#i guess i'll open askbox after a few more answers
Could you write something with Mammon and Fem!MC where the two are studying together and have some cute moments pls? :)
I really love your writings and hope you don`t mind the request
Thank you for your request Anon.
I had a lot of fun writing this One Shot. I hope you and the others like it and have fun reading it.
Btw my AskBox is still open.
Mammon x Female MC
Warnings: none I guess, just fluff
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It was almost midnight when MC looked at the clock. They had been sitting in Mammon's room for almost 5 hours trying to study together. Mammon had begged MC the whole day. He said that he could see how lost MC was and that without him she would never pass the upcoming test. Nobly he volunteered to help her.
Inwardly, MC already had to laugh a little. Mammon was really cute. He couldn't admit that he needed help himself and once again had to pretend that MC was stupid and needed help. However, he was also the one who had given up an hour ago and was playing with his phone now.
''Oi MC look I won again" MC looked up and eyed the demon in front of her. His light hair was sticking out from his head a little more than usual because he kept running his fingers through it. His clothes were more casual as well. He wore only a plain shirt and dark sweatpants.
''What are you playing there anyway Mammoney ?" asked MC, also putting her pen aside. If the demon didn't want to study anymore, why should she try to teach him anything?
"This is a new app where you can get Grimm by playing games. Levi showed it to me, although I think he just wants me to pay my debts to him. But it's really easy to get cash there. Wanna play?" he asked, smiling at MC from the side.
The latter just shook her head. ''Mammon, we actually wanted to study and not make money" MC frowned and looked at the demon of greed. He only grinned mischievously. ''But studying is boring!" ''Only because you don't understand anything!" ''Excuse me?! I understand everything. You little human need MY help after all!" ''Oh yeah?! Then explain the next task to me!" ''No problem"
Mammon grabbed one of the books from the table and skimmed the pages. "So you have to… so with that and then through that…" he stuttered for a while and MC laughed softly "Sure and I need help from the great Mammon" She gathered up her things. "I don't feel like it anymore, let's go study some other time" Mammon watched her silently while she went back to her room.
A few days later, Mammon knocks on MC's door. ''What do you want?" He looked down at the floor. '' Can we study together? I…..I need help" ''Oh you need my help to study? That sounded different a few days ago" ''I..I was stupid okay?! If I mess up the next test I'll get trouble from Lucifer" ''Oh and I'm supposed to help you even though I don't understand the material?" '' Mhhh MC I'm sorry please help me!" he said more fiercely and tore his gaze from the floor. His eyes met MC's and she realized that Lucifer must have had Goldie again. Otherwise Mammon wouldn't react like that.
"Fine I'll help you" His eyes lit up and he pushed past MC into her room. ''Great because I don't understand anything and I have to be able to do everything by tomorrow" MC suppressed a groan. That was typical Mammon.
Together, the two studied the entire night and MC wanted to throw the book at him more than once. Why couldn't he try harder!!! He was lucky that he was cute, because otherwise MC would really strangle him.
Tired, MC sat in class staring at the paper in front of her. She could hardly read what was written there and even less could she give the right answers. She was so tired all she could think about was that her bed was waiting for her. She had studied with Mammon until school started and tried to teach the demon something. But now she sat here and knew nothing more, while Mammon beside her diligently scribbled his answers on the paper. That couldn't be true! Mammon knew everything and she knew nothing anymore. She quickly tried to answer some more questions to get some points.
After class Mammon came to her and casually put his arm around her ''And how was it human?" ''Leave it Mammon" she said and pushed his arm away from her. Astonished, Mammon looked after her and wondered why she looked so angry. ''What's wrong with MC?" asked Asmodeus next to him. Mammon told him what had happened in class and what the two of them had been doing for the past few days. Asmo hit Mammon and explained to him on the way to the next lesson what was going on and why MC was mad. That Asmo always understood such things was a real mystery to Mammon.
In the evening Mammon came to MC again. Before she could even send him away, he entered her room and sat down on the bed. In his arms he had a pile of snacks and a game console he had stolen from Levi. ''Are you coming MC?" Maybe he wasn't such a jerk after all.
