#i guess this is my current household lol
neishroom · 1 year
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rushali singh’s parents think she’s at foxbury pursuing her education...but rushali dropped out to be a globetrotter :]
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tin-wufborf · 2 months
Tin's Favorite Sterek Fics (Part 13)
Hello, and welcome to part 13! You're getting this part pretty much immediately after the last because this is currently all I have the energy to do right now. So...I guess my cold says "you're welcome" lol.
Thank you all again for all of your support for this series. You're all amazing and fantastic and I love you all. I hope you all have as good a day as you can, if not a great one!
Oh! Before you proceed, please recall the warning I gave you in the last part's preamble about the prevalence of Bad Friend Scott McCall fics you'll be seeing moving forward. There's a shit-ton of them on this list, and there will definitely be some more moving forward.
Okay, that's all now, byyyyyyyyyyyyyye.
Smoochies and squeezies, my dudes!
List and links to previous/next part(s) below the cut.
DISCLAIMER: This is me warning you all that some of the fics I've included in this list may cover explicit, dark, and/or "taboo" subject matters. I cannot express enough how little I care what anyone thinks about any of that; all I want is for you to use caution when reading anything I've listed here and to please review and heed whatever tags the authors have provided in order to keep yourselves safe. Your experience from this point on is your own responsibility, not mine and not the authors'.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17
Layover by dr_girlfriend (G | 1/1 | 3,643)
Big, serious brown eyes were staring right into his from only a few inches away. The child had clambered half over the arm of Derek’s chair to study him at close range, her little rosebud mouth pursed in concentration.
“Uh.” Derek couldn’t look away as the girl reached out one pudgy hand and patted him gently on the cheek. Her scent was soft and sweet and somehow a bit familiar, just enough to keep Derek from shying away. Derek didn’t know too much about kids but he guessed this one was probably three years old or so, head still oversized in proportion to the short limbs and round little belly.
She seemed fascinated with Derek’s beard, eyes widening further under incredibly thick lashes as she petted Derek’s cheek some more, smoothing down the short stubble. Finally she grinned widely. “Good wuff.”
Derek jerked upright, hands clenching on the edge of his seat. Did she just say?...
“CJ!” The child was suddenly gone, lifted up by a strong, tattooed forearm around her little potbelly. “You scared the he— heck out of me! What have I told you about wandering — Derek?”
Hale Construction by Mynuet (G | 1/1 | 8,342)
Derek gets a business and a home. Stiles gets his own Batman. The sheriff gets hash browns. The Stilinski household is expanded without anyone quite talking about it.
So When Do I Get To Pledge My Loyalty To The Mob? by RedRidingStiles (M | 1/1 | 10,146)
“Are you my sugar daddy?” Stiles blurts out, slapping a hand over his mouth when his brain catches up to his mouth.
The man lets out a soft laugh, making his way around the couch till he’s standing just feet away from Stiles.
Stiles can smell his cologne from here, it smells heavenly, Stiles kinda wants to bury his face into the guy's chest so he can figure out exactly what it is.
“If that’s what you’d like to call it.” The man smiles.
Stiles doesn’t think he should be allowed to smile like that. All soft and gorgeous and way too pretty to be legal.
He’s still not convinced any of this is real.
Stiles loses his wallet, someone returns it along with $5,000. Shit keeps coming, Stiles life doesn't make any sense anymore, he's just going with it.
Edited in October 2022
Stop Crossing Oceans by greenleaf (M | 1/1 | 11,654)
“There are no absolutes, Scott! No hard rights or hard wrongs! The world doesn’t fucking work that way and we can’t afford to think like that, because people are going to die! We signed up for that the moment we got involved with all this!”
“We? We?” Scott hisses. “Don’t you think you? Don’t forget that you’re the one who dragged us into that forest the night it all started, Stiles. So if it’s anyone’s fault, it’s yours.”
Something inside Stiles cracks, so strong and so deep that he practically hears it.
The One You Choose by Asterekmess (Livinginfictions) (M | 7/7 | 13,495)
Stiles hadn’t seen Scott in over a week, except for glances he caught during school hours.
By Moon and Stars by kellifer_fic (M | 1/1 | 15,929)
"Have you heard of this Alpha?" Stiles asks, shuffling up his pallet so Scott has room to sit. Scott does with a grateful little twist of his mouth. Stefan forces him into the Stilinski ceremonial armor when they travel and Stiles can see that it's heavy and doesn't sit well on Scott. He can't shift encased in metal and Stefan knows it.
"I know of him, mostly stories that seem a little fantastical. Shifters exaggerate just like common people. They like their war stories."
"Tell me of him. Tell me a war story."
What to expect when you aren't expecting by MemeKon (T | 1/1 | 16,921)
The baby's wailing is piercing, Stiles doesn't know how Derek can stand it. He tries shushing her and cooing at her and bouncing her a little, but the crying only gets louder, and in addition to hurting his ears, it's hurting his soul.
“Stiles,” Derek interrupts him mid-croon, eyebrows meeting over the bridge of his nose, “have you fed her since you found her?”
Stiles gapes and looks down at the baby's distressed face as she bawls.
the most important things series by sarcasticfishes (2 works | G-E | 23,774)
1. most important things (E | 1/1 | 21,180) At first Derek didn’t know what to do with Romy. She was this tiny, squirming, pink thing that he had no idea how to read. But she was also his niece, and the only thing he had left in the world. He thought about giving her up and going back to California, but the thought of being so close to the place where his family had once been so alive hurt him, and so did the thought of letting her go. And so, in Chicago he stayed, and the Hills were forgotten. He didn’t want to go back. And no one came looking for him anyway. 2. most importantly, happy (G | 1/1 | 2,594) “Wow, Derek Hale talking about tutus. I’m hallucinating, right?” “Nope,” Derek turned his head slightly, to regard him, “Single parent syndrome.” “My dad tried to take me shoe shopping when I was twelve. Melissa ended up doing it for him.” “I’m a pro at shoe shopping,” Derek admitted, scanning the letter again.
