#tumblr not working so i hope this formats correctly lol
aaghht · 2 years
animation.... rant? just thinking in general
not to sound negative, but man, every time I see another tweet or text post compare some new animated work to spiderverse again, I just think, "WATCH MORE ANIMATION" - because the world of animation, the history of it and the kinds of looks and stories people tell through it is really really more vast than you think. And I don't mean just feature films or tv series. If possible, go see your local animation festival or check if a local school has a student film day. Sometimes these events have free entrance. Or browse animated shorts on youtube. there are so many original animated short films online both there and on vimeo. there is so much cool and weird original stuff on the short film circuit.
I get that when you're young, or maybe like animation is only accessible to you thru the internet bc of where you live, it's hard to see more animation than what's on the big screen. but it just feels so empty to only have spiderverse as your big comparison stick for "how good animation can be" or "this is the top of animation". Because honestly, without a lot of previous animation work, this movie probably wouldn't be quite the same. Some of the artists worked on Cloudy with a chance of meatballs for example. that probably influenced something in the process a bit, if we start looking into it. And there were stylised 3D movies before this too. You'll probably find a lot of these in bootleg form online, or even better, the original artist/studio has put it up. Check out stuff from other countries too. Yes, it was very unique in visuals and good at handling it's main story and topics (imo), but also, animation will probably keep going even further than that. I'm glad audiences are expecting more stylized big studio films and that's putting those studios into a position where they actually consider that more than usual and let their artists push their films into those directions..... I'm thinking about this as an animation fan who has also been in a similar place more-or-less. Any new animated thing I saw when I was younger looked amazing the first time and still impresses me even when I watch it now. So I guess, if spiderverse was that for you, I'm hoping you find more new things to see that are like that. But I also feel like there's lots of cool animated stuff from the past that you can see 2.
yeah ok, maybe i'm... just a little annoyed how many ppl keep comparing newer films (eg studio stuff from dreamworks) to spiderverse when it's possible that they have overlapping crews or it's just that spiderverse wasn't the only catalyst. perhaps for western audiences/studios, but the artists working on these animated films already have so much experience and probably drew from a lot of influences and inspiration sources. like I get it. it's the current goalpost, it moved it. Spiderverse just... took a risk and it pays off now in seeing more of "less-realistic" and slightly more experimental western 3D animation. There's more 3D animated on two's and three's, more of a 2D and exaggerated look to some games and movies now. that's like the surface-level stuff. I look online and see crews from new animated things posting about how they really loved working on the movie and how fun it was. young artists being inspired to make something more different, to include themselves in their own work even more. and those things are really the best outcomes I can think of that atm. We're seeing more black leads in US animation, more voice roles for black actors. all super good things, there's probably more I'm just not remembering atm. but it's a bit sad that it's the only animated thing people are remembering. even worse when people dismiss something new completely just bc it didn't match the same imaginary goalpost or if it's not doing the same thing at all.
like... if you're already an animation fan. just watch more animation please. especially if american animation is the only stuff you've seen. like it's ok if you haven't, but build a little curiosity beyond what you're already familiar with and you might find something amazing. you might find more stuff to like. I see people bemoan how badly animation is doing right now and yeah, I can imagine for the crews especially. but then maybe expand your palate a little. it can be really fun as an animation fan to see something completely new, or something that looks a bit like that favourite thing and you realize, ah, these two things might be a little connected. like even with lower effort, with a bit of curiosity, you can find lots of cool animated stuff like that.
somewhat separately, it is also very annoying for me that online fans will actually see these series or films that become their favourites as such a huge milestone that they will belittle anything else new (this is a more minor gripe bc I only see it singular tweets/posts etc but still. it's a tad weird when it's public)
same goes for stuff like Rise of the TMNT - yes, very good series, but also, there is More Animation out there and there will Be more animation.
same here - LOVE the series but - oh my god it literally builds on so many other experiences and shows by the crew/artists/writers, look up more shows with the crewmembers and showrunners involved and you'll see where it's coming from. there's so much amazing older stuff out there and running around and connecting that just gives a bigger picture of what your fave thing was inspired by. it's fun! try it
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kirkscarr · 2 months
ok so i just finished my book cover for First, Best Destiny - Part 1 by the amazing @ophelia-j !!
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admittedly i was going to wait until i actually attached the text block to the cover before i posted this haha, but i was SO excited after making this cover that i decided to just post it and then update with the finished product later!!
this book is absolutely embedded in my soul, and words cannot even describe how gorgeously it’s written. it’s a book that made me realize - hey, the adventure doesn’t end as you grow old.
you can read it here. i promise you won’t regret it!!!
anyways!!! here’s all of my other bookbinding steps for anyone interested.
cam’s somewhat incomplete bookbinding guide
please note that i am an AMATEUR hobbyist. please do not actually use this as a tutorial.
oh also!! bookbinding terminology will have a * by it which will be explained at the end in order to make this flow better. i’ll also link the tutorials i used at the end of this for anyone interested.
1) Formatting the document! I downloaded the original text as a PDF, and then designed a cover page, grabbed some art from the internet (i know, frowned upon, but this is just a personal copy so it is what it is), and then designed a table of contents and chapter icons!!
*side note! i added which episodes each chapter follows to the table of contents (pictured below) as this book was written as an accompaniment to TOS and the movies.
2) Next, I printed out all NINE HUNDRED PAGES??? admittedly i could have done it in less if I’d used a bigger page size, but sending things out to be printed is expensive so we made do. after printing, i folded them into signatures*.
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*there’s an additional note about the paper i used at the end
3) punching out holes in all the signatures! although not technically necessary, I honestly don’t think i would’ve been able to sew this behemoth without doing it.
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4) sewing the pages into a real!! actual!! book!! this was the part i was most nervous about. i’ve NEVER attempted to sew anywhere near this large of a book before, so i tried out a new method of sewing in hopes of making it a bit more sturdy. we won’t know if it worked until this book endures some wear and tear, but i’m pretty optimistic!
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5) next up is glueing the spine! this is where it really hit me that a lot of bookbinding is just…glueing shit together. later i also added cardstock to the spine in hopes of helping it adhere to the cover better, and a book headband* for decoration.
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5) now we’re onto the book cover!! they only sell bookboard in minor bulk around here, so we’re not even gonna discuss how much bookboard i now own… anyways! i glued the faux leather onto the bookboard and then let that dry.
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6) last up! off to the cricket! a huge thank you to my friend for letting me borrow her cricket AND supplies! anywho, this is where i designed my cover art. i then adhered the design to the cover. after this step, i realized i…definitely need some kind of sealant - so, if any more seasoned bookbinders have suggestions for this i am all ears!!
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all in all, this was a super fun project, and a great way to kill some time while i recover from surgery! i absolutely plan to bind the sequel at some point, but that may be a…ways away. i’m a STEM major and school starts back up soon so…time will be in short supply lol!
To be continued...
*signature: group of sheets folded in half, to be worked into the binding as a unit.
*book headband: just look up a picture if you’re curious because tumblr says i can't add any more pictures lol.
*about the paper!! i actually got it from a local specialty paper store, but if you want something similar i've heard amazon has some good bookbinding alternatives!
please PLEASE go check out Jess Less on youtube. she's phenomenal. here are her vids and what i used them for.
don't laugh!! i actually stole MOST of my techniques straight from this video.
i used this one to help me format the book correctly! although i still ended up with some goofs haha (see: any pages on the left side have the page number in the margin LMAO).
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angstyaches · 2 years
Hi! I just want to start off by saying I'm a really big fan of your writing. My fav is Charlie and Shayne 💜💜 Apologies in advance if I am not formatting this correctly. I'm not too familiar with Tumblr etiquette. This is my first ask! I would like to request a fluffy hunger/stomachache fic. The scenario I imagine is one of them is not taking care of themselves because of the demands of work/school. It's catching up with them via hunger pains. thank you for your consideration! -🦦💜
Thank you, lovely otter anon; this was a perfect request, and such a nice one to start off the new year. I hope I did it justice!
CW: prolonged hunger (unintentional), mention of food issues, stomach pain, stomach noises (onomatopoeic because I've been feeling it lately lol), brief embarrassment/flustering.
“I’m fed up of talking about college now,” Charlie sighed. “I want to know about you. How are you, lovely?”
Shrunk down to fit on a screen that Charlie could hold in the palm of his hand, Shayne seemed to be sitting at the desk in his bedroom at the Aldridges’, one side of his face lit more brightly than the other as the fading daylight drifted in through the net curtains. Charlie knew there were net curtains in Shayne’s room because he remembered thinking ‘who still puts up net curtains these days?’ 
“I’m okay,” Shayne said. “A bit tired after training with Ryan all week. Elliott’s not here and she’s taking all of her mentoring out on me.”
Charlie broke into a nervous half-smile and leaned back into his pillow. It was flat – standard issue for students who were availing of campus accommodation – and he kept meaning to steal a fluffier one from his parents’ house. His room was on the ground floor of the building, so in order to retain any amount of privacy from the outside, he had shut his curtains despite the early hour (oh, wait – maybe that was why people used net curtains?). The only light was from his desk lamp across the room, which made his face look a bit ominous on-screen.
The shadows seemed to elongate his weariness, carving it out of his pores and his cheekbones. He hoped the quality of the picture on Shayne's end was low-quality enough that he wouldn't notice.
“How long did you train for today?”
“I don’t know,” Shayne grumbled, pressing his fingers into his own shoulder as though working on a knot. “Like, a billion hours?”
“A billion hours, wow,” Charlie remarked. He licked his lips, guilt stirring in his gut as he prepared to ask; “Have you eaten today?”
Shayne made a slightly disgusted face, which Charlie luckily knew was only partly serious. He lowered his voice and his gaze, eyes landing anywhere but on the camera lens. “Yes, idiot.”
Charlie waited a second, just in case Shayne was planning on elaborating. It was never a good idea to push him for details, but on occasion, he offered them up freely.
“Sorry. I had to check.”
“It’s okay.”
The guilt still churned sickeningly in Charlie’s belly. He hated bringing up triggering topics and making his boyfriend uneasy – especially when he wasn’t actually there to try to comfort him – but tonight, the guilt was about more than that.
Charlie himself was struggling to think of a single time, in the past four days, where he’d sat down and had an actual meal.
Cookies and muffins were snatched up from the student union shop in between seminars; packets of crisps and jellies were slowly munched over the course of five-hour essay-writing marathons; the odd smoothie was slurped on during a lecture. The only hot form of sustenance – if you could even call it sustenance – he’d had was in the form of coffee. And the volume of coffee was an issue in itself, far exceeding the volume of water that had passed his lips that week.
Tonight was the first opportunity where he might have been able to put a frozen pizza in the oven, or boil some pasta, but even if Charlie hadn’t been too exhausted to stand in the kitchen that he shared with three other students he barely knew, he still wouldn’t have done it.
Because since early that afternoon, hours before he’d handed in his final assignment of the week, he’d had a horrible tummy ache.
Maybe it was the stress of the final weeks of the semester. Maybe it was the endless flow of coffee eating away at the lining of his stomach. Maybe it was both. Charlie didn’t know.
What he did know was that seeing Shayne’s face – even on his phone screen – made him feel marginally better. That was, at least, until he’d started questioning his poor boyfriend on his eating habits, like a hypocrite.
“What time are you going to your parents’ tomorrow?” Shayne asked, still not really letting his eyes focus on the camera. He was anxious to divert the conversation away from food, and Charlie was, too.
“I think I’m getting the train around ten past one. After my last seminar,” Charlie said. The pain in his belly swelled at the thought of spending the weekend and jumping into the following week without having seen Shayne at all. “Are you sure you can’t come? They’d love to see you. And obviously, I would, too.”
Shayne shook his head. “Sorry, love. Nancy is still saying it’s better for everyone if I keep laying low. You know, Ryan hasn’t even been taking me to the Green. We’ve been training in the basement.”
Charlie clicked his tongue and found his mouth and throat unexpectedly dry. Fear erupted at the core of his being, flickering nauseatingly, whenever he let his mind appreciate the fact that it was dangerous for Shayne to be without Nancy’s or Ryan’s protection. He couldn’t imagine how scary it must have been for Shayne to know that, too, and he immediately felt bad for trying to convince him to come out.
He eyed the bottle of water on his desk, which he’d purchased earlier in the week and then promptly forgot to avail of.
“Do say hi to them for me, though,” Shayne said, referring to Charlie’s parents.
“’Course I will.” Charlie heaved himself upright and slid to the edge of the mattress. God, his head felt heavy, and his cheek absolutely did not want to leave the pillow. He needed to grab that water, though. Maybe dehydration was also partly to blame for the dull, persistent spasms in his stomach.
He slumped back onto the bed, laying his phone down for a few seconds to unscrew the cap on his bottle. This left Shayne looking at the blank-white ceiling. Charlie took advantage of the few seconds of invisibility to rub his stomach, pressing his fingers deeply into his flesh. Hopefully, the firm, circular motion would relieve the pressure he could feeling building in his organs. If it was gas, or if something he’d snacked on was upsetting his belly, it was better to get things moving so the pain could fade.
As he took a drink, he could feel the room-temperature caress of the liquid trickling through his oesophagus and into his stomach. His belly let out a little glug, echoing the sound his throat made when he swallowed.
“Are you seeing Jonathan and Belle this weekend?” Shayne’s voice asked.
“I’m not sure, actually...” Charlie gasped and reached for his phone, his belly distress momentarily forgotten, brushed aside in a rush of excitement. “Oh – did I tell you that he and Nicole might be getting back together?”
“What – no?” Shayne exclaimed.
“Yeah! She’s going to be living at Jon’s three days a week for a while, just to see how it goes. Like a trial.”
“Fuck, Charlie, that’s so cool.” The softening look in Shayne’s eyes was palpable, even through the wall of pixels. That look made Charlie’s insides feel squishy. “I know you worry about Belle’s situation.”
“Yeah – I mean, I’m not saying non-conventional families can never work,” Charlie blurted out, not for the first time since he’d found out he had a niece. The rush of being able to tell Shayne the news about Jon and Nicole was quickly wearing off, and he felt his attention being drawn back to the ache in his stomach. At least he could continue rubbing it a bit while keeping his phone directed at his face and shoulders. “It’d just be nice to know that she’s always got two – ”
“Um – two people around to depend on.” Charlie harshly cleared his throat. He felt the burbling of his stomach under his hand, through his hoodie. “And as – as much as he pisses me off, I want Jon to be happy, too, you know?”
Shayne narrowed his eyes. “Mmhmm. Are you okay? What was that face?”
Charlie blinked and pulled his hand away from his belly, in case Shayne could somehow sense that it was there. He reached for his bottle of water again. “What face?”
“I don’t know, I can’t do your faces.” Shayne rolled his eyes. “The one you make when you’re trying not to complain about something.”
“Oh. Well, my tummy hurts a little bit,” Charlie admitted in between sips.
That soft look didn’t really leave Shayne’s eyes, but he did frown and seem to peer a bit more carefully at Charlie through the screen. “Really?”
