#i had no clue what to give them to wear so i drew them in my clothes
selene-ella · 3 months
"Relics of the Past"
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Pair: Qimir×female!reader
Summary: you shared the beginning of your journey with him. You were his ride or die, until life choices separated you. He remained to walk on the dark and you walked the middle one.
Warnings: improper use of the force, allusions to intimacy and nudity
Notes: English is not my first language and this is the first piece of fanfiction I ever posted so enjoy!
Part II , Part III , Part VI(final)
The memories of him lingered, impossible to forget. How could you? Pain and shared experiences had etched themselves into your very being. Days like this, when your quest led you to relics of the past, resurrected those feelings.
You stood before a collection of artifacts from the Old Republic era: ancient manuscripts, data holocrons, and one peculiar item. The scavenger, a dubious character with a knack for extracting credits, eyed you as you assessed the treasures.
“How much for all of them?” you demanded, your voice firm.
He scratched his chin, feigning uncertainty. “These, uh... how do you say in your language.. ah, rare items—5000 credits.”
His lack of credibility amused you. “5000 credits for some scrolls and dust covered metals!?"
“Business is business,” he replied, undeterred. “For you, 4500. Final offer.”
You take a look again at all of them, trying to figure out which one could bring you the most use. "What about that one?” you asked, pointing.
"Ha, that one... ehh it's useless. It doesn't work. Not turning on, ehh...broken I think yeah." He said while slamming the metal piece on the counter.
"I'll give you 300 credits for it" you make your offer.
He hesitates to give a response.
“Well, you did call it useless. So 300 is my last offer" you tapped your fingers on the counter.
" Fine, 300. But don’t blame me if it’s a scam.”
As he turned away to collect your payment, you deftly concealed one of the scrolls in your robes. “I’m in a hurry,” you quipped. “Consider it payment for the entertainment.”
With a chuckle, you left the alien scavenger behind, happy with your purchases.
Back aboard your ship, you left both acquisitions on a small table before heading to the cockpit. The coordinates punched in, you exited the planet’s atmosphere and slipped into hyperspace. Your attention returned to the two objects—the old scroll and the secrets it held.
Years ago, you and Qimir had scoured the galaxy for these ancient Sith relics. Clues were scarce, hidden and those who knew bout them were either dead or hiding. Some relics had been seized by the Jedi Council, while others lay buried in forgotten temples on distant, obscure planets.
As you scanned the inscriptions on the aged paper, your ship’s autopilot guided you to your destination. You stowed the relics in a small leather pouch next to your lightsabers—the familiar weight of purpose and history.
The place hadn’t changed: the cool ocean breeze, the salty tang of water mingling with damp soil. You navigated the rocky shore, wondering if Qimir’s hideout remained where it once was. The air was fresh, and the memories fresher still.
Then, the unmistakable hum of a lightsaber reached your ears. You followed the sound, drawn inexorably toward the lone figure training on the cliffside. Qimir. It had been four, maybe five years since you last saw him.
The wind whipped your hair and robes into a trail behind you as you approached. But you got too close—dangerously close. His blade materialized inches from your face, and you instinctively parried with your armored forearm.
“Still wearing the armor?” he quipped, lowering the hilt of his lightsaber.
“It hits pretty hard when you want to smack a nasty bounty hunter,” you retorted.
“Still a scavenger, I see,” he remarked, stepping back.
“Part-time relics collector,” you corrected.
“Well collector, care to join me in a fight? Or are you too scarred you’ve lost your spark?” he asked.
You drew your saber, assuming a battle stance. “Who? Me? The only thing here without a spark is your lightsaber.”
The clash began—a dance of blades. His malfunctioning weapon met your cortosis armor, and the Force became your ally. “Who’s out of spark now?” you taunted.
His red blade regained its power and answered with a powerful strike. You fought fiercely, but perhaps you’d lost some edge over the years. Cornered between rocks, you pushed him back with the Force, then drew your second saber. Three blades intersected dangerously close to his neck.
“That wasn’t fair,” he grumbled, lying on the rocky ground.
“Maybe I had an advantage” You extended your hand. “And since when are you interested in fairness?”
He accepted your help, rising to his feet. “You could have killed me.”
“I know you,” you replied. “That would be impossible.”
His eyes lingered on your white-bladed lightsabers. “Our ways are far apart.”
You remained silent, watching him shove some belongings back into his bag.
He turned away, but you caught up.
“What brings you here after all this time?” His back remained stubbornly turned.
“This!” You pulled out the scroll—the relic you’d taken from the scavenger.
“What’s that?” Curiosity laced his voice.
“We searched for it years ago. One of the Sith relics—supposed to unlock more pathways to the dark side of the Force.”
Your gaze is still fixed on the relic. “I had no time to decipher it.”
Qimir’s eyes bore into yours. “Where did you find it?”
You stepped closer, examining the ancient parchment once more. “Some outer rim trash heap of a planet. A peculiar character peddling these items as pricey rarities.”
“Why did you get it?” His question cut through the air, sharp and direct.
You hesitated. The dark side no longer held sway over you; you’d broken free from its grip. Now, you considered yourself an unaligned Force user—no allegiances, no rules except your own. “I got a good price for them,” you replied, evading the truth.
He hummed, placing the scroll among his scattered belongings. You turned away, drawn to the artifacts and tiny objects he seems to have collected as well.
As you stood there, the scroll nestled among Qimir’s belongings, he traced its edges with his finger. The Force whispered secrets to him—the ancient ink, the forgotten symbols. But deeper still, he sensed your presence, your return.
"Why had you sought out this relic? Was it merely about obtaining a good price, or did it carry another purpose?" Qimir’s mind spun possibilities. Perhaps you wanted to reconnect—with him, with memories long buried beneath the weight of time and choices.
He turned toward you, eyes narrowing as if seeking answers in your expression. But you remained elusive, your intentions veiled. The old companion who had once walked the precipice now stood before him, and the scroll held more than its cryptic inscriptions—it held the promise of something unfinished.
"It- ...we spent a lot of resources and energy trying to get at least one of them back then. I figured it would be of use to you still"
"How’s your power?” Qimir asked, accentuating the last word.
“Of pretty good use for what I do,” you replied, setting down the small metal cup you were holding. “Getting into people’s heads was never easier.”
He stepped closer, the air charged with tension. “That… or…”
“Or?” you prompted, your pulse quickening.
“No one is presenting a challenge to you?” he continued.
“Not gonna do it,” you answered firmly.
“Why?” He moved past you, taking a seat on his bed.
“You were always asking me to get into your head for all the wrong reasons,” you said, sadness tingeing your tone.
“I wanted to test my strength,” he replied nonchalantly, chewing on some fruits placed on a near table.
“You were torturing yourself, Qimir,” you whispered.
“Oh maker, you’ve gotten even softer than when you left me,” he laughed.
Your anger flared. “And you remained the same—stuck deep in your pain and past!” Silence followed, heavy as the memories that bound you.
“You’ve never offered me a real chance to test my abilities,” you continued. “It was all for your gain—to access your deepest emotions and use them to harness the power of the dark side.”
Yes, you had softened. In your eyes, conquering your past, pain, and fears meant no longer tethering yourself to the dark side. It didn’t weaken you; it set you free.
“Don’t try to turn this against me,” he retorted. “If I was such a menace, I wouldn’t have let you go.”
You closed the gap, your hand finding its way to his face, brushing strands of hair behind his ear. He leaned into your touch, arms encircling your waist.
He looked up at you. “So… not even once? For the good old times?”
Your fingers traced down to his temple, cheek, and partially rested on his parted lips. “This looks like another win for you.”
His voice was muffled by your hand. “But you won against me earlier.”
“You can’t remember your past?”
“It’s more exciting when you’re involved.” His hands slipped past your robes, finding the small patch of skin you’d exposed on your back.
He used to ask you to slip into his mind, amplifying whatever he felt tenfold. It helped him connect with raw emotions and harness the Force’s power—a skill that cost you your Jedi Knight title and led to your expulsion from the order.
“It depends on how it’s used,” you murmured. “Bright corners of the mind, holding our light, peacful emotions or the corners of the datkest and deepest desires.”
“I knew you’d do it,” he exhaled, your hand supporting his neck. You glimpsed recent memories: fights, betrayal, murder, his apprentice.
He was annoyed. “You’ve found someone eager to learn your ways, I see.”
“Useless,” he scoffed. “Betrayed me and then ran away.” Your pulse raced.
He longed for someone to learn from him, to face their deepest darkness. It had started with you, but you were different—an equal, not an apprentice.
He removed your robe, pooling it at your feet. “Why so much clothing?”
“It’s windy on Arvala-7. Sand gets everywhere.” He remained silent.
You gently pushed him back onto the bed. In moments like these, you held the upper hand—the only person he felt safe surrendering to.
“Shall I continue, then?” Your lips hovered inches from his.
“Please,” he breathed.
You delved past surface emotions. He felt lonely, lost. His apprentice was just a tool.
The Force pulsed between you, a current of memories and unspoken longing. You had held back, wary of what lay beneath your calm demeanor. But Qimir sensed it all—your hesitations, your buried desires. Your minds were entwined, bound by shared history and unfinished business.
Breaking the kiss, he studied your face. “Still afraid?” His voice held a mix of challenge and invitation.
He was right. You feared the floodgates—the rush of emotions that threatened to drown you both. Yet, here you were, drawn to him after all this time.
His scarred skin cradled your touch as your fingers slipped fully under his shirt. The fabric yielded, revealing the contours of muscle and vulnerability. His breath hitched, and you felt the tremor—the awakening of dormant feelings.
“No need to hide from me,” he murmured against your lips. “Let yourself go.”
And in that moment, you surrendered—to the Force, to him, to the memories that surged forth. Desires resurfaced, amplified by the connection you shared. The past and present collided, and you wondered if this reunion was salvation or damnation.
But there was no turning back. Not when his lips met yours once more, hungry and insistent, and the Force whispered promises of both ecstasy and reckoning.
You used to do this in the past, whenever he felt lonely. It sometimes translated to real intimate connection, but the feelings behind it were never spoken about.
His room's stone walls whispered secrets, and the air hung heavy with memories. Qimir's lips tasted of insight—a blend of determination and vulnerability—as they met yours. The kiss was a collision of past and present, a bridge between your minds.
His arms encircled your waist, pulling you closer. The texture of his scarred back against your fingertips was both rugged and tender. His breath hitched, and you felt the tremor—the awakening of dormant feelings.
"Still afraid of what might lay underneath your calm demeanor?" he murmured, lips brushing yours.
You leaned into him, your heart echoing the rhythm of shared history. "Maybe I'm afraid of what it means," you confessed, your voice a fragile thread."
His thumb traced the curve of your jaw, mapping each part of it. "We were bound," he said, his gaze intense. "By choices."
"Choices," you agreed, your pulse racing. "Only choices?"
His kiss deepened, and the Force surged—a tempest of desire and danger. You shifted, aligning your bodies—the electric tension pulling you together. His heartbeat synced with yours, and you wondered if this reunion was salvation or damnation.
His other hand slid up your spine, fingers tangling in your hair. "Fate's pull," he whispered against your mouth. "We're suspended between past and present."
You surrendered—to the taste of insight, the touch of connection. His lips, like whispered secrets, traced forgotten paths across your skin. “What do you want?” he asked, voice rough yet tender.
"Answers," you replied, your arms winding around his neck. "Redemption."
His lips found your pulse point, and you gasped. "And me?" he murmured, teeth grazing your skin.
"You," you confessed, "after all these years, I find myself back here."
Qimir pulled you into his lap, the weight of unshared words settling between you. “So it is me,” he mused. “Who would travel all this way for an old piece of paper?”
