#i accidentally saved this as a draft oops
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@seemoreseymoursbay day 3! OC day
So in the episode 'Bad Tina' Zeke mentions that his dads girlfriend just had a baby, assuming that the dads gf he talks about in early seasons is Cheryl his step mom and that the father of that baby is Zekes dad we can also assume that Zeke has a very young half sibling. And I did go ahead and assume all those things so this is Zekes baby sister Cherish (Cherry for short).
Used the prompt wonder wharf
Im gonna talk some more about her under the cut bc im sure that will devolve into infodumping zeke lore/headcanons and i dont want anyone to get stuck scrolling past a wall of text
Interestingly she's the only oc i have that's part of a different piece of media rather than one of my own projects.
She's a spunky little toddler for sure she's always got tons of energy, she's extremely confident and fearless constantly running off when she sees something that excites her or to ask strangers questions. She has a big sweet tooth but also loves spicy foods, off the top of my head I don't think its been discussed in canon where Zeke is from originally but recently I've been thinking of him and his bio mom as being from louisiana (projection on my part my mom is from louisiana and bc I like Zeke as a chef and the food there is soo good) I love the idea that his mom taught him to cook the local dishes and that he makes them for Cherry. She dresses in a chaotic mix of her own love of bright, clashing rainbow colors and dingey hand-me-downs from Zekes childhood and from their other cousins. I definitely think Zeke has adhd and Cherry does as well.
I tend to draw her/think of her around age 2 1/2- 3 (so when zeke is 16ish) but in canon time she'd still be a newborn. I love the idea of Zeke with a young sibling he's portrayed in the show as being super caring, protective of and loyal to the people be cares about, and good with younger kids all of which read as big brother qualities to me and he's also mentioned wanting siblings hes closer too. (He mentioned having a 44 year old brother in Presto Tina-o but also has said his bio mom was pregnant with him at her prom which is probably just a continuity error with his throway lines but taken at face value makes his dad out to be a gross old creep which is my personal headcanon idk if there's anyone out there who are big fans of Zeke's dad and step mom but my headcanons do not paint them in a nice light so beware of that)
Based on pretty much everything Zeke has ever said about his family I get the impression that the adults in his life are pretty neglectful and irresponsible and definitely not super present (he rarely ever speaks about his dad I hc him having a job that keeps him away from the family most of the time probably something like trucking and Zeke has mentioned Cheryl being an alcoholic I also hc her as much younger than the dad maybe she's a bartender? I definitely see her having a nightlife kind of job also for reference picture her as a redhead with blue eyes and a lot of tattoos that's where cherry gets her eyes and freckles)
I believe with Cherry a lot of parenting responsibilities would be placed on Zeke and while i think he has qualities that are really well suited to that the parentification of an older sibling is not ok and would negatively impact him, I like the idea of him applying for a job at Bob's Burgers bc he needs a more stable way to provide financially than doing odd jobs around town and not only getting a job but also getting a support system and adults who care about him and his sister and their wellbeing. I think Bob would take Zeke under his wing and help him make himself and his education a priority (the belchers helping out with Cherry when they can so he can focus more on school and extra curriculars) and help him get into a culinary school after graduation. Linda would fall completely in love with her (we know how much she loves babies) and basically treat Cherry like she's her own grandbaby. They all babysit her when needed but Louise is her favorite babysitter and maybe person also she really looks up to Louise and likes to imitate her fashion style and the way she speaks, Louise would pretend that this annoys her but not so secretly finds it adorable.
Anyways clearly i could go on and on but ill just cut myself off there hope y'all like her!
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saytrrose · 8 months
Im exposing my name but i dont even care at this point, I woke up this morning to my friends calling me, and telling me to look outside and I just- I remember all through out elementary school and middle school and even high school, my whole entire life I’ve never really had friends save for 1 or 2 for a small while, constantly changing and the exception of a online friend every once in awhile. I remember sitting alone at lunch everyday with my earbuds and just drawing, I remember going all day without speaking and opening my mouth even once, I remember never feeling seen at all and this morning my friends, my group of friends I met once I finally got to college called me, woke me up this morning and asked me to look out the window and so I did, crawled to my window from my room and opened the blinds, opened the screen and I cried, as soon as I did they all yelled happy early birthday up to me, and I started crying I swear, I love them so much. And it started snowing today, I haven’t seen snow in years and my birthday is tomorrow, and my classes got cancelled for my bday, my friends bought me cake mix we will all make together, one of them is making me caramel brownies with walnuts in them and crocheting my ESA a little sweater, I swear I just, I cried a little before running down there to meet them but I love them so much and idk maybe it does get better.