A Healing Silence by HelloWhyTheFuckAmIHere (NR | 28/28 | 36,329)
Stiles is slowly pushed out of the pack following his fight with Scott about Donovan's death. After receiving a phone number from an old friend, Stiles is surprised to find that it belongs to the one person who may be able to bring him back to himself.
How Derek Met His Smallest Fan by purpleduvet (maga_nw) (M | 2/2 | 37,273)
Derek is standing in the fruits and vegetables aisle, trying to decide between two very nice looking watermelons, when someone small crashes into his legs.
Derek comes back to Beacon Hills after years of being gone and meets Stiles and his kid at the supermarket.
Suspicious Minds by HaleHole (SweetFanfics) (E | 1/1 | 40,105)
“Don’t feed Balto your pizza,” Stiles mildly warns his daughter.
Stiles pauses, mouth open and cheese sliding off the pizza as he parrots, “Derek? Who’s Derek?”
His daughter rolls her eyes, like Stiles has just asked her the dumbest question ever. “The wolf, Daddy!”
“You changed his name?” Stiles asks in surprise. Usually she’s pretty set about naming things. Her doll’s name was decided two seconds after receiving it, the car has been Alonzo for three years now, and the toaster ‘Pop’ for the last six months.
Meg nods, prodding the sliding cheese back on top of her slice. “Yeah. He told me his name is Derek. And that he doesn’t really like Balto.”
“Is that right?” he asks, eyeing the wolf who seems far too interested in watching a pair of animated moose arguing. It’s official. This wolf is weird. This whole situation is weird.
-- Separated from Laura after being cornered by some hunters, an injured Derek finds himself being rescued by Stiles and his young daughter. In more than one way.
We Play In The Shadows by words_reign_here (E | 17/17 | 40,729)
"This is my dad, Stiles." Emeri said and patted his belly. Emeri did not know what personal space was. "This is my godfather, Scotty." She said and patted Scott next. "This is my godmother, Allison." Emeri lowered her voice, "She works with Pops. She's a deputy." Mr. Hale nodded seriously, his full attention on Emeri. "And this is Lydia. She let dad borrow her uterus for nine months. But she's not my mom. Well. Biologically she is, but she doesn't have the legal rights."
Stiles put a hand over his face and sighed.
our lives are changing lanes by grimm (E | 1/1 | 47,537)
There's a lot of screaming going on inside the first house Stiles visits. He isn't really worried, because it sounds like kids, but then the door opens and hi, says his dick, because the dude in front of him is gorgeous, built like a god with a face like thunder. Stiles wants to lick that solid jaw line. Hold the fuck on, says his cop brain, because the dude's got kids hanging all over him; one's on his back, skinny legs looped around his waist, and another two hanging off one arm, toes barely brushing the ground. There's a tubby toddler clinging to his leg like a koala, and he's got a baby tucked into the crook of the one arm that doesn’t have kids hanging off it. Stiles' mouth drops open.
"How many of those kids did you kidnap?" he asks before he can wrangle his brain into submission.
The man gives him a look that says what the fuck is wrong with you and snaps, "You think I'd subject myself to this on purpose?"
"Oooh," says one of the kids hanging off his arm. "I'm telling Mom."
The House That Wolves Built by LuneFaitLaFolie (G | 6/6 | 48,978)
"Stiles isn’t stupid. He knows well enough that the pack are done with him. He knows he’s useless, and broken, but it still hurts."
"Derek is running through every interaction he’s ever had with Stiles, trying to figure out which ones he could have caught Stiles with his claws. The unfortunate reality is that he loses count of how many times he could have. "
Stiles is pushed out of the pack as his injuries render him useless and unhelpful, and the pack start to hate him. He hasn't spoken to them in months, until an allying pack comes to visit and he gets dragged back. But do they really hate him? Or was it all a big misunderstanding?
Hale's Modern Encyclopedia of Playing Cards (and Dating Humans) by thepsychicclam (M | 1/1 | 49,698)
Wolves don't date humans. And Derek's okay with that. He's got his Pack, his friends in the Pack network, and lacrosse. Plus, he plays cards with his grandma all the time. Stiles Stilinski definitely doesn't factor into his life - no matter how much of a crush Derek has on him.
But when bird creatures attack Derek, Stiles, and their friends in the Preserve, Stiles finds out about werewolves and things get pretty complicated. For Derek at least. And he thought school was his only problem, but now he's grounded and Stiles is hanging around way too much for Derek to ignore him any longer.
The Quickest Way to a Man's Heart (is Through His Bottomless Pit) by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella) (E | 1/1 | 54,170)
Pulling open his apartment door, he let out an involuntary shout when something was quite literally thrust into his chest hard enough to have him almost tip backwards. He managed to right himself while keeping hold of what had been shoved at him and looked up in time to see his neighbour striding back towards his apartment.
“You’re going to fucking kill yourself.”
His door slammed.
Stiles blinked at the other man’s door, utterly confused, and looked down at what he was holding.
It was a plastic bag, full of what felt like tupperware, which made no sense to Stiles because when had his neighbour broken into his house to steal his tupperware?
(SNYE - January 11th - Neighbours)
Go Away, Scott by HelloWhyTheFuckAmIHere (NR | 45/45 | 66,227)
After the incident at the warehouse, Stiles is fed up with Scott. He finds himself drawn into Derek’s pack and in the process, drawn to Derek himself.
With the Alpha Pack closing in, Derek needs to learn how to trust his pack and those around him. And who better to help him than Stiles?