Your head rested on his shoulder, mind racing. You didn’t need much to understand your purpose—the pull of fate was undeniable. “I oftentimes regret leaving you,” you whispered, “but these years served me well. I have my own path now.”
He inhaled your scent, fingers digging into your lower back, drawing you impossibly closer. Vulnerability had always been his armor, but this moment held a different kind of surrender.
“I searched for you,” he exhaled, “in those I sought to mold into my pupils. Yet, you eluded me.”
“You looked for the wrong kind of companions,” you murmured, brushing your lips against his. “Maybe.”
He cupped your face, eyes intense. “Are you leaving soon?”
“No,” you said, examining the cut on his forearm. “By the looks of it, you’ve tangled with something significant. I’ll stay—for a while.” Your smile held promises of healing, and new shared battles.
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hughes86-43 · 5 months
An Hour and Half | L.Hughes
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summary - what happens when your flight seat mate happens to be a super cute guy and you only have an hour and half to talk to him
warnings/note- none; i have no clue how long a plane ride is from new jersey to detroit is sooo im guessing
“Hi, excuse me, my seat is by the window, if you don’t care to let me through?” You ask the young guy sitting in the middle seat in your row. He was wearing a ‘drew’ hoodie with black sweatpants.
Looking up at you from his phone, he immediately gets out of his seat. “Oh gosh, sorry! Of course, go ahead.” You give him a small smile and squeeze through to get to your seat. You loved taking the window seat, however you hated the awkwardness of getting through the row.
“Thank you,” You wince. “Oh, wait! Before you sit down, I hate to ask, but can you grab my water bottle out of the black and white carry on up above? I’m so sorry, I completely forgot about it!” The guy nods and opens the compartment and finds the water bottle.
“It’s no problem, really. Is there anything else you need?” He asks as he hands the bottle over to you.
You shake your head. “No, I think I’m all set.” The guy nods once again and sits back down in his seat.
You go back to getting comfortable in your seat and reply back to your mom telling her that you made it on to the plane. While the flight attendants go over the safety precautions, you can’t help but to side eye the cute guy sitting next to you. He had roughly curled hair and some small stubble on his face. He looked a bit tired.
He must’ve noticed you side eyeing him because he removes his earbud and asks, “Did you need out? Sorry, I can’t hear anything with these,” he points to his earbud.
Immediately blushing, because there’s no way that he totally didn’t see you checking him out, you reply, “Oh, no! I’m all good! Also, doesn’t seem like anybody else is in the row so that’s good!”
The guy smiles at your nervousness. “Yeah, it makes the plane ride ten times better when nobody is at the end of the row. Although for you, you would have to ask me to move but still, one person is better than two to get through,” the guy laughs out.
“Honestly though. Last plane ride I was on, none of the people sitting in my row would move, so I had to awkwardly try to go over them. Gosh, it was so embarrassing but why not just move out of the way!” The guy laughs at that, putting his earbuds back into his case.
“Well, if you need me to move, just ask and I will. Since we’re here for a bit, guess I’ll introduce myself, my name is Luke.” He sticks his hand out for you to shake and introduce yourself. You’re not one to talk much to the person sitting next to you on the plane, but something about him honestly has you intrigued.
Shaking his hand, you say, “My name is Y/N, nice to meet you.”
“Y/N, lovely name. So are you heading to Michigan as a trip or do you have family there?” He asks as he returns his hand back to his lap.
You lean against the window. “I actually have some family there, and it’s my grandmother’s 90th birthday so I’m heading back to that. I’ll stay for a bit. What about you? What has you going to Michigan?” You raise your eyebrow waiting on his answer.
“Wow, 90 years old, go her,” he smiles, “Well, long story is my team just finished for the season and I’m heading home to be with the family and spend time with friends that I need to catch up with.”
You nod. “If that’s the long story, what would the short story be?”
He laughs and tries to think, “Um, the short story would probably be going home, but the long story was better.” You laugh as you fiddle with the water bottle in your hand.
You go back to asking about his team he mentioned. “So your team? What sport do you play?”
He looks at you weirdly for a second before giving a toothy grin. “Do you live in New Jersey?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Have you heard of the New Jersey Devils?” Luke asks.
You think back to a sign you saw. “Honestly, I saw a billboard about them, and I think my co-worker is obsessed with them, but mostly no.”
He lets out another laugh, and you raise your eyebrow. “You live in New Jersey, and you barely know about the New Jersey Devils? Do you know or watch anything about hockey?”
“I mean, I seen that one movie. Gosh, what is it? Is it like called ‘sensation’ or something?” You try to think. “Oh gosh, no! It wasn’t called ‘sensation’ it was called—”
He cuts you off, “Miracle.”
You scream out, “Yes!” Then wince as you realize that was a bit loud. Lowering your voice, you continue, “Yes, the hockey movie called Miracle. My dad made me watch all the time, but that’s all I know about hockey really.” You shrug.
If Luke didn’t know better, he already knows that he wants to get to know you better. “Miracle’s a good movie. Anyway, back to my team, I actually play for the New Jersey Devils.”
You shake your head, not believing him. “No way, prove it!”
Luke grabs his phone out of his pocket and shows you a recent game day photo of him in his jersey. “See, jersey, skates, and everything. I play on the defense side.”
You take a minute, probably too long, to look at the photo. Gosh, he did look in his jersey, and his hair was a bit longer in that photo. “Okay, I believe you. So, do you like it? Sorry, if that’s a bit too much to ask, I’m just a curious person.”
“No, it’s okay. Honestly, I love it. Some days and games are a bit tougher than others, but I still love it no matter what. I actually play with one of my older brothers on the team,” Luke says, a bit proud of playing with his brother.
“That’s awesome, I couldn’t imagine playing with my brother on a team, so that’s really awesome,” you say.
“Yeah, it really is,” he beams, “Anyway, the season just ended for us last week due to getting eliminated from the playoffs.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. That must suck!”
“Yeah, but we have a chance to look over the season and come back better next season. Like yeah it sucks, but I also get to go home early. It’s a win lose situation,” he shrugs.
“Still, I see how it would suck, but if you didn’t get eliminated, you wouldn’t be on this plane talking to me right now,” you smile.
“Ha, I guess you’re right,” he guides a hand through his curls. “Enough about my job, what do you do back in New Jersey?”
You wince at the mention of talking about what you do for work. Your job recently wasn’t doing it for you. You had been working at an advertising agency for a while now, but after awhile, you decided it was not for you. You wanted a new job, but you also haven’t been looking. “Eh, I work at an advertising agency. Overall, it pays the bills, but it’s not my favorite.”
Luke replies, “Did you go to school for advertising or something related?”
You shake your head, “No, I actually went for public relations, but somehow I got this job in advertising. One of my friends put in a good word for me, but I have slowly started to dread going to work.”
Luke nods, “I’m sorry that you don’t like your job.”
You shrug, looking passed him to the couple across the aisle. “Honestly, I should really get a new job if I hate it so much, but the idea of going through the process of applying and interviewing is so nerve wracking for me.”
Luke listens to see if you’re going to add anymore before talking. Truthfully, you’ve never seen a guy take the time to listen so well about your problems, let alone a stranger you just met. He speaks up again, “Although that would be nerve wracking, it would mean that you get a chance to get a new job. I say go for it, especially since you’re not loving the job you already have. You should have a job that you love to do, not a job that just pays the bills.” Honestly, Luke has no idea where all these encouraging words are coming from, but he was just letting them spill out in the chance it would help you.
“You’re right, I totally should. You’ve changed my perspective, I guess when I head back to New Jersey I’ll look at job openings related to what I want to do,” you say, smiling up at him.
You and Luke continue to talk for the next hour on the plane. Talking about various adventures you’ll both get into when you’re back in Michigan, he talks about his brothers and how they both play in the NHL, and you talk about your grandparents and how they are you’re world. Time has a sense of flying by when you’re enjoying time with someone, and surprisingly you’re enjoying and loving the time talking to Luke. Even though you both just met, you two could talk forever. You really didn’t want to get off the plane as that would mean you wouldn’t be able to talk to him much more.
An hour or so later, the moment you had been dreading since talking to him has come, time to depart the plane. You’re walking down the hallway leading out of the plane when Luke speaks up next to you. “I know it’s crazy that we just met, but honestly you’re the easiest person to talk to that I have ever met. Hopefully that made sense?”
You nod, looking into his eyes, trying to savor the last look at him. “It made sense. I think the same goes for me. You listened to what I had to say, which is surprising because most people stop listening to me after awhile,” you blush at his intense stare, actually noticing how tall he was when you stood next to him.
You both make it through the exit. Luke turns to you again and tries to say, “Since we’re both gonna be here in Michigan for a bit, we should—” but he gets cut off by someone yelling. “LUKE!”
You both turn to where the sudden yelling was from. He mumbles, a hint of red touching his cheeks, “my brother, Quinn.” You nod, moving to the side so he can hug his brother.
Quinn must notice you, because he says to Luke, “Oh, sorry for interrupting, go ahead.” He pushed Luke to go back talking to you, but when he does, he notices that you have walked off to meet with, what he assumes is, your grandparents.
He smiles as he watches you hug and kiss them both. He watches as you hold a finger, signaling them to hold on for a second, and you walk back over to him. “I’m sorry, I gotta head on out, it was so lovely to meet you and talk to you, Luke.”
He smiles, “It was great to meet you, too, Y/N. As I was trying to say before, since we’re both in Michigan for a bit, how about we try and hang out?”
You try to stay cool, but you still let out a massive grin. “Yes, absolutely! I would love to!”
“Great! Reach out to me!” He moves closer to you, before he chickens out, he pulls you into a hug. You instantly hug him back, thinking it was crazy how you just met him and now don’t want him to go. “Bye, see you soon,” he says, pulling away and walking towards his brother.
You stand there a bit in shock before yelling across to him, “Wait, but I don’t have your number!”
Luke turns around, he gives you a grin, “Check your bag! I might’ve put it in there while I was getting it down!” You blush, giving him a thumbs up before heading over to your grandparents with the biggest grin on your face.
Later on, you finally get to unpacking your bag. Upon unzipping it, a piece of paper falls out. He must’ve written it when you went to the bathroom. Written on it, it says…
“It was great meeting you, and you’re the best person ever to talk to. If you ever need someone to listen, call me… xxxxxxxx”
Needless to say, you did call him, and he listened to you all night long. Both of you were in over your heads with each other.
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the alchemy | i. the return (joel’s pov)
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pairing: no outbreak!dbf!joel miller x fem!reader
chapter rating: Mature [18+ only, minors dni, dbf/secret relationship, age gap (joel is 34, reader is 24), just joel pining in secret, mention of cheating (past relationship), one mention of joel fantasizing about a blowjob]
summary: joel takes us through his inner monologue the day of reader’s return.
wc: 1k
the masterlist
She was back.
The woman who’d starred in every depraved fantasy I’d had since the day I met her had made her return to Austin, this time to stay.
I’d been mentally preparing for our reunion for weeks now, ever since her father let the news slip. I told myself that this time I’d finally be done with my little crush on the woman nearly a decade younger than me, but I knew how this story went.
Every time she came home to visit during her breaks from school, I told myself the exact same bullshit. And every time I came face to face with her, it all went to hell again. All she had to do was walk into a room, and I was back to secretly pining over her like a lovesick boy.
This time was no different.
When her and her dad pulled into the restaurant parking lot, I was already sweating. When she stepped out in those denim cutoffs, I’d melted completely.
She was the type of beautiful that required no frills to make a man fall to his knees. She could wear a burlap sack and I’d have no choice but to believe she was nothing less than a goddess.
I tried not to let my tongue wag too much as she walked over to Sarah, hugging her tight and complimenting her on her new braids. Her dad offered me a bit of distraction as he complained about needing to change out the brake pads on his truck, but even that wasn’t enough to tear my eyes away from her. From the woman I knew he’d never approve of me being with.
