#i had to look up a random nightcore playlist for this
lovexmemonster · 28 days
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My uzi interpretation !!
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romy350-romyakari · 2 years
My sanctuary for random music collection is in shambles 💦
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Or well more like it is in shambles bc I use Android.
Hope they get to sorth it well eventually since I miss some of the tracks on my list.
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dronebiscuitbat · 26 days
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 7)
The one thing Uzi did not mind about her transformation was her ability to fly alongside N during scavenging missions. He often had to slow down (thrusters will always be faster than manual flying), but it didn't seem to bother him in the least, especially when she was sharing her favorite songs with him over short-range.
And no, it didn't all consist of Nightcore thank you very much. She was sharing the ones she thought he would like.
Of course, N liked all of them, so she probably could blare Nightcore at full volume and he'd like it, but she was still keeping it mostly mainstream, mostly because he seemed to like singing lyrics if he knew them, which was fun!
Because he was good at it.
He nailed nearly every note so long as he was familiar with the song, and it was gorgeous, his voice smooth as butter and just high enough to reach the minor keys without sounding off.
And yes, it did make her core flutter like it was full of a million butterflies, but that was besides the point.
“Hang on, lemme give you this one.” She sent another over to him, her wings flapping above her as they both glided comfortably.
“How many do you have?!” N asked excitedly, although it was definitely in the sense that he was eager to hear all of them and not that he wanted her to stop.
“Years worth of emotional repression leads to years worth of saved angst, what can I say?” She replied, poking a little fun at herself, she pushed ahead as he opened the audio file, scanning the ground for any parts she needed.
This one was a little angry sounding, but the guitar was nice, and there was a woman singing in the background that he wished didn't sound so sad, but it was pretty, at the very least.
“Do you want me to just give you my playlist? I've kinda just been sending you singles from it this whole time.” She fell back in line with him, wings beating above her, wow, he never realized how strong they looked before.
“Yes!” He beamed, being ecstatic to listen to more, it was leagues better than anything he'd ever heard play at the manor, plus he felt as if he was learning quite a bit about her just through her saved songs.
He noted the complete lack of love songs, there were plenty of breakup songs, but it didn't seem that Uzi had either never felt that way about anyone or she may have just not liked the sappiness of them. He wasn't sure, he was kinda hoping for the latter, she deserved someone to make her happy, surely?
“Here. But we can't spend all night doing this, it not really what we're here for…” She sent him a massive folder that was going to take a bit to install, in the meantime. They both flew upwards, trying to spot things from higher up.
“No worries, what are we looking for?” He asked, just replaying the same songs he'd already listened to on repeat, just at a lower volume.
“A hardware store preferably, that explosion melted all my railguns internals… stupid J… pain in my ass even in death.” She added, sounding bitter. He didn't argue.
“Hmm, I think I saw one last night. I can send you the map data?” He offered, not noticing how closely they were flying, he could feel each beat of her wings. The urge to wrap his tail around her hit him suddenly. She wasn't in danger. What was this about?
“Sweet! Yes!” She gave him a thumbs up, and so he sent the map data to her, and she went silent looking it over intently.
And here he was admiring how she could intently focus of his map data while also flying near perfectly again, if he ever needed to revist a location he had to stop flying lest he hit something. Not her though, her mind was so lightening fast. Not just in this, but in everything.
Man his best freind was so cool. And pretty.
She… was pretty. But that was random.
“Yeah, you did pass one, this way!” She did pause in the air for a moment, but only to turn to him and make sure he was following, he nodded, letting her lead him.
Her tail swirled behind her as she kept herself aloft, it was graceful in it's own way, since she had to think more about consciously flying then he did, and so she ended up doing more spins and tricks in the air just by flying normally. It was almost like watching a dance, albeit a bat-like one.
“We're here.” He heard her shout before diving, and he followed without question, landing beside her with a metallic thud in contrast with her graceful perfect landing.
Okay, what the heck was going on with him today?
“Anything specific?” He asked, dusting the snow off himself before it melted and refroze to his chassis. Ignoring the random intrusive thoughts that seemed to be increasing in frequency and intensity.
“Small screws, wiring, oh! And capacitors! Lots and lots of capacitors.” He knew at least what two of those things were at what they looked like, so he nodded and followed her into the blasted out store after beating the snow out of his cap.