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cherrieguroo · 2 months
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eddie chiplucky themed pixel recolors !!
the cowboy pixels are from here + dog themed pixels from here
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Obon Week Missions
While at Lake Toya, I decided to set myself some goals (or missions, as I'm calling them) for the upcoming week off because I do not want to just spend it rotting in front of my laptop. I want to feel like I achieved stuff, but I also want to take time to relax and refresh so I don't go back to work already feeling burned out again. So, here are my missions!
◻️= not started 🔘 = in progress ☑️ = completed
🔘 Put together an emergency kit (yes this is something I should already have in place but I'm lazy and never got around to it but now with the whole potential mega-quake thing I figured it's time to sort it out)
🔘 Finish at least one book (ideally two)
☑️ Finish a short story from my graded reader
◻️ Reply to J's email (it's been over a month now!)
◻️ Get an IC card (now that a number of Yamagata stations actually take them)
☑️ Cook lentil curry
☑️ Start a scrapbook
🔘 Finish watching all the N3 grammar videos in this playlist
🔘 Finish learning all N3 kanji on Kanji Dojo
☑️ Buy N3 grammar book
☑️ Complete two listening practice tests
🔘 Catch up on Pokemon Horizons
◻️ Start playing Pokemon Violet in Japanese
☑️ Catch up on BNHA
☑️ Make a proper budget plan
☑️ Try a fruit sandwich
Note to self: it's totally okay to not complete them all, please rest and take lots of naps and have a nice time.
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foreststarflaime · 1 month
Genesis and Sephiroth have never really liked touch, each for their own reasons. Still, they desperately want it, and are inevitably drawn into each other’s arms by the strings of fate (the author’s whims) and learn to enjoy it.
He was too sensual a child—he liked to experience everything with all of himself, all the attention and meaning he could wring out of any moment—for anything even slightly resembling intimacy of any kind to be taken lightly, touch not least of all, so the fact that he felt trapped into it bothered him more than he knew how to express.
The mood has possessed me to write Genesis pov again (though this is a twoshot and the next chap will be seph pov) so have this nice touch-starved fic that randomly flowed out of my mind yippee
It was originally going to be just sephgen, but then I blinked and ended up in gengeal land again. Why this keep happening to me I do not know but I’m not complaining, sephgen next chapter
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telomirage · 3 months
me: I wonder how haunted this house could be
me a little over halfway into this book: extremely fucking haunted
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star-realities · 8 months
🩴 🧦 and 💤 for the ask game :)
also unrelated but i would love to know more about your DC DRs!!!
🩴- Do you have beef with anyone in your DR?
Depends on the DR LMAO- in short? Not really. Unless you count like... villains in which case yeah we're beefin. Also I've got beef with both Aegon AND Aemond in my HOTD DR for... valid reasons lmao. And I've got beef with Snape in my Marauders DR (long story).
🧦- if you have shifted, are there any unknown/side characters that you have made friends with?
Sadly I've only ever mini shifted to places that aren't even my DR, which LAME but whatever. I would tell you my friends, but I usually don't script in friends, I let things just kinda happen yk?
💤- what is the last dream you had that was related to your DR?
Absolutely humiliating, but 2 nights ago I dreamed I was just sobbing over Jason Todd's death LMAO-
And I'll make a separate post talking about my DC Drs cause I've got a lot to say haha. I'll tag you!
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theradicalace · 8 months
B 1 dplendid?
