#i hate benchball
almightycrisprat · 5 months
i hate benchball i hate benchball i hate benchball i hate benchball *wheeze* WITHOUT YOU THERES NOTHING FOR ME TO DO CAN YOU FEEL THE SUNSHINE TOO ITS COMING THROUGH IT MAKES MEE FEEL BRAND NEW
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holy3cake · 3 months
Get to know you better!
Thank you for the tag @lancedoncrimsonwings!
Do you make your bed? Yep, but somehow my sheets never seem to fit properly. I hate the snappy corners.
Favourite number? 3 or 13, I really like "unlucky" numbers, but I do tend to get good news in 3's so I'm drawn to that number.
What's your job? I work in conservation, but I'm planning to start my PhD soon (employment psychology).
If you could go back to school, would you? Absolutely, and I did! I had some years out when I was younger, and I was scared that I couldn't return after that, but University honestly made who I am today :). If I had infinite money, I would go back and do at least two more degrees (I have a bachelor's in Psychology, but I would 100% go back and do English Lit and History).
Can you parellel park? Uhhh the first time I drove a car (my first and ONLY driving lesson) I drove into another car because I have AWFUL spatial awareness. So no, I cannot parallel park haha.
Do you think aliens are real? I'm kinda undecided on this one. I think I've watched too many horror movies so it's warped my overall view on aliens as a concept, but I would like to think they are real. But it's the psychologist in me that says no. I'm a bit of sceptic (especially with ghosts as well).
Can you drive a manual car? Following my previous car answer, the first car I drove was a Corsa without power-assisted driving and I was yanking the steering wheel like my instructor had suggested, but I crashed. So uhhh...no.
Guilty pleasure?...... I mean, apart from Harry Gilby? Probably not many, but I do like a shortbread (I try not to eat them because they have wayyyy too much sugar).
Tattoos? Unfortunately not, but I will endeavour to get @lancedoncrimsonwings to do a Daniel Sharman tattoo for me one day lmao.
Favourite colour? I used to love yellow when I was younger, but now I really like gold or bronze, almost candle tones.
Favourite type of music? I will listen to just about anything, but currently my playlist consists of Dua Lipa and Sabrina Carpenter. I always put on a good medieval lo-fi soundtrack when I'm writing though.
Do you like puzzles? I am extremely partial to a good sudoku puzzle, but I do like jigsaws as well (I just don't have a lot of time to do them).
Any phobias? I have Hydrophobia, but it's not as severe as it was when I was little. My husband is teaching me how to swim, so it's really nice to be able to get over that fear. I used to be scared of dogs as well, but now I love them :)
Favourite childhood sport? I genuinely don't know if this is a secondary school fever dream, but did anyone ever play benchball? When you stand on a bench and throw a softball at people? If you catch the ball, you get to join those on the bench, but if the ball hits you you're disqualified? It was absolutely hilarious.
Do you talk to yourself? Yeeeep, I think we all do don't we? Although I tend to just kind of speak aloud, normally when I'm writing or reading.
Tea or coffee? I really love coffee flavoured things, but despise coffee itself. Like coffee and walnut cake is my absolute dream. But I have to choose tea, I'm probably the most stereotypical Brit you'll meet, I would carry a box of tea with me if I could lmao. Earl grey is my go to though, especially to enjoy with @waterfallsilverberrywrites TLK fanfics :)
What movies do you adore? I am an absolute horror buff, I'm working my way through every single one. Buuuut my favourite movie is Love, Rosie, so take from that what you will haha.
No pressure tags: (Please do not feel pressured to answer all of the questions, this is purely what you're comfortable with :))
@jayalover @lord-aldhelm @waterfallsilverberrywrites @persephones-journey @redacted-thething @cary-elwes @book-and-music-lover
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gleeincorrectquotes · 4 years
i've been trying to figure out for the past hour how the hell grades/years and schools work in the uk and i'm so confused. like y'all start going to college when you're 16??? anyways pls help
You’re confused?? I’m here and idk what’s going on
Anyway I’m gonna take y’all through this witb me rn
So I started with Play Group when I was ??? Idk 3 I just remeber it being in a church and we had these fuckers it was wild
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Then I had nursery when I was 4? I’m like 98% sure I was 4. I would Mark this as a high point for me, I was cast as Mary in the nativity and my mum made me do it and I had fun ruining it ✌🏻
Onto real (primary) school at 4-5 years with Reception. We didn’t do shit. My first time being punished cause I learned how to lie. I was an attention whore.