Misfits series by Morraine (2 works | NR-T | 79,970)
1. Three Misfits in New York (T | 25/25 | 68,543) After Gerard beat up Stiles, the Sheriff doesn't believe his son's lies anymore. He demands answers and along the way mends his fragile relationship with his son. While they do their best to make sure that something like Gerard's attack will never happen again, new and unexpected friendships form and Stiles learns that he actually is kind of special. Suddenly it's not Scott by his side but Lydia and Derek, something he wouldn't have dared dreaming about in his wildest fantasies. Coupled with a surprise trip to New York and meeting an Avenger or five, life is bound to change drastically for the three misfits and their families. 2. A Misfit Working Holiday in New York (NR | 4/? | 11,427) Despite the looming threat of the Alpha pack, Stiles, Lydia, and Derek stay in New York to explore a possible alliance with SHIELD and further their new friendships. While there, new opportunities arise and they find themselves immersed much more in secret dealings than they could have anticipated. Not all of it is good, but the things that are good are beyond amazing for the disillusioned, hurt friends. Short though the working holiday may be, time well spent with incredible people allows each of them to grow beyond the hurt feelings and anger and discover not only what is really important but also their true potential.
A Similar String by snarkatthemoon (M | 14/14 | 118,250)
Strong bonds made for a strong pack, and he needed a strong pack.
They spent a long time in silence, Derek thinking hard about how he was going to cement the bonds. It needed to be done, and not just because they had the threat of the witch hanging over them, but for the good of the pack.
It felt like hours had passed by the time he came around; he had been so deep in his thoughts that he hadn’t noticed Stiles moving around on the couch so that his head was resting on Derek’s thigh, his long legs hanging over the arm on the far end.
He wasn’t sleeping, but his eyes were closed and his heartbeat wasn’t as fast as it usually was, as if he was just on the edge of sleep. It should have felt weird, having Stiles in such close contact, but Derek found that it really didn’t feel weird at all. His head was a comforting weight in Derek’s lap, another anchor tethering him and keeping him calm and in control.
Or, the one where Derek meets a witch, gets his betas back, and seemingly develops a sense of humour. Also, Stiles is totally magic, manages to accidentally join a werewolf pack, and asks too many goddamn questions. What could possibly go wrong?
Kings of the Moonlight by thelogicoftaste (E | 25/25 | 148,854)
Derek is the newly single father to his only son, Isaac Argent Hale, and he finds himself having to move back to his home town of Beacon Hills to escape the insanity of his ex. It's in the middle of all this upheaval, the crazy mess that his life has become that he meets Stiles. Crazy, beautiful Stiles.
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frostedshore · 4 months
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welcome to the hood i'm currently playing! i used @kestrelteens westbrook cove & moved the deco buildings around to suit my preferences.
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Meet Rio Tanaka, fortune sim, he owns the local sushi bar & i'm actually having so much fun running a restaurant in ts2. it is hard because he doesn't have any employee (i'm insane i know) so he needs to be the host, the server, and the chef. but because my hood is so small it's manageable to do all of that and I like the chaos lol. at the front of the restaurant he also have a sushi stand so he also works as the cashier & check out sims that orders take outs💀
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Meet Clio Delicate, family sim. She's the prettiest (and the first!) sim i made in ts2. Anyways Clio is my too cool for this neigborhood sim. She paints (bc I wanna see all sims 2 paintings) as a hobby and later in her life i want to make her own an art gallery (which will be the hood's museum). Right now she just works as an artist though.
Clio is sooo messy bc she autonomously have TWO love interests while i was playing with my other sims. When I was playing with the town's baker, which i will introduce later, Clio autonomously kiss this random ass townie named Daryl that spawned in my game
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I was so shook but also happy for her bc I want to make a couple & family as soon as possible in my hood bc i moved in a bunch of single sims. BUT THEN once i play Clio's household bc I wanna know the drama between her and Daryl, SHE AUTONOMOUSLY WOOHOO WITH RIO
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uhm... clio, this is awkward. Your OTHER love interest is standing RIGHT THERE😭😭😭
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I guess it's pretty clear now who Clio will end up with. Although Clio is more attracted to Daryl R.I.P. But because this is my FIRST hood drama, I will make Daryl move into my hood, give him a teeny nose job, and let him roam around for the sake of drama.
In conclusion, Sims 2 is so freaking scary. Anything can happen when you're not playing with your sims. But that's why I like it :3
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astoldbychae · 2 months
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✨ SURPRISE:✨ There's a little nooboo coming to the Hollingsworth household! Girl, Melo has been the happiest damn sim since she showed him the positive pregnancy test. 🥺
She's currently in her first trimester and I hate how big her belly looks already...and I needed to add her lil pregnancy overlay before I forgot so we're just rolling with it and things are going well so far, despite the fact that her and Mel's relationship has been on the rocks for the past couple of months. I went into their house the other day and their Friendship bar is maxed out BUT their Relationship bar is in the negative and all she does is argue with him...then turn around and kiss/suck all on his neck. Her Jealous trait + these pregnancy hormones have had my girl pinned against the ropes! She now all of a sudden has a fear of being cheated on while Mel has a fear of death.
I step away from their household for a few weeks and I come back to this shit! Now I gotta play catch up...because WTF!? But I mean, they are in the earlier stages of the relationship still despite it feeling like they've been together forever...so I guess life is starting to really life for them.
He shared the news with GeGe...
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and she's excited for another sibling. She even autonomously gave him the best hug evers! Lol.