Charlie tried to force a half-smile. That look of concern was exactly what he'd been hoping to avoid. He lifted his bottle for another sip. His mouth was still dry, his head still felt a bit fuzzy, but the weight of the water was starting to make his stomach feel like it trying to fold itself in half. The pain was sharper now, in that pinpricked way that felt as though shifting position might relieve it.
"I'm sure it's just the stress leaving..." Charlie's voice faltered.
"Leaving my body," Charlie finished. That last gurgle had built all the way up into a full-fledged growl, pinching the walls of his stomach together. He felt like a deflating balloon that had just lost the last remnants of its air.
“What was that?” Shayne demanded.
Shit. Charlie's head felt like it might explode. “What?”
“You made another face.”
“You – you didn’t hear that?” Charlie swallowed. He really needed to get these alleged faces under control. Their phones must have been good at drowning out background noise, even if it was coming from close-by. “My stomach just made this… huge noise.”
“That's what that was?"
Charlie let his phone drop onto the mattress and curled himself up into a ball, scooping his pillow into his arms and burying his face in it.
“I thought it was, like, a motorbike, or something, passing your apartment,” Shayne said through the phone speaker, even though he was talking to the ceiling again.
“Hey, that’s… rude,” Charlie whispered. He pulled the phone closer and kept most of his face hidden behind the pillow.
“How's that rude?” Shayne raised his eyebrows when he realised he could see Charlie again – well, his forehead and eyes, anyway. “It’s not my fault your stomach just screamed at me down the phone.”
Charlie felt like an electric shock had just been administered to both sides of his face, blasting the blood vessels in his cheeks. He could have sworn Shayne’s lips pressed a little tighter together, like he was fighting a smirk.
“Shut up,” Charlie quipped. Oh. Good one.
“What’d you do, forget to eat, or something?”
He didn’t mean to hesitate. He really didn’t. He meant to laugh it off, to pretend he hadn’t neglected his stomach for so long that even half a bottle of water was seemingly too much for it to handle right now.
“Wait. Fuck. Really?” Shayne propped an elbow on his desk and dropped his chin into his hand, like this conversation was a weight that had just manifested on his shoulders. “Charlie.”
“Shayne,” Charlie groaned.
"Is it possible you're actually having hunger pains right now? What’d you eat today?”
“I had a –”
“And I swear to fuck, Charlie, if you say the words ‘iced coffee’, I will leave this house, get on a bus, come to your apartment, punch you in the fucking arm, and then leave again,” Shayne said. “Madelyn be damned.”
Charlie gulped. “It wasn’t iced, it was normal.”
Shayne lifted his head from his palm so that he could rub at his jaw. A clear-cut sign of frustration.
"I'm sorry," Charlie sighed.
"What? You're sorry to me?"
"Yeah, I'm... I'm always giving you a hard time about food." Charlie tugged the pillow down a little lower, revealing more of his face. It also meant that he was hugging the pillow to his stomach now, which, admittedly, wasn't as good as when he'd been physically kneading it with his hand. "I feel like a hypocrite."
“Charlie, love – you – you give me a hard time because… someone probably should.” Shayne scoffed, probably trying to hide the slight tremble in his voice. "I’m… I’m worried about you now.”
“I know, I can tell,” Charlie grimaced. “You’re stretching your jaw.”
“No, I’m not. Shut up. You’re going to hang up –”
Charlie winced and hugged himself harder. The very last thing he wanted was to be left alone with his misery. “I wanna keep talking to you.”
Shayne glared as if to say, let me fucking finish. “You’re going to hang up, order something on your… food app thing, and then call me back while you’re waiting for it to arrive.”
The thought of food was confusing to Charlie's stomach as he tried to envision it. On the one hand, the last thing it wanted to do in its abused state was to be put to work, digesting something heavy and/or greasy. But on the other, it'd been stewing in acid and coffee for so long that it'd probably feel like a relief to be lined with something different.
Creamy chicken korma, maybe, and fluffy basmati rice...
"Fine," Charlie sighed. "I'll order something."
"I don't need to hang up, though. I can just minimize the chat window."
"Right. Minimize the thing."
"Stop stretching your jaw, lovely," Charlie repeated as he started to scroll through a list of nearby restaurants.
"Hey," Shayne murmured. "You're supposed to be ordering food. You're supposed to have me minimized."
"Yeah, you're in my top corner. Stop flexing your jaw."
"You're so fucking annoying..." Shayne lowered his voice to a mumble. "I miss you."
A pang of longing clenched Charlie's stomach. His eyes were briefly pulled away from the brightly-coloured digital menu so that he could watch the tiny, dimly-lit version of his boyfriend gaze back at him through the screen.
"I miss you, too, lovely."
"Shut up. Did you order something yet?"
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imsugarphilia · 2 years
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! 🥢 𓂅 𝗺𝘂𝗹𝘁𝗶𝗳𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗺 ,, 𝗻𝗼 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗱𝘂𝗹𝗲 ◞
╭ hi ! I'm super happy you've across my tumblr ! I'm a beginner so kindly bear with me lol this space is just for fun so please make sure to be a kind visitor and respectful to each other . My best wish I ask of you is that I hope you will enjoy what I do here <3 ╯
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ᥫ᭡ 𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗧 ?? 𓏧
⤿ mostly icons & layouts .
⦅ but maybe , possibly often ⦂ gifs ,
edits , pngs , mood boards , wallpapers ,
headers , banners , borders and bios ⦆
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ᥫ᭡ 𝗗𝗡𝗜❜𝗦 !! 𓏧
⤿ anything problematic , toxic or weird tbh but a few specifics would have to be : racists ( obviously ) , toxic feminists , misogynists , misandrists , p*dophilia , incest[+]self-cest , couples with two year age gaps ( basically I mean if someone is 17 and below and you/they or your ship/fav character is two years older or even , especially , higher than the significant other , that is so disturbing and gross to me . ) , people who justify age ups in their stories/fav book/fav author just to s*xualize , fantasize , fetishize and or romanticize minors/minor characters , ship wars , nsfw/smutty ( just the odd kind , like underage smut/smut written by minors ) kinky stuff ( like bestiality/age play/mommy or daddy rp/ddlg/little space/breeding/r*pe/nonconsenual s*x/p*ssing junk . DIS.GUS.TANG🤢 ) and much more . these are just the main concerns to me .
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ᥫ᭡ 𝗥𝗘𝗤𝗨𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗦 ?? 𓏧
⤿ requests are definitely open for now ! and yes I do accept anon/anonymous requests ! all I ask is that if you request anonymously to at least give me a letter and number or emoji to address you by so I don't get confused (。>‿‿<。 )
example : ❝ hi ! I'm 2B and
I just wanted to request ( thing ) ! ❞
⤿ credit me . do re-upload my things , do not claim my creations as your own , do not steal from me , do not ask for my stuff if you do not intend to use it correctly , do not request if you aren't going to use the material for at least one day or one full week .
do not ghost spam request . I work hard on my stuff so please don't request something from me if you're just gonna turn around and ask another person for something similar/different and didn't even use what I gave to you for at least an hour . do not recreate/copy my things either . you may use my things on other platforms as long as you give me credit .
⤿ be patient . these things take time
⤿ you can only ask for two things at a time , I don't want to feel overwhelmed .
⤿ be specific in your request . like character name or the show the character is from , softcore ? kidcore ? , what theme color ( purple , red blah blah blah ) , what kind of edit or format and yada yada . you get the jist of it . right ?
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ᥫ᭡ 𝗔𝗕𝗢𝗨𝗧 𝗠𝗘 !? 𓏧
⤿ I am twenty years old , my birthday is March/12th , my birth year is 2002 , sensitive/emotional , can be very awkward/nervous , I'm a person of color , I'm quite chubby , kinda super shy irl , a bit of an introvert but I've been told I talk a lot so idk 😂 , I absolutely adore girly/cutesy/soft/comfy/colorful things <33
and last but not least ; I love reading , writing and editing so much ! but anywho , that's about it folks . I thank you for stopping by and actually reading this the whole way through and I wish you a wonderful start and end to all your days , mwah ! ଘ(੭ ᐛ )੭♡
other social(s) :
# devaintart : IMSUGARPHILIA
# tiktok : imsugarphilia
┃ . . . TOODLES 🗯 !
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kirtokyo · 3 years
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❐ pairings - Mikey, smiley, angry, timeskip!kazutora x gn!black!reader
❐ genre - sfw
❐ format - headcanons
a/n - let’s pretend I’m not late and this is posted on Halloween 😭 pretty much all the characters hcs are versatile for their timeskip and pre-timeskip but I have a better grasp on kazu’s timeskip so his is more based on his older self
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He actually suggested it but he didn’t think you’d actually do it!
He mentioned it very passively. Sending you a tiktok saying “you’d look cute in a bunny costume, lol”
But oh was he beyond shocked. Literally was the “😳” emoji
He’s trying to keep his cool but he’s blushing so hardddddd
Everytime you look away he’s lowkey ogling you. He doesn’t know what to do 😭 he’s walking around back in forth with his hands on his hips just staring lmaoooo
Will play around saying he should’ve dressed up as a carrot to match with you 💀
His favorite part is your little bunny tail awwwww
Will poke at it
will 100% start hyping you up cause how could he not??
Is a thousand percent eyeing you. But he sure isn’t subtle about it. Like you could be looking straight at him and he’s looking you up and down likes it’s nobody’s business
You could call his name to get his attention all you want but he’s still staring, he’s not even ashamed about it either
He’s not even trying to hide that he’s checking you out
Will brag about you— “y’all, look at y/n’s costume!”
Let him wear your bunny ears!! If not he’ll keep asking
Now he wants to match with you. All he needs is a suit, bunny tail, and the ears and he’s all set
Whatever expression he had before he saw you is completely gone
Now he has zero expression so you’re left kinda confused
When you ask him if he likes it he’s only able to let out a shallow “uh-huh”
Souya starts asking random questions hoping It’ll take him out of the trance or at least make him look like he’s not in a trance
But he can’t. His mind is not working correctly
He’ll start asking stuff like “why are you dressed up”— it’s Halloween souya, “who gave you that“— I bought it… and “why are you here”— like he didn’t just invite you over???
Please just walk away and give this boy a minute. He struggling
And if you pair it with a pair of fishnets he’s done for
You had all his undivided attention when you walked in the room
His eyes were GLUED
You gave him a little spin to show every angle of your costume and give him a good look
He’s definitely looking alright 😃
He tries to be discreet about it and he thinks he’s doing a good job but it’s SO PAINFULLY obvious that he’s ogling you
He tries to compliment you but it comes out incoherent. Not to mention he’s blushing like crazy
Ok but like…teasing is mean but just tease him a little, just a smidge 🤏🏾 with Kazutora it’ll be funny alright! I’m telling you 😭
Like just slide in his lap casually and watch him lose ittt!! He’ll be staring at you mad hard with big eyes and his jaw nearly touching the floor
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© all rights reserved to @kirtokyo only found on tumblr. do not copy, translate, modify, or repost my work on any platform
Like and reblog !
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synonymroll648 · 2 years
Hi please talk about any fic your writing/want to write to get me back in the writing mood
(Only if you want to no pressure)
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[ids in alt. note to readers: the ask photos are in chronological order of when they were sent, and the ask that's being answered is the most recent.]
kay scrolling back through my notifs to see what i'd missed while i was off working on my homework (that i still need to finish lol) and let me tell you. seeing that you'd sent me seven asks (haven't answered the frog ask yet, but i'll get to it, i promise) in the few hours i'd been gone made me laugh pretty hard. which isn't meant to be discouraging!! people chatting me up is fun!
i decided to address everything except for the frog ask in one go, so here we are. i'll try to go in chronological order, but we'll see how that goes. putting my screamings under the cut. (edit: apparently having the shorten long posts setting on just. eradicates the cut. i swear i put it right beneath this paragraph, even if you don’t see it)
wanting to write but not having the energy to write is such a mood. far too relatable. and hello to you too :)
i actually started this fitz-centric keeptober fic because one of the mods for the massive kotlc ten year anniversary month event that's coming up in october (dearest mod, if you're reading this, you know exactly who you are. drink water king, you're amazing) reached out to me and was like (paraphrased) 'hey. do you wanna have two slots/days in the keeptober event? you pick a character and your own prompt for each day and then show us what you've made when the time rolls around, if you're up for it,' and ofc i said yes.
i won't drop what prompts i picked yet, but since you now know the fic i'm writing is fitz-centric and that i only picked one character for my two days, i think it's clear who my character was. i'd actually selected my prompts and such a little before frizzle was like 'hey can i please use writing exchanges with you as motivation' which was my cue to start actually writing the fic. anyway! i'm glad that i've roped you into fic writing for keeptober! even if there's not a free day or a prompt day that fits what you write, i'm sure there's at least someone out there that would love to see what you make.
kay. my dude. you're asking The Sokeefitz Person on tumblr whether or not you should do sokeefitz or sophiana. both ships are amazing, but i think it's fairly reasonable to say that i am almost always going to choose sokeefitz over every other ship option at every opportunity. so i'd start with sokeefitz first, and then if you have time, go for a sophiana fic.
you assumed correctly!! also, having them go pumpkin picking is such a good idea. i can see so so many possibilities there - lmk if you need ideas, i can certainly spam you with a ton. also, if you want me to beta for you, hmu! i wouldn't mind helping you out /gen
finally, the ask that i'm actually answering, according to tumblr formatting. if that makes sense. i hope that makes sense.
ok so this is actually perfectly timed in terms of where i'm at in the writing process of the fitz-centric fic, because i usually have a better idea of what i'm doing than i do right now. sorry not sorry for not being able to give specifics, but i refuse to spoil this fic ahead of time. i want y'all to walk in almost blind for this bad boy.
i'm not one for written linear outlines most of the time, but typically, i have a timeline in my head that's clear enough that i'm ok 'winging' it. my fics and au's are all categorized as 'timelines' in my head. unless fics take place in the same universe (ex: the sokeefitz roadtrip fic, the prequel where they got together, and the other fic where it's biana's pov of growing up in the vacker family and how it changes when fitz leaves, plus her straightn't relationship with maruca. i haven't talked about the latter two fics on here before, so if they don't ring a bell, that's why), none of the ideas cross over with each other. they're neatly compartmentalized.
but here's the thing: i'm sure that a lot of those fics will never get written and published to a place where fellow fandom members can see it, but there's some excellent ideas that i don't want to waste. which is where this fic comes in - this fic, as soon as i started writing, demanded that i take a significant portion of these ideas that i had carefully compartmentalized into boxes that didn't touch one another, and dump them together into an emotional soup. and i get why; all the ideas i'm thinking of have a common narrative theme, and so they'd blend together. but having my writing process turned on its head like that, having myself pick through different universes for the best scenes to throw together into one fic... it's throwing me for a loop, dude. i have no idea how far i'm going to go with this, and it's kinda giving me an 'ohhhhhh ho ho ho i am. so in over my head. time to have my ass kicked by something that's supposed to be under my control' feeling.
this fic in itself, from a writer's pov, is a veeeeeery sketchy experiment. it's like i'm taking donated organs from different creatures with specific original functions to try to and make a new creature that uses those organs differently than originally intended. it's a very delicate operation. very daunting to go into. i'm gonna have to brainstorm more to see what fits and what doesn't - i haven't done my index card brainstorming yet, which is a big part of my initial process, so hopefully doing that and swapping them around into a new timeline will make this a lot less scary and more the fun 'do whatever feels right' project that i first imagined it to be when i gave myself this prompt.
i'll probably sending mutuals (you included) out-of-context asks to determine different plot aspects of this, knowing me. so look out for those ;)
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shotorozu · 4 years
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“you didn’t think getting a classmate thrown at you would cause you to choke in silence— and by some miracle, todoroki is the first one to catch on.”
legend : [Y/N = your name] f!reader with they/them pronouns, all might’s daughter reader, reader has a telekinesis quirk
warnings : swearing because of bakugou, choking, if you ever hit your windpipe and you start choking, get help right away!
notes : i’m trying a new format for fics! (and drabbles) idk why i’m going on a todoroki dump lately, it’s his birthday after all. ALSO I WAS ALMOST DONE BUT GRRR TUMBLR RELOADED. i was so mad lol. so i don’t really like this but DONT WORRY!! i’m making another fic.
