#i guess technically?
nolifepoints · 1 year
I'll ramble about it a bit because I can't be trusted to actually write it, but I really love the idea of Toei canon Miho and Kaiba dating each other fakely. Not fake dating, that is, but dating while fake. Because they are both the most Fake Assed Bitches.
It has to be cabbage boy, though. None of my other interpretations of Kaiba is good enough at social situations to even pretend his way through them as long as s0 Kaiba did, nor does he even have any interest in trying to be.
Like... manga Kaiba insults everyone to their faces immediately upon meeting them. When he finds out about Blue Eyes... offering up a briefcase full of fancy expensive cards doesn't get his way? He'll pretend for, like, 5 minutes, just long enough to steal it. It only works because Yuugi is the sweetest, most trusting, friendliest-shaped blorbo on the planet... and even he notices! He just doesn't call him out right away because he's a nice person and it is really very embarrassing for Kaiba here.
And DM anime Kaiba? Fancy expensive card briefcase doesn't work out for him either? Right. Cool. It's time to escalate the situation straight to kidnapping. Do not pass go. Do not collect $500 (that's chump change).
But this Kaiba?
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He really puts some effort into this. He fools everyone except Jounouchi, who hates him cause he ain't him, not a sixth sense of character judgment.
I really love completely alternate takes on characters like this. The Toei anime is silly, but it's also SO much fun.
Miho is a similar case- they really expanded on her from the Miho in the manga and went in the direction of "super shallow and two-faced chick," but it works better for me than a lot of portrayals because, like... she's their good buddy Miho. In a lot of other series she would be the horrible fake rival, but nah. She's their actual friend who just cannot help it if everyone wants to do things for her and give her free stuff all the time. Totally innocent. Totally not taking every sucker for a ride. I love her so much, lol.
So anyway, my actual concept here is- Miho is dating Kaiba because he's rich and it makes her look cool, and Kaiba is dating Miho because it increases his proximity to Yuugi. They don't even like each other, but they both think they're so smooth and conning the other one so good. Clearly, they're head over heels. And everyone else is like "uh... um... uh... Miho????" and she's like "NO GUYS HE'S TOTALLY CHANGED." (She neither knows nor especially cares if he has because she thinks she can Manage him.)
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electric-blue24 · 7 months
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i was thinking about what a non dragonborn cirrus would look like witch then led to finding out half ilithid markings carry over though disguise self and decided that cirrus is just garbage at transformations in general. always keeping the same colour scheme/look no matter the form he takes, but he can get away with it because hes so persuasive
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nyanamigaming · 2 months
What are your favourite games to stream?
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darling-daydream · 6 months
need her to put me deep into subspace so all I can do is look up at her with big glassy eyes while she plays with me however she wants. Anything she says, I comply immediately, nothing on my mind except being a good girl for her.
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rodydoesartthings · 2 years
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he metal on my gear till i solid
(click for better quality)
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phoenixfyrebird · 1 year
Non-Hermits I want to see play DO2
Mrs. Tango (she needs to play her husband's game)
Hbomb ('cause of SoT)
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updates-on-docm77 · 2 years
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About the Mod(s)
Elo! Our primary mcyt account is @mcwhytubers but any replies will come from @theentityvoidserver.
Our Doc factive (system alter/introject of an irl person) was the one who had the idea for this blog and will be the one primarily running it, so feel free to address us by the name Doc or if it would be too confusing due to the nature of this blog, we also go by X, Entity, Ren, or Scar. We collectively use he/they/xe/it pronouns. [Edit: we’ll sign off our posts as ‘Mod [name]’ for whoever posts.]
We are (unfortunately) rather human and live in the USA (Eastern Standard Time for us), so if Doc posts before noon his time/5 am our time, we will be late to getting around to posting about it. Along with sleeping through half of his day, we also currently work a morning job throughout the week. And we have ADHD. And while being many in the head, we are one in the body. So, this will not be a strict, minute-by-minute, every single notification update account. We will be late, miss posts, and not always see when he’s on other people’s streams.
That being said, we have notifications on his Twitter, YouTube, and Twitch accounts. We know he’s also fairly active on Reddit and will try to remember to check up for any comments he’s left there. Please let us know if there are any other socials of his that we may have missed!
What we plan on posting:
We plan on posting his tweets and photos and linking any links that he’s posted.
We know he posts about a lot of fan art and while we will not repost a full image of the art here (reposting art is bad!) we will give a link to the artist from wherever they posted it- Reddit, Twitter, etc- and if they’re on Tumblr, we’ll link them here too!
Speaking of fan art, we also plan on posting- if we find him asking before the video comes out- anything about the next video thumbnail!