He attempted to tell Eden about it and she took her ass back home (literally two seconds after trying to ask if she wanted a sibling, I get the "I should get going..." notification and she disappeared). I take that as homegirl was not here for it. 🤣
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why-the-heck-not · 5 months
Top 5 technologies that, unfortunately, have fallen out of use
okay this was interesting, had to rly think. Also idk if my definition of "technology" is right, but anything resembling will go. ALSO damn I rambled a lot, sorry abt that, apparently I like thinking about old tech
CDs. I miss owning albums, it was so nice to like actually have the physical copy of something u love. I think that's what missing now and is why I sometimes get actually annoyed abt loving a band/song (rn it's The Vantages (a band) & I'm actually mad about it) bc the "listening to it is not enough, I need to inject it to my bloodstream"-mood, which in actuality is that I'd love a physical copy to make it feel like a concrete thing. It's like the next best thing to going to a concert, and I can't keep buying merch I'll never wear outside my house to compensate. Also made u like decide on what album u want to listen to & the songs are always gonna be in the same order the artist decided them to be in, no mixing songs from the same or diff artists, you had to make A Choice. (actually my dad has my fave bands CDs (old-ish band & he an og fan) and it's kinda comforting to me that if (/when?) some Spotify apocalypse eventually happens, I'll have a way to listen to them anyways). Also been thinking for years about buying either a CD- or a vinyl player, or something like that bc I want to have physical copies of my faves (but haven't decided on what yet (probs vinyl tho. for the vibes.) and also the money aspect of it is not great)
Nokias. I just talked with my sister how we've both been thinking abt just buying an old Nokia keypad non-smart phone and just using that instead of like the current phones (but alas, not rly possible, like I can't get into my gym without a smart phone and that's just one thing, u kinda need a smartphone or life becomes unnecessarily complicated). But the durability, the worm game, the ''oh no in a hurry and need the letter s, oh shit I went overboard and went right back to p''). Also Finland represent lol
tamagotchi type things. like a "gaming console" (it's not but idk what those are called) that has the one game with abt 3 pixels and no color. Also I had one like that had a monkey that collected dropping bananas and that was the whole game, the only function that thing had (I have a suspicion I got it from McDonalds??? idk why I keep thinking that) (Googled and yes it was from McDonalds, called Aiai banana catch)
those big computers that were for the whole household. We didn't have one growing up (bc my parents had computers at their work and so we didn't need one) but the thrill of going to like a friend who lived near and they used their 1h of computer time to like play some horse game; unparalleled. Or like the games at Miniclip ?? or later on CLUB PENGUIN !!!!! (still to this day the best game that has or ever will exist) (tho I think at around club penguin-era my sister got a laptop so I used that until I got my own)
Those calculators that prints on paper what u've calculated right after, idk what they're called. Never used one & obv never had one bc was a kid, and actually not fully sure if ppl still do use them (but guessing at least that they're not as popular anymore) but damn. The pure aesthetics and vibes. Like the movie scenes of a character calculating using that while looking at bills to indicate that the said character has some finance problems? phenomenal, cinematography etc.
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i-heart-hxh · 11 months
I'm sure you've gotten this question before but the needle question got me thinking: do you have any idea how the Zoldyck heir situation even works? I'm guessing it's based on a talent and performance base (and having anime protag hair lol), but it's interesting that it's not simply "the eldest child is the heir to the family business." And if so, when was Killua deemed the heir? Love to hear your thoughts!
Hello! Actually, nobody's asked me this before, so it's a fun topic to dig into!
Canon doesn't provide much detail on this topic, so I'll do my best to convey what we do/don't know and then make some guesses based off that.
There's a popular belief I've seen in the fandom that Killua was chosen as the heir because of his hair color (and/or potentially nen type that may or may not come along with this), however this has never been confirmed by anything in the series. I do think when Togashi designed the Zoldyck siblings with Killua being the only one to inherit the white/silver hair like Silva and Zeno, it was almost certainly with the intention of making the fact that he's "special" among the family even clearer, but as far as we know currently, the heir is chosen based on perceived talent/potential.
I'm guessing this might include physical prowess and skill as an assassin, leadership ability, and mental stability. Killua is said to be the most talented Zoldyck in the entire history of the family, so I'm sure that heavily weights the decision towards him (in spite of the elements that make him "unsuitable," which the family seems to believe they can push out of him in various ways).
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(Unofficial translation, but it was worded in a more straightforward way than the official one.)
We're never told how or when the heir is decided--perhaps they evaluate the children at a certain age with regards to this, or it's simply an ongoing discussion among the heads of the household until they come to a decision. There may be some formal process or ritual to determine who becomes the heir that we just haven't been given info on. It wouldn't surprise me with how complex the Zoldyck family's traditions, rules, and ways of operating are. I do think it makes sense that the heir isn't just the first born son, because assassination is an intense, multifaceted trade and leaving that business in the hands of just anyone doesn't seem wise.
Here's a bit that implies there's some sort of timeline by which the heir is prepared to take over the family, because Killua is apparently at the most crucial stage of this:
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Looking at the other siblings, I think it's pretty clear why Killua is the best choice (in the view of Silva and Kikyo)--Illumi is unstable, power hungry, and has no qualms about killing innocent people to achieve his goals; Milluki is a shut-in who seems more focused on his hobbies than "work" and lacks common sense; Alluka has the Nanika issue and is barely even considered a member of the family to begin with. I don't know if Kalluto has anything in particular that disqualifies him, but it's not as though it's easy to compete with Killua, the most talented Zoldyck in the history of the family...
It wouldn't surprise me if we get a little more detail on the heir situation later in the series, seeing as Killua is still considered the heir as far as we know, and I think that's an issue that's going to have to be dealt with eventually in some way or another.
That's about all the insight I can give on this topic for now because we've only been given little tidbits on how it works, but I hope this was helpful or interesting nonetheless. Thank you for asking!
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biolizardboils · 2 years
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Behold—The Grievance of the Graphite Ghostwriter and The Woeful Watercolor Heartache of the Weeping Wet Hairbrush!
notes and a sort-of plot under the cut!