I couldn’t say I’d do any different if it was my own daughter in question.
When her eyes met mine, I felt the need to justify my ogling with a greeting.
“Welcome home,” I said, instead of what I longed to say—things that would’ve earned me a punch in the gut from her dad.
She mumbled a thanks in response, but seemed entirely disinterested in any further conversation with me. So I let it end there as we walked into the mexican spot that was apparently her favorite, according to her dad. I made a mental note of this new information. For what reason, I had no clue. It wasn’t like I’d ever be taking her out.
She avoided me at all costs throughout dinner, leaving me with no choice but to coax her into paying me some attention by asking her if she was still interested in babysitting. It was a genuine enough question. Sarah did need someone to look after her over the summer, and the last babysitter just never managed to click with her the way that she had. But I’d be lying if I said that it was strictly business, my asking.
When she said yes, my heart all but leapt out of my chest with relief. If she had said no, I would’ve had no excuse to see her, no excuse to talk to her.
I watched with greedy eyes as she sipped her drink through a straw, her lips wrapping around the bit of plastic. I instinctively licked my lips as she pulled away, swiping her tongue over her lips to collect the bit of lime-flavored liquor that coated them.
God, that mouth.
I’d thought about it almost every night. Even when I was with Mia, my ex, it was her I imagined. Those plump lips wrapping around me, working me until I came. And as horrible as it was to say, I never felt guilty about the fantasy. Especially now, knowing that the entire time, Mia had been having her own fun on the side.
I couldn’t imagine that the girl in front of me would hurt anyone in that way, and that drew me towards her all the more. She was so kind, so good that it hurt. I hoped whoever she had been with in the past had treated her with the same sort of respect that I dreamed of giving her, but I knew all too well what it was like to be a twenty-something year old boy. They’d likely not even noticed the gem that they held in the palm of their hands.
At the end of dinner, she gave Sarah a thorough goodbye, promising to come over the next day for a swim. I thanked God that it was a weekend, that I’d be home to catch a glimpse of her.
When I stepped over to tell her goodnight, she blew me off completely. I tried not to let the rejection sting. I had no reason to feel slighted, to feel disappointed, but it cut through me nonetheless.
Her dad muttered an apology, saying that she was likely just tired from a long day of unpacking, and I let myself believe him. It was better than thinking that she wanted nothing to do with me.
Even if I knew it was true.
Why else would she have agreed to go out with Tommy last summer? And according to him, the date went well. He refrained from spilling all the details, but from what he let on, I could’ve only assumed it ended with her in his crumb-filled sheets. It took me weeks to get the image out of my head, to be able to look my brother in the eye again.
Maybe one of these days I’d ask her about it myself. I wouldn’t let on that I disapproved of the two of them being together, either. Instead, I’d play the role of a nosy older brother who simply just wanted to know whether his brother was treating her right, or if he was fucking things up like he so often liked to do when a good woman entered his life.
But truthfully, it didn’t matter what the two had going on. She could hate him or love him, I didn’t care.
My crush was here to stay.
Even if I had no chance in the world with her.
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orphicdreamers-wp · 9 months
Still Falling For You — Nico Hischier
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Summary: Nico finds out your learning how to make his favorite Swiss foods and it adds another reason to why he’s still falling for you
Content Warnings; Subtle angst at first, med student reader, poorly translated German (blame google translate)
Pairing; Nico Hischier x Fem Reader
A deep sigh left your lips, “I understand that you miss Switzerland but I can’t just drop everything and run to Switzerland for a month Nico!” Nico scoffed as he slammed his dresser drawer shut, “I can’t do this anymore. I’m gonna go stay with Jack for a while. I’m sorry.” You let out a defeated sigh, “Ich lebe dich, fahre vorsichtig. Schreib mir eine SMS, wenn du dort ankommst?” Nico hummed, “Wie auch immer, ich gehe jetzt.” You watched in silence as your fiancé left your shared apartment without so much as a kiss goodbye. That was over two weeks ago.
You’d gone to all of Nico’s games in the meantime and crammed for your MCATS all while taking cooking classes in the meantime. You were taking something out of the oven when the door opened, “Y/N?” Jack’s voice pulled you from the kitchen, “Kitchen!” Jack walked into the kitchen to find you in a hot pink apron adorning bright yellow oven mitts and a orange chef’s hat. Jack burst out laughing, “What the hell are you wearing dude?” You glared at him as you set the pan of Rösti on the stove, “Can it squeaks. Is Nico coming home anytime soon?” Jack shrugged, “Dude I have no clue. Get him off my couch, Maisie won’t even sleep in the same bed as me while he’s on our couch.”
You sighed, “I’m trying Hughes. Have I ever screamed chef to you?” Jack paused for a minute to think, “Not particularly, speaking of what is this stuff?” You sighed as you put the pan of cake batter in the oven for the Zuger Kirschtorte. You turned to Jack, “I called his mom, I had to bribe her with my peanut butter fudge the next five times she visits to spill his favorite Swiss meals. He keeps talking about how much he misses Switzerland. I can’t go to Switzerland with my MCATS coming up, that’s why we’re fighting. So I wanted to make it up to him. I need you to get him here tonight at 6. Please Hughie?” Jack smiled at your romantic spiel, “I can try my hardest Y/N. This is really cute by the way.” You smiled, “Thanks Jack. Now go I still have to finish making the food and shower and look cute for my guy.” Jack grinned as he excused himself and left the apartment.
You checked the cake and it wasn’t anywhere near done so you placed the bottle of Oeil-de-Perdrix, Nico’s favorite Swiss wine according to his mom, in the freezer to chill while you hurried into the bathroom and turned the shower on and quickly showered before changing into a simple pair of jeans and one of Nico’s favorite shirts of yours. You made it back to the kitchen and got the cake out and iced it and it was only 5 now. You smiled to yourself as you moved all the food out of the kitchen and onto the table. You tied the apron back around you as you started the rinsing dishes and put them in the dish washer. You took the wine out of the freezer and placed it in the fridge to stay cold.
By the time you finished it was still 5:15, you brought the food back into the kitchen and cleared a space in the living room, overlooking the beautiful city view that drew you into the apartment to begin with. You moved the table out onto the balcony and placed a tablecloth on the table to give it a restaurant quality look. You began to plate up food for both you and Nico. Once you were done with that you found an old record that neither you nor Nico had played since you got engaged over a year ago. You dusted it off and put it on the record player and allowed it to start as you found the perfect dimness of the lights.
You had 15 minutes to spare so you used that small window of time to style your hair into a cute simple half up half down hairstyle you wore on you and Nico’s first date. You put on a small amount of makeup, majority being your winged eyeliner and the lip liner and lipgloss on your lips. You felt awkward not having shoes on so you slipped on a pair of sandals and poured you both a glass of wine as you waited for Nico to come through the door.
You pick up yo ur phone read the time, 6:17. For a brief moment you believe he isn’t coming and you feel your heart drop. Maybe Jack had forgotten to tell him, maybe Nico just decided he wasn’t coming, maybe he’d decided he was done and didn’t have the heart to tell you. Until your phone buzzed with a text.
J. Hughes: He took more convincing than expected. Told him he need to get a clean suit for tomorrow’s game. He’s on his way up now.
You smiled as you heard the door open. Nico froze in the doorway of his home. Granted he hadn’t been home in a few weeks but he was almost certain that his kitchen table was missing. And his house smelled like Mahogany and Teakwood, his favorite candle. That he happened to know that his fiancée hated the smell of. Love Me Like There’s No Tomorrow by Freddie Mercury faintly played through the apartment as he walked further inside, “Honey?” He hadn’t spotted you on the couch where you usually sat and studied around this time of night. The dimness of the home coupled with the silence hanging heavy in the air worried Nico slightly.
You had heard his footsteps just inside the balcony. He opened the curtain and spoke softly, “Hi pretty lady. What are you doing out here all alone?” You smiled up at him, “I’m not alone anymore. Sit before the food gets any more cold.” Nico looked at the food on the table, “Where did you learn to cook these?” You smiled at your fiancé, “The internet is a helpful place sometimes.” Nico sat down as he looked at the foods he’d loved most during his childhood in front of him and the woman he loves most in the world having made them, “Danke meine liebe.”
You smiled at him, “Es war mir ein Vergnügen, Hübscher.” Nico spoke almost sadly, “I’m sorry for how I acted angel. I really appreciate this.” You smiled, “What can I say, I love doing things for my people.” Nico smiled, “I know. It’s one of the things I find myself still falling for you because of.”
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livfastdieyoung69 · 2 months
Alright bookie punk x mcintyre reader where punk is recovering from the mauling and drews just trying to maul reader while punks like “hey!>:( nuhuh..”
(cm punk x mcintyre!gn!reader- sequel to I’m nothing, I’m nowhere)
Your world was falling apart around you. Your brother was going insane and now that he knew about your relationship with his literal biggest enemy, he refused to talk to you in any setting whatsoever. Even when you threatened to tell your mom he was being mean, he just shook his head and scoffed at you, continuing down the hallway. As much as you hated him for what he did to Phil, he was still your brother and you wished he was just a little bit more mentally stable.
You weren’t able to get the bracelet he stole from Phil either, the one that had your name as well as Phil’s very beloved dog's name. He was always either wearing it, which was kinda weird, or was hiding it somewhere very secretive during his matches. Much like the one he had won last week while you were out visiting the love of your life he had manhandled and left bloody in front of you. Both of the Mcintyres, going to money in the bank! The situation is great, just not the circumstances.
Either way, you hoped he wouldn’t show up on Smackdown again. You managed to sneak Phil into your locker room with you and it was just unnecessary for them to keep up the whole fighting thing when Phil just recovered from getting jumped the last time. You showed up extra early just in case, so you’d been there for about an hour before the show started. And of course, like everything else, it all went to shit in an instant. Not even ten minutes into the show, Drew saunters on out with a microphone and that damn bracelet on his wrist.
“Jesus Christ. Can’t I just have one thing?” You muttered, slumping further into the grungey couch. Phil gives your bicep a little rub with the hand around your shoulder while he chuckles at your side. “For the love of God, please just stay back here.”
“I will, I will. Promise. Drew will have no clue I’m even here.” He comforted you to the best of his ability with a kiss to your temple while you grumbled and shoved your way further into his shoulder. Unfortunately, your cuddles are interrupted by a swift knock on the door, which was done for clearly no reason as the door swung open with a call of your name right afterward.
“We’d like to talk to you about the situ- oh.” Cathy Kelley, a great friend of yours as well as Raw’s interviewer, was used to you being fine with her barging in and had told the man behind her, cameras equipped, that it would be fine to start on the way to your room to get all of the nonsense out of the way before they could talk to you. Now she stood with wide eyes and the microphone frozen in place below her lips as your hand came to shove the camera lens away from its perfect view of Punk. “Oh my god, I'm so sorry.” She mutters out quickly, before turning and shoving the cameraman out the door in front of her.
You follow the two out the door, resting your back against the door as if they would try to shove the camera back at Phil.
“What’d you, uh, what’d you want?” You mutter breathily, taken away at how bad the night was going. The worst it probably could have been, actually. Kathy stops jumbling apologies out and pauses before gathering herself and starting to ask her interview questions.
“You, um, you won your qualifying match which…uh, which qualified you for the Money in the Bank match. Now that the rest of your opponents have been confirmed, how are you feeling?” She was clearly jumbled by the incident and kept looking at the door behind you before catching herself and looking back into your eyes.