»»————- ♡ ————-«
It’s been almost 4 months since your first year at UA had started, and you’d think by now— you would’ve gotten used to all the hectic things that had to come.
Nope, not in the slightest bit.
Though you do love the class, and you enjoy being around them since they all seem like nice people, (minus one person) the class itself goes haywire with their frenzied energies.
Sometimes you wonder if you’re able to keep up with them, since they all have such excentric and unique personalities. They somehow manage to keep the room’s atmosphere lifted up with their voices, that are accompanied by lighthearted jokes.
But today, it seemed to be out of your favor.
You’re in your seat, recalling what your father— All Might, had said about your progression, and how he planned on helping you work with your quirk more.
Needless to say, you’re quite delighted to hear that your father wants to pay more attention to you, since he was mostly just focusing on Midoriya.
But your train of thought is cut short when you see Mineta fly towards your way, practically knocking into your entire front, and jamming into your windpipe— as it bounces from you and towards the wall.
“Damn grape fruit, learn some fucking decency for once,” You can hear Bakugou call out to him, and you can assume it was him that decided to throw your classmate at you
“Sorry, Y/N!” Kirishima calls out to you, noticing how his hot headed friend chucked the short, and purple haired classmate towards your direction.
You try to play it off cool, since you can’t even be mad. Even though Bakugou’s quite a spiteful person, he probably didn’t mean to throw Mineta at you.
Your seatmate, Todoroki looks at you as if like he was analysizing you. His mismatched gaze locked onto you with concern, I mean.. how could he not? Mineta has been thrown on you.
The air escapes you for a moment, and you try to breathe in to counter it. But it doesn’t work, as it became futile.
You blink, and you try again— trying your best to just breathe damnit, you’re questioning what’s all of this for? And it feels like you’re suffocating.
It’s all very sudden too, and without any warning. You can practically the way your heart hammers against your chest violently, and you try your best to not make too many movements. Okay, just breathe Y/N, am I having an attack right now? It really can’t be, can it?
You grasp your chair as you need something to grip on— facing yourself away to prevent any attention to be drawn towards you, since that’s the last thing you want. Every second that passes, it gets even more difficult to take in the air, and it feels like your life actually slipping away from your grasps.
Was it even possible to choke from getting your windpipe hit by Mineta? You never thought it would happen to you, since your quirk allows you to protect yourself— curses. What would your dad think of this? It’s not like you expected this to happen in a classroom.
A calm voice breaks you out of your thoughts, and suddenly you feel a cool hand press against your nape— “Did you hurt your windpipe, L/N?”
Todoroki’s eyes scan over your facial features calmly, noting about every single red flag that’s shown on your face, that’s practically screaming for something
You feel shame course out your entire body due to the situation, but you nod— still unable to accumulate proper words due to the current situation
The dual quirk user says nothing. However, his actions are quick, moving infront of you to shield you from any attention. His other hand resting against your back— proping you up right, so your position on the chair isn’t hunched uncomfortably.
His hand caresses your back up and down, giving out instructions for your labored breathing— “Breathe in,” he commands calmly, activating his quirk in hopes of aiding you “Breathe out,”
You finally manage to get in some air, inhaling through your mouth, and sharply exhaling the air back out. It feels so good to be able to breathe again, and you’re confident that after this— you won’t take it for granted again.
Unfortunately, the situation hadn’t been discreet enough— as it managed to grasp the attention of Midoriya and Yaoyorozu, they crowd at your desk. Asking Todoroki if there’s an issue, concern lacing their tones.
But you’re overwhelmed, eyes threatening to close. Your body slumping against your desk, and you fall unconscious.
It was interesting describing the situation to Recovery Girl, and also to your father.
All Might being concerned was an understatement. He was concerned about how it happened, and how he could’ve prevented the situation if he was there. (But he’s not to blame, at all.)
Briefly after you fell unconscious, attention was gravitated towards you— as everyone was clearly concerned. Then, you were dragged to Recovery Girl by two of your classmates; Kirishima and Midoriya, since Midoriya couldn’t stop rambling about his concern towards you.
“Your windpipe got hit, and the impact blocked it.” Recovery Girl explains, briefly after using her quirk on you “And it appeared to be that you’ve gotten the wind knocked out of you. Good grief, who throws people in classrooms? I could give them a scolding right now.” Recovery Girl rants.
You wince at the problem, “Ah.. there’s no need for that. I’d suppose it’s partially my fault for having my guard down.” You grin, but she doesn’t look amused.
Recovery Girl can only sigh, placing a hand on your shoulder. It’s her way of comfort, you’d guess. “Either way, it was still careless of them. I’d go on and on, but for now, you just need to rest right here— you were overwhelmed back there so it’s important to get some rest.”
Recovery Girl’s partially right. So after resting for a little bit longer, you finally leave the infirmary. But you flinch in surprise; a little startled when you meet Todoroki— who’s leaning right behind the door.
“Ah, Todoroki,” You wave at him, and.. you honestly don’t know where to start. Especially after the classroom situation. “I want to apologize about what happened back there. You didn’t need to do that.”
He shakes his head, “It’s alright, L/N. It’s.. what I had to do anyway.” His brows furrow, remembering what happened back in the classroom.
“Besides that.. are you okay? You didn’t damage your throat, did you?”
You laugh, and it may or may not have been in attempt to make the situation light hearted. “My windpipe got blocked, and apparently, I got the wind knocked right out of me! I didn’t know there was an actual name for that! I should really be cautious next time.”
His lips turn up, and he releases a short chuckle— “I suppose it’s a learning lesson for both parties.”
The walk back is.. rather shameful. How were you supposed to go back there, almost as if you didn’t nearly die? choked? The lack of conversation is painful on your ears, and partially on your ego since the silence is almost awkward.
You don’t know what he’s thinking.
“So!” You decide to break the silence, heterochromatic eyes laid on you as he awaited your response. “What do you mean by.. both parties?”
“Well.. you did say you wanted to be cautious more. Which I get, even though you shouldn’t be that cautious in the first place— since it’s not your fault,” Todoroki stares at his feet momentarily, finding his words.
“And both parties because.. I should’ve asked you if you were okay when I saw Mineta get thrown at you,” His expression crumples up, grimacing when he suddenly remembers that exact moment, he should’ve helped them. “I noticed you were choking a little too late.” He mutters.
Like.. how can he stare at you all the time, and just suddenly not notice you choke?
Your feet stop in it’s place, and you shake your head— “You’re so hard on yourself,” you comment, looking up at the ceilings. “Again, it’s not your fault. I was trying to be discrete— y’know!”
“I don’t want you to feel like you should hide anything from me.” He tilts his head to the side, eyes boring into your own.
Blinking, you think over his words— “I’ll keep that in mind.” You’re taken a back by the bluntness in his tone,
“Anyways, thank you, Todoroki. I.. wish I could pay you back somehow.” You pat him on the back, his heart hammering against his chest when you lean in to do so. It’s doing that again.
You turn your back against him, as you start walking even closer to the classroom— and before you can have your hand on the door, he calls out.
“..What?” You ask, unsure if you heard him correctly.
“You can start by calling me that,” He offers you one of his one of a kind smiles, something that feels so genuine— full of authentic gratification.
An uncontrollable smile breaks through your face, and you immediately turn away to hide away the flustered expression that is your current state “If you say so.”
Choking in class because someone was thrown at you is definitely not your proudest moment as Y/N Yagi, but.. you’ve definitely gotten something out of it.
Shouto speaks once again. “Oh and.. why wouldn’t I help you? That’s just watching someone die.”
You wince, realizing that Shouto’s correct. Why wouldn’t he help you?
bonus : mineta got flamed by everyone afterwards— including a serious talk from recovery girl, and all might. even though it wasn’t inheritantly his fault that you almost died in class lol
»»————- ♡ ————-«
tldr : Y/N gets folded by mineta bc bakugou threw him at you by accident,
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing.
do not plagiarize my work :))
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daeyeolss · 4 years
how I make my gifs: a tutorial
Hi everyone! Just in case someone asks in the future + for those curious, I'm here with a tutorial on how I make gifs! If you have any questions whatsoever, please do send me an ask! I’ll be glad to help! The gif I made with this tutorial is the one right here! 
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So... let’s start this tutorial with the programs I use.
Adobe Photoshop 2020 - To make the gifs, majority of the work is done in this program.
TopazLabs (Topaz DeNoise 6 and Topaz Clean 3) - To "denoise" and "clean" the gifs, as the names would suggest. Links for download: Topaz DeNoise 6 & Topaz Clean 3
KMPlayer (an alternative would be PotPlayer, or any other video playing program that allows you to capture the frames) - To capture the frames. - I use an older version of KMPlayer, though I don't know which exact version that is.
Now let’s continue onto how I use these programs to create gifs!
Step 1: After you’ve downloaded the necessary programs, download your video. The way to get the best gifs? Quality videos. That’s the first step. For K-pop performances, I recommend this website (the hq files are in .ts form, KMPlayer should be able to open these). Bookmark it! It’s really handy :) Get the video you want to make a gif from and open it in KMPlayer (or PotPlayer or any other program, but for this tutorial I’ll use KMPlayer). Open your video in said program and look for the part you want to make a gif of. Then press CTRL+G (I apologize because I cannot for the life of me remember if this was a standard shortcut or not)
Step 2: After pressing CTRL+G, you’ll be met with this screen:
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I’ll briefly explain the numbered parts, but before that, these are my standard settings and just make sure you have them all the same and it should be good!
1: This is where your captured frames will be extracted to. I have them extracted to the standard folder, but you can change this if you want to. You’ll need this folder later when opening the frames!
2: Like it says, this is the image format. I use PNG in the highest quality, as the name would suggest, for the quality.
3: These are the amount of frames the program captures. Say you put in every 2 or 4 frames, you’ll get more choppy gifs. To get the smoothest gifs, put “every frame” (this in turn will increase the gif size as the amount of frames will obviously be bigger).
Once you’ve put in the correct settings and you’ve put the slider where you want the capturing process to start, press “start” (now, before you do this I recommend putting the video on mute as the audio will start to get kinda demon-y the longer you record lol save your ears pls). Then, when you’ve captured all the frames you need, pause the video, press CTRL+G again and click “stop” and close the pop-up/program.
Step 3: It’s time to open up Photoshop! Then go to File > Scripts > Load Files into Stack... (for older versions/another version I used in the past this one didn’t work and I had to use the “Load Multiple DICOM Files...” instead. It should work similarly though, if I remember correctly).
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You then get a little pop-up that looks like this:
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All you have to do here is click “browse” and navigate to the folder where your captured frames have been saved in. Select all the frames you need, wait for them to load in and then click “OK”!
Step 4: Depending on the amount of frames you’ve selected to load in, as well as the beefiness of your PC/laptop, the frames loading part might take a little while. Photoshop is importing every frame as a separate layer into one file, so just... grab a drink or something and wait a bit! When you’re done waiting, if you haven’t already, go to Window > Timeline. This will show you the animation timeline. For older Photoshop versions this is slightly different (I believe it’s called animation). Then click “Create Video Timeline” and click the 3 squares on the left bottom side (in older versions it’s on the right bottom side, not sure). 
Step 5: After you’ve done all that, you’ll want to select all your layers. You can do this by pressing ALT+CTRL+A or going to Select > All Layers. With all the layers selected, you have to go to Layer > Arrange > Reverse. You only have to do this if you used the “Load Files into Stack” option!
Step 6: After reversing all your layers, you’ll want to go to the three lines you see in the following screenshot, and click “Make Frames From Layers”.
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As the name suggests, this turns all the layers into frames. I don’t know why but the first frame will always be 5 seconds long, so to make it easy on yourself when you want to check your gif while editing, just put that on 0 for now. You can do that by clicking the seconds under the frame and clicking “No delay”. After this, check to see if you have the right frames and if you need to delete some (you can do this at any point in the process but I didn’t know where to put it in the tutorial oops).
Step 7: Time to crop the gif to the correct size! For this gif I’m using as an example, I’m making it specifically for Twitter, so the sizes aren’t that obvious (for Twitter I usually use a width of 850 px to keep it sharp, for long size gifs (more height than width for example), I add a background so that it eventually still becomes 850x850 pixels). There’s many posts on Tumblr about the correct sizes for gif/photosets, but a brief rundown of my most used sizes: one gif spanning the entire width of the post has to be 540 px in width. Two gifs next to one another need to have a width of 268 px. I use these dimensions the most! For others, you can Google! 
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Step 8: After you’ve cropped the gif, you can do either of two things: either you first add the coloring of your choice and then sharpen the gif OR you do it the other way around. I usually switch these two around depending on how sharp the gif already looks before sharpening because I can’t stand looking at 2 pixels while coloring (lmao). For this one I’ll do the sharpening first.
The whole sharpening process is actually quite simple but you need to make sure that you do the following little steps in the right order or else it won’t work! Select all the layers (CTRL+ALT+A or Select > All Layers) and then click this little thingy:
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Then you’re going to Filter > Convert for Smart Filters
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If you don’t do it in this order, your gif will end up... well, not being a gif and not moving. If that happens, track back in your history to see if you did it in the correct order! :)
Step 9: The actual sharpening process! After clicking the “Convert for Smart Filters”, you’ll want to go to Filter again and find the Topaz Labs tabs. Personally, I usually do it in the order of DeNoise first and then Clean, but this is a personal thing, really.
I recommend playing around with the settings to see what fits the gif but here are my go-to DeNoise settings (tip: save these as a preset so you only have to click that for faster giffing!):
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And my Clean settings:
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Press OK when you’re done with these and then go to Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen. These are my SS settings (just copy these, and again, save as a preset!):
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Depending on how sharp you want the gif to be, you can input the same settings or go to this in the layers and change the percentage.
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Now that we’re done with these... it’s time to flatten it! Just follow these little steps:
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And then you wait. Again. I know.
Step 10: After playing the waiting game, you’ll click the three little squares again and do the same thing you did earlier: “Make Frames Into Layers”. Delete the first frame. Add a coloring of your choice (can be a PSD, can be your own coloring, etc. this is honestly just... playing around with things and see what it can do). After you’ve done coloring, select all your frames (same lines as previous screenshot except now you’ll see a “Select All Frames” option, click it!) and change the time to whatever you like (I usually go for 0.05, 0.06, or 0.07. Again, just play around with this!! Try different things!) 
