucking soft, you shitty woman!”
“Mhm. I know.” You laugh, nearing him again and stopping just inches from his red face. You’re blushing too, horribly so, but you can’t help teasing him. Nothing could stop you from riling him up further- it was your favorite past-time after all. “You wanna try winning again? I’ll promise I’ll let you. Katsuki.”
He shrinks back in his seat, jolts like he’s the one who just got shocked. He isn’t. You are- and you’re laughing and smiling and breaking the tension all at once.
“That’s- Don’t fuckin’ do that to me! Goddamn witch! What the hell is that? Fuckin’ breaking my quirk? What the fuck?” He roars as he tucks his hands under his legs. “You know how long I been workin’ on controlling that shit? Just to have you walk in and fuck it up? Stop it! I fuckin- you make me so mad! Stop laughing!”
“I-I’m not. I’m not! It’s just,” You begin, breathless and gasping. “I was wondering, you know, why that hadn’t happened in a while, but now I know why. And it’s adorable.”
“Shut up! It’s not and I’m not- I’m fucking cool as shit so don’t go running your fuckin’ mouth about it! You don’t know what you’re talking about, damn dumbass, you don’t know shit!”
You sober a little bit, admiration shining clearly in your eyes when you look at him. When you look at his red face- the way he flustered. Because that’s the secret, you discovered; he only popped when you embarrassed him.
“Stop yelling already.” You giggle, pressing closer to him. “It’s not a bad thing, angry man. You make me nervous too, you know?”
He spares a look at you, blinking dumbfounded at your statement. Like he couldn’t believe it. It was such a ridiculous, oblivious look on his face that you couldn’t stop yourself- you just had to kiss it away.
As much noise as he was making, it all dies away the second you meet his lips. All the resistance fades and he melts into it, hands grasping under your chin to keep you close to him.
The first kiss was about winning, and the second one about validation, and those were good, amazing, but this one was nothing but fondess. A torrent of burning, boiling, affection as your lips moved against his. It was a tender kiss, much softer and slower than the first one, and a lot more delicate but you liked it just the same. Liked being able to finally act on all the feelings you’d been storing up for weeks.
The completion you’d felt from this kiss far surpassed the charged kisses from earlier. This was kissing him just because you could, because you wanted to, and you were sure this was heaven- at least, as close to heaven as any one human should ever be allowed to get.
It felt like flying, like hurtling above the earth and surging through the clouds. Like you were Icarus and you breached the atmosphere to soar against the surface of the sun. His hands fell to the base of your spine, pressing you firmly against him, and suddenly you knew. Knew it for sure, in your bones like it’d always been carved in there-you might’ve been Icarus, but he’d never let you fall. You would get to blister and scorch and burn for as long as you’d wanted but your wax would never melt. There was no fear when falling with him. Falling for him.
You pull away, but you don’t go too far. Don’t think you could separate even if you tried. Katsuki was an addiction, a powerful, potent thing and the only salve for that itch in your skin was being close to him. As close as you could possibly manage.
He didn’t say anything, just ragged breathes as he pulled you close. That was alright, you figured, you already knew he wasn’t a man of many words. At least not of many nice ones. The thought made you giggle.
“What the fuck are you laughin’ about, idiot?” He huffs, cheeks still bright red. “What’s so fuckin’ funny, hah?”
“Nothing. I just like you. A lot.”
The statement was easy, falling from your mouth like it was seared into your tongue. You’d knew the affect it would have- that he’d jump in his skin and go shy under your touch. That was half the reason you said it after all.
“Oh my god,” You whisper, dropping a quick kiss to his heated cheek just because you could. He only seems further embarrassed by your action, hands unconciously scrunching the material of your sweatshirt. “You’re killing me.”
“Good.” He mumbles juvenilely, looking anywhere to avoid your eyes. “Die then. Fuckin’ burn, you witch.”
The laugh that tears from your chest is full and heavy and so very filled with joy that it sucks the air out of you. Has you grasping for breath as you clutch your stomach, a hand braced on the cushion behind you as you absolutely lose yourself. When the tears finally clear from your eyes, you see him smiling, apparently very pleased with his joke. Which, to be completely honest, you were too. It was a very funny joke, after all.
“You can’t- you shouldn’t call your soulmate a witch, Katsuki!”
He just shrugs, smile still stretched across his face as he watches you.
“Jesus christ, what am I gonna do with you?” You ask, heaving a breath as your last giggles fade. “You’re a real handful, you know?”
He nods, looking once again all too pleased with himself. You see his pupils though- the way they’ve slowly dialated from the meds. You had to hand it to him, being that present while fighting heavy narcotics? He really was the best at everything.
“Alright, alright, enough jokes from you, Mr. Funny Man.” You say, standing quickly to grab the blanket across the room. You sit back down, setting it to the side as you pat your lap. “Lay down.”
“I’m not-“
“Just lay down, you stubborn idiot.” You sigh. “I can see your eyes. You’re tired, aren’t you?”
“Not that fuckin’ tire-“
“I said, you’re tired, aren’t you?” You interrupt sternly.
He just looks at you, rolls his eyes for the umpteenth time that night, and collaspes into your lap. You spread the blanket over him, nearly cooing when he pulls it up to his chin and closes his eyes. He then abruptly shifts, movements jerky and aggressive as he turns onto his side and wraps his arms around you stomach.
“Aww, Katsuki-“
“Shut the fuck up, woman.” He bites out, not even bothering to open his eyes. “Say a goddamn thing and I’ll fucking bite you.”
“Ooo kinky.”
True to his word, he does bite. Not a cute bite either- it’s all pressure and sharp teeth and locked jaw against your stomach, all ridiculous force through your sweatshirt, and you swear to god if he wasn’t so cute you’d slap him.
“Katsuki!” You shrill, hands pushing his head away. “Ow! Stop! That hurts, you bitch!”
“Told you. Fuckin’ warned ya.” He grunts, relenting with a smug smile as he nuzzles back into your stomach- this time without teeth. “Now turn on the TV. Need background noise to drown you the fuck out.”
“You’re so mean!” You whine, but you’re still petting his hair fondly, shifting as minutely as you could to grab the remote.
He doesn’t say anything as the TV clicks to life, filling the room with soft instructions as the cooking channel drones on. You watch it for a while, perfectly content and sated as you scratch at his scalp. You wouldn’t pick the cooking channel on a normal day- but let’s face, you weren’t really paying that much attention to it.
Katsuki shifts suddenly, sleepily prods the base of your spine with a single finger until you jump.
“God.” You huff. “What?”
“You should stay.”
“Tonight.” He slurs, eyes just barely sliding open to display his glazed pupils. “Here.”
He’s trying to blink himself away now, hardly able to keep his eyes open. You see his blown pupils and feel his sluggish limbs- that medicine really was doing a number on him. Turns out, even the great Bakugou Katsuki wasn’t stronger than literal drugs.
Your stomach sank as you continued to look him. You wanted to stay- truly you did. But you couldn’t. It was a sunday, you had class in the morning, and your university was over in the next city.
You should stay.” He insists again.
“I’m can’t stay.”
“Fuckin- why?” He pokes your cheek with a sluggish limb, just barely missing your eyes. His own are coated in mild irritation. “Hate me that much or somethin’?”
“No.” You laugh fondly, batting his hands away and gathering them in your own. “I have class tomorrow morning, angry man.”
He’s quiet for a moment, but you watch his lips pull into a pout. He pokes your cheek again. “Drop out of school.”
“I’m not gonna drop out of school.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m almost finished.” You supply indulgently, cradling his sleepy face in your hands. “I can always visit tomorrow.”
“No. Now.”
“Katsuki,” You giggled, unable to contain it. “I really can’t. I can’t just do everything you say, you know.”
“Never fuckin’- never do anythin’ I say.”
“I know.”
He’s quiet again, head lolling to bury itself back into your stomach. You look at the time, and laugh- you guess 9:47 was past his bed time even when he wasn’t sky high off of pain meds.
“Stay.” He orders again, arms winding tighter against your stomach.
“You’re so loopy, my dear angry man.” You coo, catching his face in your palms, tilting his head until you meet his glazed eyes. “God, I can’t wait to tell you about this tomorrow morning.”
“When you’re still here.”
“I’m not- Katsuki!” You giggle. “What has that medicine done to you, oh my god.”
He just shrugs, closing his eyes as he drops his head back further into your palms. At this point, so flustered and outright giddy at his adorable actions, you were sure that your hands had to be shaky- but if they were he certainly didn’t seem to mind.
“Are you serious, right now? It’s- that’s all your weight! What’re you gonna do; just break your neck if I move my hands?”
“Yeah. Fuckin’ probably.”
“That’s not a good answer.”
“Mhm. Don’t move ‘em then.” He slurs. “World’s- world’s gonna be real fuckin’ mad if you kill me.”
You want to retort, want to argue with him and his ridiculousness, but he wouldn’t be awake to find out. He’s fallen asleep almost as soon as he finishes the thought, head falling completely into your palms, even more dead weight than before. Surpressing a squeal, you set his head back down on your thighs, heart pounding wildly when he nuzzles into your stomach.
His kitten snores start again, those same adorable little ones from earlier, and it’s like you had no choice. Mid-terms were coming up soon, and it was a terrible choice to skip class tomorrow morning, and your back would kill you when you woke up, but your grave was dug the second he’d cuddled into you.
Bakugou Katsuki always got his way after all- always won, even when it came to you. So you didn’t fight the sleep gathering in your eyes, letting your head fall heavy against the cushion behind you.
You stayed. You would stay, and you knew it was just because he asked you to, because he had you wrapped so tightly and completely around his explosive fingers- no matter how much you wanted to deny it.
enjoy the fluff kissy kissy :))
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genuflectx · 5 years
Robot Butler/Reader CH 2
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Ch 2 Length: 3,279 words
Full Story Length: 8,029 words
Main Kinks: Robots, risk of being seen/heard, public sex, creampie, fingering,
Other Warnings: Mentions of university, arguing with parents, former sex work,
1/30/2020: REPOST
(all images in aesthetic board are labeled for reuse with modification or are mine)
The next semester was closing in fast; it felt like you were caught upon the train tracks, unable to will your car's wheels to bumble over the edges. If you didn't think fast, you'd be flattened. Luckily you had emotional life support to push you on, in spite of the lingering anxieties that the world instilled into you.
“You will be fine. You've made it this far,” soothed Ezra, said life support.
Leaning against him on the couch, you made yourself into a ball and pouted. “I just barely passed my classes last semester! I don't wanna make mom keep having to pay for extra classes if I fail them.”
This bout of nervousness was brought on by a simple grocery list, of all things. The bulky robot rubbed your arm and glanced at the list in hand. He read it over in a millisecond: milk, eggs, bread, hotdog buns, chicken, rice, noodles, basil, parsley, mustard, packing tape, staples, glossy paper, new school clothes, notebooks, note cards- the list went on and on. It was rather long.
When you found the paper on the kitchen table, your eyes had focused right on the school supplies. Ezra had a hard time understanding why it would make you so, so anxious. But he did understand the logic behind saving money, and how it could upset you to spend past a limit. University was expensive.
“Your parents are quite well off, and I am paid well. They gave me a debit card to buy the groceries, you won't run out of money... so don't be sad,” he tried.
“It's not just that! I also don't want to disappoint them, ya know? They're both so smart and they expect a lot from me and Lilly. When mom realized how, erm, close you and I had gotten, I think she got it in her head that maybe I wanted to be like her. A mechanic, or engineer even,” you sighed.
Ezra physically rumbled, laughing. “We are rather close.”
You rolled your eyes and gently smacked his chest. “Get your mind out of the gutter weirdo.”