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sorry if you've answered this before, but how do you draw/proportion bodies? The way you draw poses is so nice and fluid and I'd love to see how you do it! Your art is always such an inspiration to me, thank you for posting it
Hello! So first of all, that's a huge compliment and I really really appreciate it! I don't have the words, just. Dang. I really appreciate that so so much.
As for how I draw / proportion bodies, I don't really have a fully set process or anything, because almost all of what I do has been a result of me messing around and finding out for several years. That said, I'll try to go over some of my general process here and if clarification is needed for any part of this my askbox is always open and I'm happy to try and answer.
So I generally try to start with a rough gesture-ish shape for the torso that kind of establishes where I want the torso to sit and at what angle I want the hips / shoulders to be at. It helps for a pose to look a little more natural if there's a little bit of asymmetry and if the hips and shoulders aren't exactly at the same angle. Once I have that initial shape set up, I like to add the legs on, so I can get a feel for the weight distribution.
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Also notably, I have a little marker for the head on there so I know roughly where that will be placed.
Generally after this stage I'll go in and add arms, and when I do that I'll usually make clear note of the hands, then the shoulders, then connect them at the elbow. I'll also draw on the head at this point, and for that I like to mark where the collar bone would be. There's a muscle on both sides of the neck that starts at the collar bone and ends right below the ears so that's generally a good reference point. After that I'll draw on the jawline and start marking down the head shape and where the face will go.
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After this point I'll start adding on stuff like face, clothes, etc. (This ended up being a Bdubs)
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A few things to try and keep in mind for anatomy is rough skeletal and muscle structure. I find it helpful if I'm struggling with a pose to think about where the ribcage, pelvis, and joints would reasonably be, and usually that will help me deal with most issues I might have. Additionally, thinking about muscle structure and body fat helps better establish the external shapes of the character, so I try to think of those too while I'm drawing.
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This isn't super detailed, but I also marked here where rough skeletal points are and what the angles of the hips and shoulders are.
That said, that's not the only way I think about posing when I do start on a drawing. When I'm drawing something at a more intense angle, I prefer to start with whatever part of the body is closest to the camera and work my way back. When doing a more action- oriented pose, I tend to focus more on the line of action first so that I can do more with the gesture.
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If it's not completely evident from this page, though, not every pose I draw will work out. It's fairly common for me to end up with stiff poses or ones with weird, warped proportions, especially when I'm doing more action oriented or foreshortened poses. (But of course, I don't post all the stuff I make.)
I guess to give a few closing notes, I've found that taking in information about anatomy and posing from a lot of different sources has helped me improve at it. I took a life drawing class recently that taught a very traditional manner of drawing the human figure that had a lot of emphasis on accuracy, and I took an anatomy and physiology class a couple years ago, which helped me gain an understanding of the human figure on a more scientific level, which I found very helpful. That said, I've found that YouTubers like LavenderTowne have a lot of useful information on drawing stylized anatomy and fluid poses, and her Do This, Not That videos are very informative, so I recommend looking into those a little bit for more stuff.
And a few more closing notes, that I've found work well for me personally, I highly suggest sketching loosely and lightly, and being okay with not drawing perfect poses every time. I've found, for myself, that not committing to lines right away allows me more space to find that sweet spot, so to speak, where things just work. I've found myself erasing the same lines over and over again so many times. Heck I'll draw the same post multiple times to get it to look right. It might not always look right on the first try and that's absolutely fine. Quite honestly it doesn't have to look right on the first try. For every pose I draw that turns out nice I have probably an average of 15 that have been erased or scratched out. So, like... don't get too hung up on stuff being perfect. And another small bit! Exaggerate stuff! It's fun! But it also helps capture the feeling and energy in the pose more than anatomical accuracy does, and I'd argue that especially when it comes to stylized work, it's important to push stuff to be a little bit "more" than it "realistically" would be, because I've found that can also help with fluidity. Besides, if it's been pushed too much, it's a little easier to pull it back.
