#i guess this is what my teachers saw when they looked at lil ole 18-20 yr old me idk
aaghht · 2 years
animation.... rant? just thinking in general
not to sound negative, but man, every time I see another tweet or text post compare some new animated work to spiderverse again, I just think, "WATCH MORE ANIMATION" - because the world of animation, the history of it and the kinds of looks and stories people tell through it is really really more vast than you think. And I don't mean just feature films or tv series. If possible, go see your local animation festival or check if a local school has a student film day. Sometimes these events have free entrance. Or browse animated shorts on youtube. there are so many original animated short films online both there and on vimeo. there is so much cool and weird original stuff on the short film circuit.
I get that when you're young, or maybe like animation is only accessible to you thru the internet bc of where you live, it's hard to see more animation than what's on the big screen. but it just feels so empty to only have spiderverse as your big comparison stick for "how good animation can be" or "this is the top of animation". Because honestly, without a lot of previous animation work, this movie probably wouldn't be quite the same. Some of the artists worked on Cloudy with a chance of meatballs for example. that probably influenced something in the process a bit, if we start looking into it. And there were stylised 3D movies before this too. You'll probably find a lot of these in bootleg form online, or even better, the original artist/studio has put it up. Check out stuff from other countries too. Yes, it was very unique in visuals and good at handling it's main story and topics (imo), but also, animation will probably keep going even further than that. I'm glad audiences are expecting more stylized big studio films and that's putting those studios into a position where they actually consider that more than usual and let their artists push their films into those directions..... I'm thinking about this as an animation fan who has also been in a similar place more-or-less. Any new animated thing I saw when I was younger looked amazing the first time and still impresses me even when I watch it now. So I guess, if spiderverse was that for you, I'm hoping you find more new things to see that are like that. But I also feel like there's lots of cool animated stuff from the past that you can see 2.
yeah ok, maybe i'm... just a little annoyed how many ppl keep comparing newer films (eg studio stuff from dreamworks) to spiderverse when it's possible that they have overlapping crews or it's just that spiderverse wasn't the only catalyst. perhaps for western audiences/studios, but the artists working on these animated films already have so much experience and probably drew from a lot of influences and inspiration sources. like I get it. it's the current goalpost, it moved it. Spiderverse just... took a risk and it pays off now in seeing more of "less-realistic" and slightly more experimental western 3D animation. There's more 3D animated on two's and three's, more of a 2D and exaggerated look to some games and movies now. that's like the surface-level stuff. I look online and see crews from new animated things posting about how they really loved working on the movie and how fun it was. young artists being inspired to make something more different, to include themselves in their own work even more. and those things are really the best outcomes I can think of that atm. We're seeing more black leads in US animation, more voice roles for black actors. all super good things, there's probably more I'm just not remembering atm. but it's a bit sad that it's the only animated thing people are remembering. even worse when people dismiss something new completely just bc it didn't match the same imaginary goalpost or if it's not doing the same thing at all.
like... if you're already an animation fan. just watch more animation please. especially if american animation is the only stuff you've seen. like it's ok if you haven't, but build a little curiosity beyond what you're already familiar with and you might find something amazing. you might find more stuff to like. I see people bemoan how badly animation is doing right now and yeah, I can imagine for the crews especially. but then maybe expand your palate a little. it can be really fun as an animation fan to see something completely new, or something that looks a bit like that favourite thing and you realize, ah, these two things might be a little connected. like even with lower effort, with a bit of curiosity, you can find lots of cool animated stuff like that.
somewhat separately, it is also very annoying for me that online fans will actually see these series or films that become their favourites as such a huge milestone that they will belittle anything else new (this is a more minor gripe bc I only see it singular tweets/posts etc but still. it's a tad weird when it's public)
same goes for stuff like Rise of the TMNT - yes, very good series, but also, there is More Animation out there and there will Be more animation.
same here - LOVE the series but - oh my god it literally builds on so many other experiences and shows by the crew/artists/writers, look up more shows with the crewmembers and showrunners involved and you'll see where it's coming from. there's so much amazing older stuff out there and running around and connecting that just gives a bigger picture of what your fave thing was inspired by. it's fun! try it
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explode-a-pult · 6 years
All the Hogwarts Mystery asks 🤗
1. Did you use your real Last Name in the game or not? Why?
yeah, well–i used jay, but I used my real last name lol 
2. Which house did you take and why? (Any back stories why you took it?)
I chose Ravenclaw!~ I mainly chose it because I am a Ravenclaw in like…every quiz I’ve ever taken? thats a lie I’ve gotten slytherin before a couple times
3. Opinion on Rowan?
they’re just a pure lil ravenclaw like they were made for ravenclaw idk why they didn’t keep them in ravenclaw but anywho~ i adore them–i mean, they’re a lil nerd and a bit lame in what they think is ‘cool’ but i still love em
4. Favourite character so far and why?
hmmm idk i mean, everyone is in love with penny or bill but i’m just meh on it all…i love good ol’ minnie the most, probably lol (I can’t spell her name I’m dumb I know shhhhh)
5. Who did you take with you on the first adventure to discover what’s behind the door and why? (Did you take Penny or Ben. And if you haven’t come that far, who do you plan to take along with?)