“Made you smile, though.”
He was right. Trying not to smile made you smile harder. You sighed with defeat, still rather anxious, but glad to have him around. “Let's just get this over with.”
Resigned to worrying about the future, you climbed into the passenger seat of the car. Ezra took the wheel and started it up, and off the two of you went. Tall suburban homes flew by, painting the world a blur of ugly, white washed brick.
“We should get the non-perishables first, like the bread and school supplies,” Ezra idly spoke up to break the silence.
You hummed. Ezra was a good butler. He'd been around about two months now, and rather enjoyed getting out of the house. His chipper mood was a great contrast to your inward tenseness. To one not already accustomed to the subtle tone changes of his voice, or the gentle expressions of his eyes, it would be nearly impossible to read his joy. But you could tell.
You could see his emotions as if they were written out before you, clear as a bell. Like earlier, when he didn't totally comprehend your apprehension. He had been confused, but still tried to comfort you. It was an endearing quality that Ezra had; always looking for solutions to problems that he didn't understand. He was a compassionate robot, and you loved that about him.
Ever since that night a few months ago, when he'd leaned you over the dining room table, the two of you were increasingly intimate. It hadn't gotten to a round two over the couch or on the corner of the washing machine, but there was always a question in the air. Would it happen again? Do you want it to happen again? Instead, you settled for the occasional cuddle. And despite Ezra's boldness with his dick, kissing him made him shy. It was adorable.
It occurred to you that you'd pushed the bad thoughts about school away by thinking about sex. What sort of deplorable little demon were you? Maybe the horny kind, you supposed.
“What are you grinning about?”
Your cheeks reddened and you shrugged. “Nothing, just about food and such,” you didn't really sound believable.
He blinked, smirk evident in his tone. “Alright. We're here.”
The grocery store was packed. People had no choice but to make room for and avoid Ezra. He was tall and took up quite a bit of space; people probably worried that he'd step on their children like ants. In reality, Ezra had wonderful reflexes. He was gentle and crept around the crowd with daintiness, not minding the occasional wide-eyed stare. In the corner of his eye, he could see a kid pointing at him.
“You'd think no one has seen a robot before,” you grumbled as you navigated the cart.
He shrugged. “You haven't come with me to the store before, this is the same reaction I always get. I'm not exactly a spick and span model designed for domestic affairs.”
The corner of your mouth twitched up. “Yeah, I noticed. Okay! So first on the list?”
Having the list memorized, he answered almost instantaneously; pointed a finger up at the isle names. “There's the bread aisle.”
So the two of you collected a couple of the close items that didn't require refrigeration. As you went along, there was some idle banter. Mostly Ezra having to scold you for trying to cram the cart with junk foods. He at least allowed you to get some candy for Lilly. She was fond of chocolate. Then he read the next goal upon the list: school supplies. In fact, there were the office isles now!
You cringed. You'd been actively pushing thought of school out of your brain since you'd arrived at the store. Suddenly the numerous, white overhead lights felt hot against your scalp. “Eugh...”
Ezra gave your head a pat. “I know it upsets you. Here, why don't we buy the most prestigious items they have, so you've only got the best when school begins. Sound good?”
You looked sick as you came into the isle. Notebooks, pens, coloring books for children, it had all the good stuff. Maybe you could get some crafts to make a hand turkey. Coat it with sticky white off-brand glue and sprinkle it with glitter. Wow. You missed kindergarten.
“How about this?” Ezra lifted a folder. It was plain black, with a slightly textured surface.
“Naaah. How about... this?” You displayed one with a puppy on it instead.
He studied it, puzzled. “That is the cheapest brand they have.”
“... If that's what you'd like, [Y/N].”
“Sure is,” you declared, dropping it unceremoniously in the cart. “If it's cheap, I won't freak out about ruining it with garbage essays and shitty notes.”
He took a moment to process that answer before turning away. You were tired of thinking about school and ripped through the isle with determination to leave as soon as possible. Ezra watched blankly, lost in thought.
You sighed. There was still the matter of clothes and perishables. Ezra took the lead onward, bringing the two of you to stop among the haphazard clothes racks. After fingering through the designs nauseously, you were finally coaxed into getting a few button ups. Some bottoms were also picked up, as an after thought.
“Let's find a changing room. Quick.”
There was an older lady at the desk. She chewed gum noisily and smiled a wrinkled smile, then smiled more nervously at your towering robot. You supposed no number of bright, frivolously colors could make people lose their unease.
Ezra held his hands politely behind his back. “May I go in with them, mam?”
The lady rose a brow. “Sure, if you can fit.”
As the two of you squeezed into the fitting room, you began to whisper. “Why'd you have to follow me in? You're too big, silly!”
“I wanted to see what you looked like in the clothes,” he replied, somewhat suggestively. “Besides. What if you became lonely in here? All by yourself.”
You rolled your eyes. He took a seat behind you and you were forced to stand between his knees, the little changing room being rather cramped. You decided to try the plain blue one, first. Ezra helped you squirm out of your current get up, pulling it over your head and promptly messing up your hair, but he carefully smoothed it back down right after.
He could see your bra. And though he was facing your back, the mirror to the side gave his roving eyes access to your front; it was a perfect, personal little show.
“You're blushing, are you uncomfortable?”
“No!” You exclaimed, removing the shirt from the hanger.
Ezra laughed playfully. “Allow me. Please.”
He slipped the sleeves onto your arms, like a jacket. More intimately, he gently pressed your back towards his chest so that he could reach your front and button it up. You tried not to breathe too hard.
“You're a tease,” you whispered.
His hands smoothed the wrinkles down on your stomach, making you jump and squeak. “Well, does it fit?”
You peeked at the mirror; eyes noting the hands that still gently splayed over your belly. “Yeah, it looks good to me. Really soft.”
He nodded. Then his thumbs looped under the elastic rim of your pants. “Next?”
Silently, you helped him pull off your skinny jeans so that you could try on one of the bottoms you'd picked up on a whim. If you thought being in your bra was nerve-racking, this was way worse. As you leaned to take something from the hook, you realized he was checking out your ass. You scoffed.
“What are you looking at?”
“You.” His hands came up and softly rested against your rear, cupping the cheeks. You were no stranger to this during cuddling, but his admiring eyes were making your heart quicken.
“You're awfully touchy today, mister.”
“I love the softness of human flesh,” he gave a squeeze.
A laugh escaped your throat. “Weird way to put it Ezra. If you love it so much, why didn't you stick to your old business?”
“We've talked about this before. Clientele selfish, joints overworked,” he hummed and nuzzled your shoulder. “I'd much rather be here, with you.”
So sappy. You giggled and bit your lip, pressing your ass harder against his hands. It prompted him to knead. Mustering up much bravery, you replied. “Well, you didn't seem to have a problem working with me before.”
A hand slipped lower, over your inner thighs. “I like you.”
You nodded, spreading your legs. “So I've been told, several times. Robots are funny.”
“I'll tell you a thousand more. [Y/N], who is the tease now? It's almost if you are attempting to obtain a certain response,” he gripped your hips suddenly and jerked you back between his legs.
You squeaked and he covered your mouth, lowering his voice. “We're in public. Be quiet.”
Mouth still covered, his free hand moved low and just barely swiped over your panties. You jerked and sighed between his fingers, your hands propping you up via his thighs. He started slow, the tips of his silicone fingers softly rubbing up and down. It was just enough to make you desperate.
“You've been so stressed today,” he noted, above a whisper. “Let me help.”
“Mhm,” you mumbled, leaned against him with eyes closed.
You breathed a steadying breath as the hand slipped from your mouth to your neck. The other dipped under your panties to give a harder rub.
“Feels good,” you praised, turning to kiss his rainbow cheek.
His middle finger felt through the folds, simply enjoying the sensation. Then he started to prod at your hole. Luckily, it was wet enough to give way easily and quickly, with little to no friction. You gasped as quietly as possible, hands gripping his thighs. A second finger joined the first, and then he was pumping gently. If he moved too fast the sound of wetness would become rather apparent, so slow and steady it was.
You had to bite your cheeks to refrain from whining. It had been way too long. The fingers inched out, wiping the slime up against your clit, before focusing there a second time. Suddenly the tips began to vibrate and you jolted.
“Ahhh, I didn't know you could do that!”
He chuckled with amusement and nuzzled affectionately. The vibration speed increased. Your muscles became twitchy and jerky with the sheer willpower it took to keep from mewling like a kitten. Ezra watched the mirror, loving the display.
“If you're going to cum... then cum,” he whispered commandingly.
His low voice was the last thing you needed to tip over the edge. The orgasm rocketed through your body, as if the ocean was swallowing you whole. The hand around your neck squeezed carefully, just enough pressure to remind you to keep your mouth shut. Then the vibration ceased, and it was over. The last waves ebbed down your spine as you calmed.
You caught your breath as silently as possible as he stroked your back sweetly.
“Do you feel better?” he asked.
Nod. “Doesn't make my problems go away but... wow,” you grinned.
Knock knock knock!
Ezra wasn't surprised at the abrupt interruption, but it made you straighten with fear. “S-some one's in here! One second!”
New college clothes forgotten, you scrambled to dress in what you'd come with. The older woman smiled as you passed by her desk.
“Taking any of'em home today?” she asked, unaware of the happenings.
Ezra replied for you; you were obviously still a little high off of adrenaline. “No. We will leave them on the return rack. Have a nice day.”
So the clothes were left behind and he shepherded you to the cart, to which you swiftly drove away down a random isle. Seemed like you were wandering around the store with no destination in mind. You were just nervous someone had heard you.
“Can't believe we got away with that!” You laughed mischievously, glancing around.
Ezra patted your shoulder, totally inconspicuous. “We did, flawlessly. A few times I thought you would crack.”
“Aw, no faith in me?”
“... A few times I thought I would crack, as well.”
You peeked up at him, brow risen. “What do you mean?”
He hesitated, before sparing a glance down at your still pink face. “It's been a while for me, too,” he looked away.
You squinted, then it hit you. Of course! “Maaaybe we should go home?”
“The list isn't complete.”
You gave him a silly look and waggled your brow. “Ezra.. Ezra come on now, you know what I mean.”
He blinked and squinted. “Ah, I see. We can still do that after we gather the remaining perishables.”
You slumped. “You really want to wait?”
“...Not particularly.”
Patting his arm playfully and grinning a toothy grin, you exclaimed. “Then come on! Go go go!”
The bot behind you had to increase his normal walking pace to keep up as you flew down the store, aiming for the self checkout. “Th-the groceries,” you heard him stutter.
You giggled devilishly and sent an ecstatic look his way, the anxieties of the morning buried back into the deep crevices of your mind.
It took some extravagantly articulated thought to convince your parents that you were fine in your current major. Yes, you and Ezra had unintentionally grown close. But you were not interested in becoming an engineer. After a long drawn out conversation with them (ignoring a look or two of disappointment), Lilly slugged your shoulder and gave you the thumbs up.
“Way to stick it to em,” she complimented. “Now how am I gonna break it to them that I want to be a traveling rodeo clown,” she sighed dramatically.
“Who can juggle small dogs that live in old ladies' purses?”
She started to snap her fingers, then finger gunned you while walking backwards down the hall.
Such a strange girl. She'd make it okay, whatever she wanted to do in life. Despite the hollow, sick feeling one gets after an awkward talk with the parents, the support of both your sibling and your butler- boyfriend- friend with benefits(?) was a balm. You made your way upstairs to his room, where he'd retired.
The door was closed, and you rapped at the wood. There was a pause, then your heard his heavy footsteps draw near. His eyes brightened when the sound revealed to be you.