My recipe for these was (Kid + Nuclear Waste + Favorite Creative Utensil) x Personality Trait That Could Realistically Boil Over. George’s trait is his sense of justice, Harold’s is trying to downplay his sadness with jokes
They’re foils to each other in a few ways: Writing vs. Drawing, of course, but also Dry Dust vs. Wet Puddles and Only Eyes vs. Only A Mouth
Their surroundings in the second pic is intentional too. George is attacking the cool-colored Downtown Piqua, where cold-hearted businessmen exploit their workers; Harold attacks the warm-colored suburbs, tearing open nuclear households to feel the warmth inside
They get two forms because Booger Boy and Sir Stinks-A-Lot did too and also I’m indecisive lol. Think of their first form as Mega Evolution and the second as Gigantamax. Introducing Pilkeymon Graphite and Pilkeymon Acrylic
The Sort-Of Plot
First off this takes place in an unholy mashup of all three canons, because again I’m indecisive. Anyway:
One day The Boys realize their comics tend to come true and try to game the system lol. They make one about them getting Writer/Artist Powers and fixing all of Piqua’s problems with them! ...But nothing happens, and it upsets them more than they want to admit
Later they go on separate field trips to opposite ends of town (they’re in different classes like in the Movie I guess). They miss each other and sneak away to self-soothe by writing/drawing
But someone comes to bother them—a teacher scolds George harshly for wandering off, and a mean older kid picks on Harold knowing The Tie won’t stop him. They try to get away and fall into the sewers, where their frustration (and nuclear waste) catalyzes their transformation
At first they use their new powers for good: George “rewrites” the teacher to stop misusing his authority, and Harold “repaints” the mean kid into a literal class clown. But they don’t feel better, so they try harder: bad businessmen give away their riches, and the gas station from Book 9 becomes a candy store. They still don’t feel better, and soon their well-meaning “fixing” turns everyone into either single-minded zombies or forcibly smiling blobs
Melvin was in the downtown field trip and Knows About Captain like in Book 8 or whenever it was, so he finds Krupp, snaps, and sics him on George. Then he goes to the suburbs and “tells” on both Boys to their families. “Hey your sons have been leading dangerous monster-fighting double lives and now they’re monsters and you should be mad at them about it!”
Meanwhile, Captain is horrified that one of his sidekicks has fallen to evil!! He doesn’t want to hurt George and tries to talk him down while dodging his Pencil-Tie. George yells that he could never understand what he’s going through and takes on his Tornado form, blowing Captain all the way to the suburbs. There Captain sees Harold, gets horrified again, and tries the same talk on him—cue his giant Dolphin form. And since he’s spewing wet paint everywhere, Krupp wakes up in front of Melvin and the families. (What Captain didn’t get is that the Boys aren’t evil now—they’re having literal nuclear meltdowns due to past hurt and current stress)
So now there’s two giant monsters wrecking different parts of the city, Captain is down for the count, and the Boys’ families know Everything. Someone says, “Well, at least it can’t get any worse!” Cue the Boys seeing each other in the distance, not recognizing each other, and meeting in City Center for a KAIJU FIGHT (in Flip-O-Rama of course)
Melvin calculates their weaknesses and everyone splits up to gather the necessary supplies. But by the time they meet back up, the Boys have already neutralized each other (Harold bites down on George’s tie, and George sucks the water out of Harold’s hair). So instead the parents just talk to them and hope they’re listening from somewhere inside the dust clouds and dried hair. They tell them that they know what they’ve been going through now, that they get why they didn’t tell them, but that they shouldn’t have to bear so much responsibility alone. Maybe they even get Krupp to apologize for the part he's played in their constant stress (as if I haven’t derailed canon enough already lol).
The Boys emerge, human and crying, and run into their parents’ arms. Everyone helps clean up the city and cure its citizens with the supplies they’d gotten earlier. The sort-of plot ends with everyone going home, making popcorn, and watching the Kaiju Fight on the news. They might’ve caused millions in property damage but hey, at least it looked awesome
The outcome: Now the Boys don’t have to keep as many secrets, and Krupp is a bit more mindful of how he treats his students. (And maybe he knows about Captain now too, I haven’t decided yet)
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juniper-simblr · 1 year
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Uberhood update Year one: introduction
I've decided to start posting about my uberhood again. There has been some changes since the last time. It's actually a new hood, because I've changed up my playstyle and my cc preferences. lol.
But a lot of the buildings are the same in some of the hoods- and in others they're brand new.. So it's probably best to make a new introduction to each hood.
I don't know how much I'm going to share of gameplay- I think my current preference is to post "neighborhood-summaries" instead of gameplays from each household. But I like to share pictures of my builds, so I'll at least continue to do that.
Also, I might post a little bit about the "behind-the-scenes" because I loooove my spreadsheet. I love tracking stuff and I know I'm not completely alone in liking spreadsheets, so I might post a bit about that as well.. lol.
There's definitely a lot of changes from the last time I played with an uberhood. The biggest change is how I'm playing with Belladonna Cove. This time around BC is my Downtown. All of the premades from BC has been made into downtownies (except toddlers because they can't me made into downtownies. They've been put up for adoption instead). (:
Anyways, I'll start posting introductions to the 'hoods from now on and I guess we'll see how much I'll post of actual gameplay. (:
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gladlypants · 3 months
What have you guys been doing in Sims 4 lately? Any fun challenges?
I mostly just piddle around with a super casual little save or builds on my laptop these days while I'm watching TV between doing other stuff. No mods and no Reshade so the screenshots are not good lol. I'd like to get back to my Super Sim one day but I just cannot be bothered to go upstairs and sit at my desk for any real period of time anymore. Also trying to be mindful of my time spent gaming, with the changes that are upcoming with our household. Sometimes it's like a black hole, know what I mean, haha? I swear I've been playing Overwatch somewhat consistently ever since the current season launched and *still* haven't finished the battle pass tiers yet.... am I finally getting too old for the time commitment for games, you guys??😂😂
Anyway, maybe I should just move the SS save over, I guess that would make sense. Reshade be damned.
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phantomoftheorpheum · 4 months
I don't love the Noa cheating thing, but I guess within the plot it kinda makes sense with her having more in common with Jen than she does with Shawn. Like Jen understands what she's dealing with more than Shawn could (even if he wanted to) simply because she's experienced it with her mom. Definitely wondering if it's going to play into her test somehow. The truth coming out or having to choose between the two in a way
This got kind of lengthy (lol, no one has been surprised less), so I've placed most of it under the cut. Also to help avoid detailed spoilers for people who are trying to do so.
I agree that the plot isn't necessarily a bad one for the story (like I've mentioned a million times that I don't like love triangles or infidelity plots, but they can be executed well, and depending on how this situation turns out, I'm still open to being okay with the plot line in theory), just one that makes me feel highly critical of the characters involved. And personally a bit sad, as Noa was my favorite in season 1 and I can't currently honestly say that in season 2.
