#trying to use less exclamation marks but now i sound too serious lol
aaghht · 2 years
animation.... rant? just thinking in general
not to sound negative, but man, every time I see another tweet or text post compare some new animated work to spiderverse again, I just think, "WATCH MORE ANIMATION" - because the world of animation, the history of it and the kinds of looks and stories people tell through it is really really more vast than you think. And I don't mean just feature films or tv series. If possible, go see your local animation festival or check if a local school has a student film day. Sometimes these events have free entrance. Or browse animated shorts on youtube. there are so many original animated short films online both there and on vimeo. there is so much cool and weird original stuff on the short film circuit.
I get that when you're young, or maybe like animation is only accessible to you thru the internet bc of where you live, it's hard to see more animation than what's on the big screen. but it just feels so empty to only have spiderverse as your big comparison stick for "how good animation can be" or "this is the top of animation". Because honestly, without a lot of previous animation work, this movie probably wouldn't be quite the same. Some of the artists worked on Cloudy with a chance of meatballs for example. that probably influenced something in the process a bit, if we start looking into it. And there were stylised 3D movies before this too. You'll probably find a lot of these in bootleg form online, or even better, the original artist/studio has put it up. Check out stuff from other countries too. Yes, it was very unique in visuals and good at handling it's main story and topics (imo), but also, animation will probably keep going even further than that. I'm glad audiences are expecting more stylized big studio films and that's putting those studios into a position where they actually consider that more than usual and let their artists push their films into those directions..... I'm thinking about this as an animation fan who has also been in a similar place more-or-less. Any new animated thing I saw when I was younger looked amazing the first time and still impresses me even when I watch it now. So I guess, if spiderverse was that for you, I'm hoping you find more new things to see that are like that. But I also feel like there's lots of cool animated stuff from the past that you can see 2.
yeah ok, maybe i'm... just a little annoyed how many ppl keep comparing newer films (eg studio stuff from dreamworks) to spiderverse when it's possible that they have overlapping crews or it's just that spiderverse wasn't the only catalyst. perhaps for western audiences/studios, but the artists working on these animated films already have so much experience and probably drew from a lot of influences and inspiration sources. like I get it. it's the current goalpost, it moved it. Spiderverse just... took a risk and it pays off now in seeing more of "less-realistic" and slightly more experimental western 3D animation. There's more 3D animated on two's and three's, more of a 2D and exaggerated look to some games and movies now. that's like the surface-level stuff. I look online and see crews from new animated things posting about how they really loved working on the movie and how fun it was. young artists being inspired to make something more different, to include themselves in their own work even more. and those things are really the best outcomes I can think of that atm. We're seeing more black leads in US animation, more voice roles for black actors. all super good things, there's probably more I'm just not remembering atm. but it's a bit sad that it's the only animated thing people are remembering. even worse when people dismiss something new completely just bc it didn't match the same imaginary goalpost or if it's not doing the same thing at all.
like... if you're already an animation fan. just watch more animation please. especially if american animation is the only stuff you've seen. like it's ok if you haven't, but build a little curiosity beyond what you're already familiar with and you might find something amazing. you might find more stuff to like. I see people bemoan how badly animation is doing right now and yeah, I can imagine for the crews especially. but then maybe expand your palate a little. it can be really fun as an animation fan to see something completely new, or something that looks a bit like that favourite thing and you realize, ah, these two things might be a little connected. like even with lower effort, with a bit of curiosity, you can find lots of cool animated stuff like that.
somewhat separately, it is also very annoying for me that online fans will actually see these series or films that become their favourites as such a huge milestone that they will belittle anything else new (this is a more minor gripe bc I only see it singular tweets/posts etc but still. it's a tad weird when it's public)
same goes for stuff like Rise of the TMNT - yes, very good series, but also, there is More Animation out there and there will Be more animation.
same here - LOVE the series but - oh my god it literally builds on so many other experiences and shows by the crew/artists/writers, look up more shows with the crewmembers and showrunners involved and you'll see where it's coming from. there's so much amazing older stuff out there and running around and connecting that just gives a bigger picture of what your fave thing was inspired by. it's fun! try it
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xurkitips · 6 years
On Conveying Personality Through Chatroom-style Dialogue
A friend of mine shared screenshots of a roleplay he was having via a Discord server, wherein the style was chatroom/texting based. Each character would have a different style of typing completely unique to their person. Though unfamiliar with all of them, I could see what their personalities were like
Like real human beings, a character very much so has a “voice”. I mean that both in the literal sense, through their manner of speaking and what they say, but also through their self expression, interests, and actions. This carries over into the digital realm in ways we may not even notice. Text messages may not be verbal, no, but there are ways to show inflection.