“Do you need something?” he asked courteously, voice soft.
“Just.. to talk,” you noticed a book in his hand, hanging to the side. “Sorry, were you reading?”
He nodded, then stepped out of the way. Seemed he wasn't bothered by the unexpected intrusion. You strode on in. Not much had changed about his room since he'd moved here. Other than the extra chair you'd drug up, it was relatively the same.
“What did you want to talk about?” He asked, shutting the door silently and keeping a respectful distance.
Shrug. You noted how there was not a single grain of dust on the surface of his near-empty bookshelf. “I talked to mom and dad about school. It was... weird.”
Ezra nodded, waiting for more.
Taking a seat, you went on. “I can tell they think I should be doing something different with myself. And I really know they hoped that I was like, tinkering with you or something, but,” you sighed. “I don't know.”
“They were upset.”
You furrowed your brows, eyes downcast. “Yeah. I expected it. At least they're not forcing me to switch majors.”
He studied your features, then took a seat beside you in his own chair. The book rested in his lap patiently. “And you're sad,” his hand squeezed your shoulder comfortingly. “But you got it done.”
You reluctantly agreed. “I guess. I'm still terrified about failing my classes, but mom said she'd hire a tutor. I could just use the free tutors on campus but,” you rolled your eyes. “you know mom.”
Ezra would smile at that comment if he could. It was true that your caretakers could spend a bit frivolously.
“I'm glad I have you, though,” you commented quietly, expression easing up. “I hope you stick around for a long time. Even if you're not a butler in the future.”
A warm feeling overcame the girthy robot at your side. His eyes glistened and the minute movement of his inner apertures clicked, inaudible. The hand at your shoulder slipped down over your arm, then took your hand. When you looked up, he was staring with such passion that it struck you with a intense longing.
He had never felt this wonderfully certain about a partner, never in all his time of sex work. You didn't act like he was just some common 'bot. You treated him like Ezra. “You're my favorite human,” he said.
You wanted to laugh with glee. “Always a way with words,” you joked, leaning forward and nuzzling his chest. “Thank you for being here for me Ezra. Not just the.. sex or soft touches. You always make me feel better.”
Nothing delighted Ezra more to hear. The book slipped from his lap onto the floor, momentarily forgotten, as he hugged you as if you were made of china.
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olicitytropes · 5 years
Olicity Tropetastic Awards: Season Three
The season of angst, assassins, and al sah-hottie is one we’ll always hold close to our Olicity-loving hearts. From their first date, to their first kiss, to their first time together, season 3 really gave us everything...including(arguably) the best hiatus fanfiction we’ve ever had.
Don’t ask Oliver to say he doesn’t love Felicity. And don’t ask us to say we didn’t love these fics. 
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@tangled23works’s recs:
Memory Lane - @lupin72
Oliver and Felicity spend a night at a karaoke bar with Oliver telling Felicity how he knows for a fact that she can sing. Felicity realizes that she really doesn't remember Thea's birthday 
**Award: Best Karaoke+Fluff I’ve Ever Read**
Devil’s Backbone - @anthfan
What happens if Oliver and Felicity begin a physical relationship brought on by the catalyst of Sara's death, but acted like nothing had changed between them. One chapter per episode.
**Award: Best Canon Divergence/Fic You Need To Read ASAP**
The End of the Beginning - MachaSWicket
Tomorrow – and her stomach jumps a little every time she lets herself think about it – tomorrow, she and Oliver are leaving on some grand tour of the U.S. (And each other.) But first: sleep. Lots and lots of sleep. At least that’s the plan. To say she wasn’t expecting a knock at her door is putting it mildly. Because Oliver left her outside Palmer Tech with a sweet, lingering kiss, and he’d looked at least as tired as she felt.
**Award: Cutest, Most Realistic Olicity The Night Before They Ride Off Into The Sunset**
Only you can set my heart on my fire -  inlovewithimpossibility
He can’t help but smirk at her tone of voice. His main focus over the past two months has been memorizing every element of the woman underneath him. He’s tuned himself into her frequency, storing the cause and meaning of every type of hitched breath, moan and tone of voice. This soft, distracted murmur is rare but one of Oliver’s favorites.
(A small NSFW fic set in Bali during Olicity's post-s3 roadtrip)
**Award: Most Gratifying Olicity-In-Bali Fic**
@blondeeoneexox’s recs:
Caught in the Rapture - @bindy417
AU. Being the daughter of a ruthless and notorious crime lord, Felicity Smoak didn't think her life could get any worse. When her father unexpectedly sells her in marriage as a peace offering to his enemy, she quickly learns it'll take more than just her sharp intellect to survive. But what starts out as a sentence worse than death may actually be her only shot at freedom.
**Award: Most Beautiful Olicity Growth**
The Firebird - @supersillyanddorky06
Felicity Smoak stumbles upon a man dressed in black about to kill someone. The man takes an interest in her and she does not realize who he is. He is Al Sah-Him, the best assassin in The League, the crown jewel of the brotherhood, who is known for his lethal focus and killer instincts, brought up in the League itself.
What happens when he is taken completely with the blonde?
Assassin AU. Basically a what if Felicity met Al Sah-Him and not Oliver Queen story. Stuff will happen. Enjoy!
**Award: Most Amazing Felicity and Al-Sah-Him Non-Canon That I Really Wish Was Canon Because It Would Have Been SO REWARDING Fic**
P.S. Hong Kong: Was it Real?!? - @cruzrogue 
(This is off season 3 Flashbacks. When Tommy goes to Hong Kong he doesn’t go alone he takes his friend Felicity as the best information system being to help him locate Oliver Queen. Tommy may leave empty handed but Felicity gets to be a bride…)
Trope-tastic Awards: Week One
Fake Marriage!
(Olicity fake marriage stories! Pretending to be married, accidentally married, drunkenly married in Vegas and they don’t remember any of it)
**Award: Cutest Fake Marriage S3 Fic**
@allimariexf’s recs:
Once More (From the Top) - @writewithurheart
In the aftermath of his fight with Ras Al Ghul, Oliver finds himself somewhere unexpected: his hospital room when he first came back from the Island.
With a second chance to right the mistakes he’s made since coming back to Starling City, what will Oliver do to save the people he’s loved and lost?
Will he be able to change his past or will be he forced to watch history repeat itself?
**Award: Most Intriguingly Brilliant, Heartwarmingly Beautiful, Why-Can’t-This-Be-Canon Time Travel Trope**
We Should Just Kiss (Like Real People Do) - @dust2dust34
Prompt-inspired ficlets covering Oliver and Felicity's road trip after 3x23 "My Name is Oliver Queen."
Covers everything from the fluffiest fluff to silliness to gratuitous smut to ridiculous happiness to some angst.
**Award: Hottest Exploration of the Sweet, Smutty, Quiet, Happy! Domestic! Olicity Moments From the Summer of Olicity that we Deserved But Never Got**  
Long Time Coming - MachaSWicket
Felicity’s pretty proud of them both, that they follow up their frantic, almost-had-(probably-amazing)-sex-in-the-lair lapse in control with an actual, grown up, adult conversation in which they agree to keep their hands to themselves until they go on a couple of real, official dates. Well, that’s not entirely accurate. They agree that kissing is okay. And some, you know, associated behaviors. Because kissing involves touching and hugging and maybe occasionally some delightful friction. So that kind of… grinding is also acceptable. But they’re not going to have sex before their first date. Probably. Or how Oliver and Felicity turned all that blistering UST to RST. Finally. Spoilers through S3, including “The Climb.”
**Award: Sweetest, Most Emotionally-Fulfilling Use of Delayed Gratification (not to mention hottest)** 
@smoaking-greenarrow’s recs:
Confidence - itwasred
Olicity on their road trip after the season 3 finale, discovering each other. Felicity has some confidence issues that Oliver is quick to get her over.
**Award: Best Oliver Making Sure Felicity Knows How He Has Always Felt About Her**
Pacific Crest Trials - @imusuallyobsessed
After they drive off into the sunset and leave Starling City behind, Felicity and Oliver decide to go hiking on the Pacific Crest Trail. Felicity soon realizes that her vision and the reality don't match up, and Oliver does his best to convince her that backpacking isn't all that bad. Part of the Olicity Hiatus Fic-A-Thon, prompt: summer vacation.
**Award: Cutest Protective Oliver**
This One Time in College -  Vixx2pointOh
After we saw them drive off into the sunset, we know the travelled around the world....
In Thailand Felicity got drunk and started talking.....drunk Felicity shouldn't be in charge of talking....
**Award: Most Hilariously Drunk Felicity**
Daughter of the Demon - @laxit21,  mewmew666
What if in 1988 while traveling through Las Vegas Ra's al Ghul bumps into a nice waitress named Donna Smoak and they have one-night stand together? A little bundle of joy named Felicity Smoak is the result. In 2014, the Demon Head becomes aware of his youngest daughter's existence.
**Award: Most Unique Twist in Canon**
@memcjo’s recs:
Bury me in your Sins - @theirinrutherfords
Don’t involve yourself in the league of assassins and don’t fuck with the league of assassins. It’s a pretty easy concept, right? Well, it would have been if Felicity had known what she was meddling with. Now she has one of the league’s best assassins knocking down her door.
**Award: Best Use of Felicity Being in Over Her Head But Coming Out on Top**
Come Back When You Can - @smoaking-greenarrow
Felicity Smoak had accepted that her husband is dead. She's done everything she could to hold her family, her team, her city, and herself together. But five years after losing her husband, Felicity learns that things didn't happen the way she thought they did. And when Oliver realizes that he was lied to, he's willing to do whatever it takes to get revenge on the people who took his life away.
**Award: Best Use of Angst/Sorrow/Revenge Leading to a Happy Olicity**
Into Thin Air - @realityisoverrated-fic
Tommy disappears on his morning run. Two weeks later, Felicity is taken from the Foundry. Oliver is willing to sacrifice everything to get them back.
**Award: Best Use of Stubborn SmoakingBillionaries Facing Extreme Danger to Save Each Other in a HOLY SHIT~WOW! fic**
Try Harder Next Time - @hope-for-olicity
Set in Season 3 (I heart Season 3), Diggle confronts Oliver about letting Felicity go - yes, I can write the same story a different way over and over and over ;) This was Hope-for-Olicity’s 100th story as well!
**Award: Best Use of Diggle Sees ALL and is Tired of Oliver’s Shit**
A Nice Day for a Light Wedding -  sarcasticmama
A one shot based on leaked finale spoilers for Season 3 of the Arrow. Olicity! Written in between feedings with no beta. All mistakes are mine.
**Award: Best Happily Ever After Olicity Fluff**
Unasked Questions - @laurabelle2930
Olicity Smut ;) This one takes place during 3x20. It’s my take on what happened before we see Oliver staring out over the moon lit sands of Nanda Parbat. 
**Award: Best Use of Sexy, Bittersweet Olicity**
@msbeccieboo’s recs:
His Felicity, His Happiness - @oliversmuse
She just wanted to have a night off. A night where she could forget the trauma she had been through three months ago. But that night, everything changed. He saved her then kidnapped her. He was a mystery to her and she hated mysteries. They needed to be solved. She was determined to find out who was Al-Sah-Him.
**Award: Best disposal of Evil!Ray**
Adventures in Ivy Town - @it-was-a-red-heeler
Oliver and Felicity learn that there can be danger in the burbs, too.