“Uh, I’m a little nervous, but thats just part of it all. I’m just as excited, and I have hope, I always do. I’ve needed a win like this for quite some time and the briefcase is pretty cool too, so.” Hopefully, at least one Mcintyre could bring something home. You didn’t really want to mention Drew when they just caught Phil in your lockeroom and he was on a psychotic rampage though.
“Good, good. Great. Um…” She seemed a little hesitant to ask the next question, her gaze dropping to the floor for a moment. “If you don’t mind me asking, with everything going on, how do you feel about your brother also qualifying?”
“Oh. Well, um,” You knew why she was hesitant now. Your voice rose as you copied her earlier actions in looking to the floor, fingers fiddling together as your eyebrows furrowed. “Uhm, I love Drew. There won't even be a time when I don’t, even if he's been a bit…y’know.” You looked back up with an airy, false laugh that only adds to the tension. “He will always be my brother and even if we aren’t agreeing at the moment, I hope he knows that I love him and that I believe he deserves a win like this too. I hope he feels the same way about me.”
“I’m sure he does,” Kathy tries to reassure you. “With Money in the Bank being tomorrow, have you been prepared-“ This time Kathy hasn’t cut herself off but rather, your hulking, dumbass brother who has shoved past the cameraman and Kathy is now face to face with you and seems to be really fucking mad.
“Drew, please-“ You hold your hands up, exhaustion seeping from you.
“Let me in there,” He points to the door behind you, eyes piercing through yours as he calls your name.
“You haven’t spoken to me in days, and now you are? Because he’s here?” God, you sounded so feeble. You have built yourself up so much and here comes Drew to topple it all down in about a week. He said nothing but your name in the same, cautionary tone as he inches closer to you. “You already hurt him enough.” His hand moves up to grasp your forearm, the one Phil had been tracing shapes into earlier.
“I lost in front of our family, our home because of him! You’re supposed to be next to me in this!” He roars in your face, his grip tightening.
“D, c’mon, you’re hurting me. Please-let’s just-D, let go please.” You’d never felt smaller in the presence of Drew, ever. You had curled yourself up against the door, shoulders hunched in on themselves while he stood above you in a way that made you feel like a child again. Like you were trying to hide from your father's gaze under the table after you’d broken your mother's china plate. Drew always made you feel stronger; like you could do anything with him by your side. He wasn’t even on your side anymore.
Luckily, in your distress, Sheamus had jogged over after hearing Drew’s yelling and had managed to get him a little farther away so he wasn’t crowding over you. The door behind you flung open and you stumbled back into Phil’s front while Sheamus pushed Drew back. At least he was able to keep him back until Drew noticed you in Punk’s hold.
“You dirty, little bastard!” He lunged forward with his cry, managing to get away from Sheamus for just a second and going straight for Punk. Phil tried to shove you out of the way, but you held onto him, grasping to the thin shirt clinging to his back, and prayed with eyes squeezed shut that maybe Drew would stop if you were in the way.
Even with your tight grasp on him, Drew manages to pull you from Phil and send you headfirst into the metal corner of a road case and you’re out in seconds. You're only out for a few seconds and dizzily wake up to Punk pushing his hoodie behind your head while you lay on the floor, watching countless staff members drag your brother away. You call out for him in your daze, confused about why they’re taking him away.
But your mind clears, and you're forced to know that your brother did this to you, forced to know that he doesn’t even seem to care. Forced to watch as your hero and your best friend is escorted away because he just gave you a concussion, forced to forfeit the one damn thing you had, the one damn thing you were grasping and trying so hard for, forced to give up your Money in the Bank spot.
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thought i wouldn’t finish this tonight tbh, hoping to get around to the other one soon cuz im looking forward to it and i need to write for these damn series’ so bad like its actually ridiculous how long its been
Not grammarly telling me this is disheartening and gloomy also there were way too many spelling errors so there might still be some, my bad, im very tired and need to go to sleep very badly but i hope you enjoy (the titles another brokeback mountain refrence i thought it was funny teehee)
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mariaofdoranelle · 1 year
Look at Us Now - ch. 18
Fic masterlist
Warnings: very light nsfw?
Words: 2,6k
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“Do my boobs look too big in this?”
Aelin snapped her head back to Lysandra, that question unexpected given the birthday party they were in. She was pretty sure her friend was only being that vocal because they were alone at the table, the kids letting loose nearby with the entertainer. “What?”
Lys showed her phone—the photoshop app, to be more precise—and insisted, “Do my boobs still look freakish?”
She rolled her eyes and analyzed the picture, zooming in Lys’ boobs. Lysandra Ennar, the only person Aelin knew that made her breasts look smaller with photoshop. “They look amazing, just as they do in person. Remind me why you use those apps again?”
“Aelin Galathynius, this is a judgment-free zone,” she chastised in a low tone, the poorly-concealed crinkle in her eyes giving away that her offense was nothing but a joke. “This is an illusion, just like that pink bikini you bought with me.”
She took a sip of her milkshake, squinting her eyes at Lys. That bikini did work as a real-life photoshop, pushing up what needed to be pushed up and hugging her body like it had been made exclusively for her body. Too bad Rowan was too busy ignoring her to notice.
“Leave the pink bikini out of it.”
“Fine.” Lysandra blocked her phone and left it with the screen facing the table. “But will you ever tell me what happened on that trip?”
“Nothing happened on the trip,” Aelin lied.
“I don’t believe you.”
“You shouldn’t,” Aelin said before busying her mouth with chocolate milkshake.
Lysandra gasped. “Did you guys do it?”
Aelin wrinkled her nose, disappointed with herself. “No.”
“Boo!” Her friend leaned back on her chair, wearing a vacant stare. “Don’t you miss it when people were just like, ‘Hey, wanna do it or not?’ and that was it?“
Aelin choked on her milkshake. “Are you talking about college?”
“What? No!” Lys chuckled, her eyes filled with mirth. “Like, thousands of years ago when everyone was gay and poly, and people drew themselves having big orgies in vases or something.”
Aelin threw her head back, laughing. “I think they were drawing because they didn’t have cameras, Lys.”
“Still.” Her friend’s eyes narrowed, not happy to have her theory debunked. “I doubt that Ancient Aelin would be in the same situation you’re now.”
She waved Lysandra off, mostly because a godsend server approached their table with more fries and mini hot-dogs. The amount of food at children’s parties made her resent adult ones a little. When did people decide that a bunch of different cheese is proper food?
She posted the picture after Lysandra edited it completely, but her mind was going a mile a minute.
Maybe Aelin should channel Ancient Aelin.
Not literally, but after so much talking and waiting and looking for clues, maybe she should just drop a blunt question and see how much of her relationship with Rowan was salvageable. If all that waiting was leaving them somewhere or not.
And after Aelin decided to put an end to this blind anticipation, it was like nothing existed besides her goal. Every person there wasn’t Rowan, the one she needed to talk to. Every stretch of time was too long before she found him. The space between this venue and his house felt twice as long.
“You’re antsy,” Lysandra said without taking her eyes off the phone.
“I’m watching the kids.”
“Liar, liar, pants on fire.”
Aelin frowned, her food tapping. “There’s this thing I have to do. Do you mind watching Maisie? I can pick her up at your place. Or you drop her at mine. I’ll owe you this one.”
Lysandra raised an eyebrow, skeptical. “Are you making me babysit to get laid?”
“No.” Aelin felt her cheeks heating. It wasn’t a lie because she had no guarantee of getting laid, but it was part of her intention.
“Pity.” Lys picked on her nails, a nonchalant expression on her face. “Because Maisie’s a little terror, I’m only watching her for a good reason.”
“Fine,” she said through clenched teeth, resigned. “I need to see Rowan, but I’m not sure what’s gonna happen. Happy?”
“Very.” Her smile was nothing short of devilish. “Auntie Lys is happy to take over.”
Turns out Maisie wasn’t excited about that. Instead, she decided to come with Aelin.
“We should play freeze tag,” her little girl said at the same time her phone pinged.
Aedion: who’s the chick you posted a pic with
“Not now, honey. What about some TV, and we play freeze tag later?” She suggested while typing.
Aelin: wouldn’t you like to know
Aedion: tell me
“No!” Maisie shouted inside the car. “The TV is there forever, I want to play with you and Daddy.”
Aelin held back a flinch. Even if their family was a lot closer these days, they still had separate lives. Playing all three together was a frequent occurrence now, but not enough for Maisie to discard the opportunity.
This was one of the things she was hoping to change today.
“What about the drums, Mais?”
She typed while waiting for her daughter’s response.
Aelin: she’s my soccer mom bestie
Aelin: we bond over motherhood and my cursed love life
“I do like my drums,” Maisie agreed in that stubborn way of hers, making Aelin fist pump inside her mind when her phone pinged again.
Aedion: can her husband fight
She snorted, affectionately rolling her eyes before opening Rowan’s garden gate. She wouldn’t give Aedion the satisfaction of knowing that her friend’s a single mom, especially since Lys is too good for her manwhore cousin.
After setting Maisie in the garage and making sure she was safe there, Aelin rounded the house towards the backyard and knocked on the kitchen’s back door.
It was an odd sight. Rowan’s kitchen was a mess, his sink overflowing with dirty dishes while the utensils were scrambled over the counter, looking no better than Maisie’s play kitchen. He was already leaving through the other door when he turned around and let her in.
“Hey.“ Rowan gave her a small smile. ”I heard Maisie’s drums and thought it was a ghost. The party’s over already?”
Indeed, the kid’s drums were loud and clear two rooms over. She wondered why Rowan’s parents bought the chaotic ones instead of the ones with headphones.
Aelin shook her head. Not the time to think about drums.
She took a step deeper inside the kitchen heart thrumming as his expectant eyes watched her.
“We need to talk.”
“We do,” he said before taking off his apron and hanging it near him, his movements stiff. “Do you want me to start?”
“I’ll do it.” She tapped the side of her head. “I’m ready.”
When she said it, Aelin didn’t know she was, in fact, not ready.
She watched his open—if not a little uneasy—face, recalling some rules of non-violent communication inside her head. They hadn’t needed to strictly follow it in a while, but Aelin didn’t want to risk it. She wasn’t above making a scandal, but she wanted to show Rowan that he didn’t need to hide. No matter what happened, they could still be civil. No need to run away from her or shout.
She opened her mouth, but the words didn’t come. Step 1: communicate everything that happened without blaming your partner. Since this conversation was a last-minute decision, she didn’t know how to explain everything that was happening, or even what part of the last six years to explain. She didn’t want to say a huge monologue and overwhelm his brain either.
Then she thought of step two. Telling how she felt.
Ever since they met? That whole bloody emotion wheel.
Rowan hadn’t said a word while she struggled to articulate hers, and the way he was struggling to not let her know he was struggling made her mind race even more. His face would look neutral, if it wasn’t for that mildly-veiled worry in his eyes, his lips pinched. His body would look composed, if it wasn’t for that tension in his shoulders, or the way he discreetly fiddled with his fingers, his feet silently jiggling.
Aelin cleared her throat. “I know this goes against what we learned in therapy about healthy relationships, and respecting your partner’s autonomy, and…” she trailed, then stopped and squared her shoulders. Her eyes were determined and intent on him. “I know you can do whatever you want. But, in this conversation, I’m not giving you an option where you don’t end up with me. Together. Romantically, to be loud and clear.”
Rowan blinked. One, two, too many times for her poor, agitated heart. Then he took a step back while letting out something that was between a shaky smile and a wheezy puff of breath… and gave his back to her.
Aelin’s limbs slackened as she watched him open an oven and retrieve a cake. Without even properly rejecting her.
She felt a sinking feeling in her stomach, her heart aching from the weight of his rejection. All that effort, her blunt declaration. It was all in vain.
After placing the half-decorated chocolate cake—he never baked those. What’s going on?—in the counter, he ran to the living room and came back with a bouquet so big Aelin could barely see his face behind it. Kingsflower was the main feature of the bouquet.