I hope that long winded spiel was at least a little bit helpful, and again if any of this needs clarification, lmk! And have a fantastic day :D
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globalphantasm · 11 months
Phantasm's Masterlist
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About me Hey! Just call me Phanta (sure, like the soda) or Phantasm. Any pronouns are fine. I'm not picky. I'm just a Cyber Agent. I mainly made this blog to get a story of mine out there that I've been working on for the past few months. I've sent it to some close friends and I've been urged to post it since they like it, so I guess I will. I'm also actually quite shy, so if I don't answer DMs, its not personal. I just like to hide in the mainframe, y'know? I really don't expect this to get traction. I'm just posting this in hopes a few people will think it's at least decent. I've actually never posted any stories anywhere. I'm serious. There ain't SHIT anywhere that's on the internet that I've written. If you go searching, I'll know. Trust me. What I write I mainly write fantasy. A lot of cyberpunk too. That's what this blog is for. My cyberpunk story. One day, I may add another story here, but my main focus is Neon Antithesis. I'm really just a sucker for characters with special abilities and powers slightly as copium bc we ain't gettin' that shit irl and I refuse to die until we do. I also take a lotta inspo from shit like Cyberpunk and various pieces of manga and art thank you Gokurakugai. Please keep in mind that most of what I post/write is more mature, and I would appreciate if minors did not wander over to my blog. Content warnings will be posted accordingly on each chapter of the story. Please be sure to read them and take care of yourself. ♡ Main Story Neon Antithesis This story follows two protagonists by the names of Yan and Chang who are actively on the run from their piece-of-shit corpo father who wants them dead because he didn't want to put up with them and vice versa. They're taken in by a man named Spike who came up with the agreement for both of them to work for him. In exchange for that, he'll pay them for their work and let them move in, and they'll eventually be able to hopefully escape the city (which is currently unnamed because I'm 4hed, but for the love of God, just bear with me). Follow both protagonists as they experience new adventures, feelings, and risks all for the sake of survival in a neon dystopia. After all, this city HATES people going against what it works for, and that's the big bad corpo CyberNet. Changelogs/Update logs will be posted accordingly for each change made to the story. A link to the chapter's song will also be added if there is a song for it. Be sure to check the song masterlist page! My askbox is ALWAYS open for questions, headcanons, theories, criticism, fanart, suggestions, and ideas! I promise I don't bite. ♡ P.S. I tend to write this story while I'm barely awake so there are bound to be typos, but I PROMISE I always look over it as best as I can! If you notice anything, feel free to let me know!
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"Pull the trigger, make it thunder."
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soudamask · 5 years
does gundam or kazuichi have other hobbies? like other than their ultimates
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((I also have a pic with them together cause it looks nice I think!))
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#ask.1 : Shaun and Tony
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(For some reason the askbox on this blog doesn't work so I guess if you've got asks about the characters you can just DM me your question and I'll do a screenshot and answer in a regular post)
@ramblingpolkadots sent me that and I gotta say it's a very interesting topic to me since the relationship between Tony and Shaun is very decisive during Blindsight.
First of all, that friendship is the most incongruous thing given the circumstances where Tony and Shaun met.
Tony is the son of Gene Nocenti, one of Chester's enemies. Blindsight begins shortly after Shaun and Ani get attacked by some guys affiliated to the Nocenti clan during a night out. Both of them manage to get out alive; Shaun got beaten, and Ani got shot in the leg, but all their opponents winded up dead or severely injured. It was the case of Silver Nocenti, Gene's youngest son and Tony's dear baby brother. He wasn't supposed to be here that night- Silver was stabbed in the face by Ani and died after a few days at the hospital.
Of course, the vendetta was de rigueur for the Nocentis, but Tony is the one to be truly upset about Silver's passing. His death ravaged him; Silver was the only good soul in that family of rascals and he most definitely did not deserve to go first. That's why avenging him becomes a personal business for Tony.
While the rest of the clan was busy pressuring Chester aka. Pluto to get him to deliver the whore that committed the offense, Tony investigated on his own and ended up finding Ani's phone, that she had lost during the infamous night of the attack.