**Award: Cutest Ivy Town fluffiness!!**
213 notes · View notes
animeniacss · 5 years
6 Years - Hoseok x Reader - Chapter 9 - The Flu Hits Home
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Synopsis: 6 years. That’s all it can take to take another look at someone and see that they have completely changed. You were once an eager 20-year-old, with your dreams all in view, and Jung Hoseok at your side to view them with you. However, after a break up the end of your junior year of college, everything seemed different. Now, you’re a recently divorced single mother of two, and your life is nowhere near what you thought it would be. However, after reuniting with Jung Hoseok, you may just be able to capture a little bit of that exciting youth you once knew so long ago.
Feat. BTS Members, Nayeon (TWICE), and Yuna (itzy)
Genre: Romance, SingleMother!AU, Past Relationship, Drama, Some Depictions of Violence/Domestic Abuse
Length: approx. 4.9k words
Chapter 9 - The Flu Hits Home
As you stood beside the counter, running a hand through your hair, you could faintly hear Hoseok reading to the girls. Hearing his high-pitched voice as he read the story, it really made you smile. You were so glad that Hoseok had no problem reading to them. Curiosity got the better of you after a few more minutes, you walked towards the bedroom. The door was opened slightly, allowing you to get a glimpse of Min Ja’s bed.
           Hoseok was sitting with his back against the wall, book in his hands. Min Ja was sitting beside him, snug under her pink covers. Grinning, she watched as he turned the pages. Hyo Bin was on the other side of him, her eyes mostly closed. She was probably very close to falling asleep as she rested on his chest. Hoseok was beaming as he read the story, Min Ja copying all his wild noises and voices.
           “And then, the little girl ran alllllll the way through the forest with the magic jewel.” Hoseok beamed, pointing to the little girl on one page. “See? Look…. weeeee.” He traced his finger along the trail, and Min Ja stuck her finger out to do the same, giggling as they both made the noise together, quiet enough to not wake Hyo Bin up. “Where’s she going?”
           “She’s going to the castle.” Min Ja pointed out. “But I can’t tell you why because you have to read it.”
           “Oh, okay.” Hoseok chuckled a bit, turning the page. Resting against the door frame, you watched Hoseok finish the story about a princess who saved the world. Min Ja was getting sleepier and sleepier with every turning page, rubbing her eyes and yawning as she rested against Hoseok to listen to him read it. When he noticed she was getting sleepier, his voices toned down just a bit. “Wow, that was good, huh?” He asked, closing the finished storybook.
           “Mhm…” Min Ja nodded, rubbing her eyes.
           “Are you tired now?”
           “No. You have to read another one.” You murmured. Hoseok chuckled.
           “Min Ja, it’s time to go to sleep. Mr. Hobi read you a story already…” You finally cut in, walking towards the bed. You took Hyo Bin into your arms, not waking her up as she curled into your touch.
           “Mr. Hobi?” Min Ja began, yawning as she watched Hoseok get up off the bed. “Can you read more stories soon?”
           “Of course, I can.” He said cheerfully, watching you set Hyo Bin into her bed and tucking her under the covers. “But it’s time to sleep now, alright?”
           “Kay…” she pouted, nuzzling under her covers. You walked over, fixing her blankets before planting a small kiss on her forehead. Min Ja’s big eyes closed after a few moments, and it wasn’t long before the room was filled with only the sounds of faint snoring. Turning to Hoseok, you motioned for him to quietly exit the room, closing the door behind you.
           “I appreciate that…” you said softly as the two of you returned to the living room.
           “It was fun.” He said happily. “But it’s been a long day, I’m exhausted.” He admitted, letting out an exhausted sighed. “Taking care of two girls for a whole day is crazy.”
           “Please, tell me more about it.” You teased sarcastically, crossing your arms. Hoseok grinned a bit as you led him to the door. He slid on his shoes, grabbed his belongings, and turned to you.
           “I hope you had a good time today.” He said sweetly.
           “I had a lot of fun. I appreciate you taking us out like this.”
           “Of course. Like I said, I wanted to help de-stress you guys. Did it work?”
           “Well, my back still hurts, I’m starting to see double, and I really want a drink. So, not much has changed.” You replied, a grin forming on your face. “But I did get that amazing video of you being terrified by that snake.”
           “Aaaaaaah…” Hoseok groaned. “I cannot believe you got that on video. You do realize how long that thing was, right?”
           “Yeah. That made it even funnier. I think it was trying to play with you.”
           “Well, I wasn’t interested.” Hoseok huffed. You laughed again as the memory flashed through your mind. As you stopped yourself from laughing, you glanced up at Hoseok again. You felt so calm, which was what Hoseok was trying to have happened. Sure, any day dragging around two children under five would leave any sane person exhausted, but internally, you felt so calm and so relieved that you got to spend a day just enjoying yourself instead of stressing out over the thought of Weong-Bin and his idiocy. When was the last time you felt that way? You had no idea. Without thinking, you took a step closer to Hoseok, and he blinked. “Hm?”
           “Hey…weird request…but can I have a hug?” Without hesitation, Hoseok grinned and opened up his arms.
           “Of course.” He said, practically beaming. Almost immediately, you latched yourself onto him, your hands wrapping around his torso. He was so warm, and you couldn’t help but nuzzle your head into his chest. You could hear him chuckle as his arms wrapped around you. “Not that I mind, but any particular reason?”
           “Your hugs always made me feel better, that’s all.”
           “So, I could have saved a whole days’ worth of won today if I had just given you a hug?” He teased. You both let out a small laugh, and you only hugged him tighter. “I’m kidding.”
           “I know.” You said. “Thank you for today.”
           “Ahh, don’t mention it.” He repeated again. “I like spending time with you.”
           “I hope we get to do more stuff like this.”
           “Just let me know when you’re free and we can work it out.” He said simply. You sighed, closing your eyes as you just allowed this tight hug to envelop your entire body. “…Is there anything else bothering you?” He asked curiously.
           “Other then the ex-husband stuff? No.” you admitted. “Everything that comes and goes in my mind kind of falls back onto that.”
You were silent for a moment. There was a wave of emotions hitting you right now, some that were good, and others that you would rather go away and never come back. After that moment passed, you let out a deep, almost frustrated sigh. “Damn you’re so comfy.” You pouted. Hoseok chuckled a bit, resting his chin on top of your head.
           “Thank you.” He said softly. “I’ll wait here for a few more minutes until you’re ready to let go.” You nodded, your hands gripping onto the back of his shirt. At this moment, you felt that if you let him go now, you may never get him back. It felt silly to think such a thing, that much you knew, but still. Being in this moment made you feel safe and content, and you didn’t want that moment to leave you.
           “Okay…” you said softly, finally pulling back from the hug. “I’ll let you get going.” Hoseok nodded, stuffing his hands into his pockets, allowing only the thumbs to poke out. “Get home safe.”
           “I will.” He said happily. Nodding, you waved him off as he headed towards the elevator. Slowly closing and locking the door, you took a deep breath of air into your lungs, held it for a moment, and exhaled it out into the air. You always knew deep down, even when you were married, that the way you felt for Hoseok had never truly left you. It wasn’t something you ever spoke about, but you knew it was true. Maybe that was why Weong-Bin didn’t even like the guy. You knew him in college, and he was well aware of your relationship with Hoseok from beginning to end. Feeling your mind begin to race with different thoughts and feelings, you knew it was time to go to bed.
           Sunday was a good day too, another one that you had off. You spent the time with the girls in the apartment, giving the family a chance to sleep in before getting up and spending as much time as you could coloring, watching TV, or just playing some games. Time to just have a lazy day with the girls did not come around often, but you were so happy when it did. The three of you were sitting around the kitchen table, just after lunch, coloring. Min Ja was drawing pictures of the zoo to show to her daycare friends the next day, and Hyo Bin was scribbling. Well, sort of. She had woken up crankier than usual, but you assumed she was still lethargic from the day prior and needed more time to sleep. However, she was absolutely refusing to be put down for a nap. You were unsure why, you could see that she was tired, but every time you tried to put her into bed, she would kick and scream and cry, begging to be picked up again. It was odd, but you tried to push it off as a rough day, one that would balance itself out as the hours passed.
           It didn’t though. Instead, it only got worse. As Sunday turned to Monday, you found Hyo Bin only getting fussier and more difficult with every passing hour. It got to the point where she refused to eat. Anything that was put near her the mouth was quickly rejected and met with a fit of whimpers and sobs instead. You had no idea what to do. Trying to think of something quick, you gave her some children’s medicine, one that induced some drowsiness, and put her to bed early.
           “Mommy, what’s wrong with Hyo Bin?” Min Ja asked curiously as she watched you exit your daughter’s room. You sighed.
           “I don’t know. Maybe she’s getting sick.” You admitted.
           “Oh…” She nodded.
           “Yeah. So how about you sleep in my bed with me tonight? Just so we don’t get sick too.” Min Ja’s eyes sparkled, and she nodded eagerly.
           “Okay!” She said happily. You helped her get ready for bed, and the two of you spent the next little while snuggled under your covers with the TV on. Nothing much for kids was on at this hour, just a few different cartoons and game shows that kept Min Ja giggling at chatting for an extra hour. It wasn’t too much longer before the sound of the TV lulled Min Ja to sleep, and you turned it off. Hoping that whatever was bothering Hyo Bin would pass, you found yourself unable to sleep, anticipating the worst.
           Unfortunately for you, just as you were about to go to sleep, your mind trying to assure itself that Hyo Bin was most likely getting a little cold and would be fine, you heard a noise coming from the girl’s bedroom off the baby monitor. The sound of whimpering, the sound of sobbing, the sound of gagging. Quickly, you shot up in your bed, the sudden shift waking Min Ja up from her slumber as you got out of bed and hurried into the bedroom.
           “Hyo Bin?” you called out, turning the light on and hurrying over to the crib. Leaning in, you got a good look at your daughter. She was pale as a ghost, her eyes heavy as if she hasn’t slept since you put her into bed. You quickly scooped her up into your arms and pressed a hand to her forehead. “Oh my God, you’re burning up.” You gasped, rubbing her back. “Okay…okay…” Hyo Bin weakly gripped onto your nightshirt, sniffling as you tried to calm her down. She was coughing and wheezing as if she was struggling to catch her breath. “Ooooh baby, okay. Let’s go take your temperature.” Heading out of the room and towards the bathroom, you passed Min Ja, who was standing at the door watching.
           “Mommy?” she called out in curiosity. When she saw you enter the bathroom, she quickly followed. “Mommy, what’s wrong?” you could hear in her voice that she was starting to get scared.
           “Nothing, Min. Go back to Mommy’s bed. Hyo Bin just isn’t feeling well.”
           “Noo…” she whimpered, eyes watering as she hid behind the bathroom door. You sighed, deciding arguing would only make things worse. You sat on the toilet, Hyo Bin in your lap as you put the thermometer in her ear. She tried to squirm a bit, but you managed to get a temperature.
           “…Oh God, 103 degrees. You sighed, holding Hyo Bin close as she continued to cough. It was deep, and you could hear the phlegm in her chest as she coughed, making her whine. “Okay…” standing up, you headed into the kitchen and attempted to find an ice pack or cooling rag to use. When you did, you placed the cold rag around her neck and heard her let out a deep sigh. “There you go, better, huh?” you smiled softly, rubbing her back.
           “Mamaaaa…” she sobbed, sniffling. You tried to soothe her as you thought about how you needed to take off work for god knows how long, and somehow get Min Ja to go to daycare without causing too much of a fuss.
           “I know, sweetie. We’re going to go see Doctor Park tomorrow, yeah?” You hummed softly, kissing her forehead. You continued trying to soother her back to sleep, but there was no way it was going to happen. Checking the time, you saw it was 1 that next morning, and you needed to get Min Ja to sleep so she wouldn’t be tired the next day. “Come on, let’s go to bed.” You led the girls back inside, having Min Ja get into bed with the promise that you would stay in there with Hyo Bin. You made sure to keep your distance, grabbing a mask from the bathroom and using it to cover Hyo Bin’s mouth in case she coughed anymore. “Min Ja, you need to go to bed.” You said softly, watching your daughter toss and turn in her sleep.