Step 11: Final step! Saving :) I use shortcuts a lot to make things faster so either press ALT+SHIFT+CTRL+S or go to File > Export > Save For Web. Not much to do here, just copy the following settings and save the file!
!!! NOTE: After making a new gif today I realized there’s a weird dotted border on the top of my gifs, it’s a bit difficult to explain but I had no idea what it was. Turns out that the reason why this showed up was because, as shown in the screenshot below, I had “Transparency” selected. If you’re experiencing this too, UNSELECT the transparency and it should be all good!
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Also make sure that the “Looping Options” is set to Forever, or else your gif will play only once and then stop!
Tip: While making gifs for Twitter I at one point noticed that if I added in a white background, no matter what I’d do, it’d show up as yellow-y in the preview box. After googling I found that going to the options (1 in the screenshot) and then clicking “Sort by Luminance”, then double-clicking the lightest color (not the transparent one, 2 in the screenshot) and selecting white (or FFF) will get rid of this! This likely won’t be that useful for Tumblr gifs but just in case you ever want to have a white background...!
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Then just... save, and upload to Tumblr! :)
Final note: Tumblr has a mix gif size of 3MB. If you have a gifset of 4 gifs you want to upload, all 4 gifs can be max 3MB each. Keep this in mind! If you’re over 3MB, delete a few frames and try again, or resize/crop your gif!
As it turns out, Tumblr has increased their gif size to 8MB, however, the quality tends to get compressed with larger gifs like that so per recommendation: keep them below 5MB! (thank you @yeoli​ for letting me know!)
I hope this helped! If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message and I’ll try my best to answer them.
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vertanimeni · 4 years
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the ice will start to break, the day will fade away (12/18)
“Have you heard? The Elephant of Caocin has committed high treason!”
From Trikru’s most reputable war hero to Trikru’s most wanted traitor, Kova found themselves stripped of their titles and trapped between a clan that wants them dead and a camp of invaders - the same ones who kidnapped and tortured their brother.
But Kova was willing to do anything to stay alive and keep their family together.
Pairing: Bellamy Blake/Grounder OC
Word Count: 5,450
TW: Virus/Illness, vomiting, blood, explosives
A/N: I’m... actually being decent w the schedule for once... LOL wow~ If you’re reading through my blog, the read more does not show up due to Tumblr’s new formatting, so please click on the post itself. As of right now, I will be updating every Friday at 4pm EST.
⟻ Previous Chapter || Masterlist || Next Chapter ⟼
xii. implosion.
The group entered the dropship. Finn, with Clarke in his arms, made a beeline straight for Wells, who prepped a bed for her.
"What do I have to do to stop you from coming in here?" Her question was but a murmur.
"Get better."
"If he's not sick by now then he's probably immune, like me." Octavia assured her leader. "The virus doesn't last long, either." She added casually and let Murphy and Wells dominate the conversation while she dragged Kova into a private corner. None of the others noticed — too preoccupied with Clarke and the new information.
"Did you know?" She asked when the two were finally alone.
"Know what?" They sat crisscrossed on an empty crate.
"Where do I begin?" With every point, she ticked off a finger. "The virus; Lincoln leaving to 'east of the sea and across it,' or whatever; the—" She cut herself off, lowered her voice, and leaned in close, "—the upcoming attack?"
Needless to say, she had connected a few dots on her way back to camp after her conversation with Lincoln. If she recalled correctly, Kova had returned in the dead of night, and woke up late the next morning. But didn't they have enough time to at least warn somebody? Even herself?
"Lincoln and I talked a lot that night, and when I returned, I was already tired. The next morning Bellamy woke me up to find you and I ended up having to take care of the sick here. It just slipped my mind." Kova leaned in. "Besides, if I did say anything, he and Clarke would know I sneaked out. I can't risk that, either." 'Well, now Bellamy and Miller know, but still.' Pausing, they leaned back and eyed the young woman for a second, a hint of hope in their eyes. "Are you leaving with us?"
"East of the sea and across. Floukru. Will you come?"
"…Lincoln wants me to."
"That didn't answer my question."
"You're going?"
"…If Clan Leader Luna gives me permission, then yes." It took only a brief moment of doubt where they had considered their words carefully. They weren't sure to what extent Octavia knew about their relationship with Trikru. But then Octavia's eyes glinted with curiosity—
"Kova," Finn interrupted suddenly, completely unaware of the tension between the two, "how much time do you think we have until the virus passes?"
While they were just as taken aback as Octavia was, Kova couldn't help but think, 'Ah, Finn, perfect timing. I'll have to burn some bud for him in thanks.' "It's a light strain, so a day or two more, maybe? Three at most." They replied.
“They need to stay hydrated.” Clarke’s voice rasped out from afar, catching Finn's attention.
"You need to stay hydrated." Rolling his eyes, Finn almost rushed back to her side, but Wells signaled that he had it covered. He turned back to the two and said, "If we had more time to recover from the virus, then we could fight back. We just need to slow them down. Come with me, let's go talk to Raven.” He left no room for argument and rushed past the curtains.
The two stared at empty air for a moment until Kova broke the silence. "Let's talk about this later."
Octavia pursed her lips but conceded, and the two followed Finn to a tent on the other side of the camp. Just as he pulled back flap of the door, the three heard Raven’s voice in the middle of her sentence. “—need as many rounds done by dawn as we can.”
“It won’t matter if there’s no one left who can shoot.” Finn cut in just as the three entered.
Inside, Raven stood behind a desk scattered with empty bullet shells and powder. She refused to even look at Finn, but welcomed Octavia and Kova; Bellamy and Monty leaned over a corner of the desk with a map; and to Kova's surprise, Jasper and Harper stood off to the side, shifting uncomfortably when the two noticed their presence.
Finn continued, "What do we need to build a bomb?”
Pop! went the joints in Kova's neck as they whirled on Finn, a disgusted and betrayed look on their face. They stepped back, almost tripping over the wiring of the tent. 'Finn, what the actual fuck?' They thought, and because they were never one to hold back, they said, "Finn, what the fuck?"
"Wait. Hear me out." Finn held up his hands in a placating manner. "Murphy said he crossed a bridge on his way back from the grounders’ camp. Sounds familiar?”
Their eyes softened from the sharp glare they held. While they understood what he meant, they really wish he had given them a heads up beforehand.
“Is that the only bridge around here?” Bellamy switched his gaze from the hastily made map to Kova.
“It is.” They confirmed. “Ankon bridge is the only one that connects TonDC to the rest of Trikru territory the fastest, since the forest and the river get in the way. There's another bridge far down the river, but if the warriors are planning to come though Ankon, it'll be a major setback to change their plans to the other bridge."
“The virus is fast. Murphy is already getting better and Kova thinks it’ll pass within a few days. Blowing up the bridge won’t stop the attack, but the longer we delay it, the more of us will be able to fight.”
Kova couldn't hide the flinch at the mere thought of blowing up the bridge. Not only will it be a major setback, but the residents of TonDC, Fort Nauk, and other surrounding villages will end up suffering for it. Especially the merchants.
"Even if Murphy is telling the truth — and that’s a big if — that bridge has survived a nuclear war and 97 years of weather. What do you think, Raven?”
Everyone turned to the mechanic. She paused for a moment, considering the many different ways to build a bomb before it hit her — the fuel from the Exodus ship. Her eyes sparked with sturdy confidence. “It won’t survive me. Everyone, out while I think. Get ready to head down to the Exodus site.”
Jasper and Harper were the first to leave, the former refusing to look anywhere near Kova's direction and the latter sending them a sharp glare. For the first time, Kova internally thanked Bell when he pulled Octavia out of the tent for a quick talk.
The grounder turned to the remaining two boys. "You finished with the fish?"
"Yup," Monty popped the p.
"Zoe and Drew were almost done when we left. I'm not sure who's cooking tonight, though." Finn spoke. Kova noted the subtle flinch of Raven's back turned towards the three.
"Got it. Nice work. I'll see you guys later, then."
Monty quickly said, "Sorry about Jasper, he's being a bit of a dumbass right now. Just give him time." Then, he and Finn left the tent.
The sound of metal clinking gently made Kova turn back to Raven and lean against one of the side tables in silence, mindlessly toying with one of the bullet shells, while Raven moved to work on the second desk with another map. Familiar, higher quality, with rough estimation marks at Mount Weather, the camp, a burial ground. They recognized it as the one Clarke had made when the delinquents first arrived—
A clatter and a huff caught their attention. Raven had dropped whatever she was working on and turned to Kova. "What do you want? Why are you still here?"
“What’s bothering you?”
“Excuse me?”
Being nosy with one of the few people in this camp who didn't hate them was the last thing Kova wanted to do, but they've gone on missions with people who had lingering issues from an argument right before, and it never ends well. 'Like Zoya and Zandara, when they had a fight right before our mission because Zandara thought Zoya had been stealing her food, but it had actually been their other roommate at the time.' While the memories had a tint of melancholy attached, internally, Kova didn't know whether to laugh or shiver with fear. 'That mission was the only blemish on their record.'
"Something is going on with you and Finn." Octavia had mentioned their strained relationship before, that almost everyone on camp thought he had been cheating on Raven with Clarke out of all people, but she didn't go in depth at the time, and right now, Kova really wished she had. "Do you want to talk about it?"
As if Kova had damaged the final piece of a dam on its last legs, Raven burst with a long rant. "My head still hurts when I crash landed on Earth and I'm kind of terrified of a concussion even though Clarke checked me out; I'm worried about what's gonna happen to the people on the Ark; I'm worried I'm gonna die in some war I never signed up for; and I came down here to be with the guy I've loved for years only to find out he's—?" She paused, her voice cracking. "He cheated on me? He cheated on me with Clarke, and wasn't even going to tell me about it. I had to find out myself. And I think he's still cheating, even though he says the opposite, and I—" She took a deep breath, her tense shoulders sagging. "There's a lot of things bothering me right now."
To be entirely truthful, Kova had actually expected Raven to tell them to leave her alone, or that she didn't want to talk about it, or maybe even tell them to fuck off. And while they were pleasantly surprised about the rant, they weren't going to interrupt or stop her.
She continued, “And today when Clarke passed out, Finn just caught her without hesitating! He risked his entire life for her and didn’t even think twice about it! The last time he did that was for me on the Ark, and…" Her voice trembled, and the first tears dropped and gathered at her chin. "As much as I don't want to admit this, but I think I lost him the moment he came down here. I just don't know what to do."
"Did she know?"
"Did Clarke know that you and him were in a relationship?"
"I…" Raven recalled the sky leader's surprised face when she kissed Finn, how heartbroken she looked. "I don't think so."
"So he didn't tell Clarke about your relationship, and he didn't tell you about his relationship with her. That's on him. As much as I hate to say it, you're right. You probably lost him the moment he came down here. If he has fallen for her, there’s not much you can do about it now.” While their words felt harsh, they tried to speak as gently as they could. Raven wiped her face with the back of her hands. They weren't one to give out advice like this, but if it reeled Raven back from those types of thoughts, they didn't mind. “I'm not sure if you're angry at Clarke, but regardless, there's no point in fighting over some boy, especially one who isn’t giving you the love and appreciation you deserve, and you deserve much better than that.”
“He’s the only one I have.” It was a weak argument, and Raven's jarring quiet voice showed that.
“Then you need more people on your side." They purposely made eye contact and said, "Fuck him.”
Obtaining the hydrazine from the Exodus ship wasn't as hard as Raven expected, and pouring it into a mason jar was even less. Like any responsible scientist/mechanic, Raven wore a suit — the same one she came down to Earth with — but once she sealed the jar closed and set it safely on the desk, she took it off and addressed the people waiting outside her tent. "Alright, you can come in now."
Bellamy entered the tent first, Kova following close behind—
Two hands grabbed the sides of their arms. "Boom!"
If they jumped and busted the top of their head on the overhanging lamp, that was their business and theirs only. They tried to play off the spook by clearing their throat, but that only made Raven cackle. Even Bellamy couldn't hide his snort.
Then Finn entered, and Raven's mood soured slightly. She dropped her hands from Kova's shoulders, trying to play it off as nothing and said, "You guys can relax, it needs an accelerant.” Then, she got into business on how the bomb needed to be built and placed on the bridge. “To be safe, you need to be at least 200 feet away to make the shot and not get injured.”
“Feet? Imperial system?” Kova's question was implied — 'Why use the Imperil system?'
“It’s the measuring system we used on the Ark.” Finn explained. “What do you use?”
“The metric system. We’re not animals.” They refused to acknowledge the smirk on Bellamy's face. "Does the distance you calculated include traumatic force?”
“It should.”
Bellamy laid out the billion dollar question. "Alright, who plants the bomb?"
The silence lasted well under a minute, but long enough to feel like an hour. Finn finally stepped up, and Bellamy dragged him to the map to discuss how to go about it.
Meanwhile, Raven and Kova stood side by side, speaking lowly as to not attract attention.
"So he hesitates when it comes to a bomb, with everyone's lives on the line, but not with Clarke? You see what I'm talking about right? I'm not crazy?"
"No, you're right. I get what you mean."
“Finn, we only have one bomb.” Bellamy’s voice brought both of them back to the conversation at hand, but Kova turned around and organized the bullet shells on the table, keeping their back to the others. “We need to use it to kill as many of them as possible.”
“But they don’t know we only have one bomb.” Finn argued. “If we did, why would we waste it on a bridge? It’s supposed to be a deterrent. Peace through strength.”
“The appearance of strength, you mean.” Raven countered, ignoring the look he sent to her.
“The men who built the bombs thought they were peacemakers too. How’d that work out for them?”
“They were scientists, Bellamy." They turned, eyes lowered on the bullet shell they held. "They knew exactly what they were doing while building those bombs, they definitely knew they weren’t peacemakers. They just did it for the money.” Looking up, Kova's eyes widened, face blanching, and they dropped the shell. "Shit.”
Before he could ask, warmth trailed down from his nose to his philtrum. He pressed the back of his hand underneath his nose and grimaced. "Great."
“Don’t touch anything.”
“Who else can take a shot?”
“Appreciate the concern.” His usual snark felt weak. A heavy tiredness fell over Bellamy's body like a weighted blanket, so suddenly that his head felt fuzzy. He could barely muster the energy to glare at Finn. Instead, he stumbled towards the exit. “Just make sure the bomb is packed and ready to go in ten minutes, I’ll go find someone.”
“Wait, Bellamy!” Kova called out, but he already left. "Shit, he's only going to hurt himself like that. I'll bring him to the dropship — I'll see you two later, don't die and don't get hurt!"
On the Ark, there had been a few rounds of the common cold and the like running around. It was hard to avoid getting sick once there was an outbreak — the quarters were too close to one another, people ate together, shared their drinks, etc, etc. Back then, everyone had to self-isolate, and those sick had to deal with a stuffy nose, running snot, and sometimes a fever for a week or two.
Those illnesses were a joke compared to whatever the fuck this virus was.