Her tail whipped around into a flashlight, pointing it at the rotten shelves and the icesicles hanging above them, a skeleton was at the counter, still in uniform, and still in the position of looking bored.
“Split up? I'll look for the capacitors, you get the screws and wiring?” She turned to him, with the absence of others she always seemed to smile, he gave her a thumbs up and beamed her one right back, before turning and wandering to the nearest shelf, leaving them both alone with their thoughts.
Uzi was already searching deep in the electronic section, trying to find capacitors that weren't completely broken or frozen, with a task at hand her mind was blessedly empty for once, enough that she was humming absent-mindedly whatever song had gotten trapped in her head.
She didn't sing, she didn't like her voice and thought it was too deep for most songs, but humming was fine, if it wasn't done in front of other people. Robo-God forbid someone hear her not being aggro for ten seconds. But here she was alone, and N was on the other side of the store, he couldn't hear her.
And even if he could, it was N. He wouldn't ever make fun of her for anything.
She smiled. At this point trying to deny her feelings was pointless, he made her feel so special, so wonderful. And he was so happy to spend any time with her, whether it be listening to her music or watching a movie or agreeing to visit a baby with her. He was always down, loving every second.
It rubbed off on her, she found herself smiling more, liking her life more, liking herself more. She was beginning to feel less like a freak and more like a person, all thanks to the lovable goofball she called her best freind.
And she wanted to call him more, connect with him more, but… she couldn't be certain he felt the same way. He was always so loving but he was like that with everyone, he cared, and that's just who he was.
So nothing he did proved he liked her like that. Romanticly. Never in a million years did she ever think she would be longing for someone, or even have a crush in the first place, but here she was, admitting to herself that… she was in love. Ew
But at the same time, the way he had been looking at her in the nursery, with a small smile on his face and his eyes digitally half-lidded. He looked… almost like he wanted to kiss her.
But that had to have been her imagination, he'd asked if she felt better right before, maybe he'd just been concerned.
With a victorious gasp she found a whole box of preserved capacitors and quickly stashed them in her bag before going off and trying to find the boy in question, core full of butterflies but also very very heavy.
N had finally finished downloading Uzi's monster of a playlist and was skimming through it while picking up his second box of screws, he doubted she needed this many, but being an overachiever never got him in trouble before.
He fingered the wiring he had in his pocket, feeling satisfied that he'd completed his task and yet still felt anything but.
He was… confused.
Uzi was his friend, his best friend. And yet the more he thought about her the lighter his core got, in a way that was new to him. Well no, that was it wasn't it? It wasn't new.
It was just attached to a new person.
But… he didn't have a crush on Uzi did he? He could form sentences just fine around her, he wasn't nervous or artificially sweaty. He just wanted to be close, to protect her. To be there when she needed him. That wasn't romantic. It was protective! Like all friends should be!
And yet he still felt unsatisfied, like he was missing something.
“Hey! Did you find what we needed?” He heard her before he saw her, bounding up to him with a crooked smirk, her tail twitching behind her and her wings folded against her back. She was cute…
He shook off his thoughts again.
“Yeah! Here!” He he presented the screws and the wire to her with a smile, his tail twitching as her hand grazed his as she took them, no that wasn't a spark you're imagining things.
“Thanks!” You ready to head back? It's going to be morning soon.” She asked, punching his shoulder playfully, a small laugh left his mouth.
“Yeah! And we can listen to music together on the way back!”
“Sure buddy.”
And with that they took off, commenting on songs and cracking jokes about the stupid ones, flying high to get home faster. With each minute he felt himself relax, whatever confusing mess his thoughts were causing right now didn't matter, they were laughing, and she was smiling. He would figure it out later.
“Is… is this song about a potato?” He asked slowly, causing her to snort before devolving into a fit of laughter.
“Y-yeah? I thought it was funny, and I rigged the teachers lounge to play it on repeat once.”
N didn't want to ask why, but he felt that it was a very Uzi thing to do.
“Hey, I might need to crash at your place tonight. Charge is low and I don't wanna pass out on the way home.” As she said that, a little low battery symbol appeared at the top right corner of her visor, showing she wasn't lying.
“Sleepover!” He shouted, making her smile again, he really liked her smile…
“Yeah, whatever.” She rolled her eyes, but her words lacked any sort of bite. There was a brief comfortable silence before;
“Oh… this one's kinda sad.” His face fell at little as he listened. An orchestral swell being out of place in the rest of the playlist.