           “I don’t wanna.” She pouted. “I wanna stay with you and Hyo Bin.”
           “If you don’t rest, you’ll get sick too.” You pleaded. “I promise, I’ll be right here.” Hyo Bin let out a few more coughs into her mask and you rubbed her back. “Please, Min….” Min Ja pouted, nuzzling her head into the pillow as she pulled the blanket over herself. You watched her eyes stare at you for what felt like forever, but the darkness of the room and the silence caused exhaustion to overcome her, and she was soon fast asleep. With that settled, you walked back out into the kitchen and sat on one of the chairs, Hyo Bin in your arms as you tried to get her to sleep next. She was much more of a challenge, sobbing and fussing the entire time. Every moment that she seemed she would be falling asleep; a deep cough would hit and startle her back awake. You knew that there was no way you were getting any sleep.
           The next morning, you woke up to the sound of your alarm blaring from your bedroom. You had fallen asleep on the couch with Hyo Bin on your chest only an hour ago, but it felt like five minutes. Groaning, you got up, carrying Hyo Bin in your arms. She was still sleeping soundly, and you took her to her room, placing her in her crib so that you could go get Min Ja ready.
           “I don’t wanna go to daycare, I wanna stay home!” Min Ja begged, trying to stop you from getting her dressed.
           “Sweetie, please.” You begged. “I need to take Hyo Bin to the doctor and if you’re to close, then you’ll get sick too. I can’t have two sick babies, now can I?” You asked. Min Ja felt her eyes start to water, and she quickly hugged you. “Min Ja…” you sighed softly, holding her close to you. “Hyo Bin will be okay.” You said. “I promise. I’ll pick you up early. I just need to take her to the doctor…”
           “Okay…” she sniffled.
           “Besides, don’t you want to tell the kids all about the zoo?” you asked curiously. Min Ja nodded. “I’ll send Miss Yun Yun the pictures while we wait for the doctor, I promise.” Min Ja sniffled, wiping her eyes dry. “Okay, good. Now, to call out of work.”
           When you called, you got Jungkook on the phone. Explaining the situation, he said that today looked like it was going to be slow, since not that many appointments were scheduled. It almost made him laugh when you asked to make an appointment for Hyo Bin as early as possible, and he managed to get you in first. Relief washed over you knowing that the staff insisted you take as much time as needed. With everything settled and prepared, you threw on a pair of stretch pants and a tee-shirt before whisking your kids out the door.
           After dropping Min Ja off at the daycare, and having another mini battle wither about going, you were on the next train to the doctor’s office. Hyo Bin had woken up by now and still had a deep cough, making you keep your distance from everyone else on the train. While you were glad that she began to show symptoms earlier rather than later, you knew that by the severity of the symptoms that you were going to be out of work for a few more days.
           “Alright, come on in.” Dr. Park called, smiling as you entered the waiting room. “Much different seeing you here without scrubs on.” He teased, making you chuckle.
           “I know, I’m sorry it was so last minute.”
           “Oh please, kid’s getting the flu is always last minute.” Once you got into the room, he began an examination of Hyo Bin. He knew all of her shots and records because he was the one to administer them to her since birth. Hyo Bin was squirming, not wanting to be touched, but being a professional, Dr. Park was able to complete the examination anyway. “Yeah, it definitely looks like the flu. She’ll be out of commission for a year the next four days.”
           “Christ, I don’t have anyone to babysit her.”
           “Don’t worry.” He assured. “You’ve racked up a lot of time off. Use it, stay with her.”
           “But who will you get?”
           “Actually, Seokjin was asking about taking a few hours here and there for some extra cash. I’ll call him and see if he can take over your shift at all.” You sighed in relief, though finding this out was new information. “I’ll go make that call and write her a prescription. You’ll be out of here in no time.”
           “Thanks.” You said softly, smiling as you watched him walk out. Moments later, there was a knock at the door again, and Jungkook stepped in.
           “Hey.” He smiled. “How is she?”
           “Flu.” You sighed. “I won’t be here for a while. Dr. Park said Seokjin might be able to take my hours for the next few days.” Jungkook grinned. He had always liked Seokjin, since Seokjin trained him when he first got hired. Jungkook saw Hyo Bin resting against your chest, hiding her face as she coughed into her little mask. When Dr. Park returned with the prescription and also confirming that Seokjin would be working those hours, you hummed and left with a thank you.
           On the train ride back home, you called in the prescription and then phoned Seokjin. It rang for a moment, but then he answered.
           “Heeeello~? World Wide Handsome speaking.” You heard him say. It’s been a while since you really got to speak to him.
           “Hey.” You hummed. “Dr. Park told me you’re taking hours again at the office. Is work not going well?”
           “Hm? Oh no. Work is going wonderful! But you would know if you came to see me.” He huffed playfully, and you chuckled. “But I only work four days a week at night. I need more money, so I called and asked if I could work a few hours here and there at the office in the mornings.” He explained. “And my first day back, I’m taking over for you? Lucky meeeee.” You chuckled a bit. You could hear him set you on speakerphone, most likely to get himself ready to hop on the next train to the office.
           “Well I’ll let you go get ready.” You hummed. “I’m going home to sleep, I’m exhausted.”
           “You sound it.” Seokjin teased, laughing a bit. “But I hope Hyo Bin gets better.”  
           “Thanks.” You said your goodbyes and hung up the phone. Hyo Bin was sound asleep the entire train ride home, thank god. You made sure to stop and pick up her medicine, along with a few home remedies from the local pharmacy, before taking Hyo Bin home. She slept soundly in her bed, the medicine coursing through her little body, and you collapsed on the couch not long after her. You were exhausted, only running on about 3 hours of sleep, if even that. It wasn’t long before sleep overtook you as well, and the apartment was silent.
           You slept for what felt like forever, but it was only for a few hours, before Hyo Bin stirred from her sleep and began coughing. Forcing yourself out of your seat, you headed into the bedroom. It had been almost 12 hours since your daughter had really eaten anything of substance, so that was the next thing to accomplish on your list.
           Hyo Bin was a lot easier to feed than she has been over the past few days. She took some scrambled eggs and juice without much fuss, and you could see how relaxed and calmer she looked now that she was eating. It calmed you down too, and though her coughing was still horribly deep, and she was still warm, you were glad she was eating again.
           “Feel better?” you hummed, smiling as Hyo Bin nodded. “Let’s go inside…” You found yourself sitting on the couch, your muscles relaxing as you turned on the TV. Hyo Bin lied on the couch, and you put a blanket over her before turning to her favorite channel. Time passed idly, the noise from the TV keeping Hyo Bin occupied as she drifted in and out of sleep. You took this newfound time to do some house cleaning. Dishes were finally removed from the dishwasher, you got to clean the counters, clean up the girl’s rooms, and do some laundry. It was exhausting, but if you didn’t do it now, it would never get done. You made sure to watch Hyo Bin closely, checking up on here every once in a while, as she slept on the couch. Once the bedroom was cleaned, you transferred your sleeping toddler into bed, turning on some soft music in hopes of keeping her to sleep with the gentle noise. It was just as you were heading inside to get some lunch for yourself when your phone began to ring. “Hm?”
           Pulling your phone from your back pocket, you saw that Hobi was calling you. You had changed his contact photo to a picture of him with the girls that you had taken at the zoo. He was sitting beside Min Ja with Hyo Bin on his lap, the selfie angled up to get all three of them in it. Min Ja was throwing up a peace sign with Hoseok, and Hyo Bin was holding her bag of popcorn in her hands. It was a cute picture. Smiling, you quickly answered.
           “Hey.” You said happily.
           “Hey.” He hummed happily. “I hope I’m not bothering you. Are you at work?”
           “No, not today.” You sighed. “Hyo Bin must have gotten sick at the zoo. She’s got a massive fever and hasn’t really been eating too much all day.” Hoseok let out a deep, sympathetic sigh.
           “Aww, man. That’s rough. I hope she gets better soon.”
           “Thank you. She’s sleeping now. Hopefully, the medicine will break the fever in a few days…” you let out a deep sigh. “Are you working today?”
           “Sort of. Jimin and I have started some auditions for the upcoming year. We start in about 20 minutes, so I thought I would just call and see how you were doing.” You couldn’t help but smile at the idea that you were first on Hoseok’s mind more and more with each passing day.
           “I hope that goes well.” You said. “Are you still just focusing on the studio's hip hop class?”
           “Yeah. Jimin said depending on who auditions, we might expand and add a few more classes for a few different ages.”
           “That’s wonderful.” You said happily. “I told you it would happen.” Hoseok chuckled. “Well, I’ll let you go. Let me know how auditions go, okay?”
           “I will.” He said. “And tell Hyo Bin to get better soon.”
           “Will do.”
           “Mostly because as soon as she’s better, I was hoping that you and I can get dinner again.” Hearing that made another smile grace your lips. “I know it’s something we’ve been talking about for a while.”
           “Yeah. That actually sounds really nice.” You said happily. “A friend of mine has been pestering me for months to come to see him at the restaurant he works at.” Hoseok chuckled a bit.
           “That sounds perfect. We’ll start making plans once Hyo Bin is feeling better again.”
           “Alright, sounds good.” You hummed. “I should get going, though.”
           “Absolutely. I’ll let you go.” Hoseok said. “Bye~.”
           “Bye.” You hung up and set your phone back in your pocket, biting your lip at the thought of going out to dinner with Hoseok again. It had been a while since both of you had alone time with one another, and it was something you were missing. So, you were hoping that Hyo Bin would get better as soon as possible, for both your sakes.
           Hyo Bin slept soundly until you had to go get Min Ja from daycare. You felt bad that you had promised to pick her up early, but after cleaning the house and trying to get things ready, you realized that more time had passed than you wanted to. Luckily, Min Ja didn’t really seem to notice. You had sent over the pictures of the zoo, and Min Ja spent the entire day talking about her experiences petting the alpacas, seeing the bears, and even tried to tell the story about the giant snake that terrified Hoseok and Hyo Bin. She even showed her red panda stuffed animal to her friends, which you brought with you upon picking her up.
           “Everyone said they liked my pictures, Mommy.” Min Ja beamed happily as you brought her back into the house.
           “That’s great, sweetie.” You said happily. “I told you everyone would enjoy it.”
           “Is Hyo Bin feeling better?” she asked curiously, looking up to see her sleeping sister in your arms.
           “She’s doing better.” You said happily. “But she needs to take medicine. Her shot didn’t work and she got the flu.”
           “Oh…” Min Ja said softly.
           Upon entering the house, you got Hyo Bin into bed and put the TV on for Min Ja before starting on dinner. Surprisingly, when you served the simple meal to your daughters, Hyo Bin was taking the food down without issue again. You were glad to see that she was eating, and hoping that it was a sign of her quick recovery.
           The girls went to bed early that night, you gave them a quick bath and managed to read one story before the girls were out like a light. With a kiss to their foreheads and a firm tuck into bed, you headed into your room and threw on a pair of freshly cleaned pajamas.
           “God, what a day…” you mumbled, curling up in bed and putting a pillow over your face. You tried to take solace in the idea that once Hyo Bin was feeling better, you would be getting yourself ready for another dinner date with Hoseok. That made you excited, and it made you motivated. Thoughts of that day helped you relax enough to fall asleep.