Aelin took a step back, feeling like she's lost control of her own jaw. Her favorite cake and her favorite flowers.
Rowan tried to fix some edges of the unfinished chocolate frosting with a butter knife. Frowning at his incomplete work, he asked, “Have you ever felt like it’d be easier to die for someone than to hire a band and perform a cheesy love song for them?”
Her chuckle was watery, a little confused. “Why would you do that?”
“The whole story is a bit long, but I brainstormed a very extensive list with ways to convince you to be with me. Together. Romantically, to be loud and clear,” he replicated the last part of her inarticulate speech around a sheepish smile.
Aelin flung herself at him, her arms squeezing his middle and her forehead leaning against his collarbone when she whispered, “You never lost me, Rowan.”
“Yes, I did, and it was my fault.” His tone was just as low as he caressed Aelin’s hair against him. “I hurt you. I wasn’t there for you. I lost you.” His voice broke in the last sentence, his eyes glossy. ”I lost half of Maisie’s days too.”
“It’s on me, too.” Aelin stroked his cheek, small but reassuring. “There’s so many things I wish I’d done differently back then, but—“
“You can’t do the right choices when you’re not in the right state of mind,” Rowan quoted their therapist.
She gave him a weak smile. “Exactly.” She whispered, “I’m so sorry. For the delay, for every angry phone call, for—“
“Shh.” Rowan tangled his fingers on the back of her head, tilting her face to his as his gaze roamed over her face, searching. “I’m sorry too.”
Aelin licked her parted lips, eyes intent on Rowan’s as she felt her body temperature rise. He dipped his head, closing the distance—
“MOMMY!” Maisie screamed, shooting through the hallway as fast as a bullet. “GOTTA POO.”
Aelin startled, detangling herself from Rowan on instinct.
“Okay, honey,” she shouted, despite her breathlessness, after her daughter went to the bathroom that was right next to the kitchen. “Tell me when you’re done,”
Aelin laid her eyes on Rowan’s lips, distracted with the way his tongue licked them, and mumbled, “We must have from two to five minutes until she finishes.”
His lips closed to accommodate his snort. “Are you sure you want more kids?”
She swapped his chest, then left her hands there. God, those were nice to grope. “You’re not funny.”
“Not my strong suit, indeed.”
Without warning, Rowan pulled her face toward his, stopping for a second when the tip of their noses brushed to give her time to pull back. None of that. Aelin slid her hand to the back of his hair and pressed their lips together.
It was absolute heaven.
She opened up for him, letting his tongue in as he touched her face and hair with tender caresses. Aelin was already melting into his touch, but when she pushed her full body against his and grabbed a chunk of his hair, the mood shifted. Now, the way Rowan’s tongue massaged Aelin’s was as sinful as the way she pressed her full body against his.
Tasting her mouth like it was his, Rowan held her waist and hips like they were his lifeline. She took it was a cue to press herself against him until she left his cock bulging behind his pants, the friction making him hiss.
Rowan nipped her neck in retaliation, until it became a full ministration against her pulse point. Her moan against his ear was low, but enough to make him squeeze her waist harder. Aelin squirmed against him—
“Mom?” Maisie called from the bathroom.
Aelin took a step back, thanking Mala that Rowan looked a little amused by it, instead of annoyed like any other man would. “You done?” she shouted in Maisie’s direction.
“No.” A pause. “Have you ever had a clogged butt?”
Aelin grimaced. Not her favorite conversation topic while making out with her baby daddy for the first time in years. “Every now and then, Mais. Must run in the family, huh?”
“This sucks!”
“It never happens to me!” Rowan cut in. “My poop moves like my stomach’s a water slide because I eat green stuff that aren’t M&M’s.”
Her dad’s snark made Maisie groan. Loudly. Like a tiny teenager. “MOM! I need to unclog my butt.”
Aelin’s sigh against Rowan’s chest quickly became a chuckle. “I’ll be right back.”
He gave her a small kiss. “Go.”
“And when she left the house to meet the prince—“
“No!” Maisie shouted, interrupting her bedtime story. She was dragging her eyelids open, clearly struggling to stay awake. “She’ll meet with the witch.”
Aelin frowned. “Honey, the witch is evil. We have to run away from her, remember?”
She leaned on her elbow. “But the evil witch deserves love, too.”
“Fine,” Aelin said while Rowan put Maisie back into a sleeping position. He was never good at coming up with stories, so he just sat by their daughter’s bed while Aelin struggled to think of a tale Maisie liked. “And when she left the house to—“
“But why does she want to live with the prince? Her dad is nice.”
Aelin gave a strained smile, her patience wearing thin. “Because that’s what happens when you grow up, love. At some point, you’ll want to move out—“
“No.” Maisie crossed her arms, pouting. “We’ll live together forever, and travel together to all the places, because we’re friends and we love each other.”
That was enough to melt Aelin’s impatience. She grinned, pecking all over Maisie’s face and laying next to her in her bed. Rowan’s eyes were crinkled with joy next to them, but Aelin’s only focus was on making Maisie sleep.
“Okay, Maisy Daisy. You’re right about that.” Aelin caressed the girl’s pale blonde hair, not caring to explain that her opinion would change the second she became a teenager. Maisie started to let herself drift because of Aelin’s cuddles, they hugged until it was sure the little girl wouldn’t wake up anymore.
Aelin got up and rounded the bed until she was next to Rowan. She lightly scraped her nails against his shoulders and neck, making him shiver, and whispered, “Come on.”
Their day consisted of freeze tag, family meals, and clandestine kisses when Maisie couldn’t see. They would tell her when it felt right.
Rowan took a last peak at Maisie and adjusted her night lights, before sending Aelin a heated look that told her it was time to move to another bedroom.
When they stepped out of Maisie’s room and were out of earshot, Rowan threw Aelin against the hallway wall and captured her lips with his.
A/N: my main plot line ends here and now I’m just stretching things with lots of fluff and minor conflict just to keep things going. I’m emotional.
You can get notified when I update by either turning notifications on for @backtobl4ck-fics or entering my (sometimes glitchy) tag list!!
I couldn’t tag the people in bold, sorry!
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
First: I'm sorry, I know you just stated an event and I've been sending a bunch of requests, so PLEASE take your time and put off anything you need to! Never feel obligated to fulfill a request if you've got other stuff going on, I promise I'm understanding of the fact that we all have lives and other things going on in them.
Second: Apologizing a second time, because I decided to send this one in (I had it saved in my drafts and was going to scrap it) because I got really sad and needed some comedy.
Kazutora, Mikey, Chifuyu, Baji, Kokonoi, and Draken with an S/O who playfully runs away from them when they're about the be questioned regarding pranks being pulled on them (I.E. hiding Draken's tools in unusual places, putting sticky notes on their clothes with funny messages that make others giggle, drawing cat whiskers on Chifuyu with washable markers but while he sleeps) S/O be like: "Wha? WHO DID THAT? Uh-uh, not me, NO sir! Innocent till proven guilty," and if they chase S/O: "AAAAAH IT WASN'T MEEEE!"
A/N: sorry for the late answer, life hit and holy fuck it is unnecessarily stressful sometimes huh?
What you did: Left a funny note on the back of his shirt
okay kazutora wants a good start back in life, and when people start laughing at him it makes him a little suspicious again
he has no clue what he is wearing half the time, muchless cares to looks for a message
…why do i feel like he might get a little mad?
in private, ofc
he would rant about it to you for a good while and it is hard to keep your composure
“…you wrote it on my back?”
… he chases you for hours, beware.
What you did: Didn’t give him a flag on his food
you’re his flag person, how could you forget a flag for him?!
throws a damn tantrum and calls up draken so that he will come to bring the flag for him
”you don’t have my flag? …why.?”
he gets so sad oml
“I just forgot it, that’s all. It’s in my bag at home…”
he glares at you for a good day or so (or more)
What you did: Drew a cat in sharpie on his chest
chifuyu shows his chest at meetings. okay that sounds weird. he goes on rants and for some reason breaks out his chest and wabam, there is a huge cat face he didn’t know about on full display
mikey has to stiffle a laugh since this is an official meeting, but chifuyu flat out leaves
”did you seriously draw on my chest last night?”
”me? noooo, I would never. Hey i gotta go walk peke j outside to go swimming, i gotta go-“
poor baby
What you did: Hid his favorite hairbrush
this man is a DIVA and will FIGHT for his hairbrush
anyways, hr gets so pissed and reminds me of inosuke randomly yelling
… you’re the only one in the house. obviously it was you. duh.
he questions you day in and out trying to solve the ‘mystery’, but when it shows up mysteriously the next day, he tackles you again for questioning
no literally, tackles you onto the bed and asks you sm 💀
What you did: stored a wad of cash for tonight’s dinner/shopping elsewhere
he doesn’t really care until you throw a fake fit saying how much you had been looking forward to paying in cash for your stuff
then he perked up, but got nervous instead
he often misplaces things, but never his money. thought it wad a robbery and checked the cameras, only to find you snooping around
he is fine w it though, he even plays along and acts dumb
”you know i saw you on the cameras, right?”
”me? no. that was my.. sister, koko. we looks identical heh.”
What you did: ‘Accidentally’ misplaced a few of his tools
you can not be playing games the man is on a TIME CRUNCH
he flips the whole shop upside down before you rush in to stop with panic
”baby it was just a prank! they’re over there.” you usher him to a corner where everything was neatly places, and a huge sigh escapes his lips
not only was everything there instead of robbed, it was all still organized neatly enough to his liking
he has a different approach and pecks your lips with a small ‘thanks’ before going back to work
a total mystery 💁‍♀️
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justserahtonin · 4 months
Let's talk about Moonvale.
Ok, phew, it's been a while since I used tumblr and needed a new one.
I've been in the Duskwood fandom since pretty early on the game, so I wanted to jump on the thousands of opinions on Moonvale. Now, I'll state first the negative facts but also the good ones. I've seen tons of nasty opportunists trying to throw hate, including other devs.
Also, IMPORTANT, Moonvale is NOT Duskwood, we know. But I'll be referring to Duskwood to point out exactly why the fandom or at least I feel negative about.
First of all, let's go with the bad stuff. I'm not even going to say anything about the diamonds and their price, I just refuse. But what I want to talk is about the minigames and the AI art. AI art is just... oof. I know some people don't mind, but as an illustrator, let me tell you how much it hurt me. This community has always valued artists, I remember I had a blog where I drew other people's MCs and that made me make some cute and valuable friends, I remember how much the fandom loved artists, so seeing this... just hurts. I get the "we want to give your new friends their own spotlight" but Everbyte did that in Duskwood beautifully with stock images, with the gang trying to add us in more activities or chatting with us. You don't need stolen art to give someone a spotlight. Those new to Duskwood may not remember it, but Richy was faceless for a big part of the game until they got an actor for him and no one was mad about it. In fact it gave Richy some kind of shy guy charm.
About the minigames... Look, last time I played Duskwood, I did without any extra moves and those were hard, more or less like Moonvale's. But you know where the real problem is? In how the interrupt the story. And how little immersive they look and feel like when playing them. Let's look back to Duskwood. The minigames had a goal: hack Hannah's phone. Whether it gave us a clue or not, it felt real and, in words on MC in Moonvale "not every lead will take you to a clue". But you put work in there and when something unlocked, it felt good. And if you didn't, you had at least one or two credits and a character praising you for the good work (thanks, Jake). In Moonvale, it feels like "oh, nobody's here, let me play some candy crush". Also, the vibe does not match the tone. In Duskwood, the minigame design felt like you were hacking, you were decoding something. But here it really feels like some Project Makeover game.