I can definitely see why Jen (or even just the situation surrounding Jen) is more exciting & appealing to Noa, particularly at this time. She's a teenager who has been in a fairly steady long term (by teenage standards) relationship with a stable, but possibly slightly boring, guy. Noa formed a connection with Jen when she was at a low point (taking the fall for her mom), and the kind of bond that you can create when you're spending so much time with someone outside of your normal context can be intense. And Jen is a secret (at least we have not seen Noa tell anyone else about their romantic connection), which is thrill seeking and a little "dangerous," without (usually) actually being that dangerous. Jen is mysterious. There's a lot Noa doesn't know about her (illustrated clearly by her having no concept of Jen's father or her relationship with him prior to this episode). And I do agree that some of the closeness Noa feels to Jen has to do with their commonalities and relationships with their moms. Jen gets the stigma of having been to juvie. Jen gets what it's like to live with a mother who is an addict. Jen understands what it means to have to struggle to pay bills and be the "adult" in her household when she shouldn't have to be.
The thing is, I'm not entirely sure Jen is actually being honest about her backstory/home life at all. I certainly have some suspicions about that. It could all be true, or it also could be largely fabricated (or selectively true) in order to bond with Noa. Hard to say at this point. The reason that I doubt Jen's honesty (when I am currently giving the benefit of the doubt to Christian and Johnny) is because we've seen her lie multiple times, casually, on screen. If Christian or Johnny are also doing that, we don't know it yet. Jen's family (or her possible lies about her family) have become plot relevant with Noa borrowing money to bail Jen out for stealing from her father, so that definitely makes me question how Jen and her family (or her lies) might be important in the following episodes.
So, all that being said, while I can understand why Noa is interested in Jen (even though I would have personally much preferred a "Shawn and Noa broke up between seasons and then this girl she knows from juvie shows up at summer school" plot, just due to my own pet peeves and the reinforcement of negative stereotypes around bisexuality) the way in which she's gone about conducting herself is just really pretty shit. It's okay to fall out of love with someone. It's okay to end a relationship, not because things were bad, but because it was no longer fulfilling. It's okay to realize that you feel more attracted to and connected to someone else, and therefore it's time to reevaluate and possibly end your relationship. These things happen all the time. People still get hurt, but it's not because anyone is a villain. The problem is... Noa isn't doing any of that?
The only dissatisfaction we have seen of her relationship with Shawn this season is that he didn't go to Mouse's birthday. She also doesn't like/get along with his mom, but it's not as if Shawn was upset with her over this, he recognized and understood this issue, and even pushed back against his mother when he witnessed it in person. Noa has continued engaging in a physical/sexual relationship with Shawn (generally prompted by her), as well as a romantic one, while lying to him about her past and present relationship with Jen. She has not only shamelessly introduced him to the person she's cheating on him with, but had the audacity to play into Shawn's affection/understanding of how hard things have been with Noa's mom in order to get him to pay for Jen's bail. Two thousand dollars is a lot of money, and the fact that she could sit there, ask for that, play into how Jen is dealing with the same stuff Noa has, lie to him about why Jen was arrested in the first place, fail to mention that it was Noa's plan to steal from Jen's father, and then immediately run off to kiss Jen behind his back is... Well, it's something.
Up until 2x04, I simply felt bad for Shawn, because he (that we currently know of) hasn't done anything to deserve this, but I also thought Noa was at least a little conflicted about this situation. Her behavior in 2x04 showed absolutely no regret/remorse for her actions, which reflects absolutely terribly on her character. I was expecting at least a "I don't know if I can do this," or something after the kiss with Jen, where we see her immediately feel guilty, but nope. Just all giggles while cheating with the girl your boyfriend just spent 2k on helping out. Like forget about Shawn as person/character for a second, this is about Noa and who she is, what kind of integrity she has, and it is revealing a really heartless side to her. I hope the show has plans to try to build her back up in the future.
All that being said, (aside from the whole "bisexuals are cheaters" stereotype that is being reinforced) I think the storyline could be really interesting. Will Noa feel bad about her actions next episode when she's had a little time to reflect, or no? Is Jen being honest? Does Shawn already know? I actually think (if this is genuinely plot relevant and not just side romance drama) this whole situation could be a legitimately good use of the love triangle/infidelity plot (even though those tropes are generally not my favorite). It definitely feels like Noa has a big storm coming, and I can't say she hasn't earned it. I'm very curious to see what her test is, and how the Jen & Shawn situation will play into it. Is she going to have to make some sort of decision, like you said?
Right now, on a personal level, I do not ship any of these three with each other. I'm very pro "go sit in a corner and think about what you've done" for them atm. And if Shawn is innocent, I hope he gets a cathartic moment by the end of the season. So... that's where I'm at with it. I get it, I can see ways in which it may work for the plot, it makes me very upset with Noa as a character.
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endcant · 2 years
a couple of special requests
The first is that I need glasses. I lost my glasses before I moved, 2 years ago. My eyesight has only gotten worse since then, making driving when it’s not bright out very dangerous, to the point where it seriously hinders our lives as a household. For example, I frequently need to use my roommate’s car to drive myself or hal to important but distant appointment/errands, but I can’t do it because we might not be able to get back before sunset and we value being alive and surviving and such. As a result, we are trying to get me glasses, which will probably cost around $130 total.
The second thing is a scooter. I have applied to everywhere I’m willing and able to work that is reasonably accessible to me on foot and have been turned down or ghosted at every turn. My own car has been broken since last december and the part it needs has been on national backorder for nearly a year, so I’m on foot til that’s resolved. There are places where I would like to work that are more reasonably accessible if I had functioning wheeled transportation of my own. I could even get myself to the train station and start looking for jobs in neighboring cities! As a result, I would like to get a simple kick scooter. The one I want costs $70 (not including sales tax and such but whatever)
These necessary costs add up to $200 that I don’t have. If you would like to help me see, drive, and apply for jobs, please send me some dollars on paypal or venmo! You can also tip me on here if you want I guess lol
We are currently at $200/$200!