           You had slept for about 3 hours, before the sound of feet rushing into your room startled you awake. Sitting up, you saw Min Ja standing at the end of your bed. Turning on the light, you saw Min Ja looked frantic, eyes wide.
           “Min Ja? What’s wrong?!” You gasped.
           “Hyo Bin is coughing super loud, Mommy…I think she’s throwing up.” Min Ja said. Almost immediately, you jumped up and hurried into the bedroom, the sound of your daughter gagging, coughing and sobbing just as she was the previous night. Upon entering the room, you saw Hyo Bin standing up in her bed, face pale as she was covering her mouth.
           “Hyo Bin.” You hummed, scooping her up in your arms. She clung to you as you led her into the bathroom, giving her a toilet to continue any throwing up she had to do. You sighed, rubbing her back as you tried to calm her down. Min Ja was once again standing by the door, peeking her little head in as she watched her sister sob into your arms. “It’s okay, baby. It’s okay. Your tummy is just not ready to eat the food right now. It’s okay.” As Hyo Bin finally calmed down, her body shaking as she coughed, you let out a deep and frustrated groan.
           The flu was a bastard of an illness, and you just wished you could take the burden of this pain from her, and get rid of it faster.
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prehistoricalcats · 4 years
Demeter asks: 2, 5, 6, 14, 16, 17, 22, 25, 29 (I love Demeter can you tell? 😄)
I would have been able to answer this on actual Demeter day, but Tumblr went down right when I was trying to post this last night, so it's a day late
Hell yeah! Let's do this! Demeter lovers assemble!!!
ahem but first let me put in a trigger warning for domestic abuse and child abuse
Even if that sort of thing is upsetting to you, you should still be able to safely continue reading if you skip questions 5 & 6
2. Who do they look to for guidance?
Depending on the nature of the issue, usually either Bomba or Deut, and also an elder OC I haven't discussed in detail yet named Hildebriar
5. What is a secret that they have?
This is the trigger warning one! From here to "End TW" contains discussions of abuse
Okay you ready for some controversial headcanons?
She was abused by her father as well as several of her older brothers, and she had at least two abusive intimate relationships before meeting Macavity.
Mac himself didn't actually physically abuse her, but he abused a lot of other people in his life during the time Demeter was with him, and he terrified her because she knew what he was capable of.
The Jellicles (except Bomba whose time with Mac overlapped Demeter's) think he must have smacked her around, because they recognize her behavior as typical of an abuse victim. She knows it's wrong to let them think that, but she's too ashamed and afraid to admit that her own father hurt her.
(Mac, for his part, recognizes that he treated her poorly, even if it was better than he treated most people those days, even if it was better than whoever hurt her before, it's no excuse, he knows he was a jerk and that associating with him was terrible for her mental health, and it's something he regrets deeply)
6. Would they trust anyone with their secret?
Bomba knows it wasn't Mac that hurt her, because she was already hurt when she joined the gang. But she doesn't know about her father.
Demeter wants to tell someone, but she's so ashamed. She thinks Bomba and/or Munk should be the people she tells, but she would probably actually find it easier to talk to Deuteronomy about it. Compassionate, empathetic Deut who doesn't have a hateful bone in his body.
While she loves Munk and Bomba dearly, and they love and support her with all their hearts, her shame is so great that she feels if they knew the truth they wouldn't love her anymore, and losing their love would be devastating.
But she can't imagine Deut ever rejecting or judging someone over what happened in their past (especially if they did nothing wrong, no matter how much they feel like they did).
End TW. You should be able to continue safely from this point
Okay so we've opened up with some pretty heavy thoughts. Time to move on to more lighthearted stuff!
14. What is something that never fails to make them excited?
Roller coasters. You'd think she'd be terrified, but she just loves them. Huge adrenaline rush, and that sort of "safe danger" kind of scary that feels super good (for some people anyway lol). Theme parks in general would be one of her favorite places, if it weren't for the crowds. Theme parks on a slow day? Ultimate day out 👍
Same goes for horror video games, for the same reason. PT, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Slender, she's a big fan of all of these. This doesn't carry over to most horror films though, except sci-fi horrors (Alien is one of her favorites). She tends to prefer suspenseful mysteries when it comes to getting a thrill from film and tv.
16. What is the most romantic thing someone has done for them?
You mean aside from putting their own life/safety at risk to save/protect her?
Well once the she went walking in the woods with Bombs and Munk. By and by they got tired and sat down to rest a while in the shade of a tree. Cuddled up between her lovers, Demeter soon fell asleep.
When Munk and Bomba noticed they decided to try to have a surprise ready for her when she woke up. They took turns watching over her and gathering flowers. Munk also waded into a nearby stream to retrieve up some smooth shiny pebbles that he spotted, and Bomba picked up every bird feather she saw.
Then together they arranged them into flower crowns, with the tiny pebbles as gemstones and the feathers as ornaments. They scattered the leftover flowers around on the ground.
When she woke up she saw them both grinning at her, wearing the strangest flower crowns on their heads. What kind of flower crown has rocks and dirty old feathers in it? She giggled and asked what they'd been up to while she was asleep.
They pointed out the crown on her own head, which was even more ridiculous extravagant then theirs, and she noticed the flowers scattered around her, and she realized this was for her.
Her heart melted. She just about cried she was so moved. She had to explain to her (now very concerned) lovers that she wasn't upset, in fact she couldn't be happier!
The flowers have long since faded away, as flowers do, but she still has the feathers and pebbles, kept safe in a little tin box she keeps near her bed.
17. Who is their favorite person(s) to spend time with?
That's easy. Bombs and Munk. Her angels 💛💛
Outside of her romantic interests, though, she has rather a unique friendship with Mungo. No I can't explain it, and they can't explain it either. Somehow they just click ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Mostly they kid around, goof off, act silly, and make dumb jokes when they hang out. I guess Mungo's easy-going sense of humor helps Demeter loosen up and enjoy life a little more
22. How indecisive are they?
Hmmm mildly. She sometimes struggles internally with important decisions, but little things are usually pretty easy.
One thing's for sure, she couldn't decide between Munk and Bomba. Good thing they love each other too! They have a perfect lovely three-sided romance because none of them could choose between the other two (nor were they remotely interested in choosing)
25. What is something they think they’re bad at, but are actually pretty competent at?
Fighting. She's braver than she gives herself credit for, and stronger than she seems as well. And damn is she fierce when she wants to be 💛
29. What do they do to relax?
Draw. A lot. She especially loves drawing people, and especially her loved ones. She has pages and pages and pages of sketches of Munk, Bomba, Deut, Mungo, the kittens, and the rest of the tribe. And she draws landscapes and horizons and just general scenery stuff, especially her own home and places around the Junkyard, and sometimes she draws objects, but she never arranges them in still-life, just draws them as is
She also draws things that trouble, her for therapeutic purposes. If it's something that bothers her enough she'll destroy it, but she's held on to quite a few sketches of her brothers, fire, Control officers, thunderstorm scenes, Mac, and other things she doesn't like, hidden away within the pages of her sketchbooks. She always destroys the drawings of her father though
She also plays piano, and while not all pieces are very relaxing to play *cough Liszt cough* she especially loves to play Chopin (her favorite composer), even the difficult ones, but especially the nocturnes
But for maximum relaxation, she loves to spend time just lounging in either Bomba's or Munk's arms, or ideally both. Many an afternoon she has spent half asleep in their arms, soaking up their warmth, maybe listening to one of their heartbeats, just perfectly content
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tricks-up-my-sleeve · 6 years
((okay so spoilers for s8 ep 18 aka on the road to friendship under the cut w/ a bunch of spoiler tags just in case))
So uhhh this episode was everything I wanted? A lot of it’s subtle things, but, I’m ghkjlhgfd I’m not crying you are. I don’t do horse analysis or reviews or anything like that I grew tired of those types of things ages ago bc it personally gets to a point where it sucks out the fun for me but I’m just gonna make bullet points of all of my thoughts. Mainly involving Trixie and how this episode ties into my portrayal of her. Probably others too, though.
The little magic show at the beginning? Wonderful. I love these two performing together.. and together in general. Twi & Caddy even agree on how they’re such a good duo.
Speaking of which, Twi complimenting Trixie with a huge smile? HERE. FOR. IT.
Flurry Heart watching the show was adorable. Also the inclusion of Granny Smith was of course great.
“Doing a show with you is almost as much fun as counseling students at Twilight’s school.” Almost? I’m disappointed. It’s not the first time I’ll be disappointed in Glim this episode, but we’ll get there. She’s still loved.. but it gets rough.
Loved how Hoo’far called Trixie “Miss Powerful” and her reaction to it. Just cute and silly.
TRIXIE’S. LOVE. FOR. HER. WAGON. I didn’t expect this to be a big plot point in the ep or really ever brought up, but I was so thrilled because that’s always been a small part of my Trixie. She loves her wagon. It may be small and cramped (and also, it apparently has a pretty fucked up doorknob) but it has sentimental value. It means a lot to her. I loved this so much. Not once did she stop and consider trading it for something that a lot would look at and assume was superior.
Moonwalking Trixie.
Trixie bringing up how traveling gets pretty lonely a few times in this ep. Pretty much something that’s easy to guess or assume, but that’s also something my Trixie hasn’t been too shy of admitting, either.
Trixie!!! Levitating!!! Herself!!! She obviously learned that from Starlight. Although we didn’t see it much, I’m so fucking thrilled that we see that Trixie’s been improving her magic. An issue I had with To Change A Changeling (which is just a nitpick) is that they really don’t bring that up. Personally, ever since All Bottled Up, I’ve definitely been convinced that Trixie actually has strong potential for magic, given the right teacher. Glim Glam succeeds there. I could go more into detail to why I think this is but I’ll spare you.
Trixie on the couch in Starlight’s office. I don’t even have to say anything. Just perfect.
I love how Trixie painstakingly made room for the both of them in the wagon. To it’s credit, looking at it paused, it at least isn’t as small on the inside as it is the outside. It has an entire cannon in there. It seemed like she set up two beds for them? Perhaps at least one of them was makeshift? It’s hard to tell, since Star brought stuff and then she set up hammocks. It did look slightly cozier in there before the extra luggage, though. What I guess I’m getting at, is that although it’s a tight squeeze, it’s good to see that it can at least fit two ponies, although it’s not entirely ideal. 
Seeing the inside of the wagon’s been a thing I’ve wanted for ages. I could sit and look at every little thing in there and just smile for a while. Super cute.
Trixie really is sweet and considerate, you know. Seriously. Asking if Starlight is sure she doesn’t want to ride instead of walking with her, and giving her more than one chance to back out on the trip if she wants to.
THE SONG. Tell me I’m biased, I don’t care. This is my favorite horse song. I’ve waited patiently for pony Trix to sing... and it’s just.. all so fucking cute. Too much to take in.
More of Trixie’s magic shown in her shielding Starlight. Love it.
“For untold seasons yet to come, our friendship will be here!” “For nine, at least.” FUCKING. WOW. That’s clever but it also hurt my heart. Especially since my favorite friendship duo has only known each other for three of those seasons thus far, and ultimately it’ll only be four. Too soon, Glimmy.
Trixie talking about how she learned the hard way about life on the road and saving bits and all that. I like that. It shows her more mature side, and that she’s a little street smart from experience. Usually she’s kinda shown as less mature than Starlight, and this episode shows the flip side, which I really like.
I love how she’s adamant on buying hay cakes (Haycakes? They’ve used the word pancake before, though. What’s the difference?) from her preferred stand. Like.. me too, Trix. Clearly there’s a higher quality in the line that’s actually got ponies in it.
