#i gotta crochet and do resume things
hyah-lian · 7 months
I tried to caffinate to stay awake but it has made me ...... so sleepy.
0 notes
goldenavenger02 · 7 months
i said "i love you" (you say nothing back)
After defeating the Hoarder, Nya finds out exactly what Cole means when he says that it feels like the earth is screaming. Meanwhile, Cole knows that his and Geo’s time is running out.
“We’re gonna need to head out first thing in the morning,” Nya explained as she followed Cole around, the two of them on their own journey to find two sufficient air mattresses for her and Sora to sleep on for the night, but she had a much more pressing matter on her mind, “so, you and Geo?”
“What about Geo?” Cole asked, kneeling down next to a pile of junk and starting to dig through it.
“I just think it’s nice that you found him and the others, that you had others after the Merge,” Nya shrugged as she got down beside her best friend and started to dig through the pile of trash beside him while a much simpler time came to the forefront of her mind, “remember that true match machine?”
“Oh my god,” Cole laughed despite the thin lines of pain around his lips that Nya could only see in a certain light, “I nearly forgot about that stupid thing.”
“What, the machine that resulted in you and I going on one date? Where afterwards you said “I’m not talking to Jay, but you can’t pick me”? How did you forget that?” Nya couldn’t contain her laughter as they stood with zero luck and continued to walk, no longer in fear of the Hoarder now that it was trapped in a jar.
“I still can’t believe that was the last piece of the puzzle.”
“Yep, one date with me. That’s all it took for you to realize that you were gay,” she grinned, but it was quickly replaced by a frown of worry about where her yin was bubbling its way back to the surface of her mind, “I hope that the others find him.”
“Hey,” Cole’s voice was comforting as his hand rested on her shoulder, forcing her attention to him, “we will find him. One of us will find Jay, I promise. I mean, you and Sora found me in a place that, according to most people, doesn’t even exist. That’s gotta mean something.”
“I wish you would come with us.” Nya sighed, pulling an air mattress pump off of the top of a pile of junk, relieved to find that it was only slightly dented and battery powered.
“You know I can’t. Not until I can find a way to bring them with me,” Cole sighed, examining the device, “it would kill me to leave them-” the cry of anguish as he dropped to his knees forced a horrific scream from Nya’s lungs.
“Cole!” She rushed over and knelt down before pulling her best friend into her arms, “Cole, what’s-”
“Get Geo.” Was all he said before his eyes fluttered shut and his body went limp in her arms, making Nya’s stomach churn with worry; she tried to lift him so she could get him back to the Rookery, to find his boyfriend like he said to do, but despite her own share of muscle from the years of being a Samurai and then a ninja, he was still too heavy for her.
So she did the only thing that she could think to do and started to yell out, “Sora! Geo! Riyu! I need help!”
Nya’s heart pounded painfully in her chest as she looked around at the others surrounding her; Bonzal was crocheting, her boney hands working slowly but expertly with the light blue yarn that was reminiscent of her own gi. Fritz and Spitz were sitting on the ground, gluing together popsicle sticks into what she assumed was a log cabin, similar to how she had done it when she was their age. Sora and Riyu had gone out to resume finding mattresses for the two of them to settle for the night, insisting that since they had found a pump, a mattress had to be close by.
Nya couldn’t help but wonder if Bonzal’s crocheting was nerves or not with how slow she was working; she couldn’t help but remember her boyfriend’s anxious movements, his hands working nervously on all sorts of projects and inventions if only just to calm his overworking mind.
If he had been with her in this current moment, Jay would focus on trying to comfort her own nerves, using his own words to ground himself, but she didn’t dare wish for him to be there even in the comfort of her own mind, not even a good experience with a Dijin could change that.
With how at ease the boys were, even if they weren’t outwardly showing their nerves, Nya couldn’t help but wonder if what had happened to Cole was somewhat normal for the children he was now practically calling his own, for the skeleton who outwardly didn’t care for much but her craft projects as well as her weird collections and for Cole’s boyfriend, who was in the room just down the hall, tending to him.
It wasn’t that it was unexpected for Cole to have a boyfriend; ever since he came out to her, Nya was aware of the persistent crush he had once had on her brother as well as the brief romance that he had shared with Plundar. If she was being completely honest, she had been expecting it for a long time just like she knew the others had been expecting her to get back together with Jay.
But she couldn’t stop herself from wondering about Geo, the outcast of Shintaro that had found his way into Cole’s heart. They hadn’t spoken much to each other aside from the explanation of his own elemental powers, not that it wasn’t either of their faults given the attack from both The Hoarder as well as Dr. LaRow.
Admittedly, Nya couldn’t help but wonder if it was just her wanting to get to know the Munce, or if some part of her was still guarded from the mess that had been what had gone down with Harumi and Lloyd and as a result, wanted to protect the others from going through anything like that again.
She was so lost in her own mind that she hadn’t even registered Geo, slowly opening the creaking, wooden door until he approached the line of her vision, “how is he?”
“He’ll be okay,” Geo’s voice was steady, like anything about Cole passing out for seemingly no reason after expressing earlier in the day that it felt like the earth had been screaming ever since the Merge was okay.
“How are you so calm about this?” Nya questioned with a raised eyebrow, “this isn’t normal and not just in Ninjago. It’s not normal at all.”
Geo didn’t answer at first and Nya assumed that it was due to the fact that he was refusing to acknowledge her question, but she was surprised when Geo led her over to a small table pushed into the back of the room and handed her a hot mug of steaming chamomile, a scent she instantly recognized from her days working at Steep Wisdom.
“I don’t like scaring Fritz and Spitz,” Geo admitted as he passed her a small dish of sugar before taking a sip of his unsweetened tea, looking right at the young boys as he spoke, “they’re just kids. Kids who look at Cole the same way that they look at me.”
“So they’re your sons?” Nya pressed while sweetening her tea.
“In all but blood,” Geo affirmed, “the four of us, we were all rejected by our biological families, so we made our own and when Cole fell from the sky, we only assumed that he was like the rest of us.”
Nya nodded; she was instantly brought back to those cold autumn mornings in Ignacia where her feet would be so cold that she would instantly go to Kai’s bed and snuggle up to her furnace of a brother; even when he complained about her cold feet on his warm legs, she knew that he was grateful that at least he could provide warmth.
It had just been the two of them surviving together, hoping that the other villagers would take pity on them to the point of at least offering them a warm meal if they didn’t buy some of the extensive stock of weapons that only dwindled as they grew up.
In a weird way, she had been thankful for being taken by the skeleton army; after all, it wasn’t like they hurt her and afterwards, they had the guarantee of comfy beds and warm meals while Kai continued his training to become the master of fire.
“So, what happened out there?” Nya questioned, now that the chamomile was starting to calm down her anxiety and replaced it with the need for answers, “and why are you all so calm about this?”
“I know you said that this isn’t normal, and you are completely in the right, but it has become our normal,” Geo explained, stopping to take a sip of his tea, “a few weeks after Cole arrived, he fought the Hoarder for the first time. But when he used what he calls his “earth punch”, he confided in me later on that the earth struggled to obey his mastery and it felt like the ground was in agony.”
“So the pain is from his earth punch.” 
“Not exactly,” Nya couldn’t stop her eyebrow from raising in confusion, but after being in so many confusing conversations throughout the years, she knew when it was better to remain silent, “after that day, he started to develop these migraines, he told me that he always hears the cries, but that he can drown them out. But some days, like today, it’s too strong for him.”
Nya swallowed in sympathy; after she had been brought back from the sea, she had been forced to go through the withdrawal of the lack of elemental power she had seen both Kai and Lloyd go through in the past. It had been painful to say the least between getting used to her own body again as well as the usual flu-like symptoms that came with having the elemental energy ripped from one's body.
But consistent migraines like that, long after the event that originally caused the internal turmoil, that was new to her; not impossible, but new. Just like everything else that she had learned within the past few weeks since she reunited with Lloyd.
“Is there anything that helps him get through the bad days?” Nya asked, pushing a loose strand of hair away from her face where it had fallen out of her ponytail, only to be disappointed when Geo shook his head.
“Not much. We haven’t been able to find any sort of medicine or herbal remedy to decrease the pain, but physical contact helps him ground himself, so it’s something.”
That was something that didn’t surprise Nya at all. Cole was always the first one to give and accept hugs to whoever might need one ever since she first met him; she had a particularly strong memory of the two of them holding onto each other tightly after a conversation about ghosts and newfound powers. 
But as Geo spoke, every word rattled inside of her mind and filled it with the fact that Geo was not deceptive and had zero malicious intent for her friend. Rather, he may very well be the best match she had ever seen for Cole.
“Then you should go be with him,” Nya insisted, putting her now empty tea cup down on the table, “I’ll clean this up and make dinner.”
“Are you sure?” Geo questioned as she stood, taking his empty cup with her own towards the sink, “you and Sora have a long journey ahead of you tomorrow.”
“Geo, you are the first person I’ve met that has truly loved Cole,” Nya put her hand on the Munce’s to ensure that yes, she had his attention, “and right now, you are the one he needs. You’ve helped him through this before, I would have no idea what to do.”
Geo nodded as he stood, and Nya could have sworn that she saw a shiny tear trickle down his cheek but he made no move to acknowledge it as he walked back toward his and Cole’s shared bedroom, only stopping to turn back toward Bonzal and say, “help Nya with dinner if she needs it.”, before disappearing behind the wooden door.
Cole knew that if he stayed perfectly still and kept his eyes closed, the migraine would pass. It would take time and he would be bedridden for the rest of the night, but he knew that the throbbing in his mind and the subtle churn of his nauseated stomach would pass.