I am tired of this dream….
Will it ever end for me?
“Sorry, I don't have a lot of happy ones that aren't also sarcastic…” She admitted sheepishly, she probably should find happier songs now that she was thinking about it. She felt happier now, what was the harm? So long that it was only her and N that would ever hear them.
I don't have the will to know…
Can you help me see?
“Oh! Duet!” He hummed happily, that fact alone seemingly making him feel better about it.
Let my body keep you warm…
Let my essence be your breeze.
Oh. This was a love song, and a rather longing one. He looked over Uzi's playlist, this one was added only recently. About three months ago, huh that was around when prom happened.
Can you hear me calling?
Please look out for meeee…
“N! Look!” Uzi shouted and he looked up, the gas giant was being eclipsed by Copper-9s barren moon, causing the entire night sky to be lit up in a burnt umber red. But he'd be lying if he said that was what caught his attention.
Can you set me free?
Will you take my soul away?
Uzi was silhouetted in the light perfectly, sending warm oranges and reds bouncing off her features like she was gazing at a roaring fire, she was hung in the air, snowflakes falling slowly around her, the light turning them to embers dancing in the air. She was smiling, her hands reaching out to touch one of the dancing flames.
Casting me in cold
Bury me in bones
Rest eternallyyyyyy…
He felt all the moisture in his mouth evaporate on the spot, and any further thought through his processors die. If flying wasn't an automatic process, he would have fallen from the sky in shock.
She looked beautiful.
Will you take me home?
Can we see the moon again?
Dancing in the dark
Till we fall apart
I can't end this dream...
Next ->
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cowboy-robooty · 7 months
Let me show you the world of my hell hole of a playlist
Obviously I need to share the good word of the Sonic Vocal Tracks like dude i will make you sit and listen to all of them if i have to but my personal favorites are “This Machine” from Sonic Heroes, “Find Your Flame” and “Im Here” from Sonic Frontiers, “Live & Learn” from Sonic Adventure 2 and “I Am… All of Me” from Shadow the Hedgehog. They are a little more metal/rock ish sorry if my music terms are off but yeah you will be screaming you will be so pumped
Also literally just any track from any Lupin III media is so fucking good omfg. So Jazzy and upbeat you will feel so radical. My favorite intros are from Part 2 and also “Superhero” is a transcending experience I lives in my head rent free. Yuhi Ohno’s work is honestly just so good just skip immediately to his entire discography
Ok im sorry im a hardcore MARINA and Girls Love Shoes fan its just who i am inside. I need to come clean. Girls Love Shoes’ “Supamedicine” is my godsend its my holy grail. MARINA always drops bangers the people know her not much to say than that.
Also some random out of pocket ones. Any minecraft parody ever, any pop song from the 2000’s, animation meme songs that haunt you for life, the living tombstone and specifically She Wolf but nightcore. Just night/daycore / slowed down/speed up just to get a little cray cray.
Alot of my own music taste is just a bunch of Punk Rock and other random artists scattered about, sorry if you already listen to these guys </3 My entire playlist is a tonal nightmare its older than most average playlists. Been going strong since like 7th grade
DONT WORRY LOL MY PLAYLIST IS AIDS TOO ive had it since i got my first phone in 6th grade because i like to put all the songs i like ever in one playlist and hit shuffle on that ^_^
GIRLS LOVE SHOES: i listened to supamedicine and it was pretty good! it was pleasant i was like **nods head** if my buddy put it on i wouldnt go "well... if you wanted to go to teen sex cove you couldve just asked 😏" but id be like **nods head in approval** and then continue talking about how my soundcloud almost got deleted for reposting yaoi christmas carols. anyways secret.. im actually not really a marina fan. like primmadonna and oh no is okay theyre like 5/10 to me but idk i just aint into her shit