This is where Trixie and Starlight really start to argue like a married couple. Here I thought Applejack and Rainbow Dash took the prize for that. This is so domestic tho.
The first argument, at least, is short lived. I really liked that. Trixie sighs, presumably not wanting to push farther to where she hurts Starlight’s feelings. Love how she says “No, of course not.” and continues to apologize for getting snippy. She’s really improved on being.. to put it lightly, less bitchy. It’s what I love about watching her, and while To Change A Changeling was hilarious, that was my other nitpick. She had an attitude almost the entire time.. but it was funny, and I wouldn’t go as far as to call it OOC, so I wasn’t mad. The reason Trixie appeals to me so much is that she’s definitely a much nicer pony, but she’s still her. She hasn’t seemingly changed overnight from the first time we saw her, but she’s definitely made an effort. She’s quite the sweetheart when she wants to be.
I love how Trixie states that it’s taken her years to collect all of her magical items. I just think it’s neat. Also, rightfully getting offended when her stuff is called junk.
Coward Trixie returns. This is definitely me looking too deep into it but personally I’d like to think that yeah, after the Ursa event, I’d be scared of animals outside, too.
Starlight snoring and Trixie outright performing in her sleep. Lmfao. I’ve said this like fifteen times already about other things but I love it.
I relate to these tired and grumpy girls, but even I would have made sure to save some food / juice for my pal. Well.. maybe the juice was definitely out of spite. Wish I could scold her, but I would’ve done the same thing.
The grouchy magic show hurt me to watch. It was still funny though. Again, definitely arguing like a married couple. Two tired, angry friends trying to work together is just never gonna turn out right.
I love their voices in the “Practice makes perfect.” “Not today it didn’t.” exchange. So sassy. So higher pitched. Those faces, too. Lol.
Starlight throwing all of Trixie’s shit out followed by Trix yelling “You can HAVE IT ALL!” Oof. Almost like I’m watching a breakup right before my very eyes. Also the way she runs off. These poor hopeless gays.
STARLIGHT GLIMMER CONFIRMED WORST GIRLFRIEND. I’mjustkidding. Naturally I saw this coming from a mile away, but still. Wow. Ouch. I do like though how it seems to be consistent that she can be defensive of her bad decisions. Not really realizing that what she’s doing is wrong.
TRIXIE FREAKING OUT, THEN BEING BROUGHT TO TEARS BECAUSE STARLIGHT TRADED HER WAGON. This hurt me more than you could imagine, but what hurt me even more is that Starlight didn’t even flinch, and was completely insensitive about it for a while. Yikes. I already went into how much I love Trixie’s attachment to her wagon, but this killed me.
Also, pretty sure that selling or trading somebody else’s stuff is illegal, Star. Trixie shouldn’t have beef with Hoo’far. She should just be planning a lawsuit against Glimmer instead.
Am I just crazy or stupid? When Trixie tells Starlight that at least the wagon wouldn’t have traded her away, I was like, yEAH, you’re valid. Tell her. It made total sense to me. Then Starlight just responds with “That’s ridiculous.” Like?? It wasn’t to me? I sound silly now bc I get the joke, it’s an inanimate object, but what I’m trying to get at is that Trixie was pretty much trying to say that if Starlight really was her best friend she wouldn’t have done that.
I love how Trixie doesn’t accept the flattery from Hoo’far like she normally would bc she’s real pissed. To be fair, though, it’s really not his fault. I mean.. okay, a little, considering he should have known that it didn’t belong to Starlight, and that the trade needed to be given the okay by Trixie. He’s not a bad guy, though.
Starlight finds out that you win some and you lose some with the bigger caravan. Also, I love how she didn’t realize how fucked up stuff was when she was with Trixie and having a good time. Her regret sinking in seems about right. You can see her start to miss her.
“Sometimes travelling together is hard.” “But you reminded us that you can also make it fun!” Definite lesson that these two needed. Obviously Starlight was breaking before hearing that, but those big sad eyes she gets after. Regret.
“What are you two doing?” “Taking a stand! By lying down!” Lmao. Never change, Trixie.
“Best friends who share a deep bond but weren’t prepared for the emotional challenges of traveling.” Oh, definitely. Really feel like their first trip should have been a short one. Possibly with more planning ahead of time.
Best. Friendship. Chant.
“Only true friends would be willing to act so ridiculous for one another.” Aww. True.
“At a certain point, I don’t even like travelling with myself.” Line I really liked. Also Starlight saying that it’s harder than she thought.
Despite their exchange about knowing not to do it again, eh, still not wanting to completely rule out the thought of them travelling together in the future. Like I said, with more precautions taken, pretty sure they could’ve been just fine. Mainly reserving a room at an inn, since the big issue really just seemed to be them getting crabby sleeping in the wagon. Would’ve preferred it if it kinda gave that lesson and had Trixie say that they’ll know how to handle it next time, with both of them saying yeah, but let’s not make that anytime soon.
Trixie and Starlight almost killed an old man.
That’s it, if anyone even read through all of that. Can’t really say much more. This may or may not be my favorite Trixie episode. I’ll have to give it some time, but I loved almost everything about it. (No Second Prances is my current favorite I suppose, due to it also validating a lot of how I viewed Trixie at the time, and still do.)
Like I said.. it’s just really refreshing to see her take on a more mature stance than Starlight for the most part, since other episodes usually show the exact opposite. Not that Starlight is incredibly mature in her own right, but she does usually take that role when it comes to her dynamic with Trixie. I love any chance we get to see Trixie, but in episodes like To Change A Changeling, sometimes I worry that they don’t give her enough credit. She’s not a complete incompetent bitch, and to be fair, I don’t think she ever really has been. I won’t go into how I personally view her flaws, though. Guess that could be another post.
Until next time. Hopefully there is another next time. Starlight’s line in the song about nine seasons still has me all fucked up and I need help. Maybe one day I could go back and do these for past Trix episodes.
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kellykadesperate · 7 years
Nicole!! Well if you want to do it, Aaron has to stay with Seb for a couple of days on his own for the first time because Robert is away for some business thing and Seb gets feverish (Nothing more than your common baby cold but Aaron almost has a heart attack). Vic is busy with her diner too, etc. That is about it sorry the idea is small but if you can't feel it, s'okay.
(it was a great idea!) 
It’s been about five months since they got back together.
Four whole months is a healthy strip for them and Aaron has to pinch himself sometimes.
Not because he doesn’t believe he gets this, no, but because they’ve managed to get this, and be just happy.
Struggling through things but, happy.
And Seb’s there, he’s slotted into their lives in a way which Aaron will always be grateful for.
The birds singing outside manage to make Aaron twitch, and before he knows it, there’s a tiny hand pressed against his mouth and he’s blinking quickly.
It makes him smile lazily, and Seb’s mouth is open and closing over and over again like he’s trying to say something.
He’s squeezed in between Aaron and Robert and he’s trying his best to wriggle around and flicker his eyes.
When he does, they’re wide and alert and Aaron’s never going to get over how much noise Seb can make, all soft breathes and gurgles.
Aaron gently strokes at Seb’s head the way he does when he needs to ground himself and then Robert’s picking up on the noises and he’s awake.
“Mornin’.” Robert grumbles out, voice all thick and making Aaron have to calm the heat which surfaces in his stomach and travels south. It’s the most stupid, hardly sexy things ever now, which make Aaron lose his shit and it’s maybe because they were apart for so long but -
“When did he get up?” Robert’s rubbing his eyes, sitting up in bed and his hair is ridiculously flat against his forehead.
Aaron pulls a face. “Before me.” He mumbles, and he’s got his hand stretched over so that Robert can pull him a little closer. “Woke me up by putting his hand in my mouth again.”
Robert is suddenly amused and smirks. “He wants to be a boxer just like you.” He says, places a hand against Seb and then kisses at his head.
“No one’s touching his little face.” Aaron says protectively and Robert seems to agree to that.
It’s soft for a second or two and then Robert has a grown line forming on his forehead.
“Go on,” Aaron mumbles and Robert gulps hard. “I haven’t forgotten you know.” He says heavily and yeah his heart tightens but they’ve been through this and he’s told himself that it’ll be fine.
Robert looks uncomfortable and it’s a rare but sensitively soft sight these days. They’ve talked so often about where they’re heading and it’s good, but Robert still looks at him sometimes as if he’s asking,
“Is this too much?”
“You haven’t?” Robert says, eyes fluttering and Aaron presses his head down towards Seb’s head. He’s not sure why it smells so good but it’s a comfort thing.
“It’s just for a few hours, I’ll be fine.”
Only the truth is,
He’s being left with Seb for the first proper time and it’s okay, it really is, he wouldn’t have said yes, if he wasn’t up for it.
“I don’t want you thinking that -” and Robert is climbing off the bed now and sighing. “You have to.”
Aaron just scoffs. “It’s not a chore.” He says, and his heart does something funny as Robert looks at him like he is the best thing in the world. “It’s just, me and Seb hanging out without you around.”
And Robert’s eyes flicker in to something tentative and beautiful as Aaron watches him nod his head and start running about because he’s slept in too long.
Aaron bites his lip and looks down at Seb wriggling on the spot. “Your dad should invest in an alarm clock.” He says and Seb reaches out and holds at Aaron’s hand tightly.
Always tightly.
Robert’s got a suit on and a new briefcase so smells of leather and cologne as he stands by the door.
“If - if you need anything, just go get Diane.” Robert says, face slightly flushed pink and his eyes melt a little as Aaron comes towards him with Seb in his arms.
The little boy has grown almost overnight and Aaron’s able to hang him by his hip now with a gentle ease.
“I won’t have to. He’s no trouble.” And that’s true. Because Seb cries when he’s over tired or needs feeding but that’s about it. He’s not a complainer, yet.
“Yeah, for you.” Robert says, comes towards them and strokes Seb’s soft tuffs of blonde hair. “Saves all the drama for me don’t you?” He says and then he gulps hard like he’s unsure.
“Oi.” Aaron says and Robert’s head is raised a little. “We’ll be fine.” He reassures, thinks about Vic and how she’s hardly available to call now she’s of doing her Diddy Diner stuff. They’ll have to be fine.
They will be.
Robert nods slowly before he’s kissing Seb’s head and then kissing Aaron’s cheek.
It’s domestic, it’s routine.
Only Aaron wants more.
He leans in closer and turns his head so that Robert is kissing his lips instead and Robert laughs against it before settling into a soft rhythm.
“Love you.” Robert mumbles, kind and passionate at the same time.
And Aaron says it back, Seb gurgling away in his arms as he does.
And then Robert’s gone, door closing and a train to catch, meetings to attend and -
“And then there were two.” Aaron looks down at Seb and smiles and he doesn’t know why exactly but Seb’s always looking back at him with this wide eyed amazement.
Almost like he knows that Aaron’s this special person who his dad loves.
Aaron’s getting carried away, tries to settle himself and it takes no time. Because Seb sort of likes nothing more than to ball his fists and gurgle and punch against Aaron’s chest.
So, Aaron’s laying on the sofa, has his hands tight around Seb’s waist and makes playful faces at the boy with the little freckles.
“You’re always good for me.” Aaron whispers as Seb drops his head backwards and then falls down towards Aaron’s chest. It makes Aaron chuckle a little and then he’s flicking through the channels and rubbing at Seb’s back as he continues to wave his hands up and down.
“You fancy watching Top Gear?” Aaron says playfully and then smiles. “It’s sort of law in this house Seb, you’ll love it when you’re older.” And he sees Seb speaking to him and playing with cars and being in awe of Uncle Cain’s garage and his heart fizzles.
It’s soft like that, it stays that simple until Seb’s only finishing half of his bottle of milk before pushing it away.