In the years that had passed in the Land of Lost Things, he got used to the throbbing of the scar that had come from the rift in the sky sealing around the left side of his skull. 
He knew that any of the other ninjas would have been just as freaked out as he had been when it had started, he also knew that it had been foolish to believe that it had just been from the lack of adrenaline from fighting the Hoarder that first time.
But, he had Geo to get him through it by letting him rest his pounding head on his chest and the comforting squeeze of his arm around his shoulders. It didn’t stop the pain, the nausea or even the fainting, but it was enough for Cole to ground himself and know that he would get through it just like he had before.
“Hey,” the tender whisper broke through his thoughts, resting his gentle hand on Cole’s bare shoulder which gave him the strength to open his eyes in the pitch black room, “how’re you feeling?”
“Honestly?” Cole couldn’t stop his voice from trembling as he spoke because even moving the muscles in his jaw sent a flash of pain through his head, “like shit, the migraines…” he hesitated, but given the little of Geo’s face he could see through the makeshift blackout curtains that covered their windows, Cole knew that his boyfriend knew exactly what he was gonna say, “I think they’re getting worse. The screaming is getting louder.”
Geo’s mouth was pushed into a tight line, the face he made whenever he was deep in thought; Cole had seen it before, when the two of them discussed the Hoarder with Bonzal to try and figure out what exactly it was and how to stop it for good, as well as when the migraines first made their appearance and Geo had tried everything to remove the pain before it was decided that they should just try and manage the pain instead.
“You should go with Nya, Riyu and Sora tomorrow,” Geo finally spoke, and despite the pain, Cole immediately sat up in protest, “Cole, lay back do-”
“I am not leaving the boys, I am not leaving Bonzal and I am not leaving you,” Cole shook his head and fought back the wave of nausea that it caused as he grasped onto his boyfriend’s hands, “you four can’t leave, I can’t leave you.”
“Ninjago has more sufficient medical technology-”
“But Ninjago doesn’t have you,” Cole cut him off, his vision trying to dim around him due to the overexertion, “I need you, Geo.”
“I don’t want you to leave, Cole,” Geo’s voice trembled as he set a gentle hand on his chest, forcing his throbbing head onto the pillows, “but I also don’t want to lose you.”
Cole sighed as he chewed on the edge of his lip; he understood everything Geo was saying and he knew that his boyfriend wasn’t pushing him away because he no longer wanted him around but more so that he couldn’t find another solution to the problem and he knew that, in the depths of his mind where only the truest honesty inside of him was, he knew that the only solution had to be stopping the Merge Quakes.
“I love you, Geo,” Cole sighed as he moved to allow the Munce to get in bed beside him so he could rest his head against his chest, knowing that if this was the last night that he would be with Geo, then he was going to make sure that it ended on a good note, “and I swear that as soon as all of this is over, I’ll come back and bring you four with me.”
“I know you will,” Geo spoke softly before pressing his tender lips to the top of Cole’s head, wrapping his arm around his shoulders, “and Cole?”
Cole turned his head to look into Geo’s shiny eyes, feeling his own tears start to build up from both the migraine and knowing that this could very well be the last time that he shared the night with his boyfriend.
Despite all of that, Cole couldn’t help but smile when their lips met, the familiar sensation of nothing but pure love bringing his attention away from the pain for just a few moments before Geo pulled away and said what he got his attention for in the first place.
“I love you too, and if you can’t get back to us…” Geo stopped to push away Cole’s sweaty, raven-black hair away from his throbbing scar, never putting his fingers directly on it.
“Don’t finish that,” Cole pleaded, gently taking Geo’s purple fingers in his own hand, “I will come back to Bonzal, to the boys and to you. We’ll go back to Ninjago, and you guys can meet my dad,” he started to ramble, which he knew was from both the exhaustion and the migraine taking away his focus, but he had this conversation with Geo before deep in the night after they had their first kiss.
“And if we decide that Ninjago isn’t for us, we’ll go live with your friend, Queen Vania, in Shintaro,” Geo continued, pressing more soft kisses against Cole’s head while speaking, “and we’ll keep raising our boys where they’ll be as safe as they can be and where Bonzal will have so much thread and yarn that she’ll never run out of things to crochet or sew.”
“And when they’re a bit older,” Cole stopped to yawn, his eyes fluttering shut as he continued to mumble, “maybe we’ll have another one. I’ve always wanted three, you know.”
But as he let his eyes stay shut and his mind started to wander into dreamland, he heard Geo speak for just a few more moments.
“A girl, who we’ll name her after your mom,” one more kiss pressed to his forehead followed by a “good night, Cole” and after that, Cole couldn’t hear his boyfriend speak anymore.
He thought he heard the voice of Master Wu calling out to him, pleading with him to follow him, but it quickly faded to an empty void.
Spitz had burst into tears as soon as he heard that Cole would be leaving, his sobs turning into sniffles after Cole hugged him with a little bit of super strength and insisted that he would be back as soon as he could be.
Fritz was just as sniffly as Spitz when he hugged Cole tightly, but was much easier to cheer up with the promise of meeting the others, especially Kai, and the promise that he would be brought back the newest in ninja action figures.
Bonzal didn’t say much before leading the boys away, she didn’t even hug Cole, but when she stuttered over “bring me any bones you find, rock boy,” he knew that she was pushing back any of her emotions so he and Geo could have a proper goodbye without Fritz asking more questions about the dragon cores or Spitz becoming inconsolable about Cole leaving again.
But when the door closed, leaving the Master of Earth and the Munce alone, neither of them could break the silence as Cole pulled the backpack of his few things over his shoulder. He was still exhausted from the migraine that had overtaken him the day before, but the pain was gone and the screaming was quieter now.
Unfortunately, that also meant that his departure from the land he had called home, and the people he had called home for the last few years, was very real and not just an argument between him and his boyfriend.
“You be safe,” Geo’s voice broke through the seemingly impenetrable silence that had filled the living room as he rested his palm in Cole’s, the small burst of powers forming a brief heart shape around their hands, “you come back to us.”
“Geo,” Cole swallowed harshly, his mouth dry as he did, “tell me to stay and I swear, I will unpack this bag faster than the elemental master of speed,” Cole knew that he wouldn’t since he was the one who told him to leave the night before, but he was pleading just the same as his voice trembled into a honest stutter, “I-I love you.”
He should have known that Geo wouldn’t say another word, but the last thing he expected was for Geo to let his hand fall before walking with him toward the entrance. Cole wanted to take his hand again, to drop his pack and insist that he was staying, but that’s when Geo spoke one more time, pressing his hand to Cole’s cheek as he did, his eyes full of earnestness.
“You have to leave.”
And with that, Geo removed his hand from his cheek and turned around toward their bedroom, leaving Cole to stand in the entryway by himself.
His shaky breath filled the room as the water in his eyes started to fall, but he lifted his arm up, wiped away the tears, pulled the backpack tighter onto his shoulder and forced himself to walk out of the Rookery for the last time.
Despite that, he couldn’t stop himself from turning around for a brief second to try and get a glimpse of Geo from the window, only to remember that the blackout curtains were still up; so he continued walking toward Nya, Sora and Riyu to tell them that he would be going to follow Master Wu’s voice instead of coming with them.
But he knew that he wouldn’t tell Nya the reason that he was wiping heartbroken tears from his cheeks and if she pressed, he knew that he would have to lie to her only so she didn’t release any of her powers on the Finders.
‘I will return,’ Cole told himself as his eyes caught onto the small group in front of him, ‘and we’ll all make it back to Ninjago.’
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Request: Teach Mason a new skill? Like a homey skill like knitting or cooking! Thank you!
Player: Mason Mount
Warnings: just probably the shortest thing I’ve ever written?
Author’s note: idk how to knit, but I do crochet :)
Mason watched her work the yarn with her fingers and the hook, captivated by how nimbly she maneuvered it. Her sister was due any day, and she’d decided her incoming nephew needed a homemade bear.
“How’d you learn to do that,” he asked, and she answered him without looking up.
“You can learn anything on YouTube.”
“Surely not anything.”
“I’ve fixed the toilet twice now, haven’t I? This is easy compared to plumbing.”
“Can you show me?”
She looked up at him. “Really?”
He shrugged. “Gotta pass the time til the PlayStation’s fixed.”
“Hard to break a metal needle, too.” She grinned down at the yarn in her hands, and he shoved at her shoulder. He’d thrown a controller a week ago and managed to topple the console off the shelf in the process. It had been an expensive lesson in stress management.
She handed him a hook and a smaller ball of yarn. “You can start with a scrap ball.” She showed him how to start a slip knot and follow with a chain of stitches - the first part was easy enough, getting the initial chain. The next bit was… less easy. It looked smooth and fast when she was doing it, but in his hands the yarn bunched up and twisted. “It’s alright,” she said, “just pull here…”
Like magic the strand unwound itself. He started again, and this time he followed her more closely, painfully slowly. The yarn wound and flowed around his fingers and hook, not as smoothly as hers but soon he had a decent-looking row of single stitches.
“So that’s one row. Now, to turn, you make a chain… turn… no, keep your hook in your right hand, just flip the yarn in your left. And now you just do the same thing you just did.”
He didn’t need to ask for help to turn again at the end of the row. Before he knew it, he’d made a perfect 8 x 8 square and she was beaming at him. “You’re good at this!”
“Am I?” He turned the square around, tugging at the edges. “What can we even use this for?”
“Nothing,” she smiled, “but you have to start somewhere.”
Mason tightened the knot at the end of his square. “How do I make that?” He draped an arm over her shoulder, scooting in closer to her.
“A thousand hours of practice and minimum twenty restarts,” she said, resuming her work on the plushie. “There’s different stitches and a different way to start.”