Going onto 5-6 years with YEAR 1. I don’t remember anything but we started learning stuff and I HATED it. Had to do cursive— not a fan.
6-7 years with YEAR 2. My last good mental health peak tbh. My teacher was dope and one time she fell over a bin, it was funny.
7-8 YEAR 3. Multiplication is a bitch and I had a mental breakdown, leading to me cutting off all my hair and ending up with a bowl cut. ((The breakdown was not related to the multiplication))
8-9 YEAR 4. Everyone thinks they’re the shit cause we’re in Key Stage 2. Everyone’s swearing.
9-10 YEAR 5. Pretty site this was the year I joined the before school benchball club. One time I was 10 mins late and instead of telling the teacher I just hid in the girls bathrooms for the whole hour long lesson.
10-11 YEAR 6. SATS- they’re awful but don’t really mean shit long term. The end of Primary School.
11-12 YEAR 7. Up to High school/Secondary school. I have to take the bus now and I only know one girl. All the boys are just mean now. I got lost looking for the Science part of the building for 20 mins before realising there’s a map behind me.
12-13 YEAR 8. No comment.
13-14 YEAR 9. I was just getting used to The layout of the school and they knock it down and build a new basic one.
14-15 YEAR 10. This might be the year my mates brother gave me his sherbet and I convinced a few people to snort it [[DO NOT DO THIS. It won’t really do anything i don’t think but it can’t be good]] first Mock tests for GCSEs basically just there to scare us into working harder.
15-16 YEAR 11. The year everyone starts shitting themselves about what collage there going to but not until the last few months. Didn’t hate this year, probably because I had mentally checked out by this point. Carona happened and I didn’t have to do my GCSEs so that was grand but also made the last 4 years of my life kinda pointless so.
16-17 YEAR 12. Otherwise known as Sixth form or College. Where I’m at now. It’s aight. I’m only doing 3 classes that I picked and we don’t have to wear uniforms like in Primary & Secondary.
After that who knows. I’ve got another year of collage then it’s off to Uni probably. I don’t know how long Uni for, think it’s 4 years. You can do university whenever you want really there’s no set age.
Don’t take any of this as fact tho cause I really don’t kno?? I’m tired also cause it’s 1:32 and I’ve been working on this for about half an hour. Also I have an assemsssm t tomorrow lmao ya girls gonna FAIL 💖
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friendoftheelves · 4 years
After a recent conversation with my brother and a YouTube video that caused me to think on it I now suddenly understand why all the boys at my school thought we, the girls sucked at PE
For context:
We played sports together as a whole cohort twice a year at least with occasional mixing of the sexes happening at random other times
The sports we played together were football, dodgeball, and rounders. (Any other times were we played another sport with mixed sexes involved a minority of guys and I am not counting because it was when the sexes stopped being mixed anyway and when we were allowed to choose which sport to play, which I will also be discussing)
When I refer to girls, I mean XX, and when I refer to boys I mean, XY, specifically for this post because it is about how my school divide us into groups for sports and in my year group at least there was no one openly trans. This would later change and I know there will have be trans people but these are the labels they used at the time I knew they so it is the only one I am confident in using. Assigning another label to them could actually be misgendering because this is the gender they went be in secondary school and who am I to correct that. They only reason I am even emphasising the chromosomes is for a later point. Others it wouldn't matter I wouldn't care about it. Your gender is yours, you get to say what it is
So there were a few specifically gendered sports with football and baseball definitely being ones the guys played frequently whilst the girls never played meanwhile we frequently played netball and rounders which the guys never played. There was also benchball and dodgeball which did get played by both sexes but most likely the girls would play dodgeball once a term but play benchball frequently whilst it was reversed for the guys. These two sports were played by both sexes but there was a clear preference as to which gender played them but not to the same extreme
As many will have already noticed there was also a preference to, when playing as a cohort, play the sports the guys played over what the girls did. Which gets worse
Now football was something that was gendered even in primary school so many of the girls had never played it even before secondary but most of the guys at least knew the rules. This divide was then heightened in secondary school but we where then asked to play together for a game. The girls didn't even know the flippin' rules meanwhile the guys knew who to choose for each position. Sure there were some girls who did know how to play but also, in my cohort, those girls were not the type to help you out. Most of the girls were stuck trying to figure out what to do meanwhile the guys were wondering how we could be so useless.
