#i had smth cut out of my foot when i was younger that idk the name of in english but i can confirm the local anaesthesia part
whumpshaped · 9 months
I'm probably super late & no pressure to respond but I want to share a scar story! (Maybe it can inspire writers who want to read a firsthand experience about some OUCHITY OUCH pain.)
I have a tiny straight line of a scar along the nail of my big toe. But the interesting bit is just, the painful part tbh. It's wild but might be squick. So again, no need to respond or read it all. Bail if it gets too squick. Nothing life threatening or gorey, just big ouchers.
(CW: I had a Matrixectomy/partial nail removal. But he forgot the local anesthetic.)
I was like 14 yrs old and had a really infected spot on my toe where my nail had become ingrown that kept getting infected again if I stubbed my toe etc. so my mom took me to a medical clinic & they performed a Matrixectomy. But without a local anesthetic.
So it's one nurse, one doctor guy and my mom. He just gets right to it after all of the tools are brought out and was pushing teeny mini scissors/cutters into the infected skin area that was really tender and painful by just barely walking on it, cutting a straight line on my nail to the base of the nail to remove the problem area. With No injection for numbing. I was like a 90lb stickboy of a beanpole but my mom had to help the nurse hold my legs down bc it was so hard to stay still and not roll around in pain. I tried not to cry too much and didn't scream bloody murder because I didn't want to inconvenience the doctor or freak my mom out but that shit HURT. Then he applied the acid with a q-tip or something that scars the area so the nail in that section doesn't grow back. That also hurt.
Once it was over I sat up and nearly passed out so they had to make me lay back down, & brought me a wet towel for my forehead. Once I was good to get up we walk out the door to pay or whatever, idr, I just know I almost passed out in the hall on the way to the counter, and then one more time in the parking lot before I got in the car to go home. The gauze was so tight my toe was throbbing, I was literally just writhing in pain on my mom's bed for 1 or 2 hrs till I loosened the wrapping and the pain finally went down enough that I could sleep it off with an Ibuprofen.
A couple weeks later the nail still curled into my skin and got infected again. 🫠 I nearly cried when I saw the pus it was gross and I didn't want to go through the procedure again, I was an anxious wreck over it. We go to another clinic, get told the first guy did it wrong/incorrectly somehow, then get directed to a podiatrist to fix it for real this time.
That podiatrist was the nicest doctor in the world. When the nurse brought out the tray with the tools right before they were going to start my eyeballs took one look at the instruments and just WEPT without my say-so. It didn't even feel like crying. It just felt like water coming out of my eyeballs without my consent. They were so understanding about it. 😭 I felt like I was being a big fat wuss, or a crybaby. But I was scared. "Sorry. I'm good. It just really hurt last time." And they'd heard the story so they knew so I was gonna trust them to NOT do that they reassured both my mom and I they'd make sure it didn't hurt.
Then he injected the local anesthesia to numb my toe and get to work. All I felt was him vaguely pushing my toe around for a better angle and a little bit of pressure and then bam. It was over and done. 0 pain whatsoever. It was fuckin INCREDIBLE. 20/10 experience.
IDK why that first guy kept going when the patient was clearly in so much pain or distressed he had to be held down. I was like 14. >:( But it makes for a good story to tell.
& that's my traumatic scar horror story of the smallest scar I have. :D
THATS INSANE. SOME DOCTORS ARE SO DUMB AND SHOULD NOT BE PRACTISING. also yeah i know abt this procedure bc .. i obsessively watch videos w it.. dont even. dont even say anything. i know. i know.
im soooo sorry u went thru that shit thats so bad. but im glad it got fixed later.
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I’m gonna write?? A shit load of things I do down and uh can anyone tell me if these are normal things or not cause god I fucking hate not knowing and it tears me apart sometimes cause I really think there’s something wrong with me but I can’t say WHATS wrong with me and I hate not knowing but
Shit I do that honestly leads me to believe I have OCD or something at least:
I get into these weird moods where anytime I do something to one part of my body, I feel a need to do it to an opposite corresponding part. Even sometimes when it’s painful (mildly painful, I luckily haven’t gotten into these moods and seriously injure myself). If I don’t do it right I have to do it again. For example, if I tap my left first finger on something, I either have to tap all my fingers on my left hand, or my right finger. If my foot hits a wire, I have to hit my other foot on it. If I feel something under my nail and scrape my thumb under that nail, I have to repeatedly do it to each of my nails until it feels “right.”
If something doesn’t shut “right” I have to reshut it.
I can’t drink out of a cup anymore without rinsing it out. I standardly do this three times.
This one is kinda about something more personal but at one point we had bed bugs more recently (within the past two years I’ll give vaguely) and they were a huge pain to get rid of. When I was younger, the houses we lived in were real shit and they were far from clean (meaning yes there were bugs, this was when I was super young) and when I was a really little kid??? It never bothered me. But then when I had found out we had bed bugs and it was just such a pain in the ass to get rid of them, I couldn’t sleep, I straight up sat on my dresser all night and waited until morning. Then I’d tear apart my room, excessively vacuum, sweep, pour rubbing alcohol down all before I told my mom they were still there (my mom actually caught me tearing apart my bed frame to try and pour rubbing alcohol on it) and I just?? Broke the fuck down. Really badly. My mom bought heaters and we’ve rid ourselves of that problem luckily, but it absolutely?? Tore me the fuck apart, and that’s something I’ve developed rather than always felt.
