#i guess the best way to put it is i still want svt in my life but i don't want it to be such a big part of my life anymore
kyeomblr · 7 months
[ closed ]
thanks for 6 wonderful years on caratblr! <3 you can follow my culture & arts sideblog @ghalghai if you're into that (or if you just want to stay in touch). love, madi
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synthetickitsune · 2 months
omg i woke up and saw your post about requests and came running!! you alr know i need all the angst in my life so can i please req dk + come back to me if he hurts you” 🥺🫶🏻
thx for helping me realize i write mostly angst for sunshine boy and continuing the tradition 🫶🏻 akjddsk
DK (SVT) | “Come back to me if he hurts you.” angst | 0.7k | gn!reader
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He stares at you, processing. It feels - well, there’s no way to put how it feels. His chest is hollow. He has no parallel to draw, so he just… stares.
The information shouldn’t come as a surprise. He’s heard through the grapevine that you began dating again. Honestly, should he even care? He does. But should he? Does he have any right to care? The split was amicable, mutual. Friendly even. You’re friends still. You seem happy. He’s genuinely happy that you are happy, so why…
“Seok? Are you alright?” your panicked voice and slowly approaching hand make him wake up and flinch away. He feels his face soften from whatever grimace he was making upon seeing your hurt expression.
“Sorry, yeah,” he clears his throat, “I’m alright. Uh, so things are good, yeah?”
He tries hard to ignore your face morphing into a mask of indifference.
“Yeah, things are good,” you repeat.
The silence that follows is awkward and stretches on. He wants to break it but he has no idea how.
“This was a mistake, wasn’t it?” you laugh, but it sounds empty as you hide your face in your hands, “I don’t know why I told you.”
“Hey,” he protests way too quickly and his hand immediately shoots to your shoulder, and he pulls it back just as quickly. You turn towards him and frown. It’s unusual to see him so serious. “I want you to tell me. You’re my friend.”
Your smile is sad. He hates it.
“We’re more than that, Min,” you sigh. It’s quiet again and he’s just as helpless.
“I guess I want to tell you everything - would that be cruel?” you meet his eyes again, but all he sees is the anxious way you fidget with a loose thread on your pants, “I guess I just want to know if you think we’ll work out. You’re the one who’d be the best judge of that.”
“I’m the worst one to be the judge of that,” he corrects you, his voice slipping into his comedic persona easily, “Seeing how things turned out.”
You do laugh and some of the unpleasant feelings lift off his shoulders. He doesn’t know what would be the best or most appropriate thing to say next. He’s not sure how he’s supposed to feel. All he knows is he has to start talking or this will be very pathetic very soon.
“I’m really happy for you, sorry,” he smiles, blinking away some of the moisture in his eyes, “I don’t know why this-” he motions vaguely to his face, “Happened.”
You chuckle, but looking at you, your eyes are wet too. 
“I get it,” you nod, “I’m so scared it’ll end wrong again.”
He sighs. As if he didn’t know the feeling intimately well. 
“Did-” he stops himself before he can finish, thinking better of it, but you push for it anyway. “Did I do something? Something so bad it makes you afraid now?”
“Oh god, Min, no,” you rush to reassure him and end up grabbing his hand in both of yours. You bite your lit. This isn’t exactly how you expected the talk to go. “If anything you loved me too well. So I’m afraid I won’t feel love like that again. Or that I’ll fuck up and lose it.”
“You couldn’t ever fuck up like that,” he laughs - the idea alone is so ridiculous, “Because you’re the kind of person nobody would want to lose.”
You shake your head, leaning into him with a laugh. He’s warm against your side. It feels comfortable. Comfortable like it used to feel even before you dated, like it did when you were together too. You missed being this comfortable with Seokmin after the breakup. 
Things change, but maybe they don’t need to be all that different. You have too much history to let go. And all of it is good - as much as humanly possible.
“Come back to me if he hurts you,” he outstretches his pinky to you. You huff, but there’s a wobbly grin on your face anyway when you promise with your own.
“You got it, Min.”
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midnightstay-blog · 3 months
6+9 with svt dokyeom he/him please?
Sure ! 😊 I hope you like it. It's my first time writing for he/ him pronouns.
💫Muse💫 (Requested)
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Au 🌕| Fluff 🌙 | Male Reader 💙 | Request💫 | Scenario ✨
TW: Mentions of Alcohol
Genre: Dokyeom x male reader
Theme: Friends x lovers, Photographer x muse, A little bit of jealousy.
Rating Pg13
Word count: 2,482
Summary: after being invited to Dk's showing at a gallery the night takes an unexpected turn for the better.
Click, Click, Click the camera went as you posed for what seemed like the 13th time that day. You were currently in the middle of a photoshoot for a prominent magazine. Though you loved being a model you’d be lying if you said that you weren’t tired. The only thing that made this time worth it though is that you were being photographed by Dokyeom. You guys had been friends since college, and he was an amazing talent to say the lease.
“Can you please hold still I swear I have one more shot then you can go change and we’ll be done for the day.” He said.
He smiled at you the same as when you first met, and your heart began to flutter a little. See you had always had a little crush on Dk since orientation when he walked into your school’s auditorium and accidentally tripped on the last two steps. You wanted to go and help him up, but some girl had already beat you two it. The two of them seemed pretty chummy so you shrugged and found a seat next to your friend. You didn’t see him again after that until you became roommates during your second semester. You grew close pretty quickly and had been friends ever since. Soon he was done and you thanked him along with the other staff members as you went to your dressing room and changed.  Moments later as you reemerge you notice dk putting away the last of his equipment. Place your duffle bag on a near by stool you help him as he begins to disassemble the last soft box light.
“Thanks.” He said while rubbing his hands together.
“No problem be sides it looked kind of heavy.” You pointed out. You go to your bag and pull out a pack of fruit snacks offering him one. Accepting it he opens it and begins to consume its contents. “Hey, you know Josh is gonna be in town today if you want to have dinner with us.” He offered.
“Really that’s great I didn’t know he was back already I figured he was still in Korea working with that one company.”
“He was but I guess they wrapped up early, so he booked an earlier flight back to see family.” Dk stated.
“He gets in later tonight, so I won’t see him until after my exhibition at the gallery.
You nod at his statement before popping the last fruit snack in your mouth.
“Oh, that reminds me.” He states while reaching into his bag and pulling out a flyer.
“I’m having an exhibit of some of my work later and I wanted to know if you could come?” He asks sheepishly.
You take the flyer from his hand and examine its contents as happiness begins to fill you.
“Dude I’m so proud of you.” You state hugging him.
“Thanks, but it’s no big deal.” He says waving his hand dismissively.
“No big deal dude your work is going to be shown at one of the biggest galleries in the city it’s a huge deal.” You speak.
Dokyeom begins to feel sheepish as you continue to praise him. Though he was used to being praised strangers it always felt different when it came from the people, he was closest too.
“And to answer your question I would be honored to come support you on your big night.”  You declared.
The two of you exchange a bit more details before saying your goodbyes.
Later on, that evening you arrive to the gallery dressed in your best suit. The building is full of different people from the industry from other models to ceo’s and even a few producers. Life just seemed to pour from the building as you made your way inside. Soon you were met by a member of the wait staff who offered you a glass of champagne along with one of the many assorted cheeses that they had in rotation for the night. Accepting you thank them and make your way over to the first photograph that hanged in the corner of the gallery. You recognized it as the coffee shop that the two of you used to frequent while in college. However, instead of it’s warmth interior being present it seemed colder. Maybe because it was in black and white or possible because the shadow that is present in the center seemed to all but stand still as the people around it moved back and forth in the form of blurs. Either way you found yourself emersed in the piece.
“Enjoying the show?” a voice states pulling you from your trance.
Turning you notice the presents of a young man no more than maybe 28 years old standing next to you. “Oh yes very much how about you?” you inquire.
“I think the works are gorgeous Just like you.” He states wrapping his hand around his silver wristwatch.
He was gorgeous to say the least probably one of those nepo babies that you hear about all of the time. His outfit certainly seemed like it cost a lot. For a moment he catches you staring at him, and he turns away blushing a bit. Not wanting him to get the wrong idea you clear your throat before continuing trying to cut through the awkwardness.
“You know he’s a personal friend of mine the artist. We’ve been friends since college.” You mention trying your best to make small talk. The woman grins as she takes a step forward. “Well then maybe you could introduce us sometime.” she inquires.  “I mean besides if he must be a pretty great to have a friend as handsome as you.” She states before lightly placing a hand on your chest. You begin to feel a bit uncomfortable with the way the conversation is going so you decide to let her down as gently as possible. However, before you can Dk makes his way over to the two of you and takes your hand.
“Babe there you are I’ve been looking for you all night where have you been.” He questions. You are taken off guard by the name but welcome it along with the warm feeling that has formed in your chest. Briefly you look between the two before adjusting your tie a little and speaking up. “Sorry Kyeomie I just really wanted to see this picture that you took it so captivatingly beautiful.” You tell him.  He gives mutters a small thanks before placing a small peck on your cheek and turning back to the woman.
“Who is this?” He inquires. Blinking a few times, you bring yourself back to reality before continuing.  “Oh, this is...” you trail off before remembering that you never got her name.”
“I’m Mason … Mason Evington” he says shaking dk’s hand.
“Oh, that’s right your dad owns two of the biggest art galleries in the world.” He nods in agreement.
“I didn’t know you two were together. “He states as red creeps onto her face showcasing her embarrassment.
“it’s relatively new “dk states grabbing your hand and interlacing your fingers.  “Apologies I didn’t introduce myself I’m Dokyeom but everyone calls me Dk.” He states smiling wide. Realization sets in as He begins to recognize him as the artist. Noticing her error, the redness in her face darkens slightly.
 “I love your work. I think you have a great eye for details.” he tells him. Dk nods understandingly before he mutters a small thank you.
“Well, it was lovely to meet you but if you don’t mind, I’d like to barrow him from you show him some more of my work.” Dk proposes before leading you towards the back of the gallery.  Mason nods before biding you both goodbye and making her way to a different section of the gallery. For a moment the two of you walk around and look at the different photographs as you continue to mingle with all kinds of people. After a while you get used to having his hand in yours and for a moment you even allow yourself to dream of what life would be like if this moment were a bit more permanent. However, after a while you let go of Dk’s hand as he is talking to another photographer about a job that he did in Paris last spring. You find yourself wandering for a bit until you stumble upon a particular photograph. It was a picture of you that he took once when you were at the beach. You, however, were too busy helping baby turtles into the water for to notice him taking it.
“Here you are.” He stated placing his hands into his pockets. “You must really like this one.” He inquires.
“I didn’t even know you took it.” you stated. “it’s beautiful.”
“It’s you” he stated.  You both sat there for a moment drinking in the sight before you. After a while you speak up breaking the silence. “Thanks for earlier by the way.” You state turning towards him.
 “Yeah, no problem.” “You just looked kind of uncomfortable so I figured you could use some saving.” He shrugs. “Plus, I didn’t like the way he was looking at you.”
Silence hangs there a little longer as dk’s words began to play over and over in your head.  However, your thoughts are interrupted as dk breaks the silence this time. “We should get going Joshua is supposed to be meeting us for dinner soon.” Nodding in agreement Dk thanks everyone for coming before the two of you make your way towards the exit.
For a while the two of you walk towards the restaurant as you recount many memories from college. After some time, the two of you make it to the restaurant just in time to be seated.  Through you had never been to this restaurant you found it quite fancy for a couple of friends just catching up.  The tables were draped in white floor length cloths while lights hanged from the ceiling.  On the table was a small tea light and a basket of bread. After being seated your waitress came back to take your drink orders. Deciding to wait for Joshua to order you both just end up ordering drinks from the bar before going back to your original topic of conversation. After while about 30 minutes had passed before Dk’s phone dinged.  Retrieving it from his pocket he unlocks it before examining the text message. Disappointment dresses his features briefly before he speaks.
“Looks like Josh’s plane got delayed by an hour, so he won’t make dinner, but he said that he’d call us tomorrow once he got settled.”  
Giving a small okay he puts his phone back in his pocket before calling the waitress back over and the two of you order. Sometime later you finish your meal and by this point you both are feeling a bit buzzed from your drinks. At this point You try to pay the check but dk objects stating that he should pay since dinner was initially his idea. However, you turn him down and take out your card stating that it’s his big night and to consider it a gift. Once the check is paid you both leave, and he begins to walk you home. As you are walking you somehow make it onto the topic of dating. He tells you how he only really had two serious relationships since college. Though you look at him in disbelief.
“You’re kidding right only two… Seriously?” you state in disbelief.
“Seriously.” he tells you as a rat makes its way through one of the many rain puddles on the ground.
“What about that girl from orientation or the one from that time we went to the beach?” You inquired.
“Okay first off that girl from orientation was gay and two the one from the beach wasn’t even my type.” He stated walking through another puddle.
“Oh, so mister man has a type I see.” You tease.
“What like you don’t?” he inquires.
“Oh, I have a type.” You state as the two of you make your way to your building.
Silence falls upon you for what seemed like the millionth time that evening.
“Well, this is me.” You state before making your way towards the door. However, before you make your way inside Dk mutters a small “Wait” Turing around you look at him while standing in your doorway. A frustrated sigh leaves his lips before he speaks again. “I haven’t been completely honest with you tonight.” He states shoving his hands in his pockets.
“What do you mean?” you questioned.
He takes a moment to compose his thoughts before taking a deep breath and continuing.
“I genuinely don’t know why my brain just goes blank when I look at you. I think I’m going a little crazy.” He admits.
You stare at him in confusion waiting for him to continue.
“Earlier tonight when we were at my showing, and I came over to you and that guy.”  You nod in response remembering the awkward interaction. “Well, I didn’t do it as a concerned friend I was actually kind of well… jealous a little.” He said truthfully.
You go to speak but he cuts you off.
“Admittedly if I’m being honest with myself, I’ve had feelings for you since that day at the beach.”
You take a moment letting his words soak in as you heart begins to pick up speed. Though this moment is all that you wanted for the past couple of years you never imagined it would happen like this.
“Why didn’t you say something then?”
“I figured you didn’t feel the same.” He shrugged.  “Plus, you were spending so much time with Mingyu I just assumed that-.”
“That I was into him.” You finished. He nods as his eyes become doughy.
For a moment you tilt your head toward the ground before a light chuckle escapes your lips.
“Mingyu was my partner but not in that way.” You tell him while meeting his gaze.
“He was assigned to be a model for my figure drawing class that’s why we spent so much time together that semester.”
Feeling a little embarrassed at his assumption Dk places his hand on his neck rubbing it slightly.
Placing your hand on his face his eyes meet yours. “And for the record I had feelings for you ever since I saw you trip at orientation.” You mention. A smile makes its way to Dokyeoms face as his hand met yours.
 “I only tripped because I was trying to capture a picture of you.”  He sheepishly admits.
The both of you chuckle a little before closing the gap between you. Shortly after you pull apart before dk takes the chance to speak up once again.
“I guess you could say you’ve always been my muse.”
Request are open
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i saw your skz hand rating(which i completely agree with btw but the pics of their hands made me–*gunshot*)
anyways!! decided to ruin myself further and ask you if you could do one for svt? i know it'll be a lot harder since they’re 13 so feel free to ignore this if you don't want to!!
I needed to supply the visual aids lol. Funnily enough, after answering the Stray Kids one, I started thinking about how I'd rank Seventeen. Thanks for reading my mind lmao.
Going to put the actual ranking under the readmore but a few things:
1. I am deeply indecisive. This was very hard lol and will likely change but, this is my very tentative ranking for now.
2. I realised with the Stray Kids one that I have two criteria I unconsciously use. The Stray Kids ones was just vibes lol and not as bad because there are only 8 members. However, I realised I based these rankings off of 1. Attractiveness and 2. Aesthetics. That's why Jeongin was so high despite me not viewing him sexually. The man has pretty ass hands.
3. I can only post 10 pictures a post so, I'll reblog this and add the last 3 members as well as visual aids for them too.
Let's get into it.
1. Joshua
I hate myself. I have nothing to say.
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I'm joking. However, this is pure horniness I'm not even going to pretend. I think I'm just so viscerally attracted to his hands that it negates every other criteria and everyone elses' hands. That's really it lol.
2. Jeonghan
I think putting him this high is going to surprise a lot of people and mayhaps even be controversial. However, I think Jeonghan's hands are massively slept on. I think they're so beautiful and, I think the way his fingertips bend is fascinating. Elegant hands for a beautiful man. Very fitting.
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3. Minghao
Another potentially controversial placement. Minghao is the marriage of my opinion on Josh's hands and my opinion on Jeonghan's hands. I think his hands are really pleasing to look at but, they're also very, very hot to me. Based on my Stray Kids ranking, I seem to have an affinity for long fingers/big hands generally lol and, it likely shows.
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4. DK
Very strong contender for most beautiful hands in the whole group. I already knew when I thought about this that he'd be at least top 5, and I was correct lol. I honestly don't have much to say, I think his hands are gorgeous.
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5. Woozi
I remember Hon (a mutual of mine) saying she was attacked by his hands and, I understand why. Another strong contender for most beautiful hands in the whole group. I honestly haven't paid much attention to his hands but, after today I definitely will.
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6. S.Coups
Shoutout to my man for making it to the top 6 lol. Okay so, I actually have very similar feelings about Josh and Cheol's hands BUT I do think Josh's are a tad more aesthetically pleasing. Cheol still has that massive hands appeal that makes me want him carnally though. Oh, I've also noticed thick fingers tend to be a plus in my book so, that partly explains why he's so high too.
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7. Seungkwan
I can already feel tomatoes coming because I ranked him so low. HEAR ME OUT. Another member of the most beautiful hands in the group committed but, I think where I appreciate them a tonne aesthetically, the carnal appeal isn't there as much I think? That's the best wai I can think to explain it. Still has stunning ass hands though.
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8. Mingyu
Honestly don't have much to say. Very similar thoughts as Cheol actually. I like big hands lol and he had the thick fingers going for him too.
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9. Wonwoo
Ngl, I think this is where my opinions on the members hands get a bit same-y so, apologies in advance for that. Wonwoo's hands are fine. They're not bad by any means but, I guess I just don't have a real reason to put him above everyone else listed so far?
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10. Jun
Similar sentiments to Wonwoo. I think why I might have put Wonwoo's a little higher is because his hands look slightly bigger lol but, honestly the gap between Jun and Wonwoo is pretty minimal.
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craby-bouquet · 2 years
The Girl In The Woods
~part 2~
Kim Mingyu x Reader
Romance, Royal!AU
Based on Swan Lake
1.3K words
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The day with the princess was a disaster. She was nice, yes. A little too nice for Mingyu's liking. His crown and status was clearly all she cared about.
However, his mother didn't stop there. The next day, two more girls came by. Both at different times. They were too bland. Too… perfectly princessy for him. So, the day after that, three more princesses came.
"Well?" His mother asked him, as the third girl left.
Mingyu rolled his eyes, putting his phone down. He had been reading the news. Some boring article about rumors of him trying to find a wife. But he was still the most eligible bachelor in Pledis.
"No mother, they were boring."
His mother sighed "Prince Kim Mingyu, if you keep turning girls down like this, we'll run out. They were pretty, right?"