This impression of girls as useless was only heightened by our performance in dodgeball. Now dodgeball relies a lot on hurling the ball as hard as you can so the person on the other end can't catch. XX do not have a lot of natural upper body strength, it instead can be found in our legs which is pretty useless for dodgeball. In contrast, XY have a lot of upper body strength and comparitivley weaker legs. So the playing field was already uneven. The boys also played dodgeball a lot. Although the girls did also play dodgeball, we rarely actually did it. We played it maybe three times a year which includes the times we played it as a cohort. So, despite at least knowing the rules, we once again looked weak in comparison to the guys because they actually played it. A beginner is never gonna stand up to the skills of someone who plays it at hard. And they did. Whenever we played it as a cohort, the girls cowered at the back. Because we played it so infrequently, our entire strategy had just been through the balls across the line. Meanwhile the boys knew that wasn't enough so threw it as hard as they could as fast as they could. We weren't use to a flying ball of death flying at our face and never got used to it because we so rarely played.
Given the opportunity we almost certainly could have gotten better. In other sports the girls proved their competitiveness, the boys just never got to see that because all they saw was us at our worst. Unprepared, unsure and untrained. Of course we looked like wimps. They went in expecting to meet people the same level as them and got newbs
Now, some of you may have be looking to rounders going but wouldn't that prove their assumptions wrong and level the playing field? And the answer is no, it fucking wouldn't. It was an optional one. It was a choice between dodgeball and rounders. The girls tended to pick rounders because of course we did. Screaming death or out in the park, I think I'll pick the park. This also decreased our chances to play dodgeball dragging it down to twice a year if you picked rounders over it. What ended up happening was you would play with the guys who already had a pretty balanced view of girls anyway. They were the ones comfortable enough to choose the 'girly' sport because they enjoyed it. They weren't the ones who needed it proving to. Also the boys played something similar to rounders anyway. The main difference was the rules. So sure in the first few years for like one round the boys would repeatedly get caught out for the difference in rules but after that it was fine. And neither of us even played rounders or the equivalent a lot. It was specifically a summers sport because it could only be played in the park and we lived in the UK so that meant parts of summer. You couldn't predict in a year how often you would be able to play it
When given a level playing field the boys and girls played equally but none of the guys who needed to see that saw that and all the guys fixated on our terrible performance in dodgeball because they knew we also played that. It was until recently, when talking to my brother, that I even realised there was a disparity in the frequency we played the sport. The boys can be said to have actually played it yet when asked we also said we did because we natively assumed that the amount of times we played the sport would have been the same but no. We played, as just the girls maybe once a year whilst the guys played significantly more than that
This divide in how the genders got taught sport then got reflected in what sports we choose when given the option. In year 11 we were offered the choice of groups to choose which each contained a different combination of sports. The girls by a large majority went for the ones with the 'girly' sports whilst the guys went for the ones without them. Which makes sense because this for the guys was for the first opportunity to play many of the 'girly' sports but it was a choice that would be affect what you played for an entire term. This wasn't a try out, this was a confirmed choice. In the face of this, both groups went with the sports they were familiar with. Why risk choosing a new sports you might hate when you could go for old favourites. The group's dominated by women then got looked down open because we were seen as weak and, outside of the effect of our school, society shames the feminine so knowing that they were the sports the girls played framed them as lesser and the girls were once again seen as lesser humans
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diabolikfuck · 7 years
reasons I would love to be a bro to the dl characters
shu: he’s very good at understanding people so we’d have some nice deep conversations; we both play instruments so we could play together and share our music; I really really like using people as pillows and he’d prolly allow it
reiji: deserves a little guy giving him compliments, and that’s exactly what I’d do; we would both go on a day long ikea trip like every month and get ice cream at the end; ROLLERCOASTERS 
ayato: I’m… decent at basketball so we could play that together! or I could teach him the art of benchball; he could show me how to pull a spicy prank; we’re both beautiful, need I say more?