I took Ben because I didn’t have enough friendship for Penny UnU
6. Which character are you most excited to meet in the game? (This can be characters that haven’t appeared in your friend list, for example Charlie Weasley)
Tonks, probably~ Or even the twins, who are supposed to come in your seventh year
7. Have you heard any theories about the game? If so, which one?
8. Opinion on Merula?
uUuuuuuuUUUuuggggh just malfoy as a girl tbh like so in love with my character but so repressed… she’s pretty annoying tho too, sometimes like gurl just leave me alone and let me solve this mystery–OR help me solve it since you want to figure it out so bad like bruv chill… also, that hair? what is it? why do you have one streak? 
9. Favourite teacher?
I love McG the mostest even if i can’t spell her name flitwick is a close second tho
10. What do you think about your Prefect?
fucking annoying ass chester that motherfucker i fucking hate him omfg i wanna sock him in the face always fucking ‘didn’t lose more house points did you?’ ‘you haven’t gotten in trouble recently, i’m impressed’ like bITCH get on my level i’ve got the house up 60 points over the second place house BY MYSELF like brooooo i’ve earned over 200 points this year alone and i’m only half way through second year bUT NO, I LOSE 40 POINTS ONCE AND NOW I’M A TROUBLE MAKER, fuck you chester you lil shit. cursing slytherins when they’re not paying attention ass, not doing shit for the house ass, always on my ass ass… also, making me feel bad for not being able to volunteer for that slytherin altercation side quest, fuck yooooouuuu 
so yeah. that’s what i feel for my male prefect. never met my female one yet.
edit: I was being nice. I got us 93 points ahead of the second place gryffindors.
11. Do you care about your brother Jacob? Why?
idk I guess I do? I just think ‘what if it were renee/ray/my other siblings’ and i’m like i would be surprised they did this bec they’re all fuckin introverts and not really ambitious enough to try find something enough to break rules? so it’s like…eeeehhhhhh i try to care but I’m more interested in like, being at hogwarts tbh
12. Are you more interested about Vaults or what happened to your brother?
probably what happened to my brother, because like…it drove him mad? what did it? watch, the vaults are just gonna be some stupid thing like the philosophers stone or s.t that’ll get moved at the end and that’s why the cursed vaults were never brought up in the books xD
13. Hogwarts Mystery or The Cursed Child? Best story so far?
I never read the cursed child bec fuck that. i’m not reading about a kid named albus severus like lmaooo
14. Any ideas what can have happened to your brother?
nope! merula says she knows but she’s not telling like the lil bitch she is. says he hasn’t got much time now so like??????????? is he dying?????
15. What do you hope you will get to do in the game?
uh romance people and actually fly around and duel more and actually get to befriend people without having to do stupid side quests like bruv
16. There is a lot negative about the energy bar, can you give something else about the game that you think is really positive? Can be anything!
you get to go to hogwarts, what’s the big issue? stop complaining about shit yo like have you tried other energy based games? shits ridiculous, especially in the money grubbing ones like kim k’s or even in the idol ones or those otome games like goddamn they’re expensive once you start hitting higher levels because you’ll end up needing gems and shit to refill your energy, meanwhile this one is every hour 50 you get a full bar again 
17. Some stuff have appeared in the game that they never had in the movies, what are you happy have appeared in the game?
peeves is cool. you get an energy from tapping on him. also, depending on which house you choose, you get to see what they look like…also also you get to go to different areas that weren’t in the movie like filch’s office and shit, also hogsmeade is available in third year so i’m excited for that
oh, also! spells! like spongify seems like i’d use it all the time bec squish
18. Can you think of a song that suit to the story?
do you believe in magic
lol jokes idk not off the top of my head
19. How has the game affect your life? (is it hard to play because you’re at school/job? Has it affect your sleep schedule? Affect your phone?)
it really hasn’t affected me in any way other than having a new game on my phones? idk i guess it does take some time outta my life but i usually stick to 1 hour missions because that usually depletes my energy for two hours but i get like 40 attribute points or 1000 coins because i force reset the app when i get rewards so it takes maybe 20 minutes a mission? 