He shrugged, "Sure, I guess. But what else? If I’m to marry someone I want them to be interesting, to have conversations with me, worthy of my time. Just… interesting at all."
"Mingyu, please. You haven't even given them a fair chance."
Mingyu hung his head back dramatically "They don't care at all. All they care about is that I'm a crown prince."
“Still darling, they’re good people. They could offer a lot for our country.”
He shook his head and got up off the couch he had been sitting on.
“Where are you going?” his mother asked, confused.
“I need some air. I’m going for a ride.”
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Mingyu rode his horse all the way to the edge of the forest. He wasn't allowed to go in, get to the deep part of the forest and you'd get lost. It had happened to the best. Prince Soonyoung had joked about it once, went in a little, laughing loudly as prince Mingyu was in a slight panic, before coming out again. It hadn't nearly been as funny as Soonyoung had thought it was.
But there had always been something about the mysterious forest that attracted Mingyu. And, sure enough, whenever he'd go on a ride, he'd end up at the edge of the forest. 
But it was getting dark, and therefore time to head home. He turned his horse around and saw something in the distance. It startled his horse, making it wild, turning around and running into the forest. 
Mingyu couldn't stop him, whatever he tried, the horse kept going. Mingyu panicked more and more as the forest kept getting thicker. Trying to get his horse to turn around and go back.
There was a low hanging tree branch Mingyu didn't see. He bumped his head against it and everything went black.
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Slowly Mingyu started coming back to consciousness. It was strange, his head hurt but not as badly as it should have, considering what happened. He heard someone gasp, probably noticing he was waking up, and footsteps swiftly walking away from him.
He forced his eyes open. But too late, you had gone. 
It was dark, of course, and the forest was thicker than ever. Fear shot through his body. Was he in the deep part of the forest? What if he couldn’t get out?
He looked around. His horse, where was his horse? He let out a relieved sigh when he saw his horse grazing beside a tree it was tied to. How did it get there?
As he turned his head back, ready to get up, he saw a head disappear behind a tree close by.
“Who are you?” Mingyu asked loudly, “I’ve already seen you. Show yourself.”
You slowly walked out from behind the tree. He was shocked. A girl?
You introduced yourself quietly.
“Where am I?” Mingyu asked.
You shrugged “The forest.”
He rolled his eyes “I noticed, yes. How did I get here?”
“Oh, I saw your horse and you were there too.”
Only now Mingyu noticed the fabric tied around his arm, blood seeping through it. When he looked at you again he could see a part of your shirt was ripped.
He held up his arm “Did you do this?”
“Yes. You were hurt, so I took care of it.”
Mingyu sighed, “Alright, what do you want for it?” He had left his checkbook at home but he could always come back later.
To his surprise, however, you frowned “What? Why would I want anything for it?”
He snorted, “Everyone always wants something in return for being ‘nice’,” he explained, like it was the most obvious thing in the world, “It’s never free. So what do you want?”
You straightened your back. “Real kindness has no price.”
“So… You’re telling me you want nothing?”
You nodded “Yes. And I’m sorry you grew up without kindness.”
He frowned, before chuckling a little "What makes you think I grew up without kindness?"
"If you think kindness comes with a price, you've never experienced real kindness."
"I have though."
"Fine. You have. Just now." You crossed your arms awkwardly.
Mingyu stared at you, making you quite uncomfortable. 
"So what's your name, anyway?" You asked him, looking at the ground.
He frowned "You don't know who I am?"
You raised an eyebrow as you sat down across from him, legs pulled up to your chest "Should I?" 
It seemed you said something he completely couldn't understand, but then he straightened his posture "I'm… uh, Mingyu."
"Nice to meet you, Uh Mingyu." You laughed.
"Just Mingyu is fine." He smiled.
You looked at each other, both smiling. 
"Are you lost?" Mingyu asked you.
You shook your head, frowning with a smile, "Are you?"
He didn't seem to like that, "Yes. Remember how I was unconscious when you found me? Of course I'm lost."
You chuckled "Well, you probably come from the castle town, right? That's not difficult to find from here."
You noticed that made his eyes light up with relief.
"Why were you sleeping on your horse anyway?"
He frowned, kind of annoyed looking "I wasn't sleeping. Why would I be sleeping?"
You let out a chuckle again "I thought it was a little strange, yes."
He shook his head, which was clearly painful.
"What happened then? Because you were sleeping when I found you."
"I wasn't sleeping. I was unconscious."
He rolled his eyes, "I hit my head against a branch, because my horse went crazy."
You shuffled closer to him, pointing to the tree with his horse. "Your horse is now over there." 
He titled his head back a little as an automatic response to you getting closer, "I saw that… yes…" 
You smiled a kind smile.
"Do… Do you live here?" Mingyu asked.
You nodded "Not right here of course, a little bit that way."
You pointed in the opposite direction of his horse. Deeper into the forest.
Mingyu frowned "I didn't know there were people living in the forest…" it was fairly clear he didn't say that to you, it was more like thinking out loud.
"I think it's just me and my family. And the swans, of course." You shrugged.
Mingyu tilted his head "Swans?" This deep into the forest? Though, to be honest, Mingyu wasn't sure where he was.
You nodded, "Yes, we call the lake they live in 'Swan lake' because there are so many. Well, I call it that. I don’t think anyone else cares." 
Mingyu didn't say anything, just looked at you. His gaze clearly made you a little nervous.
"I could show you… if you want?"
That surprised him, “What?” 
“Swan lake.” you insisted, “It’s not far from here. Unless you’re still hurting too much to go anywhere.” 
Mingyu stood up proudly, “Of course I’m not too hurt.” You had already seen him knocked out, at his weakest. He was not going to let you think he was weak. Even though his arm did hurt and his mind was clearly still foggy. “Let’s go see your Swan lake.” 
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noyasaur · 6 months
hi! i'm the anon with the svt dr and i really appreciate your response :)) it made me feel a lot better about the way i scripted things (although i did edit a few minor details)
i also noticed that you didn't have any claimed anons yet so could i possibly claim 🐸? (this is my first time being an anon so pls help me through it lol 😭)
also, i also joined the shifting community just a little over three years ago and haven't shifted yet, and after a long time of constantly taking breaks i decided that i wanted to completely restart my shifting journey! go back and do the research from the bottom and go through the meditations, everything. do you have any tips?
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ahh hihi again!! and i'm so glad i was able to help and made you feel better that is super great to hear :D
and yesss ofcc!! (erm tbh i haven't been on tumblr long so i'm just taking a guess on how taken anons work LOL) but basicallyy every time you send in an ask in my inbox, just put 🐸 down somewhere so i know its you! it's basically for me to be able to recognise who you are if you're frequently sending in asks and you want to be identified but still be anonymous.
i do have some tips for restarting your shifting journey and i hope they'll be able to help!
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so, you want to restart your shifting journey from the bottom. my first tip for you, is to not overcomplicate things and even try shifting from the get-go.
#O1 TIP: keep it simple.
find out what reality shifting is for you and how you to shift. for example, if i were to restart my journey, i would just find a simple definition of what reality shifting is for me, and how to do it. i actually restarted my shifting journey pretty recently and from the start, all shifting was to me is that shifting was moving your awareness to another reality and that all i needed to shift was myself and intention.
once you've figured out a good, simple, definition of what the heck reality shifting is and how to do it, it doesn't hurt to try! go off of what you just learnt and found out, and try to shift.
however, if you're going along you're journey and feeling stuck and having many doubts, then is the time to get to the root of the problem and fix it. why are you having doubts? what are you not understanding about shifting? then is the time to go and do some research to find out answers for your doubts, or any questions you have about shifting.
#O2 TIP: do a deep dive on shifting.
if you want to take a different approach to your journey rather than gradually gaining more and more knowledge, then you could always just do one, big, deep dive on shifting. write down all the questions or things you want to know about shifting, and then find answers to them. however, go into it with the goal of proving what reality shifting is to you and find out what makes sense for you.
#O3 TIP: avoid overconsumption of shifting content/external validation.
while i agree that reading success stories about shifting can be super motivating, i am not a big fan of overconsumption. while it can work for some people, overconsumption can lead to an information overload, which can lead to confusion and indecisiveness on what reality shifting is and how exactly to do it at times. you've crammed in all your information about shifting that you don't know what is best for you or you don't know what to do!
social media and other resources for reality can be very good in learning more about the subject! but also remember, that your reality shifting journey is personal. don't compare yourselves to others and don't go constantly searching for information. focus on yourself and your journey. try not to rely on other people's success stories or methods/tips too much for external validation on if shifting is real or what works best. focus on yourself and find your strengths, weaknesses, and what works best for you. gain that validation from yourself.
#O4 TIP: other tips and reminders!
make shifting fun for you and have fun! shifting is something that should be an enjoyable and exciting process. it you're feeling stressed out or drained with shifting, then it's okay to take a break.
meditation helps immensely with focus and calming your mind for shifting.
focus on your destination and not the process. remember, it's all about your destination here. don't put too much focus on the actual action/process of shifting.
reality shifting is a natural process.
take your time and take it at your own pace! reality shifting and your desired realities will always be around, so don't feel pressured or be under the impression you need to shift immediately!
when you're trying to work out what's best for you or when trying to improve on yourself, try to think from an objective, non-biased stand-point.
#O5 TIP: helpful resources!
if you're looking for some reality shifting resources (on the science behind it) or just a basic 'definition' on how to shift, i've explained it before in some of my other asks which i will link below! you can just scroll and read the parts that you need. you don't need to take a look at them now or even at all. these are just suggestions. go at your own pace :)
✧ can you prove reality shifting + scripting character's personalities/appearances + how to stay motivated to shift ✧ is shifting real + do i have to shift to a specific reality every time i shift + what are the essential steps to shift
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i hope this helped and good luck with this! you soo got this and i'm excited to hear more about your journey! definitely don't be afraid to update me on how things are going, i would love to hear all about it (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ ♡
- saturn ♡
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wonwooslibrary · 2 years
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member: chwe hansol x gender neutral reader 
genre: fluff, past classmates to lovers, pizza delivery! au, college au
word count: 1998! for 1/2 of svt’s 98 liners!!
warnings: swearing, the reader likes pineapple on pizza lol 
summary: after moving back to their hometown, y/n runs into their past classmate, hansol, unexpectedly, and the two bond over (and complain about) pizza
author’s note: yes, i am still alive lmao i’m so sorry i basically just posted my greaser jihoon au and then like- disappeared from the face of the earth. i also shall admit that this was something i was supposed to post way before i even did my svt hogwarts house things but...i never finished it lol BUT GOOD NEWS! me and a couple of my friends ( @woozisnoots​ and @gallivantingheart​ ) have started a network together called “K-Bookshelf”! Go check it out of you’re interested!!!
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“I’m just saying Y/N, being a theater major sucks. It’s so much work! And believe it or not but there are days that I just don’t feel like singing. But no. Seokmin can’t pick up my slack for one damn day of class.” 
You sighed. “Why didn’t you just skip class today then?”
“You want me, the teacher’s pet, best singer in that class, to skip,” He stops walking and puts his hand on your forehead. “I think you’re getting sick. It’s time for you to just go back home, order your yucky pizza, and go to bed for the next week.”
“Trust me, if I could afford to do that, I would.” 
The boy laughed, and put his arm over your shoulder. “I gotta go meet with my group for my songwriting class in the production studios. I’ll talk to you later?”
As you nod, you turn towards him, “Please try not to injure Jihoon too much. It’s not that he doesn’t like you—I’m sure he does—he just treats everyone like that.” 
“I’ll try, I guess.” Your best friend hugs you goodbye, and heads off to the music building, as you leave campus to go towards your apartment.  
By the time you get to your apartment, your roommates are gone, and looking around shocks you. How did we let this place get so messy? It’s not even finals week yet. 
You went to place your bag down in your room, then started picking up the small home. The amount of pizza boxes that are sitting on top of textbooks is crazy, especially for an apartment shared by three people. 
By the time you were done with your cleaning spree, your roommates were back and already shutting themselves in their rooms for the night. You took the advantage of the empty living room and piled your homework around you. I might as well do something with my time, you thought. 
You looked at the clock. It was almost one in the morning. A perfect time for a late night pizza delivery. 
You grabbed your phone and ordered your favorite pizza, and sat back, deciding to take a quick power nap before the pizza arrived.
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When the doorbell rang, you jumped off the couch. The ringing had awoken you, but you didn’t mind since that meant your precious food was here. 
As the door opened, you saw a familiar face. One that was framed by curly brown hair: his eyes bright, and his smile growing.
“Hansol?” you looked at the boy in the bright red shirt and black jeans, his matching red hat backwards on his head so you are unable to see the logo on it. 
“Oh! Y/N? I thought you left here a long time ago. I wasn’t expecting you to be back here so soon.”
You should probably explain this situation. You and Hansol went to high school together, but after graduation, Hansol decided to stay here, and you left to travel while being enrolled in college. After a while, traveling every other week became too much, and your lack of money was beginning to make decisions for you. So, you moved back to your hometown and continued going to your classes, but decided to go in person, which is where you met Seungkwan in your literature class. Now Hansol is apparently delivering your Hawaiian pizza to you at one in the morning on a Saturday. 
“Uh yeah, I moved back here about a month ago. How long have you been uh,” you looked at the box that was still in his hands. “Delivering pizzas for?” 
“About a month or two after we graduated, actually. Though I can confidently say that pizza just isn’t as good as it used to be for me.” 
You laughed. “Well, thank you. Would you like to come in?” You gestured to the direction of the kitchen. Hansol puts his leg up and balances the box of pizza (that smells delicious, by the way) on his hand and his knee in order to pull his phone out of his pocket. 
“Uh, sure. I have a couple of minutes before I have to be at the pizzeria again.” You smiled, and took the box from him. He follows you into your apartment and to the kitchen, where you place the box on the counter before going towards the cupboard and taking out two plates. 
“Pizza?” you offered, opening the box. 
He uses his pointer finger to open the box slightly before muttering “Disgusting.” 
“Hey! Don’t hate on my pizza! Do you want some or not?”
“No way! Pineapple does not belong on pizza.” 
You snorted. “Didn’t you know it was Hawaiian pizza? You delivered it.”
“Just because I deliver it doesn’t mean I open the box, that’s not what they pay me for!” 
“Yeah, okay.” You took a slice of the pizza and bit into it, while Hansol kept his signature disgusted look on his face.
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After seeing Hansol (with your pizza) suddenly last week, you began noticing how often you actually passed by him on campus. You learned that he decided to go to college and pursue a career in music, but while getting an education, he thought it would be smart to get a job. You definitely couldn’t blame him, as lack of finances was the exact reason you're back in this town. 
“Did you know that Hansol is still here?” you asked your other childhood friend, Chan. 
“Yeah, actually. I see him a lot in the music building.”
“It makes sense that he’s there,” You looked at him and raised an eyebrow. “I mean, he is a music major after all. The real question is why you are in the music building enough to see him that often, especially as a dance major.”
“Soonyoung, the leader of my dance team, goes to visit his roommate a lot during class and he brings me, Junhui and Minghao with him all the time. Jihoon is a producer. He actually works with both Seungkwan and Hansol a lot.” 
“Wait—does that mean that Seungkwan and Hansol know each other?”
“Yeah, they’re working on a project or something together for one of their songwriting classes.”
Suddenly everything is starting to make sense. How did you not know Hansol and Seungkwan knew each other? Wow, you really need to start listening to Seungkwan more when he complains about his classes.
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“Hey, Y/N, I’m going to grab dinner later tonight with a group of friends. Do you want to join?”
You glanced up from the textbook you were hunting for citations in and looked at your friend, the library chair squeaking as you sat up. 
“Sure, when?” 
Seungkwan looked at his watch. “Let’s see…it’s almost 4 right now, and we agreed to meet at 6:30, so in about two and a half hours? Does that work for you?”
You smiled, “Yeah, it does.”
You and Seungkwan walked together from the library to dinner. You spend almost all of your weekend studying for your midterms, and you were looking forward to having good food and a break from shoving your face in your textbook. 
When the two of you arrived, you noticed the very packed table. “How many people were invited to this dinner thing, anyway?” you questioned your best friend. 
“About…14. Including you.”
You nodded and followed him to the table the large group was already sitting at. You knew a couple people there, such as Jihoon, the infamous producer, as well as Soonyoung and the rest of his dance team: Minghao, Junhui and Chan. You also noticed Seokmin from Seungkwan’s theater class. 
Seungkwan quickly introduced you to the rest of the friend group. You were sitting on the edge of the rounded booth, next to Seungcheol: the business major and music minor who shares a couple of songwriting classes with Jihoon and Seungkwan. 
“Where is Hansol? Has anyone seen him today?” Mingyu, the fashion major asked. “I checked the group chat but there is nothing from him.” 
“I was texting him earlier,” Jihoon piped up. “He said he might be late doing deliveries today. He promised that he’d be here before 7 though--told us to get started without him.”
Hansol? Deliveries? Is Hansol…? That’s right, Chan said Hansol is friends with Jihoon and Seungkwan. It took a few minutes for it to click that Hansol was going to be here, too. 
As soon as your brain wandered off to something that wasn’t Hansol, the bell above the door jingled and the thump thump thump of footsteps was heard throughout the restaurant and heads turned towards the sound. 
There he was, Hansol in his red collared shirt and backwards hat. “I am so sorry I’m late again,” He looked over to you and smiled. “I was running late on deliveries, but luckily they didn’t last as long as expected.” 
You motioned over to Seungcheol to scooch over a bit in the booth in order for you to make room for Hansol. He gratefully took a seat next to you. 
“Have you all ordered yet?” he questioned. 
“No,” you started. “Seungkwan and I just got here about 5 minutes ago. You aren’t that late.”
After you all ordered, everyone started their conversations within the group, and you opted to just sit out and observe the group. That is, until Hansol interrupted your listening. 
“Hey, Y/N,” You looked to your left and glanced up at Hansol. 
“Hey. I didn’t know you were friends with this group.”
“I mean, I didn’t know you were friends with Lee Chan still. I mean, it’s been how long? Four years?”
“Hansol. It’s only been two years.” You laughed at his forgetfulness. 
"Really? It feels like it's been longer than that." 
The two of you continued to talk, until the arrival of the food pulled you away from your conversation. 
"What did you get, Y/N?" 
"Oh uh. I got pizza." 
"We go to a diner for dinner and you get the same food you get delivered to you every other day? Did you at least get a good type of pizza?" 
You looked from him to your plate. "Uh…" 
"You did not get Hawaiian pizza." 
"Yeah, about that." 
“I cannot believe you.”
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do you think these lyrics sound good?
yeah, those lyrics are amazing, sollie! 
is that for the songwriting class?
nope, jihoon is letting me use his studio. i’m only allowed fifteen minutes so….i need to hurry and record as soon as possible 
I just wanted input before i used jihoon’s studio for the first and most likely last time
haha good luck sollie! i believe in you!!
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A couple of days after Hansol’s adventure of recording for the first time in Jihoon’s studio, he texted you everything that happened in the studio. Everywhere from making a mistake with his pronunciation to how many times Jihoon sneezed. It was fun to message him, as he was easily able to keep a conversation interesting. 