The nosebleed was just a breaking point to the onslaught of other symptoms that racked Bellamy's body. The dizziness popped up in the tent and only grew worse when he reached the campfire, the flicks of the flames staining his eyesight. He thought he might have snapped at the friends Jasper was with, but that didn't matter right now. Right now, all that mattered was getting Jasper to do the job. After making sure Jasper was at least six feet away from him, he explained what the group discussed at the tent.
Later on in the dropship, once the fever broke, Bellamy will stare into the metal ceiling and wonder what exactly did he say to Jasper that made him blanch and shake so much.
“Take the shot. You can't miss, or we’ll all die.” Once the words were out of Bellamy's mouth, it wasn't his problem anymore. He grew more delirious with every passing second, but one coherent thought made its way through. 'Dropship.'
Staggering rather than walking, he only made it three steps before the world abruptly turned white and his head felt staticky. Wind whooshed through his hair, in his rushing ears, cooling his heated and sweaty skin, and the side of his head bumped into metal before his body tilted towards the floor—
—Warm hands splayed across his back and the nape of his neck.
At first, he thought it might have been Jasper who caught him, and he tried to push him away. But then his hands landed on strong shoulders and thick arms, and even through his delirium he thought, 'Muscles…not Jasper—?'
A deep voice, surprisingly gentle for its owner, confirmed his thoughts. "Relax. It's me."
The whiteness cleared up from the edges and inward to reveal a blurry Kova-shaped blob. They tried pushing him back on his feet, but his legs and arms shook under his weight, and with another whoosh of the wind, Bellamy found himself being carried bridal style, an arm against the back of his sticky, sweat-soaked shirt, another arm beneath the back of his equally sweaty knees.
His mouth felt dry, although he wasn't sure if it was from the fever or—
Kova's cold glare fixated past him. He followed their line of sight to Jasper, who had stepped forward with his arm stretched out, as if he wanted to snatch his leader and run from the grounder. The last of Bellamy's energy went into holding up his hand in a placating manner. His voice was awfully raspy, but it got the job done. “I’ll be fine, go find Finn. Take the shot.”
Half reluctant, half relieved, the boy ran off.
"By the Gods, Bellamy. What did you say to the kid? He looks even paler than you."
Too many words. Head too heated. Bellamy thought he internally groaned, but it seemed as if he did this externally, given that Kova hushed him (gently, to his surprise). Later on, while staring at the metal ceiling of the dropship, his embarrassment over being carried so easily in such a way will turn into a frustration he had never felt before, and he'll end up kicking his legs against the bed in anger, much to the distaste of the other patients around him.
But for now, his neck lolled around, energy finally giving out, and black spots dotted the edges of his vision. Just before he closed his eyes, he heard them murmur, "Don't worry, I got you."
The frantic call of her name came from outside the dropship. The young woman in question raised her head and settled the bowl of water next to the patient she had been looking after. A few seconds of silence passed, and Octavia thought she might have imagined it—
The sound of crunching leaves turned into metal thumps. She sprung into action and hurried to the curtains, yanking the fabric back—
Kova rushed inside, bending over slightly to avoid the curtains. It was only when they straightened did Octavia notice the body in their arms, the person's face buried in their neck and nose dripping dark blood against their skin, and automatically, she pointed to the open bed at the corner.
Then it hit her — the ruffled black hair, olive skin blanched and covered with a sheen of sweat, sprinkled with freckles and blood— "Bell, no…"
By the color of his face and the spasm of his throat, Kova realized he was about to vomit any second and quickly laid him on his side, and the moment his hip met the mattress, he vomited. Some caught on Kova's pants, but they paid little mind to it as they pushed the fringe of his hair back. "I'll go get him some water."
Octavia knelt on the opposite side and rubbed soothing circles against his back. "Okay. Thank you."
On their way, they heard a faint murmur of Bellamy's voice and Octavia's quiet, assuring tone. Distracted, they shoulder-checked a passerby. Kova turned to apologize, but paused when they found Murphy's back instead. Jaw tense, they prepared for whatever verbal attack he would send them, but to their surprise, he walked off without a word.
'Oh? Maybe Clarke spoke to him.' Whatever, Murphy wasn't their problem. Eventually, they returned to the Blake siblings with a cup of water, but Bellamy had fallen into unconsciousness once again.
"I still have a few hours before Wells takes over this shift." Her gaze shifted, hesitant. "Would… You mind keep an eye on him?"
'Oh. She…' "Of course." They answered. "Go ahead."
Any animosity her eyes might have held this morning were long gone now. Eyes shining, she squeezed their shoulder in thanks before running off to finish her duties.
Leaving Kova alone with her brother.
Pointedly looking away from the mess, they sat by Bellamy's side and brushed the fringe of hair away from his eyes. They leaned down and pressed their forehead against his, only to flinch away. "Hot." They muttered, taking the wet towel and cold bucket of water Octavia had left behind, "His temperature is still going up." A sigh passed their lips. They dabbed at the sweat rolling down his forehead, cheeks, and neck before wrapping the towel in a neat rectangle and placing it over his forehead. “It’s going to be a long night.”
Waking from unconsciousness felt like wading through tar, and it took Bellamy a moment to register the cold towel across his forehead, the warmth of someone kneeling by his side. Thinking it was his sister, he placed a hand on 'her' knee in comfort—
"You're awake." A surprised, yet quiet voice, far deeper than Octavia's, spoke.
He pulled his hand away slowly. Phlegm stuck in his throat, he tried clearing it out to speak, only to flinch at what felt like sandpaper grinding against his vocal cords.
"Don't strain yourself. You coughed and vomited a lot."
The sound of dry grinding caught his attention, and it was only then did Bellamy notice the mortar and pestle in Kova's hands. As if someone flipped a switch in his nose, the stench hit him like a sucker punch — whatever ingredients they had blended together made his eyes water and the bridge of his nose to crease.
Kova didn't look like they were doing any better, and they answered the unasked question with a wry smile on their lips. "Lime juice, onion, cloves, and ginger. Nasty combo, but it works like a charm. It's also the only thing I can make without fucking it up somehow."
His throat protested, but he managed to get one word out. "Why?"
"My younger sister would get sick often, so I learned my mom's recipe." The pestle paused, they looked at him over the mortar. Whether it was the headache from being stuck in a sick room the entire day or exhaustion from caring for Bellamy and the others around them that made their brain falter, Kova couldn't tell, but it certainly loosened their tongue. "Unless… that wasn't the question?"
With a gritty sensation clawing at his throat, Bellamy didn't want to reply, and simply watched as Kova stopped grinding. They raised the bowl to their nose, grimacing like the ingredients physically attacked their well-being, and pulled away. They nodded as if thinking, 'Yup, perfect.'
And while Bellamy couldn't tell where the fuck the spoon in their other hand came from, he knew damn well what was going to happen, and no way was he letting that monstrosity of a concoction anywhere near his mouth—
"Stop being a baby," Kova snapped after the third time Bellamy clenched his lips and turned his head away. After the fifth attempt, they let out a heavy sigh, pinching the bridge of their nose. "The things I do for Octavia…" They muttered under their breath, and suddenly the mortar under his nose vanished.
At first, Bellamy thought he won.
And then he watched as Kova pour the so-called medicine into their own mouth, and suddenly, he wished he had just accepted the mortar. It seemed as though the onion hadn't been properly grounded in the first place, judging from the audible crunches in their mouth. They chewed up the concoction further for good measure—
Leaned over his face—
His mouth parted in shock, eyes widening—
'Are they actually going to—?'
Three fingers pried his mouth open, and there was a plop! before the palm of their hand pressed against his mouth, letting the mushed up medicine slide right on his tongue. He gagged, but they refused to move until he swallowed with a thick gulp. God, the aftertaste was even worse than what he expected.
They were about to remove their hand, only to yelp and snatch it back, cradling it against their chest. "Did you just bite me?!"
"Fuck you."
"You fucking animal." Filled with disbelief and indignation, they scoffed and wiped their hand on his shirt, adding onto his anger. "Whatever — I only did what Octavia asked of me."
They pulled out a cup of water, and as tempted as he was to knock it out of their hands, he wanted to be rid of this awful aftertaste, now that his throat didn't crawl with discomfort. 'Huh.' His suspicious gaze landed on them. "Why are you helping me?"
"Didn't I just say?" They grabbed one of his hands and forced him to hold the water. "Your sister entrusted you to me. How could I possibly let her down? Now drink."
“You need to stay away from her.” He warned, albeit halfheartedly. His arms shook under his weight, but Bellamy managed to lift himself on his elbows. He took a sip, then gulped down the entire cup. But when he set it down on the floor, he noted the streaks of blood and the remaining specks of vomit splattered around, including on Kova's pants. Realization dawned on his face, and Kova pointedly ignored it as they took the cup from him.
“I would take you more seriously if you weren't acting like a child.” The teasing smirk on their face only riled him up more. "Besides, it's far too late for that, anyways."
The perk of his eyebrow was a question all on its own.
"Don't forget, as much as you don't like my brother, they're a thing now." They gathered the used towel and the bucket of water dyed orange from the blood. "She surprisingly understands our culture. As long as she protects my brother, and I'll protect hers." Their own eyebrows perked up, the teasing smirk growing. "Even if I don't like him too much."
Bellamy's scoff turned into a small huff of laughter. "Shut up." He looked away with a sniff. "Any updates on the bridge?"
"Finn and Jasper left a while ago. Raven is missing — no clue where she is, but she most likely went to follow them. No explosion so far." Suddenly, they looked over his head. "Clarke."
"Hey. Didn't know he woke up." The mattress dipped when she plopped next to him. Red lined the deep circle around her eyes and dry blood cracked along her cheeks to her chin, as if she had been crying.
"Finn said you shouldn't be taking shifts." They were met with a pair of guilt ridden eyes, and an exasperated sigh passed their lips. "Rest. I can handle it now that sleeping beauty here is awake." 
"Shut the fuck up." Bellamy never had the intense feeling of wanting to smack that frustrating smirk off their face until now.
In the end, Clarke nodded her agreement. Kova stood, patting Bellamy's shoulder before grabbing the bucket and the towel. "Don't die while I'm gone. Applies to the both of you."
"Got it." The two leaders rasped out at the same time.
Clarke noticed the way his eyes followed Kova until they were out of sight. "Are you feeling better?"
"Yeah." His scowl returned, and he struggled to sit up fully, swinging his legs over the mattress and planting his feet on the floor. His eyes caught sight of Murphy when the boy had moved to another patient. "I see you're letting him take care of the sick." Pausing, he turned to her. "You trust him?"
"After everything? No." She scoffed. "But I do believe in second chances."
His eyes flickered to the cup, then to the mess on the floor. Kova's update finally hit him. "It's almost dawn. We should get everyone inside. If we lock the doors, maybe the grounders won’t think we’re home.”
“But not everyone is sick.”
“Sick is better than dead.”
Silence stood between them for a moment. “You don’t think Finn and Jasper are gonna pull it off.”
“Do you?”
Clarke's sigh broke another moment of silence. “I’ll get everyone inside.”
The sun rose, and so did everyone's worries. There had still been no signal from the Jasper, Finn, or Raven, so everyone assumed the worst and lined up outside the dropship, wearing makeshift masks from rags. Some even had gloves.
'With such an enclosed, small space, and no ventilation, there's a good chance a few of them will catch the virus.' Kova thought while waiting at the curtained entrance for Clarke's signal. 'But there's a chance for survival. Trikru's attack is an inevitable fatality.'
Their train of thoughts traveled to their time on the Mountain, when they and their fellow warriors had been infected, puking every few steps until it was only acid against their throat. Miller rushed past the ramp and through the curtains, carrying as many guns as his arms would allow, and Kova realized how truly weak the delinquents were. No training whatsoever in 'Earth Skills' or whatever Monty had called it before, no fighting or weapon experience, nothing. If they had landed in Azgeda territory, they would have died within the week—
For the first time in Kova's life, an explosion brought relief.
Everyone turned to the mushroom cloud punching through the air.
"They did it." Bellamy's voice startled Kova. They hadn't realized the two leaders stepped out from the dropship.
“'I am become death, destroyer of worlds.'” A murmur came from Clarke's lips. She felt eyes on her, and turned to Bellamy and Kova looking at her with confusion. "Oppenheimer. The man who built the first—”
“I know who Oppenheimer is.” Bellamy interrupted with a small smirk.
“He actually stole that quote from a Hindu scripture, if I recall correctly. So not really his quote." Eyes returning to the mushroom cloud, fear crawled up their spine, jaw clenching, tongue feeling heavy in their mouth, and Kova signaled for Miller to take over on sending people away from the dropship.
Once they knew no eyes were on them, they snuck behind the dropship, pressing the back of their hand to their mouth. This sudden nausea wasn't new — they were well acquainted with how their body reacted to guilt and shame to this degree. But then the mental onslaught came, 'who am I?' 'why did I let them do that?' 'will TonDC and the other villages survive?' 'will Fort Nauk function without the bridge?' 'treason,' 'kill order,' 'my family—?' 
They had already answered a few of these questions when they first heard of the plan to blow up the bridge. There were countless weavers in the villages, and quite a few bridge builders from the Old families. 'They'll be fine,' The one thought cycled a few times while their body climbed over the back wall, stiff, as if on autopilot. They landed, light on their feet—
Kova stood to their full height.
'They'll be fine.'
"Hey." They greeted back, clasping a hand on Octavia's shoulder. "Ready?"
"Let's go."
The two trekked through the forest, following the trail of gladiolus' and lilies.
They'll be fine.
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viviansternwood · 5 years
How do you make a gif?
What a fantastic question. 
This will be a full-blown tutorial, and I’m going to do my best to keep this as beginner-friendly as possible, but if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask via inbox or DMs or whichever way suits you.
You will need Photoshop to be able to follow this tutorial. I will be using this particular gif as an example:
Tumblr media
The rest of the tutorial is under the cut.
Step 1. Download
First we download the video we’re going to gif. It always has to be in HD quality, preferably 1080, but sometimes 720 can work too, but no less. Gifs will not look good if the video you’re giffing is in bad quality.
The idea is to use torrent as little as possible because of the consequences, so, depending on what I want to gif, my method of download will vary. If it’s a relatively recent and well-known movie/tv show, then I usually check out this website for movies, and this one for tv shows.
If it’s something more obscure than that - say an old movie - you’ll have to use torrent, unfortunately.
For youtube videos, I use this app.
Step 2. Screencaps
Now that you’ve downloaded your video, you’ll need to make screencaps. The app I use is MPlayer OSX Extended - it works only for Mac. For both Mac and Windows, you can use MPEG Streamclip, but I prefer the former because it can be used for any format, whereas MPEG Streamclip only works with mp4.
I actually don’t have MPEG Streamclip anymore, so this tutorial will only show how I personally make screencaps, so with MPlayer.
The steps are simple:
Open the video
Find the scene you want to capture
Pause the video
Hold ‘command + shift + S’ until the scene ends
Make sure you choose a folder in which you want your screencaps to save (before you start capturing). To do this, while your video is open, go:
Mplayer OSX Extended > Preferences
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This window will open:
Tumblr media
At the bottom, where it says “Save screenshots to”, you can choose your location.