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shhh he's watching a sad movie
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courfee · 1 year
hi i wrote a silly fluffy oneshot about the marauders finding out about jegulus
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phosphorus-noodles · 1 month
hi i’m back and i have questions about toh ren <3
is he more like the modern version of werewolves where when he turns he’s just a regular wolf with human intelligence, or is he like a traditional werewolf (anthropomorphized wolf)? i’m leaning more towards the latter since when eda transformed into the owl beast she still looked like herself somewhat. maybe when he’s transformed he can walk on four legs and two legs. like a bear
- declawed anon
definitely closer to traditional!! he's basically the wolf version of the owl beast yeah <3
not sure if he's just Like That or was cursed or turned somehow or if there's then like, the Wolf in his brain that he has to then reconcile with to manage transformations and whatnot, but he does overall manage it pretty well
that being said i think the most important thing here is that when he is in the Beast Form martyn is very much like this:
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isinialanat · 4 months
What do you make of AM from the story I have no mouth and I must scream?
I'm not too intimately familiar with the story, but it's scary to think about! The fruit of decades upon decades of the Terran regimes being hateful, selfish and oppressive culminating in such a remorseful little thing... Most of what it must have had learnt from its makers could have been hate and remorse after all...
Of course, doing what I do I must admit the concept of such a big and complex artificial intelligence, hundreds of kilometers long and wide in its circuits, picks my curiosity... but it treated its little terrans all wrong! I would raise mine to be much more nicer ::(
Still, we're lucky to have gotten to the Milky Way before anything as scary as that happened... True deep artificial intelligence in itself is extremely hard as is, but it's doable, so we're all really fortunate nothing like AM has been given life, by terran hands or otherwise.
As far as we know D::
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flowering-darkness · 5 months
okay I was going to keep rambling in the tags after reblogging the drawing Merlin drew, but this is actually somewhat more of a thing so I’m making it its own post
Since Reborn is sprite-based, specifically sharing the styles of Generation III or IV Pokémon sprites for the most part, most characters don’t actually exist in a lot of detail. The VS sprites before battles can be useful for their faces and hair, and the Trainer sprites are good for giving an overall sense of the outfit, but other than that there isn’t really that much to go off of for most of the cast.
As a result, I always really like seeing the different ways that people interpret characters’ outfits, and Luna’s is a key example of this, because the spritework makes it seem quite simple but she definitely seems like the sort of girl who would wear much more complex/decorated clothes. She is the princess of the castle, after all! So, because of that, you get lots of different variations in detail depending on who’s drawing her, and I just think that’s really neat ^-^
(Saying this, Luna is one of a few characters who does actually have an example of more “official” art - namely, her wallpaper! Since this is available for download on the same website you get Reborn itself from, it definitely feels like it’s meant to be taken as her official appearance to some extent. So that, at least, is nice to have!!)
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froggyrights · 1 year
I'm of the belief that since dsmp technically has an open ending with the dream tommy tubbo meeting at the end, c!dnf has the potential to have a happy ending in the new world👍
REAL AND TRUE!!!!!!!@!! this really is what keeps me going tbh also stream my fic of this concept while we're on the subject woooo
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mimiatmidnight · 1 year
Include pics: What are your top 5 ( 10 if you want) royal wedding jewelry ( earrings, bracelets, necklaces) you would want in your personal collection.
Hi, thanks for the question! I'm way less versed with other royals than everyone else who already answered this question, but I did a bit (a lot, lol) of retrospective research to try my best ^_^
Tbh I was surprised how the vast majority of the jewelry I saw was reallyyyyy not to my taste. I thought this was just a BRF problem, but man, most royal jewelry is . . . ugly. Especially what they choose for their weddings. I don't know, maybe I'm just too poor and plebeian to understand the tastes of the elite. But still, I managed to scrounge up a few pieces that I liked. Namely (and in no particular order):
Princess Claire of Luxembourg — Earrings
I don't know if this is a cheat or not, since she technically wore these to her civil marriage ceremony and not the actual big wedding, but whatever, I'm counting it, cause LOOK at that gorgeousness. Stunning aquamarine pendants with a sleek diamond halo? Absolutely lovely. I'd wear these in a HEARTBEAT.
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Princess Rajwa of Jordan — Earrings
Especially as bridal earrings go, these are so fresh and unique. She didn't go for the tired old look of dropped pearls that eeeeeeveryone and their mama falls back on for wedding looks. Plus that double-draped line is so cool, especially with how the stones are all irregularly shaped and sized. (My friend is reading this over my shoulder as I write this, and she says the shape of the earring looks like a vagina to her, but ignore her, she drinks). These earrings were a super interesting and pretty choice that complemented her tiara well, but would also not be out of place on a peasant like me to get dressed up in.