20. How many have you told about the game?
i saw the tweet about it and went BOI, screenshot it and sent it to my sibs group chat and was all ‘fi you think i didn’t download this immediately’ and then showed my neph tex it when he asked what i was playing and he downloaded it and apparently my bro-in-law has it but idgaf about that but anyway yeah…
21. Who do you think Barnaby Lee is and what do you think he has purpose in the game?
i think he’s bae tbh 
lol fuck watch it being my brother using polyjuice to try find the vaults again aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh 
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sleepwalkwith-me · 6 years
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
— What was your last…
1. Drink: Coffee
2. Phone call: a friend called me because she took the bus to my house but she didn’t really know where she had to go
3. Text message: i asked a friend what we would give this other friend for his birthday (surprise, we ended on money. how original amirite?!?!)
4. Song you listened to: mystery of love – sufjan stevens (did i cry listening to this??????? maybe)
5. Time you cried: oh. well. listening to mystery of love haha. i saw call me by your name two days ago and idk why but this song just HITS ME LIKE A TRUCK
__ Have you ever…
6. Dated someone twice: i have never actually dated anyone
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nah mate no regrats
8. Been cheated on: like i said, have never dated anyone, so no.
9. Lost someone special: yes
10. Been depressed: not really, i haven’t been diagnosed or anything. but sometimes i feel like there’s definitely something up with that brain of mine.
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Yes. 10/10 would not recommend.
— Fave colours
12. black
13. green
14. yellow
— In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends: yessss. i started a new study in a new city, so i met loads of new people. i’m lucky enough to call some of them very close friends already :)
16. Fallen out of love: Love?????? no. but this year i got over this big crush (iguess? a bit more than just a crush lol) that kinda dominated my life for a year or two.
17. Laughed until you cried: i don’t even remember what it was about but yesterdayme and my friend marijn were in the weirdest mood where everything was funny as heck
18. Found out someone was talking about you: no not really? i mean people probably do but who cares you know
19. Met someone who changed you: i wouldn’t say completely ‘changed’ me, but one of my new friends from university does make me a more WokeTM person so i think that counts as positive change right?
20. Found out who your friends are: not in a bad way, but i graduated high school this year, so now i realise that i don’t speak to a few of my old friends anymore and that they were just friends because i saw them everyday.
21. Kissed someone on your facebook friends list: yeh.
— General
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know irl: All of them.
23. Do you have any pets: Noooo, i used to have cute lil bunnies but i have been pet-less for about 8 years i think :(
24. Do you want to change your name: nah. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have the dutch ‘ij’ in my name bc it’s had for non-dutch people to pronounce, but that also makes it cool i guess
25. What did you do for your last birthday: i had 2 exams on my birthday haha, so that was my main activity. But afterwards I went out for dinner and drinks with my friends which was very nice <3
26. What time did you wake up today: 6:30 and i DID NOT LIKE IT
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: downstairs, in my house, pouring myself a tea before going to bed. i came home from a symposium at 23:30 so i needed a little chill out time before i could go to bed
28. What is something you can’t wait for: lots of things!!! things that are happening in the near future, like going to the efteling (dutch themepark) with my friends in a few weeks, going out tomorrow, spending this weekend at my sisters house in amsterdam, or going to mallorca with mah gurlz this summer. But also i can’t wait for things like falling in love!! meeting people that will be in your life forever!!! moving to Utrecht!!! 
30. What are you listening to right now: my mom and dad talking about books they are reading, and the radio (radio 4, classical music) is playing in the background
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: weirdly; no??? at first i was like yeah ofc everyone knows someone named tom but then i couldn’t think of anyone???? weird dude.
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves: my own stupid ass bc there are a million things i should be doing rn but what am i doing????? filling in this tag bc i’m selfobsessed ha ha lol
33. Most visited website: tumblr or netflix i think
34. Hair colour: Blonde
35. Long or short hair: not like Really Long but it’s over my shoulders so idk
36. Do you have a crush on someone: i’m crushing 24/7 honey, whether it’s on a celebrity, or a cute guy from my class, or even someone that has been even the tiniest bit nice to me haha what’s wrong with me??? idk i love people man
37. What do you like about yourself: i’m always trying to see the good in people, which some people don’t really see as a positive thing and they tell me that it’s gonna get me screwed over or something but idk i think it’s a good thing
38. Want any piercings: atm i have 3 earrings in my left ear, 2 in my right, and also a helix piercing in my right ear. and boiiiiii do i want more! i really like earpiercings but idk which one to get next yet
39. Blood type: don’t know actually. is that weird? is that something i should know? oh well
40. Nicknames: depends on who i’m with, but a few are: karlit, karliño, karlinna, kar(rie), carlos, and heyitscarry (that’s my snapchat, everyone makes fun of me for it lol), 
41. Relationship status: single
42. Sign: ~~*aquarius*~~
43. Pronouns: she/her
44. Fave tv show: it’s usually the one i’m watching at the moment, but a few overall favs are brooklyn nine-nine, new girl, american horror story, teen wolf, queer eye (!!!), jane the virgin, shadowhunters (i know it’s shit but MALEC IS THE ONLY THING KEEPING ME ALIVE RN), and oh my i could go on. idk, i just really love shows in general; good or ‘bad’, if they make me happy i’m instantly like ‘yup just found my new fav show!!!’