Step 3. Importing Screencaps
Once the screencaps are done, we open Photoshop and go: File > Scripts > Load Files into Stack
Tumblr media
Next it’ll open a browsing window, and you find the folder in which you saved your screencaps. At this stage I like to make sure I only upload the shots that will be on my gif, leaving out the extra ones I may have captured (like the beginning of the next scene, for example).
Use Shift to choose a lot of shots at the same time:
Tumblr media
Then click OK.
While they’re uploading to photoshop, make sure you don’t click anywhere until the process is finished because otherwise it might not upload all the shots.
Step 4. Editing
Once your screenshots are in, the first thing you need to do is decide on the size of the gif. There are specific sizes which tumblr supports so that your gifs don’t appear blurred. I’m going to make a list of all possible combinations that I know. This will go from largest possible size a gif can be to the smallest and will show how it will look in gifsets (all the gifsets will be mine, sometimes from sideblogs).
Any number of gifs, one in a row:
540x540 (example)
540x450 (example)
540x320 (example)
540x240 (example)
An even number of gifs, two gifs in a row, side by side:
268x404 (example)
268x350 (example)
268x300 (example)
268x268 (example)
268x220 (example)
268x192 (example)
268x150 (example)
9 gifs:
177x177 for side gifs and 178x177 for the middle gif in each row (example)
In this case, I will be making a standard 540x240 gif.
First we resize the image. Because these are caps from a movie and not a TV show (resolutions are different for TV), the cap is wide but short, that means that I change the size of the image by height. To do this:
Image > Image Size
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This window opens:
Tumblr media
Where it says “height”, we type in 240 and click OK.
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Then we zoom in to a 100%.
Next, we make sure the timeline is open. To do this: 
Window > Timeline
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Once that’s done, down at the timeline, we click “Create Frame Animation”:
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At the right of the timeline, right under the layers, we click on this little thing:
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And choose “Make Frames from Layers”
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The frames will now be in reversed order because that’s how the layers always upload, so we click on that little four lines thing in the upper right corner of the timeline again and choose “Reverse Frames”:
Tumblr media
And now is the time to have a look at your frames and see if you need to delete any. Make sure that if you delete a frame, you delete a corresponding layer as well. The gif will have to be under 3mb for tumblr to display it correctly, so make sure there aren’t too many frames. But this isn’t a huge issue because once you’ve saved the ready gif, you can always reopen it and delete some frames.
In this case I have 36 frames, and I’m going to take it down to 34 just to be safe. This is what the gif looks like at this stage:
Tumblr media
Once that’s done, the next step is to set the delay. Every giffer does this according to their personal preferences, but I personally do this. If your gif doesn’t involve any talking - so you won’t be adding text, then set the delay to 0.07. If it involves adding text later, don’t touch the delay at all at the moment, it’ll have to be done later. 
Because this gif doesn’t involve adding any text, I’m setting the delay to 0.07. Again, hold Shift to choose all the frames.
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The slowed down gif looks like this:
Tumblr media
Now it’s time to crop! Choose the cropping tool and type 540x240 where it says “ratio”:
Tumblr media
Choose the crop positioning to your liking and press enter.
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The gif at the moment:
Tumblr media
Now we do last preparations before colouring. For this, click at the little four lines again:
Tumblr media
And choose “Convert to Video Timeline”.
Then choose all the layers and go Filter > Convert for Smart Filters.
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Then go Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen:
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Which will open the window for smart sharpening, and here are my settings:
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This is another one of those things that is down to each giffer, but what I usually do is, if it’s a really small gif, like 268x150 for example, I set radius to 0.2. If it’s a huge close up to a person’s face or a really big gif, like 540x540, I set the radius to 0.4. For all other gifs I always keep it on 0.3.
Then click OK.
Next, go Filter > Noise > Add Noise. Here are my settings for this:
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Then, move the noise layer under the sharpening layer (I don’t know if this changes anything, but I always do it this way lol):
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The gif ends up looking like this:
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Now the editing is done, and it’s time to colour! 
Step 5. Colouring
This is by far the hardest thing a giffer has to do, so if you don’t immediately get the hang of it, don’t be upset. You’ll learn eventually. I’m still learning, personally.
Again, all of this is very much down to each giffer, but here’s the way I do it.
Press the little “fill layer” button and choose Curves:
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So the way I use curves is to even out the entire shot’s colouring. So if the scene is too red or too green or too blue or too yellow, it gets rid of the excess of that colouring and brings it down to normal. Can help so much in some cases.
What you do is choose the middle pipette in the window, which is to sample image to set grey point.
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There’s also the option to set white point (bottom pipette) or black point (top pipette), but I don’t use those because it screws with your lighting too much.
To choose a point, I usually use the person’s eyebrows or hair. Sounds ridiculous, but it does work. In this case clicking on Dunkleman’s eyebrow makes the image too green:
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So what I do instead is click on his hair, where it’s reddish brown, somewhere here.
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This makes the image noticeably less red compared to the original:
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But also, it made the image less vibrant, so we’re fixing that next. Fill layer > Vibrance:
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And then I set Vibrance to 100, always. If the image is still not vibrant enough for my liking, I set saturation (in the same window) to 10 or 25 in some cases. And for this gif, I will set saturation to 10. 
Here’s how the image ends up looking (just make sure it doesn’t make their faces ridiculously red or something, but if there’s some excess of colour, don’t worry):
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Now go Fill layer > Exposure.
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Here are my settings for this gif:
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With exposure, it’s just a matter of keeping that balance between lightening it as much as possible but without their faces or bodies looking as bright as a christmas tree, and then adding offset and gamma correction to return normalcy to the picture.
Here’s what the image looks like now:
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It’s obvious right now that their faces are a little too red and too yellow, so we’re going to fix that. Go Fill Layer > Selective Colour:
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The task here is to make their faces appear as if they’re stood in normal daylight with no other filters. So as close to normal skin colour as possible. Be careful when giffing people of colour so that you don’t whitewash them. 
In this case, I’m adding cyan in reds:
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And taking down yellow in yellows:
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And here’s what the image ends up looking like:
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I’m quite satisfied with this result, so I’m going to leave it how it is, but sometimes I will tweak things more and use colour balance and other things.
Step 6. Add Text
Make sure you group your colouring layers at this point and then add your text as the top layer. 
Step 7. Save the gif
To save a gif moving, you go File > Export > Save for Web:
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This window opens up, and make sure that in the bottom right corner, where it says “looping options”, it’s set to “forever”:
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As the last step, I add dither because it evens out the edited colours in the background. I tend to use “pattern”:
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Then we press “save” and our gif is done!
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Step 9. Reopen
If you added text to the gif and followed my advice, you wouldn’t have touched the delay back at the beginning. This is because converting to video timeline kicks the delay either into 0.03 (too fast) or into 0.07 (too slow for speaking gifs). So you have to reopen the gif now and set the delay to 0.06 (that’s the speed I like for my gifs where someone’s talking on them).
This is also a good time to delete some frames if your gif is 3mb or over. Remember it won’t move if it’s not under 3mb!
Hope all of this makes sense, and let me know if you have any questions!
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yesvac · 5 years
back 2 san jose island
no meme here is my lesbian play for anyone interested let me know what u think : ) also when i paste onto tumblr it may fuck up the formatting but i promise i formatted it correctly in docs. 
warning: lol (lots of lesbians) also this is zombie apocalypse
Back to San Jose Island
Post-nuclear apocalypse life in Texas, USA: now “Tejas.” The sun beats down heavily and the dust settles in every corner. There are walls around each human settlement made from wood, tires, and junk metal. Every character is dirty and rough around the edges.
ZOEY: A small and fiery young adult with a habitual tendency to pills and other drugs. When she isn’t high, she’s confrontational, witty, sarcastic, and good with her hands. To make money, she crafts weapons. Her manner is usually humorous, even in dangerous situations.
ALEX: An apocalypse assassin with a mysterious and unreadable disposition. She is ambitious, impersonal, and unemotional. She rarely jokes or displays any personal thoughts or emotions, and kills without mercy. She is on the hunt for the cure to the zombie virus plaguing her time. 
WILLIE: Zoey’s best friend, and drug dealer. During the day, he runs an odds-and-ends shop in his village, but he sells drugs under the table to an assortment of customers including Zoey. His disposition is hunched and generally nervous. He is too afraid to arm himself, even if he has the ability to. He rarely leaves the walls of his town. He wears denim and layers of flannel.
Downtown in a post-apocalyptic village by the name of SAN MARCOS. It’s near-sunset, almost dark, and the decent folk have their children and themselves inside. In the apocalypse, lawlessness reins; as nighttime falls, we hear music from bars get louder, and the daytime businesses close up. ZOEY enters through the front gate, armed with a postapocalypse-urban leather jacket and several knives; she’s not from here. As she walks towards the downtown area with the shops and bars, she hears a bang from inside a business, and a crash.
Wha- HEY!
As a gunshot explodes, ZOEY ducks down and covers her head with her arms.  She looks terrified, and then angry.
Willie, I swear to fuck if you’re shooting at me, I’m gonna be really mad.
She rolls her eyes, and then sneaks from her crouching position to open the front door of the business. It unlocks with a click, and we see WILLIE and ALEX.
ALEX, strong, muscular, and survivor-esque, is holding a pistol with her right hand, pointed directly at ZOEY’s face. In her left, she has WILLIE in a stronghold with a serrated machete pressed to his throat. WILLIE, a coward, looks confused and terrified.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, alright? I’m chill. So is Willie. So why do you have my friend in a headlock?
ALEX’s face is cold and hard. She looks at ZOEY, assessing her.
Not for any reason you’d have to worry about. So I suggest you turn around and leave.
No can do, my friend. Your name is…? Or is that another thing I’m not allowed to know?
ZOEY cocks her head to the side. She’s ballsy. ALEX isn’t impressed.
I could kill you with one shot. It’d be clean and quick.
WILLIE whimpers in fear. ALEX tightens her hold on him.
Then do it. What’s stopping you?
ALEX narrows her eyes.
What’s stopping me... is that’s what you want. I’m not wasting a bullet to fund your suicide.
I’m offended! Why, even turned on!
ALEX’s expression goes from controlled to confused and rigid. She obviously was not expecting that. She attempts to hide her embarrassment.
Please, just leave. It’ll make it easier for everyone.
then, firm
I’m serious.
I’m not leaving. But the first thing you can do is let Willie go. He’s not a threat. When we were six, he cried because a butterfly landed on his nose. Just let him go.
ALEX thinks for a moment, and then loosens her hold on WILLIE. He sputters, dropping to the floor and scrambling away from ALEX, towards ZOEY. ALEX’s other hand goes to her gun, which she continues to point between ZOEY’s eyes.
Fine. Whatever. But I’m not leaving here until I get the information I need. And I have no reservations about killing either of you to get what I want.
Okay, we get it, you’re a ruthless murderer. What is it that you need so you can go the fuck away?
Your friend here. He sells goods.
ZOEY smirks. WILLIE is looking at his feet, still sitting on the floor, barely together.
I’m aware. He’s a damn good dealer. Got the best prices in town.
I get it. He sells drugs under the table. It’s pretty obvious. I don’t care about that. But the suppliers for drugs are the same guys who make what I need.
And what is that, exactly?
You wouldn’t understand.
The two women are slowly becoming more confrontational. ZOEY, a bold and fiery survivor, is becoming more fearless, even with the barrel of ALEX’s gun pressed to her forehead. She howls out in sarcastic laughter when ALEX says this.
Why? Because I’m a scavenger and you’re some type of big shot? What do you do for a living, miss? Paid-by-the-hour Debby Downer? Professional asshole?
ALEX holsters her gun, sighing, and rolling her eyes, obviously frustrated with the situation.
It’s a scientific development not revealed to the public. It’s not something most could understand. Even me.
I told you, I don’t know where it is, or what it is for that matter.
That doesn’t help me at all. Just help me and we can be through with this. Nobody has to get hurt.
I can tell you my supplier’s name. But if I do you can’t tell him it’s me -- if I loose this avenue of work-- I could--
I decide that, kid, not you. Tell me the name.
His name-- his name is Dustin Bigg. Goes by Dusty. He has bigger connections than I even know. He’s not at this compound. It’s about a 3 hour drive south of here. In a compound called Wholesale, on San Jose Island.
ALEX thinks for a moment, nods in WILLIE’s direction, and turns to ZOEY.
Don’t follow me.
She walks out, the shop bell ringing as the door closes behind her. WILLIE breathes a sigh of relief.
What the fuck was that about?
I’m not sure, really. Not sure why she came to me, anyway. But when she first got here, she was yammering about something about a cure.
A cure? Really? She’s one of those nutjobs?
I guess so. Fuck. I really hope she doesn’t kill my supplier. If I was cut off I’d… I’d…
WILLIE is clearly very stressed. He’s a bit less anxious as when ALEX was in his store, but he still runs his hands through his hair, and his face is soaked in sweat.
Listen, Willie. Did you get her name?
Why does it matter? Why’d you come here anyway?
I was hoping you could, y’know, set me up.
WILLIE looks off into the distance for a moment, in thought.
I don’t feel very good about this.
Well… you know...
I don’t.
Your problem.
With increasing anger
I don’t have a problem, Willie. I just saved your life and now you don’t want to sell me drugs? What about selling more to support your family, eh?
I know, Zoey. Settle down. C’mon.
WILLIE is scared of ZOEY. It makes sense - she is very confrontational, and not afraid of anything. WILLIE’s afraid of everything. He ducks behind the front counter and emerges with a box of powders in different colors.
Three, please, of these. And one of those. Thanks.
ZOEY hands him money, and he stows it away. ZOEY puts the drugs into a pocket in her bag.
I think I’m gonna go after her. Did you catch her name?
Are you crazy? She almost killed us!
No, she didn’t. She pointed a gun at me and put a knife against your throat. She didn’t have an intent to kill that entire time. It was hilarious.
under his breath
You’re so strange.
A name, Willie?
I think I caught it when she was looking through her belongings in her bag. I think her name is Alex.
ZOEY nods at WILLIE, smiles, and heads out of the shop. The bell dings behind her. WILLIE sighs, and slumps against his counter in exhaustion.
As soon as ZOEY leaves, she spots a car parked nearby. The windows are open and playing jazz. It’s dark outside, and the sky is clear. ALEX sits on her car hood, smoking a cigarette and looking up at the stars.  ZOEY approaches the car slowly.
ALEX doesn’t flinch.
Hi. (beat) I think I told you not to follow me?
Yeah, but how could I resist? You, just sitting here, smoking a pack of Marlboros. It’s like all my teenage lesbian dreams at once.
Another moment of embarrassed awkwardness. ALEX doesn’t know how to respond to ZOEY’s flirting - but it doesn’t bother ZOEY.
Can I sit with you?
ZOEY sits down on the concrete nearby ALEX’s car, and pulls out her own thing to smoke - a marijuana joint. She pulls out a black lighter and lights up, taking a breath in and holding it before blowing it out towards the sky. ALEX watches her smoke.
Why are you still here?
I don’t know, Alex.
ALEX’s eyebrows furrow.
How did you-
It doesn’t matter. Do you want to hit this?