Though, his constant “…” showing up and disappearing from your screen had you worried. That is, until your attention was drawn from that to the ringing doorbell. When you got to the door and opened it, you became confused. 
Am I going crazy? Why did the doorbell ring if nobody is here?
Suddenly, your phone pinged. It was a message from Hansol. 
look down. 
Your eyes slowly moved from the text to the landing in front of your door. A pizza box was sitting there. You looked around a bit before picking it up and bringing it inside. 
The box was placed safely on the counter in the kitchen when your phone pinged yet again. 
open it. 
You opened the box of your precious Hawaiian pizza, but instead of the random assortment of pineapples on the pizza, you took notice of the shapes they were carefully placed into. 
“Date?” the pineapple slices spelled out. 
Yes please, Hansol.
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solarwonux · 4 years
Crop Tops and Tattoos || Wonwoo
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soccer player!Wonwoo x f!reader
w.c: 3.2k
warnings: smut, shower sex, wonwoo soft!dom, oral sex (female receiving), friends with benefits, friends to lovers, public sex (kinda) I think that’s all. 
note: another repost I’m sorry lol. Anyway, I hope you enjoy, honestly I literally have like a bunch of works that literally take place in the same soccer!svt/college!svt universe but really have nothing to do with one another except for like 3 and they’re all spicy lol. Let me know if you’d want them and also enjoy this one and lmk your thoughts hehehe :)
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“Come to my practice tonight.” You rubbed the sleep from your afternoon nap out of your eyes, listening to Wonwoo’s soft voice through the receiver. “I miss you, come to my practice tonight, we can hang out after.” Wonwoo all but begged, and you can almost picture the pout that was on his face.
“Woo, I can’t I have to finish my half of the group research project.”
“Perfect, I’ll help you. You’re my partner anyway. Please love, I just want to see you it’s been forever.”
“It’s been two days Woo.” You rolled your eyes sitting up on your couch, retreating your phone from your ear, checking the time, 7:30PM it read. So much for a thirty-minute nap, you sighed.
“Precisely why you should come to my practice…hold on a sec,” Wonwoo pulled the phone away from his ear and gave the lost student instructions to where the art history section of the library was located at. “Please, it will be worth it, I promise.” He whispered, cupping his mouth over the receiver, muffling his words a little making you laugh.
“I’ll think about it, get back to work.”
“Okay see you tonight.” He said a little too excited and hung up the phone, a wide smile appearing on your face, making your stomach perform a whole gymnastics routine in the process.
The relationship you and Wonwoo had was interesting, it had started off as mindlessly flirty with one another, graduated to ghost touches and during a hot summer’s day. Where the air conditioning in the library had leaked and instead of Joshua calling everyone to tell them to stay home, he had made sure everyone showed up. Or else. His exact words.
The touches and flirting had escalated to the point that Wonwoo had dragged you to the forgotten encyclopedia section of the library and pinned you against the dusty bookshelves.
Since then your relationship grew more to just sleeping with one another to let off some steam. He would hold your hand underneath the reception desk at the library, mindlessly drawing patterns and phrases onto your skin. He would walk you to class when he could, sometimes with a bubble tea in his hand, other times empty handed. If you were scheduled to close on days, he had an earlier shift, he would wait and walk you home holding you close while the two of you talked about your day. And as of recently, after sex he had started to spend the night, claiming he slept better with you by his side.
In your head Wonwoo was your boyfriend just without the label. It was also a conversation the two of you needed to have, but it was also one you feared because you didn’t want it to ruin it.
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You ran through the gates of the soccer field and started up the steps of the aluminum bleachers, earning weird stares from the guys and girls that decided to attend SVT’s first soccer practice of the season. You sat down, out of breath, holding your bag close to your body as you tried your best to regulating your breathing. A reminder that maybe hitting the gym every once in a while, wasn’t such a bad idea, because clearly having mind blowing sex with Wonwoo wasn’t helping with building your stamina.
“Woo your girl’s here now you can finally start playing.”
“Get your head out of your ass Jun.” Wonwoo scoffed shoving Jun lightly, earning a laugh from the other boy. Wonwoo gazed over at you a knowing smile evident on his face and waved at you. You felt your cheeks heat up and your eyes grew wide as you took in his appearance.
Wonwoo had sworn to you that he would never wear his old jersey again, especially since Seungcheol and Jeonghan had deviously cut it up after their last game last season. Yet, here he was in all his glory. The shirt stopping just above his belly button, the sliver of his toned stomach peeking through and you felt the beat of your heart start to raise. You warily waved back, before placing your cold palm against your forehead trying to cool yourself down.
Wonwoo raised an eyebrow, lifting his hand up and threaded it through his dark locks. His shirt riding up, exposing himself more and you felt the air leave your lungs. It was stupid, you have been seeing him in a lot less clothing for months and in every angle. But for some reason now as he stood boring his soft eyes into yours as Jihoon shouted commands to his teammates. The sweat dripping down the sides of his face, his glasses fogged up slightly due to the humidity and a knowing smirk adorning his face, teasing you. And you felt like you were about to burst.
“Hey, Woo, stop ogling at your girlfriend and get into position.”
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“I like your shirt.”
“Hmm, yeah?” A devilish snicker fell from his lips as he pushed up against the cool tile wall. You nodded dragging your nails across the sliver of teasing skin, leaving red marks behind in their wake making Wonwoo shudder. “So sexy.” He groaned lowly pressing his lips onto yours forcefully, his hands snaking around your waist down to your ass giving it a squeeze making you gasp. He pulled away from your lips and trailed them down your neck. He swiped his tongue over your sweet spot earning him a whimper from you.
“You gonna let me fuck you in the locker room showers?”
“If you ask nicely.” You breathed out playing with the elastic waist band of his shorts. Wonwoo laughed against your neck and bit down before pulling away. “Can I fuck you in the locker room showers please?” He pouted playfully, grabbing your thigh and wrapping it around his waist.
“God Woo, yes.” You wrapped your arms around his waist pulling him closer to you feeling his growing cock against your aroused pussy. “As you wish darling.” He mumbled pecking your lips repeatedly before pulling away from your body, making you whine at the loss of his body heat.
Wonwoo chuckled sinking down to his knees, your eyes hooded with pleasure, feeling the wetness between your legs grow. He left teasing kisses down your clothed thighs, his thumbs hooking underneath the waist band of your leggings dragging them along with him. “Woo my shoes.”
“I was getting there, you’re so impatient sometimes.” He mumbled sitting back on his knees tapping your calf silently telling you to raise your leg. “It’s your fault…how am I supposed to be patient when you always look so good.” You obliged watching as he slowly took of your shoe and throwing it outside of the shower stall along with your sock. He repeated the process with your other leg before attaching his lips against your clothed thigh and left gentle open-mouthed kisses up your leg.
“I guess it’s time I teach you how to be patient.” He smirked pulling down your leggings along with your panties in one go. He threw them aside, placing a kiss against your hip bone, where the small stick and poke infinity sign tattoo he had made after a long night of immoral rendezvous. “Still can’t believe you let me talk you into giving you this.” He mumbled giving it another kiss and stood up.
“I wanted a tattoo but didn’t want to experience the pain.”
“It still hurt you, I had to stop, that’s why it’s all crooked and unfinished.”
“But it’s my favorite.” You whispered, his dark lust filled eyes boring into yours as he slowly started to take off his shorts and underwear, exposing himself to you. No matter how many times the two of you slept together, the sight of his body always had your heart beating out of time. He was perfect, an Adonis carved out of marble and to your surprise he was all yours.
“Don’t take off your shirt.” You whispered reaching and grabbing a fistful of the cloth and pulling him to you. “I want you to fuck me with it on.” You eyed him, a teasing finger running down his chest. “You’re so naughty today.” He laughed grabbing your hand and moved it up to his lips kissing each of your knuckles his sensual gaze lingering on yours. You felt your breathing pick up, the heat trailing down your thighs. “Please touch me.” You whimpered pulling your hand away and taking your shirt of throwing it behind him.
“Not yet I need to shower, I’m all sweaty from practice.” He winked, his hand finding the shower handle and turning it. A gasp left your lips as you felt the cold start to coat your heated bodies. “Now behave princess.” He kissed you hard, running his tongue over your bottom lip asking for entrance in which you granted. His hips flirting with yours and all you wanted to do was get down on your knees and beg him to use you in any and every single way possible. He pulled away detaching the shower head sending you a wink before putting it against your clit. The harsh water jets sending a sweet wave of pleasure up your spine.
“You’re going to cum like this and then I’ll fuck you.” He mumbled, before sinking down on to his knees again. He kept the shower head in place and alternated in kissing your thighs. Desperate whimpers falling out of your mouth. Wonwoo hooked one of your legs on top of his shoulder and bit down on your thigh, sucking making you yelp. “Your body reacts so well to me.” He kissed up your thigh sucking another love bite next to your tattoo before pulling away, shifting the shower head slightly. The sensation sending a new wave of pleasure up your body making you moan.
“W-Wonwoo, mmm, please.”
“Please what?” He teased the sound of a smirk evident in his voice and you’ve never wanted to hit someone so badly before. “I-I need you please.” You cried out, the tip of his index finger teasing the entrance of your pussy. “Yeah…you need me baby?” He chuckled moving your arousal around coating his finger with it before pulling away and bringing it up to his mouth, moaning sinfully as he licked it clean
“Y-Yes need your fingers, or mouth anything p-please W-Woo.” You raised your hips trying to grind yourself against the water, searching for a release in every way you could. “I’ll give you what you want but you can’t touch me.” He tsked giving you a pointed look. You whined nodding your head grabbing onto the smoothness of the shower wall. He ran his hot tongue against the lips of your pussy, the sensation mixing with the coldness of the water sent shivers up your spine.
“You always taste so sweet.” He mumbled against you flicking the tip of his tongue against your clit. Your mouth hanging open as your fingers itched to touch him and push him against you even further. “L-Let me touch you?” You breathed out your nails digging themselves into the skin of your stomach. He nodded against you repeatedly licking strides up your lips before attaching his mouth on your clit. By now the shower head was long forgotten as it fell from his hand, hitting the shower wall with a loud clank making you jump.
You threaded your fingers in his short hair tugging at the roots making him moan against you. He wrapped his arms around your ass pulling you closer as he lost himself eating you out like a starved man. “B-Baby I’m close.” You moaned arching your back against the wall as he lightly bit down on your clit and pulled away. He licked his lips savoring you and adjusted his round glasses earning a lighthearted laugh from you. “Don’t laugh or I won’t help you cum.” He grumbled pressing his index and middle fingers against your entrance and slowly sinking them into you immediately curling them up in search for your g-spot. A satisfied smile etching across his face as you moaned out the second he found it.
Wonwoo attached his lips onto your clit again, this time wasting no time and sucking on it roughly, his fingers moving inside you at a fast pace. The coil forming at the pit of your stomach, your hands tugging on his hair, your hips bucking against his mouth and fingers. He moaned feeling your clench around his fingers, giving him the motivation to pick of his pace, the pleasure getting too much for your body to handle and before you knew you came undone screaming out his name. He helped you ride out your orgasm, desperately licking up your release making your body twitch from the oversensitivity.
“You did so well baby.” He mumbled before pulling away, licking his lips moaning in approval as the remnants of your arousal hit his taste buds. He thrusted his fingers a few more times before pulling them out making you whine, missing the way they felt inside of you. He chuckled licking them clean before standing up.
“Think you can give me one more?” He asked giving your lips multiple pecks and then your cheeks. You laughed pushing his face away resting your tired body against the wall of the shower.
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“Can I ask you something?” You crossed your arms in front of you holding up the towel Wonwoo had wrapped around your body. Wonwoo hummed handing you his extra t-shirt as well as the sweatpants you had left at his place weeks ago. How he knew to bring them along with him was beyond you, but you decided to save that question for another day.
“Why do the guys call me your girl.” You emphasized standing up from the bench and started getting dressed. Wonwoo closed his locker resting his back against it drinking you in slowly, making you feel a little insecure. “Jeonghan saw you leave my apartment one day and texted the group chat to share the tea.” He rolled his eyes using quotations around the last word of his sentence before pushing himself away from the locker. “Now the guys think we’re dating.”
“But you never corrected them?” You tugged his shirt over your head gathering your semi dry clothes and folded them. “Do you want me to correct them?” He placed his hand on your cheek moving your head gently to meet his eyes.
“I-I mean yeah, we aren’t dating you made it very clear that you weren’t looking for a relationship when this started.”
“I wish I could eat my words.” He whispered running his thumb over your swollen lips. “I think I’m past just wanting to fuck you; I want more.”
You felt the air leave your lungs; your cheeks heated up and you desperately searched for a new point of focus because the intensity evident in his gaze was overwhelming. “We should go, I need to finish my half of the project.” You picked up your drying clothes and your bag and rounded the corner of the bench you had been sitting at.
“You don’t want to be more?” Wonwoo caught up with you grabbing your free hand to stop you from walking and held it close to his chest. “I do, I’m just scared you’ll end up regretting it if we ever do try to be more.” You confessed trailing your eyes down his body and stopping at your interlocked hands.
“I won’t, you make me feel so good an—”
“Exactly, I make you feel good. All you’ve ever known is how it feels like to be with me naked. You don’t know what it’s like to actually be with me.” You pulled your hand away. A frustrated sigh spiraling out of his lungs as he ran a hand through his hair.
“Your worst habit is jumping to conclusions.” He mumbled lowly tugging at the roots of his hair. It didn’t feel nearly as good as it felt when you would do it to him, but that was something he would ever confess out loud. “I want to be with you in every way possible, I know what I said before and if I would take back my words I would because that was before I found myself falling for you.” Wonwoo closed the gap between the two of you holding you tightly. His confession had your mind running nonstop, the weight of his words making their way into your heart and finding a home. You hugged him tightly, burying your face into his chest. “Is that a yes?” Wonwoo asked confusion laced in his voice as he hugged you back running his hands down your back soothingly. You hummed nodding your head taking a whiff of his lavender body wash and somehow it felt like home.
“You can’t just say things like that so casually.” You groaned raising your head from his chest placing a kiss on his chin. “Give me a warning next time.”
“Would you have preferred reading the essay I wrote about it instead.”
“Wonwoo stop fucking around you didn’t do that.” You scoffed pushing away from him and started down the hallway to entrance of the locker room. “Yes, I did it’s fifteen pages long, I even used citations.” He yelled following you a few steps behind, the teasing tone in his voice made you doubt his word. But he did once write a whole essay on how Soonyoung was the worst co-captain in the history of co-captains because he had beat him in Mario Kart.
“You have two options I can read it for you tonight after you’re done with your half of the project or I can read it for you on your wedding day.” You choked on your saliva making him laugh. He patted your back gently before pushing open the door to the locker room.
“What the fuck Woo, our weddi—”
“Finally, we’ve been waiting out here for hours. I’m starving.” Hoshi exclaimed throwing his hands up in the air before starting down hallway. “I told you guys to leave.” Wonwoo sighed rolling his eyes and extended his hand for you to take.
“Half of us did once they heard you guys fucking.” Vernon shrugged shoving his hands in his pockets. Your cheeks started to heat up, you prayed to every god out there to do you a solid and open the ground up and have it swallow you whole. “And you guys didn’t?”
“Nah, you’re paying for dinner remember, plus we made a bet while we waited.” Vernon took two long strides over and placed his hand on top of Wonwoo’s shoulder. “I never expected you to have a daddy kink and now I lost fifty bucks to Jeonghan and Dino each, that’s a hundred in total.” He shook his head and walked away running to catch up with Hoshi.
“I don’t have a dad—”
“You know bathrooms have echoes right?” Dino pushed himself way from the wall and started walking away. “We heard the two of you loud and clear, so you can’t deny it, Jeonghan even took a voice note just in case you wanted to deny it.”
“Baby you’re going to have to visit me in jail cause I’m about to commit homicide.” Wonwoo placed a chaste kiss against your head and let go of your hand and charged over to Dino. He turned around laughing before running down the hallway leaving you behind with a smirking Jeonghan.
“Honestly, I just hope you guys disinfected the stall the two of you used.”
933 notes · View notes
because-of-a-friend · 4 years
Boyfriend!DK Fluff
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Thanks for the requests anons! I hope you guys like it! Jun and Jeonghan have been requested so the rest of the series will hopefully be out soon! (Sorry requests are taking so long, I’m transitioning between jobs right now so I’m technically working two and I’m a little stressed, so idk if this one is even that good... sorry guys!)
Coups | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | Minghao | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino
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DK feels unbelievably ridiculous and stupid
He cannot believe he’s actually about to do what he’s going to do
He turns around several times to make sure no one is around
He even came out there in the middle of the night to avoid anyone watching him
But there he is, standing in front of a water fountain, holding a coin, getting ready to make a wish
He feels so childish
But also at this point, he feels as if making a wish is the only choice he has left
After one last look to make sure no one is watching him, he holds the coin up, whispers his wish, presses a kiss to the coin and throws it in
He sighs at the insignificant “plop” sound, hangs his head for a moment, then turns to leave
Right as he moves, he hears someone yell
And then a bicycle hits him
Well it doesn’t actually hit him
Just kind of brushes his side and knocks him off balance
But later he tells the boys that it full on hits him when he’s recounting the story and wants to be dramatic
But the encounter also throws the cyclist, aka you, off your balance so now both of you are on the ground
It’s honestly not that bad
He just scraped up his hands and you have one big scrape on your leg
But there’s no serious injuries on either of you
You get up immediately
“Shit, I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you at first. Are you ok?”
You rush over to where he is on the ground and help him sit up
He doesn’t really say anything at first, just sits there in kind of a daze
So you start to panic
“Do you need me to call you an ambulance?”
There’s one more beat of silence
Then he starts laughing 
And you’re like ????
“I didn’t think I hit you that hard, did you hit your head?”
He shakes his head as he keeps laughing
“No, no, I’m fine, I think I was just shocked for a moment”
You start laughing too but mostly out of relief
He finally composes himself and looks up at you
“Are you ok?”
You’re not sure why this random stranger asking you if you’re ok makes your heart skip a beat when it’s a totally normal thing for someone to ask in that situation
“Hey, I’m the one who hit you, you shouldn’t be worried about me”
DK stands up before he responds
“Yeah but that scrape looks pretty bad, you should definitely get some disinfectant on that asap”
You look down at your leg and realize he’s right
His phone buzzes and he looks down at it
“Oh, I’ve got to go. You’re really ok, right?”
You nod, “Yeah, I’m fine, what about you? You’re ok too?”
He nods and smiles brightly at you, “Yeah, I’m good! Get home safely!”
And then he runs off
You honestly think about him nonstop for the next week
The handsome stranger you accidentally hit with your bike
You kick yourself for not getting his name at least
But once the week is up, you just kind of sigh and tell yourself that you’ll probably never see him again so you should just get over it
Then the next day
You’re on a street corner waiting for the crosswalk light to turn green
You look down at your phone for literally two seconds
You hear someone yell
“C’mon DK, hurry up!”
Then suddenly
Something hits you and you fall to the ground and your breath is knocked out of you
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry!”
You look up to see who ran into you
“Fountain boy?”
When he sees that it’s you, he breaks out into a grin
“It’s you, the cyclist!”
“DK seriously, we need to go!”