He manages to track them down and finds the apartment where Shaun and Ani were hiding and attacks them at the moment when they least expect it. While Tony was clever enough to find Shaun and Ani on his own, he didn't have the presence of mind to tell anyone what he was up to and going solo was definitely not a good idea since the attack failed and he ends up being captured and held hostage by Shaun.
At that point, things get weird, and uncomfortable as fuck. Ani can't look at Tony in the eye because the guilt is killing her; she never meant to kill a man, she never thought she could do such a thing, it was an accident. And of course Tony can't look at Ani either because even though the sorrow and the rage are eating him from inside, he knows the moment he lays his eyes on her that yes, she's telling the truth, she didn't mean to do that, and yes, it was an accident. That girl is harmless. Worse than that; she's actually a good person, offering to take care of his wounds, bringing him food and everything. It would've been so much easier if she had been crazy, unstable, violent... But he couldn't put the blame on her. Ani's kindness even reminded Tony of Silver and he knew that killing her to avenge him would not only make him feel worse but also would be the dumbest thing to do ever.
Shaun believes that the capture of Tony will make the Nocentis change their mind and that they'd finally be willing to give up on Ani. What Shaun didn't expect is that Tony is the black sheep of the clan; as an illegitimate son of the big boss, he has a lot less value than his brothers. The negotiations go on for a few days and that's when Shaun and Tony get to know each other and realize they actually have a lot in common.
Shaun and Tony more or less have the same job. They both got blood on their hands, and they both follow the orders of a fatherly figure. They're not professionals; they're naturals- in the way that they grew up in violence, and both their families had been involved in criminal activities for generations before they were born, so they're that kind of guys who never really got the choice. They're both driven by rage, (Tony's rage is contingent though, unlike Shaun's rage which is pathological and chronic) and feel guilty for the unspeakable things they've done in the past. Also, neither of them condone violence against women.
Last thing they've got in common is boxing. Shaun started boxing when he was 13, and Tony started boxing and wrestling at 8 (the only thing that ever made his dad proud of him tbh) and believe it or not, even if he's one inch or two shorter than Shaun, and a few pounds lighter, Tony is a much better fighter than him, and by far. Which is kind of a big deal, cause Shaun is pretty much of a killing machine.
They started to bond when Tony was in the living room, handcuffed. Shaun was punching a bag in "the white room" (an empty bedroom in the apartment that Shaun more or less rearranged into an exercise room- also the place where he locks himself up when he feels the rage kicking in) the door was half open and Tony could see Shaun's reflection in the mirror so he observed him and his shadow for a while before saying something like "Your legs are slow" loud enough so that Shaun could hear. Shaun slammed the door as an answer and that was the end of the first exchange.
But yeah as time goes by and they end up having no choice but to spend time with each other (cause someone's got to keep an eye on Tony who is, after all, a hostage). Tony understands that Shaun is his brother's puppet and that he didn't even want to be involved in the conflict he had with the Nocentis in the first place. Shaun understands that Tony isn't like the rest of his family and didn't approve of the way they retaliate in general.
At some point, Tony, worn out by the captivity, begs Shaun for a cigarette. He agrees to give him a cig, Tony takes a drag, nervously.
"So what is she to you exactly, huh?"
"Ani. She's not your girl. Or at least not really am I wrong?"
"Not your goddamn business."
"I've seen you two arguing, bantering, making out, and I've heard you fucking like cats in heat for the past four days. I'm so involved I feel violated. I think we've crossed the “not-your-goddamn-business” line honestly."
"Why do you wanna know that anyway?"
"I don't know. You do nasty things for your brother, I do nasty things for my dad. Guys like us generally aren't allowed to care that much about someone."
"You cared enough about your brother to risk your life by coming here."
"It's not the same."
"It's exactly the same."
*There's a silence, Tony finishes his cigarette*
"Silver always thought of me as a role model. I always wanted him to have a good life, cause, well, he was good. Guess I fucked up. You wanted to keep Ani away from all your shit and you fucked up too. We're both shitty at protecting people we love."
Shaun left after a minute without saying anything. He went back an hour later throwing a blanket at Tony's face and going back to the bedroom.