His mouth turned up in a smile. It would be another two weeks til he got his PlayStation back anyway. “I want to learn.”
She leaned back into him, flexing her fingers at the end of a row. “Well I’ll teach you, honey. We’ll go to the yarn store tomorrow.”
“Little man will have so many blankets,” he said. “Matching jumpers. Scarves. Hats!” This was exciting.
“Easy, killer,” she chuckled. “You’ve got a lot to learn.”
“Well, at least my teacher’s pretty.”
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eury--dice · 3 years
history, huh?
chapter 4: proxime
check the notes for links to other chapters and ao3!
(also would like to note a general cw for alcohol and child abuse in this chapter - see ao3/message me for more detail and please be safe and avoid if necessary)
Adam kind of wanted to go back and slap his former self before he could announce anything was “perfect.”
It was only once the turkeys were deposited in his room by blank-faced handlers that he began to regret his decision. The turkeys stared ominously at him, eerily silent for all of five seconds before they started to move and gobble.
And they didn’t stop.
SOS, he texted Ronan simply, receiving a lone question mark in reply. 
  iMessage chat to HRH shitty bird boy
Resumed 28 November, 2019, 12:36 am
  It’s the turkeys. I saved taxpayers needless expense and now they’re going to peck me to death. 
  told you to stop playing the hero, Parrish. 
Some support would be appreciated here
  i’m going to assume that cornbread is one of the turkeys and not a sentient loaf of cornmeal?
  No, Your Highness, I’ve been performing a complicated experiment involving a snack to see if it can gain intelligence. The crocheted eyes appear to be working.
No shit, Sherlock, good assumption. 
And excuse you, in the South, we make cornbread with real corn. 
  if you’re going to jest don’t include hobbies that seem plausible
  The science experiment or the crocheting?
  When would I do either of those?
  fuck if i know, that’s your business. 
  Oh shit oh shit oh shit
Meatloaf is gobbling again.
Is gobbling a precursor to attack? 
Would google it but I’m too afraid to take my eyes off of the dinos.
  gobbling is widely known as a war declaration amongst turkeys 
i’m surprised a smartarse like you wouldn’t know this.
  Oh, fuck it, Adam thought, and before he could talk himself out of it and resign himself to a night of gobbling, the dial icon had been tapped and the glass of his phone felt cool against his hearing ear. 
“Have you ever shared close quarters with a turkey?”
Adam could feel Ronan’s unimpressed silence through the phone. “No, I have not. Why the hell would I?”
“Privileged,” Adam muttered. “You don’t know how sadistic these turkeys are.” 
Cornbread chose that moment to gobble rather loudly and antagonistically. Adam’s eyes snapped to the bird, his muscles freezing in pure fear. “Sorry,” he whispered. 
“Christ,” Ronan said, and his tone had softened somewhat. “Did a turkey make that noise?”
“Yep,” Adam breathed. 
“That is not natural,” he insisted. “What the fuck?”
“I told you!”
A squawk sounded on Ronan’s end, and when Ronan spoke his voice was a great deal gentler than it had been. “Good baby, your noises aren’t demonic…”
“I’ll assume you’re not speaking to me.”
“Fuck no. Every word out of your mouth comes straight from hell.” There was a muffled rustling nose, something that was probably feathers against skin. 
“Your bird?”
“Raven. Keep up, please.”
“Ravens are birds,” Adam said, but it was probably futile. “What’s its name again?”
There was a brief pause on Ronan’s end. “Her name is Chainsaw.”
Adam’s voice fell flat in response. “Chainsaw.”
He heard a kerah. “Something wrong with that?” Ronan said, his accent drawing out the o in ‘wrong’ like it was already a guilty verdict .
“It just doesn’t seem very...royal. Or bird-like.”
“It’s a good cry better than cornbread and stuffing.”
“I didn’t name them,” Adam defended. “Blame the American people.”
“But I already blame them for so much.”
“Add it to the laundry list.” Adam flinched back as the other turkey squawked deafeningly. 
It was the first time he and Ronan had spoken on the phone, and until then, he hadn’t even realized it. All it took was Cornbread’s evil gaze to snap him into reality. 
Silence settled between them for a moment. Adam barely dared to breathe between the awkwardness of his conversation with Ronan and his clearly impending doom at the hands of something only distantly related to dinosaurs. 
“If you get mauled by those turkeys, may I give the eulogy at your funeral?”
Adam snorted, drawn back to the feeling of the phone clenched in his hand. “Ignoring the fact that I’m the son of the President and you’re the Prince of England, absolutely.” 
“Good. I’m already drafting turkey-related jokes.”
“Don’t you dare dishonor me by bringing up the cause of my demise.”
“It’s a good thing Cornbread will have clawed your esophagus out and you’ve no possible way to object.”
“Jesus.” Adam shivered. “Now I have a third part to my nightmare.”
“I would trade you Chainsaw, but she goes for the eyes and I have the feeling you’d rather keep those.”
“Your feeling is correct.”
“Also, I would fucking die for her.”
“...Strong feelings, apparently, for a bird that doesn’t seem royal-approved.”
“That’s half the reason I love her,” Ronan admitted. “Most definitely not approved.”
“Just like your tattoo?”
The line went quiet for a moment. “Yes,” Ronan finally said. “Just like my tattoo.”
That line was back, and Adam inched ever-closer to touching it with his toes.
“No trade, then. I’ll just slowly perish alone in my room. If this causes a fiasco in the press be sure to make fun of me properly.”
“Of course,” Ronan said, just as Stuffing let out a deafening gobble. “Can’t you get Sargent to intimidate them into silence? Or, wait, is it charming them into liking her? I can’t figure her out from your description.”
“Knowing Blue it could be either,” Adam admitted. “And she’s...busy.”
“Busy how?”
“Back in Virginia busy.” Adam stretched out his shoulder, keeping a wary eye on the turkeys. 
“Virginia? With family?”
“Most of her family is Maura, and she’s still here,” Adam hedged, weighing the little he knew about the Sargent family with what he could say to Ronan. “But yeah, of a sort. Thanksgiving’s a rough time of year. She’s trying to help out, even though it’s not technically where she’s from. Raising money, ensuring shelter, I think she’s even got a protest planned.”
“Different shade of Sargent, then.”
“Same shade,” Adam corrected. “Different circumstances.”
Ronan hummed on the other end of the line. Adam scrambled for words, trying to lighten up the air. Stuffing squawked as though to mock his tied tongue.
“She’s been busy for the last few weeks, anyway.”
“What type of busy would this busy be?”
"Just start a new sentence. You sound ridiculous." Ronan stayed silent to his jab, clearly electing to ignore him. “...Date busy.”
“Good for her,” Ronan said, but he must have heard something else in Adam’s silence because he continued. “Wait. No. No fucking way. Not with Gansey?”
“Yes with Gansey.”
“Wow, third wheeling’s gotta be even more fucking awkward, huh?”
“God, I hope not.”
“The way you described them I thought they’d never wake up to it.”
“Me too,” Adam said. “And I’m thrilled for them, but I’m also very offended that their feelings are getting in the way of saving me. Gansey went with her.”
“Oh, you drama queen. Just sleep in Gansey’s room if the gobbling is that bad.”
“They can escape, Ronan, I swear to you. They’re like the raptors-”
“They’re named after fatty foods. You’ll be alright. Go the fuck to sleep.”
“...Yeah, alright. But you need to sleep too.”
“Wouldn't dream of letting you sleep alone,” Roman replied, his tone dry. “Good night.”
“Good night.”
As Adam let his phone fall onto his pillow, Stuffing chose to bash her wings against the cage. After almost falling out of his bed in fright, Adam quickly decided that Ronan might have been onto something about sleeping in Gansey’s room. 
If he made it through the night, he owed Ronan a thank you.
Christmas rolled around with a mighty fervor.
It felt like one moment, Adam was sitting back down in class after Thanksgiving to crack down on some new essays, and the next he was watching evergreens and pine decorations get thrown up along White House walls in perfect synchrony. 
The normal White House Christmas was an ordeal, one that did its best to stress family but mostly stressed political strategy. Nothing changed that year to make it different, but they did have a smaller affair in addition to all the festivities. Christmas Eve was, in many ways, the eye of the storm. An extreme amount of chaos was behind them, and a deluge to follow come Christmas morning, but Christmas Eve dinner was dependable, private, and blessedly relaxed. Adam, somehow, found himself looking forward to it. 
He sat on one of the staircases - it really didn’t matter which one, as they all blent together, only distinguishable by where they could take him - with the decorations hanging around him and a book in his lap. For once, there wasn’t any work, and even the most work-centered version of himself was forced to concede and enjoy a few hours of pleasure reading. He had grabbed the first book he could find off of his shelf and set off. Apparently, his hand had gravitated towards Fahrenheit 451. Not exactly light enough to match the twinkling reds and golds he spotted in his periphery no matter how he turned, but a personal choice all the same. 
“If you keep sitting on staircases, someone is going to walk into you,” came Gansey’s voice from behind him. 
“It’s their fault for not watching their way,” said Adam. “I’m sitting with my back to them. How am I expected to know?”
“By not sitting on staircases,” Gansey repeated. The air rustled as Gansey lowered to sit on the step next to Adam. “Some nice, light reading?”
“Yes. Everything okay?”
“Grand. Mostly just avoiding Helen unpacking and my parents stressing over napkin rings.”
“Gansey Christmas sounds wonderful,” Adam said dryly. “I assume they’ll all be here tonight?”
“Of course. They’d never miss it.”
“Helen is well?”
“Fantastic, apparently. Primed to get engaged soon, she says, and the helicopter’s got a new paint job.”