There are many, many ways to show meaning through text. Here are some that I’ve picked up and utilized with my own characters:
Sentence structure
all lowercase sentences VS Grammatically correct
Lowercase gives off the feeling of someone familiar with others or willing to become familiar. It lacks the tension of formal writing, complete with its capitalization and proper periods ending sentences, and feels very casual and approachable. It may also be a sign of someone who doesn’t care much about perfection, a lazy person, or an easy going individual. Seems like a lot of internet regulars prefer this kind of typing style.
“im dying
‘deafening horrorcore rap’ ok i listen to literal noise and idk what this even is”
Using a properly capitalized and punctuated style is very formal, like one would see in a book, an official email, etc. It’s more serious and stern than lowercase is and may imply an older, more mature person typing...or maybe just someone trapped on their phone at the mercy of autocorrect. 
"I am always happy to see you, even if you are not feeling your best.“
“It's nice here.
There’s a certain respectful steadiness to it as well. It can be calming to read at times.
Punctuation VS Lack of punctuation
End-stopped lines come with both a pause and a bit of a pointed and direct feeling. It strengthens both lowercase and grammatically correct styles, but in different ways. In conjunction with “proper” writing, it’s less noticeable, merely giving the reader a moment’s pause. In conjunction with lowercase, especially if the one typing isn’t keen on using periods, it can come off as stern, serious, passive-aggressive, or angry.
it's less excruciating than it would be without it.”
Removal of punctuation is a different story. Typically just shown with lowercase, it leaves it with that casual feeling intact, or like one’s sentences are more like quick thoughts or questions. Removing them from grammatically correct sentences does ease off some of the tension, implying someone with a more neutral-positive tone while still being more mature. 
“I’m not terribly good with conversation”
And then there’s the run-on sentences from those who type small novels per response. Usually complete with multiple and’s. It’s a sign of nervousness, enthusiasm, or oftentimes a younger character...
“actually i don't know much about it i just happened to see something online and it's apparently only manufactured overseas exclusively for this one particular shop and they made the original design and initial product i guess”
Proper spelling (or lack thereof)
The better the spelling, the more the likelihood of the person being older, calmer, or neutral. There’s also a sense of being well educated or careful about one’s typing. Perhaps a confident air may exude from what they say, too.
“Can you come help me for a moment?”
Those who make a lot of mistakes will simply confuse words for other words, forget apostrophes, or type too fast to notice things missing or in the wrong location. Some just don’t really care enough or are too tired to deal with it. Too much focus and people know what they mean anyway. Probably.
“i laug hso hard hes come runin
he thougt i aws dyin”
It can also happen in very emotional situations, in bouts of laughter, crying, rage, or when one is drowsy, medicated, or sick. It tends to stand out when one’s style is suddenly very, very different and tips others off to something being wrong.
Younger characters, especially kids, also make spelling mistakes all the time depending on their age, whether due to sounding out words or just in a hurry to reply.
Short sentence fragments, single words, and lengthy paragraphs
Sometimes people with rapid-fire thoughts, who are excited, busy, stressed, or angry, will take to quick and short responses (sometimes of many fragments in a row). These show a similar feeling as do lines of poetry. Stacking small fragments on top of one another adds emphasis. The reader has to read them one by one rather than as a straight sentence. On its own, the word or fragment stands out and becomes more important.
yeah thats
what i was tryina do
but i mean”
I’ve seen it used used for storytelling from one person to another in larger chunks of things, quick responses, for poetic value, and in irritation or passive-aggressiveness.
In full sentence conversations sent in short bursts, it’s also allowing the reader pause to read each comment without it feeling like a novella. Though it can also feel like someone is obnoxious, rambling on and on as the notifications keep coming, or has a lot to talk about and keeps thinking of more.
Then there are those who type rather large responses all at once instead of hitting the enter key with every sentence:
"Whoever did it was quite thorough; either the power in that area of the lab was cut while we were distracted or they tampered with the security cameras, because that footage is missing. But, we have some theories now. It had to have been someone with direct access to the laboratory. I hesitate to place blame on any of my coworkers...they're all my trusted companions and friends! And yet...”
It’s concise and a solid, complete story in one spot. Could be someone who loves to talk, could be someone who didn’t want a response before they were done talking. It’s also commonly seen by middle-aged texters who want to say everything they can all at once.
Exclamation points and Question marks
Simple one here. Question mark for a question or confusion, exclamation point for emphasis or an exclamation. But when a person adds multiple to a sentence it can convey more of the person’s feelings; 
“are you okay??”