RANDOM SHIT: IM NGL I DIDNT LISTEN TO A LOT OF MINECRAFT PARODIES BECAUSE THEY WERE PARODIES OF POP MUSIC AT THE TIME AND I HATTTTTEEDD POP MUSIC LOL. i think some are ok like dont mine at night but i cant really think of any others i liked. i still am not really big on modern pop in fact i kind of hate like a lot of it lol im a hater by birth 💔 I ALSO... **says this on the cross** HAVE HATED ANIMATION MEMES FROM THE MOMENT I WAS BORN TOO. i used to get so mad id be like THATS NOT A MEME!!!! THATS A SHITTY LOOPED GIF THAT HAS NO JOKES AT ALL!!!!! idk i never was an animation meme kid.... i always looked up to newgrounds animation and like people who made full mv parodies of vocaloid mvs or cola shake dance yknow but i liked those because i think theyre different from animation memes. its a completely different vibe and i think that comparing shit like burihamachi or the pappara baby boy thing to animation memes is like comparing manga and comics. theyre the same thing in principal but COMPLETELY different vibe yknow? anyways yeah i was a hater and refused to watch them in my lifetime... 💔💔💔 I LIKE THE LIVING TOMBSTONE THOUGH I LOVEE THE SONG CATS OUGHHH THATS SO GOOD.... i never listened to them a lot i only know like 3 songs lol so erm i dont consider myself a living tombstone fanboy since i think id be considered a poser 💔 LOOK IVE ALWAYS LIVED UNDER A ROCK IM ALWAYS SEVENTEEN YEARS LATE TO EVERY PARTY EVER!!! I NEVER EVEN LIKED FNAF I WAS INTO THE NIGHTGUARDS BUT DIDNT CARE ABOUT THE GAME THE LORE THE ANIMATRONICS I LITERALLY DID NOT GIVE A FUCK I NEVER WATCHED A SINGLE MATPAT VIDEO OR LISTENING TO ANY FNAF SONGS!! i was an asdf movie and newgrounds + niconico douga kid ermmmmm anybody like danjo danjo? anyways i do like nightcore! i love listening to nightcore of 80s songs ohh yes... i only listen to out of touch nightcore 😏😏😏
sorry for long tangents but yknow how robooty empire is. THE KING LOVES TO SPEAK! THANK YOU FOR THESE RECS ESPECIALLY THE SONIC SHIT I BE LIKE OHHH ME LIKEY 😍
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lady-lycany · 1 month
Now follows the most rambly post ever. Was outside for maybe 20minutes, cuz I had to go to the bank real quick and now you get a little look into my brain where my thoughts wandered off 😭😆 (Creepypasta related)
So basically first I was like, okay if a zombie apocalypse would start right in that moment, what would I do? If the zombies would be fast, I'd probably die, if they're slow, I would use the nearest rod to stab the zombies in the head with it (u know like rods of little signs- idk how to describe em lol) and then my thoughts went further and I was like "What would I do, if I would see Slenderman standing in the distance? Probably I would think first, that I'm tripping or something or would be terrified. But then, I would test my luck and walk with my back towards him. I would ask for forgiveness when it comes to my stupidity, cuz I'd wanna ask him some questions- knowingly that he has no mouth to answer lol. Then I would play like the "yes/no" game with him and just ask sht like "are you here to kill me?" or stuff like that (okay tbh, the whole way I had a conversation with him that way, but I wanna write it differently lol) and he would answer by tapping me on the shoulder (which is kinda terrifying to imagine lol) I started to think further like, what options would I have? Would I be able to just leave and pretend like it never happened? And just keep living my life? Or would I only be able to decide, whether to die right in that moment or become a CP myself? What would be the requirements? I mean, if I would have to decide between dying and becoming an CP, it's obvious what I would choose, but if I would be able to choose this life or becoming a CP, I'm not so sure...... Then my thoughts went back to the requirements and what they could be? What if I would have to kill someone who's dear to me? and depending on how I kill them, my "powers" would be. Or what If I had to kill myself, where it also depends on how I do it... Or maybe it doesn't matter at all and you just get a random power (Which is usually never the case with CP's so...) Then I thought that the option with killing someone you love (or someone else in gen.) would make the situation more interesting. Cuz then it's more of a "only take my life and keep the others safe" or "fck it, then I take someone's life with me, If it gives me a second chance in return" situation, u know what I mean? Like with the trolley game. And I weirdly would've less problems with killings someone than killing myself. Cuz I wouldn't know how to do it. I'm physically not able to hurt myself purposely. And I know already, who I would aim for when it comes to the kill...