kanato: I would love to top up his dolls if they’re breaking, and could bond over Aesthetics™; singing sessions, baby! his music taste is gucci; I wouldn’t buy him coffee because why would I buy coffee? I hate coffee? 
laito: same reason as shu, we could play our instruments together; I just feel like we would get along because our personalities lmao; I love little buggies so I could carefully put them outside for him if he’s freakin’ 
subaru: he also seems like a really good person to talk to about deep subjects like… life… and shit; I gotta introduce him to a hobby! I have too many! I have to; I really love flowers a lot so we could buy more and plant them! flowers everywhere!
ruki: I admit… I’m a terrible chef, maybe ruki could teach me how to be less awful; I write things and he reads them! I love people reading my stuff! (please read my stuff); as long as he lets me drink ketchup I will always compliment his food
yuma: talking smack about the government! also about political business and I think he might be good with trans issues… we gotta talk about the trans issues; we share a love for the environment! we could plant some rainbow carrots, bro. I have some rainbow carrots in the back garden rn and holy shit they look good; both into vore
kou: again with the singing! and he has a whole recording studio and aAA I could feature in one of his songs if I’m good enough (which I will be, don’t bother your ass saying I won’t be); I could gossip about boys with him! I gotta stop over sharing to my school friends and start doing it with bro!kou; CATS. he would love my cat. she wouldn’t love him tbh hUH
azusa: he needs someone to show him other ways to feel pain! you want a slap in the face? sure, it’s not gonna do any harm, I’m a weakling; I love cuddles so much I have to cuddle him all the time since we’re both clingy fuckers; we’re both spicy
shin: I support furries.
carla: we both adore art! we could paint together and he could teach me ways to improve my drawings! he’s like the grumpier version of bob ross; long hair. I want to touch it; I’ll finally be able to beat someone in a race- 
kino: I have to show him peggle. what’s that, you don’t know peggle? well I don’t know you. blocked. reported. sentenced to death. how do you like that, huh? 
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sdmn-edits · 7 years
200: My crush’s name is: I don’t actually have a crush anymore😂😂199: I was born in: June198: I am really: weird197: My cellphone company is: Vodafone - it works where i go on holiday so it does me just fine 😂196: My eye color is: it changes - like sometimes its blue, green, grey and a mixture of blue and green - it’s weird .195: My shoe size is: 3 or 4 (5 at a push)194: My ring size is: I’ve never actually had it measured so idk 😂😂193: My height is: 5ft 5 - I’m growing lads!!!192: I am allergic to: waterproof plasters, bee/wasp stings (only mildly though - like i won’t die but just turn into a massive red ball), some soaps, most makeups, chalk and face paint.191: My 1st car was: I can’t even drive yet 😂😂190: My 1st job was: I don’t know if you would class this as a job but for my work experience, I worked at a cafe for two weeks. 189: Last book you read: Jane Eyre (one of my faves)188: My bed is: single - like me😉😂187: My pet: (s) two cats, (which my mum named) one called Mike and the other called Matt. I also have a pony called William (Billy for short)186: My best friend: @paigexxixo @sdmn-md @minibaeminter @wroetoredman @line-sidemen @mintersmini @wroetojill and a girl from irl called Catherine - i couldn’t choose one so have a few of my faves185: My favorite shampoo is: John Frieda Frizz Ease184: Xbox or ps3: PS3 cos I haven’t played XBox183: Piggy banks are: expensive bacon182: In my pockets: by Morrie (who kinda sounds like Marzia which is kinda scary?)181: On my calendar: is my exams😂180: Marriage is: okay? I haven’t had my wedding yet so I don’t know?179: Spongebob can: dance the best.178: My mom: likes to name animals weird names. 