I've got some more ideas for them during Blindsight: like I'm pretty sure at some point, Shaun will cut Tony loose for a sparring session and Tony's gonna beat his ass and Shaun will be like 'wtf?? I'm 20 pounds heavier than you!' - also Tony learns about Shaun being bisexual and he goes like 'oh. okay. good for you, man' and it's actually the first time Shaun saw a straight guy reacting like that after learning about his bisexuality. And it's thanks to that incongruous friendship Ani doesn't end up savagely murdered at the end of Blindsight. (I'm not elaborating on that cuz I don't wanna spoil! I still hope I'll be able to finish this story one day and that it will be available for you to read! ;__;)
Tony and Shaun are probably gonna meet again after Blindsight cause, well, I like these two together. And I like to imagine Ani being falsely jealous of Tony like "Huuuh you're going to see your boyfriend! :D"
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minjeongwinters · 3 years
If you’re still answering questions - this is sorta vague I guess, but in my fantasy story, I have a character that’s Filipino and immortal and one thing I wanted for them was that they become sort of an urban legend and that if someone invokes their name, they can feel it and use their magic to help. But then I was worried about the invoking the name thing; that’s big with a lot of European lore and also with some Native American spirits (that’s what I am) but I wasn’t sure if the names are A Thing in any sort of Filipino mythology or lore. Or if it’s even weird to include magic like that in a Filipino character? I haven’t read as much as I should about Filipino magic, and I wanted to start really digging into the character’s background. They’re like 1300 years old (and gay and non-binary)
Hi! Yes, I'll be keeping my askbox open for a while, because I would genuinely like to help people write Filipino characters (to the extent that I can, as a Bisaya person).
I'm sure you already know this, but for those people who don't: I'd like to take this chance to say that the Philippines has 170+ ethnolinguistic groups and I can't speak for them. E.g. I'd have absolutely no idea what an Itneg person would say about this matter. Every ethnolinguistic group has a unique set of mythology. This is just a gentle reminder to specify which one/s is or are your character's ethnic group/s!
To me, it's not weird to include magic like that for a Filipino character. At first, I did instinctively find it weird, but that's because many of the Bisaya myths with which I grew up (or read about in the past few years) have a recurring theme of "HEY, PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM US" rather than inviting supernatural entities/deities.
For example, one of the most common and uniquely Bisaya phrases you'll hear is "purya buyag," which basically is like... "buyag, leave us alone, haha." Modern Bisaya people typically understand buyag as simply an abstract concept of misfortune. However, the name buyag originates from a myth of an evil witch, so we're essentially asking this witch to stay away even after so many generations.
But when I sat down to think about it, I remembered that the idea of invoking otherworldly entities is pretty darn universal.
The ancient Pangasinan people invoked Ama-Gaoley ("Supreme Father" in their language) for combat, travel, and trade. Precolonial Tagalogs invoked Lingga to cure diseases and Lakampati, an androgynous god, for land and agriculture stuff.
Did they do this with names, specifically? I don't know, but it seems logical that names would be involved in invoking these deities. So in short, I do not find it weird. I think invoking some higher being's power using their name is a concept you can easily find in countless cultures across the globe.
A possible example of invocation through name is the word yawa in Bisaya. Modern Bisaya people use yawa as a cuss word and it's typically interpreted as a synonym for devil. It's actually the name of a precolonial goddess/babaylan (powerful witch), Nagmalitong Yawa. Yawa was demonized by Spanish friars, hence its associations now.
The average Christian/Catholic would avoid mentioning the devil when in distress. However, Bisaya people tend to invoke her name in distressing or intense situations, which is super interesting. Maybe in a way, we're subconsciously praying for her help, invoking her through name; a habit that's endured her colonial vilification.
A more obvious example is bahala. It's a popular expression found across multiple Philippine languages and derives from Bathala, the name of the Tagalog god. Bahala pretty much means "whatever," so it's like saying "whatever, leave it to our god."
Just be very specific about your character's ethnolinguistic group/s. Bisaya magic is super different from Iloko magic, etc.
I hope this helped! Feel free to send me any follow-up questions or questions to clear up any confusion.
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