Yea... Welcome in my twisted mind lmao
What was also fcking hilarious, is that while all that nonsense went through my head, a police car was constantly nearby.Before it showed up, I walked in the middle of the street and ignored every traffic light cuz... for what? the town is dead at night. Besides the police car, I saw ONE other car and that's it. But when the police turned up, we were both at a traffic light in that moment and I didn't make any eye contact at all. I was just like "don't laugh, don't laugh, don't behave weird now" because- like- I mean- I didn't do anything, but I was literally thinking about murder the whole time... and having a police nearby felt weird, as if I was worried for them to know, what's going on in my head. But as soon as they were out of sight, I was back in the middle of the street again lol
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(OMG while I'm writing this I listened to a cp playlist on spotify and a song came on that I had as ringtone for a long while- but the nightcore version! Omg I completely forgot about that song-)
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ciestess · 5 years
Tag Game: About the Author
I was tagged by @jaywrites101
Rules of the Game: Answer these questions and tag blogs you’d like to know better.
Nickname: ”Tess” works, I guess!
Zodiac: Uh... Seeing as I don’t have a birth date, per say, I can’t properly answer that. But I HAVE looked into it, since I find it so interesting, so I can give a pretty decent approximation! Sun: Scorpio (Libra cusp), Ascendant: Capricorn, Moon: Aries.
Height: In this body, 5′5′’. Don’t count on that remaining true for any other adventures, though...
Time: 9:47 pm
Favorite Band/Artist: HARD...! Ok, um... I really like Thousand Foot Crutch, I guess... But I mostly have been listening to remixes, lately. Fave of those are  UNDERDOGS and Zen - Kun
(You can check out my Nightcore, Mashups, Switching Vocals, & Remixes playlist on YouTube, if you want to know my taste in music better!)
Song Stuck In My Head: Radioactive in the Dark
Last Movie I Saw: Shazam
I thought it was pretty good!
Last Thing I Googled: How to find my Google search history, lol!
“soul eater characters” I was trying to figure out who would make the best/most interesting opponent for Dan Phantom. I decided on Death the Kid!
Other Blogs: @ciestessde is where I post only about my stories and other WIPs.
Do I Get Asks: Occasionally. Usually it’s for a One-Shot Wednesday request, but not always.
Why This Username: ‘Cause it’s my name, and it’s basically NEVER already taken!
Following: I am still a baby. I’m following 38, and I only have about 25 followers (minus porn bots, ‘cause I always block them). I’m following so few just because I don’t like missing peoples’ posts, and that’s inevitable if there are too many for me to go through!
Average Amount of Sleep: ... What is this “average” of which you speak? I can sleep for as little as 3 hours for a few days, then 12 for the next few!
Alright, fine. If I’m being good, then I sleep an average of 6 hours.
Lucky Number: 8. It’s sideways infinity!  ∞
What am I wearing: Black T-shirt with black sweatpants.
Dream Job: Does “superhero” count?! Heh... I don’t really have one. I just wanna live my life enjoying myself and helping people. ...And enjoying a life of helping people.
Dream Trip: Yeeeahhhh... NEXT!
Favorite Food: Cheesy pasta.
Instruments I Play: I sing. If I practiced, I could play the piano (or other instruments -- I’m just most familiar with piano), but it would take quite a bit of practice.
Eye Color: They change. No, really.
Not necessarily with my mood -- they’re rather fickle about “why” or “when.” They’ve been: brown, hazel, light green, light blue, purple, pink, and red. And yes, I mean the iris. And yes, I had witnesses -- same lighting, same clothes, same mood, no preparation (they weren’t pranking me), and all of the above colors within half an hour.
They’re current favorite configuration is central heterochromia (inner orange, outer light green, with a varying-darkness-and-width grey limbal ring).
Hair Color: Dark-medium brown. I know, boring compared to the eye color answer.
Aesthetic: I call it “Dark, Elegant Practicality”
Languages I speak: Me? English (with a bit of Spanish). How did I learn it when I didn’t grow up in this dimension? Well, when she is being less shy, I’ll introduce her to you!
Most Iconic Song: Now THIS is a hard one. Yikes.
Maybe... “I am all of me” by Crush 40? Or “Shadows” by Tragedy Machine? 
Oh! “Untraveled Road” by Thousand Foot Crutch!
Random Fact: Lobsters, crabs, and shrimp are all types of arachnids. They are essentially aquatic spiders!
Tagging: Any authors or other people I follow who I’m curious about! @perfectshadow06 @karinakamichi @elonmuscovy @emotional-support-lance @jakei95 @cocofinny @whosmae @little-noko @ketsukilledmysoul @rainbowchibbit @accidentverse @fatal-error-blog @deepcrimsontide @negatedtale @loverofpiggies @demytasse @deneuves @rem-is-best-almond @greeblingyaoza @kaedesan721
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stonestridernerd · 5 years
🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 *burries you in flowers*
40 thoughts...I suppose we're going to be dangerous deep in random ones, huh?