😂177: The last three songs I bought were? A candle, some chocolates and a shock absorber.176: Last YouTube video watched: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSAeOhCrv_s175: How many cousins do you have? About 14 give or take 😂 174: Do you have any siblings? One - my sister (she’s 17 - 2 years older than me)173: Are your parents divorced? Nope.172: Are you taller than your mom? I’m the same height maybe a lil smaller 😂 171: Do you play an instrument? Not currently, no. But I can play the drums, recorder and piano/keyboard (not perfectly but alright)170: What did you do yesterday? I played in two tournaments and had a back massage.[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: Idk 😂😂 168: Luck: Yeah I guess.167: Fate: Yeah. 166: Yourself: Mm not all the time 😂😂 165: Aliens: Yeah.164: Heaven: Yeah.163: Hell: Yeah.162: God: Yeah definitely.161: Horoscopes: Some.160: Soul mates: I guess? 😂 159: Ghosts: Yeah.158: Gay Marriage: YES! UNFOLLOW ME AS I DO NOT CARE, I BELIEVE IN EVERYONE HAS RIGHTS TO MARRY WHO THEY WANT, WHEN THEY WANT FIGHT ME IF YOU WANT!!157: War: Definitely not! 156: Orbs: Yeah I guess?155: Magic: Some 😂 [ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: Hugs153: Drunk or High: Neither - I don’t do either of them.152: Phone or Online: Depends.151: Red heads or Black haired: Both are equally as cute150: Blondes or Brunettes: Both are equally as cute149: Hot or cold: Warm.148: Summer or winter: Winter147: Autumn or Spring: AUTUMN! IT’S THE BEST SEASON EVER!!!!!!!146: Chocolate or vanilla: Both together cos I’m a weirdo like that 😂😂 145: Night or Day: Night - I love looking at the stars tho I do like to cloud watch from time to time144: Oranges or Apples: Apples.143: Curly or Straight hair: Straight142: McDonalds or Burger King: Maccy D’s all the way😂😂 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Not really a fan of chocolate if I’m honest 😂😂 140: Mac or PC: PC for generic stuff, Mac for editing139: Flip flops or high heals: Neither.138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Ugly and rich so I can give money to charity etc137: Coke or Pepsi: Neither136: Hillary or Obama: Obama135: Burried or cremated: Either, I don’t care I’ll be dead 😂134: Singing or Dancing: Neither 😂😂133: Coach or Chanel: ??132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: ??131: Small town or Big city: Both130: Wal-Mart or Target: Neither 😂😂129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Both are hilarious 😂128: Manicure or Pedicure: Neither 😂127: East Coast or West Coast: ??126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Both?125: Chocolate or Flowers: FLOWERS!!124: Disney or Six Flags: DISNEY!!123: Yankees or Red Sox: ??[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: shouldn’t be a thing.121: George Bush: needs to grow up.120: Gay Marriage: I FULLY SUPPORT IT - UNFOLLOW ME IF YOU WANT!119: The presidential election: irdk? I don’t watch it.118: Abortion: it’s people’s choice117: MySpace: ??116: Reality TV: don’t watch it115: Parents: some do a lot more than others to provide for the kiddas114: Back stabbers: fuck you, ain’t nobody stabbing me in the back113: Ebay: it’s cool, you literally can get anything and everything off of it112: Facebook: it’s okay?111: Work: as in job? do what you wanna do, not what your mum or dad says.110: My Neighbors: very funny. 109: Gas Prices: you make my grades jealous - going up.108: Designer Clothes: i don’t really where designer 😂😂107: College: i like the look of the one I’m intending to go106: Sports: I LOVE THEM (except netball, benchball and basketball - please don’t hate me, i’m just short and i struggle 😂😂)105: My family: they are okay, just fam really.104: The future:i don’t tend to think much of it, i just let it happen 😂😂[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: like 10 mins ago102: Last time you ate: like an hour ago101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: A guy called Daniel (I didn’t see him until last week but I didn’t see him since November)100: Cried in front of someone: Idk 😂 99: Went to a movie theater: Last year - to watch Finding Dory98: Took a vacation: idk 😂 97: Swam in a pool: last year 😂 96: Changed a diaper: never 😂 95: Got my nails done: last august for a wedding - never again94: Went to a wedding: the same wedding 93: Broke a bone: two years ago 92: Got a peircing: two years ago91: Broke the law: never 😂 90: Texted: half an hour ago[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: lots of people 😂😂 