NOW, let's get to the good parts. I feel the story might be interesting. Who's Unknown?, how can Charlie help us?, what happened to us and that fame we got in Duskwood? I find Eric quite lovable and Charlie kinda like a big mouthed friend with good heart. Ash is like the mom friend or lil sis friend, worrying but being kinda childish and Violet being the shy one. There's something with the mysterious figure in Eric's call that looks familiar. Was the figure wearing a cap? Am I imagining stuff?? And the last call??? Let's be real, Duskwood had real plot holes and was a bit bland the first episodes but we grew to like it as the story kept going. I see real potential in there and some theories I'd love to share once sometime has passed, but not now.
Why am I saying all this without mentionion UI design, lack of premium choices, message history and so on? Because those are easy fixable things. Those are little changes that can happen over the time, like Richy's gallery in Duskwood or little sponsorships, packs and so on. I think I'm not the only one who wouldn't mind paying up to 10€ for a premium pass, I can save the money. Everbyte heard their fandom before and I really hope they do now. Let's be honest, we are to blame too. Half of us went looking for a "Duskwood 2", but Moonvale is not that. Expectatives can often be harmful to both sides. I really think Everbyte didn't wait for such backlash, so I want to have faith, I want to believe they will read these reviews and stop to think "why was Duskwood so beloved? Let's go to the core".
Have faith in Everbyte and in Moonvale, we still don't know who Adam really is, what people know about us and how is it that two people in danger had our contact. Maybe this story can give us some clues to MC's past. Maybe Adam turn out to be Jake. Who knows, there's a lot of space for plot twists and I'm here for it.
Let's keep the Duskwood community as peaceful and chill as it has always been. Let's leave no room for free hate and put logic and reasons to our opinions so everyone can learn and so Everbyte can know exactly why are we angry or disapointed.
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imaginespazzi · 5 months
Nivi – hey bestie, you’ve done it again – I wasn’t sure it could get more heartbreaking than the last one and yet!
As always, the writing is- well, it’s everything.
The parallels between high school them and college them was immaculate, and I so wish Paige could have fulfilled her dream of kissing Azzi under the confetti, but alas, maybe in another universe 😉
I loved the little exchange about UConn and California, and how that possibility was always there but Paige could just never accept it.
P and UConn winning the natty this year – it had to happen in at least one universe, so thank you for letting it happen in this one.
Side note: Drew and Paige interactions are always top tier, and very much the type of momentary fluff that I needed to break up the sadness while reading.
Side note 2: I love that I don’t even need to imagine what Azzi wearing Paige’s jersey would look like, but I’m glad ucla au Paige got to experience it too 🥹
The celebration with the team was so cute and of course it would be KK that basically helps break the ice (and her lil innocent “you should bring her around more often” 🥺). Also, all the little moments Az got with everyone else in the team was so wholesome, and ofc queen Nika being a loveable menace who’s always just looking out for her twin.
Side note 3: I love love love the two piggyback moments haha, just because that’s so pazzi core to me idk, I feel like there’s been a lot of photos where Azzi is piggybacking Paige irl, like that’s very much their thing so I adored seeing it incorporated here. But then, the ending. I knew it was coming, but it certainly did not make it hurt any less when we got there. “Fuck,” Paige’s voice is still wracked with sleep, “I thought you left.” “That’s more your style,” Azzi says – this was particularly heartbreaking, but I can’t really blame Azzi, even if P is trying so hard to make things right.
Overall, I may or may not have been tearing up throughout the entire chapter, and it somehow hit me even harder the second time I read through it? I think that’s just testament to your writing tbh.
Thoughts on what’s next:
Do things finally start getting better? It can’t get any worse, can it? (famous last words) 😅
I did wonder actually, whether you’d have them win or lose the natty, only because if they did win which obviously they did here (thank you), could that maybe change P’s mind at all on declaring or not?
I’m guessing she obviously sticks to her og decision and stays, and so I’m super intrigued on what might come next for them.
Like will they try going back to being just friends? Even though they’ve already tried and failed and knowing that would never be enough for Paige. But can they really not be in each other’s lives??
Will they try seeing other people again??
Summer’s coming up in the timeline and they’ve never spent an entire summer apart, so what will they do this summer? 😔 Or will we have a big time jump?
So many questions, and only you have the answers, Nivi.
Favourite lines/quotes:
The moon shines against Azzi’s face and Paige thinks that so much has changed, but Azzi’s still that kind of beautiful
“Do you know what my answer would have been?” “Yeah,” Azzi says softly, squeezing her hands, “yeah I do.”
Alternate lyrics that came to mind while reading:
Talk about our future like we had a clue. Never planned that one day, I'd be losing you.
In another life, I would be your girl. We'd keep all our promises, be us against the world.
Oh, and in honour of your love for Taylor, a Taylor lyric that came to mind was specifically this:
And I can go anywhere I want. Anywhere I want, just not home - mainly from the perspective of Paige getting almost everything she’s ever wanted, except the thing she wants most.
PS: I don’t really listen to Taylor’s music much anymore (nothing negative, just a shift in my music tastes these past couple of years!), but if there’s anything you think I should definitely give a listen to from her latest album, let me know!
As always, thank you for all you do for us. Have a wonderful weekend 💗
Much love, -🙋‍♀️
Hi bestie, one thing about me is that I will find a way to make it worse! 🤪
Thank you my sweets, it always means the world <3
I'm glad you caught that because I wanted to hint at the idea that it wasn't just a random decision of Azzi's part to choose UCLA and that she'd always been considering it.
If I can add Drew and Paige interactions, best believe I will find a way to do it. That's another relationship that's so precious to me.
Shoutout to the one anon who asked for Azzi to wear Paige's jersey in the universe as well because I took that and ran with it so I hope they liked it, because I liked their idea (come say hi!)
The team scene was one my favorites to write honestly, especially just in general KK is so fun to write because she's so fun and I need my chaotic family (Paige-Azzi-KK-Ice) to be a thing in every universe.
YES the piggybacks are just so Pazzi-core and I know this is an au but I like to take things from what we already know about them and just tweak it to keep some semblance of realism. Also piggyback are just really cute and Paige seems like the kind to beg literally anyone to carry her anyways
Things will get better because I actually don't know if they can get worse (actually they probably could but it might be hard to come back from lol) but things getting better is gonna take a lot
See if Paige changes her mind and declares, things become easy for them with her going to LA and I'm not in the business of making things easy for them lol
You think I have the answer to these question but truly what I write is just as much a mystery of where my inspiration will take to me as it is to you. So we'll see but we're on the ascent upwards, so no more other people lol!
As for Taylor, the new album's pretty good babes if you wanna go listen! Lowkey a lot of the songs work pretty well with this fic lmao. But my favorites are loml and Fortnight I think.
Always love your detailed takes on the new parts and just seeing you in my inbox always makes me smile <3
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foosybit · 1 year
Mayoi in PriPara Outfits Part 1
this is a suuuuuper long post cuz i did 2 drawings for about 20 outfits????? so here's the best ones so u dont miss anything by not actually going thru them all o7
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but woooo !!! basically i've been on a long journey rewatching pripara very slowly so it's kinda seeping into my brain so i wanted to mess around with what outfits mayoi would go for if he went 2 pripara !! if u want a teal eyed version that also isnt split into parts, heres my pixiv post
last few things to say b4 i start, hello 3 pripara fans on my account, no boypara outfits cuz i didnt grow up with that (the last op i remember is the 6th one and i dont think im anywhere near that yet in my rewatch), honestly i have no clue if there's even proper boypara outfits??? i just know it exists idk anything about it, and if u see placeholders thats cuz i wanna keep the 3 image layout, thats the only reason why lol. and outfit descriptions will go below the art of the outfit. ok time 2 start !!!!!!
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Petit Devi from Holic Trick Classic !! this was the first one I did back on.... Janurary 2nd lol. I have yet to see Mayoi in a bright pink but u know what, my executive decision says he deserves it. hi 3 pripara fans on my account again, i should also say most of these (like this one) will be from the arcade stuff cuz i just picked stuff i liked from the wiki's coord list
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Sexy Girl from Holic Trick cuz Mayoi's the sexiest girl i know !! from now on all the coords will be from Holic Trick (an in-show brand) cuz 2bh w y'all i mostly just browsed Holic Trick for this whole series of drawings cuz im not going thru all those dam coords. although i've done 2 short skirts so far i do think mayoi'd like longer skirts more, but pripara likes short skirts more so so be it o7
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Gothic Check !! the grey shirt and black jacket is kinda giving fs2 4star vibes so this would be the fs2 4star if enstars were cool (wore pripara outfits)
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Modern Coffee Maid !! I was thinking of maybe changing the color but i liked the way the orange contrasts with the purple making it look kinda halloweeny :] I also have a personal bias towards brown i luv that color !! but ya if i had 2 say, he'd probably be a 3star if this were a set, kinda vaguely fits him but not enough to be under the spotlight imo
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Classic Trump !! Sophy actually wears this in the show and i think it's so cute i wonder how the other alka members would style the vest in their own way (im 2 lazy 2 do that myself yawwnnn) in fact mayoi himself would probably prefer longer sleeves but u kno, stayed tru 2 the original n stuff, anyway say hello to bright pink again mayochan
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Sparkling Jellyfish Sophy !! hi kanata hi fish wife hi nata hello nata hi nata whats up nata i love u nata
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Nin'Nin Among the Water from Baby Monster !! when i saw this outfit i was chained to my tablet the demons were holding me hostage i had to make the ninja association wear it or i'd suffer a public execution
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My Design Holic Trick !! back to holic trick for the rest again :] this is the one i posted on its own hehehehe it's still the one i put THE most effort into (which is why it's the only one i bothered to sign, still dont repost the rest tho please and thank u im just lazy) cuz man its a vibe its so good its one of my favs still i love stupid shorts and the puffy sleeves with the cropped vest and black and purple and the heart and bows and keys which are kinda all reasons i also like mayoi (heart in mayois vibe comes from his big heart muah) bless u mayoi i luv u
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Night Navy !! mayoi loves to kill artists in cold blood with random intricate patterns (or maybe thats just an enstars thing in general) so i knew i had to give him this dress. gave him an undershirt cuz what if he gets cold :[
And that's it for this post !! I've now reached the image limit, so see ya in the next post !! (sorry foosybit followers for triple posting i didnt realize i drew so much)
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fluffydancer618 · 2 years
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Told'ya I have Mafia AU idea
Fyi I drew sketch of this like back in august but finished it only last week. Yeah.
A lot of rumbles + no background version undercut
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@snake-bastard get au'd nerd
+ @jasperakalucy You. You wanted to see me rumble about that, so it's time for you to regret your desires /j /lh
Secondly, it’s 'Fluffy’s trying to have a comprehendible thought' time
So. The setting.
In the 1970s, once respected and feared by everyone, Lucifer's gang starts to suffer losses as a new crime family is gaining momentum in the city. That Rtcler’s mob was here just for a few months, but already  well-known to every rat on a street and being compared to Lucifer’s. Some brave ones dared to even say between these two families, Rtcler’s the superior one. 
Though, those claims weren’t unjustified. Rtcler, - despite being cruel and a bit unhinged in his ways sometimes, - was a tactful, careful and strict person, always getting a job done and expecting nothing less from his people.
And his gangsters knew that and tried to conform to their boss' expectation, to not even give him a reason to question their loyalty. 
Most of them.
In one day an interesting incident occurred, that started a chain of events and almost led to a downfall of the powerful mafia!It included smaller mobsters that combined forces to strike when it was least expected, yellow journalism and… a hat. That’s right, according to stories, the reason why Rtcler’s mob had to lie low was one bad apple of the family deciding to steal black hat with a green ribbon worn by all known mobster.  