Starting off, I've been debating making a discord channel for casual converstion. I loved my original guild's IC interviews we used to have, so that would be great to carry on, perhaps with some OoC talks as well. I don't really have a steady grasp of it other than it being a place to connect with other roleplays without too much stress.
But for it to work, I'd have to have some executive functioning, which has not been my strong suit lately, so who knows.
The last few days that my brother's been reading aloud, he's picked all my favorite books as a kid. I'm living it up in childhood nostalgia right now.
I'm in a dragon mood. I really want to make a dragon whelping character, but do I make them a blue or green dragon? Chyrra or Macego? Gaaaaah!
Speaking of dragons, I'm making a dragonborn for my first DnD campaign! Her name is Nustsemorkei Boamativ, or Boa for short.
Her clan name (first part) means 'Those of Glory' while her given name is "Fly/Go Onwards.' All of it is based on Draconic from the Skyrim series.
I literally based on her dragonflight based on stats...and having a ring of fire. That way, whenever she uses the ability, I get to sing some Johnny Cash!
Also, I've got a little internal debate going on. See, I'm planning on going the dual sword route with her, but when I do that usually, they end up as the biggest, flirtiest lesbian possible. Yet Boa has such a low charisma score...my bet is that she's going to be a terrible, corny flirt whose lines don't land. B-D
This heatwave may kill me. I used to be able to stand the heat, but the older I get, the colder my body wants its surroundings to be.
Drink lots of water. Live inside with some AC, or at least, hang out somewhere where it's cool. No one is dying on my watch, dang it.
While we're talking about the heat, I'd like to dedicate a line to my hatred of my swamp cooler. It doesn't work well anywhere about 80°F and breaks all the time.
I look forward to the day I have central air.
Everytime I see this prompt, my little brain starts singing 'You're the sunflower~' from Into the Spiderverse.
I'm cautious optimistic about the new Little Mermaid movie. Mostly because of Halle Berry and all the beautiful fanart that's been coming out.
I looooove hooooooounds.
And my kitties who sit on my head and purr. Blessed are those wondrous days of soothing purrs and affection.
I've been using so many lavender scented products that I'm surprise my room doesn't smell like ground zero for the scent.
I've almost got flying (the last three reps I need are all within 2000 XP after today)!
Draenei are way underappreciated. We need more draenei RPers like we do for tauren.
I will honest to goodness try to raid Org myself if the Banshee Queen goes after Baine again.
I really need to redo my TRPs since they wiped Friday, but...*weakly reaches over to my hot laptop before giving up* eh.
It has been decided that I'm fandom trash.
I ship so many things I might just have an armada to rival the navy.
So the other day, my uncle called(!) for the first time in months. It's weird, because while the news that he's going back to Iran isn't surprising (he's been in and out of the Middle East for most of my life), he was talking about getting 15 acres in Tennessee and divvying it between his family, mine, and grandpa and grandpa. I'm not sure if he's gotten lonely or if he genuinely wants to help or if there's something else going on entirely, but it worries and excites me.
I also love using parentheses and I can't apologize for that.
Speaking of which, I'm trying to get myself to stop apologizing so much. It's my knee jerk reaction, which hasn't been doing me any favors.
My YouTube playlist right now is all over the place. Nightcore music, top 10 disturbing lists, WoW lore, random conspiracy theories, Good Omens clips, MLB, and ERB.
Goodness, I can't wait for next Monday when I'm done with my job at 5 am and I get to sleep in the mornings again!
Welp, I'm not sure what else to say here...I guess I just had an apple?
Yep. And it was a good plump one too. It was a nice break from all the cherries and grapes I've been gorging on.
I had the most civil argument with my dad over women in media, well...ever, the other day. He didn't yell and go off on SJWs or any of that crap. Both of our voices got loud, but neither of us were hurtful. It was really nice not having to worry about that for once.
I'm not sure if it was because neither of us were particularly invested in the main material we were talking about or if we're getting better at this. Either way, thank goodness for that discussion over Bond!
I absolutely love Mecagon! It's a beautiful aesthetic and change of pace from the faction feud.