Here is someone who is very concerned. Multiple question marks can imply things such as worry, stress, disbelief, and shock. There’s a sense of hurry and tension. Perhaps the person on the other end is frightened, easily afraid, or tends to have an overwhelming reaction to things.
“oh!!! it’s nice to see you!!!”
Meanwhile, multiple exclamation points convey much more friendlier, happier tones. Often such things as surprise, excitement, happiness, friendliness. Users typing !! as a punctuation (like I tend to do) may do it as an assurance or to show how thrilled they are to talk. Occasionally !!!! is tacked onto an angry statement to be more of a shout, but I see it less and less.
Chatspeak and Internet habits
Shortenings of words have been a regular thing for ages. It’s easy, convenient, and gets the point across quickly. But the internet has taken it to a new extreme, where sentences can be almost entirely compromised of them.
“wtf r u talkin abt?? gdi man idk wuts even happening rn”
A character wanting to be quick to respond, always on the ball, always involved, may be more likely to utilize and understand chatspeak. They’re the social butterfly of the group. It’s also a sign of a long-time internet lurker who’s aware of what the lingo is, and how to use it. A complete lack thereof points toward either an older user or someone who’s unused to social media.
The more memes, the harder someone is trying to fit in. Or maybe they’re easily amused or just absorbed things from their friends without thinking about it. The comedian of the group is going to know the best ways to use them.
Smilies and Emojis
:D D: :DDD // :3 3: >:3 :3c // :o :O O:<
These kinds of smilies have always struck me as the most friendly. Whether used in devious ways or with genuinely heartwarming intentions, the playful, lightheartedness of the user really shines through these. 
"not a bad way to spend a lazy day :D”
“it's also my birthday :3″
It’s got just the right vibe to punctuate a sentence that’ll leave the reader feeling that the person likely means no harm or wants to be friendly, positive, or encouraging. I’ve met a lot of people that use these and turn out to be very kind or considerate people.
:), ;), ((((: and related
A long time positive, friendly smiley. 
"You said you've known them a long time? I think they would understand. :)”
And yet these days I tend to associate it with passive aggressive statements, plotting, slyness, devious behavior, or anger. Older users may be inclined to use :) as a means to show their emotional state, but newer users seem more inclined to do the opposite. The more parentheses there are, the more upset the person, it seems.
“man don’t u love it when the power’s out in the middle of the night it’s just (((: really great thanks (((((:”
Then the ;) smiley comes off more specifically flirty and a bit playful. Doesn’t seem to change much there.
“if i find a good chance 2 hook u up ill do my best ;)”
The bane of my teenage existence. It’s a more old school sign of laughter, rarely seen in today’s world due to falling out of favor and becoming associated with, “LOL Rawr XD Tacos I’m So Randoom,” culture. But time to time you do see it. Mostly with sarcasm but sometimes with genuine intentions.
It was a good joke. XD”
A character using it genuinely comes off more playful, and to me, personally, as an older person who’s genuinely unaware of the associations with the smiley itself trying to show how they laughed without using LOL. 
Letter/Character smilies
Y’know, things like .w. and ._. or owo, where the letters or symbols make a face. These are fairly popular, it seems. I don’t like using them myself, but know a few who do use them.
"I'm sorry that they can be mean qmq”
It’s a different feel from the others. There’s something soft to it, almost a gentleness. When these or Japanese characters are used, there’s more whimsy. It’s cute and almost a bit feminine. It may convey an open person or give the impression that said person is easier to talk to.
Though honestly I can’t see uwu and owo as anything but heavily sarcastic. I’ll be honest with you.
The first rule of Xurkitips club is that we don’t talk about Emoji Movie. Just putting that out there riiight now.
Used sparingly by most for fun and for emphasis. Characters may use them to be lighthearted, aesthetically, joke, or to make a conversation more flavorful. The use of emojis may determine a character’s personality; I find that characters who use hand emojis like 👌 are rather laid back, those who use 🙃 do it passive aggressively, and we all know what kind of person uses 🍆.
Then there’s what in common terms known as, “The DudeBro”:
[MFKNSTARBOI]: the thing i never undstood about hair is why people buy shampoo like regular soap not good enough for you LMAO 😂😂😂
[gostones]: .
[BIGDICKTOYOTA69]: what the fuck man
[ahogekun]: do... you not use shampoo
[MFKNSTARBOI]: aaaah you guys got sucked into big shampoo as well 😔
[MFKNSTARBOI]: When it comes to horses 🐎  the stars in the sky ✨ or just man to man no bullshit advice 👬 IM youre guy 😤😂
I think this one speaks for itself.
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