What was the madman even thinking? What was the goal? Money? Fame? Personal reasons? Where’s the hat now anyway? Who’s to say. Those are not the only questions the one can ask about this story.
However, not many details about it are available to regular people, so it’s only natural for this story to be grown with rumors and interpreted a bit differently by anyone you talk about it. 
But that's how the “the base” everyone seem to agree on goes: Muttonhead somehow successfully stole boss’ hat, but was robbed and threatened by another gang and in panic gave such important information as the main headquarter’s location to save their own ass, but after all that mess was caught and shot by Rtcler himself.
Sure, has it flaws, but much more realistic than those fairytales you can hear in local pubs about the theft not being the one who gave up the info and actually survived confrontation with “the hat’s owner”, because he’s just kicked them out of the family on streets commanding to never show up again if they want to live, in rage refusing to hear the theft out. Bullshit, honestly. Like, someone like Rtcler would have a reason for such an act of mercy.
But enough about gossip, let’s return to facts.
After that event, the mob completely disappeared from the public eye, but you could still feel its presence and influence. It was still somewhere there, pulling strings from the shadows.
Lucifer gets sick of the lost status of his family and whispers in crowds telling “Invisible hand that rules everything wears a green glove” deciding the opponent is on the lowest point of their existence than they ever were or will be. Meaning, it’s the time to finish that “lucky upstart” once and for all. 
Which is obviously easier to say than do, since no one knows where the enemy is hiding. So, Lucifer orders his right hand man Adam - who always does everything to please the boss, no matter what it takes, - to find out where the opponent’s new headquarter is. And now Adam’s doomed to collect little pieces of known information about the mysterious crime family hoping some of them would be a clue where to look for it.
Maybe, the mission would be at least a little bit trouble-free if Lucifer’s mob had a few allies-mafias that you could just ask some questions, but - Thanks to Mr. Morningstar incredible leadership, - he and his gang are not quite welcome on properties of every gang in the city. So, 90% of the time, the only way to receive necessary information Adam has is through violence.
A lot of violence. Sometimes included killing everyone in the building.
As it was when they met a pretty strange guy, who apparently was doing the same thing.
They’re pointing weapons at each other's faces, - Adam with a pretty elite gun and the guy with one knife in their hand, - both pretty surprised to see someone else killing their targets here and not being sure what to do in this situation. 
Their collective dilemma being interrupted by a realization there are still a bunch of enemies around them, so they decide to delay the introduction - or their fight - for a little bit later and deal with the bigger threat first. Together.
Adam is clearly a professional in this kind of things: They know where and how to shoot to make the bigger damage but lose the minimum ammo. They aren’t cowarding behind the cover, but also don't jump under the opponent's bullets like an idiot.
That strange guy knows what they’re doing too. There’s clearly something’s going on in their head as they throw those knives of theirs, but feels like most of that something is “harm as much as possible as fast as possible”.  If they’re out of knives they’re straight up starting to fistfight. If they can’t fistfight anymore they’re- Oh my god, did they just try to bite someone’s face off-
Everyone is dead. Hooray, proper introduction time.  
Strange guy’s name is Fluffy. They’re a hitman that does not belong to any family making money by purely taking any contracts for very cheap prices, trying to survive. Fluffy explains their reason for visiting this place is it’s being their current contract and they’re quite curious what member of Lucifer’s family - which they recognize Adam as such - is forgotten here.
Adam is not sure how good the idea of telling a weird stranger you just met about their mission is, but on the other hand Fluffy still didn’t kill him and, in fact, helped with dealing with foes. Plus if something goes wrong Adam always can kill them anyway. 
So, he informs Fluffy that he’s in a search of any knowledge about Rtcler’s mob, especially the one that could help figure out where it is, - as well as Rtcler himself - now.
Fluffy’s eyes seem to light up - well, more than usual - at the very moment Adam said that. They look… conflicted all of a sudden. As if they really want to say so many things at once, but don’t think they should.  
Despite calling that idea stupid and hopeless at first, - betting that even if Adam succeeds, as soon as they take one step into the headquarter their gang existence is over - Fluffy starts to drop hints they wouldn't mind to participate in it. 
Chuckling, Adam rejects the help offer asking why would they want that and most importantly how some kind of poor vermin could be useful for him
Fluffy says they have a lot of law problems and are starting to get tired from jailbreaks every few months. And if they'd help local mobster deal with his enemy thereby helping him become the greatest mafia of all time, maybe his mob could help them deal with cops as a modest reward. And they definitely don't have any other personal reasons to meet with Rtcler's gang face to face. Plus they claim to have some connections that could help in searches and to be better in combat and “if it wasn’t for me your scaly ass would’ve died today so you’re actually own me”. 
Which triggers the “- Excuse you, I am better than you -  No, I’M better than you” argument between both of them that ends up with Adam getting fed up with it and irritably saying “FINE, if you want it that much I ask Lucifer. As if he’ll allow it and not order to kill you in an instant for knowing too much, rat.”
Unfortunately for Adam, his boss really doesn't care how Adam will fulfill the order. If that Fluffy-guy wants to participate and technically doesn’t demand anything in return, - “I mean, who’d stop us from just killing them as soon as we're done instead of dealing with cops for this fool, right?” -  there’s no reason to not accept their help offer. 
Although Lucifer agrees that Fluffy is a stranger, it’s impossible to know what to expect from them and stupid to believe they’re 100% not a spy or won’t betray them at any given moment using all knowledge they receive against Lucifer’s mob in general. So, he orders Adam to keep an eye on Fluffy 24/7 to make sure "they won’t even have a chance to think about betraying” as if the guy didn’t have enough problems to deal with already.
Fluffy is not happy about the fact they would have to be constantly watched over as some kind of child either.
But oh well. 
Maybe, it would be worth it.
The end.
Okay,  comprehendible thought time is over now I will just say stuff:
Hatcler is definitely has something to do with The Hat Incident
The fact that by all logic Aamit would be a retired gangster that become a therapist or gangster AND a therapist is so funny to me
Twinstars should hold fights-without-rules for money, methinks. I don’t know why but it feels right
Copper would be just a regular citizen that happened to accidentally befriend a hitman. Also Fluffy would not hide what their job is but would try to hide the fact they smoke. Maybe not even allowing Adam to smoke near Copper as a bonus. Slapping cigarette out of his mouth as soon as they notice Copper nearby
"Does Adam has demon powers in this AU? Does magic even exist in this AU?" *shrugs* Bro, wish I know
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novankenn · 1 year
Reluctant Hero?
= Twenty-One = (Chapter List)
Students and the survivors from the disastrous initiation the day before all bailed from the hallway as Jaune wearing his chainsaw hand, and carrying his shotgun walked down the hall, with Cardin and Nora following behind him, their weapons perched on their shoulders.
Cardin: So we're going to the morgue to what? Decapitate dead bodies?
Jaune: Yes.
Nora: Okay, I sort of get why, but what I don't understand was why you asked the Headmaster how many were recovered.
Jaune: To get a count.
Nora: A count?
Jaune: Yes. Yesterday, after I decked him...
Cardin: And shoved a running chainsaw in his face...
Jaune: That's beside the point. He said 17 didn't make it.
Nora: Okay.
Jaune: Now Cardin and I, and you helped put down 5 of those Deadite bastards, that means there are possible 12 more. Follow?
Cardin: Surprisingly yes.
Jaune: So they recovered 6 intact, and 3 headless. So if those three are NOT any of the ones that we iced, that means there are only 3 unaccounted for.
Nora: One of which would be Rennie?
Jaune: Exactly.
Cardin: Let's say those three are ones we put down, that would mean there are 6 still in the forest, right?
Jaune: You got it.
Nora: Okay, so what happens when we figure out, if there are 3 or 6 students unaccounted for?
Jaune: I...
Nora: We...
Jaune: I...
Cardin: We...
Jaune: Fine! WE go back out in those fucking creepy woods and account for them.
Cardin: And when we account for them?
Jaune: We make sure they're not a Deadite, and if they are...
Nora: We put them down?
Jaune: Bada-boom bada-bing.
Jaune suddenly stops in the middle of the hall, nearly causing Nora and Cardin to trip over him. He looks about himself with a slightly confused expression. Nora and Cardin look at each other and then back to Jaune.
Jaune: Do either of you know where the morgue is?
Cardin: You mean, we've been following you this whole time, and you had no clue where you were going?
Jaune: Duh. It's only like my second day here, so how the hell should I know where everything is?
Cardin: How would we know? It's only our second day as well!
Nora: (Looking at her scroll) We go straight and then tack the next left to the Infirmary. We then go past the infirmary, find a set of stairs and go down two floors. (Show Cardin and Jaune the Beacon Map App she was using) That'll put us in subbasement one, which houses the morgue and some miscellaneous storage.
Jaune: Okay. Let's do this!
/==/ 30 Minutes Later /==/
Orderly: Hey! You guys can't...
Jaune: Yes, we can.
Orderly: No, you can't! This is a restricted area, no students allowed!
Jaune: Good thing we're not students, then.
Orderly: Even then you are not... wait a second, why are you guys... armed?
Jaune: Good question. Cardin, you're up.
Cardin: I'm what?
Jaune: Explain to this nice gentleman why we are here.
Cardin: Why me?
Jaune: Because... um... Nora?
Nora: (sighs) We're here to um... get rid of the rats.
Orderly: Rats? There are no rats down here.
Nora: Hey, then that makes our initiation so much easier, I mean, we go to look around, and we're done.
Orderly: Initiation?
Jaune: Duh. You heard what happened yesterday, right?
Orderly: Of course.
Jaune: Well... (looks at Nora)
Nora: So they're giving everyone a second chance. It's all random menial stuff, we drew "Rats in the Morgue".
Cardin: (Catching on) yeah, I heard one group got something about toilets and the third year dorm. I think we lucked out, really.
Nora: Oh definitely. Rats versus toilets. We definitely lucked out.
Jaune: So you see...
Orderly: Alright, just stop! This obviously all bul...
Nora: Did you just kill him, Cardin?
Jaune: That was not cool, Cardin.
Cardin: What? I just gave him a tiny love tap.
Nora: With a mace that has a head the size of my head on it!
Jaune: Okay. Let's put him in his chair, go in there, dismember some corpses and leave. Sound like a plan?
Nora: Well, we did walk all the way down here. Be a shame if all we did was commit assault and battery.
Cardin: I'll apologize to him later.
Jaune moved to the door as Cardin and Nora put the now unconscious orderly into his chair, and gently arranged him, so he was resting his head on his arms. Looking through the window, he didn't see any white sheeted bodies on gurneys. So he opened the door and walked inside. Cardin and Nora rushed to follow him.
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sidecharactersdomatter · 10 months
Thought I had during TGCF S1 Ep 5
-Previously on TGCF…
-Autumn has come
-The way he blew off that maple leaf
-Oooh that subtle hinting later on and symbolism with Xie Lian
-Now I know not to get on Hua Cheng’s bad side
-The way he moved in closer *fangirls like no tomorrow*
-Oh yeah, a hunch
-I think that also gave it away
-Does Xie Lian have his ashes?  Just asking out of curiosity
-Aw it’s like he just blew a kiss at Xie Lian
-That’s what I’m going to do when I pass
-I freaking love the instrumental version of Hong Jue
-It is getting darker
-Magic sleeves of holding: 2
-Oh there’s your first ghost related clue XL
-Their interactions are just borderline wholesome
-Haaah!  And Xie Lian caught San Lang from falling AAAAAHHH I CAN’T
-Is he touched starved?  He is touch starved
-Woah with how blank the ghosts’ faces are, they really have no soul
-Chi blocking!  Another Last Airbender reference
-“You’re a ghost”.  “We’re all ghosts” Valid
-San Lang teasing is just really cute!