Adam could almost forget how much the Ganseys looked like a new Kennedy-like dynasty, but their swarming every year always reminded him. Their Christmas photos, too - always at DC landmarks, bleached teeth and ghost-pale skin and all-American born and bred grins. And the occasional snap stories from Helen of her mid-piloting a flying vessel didn’t help. 
“Glad to hear it,” he said, not surprised to find the words genuine. 
He got to see the Gansey family anxiety for himself only a few hours later, donned in an ugly Christmas sweater Blue had insisted on. Mr. Gansey cast a discerning eye around the room while Mrs. Gansey smiled tightly at his side, dressed pristinely. Helen chatted idly with Blue, though Blue looked prepared to bolt at a moment's notice. 
“Ho-ho-horseshit?” Maura questioned, snapping him away from his reverie and gazing around like a caged animal. Her eyes traced over the pattern on his shirt. 
“Blue’s homemade gift,” he said by way of response, to which Maura only sighed heavily. Her sudden appearance reminded him he had a task to perform, the small handled bag digging into his palm suddenly given a purpose. He held the bag out to Maura with a small grimace, watching one of her eyebrows quirk. “I was told to give you this.”
Maura withdrew an identical sweater from the bag. “Sending you to do her dirty work, hm?”
“I suppose so.”
“Hm,” was all Maura replied, until she lifted her analytical gaze to him. “Thanks, Adam,” she said, and in one of the greatest surprises of the night, slid her arm over his shoulders and drew him into a quick hug. “Now sit down. We’ve gotta start wrangling dinner if we want this to end before midnight.”
Adam took his place next to Gansey at the smaller table, unfolding a napkin and laying it across his lap. The gals at the table slowly began to fill in as Gansey chatted about the recent tabloid conjectures. 
“The youngest is back in the tabloids, you know, trying to get him on drug use again.”
“Oh, really?” Adam muttered, eyes scanning idly over the periphery of the room. His eyes snagged on the Christmas decorations, simpler than the majority of the White House decor. A few string lights here and there, hanging baubles, the occasional pile of fake snow. His finger tapped at the stem of his empty wine glass. 
“Last time he disappeared for public for a while. Heaven knows if that’ll happen again.”
He felt an itch inside his deaf ear, one he knew he wouldn’t be able to reach. “Disappeared?” 
“Yeah, just...gone, no public appearances…”
It was a vague memory, or perhaps a memory of a memory.  Just a snatch of something that made the hairs in the back of his neck stand up. He tried to focus on Gansey’s words, but all at once they started sliding around, unclear and blending with the too-loud noises of dinner being served. A cacophony of clacks and laughs and voices. His head burned. 
Gansey’s voice lowered. “Are you alright, Adam?”
He scooted his chair backward quickly, muttering something like “back in a minute” to Gansey before rushing away. He felt eyes on the back of his head, but he didn’t pause or slow until the door to his bedroom shut firmly behind him and he leaned against it, completely alone. 
“Parrish?” Ronan’s voice said in his ear, low and urgent, and oh. Adam hadn’t even realized his phone was in his hand, much less that he’d managed to press Ronan’s contact or raise it to his ear. He did briefly remember the ringing, but then words were falling out of his mouth and he didn’t waste any more brainpower on how he reached that position.
“I don’t want to…to bother you,” Adam said, and only someone who had known him for a long time would know how much it took Adam to say those words despite the fact that it was a mantra in his head repeating infinitely. Blue, who had known him since the age of five, had heard him say it only a handful of times. Gansey had heard it perhaps a handful more, though that was mostly because Adam felt strangely indebted to Gansey no matter how much he tried to change it. Ronan should not have known, but Adam had a feeling he would anyway. “You hate phones and it’s Christmas Eve and-”
“Adam,” Ronan said abruptly, and the use of his first name stopped him short. “It’s two in the morning. I’m just with Matthew. Talk.”
“Hi, Adam,” came a cheerful voice, somehow sounding like an even better picture-perfect British monarchy member than Ronan or Declan. “Ronan’s told me everything about how he-”
Adam missed Ronan’s ensuing muttered comment, something that most likely resembled a threat, but soon the voice that Adam assumed to be Mathew let out a trailing laugh, the sound growing fainter as he likely moved away from the phone.
“And fuck you!” Ronan called, with his mouth moved away from the receiver, before his attention returned to Adam. “He’s gone now.”
“It’s okay,” Adam said. “I didn’t mind.”
“I know,” Ronan said simply. “But I thought it might be easier. Now go.”
“I-I just,” Adam fumbled with his words for a moment, his free hand curling into a fist on his thigh. He felt, strangely, like he was back in Aglionby PE class trying to participate in a football scrimmage. He’d always come just short of catching the ball. He’d known what he was supposed to do, where his hands were supposed to go, the sequence of events following the initial contact, even the proper footwork. But whenever the ball reached him, he felt the disconcerting motion of closing his arms around nothing, always a second too early or too late, leather slipping from his arms like butter in a hot pan. “Couldn’t be at that dinner any longer.”
“Why?” Ronan asked, and it was a good question, a good question that Adam had avoided so many times over he barely knew how to respond. He almost deflected like he always did, but Ronan asked the question differently than everyone else. There was no expectation in the question, no real drive to know the answer other than making Adam feel better, no guarantee of hearing the full truth or any version of the truth at all. Why. Why respond now?
“I was little,” he said, and fuck why did he go down this road at all? “And everything was overwhelming when I was little, and everything is overwhelming now, but it’s even more overwhelming at Christmas.” Ronan didn’t say it again, but still, it traveled across an ocean to hover over Adam uncertainly. Why?
“I don’t remember a lot about it. I don’t know if that’s because of...how it was, or just because I was so small. Younger than three, I think.”
“I barely remember anything from then,” Ronan said, the closest thing to reassurance Adam had received from him.
“Yeah,” Adam said. “Yeah. I guess. But I remember...I remember the double-wide. The great American double-wide in the great American trailer park with the great American alcohol and the great, raging American father.”
Ronan’s breath shifted ever so slightly.
Adan screwed his eyes shut. “I don’t...my mother wasn’t there. But she was the one who put the Christmas lights up. I couldn’t stop staring at them. I can still remember...they made the tan wall look almost golden. Just where the lights touched it, of course.” His voice trailed off, realizing how tangential it sounded. Softly, he added “I don’t know why I remember those lights.”
“Our minds remember random things,” Ronan said, perhaps to bring Adam back to the story.
“Yeah,” Adam agreed, blinking quickly. “Yeah. He didn’t...he didn’t like that. Me looking at them, I mean. So he...he took them down.”
The silence pressed in at his ears, threatening to close in on him just like walls. 
“I see,” Ronan said. 
“And he…” Adam swallowed, feeling his Adam’s apple scratch tightly against his neck. He pressed his free hand to his deaf ear. “I don’t remember a lot after that, either. But the bulbs were...hot. It was freezing inside, so they should have been, too, but they were lightbulbs, I guess, and so they were hot. At some point, I fell into a railing. It burst my left eardrum.” At that moment, he could feel that second in startling clarity - pinpricks and needles and blood vessels dancing on his skin, sharp, pointed, wild attacks, and the loudest noise he’s ever heard in his life, making him collapse to the ground and forget everything else. Pain, bright and white and flashing and throbbing in time with his heartbeat until he wanted to melt into the floor. Adam was the better part of two decades removed from it, and still, the thought of that moment made his stomach turn over and over.
Adam knew he didn’t imagine Ronan’s intake of breath then.
“And my mother got home, and when she saw we left and never came back.”
The walls pressed closer to him until Ronan said “Well, shit. Fuck. Jesus.”
Adam brought his hand to his mouth, pressing it until the pressure began to ease up in his gut. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, muffled against his fingers.
“No, shit, Parrish. Don’t you dare apologize.” There was a quick exhale, something that sounded like leather sliding down a headboard. “That’s what you remember of Christmas?’
“Yeah. I don’t - I don’t remember a whole lot.”
“Well, thank God for that.”
Not even Blue and Gansey knew that story. They knew the vague details, of course, how his smiles turned tight around the White House decorations and he preferred to slip into his room early on holidays. And that Robert was the reason for his being deaf in one ear. He could just never get the entire story out around them.
Telling Ronan about it was easy, though, in a way that it shouldn’t have been. He was supposed to hate Ronan, even if it became more clear with every passing day that he was far from hatred. 
“I guess I should. It’s not like I’ve done any of that in a long time.”
“You don’t have to.” A slight pause. “I can.”
Adam tried to keep the doubt out of his voice. “You can?”
For a brief moment, Adam thought Ronan might hang up on him. But then he said, “Can I tell you a secret, Parrish?”
After everything I just put on you, you could tell me a thousand secrets. You know I’ll keep every single one. I’m trusting you with a story that no one else knows, that no one else will ever know. I could do nothing less than keep your secret. 
All he said was “Of course.”
“You know my Irish father? My Irish storytelling father? My Irish-Catholic father?”
“He passed down more to me than just his Irish stories.”
It took Adam’s brain a moment to catch up. “I...see.”
“All three of us...well, behind closed doors, that’s what we practice. Believe. Whatever shit you want.”
“Right. So no… C of E.”
“On the record, of course. Off the record...no. None at all.”
Adam hummed in response. He couldn’t think of what else to say. 
“So...I will. If that’s okay.”
“Yeah. Of course.” A knock sounded on the door, sounding suspiciously like Gansey’s familiar tapping. He rose slowly, crossing to fall onto his bed. “I should probably let you go. Don’t want you to have too prolonged contact with any screens.”
“Disgusting,” Ronan said. A beat passed. “Are you a bit better?”
Adam shut his eyes, feeling the tension coiled in his chest ease up slightly. The line between the two of them materialized at his feet, on the backs of his lids, and he could nearly touch it with the toe of his shoes. “Yes,” he admitted. “Thank you.” And of all the words for Adam to say, they were the easiest and hardest to accomplish.