The only part I have issue with is that I'm never sure where I can jump around the wall or not. 35
I love how all my bright elves end up with bright green hair.
Expressing my joy at Sapphronetta survival! I love her relationship to her goblin lover.
My favorite number for sending random asks are 817, 17, and 87.
I'm not the best at paying attention in class, especially if my professors are just talking.
Finally, I really need to go back and put a line break for reading more.
Thanks @shuuhuu!
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acethehappyanon · 5 years
Tagging Game 🌻
again, sticking under a readmore so nobody has to look at this if they dont wanna
Rules: answer the questions then tag as many people as you can think of who you want to know better
🌼Star Sign~  I’m a Libra!
🌼Height~  Ummmmm somewhere between 5′0 and 5′3? I always forget!
🌼Put your playlist on shuffle and name the first three songs~
o no you’re all gonna see my nerdy taste in obscure or blatantly mainstream music
1. The Bonnie Song, Nightcore ver
2. Me and My Baby - Steam Powered Giraffe
3. Faded - Alan Walker
ok that could’ve been a lot worse
🌼Grab the nearest book, turn to page 21 and write down the first line~
Aww hECK there’s no books on my desk lemme just grab one from UHHHHH the closest end of the shelf
--sleep, his throat was tight, he was thirsty; he arose to go and drink from his carafe and he opened the window; the sky was covered with stars, a hot wind was blowing; in the distance dogs howled. He turned his head toward Les Bertaux.
Okay let me explain! I’ve never read this book, nor do I have any idea what it’s about, but I found it in an antique store and the cover is absolutely gorgeous, and I collect old books! This one is called Madam Bovary, mine is a translated reprint from 1949, though the original text seems to be from 1857, if the original dated author’s note means anything.
🌼Have you ever had a song/poem written about you/for you~ lmfao no thanks I’d be afraid if someone was that hopelessly romantic toward me
🌼Do you believe in ghosts~ Yes? but people think that’s dumb so I don’t talk about it
🌼Do you believe in aliens~ .....Maybe??? I mean surely there must be something out there
🌼Do you drive~ Nope! I can barely run my sewing machine you think I’m gonna willingly be the one in charge of a two ton hurtling death machine? Not happening!
🌼Last movie you watched~ oh no don’t make me admit this. HECK ok it was some random movie from 2015 that popped up on youtube as “free with ads” and tbh I’ve just started watching any of those that I see in my recommended just to see what they are. anyway this one was called The Escort and it turned out to actually be a really wholesome movie about people learning to better themselves of their bad habits or sins and this journalist guy helping an escort lady to reconsider her life and choose a safer path dont judge me it was good
(it would’ve been The Shape of Water if I could freakin FIND that movie somewhere that isn’t $15 to rent it digitally. netflix pls)
🌼Any obsessions~ ummmm?? what even counts toward this lmao I feel like I like things a normal amount? well anytime I get a new interest I obsess over that for awhile. Right now I’ve been really into that new Carmen Sandiego reboot on netflix!
🌼In a relationship~ uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
🌼How many siblings~ Just one! an older sister. she’s got a great handle on this ‘adulting’ thing, she can’t find her socks!
Tagging~ nobody but I will call out @smiles-advice for tagging meeee and making me admit my bad taste in media!
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geirutoneido · 7 years
This is um really random but I saw ur fanmixes and they're really neat?? I was wondering if you had any tips for making a mix for a character bc I want to try and get into doing that sort of thing? Sorry this is really out of left field ^^;;
NO THATS OKAY I LOVE TALKING ABOUT MIXES AND YOU HAVE ACTIVATED MY 100% SPECIAL INTEREST MODE i really love mixes in any case and i have a lot of thoughts
here’s a rundown of a few things i think are important in a mix, and i’ll explain them all below the cut because this is bound to get pretty long:
a theme/genre: it can be any kind of theme you like (ie a pairing, particular aspect/trait of the character, something abstract like corrosion, a particular music genre), but it helps in finding tracks that go together and having good flow to the mix
transition/flow: this is one of the most important things i think! don’t just toss a few tracks together, they need to transition well from one to the next. going from katy perry to ajj doesn’t usually work well, even if both songs work well for the character.
storytelling/track order: related to the transition of tracks, they also need to make sense structurally. say, you have a song about their childhood and one about their love life, it doesnt make much sense to go from their love life to their childhood, so put them in appropriate order.