(^ updated Friday, October 21)
I am still using ko-fi to pay for my regular bills and any art supplies, since that’s how I keep track of my art business money. If you want to help pay my regular bills, buy some art resources, or sign up for a membership, you can also check me out at ko-fi.com/endcant, but donations there won’t go towards glasses and scooter. Thank you 🖤
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anitmb · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering as a suggestion (sorry if you don’t take any) maybe if any of your modding friends would be interested too - a “drafted to war” mod for the male sims. for those vintage, classic 1920-60s sims players. It would be awesome that the young adult/adult male sims & elders(?) randomly get drafted to the war and they get sent away for some days like the way grown ups go to vacation or kids go to boarding school feature. then somehow making a way that there’s a chance of death and not able to return back home and then you get a letter notification of the condolences from the army that the male sim died during the war etc. or they return home safe and sound back to their family :) and each individual sim has a survival chance separately. Like just incase if one household has multiple male sims that if death happens that not every male sim dies but one dies and one returns or both return home or I guess both pass lol I don’t know how death can be added to the male sims that will be gone for a while if it’s possible to mod but seems like using the other features like notifications and the adults leaving for vaca feature can be used in this mod. This would be such a great mod for vintage story telling gameplay :)
This is actually a really good idea :)
Unfortunately I'm currently in a simming/modding slump, so for the exception of the one TS3 mod I'm currently working on and my first TS2 mod I'm fiddling with I'm not taking any new projects.
But hopefully somebody else might get interested in this idea so tagging along some guys
@zoeoe-sims @danjaley @phoebejaysims
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yoroshiu · 1 year
Random Things I Found Fun/Interesting in JPN Kingdom Hearts (AKA I think about these things WAY too much) (Part 1?)
Master of Master’s way of speaking in general! I mentioned this in the tags of another post but mans just says things in different ways. My current fave example is him saying ‘yoroshiku’ (if i had to describe/translate this, it’s pretty much “thank you in advance” (usually said as “yoroshiku onegaishimasu”)) as ‘yoropiku’, ‘yoroshiu’, ‘yorokushi’ (yoropiku esp, from what I’ve researched is considered a cute way of saying yoroshiku)
Also the way he refers to the foretellers (nicknames and saying “you”)! There’s been other posts that have talked about it but I need to let this out too! He refers to Ira and Aced as Iracchi and Acedon respectively. High key, he’s doing it to make fun of how serious (and aggressive in Aced’s case) they are. 
When it comes to Invi and Luxu, he says “kimi” (usually a more casual/usually boyish way of saying “you” (Sora usually uses this)).
For Ava and Gula, he uses “omae” (very casual/can be considered rude in many cases way of saying “you”, Riku uses this often and so does Sora at times). I’m assuming it’s because Ava and Gula are the youngest that MoM refers to them as such.
In Re:Coded, while in Wonderland, there are about 3 or so occasions where Data Sora and Alice say “nya” at the end of their sentences. No, this is not explained nor does any character make a comment about it. 
More of a meta example than in-game, but from what I’ve seen, a lot of the JPN community shortens MoM to “Masu Masu” and that just sounds cute (on brand with him too lol). To be fair, a lot of terms and names are shortened beyond KH.
In that scene where Mickey and Riku talk about Aqua in KH3 and Riku freaks out over being told that Aqua is just like Sora, the delivery of his “EEEEEEHHHHHHH?!?!?!?!” is just so funny and on point (we love Mamoru Miyano in this household)
In general, hearing the differences Miyu Irino makes for voicing Sora and Vanitas. If you listen to both of their battle voice lines, they both say “IKE” (ee-keh) (meaning something akin to “Go!”) and it is a HUGE difference. Sora is higher pitched and kinda cute, as Irino tends to do with him while Vanitas is lower pitched and very aggressive (kind of growling to an extent)
SORA CAN COUNT. The cutscene where Donald says “’cause Sora can’t count” in ENG is really different in JPN. In JPN, Donald says “[It’s because] Sora’s inconsiderate/insensitive.” My guess is that it wouldn’t be as funny than something like “Sora can’t count” considering that SDG laugh over it after. (Really, Kid Icarus: Uprising did something similar with Pit too)
Koichi Yamadera, Donald’s JPN VA, also voices Beast, Mushu, Genie, Stitch, among many, many characters in KH alone.
For the line “So he told you how he felt” that DiZ says to Riku about Roxas, in JPN he says “Did he tell [you] that he hates Sora?” Which just hits me pretty hard lol
In ENG, they pronounce Lea’s name as “Lee” but in JPN, it is said as “Lee-ah” 
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romaine2424 · 1 year
Daily Blog June 24, 2023
It's Saturday, which means chore day around my household, which also means today's blog will be shorter than usual. :)
What I'm reading:
Still working my way through The Changeling. But I also read a new h/d chapter fic that was just completed, which was okay. It had it's moments but the plot fell apart at certain points. I liked it enough to finish it, but not enough to rec it or suggest others go read it. I did finish The Light More Beautiful last night. I admit I wasn't expecting what Harry's injury actually was. It was such a great read!
(New Category) What WIP I'm following:
Okay you Drarry fans turn away now because this a Dramione chapter fic. Let The Dark In is @senlinyu 's latest fic. The author is one of the premier authors for Dramione and is well known for writing Manacled (377K). I could write an essay on how good that fic is. Blew me away. One of the bravest and most satisfying endings I've read in a fanfic. Let The Dark In is an AU focused on Hermione. There is No Voldemort. Harry has his parents and others, but that doesn't make this fic anywhere close to soft. Hermione is morally grey in this. While Muggle-borns are allowed into Hogwarts, they are looked down upon by most everyone and not allowed into higher positions at the Ministry. She's striving to become Head Girl by her seventh year so she can show them all that Muggle-borns are just as good. But then in her 6th year, the Tri-Wizard cup happens and Draco arrives as a Durmstrang competitor. The fic is at 32 chapters currently and close to 170K. If you love plot, really really good plot, click that link and enjoy.