-Woah and those floating small lights and other forest spirits
-He’s curious about his bandaged neck
-Cart chase!  CART CHASE!
-Frog spirit
-Fork in the Road
-I don’t think I can really read that writing, and I’m still learning Chinese right now
-Oh honey
-The ghosts caught ‘em!
-That’s Justin Briner
-Magic sleeves of holding: 3
-I love that when San Lang scared the Ghosts shitless they ended up running like no tomorrow, Ghost 1: Book it guys our lives depend on it!  Ghost 2:  But we’re already dead! Ghost 1:  Well it’s just an expression!
-San Lang totally happened
-Full Moon again and more peaceful music
-Oooh he got nervous
-That fortune telling might’ve aged a little too well…
-Can Xie Lian please tell my fortune???
-“Love” and then XL starts nervously coughing XD!
-“Surely girls throw themselves you.”  Oh, yeah right girls.
-Oh you know he has dashing good looks
-Oh you know he is getting a compliment outta you.
-Oh the look San Lang gives him and just casually brings in his stuff
-Woah waking Chi blocking
-He definitely needs the donations
-And there was only one bed.  Oh my gods there was only one bed!!!
-Aw San Lang’s modest expression
-They gotta know what god they are worshipping
-That’s also foreshadowing right there
-And he just lays down on the mat
-Words of wisdom from Xie Lian
-More bandaged limbs
-And he doesn’t even question them, respectful
-That satisfying noise when Xie Lian blew out the candle *Chef’s Kiss*
-San Lang’s eyes are still open
-A lone camellia flower
-He actually drew him!
-Aw San Lang’s a hard worker
-He’s touch starved again!
-Aw and he got flustered when he finished styling!
-And he continues to wear his hair like that despite being on one side of his head.  You know what that is?  Commitment.
-That’s what was in his sleeves last night
-Aw he napped
-San lang should take up woodwork more often
-Get yourself a man like San Lang people
-Domestic montage, yes they are both so domestic indeed
-Aw he caught him staring
-Aw I learned drawing the same way!
-I believe you Ox cart man
-God of good grades, please bless me with passing my fall quarter
-Heck with how popular TGCF is right now, Xie Lian would be worshipped today by fans like us
-He got his first followers!
-Now that is what I call a lucky break Pun count: 6
-His luck did rub off on you and you should take it all Xie Lian
-Welp time to go start the next arc
-To me this way by far the best episode of Season 1 and the best reaction so far
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pluckysidekick · 1 year
Hey Drewds, just 59 days to mayhem! While we wait, I wanted to share 2 recent discoveries I’ve made of new featured actresses in Season 4 (potential minor spoilers ahead).
You may remember back in July, Maddison shared an adorable story from the golf cart that brought her out to the creepy woods with the “2 heart throbs” (Alex and Tunji of course).
There was also a young woman in the cart with them, and we all speculated on whether she was cast or crew. Well it turns out she is CAST, her name is Megan Munro, and she’s listed in the premiere episode as “Young Actress” on IMDB.
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Now she and a few other returning featured actors (including Thomas Cadrot, Sharon Taylor, Ecstasia Sanders and Richard Keats who play Jonas and Shelby Glass, Officer Joyce, and Judge Abbott) are listed for 4.1, which makes me feel confident the cast listings are legit. This is in contrast to the new Season 4 episode titles that appeared this week that we have yet to receive confirmation on.
So - who does she play? Assuming “Young Actress” is a placeholder so as not to spoil her character, is she the new potential love interest for Ace? Someone who is somehow affected by the main “graves” mystery storyline? There is one other actress listed for 4.1 who plays “Corpse #3” who is also a stuntwoman, so there is certainly going to be some supernatural high jinks going on in the woods/cemetery (zombies?). Can’t wait to find out if I got even close with my speculation in The Space Between (Chapter 14 coming this week!).
OK, moving from 4.1 to the finale (4.13) and my second reveal, if you remember back on the last day of filming Riley posted a very interesting BTS video of his and Scott’s final scene at The Claw amongst what looks like a baby shower. There are a few new characters in that video revealed in that video, but the most interesting is someone named “Jessica” who was standing right behind Riley and Scott. I believe I’ve found the actress - Jessica Meraz of Major Crimes and Supergirl, who lists “Nancy Drew” as “soon” in her bio, and who certainly looks like the actress we catch a glimpse of in the baby shower scene.
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Now I believe she is integral to the scene based on where she’s standing and Scott giving her a big hug. Two thoughts I had were 1. Could she be Jean’s sister? I believe from past clues Carson and Jean get married (in episode 8) and are having a baby. Back in episode 3.11 Jean talks about her sister who has a cabin in Winter Harbor that she and Carson could visit for a romantic weekend (presumably where they are headed at the end of 3.13 after Nancy cries to him about losing her soulmate sniff). It would make sense that Jean’s sister would be a recurring character as her maid of honor, throwing her baby shower, etc.
Second thought is that she is a love interest for Ryan. Reading Jessica Meraz’s IMDB resume and while she looks young, she has been in the business for a bit and could be a good match for Ryan age-wise. It’s possible this is her baby shower and there’s a time jump (she’s wearing a bulky sweater so it’s plausible), but I lean toward it being Jean’s (I’m happy with either!). Could she be Jean’s sister and Ryan’s love interest? We won’t know for a while if this storyline develops mid-season, or who knows, we may meet her in Episode 1!
OK, hope you enjoyed these little crumbs, we are so thirsty for news literally anything is welcome at this point.
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shummashum · 7 months
Klaus Goldstein Ch9 [1~5]
Previously on Ch8! As the teacup theft case came to an end, Liz received some experienced advice on love from Luci. Well I don't think anything will happen! At least now.
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but well… let's attach significance to the fact that a minor twig was cut off
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ehe that too is definitely a crime
by the way, how should the case be resolved in a situation like this they can't wait for the criminal to make another move there must be a clue…
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I have a question though isn't the Ministry supposed to cooperate with them? what are those bunch of incompetent idiots doing now they're not planning on leaving everything to the students and chilling behind, right? …right? oi Klaus there's no support or anything? for real?
At that time, Remb called Liz.
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oh…… at least she had a shred of conscience
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heh there really was a symbolic punishment yes! at least there has to be something like this I'm pretty satisfied with this
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so Klaus suggested it, huh well I really don't think this is a matter of sympathy though… still he used his head a little more flexibly than usual
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but please I don't know why they keep trying to glorify her actions~? okay, Fanda reflected. good empathize with emotions. good but just because her feelings are relatable doesn't mean her actions aren't wrong I'd like them to please separate these or maybe I'm just acting picky,,,
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oh… right Liz has to give the lecture too eh… but she hadn't even decided on a class topic yet this is quite an emergency ! !
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huh those words make me feel a little repulsed shouldn't she at least be better at conducting classes than him if she cannot do better than him, it's a huge shame
But she was unable to argue with him, finding herself not having any confidence.
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but you should do this I guess you still aren't fully aware of the meaning of the clothes you're wearing, but you're not wearing them for nothing if you're not going to do this, take off your clothes and go back to being a normal student!
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nod nod let's prepare thoroughly and create a decent class well it's true that she's not ready, but she can't use the newbie excuse forever we have to get out of the newbie zone someday!
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look look look look this guy is relatively easy to please unlike that you-know-who blue-haired nocturnal idiot, his difficulty level is just fucking hard, but it doesn't require anything unusual or exhilarating
So Liz declared to Remb that she would give a try. But…
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let's decide on the topic first is there a curriculum that can be used as a reference?
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"I hope he gets fucked up for using his mouth wrong" blabla but well I'm serious the people around him are too kind and good for him…
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why are you talking like that if you're going to say something like that, don't help her and just get some extra manpower from the Ministry tch!!
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yeah he does,,, Mr. Stickuphisass
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he was scratched he was scratched he was scratched
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if that's what Al said, then that's it. period!
but you know seeing him smiling brightly like this makes me more and more afraid how depressed and pitiful will this guy appear a story where you feel like you're going to explode from the frustration…
Anyway, Cae and Al were happy to give her their hand.
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you get out your very existence is a minus
And well, Hiro also jumped into this in the name of keeping an eye on Zeus.
S6 comrades became together again not trustworthy at all…… I hope the brake named Hiro work well,,,
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well it's right to choose magical creatures carbuncle wing rabbit unicorn Eress let's go
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Hiro!!!!! shut that guy's mouth
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erm… maybe a secret meeting with the Headmaster? or did he really go to the Ministry to request additional manpower
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there he was well share some information then
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Then he pulled out a pen and drew a line through two of the entries, which were stolen.
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tired-reader-writer · 2 years
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And finally, he is done!! My brain is fuzzy, help.
The first is his just... day-to-day clothes before he came to live with Shapur, I suppose! I thought I'd have a lot more to say about this. I tried to give him autumnal, warm colours as usual, though fun fact prototype!Kazai's main colour was green.
The next up is what he usually wears after coming to live with Shapur, the sketch next to it is my rough design of what his household staff/attendants would wear, and I... tried? to at least echo the wrapping and styling to theirs even if obviously Kazai's clothes aren't cut like theirs. Funnily enough he sheds a layer here hahaha.
Then comes his wedding attire! SO ORNATE. MUCH GREEN. I had so much fun designing this one even if it gave me a massive headache. The green robe part was shorter at first but that didn't really convey the ceremonial vibes I was gunning for in my eyes, so I elongated it. The white tree was... supposed to be a pine tree but I quickly realized all my attempts of drawing one looked like shit. So I gave up and drew a (hopefully decent) normal tree— which... I'm just gonna retcon and say it was supposed to represent whatever species of tree they planted at their wedding. At first instead of a tree I wanted to have a cat and a wolf, one on each side, but... it looked weird and it didn't work so tree it was. About the thing on his sleeves, the outer blue ring with waves represents the ocean, the triangles the mountains, and then I fucking forgot what the thing in the middle was, I probably had no clue what to put in there but not liking the empty look I just chucked smth random in. Forgive me! (Also I tried to incorporate purple into this!)
Also this is how his marriage bracelet looks (Shapur has a matching one):
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All the colours represent the two of them, save for maybe the outermost layer I forgot why I chose that colour there. Reddish pink (Kazai) and teal (Shapur) intertwined, enveloped by purple (Shapur) which is in turn enveloped by yellow (Kazai). Maybe the purple and yellow part would be reversed in Shapur's bracelet.
And then his ceremonial dance attire! Despite looking simpler than the wedding attire this might've given me even more of a headache because... ALL THE TASSELS. THE BORDERS ON THE SLEEVES. THE STAR/SNOWFLAKES. In terms of sheer tediousness this one would win by a landslide 😂😂
The borders on the bodice part were just... I just thought they looked cool, moving onto the sleeves I tried to have little stars in them but I don't know if you can even see them. The dark indigo part is supposed to be the night sky, and the white little things simultaneously stars and snowflakes. The tassels attached to that part, the colours are supposed to represent Northern Lights, because you could see them from the ancient island, it had Polar Days and Polar Nights as well— months where the sun did not set at all or would not rise. The same theme is repeated on the necklace. The symbol on the pendants... Let's just say it's a feeble attempt on drawing a stylized pine tree. If it failed well at least it looks vaguely like a tree? Also tiny little chimes hang from those pendants.
As for the bottom skirt portion of the robe... At first I was just gonna repeat the Northern Lights colours, or maybe just silver, but... I got bored. So I went buckwild with that one, I don't know what it's supposed to represent anymore.
Also that kind of gathered sort of shirt with puffy collars, they're only for ceremonial occasions.
I wanted headwear too, esp for the ceremonial outfits, but by that point my brain was pretty much dead so they don't look... very good... Here they are anyways:
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And this is how his tats look:
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This was uh, a Rant™! I hope you enjoyed this mess as much as I did.
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