You look over to see another boy waving him towards a van
DK leans over and pulls you up off the ground
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I think so, is this revenge for what happened at the fountain?”
He lets out a laugh
“No, I promise I’m not the type to get revenge”
“Alright, I believe you... DK”
His eyes widen
“How’d you know my name?”
“That other boy over there that looks like he’s about to lose it keeps calling it out”
DK turns around to see Woozi stomping over towards him
“Oh right, I guess I’ve got to go”
Woozi grabs DK, apologizes to you for interrupting and starts to drag him towards the van
Before Woozi can drag him away fully, DK turns back towards you 
“Hey before I go, what’s your name?”
He can barely hear you call it over the crowds of people around talking and Woozi scolding him but he thinks it’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard 
DK grins through the whole van ride
After that, you two run into each other all the time
You bump into him on an elevator
He gives up his seat for you on a bus
You accidentally spill your coffee on his shoes
He sends your report papers flying into the wind
You trip over his feet when he’s sitting around waiting for Mingyu and Minghao to be done shopping at the mall
You two learn a little bit more about each other with the opportunities presented every time you see each other
He finally asks for your number when the two of you end up volunteering at the same charity event
“It’s about time, Fountain Boy, I was thinking you were never gonna make a move”
“[Y/N], my name is DK and you know it”
“I like Fountain Boy better”
He just grins at you
Your first date is nice
Everything feels easy with DK
Mostly because it feels like you’ve already known each other for years somehow
He always makes you laugh 
The more time you spend with him
The more you realize he’s truly the kindest, most genuine person you’ve ever met
He’s always so considerate of you and your feelings
Always making little sacrifices to make you more comfortable or more happy
Honestly every little action of his touches your heart
The idea of ever hurting or upsetting or disappointing the other seems unacceptable to both of you
So your whole relationship is that way
Just the two of you always being so completely selfless for the sake of the other
DK is honestly the softest boyfriend ever
He’s just so grateful for every moment he gets to spend with you so he tries his best to show it in every way possible
He’s always smiling around you
Because even when he’s had a bad day, he knows you’re going to be supportive, listen to him, and offer help and advice
You become his safe place so he always feels comfortable and content when he’s with you
The other boys love you
They didn’t think there was anyone as kind and selfless as DK, but here you are
They love how much you do for DK
And you also do nice things for them all the time too, so they have no complaints
Sometimes DK gets jealous of how well you get along with the boys
But not in the way you expect
“I thought you guys would say something like ‘make sure they treat you right’ or ‘only the best can date our Dokyeom’ or ‘if you hurt DK, you’re in for it’”
“Seriously DK? They just made us all cookies for no reason and brought them up to the dorm themselves, if you two break up we might keep them instead of you”
DK is grumpy™️ for the rest of the day lol
But DK seriously adores you
I feel like this is obvious, but he’s super cuddly
He’s kind of like a cat
You’ll be working on something on your laptop
And he’ll just push himself into your arms and giggle as you roll your eyes and run your hands through his hair
You’re showered in kisses every single day
The type of boyfriend where whenever you say you’re cold, he’s suddenly pushing one of his sweatshirts over your head and piling blankets on you
If you get sick, he does. not. leave. your. side.
A super doting boyfriend
He gets nervous all the time still 
When you meet up for dates or when you take new steps in your relationship
He does that thing where he bounces his legs up and down and gets all jittery
But it’s honestly super sweet
Even when you’re dating and well into your relationship
You find yourself unable to get away from each other
He wishes you luck one morning when you have a job interview but then you run into him there bc SVT is having a meeting with someone in the same office building
He says he doesn’t have time one day to come see you bc his schedule is super busy but then you end up on the same bus as him and some of the other members on their way to one of their chores for the day
It’s like the universe is making sure you two are weaved into every part of each other���s lives
And you love being a part of each other’s lives
You live for when he opens up more about what it means to be an artist and what writing music and performing is like for him
DK just kind of casually sings all the time so you get to hear his voice whenever you want
Your all time favorite is when you’re laying in bed next to him, playing with his hands and he’s just singing softly
It makes you feel so safe tbh
But then sometimes he has to go on vocal rest and you have to do all sorts of ridiculous things to make sure he lets his vocal chords get the rest they need
I’m talking
The quiet game
Tape over the mouth
Making up funny little penalties every time he starts singing or talking too loud
Make out sessions where every time he puts strain on his vocal chords you just push him down and kiss him until he remembers that he needs to be quiet lol
Sometimes you’ll just guide him to the bed and soothe him to sleep bc you know that he as a whole needs tons of rest, not just his throat
And you catch yourself just lovingly staring at him as you run your fingers through his hair methodically to coax him into a nap
When he’s half asleep he gets sort of talkative and he says the cutest things
You don’t try to trick him into saying anything that he wouldn’t be comfortable saying to you fully awake
But sometimes you ask him questions about random things to get his honest answer just for fun
“What were you doing that night?”
“What night?”
“At the water fountain when we first met, what were you doing out there?”
“Making a wish”
You can tell by his voice that he’s about to fall asleep
You can’t help but smile at his sweet face as his eyes flutter closed when you run your thumb over his cheek
“A wish for what?”
You wait for a moment, thinking maybe he fell asleep before he heard your question
But he’s just awake enough to give out one more answer
“To meet my soulmate”
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meltwonu · 4 years
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s n a k e     |     e y e s     [chapter 5]
pairing; snakehybrid!woozi x female!reader
this chapter’s notes; possessive!jihoon, dom!jihoon, marking, choking, restraints, dirty talk, impregnation kink, cream pie w/ minor cumplay ! whew! 🤪🥴🤤 also this snake-hybrid au isn’t following any of the blurbs/drabble game posts that precede it!! I know I did some drabble posts with snake hoonie but this doesn’t follow the same timeline as those otherwise it wouldnt make sense 🤣 kfhkdh also i do be laughin that this gets posted after the svt anniversary video and gose where jihoon was chan and teasing him bc 🥴 anyway! this is a long ass chapter and almost 6k words so strap in for the ride yall! 💕💕💕💕 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - x - x - x - x - x
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“Are you mad?”
“What? No, just… I mean, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”
You watch Jihoon from across the table at brunch as he picks at his food quietly. Minghao had texted again asking if lunch was still on for next week and you had asked Jihoon as soon as the two of you sat down to eat.
“If you’re uncomfortable with Minghao and Chan coming, it’s okay. You can tell me, Jihoon.” He sits across from you with a pout on his lips. 
“It’s not that I’m uncomfortable I’m just… shy. But it’s okay. Because I… If they’re your friends then they must be nice, right? I’m just shy around new people.”
“Okay, but like, if things feel off… Just let me know?” Jihoon nods, taking a bite of his food. It falls into a comfortable silence while the two of you eat; enjoying each other’s company after last night. The memories flood your headspace in an instant. Right, you needed to talk to Jihoon about that.
“Hey, Jihoon?”
“About last night…”
“Oh. Right. Did you hate it? I can stop if you don’t like it. It doesn’t make sense if we don’t benefit from it.” A flush covers your skin almost immediately as you place your fork down on your plate.
“I didn’t hate it… But I’m just curious… If--I mean, I don’t want you to think this is just a physical thing, I guess?” This time it’s Jihoon’s turn to blush as he meets your shy stare.
“I… I mean we’re still getting to know each other, right? And I like you. You’re nice and you care about me. We can just… think of it as the physical part of getting to know each other.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, thinking about his words. You clearly like liked Jihoon too and you didn’t want to take things too far too fast. But you also knew that he was aware of the sexual tension floating around the air now and the two of you couldn’t really go back to ‘normal’ after last night.
“Okay, yeah, that makes sense. I just don’t want to… go too fast, y’know? You’ve only been here a few weeks...”
“That’s true. But also in fairness, this is the longest I’ve been away from the adoption center so it seems to be going well if you ask me.”
Damn. He was right and you hadn’t even realized it. Jihoon had already been with you for over a month and you hadn’t even noticed the time passing. You feel your heart swelling at the thought.
“Huh. You’re right. I guess we really do work well together, huh?”
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“Ah, ngh, Ji--Jihoon w--wait, my phone’s ringing!” 
Jihoon’s grip on your thighs tighten, his blonde hair peeking from between your legs. Your hands brace yourself on the table where you calmly had brunch just 3 hours ago. Jihoon had clearly still been hungry.
“You can answer it?” He immediately laps at your clit after his comment, fingertips curling inside your pussy as your eyes roll to the back of your head. “I--I ca--can’t!” He smiles against you before applying pressure to the nub with his tongue. “Uh-kay them, dom’t?” Jihoon’s voice is muffled against your skin, a whimper escaping your lips at Jihoon’s unhelpfulness.
“Ji--Jihoon you’re so m-mean!” You whine.
You watch Minghao’s name disappear from your phone screen next to you on the table, a moan on your lips when Jihoon’s fingers curve up into your g-spot. “Oh, f-fuck, right t-there!” You tangle one of your hands in his hair, tugging him closer as you grind yourself against his tongue and fingers.
Minghao [3:14PM]: I tried calling but you’re probably busy?
Minghao [3:14PM]: Chan and I are free on Wednesday, lmk if it works for you.
You can barely catch the words on your phone screen before Jihoon sucks your clit into his mouth.
“Ugh, fuck, Jihoon I’m--” Your eyes snap shut almost immediately; thighs clamping shut around Jihoon’s head as you cum hard. He scissors his fingers inside of you, tongue still lapping at your clit until you start to come down from your high.
Your limbs feel boneless once your orgasm fades off, shaky legs unclamping as Jihoon slides his fingers from your pussy straight to his mouth. Letting your legs down as you sit up to catch your breath, you watch him still on his knees in front of you as he cleans your wetness from his fingertips.
“God, Ji. That was Minghao!” Jihoon pops his fingers from his mouth, getting up from his kneeling position.
“What did he want?”
“They’ll be over Wednesday so we have some work to do!”
“Okay but can we cuddle first? We can figure out the rest later.”
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Over the next couple of days leading up, you and Jihoon take the time to clean up the apartment and buy some ingredients for lunch. And since Chan was a bunny hybrid, he was strictly vegetarian which meant you and Jihoon had tried to cook a few recipes to decide what was best.
“Are they gonna come soon?” Jihoon munches on a stray piece of carrot, watching as you finish up in the kitchen. “Mmhmm, but knowing Minghao they might be a little late.”
You and Minghao had agreed on 12:00PM and it was currently 12:04PM; If you were lucky he’d be here by 12:45PM at the earliest. Jihoon helps you tidy up the kitchen once you’re finished, flopping onto the sofa once he’s done. And he won’t admit it but he’s nervous; eyes fixated on the ceiling as he twiddles his thumbs and sighs.
“You okay, Ji?”
“Mm? Yeah… Haven’t really met another hybrid since Mingyu and Seokmin so s’kinda weird. I’m okay though.” You start to make your way to the sofa but the doorbell rings just as you reach Jihoon. You shoot him an encouraging smile, running your fingers through his hair really quick before turning and making your way to the door.
When you swing it open, you're met with Minghao’s cheery face and Chan inquisitive one. In actuality, you’d only ever seen Chan in photos and you can’t help but immediately gush at how cute he is; completely ignoring Minghao’s presence once you take note of Chan’s cute bunny ears atop his head.
“Oh my god, you are just… So cute!”
You refrain from touching the cute caramel coloured bunny ears, noticing they match the colour of his hair.
“Come in! Jihoon’s in the living room!” Chan flashes you a sweet smile as Minghao raises an eyebrow at you. “You didn’t even say ‘hi’ to me. Rude!” You laugh at Minghao’s comment, giving them enough space to enter your apartment.
“Sorry, I’ve just never met Chan before. He’s cuter in person so I was distracted!”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, just tell me you’re tired of me, you don’t have to lie!”
“‘Hao! You know you’re my best friend but Chan’s… cuter. I’m sorry.” Minghao feigns hurt, wiping invisible tears as they stand in your hallway.
Now that you think of it, you weren’t sure how Chan and Jihoon were going to get along, if at all. It’d slipped your mind but technically Jihoon was a predator animal hybrid and Chan was a prey animal hybrid. Your mind blanks at the sudden epiphany as you gulp.
“Um, shall we move to the living room?” The two nod, waiting for you to lead the way. Taking a deep breath, you lead them to the living room; eyes meeting Jihoon’s as he sits up on the sofa.
“Jihoon, I want you to meet my friend Minghao and his hybrid, Chan!” You try to put on a cheery smile but you can already sense that Jihoon’s kind of on edge.
When you’d spoken to Seungcheol about him back at the adoption home, he had said that Jihoon typically got along well with every hybrid at the home so far and that the snake hybrid hadn’t gotten into any fights or threatened any of the other hybrids there. You really had no reason to be that concerned, and plus, Jihoon had already told you he was just shy more often than not.
“Hi, I’m Jihoon. Um… I’m a snake hybrid.” You can see the flush on his face, watching as he licks his lips. It was a nervous habit that you noticed he had. And for a second you worry about if Chan’s also going to be nervous about the snake hybrid but he shoots the shorter male a beaming smile.
“Hi! I’m Chan! I’m a bunny hybrid and I like to sing! And I like to dance, too!” Chan moves forward to shake Jihoon���s hand, backing off slightly when he sees the snake hybrid flinch. “Oh, sorry. Do you not like handshakes?”
“Huh? Oh, no I--I was just surprised that’s all.” Jihoon reaches a hand out instead, a tiny smile on his lips when Chan shakes it. “Oh, whoa, your hands are cold!” Minghao scolds him slightly, giving him a warning look as Chan sheepishly scratches his head. “Sorry, hyung always gets mad at me because sometimes I talk first and don’t think.” Jihoon laughs at this and you feel your heart soaring out of your chest. Thank god!
“It’s okay, I know someone else who’s just like that and he’s a big puppy hybrid named Mingyu.”
You and Minghao fondly watch the two interact, glad that they’d gotten along well despite their differences.
“Okay guys, shall we have lunch?”
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Over the course of lunch, Jihoon and Chan talk animatedly about music as you and Minghao delve into your own conversations about work, letting the two hybrids bond. Jihoon calls your name after a while, grabbing your attention.
“Chan and I are done with lunch and I was wondering if it was okay to bring my keyboard out? We were gonna do some music stuff.” Chan looks at you with pleading eyes, lips jutting out in hopes of swaying you.
“Yeah, of course! You didn’t need to ask permission for that.” They smile at you in return, Jihoon getting up to retrieve his keyboard from his work room. “I’ll be right back.”
The three of you watch Jihoon leave the dining area, watching as he disappears into the hallway.
“Jihoon is really nice, Minghao-hyung!” The smile on Chan’s face is sincere, eyes curving into crescents.
“You’re more than welcome to come over anytime you want, Chan! Ji could use the company other than myself sometimes, I think.” You laugh at your own comment, leaning over to pat his head. He leans into your touch, sighing dreamily when you start to itch behind his ears.
“That feels really nice…” You internally scream, face red as a tomato when Chan starts scenting your hand. He rubs his face against your palm, resting his cheek against it. Uh oh, Jihoon’s not gonna like that.
Sure enough, Jihoon round the corner, eyes fixated on the way Chan’s head is on your palm.
“Um…” Minghao’s eyes travel from Chan to Jihoon as he bites his nail; knowing exactly what the snake hybrid is thinking without even saying anything. “Hey, Chan?”
“Mmh?” Minghao clears his voice in a warning manner, Chan’s eyes fluttering open.
“I think Jihoon would like to go do music stuff in the living room now.”
“Oh… okay!”
In an instant, Chan gets up like nothing happened and walks up to Jihoon. “Okay! Let’s get it!” Jihoon on the other hand quietly nods, gesturing to the bunny hybrid to follow him to where he likes to set up by the window. You shoot Minghao a look as you share a sigh. “Shall we clean up?” He nods at you, getting up from his seat as he starts to collect the utensils. And once the two are properly distracted, the two of you move into the kitchen where you start on the dishes.
“I’m really sorry about Chan. He’s normally really up on skinship, I just, I didn’t think--”
“Shh, it’s okay! I don’t think… Jihoon’s mad. Just might be weird to see me around other hybrids since he’s used to it just being me and him.”
The two of you talk in whispers, not wanting the two to hear your conversation about them.
“Trust me, Jihoon is really about skinship too. I know he doesn’t seem like it, but he’s just as bad. Don’t be sorry about Chan.”
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Once the two of you finish up cleaning, you make your way to the living room as well. The two hybrids sit in the sun by the window; Jihoon’s music notes out while Chan tries to sing along to one of his melodies.
You decide to sit closer, wanting to be a part of their music session as Minghao grabs a film camera from his bag. “Might as well, Chan likes keeping the photos in his scrapbook.”
“Oh yeah! I put pictures of me and all my friends in it. All the pictures are from hyung, obviously. Now I can add you and Jihoon-hyung to it!”
The four of you sit on the floor in somewhat of a circle, Minghao and Chan next to you as Jihoon sits in front of you. Chan glances at you once before he shifts closer to you.
“Can you pet me again?”
You blush for a moment, but he inches closer again and you feel sort of bad. “He never pets me when he’s “working”...” Chan draws air quotes around the word, a pout on his lips as he looks at Minghao.
“How can I pet you if I’m taking photos? Do I look like I have more than two hands?”
Sighing, you raise your palm, placing it on one of Chan’s fluffy ears as he leans into your touch. You’d have to deal with the repercussions with Jihoon later; you’d just hope he understood.
Chan decides to lay down on the floor, using your thigh as a pillow as he listens to Jihoon play the piano. The snake hybrid plays a familiar song as Chan sings along, voice stable even when he’s laying down. You check Jihoon’s face for any signs he’s mad but he seems to be okay for the most part, albeit a little quieter than usual. He still makes an effort to speak to Chan and engage in conversation, praising his singing voice as Chan blushes.
You play with the soft fur of Chan’s bunny ears, admiring them as you coo.
“Your ears are just so soft! And so cute!” He nuzzles into your leg, scenting you again as Jihoon seems to flinch. “Thanks~ It feels nice when people pet them!”
He stays like that for a while longer, only getting up when he starts to feel sleepy. “Hyung, m’sleepy now…” Minghao sets his camera down, running a hand through his own hair. “Did you want to head back then? We can just come over another day.” Chan nods, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. “I’d like that. Jihoon-hyung is cool and I wanna come see him again!”
Jihoon blushes at the comment, accidentally pressing down the wrong key as he sputters. “Y-yeah, I had f-fun too…”
The four of you get up from the floor, stretching and gathering your belongings. “I’ll show you guys to the door?” Minghao and Chan nod, and to your surprise, Jihoon follows behind as you begin to walk to the doorway. “It was really nice having you guys over! And Chan, you’re always welcome here too. Maybe we can call up ‘Cheol and have him bring Mingyu along as well!” Chan talks animatedly about how much he’d like that, already asking when they could set up a date.
“Alright, slow down, bud. We gotta figure out when ‘Cheol’s got time and we still got work, y’know?”
“Yes, hyung…”
You side hug Minghao, only for Chan to launch himself at you right after. He nuzzles into your neck as he squeezes you tight. “Thank you for having us over today!”
When he lets go of you, he immediately looks to Jihoon, shooting him a smile and waving before running out the door.
“I’m really really sorry about him.”