Dirt under my nails (or anything) drives me nuts
Certain sounds or feelings make me grit and grind my teeth they feel awful
Textures in food fuck me up. Like any sort of seasoning that doesn’t dissolve besides pepper fucks me the fuck up when I’m trying to eat. I can’t swallow it. It isn’t like it doesn’t taste good, I can’t swallow it if the texture isn’t right.
Textures also fuck me up in terms of weird ass shit like my tomatoes have to be an exact firmness that’s consistent for the whole tomato or I won’t fucking touch it.
Intrusive thoughts and nightmares. They’re fucking bad. They’re really fucking bad and I can spend so long obsessing over them. Other times I have nightmares that I’m just so desensitized to that I don’t even react. Some of them I genuinely don’t think I could even say out loud because they were that terrifying and sickening.
If I touch raw meat, I wash my hands so many times. I actually once tried to keep count, and I washed my hands 7 times in the span of 10 minutes (and that’s what I could keep track of).
If anything touches anything that may have touched raw meat, it has to be cleaned twice, and I have to wash my hands. For example, if spill a little flour on the counter while making fried chicken, I have to wipe down the counter once to get off the flour, a second time with an anti bacterial cleaner (usually I do this more than once though). If a knife might have touched the bag that held a marinade (despite not getting the marinade on it) it has to be washed twice. I wash all dishes that involved raw meat twice.
Usually I don’t freak out about things that aren’t cleaned until I really notice them. My anxiety spikes while I clean, so while I’m wiping down the stovetop, I notice some grime on the handle bars, then I notice it at the edges of the oven, then I realize the whole front hasn’t been cleaned, and next thing I know I’ve been cleaning the stove for two hours and I can’t stop cleaning other things in the kitchen, constantly telling myself “it’s just this and this... and this... and that... and this...” and it drives me nuts if I get sent to bed before I can finish.
I’ve literally?? Started crying because my sister put something in some spot in the fridge and I was like “why would you put that there” and she was like “idk if you don’t like it do it yourself” and really I didn’t so I just started recognizing the fridge.
Yesterday: I drank out of a water bottle, not sure if it was mine or not, I glanced it and honestly I have no clue if it was air bubbles or backwash, but I immediately start gagging. So I go brush my teeth (with way too much toothpaste, and way too rough) and then rinse my mouth out 5 times, then go back out, get a new water bottle and rinse out my mouth until I am certain (you know how saliva is like more slimy than water??) that I only have water in my mouth. As if ANY OF THIS affects that I already drank the damn water.
Another weird thing I did recently: my cousin was doing my makeup, and she was using this homemade (as in like one of those DIY makeup kits) lipstick except she mentioned she had put the coloring from a nail polish in it and she got a little on my teeth. I couldn’t swallow my spit for about an hour, constantly spitting into the trash, and she had suggested maybe I just get a cup to spit into (the kid is a genius). It was a kid’s makeup kit!!! There’s nothing harmful in that shit!!! Anyway I ended up brushing my teeth several times and then forcing myself to swallow after rinsing out my mouth several times.
Sometimes people’s existence??? Just bothers the fuck out of me. Like my brother will be standing in the kitchen when I’m doing dishes, a few feet away and doing nothing, and his mere existence is just enough to piss me off. I just don’t think that’s normal???
After I wash the dishes, I have to wash my hands. Like my hands were just in soapy water?? Is there a point??
Despite all of this, I can’t keep my room clean for shit, but I know my makeup has to be organized in a specific way.
I get paranoid as shit that I’m going to hurt people, or that people will hurt themselves around me. Like there will be a knife somewhere near by and my brain will deadass think it’s going to drop and cut someone, so I MUST shove it back even though it wasn’t on the edge.
I once cried?? Because someone sent me a picture of a cup teetering on the edge of a table and god fuck??? I couldn’t stop?? It was so ridiculous???
I can’t write using pencils without a perfectly flat surface. I mean like textbook top kind of thing. Or if I’m drawing, I can use a mechanical one. But otherwise?? If I’m writing on top of wood?? Or desks that are made of that granite shit with the littlest texture differences?? No I can’t I have to write in pen and I’ve gotten in trouble from teachers for this
I don’t know. There’s more I’m sure. But like?? Can anyone with OCD or who shows a lot of these symptoms actually tell me if this is normal or if this is smth that’s actually not okay up with me? Cause idk it really fucks me up not knowing because I feel like there HAS to be an explanation???