Tumblr Drarry Fic/Art Resource:
I'm guessing most of you already follow @lostdrarryfics. I admit that I love reading the asks, and despite all of my fic reading I rarely know the the fic they're looking for. @lostdrarryfics home page is a definite goto. Their pinned post has links to a wealth of information, especially the one to Drarry reccers. Can't thank them enough for all they do!!!!!!!!
As I was saying above, I love reading the asks. I find it fascinating what people actually remember from a fic they've read. It's even more interesting humbling when it's one your own. I remember years ago on LJ where there was a similar findfic service someone asked for a fic and what they remembered was H/D discussing their bathroom habits. Harry was shy to go in front of Draco and Harry teased Draco about his morning routine. I cracked up that someone put that in a fic......I about died when the answer was one of my fics. Seriously, a 500K fic filled with drama, angst, action, and this was one paragraph but it's what they remembered. Amazing. So you never know. LOL
Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Russia, Russia, Russia has me very confused.
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expirisims · 5 months
Sooo...I haven't posted in a...while
Hey everyone! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a really long time again! Life has just been, well, BUSY! I've had these next several days worth of pictures on my computer ready for upload for a while, but every time I get the time to post or play it's really late at night and I'm just too exhausted! I've been working on our house, on going through the last of my beta reader feedback, trying to get a query together and sort of start a second book, and if that isn't enough I've decided to try my hand at a Youtube channel for all the doll crafts my kiddo and I have been working on (that isn't really up and running yet, I'm still working on my first video, but when it is I'll post a link for it and for the separate Tumblr I'm setting up for it). Anyway, enough of my excuses, enjoy the pictures from the next household in rotation for Isle of St. Bernie! I'd forgotten how wild the week with this household was!
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As you can see, we're already off to a good start! The household consists of Isaiah Gage and Korey Quick, who are constantly fighting; Donnell Dougherty, Ron Ricketts, Brooks Cassidy and Garth Reeves.
In other news, Freddie and Ivy have started dating so that should be interesting, and Lilly Lum is expecting and decided to kick Lawerence out! He's currently crashing with his best friend John Snooty and his family.
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Brooks got sick of Korey and Isaiah's fighting and headed to the plaza for some chess with a tourist.
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Donnell, meanwhile headed to the library where he ran into Theodore Lum and then peed himself in front of several other residents, who couldn't care less, LOL!
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Back home, Korey and Isaiah were at it AGAIN. Ron and Brooks just ignored them and went about their business, I guess they're used to it...facepalm.
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Isaiah finally just headed to the Skybox Lounge to drown his sorrows while I took random scenery pictures
The pictures:)
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I swear this guy has a twin in EVERY one of my games! I guess he's just the basic potato...I gave him a slight makeover so I could tell him apart from the other clones, but I don't typically do to much "plastic surgery" to my sims, spawned or otherwise.
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By about 11 pm Korey had received an invitation to a party across the street.
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Angela McPherson was the only one there, and apparently she's been harboring feelings for Korey. It started as an innocent pillow fight...
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..and ended in chimes. Yep, that's right! My very first night in this household and Korey's already knocked up his neighbor! OMG, this feels like it's going to be chaos!
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cq-studios · 6 months
Questions for 15 Friends Tag Game
Tagged by @corishadowfang ^^
Rules: Answer the questions, then tag 15 people.
Not that I know of. I think my middle name was after someone but, if that's the case, I don't know who.
This weekend watching Days. That game breaks me every time.
Nope and don't ever plan on it.
Uhhhh, none.
I tried out for the basketball team twice in elementary school but didn't make the team either time. That school, and especially the coach, had it out for me though (I am neurodivergent had behavioural issues so they didn't let me do much).
If it counts, I was on the Improv team in middle school. That was a ton of fun and I would've kept doing it into highschool if the teacher who was in charge of the competitions didn't retire (no one stepped up after that)
Other than that not really anything.
Oh definitely. I grew up in an incredibly sarcastic household lol
Uhhh, I haven't really thought about it...
Probably hair? That's how I tend to recognise most people, which is most definitely unreliable (thanks for that brain lol).
Shout out to that one time my friend got a drastically different haircut than usual, didn't tell me, and I didn't recognise her until she spoke to me lol
Definitely happy endings. I have absolutely no tolerance for scary things.
My pour soul got nightmares so easy as a kid I wasn't allowed to watch Scooby Doo because it would keep me up at night lol
I'd feel weird saying anything artistic, because honestly I consider those skills more than talents (since they're something I actually work towards improving and not something that I can just do for some reason lol).
So alternatively, I think my talent is simultaneously have the worlds worst and best balance. Like I can fill up a cup completely (and I mean completely, there's a meniscus and everything) and I can bring that up to my mouth without spilling a drop, but at the same time, there have been several occasions where I have fallen out of chairs while doing nothing but colouring. I can walk across a completely rounded balance beam (like curtain rod look and size) eyes closed and backwards, but walking I'm tripping every other step.
I can also quack like a duck so convincingly I've tricked hunters lol
I'm not entirely sure...
Somewhere around the southern Quebec-Ontario border I think?
Drawing, animating, reading, writing, and playing video games (and doing stuff for local theatre productions if that counts).
Yes, currently I have a dog, Neve. She's a Golden Retriever-Labrador mix and she's very strange.
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My brother also has a cat, but she lives in the basement and I never see her lol
I couldn't tell you the last time I measured my height, but I'm only a bit taller than my mom (4"11 and a bit), so probably 5"-5"1.
I love chemistry. I love balancing formulas. I love the experiments and demonstrations (even if when I was doing them I kept burning my hands... I swear I was being careful I'm just cursed lol). I love learning about all the elements properties and stuff. The math isn't awful (like in physics). And it makes me feel smart.
My dream job is whatever I have to do to be able to make my own show (my current plan is making an indie studio) and also being able to make a living off of doing tables at cons.
I'm actually slowly but surely working towards both right now. A lot of just saving and planning at the moment but I'm getting there.
Gonna start applying for grants soon-ish, so wish me luck lol
I don't really have 15 people to tag so, uhh, open tag I guess lol
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