“It’s okay, get going before he bounces off somewhere. I’ll talk to you later, ‘Hao.”
You shut the door once they leave, breathing a sigh of relief when you turn around.
Jihoon doesn’t visibly look upset, but you can see a glint in his eyes that tells you he’s thinking about it.
“Hey, Ji--”
“Mm, I’m gonna work on some music back in my work room. I got some ideas and I wanna hash them out before I lose the inspiration.” You nod, watching him as he grabs his keyboard from the living room and starts down the hallway.
“I dunno when I’ll be done but if you start on dinner, just call me.”
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You leave Jihoon to his work, tidying up around the house before you plop down onto the sofa to watch some TV. You’d figured that Jihoon probably just needed some time to himself to cool off, just in case he really was mad. But at the same time, you were really proud of the snake hybrid for being so civil and kind to Chan despite Chan’s need for skinship.
Not even realizing you fell asleep at some point, you sit up on the sofa groggily. The sky is already dark outside of the windows so you’d fallen asleep for quite a white, shutting off the TV as you stretch. Turning towards the hallway, you wonder what Jihoon is even up to; if he’s even still working on his music.
Getting up from the sofa, you stretch, already walking down the hallway to Jihoon’s workroom. You don’t hear any music and you don’t hear his voice at all but you knock, calling Jihoon’s name softly.
He opens the door gently after a minute or so, sleepy eyes meeting yours. “Oh, did you end up taking a nap too?” You can hear the sleep laced in his voice, reaching up to thread your hand into his blonde locks.
“Yeah, I fell asleep on the sofa. Guess we were more tired than expected, huh? I’m gonna start on dinner, if you wanna come keep me company or something.” He nods, letting you know he’ll be out in a few minutes.
You walk to the kitchen, already grabbing the necessary items to start on dinner. Jihoon joins you a few minutes later, walking up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist as he rests his chin on your shoulder.
“You smell like him, y’kno?” Jihoon’s voice is soft but gravelly next to your ear. There’s a certain edge to his voice that has you shuddering against his form. “Do you want to know something?”
“They say that some snakes can smell the fear in their prey. Do you believe it?”
“I--I don’t know?” There’s a soft but warning chuckle by your ear, Jihoon’s arms tightening around your body as he presses harder into you. “I don’t know if I believe it either. But wouldn’t it be an advantage? To know your prey is… submissive.” You can’t even tell what your hands are doing anymore when Jihoon takes the moment to lick the shell of your ear. His lips travel down, nipping the skin of your neck as you let out a shaky breath. You can feel the wetness pooling between your thighs as he continues his path, digging his teeth into the junction of your neck before he sucks the skin into his mouth to soothe it. His hands begin traveling up your torso, cupping your breasts in his palms before harshly squeezing.
“Ji--Jihoon the--the dinner…”
“I think I want to eat something else right now. What do you say?”
You moan in response, grinding back against his hardening cock. “O--okay…”
“Meet me in the bedroom in 5 minutes.”
You release the breath you didn’t realize you were holding when Jihoon steps back and starts walking towards the bedroom. Okay, maybe he was a tiny bit mad, if not territorial. You wash your hands, forgetting about dinner as you stand in the kitchen thinking about how potentially dominating Jihoon could be. The thoughts alone are enough to have you moaning out loud as you rub your thighs together. You don’t really know why Jihoon has you waiting but you obey his word, giving him a few minutes before heading down the hallway to your bedroom.
Not really knowing what to expect, you open the door to find Jihoon by the foot of the bed, 3 of your panties already torn and on top of the bedsheets. “Sorry, I didn’t really know what to use for restraints so I had to make some. Hope you don’t mind.” You feel a tingly sensation running all over your body; all the way down to the tips of your fingers.
“Um--Uh, no..”
“Good. I figured we could do a little learning exercise. What do you think?”
“I--Sure?” There’s no denying how wet you are just from the energy Jihoon was exuding. “I--I don’t know what to do…”
“I want you to strip and get on the bed for me. And lay back against the pillows.”
You nod, stripping your clothes off slow and quietly before getting on the bed. Jihoon follows suit, stripping himself bare before he joins you, spreading your legs and slotting himself in between. He scoffs slightly when he notices your wet folds. “You know, snakes aren’t typically known for being territorial. But when they feel threatened, they’re more likely to attack.”
Jihoon leans in, his chest meeting yours as he ghosts his lips above your own. “Chan’s a sweet kid. Such a shame he’s so blind with his actions.” You can’t help but gulp and hold your breath, shaky eyes watching Jihoon as he leans towards your neck instead. “Just to make sure we’re on the same page as he is, I guess I should let him know who really belongs to who, hmm?” He chuckles against your skin, leaving love bites blooming in his path. “Ngh, Jihoon…”
Placing your hands on his forearms, he stops and pulls away. “Oh, right. Let’s try these.” He pulls away to grab the torn material on the bed next to you. “I’m sure Seungcheol-hyung’s already told you specifically I’m a ball python hybrid right? And you must know that constrictor types like to, well, constrict their prey.” There’s a glint in his eye and a smirk on his lips when he drags the torn fabric up your naked torso. It tickles your skin, a whimper escaping your lips when the soft material ghosts across your nipples.
“But before we get started, I need to know a safe word from you.”
“Um, uh… l--lightning?”
“Interesting choice, but okay. Arms up and towards the headboard.”
He takes his time tying your wrists above you, admiring his work once he deems it’s tight enough and you’re comfortable. “In theory, I’d love for you to touch me but this is a learning experience on predators and prey. You understand, don’t you?”
Jihoon smiles at you, hands gripping your thighs hard. “You smell so good. You’re so fuckin’ wet I can smell just how bad you want me to slide my cock right into that pussy. But you know what else? I can still smell that bunny hybrid on your skin.” You moan at his rough touch, squirming when he presses the shaft of his cock against your wet folds. “I can stand it when you come home smelling like other people because of work, but not this.”
He leans into you again, lips ghosting against your sternum. “I’m just gonna have to get rid of it myself then, huh?” Licking his lips, his tongue peeks from between them, already lapping at your skin. His tongue drags across your torso, flicking at a nipple before he wraps his mouth around it. You arch your back, leaning into his touch. He repeats this on the other side, laughing softly against your skin when he feels you rolling your hips against his. “Already so desperate for my cock? C’mon now, baby.”
The way Jihoon calls you ‘baby’ has your entire body flaring up, the breath getting knocked out of you almost immediately. “I have to mark you up all nice and pretty for your friends to see.”
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What you learn in the next 15 minutes is that Jihoon can be mean.
He takes the time to nip at your skin, biting and sucking at it to leave blooming red marks all over your torso and neck. Jihoon takes it even further by skimming across your lower abdomen, sucking love bites onto your hips and even on your thighs. You sob, tugging at the restraints above you as you beg him to do something more.
“I am doing something. I’m marking you.”
“B--But I want… mo--more…”
“Oh? Do predators usually pamper their prey before consuming or attacking them?”
The goosebumps rise on your skin at his comment as you quickly shut your mouth. “That’s what I thought.”
He slots himself back between your legs, wrapping them around his waist.
Jihoon runs his fingers through your folds, watching you squirm as he collects the wetness on his fingertips before inserting two fingers into your pussy. “Fuck, you’re so wet, my fingers slid right in.” You sob, eyes wet with unshed tears. The urge to cum is already so strong and Jihoon had barely started. He thrusts his fingers hard and fast, curving them inside of you to hit your g-spot. You can’t help but tighten around his digits, crying out when he adds a third.
You feel impossibly full when he fingers you and you can barely wait until it’s his cock instead. He was definitely much bigger than his fingers and you were slightly worried he was almost too big for you to handle. But he works you open, thumb on your clit while he thrusts his fingers in knuckle deep.
There’s no word of warning before you’re cumming all over his fingers, wrecked sobs the only thing you can manage while he continues to rub at your clit.
“Ji--Jihoon, fuck, I--”
“Mmh, your body is so fucking warm. Your pussy is so wet and hot around my fingers. I need to fuck you now.”
Whimpering, you watch through teary eyes as he brings his fingers to his cock, spreading the precum and your wetness all over the head and shaft of it before positioning himself at your entrance. Your body is still sensitive and your orgasm is still ebbing away when Jihoon starts to push in. 
There’s a slight sting when he does; he was definitely much bigger and wider than his fingers. And without even saying anything, Jihoon caresses your skin, quietly praising you for being so good for him.
“Jihoon, ngh, fu--fuck, your cock feels so good and so big…”
He smiles at the praise, watching as his cock disappears into your pussy. There’s an incoherent babble on your lips when he finally bottoms out; the head of his cock snug against your cervix. “Fuc--Fuck! Please fuck me, please fuck me, please fuck me!”
Jihoon can also be nice.
He starts a slow pace, letting you get used to his size. “Your pussy is so tight and warm around my cock. Fuck, I could stay here forever.” His grip on your thighs tighten, grinding himself into you between thrusts. You can feel yourself start to drool a little at the feeling. If you felt full with his fingers inside of you, this was a completely different high all together. “Yes, yes, yes, fuck! Your cock is so good, I--I can’t…!”
“Yeah? Gonna let me fuck this pussy whenever I want?”
“Yes, god…!”
The sound of your moans and skin slapping are all that can be heard in the bedroom. Jihoon starts a quicker pace, leaning down until he’s nosing at your neck again. He licks at your skin, sucking on the love bites he’d already left and leaving new ones right next to them. You can feel his nails digging into the skin of your thighs, a shaky moan leaving you when you feel him raking them down your skin.
In all honesty, Jihoon never really struck you as someone that’d be into marking. But by now, you realize that it just takes a certain situation for him to really want to.
“Fuck, baby, I hope you’re c-close. I wanna cum in this tight ‘lil pussy.”
“Ngh, pl--please cum in--inside of me… I want your cum…”
He laughs against your skin, pulling away immediately after. “Oh? You want me to cum in your hot ‘lil cunt? Get you nice and full with it? Fuck… fuck! You want me to breed you, don’t you? I’ll fuck my cum into your hot ‘lil pussy and get you nice and pregnant with my babies. Bet you’d love, wouldn’t you? I’ll fill you up with my cum everytime we fuck. Everyone will know you belong to me when they smell you, when they can smell my cum trickling down your thighs. And then I’ll fuck my cum back into you and keep it inside of you ‘til you can’t take anymore of it.”
You could almost die at Jihoon’s words, clenching around his cock impossibly hard. “Yes, g-god, yes please! I want it! I want y-your cum inside of me, please!” You tug on the restraints again, just wanting to touch Jihoon as well. One of his delicate hands travels up your torso, wrapping itself around the column of your neck before pressing down on the sides slightly.
“You’re so filthy. You want me to breed you so bad, don’t you? I can feel you getting so tight around my cock.”
The lightheadedness makes you feel fuzzy, soft moans spilling from you as your eyes flutter shut.
“I want you to cum on my cock, get it nice and wet for me before I cum inside your pussy, baby.”
Jihoon grinds against you, letting the head of his cock push up against your cervix. The feeling is almost too much combined with his hand around your throat and he can see the look on your face that you’re about to cum, thrusting into you hard and fast as you sob; his hand around your throat loosening when he feels your body go rigid.
Your breath stutters and you momentarily black out when you cum, body seizing up at the intensity of your orgasm. Jihoon thumbs your clit as you cry. He continues to thrust into you, groaning at the feeling of your walls throbbing around his cock. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum!”
He grinds against you, muttering incoherent curses under his breath the entire time.
Your head feels fuzzy but you can feel his warm cum inside of you and you can’t tell if it's a hybrid thing or just a Jihoon thing but there is a lot of it. He stays still while the two of you catch your breaths, his cum already trickling down the slides of his cock that’s still sheathed inside of you.
“J-Jihoon my… my arms p-please…” He nods tiredly after a moment, undoing the restraints and checking your wrists for any marks. The skin is red and irritated where you were tugging against them but you seem fine otherwise.
“The redness should go down in a bit.”
He kisses your wrists gently, massaging your tired arms as he brings them to your sides. And as much as he doesn’t want to, he pulls out, watching as globs of cum pour out of your hole.
“Damn, what a waste.” You tiredly laugh at him, bringing a hand up to wipe at your tear-streaked face. “Push my cum out, baby.” There’s a slight blush on your cheeks at his request, but you oblige, the warm substance dripping down onto the sheets underneath you. Jihoon watches it as it drips down, bringing a hand towards it as he scoops it up on his fingertips and presses it back into your pussy.
“Ugh, Jiho--oon~ I c-can’t anymore…”
“Sorry, must be a… hybrid thing maybe.”
“Is the amount of cum also a hybrid thing or?”
Jihoon laughs, sliding off the bed to get a clean cloth. “Dunno. Think that’s just me. I haven’t… been with anyone for a long time so… I mean, I dunno to be honest.” 
“Yeah, I dunno! Anyway, should we get cleaned up? I think the bedsheets need to… um, go.”
This time you’re so tired you can’t even begin to sit up in bed. “Ji… do you think you can carry me? I don’t think I can feel my legs.” He nods. “Oh, let me run the bath first so it can warm up.” 
You let him, watching as he disappears into the bathroom. To the best of your ability, you sit up, another gush of cum spilling out of you when you do. 
“Ugh, Ji, if you’re gonna cum this much all the time what are we gonna do about the sheets?”
He licks his lips when he walks back into the bed to come get you, scooping you up into his arms as he brings you to the bathroom with a smirk on his face. 
“I mean, we can fuck, get the sheets dirty and then fuck in the laundry room? Or fuck in the bath like I fully intend to do right now.” 
“Oh my god.” 
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yuminsung · 4 years
NCT 2020: SYNERGY (my wishes for an album)
I was positive we were getting an NCT 2020 comeback at the start of the year, however now I have realised I am a clown. So, instead, I have spent longer than I should’ve creating an album filled with stuff that I would like to see.
I want to preface this with the fact that I have no qualifications in anything related to music / album design / production or anything like that, this is just based on my opinions as a fan of music and NCT.
I’m gonna split this into 4 sections to kinda separate my thoughts, and so it’s easier to navigate.
NCT 2018s album is titled EMPATHY, the definition of this being “the ability to understand and share the feelings of another”. I think SM chose this to reflect how NCT 2018 was an amalgamation of 127, DREAM, and U. I wanted to try and keep this theme for NCT 2020, though expand on it due to the addition of WAYV. 
SYNERGY is defined as “the combined power of a group when they are working together, that is greater than the total power achieved by each working separately”. To be honest, I think the word ‘synergy’ perfectly sums up NCT’s concept of sub-units, so it would be a good choice for NCT 2020s album’s title due to its meaning as well as its similarity to ‘empathy’ sound-wise. 
The album cover for EMPATHY was very bright, like all the colours of the rainbow, but still very minimalistic and kinda futuristic? The NCT vibe. I think their second album would suit a slightly more mature design, and as I have no talent in design, I’m going to use existing album covers to give an idea of what i think would work well.
If SM was to go down the route of a similar album cover, I think the best example is the 1975′s newest album:
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It still has the text elements that were prominent on EMPATHY’s cover, while being more minimalistic in colour (aside from the yellow side panel which would theoretically be bright neobong green).
If they were to go along a different route to EMPATHY, I think this album cover by Paris Jones could work well for NCT 2020:
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If the background surface was black, a polaroid of all 21 members could be a simple but effective album cover. 
In terms of promotional photos, this scene from the WAYV ‘Regular’ MV is my first thought:
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Photos taken on a set like this, with all the members dotted about the room and maybe the album title + members’ names repeated across the screens could work well to give off the futuristic NCT vibe. 
I can’t create a whole album’s worth of songs, so for the next two sections all the songs mentioned are going to be from existing artists. I’m not trying in anyway to suggest that “NCT would do it better” or that NCT should release the exact songs mentioned - I’m just using these songs to represent the styles I would like to see NCT explore. 
I think SVT are a really good example of having a lot of members that all have the opportunity to shine. Getting Closer is that bitch, like the line distribution is spot-on and the choreography is one of my all-time favourites. 
Black on Black was mainly instrumental to highlight the performance ability of NCT 2018. Getting Closer is reminiscent of BoB in its powerful nature, but would be able to show NCT 2018′s growth into NCT 2020, with further vocal / rap capabilities showcased alongside the previously established performance talent.
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The concepts of BoB and Getting Closer are already similar, so this wouldn’t be anything out of NCT’s / SM’s comfort zone, and would also work towards establishing a dark & powerful ‘brand’ for when all sub-units perform together as one. 
Special Stage: UH-OH - (G)-IDLE
I would like to see NCT 2020 do something a little bit different than ‘powerful’ for the special stage. Uh-Oh has a really chilled kinda west-coast vibe that I think NCT are yet to fully explore in any sub-unit but could absolutely pull off. It would be a stage where they could genuinely have fun performing all together. 
I imagine the stage being done in a way similar to Growl by EXO in that certain groups of members come onto the stage for different verses, then all come on together for the final chorus.
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The styling for Uh-Oh is kinda summer streetwear. The best equivalent I’ve found for a boy group in this style is ATEEZ Wave era.
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This shows kinda how I think the styling for this stage should be, in particular Jongho, Yunho, and Mingi. Just think lots of colour, street brands, and denim. 
Getting Closer and Uh-Oh are the only songs on the album where I’ve put all 21 members on the same track. 
I have no talent when it comes to album design / composition or anything like that, but I tried to create a sort of theme / flow between the songs I picked for the album. NCT songs I’d liken the overall theme to are ‘Love Song’ from Neo Zone, ‘Love Again’ from Reload, and ‘YESTODAY’ from Empathy. 
I’ve used an intro, interlude, and outro to show progression of NCT 2020 through the album, with these 3 songs getting more upbeat one by one. Though extremely cringey, I guess I was trying to emulate them growing happier through being together as a group.
Aside from the two tracks mentioned above that feature all members, the rest of the songs are split into sub-units, whether it be pre-existing unofficial units within NCT or a selection of members I think suit the style of a certain song. I have not included any official NCT sub-units on this album, as that was done in EMPATHY. I’d like this to be one big NCT U album, where we get the members in combinations we’d otherwise never get to hear performing together. 
The Tracklist: 
INTRO: The Unknown Guest (DEAN)
Members: Xiaojun
Xiaojun is a beyond amazing singer (he is my joint favourite vocalist in NCT). This song has an old feel, it’s almost haunting, and I really think Xiaojun’s voice would suit such a song perfectly. Xiaojun performing an intro of this style alone would open the album well and give him the time to shine he deserves !
Track 1: Getting Closer (SVT)
Members: All
(Explained above)
Track 2: CHILLI (SVT)
Members: Rap Line (Taeyong, Johnny*, WinWin*, Lucas, Mark, Hendery, Jaemin, YangYang, Jeno, Jisung*)
I might have completely forgotten some songs but I don’t think NCT have ever released a rap-heavy song of this style. I would love to see them do a rap song with this sort of relaxed vibe - it would show off diversity in their rapping abilities and would be a fun concept to see.