so to actually start making a mix, i’d say to find a theme or genre first, to work with. that sounds kind of hard, but what works for me is to just collect a bunch of tracks i associate with that character in a youtube playlist, and then see which tracks are strong, if there’s any that work particularly well together, and then just copy those to your draft playlist and find more tracks to build around it.
an example: i know [over 80 tracks i associate with the phantom], but realistically not all those are gonna work together. for [the actual phantom mix] i made, i decided to build around “neil cicierega - wnrdwll”, and specifically searched for [other mashups and other upbeat but distorted sounding tracks] to create the theme of, well, screen burn.
other examples: [my souta mix is based around musicals], which ended up working surprisingly well, and [my manosuke/souta mix is based around dadrock], because, you know, daddy issues, just like me
then there’s the transition and flow! once you’ve got a good feel for what you want, you’re going to have to find songs that actually go well together. that doesn’t just mean in terms of genre, it also means that you make sure you don’t have one really loud song next to a quiet one, (unless you’re doing that intentionally). basically, listen to your songs and decide by ear if it is or isn’t jarring to hear them in that order.
an example: in my phantom mix, [the tracks] go from slow and relatively coherent to faster and more incoherent - and then after raocow’s cat planet (which is 90% “catplanetcatplanetcatplanet”), it goes straight into an ajj song about murder, which is a jarring transition but done for effect.
other examples: i do something similar in [my manosuke mix], from the upbeat “the dear hunter - go get your gun” to “if not now then when - toast” which is in whispers for effect. in [my very first mix], and my souta musical mix, i’ve also included tracks without text specifically for the transitions between songs and making the whole thing a bit less overwhelming/a lot on an end.
EDIT: for this point, also consider looking up covers, mashups, [specific genre] remixes, or even nightcores if you’ve got the right song but bad flow!
my last point, is storytelling! this is a lot more up to personal preference, since you’re the one who knows what you’re seeing in those tracks and what story you’re telling, so i can’t give you a lot of tips on how to do it, but mostly just to keep it in mind. my favorite kinds of mixes are mixes that are an experience from start to finish, with lyrics in one song paralleling those in another, and a good intro and outro, rather than just a few character relatable tracks tossed together!
an example: [the tracks] [in my manosuke mix] start off with songs about childhood/fathers (how much do you love me/father/the hell of it) and then go into narcissism/obsession/a desire to be useful (oh no!/gallery piece/i’ve seen all good people), then murder (go get your gun/toast), confrontation with edgeworth (knight jumps queen), aftermath of his actions and relationship with souta (be nice to me/everyone else is an asshole/knight moves/the hands that thieve) and finally, death (the hands that thieve/best friend). in summary, that’s basically manosuke’s entire story, told in chronological order! and it wouldn’t work very well in any other order.
as for the parallels, the manosuke mix has multiple songs about chess that glue the whole thing together (ive seen all good people/knight jumps queen/knight moves), and the lyrics in “how much do you love me” parallel those in “knight moves” (”how much do you love me/how much do you care” / “do you love any/do you love none”). i do that in the souta mix too with both the original and an instrumental cover of gee officer krupke, and i basically made [a whole (two) mixes structured on parallels and shitty moon jokes] before.
some extra additional tips:
when picking tracks with important lyrics, consider lyric videos/captions/tracks with clear vocals. if the lyrics mean a lot but no one can make them out, that’s not very useful!EDIT: on the topic of accessibility, i personally like using well-known songs, because most people will know the lyrics even without captioning. i know it’s not for everyone, but don’t immediately write off a song just because it’s well-known or like... [a meme]
think about the length of your mix: a really long mix is hard to listen to in one sitting and focus on, but a short one is a short experience
i usually use youtube for my mixes, since 8tracks stopped service outside of north america, but i hear good things about playmoss as alternative
and, well…
it’s probably pretty obvious at this point, but keep in mind i tend to overthink mixes a little to the point of pseudo-science, and you don’t actually need to take all my advice to make a good mix! these are just some things i do, and maybe a few places to start out in, but ultimately the most important thing is of course that you feel good about your mix and like your selection, so that should be your goal above all else!! as long as you enjoy listening to it, it’s a good and successful mix. (if you don’t like listening to it, just keep editing until you do)
good luck with your endeavors, and i hope you have fun making a mix!!!! ty for asking!!! n__n)/
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