If we see he’s on someone else’s stream, we’ll post about it. And if you see he’s on someone’s stream- such as Cleo, whom we don’t really watch, feel free to send us an ask about it! We primarily only watch Scar, Ren, Joe, and Cub for streaming, so anyone else is fair game to pop a notification to us about it! The same thing goes if he pops up in someone else���s video! We aren’t going to be hyper specific, such as just noting when he’s online while someone’s streaming, just only when he’s actually around in their stream. The only exception would be if he’s chatting about something important in the server chat.
And if he ever posts on Tumblr (therealdocm77) again, we'll reblog that as well.
Tags we use:
'doc update': any updates about him will be posted with this, most likely with some of the below as further sorting helpers if someone is looking for a specific update.
'doc tweet': any (re)tweets that Doc makes will be posted with this
'doc Reddit': any Reddit messages of his will be posted with this
‘doc photo’: any photo of either Doc himself or photos Doc posts
‘doc art’: any fanart that doc has retweeted and/or commented on- both generally and for the thumbnail requests
‘doc video’: any YouTube videos Doc posts (or if he happens to post a video on twitter)
'doc live': if/when Doc goes live or if Doc is in someone else's live stream.
‘thumbnail spoilers’: If you want to keep the thumbnail a surprise, I would recommend avoiding this tag! (Side note: if Doc has asked for credits but they haven’t responded, we aren’t going to tag it unless someone asks us to)
‘not an update’: rather self-explanatory- posts that aren’t updates about Doc. wouldn’t recommend blocking this one though because we may post updates about ourselves not being able to update and such.
This will be deleted if Doc ever says he's uncomfortable with update accounts.
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(userboxes by sweetpeauserboxes)
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(userboxes by boxesbybeans)
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desnayy · 1 year
I think I am always partial to Wilbur, mainly cause he is the perfect man
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tryst-art-archive · 2 years
July 2011: Drawings
This is a spot where my mental timeline is off, as I would've said this happened in 2014 but apparently not.
I briefly played World of Warcraft in order to understand it, given its massive impact on the game industry. I'd never played before, and I wasn't willing to sink money on it (that was just out of budget), so I played the commercial version (this was the Cataclysm days) on a free trial until I hit level cap, then shifted to two bootleg servers, one of which was a roleplay server that emulated WoW circa Wrath of the Lich King (If I remember correctly), and the other of which was standard play and used Cataclysm.
I had some fun with it, but ultimately it was too grindy and people-y for me. I particularly enjoyed the Worgen, Draenei, and the Hunter class, from what I remember.
However, I've never liked WoW's art style; it's pretty much the exact antithesis of my aesthetic preferences. So I took to drawing my Worgen Hunter as I wished her to be, rather than as she was in-game, and that's what most of these drawings are. (I do think my inability to realize an aesthetic that aligned with my preferences formed part of the reason for my abandoning the game, but it was likely inevitable. I tend to churn out of MMOs because of the amount of time and social they want regardless.)
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Honestly, I still like Xivra's look. It'd be fun to revive her as her own, non-WoW thing.
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You will not use AI to get ideas for your story. You will lie on the floor and have wretched visions like god intended
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f1-disaster-bi · 5 months
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I would love to know why Spotify thinks I'm having a romcom type of day 😂
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luftballons99 · 1 year
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there was only one bed
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catmask · 1 year
does anyone have like an anti aesthetic. like something you look at and can recognize as a complete fashion/interior design/artistic movement and understand it but it makes you shudder seeing it. i am not talking like “its morally bad” “its poorly structured” like just sheerly devoid of joy for you actually invites a repulse response.
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gibbearish · 8 months
just saw on the hbomb subreddit that james somerton briefly reactivated his twitter and changed the name to agayraconteur, then 8 hrs later deleted it again because people were noticing, so. everyone who went all in on "he'll keep popping up again and again in new forms" cash your bets in now LMAO
edit: hey yall this post is very out of date but has been getting spikes of notes since the second apology video so i'm gonna be marking it unrebloggable
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krysmcscience · 4 months
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Call this the Whoopsie AU (it's barely an AU)
I mean. Narinder never explicitly SAID the Lamb would stay dead... :3c He probably should have been more specific. >:3c
Part Two:
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Well. The Lamb tried, but...sorry, Nari, the crown hates you now. Shouldn't have been so quick to lend it out, I guess. :D
Aaaand Part Three:
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'Isn't he just adorable?' -The Lamb, probably, while their followers smile and nod and internally scream at the brand new hellcat they now have to share living space with...
Anyway, nothing says 'Dead To Me' like following a person around to loudly remind them of how dead they are to you. Right? Right. Narinder's got this all figured out. <:]
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cbmagus49 · 10 months
Hey guess what it's time for a big ol' Relativity screenshot edit sketchdump!!!!
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