*I know Johnny, WinWin, and Jisung are in both the vocal and rap lines, but I’ve chosen to include them on the rap line track rather than the vocal line track as I think they suit the vibe of this track better than the vocal track. Plus, it would give the three of them more lines (god knows they need them) if they were on this track rather than with the vocal line :)
Track 3: Uh Oh (G-IDLE)
Members: All
(Explained above) 
Track 4: The Truth Untold (BTS)
Members: Vocal Line (Taeil, Yuta, Doyoung, Kun, Ten, Jaehyun, Jungwoo, Xiaojun, Renjun, Haechan, Chenle)
Although NCT has released ballads before, I would love to hear members from different subunits singing together. Like, imagine Renjun, Xiaojun, and Jungwoo on the SAME track - the power. Taeil and Chenle harmonising? Iconic.
Track 5: Spotlight (1the9)
Members: Foreign Swaggers / English-Speaking Line (Johnny, Ten, Jaehyun, Hendery, Xiaojun, Mark, YangYang)
I know Xiaojun, Hendery, and YangYang aren’t technically in the Foreign Swaggers, but I feel like spiritually they are. I wanna see 6 of them causing havoc while Jaehyun spectates (https://youtu.be/acsjfk4cz1U). A song with a playful vibe, not necessarily in English, would suit these members well.
Members: Taeil, Taeyong, Kun, Doyoung, Jungwoo
I don’t have any reasoning for why I’ve chosen these specific members for this song other than the fact I think the style suits them well. I think the 5 of them together on an interlude with a relaxed feel would just be a really calming break in the album.  
Track 6: Vibe (1Team)
Members: Taeyong, Yuta, Jungwoo, Jeno, Jaemin, Haechan, Jisung
This is quite a broad range of members in terms of age but I don’t think that matters as each of their styles would suit a song like this. A relaxed style and structure similar to the one this song has would allow each of them to shine, as it’s nearly an equal split of rappers to vocalists.
Track 7: Retro Future (Triple H)
Members: Johnny, Ten
Baby Don’t Stop 2.0. I can just imagine these two singing a song like this and having so much fun. A JohnTen duet track is giving the gays (read @incorrectnct​ ) not only what they want, but what they deserve. 
Track 8: Base Line (J-HOPE)
Members: 99 Line (Lucas, Mark, Hendery, Xiaojun)
The 99 line is 3/4 rappers so a song that is rap-heavy in style would best showcase their ability. We’ve heard Mark and Lucas together during EMPATHY era, and Lucas with Hendery and Xiaojun in WAYV, so I have no doubts the 4 would work together. Plus, rapper Xiaojun could be something that we don’t yet have but definitely need. 
Track 9: Focus on Me (JUS2)
Members: 97 Line (Jaehyun, WinWin)
These two are made for a sexy concept like the style of this song, and their voices complement each-others’ so well. I always felt Jaehyun was one of the members of 127 WinWin was most comfortable around, so their existing chemistry would make a track together even better. 
Track 10: Second Life (SVT)
Members: China Line (Kun, WinWin, Lucas, Hendery, Xiaojun, Renjun, YangYang, Chenle)
They have the range.
Track 11: New Rules (TXT)
Members: 00 Line (Haechan, Renjun, YangYang, Jaemin, Jeno)
A song with a fun feel to it like this is the only way to go for the 00 line. They are almost an even split of rappers and vocalists, so a song like this would allow each member to shine. I know any song with these 5 together would make me smile while listening to it. 
OUTRO: Blue Side (J-HOPE)*
Members: Yuta
Imagine if SM gave Yuta his own solo track,, just kidding,,, unless? But for real, Yuta has managed to prove how talented an artist he is despite SM only giving him 2 lines and 8 seconds of screen time each comeback, so imagine how amazing a whole song by him would be.
*Song will be in Japanese.
I tried to split the members evenly between tracks, which I know is unrealistic but is what we want to see (SM please let Mark, Taeyong, and Haechan rest). I’m not sure if we’ll ever get another full group album, I’ve heard some people saying it will be NCT 2021 for 21 members, like the 18 members for NCT 2018. Regardless, making this made me feel happy thinking about the possible interactions and the songs that could come from it. 
If you’ve made it this far thank you for sticking with my jumbled thought process. Please message me if you have any thoughts about anything in this post or just about NCT ot21 in general :) 
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unmanageable-day · 4 years
Come to me
PART 1 - next
Summary. After what happened in a relationship in the past, you found it difficult to trust someone with the gentleman image. 'Gentleman' seems like merely a concept and it was probably impossible for someone to be a genuine one. Now that you're stuck with the number one gentleman at campus for a group project, how would you cope with the one and only Joshua Hong?
Genre. College!au, non-idol!au / friends to lover
Pairing. Joshua x y/n x a little bit of S.Coups, and a sprinkle of Wonwoo
a/n: my brain cannot make plots with ‘y/n x ???’ like those awesome smau writers. anyway this is the first svt series i write! as i’m practicing smau, there will be some parts with texts and social media too! i’ve gotten into svt not long ago and yeah picking a bias in svt is like you pick one and you get 12 for free. if you have time to let me know what you think of this, i’d appreciate it somuch! i can’t update regularly so i don’t think im gonna make taglist like other writers. but if you’d like to be tagged, don’t hesitate to say so! stay safe and stay healthy everyone!! xoxo
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"I guess it's just Jisoo now," Johnny informed you for a group project.
It was surely not the first time you encountered people with the same name. Since your school days, there would be at least two Lee Jieuns, three Kim Jonghyuns, and many Minhos or Jaehyuns with various surnames. You just had to ask which one of them if any of your friends mentioned their names without the surname. This, of course, happened until college. One day when you were assigned for a group project, Johnny Suh, the oldest member in your group, asked you to find someone named Jisoo so all of you could gather and start working on the project. Unusually, you didn't ask which Jisoo it was. You were quite certain that you had met two Jisoos since the first day of college. So you thought it would be a piece of cake to find one of them.
"Hey, I've met Kim Jisoo and she said she had taken this class. I spoke to other Jisoo, that guy who goes anywhere with Jieun. He also didn't take this class." You looked at your groupmates, confused.
"I asked Choi Jisoo too. She does take this subject but not the one with Professor Choi," added Suhyun.
You tilted your head, slightly curling your eyebrows. "Is there another Jisoo?" you mumbled with your lips pouted.
"That would be me."
You and the other friends look up at the deep voice that came out of nowhere. The puzzled look was not only appeared on your face, but also on all your groupmates.
"Joshua?" you said his name in confusion, exchanging looks with Johnny and Suhyun.
"Wait a minute." Johnny rushed to dig his bag, searching for a piece of paper that he got from the professor's assistant regarding the group members. Now that he remembered he might not have told you which Jisoo that should be on your group. "Hong Jisoo? Hong Jisoo is Joshua Hong?"
"That's correct," he answered with his unfazed face.
Joshua Hong was a transferred student who came in the second year. You were 200% sure that on his first day, he introduced himself with the name Joshua. That was the one and only information you knew about him. How were you supposed to know that he officially enrolled with his Korean name? Even all the lecturers call him Joshua too. Even Johnny, the social butterfly who knows everyone, who was also a transferred student from the States didn't talk much to him. But again, you never really noticed who your classmates were. The class was always too big, which was the excuse you'd always use.
"Anyway," Suhyun broke the silence. Finally. You were too dumbfounded that you just froze still, trying to process and make sure that Johnny didn't mistake the group members. "Let's just get started because we still have a lot to do, shall we?"
You let Suhyun and Johnny divide the workload for the four of you. And somehow Johnny decided to make pairs so you can work in 2 subgroups. Being a wise man as he claimed to be, he wouldn't let you pick Suhyun to pair with you, saying that every process had to be fair and square. You gave him a judging look, since you knew he also wanted to be with Suhyun because it can be said that she was one of the brightest in class.
"Let's draw," Johnny initiated. He got a pouch—your pouch which he took with force—that was filled with markers and continued, "There are 2 pink and 2 black markers. So, good luck with your hands."
The four of you took turns to pick the marker, starting from the boys. Johnny, who got a pink marker, grinned wide at you, slightly giving a victory vibe, just when Joshua picked a black one. You glared at him. When the chance was 50:50 between Johnny and Joshua, you couldn't even think of anything. First of all, you were not familiar at all with this Hong Jisoo. You had no idea what his pace was like. And you might not be able to order him around. Second, when it came to Johnny, obviously you were much closer with him. You were friends after all. But you knew his pace. You can give him orders and commands but it didn't mean that he would do it. So there were possibilities that you might have to do all the big work unless you were willing to have adrenaline rush, since Johnny was that deadliner type.
"Let's take it at the same time," Suhyun suggested, in which you agreed immediately. You gritted your teeth, hoping it would help you to not lose the poker face you were wearing. Then the markers of fate were revealed. Johnny almost jumped out of joy when the pink marker was in Suhyun's hand. He immediately gave Suhyun a high-five. Meanwhile you quietly turned to Joshua who had been silence since he joined the discussion. You tried to read his expression, but you looked away when his eyes searched yours.
"Anyway, let's get along and get this work done with good marks," Joshua initiated speaking.
You almost startled yourself after hearing clearly how soft Joshua's voice was. Like, it had somewhat a soothing effect to your ears. "Yeah, sure." You flashed him your best smile.
"Do you mind if I leave, like, now? Because I have to run some errands," he asked, still with that gentle, calming voice. The way he spoke and his aura certainly hit differently; it made him the weird one within your group which consisted of loud people. Sometimes you thought yourself to be a calm person too. But now looking at Joshua Hong, you started thinking that you might not be as calm as you thought.
"Yeah, no problem. We've got everything covered. Johnny will manage everything, including the online worksheet so you can just look up everything there. I'll let you know when it's ready."
"Okay, cool. I think Johnny has my number. So you can ask him."
You nodded, pretending to look just a little bit excited. After Joshua left, the fake smile on your lips disappeared and you let out a heavy sigh. Your face landed on your thick textbook. A small groan slipped off your mouth, showing your frustration which Johnny and Suhyun can't really find the reason why. They just didn't see why being grouped with someone like Joshua who had nothing but positive track record in public could be troublesome.
Johnny nudged you on the shoulder. "Hey, don't be like that. You don't even know him."
"I'll tell you a fun fact about him if that makes you feel any better." Suhyun unusually used her cheerful tone. You just knew it must be something unnecessary or something that you didn't want to know about. "Lately he becomes the it guy because he was spotted helping some freshmen, and suddenly he earned title of being a gentleman. Some of my friends also said that he always behaves with such a manner in parties. He doesn't get drunk and does stupid things, because he drinks in moderation."
Raising your head, your brows furrowed with your eyes squinting. "And why do I want to know about this?"
"She's saying that he's a catch. Who knows you're gonna get laid." Johnny clicked his tongue and winked at you.
Your eyes rolled as you sighed. "Not gonna happen. His first impression of me was not really good. I mistook him for an exchange student I was supposed to guide, so I dragged him here and there, causing him to be late on his first class—the evil Professor Lee's class! The next day I tripped over my own feet and basically threw my coffee at him." You groaned as you recalled the memory of meeting Joshua Hong for the first time. He was still as calm and quiet as now. But you can't really forget his expression when Professor Lee scolded him, and when he silently tried to wipe off the coffee stain on his white sweater. "Seriously, if you were him, you must hate me too. Even I hate me sometimes."
"Yeah, but you didn't do it on purpose?"
"Whatever." You stood up as you put back your stuff in your bag, getting ready to leave. "I'm not sure why but I feel guilty for mistaking him for another Jisoo. It's already awkward between me and him. Unless you want to switch partner—yes, I'm talking to you, John."
"It will only worsen the awkwardness between you if I say yes to switch."
Ugh, this giant has a point. But it was not like you wanted to make up to Joshua Hong. Or eventually, you had to? At least for the sake of this group project?
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gamerwoo · 4 years
Seventeen headcanons: Seventeen as Disney Characters’ Kids
a/n: you can thank my cousin forcing me to listen to the descendants soundtrack for this. may or may not do oneshots for these at some point so uh,,,,,,we’ll see
Seungcheol, son of Kovu and Kiara
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a lot like his parents
is a little infamous because some people still see his dad as “evil” anyway
does whatever he thinks is right even if it’s not traditional
heir to be king and he takes that seriously
honestly he is lowkey trying to prove himself to everyone
hangs out with wonwoo a lot and usually goes to him for advice
also best friends with soonyoung since they’re kind of in the same boat
doesn’t want to be sheltered by his parents even though he has mixed reactions from the public
even if his entire kingdom doesn’t like him, he wants to be a good prince and future king
Jeonghan, son of The Cheshire Cat 
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sly and sneaky and mischievous lil shit
you don’t think he’s there but he’s there
he hears and sees everything
his favorite thing to do other than nothing is eavesdrop
he’ll be hanging out with his friends and as soon as someone is like “let’s go do this” he disappears without saying anything
often found lounging about with his tail swaying and flicking
typically up to no good but his seemingly sweet face always fools people
but those who know him know he’s typically anything but sweet
whenever he appears, you always see his smirk first
Joshua, son of David & Nani
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surfer dude
i mean, come on, look who raised him
hangs out with seokmin a lot 
he’ll sit on his surfboard out in the ocean and seok will swim up and rest his arms on the board and they’ll just talk or swim and stuff
he is a little ‘odd’ but his aunt is lilo and he was raised around aliens so can you blame him
but he really just wants to be normal because people have been judging him for his entire life
sometimes he’s a lil judgy just to make himself feel less weird
*insert that gif of him making that face in the going svt episode that everyone uses as a meme now*
but like he also keeps experiment 002 as a ‘pet’ after mrs. hasagawa couldn’t take care of her ‘cats’ anymore
so he still is a lowkey strange boi 
Junhui, son of Thomas O’Malley 
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smooth as heck
a little goofy but that’s his charm
he comes from one of thomas’s many one-night-stands, so he lived on the street and was only raised by his dad for a long time
when he was brought in to live with duchess and her kids, she treated him like one of her own, and he got along well with her kids
would throw hands for his sister without question
still a flirt like his dad though
but he drinks his respect women juice i promise
usually playing around with his brothers or sometimes going off to help hansol
even though his family is loaded now, he still acts like he’s an alley cat lmao
kinda stays away from jeonghan because he finds him scary
can be found hanging around with soonyoung though
Soonyoung, son of Shere Khan
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he wants to be a tiger so badly so
despite his dad being kind of yknow an asshole
soonyoung is a huge sweetheart 
some people may think it’s an act or whatever but it’s just how he is
and his dad is trying so hard to get him to be less kind but the boy can’t help his fat heart okay
he hangs out with seungcheol a lot because the two can relate on being misunderstood
soonyoung is basically kovu
came from a shitty family but is just here for a good time
but if you fuck with him he can and will rip your throat out
hangs out with jun quite a bit because he makes him feel more upbeat and kind of grounded i guess???
because he doesn’t want his status or his father’s words getting to his head
honestly highkey worried he’ll become like his dad
Wonwoo, son of Milo Thatch & Kida 
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literally the perfect mix of his parents
the curiosity and shyness/awkwardness of his dad
mixed with the beauty and grace of his mom
he’s the prince of atlantis since kida became queen after the king died, and everyone absolutely adores him
has girls lining up to marry him but because he’s awkward like milo, he’s not really that interested in getting married anytime soon
hangs out with seungcheol and tries to give him helpful advice
pretty much always reading and learning about other cultures and kingdoms
has never been outside of atlantis and he’s highkey curious about what’s out there
but he’d never sneak out behind his parents’ back because he’s a good boi
Jihoon, son of Elsa 
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he’s a lot like his mom (from the first frozen i havent even seen the second one ok)
he also has powers like her which he doesn’t use often
even as a child, he preferred learning how to use and control it rather than just use it for fun
but now when he has to go out for royal things, he will sometimes make a little ice rink for the kids or create little flurries and dancing snowmen just to see the children laugh
and if you look at him, you can see the hint of a smile
spends most of his time in his room reading or sleeping because that’s just how he chooses to spend his time
tbh he doesn’t want to be a prince he just wants to do what he wants
but elsa is a single mom and he’s her only heir so he doesn’t want to let her down or stress her out
but if he could just,,,,,,not be a prince, he would love that
Seokmin, son of Ariel and Eric
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everyone always sayin this boy looks like prince eric anyway so
he’s a mermaid like his mom so he can spend time in the water and on land
often goes ‘surfing’ with joshua but it’s basically josh surfing while seokmin swims in the waves and watches
sometimes he goes to visit wonwoo in atlantis but not often because it’s kind of hard to get to
spends 50% of his time singing whatever song is stuck in his head or just making up his own
he really is more like his mom personality-wise lmao
and of course more like his dad when it comes to looks
likes being on land and in water equally you can’t make him choose one
his best friend (other than josh) is a dolphin that goes on adventures with him and stuff, and an octopus that clings to him like a backpack
Mingyu, son of Eugene and Rapunzel 
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big clumsy but kind idiot
also does that weird smolder thing like his dad
honestly he’s kind of the perfect mix of his parents
very kind and curious
but he’s not nearly as trusting as his mom
he may be kinda dumb sometimes (he got the braincells from his dad ok) but he makes an excellent prince
he loves his kingdom and his kingdom loves him
he’s got so many suitresses but he put his training to be king first
however he highkey in love with the girl who sells flowers and planters at the market
Minghao, son of Cruella De Vil
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like his mom, he’s very into fashion
unlike his mom, he prefers to find cruelty free ways of achieving fashion
he actually left home when he was 16 and has nothing to do with her
he’s become an anonymous fashion designer because he knows nobody would give him the time of day if they knew who his mother is
as a designer, he goes by the8
he designs all of seungkwan’s clothes too
he usually just stays inside and works on his clothing because people are mean to him when he goes outside
Seungkwan, son of Charlotte La Bouf
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just wants to be a prince so heckin bad !!!!
likes to dress up in nice clothes and go out a lot
only wears things designed by minghao though
he’s boujee okay
honestly would give up his prince dream to help minghao make a new name for himself
he wants to be a prince more than anything but his friends and those he loves come first
but seriously can a princess just marry this poor boy already
Hansol, son of Robin Hood & Maid Marian
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hands down the sweetest boy ever
he’s pretty well off so he typically just gives away his own things
but he will steal from the rich if he has to lmao
pretty much friends with everyone because he’s just so likeable
the only people who don’t like him are rich assholes lmao
may or may not have been arrested a few times but it was for good reasons i swear
sometimes has chan tag along on his adventures to steal from the rich
Chan, son of Mulan & Li Shang
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he’s not a prince but damn he looks like one
the strongest warrior in his kingdom
his family is also very highly ranked so while he’s not a prince he’s still an important dude in the kingdom
girls swoon over him and men want to be him
can we blame any of them
if he’s not training/practicing, he’s off with hansol 
often donates to the poor but also loves to eat the rich lmao
has also wound up in jail a few times but his parents are fine with it because it’s for a good cause
but if he’s not practicing or with hansol, he’s just fucking up assholes
those are basically his hobbies lmao
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writer-k-pop · 3 years
The Captain (c.s.c) - Waning Crescent Hotel
Please read this (W.C.Hotel) if you this is the first post of this series that you see. Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of death Genre: Angst, Hotel Del Luna AU, Choose your own adventure, SVT x Fem! Reader Staff: Yong (Spirit General Manager) / Jiwoo (Human General Manager) / Soon Bok (Room Manager) / Mun Hee (Front Desk Receptionist) / Shin (Grim Reaper assigned to Waning Crescent) Word Count: Ending A - 4.9k / Ending B - 4.8k
W.C.Hotel | Seventeen Masterlist | Masterlists
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"What do you mean you didn't know it was him?" I rise up from the table and stalk towards Mun Hee who stands in the garden entrance, his terror evident.