“Thank you,” Ronan said, and if Adam didn’t know any better he would think the words sounded harder to say for Ronan than Adam. But the line clicked and fell dead before Adam could say anything. He stared at the phone for a moment until the screen switched off from disuse, leaving him in the dark. Only then did he stand and cross the room to perch on the edge of his bed.
Gansey’s head poked through his doorway. He hesitated as though asking for permission, and Adam nodded. 
“I didn’t mean to interrupt anything."
“It’s fine,” Adam hedged. “We were wrapping up.”
Gansey fell heavily into Adam’s desk chair just as he always did. “Everything alright?”
“Now it is, yeah.”
He seemed to be trying to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. “That wasn’t Noah, was it?”
“No, of course not.”
Gansey nodded once. “So it was Ronan.”
“What?” Adam sat up a little too quickly, blood rushing to his head. “Why would you say - how do you-?”
“You don’t exactly have a wide circle of friends. Guessing is easy.”
“I hate your knowledge of my loneliness.” He swallowed roughly. “And we’re not... friends.” 
Gansey cocked one eyebrow. His thumb raised to run over his lower lip. “Really?” He challenged.
And, well. No. Not really. Adam thought of their strings of messages, the trade of information between them so easy and simple. He couldn’t pretend that they were enemies anymore, or that their general feelings weren’t positive.
“Really,” He said, launching himself up off of his bed. Smoothing out the wrinkles in his pants, he glanced back over to his friend. Gansey was studying him with a distantly memorable expression, as though trying to discern a difficult Latin translation but determined not to ask for help. 
“Well,” Gansey said, blinking once, twice. He stood abruptly, noting Adam moving towards the door. “Let’s off, then.” “You’re not British, Gansey, don’t say that.”
“Mm, you’d know all about their phrases, wouldn’t you?”
“Do not.”
Before Adam reached the door, Gasney stopped him, saying his name so lowly Adam almost missed it. He turned and waited for Gansey to speak.
“Are you sure you can go back?” Adam mustered a smile. No, he thought, but Ronan’s voice echoed in his head. Don’t apologize. Maybe he could make it through after all, have a slightly better memory of Christmas. “Yeah, I am.” And he turned the doorknob to let them spill out into the hallway.
iMessage chat to HRH shitty bird boy
Resumed 29 December, 2019, 5:17 pm
  Look. I’m just saying.
Ignoring the fact that bearer bonds haven’t been legally in use since 1982
That henchman says that they’re valued at $100,000 USD
(£75,700 for your British ass)
and then Alan Rickman says they earn 20%
When the interest rate on corporate bonds was 9% when Die Hard came out??
And also there’s never been a US bond worth more than $10,000??
  stop letting sargent force you to watch die hard
for the love of god stop
it’s a MOVIE
  It’s not Blue, actually.
It’s your best friend.
  henry??? how??
  Netflix party
He got my number (thanks for that)
And wouldn’t stop texting insisting we watch it
Or he (as threatened) will “release the bees??”
I’m not sure what he meant but here I am. 
Accidentally desecrating Alan Rickman’s legacy.
Blue’s here too but it’s not her fault, at least.
  that asshole
how dare i not be included in everything he does
  “Why the hell is Ronan on the guest list?” Adam demanded, casting his eyes over their virtual list for what felt like the hundredth time. Planning for their New Year’s Eve fundraising event/PR dream/blowout party had been well underway since before Christmas, but crucial developments always occurred in the weeklong stretch between Christmas and New Year’s. Like the inclusion of the Prince of England on their exclusive invitation list of all the most famous and powerful twenty-somethings from around the planet.
Blue, seated sideways in an armchair and eating a container of strawberry yogurt at a glacial pace, said “I thought you added him?” 
Adam wouldn’t put it past her to add him and feign innocence - she had some hidden agenda with him and Ronan, anyway, one he wasn’t quite sure of - but her ignorance seemed genuine. At once, they both turned to Gansey. He kept his face blank.
“Good question, Adam,” he said, refusing to back down under their stares. “But the real question is why didn’t you invite him?”
Adam, too, did his best to look passive. “Why would I?”
“He’s your only friend that’s not currently in this room?”
“Plus he’s great for the press,” Blue chimed in.
Adam just looked between them, and Gansey sighed.
“Look, Adam, it’s - it’s great that you actually get along with him. Like him.”
“Do not,” Adam retorted automatically. His phone buzzed, and he felt his cheeks darken a little with the knowledge that it was probably Ronan. Gansey and Blue were probably staring at each other and having one of their silent conversations, but he didn’t trust himself to look at them without giving anything away. Not that there was anything to give away. “You invited Cheng too, right? Ronan won’t come if he doesn’t.” “Thought you didn’t care?” Blue asked, and he shrugged.
“They’ve both RSVP’d yes, Adam, so I’m sure your best friend will be there.”
“Lovely,” Adam muttered, ushering them along the rest of their planning.
Just before eight PM on the thirty-first of December, Adam curled into his desk chair with a textbook perched on his bent knees. Blue, already dressed and made up while laying spread-eagle on his bed, fiddled with the hem of her shirt. She’d managed to convince PR that a self-designed outfit would make a splash, and Adam had to agree with her - she really did have a knack for design and upcycling. 
Technically, they should have been heading down to play host to all types of young, influential people, buttering them up for cash and future favors. But much as the media loved their wild parties, none of the White House Trio were particularly fond of them. They preferred a quieter scene, but quiet didn’t raise money and make headlines. 
That didn’t mean they couldn’t hole up and enjoy the peace and quiet before then.
Gansey, who by far had the greatest social battery, was therefore left to field early attendants and the press on the lawn. He’d come and drag them out of Adam’s room soon enough, of course, but before that time came there was relative peace.
“I guess we’ll get one more of these,” Blue said. “At least.”
Adam lifted his eyes from the book and looked at her. “Yes,” he said softly. “I think I’ll miss them?”
She laughed, a deep laugh that eased a bit of the pre-party anxiety in his chest. “I won’t. I hate this party.”
“But don’t you like flirting with all the daughters of Oscar-winning actresses?”
Blue hummed. “That is fun. They’re never ready for it.”
“They never are.”
“I’ll be doing less of that this year, though.”
“And hopefully forever?” Adam teased. The sudden air of wistfulness descending around Blue gave him a hint of pause. She took a moment to respond.
”Maybe,” she muttered. “Shut up.”
Adam let it go for then, sensing genuine distress in Blue’s stiffened shoulders.
“They wouldn’t be so bad if everyone didn’t get so blacked out.”
“Well, we have liability waivers now. And I think you mean it would be worse.”
Adam sighed. “I guess no one would show up without the promise of alcohol.”
Contrary to how Blue and Gansey made him live, Adam really didn’t enjoy drinking that much. When he did, he preferred to do so quietly - sitting in the music room with the rest of the trio, celebrating a good grade with his family, breaking out something to make a night-in a little more exciting. Events like the Royal Wedding were a one-off, where he needed distraction and alcohol presented itself. 
He didn’t want to think about the need for distraction just then, with Ronan and Henry Cheng most likely en route to the White House.
A few quick, precise knocks came at the door. Gansey. He popped his head in.
“You two need to show up soon or it’s going to look suspicious,” he greeted. Blue made a tiny noise of discontent and made to turn her face into Adam’s pillow, but must have remembered her makeup and decided otherwise.
Adam heaved a sigh and stood, smoothing one hand over his hair. He’d straightened and smoothed it down for the event, knowing the cameras preferred him in all of his polished glory. He glanced between Blue and Gansey, but their gazes didn’t flicker from each other. Something about the hunger in their eyes made Adam ache, a tight knot settled in his chest. Gansey moved into the room and Adam out of it. He cast a glance through the doorway over his shoulder, trying to gauge if he should wait for them. By the low, urgent whispers carrying between them and Gansey’s hands rested on Blue’s elbows as they stood nearly flush, his presence was no longer necessary. 
Adam trailed down the hallowed halls until he reached the mingling mass of people in the East Room. He turned on his smile, trying his best to become invisible. It didn’t work. At every turn, another person grabbed his shoulder to catch up, another drink pressed into his hand, another question hurled his way. At some point, he started to feel a bit numb in the fingers, tiredness and giddiness from the schmoozing seeping into his bones.
Blue appeared at his side. Her smile had dampened somewhat, but he could tell she was enjoying herself from the set of her brows. Something, however, was off at just that moment. She inclined her head behind her, and that was all the explanation Adam needed. 
Ronan often had that upsetting effect on people. 
Adam took a moment to observe the scene. Ronan and Henry Cheng stood several feet away, engaged in conversation with Gansey, who walked backwards tidily through the crowd as though herding them towards Adam. Ronan’s face remained passive, clad in his black-leather best. Adam’s skin felt hot and itchy under his shirt, and he looked instead to Cheng. In his Madonna t-shirt, Cheng drew attention to himself in waves. Between his eccentric origin story and absently friendly expression, not to mention the excited manner in which he partook in whatever Gansey was saying, Cheng would surely be the hot commodity of the party. 
“Making friends?” Adam asked Blue, pulling a face at the same time she did. 
“He’s your best friend,” she replied just as Gansey reached them. Blue reached out a hand to stop him from colliding with them, stretching her arm so that it was almost straight, and he caught her hand easily with a squeeze.
From what Adam could tell, their conversation centered around some vague school memory from Eton, but it dissolved as soon as Blue and Adam broke their circle. The brief silence was broken quickly by Henry Cheng, who announced, “Well, if it isn’t the man with the worst opinions about Die Hard.” 