“Come on mate, it’ll make you big and strong.” Aaron says, and yeah he’s a little nervous. Just because, Seb’s usually always gagging for me and he hasn’t seen him reject it like that before.
And he manages to convince himself that it’s because he’s only been in his life for a few months and -
Aaron’s eyes flicker as he stares at the bundle in his arms, Seb’s frowning, looks like he wants to cry and then his eyes grow glassy and this feeling just takes over his entire body.
There’s this desperate need to protect and suddenly Seb’s against his chest and he doesn’t want to ever let him go. “Oh, it’s okay.” He says.
Only Seb’s sweating, his back is wet and he’s all pink and puffy and -
He’s not right.
Aaron’s not supposed to panic, like Robert’s told him not to panic over silly things, they’ve been through this but -
“Seb, Seb mate, it’s okay.” Aaron says, breath rushed and harsh. “You’re going to be okay.” He promises, decides to start bouncing him up and down but that makes Seb cry even louder and Aaron has to think quickly.
He thinks about settling him down on the sofa, calling Diane. But he doesn’t want to let him go, doesn’t want him on his own.
He keeps shushing him and it keeps not working as he tries to Diane and she doesn’t answer.
“It’s okay, I know mate. I know. I don’t know what’s wrong with ya.” Aaron’s mumbling, keeps kissing at Seb’s head and walking up and down.
And then he’s laying him on the sofa and taking off his onesie and the baby grow underneath. But then Seb’s going to be too cold and -
He doesn’t want to, but he’s calling Robert and it’s fucking failure, it really is.
“Rob, Robert, he’s crying. He keeps crying and - and he’s really really hot and -”
Robert says he’s coming home, sort of just like that and Aaron’s more than just a little relived.
“See, daddy’s come home. He’s - he’ll be able to help you. He’ll do it better than me.” Aaron says, and Seb’s got tears rolling down his face.
Aaron catches them all, has she curled up on his chest as he desperately googles what could be wrong.
Robert unlocks the door as quick as he can, he’s shaking a little as he does it and all he can think about is Aaron and Seb and -
When he opens the door, he has to catch a gasp in his throat because Aaron’s laying there and Seb is curled up on his chest looking like a little doll.
Aaron’s got an arm thrown over the little boy and they’re both sleeping soundly.
He comes a step closer and Seb’s almost sensing him in the room because he lifts his head up suddenly and Robert pulls a finger across his lips but it doesn’t help.
Because Aaron’s suddenly holding Seb tighter and Robert’s heart skips.
“I didn’t even hear you come in.” Aaron’s saying sleepily. “I was so -”
“Scared?” Robert whispers, and Aaron frowns out a yes.
“I can’t do it.” He blurts out, looks disgusted and Robert’s heart breaks.
“Don’t say that.” Robert whispers. “You’re amazing with him.”
Aaron frowns. “No I’m not.” He sighs, “I was so panicked.”
Robert bites his lip. “Because you care.” He shrugs. “It’s okay Aaron.” He whispers before stroking at Aaron’s face.
“I love him.” Aaron shuts his eyes and pulls Seb closer to him and Robert is so amazed by how little Seb cares about being held so tight. He usually squirms when Diane fusses over him.
Robert cries, of course he’s crying over Aaron’s words and then Aaron’s sitting up and holding Seb in his arms.
“I’m sorry, for letting you down.” Aaron’s biting his lip and Robert frowns at him.
“You didn’t.” Robert shakes his head before touching Seb’s forehead. “He’s got a fever.” He mumbles and Aaron rolls his eyes.
“I convinced myself it was so much -”
And Robert smiles faintly. “It’s okay.” He mumbles and Aaron blows out a breath, wants to believe it as Robert leads them up the stairs and into their room.
Seb’s groggy, won’t settle in his coat and Aaron turns over so he’s looking at Robert.
“I want to bring him in here, he’s ill and lonely and -”
“Misses your hugs as much as I do.” Robert smiles out, and Aaron’s eyes flicker before he’s getting Seb and placing him in between them like the night before.
Aaron’s just staring at Seb, watching him to check he’s okay and Robert’s doing the same.
“You didn’t fail today you know.” Robert tells Aaron. He looks unsure and Robert leans over and gently strokes Aaron’s thumb. “You love him, and me and - I never thought I’d see that look in your eye but -”
“What look?” Aaron whispers.
“Like you just wanted to keep Seb safe.” Robert mumbles, can’t believe how much it made him feel things.
“I always will.” Aaron says easily, “And i promise ya, I’ll panic less next time.” He says and Robert’s eyes sparkle.
“You don’t have to.” Robert says, “You’re doing amazing.” He whispers.
And Aaron doesn’t believe that so,
“You’re doing perfect.”
And he’ll keep telling Aaron that until he’s blue in the bloody face.
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goldenfatale-moved · 6 years
Cisco wants the K
ALL 24 KISSES FOR CISCO // @mostlygoodvibes
1: Passionate Kiss
The first time he kisses her like this, it’s mid fight, pouring rain. Cliche if anything, but adrenaline is pumping through their veins and he has her pinned up against a brick wall as the skies flash lightning. She’s left breathless and grinning, even as he smirks and vibes away.
2: Gentle Peck
These are saved for mornings. When the sheets are wrinkled at the foot of the bed and she promises to get up and make coffee, his soft mumble following as she presses her lips against his before slipping free to pad barefooted into his kitchen.
3: Firm Kiss
She asks why he’s here. It’s been months since she saw him last, and he’s bold enough to step forward and kiss her. Closed mouth. But not soft like the one she’d left him with before riding off into the sunset. Sometimes you just don’t need words.
4: Shut-Up Kiss
Cisco talks a lot. Usually she doesn’t mind, but right now he’s ranting about something dumb that H.R. did and it’s easily been several minutes with no sign of slowing down.  Reaching out she tugs him close and kisses him, hoping that will distract him enough and let him relax.
5: Romantic (Tender) Kiss
For the first time in her life, she’s brave. Telling him that she loves him as they sit on the top of Star Labs watching a metoer shower. Lisa pulled him away from the telescope he’d set up just so they could lean back on their blanket, holding hands and enjoying the softness of the moment. 
“I love you…” It slips out, soft and sure, Lisa turning her head to smile at him before he leans in to kiss her, chasing those words with his touch.
6: Teary Kiss
He’s the one that breaks the news to her. Len died a Legend. 
Lisa barely felt her legs give out beneath her, but she felt his arms around her, lowering them to the ground as she cried, fingers curled in his jacket and face buried against his shoulder. It was the most she’d felt in a long time; so many things she’d wanted to tell Len. So many moments she’d hoped he’d see. 
The kiss was soft, wet and tender. I understand your pain.
7: Distract-Someone Kiss
To this day, she only has guesses as to who the Flash is. The clues keep coming together, the more time she spends with Cisco and the team. Only no one ever directly says that the Flash is Barry Allen. 
Lisa caught a glimpse of plainclothes before her vision is suddenly full of her boyfriend. Cisco had panicked, hands cupping her cheeks and kissing her to distract from the face Barry had just whizzed in to grab his suit without realizing Lisa was in the Cortex.
8: Kiss in the Rain
“Goodnight, babe.”
Lisa presses her lips softly against his, ignoring the soft patter of rain that begins to sprinkle down around them. 
He suggests she come inside instead of braving the roads on her motorcycle in the rain that is steadily getting harder. 
9: Underwater Kiss
Is it a kidnapping if he vibes them willingly to whatever island she promised she’d steal him away to? Maybe, maybe not.
Either way they’re relaxing on a beach all to themselves on some earth that isn’t theirs, and Lisa drags him out to the water to cool off. It’s cheesy and silly as he kisses her under the water and Lisa pushes off the sandy floor to break up for air after grinning at him. 
10: Upside-Down Kiss
“Since I’m stuck up here like Spiderman... do I at least get a kiss?”
Lisa didn’t have a way to get him down after they’d decided to tag team the Flash villain of the week. Turns out the woman was going to be dubbed Black Widow, trademark pending. 
Smirking up at him, Lisa reaches out to steady his slowly turning body in the strange vicious rope the meta had produced. “Nerd.” She murmured fondly before pressing a kiss to his lips. 
11: Goofy Kiss
They’re splattered in paint, helmets drawn up and spent guns in hand as they come off the closed course. “That was fun!” Almost as fun as robbing a bank. When Lisa leans in to kiss him, it’s full of smiles and laughter, and the faint taste of paint.
12: Almost Kiss
It’s the first time he’s seen her in years. Since she sped off on a bike and his life once again revolved around Star Labs. 
When Cisco sees her again, she’s got gold in her eyes and a darkness in her voice. A promise of eternity on her lips as she leans in, as if she’ll brush her lips against his again and turn him to gold. 
At the last moment, her breath, warm against his cheek, disappears. 
She’s gone.
13: Hair Kiss
“Your shampoo smells good babe...” Lisa comments tiredly, snuggling into bed with him and burying her nose against the curve of his neck as she spoons him. It’s barely even a kiss, more of a sound as she smiles against his curls, softened by the rum she’d drank earlier. 
14: Forehead Kiss
“Goodnight, Golden Glider....” They’re stuck on another earth, unable to show their faces anywhere in case they clash with their doppelgangers lives. His googles now seem apart of him, just as the golden hue she’s taken on since getting her powers is part of her. 
Lisa barely responds, too tired from running - from fighting for their lives to find a way out of this place. She’s leaned up against his shoulder, both sitting with their backs to the wall, when he kisses her forehead. It’s almost sad, a melancholy cloak that settles over both their shoulders. 
15: Eyelid Kiss//16: Nose Kiss//17: Cheek Kiss//18: Jawline Kiss//19: Collarbone Kiss
Lisa wakes to kisses. Soft ones at the apple of her cheek and as she smiles, humming softly in response to Cisco’s lips against her skin, he moves. They’re brushed lightly over eyelids, cheeks and nose. Slowly following the line of her jaw and then down her neck before he presses one to her collarbone. 
Then the teeth come into play and Lisa tugs him down for a morning that makes him late to work. 
20: Chest Kiss
“I love you... always.” Somewhere between on and off flirtations and stolen kisses they’ve found a sort of domesticity. A balance that they’re both okay with. They’re living their truth, warm and happy in the quiet nights that soften the action figures shadows against his walls. 
Lisa brushes kisses over the faint outline of scar tissue on his chest. 
21: Stomach Kiss
It turns out she’s ticklish, just a spot slightly to her left side and she can’t stop the giggle that escapes when Cisco brushes first fingers and then his lips over her skin inquisitively. 
22: Hipbone Kiss
Hipbones are less ticklish and if anything, Lisa wiggles and moans as he brushes his lips over them. 
The next morning she presses her fingers over the slowly darkening hickies that Cisco left in his wake as she gets dressed, glancing over her shoulder with a fond smile to watch Cisco sleep.
23: Hand/Wrist Kiss
Lisa asks softly, not looking at Cisco. They’re dealing with something far worse - something with big teeth and too much dark energy pulsing through it. Cisco reaches for her hand, entwining their fingers together and lifting it to his lips to kiss the back of. “We got this, girl.”
24: Butterfly Kiss
“Can we just check this off your list of things you didn’t think people did, because honestly... it’s a little weird.” Lisa is struggling not to laugh when he suggests among the new moves they’re planning in the bedroom for the weekend, they try butterfly kisses. The description alone had made her snort, but she was game. 
After a bottle of wine.
They leaned in towards each other, close enough to feel the warmth of breath. 
She tried terribly not to laugh as they flutter lashes at each other, but it can’t be helped. Lisa dissolves into giggles and rolls to the side. 
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