"He, his hair was different. A-and he had like uh stuff all over his face and, and." Mun Hee stutters out. "I didn't realize it was him!" He tries to reason with me.
"And it took you 10 days to realize it?" I question him as I pass him on my way out of the garden and away from my champagne.
"I didn't see him for ten days." Mun Hee defends himself, "I'm pretty sure he was locked in his room that entire time."
"You're dead if he only has a couple days left." I threaten him.
Mun Hee is taken aback, "Okay, A: I'm already dead. B: He has 12 days left."
My feet stop on a dime. "How many?" I ask, turning towards him, not believing what I had heard.
"12 left." Mun Hee says, "I remembered him cause when I read his palm, it said he had 22. Did you know that's the most I've ever seen?"
Twenty-two. A whole twenty two lives. I knew his soul would live to be wise but I hadn't guessed it would be 22 lives wise.
"So when I tell you I looked for him everyday cause I was curious and amazed, I really mean it." Mun Hee says with a nod of childlike sincerity, "And since no one can hide from me, I just kind of assumed he had locked himself in his room." He nods with a serious pout, "So I didn't know it was your Seungcheol until he FINALLY stepped out to go to the library. And then it hit me."
Soon Bok walks up to us, a bit surprised to see us here in the hallway.
"I thought you were in the garden?" She asks, looking between the two of us.
"I was." I reply, "But then Mun Hee tells me that Seungcheol has been checked in for the past 10 days and I have been clueless about it."
Soon Bok's eyes widen and she looks at Mun Hee, "You never told her? I told you to tell her!" She slaps his shoulder.
Mun Hee flinches when her hand makes contact with him, "I got distracted by other guests." He gives an excuse.
"Where did you end up placing him?" I ask, moving away from the whole Mun Hee not telling me topic.
Soon Bok doesn't even have to check her folder, "Room 88 with the nice view of the water."
I smile at her thoughtfulness, "Perfect."
I don't have the desire to return to the garden or the champagne so we continue to walk towards the hotel while Soon Bok updates me on a few hotel happenings. By the time she's finished, we've reached the bottom of the main staircase in the lobby and Soon Bok takes her leave soon after.
As we climb the stairs, Mun Hee opens his mouth to ask a question but I cut him off, already knowing what he's going to ask.
"No, you can not go bother him about his lives." I say and Mun Hee's body droops.
"But it's twenty two lives." He whines, "Twenty two!"
"And that's a lot of lives to remember." I explain to him, trying my best not to let my annoyance creep out.
"(y/n)." Mun Hee drags out my name in a plead.
Closing my eyes, I take a steadying breath, "Fine," Mun Hee smiles brightly and his body straightens, "BUT! Only if he allows you to ask questions. You must ask him if it's okay first, you got it?" I point a finger at him.
Mun Hee quickly nods. His smile is so wide that his eyes begin to shut.
I can't help but laugh at his excitement. "Go back to your post now." I tell him and wave him away. Mun Hee quickly retreats back down the stairs and happily skips to the front desk.
I make my way up the rest of the stairs and once I reach the top, I lean against the railing of the balcony. I watch as Mun Hee smiles and waves to all the guests in the lobby. For a moment, a loving smile appears on my face but it's quickly wiped away as Mun Hee nearly runs into one of the very large and very breakable flower vases.
"Clutz." I mutter to myself and turn away.
~The 22nd Day~
My wrists burn against the ropes that tightly bind them together behind my back. My knees press heavily against the wooden floor boards, trying to keep my balance as the waves rock our boat to and fro. The sharp tip of a blade rests between my shoulder blades.
Glancing to my right, Seungcheol sits in a similar position but his forehead is bleeding from where he was hit. The red blood drips down the side of his face and stains the shirt that I had bought him before we set sail.
"This ship is ours now." Our captor says, cockily as he stands a few feet in front of us.
"Take it." Seungcheol says, narrowing his eyes. "It's yours, just leave us alone."
'He's bargaining.' I think to myself, 'Why would he bargain his beloved boat?'
"Bargaining, I see." Our captor smiles, "I thought you'd put up more of fight for the boat you've had for almost your entire life."
"You've done your research." Seungcheol says, pretending to be impressed.
"Every good pirate needs to do his research, no?" Our capture banters back.
"I don't need to put up a fight." Seungcheol says through gritted teeth. "I don't need the boat."
Our captor tips his head up and taps his chin, "Now, what would a reputable boat captain need more than his boat? Any ideas, boys?" He looks to his men, who all laugh mischievously.
"A girl." One shouts from behind us.
"A girl!" Our captor claps his hands and my heart stops. "That's exactly right."
In a panic, I look over at Seungcheol who has the same panic written on his face. Seungcheol begins to fight against his restraints.
"Take the boat! Take anything but her." Seungcheol cries.
Our captor is unimpressed by Seungcheol's efforts and simply nods to the men behind me.
With ease, they grab my arms and lift me to my feet. Now, I begin to fight against their hold, though I go nowhere. Seungcheol fights harder but he's held back by the shoulders.
With a pounding heart, I continue to struggle but I'm carried towards the side of the boat.
"Please," Seungcheol begs with tears falling, "I can give you whatever you want. I, I have money. You can have my boat. Anything but her."
I feel my own cheeks become wet with tears but in the back of my mind, I know exactly why this is happening. And I hate myself for it.
"I want nothing." Our captor simply shrugs, Seungcheol's cries not affecting him at all, "Except for your pain." He finishes and pointedly looks at me. When his steely eyes meet mine, he smiles crookedly and the coldest shiver runs down my spine.
I divert my eyes to Seungcheol who is screaming and fighting against the men who hold him back. I try to catch my breath but before I have a chance to say anything, the two men lift me over the railing and drop me into the rushing water.
The cold water tightly wraps its fist around me and I fight to swim upwards but the current overpowers my efforts and drags me further below the surface. The necklace around my neck floats upwards and I'm reminded of who is above the water's surface. Not wanting to leave Seungcheol alone, I continue to fight against the current. Just when I think I've pulled myself out of the current's grasp, a strong force quite literally punches me in the stomach, sending me backwards into blackness.
My eyes snap open and I sit up in a panic. The only sounds are my heavy breathing and the echo of my pounding heart in my ears. Feeling the soft fabric that surrounds me, I realize I'm just in my bed and run a hand through my hair. My cheeks are wet with tears and I quickly wipe them away. Looking around, I squint as my blinds do a terrible job of keeping the sunlight out. The clock on my bedside table reads 1:24pm.
I groan and throw myself back onto the mattress. Subconsciously, I rub my wrist as the burning still lingers while I try to settle my racing heart. With sleep abandoning me in the middle of my nighttime, I give up the efforts and clamber out of bed. I walk out of my bedroom while slipping a light robe on.
My office is alight with the bright sunlight and I can see the dust particles floating around in the air as I descend the stairs from my connected bedroom. Immediately, a bottle of champagne on my desks greets me with its green melancholy. I quickly pick it up and raise it to my lips but frown when not even a drop falls from the bottle's mouth.
Slamming the bottle down, the collision echos into the still air.
'Don't drink so much out here.' Seungcheol's voice rings in my mind. 'We don't know if the next port will have any alcohol.' He says, followed by his chuckle.
I cover my ears and shake my head to get rid of the memory.
'Next year, I'll buy you the most expensive and best champagne that you will never be able to drink another kind.' Another memory surfaces and this time the shadow of his arms wraps around my waist.
With a scream of frustration, I grab the champagne bottle and chuck it. It hits an empty space on the wall and shatters into hundreds of pieces. As the pieces fall and tinkle against the floors, the fragments of Seungcheol's voice fade as well.
With a heavy heart, I let my feet wander wherever they please, too tired to fight my body's desire. The hallways are quiet and the sunlight warms up my skin, ridding it of the cold water memory.
When my feet stop, I'm standing at the base of the main staircase in the lobby. The place I landed and woke up at after I passed out in the water. I wrap my arms around myself as the feeling of cold water returns.
My senses return to the memory and I'm submerged in the past.
The coughing that raked through my chest. Yong and Jiwoo rushing towards me with Mun Hee and Soon Bok not far behind with multiple towels in their hands.
All of them wrapping me in the towels and drying me off. My struggle against them to get back to the living world. To get back to Seungcheol. My employees holding me in place. Yong bringing out a notecard.
The words of the note card burying my heart under 100 tons of concrete.
"Do it again, and we will not be so kind."
I had disobeyed the Gods' conditions and I had paid for it. As I move my heel over the spot, another memory surfaces.
'Heels are no good on a boat, (y/n).' Seungcheol had said, kneeling in front of me and placing my heel back on my foot, 'We need to buy you a pair of flatter shoes.'
'As long as I still look good and they don't look like trash.' I had said.
'I'll find the best ones for you.' Seungcheol promised with a wide smile.
Anger begins to bubble inside of me. I had it so good with Seungcheol. I was happy with him. So why did I disobey the Gods' order and ruin everything?
Why did I toss the note card that said 'Time to leave.' into the trash?
Why did I think I could run away from the Gods?
Why wasn't I thinking?
"Stupid." I exclaim, kicking the bottom stair. It causes a low throbbing in my foot but I ignore it, too frustrated to linger on it.
The doors to the front check in room creak open and a pair of dress shoes clicks against the tiles.
"Oh, (y/n)." Jiwoo's pace quickens slightly to reach me faster, "What are you doing awake?"
I cross my arms, erasing all traces of my painful memories from my face, "I could ask the same of you. You should still be in your home, getting sleep for tonight."
Jiwoo shrugs, unbothered by the fact that I answered his question with another question. "Well, I've been coming in early to make sure everything is in order for the next person who will take over for me once I leave." He gives me a small nudge with his shoulder, "Not just any spirit can slide right into the human manager's position."
I look down at my feet and smile. Out of his family line, Jiwoo's one of my favorites. Always thinking ahead and planning. Always willing to stand up to me when I'm moody. Plus he's always willing to drive around the living world and take me to eat yummy foods. He's a foodie.
"What will you do once I leave?" I wonder.
"Me?" Jiwoo scratches his neck, "You know, I haven't thought about it much. I've been pretty busy with the hotel."
"What do you want to do?" I reword my question, genuinely curious.
Jiwoo shrugs, "Travel maybe. I've heard so many stories from guests here about the beauties of the world and the history so it might be fun to experience them first hand."
I nod, "That sounds like a solid plan." I gather up my skirt and turn towards the elevators. "Call me when he's ready." I tell him before walking away without another word.
I spend the next many hours laying on the couch. Then sitting at my desk. Then cleaning the broken glass. Then sort of listening to Yong when she brings me the daily debrief. Then sitting on the stairs. Then staring out the window. Then dusting off my picture frames. Then back to the window.
The moon sits high in the sky and I have an unobstructed view of it as the cloudless sky passes by.
A small, timid knock barely makes it to my ears.
"Come in." I call out to whoever's on the other side.
The door opens and Soon Bok shuffles into my office. I smile at her, finding her change in demeanor amusing. Out in the hotel, she's strict and not to be messed with. But in here, she's nervous and unsure. "It's been quite a while since you've visited me up here, Soon Bok."
Soon Bok nervously nods, "I think the last time I was in here was the first time too."
"What do you need?" I ask, hoping to end her nerve wracking visit.
"Jiwoo asked me to tell you that he's taking Seungcheol to the garden." She points her thumb behind her.
I nod, "Alright I'll be there in a second. You can go."
She bows and takes her leave quickly.
I walk over to my desk and press a hidden lever that opens a hidden compartment. From the compartment I pull out a jewelry box that I haven't touched in ages. Opening it, I'm greeted with shine of the emerald necklace Seungcheol bought me. The one I was wearing when I was thrown overboard.
The one I had to beg the Gods to let me keep.
I close the lid and with the box in hand, I walk out of my office. The hotel buzzes with the midnight hustle and bustle but I ignore all of it and press on towards my destination.
When I enter the final hallway, I speed up a bit, the tears already filling my eyes. I enter the garden and my feet skid to a stop.
He's not here.
But then he walks out from behind the tree, a hand running along its truck, his eyes inspecting the branches that spread out.
My heart lodges in my throat as he turns towards me. His eyes are still soft and full of emotion. His cheeks are still high and full. His lips are still set in the perfect shape. The only thing that causes me some pain are the shadows of scars that scatter his face and neck. The places where he'd been seriously injured in past lives.
I eye his forehead and there sits the shadow of the scar I caused.
"(y/n)." Seungcheol whispers my name but I hear it like he whispered it into my ear.
I set the jewelry box on the bench and cover my mouth with my hand, choking back a sob. In two seconds flat, he has me wrapped up in a tight embrace and my tears fall.
"You're here." He says, stroking my hair, "I'm here. I'm here."
Seungcheol holds me as I sob, hundreds of years of guilt finally ripping out of my body. Even as my sobs subside, he still holds tightly onto me.
"So this is where we finally get to meet again." Seungcheol mutters as I sniffle. "When my soul is at its end in the living world."
I sniffle and focus on steadying my breath.
"I lived a lot of lives, did you know that?" He continues to talk.
I nod, still sniffling but not as frequently.
"A whole twenty two." I can hear the smile on his lips, "I'd say that's pretty good for a measly ship captain."
I smile, his attempt to make me laugh a success.
"You weren't measly." I counter.
Seungcheol pulls away, "I couldn't even buy you a home."
I shake my head, "I didn't need a home."
He smiles and dries my cheeks. "I know but still."
I release myself from him and sit on the bench, staring at the tree. Seungcheol follows suit without taking his eyes off of me.
"What happened that da-?" He wonders, scooting closer and his hand runs into the jewelry box. "What's this?"
"Open it." I instruct him and he does so.
Seungcheol's eyes widen as the necklace comes into view, "I thought the sea took this."
I shake my head, "Those pirates weren't from this world." I answer his original question of what happened that day on the sea, "I'm sure someone's explained my punishment to you?" I check with him.
"Yong did this morning over breakfast." Seungcheol nods. "It seemed fitting until I realized they controlled essentially when it ended."
"We're talking about thirteen souls. In my world, killing a single soul is like murdering at least 10 people in the living world." I smile that he sort of took my side. "Anyway, a week before it all happened, the Gods had delivered a note saying it was time to leave you." I continue on with the story, "But I had decided that I was going to stay with you because you made me that happy. So I threw the note away and thought I could run away so the Gods wouldn't catch us." I tuck my hands underneath my legs and lower my gaze to the floor. "I was reckless thinking that they wouldn't find us. But they did. And they forced me to leave. When they dropped me in the sea, I tried to return to the surface, I swear I tried, but they used the currents to pull me back to the hotel."
Seungcheol leans against the back of the bench in awe.
"Because I had disobeyed their conditions for my punishment, I was forced out and caused you all the more pain." I say in a roundabout apology. "I never did it again."
"How do you still have the necklace?" Seungcheol asks, glancing down at the open jewelry box in his lap.
"I begged." I tell him, "I pleaded with the Gods to let me keep it even though I'd disobeyed them."
Seungcheol lifts the necklace out of the box and my eyes follow it. "Thank goodness they did because I spent way too long searching for this for it to be tossed to the side because a girl was in love." Without asking me to move, he places the necklace back on my neck and clasps it closed. "There. Back where it belongs."
My hand instinctively goes to my neck to feel the metals and gems again.
"After you were," Seungcheol clears his throat, unable to say the exact words, "I was immediately knocked unconscious. And when I woke up, I was laying on deck, my hands free of their binds. My men scattered around deck. The boat was docked in a port and had no evidence that any pirates had boarded. Now that you're saying they weren't from my world, it makes sense how they disappeared so quickly."
He runs a hand through his hair, still fluffy and full. "We grieved after that. I grieved. Of course thinking you'd died. And you know, did the whole sha-bang and everything."
I smile as love for this man swells in my chest. I had never once 'died' in front of a love so Seungcheol's the only one who held a funeral for me.
"What did you do after?" I asked, wanting to keep the conversations going, mainly so I could listen to him talk. Like how we used to spend days in the sun, him telling me stories of his previous travels while his small crew manned the ship.  
"I continued shipping goods from port to port with the crew." Seungcheol recalls, "Nothing exciting."
I rolled my eyes, his consistent I'm-not-really-that-interesting jab still present. "You never once met someone interesting?"
Seungcheol scrunches his nose in thought, "I mean, once met a young man named Samuel. Real spunky kid. He had run away from home and was looking for a job."
Hoshi's Samuel? I wonder. Did he keep the same name in a different life?
"We gave him one and he was the hardest working kid. Always helping out around the boat, always wanting to learn about every aspect of running a boat." Seungcheol smiles at the memory, "He was also really athletic and flexible. Sometimes made me wonder if he was a dancer."
My ears perk up immediately, "Maybe in one of his lives?" I suggest.
"That would make sense." Seungcheol agreed, "Samuel was with us for about five years or so before some girl swept him off his feet. Literally." He whispers into my ear with a giggle. "But he won't tell you it that way."
I laugh. "What about Yeon Woo?" I ask remembering some of his crews' names.
"Yeon Woo?" Seungcheol says with some surprise that I remember his name. "Yeon Woo stayed with me for a while. He finally married the girl he had been with for ages. The one with glasses.” He adds for my benefit, “It sounds so silly now, but on the morning of his wedding, he went down to the water, poured two cups of alcohol, set one at the water's edge, and just sat there."
"For me?" I ask, eyes large, touched at Yeon Woo's affection.
Seungcheol nods, "For you." He confirms.
Yeon Woo had been Seungcheol's right hand man and quickly became one of my closest friends. I'm sure he took my 'leave' as hard as Seungcheol.
"He was always such a softie." I lean on his shoulder and loop my arms around his.
"Who else?" Seungcheol wondered, "Oh, Ren!" He lists off the next member of his crew and proceeded to tell me stories he thought were memorable.
We went through all the members of his 5 man crew. Then we diverged into his life and what he went off to do.
He never married though he had a long list of attempts. He says it was cause all the potentials had wanted to move inland but he wanted to stay on the water. We chat about the different places he thought were remotely interesting and about the time he tried to eat a live octopus but chickened out when it stuck to the inside of his cheek. He had to pull it out with both hands.
I laugh when I hear the story. The image of Seungcheol struggling with a tiny octopus tentacle from his mouth being just too funny.
Seungcheol keeps me laughing, constantly telling me how much he loves the sound of my laughter. Even as the sun dips low in the western sky, we can't seem to stop giggling.
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As our laughter dies down, Seungcheol stares into the sun and sighs.
"So, now it's my turn, huh." He mutters thoughtfully.
I look at him confused for a second before the setting sun closes the lid on my bliss. "We could-"
"We are not disobeying the Gods again." Seungcheol cuts me off before I could even finish, "You did it once and look how that turned out. I'm not letting you do it again."
I pout and he nuzzles his nose into my hair.
"We're going to do it right this time." He mumbles.
"This way is sucky." I pout and Seungcheol chuckles.
"Come on." He whispers and places a kiss on my head before helping me up to my feet along with himself.