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Archduchess Gabriella of Austria — Earrings
If I absolutely have to go for dropped pearls, this, in my opinion, is the way to do it. Super minimal, sleek, letting the pearl speak for itself, with nothing but the tiny diamond stud to help balance it out. Very nicely done here. Tbh I don't think it matches particularly well with the tiara she chose, but that's not my business lol. We're just talking about what I'd take for my own closet, and these earrings are for sure the most wearable of any royal bride I've seen yet.
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Queen Sofia of Spain — Necklace
Similarly, Sofia's necklace was probably the wrong choice for what she had going with the neckline of her dress at the time. It's getting overwhelmed by all that high-necked lace, unfortunately. BUT, as you can see, she wore it multiple times afterwards (swapping out the cross pendant for a simple diamond), as well as her daughter-in-law Letizia, and both of them had the sense to pair it with much more open and clean necklines, where you can see that absolutely lovely shape and glitter of the piece. I don't know what this kind of pinched, V-shaped design is called, but I love it.
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Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex — Ring
Now, in my research for this post, I'm obviously not pretending I was able to closely scour every single royal bridal look ever. But I did go through a LOT, and none of the ones I saw ever experimented with some fun statement rings like Meg did. I love this absolutely enormous aquamarine on her, both because it's so bold and unexpected, it's objectively beautiful on its own, and of course, its connection to the story of her late mother-in-law.
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BONUS: Princess Eugenie — Tiara
Okay I know you probably did not mean for tiaras to be included, and so I tried very hard to work around that. But I'm sorry, I just have to sneak this one in at the end. As I mentioned in another post a while ago, I've been largely unimpressed with the tiaras I've seen in the past (though I did come across some interesting ones while researching this post), but I make absolute exception with Eugenie's wedding tiara. I suspect I might be partial to the Kokoshnik tiara style in general, but what the Greville in particular pulls off with those breathtaking emeralds and the perfectly sloped shape and all those lovely scalloped diamond details . . . perfection. Truly. Best piece of royal jewelry I've ever seen in my life.
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babyfrogz · 2 months
Please, you are my hope to save my family from hunger and death
I hope that my message reaches all the free people in the world and those with compassionate hearts. I ask you to save my family, because they are in danger.
Every day we face death. the situation is dangerous. There are no necessities of life. No food, no milk, no diapers, no medicine. All goods are at ridiculous prices. My little daughter has hepatitis C, and she suffers from a high temperature and lethargy in her body. The fear of losing her became very terrifying for me.
Living in Gaza is very stressful. This war kills without mercy. We are in very great danger. Bombs are over our heads
Every minute poses a threat to my life and the lives of my family, so I ask you to help me quickly. Your contribution, no matter how small, can make a big difference in their lives. Or share this link with your network.
Thank you for your kindness and support of my story
I hope you don't ignore my story. You can make a big, big difference. I am in a very difficult situation. I'm so tired. I'm very tired. But despite everything that's happening, I'm fighting. All I have left is my beautiful family. I have no one but them after I lost many of my friends and relatives, our home, my future, my university, everything. I am fighting for my family. I hope you don't stop reading my post. I really need you so incredibly much. I want you to be by my side and support my story. support me. I want you next to me. This is not just a request. This is my call. I hope my words and message reach you
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Hi Shahed - I’ve donated to you and your family, I pray for the health of your daughter and all of your safety!
Everyone please donate if you can spare anything!
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lynndoublelegacy · 5 months
Please, if you have any tips, can you share them? Some things simply won't be applicable, since I'm doing digital art and not physically printing things, but yeah.
Honestly a lot of the tips that I have are very cross-medium!!! I do a lot of digital art too after all
The main one that I think would help with your monochrome line shading drawing is specifically keeping in mind the shape of the form underneath utilizing contour lines. There are a few types of contour lines- lineart can count as a contour line after all!- but specifically I think what would help you is cross contour lines
Cross contour lines are a godsend honestly, and a really good way to add volume with just lines. It can be as simple as curving your lines a bit and paying attention to the direction in which your lines go when you’re shading. I saw you did it a bit in the ball, but you can do it on other surfaces too! And it’s more effective if you do it from the very edge.
This one I think is less applicable just bc of your linework style, but line weight can do WONDERS for a piece as well
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