Against his will, Adam felt the corners of his lips twitch. “And the man who cried over Alan Rickman dying in Die Hard.”
Henry shrugged. “I wear my emotions proudly.”
“We fucking know,” Ronan said, breaking his silence. Adam hated how nicely the tight leather jacket accented his pale skin and high cheekbones, looking almost regal in his rebellion. “You monologued about the unbridled joy in your heart over the Madonna song playing when we first arrived.”
Henry grinned. “I will not apologize for being stable in my masculinity, Ronan, unlike all you repressed British types.”
“I need a drink,” Ronan declared loudly, plucking one from the closest tray and downing it in one graceful motion as one might serve a tennis ball. Henry did not appear phased by the sudden dramatics. 
“Now, let’s see if I get everyone.” He turned his head to Gansey, moving around the circle. “We’ve got King Ganseyman, of course. Adam Parrish, the least valid person I can think of for purely petty reasons. And of course our dear Periwinkle.”
Adam cocked a brow and subtly shifted his eyes to look at Blue. She looked fit to claw out someone’s eye even though her own eye scars were obscured in makeup; her hand had tightened significantly around Gansey’s, and he gave no indication of pain from the movement beyond the barest twitch of his mouth. 
“Clever,” she said at last, sparing him a tight, sarcastic smile. “I’ve also read the labels on nail polish to pick up a few new words. It’s nice to know you can read.”
“Yes, well, you have to start your journey to literacy somewhere,” Henry said grandly. “I appreciate your support, of course.”
Adam caught a flicker of amusement pass of Blue’s face. He had a sinking suspicion that maybe Blue wasn’t as averse to Cheng as she put on a show of. 
“Are you literate enough to read off a drink order?” she said. 
Henry grinned, white teeth lining in rows in his mouth. “I suppose I can string a few words together.”
Without letting go of Gansey, Blue surged forward, looping her other arm in Henry’s. The three of them trailed off towards the drinks, Blue and Henry moving determinedly and Gansey, bemused and grinning at their sudden acquaintanceship, lagging a step or so behind. Adam gazed after them for a moment, but Ronan took a step closer to be heard over the music and he turned his head to look at him. 
“She’s gonna have them wrapped up all night.”
Adam raised a brow. “You can read her that well?”
Ronan gave his head the tiniest, nearly imperceptible shake. “No. I know Cheng and Gansey.”
The heat of the room was starting to cling to Adam’s skin; he rolled one shoulder uncomfortably. “Of course. Eton gang’s reunited.”
“For better or worse,” Ronan agreed lowly. 
Adam meant to ask what he meant by that, but he never received the chance. A hand tapped Ronan firmly on the shoulder, and Adam watched as he turned automatically. His face broke into an uncharacteristic grin at the sight of the person behind him. Adam felt his forehead crease as the figure wrapped their arms around Ronan’s shoulders and he hugged them back almost as enthusiastically. For a moment, the only sight was the overlapping of pale and dark skin, the stranger’s feather-pink jacket contrasting with the black leather Ronan wore. 
Then the two separated, and between the black bralette, exuberant eyeshadow, and tight-coiled hair shining under the strobe lighting, Adam recognized Hennessy - up-and-coming London artist, an occasional nuisance. and precisely the type of person that thrived at these parties. 
“You bastard,” she said to Ronan. “I didn’t know you were gonna be here.”
“Henry was live-tweeting the whole flight.” 
She scoffed lightly, rubbing at an invisible spot of dirt on Ronan’s cheek. “I've had him muted since uni.”
“Don’t let him hear that you haven’t been keeping up on his page.”
“Aww, it’s sweet you worry for me, little fox, but I can take that pissant any day of the week.”
Ronan pulled back slightly. “Of course you could, but Henry goes more for psychological violence.”
“Yes, well, I can get him in that too.” Neither acknowledged Adam standing nearby. Hennessy shook her head, curls bouncing with the movement and picking up all kinds of strobe lighting. “Where is he, that shadow of yours?”
“Cheng could never be anyone’s shadow. He’s too out there.”
“And you’re the one he chooses not to abandon, hm? How sweet.” When she smiled, she looked very much like a painting, striking and set and venomous enough to burn at the slightest brush. Ronan appeared impervious.
“He’s making friends.”
“Hm. How boring.”
Ronan’s voice lowered, but Adam thought he could hear him say “Jordan’s not here?” 
Hennessy’s lips, the same vibrant shade as her lids, pulled a little tighter. “Nah,” she replied, casual enough. “Working on some deadlines, poor thing.” Her eyes flitted away from Ronan’s face for the first time, landing squarely on Adam instead. Her grin widened. “Well, there’s our treasured host. Late to your own party?”
“I have learned a few things from you over the years, Hennessy,” Adam replied, slipping a hand into his pocket in an attempt to appear more casual than he felt. 
“Fuck, I guess you have,” she admitted. Compared to Ronan’s accent, her voice sounded slipperier and rounder, sliding through the air until it reached his ears. She lifted a hand to land one last pat to Ronan’s cheek before gliding on to land a similar one to Adam. She paused briefly in front of him, lowering her hand. 
“You look happy,” she noted. Waggling her fingers in a wave, she turned back so both Adam and Ronan could see her. “I need a drink to get through all these boring political types. Ta, darlings,” she said, before disappearing back into the crowd as quickly as she had arrived. 
Adam exchanged a look with Ronan. “So you know Hennessy?”
“I’d hope so, yeah,” Ronan said, but he didn’t elaborate. “You?”
“We've met a few times.” 
“Pity,” Ronan said, standing like he wasn’t quite sure what to do with his hands. 
Adam rolled a few words around on his tongue - questions, mostly, infused with the sudden jealousy he felt simmering low in his gut - but instead all he said, so out of character, was “Do you want a drink?”
His shoulders seemed to soften slightly. “Can’t let Sargent have all the good ideas, I guess.”
“I’ll tell her you thought it was a good idea.”
“Fuck off.”
Ronan appeared a little more at ease with a drink in hand, and eventually, Adam lost him to the crowd. He stood stranded for the briefest of moments before Henry Cheng appeared, for the second time that night, at his side.
“Adam Parrish,” he said, handing off a drink that looked clear and deadly. It took his fingers a moment to remember to grab it rather than letting it splash to the ground. 
“Cheng,” Adam said, letting the déja vû wash over himself. “Thought we already had our introductions.”
“Of course,” Henry replied, tone too even and pleasant for the chaos around them. “Just wanted a chat with the movie critic, is all.”
Adam cast a skeptical eye around the room. “You’re sure this is the best place?”
“No time like the present, my friend.” Henry threw an arm around his shoulders, guiding Adam towards the dance floor and obscuring his own voice further. “How about you down that there drink and enjoy yourself? You look positively coiled and ready to strike.”
“I’d really rather not. What is it you wanted to talk about?”
“Well, if you’re so connected to sobriety, so be it,” Henry said, stealing the drink back. He nodded over Adam’s shoulder as he lowered his head back down from the drink, and when Adam glanced he saw a flash of Ronan’s leather among the crowd. “Our Ronan is looking fit, no? I’m proud of him for getting out of the house.”
“Some house,” Adam muttered, not expecting Henry to hear. All the same, his companion let out a startled laugh.
“Could say the same to you. But yes,” he said, leaning closer, “between you and me, the palace is always quite disarming.” Straightening and throwing a wave over his shoulder, Henry added, “Perhaps you have more reason to get used to it than I do, however.”
“More reason?”
Henry smiled, then, and somehow it appeared as menacing as Hennessy’s had earlier. Maybe he’d learned from her. “Friends of the royals make quite frequent trips, I’m afraid.”
“What, you’re not approved enough?”
“‘Fraid not. Heir to a fortune is not the same as First Son, Parrish, and I believe you’ve a wonderful slip of parchment ensuring just how approved you are.”
“I can’t find it in myself to be surprised you know.”
“Well, imagine being me if I didn’t!” Henry exclaimed, drawing the attention of a few popular influencers as he splashed a drink in their direction with his aggressive gesturing. “I was only on the receiving end of the HRH’s rants for three bloody years before you wrestled each other in frosting at the greatest wedding of the decade-”
“We didn’t wrestle-”
“And then you turn up a week later, acting all buddy-buddy for every camera you find - well, it would look suspicious had I not known!”
“Mhm,” Adam drawled, cutting his eyes back to Henry. “I bet Ronan can’t keep a secret from you.”
Henry grinned again, baring his teeth. “You’ve read him so well, McClane.” He sighed theatrically barely a moment later. “And debunked my argument succinctly.”
“That’s the price to pay for knowing all of Ronan’s thoughts, I suppose, Gruber.”
“Among many others. I’d expect his Niamh to know that well enough, though.”
Adam felt himself freeze as Henry’s hand came in contact with his shoulder, a friendly pat. His Niamh. As if that meant anything, as if those words fit together in any logical pattern. His Niamh, and his mother’s voice - almost golden. 
“Or you will soon enough, mate,” Henry said. “Have fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
And Henry Cheng disappeared into the crowd, popping up laughing with Blue a few feet away.
Adam surrendered gaining any grip on this night right then.
At some point, Hennessy found him, pressing a drink into his palm - what was with all his friends and acquaintances plying him with alcohol? - and said, “Well, I’d think you were avoiding me as you have at the last two of these parties.”
“Never avoiding,” Adam defended, mustering a smile as he lifted the drink to his lips without thinking. “Just generally indisposed at events.”
“You’re making some good choices, then.”
“What’s done must be done.”
She raised a single eyebrow. “Rather defeatist of you, Golden Boy. Don’t remember that from your time on the campaign trail.”