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my bed 😂 87: The last movie I saw: Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 - Ik i’m a kid at heart, don’t judge 😂 86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: leaving school85: The thing im not looking forward to: my exams and tomorrow84: People call me: lodes of shit, I ain’t gonna name ‘em all but some people know what they say.83: The most difficult thing to do is: waking up in a morning82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: nope81: My zodiac sign is: Cancer80: The first person i talked to today was: Mike - the cat but if we talking about people - my dad 😂😂 79: First time you had a crush: 3 years ago78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: nobody, i’m very open 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: idk 😂😂 76: Right now I am talking to: @paigexxixo  about bridge to terabithia 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: hopefully a graphics designer74: I have/will get a job: hopefully soon73: Tomorrow: school72: Today: sleep71: Next Summer: be fit70: Next Weekend: hopefully ask one of my friends from tennis their details69: I have these pets: cats and pony68: The worst sound in the world: nails dragging on chalk board, people smacking lips, people clicking pens, people shouting, people crying, people laughing, gun shots, explosions etc67: The person that makes me cry the most is: nobody 😂😂 66: People that make you happy: I could list forever65: Last time I cried: earlier - i was watching a vid of these boys crying and it just gets to me64: My friends are: lodes of people - most i have listed before63: My computer is: an acer62: My School: ??61: My Car: Audi A3 2010 model 1.6l?60: I lose all respect for people who: are homophobic, transphobic etc, people who hurt animals and people etc59: The movie I cried at was: ?? 58: Your hair color is: blonde57: TV shows you watch: that 70′s show, merlin, sherlock, heartland, doctor who, phineas and ferb, spongebob, tom and jerry, loony tunes56: Favorite web site: idk 😂😂 55: Your dream vacation: Guernsey, Jersey, Rome or Geneva54: The worst pain I was ever in was: when i either broke my arm,  or when i fell off a horse and dislocated my knee and cracked two of my ribs or when i fell off a different horse and almost broke my back53: How do you like your steak cooked: i don’t eat meat or fish 😂😂 52: My room is: 8 year old me’s bad desicion51: My favorite celebrity is: Johnny Depp50: Where would you like to be: some place else49: Do you want children: not particularly48: Ever been in love: nope47: Who’s your best friend: lodes of people46: More guy friends or girl friends: guy friends45: One thing that makes you feel great is: people44: One person that you wish you could see right now: @paigexxixo or @sdmn-md43: Do you have a 5 year plan: nope 😂 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: nope 😂 41: Have you pre-named your children: nope😂 40: Last person I got mad at: *people: Looserpool 39: I would like to move to: either Guernsey, Jersey or Geneva38: I wish I was a professional: tennis player or sleeper 😂 [ My Favorites ]37: Candy: Caramac36: Vehicle: Car (Tesla Model S P100D)35: President: Obama34: State visited: none - I’ve never left England33: Cellphone provider: Vodafone32: Athlete: Jessica Ennis-Hill31: Actor: Johnny Depp/Leo DiCaprio/Patrick Stewart30: Actress: Emma Stone29: Singer: ??28: Band: ??27: Clothing store: ??26: Grocery store: ??25: TV show: I have lodes24: Movie: I have lodes23: Website: I have lodes22: Animal: I love them all21: Theme park: I’ve only ever been to Flamingo Land20: Holiday: Yorkshire Dales or Whitby19: Sport to watch: Football (Soccer)18: Sport to play: Tennis17: Magazine: ??16: Book: Either Jane Eyre or I Capture The Castle15: Day of the week: Saturday14: Beach: idk 😂😂 13: Concert attended: I’ve never been to one 😂 12: Thing to cook: I like to cook all sorts 😂 11: Food: I like all sorts 😂 10: Restaurant: ??9: Radio station: ??8: Yankee candle scent: idk 😂 7: Perfume: idk 😂 6: Flower: Rose, Lily or blossom5: Color: Red or black4: Talk show host: ??3: Comedian: Michael McIntyre, Jack Whitehall, Peter Kay or Russell Howard2: Dog breed: Border Collie1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Yes!!!!