ALEX looks confused, but nods, and gestures of ZOEY to climb onto the car hood with her. They sit next to each other, and ZOEY hands ALEX the joint to smoke. ALEX coughs a bit; ZOEY smiles.
I know your name too, you know. Zoey.
I’m flattered.
I needed to know how to manipulate Willie. You were just on a list of possible ins.
Not so flattered anymore. Hey, listen, why is this thing-- why is it so important to you?
ALEX gets a look on her face like she’s fixated on something in the distance.
It’s not just important to me, Zoey. It’s important for all of us. For the whole world.
ZOEY’s eyes narrow.
What, you’re gonna save the world, or something?
It’s not that simple - easier said than done, as always. But that’s the goal.
Holier-than-thou bullshit.
Excuse me?
There’s always people who say they’re so close to finding the cure. That there’s a group, or a compound, or a state out there with a vaccination. A medical procedure that’s going to help. Some sort of herbal concoction of ancient medicine that grants immunity. Some far-off procedure to make the dead once again living. A modern medicine that will make walkers not walk anymore. But they’re all bullshit.
The two girls are quiet for a moment. ZOEY continues to smoke.
That’s a generalization. (beat) Don’t you want to have hope for the future?
Sure. Doesn’t everyone? But I’m not going to put my faith into every medical miracle I hear about.
Suit yourself. I want to-- no, need to be a part of something that is bigger than myself. I need to help.
And helping is pressing a knife to my friend’s throat to get him to tell you the name of his superiors?
Is that what this is about? Geez, I barely even roughed him up.
What this is about is: I want to know why you have so much faith in finding a cure. Are you just naive and stupid, or are the people you work for- are they the real deal?
First off. I don’t work for anyone. I’m solo. Keeps things simpler. And the trail I’m following -- I think -- could be a lead to curing undeath.
I want to join you.
Come on. You didn’t even think about it.
I have been thinking about it ever since you entered Willie’s shop. It’s clear that you’re itching to do something, to latch onto anything. I knew you were going to ask me. I was waiting for you.
Don’t give yourself too much credit. I’m not exactly subtle. (beat) Why not?
You’d be a liability. I like working alone. I’m not good with people. You’re probably not properly trained. You could die. You could turn against me and kill me in my sleep. There’s a lot of reasons why.
But I bet you want to.
ALEX’s lip quivers. She looks away.
Right? There’s no other reason why you would have waited for me. Just to tell me off? I don’t think so. To give me another chance to talk to you. To convince you.
Do you have family?
Okay. Let’s go.
ZOEY breaks out in a smile, one that ALEX finds indecent. ALEX throws her lit cigarette onto the pavement and gets into her car, turning it on. ZOEY celebrates her victory with a grin and a personal congratulatory motion before getting into the passengers seat. The car backs out and begins to drive out of the gates of the small town and into the open roads.
ALEX’s car. ALEX has been driving for a while, and kills the motor by turning her keys. She then turns to face ZOEY, which, to her surprise, has fallen asleep in the passenger’s seat.
Quietly, to herself
Shit. Should I wake her up?
ALEX reaches over tentatively to touch ZOEY’s arm, and ZOEY, in her sleep, lets out a snore. ALEX laughs and smiles to herself, shaking her head.
I’ll just give her a second.
After cranking down her window, ALEX pulls out a pack of cigarettes, and takes a cigarette out. She lights it easily with practiced fingers and a black lighter. She inhales and exhales, staring into the distance. After a minute, ZOEY wakes up, crinkling her nose.
Yeah, thanks to your iron lungs.
Want a smoke?
No thank you.
ZOEY yawns.
Where are we?
We left from Rio Vista about a couple hours ago. I’m not sure when you fell asleep. It’s pretty late, so I pulled over outside a smaller settlement.
And where are we going again? You know, security of self, and all?
Rolling her eyes
You’re secure. But fine. We’re on our way to San Jose island.
I think I remember that name. But before the outbreak - it wasn’t somewhere people lived, right?
Then why do you need to go there? Aren’t you looking for someone?
There weren’t people there before the outbreak. But there are now. Like Willie said - a settlement called Wholesale. And there are also several plants and animals native to just that island that will help in the search for a cure. Ingredients that can be used for medical experimentation.
Wow, you’re a nerd. Okay. San Jose Island. How far away is that from here, exactly?
It’ll be another 2 hours on the road, and a little boat ride. Unless you want to swim.
I loved swimming before the outbreak, actually.
ALEX smiles in a sad way. You can tell she misses “before the outbreak” life.
Me too.
What were you like, before?
Why do you need to know?
C’mon. You let me come with you. Humor me.
A VISION OF THE PAST. In front of the parked car, we see a young child version of ALEX walk gracefully to front center stage. She is wearing flowy clothing.
I used to love to dance.
Light, jovial string music begins to play, and PAST ALEX dances in a graceful ballerina style along with it.
You don’t dance anymore?
PAST ALEX dances off of the stage and the music fades out. ALEX’s face darkens.
What’s the point? Dancing doesn’t help anyone.
But it made you happy, right?
Zoey, leave it.
I’m just saying… even though the world sucks, you still have to do things for yourself sometimes, right? I don’t know… maybe you’d be happier if you did.
There really isn’t time for me to be putting aside for plies, Zoey.
Alright, alright. So what’s the plan?
We’re parked just outside Big Bend. It’s a smaller settlement. I think we could probably find someplace to sleep there.
Sounds good to me.
The two girls exit ALEX’s car and walk to the gates of the settlement. A man in various metal and leather armor greets them, eyeing them suspiciously.
Who are you?
We’re just travellers. Hoping to stay the night.
Your car - it caught the attention of the herd. They’re coming near here. Know how to fight?
ZOEY makes a face. She’s not so sure.
Okay. If you can help me fight ‘em off, you’ve got a room for the night.
We can’t just, I don’t know, go inside?
Not exactly. They’d be clawing at the walls, and our defenses aren’t the best they’ve ever been.
ALEX pulls out a large combat knife from her belt-holster and holds it at the ready. ZOEY, realizing that this is happening (whether she likes it or not), pulls a machete from her cross-body strap holster.
They’re coming.
A group of 4 zombies clamber onstage, towards our main characters. Silently, ALEX lunges forward and plants the blade of her knife in the nearest zombie, forcing it to the ground and pulling out her knife. For good measure, she stomps on its head as she moves forward to perform the same procedure on the next one. The guard smashes one walker’s head against the walls of the compound, and ZOEY stabs the last one in the chest with her machete. It gets stuck, the walker still growling and struggling to bite her, and she yells for help. ALEX appears heroically, and stabs the walker bluntly in its cranium.
out of breath, filled with adrenaline
ALEX nods. She is still impersonal. They fight off the next 3 walkers that come near the walls.
I think that’s the worst of it. I could get the rest of them. Thanks - y’all aren’t half bad.
It’s all her.
The guard calls up to another guard elevated in a watcher position, and the gate to the compound opens. BIG BEND. It is a smaller compound, and the girls catch it in the dead of the night. Almost everyone is asleep, and the buildings are quiet. The one building that seems lively is the bar of the town, with music playing from inside, and the lights are still lit.
Second house on the left. My wife and I live there. We have a room for you two to stay in.
Thank you. I appreciate it.
The gate closes, and the girls walk inside.
It’s kind of nice, isn’t it?
No nicer than the other dozens of compounds around Tejas. Why?
I don’t know. Look at the flowerbeds. It seems like life here is slower.
It’s… nice, I guess. Just not exactly what I’m looking for.
ALEX yawns.
Let’s get to that room.
They walk silently to the house that the guard has indicated, and ALEX knocks three raps on the brightly painted front door. There is silence in response, and then some rustling inside. The door opens a crack, and the girls are met with an adolescent teenage boy in pajamas. He peers at them strangely. It seems like he has just woken up.
Um- hi, there. We’re travellers. The guard at the gate told us we could stay in a room here.
Oh. Sure. That was my dad. Come in, I’ll show you.
The house is nicely decorated with knick-knacks of the past world covering each surface. There are garden gnomes, pottery, glass animals, carved woods, framed pictures, and other worn odds-and-ends. Also, there are some mounted heads of animals, indicating successful hunting. ZOEY looks around in wonder and amazement. She has never seen a home like this.
The boy brings them up a set of stairs to a room and opens the door to the bedroom. We see that it only has one bed. The room is tiny, and there isn’t much floor space - but the bed is big enough for two people.
ALEX shifts uncomfortably.
Is there another mattress anywhere?
No. Sorry, miss… Goodnight.
The boy exits, closing the door behind him, and ALEX and ZOEY are left alone again. They both look like they’re not sure what to do. The awkwardness in the air is palpable.
Well, I guess we should start getting ready for bed.
Zoey, I can’t.
Can’t what?
ALEX looks over to the bed, and back at ZOEY.
Oh, come on. Get over yourself. You say “I’m the smartest person you’ll ever meet” but you can’t even share a bed with someone?
Shut the fuck up. I’m just saying. I don’t want to… you know, cross any boundaries.
Well, you’re welcome to sleep on the floor - be my guest. But there’s a bed, and I’m tired. So I’m sleeping on it.
There is a bit of tenseness in the room that isn’t direct, but awkward. ALEX begins to take off her equipment, including holsters and knives and guns, and arranges them neatly on the dresser opposite to the bed.
I’m… I’m sorry. I’ll sleep in the bed.
You don’t have to be sorry. It’s okay.
ZOEY strips off her outerwear, including her shirt and pants with no regard to the other girl in the room. ALEX immediately blushes, averting her eyes. ZOEY yawns, and burrows into the blankets on the bed. ALEX, with her outerwear still on, tentatively pulls back the blankets to get under them.
Are you going to wear your jacket to bed?
I’m… I… I think so.
ALEX reaches over to the nightstand and extinguishes the lantern providing the room with light. She lays back into the bed, staring at the ceiling.
Night, Alex.
THE NEXT MORNING, the BIG BEND GUEST BEDROOM. Through the window shines a morning light. ALEX wakes up first, and finds through wary eyes that she took off her jacket in the night, now only wearing a worn cutoff black t-shirt and pants. She and ZOEY are accidentally intertwined, and it makes ALEX blush severely, quickly retracting her hands from their place around ZOEY’s waist. She shakes her head, and begins to redress, but ZOEY wakes up.
Ugh. It feels so early.
Do you sleep ‘till noon every day? God, I wish I was as careless as you.
Hey, back off. For real though, I slept well last night.
ALEX blushes again, turning away as ZOEY gets out of bed. In the morning light, ZOEY is beautiful: medium-dark skin in a worn set of underwear, sleepy eyes and messy, dark hair. It is impossible for ALEX to look at her. ZOEY begins to redress.
Yeah. Me too.
What’s on the schedule for today?
I think we can get there today. Just a couple more hours of driving. And then we find Dusty Biggs.
Know anything about Dusty before Willie told you about him?
Oh yeah. Plenty. He’s a big name in medicine and drugs. Kind of a druggie himself.
Sounds like a criminal I could chill with.
What! I like junkies! They’re relatable.
This junkie’s a bad guy. He likes to do hard drug experiments on people. It’s… not fun stuff.
You don’t want to know. Let’s go.
The two exit the GUEST BEDROOM, and appear downtown BIG BEND. People walk and chat, mostly gathering around dining area of the compound, having a breakfast with eggs and vegetables. On the way out, ALEX grabs them two water bottles and two protein bars. They exit BIG BEND, entering…
ALEX’s car. As ALEX turns the key and drives away, ZOEY buckles in and leans back. After leaving the compound, ALEX gets onto the road and is freely driving.
Hey, Alex.
You’ve been weird since this morning.
ALEX’s eyebrows furrow.
What do you mean?
Well, for starters, you won’t look at me. I thought it was maybe exhaustion but I’m more tired than you. So what’s wrong?
ALEX remembers the morning, the way ZOEY looked in the sunlight from the window. She also remembers how warm her arms and torso were from being beside ZOEY in the night.
No! Something’s up.
Fine. Fine! I woke up with my arms around you.  
Awkward silence.
Well, that’s okay.
No, Zoey, it’s…
Alex, why are you acting so weird about it? I think you’re cute. Is there something wrong about that?
It’s just…
If you don’t like girls I get it, I just wanted to shoot my shot, y’know--
Zoey, I like girls. Shit, I mean, I like you. It’s just weird. Romance. I feel like I’m not… great at it.
Oh. Well that’s silly.
Yeah. Silly. The world ended 8 years ago. When I was 10, and I bet when you were pretty young, too.
I was 11.
We grew up without any guidance on relationships, how to flirt, how to act on your feelings in a healthy way… It makes sense to feel awkward about it.
Why don’t you?
Simple lack of shame when I’m around cute girls.
ALEX laughs, but she’s still blushing. She pulls over on the side of the road, and parks the car, killing the ignition. She looks at ZOEY.
Last night… It was nice.
ZOEY smiles, a bit sadly. She puts her hand on the side of ALEX’s face, brushing ALEX’s dark hair behind her ear. Their faces are close.
Oh, really?
ZOEY leans forward, her eyes fluttering closed as ALEX’s do at the same time. Their lips connect, A CHASTE KISS, but one that makes ALEX’s whole body quiver and shrink up. They disconnect, and ALEX avoids eye contact, blushing immensely.
You’re adorable.
No, you’re--
Suddenly, A WALKER!
It bangs its head against the window on the driver’s side, splattering glass all over ALEX! ZOEY screams, and ALEX’s words fade to a yell as she manuevers to turn on the car. She ignites the engine, and starts to drive, but the walker bangs its head into the window again. ZOEY, yelling, lunges forward with her machete, nailing it in the head and tossing it out the window.
After they get onto open road, ZOEY begins to laugh, manic.
What? What, you weirdo?
Between fits of laughter
My- my machete. I left it back there.
Why… is that funny?
I don’t know!
ZOEY takes a few breathes, dizzy with laughter.
But aren’t you so happy to be alive?
ALEX smiles.
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thedragonkween · 5 years
hello! if it's not too much of a bother, i was wondering if you had any tips for someone who wanted to start a writing/imagine/headcanon blog & how to keep yourself motivated — as i tend to get discouraged easily!! I've loved yours for years now & I've only recently gathered up the courage to put myself out there with my writing, so I'd really appreciate if you could give me some tips ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* feel free to ignore this if you don't feel like replying though, don't worry!! have a beautiful day ♡
Hi! You're not bothering at all, love! Sorry if this took a bit to answer, but you know how it goes...life is hard hehe.
Anyways, what I would recommend is that you think of yourself first. And I mean that if you see that something is not working, like taking requests in my case, then you simply don't do it. Behind a successful writing/headcanon blog there is someone who loves what they're doing, and if you have to force every word out then people are gonna know, and you won't feel much satisfied with your work. Writing takes time and it comes and goes like waves. Don't feel discouraged if you don't always feel like writing - you don't have to! You should have fun with what you do.