Adam grinned. “I’m a fully realized creation. I have the capacity to change.” “There he is, bringing out the philosophy at parties.” She nodded to something that might have been Ronan if Adam focused his eyes and squinted enough. “Don’t remember him, either.”
“Have I mentioned you look fantastic?”
“I know, darling, and I note your deflection.”
“My point stands.”
“And it’s valued.” She slid an arm over his shoulders, uncomfortably warm, to lean closer to his ear. “But we’re gonna have a conversation when you’re not overwhelmed at a party you don’t want to throw. I’m serious about the ignoring.”
“I know you are.”
“Mhm. And if I were you, I’d go check on your boy. But I’m not you, so I’m going to enjoy myself.”
As quickly as she’d appeared, she slid off into the crowd, joining the numbers of people Adam had completely lost to the mob. Everyone seemed able to navigate it but him.
As the clock neared midnight and another drink disappeared from Adam’s hand, leaving his blood buzzing pleasantly through his veins, he slipped out one of the ornate double doors. He breathed in fresh air like a man coming across water in the desert, the haze around his mind clearing with every breath. He ambled to a free bench, his legs still stiff and straight from overuse. The stone bit into his long fingers as he curled his hand around the bench seat, but he welcomed the feeling because it was so far from the thriving mass of bodies indoors.
At some point, he opened his eyes again. His eyes had briefly registered another figure outdoors by the statue when he first exited. Only once his eyes were open and scanning did he recognize the figure, a silhouette of black leather cut harshly from the ethereal white exterior of the Residence.
“Everything okay?” He called to Ronan.
“Yeah,” Ronan replied without turning to face him. “Just...getting some air.”
It was easier to associate this Ronan with the one he heard on the phone - so far from that royal persona projected everywhere, a voice in a face with no expectations on it. Ronan could have been anyone, his accent lax and his posture eerily straight in a contrast that made Adam feel a bit winded. 
“It’s loud in there,” he admitted.
Ronan didn’t respond, but Adam’s statement wasn’t one that required response. 
“I thought this would be more your scene,” Adam finally said, challenge creeping into his voice. He wasn’t sure if it was a genuine challenge or if he was just falling back on old habits instead of saying something he might regret.
“And I didn’t think it would be yours.”
“Fair enough, since it’s not.”
Ronan threw him a glance over one shoulder at that. “Makes perfect sense to throw this function, then.”
“Well, the media doesn’t exactly eat up overpriced textbooks and econ calculations, so I do what I can.”
“Mm,” Ronan hummed in something that sounded like agreement. “They do love the sex, drugs, and rock and roll, even in places it’s not happening.”
Adam stood, placing his hands on his knees like he had bad joints. “Unless if you actually went to 239 parties last year, I’d guess you know all about that exaggeration.”
“Do you stalk my tabloids, Parrish? The fuck?”
“No, Gansey does. With everybody. He just reads all his findings to me.”
“Terrifying,” Ronan muttered. “If I die of mysterious circumstances, you’ll both be on the shortlist of suspects.” “What?” Adam challenged. “You’ll keep it in the breast pocket of your blazer?”
“Sure,” Ronan replied. “I have to keep it folded up close to my heart, of course. Keep your lovers close but enemies closer.”
Ronan tilted his head in the direction of the statue, silently beckoning Adam to stand by him. It felt a bit like a confession, like his permission implied passing some silent test.
Briefly, in his buzzing brain, he wondered what side of that spectrum he fell on. 
“Did you get sick of watching Blue and Gansey?”
Adam shrugged, pulling to a stop just next to Ronan. He kicked absently at the ground with his toe. “A bit.”
“That has to have been a weird development to get used to.”
“A bit,” Adam repeated.
“Still, it hasn’t been too long.”
“I think they’ve been a thing for longer,” Adam admitted.
Ronan turned his head, and suddenly Adam felt the icy cool of his eyes trained on Adam’s face. “Why?”
Adam shrugged. “I don’t know. It just seems obvious, looking back. They’ve clearly been together for a while. August, at least.” He crossed his arms over his chest, the December-January chill suddenly settling over him. “I think they were...protecting me.”
Ronan snorted, the gesture not a bit princely. “Protecting you?”
Adam fiddled with the cuffs of his shirt.
“I’m damaged goods, Highness,” he said at length. “I’m fragile.”
Even though Adam didn’t turn to him, he felt Ronan’s eyes probe deeper as though imploring Adam to look back to him. “That’s a fucking lie,” he said, his voice low and dangerous.
Adam snorted, but Ronan was not deterred.
“You’re not fragile,” he repeated. “If you’re fragile, the world is being held up by - by dental floss and craft glue. No, a weak person couldn’t do what you do. Bullshit for the cameras at least once a week, keep up your grades, work on policy with Czerny, keep up your ratings so that they never dip - that’s too much for someone who is fragile.”
“Oh, then you must be superhuman, with all the bullshitting you do.”
“Of course I am, Parrish,” Ronan said, turning his eyes up and away from Adam.
They stood shoulder to shoulder, elbows rested on the cold metal fence guarding the statue. The night sky hung above them, pale in all of the light pollution of the city, but if Adam strained he could see the faint points carving themselves into the sky and drawing themselves into pictures and promises. Ronan’s heat radiated next to him, leather almost snagging on cotton. The fact that this was their first time seeing each other in person since the hospital photo-op did not escape Adam’s notice, but neither did the easy way in which they managed to coexist despite the time and distance removing them from that point.
When the moment grew too heavy, he said, “Did you look at my Wikipedia page?”
Adam arched an eyebrow.
“...Matthew may have done some light Googling.”
Adam laughed. It wasn’t his carefree camera laugh, the ones that kept up his ratings, but it was a laugh nonetheless, one that dispersed through the air as though worried it could be stolen away at any moment. Ronan’s face shuttered abruptly. His expression became inscrutable, and Adam didn’t realize he’d looked happy until he no longer did.
All at once, Adam remembered the line separating them, and he felt certain they were touching it with their feet almost overlapping, face to face and chest to chest.
“You didn’t have to come,” Adam said softly, his normal voice suddenly feeling far too loud for the little bubble forming around them, devoid of anyone else. “Not if you didn’t want to.”
Ronan didn’t speak for a moment, by choice or to gather his words, Adam didn’t know. “I did.”
Adam just shook his head, choosing to stand in comfortable silence. A star winked in the sky.
“Non est ad astra mollis e terris via,” Ronan whispered, his lips barely movin g. There is no easy way from the earth to the stars.
“Itaque imus ad astra, per aspera,” Adam replied, barely thinking about it. So we go through hardships to the stars.
Ronan visibly started at his use of Latin. Adam smirked as if you say you’re not the only one with a posh education.
“Shooting for the stars, Highness?”
Rona turned his eyes back to the sole bright star. “I might as well be.”
“I’d doubt whatever it is that’s bothering you is as hopeless as that.”
Adam couldn’t take his eyes off of Ronan, noting the way his lips thinned. “Oh, but it is. In my position. In my life.”
“Non ergo qui in vobis sunt terminum tibi.”
Ronan turned his head toward Adam again, and Adam felt a spark of fear over what he might do if he turned his head to meet Ronan’s eyes, blue as a never-ending lake stretching on and on until he drowned against the sand.
He turned his head anyway. The stars suspended above them, the leaves ceasing to rustle and shuffle, the party inside fading away until everyone disappeared into nothingness. Ronan lifted one hand from the railing and slid it along Adam’s cheek, his skin heating and jolting at the touch like Ronan himself was made of electricity and stardust, like the galaxies that Adam had once been were meeting their long lost particles in Ronan’s hand. In Ronan’s eyes, he could have sworn he heard words turning over and over.
Adam heard him whisper, then, the words that must have been bouncing in his head. “Pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death,” he muttered, the tail-end of something Adam couldn’t quite place. He parted his lips to speak just before Ronan kissed him.
Surprisingly, or perhaps not, he didn’t worry that he was kissing someone - kissing Ronan . For once in his life, he forgot about everything else. He didn’t worry about anyone inside or what anyone might think. That would come later.
Ronan’s lips pressed to his, and he tried to string a coherent thought together but was instead met with abstract, overjoyed ideas floating aimlessly in his brain instead. 
The press of Ronan against him was hard, sharp lines and corners poking into his chest and his hips and his legs, but his lips were soft and Adam tasted whiskey and powdered sugar on Ronan’s tongue and Ronan’s teeth flashed against his lip and he thought he might die, that the feeling may kill him if he did that again.
He didn’t have a chance to test that hypothesis, because Ronan pulled back and stepped away so quickly Adam almost fell forward onto his face. And then he hurried away, leaving Adam standing like an idiot outside of the White House ballroom at a party he was supposed to be hosting after just kissing a male member of the monarchy.
His only thought was, absently, if they’d kissed at midnight.
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magicalskincareus · 5 years
30 Day Glow Up
Week 1 - Assess/Declutter
Clean out your closet(s)/dresser. Donate/toss items you no longer wear, can’t fit, or don’t make you feel happy.
Clean your room/apartment/house. Sweep, mop dust, do what you gotta do.
Go through files on your phone/tablet/computer. Delete documents you no longer need. Get rid of junk files. Delete songs you no longer listen to (Back them up first incase you want to redownload them in the future.)
Get rid of dated makeup, old pens, recycle/shred documents you no longer need.
Make a list of habits to break/start. After all, your habits are the key part of what defines ‘glowing up’.
Update your resume.
Go over your finances. Maybe you need to adjust your weekly/monthly budget. Maybe you don’t.
Schedule any necessary appointments.
Take a look at your calendar and fill it with things such as a movie night, zero-day, deep clean day, date night (with yourself or someone else).
Make a mass to-do list and prioritise it (what do you need to complete first?).