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decimateddreams · 4 years
nice,,,, and yh d r a m a 👀 lol,,,, hjgjhjjk talk to her!!!! she sounds cool,,,,, hm schl was hard but im next to one of my freinds in art so thats cool,,,, oh and i got moved up a set for maths!!!! 🎃
i am talk to her sometimes :) she said my hair was cool when i came over to talk to her friend :D
that's great,,, you can talk lots in art right? idk it seemed pretty relaxed when i used to do it,, so you'll probably be able to chat loads!!
and that's awesome, well done! it'll probably be harder :/ but wow :D
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emptyolympus · 5 years
fifteen questions, fifteen mutuals
tagged by: @enchaxxted tagging: whoever would like to!
① ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE ?   yes - my mum’s childhood best friend
② WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED ?    uhhhhhhh 3 nights ago watching tv when a character died oops?
③ DO YOU HAVE KIDS ?     not biologically but spiritually i’m such a mum friend and at last count i am the mother of 37 idiots
④ DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT ?     me? sarcastic? never!!
⑥ WHAT’S YOUR EYE COLOR ?     hazel green ish 
⑦ SCARY MOVIE OR HAPPY ENDING ?    happy endings cos i hate horror and scary films i’m not made for that shit bro
⑧ ANY SPECIAL TALENTS ?     uhhhhhh i mean i can do a lot of stuff pretty averagely?? so like i write/sing/draw/sew/do makeup/act/cook but at best at like a C+ or B- level lol
⑨ WHERE WERE YOU BORN ?   a hospital in oxford, england
⑩ WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES ?     i have a lot of hobbies uhhhhhhh singing, reading, writing, piano, party planning, makeup, art, sewing, cooking, acting, gym etc. 
⑪ DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS ?     2 cats and about 28 fish
⑫ WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED ?    used to play netball cos all girls school, but i also was pretty good at badminton, benchball and basketball cos i’m tall af
⑬ HOW TALL ARE YOU ?     173.4cm or 5″8.3
⑭ DREAM JOB ?  housewife for sure, but if i had to have a job i’d be a counselling psychologist / foster parent
⑮ FAVORITE SUBJECT AT SCHOOL ?  drama or english, drama cos it was different and Not Boring and english cos my teacher actually knew how to teach me without crippling my self esteem :)
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almightycrisprat · 6 months
today had benchball pe again. benchballs probably one of the only sports i like, not because of the sport itself i hate it but because its one of my better sports (im still shit at it tho). also made one of my friends there during a particularly existent lesson a few months ago, so thats cool so anyway, went against 3 teams. for the first game i felt kinda guilty bc the other team got more than us but i think they miscalculated because they counted less than us. but its fine. i played pretty ok then. second game i fared far better. doesnt mean i was good tho. but i remembered how to play benchball again so it was fine. god im turning into apollo justice saying im fine after every damn sentence ughgushuighdkgdsdkjgsd anyway third game was probably my worst, kept accidentally bumping into people and we were against a popular girl kinda team so they were actually good at benchball and they absolutely obliterated us. love their low standards when theyre surprised i managed to throw a ball. how lovely overall maybe im not as crap at pe as i thought i was. im still crap tho the only reason why im even able to play is because half my team cant either bonus point i accidentally stabbed my nail with a splinter today so now theres just some weird red blob under my nail from where the splinter literally just. split my nail and finger. whoopsydoodle
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