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vanillastudies · 7 years
Question Tag
rules: answer the 92 questions and tag 20 people
I was tagged by @study-the-past tysm!
since there were so many questions i put them under the cut
drink: water
phone call: my mom
text message: “do you have a bike helmet?” 
song you listened to: uhhh im listening to Bruno Mars Radio on pandora rn
time you cried: i was watching the OA (great show) and this guy was describing the effect ALS had on his wife (my grandpa died of als)
Have you...
dated someone twice: never even dated anyone lmao
kissed someone and regretted it: no
been cheated on: impossible as ive never been in a relationship
lost someone special: yes
gotten drunk and thrown up: no
List 3 fav colors
burgundy, teal, light blue
In the last year have you...
made new friends: yes
fallen out of love: What is love? (baby don’t hurt me)
laughed until you cried: several times- it’s very easy to get me to cry when i laugh
found out someone was talking about you: I came to a realization that I exist to people outside of just seeing them so like, yeah but not in a bad way?
Met someone who changed you: probably not
found out who your friends are: yea
kissed someone on your facebook list: ew no they’re all relatives
how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: all of them
Any pets: my dog Jackson :)
Do you want to change ur name: u know, I don’t exactly love mine but I also can’t imagine going by another name
What did you do for your last birthday: I was on an orchestra trip on my birthday and didn’t realy celebrate it but then when I came home my parents surprised me with chinese food and cake :) (and presents ofc) and my aunt took me to get pedicures
what time did you wake up: 10:00, but i prob wouldve woken up later if my dad wasn’t blasting country music downstairs
what were you doing at midnight last night: trying to sleep
Something you can’t wait for: gee idk im a p patient person but I guess going to Europe after senior year?
when was the last time you saw your mom: like 30 seconds ago
one thing you wish you could change in your life: as a studyblr I’d probably say my study space. My house is really loud and as someone who needs basically absolute silence to consentrate, there’s not really a good place for me to do homework there. So I guess I’d like to be able to go to the library more (except I need my licence for that)
listening to rn: Animal by álvaro soler
Ever talked to a person named Tom: yeah, he was this annoying guy in my middle school orchestra
Something getting on your nerves: my dad’s insistence on playing country music
most visited websites: tumblr, ao3, school website (for grades)
Other info About myself
moles: none
marks: I have a red splotchy birthmark on the right side of my foot, and a few chicken pox scars if thats what ur looking for
childhood dream: i have a hard time recollecting many memories and thoughts from childhood but probably to be an author or sth
hair color: dark brown
long or short hair: short hair definitely! long is so hard to manage (although it’s easier to do cute hairstyles)
do you have a crush on someone: does a celebrity crush count? Fictional characters?
what do you like about yourself: I love my eyes, and also my nails? Idk that’s a weird thing to like but they’re very paintable
piercings: just the standard one on the lobes of my ears
blood type: i have no idea
nickname: kenzie is a nickname, or kenz. I’m not really a nickname person
relationship status: single
zodiac: taurus
pronouns: she/her 
favorite tv show: ahh there are so many good ones! Prob Gilmore Girls, Sherlock, and The Good Place as my top three
tattoos: none, but id like to maybe get a flower tattoo or sth when im older
right or left handed: left
surgery: none
hair dyed a different color: I bleached the underside back in the beginning of april
sport: i literally just quit swim team so none i guess
vacation: ik ive already talked about this but im really excited for my europe trip in 2 years!
sneakers: i have one pair that i wear and they’re these awesome nike skateboard shoes
More General
eating: rn im not eating anything but for dinner im having chicken and baked beans
favorite thing to eat: a local grocery store sells this amazing sushi that ive found in few other places- it has a good sauce and cruchy stuff on it
drinking: water
im about to: eat dinner
waiting for: dinner (im rly hungry ok)
want: uhhh now im thinking abt food but aside from that i want some zebra mildliners and the grayscale tombow brush pens. Also some cozy sweaters and sweatshirts
get married: i dont think so, but i have a while until i’ll have to start thinking abt that
career: smth in law or politics? 
Hugs or kisses: hugs
lips or eyes: probably eyes
shorter or taller: shorter, but I love when tall friends lean on me
older or younger: if we’re talking abt relationships then neither??? otherwise i prefer talking to ppl older than me 
sensitive or loud: i consider myself sensitive but im prob more loud
hook up or relationship: relationship bc im a minor
troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant, definitely
Have your ever...
kissed a stranger: no
drank hard liquor: just a sip
lost glasses/contact lenses: glasses, yeah (how do u lose contact lenses)
turned someone down: nobody’s ever asked me out, but on other things yeah
sex on the first date: ew no
broken someones heart: not that i know of
had your heart broken: no
been arrested: no
cried when someone died: yeah
fallen for a friend: maybe a small crush? but not like in love
do you believe in...
yourself: i guess...
miracles: only like, metaphorically, not religious miracles
love at first sight: no
santa claus: no??? why
kiss on the first date: no
current best friend name: chase :)
eye color: light blue
favorite movie: rn it’s definitely spider man: homecoming omg i cant wait to see it again
Now tag 20 ppl
alrighty @rainbowdrink @gloomstudy @coffeeandcommerce and anybody who wants to! (this is a lot of questions, I don’t want to burden anybody with this responsibility that doesn’t want to lmao)
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