Week 2/3 - Work To break old habits/ Implement new ones, Set goals
Going to bed late - go to bed 15 mins to 30 mins earlier every few nights
Want to start being more active- go for a walk daily or stretch 5-10 mins after you wake up
Drink more water - invest in a water bottle and eep it at arms reach
Eating healthier - replace a food you typically eat daily that you maybe shouldn’t with a fruit or vegetable, look for healthier alternatives to things you eat daily.
Too much screen time - set aside say an hour a day to read a book, draw, write etc
Start journaling - every day try to write something in your journal even if it’s just “I had a really great nap.”
Week ¾/5(?) - Mental/Physical
If you have the funds buy a few new items for your wardrobe
Find a style icon/look for style inspo using the clothes you already have
Develop a skin care routine and plan to stick to it
Do a hair mask/get a haircut/colour/extenstions etc
Start doing face mask and exfoliating a few times a week
Challenge yourself to say something positive to someone daily
Wear what makes you feel confident
Give yourself a mani/pedi or go out and get your nails/toes done
Treat yourself to new makeup, an outfit, a meal etc
Keep up your daily hygiene (sometimes easier said than done, especially if you have a mental illness) - find ways to make the basics easier (planning on doing a post about that in the near future)
Make a feel-good playlist
Journal a few times a week
Make a happy jar - everytime something that makes you feel good happens, write it down and put it in the jar. Then when you feel down or after a certain amount of time read them!
Get a tattoo or piercing (if you can and want to lol)
Go get your makeup done/pick up a few tips at Sephora/Ulta etc if you’re into makeup
Learn a new skill (cooking, baking, learning a language, crocheting, drawing)
Keep working on the habits you hope to build.
Read more here:  30 Day Glow Up
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nudiemuse · 6 years
About the last one for the year y’alls.
I’m gonna look at hair stuff.
SOoooo y’all.
I had intended to make this big dramatic post, patting myself on the back and twerking in joy because I found a braid extension that doesn’t involve cornrows and that I can do. If you are interested see here. If you want to learn how to do cornrowless crochet braids of any type, seriously sub to Jazz Nicole and learn. Her videos are easy to follow and even I COULD DO IT.
So I practiced. And Sunday I got started.
First thing what had happened was-
I had some MAJOR knots down at my goddamn scalp. I could feel them. Getting them out was traumatic. Because I’ve been mainly finger and wide tooth comb detangling, I’ve avoided a lot of breakage buuuuuuuuuuuuut them little evil ass gremlin knots slipped through the big comb and I damn well know that gliding my fingers from scalp to ends is a no go. SO that was, fucking terrible.
Because I don’t heat style more than maybe once a year, I had to fight them knots. I was very gentle but about a quarter of the way through, my scalp started to hurt really badly. Just, sore and bruised so I stopped and resumed on Monday. When I was almost in tears because my whole goddamn head was hurting like I got hit, I should have stopped but………..I did not.
Listen to your Auntie babes.
If your body is saying. HEY NO PLS WHAT THE FUCK STOP NO FUCK U BITCH! Listen.
However, after a few maybe scissor happy trims my hair is doing very well. It is juicy moist, soft. Everything I want and I’m retaining length. That is huge for me because I’m going for booty length hair and I can’t be losing my inches to bullshit.
    The evolution of oh noness. First pic, doing the first section. Holding my hair out I was feeling myself. Second photo, me feeling myself HUGELY. My pretty little braids were soft and shiny. Swingy. Third photo, hours later this is the sweaty face of defeat. That was the point I decided to just give up.
So defeat.
But! Good news.
I have added a new layer of understanding about my hair.
I need a hard all the way down to the scalp, tiny ass comb detangling at least once a month.
My current routine is working out very nicely. Here’s how I get down.
I am hardcore protective styling. I’m wearing wigs.
Doing the LOC method regularly works for me. My hair still loves a heavy ass butter/oil PAPOW combo. When I’m on my game, I only really need to moisturize after washing, then two days later. Then again on wash day.
Now let’s talk about some products I like.
For moisturizing. For a non handmade cream I like some few brands.
Asiam Double Butter Cream. Not bad. It is nicely moisturizing, has good stuff in it and is pretty easy to find.
Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In Conditioning Repair Cream. WITH a caveat. Cantu products are VERY proteiny. Use with caution especially if your hair is protein sensitive. That said, it is a great one to use if your hair is feeling a little weak. Not a lot, a little goes a long way.
Really for me if something has a good base of shea butter AND has oils, it’s gonna be great.
Commercially blended oils.
This one does have a silicone but it’s not a biggie for me. My hair isn’t mad about cones. Hot 6 oil. I love to use it as a base for other stuff.
I like to mix in:
Jamaican Black Castor Oil. Always a fave of mine. My scalp LOVES this shit and when I have an itchy spot it does it for me.
I will also drop in a little bit of peppermint or tea tree oil.
For commercial oils, what you want is to make sure they don’t have mineral oil and if you’re sensitive to silicones skip it.
Oils from the grocery store.
Coconut oil. Y’all do not get fooled into paying vast amounts. Go to a hood grocery, buy a jar of coconut oil. I know it isn’t the big thing anymore but my hair loves it.
Other kitchen oils: olive oil is amazing. For me I like my oils a bit heavier but olive is great and no it doesn’t have to be the fanciest most extra virgin olive ever. Plain ole olive oil, just check the label to make sure it is pure olive oil.
If you live where you can get to a brown folks grocery, look for palm oil.I’ve used it as a hot oil treatment and it was GREAT. Also avocado oil but it is expensive where I live so I tend not to use it.
For ultra softening get a good fatty ass oil.
Non eatin oils:
I LOVE light castor oil and buy one or two bottles a year. My brand is NOW Solutions Castor Oil. Y’all. This is so great to have on hand. I use it to boost conditioners, I use it when I have dry scaly spots on my butt. Honestly that one is my one true love. I’ve used others, jojoba etc but my hair likes it heavy.
Leave ins:
I bounce between two primarily.
My first love is the Oyin Juices n Berries. I am a ride or die og Oyin fan. They make my FAVE whipped butter.  I love the light mist and the scent of juices and berries. This is great for me. It does have glycerin in it so I alternate it with another leave in.
Creme of Nature with argan oil – Strength & Shine Leave-In Conditioner. I LOVE this product. It is a bit more of a heavy spray but gives some excellent slip. Really great. I love this one.
Plain water is great. Occasionally I like to do water mixed with a sploot of oil.
The biggest thing I’ve learned this year about my hair is that I really need to just do me. I LOVE learning about the big wide diverse world of natural hair, I just gotta remember not to try EVERY DAMN SHINY THING ON MYSELF.
Also y’all, I had some setbacks didn’t make my goal length and I am so happy. I love my hair so much.
Coming up in 2018 I’m planning on going HARD on the protective styling. What can I say, I want mermaid hair.
There will be more wig reviews, maybe some struggle bus how to basics?
I dunno.
Happy new year y’all.
2017 for the Struggle Bus Natural. About the last one for the year y'alls. I'm gonna look at hair stuff. SOoooo y'all.
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maliatfedler · 5 years
30 Day Glow Up
Week 1 - Assess/Declutter
Clean out your closet(s)/dresser. Donate/toss items you no longer wear, can’t fit, or don’t make you feel happy.
Clean your room/apartment/house. Sweep, mop dust, do what you gotta do.
Go through files on your phone/tablet/computer. Delete documents you no longer need. Get rid of junk files. Delete songs you no longer listen to (Back them up first incase you want to redownload them in the future.)
Get rid of dated makeup, old pens, recycle/shred documents you no longer need.
Make a list of habits to break/start. After all, your habits are the key part of what defines ‘glowing up’.
Update your resume.
Go over your finances. Maybe you need to adjust your weekly/monthly budget. Maybe you don’t.
Schedule any necessary appointments.
Take a look at your calendar and fill it with things such as a movie night, zero-day, deep clean day, date night (with yourself or someone else).
Make a mass to-do list and prioritise it (what do you need to complete first?).
Week 2/3 - Work To break old habits/ Implement new ones, Set goals
Going to bed late - go to bed 15 mins to 30 mins earlier every few nights
Want to start being more active- go for a walk daily or stretch 5-10 mins after you wake up
Drink more water - invest in a water bottle and eep it at arms reach
Eating healthier - replace a food you typically eat daily that you maybe shouldn’t with a fruit or vegetable, look for healthier alternatives to things you eat daily.
Too much screen time - set aside say an hour a day to read a book, draw, write etc
Start journaling - every day try to write something in your journal even if it’s just “I had a really great nap.”
Week ¾/5(?) - Mental/Physical
If you have the funds buy a few new items for your wardrobe
Find a style icon/look for style inspo using the clothes you already have
Develop a skin care routine and plan to stick to it
Do a hair mask/get a haircut/colour/extenstions etc
Start doing face mask and exfoliating a few times a week
Challenge yourself to say something positive to someone daily
Wear what makes you feel confident
Give yourself a mani/pedi or go out and get your nails/toes done
Treat yourself to new makeup, an outfit, a meal etc
Keep up your daily hygiene (sometimes easier said than done, especially if you have a mental illness) - find ways to make the basics easier (planning on doing a post about that in the near future)
Make a feel-good playlist
Journal a few times a week
Make a happy jar - everytime something that makes you feel good happens, write it down and put it in the jar. Then when you feel down or after a certain amount of time read them!
Get a tattoo or piercing (if you can and want to lol)
Go get your makeup done/pick up a few tips at Sephora/Ulta etc if you’re into makeup
Learn a new skill (cooking, baking, learning a language, crocheting, drawing)
Keep working on the habits you hope to build.
Read more here:  30 Day Glow Up
30 Day Glow Up published first on https://magicalskincareus.tumblr.com
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