"Are you not sad that you're leaving me?" I wonder as I search his eyes for even a hint of sadness.
Seungcheol smiles softly, "I am but then I see those." He nods towards the chrysanthemums sitting at the base of the tree, "And they remind me that you have others to wait for. And they love you as much as I do." He grabs my hand tightly, "So in reality, I'm quite happy that you were loved so much."
I smile as his words slowly seep in. 13 loves is a lot. Not every soul spends all their lives loving a person so one could say I am pretty fortunate in that aspect. Though the way I encountered this love fortune was not fortunate.
Seungcheol turns and I let him lead me out of the garden. On our way we run into Mun Hee who just happened to be sweeping around the doorway for transfers.
"Just one more question." Mun Hee quickly says before I can even open my clenched jaw.
Seungcheol chuckles, loving my employee. "Alright, one more."
Mun Hee smiles brightly, "What was (y/n) like?" He asks, glancing at me.
I relax my shoulders and roll my eyes. Of course he would want to know what I was like. Was I the same? Was I somehow vastly different?
"Weren't you around?" Seungcheol questions.
Mun Hee readjusts his posture, "She's different when she's not inside the hotel. In here, she's... her." He says as if he's obscenely offended that I would change personalities.
I scrunch my face at him in annoyance as Seungcheol answers.
"She was... herself." He finishes, looking over at me and squeezing my hand.
I smile and we walk around Mun Hee, continuing towards the awaiting car.
"I like him." Seungcheol comments with a glance back, "You should keep him for a while."
"I have to keep him. He's assigned to work here." I inform him and I step from the firm concrete to the soft dirt path.
"You'll be okay here?" Seungcheol asks as we step closer to the car.
I nod, tears already lining my eyes. "I think so."
"You won't mourn for me for too long?" He asks and meets my gaze. His eyes sad but tearless, wanting to be strong for me who still has time left.
I shake my head, not trusting my voice to be stable.
"And you'll tell the next fella that I say thank you?" He continues.
"For what?" I stutter out.
"For loving you just as much as I did." Seungcheol says and a tear slips down my cheek. But before it ever reaches my chin, he wipes it away with his thumb.
I nod and wordlessly, Seungcheol lowers his lips down to meet mine. The warmth of the kiss wipes away all traces of the cold memories and my senses are filled with just him. When he pulls away, I have to fight the urge to pull him back. Partly because Shin is watching but also because Seungcheol's holding my arms to my sides, as if he is already guessing I would try.
He presses a final kiss to my forehead and I close my eyes, trying to memorize every detail of the moment. How his lips are pressed firmly to my skin. How his hands tighten ever so slightly around my arms. How he's close enough that I can hear the echo of his heart beat, beating strong and proud.
I keep my eyes close as he pulls away and releases my arms. I only open them when he steps away and towards the car.
Shin gives Seungcheol a curt nod, holding the door open for him. Seungcheol returns the nod and slides into the car without another glance back. But I'm grateful for it, because if he did turn around, I wouldn't have stayed still.
With a hand gripping my necklace, I watch with fresh tears as the car drives forward and disappears into the fog.
I don't bother to wipe away the tears the same way I don't bother to acknowledge the fact that I'm one love closer to ending my punishment. Or the fact that back in my garden, one chrysanthemum sinks to the ground as its life leaves and follows Seungcheol.
I know I'll mourn his leaving for days. But it's something I need to do alone. So I turn back towards the hotel and walk inside to allow myself to grieve. Then wait for the others to arrive.
Return to the Navigation Page (Waning Crescent Hotel) to choose the next guest.
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"So this time, I'm leaving with you?" Seungcheol asks the air while staring into the overly bright sunset.
I nod, "This time we do it together. And not against our will."
Seungcheol chuckles, "Sometimes I think that we laugh too much."
I stand up, hands on my hips, "I can erase all laughter if you want?" I raise an eyebrow as he also rises to his feet, shaking his head.
"Nope, laughing is good." Seungcheol says and grabs my hand. "Are you ready to say goodbye to your staff?"
My heart suddenly feels heavier as I remember that I'm leaving for good. "No. But I have to." I say and hold my head up.
"We'll do it together." He reminds me as we walk out of the garden.
We walk hand in hand to the lobby where Yong, Mun Hee, Soon Bok, and Jiwoo stand solemnly.
"So this is it?" Mun Hee asks with tears in his eyes. "This is the day you leave us?"
I wrap him up in a hug, only a tiny bit annoyed that he's being so sappy. "Maybe I'll get punished again and be back here by the end of the year." I try to joke but Mun Hee abruptly pushes back from me.
"Don't you dare say that. You better not return here." He says angrily through his tears.
I chuckle, "I won't come back. I promise."
Turning to Soon Bok, I thank her for her service and her amazing work. Something I never did and should've done more.
Next onto Jiwoo. I also thank him for his and his entire family's service then I unclip the bracelet that has held him to this place.
"When you leave today, you won't be able to find this place again." I inform him, "I hope that you'll be able to go and live your life happily."
Jiwoo nods, "Thank you for letting me work with you. I won't ever forget you."
I smile sadly, "You will. But thank you."
Finally I reach Yong who is sniffling and trying so very hard not cry.
"You'd think after all these years of waiting that I'd be prepared for this day." She says through sniffles.
"Thank you, Yong." I rests my hands on her shoulders, "For everything. Thank you."
With lips pursed together, she leans forward and wraps me in an unexpected hug. But I soon wrap my arms around her and squeeze her tightly.
We pull apart after a couple seconds and I wipe the few tears that have escaped from her eyes.
"Keep this hotel running beautifully." I tell her before Seungcheol grabs my hand again.
With final waves of goodbye, Seungcheol and I walk out to the foggy forest that will take us to our resting place.
At the edge of the forest, Shin stands next to an idling car, a somber look on his face.
"(y/n)." He says when we reach him, "It has been an honor working with you. I wish you both a peaceful rest." Shin bows his head and I pat his arm.
"The honor was mine." I tell him with a smile. Now the tears start to line my eyes as the realization fully sets in.
I'm free. I served my years of punishment and now I'm free to let my soul rest.
I turn back towards the hotel and look up to the top where the rooftop patio is outlined with bright string lights. Then to the mid floors where random room lights are turned on, some guests staying in while others opting to experience the hotel's many services. Then to grand base where guests would be milling around, waiting their turns to leave this world.
"(y/n)?" Seungcheol softly asks pulling my attention to where he sits just inside the car, "Are you ready?"
I take one last quick look at the hotel before turning away from it. "Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go."
I lower myself into the car and Shin securely closes the door after I am completely inside. As the car begins to drive forward, Seungcheol securely grabs my hand and I let his warmth guide me towards our final destination.
In the garden, the final chrysanthemum withers and dies so that no more stand at the base of the bare tree.
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lunatens · 3 years
ult group(s) tag
tagged by @allegxdly ty storm!! any excuse to talk about my faves is v nice + also reading yours was so interesting and fun!! ehehe apologies in advance if this is super long (i’ll put it under a cut maybe)
gonna tag @ggulovebot @elcie-chxn @cha-lan @uriboogyu @kthpurplesyou @changnuggie of course only if you guys want to, no pressure !! 💖💖 also i’m so sorry if you’ve already done this 🥴
ult group: svt (but i’m also gonna do skz bc why not)
who was your first bias?
svt: minghao!!
skz: felix!!
who is your bias now?
svt: joshuaaaa (but they’re all bias wreckers tbh)
skz: hyunjin hehe
what was the first mv you watched by them?
svt: clap!! i actually first saw it on i think college kids react to kpop? lol i had just started getting into bts/kpop in general + i listened to svt but hadn’t really looked into them more, then i saw the mv and thought it was super cool (but i still wasn’t really a carat til like early 2019)
skz: i remember listening to i am not when it came out but i don’t think i watched the district 9 mv....i wanna say the first mv i watched was i am you!
what’s your favourite mv?
svt: i’m in love with the home;run mv omg i love all the aesthetics and the storytelling ugh it’s so good. but i’m also a really big fan of the pinwheel mv, because it’s just so pretty and soft and makes me feel all warm n fuzzy inside yk? oh wait but also oh my!!!!!!!! and fallin flower skjdbflsdfbsk okay i cannot choose sorry
skz: can i choose maknae on top lmao it’s so cute eheh ok but for real hm i love the side effects mv bc i just really remember when it came out and i watched it a lot! or maybe backdoor bc it’s just fun :>
if you could only listen to one of their songs for the rest of your life, which would it be?
svt: ummm rocket !!!!! because it’s my favourite svt song and i don’t think i could ever get sick of it, plus it always puts me in a good mood like u just can’t be sad while listening to rocket it’s just impossible
skz: probably blueprint!! it’s just such a pretty song i don’t wanna live without it 🥺
who would you want to see them collab with?
svt: bruno mars just bc woozi wants it so bad and i would just rlly love thst for him ok
skz: hm this is a tricky one.. idk why but doja cat is in my head right now?? i only really know a couple songs lmao but i feel like that could be fun!!
what (mv) concept do you want to see them do?
svt: hm i think a like ~elegant~ concept would be really fun!! like i’m kinda thinking blood sweat & tears vibes yk?? like all fancy and artsy and over the top idk i just wanna see something pretty lol i guess similar to fallin flower hehe
skz: fANTASYYY AAAH pls i would love if they did some sort of fantasy concept i feel like it would suit them really well (i mean they’ve already done stuff with like swords and stuff i guess that’s close enough) but like just full on fantasy plsss aaah
have you ever had a dream with any of the members in it?
svt: actually quite a few ??? thank u @ my brain for blessing me with these dreams hehe but yeah too many to talk about, a lot of them involve joshua though and usually it’s just super random stuff (twice i’ve dreamt about joshua + a zombie apocalypse what does it mean)
skz: i think i’ve only dreamt about skz once!! but we were spies on some sort of secret mission in a super fancy hi tech futuristic school and we had to sneak in through the vents and stuff it was really fun !!
if you could spend the day with one member, who would it be and what would you do?
svt: mmmm a surprise to absolutely no one at all lmao i would 100% spend the day with shua!! first of all he speaks english lol but that aside i mean i love him and idk i think we’d get along well 😌😌 hm id probably wanna like go to a beach or something with him!!! and mostly just hang out i think?? probably eat some yummy food, maybe play like mario kart or something together idk!!
skz: aaa this is a hard one !!! i think probably felix though! i just think it’d be super fun to hang out with him and we’re kinda similar hehe so it would be fun!! i’d definitely wanna play board games/video games with him, maybe idk go to a park or something idk i’m bad at thinking of this stuff lol
which member do you think you’d get on with the best?
svt: i mean i do think i’d get along with shua really well lol, and maybe chan too hehe but also hoshi!!! idk we’d get up to some chaos together tho 😼😼 plus oddly enough like the majority of the most important people in my life are geminis and i apparently get along really well with them so 👀
skz: i’m gonna say felix again like idk man i could just see me and lix being besties ya feel ???
which member do you think you’d argue with?
svt: this is really hard because i don’t really argue with anyone lol i’m pretty chill...maybe chan lmao but like in a fun way if that makes sense ?? because i don’t think i’d argue with any of them for real
skz: again i really don’t argue much, but out of all of them probably the most likely would be jisung? even though i actually think we’d get along super well (i considered mentioning him in the previous question lol) but i think i only really argue with people in comfortable with and ik it would just be fun hehe. also to my knowledge jisung is pretty messy?? i think?? don’t ask where i’m getting that from i could be wrong lol but i’m really eat and organized so i’d fight him on that if we for some reason lived together
if you had to let one member scroll through your tumblr, who would it be?
svt: AAAA can i choose death instead LOL okay but for real maybe hoshi ?? i feel like we could laugh about things together and he wouldn’t be super weirded out or anything
skz: i think chan...yeah definitely chan i mean he has a tumble account anyways right?? yeah i just don’t think he’d be judgemental or anything lol 😌
anyways that was super fun!! if anyone actually read this wow that’s some dedication hehe it’s just me talking forever about my fave boys lol so ty if u made it though <3
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eagles-translated · 3 years
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This is when the fourth and final season of Eagles releases
This summer, the third season of the hit series Eagles premieres on SVT. Now it's confirmed that there will also be a season four - which will be the series' last. We've talked to actress Alva Bratt and screenwriter Michaela Hamilton.
The hit series "Eagles" will soon release its third season on SVT. In the series, we get to follow five teenagers who live in the hockey town Oskarshamn and their high school years, which are filled with friendship, love and rivalry - both on and off the ice. Now it's also confirmed that a fourth and final season of the SVT series is on its way. So how will it end for our favorite characters? We've talked to actress Alva Bratt and screenwriter Michaela Hamilton about the inspiration behind the characters and what the coming seasons have to offer.
- You could see it as season three and four entering phase two. When you start to face adult problems and how you handle them as a non-adult person, says Michaela Hamilton.
The second season of the teen series averaged over half a million viewers per episode and was nominated for Kristallen 2020 in the category of best TV drama of the year. Despite the success, season four will be the last season. Why is that?
- It's quite funny, the way you're asking the question. It's exactly the same thing you feel when you graduate: “Why does it have to end? We're here and having such a good time”. But we have to move on in life and release these people and relationships into the world. That is exactly what we're doing with Eagles as well, says Michaela Hamilton.
- It's good to finish on top! These were the years the show was supposed to be about. Now they're graduating and then we will set them free, Alva Bratt adds.
What will season 4 be about?
We've gotten to follow the characters during their high school years, and the fourth season will take place during the last six months before they graduate and go their own ways. Michaela remembers that there is an incredible pain in graduating and that you are exposed to the world in a completely different way.
- It is a rather bewildering moment in life when you know that you're going to be separated from people that you have first been forced to be with, but then learned to become friends with or live with, and what these goodbyes do to you. So that's where the basic story lies, says Michaela Hamilton.
Alva Bratt on Eagles-Felicia: "It's like her facade is falling quite a bit"
The third season premieres in June, and is largely about the main characters' different choices. Having to make important choices for the future, even though you may not really know who you are, and what the consequences will be. The third season of Eagles will be darker than the previous ones, which we will see in Alva Bratt's character Felicia Kroon.
- I would say that she feels darker and more insecure. It's like her facade is falling quite a bit, says Alva Bratt.
The season will address issues such as how young people are affected by anxiety over the future, mental illness and dysfunctional families. These are topics that both Michaela and Alva can recognize themselves in, but in different ways. Michaela says that she herself was very identity-seeking and insecure when she was younger. When she got a little older, she lost both her brother and stepfather and also had to go through incredible grief. She has tried to put that trauma into the Eagles' script.
- Grief is so striking and it does things to people, both in positive and negative ways. So I've really lent out a lot of my feelings about it, and it's something that has been personal to me, says Michaela.
It's precisely the search for identity that the screenwriters have attributed to Felicia's character. Trying to find out who you are by testing different identities, and that the journey there can be incredibly difficult. Themes such as mental illness and anxiety over the future are probably things that most people can relate to on some level.
- I've felt bad when I was younger, but also good. That's probably what youth is, I guess, says Michaela.
- That's probably also the climate we live in today. No one feels great all the time. I can feel anxiety over the future now more than ever. Especially with the pandemic, it's been awful on so many levels. That you have to live with the constant anxiety of the future. Even if you're feeling pretty well, it's always difficult to know what you're going to do in the future, says Alva.
They both think that these are important topics to highlight and show more sides of. Michaela says that Eagles has never tried to be a series that is only lighthearted, and they're trying to be a broader spectrum than that. The characters encounter problems such as eating disorders, cancel culture, rumors and drug problems.
- I don't think we're romanticizing anything, which I think is very important. It takes a whole lot to do certain things that some of the characters do, but at the same time there is a hopefulness in the series that gives balance, says Alva and continues:
- I think that one of the guy characters problems are highlighted very well. That these vulnerable guys get represented too, because I really think there is too little of that in media. This story also shows that all people are equal regardless of which gender, identity and class we feel like we belong in.
- Emotions belong to everyone, Michaela fills in.
Prior to the series, the production team did solid research work by interviewing young people in Oskarshamn, and among them many teenagers could recognize themselves in Felicia. But Alva Bratt, who plays the character, doesn't find many similarities between her and Felicia.
- I'm very different from my character. I've said it so many times, but she's like the teenager I never was, says Alva.
The characters may seem stereotypical at first, but as the series progresses, we get to see more sides of them. It's a bit like when we get to know someone in real life. At first we might see a happy guy, but the more we hang out with them the more sides to the person we get to see.
- I think it's nice to write a character just like that, to unfold it a bit like a flower. And it's especially important to understand that when you're young, you're not just evil or good or sad or happy. It's not a whole personality. You can change. You can feel shit but at the same time laugh with your family or have problems within the family but still be a good partner, says Michaela.
So, why has the show gotten so popular? Alva and Michaela think that a lot can be attributed to the viewers recognizing themselves or other people they know in the characters. That they are easy to relate to.
- That's the beauty of teen shows. Either you go through it, have to go through it or you have gone through it. That everyone can find something in there that you can relate to, says Michaela.
The filming for the fourth and final season starts soon. Since it has been clear that Eagles will be about the characters' time as high school students, it means that Eagles will end soon. Whether it will come in any other form remains to be seen.
- No closed doors. That's what I'll say, says Michaela.
When does Eagles season 3 premiere on SVT?
We've seen two seasons of Eagles so far and this summer the third season will finally premiere. Add June 4th 2021 to your calendars - that's the premiere date for season 3.
Quick Recap: This has happened in earlier seasons of Eagles
The first two seasons of Eagles can no longer be watched on SVT Play, which means that they're not possible to stream at the moment. Along with season 3, the previous episodes will return soon. But do you want to refresh your memory for the next season right now? If so, here's a quick recap of what happened in seasons 1 and 2.
This happened in Eagles season 1
In the first season of Eagles we met the Kroon siblings - the influencer Felicia (Alva Bratt) and the hockey player Elias (Edvard Olsson), who moved back to Sweden after their time in the US. Their father was a hockey professional in the NHL but is now taking over as a coach for the hockey team in Oskarshamn.
Felicia starts seeing Ludvig (Adrian Öjvindsson), the hockey talent who's been the best in the team - until Elias joined. The rivalry between the young people reflects much of the season both in friendship, love and popularity.
Klara Ceder (Sarah Gustafsson) who is the school's IT girl feels threatened by Felicia who invades her territory, both as the school's most popular girl and by hanging out with Amie (Yandeh Sallah), who was Klara's friend from the beginning.
Ludvig has family problems and drowns them in alcohol at a party. At the party he meets Amie, and something happens between them.
This happened in Eagles season 2
The second season of Eagles picks up from the dramatic end of season 1, but here we get to see a slightly darker season. Elias starts dating Klara, who Felicia doesn't like. But at the end of the season, Klara apologizes to Felicia, and we get to see other sides of her. Is this the beginning of a new friendship?
Felicia dates Jack Barrett (Filip Wolfe Sjunnesson), a new assistant coach on the team, until she learns worrying things about him.
There is a strange atmosphere between Ludvig and Amie, but they continue to make music together. When Ludvig ends up in the hospital after a hockey tackle, Amie kisses him, but he doesn't kiss her back. Are you allowed to fall in love with your friend's ex?
Cecilia Arvidsson March 15th, 2021 Source: (x)
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