Another important thing is: know your tags. You'd want to tag your writings correctly (with all the due warnings) so as to attract the right audience for you. Avoid tagging a ship that doesn't appear in the fic just for the sake of views: it will most likely have the opposite effect as people find it annoying (and it is annoying, lol). ONLY THE FIRST 5 TAGS APPEAR IN THE SEARCH SECTION. So tag wisely, put something like "Character Y x Reader", "Character Y imagine", and so on. Keep your commentary for the last tags + organize your writings with an appropriate tag that readers can find and remember easily. I use "mywriting", but you can pretty much choose anything you like ("mine", "mystuff" etc are other great examples).
Also, keep an eye out for the fandoms that are most active. You don't have to watch a TV series or movie if you don't want to, but if something is all over tumblr then people will most likely be hungry for fics lol. Right now the fandoms that are going strong are The Umbrella Academy, Into the Spiderverse (though it's not as active as a month ago), Star Wars (with the new upcoming movie) and the evergreen Marvel. Marvel is a great fandom to start as it never gets old and the thirst for the characters IS REAL lmao. There are a lot if other examples but this is just my side of the swamp, so I don't know much about other fandoms I'm afraid.
Lastly, aesthetic! Readers will be more drawn to a blog if it's well curated and organized, with a nice mobile/desktop theme and tag system. I know it may seem shallow, but I personally can't stand messy blogs lol. Also, with time you will develop your own personal style as of aesthetic and tags, so don't worry too much if you don't have it all figured out right away. The same goes for the fic format - experiment and find what you like! In general, readers will appreciate it if you have your own personal take in everything, after all, they come to your blog because it's you!
I hope this could help, love. If there's anything more you want to ask, asks are always open ♡
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sankyeom · 2 years
Hi hi!! I love your sm aid so much keep up the great work🥺
I actually had a question if you don’t mind answering…but I’m a fellow ff writer and I’ve always tried to get my gradient fonts to work but I can never get them to stay intact or they end up interfering with my taglist( the blogs on said taglist don’t get tagged bc the links for their blogs get overridden by the gradient) when I’m editing/ adding things when in html format I was wondering if you could over any insight on how I can fix this
I’m sorry if my question doesn’t really make sense I can’t word things correctly sometimes🤧
hi there! thank you so much my dear 🥰🥰
i know what you mean, that took some time for me to figure out as well! for me personally, i set up my posts with the gradient font without doing the tags and i save that post to my drafts. after that, i go and do the tag list on a mobile device using the tumblr app, which somehow keeps the gradient in tact but lets me edit off of the html editing format.
i have no idea why lol but that works for me! i hope that makes sense and that it works for you too 🌷
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dunkshotdreaming · 6 years
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❥  Welcome one, welcome all!
Hello and welcome to dunkshotdreaming, a multifandom kpop scenarios blog! I will be working on my fics (primarily oneshots) as well as the occasional scenario/drabble request.
★  { This is a sideblog of my main blog: taeilmeyourw1sh. }
↳ fic recs blog: berrysficrecs​
smut fics blog: longassr1de
✿ About myself ✿
I am a female, so she/her is fine! ^^
As I have mentioned before, I am going by the admin name of Berry on this account.  🍓
I am in uni at the moment.
’97 liner & Scorpio squad~
Have been a kpop fan since 2010, thanks to BoA/InuYasha introducing me and to ultimately Girls’ Generation for winning my heart. ♥
I am so multifandom, I once tried making a bias list and my notepad ran out of space.. so I kind of just gave up lmao 🤣
I have a lot of stories up on my AFF account (taeilmeyourw1sh). So should anyone think I am plagiarizing, nope! I am merely reuploading my old scenarios onto this account.
I am usually on mobile, as I got used to that because I did not have a computer for a few years, so please pardon my confusion with how to work the tumblr desktop site at times! 🙇‍♀️
I suck at introductions, I apologize,,, But I hope this was alright!!
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❥  Request Guidelines:
I do not write for ships, I mainly do reader insert (or oc’s).
If you have a specific plot or specific request, please try to be detailed. I do not know what you want unless you state it! (I cannot read minds, although sometimes I wish I could, haha)
Fluff as well as au’s/fantasy themes and such are all fine. Angst on occasion. I do not, however write horror/gore. (I wrote a thriller like once and that was it tbh lol.)
I take drabble/scenario requests for most groups, including girl groups! However, if I do not follow a particular group, I may not know as much about your preferred idol. So forgive me for any inaccuracies in your request in advance!
I will try to keep things gender neutral whenever possible, but please forgive me if it slips or if not every scenario is neutral, as I am not used to writing in such format yet/it might not always fit the plot. It may take some more time/adjustments on my part, especially if editing any of my older stuff (when applicable). But I do promise I’m trying!! ♥
As for smut though! That can be found over at longassrd1de. That blog was made specifically to separate mature content from the rest.
Up til pg-13 is fine for this blog (so no further than like a makeout or implied but not written smut). Don’t really feel comfortable with writing anything like that with idols younger than 00 line, but may not be outright rejected either (we’ll see).
I stan a billion and one groups but the ones I (currently) stan the most are: Girl’s Generation (my ults♥), VIXX, NCT, Monsta X, etc.
Potentially triggering asks (to myself or others if I deem it as such) may be rejected, depending on the nature of the request.
Please check blog description to see if requests are open before sending one in, as my ask box will always remain open for any messages. (If nothing about requests being open is in the description or at the top of this about page, safely and correctly assume requests are currently closed.)
Last but not least, even if it’s not a request, feel free to shoot me an ask sometime! I love responding to messages & interacting with other fans ♥
I’ll add anything I can think of as I go along, but for right now, thank you all for stopping by! Hope you all have an amazing day/night~
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akelun-blogs · 7 years
SUNDAY NEWS #1 - My story with graphic tablets (Cintiq pro 16 review)
Inspired by this article, from David Revoy: http://www.davidrevoy.com/article332/tablet-history-log
As I decided that I’ll try to post a weekly article on my tumblr each sunday with the intention to share you some news as a form of self-motivation and as I didn’t have anything constructive to tell you today, I got the idea to tell you my story with graphic tablets when I read the article linked above from David Revoy, a great French artist who’s using only open-source software in Linux OS.
Also, one thing that can be interesting is that I got in April a new Cintiq model from Wacom: The Wacom Cintiq Pro 16, which, I think, doesn’t have a lot of review yet and you could learn here that this tablet is really terrible, in the good sense of the term, but also have some terrible... choices that we can reproach Wacom, in my point of view.
As I intend to tell you about my tablets in a chronological order, this review will be left at the end of this article.
- Genius G-Pen M712 (2009 - Windows XP and Seven)
- Wacom Cintiq 12wx (December 2010 - Windows 7 and 8.1 and Linux Debian-based)
- Wacom bamboo pen & touch (2012-2013 - Windows 7)
- Wacom Cintiq 13hd (December 2016 and January 2017 - Windows 8.1)
- Wacom Cintiq pro 16 (April 2017 - Windows 8.1)
Genius G-Pen M712 - Bought in 2009, used between 2009 and December 2010 - tested in Windows XP and 7
(I was too inexperienced to judge the stylus pressure)
PRO: A big amount of shortcuts buttons, usable for left-handed and right-handed persons (probably too much I’d even say): 34 shortcuts buttons, 2 scrolls with 1 button in the middle of each scroll and 5 buttons to edit some parameters for the tablet. A good format to draw (A4). Love the design.
CON: The stylus needs battery, on the contrary of the Wacom stylus. Though, I never changed it even after 1 year of frequent use. No eraser on the stylus.
Initial price: around 120 - 140 € if I remember well.
Still in my possession and still working (didn’t try it on my latest computer in Windows 8.1 though).
Wacom Cintiq 12wx - Bought in December 2010, used between December 2010 and April 2017 - tested in Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Linux Debian-based (Ubuntu, Crunchbang (RIP), Debian, Mint)
PRO: This is a monitor tablet. The screen is really strong, in high quality and soft enough to avoid the nib of the stylus to get worn out (I didn’t change the nib even after 6 years of use and there’s no scratch on the screen). 5 shortcut buttons and a scroll bar on the left and on the right of the tablet (for left-handed and right-handed persons). Tablet of high quality with a high life expectancy (6 YEARS!). Plinth very useful to put the tablet in a tablet position OR in a screen position. Eraser on the stylus. No battery needed for the stylus.
CON: Screen too small and in a too small resolution. Screen too dark, it is impossible to color calibrate it correctly. Cables very bulky (with a big box to change the screen parameters). The frame around the screen is very large.
Initial price: ~ 900 €
Still in my possession and ready to be plugged in and used.
Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch - Bought between the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013, used only at my 3D arts school or when I travel - tested in Windows 7
PRO: Very light and easy to carry when I’m traveling. 4 shortcut buttons. Love the design. Pen & Touch functions. Eraser on the stylus. No battery needed for the stylus.
CON: A bit too small to draw (A5 format). The nib is worn out really fast compared to the ones used on Cintiq tablets (had to change it after 6 months of use).
Initial price: 80 or 90 €
Still in my possession.
Wacom Cintiq 13hd - First one bought in December 2016 and Second one in January 2017, used less than 1 month each and sent back - tested in Windows 8.1
PRO: This is a monitor tablet. Light. 1080p resolution. Cables not bulky at all. 9 shortcuts buttons. Eraser on the stylus. No battery needed for the stylus. Love the design.
PRO and CON (in-between): Still a bit small, but it’s clearly better than the Cintiq 12wx screen size. The plinth propose 3 position, in addition of the flat position, but the most vertical position is not vertical enough to allow us to use the tablet as a second screen when we’re not drawing, on the contrary of the Cintiq 12wx screen. Plus, the plinth is made in a plastic material which looks and sounds... really not strong.
CON: 2 tablets bought, 2 tablets received with a problem of white light escaping from the low part of the screen. Damn! I sent the 2 tablets back almost immediatly. The screen feels more granular than the screen of the Cintiq 12wx, which made me worried to have to change the nib of the stylus as regularly as with the Bamboo pen&touch to avoid to get some scratches on my screen with the time.
Initial price: ~ 900 €
Sent it back almost immediatly (x 2)
Wacom Cintiq Pro 16 - Bought in April 2017, used once received and once I bought a cable Mini-display port <-> Display port and still used - tested in Windows 8.1
PRO: This is a monitor tablet. Perfect screen size to draw and work on a normal desk. 1440p (used in 1080p though because I prefere). Parallax problem resolved: I didn’t have to calibrate the stylus on the screen, on the contrary of the Cintiq 12wx and 13hd. It’s still possible to do it if for you the problem is not resolved enough, but I didn’t feel the need to. Screen really strong and soft (not granular as the Cintiq 13hd). Pen & touch function. Perfect screen quality. Eraser on the stylus. No battery needed for the stylus. Love the simplicity of the design.
CON: No more shortcut buttons. The plinth now allows us only to draw with the tablet in a flat position, or in a lightly slanting position only (though, it definitely looks stronger than the cintiq 13hd’s plinth). To use it as a second screen when I’m not drawing, I have to use a book holder, which is not very... practical.
BIG MISTAKE: In the French amazon store, they made the mistake to add this line: “The wacom expresskey remote allows you to[...]”. Oh really? What a shame this remote is not included and costs around 100 € then. Especially that it makes us think that it’s not a problem then if there is no more shortcut buttons on the tablet. At least, we’ll have the remote. LOL! ... Unless we don’t have the remote when we pay the tablet in the wacom website 1612 € but that we get it when we pay the same tablet in amazon fr 1507 € instead of 1600 €. o.O (Well, OK, we have the “contents of the box” discretely written below, but though, this is still misleading.)
BIGGEST MISTAKE: You bought your computer some years ago? It’s a bit old, but still young enough and it’s extremely powerful? Oh, and you thought about buying this model of Cintiq? Well, you can. You’ll just have to add 15 € for the cable mini-display port <-> display port + 65 € for the adapter display port <-> HDMI Wacom recommends you and you have to cross the fingers to hope that the adapter will work because... not all the adapters are working, or not always correctly. After all, we all know it. The HDMI is definitely done. One year before, everyone was using this but now, in 2017, it’s so old-fashioned! ... No, seriously, wacom, there, I don’t understand this choice. For Mac users, there should be no problems apparently. There is a special port for Mac. But for PC users, there is just ONE port for the screen! And this is not a HDMI one. This is a mini-display port. A port which is all fresh and almost unused. I mean... WHY? When I talked by phone with one of the Wacom staff about it, I really thought to myself: “But this is crazy! What a stupid choice! This tablet is awesome and I’m sure that this choice will disappoint A LOT of customers.” And I was definitely right. That’s simple, on the French amazon store, there are 4 reviews. 1 is rated 5/5 (the person noticed however a problem with the fan in the tablet if you work in Windows 10, but it can be solved in the control panel). 1 is rated 4/5 (it’s me). And the 2 others... Well, they all say that this tablet is, I quote, “extremely disappointing” and “should not be recommended”. For both of them, the problem is due to this port choice. Soooooo... maybe I wasn’t this wrong when I felt that this choice could have some bad consequences...
POSSIBLE EXPLANATION: I am not really good in term of hardware / electronic / informatic knowledges yet. But recently, I was wondering: Wacom did a HUGE improvement with the parallax problem with this Cintiq Pro 16. I ever heard from an artist on YouTube (probably one of the first persons whom let a review about this model) that this Cintiq is the first one in that case. True or not, I can’t say that the difference is not huge and enjoyable. But WHAT IF this improvement was the price to force Wacom to stop using the HDMI port and use instead the new ones, to know the “mini-display” port. Of course, it’s just an hypothesis and it still needs an answer from Wacom services to be confirmed or not, but... in my point of view, that could be an explanation which could explain the choice of Wacom.
Initial price: ~ 1600 €
Favorite tablet I am using actually (Happily, I have a recent computer from March 2016)
And you? What kind of tablets did you get / are you using? What do you think about them?
Don’t hesitate to share your opinion and story... and to share them with David Revoy in his article I linked above as well, because he was the first to ask and my article is heavily inspired from his one.
Kind regards.
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dreadnought-despair · 8 years
another format question for the viewers
the first batch of FTEs is hopefully going up next week! and for those that havent played the games, traditionally there’s a multiple choice question the protag answers to unlock the second half of the conversation
i’ve included these while writing but i can’t decide how to format it, especially since readmores seem to be hit and miss on mobile (thanks tumblr) SO its time for another poll! your two options are:
1 post per student! in which the entire FTE is in one post, similar to how ive seen them handled in most fics. the question is there, with the correct answer bolded, and it continues with the rest of the convo as if you answered correctly. good bc it won’t crowd your dash any more than the other updates plus it’s a little less work on my end, bad bc it removes some interactivity
4 posts per student! in which the first half of the FTE is the first post, ending with the question, and the three posts following it are linked to the answers-- choosing the correct one gives you the rest of the convo, choosing an incorrect one gives you a (usually humorous) response and sends you back to the question. good bc there’s some really silly answers, bad bc that means 13 posts each update and the tumblr app doesn’t like readmores (honestly reading dreadnought in ur phone browser is the best mobile option)
[vote here!] this site lets people submit their own options too so if you have a better idea go ahead and add it, or u can reply to this post/send an ask if you’d rather
hope everyone’s having a great day!! wrists are hurty so i’ll be taking it slow w the asks again gomen (plus i need to. actually work on the update lol) and also i will try to,, log back into various social media
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