45. Tattoos: sadly, no
46. Right or left handed: righty
47: Ever had surgery: yeah once when i was little, i think i had something with my ear but i don’t even really know
48. Piercings: like i said, just my ears; 3 normal ones on the left, 2 normal ones + a helix on the right
49. Sport: not anymore whoops but i used to dance and do this weird sport called wheel gymnastics. look it up, it’s fun.
50. Vacation: what about it?? uhmmm upcoming ones are a 3 day trip to berlin with this huge student organisation in may, and a week in mallorca with my friends this summer.
51. Trainers: as in.. shoes? like.. sneakers?? idk, don’t own them. i usually wear converse in summer and my fake dr. martins or my heels in winter i guess haha
— More general
52. Eating: rn? nothing, just had dinner tho
53. Drinking: coffeeeee
54. I’m about to watch: the flash, 3x04 
55. Waiting for: my deadlines and exams to be over so i can do nothing without feeling guilty
56. Want: ???? so many things?????
57. Get married: uhmmmmmmmmmmm not yet 
58. Career: well i don’t have one if that’s what you’re asking. but i’m studying sociology so idk i hope to get a job where i can use my sociology-skills
— Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses: both plz 
60. Lips or eyes: eyes
61. Shorter or taller: shorter
62. Older or younger: ?????
63. Nice arms or stomach: arms fuck me the fuck up
64. Hookup or relationships: depends??? 
65. Troublemaker or hesitant: i think a combination of both would be good
— Have you ever
66. Kissed a stranger: ya
67. Drank hard liquor: ya
68. Turned someone down: ya
69. Sex on first date: i’m a big ol’ virgin waddup
70: Broken someone’s heart: yes, sadly.
71. Had your heart broken: notreally
72. Been arrested: haha no 
73. Cried when someone died: yes
74. Fallen for a friend: yessssssss 
— Do you believe in
75. Yourself: i go from yes! i am that bitch! to hell no who is this and what does she think she’s doing 
76. Miracles: i mean, not in a religious way or anything. but i think it’s a cute way of naming small, nice, alsmost-impossible things that happen 
77. Love at first sight: i think you can definitely FEEL that you are going to click with someone just by looking at them, but love? no.
78. Santa Claus: in the netherlands we have a slightly different holiday that we celebrate (don’t worry, we also have christmas) where there’s also a man that gives you presents and such. i don’t really remember but my mom always tells me that i very quickly didn’t buy the impossible things surrounding this Sinterklaas. i would always ask questions like; but HOW THE FUCK does he get to every child in ONE NIGHT??? (well maybe i didn’t ask it like that but.. you get it)
79. Angels: nah
— Misc
80. Eye colour: blue
81. Best friends name: Kim, vienna, femke, and estelle
82. Favourite movie: i don’t like ‘favourite’ questions bc i cannot choose man. it totally depends on what kind of movie we’re talking about??? like, i love movies like 17again and mean girls and high school musical? but i also loove movies like call me by your name??? and things like harry potter??? WHAT KIND ARE WE TALKING ABOUT
83. Favourite actor: again... favourite?? there are actors that i think are really talented, there are some that i just like as a person, there are some that i like just bc they play this character? the one that came to mind was dylan o’brien, bc i think beside his looks and nice personality he is an amazing actor (stiles! VOIDSTILES! Mitch rapp! Thomas! wauw what a guy)
84. Favourite cartoon: i don’t really watch cartoons i a m so r ry
85. Favourite teacher’s name: Meneer van Leeuwen. He was my philosophy teacher, but he also teaches physics and ANW (algemene natuurwetenschappen, was BESTE OOIT), and he was my mentor (not the right word sorry idk) for this big endproject that you have to do at the end of highschool in the netherlands). he was truly the BESt.
Thank you @foolishly-fond for tagging me! i’m always a slut for filling things in about myself l o l so i enjoyed doing this. 
I don’t really know who i should tag, and 20 people is a LOT so youknow, consider yourself tagged if you feel like doing this :) x
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